THE OMAHA DAILYBEE. / . TH KHOAV SEPTEMBER 17. 1891. SPECIKL NOTICES , X DVKUTIKEMKNTH FOIl TIIKSH COLUMNS JVwIII bp taken until \t-M \ p. m. , for Iho flrnntng find until 8.fO p. in. , for the morning or Sunday cdl All adtcrtlnompntii In HIPIP cnlnmns 7ccntn a word first Inrcrtlnn and M < criitu a word thereafter , orn for line IXT month. No ndTprtlxemcnt taken for less thnnTii cpntn for the IIrut Insertion. h In adrnncp. Inlllaln , ninirrc. symboli , Ptc. , each rount asn ord. All advertisements must run con- eociitlvely. Advertiser ) " , by rpfiip | tln n numbered chpck , can liavo their answers nddrPtuM to a num- l > ptcd Ifller In care of TIIK llr.r. Answers so art- tlrc ! > ort will bo delivered on presentation of the check , nitAKCIl OKFICK ! . . .ADVEllTlSINrl FOIITIIF.SE J'columnsnlllbotflkcn on the above conditions Bl the following bitslncs * linnppn , who nro nulhor- l pd to taiip rpfclnl notices at Ibo satnu rates nH can bolmd nl ihomalnoflJco ! South Omalm llranch Omac-No. 2C23 N street , JMstrr block John W. ] | p | | , p1inrnmcl t , Illh and Mnnon utrccts. H. II. Farnnworth , I'linrmaclst , 5IIS Turning alrcel. W. .1. lluiihP" . I'harmaclJt. tSI N. street. C. I' . Knlterflcld , 1'harmnclst , KI8 l avcnworth Itrrpt. Iltighps' I'linrmncy. Jlth nnd Farnam. SITUATIONS \VAXTK1) . rotralt * , rlr.t reetonnf nxteiilumn on Hit * \ v A K\r \ wmny'l\ir i iAii i N * iri'iil'n furnlshliiK department of ionin store. Oood elty reference. AclilrfM 1131. lice. MCI5 13' A WA.VTIID , ANO-IIlltKADANDCAKHUAKKIt wiiiili n Meady plnco ; rnferenco nlvnn If desired ; \ lll work out of llio city. Inquire 1101 Luavenwortn tit. , Oiimlm. 131 li * \VANTIOD aiA tiK IIKIjl * . tor talc * , tic , , tee lo ; > of ttl column on tlil jvt'/i l > - rKNTH"1iiO Af1'l'OlNTMKN'T ON ! 'i DAYH J > tlm ; guaranteed tWI prolll In t wpeksor no pay. Vrca samples for Btnmp. D. Hhoop & Co. , llnrlno. WIs , MCi'J II * - W A NT ED , IMMEDIATE L Y. ON'E PEIl.SON receive Instructions keep books , Oct. 1st. ,1. II. Hmllh , ift'i N. V. Llfo building , M001 17 * 1AGENTSTO SELL NEW ADVEUTISINf ! DE- J > TCP | to merchants , nianiifaclun-rs , and Bt otllces. Illg pay ; steady work. Arc J. M'f'g. Co. . Itnrlne , WIs. MOI2 li * > WANTKI ) , A MALI : NUUSI : AT NO. ji N. IOtll 8t. E-WANTKD. AT ONI'K ; HTKAHY ,1OIt for rlulit nmn. Write with particulars nnil wages wanted. K. r. Olmutcil A. Co. , Wayne. Nub ( ' -IJ-WANTKD. TIIUKK GKNTI.KMKN WITH KX- JJpprlrnro ns bulldlnu anil luan oollcltiirs. nri Bee building. MS3119' "n WANTKI ) ONK MAN IN KVKHY TiAKOK -JJbuslnesn ( muse , factory and idinp to icll cheap lots on ( MiminlRslons. Call between 7I.-T ) and 8 p. in. Morton T Culver , 1IUO Fnrnaiu Htreot , Havana Olt'ar More. 613 , 012 "n WANTKI ) . KNOINKKIITO HUN KNGINK AND 1'work round pinning mill or wood worklnitma- cldnury. Address 1111) ) , lieu Olllco. M015 18 * "n-CAIU'KNTKUS WANTKD I1AUD WOOD -IJUnloliuri wanted at tiauo county court lionxc , llcatrlro , Nob. < qMO Vj WANTHD , f75 A MONTH AND KXI'UNHKS Wit Dualonnipn In ovcry county In tlio U. a. ; amplcn.t oiitnt fret1 ! no orpcrlcnco npc'C. ' ! iiryi yearly con- trnctMinaclc : llnc t and oanleiit BcllliiK gao&i man- iifnctiirnl. SiMid Btnnips nnd for full nnrtlcu- lam , 1C. Converse , 33 Hcrmunat. , Worcester , .Mais. B-WANTKD , EAIjK8MAN ) ON SAIjAHYOIt COM mlnnlon to liunillo tlm now patent chemical Ink cranlnj , ' pencil ; tlio greatest Kvlllne novelty over produced ; crascatnk tlioruuithlj In two HOCOIIIIBJ no nbrnslon of paper ; asto KH ) percent prollt ; ono nEcnt'Hnnli-9 nmounled to fii'.l ) In nix ilnjrs , another { 32 In two liniira. Wo want ono Koncral BKcnt In each ntati ! nnd territory. For terms anil full par ticular * nildress the Monroe ISrasur Mfg. Co. , I.a Cromic. WN ; HS'J T > MKN OK IJOOD ADDIIKSS TO SKM * ROODS J'on Inntnllincnts. American WrltiKer Co. , lUfl IJownnl. Mimi " B WANTKD. 20 BAT.KSMKN TO OAllllY AS A nldo line our "Cash on Delivery" clitar , with cold-lllli-d watclij blKpay. C. O. U.Clgar Co. , Winston - ton , N. C , BieR R W'AN'rKD. fiOOD CANVA89KKS AT SINOKll JJsciTlni ; maclduu ullico , 151U DouKlas ntrcct. . . 8SO 829 ' AVANTKD FI31UAM3 lIUIjP. ' torrnlcf. fir. , tee too of first column on thli jxtys WANTKD. AN APPUE.VTICK AND A HKWINO C Klr1l : OS. Ililb street , second lloor. Mrs. S. K. Kerdall. SICTi ! - WANTKD. A GOOD COOK. 017 S. ISTII C-WAN street. MCI9 20 /T WANTKI ) . . OOOI ) WAGES ; SMALL V famlly.Mrs. . KIguttcr , 1111 S. 10th st. 032-18 C-WANTKD. Olltl. FOU CKNKHATi HOUSK-f work In small family. 2SI2 I'oppletuu avc. avc.resis' res-is' - FOU GENKUAL HOlISKWOUK IN small family. 1312 North 25th St. , near Howard st , t17 ! VJwWANTI'.D. . OIUTi FOU CKNEUAh UOUHK work small family , 1231 N. 20th kt. C29-1U * C-WANTKD , GIIIU MUST HIC GOOD COOK and laiimlresa : references required ; call niiirii- Ings. m\ \ South 28th street. MX ( 17 C-WANTKD , GOOD GI11I , FOU GKNKIIAL liounowdrk. Goo. Gcllenbeck , 1011 ! ChlcaKO St. , flat D. . 681t-17 * C-WANTED. GIUL FOU OENEUAL IIOUSK work ; good cook. Inquire Dr. Dally. 4014 Nicholas street. 61II-17 C-FIUST CLASH WAIST AND SKIIIT HANDS. Apply nt once. 2JOS Davenport street. M5J1 19 * FOIl HENT TIOUSI3S. Torralta. etc. , see ton ofr t cixtimn on(7iln ( \-YOIt UMNT F1VK llOOil COTTAGK. 840 /Honth 2Ut street. -lSlS SOUTH If.TH STUEET , LAUGE S-IIOOM /houso. Soil and city water. JIC43 2S D FOU UKNT : NEW DOUIILE HUICIC HOUSES , No. 27W and 2708 Fnrnam street , with brick stu- lilo. Warren M , Ilogcrs , ISil-KCT Fariiaui street. -n UOOMS WITH SUMMKll KITCHEN AND cellar. Ground Moor. : iOI7 California st , M5-I7 * I A COTTAGE FOU UBNT AND 4 UNFUIl- nluhcd looms , 815 S. 13th street. .MCU7 IS * , -A 6-HOOM COTTAOK 2014 SOUTH BT. IN- qulro next door and lt12 ! Farnam et. M5'J9 la , -FOIl UKNT , A GOOD MODKIIN' 10-IIOOM house. All conveniences. N. A. Ivulin , 21th nnd MU11-22' "TV-FUIINIHIIKD COTTAGE OF EIGHT UOOMS -L/rompIctc , near Hanscom park. Halt block from Car llnu. Address A 47i Deo. 417-10' V'OIl UKNT , KLKGANT 2-FLOOll HOUSE , 8 rooms , all modern Improvements , No , 403 North 2ld ; st. Apply at IliOU Fariiaiii ft. _ HVS2U D-FOll ItENT , 10-ItOOM HOUSE , ALL MODKUN Improvements , laricu barn , 10U foot lawn,2Cth und I'uiMilclon i avenue. llKjuIro Guckort & McDon ald , 317 South I.MIl. . 621 FOU UENT , KlGHT-llOOM IlllICK HOUSE , nil conveniences , hard wood llnlih , and In tha best repair ; possession Immediately. 2t > 10 Half Howard. Apply on premises or G. 11. T/schuck , lleo Olllco. .Mii3 : 1 V-D-ltCHM ) IlllICK HOUSE. K.2J N. I 1'II BT. . ALL JL/modern Improvements , fll ) . O. U , K. AT. Co. , llooin 4 lleo. _ M414 D -7-UOOM Cmi'AGKi HOT WATEll ; 1IKAT ; all ronvc'iilences , llilu Contrr streetM 3.S.S TV-Foil UENT. 8-UOO.M FLAT , 11UICK , 2125 J-/ljiko et. . with all modern ronvonlcnccs. U.K. Colu , Continental block , or Faust boltllnu works. . _ ma - xU ) UKN'I' 7-uooM HOUSE IN WALNUT L/IIIII. Inquire of M. M , Van lloin , care of Max Meyer llros , M4 < ) V 'I'v -FOU UKNT , IlESIDENCKS ALL 1'AUTS CITY X/ uad Trust Co. , a. w. cor. 2Gth 4 Dodito. 782' B-IF YOU WISH TO UKNT A 1IOUSK Oil Bturo , si'O II. K.Colo.Coiitlnental block , 8'J1 TV-10-UOOM IlllICK DWHI.I.iNO AIJj CONVHN- tl-'lenreii , conveiilunt to city , &O.UO. Nutbortou llall.Uooin SJU l t Nat , hank q TJ-FOU UFNT , B-llOOM HUICIC IKH.'Hi ; WITH l-'lnri.'u tjrouud * . Apply to ail'j Hi. Alary's avenue. . aim "H-TOIl HK.VP.1IOUSK 10UOOMS AI.I.MODKIt.V Uvimiirovfiiiont * , K'O pur month. Kind and Farnam , llo.xlur li. Tlionma. 721 ! TTV ITFHl HUNT.pllll 11K.SIDI.-NC13 , 1113 B. lOlh it. J- ' , C. a. Klmittor , 1 Now York Life , M7UI 25 JTVS. TV-S. 4 AND 6-llOOM IIOUSKS , flO.OU TO I5W ( ; 4-/bcnl rcililencu Uati lu city. Mead Inv't. Co. , U llgc bulialng. DM -FIFTY IIOU3K8 AND FLATS AT OIIKATI.Y reduced prices. G. F. Hulls. 811 1'aitou blocl * . TXll ) UKST , 10-llOOM FLAT , STKAM I1KAT , J-'Douil ; near : 'lth | enquire UudquUl.JlG S. Utli. - . JIUI Tj-TOll UKNT , 8IX-IIOOM KUVTj ILVTH , KTO. , J-/II4.LU Uoltirouk , 4. lieu butldiUK. VII ou itooaiH. for rulcittc.Kc to of/nl cnhimnonthu pant E -LAUOK FIIONT 1100M TO UKNT ; llU ! DODGK ' " * " Mtsa ai * _ 17-T\VO FUUNISIIKD KIIONT IlOOMSj 17 AND li J-iBionth. tils , illh avenue , M yjld * , II.U 1-1511 WBEK. turnaiu. b710 ! * T7-YOU WILL FIND KLKGANT FUUNIHHKO .Jiroom at tbo lloiton lodKtnit houjo , HI N I''tu atreeli rent by tbo day , wuukor month. I'otor jcrbardt , proprietor. C3o 16 * 1IOTKU COllT nnit Dudtfo , will inakuloir rat.'j forroomj by the week ur uioutli. with or without board. Km E --OU UKNT. NICKI.Y FUUN18HKD COOL rooms ot northeast corner ICth aud Howard : lawn around building ; troian to tJO.OU mouth , KOU KliNT FITKXIH1IBD IIOOM8. 'I.-I'AllIXJll AND KIIONT IIKII ItOOM KNSUITK , Jjfor ono or two vcnllompn In ploassnl cott no | control locHtlon. Address A U ) . Hco. M4788U * rUUXIHUBD KOOMS AND nOAUO. For rattx , tte. , tte to : > of 'nt column on liviirSA Lcoli.vrii L.i AND aoiiLocK i , J imxHI , Kant Omaha l'ork | price nW.W. Fred Wry. iniillcr. IlCSlilh. C32 17 , . KIJIINIMIIKD UOOMS AND DAY Jboard. . IfKl Fnrnaui street. M6I5 'U' I.T-IIKATKD UOOMS AN llOAIll ) SoHTfATlNKY ! * - ITW Ol5 * "I ? MY PIHVATK i'AMltiY. TIIUKK Oil FOL'U ' choice boarders ; botiso new , Iiandionicly fur * nlshcd , ti2UN. 2.d ) street. Ml "if A I'F.W I'l.KAHANT UOOMS WITH UOAlfo - Iit Young Women's Home , IUU South I7lh street. Itofcrcnces required. Jl.Yll ID * l-l'I.KASANT iiooMa WITH IIOA11D. IlKFKIl- J1 pnciU Kiirnani M5I.1 18 * F TIIUKK NKATI.Y FUllNIrillKD UOOMS AND board , J-J.CO per vrevk. 72U north lEth street. T KUItNISIIKt ) UOO.MS A UOAIID 2011 llnrnp J' 1J3O3' KOU HUNT ItOOMH UXKUUN1SI1K1) Forroetc. / . , itetnp nt trtl cnturni on thti pig } 8J : i * UOOMS FOII nnckcepititf , to aninlt family. 1701 Wobslrr t. Man I G IfOll UKNT. 3 UOOMS TO A SMALti FAM- lly , ivlth nil conveniences for housekuapliiK. In- qulrolOI3l'lcrcost. i il roiTTTi-NT-sTouKS ; AM > oKnoics. l-'ornilw. tie. , tee Inn nf fnt column on t/it / < itrtga _ , J with or without unwur , formerly ocriipled by The lien I'libllshlnu Co. . UIil Knrnniu street. The btilldlnc lins a llreproof cpinent bnsomunt , complete steam-he.illUK tl.xturvn , water on nil the lloors , lias , etc. Apply at the olllce of Tim lleo. _ . ' 18 I-FOIIHINT : oil SAT.K , MV miLiiNa ; ON J Jones St. . bet. 10th X llth. U.A.l.lnd < iul9t,31t > a.l..tli | KM _ _ 'I STOIIE9 FOH 11KNT IN nilANI ) OI'KIIA .1 Ilonsu liullillnK. F. J. UutelllTo , 311 First National Tank building. HiP iVAXrKD TO ItKNT. For rnlfjt , tie. , nee tun nf fnt column im tlili vagi ' ' ' ' ' -WANTKD lV lnr0 room with board ; state terms. Address U M , o olllcc. MCil 17 * _ COTTAOK WITH MODKIIN CONVKNIK.NCHS. bandy to X. Y. Mfo bide , no children ; rent not to exceed K5.UO , Address U 20 , Hco. IT-'S _ WANTKI ) TO HUNT , SIXOHSKVKN ItOOM flat or cottngo , Hat preferred ; modern. Address II 15 , lice. 683-10 * K WANT TO ilKNT COMI'IiKTKLV FUH- nlshcd liousc. 5t B rooms , moilcrnconvcnlcncea , for the winter ; mull and wlfo. Address O. II. JHTrlos , 20U lli'O ImlldlnK. K WANTKI ) , A Oil 10-UOOM MODKIIN HOUSK hy n f ooil tenant who wilt tnko n lease. Must bo In : oed location and close to builne s. No base ment wanted. Cico. lluyn , 313 South Ifith street. 42il AGKNOi' . For tales , etc. , fee /op of i nt column nn tlits pagf. " ' ' " " " ' " ' T-IK'"YOuVlA'v'K ' XHOU8"K""To'"nKCTr'LAKGK Jjor small , ) list It with the O. It. E. k T. Co. , II 4 , lloe. & 'J7-al II. K. COL13 , UKNTAJj AUKNCV CONT1NKN- lol block. WU _ L-ltOUSKS. FLATS AND STOHF.S FOIt UKNT IN all parts of the city. 1'arrottu , liitU nnd Oodee. 8CUH23 STOHAGE. T'orratc * , etc. , t'C too of i rat column on till * vage. -"Iho'uBo In el'ty. Williams & Cross. 1214 llarnoy. Wl M CI.KAN , DllY AND 1'IllVATK STOIIAGH OF furniture , Omaha Stove llepalr Works. 1207 DuiiKlHB. ' .iQiS24 ; 1VANTKD TO BUY. Ferrates , etc..ecetopuf first column onthts p aa ' top sldo bar or end spring buggy. Omaha make preferred. Must bo In good condition ami a bar gain. Address 1118 , care lleo ottlco. M59S 19 TV-WANTED. KUIINITUIIB L1TTLK USK.D ; 1'AY Jcash. . Address 1119 , lleo. ( J37-1G * TV" FUIt ITUHK I1OUGIIT , SOLD , STO1WD -L' Wells , 1111 Furnam street. tot FOU SAIjE KUUXITOUli / 'or rates , etc. . r.t to of Knt column on lliti rout O FOU SALK CIIKAI' . A NICK JXT OF household furnlluro at 1910 Douglas street. 031. FOUSAIjE HOllSISS.WAGOXH.ETC For term * , etc. . He top of Jtrnt column oit tnu pays 1313S. 10th ot. 1GOOD FAMILY HOUSE FOU SALE CIIEAI' . HI1 Georgia avo. U25 18' _ 1J-KOII SALE , FINE DOU11LK CAUIllAGK AND -1 harness ; also phauon , Cull at Wood's stable , Howard and Fourteenth street or ut lloston store. 45.V13 _ _ 1FOll SALE , GOOD DU1VING MOUGAN J- stock , ware , harness aud phaeton. Itil5 DorcussU 402 1C * _ 1) FOU SALK OIITUADB , FINK TII11KK YEAll old Hambletonlan stallion. C. II. 11. 2111 Sixth avenue , Council Hlulls. _ MS1521. 1FAM1LY HOUSE FOIt SALK , SINGLK DIHV- ers or carriage teams. Can furnish nny kind of liorse desired. Call nt C. D. Woodwurth & Co. , or address T. J. Fleming , Cnthoun , Nub. .03 FOR SAMS MISCELLANEOUS. Forrat . tc. , c top of ; .nt column on t/ifci / pnjj. house , has nn average of 30 to U boarders. Can clear SIM ) per month raslly , ( iolng out of city ouuso for selling. Terms and particulars by address ing 1) 23 , lleo. Jirai 13 * VOtt SALK , SECOND HAND FUIINACE , Q very cheap. Jeff W. Uedford. 4IS IU QQ QQ I'UG 1'Ul'l'lKS FOU SALE. UOOMDO.llAUKEll block. G l 2U * -I'LANING MILL IN GOOD OUDEIt , UUNNING Q .constantly , no tmcuuibruucn ; cheap. W3J , lo ! . 4iy s IS * Q-THOIIOUGIIIII'.KD MAfaTIFF I'Ll'S. HS4U DE- -cutur street , Omuha. 674 S 22 * For ratct , etc. , fee top of f rut column on fftfs -AUTIST3 WANTKD TO GIVE OUll KLKO- JXtrlollKht prints a trial. Orders tilled promptly at lowest prices. Tlio lleyer I'ortrnlt Co. . Kansas City , Mo. .MOT O-lli' 11 WANTKD , GK.NTLKMAN UOOM-MATE. 1N- J qulroatlUS. ICth. IXil-'fl 11 WANTKD TO IIUV , A 2ND HAND OPEN Oil IXtopsldo bar or end sprliiK biiKtry , Omaha muka preferred. Must bo In iood condition und a bar gain. Address 11 ID , care lleo orilcii. .M5U3 IU E Ul'HOLSTEUING , FUUN1TUUK I'OLSHED and uiuttreises renovated , 1'etersou , llw : N. 18th street , MH7 15 * 1J-.MA8SAUK TUEATMENT , KLECa'llO-TlIEU- JXmnl baths , scalp aud hulr treatment , inanlcuro and chiropodist. Mrs. l > oit,319HS 15th , Wlthuoll blk. 1) HAMILTON IIUOS 4U S. I8TII ST. TKL. 1I7J JVDocs JobbliiK , carpenter und brick work , plus- tcrln ( und palntlnK , ( M SIS 11- GOOD 1'ASTUUU FOU HOUSES. T. ilUUUAV. .OS 1 > JNO NELSON CLEANS CESSPOOLS , VAULTS , -LXctn. Ottlco 413 S. llth street. Telephone 1174. MIH S17 CLAIRVOYANTS. S-AHHIVAL KXTIIAOUDINAUY. WONDEUFUL revelations. ClmllcniteB thonorld. Mrs. Dr. M. Lt'Kravo , deud trunvu. clairvoyant , uttroloclit , imlmlst and life reader ; tells your llfo from the cradle toeravui unites the separated ; causes mar- rlaicowlth tbo ono yon love ; tolls whcro you will succeed and In what busluess bust adapted for ; has the celebrated Kvyptlan brenslplato for lurk and to destroy bad Intlueneosi cures Ills , Inteinperanca nnd all prlvateconiplnlnts with massuKO baths and alcohol treatment , tionil I- , lock o ( hair , name anddatoot birth nnd receive nccurAto life chart ; 3 cents In stamps fur circular ; gives Initials 0(0110 yon will marry , nlso photos of samu. Olllco 1007 eouthllth street , tint floor : hours , 'J a. in. to 0 p. m. Co in u ono , como all , und bo convinced of this wonderful oracle. .MUJJ-17 * _ S-MUS. TOUT. 1'ALMIST AND GYPSY FOIITUNK teller. Tolls pait nnd futuru from lines of the baud. Fee , 11.00 ; ladles only. W5N. ZUh ; upstairs. _ _ M7 lb * Q M119. NANNIE V. WAllllKN. CLAIUVOVANT OrullaUlu business medium , tilth yatr , at U'JN.lCth JUi ) a AS8AO13 , HATJIB , KTC. for rates , tie. , ut tap of Jlr t couimn on thti pay < i iL v. TMADAMK BJUTII , uu CAi'iToij AVKNUK. -L td floor. M884 3U 'I'-MASSAtiK , J1U S. UTH bTUKKT , HKCONI ) Jfloor. . M4ia rill * For iota , i It. , tte too of jnm { column itnthlt fage , U ANY rKliyON KNOWING TIIH WHKUK- abouti of John Karl Hill ploaja address A. L , Wlloun. Midliou , Nub , ill MUSIC , AUT ANI > IjAXOUAOK. _ . tie. , tee top of frtt column on Wiu ' KAMJ TKtlS commences BvptT , Krelrn ( Jrimtlifax DsTrmit. ca-iHt * "V-l'I'OK. ' CHAIII.KS I'KTKRSKN , 1'IA NO. VIlT lln , iltlior mid Kultar ; muslo Btudlo. SOJ Hlieolr block. " -IJKHOHKMt'v"lftY A 1'IANO KXAMINK TIIH > now cnlu Ktmball piano. A. Hotpe.1313 Douitlns , \T GKOlKin V. GHI.l.K.VUKCIC , HA.VJO * teacher ; wllh IIospo or ISID Chicago Blreot , DO ato'xlav uo MJAN HE AIJCSTATIO. . For rnM.ftc. . tte tnu of trst column on tilt * vcicje. " \Vr MONKY ON IIANlT Ixn OAN ON' FIllST " ' iniirtitaue on Omaha cltr property. Cuas. W. llalnoy.aii Omaha Nat , bank blilg. tllg \\r-MONKY TO LOAN O.V OMAHA I'llOl'KHTY , ' Klilelltr Trust company , loll Farnam , Oil \\r-MOUTGAOi : IXJANSJ. I ) . ZITTI.K , 14 N. Y.I * v > on w LOAN ANDT11USTCO UHlM 013 "W IXJANS. W. M. IIAU1USI1.20FUKNX.IK11HI.K > ' U15 \V-ANTI10NY LOAN AND TIHJST CO. . .118 N. Y. < > I.lle , loml allow rates fur choloa suciirlty on Nebraska or Iowa farms , or Omaha city property , OIU \\r-flPKIl CK.VT FIIIST MOIITGAOK LOANS IllchardO. I'atterson , V07 N. V. Llfo. U17 \\r-lllMI.DINtI LOANS r , IX ) 7 I'KIl CK.VT : NO ' additional chnr oi for conimlsslon or nttor- ney'i fees. W. U. Melkle , First Nallunal bank hhu. .us \\r-MONKY TO LOAN ON OMAHA I'llOl'KnTY ' ' K. Neb. and la. farms. II. F. llltigor , 15IU Far'm. r TO I < OAX UliATTKKS. 1-or rates , etc. , tt tnn of tint roliinuion l/il / < po0 . _ _ 1.15 OJ X MONKV TO LOAN 11V II. K. MASTHltS ON household nood1" , pianos , orgaiiH , horses , mules , warrhouso receipts , etc. , nt the lowest possible rales without publicity or removal of property. Time arranged to stilt borrower. My loans are so arranged that you can make n payment nt any tlmo and rcduco both the principal and Interest. Von will find It to your advantage to see mo If yon want a loan , or If inoro convenient .call up tele- phno Iti21 nnd your business can bo arranged at homo. Money always on hand ; no delay ; no publicity ; lowc t rates. II. F. Masters , room 4 , Wltuncll block , 13th and Harnuy sts Vl\ \ MONMY TO LOAN ; M , Wl AND W IlAYsJ ON furniture , etc. Dull Green , U 20 , Continental blk. HM HUSIXKSS CUANOHS. Forriitcs. etc. , rec ( rip of j.rst column on thte j > aa . "V" MoTfKY WANTKn , MAN WITH SOM K I. money can buy nn Interest In n patent corn picker , need money to liclp manufacturing tliorn Call nt.lorry O'Urady's , llth and Doub'lus , and nco model nnd man. .MOW IT * V ltKSTAUllANT FIXTUUKS , OHIOINAL COST J. f.VHO : ; ; "III take f 12. i.UO. monthly payments. Co- peratlvo l < and and Lot company , UU3 No , lUth st. CIO 17 V WANTKD , A OOOII ( lUAIUATH VKTINAIIV -Lsiiigconln a live town In Nebraska ; German perferred. Must come recommended. No drunkard need apply. Address 1110' , lleo olllce. KKH7 V WANTKD. AN ACrflVK YOUNG MAN WITH J $3,000 cash to tnko an Interest In n well estab lished business , or will ecll clean out. Address. I ) 6. lice. MS 'JO V A SPKCIALOI'1'OUTUNITY IS OKfl'UEl ) TO - * - the right party to tnko an Interest Inn success ful and growing manufactory In this city. The protlts will reach 15 to 20 per cent on thu Invest ment , as can be shown. The want of more capital Is what Is needed. This Is the linest opportunity fora nlco business over offered. None but those who mean business need answer. Address IIII. lieu OHieo. "M582IU r WANTKI ) , HUTC11KK , $100 CASH , AS PART- -tier , 21120 Luke street 57110' Y FOIl KXCUANKK , 8ALK , OU UKNT , I.ICADl.NT hotel In growing county scat. Address. Oreoloy State Uank , < ! reeley Center , Neb. MJCM 23 * V UKSTAUHANT FOIl SALK : OOOI ) CHANCE J-fur somebody. Mrs. Uocbor , l'J12 Sherman nvo. MI51 18 * Ar-IK YOU WANT TUB 1IKST OI'KNINO IN JIowa for n dry goods and general merchandise stock write to chairman citizens' commltteo for particulars. W. V. Whaley , chairman , Daw City , Iowa. SSI-ill' y FOIl SALK , TUB CANADIAN KMl'LOYMKNT Joftlce , better known ns Mrs. Urega'e. . The vury best business In the state. In particulars enquire 31 { S. 15th. JI''JI Ol " DO VOU WANT A OOOD UUSINKSB , 11UY THK Commercial , the leading hotel , Uroken IJotr.Neb. Y FOIl SALK , HAUDWAUK STOCK AND building In county scat town In Nebraska. Good crops , good trade , clean stock. Fnrnlturo Block can bo added. Tenement over store. Ad- dres , X , 45 , IJoc. M9I3-SHO * Y-COUNT11Y BANK OPKNINfl ; UEST IN state ; premium agricultural county ; safe and fixtures for sale ; good building , lease cheap : owner moving far south. Dorr Uotlleuinn , An- selhio , Neb. C3'J SZI \T FOIl SALK , THADH Oil EXCHANGE , ESTA11- Jllsbcd buslnoss. 1 * . O. box 513. M2IM EXCHANGE. I'orratca , etc. , tec fop of } rut column on this ' street , buildings good and always rented. Income I2,40U a year , to exchange for big farm In Nebraska or Iowa. Alex Moore , Wl lice llld'g. M573 17 Z-60 ACUKS IMPUOVKD LAND IN HOLT county , near Stewart , Nebraska. Will take good family cow , horse and light wagon. Address U u , Hoe. 3158517 r/-OOD 8TO11E 11U1LDING IN ATKINSON , ' -.N'cb. , or farm to trade for blacksmith bliop nnd tools. Address II8 , lleo. 672 1U < 7 O-rKAK-OLlMIOIlSK FOIl UUOOY , Oil 81CLL chcap for cash. 11. U. Cole Continental blk. SM 10 V WILL TUADE , AN KLKUANT SQUAUK ' -Jplano fora horse or a lot. Address All , lleo.4W 4W Z-HOUSES AND FAIIMS FOIl 1'llOl'EIlTY IN Ouiaha or vicinity. Call lluoralOJ.llrown H'i'd'e. 220 O 5 Z LAND IN FIIANKLINANDSHKIIMAN COON- tlos , Neb. , to trade fo r clear Omnlm or Council lllutrsproperty. J. U.llicu.lltt.MulnsU Council Illutls. If Oil SALK KK\j KSTATI3. . . , Small payment clown , balance monthly If desired. Inquire U. 11. Tisclmck , Omaha lleo. S138J _ rPWO m FOOT LOTS 'ADJOINING IN DUNDKK JL I'lace for sale at 76c on the dollar ; will soil one or both lots ; special reasons tor selling. Address 11 IT , lice oltico. MGUO 18 1 011 SALK 200 FAIIMS IN DELAWA11E , MAUV- -L land and Virginia , alt ulr.cs and condition , near bent uf markets , water and railroad within ono mile , society , schools and churches of the beat ; several largo tracts for colonies ; send for circular. Ueo. W. Ingram , Mlddlctoii , Delaware ; 2J years In business. 432-17 * il'OIl ' BALK ON KASY TKUMS , 3 STONlii IlKSI- deuces ; all modern Improvements ; wilt take Kood city or farm property In part payment. Clarke , li ) board of trado. _ Mi ) ' . ' ! iWll SALK KASY TKItMH , IIO.MKS FOIl 700 t I.OUO.H.'JUO.f 1,11)0 ) and up. Taku small clear prop erty In part payment. U. U. Wallace , llrown block , 10th and Douglas- V25 "I OUll CIIOICK FAIIMS IN WESTKIIN IOWA - for sale , 120 acres , two of 1(10 ( ucros each , ono of 7uO ncres ; all Improved. W. II. Krldlor. owner , il'J ' 1'axton Illock. Omaha. 31095 Ol * _ NE 11I.OCK FllOM 1DTII , AND THIIEK blocks south of KounUo I'lace , you can buy a six room hoiibu nt cost on easy payments , and you can leasotho lot for fifty years , if you want. C. F. Shaw. 5IJSQ. Kith street. 41 Mil V OH SALK-CIIKAP , TKUMS KASY , A TF.N- -L acto subdivision In North Omaha , ono block from proposed ettensloti of electric motor line , streets graded , sidewalks built , unlucumbcred. Morton T. Culver , UQii Farnam street. _ 61'J-ol'J T AST C11ANCI ! TO G I5T A LOT IN 1UTII STIIKET J-iaddlllen at JIIXI ; ouly 3 left ; new motor will pass this addition ! sightly lot. 2 blocks to molor , (8,0. Van lloiiren , Douglas and Uth sts. 4JO-O10 _ I 'Oil SOUTH OMAHA PIIOI'KIITIES. IIUSINESS , trackage or residence , EO to thu loading real es tate dealers In South Omaha , Kit. Jolintton & Co. , corner 2Uh and N streoli. (1 ( 7 IJ'Oll BALK , A HAUOAIN , NO TltADES ; 611,78 ncroa In Hamilton county , adjoining the 1'latto , Has you acres pasture wf II fenced , 100 acres In culti vation , small house and barn , Can glvo Immediate possession : Smiles north Marquntto. Prlcu (11. W l > er aero or M.UOO.CO. Terms half cash , balance on ilniont 7 per cent. Am now living In Denver and Imvu no USD for this farm , hence oifor It very low , t' . K. Atkins , owner , 1511 Larimer st. , Deiivor. < GO T70II 8ALG. W.OOO UK8IDKNCK. 10 UOOSIS , .MOD- Jt. ern conveniences , for U.'OO , li'JO eaiu. balance [ IDOorerr four mouths , Willis M , Yates , agent , 'allfurnla anil aind ls. 4IH 17 _ irOIl SALE-LOTS IN CULVKIl'S SUI1 , ONLY KM , L 110 cash and 110 i r mouth , Interest only 0 per rent , tlllo perfect , abstract free , streets graded , sidewalks built , trees planted. Morton T , Culver , HIM Fnrnam street , Itoom 0. Ml-OU " | ? 0lt BALK. II AltQ A IMS , NOW Oil NF.VUII , IP -L you want Omaha property cheap ; I have lots and mrts of lots , houses aud stores. In various part * of ho cltr , that uro uuqualltlcd "inapi. " J. U. Itvam , 8U ) M. V. Life. ( SOjg _ _ _ 17011 SALK , A MAIIOA1N , A IJOOD COTTAQE , * Kood location , corner lot , In to ITU , only ll.UX ) , on very easy terms. J , U. Kvans , 50ti M. Y. Life. 019 13 _ T70II 8ALK-NKUUA8KA L4.ND3. J. U. UVAN3 , -i-\IWi N. Y. Llfu. IMM KOll SAM3-ItFAIj ! KHTATR. - * i - : , I'llICI ! MO ) . . In Hitchcock county , Neb. AddrcisJ. M. Nel son , Trcnlun. Nob. .MBH-j | > _ Foir rTAI.K , NKIIIlAHKAIjl.ANDS , A ULKAli section for I7 , ) i nelenqi > rvlt > ectlon for H.2UO ; n clear section forf'J.iW ) ; sinujlur tracts In nnaloca- tltftn. J. U. Krans , 3U3 N. Y1 pfe. _ Cia 21 "iroil 8ALKIO.a ACUK3fjflJDKAUMlNJ ( LANDS at great sacrlllca In mldillQ and western part of Nebraska. Uoo. II. rolcrsoif'll2S.13th | il.Oniaha. ° > C2I olfi For rafcj , tie , t ( * lop iWcolnmu nn tftto First elms lit guifraulecil. Terms reasonable. N. Uth SU I NllAOKMENTS TO DO DIIKSSMAKINO IN J-ifamllles solicited. Miss Sturdy , 3JU s wih st. 1I.1O1 * HTM Aflt I"'K AT 1 1 ! ! I t ltKXO V ATO . For ntlrtte. . , id top of flrttl column on Mi pd/ ( BKDS. TICKS AND 1'ILLOWrf WASIIKtl ) KEAT.I ers bought. Mall ordnrs promptly tilled. Worlc called for A delivered. Frank Ansonilst : A Franklin , IWJ I'A'JL'JiNT SOtilOlTOKS. ForrJtc.1 , cti. , rtetnu tiftlr.i'rnfumnnn fhltn ' 71 1 > ATKNT LAWYBIH AND SULlt'ITOiU. < l. W. - IHHCS& Co. . Iluo building , Omaha. Neb Ilranch oQlcont Washington , D. C. Consultation free. B29 1'ATTIOHNH AM ) t'orrnte * . tte. , teelon nf first column nnthi * RSANDEI130N COllNKIl 15T1I AND JACKSON. C.H-S23 * Fur rate * , tit. , tee ton of tint column oil this j > iga LOST : LAItOE CAMEO 1'IN WITH I'lQTHUK of child drawing another In cart ; the rim loose and needcil rooalrlng ; lotthotnccn IT''i Cap. avo. nnd Klrnt Nat'l bank. Hi'turn J. ci. Lumbard , room 202 I'lrst Nnt'l bunk b'1'd'Knud receive sultablo re ward. MCI" 17 * LOST-LADIES' POCKET HOOK , SO.MEWHKItU between 2.1(1 ( and Cumlng and Cass nnd 21th. Iavo atHpticl's grocery store on Cumlng ftroet and get reward. 001 17 IOST A LADY'S CAl'E , IN OIIAND OI'EIIA Jlionst ) Tuesday night. Ilcwnrd If returned to Mme. Illckmnn's , 211 S. IVth st. U3I-1G * PAWNnilOKISKS. For rnlf , etc. , tee fop nf first eoliimu on this } > , ic . 17UED MOHLK LOANS .MONEY ON DIAMONDS , A watches , jewelry , otc. 15114 Farnam st. MW7 UI' . For aattf , tic. , tec f p of tint co.'tnnn on this mat 'PAKEN UI'-SOIIIIEL MAIIE AUOUT13 YEAUS. J ono white hind foot. Inquire' ! miles west on Dodge street , llrst saloon on right hand side.Mlitl Mlitl 17 * Notics , Pealed proposals will bo received by the State Hoard of I'rintlng. at tlio olllcoof the secretary of state , at any tlmo before Sep- tem ! > orr'd : , ISlil , at - o'cloclc p. in. , for print ing and binding In pamphlet form , l. > ,0io cop ies of the election laws of the State of Ne braska. Samples of worlc may bo seen at the ofllco Secretary of Stato. WorU to bo completed within ten days from tbo awarding of tlio contract. Klght reserved to reject any or all bids by State I'rlntlngltoard. SlCdStm JOHN O. AJ.LEN , Secretary. Notice to Contractors. Illds will bo received until noon of 10th Inst. for the erection of Lincoln Normal School University. I'lans with t-'oo. W. Peters , Lin coln. Nob. I reserve thoTliht to reject any or all btfs. F. KOOdE , President. Slfid3tm 'Now the Cheapest. 31. , u , Send for REDUCED PRICE LEST of drive belt AothcrSpcclaltles for JJJnKiiom.Coinv rsi * Woclunfry fnrhjinillhiff nny material In bulkornackofre. LUK BEIT aiCllUEnif CO. , sm Stewart itc. , Chicago. BRACE UP ! Weak men , with brain , norvas nud sexual organs mpalred.can tlndun absolute euro In NliliVB liKANS. They inako old men yountf , plvo Qro and vigor to ex hausted youth , double life's Joy. } 1 per box , postpaid. I'amphletfrco. NKUVK U1SAN CO. , IIOPFALO , N. Y Sold by Goodman Drui ; Co. , 1110 Farnam St. . Omaha No other preparation is the "same as" Pond's Extract. RR1LWRY TIME CRRD Leavoi ICH1CAUO , M1U A ST. 1'AUL.I Arrlvd Oniaha. IU. 1' . dupot. and M irjy Sti. | Omaha i-'O p nil Chicago Kxprois I IU ) a nj i2.15p ml .Chicago Eiprms I C > .4i ! p ru Loavai 1 SIOUX CtTi'X PACIFIC. I Arrival Oinaha. 1 Depot 10th and Maroy Sti. I Omaha. 7.21 a ml Sioux City l-iuscnijor IIU.20 p ui 5.35 p ml at. rani Kiprou Lcavu I OMAU.V& rft''li'JJI.S . . . , .i Arri v o Omaha.lJ. | P. dapjt. 1'Jth ' itiv'lu\t-irjr ' Hti. I ( ) nlli q 1.10 n ml Leavoi | MISSOUItl 'I'AVlViU. I Arrlvoi ) ninho. I Ilopot 15th nnd WUbilor Hti. | Omaha 0.2U n ml St. Ixjuli KTprois , , , , . . . . ! n m p m | . . St. IMU\I \ liipran I 6.10 p in DR. C. GEE WO , Wlslie j to RVO ! n few reasons why ho h work- > ne such woiidurful euros where othur doctors fall. Chirm 1ms about Imlf the poputntton of the Clono. Thov have bucn practlolnit nnil por- ntodlclno OVUP 4,000 VKAKS. Cliun ( sou Kncv. Urlt. ) ilNeovoroil sovonty- twn poisons niul their nntlcloUM 2,451 yonn 1m- fore Christ , and Alnruu I'oln , who brought tlio coinpuss. Cainplnl , ono of the first Ktiroiioani who 011- torod ( Ji.lnii , says : "Their physicians have u thorough knowIoJRO of the imturo of turn nn lulmlr.'iblo skill In illiu'iiosliiK by the ptilso. " ( See Wlllnrd's Mldillo Einplro. ) It h well known that gunpowder , stonm and oloctrlclty tire old In Uhlim. and thai the Chl- ncso were prlntlns tholr doilcato books 000 years before Quttenhorg was horn. Tint It was to medicine ) the Chinese cnvo tholr attention , and wlion the emperor Ohln OIIK ordered all the books to bo burned ho oxcoptud the medical works , and It was only by the tnorest acoulont that the great works of Confucius himself were saved , ho having placed a sot of his works In the cornnr-stono of his residence , which was found i,000 ! years after. The celebrated Dr. Hobson states that ono of the dl potnntorlo4 Rlvcs 1442 UEKHAI , KKMEDIESulono. Can you wonder lion ut the doctor's success' The Caucasian pliysicinns all use the very same Homodlos and when you chntiRo doctors. In your disappointment and disgust , you merely chatiL'o luces and assertions but not medicines. When an American doctor dis covers n now remedy all the other doctors know about It immediately. Now , you know the Chinese Doctor eonips from an almost un known country , containing nearly half of the people of the world , where all the nuultclncs nro entirely different , anil Dr. 0. Gee Woolfors a reward of tM'I.OO ' to any ono who can dupli cate any ono of his Chlneso Modlclnos. Do you now coinnrehemt that after Klvlns up nil hope of boliiR cured by your doctors , that In taking the Chlncso Doctor's Hcmodic.s , 4,000 In number and absolutely unknown outside of China , that lie lias a wonderful advantazo over all other physicians. Ills now remedies have never before entered your blood and act. on It as If by rmiRlc. curing the dlseaso and rendering the comuloxion clear as a child's. A MOTHER'S STOUY. I am C2 yours of a o and Imvo suffered Indo- scrlbahlo agony from nsthma for many years. I could not sleep and had to sit up all nlzht In a chnlr. I tried doctor after doctor but without help , and thought some night I would chbko to death. As a last hope I tried Dr. O. Goo Wo , the Chlncso doctor , nnd was rollovod Instantly. In a short tlmo I was cured and have never slnco boon troubled. I have reason to bless Dr. ) . Gee Wo. MKH. I' . O. HIUSH , 24tll St. , bet. J & It , South Omaha. In order to convince the public that Dr. O. Ooo Wo can euro any makes the following olfer : A GUARANTEE to return the money If after a fair trial the patient Is In any way dissatisfied with treatment. D1C. O. GEE WO. 18th and California Streets. Of fice hours , 9 a. in. till Op.m. Call Sunday If you wish. N. 11. Tlio Doctor has ready prepared the following oluht remedies : Hloo.l. Female Weakness. Ithcumntlsm , IndlgoUlou , Lost Manhood , Sick Hondncho , Catarrh , and Kid ney and Liver Medicine. 1'rlco 11.00. Call or wrltn for question blank and book. Dr. O. G"oW pltOPOSALS KOU Tllfe EKEOTION Of ! 'School llnlldlngs and Steam Hontlng De partment of the Interior , Olllco of Indian Af fairs , Washington. D. 0. , Sept. llth , 1801.-- Scaled proposals , endorsed "Proposals for erection of school buildings and steamboat- Ing , " as the case may be , and addressed to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs , Washing ton , I ) . C , will bo received at tnls oflleo until ono o'clock p. m. of Thursday , October 8th. 1SU1 , for the erection of the following school buildings , viz. : Thirteen ( III ) frnmedny-school buildings Ion the Hosobud Reservation , .s , D.j 8 on the Pine Kldiro Itcscrvutlon , S. D. : nnd 1 on the Cheyenne Illvor Urservatlon , S. D. Thirteen ( III ) frame Industrial cottagos-4 on the Itosolmd Kosorvutlnn , S. I ) ; 8 on the Pine Hldgo Ilpsercatlon , S. D. , and ono on the Choycnno Klver Reservation , S. D. Ono hos pital building on the Crow Crook Reservation , a. D. Ono brick assembly building , one brick hospital building , ouo brick laundry building , and ono brielr uotlor house , all at tho. Pine Rldgo Agency , S , D. . as per the plans and specifications which may ho examined at the olllcesof'tho "Press and Dnkotan , " of Yank- ton. S. D. . the "Hoo. " of Omaha , Nob. , tlio Uultders Hoard of Trade , " cor. ? th and Cedar streets , St. Paul , Minn. , and at the Pine Rldgo Agency , S. 1) . , the Rosebud Agonoy , S. I ) . , the Cheyciino River Agency , Fort Bennett , S. D. . nnd tlio Crow Crook Agency , Crow Creek , S. D. Hlds are also Invited for thn heating of those assembly , hospital and laundry buildings by moans of steam ; also noparato olds for heatIng - Ing the present boarding school buildings at Pine Rldgo Agonoy by moans of steam , llld- dors will bo required to submit separate bids for each building , nnd state the length of time proposed to bo consumed In tholr construc tion. CKIITIFIKD CiincKB. Each bid must bo accompanied by a certified ehtcU or draft upon some United Stales depository , or sol vent national bank. In the vlolnlty of the res idence of the blddor , niaao payable to the order of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs , for at least FIVE I-KII CKNT of the amount of the proposal , which check or draft will ho for feited to the United Slates ir. case any bidder or bidders revolving an award shall fall to promptly oxoculo a contract with good and Millleiont sureties , otherwise to ho returned to the blddor. Hlds accompanied by cash In lion of a certlllcd ohoolc will not ho considered , The right Is reserved to reject any or all bids , or any part of any did. If deemed for the bnsl Interest of thu service. R. V. 1IEI/P. Acting Commtssluino . nir > d'-ltM ! TDROPOSALS KOR LU-MllElt , SlllMULES. Jlirleks. . paints , hardware , glass , ute. U. S. Indian Service , Omaha and WInnohtigo Agency , Nob. , Wlnnobngo and Thurston county. Neb. , September 5th , ISill. Scaled pro posals endorsed "Proposals for lumber , sliln- glus the case may ho , and addressed to thn undersigned at Wlnnuhngo. Dakota county , Nebraska , will bo received at this ngoncy until 1 o'clock , p , in. , of October : id , 1801 , for furnishing and delivering at this agency about Sti.WX ) foot assorted lumber ; 4UI.- MK ) shinnies ; 75 doors ; 08 windows ; 10,000 brick ; 100 barrels lime ; paints , hardware , glass , etc. iifcill list and description of which may bo obtained by application to the undersigned. Didders will bo required to slate specifically In their bids the proposed prlco of oaon arttolo olTorod for delivery under a contract. The right Is reserved to reject any or all bids , or any part of any bid , if deemed for the best In terest of the service. Certified checks Enuh bid must bo accompanied by n certified cheek or draft upon some United Status depository or solvent national bank In the vicinity of the residence of the bidder , mudu payable to the order of the commissioner of Indian affairs , for at least A percent of the amount of thu proposal ; which chock or draft will bo for feited to the United States In case any bidder or bidders receiving an award shall fall to promptly execute a contract with good and sufficient sureties , otherwise to ho returned to the bidder. Hlds accompanied by cash In lieu of a certified chock will not lie considered Kor further Information appy to ROIIERT II , AbllLKY. U. ri. Indian agent. S9d-'It-M TJH01'OHAISI > OR1IU1LIHNU MA'tElinvEs" J United Status Indian Service , Pine Rldxe Agency. South Dakota , September 0,18'Jl. Healed proposals , endorsed "Propo.saU for Building Materials" and addressed to the undersigned at Pine Rldgo Agency , Shannon county , South Dakota , will bo received at this agency until 1 o'clock p , m. of October 1 , 18VI , for lurnlshlng and delivering tit this agency n variety of building materials , consisting of lumber , doors , windows , shingles , paints , oils , hardware , otc. , a full list and description of which may bo obtained by application to the unddrslgnr-d. Didders will bo required testate state ttpuclfically hi tholr bids thti proposed price uf each article offered for delivery under it contract. The right Is reserved to re ject any or all bids , or any part of any bid , If deemed for the best Interest of the borvlce. Certified checks. Each bid must bo accom panied by n certified check or draft upon some United States depository or solvent na tional bunk In the vicinity of the residence of the bidder , made payable to the order of the commissioner of Indian attain , for at least 5 per cent of the amount of the propound which check or draft will bo forfeited to the United States in case any blddor or bidders receiving an award ihnll fall to promptly execute n contract with good nnd Biilllclont miretlos , otherwise to bo rolurned to the blddor. llldi accompanied by oasli In lieu of a certified ohuok will not be considered. For further In formation apoly la Captain U. G , Penney , United State * army , actluc United States Indian agent. B&dZUU Both tbo niotliod and results wlicn Syrup of Figs is tnkcn ; it is pleasant nnd refreshing to the tnsto , mid nets gently yet promptly on the Kidue-s , Liver nnd Bowels , cleanses the sys tem ofluatually , dispels colds , bond- aches nnd fevers nnd cures Imbitual constiimtion. Syrup of Figs ia the only remedy of its kind over pro duced , pleasing to the tnsto nnd ac ceptable to the stonmch , prompt in its notion nnd tiuly heneficinl in its eflectB , prepared only from the most healthy and ngrecnhlo substances , its ninny excellent qualities commend it to nil and linvo mndo it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in COc and $1 bottles by nil leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it Do not accept nny substitute. - CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO , OAL. ( OUISVILLE. KY. NEW YORK. N.Y. AWrlllon Guarantee lo CURE EVERY CASE or _ MONEY REFUNDED. Our euro Is permanent nnJ not patchlnit Tip. Latci treated nvo year ! oo hare never Been nBjrmptom elnco. Hy describing cane fully wo can trcut .you by snail , ttnil wo nil o the same Btronc Kuwantco to euro or refund all money. Tlioowho prefer to como hero tor treatment can do BO nnd wo wilt p.iy railroad faro both way and hotel bills whllo hero If wo fall to cure. Wo challonRO the world for a case tlitttour MAQ10 KKMEDYvrlllnotcuro. Wrlloforfull particulars and BotthoovlJcncc. Wo know that you MO sVeptical , Justly BO , too , as the most eminent rhyflclan hme noTcrbcenablotoKlfo moro than temporary rclltf. Jn our nvo years' practice wllntho JIAOIO KKMEDYIt has been most difficult to ovcrcomo the prejudices OBalnstaltBo-ealledspcdncs. Hut under our Btrong Buavanlco you should not honltnte to try IhU rcmedv. You tnko no chance of lo lnit your money. Wo Ruar. enteo to euro or refund every dollar , and as wo have n imputation to protect , nlso financial backlnsof (300- OOU , it Is perfectly fate to all who will try the treat ment , llfretoforoyou have been puttliiBUpnnd paying out your money for dllTcrent treatments and although you arc not jot cured no ono ha > pai.l back your mon ey. DonotwaitonnymoiomoncyuntllyoittrynJ. Old chronic , deep oeated casoa cured In 30 to 00 day . Jn- Tcatlgato our financial ttnnJIni/ , our reputation ni buslnois men. Wrlto u for names and nddressca of those wo have curvd who have given permission to ro- fcrtothem. It coots you only poxlaeo to Uothlilt ; will sav you n world of suffering ? from mental strain , nnd 1C you nro married what may your otlsprlnR nuffer through your own ncelltfcnco. If yoursjmptomsoro roro tliront , mucous p&uhcs In mouth , rheumntlAm In bones and joints , hair fallln ; ; out , eruptions on any part of the body , feeling of mcral depression , palm In head or bones , you have no tlmo to wasto. Those who nro constantly taking mercury an.l potash ( Should dlscontlnuolU Consttuituso uf thcuo dingrs will surely brlnff boiesandoatlnff uleersln the end. Jion'tfall to write. . All correspondence sent t-ealed in plaincnvil- opes * Wolnvlto the most rigid InveHtl atlunandwIll do all in our power to nid you in it * Address , COOK JtK3IKnT CO. , Omaha , fi'ebranha. Ofllco 13Ui and Farnam , second floor , entrance 13th 61 ONLY. S50U loraoasa of Lio33 ot Falllna Manhoo'-t. Generator Norvoua uoblllty , waaknesj ot bodyor mind , the elfoota ot errors or excesses - cesses in old or youns that WP cannot euro. "We guarantee'ovorv oasa or refund over-/ dollar. Five days trial treatment $1 , full course $5. Peroaptlbla ban ftu roiltzjd la three days. By mall , sacuroly paoka J from observation. Office ooaa until 0 n. m. COOK REMEDY CO. , OMAHA. NEB. LADIES ONLY MAfilfl FEMALE REGULATOR , Safeani IllrlUlllCorttainot a aiy orinonoyrafundei Prloo bv mill $2. Sealoi from ob33rvatlou COOK REMEDY CO. . Omaha Nen IETTS&BETTS PHVSIGIAHS , SURGEOIiS and SPECIALISTS , 1409 DOUGLAS ST. , OMAHA , NEBRASKA. Olfico honrn from 0 n. m , to 8 p. m. Snnday from 10 n. in. to 1 p. m. Specialists in Chronic , Nervous , Bkin and Illood Diseases. C5y Consnitntion nt offlco or liy mail freo. MfHlIclnc Bout hy mnll or cxprecs , nt > cnroly packed , frca from oliKorvatlon. Uuumntcoa to care quickly , enfoly and tiormanantly , The most widely end favorably known special ists in the Uuiloil Btatos. TJieir IOUK experience , remarknblo nkill and universal succcva in thu trcatinnnt nud earn of NervouH , Clironio nnd rinr- Rlcnl DiBonson , outitlo thoeo eminent pliyeicinns to the full confidence of the allllctod cvorywhoru. They Knurantco : A CERTAIN AND POSITIVE CURE for the awful pIloctH of early vice and the numerous ovila that follow in its train. PRIVATE , BLOOD AND SKIN DISEASES speedily , completely and permanently cured. NERVOUS DEBILITY AND SEXUAL DIS ORDERS yield readily to their BkHltul trcut. mont. PILES , FISTULA AND RECTAL ULCERS Knarautpcd cored without pain or detention from business. HYDROCELE AND VARICOCELE ixirma- nantiy and Eaccpsafully cured in every caso. BVrillLIS , OONOIUIIKKA , (1LIJCT. fiiwrmn. torrhcon , Hominiil Wenknom , Ij ut Slnnliocxl , Nik'tit l''mission . Ioca > ed KncnltleH , Kiunnlo and all dolicnto dlsnrtlpra pocnlinr to either BOX positively cured , ns well ns nil fnnc- tlonal disorders that result from youthful follies or the oxcosa of mature yours. Qtrinflira Guaranteed pornmnontly cnrr-d , wll I OIU I C removal complete , without cnt- tini ; , caiistlo or dilatation , Cure effected nt homo hy patient without a mouionta pain or annoyance. TO YOUNG AND MIDDLE-AGED MEN PIII Q The awful effects of early ACiipn OUre bUre Vice which brlnwi mwinlo wcnknesii , ( IrotroylnK both mind and body , with all Ha dreaded ills , permanently cared. fire Rpitc Address these wlio liavo impar- UI o. uciio 0 , | thomBolves hy improper In- dulRonro nnd Military ImblU , which rnln both in I nil and body , unfittinu them for bnulnoas , btuily or marrioKO. MAHU1EI ) MEN , or these cnlrrlnif on tlmt happy life , aware of pbjBical Uobllity , quickly assisted. CS Bond 0 cnnta postnco for rwlobrntwl works on Chronic , NorvouH and Dolicalo IBC.ISOH. | Thoueanda cared. tS A frtnndly letter or rail limy FBVO you futtiro Balforinc and shame , nnd add golden years to lifo , tay No loiter unswcrod Uiilwut nccompnnied by 1 cuaia in alampa. Addrona , cr call oa DBS. BETTS & BETTS , I4O9 Douglas St. , PMAHA , - - NEBRASKA. "NOW WE ARC COMING" Mt mtlUoM t lUubu. UutiL &U , Fkai aoj llndrtJ nMta U.tlh ltit 7 , lll I. . Lrlffll M I | | BUBUIllfS SIIU I'llDR CANDLES for U.IuunuluUoi. . 1ln > CiNUl.tS Al pr nt Cfmtejrlout 4b * w. UMbCAUtIHV3 IIYIJIUlf ArirrnuLrAsTTluata uuntiiJiijtiic. . TUIiASKl IMOUS TilK Ho Gcta tlio Contract for Hauling Dontl Anltnnli. The Doanl ot Hoalttt ttcttl n session yes- torda.vnud nw.irdcd Iho coutract for haul * IIIR dona attlmnls to Count PtilnMtl , the the city pound , vyho Is tiojy buslnoss oit a big so.ilo. lie will the doftinot "orlttors , " render the carcnsscs , stnrt n gtuo fnclory tit onrnostnoaa with his grcaso foundry nud Rot rich , Henceforth tlio muddy Missouri will uoar away upon Its uosom no moro carwisioa of collclty homos , for 1'tilasltl Is in It to stay , and ns soon us ho kills I'hll Andres for vot- Ine ngalust him ho will sottto down to busi ness. Six bids worj received for removing dead nnlmnts , nnd the rontntct was lot to the doughty count , who will haul horses , muloi nnd cnttlo nt f J cnch nud rats and dogs freo. Ho will invo a fJ.iXX ) bond , ntut plnco n WO chock In the hands of the secretary of the boimt , Thu matter of stdmiuiK ( lend nnlmnls nt the city dump riuno up for discussion , nnd the count was Instructed that ho must leave no carcasses on the dump. SiuiHury Coinniisslouor Andres voted against 1'ulnskl , whom ho characterized nt nn irresponsible bidder. Dr. Gapcn reported that several complaints hnd been matte tlmt many families wore tinahlo to furnish barrels nnd pny for the removal of enrltn o. The carbagu inniter was directed to collect I.ii feus ua al lowed Dy law. A coinintiulcatlon from the Missouri Board of Honlth rclutlvoto nn out break of small pox lu Jackson county wni placed on llle , ns was also tlio communication Irom the council nn- nouncInR thnt thu report of the committed rocemniundniK the rejection of the Board of Honlth rules lind boon ntlopted. The report of births and do.ith for August wns ns follows : Births , 175 ; white , 1(19 ( ; col ored , ! ) ' males , ; ) ; females , 71) ) . Deaths , 7ft ; ninlos15 ; fcmalns , ill ) ; white , (51) ( ) ; colored , 0 ; married , 17 ; single , 54 ; widowed . Con tagious diseases : Diphtheria , M cases with 5 deaths ; typnoid fever , 1'i cases with 4 deaths ; whooping cough , 1 case , died ; scarlet fever , 4 cases , no deaths : corobro spinal meningitis , 1 case , recovered. The following report was made hy W. S. Robinson , the chemist who analyzed" city water : Albuminoid Kreo Ammonia , Ammonlrt , I'nrti I'nrtH Per million. Per million. August 10. . o..M 0.05 AtiRUsI Kl . O.'i'i 0.05 S-oHomborlJ | . O.'JI O.Ut dtutnburlS . 0.17 0.01 These figures show the organic impurities lu the water. Decomposing animal nnd vege table tnnttcrs nro in part converted Into ammonia uml by measuring this the amount of organic sttbstauco U determined. Eminent chemists nro ngrccu that when the albuminoid ammonia vouches 0. in parts per million the water should bo called bntl and not used for drinking without belling oriilterinp. The ammonia compounds nro not in tliemsolvcs hurtful , but constitute. feed for germs which multiply therein. If there nro germs of disease ns typhoid fever , etc. , there , tlmt disease ensues lu tomu per sons on iising the water. ' The average lor the year Just ended is as follows : 1'rou ammonia .0111 parts per mil lion , albuminoid ammonia .003 parts per mil lion. lion."This "This nvorngo is very good , " said Dr. Gapen , "but at the present time there Is much organic matter in the water. During the summer there lias been ns high ns 'M parts pnr million , yet our mortality rate is wonderfully low notwithstanding this. " The chief of police reported that the old Aiuscow block at Fourteenth und Leavon- worth is in n very unsanitary condition , and the sanitary commissioner wns instructed to investigate und report nt the next mooting. Vou cannot bo too particular about the medicines you uso. When you need n blood purlller , bo sure you * trot Ayer's sarsaparitla r.nd no other. It will mingle with , purify and vitalize every drop of blood In your body. It makes the wealc strong. Grand Kutry Into Oinnlia. On and after July 30 , 1891 , the Chicago cage , Milwaukee & St. Puul Utiilwuy company will run till of its trains in tint ! out of the union depot , Oui'.ihn No moro nnnoynnoo c.iusod by transforrinp and switching1 ut Council Bluffs. Solid vestibuled trains , consisting of now Pnlnco sloopiiiR1 cars , fi-oo parlor chair curs , elotrunt coaches , nud the finest dining cars in tlio world , all boated by stoiim und lighted throughout by electric - tric lights. Tlio now evening express with "electric lights in every berth" now loaves Omaha daily tit 0.20 p in. arriving at Chicago at 9'JO : u. m. in tune for all eastern connections. Secure tickets und sleeping car berths at 1501 Farnnm street ( Barker block ) , J. E. PKKSTON , P. A. NASH , C. Pass. Agt. Gen. Agt TIUKD TO SAVK HEH 1IAIY. arrs.AVIlIlniii Ycrnon Hlslcs Her Life- to Suva Her Chilli. Bertie , the 3-yoar-old son of Mr. nnd Mrs. William Vernon of U2M I'iuoknoy street died Tuesday from the effects of burns received by the upsetting of a lamp. The little fellow had boon prepared for bed and asked for n piece of bread. While the mother WRS out of the room getting the broad she heard loud screams , nnd rushing baolt to the room where she hnd loft her baby , found him enveloped lu 11 nines. She at onto attempted to smother the flames , lu the meanwhile screaming for assistance. The father and grandmother of the little boy were soon on the scone , and the llamcs were extinguished but , not before the babv had been burned beyond recognition and the three rescuers nlso badly burned. A physician wns summoned nt once but could do nothing to relieve the sufferings of the llttlo patient who died after two hours of intense suffering. The burns received by the mother were very severe und the physician entertained ; ituo hone of her recovery. bho inhaled the llamcs nnd was badly burned about the upper part of the boay. The father nnd grandmother were- severely burned , but their wounds nro not considered dnngorous. The funeral of the baby will bo held-nt the tense nt 2 p. in. today. Interment , at forest Lawn. On oil Conking s ono of the chief blessings of every homo , To always insure good custards , puddings , piiuco , etc. . use Gall BorJon "Eagle" Brand 2omdcnscd Mill : . Directions nn the label. Sold by your grocer and druggist. THE JlBAI/rY MAUIC12T. TNSTRUMENTH placed tin record Soptomuor JL iu , ibUl ; A Mtillelidnro to J. T. I'owell , lot S3 , Waterlno , rj o 0 9 1 O O l.obeck anil wlfo to K ( Hover , lot 11 , liluuuil , West Cumin ? add. w d 1,000 NohraskaSavliiKN und Kxcilmuguhnnk to ( Jharles Andersen , lot 4 , block "A , " I.owo's add , ( ] u (1 ( Charles Anderson mid wlfo to A KJohn- 8on , lot 4 , lilook "A , " I.own'.s add , w d. . 1,200 1' ' 10 lliiriiuntor nnd wlfo to < ! T 1/oiulley , lot 8 , block 7. ltmuu.1 & bullion's add , w 200 ' ' J K McCornm'aV'nt l to Joseph and Frank Krusny , lot JO , block d , Deer I'iirk , wd 1,030 H S Wertr. nnd hnslmiul lo J T WcrU , lota J7iintin : , Muyllold. wil -1,030 U.I Cozier to U F llurnson , lots , 1'olliam 1'laeo ' , wd 2,500 V 1) Wouk to A TJ Norbors , lot r > , blook II , Orchard Mill , w d 2,550 llnnry Hnrni nnil wlfn to M I1' Illlntor , : U feut , I < A lilduU'riRiilidlv , wd. . . I E A Illnni and wlfn to.l 1 > 1'atrluk , lot a , hlouk 75 , Oinliha , w (1 ( 30,000 Idiilho IIUlllio to J A Ueoder , lot U , lllunko 1'uiU , w d 'JM Kiiino. lot 41 , w d W U M i''u t and wlfo to T II Uoolltllo , lot I , lilooit U. ti V KoKor'H mid , w d 10,000 T 11 Doollttlo to O i : Hutturnold , lot 1 , block I ) , ti K Kozor'n add , w d 10.00Q Total IW.010 ? 1'ei-inltH. The following pormU * were issued by the uporin tendon t of buildings yesterday ! M T. Trupp , ono sUiry frame eottiifc-o , Korty-thlrd nnd PalrlcU uvcuuo t SCO C. M. finch. 0110 Htory frame cotlt ; o , Fourth nnd Oak utruoti 600 Total I I.W ) Ask your grocer for Cook's Kxtrn Dry Im- lerlal ( Jhampaguo , IU bocutot Is delicious , nd It is porfeotly pure. Try it.