8 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE , OIHUESDAY , SEPTEMBER 17 , 1891. i NEBRASKA METHODISTS MEET Work of the Opening Session of the North Nebraska Oonfercncc. BISHOP GOODSELL'S ' HAPPY SPEECH , Preliminary Work of the Conference The Standing Committee * Dele- In Attendance Rcccp * tlon JJUHI Night. The North Nebraska Mothodlst conference tvns convened nt tbo First Mothodlst church , corner of Twentieth and Davenport , at 8UO : o'clock yesterday morning. The first half hour was spent In devotional exercises and then Bishop D , A. Uoodsoll , D.U. , LT..D. , road nn appropriate scripture lesson and after prayer ho , with the assistanceof the presiding elders of the conference nnd Dr. Fry of St , Louis administered the sacra ment of the Lord's supper to all present who wished to take part In that Holy ordinance. In extending the invitation to these present to partake of the sacrament the bishop said ho hud just returned from n land of spiritual darkness , from China and Japan , where ho had been for eight months , nnd ho had beheld strange faces In the conference rooms and auout tno altars. Ho was glad to get back to the land of Christian sunlight. lie had visited a land where the people were bowing down to gods of wood and stone , where the word of one man could take oft the head of another , nnd where social tics and the love of freedom were almost obliterated by centuries of su perstition and darkness. In opening the session the bishop made a few remarks pertaining to the work of his Racrod oHIco. Ho suld ho had hardly gotten used to his sacred duties , although ho had bcon in the work for four years. Ho then ran over the list of tno bishops , giving each n short , personal eulogy and -conrludod by saying : " \VhonIsurvoynllthls wonderful array of Insurpassnblo talent and ability I conclude that there is nothing loft for mo butte to bo good. " Hov. U. C. Winshlp , the secretary of the last conference , was instituted to cull tbo roll. Kcsnoiulcd to the Roll. The following ministers were present : Charles Bulson , II. A. Barton , J. J. Ban- bury , S. A. Bear , W. K , Beans , J.W. Bovoo , J. H. Brooks. N. H. Blacktnor. B. Blnln , G. M. Brown , Thomas Blthcll , J. M. Bennlngton , W. II. Carter , Samuel Catcs , J. Charles , T. C. Clcndcnnmg , H. W. Conly , II. A. Crane , J. Crows , K. S. Crawford , Lewis Campbell , II. C. DayhofT , C. N. Ltawson , W. A. Uavies , Pctur DcClarko , Oscar Eggloston L.11. . ICddlobluttco , 'William Eso- lln , J. E. Ensign , E. L. Fox. J. Q. A. Flo- hnrtv , J. H. Frailer , J. II. Gcarhart , William ' Gors't , C. M. Grllllth , F. B. Ham.E. C.IIarper , C F. Ilnywood , A.Hodgotts , T. L. Holliwcll , J. W. Jennings , J. T. ICnuckoy , j. B. Lee- dom , G. A. Luco , H. Marquette , T. W. Matthews , G. W. Martin. N. A. Martin , J. B. Maxllcld , P. S. Merrill , H. C. Movers , J. W. Miller , H. H. Millard , D. W. McGregor , J. E. Moore , D. T. Olcott.T.W. Owen , J. B. Priest , H. L. Powers , W. K. Phelps , W. II. H. Plllsbury , J. W. Hobmsoii , J. P. Hoe , C. W. Savidge. C. H. Savidgo , J. AV. ShauK , J. L. St. Glair , William Stamier , Charles Suavely , Thomas Thompson , Henry Trozonn , D. 1C. Tindall , C. C. Wilson , W. A. AVilson , D. C. Winshlp , William Worloy , D. C. Worts , E. A. Whltwam , J. A. Illgh.'W. B. Slaughter , F. W. Bross , J. T. Crooks , H. J. CocKing. Jason Gallop A. SV. Hobson , . Jehu Johnson , A. L. Mickol , Robert E. Ncal. Tiirnlnc to Business. Uov. D. C. Winshlp was elected as secre tary and J. W. Jennings was chosen us assistant. Uov. J. II. Brooks was elected as statistical serotary for the Norfolk district. L. Campbell was elected as secretary for the Grand Island district. Uov. William Oorst was elected as secre tary for the Elkhorn district. Kov. L. II. Eddloblutto was elected statis tical socrotarv for the Omaha district. fiov. J. II. Brooks was then elected as the statistical secretary la general for the Con ference. Ilov. II. II. Millard was elected treasurer of the conference. Ho was permitted to nnino assistants. IIo selected Hov. S. P. Ham and Ilov. ( .1. M. Brown. The hours for the dally sessions were fixed as beginning from 8:30 : a. in , uutil 12 o'clock noon. Tno standing committees asniomlnatcd by the bishop wore then announced as follows : Auditing Committee O. Edggloston , C. M. Grinitb. E. C. Harper , II. H. Millard. Bible Class John Crows , D. C. Worts , J. K. Gearhart , C. C. Wilson. Current Book Account T. Campbell , D. W. McGregor , J. B. A. Fleharty , W. A. Wilson. Church Extension J. Charles , L. H. Ed- dloDlutte , T. B. Hnm , H. A. Barton. Education J. T. Knuckoy , W. Gorst , W. H. H. Plllsbury , J. B. Prlost. Episcopal Fund W. U. Phelps , T. W. Owens. J. W. Miller , Charles Snaveloy. Freedmnn's Aid and Southern Education Society J. B. Loidon , Thomas Bithcll , Wil liam Stnnnor , J. T. St. Clalr. Missions the presiding elders. Momoires J. B. Maxtleld. J. B. Lconom , A. Hodgotts , D. Marquott , J. W. Shank. Periodicals U. S. Crawford , Peter Do Clarko. D. A. Martin , J. W. Jennings. Publishing the Minutes The secretaries Postolllco S. A. Boar. State of the Church C. F. Hoywood William Esnlin , H. Trezona. B. Blaln. Sunday School-J. H. Brooks , T. W Matthews , J. Crows. A. G. Mtcklo. Conference Stewards C. N. Dawson. C. M. Grimth , William Worloy. H. C. Day ! off , Tracts-F. B. Ham , D. T. Olcott , J. H. Johnson , C. B. Allen. Tomporanco-D. K. Tindall , H. C. Movers. W. 1C. Beans , Peter Do Clarko. Woman's Homo Missionary Sociotv W.II. Cat tor , C. W. Savidgo , B. Blalu. J. B. Leidom. Woman's Foreign Missionary Society George M. Brown , W. A. Wilson , H. L. Powers , G. A. Luce. Kosolutions-Wllliam Gorst , G. W.Mnrtln. W. A. Davies , J. P. Hoo. Conference Campmeotintr W. H. H. Pillsbury - bury , D. C. Wlnsblp , J. W. Hoblnson , W. Pholps. Sabbath Observance J. L. St. Clalr II O Crnno , C. M. Grimth , E. C. Harper. Conloronco Campmcoting Commission J. B. Maxlk-ld , T. C. Clondonnlng. J. E. Moore , D. Marquette and three other ministers to bo selected by the conference. Epworth Leacuo H. C. Dayhoff , F W Bross , William Gorst and H. A. Barton. Standing Army W. 1C. Bonus , Peter Do Clarke S. O. Harper and D. C. W.ushlp. lluutino Work. The chairmen of the various committees were then given the papers , documents and communications that bad boon handed iu per taining to their departments. Bishop Goodsell then Introduced Dr. Fry editor of Central Christian Advocate of St ! Louis , nnd Cnancollor Crelghtou of the Wos- loynn university. Ton o'elocit Thursday wns fixed as the tlmo I for the election of delegates to the general conference and 10 o'clock Friday morning wns llxed as the tlmo upon which the coiifor- once will veto upon the admission of women ns delegate * to tbo general conference On motion of Hov. Crane the blshon was authorized to appoint n minister in oncli dis trict to prepare a letter upon the tenth mini- vorsnry of the North Nebraska conference Hov. T. O. Webster was appointed as the t'l'i conference secretary to assist the secular re k porter * . , Dr. Fry , editor of the Central Christian Advocate , wns then introduced and spoke V/10 ! ? , i rollIOU8u nml 8eculnr Journalism , Ho believed In the religious press because people needed something strictly roligio us in the newspaper line to counteract the great secular drift of thought. Ho saw When B.iby was ilck , no gave her Costorla , When * ho wag a Chili ) , she cried fur Castorla , Wheu ilie became SIUj , the clung to Castorta , WUen slia had Children , she cave them CastcrU. from day to dny the theater ncto eulogized In the nc.tt column to the xormon o the bishop In the secular papers. The , voi-k needed something In the line of Journalism free from the deleterious nlfocts of all this worldllnoM nnd sin that is crowded Into the columns of the deily press. Ho believed that If n good religious paper could bo placed In every family In the land the effect would bo n great reveal ot religion nil over the country In n very short tlmo. Elder Sbonk then invited the members o : the conference to visit the hospital nnd deaconess homo In the afternoon , uev. Mer rill Invited everybody to attend the pro- pr.unmo of the Woman's ' Homo Missionary society nt a p. in. nt the First church nnd the annual reunion and reception nt 8 p.m. , nt thosamo place. The chairmen of the various committees announced the tlmo for the committee meet ings. Blshoo Goodsell called a meeting of the presiding elders at the Dcllono , hotel nnd the Hrst session of the conference was nd- Journcd by the singing of the doxology and a benediction from the btahop. Womcn'H Missionary Meeting. The Woman's'Foreign Missionary society hold its annual mooting yesterday afternoon. The principal address was made by Mrs. Huston nf Burlington. la. Mrs. T. C. Clendonnltig presided. After singing a few gospel songs nnd the offering of a pravcr Mrs. Clendcnninir in troduced Hov. Worlcy who has been n missionary to China for several years , who spoke of the manners and customs of the Chinese. Mrs. Houston was then introduced ana spoke for half nn hour nbout the foreign mis sionary work. She said that many of the noblest young men nnd women of the country were taking up the work of the tnook nnd lowly Master , and were carrying the good news to many of the dark lands of the old world. The Chicago Training school was doing excellent work training missionaries. She told of the experience of several of the missionaries whom slio hnd known nnd of their work In the orient. The speaker urged upon the people of the North Nobrnsltn conference the great need of more earnest work for the benighted heathen of the Old World. Dr. Mnnstll. a missionary who has spent several years in India , spoke very interest ingly for twenty minutes. Ho said that the missionary Held In India was preferred to that of China or Japan , for the reason that in India the people , under the benign inlluonca of tno British government , were rapidly learning to speak the English language. In China the American nnd English mission aries fenl a depressing nnd overwhelming sense of lonlmoss on account of the strange tongue that they hoar on all sides and the dc- plotablonnd degrading effects of idolatry. Ho said that there were 8,000 young ladles and girls in the missionary schools of India. Moio than 1,000 of these were thoroughly converted to Christianity. After the meeting adjourned nbout fifty member of tlio conference with their ladles visited the Mothodlst hospital. Iteocptlon Ij.'ist iS'l ht. The conference reunion nnd reception at the First Mothodlst church last night was attended by over 000 people. Dr. P. S. Mer rill of the First church made the address of \ \ olcomo. Ho spoke in a happy vein and as sured the pastors and laymen and their wives that they wore welcome to the hospi tality of the homes of Omaha. He eulogized the "ladies of the Aid society of the First church and invited , the entire congregation to partake of the refreshments prepared by those ladies and spread on the tables in tno basement of the church. The response was by Dr. Pillsbury of the Norfolk district. IIo spoke of the objects of the Mothodlst church and of the pas tors 01 the North Nebraska confer ence. IIo said the Methodist church was moro a movement than nn organization. It was a movement forthocor- vertion of the whole world to Christianity. Ho tnankcd the pcoplo of Omaha , and espe cially the members of the First church , for their kind hospitality In entertaining the pastors and lay delegates to the conference. The entire assembly then adjourned to the parlors of the church , where they were served by-tho ladies of the First church to an elegant luncheon. Programme for Toilny. The election of delegates to the general conference will bo taken up at 10 o'clock this afternoon. The Woman's Homo Mission society will hold tbo annual reunion this afternoon at 3 o'clock. At 8 p. m. the Epworth leagues will bo ad dressed by Bishop Goodsell. At 2 p. m. Hov. Charles W. Snvidgo wil conduct n conference revival meeting. SUl'ltWE COUJtT. Decisions Elnntlcd Down Yesterday Other Work of the IJoily. LIXCOI.X , Nob. , Sept. 10. [ Special to Tun Jnr. . ] Today the supreme court gave out decisions in the following cases : Village of Edgar vs Mills. Error from Ulay county. Afllrmcd. Opinion by Mr. Justice Maxwell. Forbes vs Bnngo. Error from Thurston county. Opinion by Mr. Justice Norvnl. Forbes vs Mcriafllo. Error from Thurston county. Unversed nnd remanded. Opinion jy Mr. Justice Norvnl. Hill vs Palmer. Error from Kearney county. Afllrmod. Opinion by Mr. Chief Justice Cobb. McCormlclc Harvesting Machine company s Martin. Error from Lancaster county , icvorsod and remanded. Opinion by Mr. fustico Maxwell. Huthorford vs Stato. Error from Hall county. Hovorsod and remanded. Opinion > V Mr. Justice Maxwell. ' 'Hamilton vs Johnson. Error from Doug- as county. Afllrmed. Opinion by Mr. Jus- Ice Maxwell. Hamilton Loan and Trust company vs Gor don. Error from Sherman county. Hoversed and remanded. Option by Mr. Chief Jus- ice Cobb. Howell vs the Gilt Edge Manufacturing compay. Appeal from Platte county. Af firmed. Opinion by Mr. Chief Justice Cobb. Warren vs Peterson. Appeal from district court of Burt county. Anirmod. Opinion jv Mr. Justice Maxwell. " Boat Hlchnrdson vs Stone. Appeal from John son county. Former opinion ndnorod to. Opinion by Mr. Chief Justice Cobb. Gottscholk vs Bechcr. Error from Platte county. Afllrmod. Opinion by Mr. Chief Jus tice Cobb. Coad vs the Homo Cattle company. Ap- io.il from Cheyenne county. Aillrmod. Dplnlon by Mr. Justice Norval. Gorman Insurance company vs Fairbanks. Srror frora Adams county. Hovorsod and remanded. Opinion by Mr. Justice Norvnl. Grablo vs Gorman Insurance company. Srror from Gngo county. Hovorsod and ro- nanded. Opinion by Mr. Chief Justice Cobb , MuElblmioy vs the city of Superior. Ap- ioal from NucUolls county. Anirmod , Opln- on by Mr. JusticoNorval. Western Union Telegraph company vs Lowory. Error from Luncastorcouuty. At- Irmed. Opinion by Justice Norval. Ballou vs Shorwood. Appeal from Douglas county. Hovorsed nnd decree for appellants. Opinion by Mr. Chief Justice Cobb. Wagner vs Breed. Sale- under order of sale continued. Halo vs Shcohan. Motion to quash bill of exceptions overruled. Wells vs David City Improvement com pany. Motion by appellant for leave to with draw bill ot exceptions to correct and certify same sustained. Mulino vs Curtis. Motion to strike from the lllos certain copies of mortgages over ruled pro forma , Fitzgerald vs Richardson. Moton to tax the costs of both supreme and district courts ( gainst defendant In error sustained and udgmout modlllod accordlncly. State ox vel Levy vs Splcor. Case ordered .0 docicct and respondent required to answer by November 0 , Ib'Jl. The following causes were nrguodnnd sub- rolttod ; Shnuehnossoy vs Llnliigor : Pawnee county vs Storm , Edeo vs Struuk , Aultman vs Sucelo , Martin vs Johnson , Bourne vs State , Hudolnh vs Davis , Cheney vs Straubo. Johnson vsTorpy. There having been considerable Inquiry Tor goods manufactured In Omuba , wo bo , ; to publish for the bonotlt of such tbo following 1st manufactured by us with nbout the usual rotull price. CONSOI.IOITKD COITEB Co. Perfection Java and Mochn , ! ! lb-cans lKo. Impcrlnl Java & Mocha , bulk , 40o per Ib. Hoyal Java and Mocha , bulk , iWo per pound , Gorman coffee , Mb. package "So. Dr. Baker's extracts , Unost 2-oz. F. W. vials , 2r > u each. Stun , extracts , C. 0. Co. , 2-oz F. W. vials. lOfi each. Banner baking powder. Mb. cans t > 0o bach , German baking powder , Mb. cans 25c each. Gemma apices , U-tb. , tlufoil , absolutely iuro , lOo each. Gorman Dry Hop Yeast Co nor package. ABDUCTED TWO YOUNG GIRLS , An Italian Barber Charged With Wrack ing a Follow Countryman's Homo. INVITED THE GIRLS TO THE THEATRE , Tlicn They AVcro Drugged nnil i'lnuccl 011 n hate Train For Chicago ICfTortu Forlliolr Itouavory. Grlof hovers over tbo household of. Mar- clno , but it bltls fnlr to bo dispelled , nnd whoa It Is great gobs of gloom will enfold the earthly tenement of young Clcorgo Mo- relit , the Italian barber who wan dered hastily hence four days ago with the 10-yoar-old prldo of the Marclno family. Logo Marclno. the head of the nfllictcd household , was until recently the proprietor of a fruit dispensary at Twelfth and Fur- tiatu , but having accumulated u fair .shiu-o of this world's goods ho sold out and removed to a generous sl/.od tract of land on South Thirty-seventh avenue , Just west of Uanscom parlc to tend his Hocks and enjoy the balance of his days In peace. Homo day'H ago Mrs. Marclno was call oil to Hurling- ton by the illness of a relative , leaving the llower of the family In the charge of her doting but not over-watchful father. Last Friday night , so the story goes , MorcllI loft his barbershop noarThlrteonth and Douglas , and hied himself to the Mure I no domlciln whcro ho found the brunette heiress and tbo 15-year-old daughter of John Ml'lor ' , a neigh bor. Morollt asltcd the girls to accompany him to the theater , and the invitation was gladly accepted. What has happened during the eventful hours siuco that timeIs largely a matter of surmise , but certain it seems to bo that Morel 11 abducted the girls , and has taken thrjiii to Chicago , but for what purpose is not yet clear. Lugo and his friends began an excited search for the missing girls Saturday morn- 'ng , when Uiclr disappearance was Hrst dis covered , but thus far they have not bcon found , although a clue to their whereabouts has bcon discovered. The 111-31 that was heard from the missing ones was when n letter was received by the parents of the Miller girl , in their daughter's handwriting. The girl stated that Morolll had taken them to a room and given them wine , and they rornombered no more un'H they found themselves on the train , but could not tell how they got thero. Shortly afterward a similar letter was re ceived from the Marclno girl , setting forth thosamo facts and stating that both wore anxious to return homo , liotli letters gave the location of the stopping place of tno party as 1831 } Wabash avenue , Chicago. An investigation disclosed the room near the Union depot , where the girls had been taken , and in it was found a wino bottle almost empty. Mrs. Marclno was telegraphed of the ab duction at , Burlington , and she at once has- tcnd to Chicago , but found no trace ot the girls at the number given. The police were natisflcd that the girls had inudo a mistake and are now at work trying to discover their whereabouts. Marcino pero loft on the Burlington flyer yesterday afternoon for Chicago. The matter has been laid before County Attorney Mahoney - honey who will lllo a complaint against Morolll for abduction , and if ho Is arrested requisition papers will bo secured for his re turn to this city. It was learned that the party loft Omaha Friday night at 10:30 : o'clock , boarding the Chicago , Burlington & Quincy train for the east. They were driven to the depot in a carriage , and attracted no especial notice at the depot. The use of calomel for derangements of the liver has ruined many a line constitution. Those who , for similar troubles , have tried Ayor's pills testify to their ofllcacy in thor oughly remedying the malady without injury to the system. Half Faro Exc-urslons Knsr. The Ohio & Mississippi railway will soil tickets from St. Lotus to points in Indiana and Ohio September 22 , and to Winchester , Staunton and points in Vir ginia , Kentucky , Tennessee , Georgia and Florida September 29 at one faro for round trip , peed to return thirty days. For particulars call on or address A. J. LYTLE , G. W. P. A. O. & M. Ry. , 105 N. Broad way , St. Louis , Mo. WRITES JUS CHECK. Tom Johnson's Scheme for Milking liotli ICiuls Meet. Tom Johnson is too strong to work , too lazy , o steal , too old to reform , nnd so ho makes us living by purchasing whatever suits his fancy and paying for it with checks on banks where ho hasn't now , never did , aud never will have nn account. Penitentiaries have terrors for him , but alls are his special delight. IIo is sharp enough to know that a big chock moans the ion , so ho scrupulously confines the issue of his paper to amounts below $1)3. ) A cuso is low pending against him , and this naming Lewis P. Johnson appeared and wanted to lllo another complaint but for some reason City Prosecutor Cobb refused to lllo It , holding that the case now before the court was enough. This decision on the vmrt of Mr. Cobb brought a hornet's lost about his oars , and the nolleomon and detectives protested loudly , ns'thoy had sev eral cases worked up against Johnson. Cobb admitted tnat ho know Johnson was 'a doggoncd tough , " but declined to lllo the comnlulnt. Among these who have suffered by placing : onlluonco In Johnson's chocks are the fol- owlng : L. 1' . Johnson , S10 ; J. J. Uoiil , S3 : 'hilLactr , SIO ; C. C. Sherwood , f.1 ; F. j | McCarthy , 85. Johnson has admitted to the lotectlvcs that there are other checks that iavo not been hoard from as yot. IIo settled up with one victim to avoid prosecution. Dnn'l l'\inl Well , And yet you nro not sick enough to consult a oct or , or you refrain from soloing for fear ou will alarm yourself anil friends wo will ell you Just what you need. It Is Hood's ' Sarsnparllla , which will lift you out of that incortaiu , uncomfortable , dangerous comll- lon , Into a state of good health , confidence ind cheerfulness. You've no idea how potent his peculiar medicine is in cases lllco yours Homo-Visitors' lOxoursloM Over the Pennsylvania Liliioa to Indiana niul Ohio Via Chicago. OH Tuesday , September 22 , 1891 , the Pennsylvania company will sell tickets rein ( Jhicago to all points on the Penn sylvania lines in Indiana ( except to In dianapolis ) , and to all points in Ohio ( except - copt Cincinnati ) , tit 0110 faro for the ound trip , good to return for thirty days. Apply at Pennsylvania station , or nt low ticket olllco of the Pennsylvania inos , 218 Clark street , Chicago. J. II. Lucu , Assistant General Passenger Agent. llnnilMsoil the Dog CntchorH. Fred and Burt Baker , Pulaskl's two as- ( slants who were arrested for causing the death of 1. L. McCoy by Hearing his horse , vhlch resulted In the overturning of his buggy whllo they were struggling to catch his dog , were arraigned before Juugo Helsloy ostordny morning. County Attorney Mahoney refused to fllo n complaint ngnlnife them , as there was no ovl- dcnco to show -that the horse wai mali ciously frightening nnd the court thereupon discharged the prisoners. The romnlns'lot I. L. McCoy were for warded toCcnttotClty , Neb. , for Interment. Howe scales , trucks , cotTco mills , car starters , Hnrrlwr. couvoyor. Catalogues of Bordcn ft Scllock Co. , agents , Chicago 111 COXDUCXOUt } AND VIHUMIiN , They Will Hnvo a Mooting If They Get Together. Owing to n misunderstanding regarding the tlmo of holding the annual meeting of the Order of Railway Conductors of the Union Pncltlc system only n few of the member. ! have arrived In the cltj. The wires have been kept hot all tlnv nnd the delegates from nil o.'or the system have been ordered to start for Omnlm nt onco. The meeting was set for yesterday , but the Idea got abroad among the delegates that the mooting uas to bo hold October 1. The dele gates will arrive today and the meeting will bo held nt onco. The llremon of the Union Pacific system will hold tbolr annual mooting this week , commencing Friday morning. Mrs. WInslow'.s soothing syrup for chil dren teething softens the gums uud allays al pain. ! 25 cents n bottle. POMTICS ntiKOIlK IMiKASUHH. The Montanu Hxuurslnii Postponed Until Afccr the Conventions. The Montana excursion of the Board of Trade has boon postponed until nootit Octo ber 3 , nnd telegrams to that olTect bavo boon sent to the president of the Commercial club , IIolcnaand the secretary ot the Chamber of Commerce , Miles City. The excursion was postponed until that date because of the political conventions which nro to bo held nt a tlmo which would interfere with the attendance of some who desire to muko up the party. A fair sized delegation was assured for the date originally sot , but It was thought this num ber could bo increased by deferring the time of starting. No gripping , no nausea , no pain when DoWItt's Little Early Risers are taken. Small pill. Safe pill. Best pill. HAHVKST KXCUHSIONS SOUTH. Via the WnbnHli I ? . R. On September 29 the Wabash will sell round trip tickets good for 30 days to points in Arkansas , Texas , Louisiana , Tennessee , Mississippi , Alabama and Georgia. For rates , tickets and full in formation call on or write. G. N. CI-AYTON , Agent , 1502 Farnum st. , Omaha , Nob. J. .T. Johnson & Co. have removed their coal ollico to 220 S. 16th street. Those Furniture Hids. The council committee on public property and buildings held another session-yesterday morning for the purpose of going throiinh the plans submitted by John F. Coots for city hall furniture. A largo number of arti cles that were not needed were stricken from the list. It was the intention of the members to have submitted their report nt the special session of the council that was to have been held tonight. Out of respect to Mayor Cushlng , whoso mother died yesterday , the mooting will bo adjourned until Friday night. 1'jiro-it * IlTiil Till * . July and August are anxious montns for mothers who carefully watch over their little ones. Hot days nnd frequent changes of temperature are llablo to produce cholera morhus. How satisfactory It should bo for that Hallor's Pain Paralyzcr > both a pleasant and effective remedy for all summer complaints. It seethes and re lieves all pain nnd griping and always affects a complete cure. OPENING OP THE BRUNSWICK. Omnlia'a Handsomest Hotel Ready to Accommodate Itn Patrons. Omaha's list of first class hotels will bo increased today by the addition of the Brunswick , one of the best located and best arranged , and by all odds the most handsomely finished and furnished host- lories in the city or in the west. The Hotel Brunswick is located at the northeast corner of Sixteenth and Jack son streets. It is a live-story strdcturo of pleasing and imposing dimensions , practically lire proof , and complete in the arrangement for the purpose for which it is intended. The building is a monument to the enterprise of Mr. W. F. Sweosy. The building has just been completed and will bo opened to the pub lic today. From the handsome ofllco and reading room on the first floor to the smallest bed room on the fifth floor every feature of the hotel is complete , now and conven ient. Tno hallways are largo and airy and the rooms are unequalled in the city in their size , arrangement , furnish ing or conveniences. None but body brussels , axministor and moquotto carpets - pots are found in the building. Each room is supplied with automatic heat regulators , lire alarm calls and onuneia- tors and no appliance is wanting that would in any manner contribute to the comfort or convenience of n guest. Each room is supplied with both gas and elec tric liffhts and furnished throughout in a btrictly first class manner. Ample bath nnd toilet rooms are found on each lloor. lloor.Mr. . Swoosy , while paying particular attention to the points of convenience and durability In the interior arrange ment of the hotel , has also hud an eye to the artistic. The walls of the olllco , reading room and dining room have boon under the hands of an artist with results that are highly pleasing. The four seasons are admirably portrayed in a coiling piece in the olllco , whllo the fruit designs in the dining room would give an appolito to a dyspeptic. The froscoer's work in the three rooms men tioned is highly harmonious and pleas ing. ing.Tho kitcheniof the hotel occupies com modious quarters in the largo and airy basement , where laundry and store rooms are also provided. A big , deep collar accommodates the boiler room. The elevatoriis roomy and light and is run by stoamttho first one pf the kind in use in thoicity. The hotel will bo managed by Mr. F. W. Poor , nil experienced caterer. It will bo conducted on the American and European plans and will entertain its transient guests at a modfirato rate. It will also offer special inducements to families desiring first class accommoda tions , the splendid location of the hotel making it especially desirable for this purpose. Mr. Swcosylhas a hotel of which ho has reason to bo proud , and his enter prise in erecting it and furnishing it BO elaborately will doubtless receive deserved - served npproelatlon and u liberal pat ronage. Used iu Millions of Koines 40 Years the Standard , VERCOATS , Like the luscious bivalve who is continually getting "into the soup" at church festivals , are to be boucht in the months that contain the "R. " Ever think of that before ? This , the first fall month with an "r" in its make-up , brings with it the necessity of a medium-weight garment. Cool mornings , cool evenings , and some' whole days are cool enough to render one of these garments indispcnsible. If you're a good , solid business man and want a garment for business , we can suit you. If you're a professional man and want a garment to look well and hold its shape , we've got it. If your clothes arc seedy and you want * a garment to cover up your shabby Prince Albert , Oscar , we'll part with one. If you want a garment to turn inside out and show a handsome lining as you promenade on the "avc , " it's right here you'll find it , and if you're an Anglomaniac and want a top coat like they "wcahin Lunnun , " take our elevator for second floor ; you'll find it. Want to know what they cost ? < fr OK BUYS. A MELTON OVERCOAT. . < P-PowtJ ( Sillc faced or plain , as you like , three shades to select from , that you clon'ft have to leave Omaha to find selling for eight or ten dollars. p BUYS AN ELEGANT ALL WOOL CASSIMERE GARMENT $7 . &j * J wjth flne twilled lining that you'd willingly pay eleven dollars for if we'd aslc it. CfQr \ GIVES YOU THE CHOICE Cpt/.x-'V- ' of very fine Kersey garments that for style , shape , colorings and fit you'll have hard work to equal under fifteen dollars. 1 t 1 rl "l- Gives you the pick of a dozen lines of as fine gar- 5 Yi - A. j CpA. . & dLULUL ip JL O mcnts as any tailor gets up when he tries his best. "Want to know more about 'em ? Drop in. WRITE FOR CATALOGUE AND SAMPLES. THE GREAT LIVER and STOMACH REMEDY Cures nil disorders of the Stonmcli , Liver , Uoivels , Kiilenys , Hl.uldcr , Jfervou * EC.ISCS , Loss of Appetite , Hc.ailnchc , Constipation , t'ostivcno , IiiUgcillin , Bilious ness , Fever , Piles , Etc , , nnd rcnilers the system less liable to contract disease. DYSPEUPSIA. RADWAY'S PILTjS are cure for this complaint. They tone up the Internal secretions to onlthy action , rosloru stronicth to the stomach , uivl oinblo It t > norfonn It-i funtloos. Price2oui : box- . Sold by all druggists , or mailed by ItAUWAY & OO. , 3 } Wurrun Street , Now York , on receipt of price. NO GTJR.EX ! NO F A.Y. 1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb. Many jcaiV experience. A regular Kradunte In medicine nj diplomas Bhow. Is aim treating with tbo KrontCBt Biicct'H nil Nervous , Chronic and rrlvato Uliungas. A permanent curu Rimrnnteeil for Cnturrh Spermatorrhoea. LostManhood ; , Seminal Weakness , Nlpht Losses , Impotency. SrphllK Stricture , and all dlioaicaof tlio Wood , Skin and Urlniiry Orcnns. N. 11. I guarantee > .OJ for every cnso I undertake nml fall to cure. Consultation frao. Hook ( Myitorlos ot Life ) unl free. OUloo hourt-'J a. m. to 8 p. m. Sunday 10 am. to 12m. 8cndstamp for reply. Plmplea on the Face | Breaking Out ) Skin Tronbles | IlttloBorea ) HotBklnj Boils ( Blotches | Gold Boreal Bad Breath | BOIL Mouth or Lp31 ! If .ulftr from our or you ' , tni.0 .irom " ' mSy\nown nes Acker's KnKllBh that IU TUnou thoroimhly l.H cradl. from the ? ' > t1tVu cati tlio poison Wte1l1fl1l . . " , ' | ' yourdrtiwlnt. or wrlto to n.lt. U.1Jk/f1lt'TA' / C . . 40 West llroodlTny , > cw * "Vj.V" ! ' . , , . , . ; . . . . . . . . "ti FOU SALE HY KUHN & CO. tind SHER MAN & McUONNULL , Omaha. Dyspepsia Is tlio Imnn of the present rjcn- orntliin. It Is Tor Itaruroaml ItHuttcniliiiits , ( licit liuuiliiclic , constipation nml pllos. that hnvo liecomo no fainoin. They net gently imthndlKfstlvourKiinH , K'1" ' them tout ) uuil vigor without grinliii ; or nausea. "Cc. A.MUSISMENTS. BO YD' © ABATER. BeMintceiitli and llamry Streets. TiiiiEi : NIGHTS . Sent 21 Mnmlnv Couintmcliig . . . . .mUlUlO ) , JL-JJl. 41. [ " "FIRST TIME HERB. 'I Till ! ( illlSAT METHOl'OUTA.N bUCCIISS ? Men Z a Women. By II. C. lo'\tllloiinilla\ldllnlnscniitliorsiif ) The Wife , " "Tho Cliarlty U ill..1 "Lord Clnimley , " Ltc. As I'roionlcil In ( \ CONSlSCUTIVi : . Now Vork over J MONTHS. Under tlio direction of UIA1U.KS rilOII.MAN. I'rlccs-'Sc , Mo , 7'HJ and * l. A icuoil reaorol .cat for Me. So itn may bo reserved nt tlio bjx olllco Sat urday IllOlllllltf. _ Orancfr Opsra House , Last Performances. TON I GMT OIROPLB G1ROPLR. Tomorrow , IMilay Nlwht , In Bohemian Girl , llcsorvod seats , 50o , aio and 25c. Kni'nam St.rool , Thonlor. SNiffhts Oomrasncinj Toursdiy , Sjpt , 17 , Everybody's 1'iivorllf , KRTIEPUTNRM In tlirco of her Brand pliiyH. Thursday nlsht iiiiil S.uurdur iiiiitlnuo.Lovo 1 lml uiv. . " Vi day lilKbl.1:111111. : . UmPf. " Saturday nil. . ! . "Old Curiosity Shoii. " 1'opnlar jirlcun , 1 > o. . ' o. Me. TSc. _ MTJSEE C'ornor llth und I'liintun .Streets , MAOOIK. The MldKOt Mother and Imr Ilalio. Till ] TlMtKIrill C'AN ' DV MAKKU.H , KAvrKN AND V.IMMUU. in Atholetlo Ex- lllJNlo"ANDn.LAMcOAUTV 1'lUl'K ? n AND ML.-UUOVI : and others. Open Dally fioiu 1 to 10 . m. Phenoline CURED Ooldi in tie Haad by cm ipptfci. lien , r C&tsrrh tn a very thorl time. Hay Fiver fromthre , lofivt < i n : 4 . E&r&ohi ' Initintly. 60o par BottU. Di'tctioni fund , . P\tnah f i Ml Jit in t Ct. I Allan Ldne ItOVAI. JIAIJ , SfKAMKUS. Montreal nml Qiicbco to Derry mid Liverpool. Cabin tM to tt-0. nccordlni : to itonmor anil locution of 5tnlu room. Intcrinoillatonnrt atoornxont loir ratou. NO CATTI.i : CAltllli : ! ) . 1UNE1 Jjl.LM.Kj Now Vork und lilasuow via Londonderry every rnrtnlulit. Sept. 17. STATi : OF NKVADA , 2 I' . St. Oct I , bTATi : OK NUHltASKA , B.'M A .V. Cnliln fillip. Hottirn { M. Sli-crmjo M ! > . Apply to ALLAN A. CO UilcflK'M ' II. 13. MOOHKS , Wnbasli Ticket Olllcej W. 1' VAIL , lliirllnKton Ticket OIlRo. COLD CLASPS , [ Mentions , Tcatli without plntos. romovnblo lirldco work. "Dr. ThroUUiiioitrn's D.itunt. " iNc ) ilruiinliiKilonnoC pluto i hltu niiyllilii yon like ; tuuth roniiilii linn. Just tno tliinir for inlnistors , luwyors anil iiuhilo H | > onUors. I'rlco a Ilttlo moro tliiin rublior nlatos , within roioli : of all. Dr. llnlloy. Dent st , bus Ihosoloi Kht toOii'iihiiaml DoiiBlus t'ounty. Olllco. third floor I'oxton block , Oimiln. SOIIOOLS AND COLLEGES. Illinois Military Academy\f/.Wn , / ? y& Sk forCullfg.orlluilnf > i. t'DrciHuluKUuai'i'lylol ' 'flinliul. /iMERICANCONSERVATORY.CHICAGO / . , CHIC kSUINn IUI I , WllUSII ATI. Altnacbfii.Hu | > l > , Ut .mli . Ail Ital lot bclwl Ull. ult4 "I"1' ' " lo l uulUJ fl t , J. M BSIorgunl'nTUnoarChlcaBO ( ) . Iloardln | lFJ VJBHcliool forOlrls and Yoiu > ir I.ailloH. Koriiira catiilOKUO addron U. TllAVlill. M. . ! > . . f * > toreunrikrl < , lll.or ilJ biutu btroctChlcano.H * SCHOOLS of LEXINGTON. MO. WEHTWORTH MILITABV flCADEMlf Ailvartl ? l anil Irnnt 10EST MIIITABr SCHOOL "I S. LI.M.K .M.A. COLLEGE , ln lon , Mo. Wth yeir ) ceni Sept. loth , isH I ullUllelilute. ; . tlBCuiiftliMlllwotllct. Science. Hulk , I'untuiir , i.loculloa , lluilntil Count , cu I.MJIIOH hcillliful IluiTilloiri tnUitrcd , irno lcd and reluinukcd I nc.m he ted ind ii'-lilhis i , } 'I ' ! > i- ' ' " " " W. A. miAUNi A , M . r ELIZABETH AULL SEMINARY , A Chrtitljn Home School for iO TOUDff Ladlei. jind Set. llonStpl I. W public ciblbllloni UUilluie , MuiU inj Art. tcxeliltlll Complelt wild lcr < lca Pot ctltlccuo J , U. 1JLANTO.V , I'rca. , LtXI.NUTU.N , 11 U. MOORE'S Loavcnwortli , Kan. , 0-15-00. Dr. J. B. Moore My Dear Sir : I have been subject to sick headache all my life. Over two years iir , < > I bcpan us'iigf ' Mooro's Tree of Lifo for it , and I hnvo never had a case of siclc hcadaolio slnco , except when I was at ono oiul of the road and the modiuino at the oth r on u < It ia worth moro than money to mo. I heartily commend it to all suOoring'- with sick hoadacho. Yours trulv , W. B. KILE , nistor First UnnUsl Church , Moore's Tree of Iilfo , n pmltlru earn ( or Xldaar and I/Ivor ComplUnt anil nil b ou I Oho no , , boost ! par to s infer IT lion you cm uro 1 Dy mlnz Moors' Treoof Ufo. tUaUrott I.ltJ Itomonr * DOCTOBMcOREW : : THE SlI3iOlAtVl9'r. Sixteen To irs Experience In tlio Treatment of 1 f'jrmi ' of Skin DlMj.'i'OJ nn I Fonrilo DUO i mi L.idlei from loionly Dr. Mciirow'1 micron in tlio trimtmonl f I'rlvnto Dlio.nix lii < tuver biau equalled IIIIOKI nd Clrotil irj HIKE Tru itiuont liy corrjtpondonoo , Ollicu , 14 and Farua n Su. , Omaha , Nob. Knlrnnioiin oltliur utrt'ot Hobb'o ITorvo Tonio Fillo MAKES HEW HEALTHY BLOOD HMD RESTORES THE NERVOUO SYOTEM jhoylrln tliorony tliitorJIcullli to ilia allow clicok. If you nro KuHarlng from Ue rttDRcmontof the Ncrvi'HXuiliiiro llluoil on Punt Ilrrors , you elioulil n onoo tnko Or. ' IMllc , the Oreui BIobbH' Ncrvo Tonic " " "if"Mciiowcr , they will enrich your JJIoog .ml BtroiKftueuyourKorvos. I'rlco.BOcuutsAVltJ , Tor oalo liy dru | } leto or Boat by mall. HOBB'S MEDICINE CO. rnocniaioni , , SAN pnAHCIOOO , OAl , OHIOAOO. IU | Knliii * I o , Cor. ( Mil and DDimlns ! . J A. Fuller A Co. , Cor. lull nml DuiiKl All Kojler A. Cu. , Council lllulTi la. APOLLO WAS A PERFECT HRFICT IN FORMl-MATCHltSS IN WAR ! Bo iniloai wcr ibo oclcui. fur tuivtrt aca Uil pun ? iw/itl Mr III rlelullodl lh. EterKAN can b. 8TRONO ) and VIOOKOD8 ID all reipicti. YOUNG MEN OR OLD , luOerlng from MERVOUa DC. DIUTY Loit or rallliiK U o. hood , rhrilcal Eiciiin , Xlintat Worrir. 8tunt d Dtvtlopmint , or any PERBOKAL WrAKNtBB , can b. r.itor.il to rCHFCOT UEALT1I Ld the MODLC VITALITY 01 BTKOH9 MEtf , th rtldt ana rowirof Katlont , 'Vo claim liy yours of inaction by iur i'irlu lvo inctlioiU a uniform "HOKoroLY or fluccrsa" in treat' IllCttll Dlieaiei , Wiain iiM\ \ AmictloniorMin. Tietlinoiilul from WRInU'.i anil Territories. film RJC\lf wUttfientfrct..eulfdPCHI * UUH NcW UUUKi.olil.fornflliill . l limp'a. Hwhll. joucln. Tull ElpUcttlool far HOUI TREAT. UEHT. Toucanbl YVL1.Y RIBTORED al Tlioniand. bavtbxnbyui Iltadourtiitlmonlali Ad < Jrm tonc ERIE MEDICAL CO. UUFFALO , H.Y. WOODS * n T % : PENETRATING QUICKf PLASTER a y' WK. Otlien U AND THE comimilion arc ( low ot DUAl ) . lfiuHctlDgtry _ WOOD3 PLASTER. H I'D no I rule. , 11 * . All