Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 17, 1891, Page 5, Image 5

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Plans Completed for the Work by a Dis
tinguished Sculptor.
An Actress Secures a Dlvoro from
Ilcr FHflky Hiislmml-HtilolUo of
n Young Girl About to
Bo Married.
CHICAGO. 111. , Sopt. 10. I
til. Oodobskl , the distinguished sculptor ,
rtis requeued not long ago by Harlow N ,
Hlglnbotham of Chicago to draw up a project
for a monument to Christopher Columbus.
The monument Will bo placed on a quadran
gular tcrraco , at each nnglo of which will bo
n lamp post with torches and an anchor
nnd chain , the links of which are symbolical
of Columbus' days _ of captivity. Four long
etops will bo placed at either sldo and the
monument will consist of a pedestal orna
mented on Its principal point with a tablet in
the shape of a medallion and destined for an
Inscription. The other fronts will contain
such a Diu-rellof representing events In the
Ilfo ot Columbus.
ACTitiiss ANNIE CAiinou. mvoncED.
Mrs. Annie B , Carroll , the actress , was
awarded a dccrco of divorce yesterday by
tfudeo Collins from Richard Field Carrolltho
actor and playwright. Mrs. Carroll
eaid she loft her husband a year
ago last Mav because of his Impropriety
with Isabella Urquhart , an opera singer
connected with the Casino in Now York City.
Suicida by drowning ot Miss Aana Cohn ,
ngcd 20 years , daughter of a Chicago mer
chant , is reported at Lyunc , u summer resort
on Long Island Sound. She had passed the
Buramcr at the rosldonco of Captain Robert
Qriswold und was to have loft for her homo
today to prepare for her wedding next month
to a prominent young society man of Milwau
kee. For the last two or three days she had
exhibited symptoms of melancholy.
The unfortunate girl is the daughter of
( John 13. Cohrs , president of the Consumers'
Gas company , 104 Dearborn. Tuo friends and
relations in this city , while not In rccolpt of
full particulars , do not believe that there Is
anytning in the theory that she committed
suicide. Miss Cohrs was ono of Chicago's
most accomplished and beautiful society
Within a month ground will bo broken for
tbo first three buildings of the great Cnicago
university. Architect Henry Ivos Cobb Is
now engaged in putting plans in shape to ro-
colvo bids , and they will bo finally passed
upon by the building committee and
contracts lot within the next two wooks.
rKr.niNO HOOS ON ruAciins.
J. C. Ccmonts , a largo fruit raiser In Mich
igan and Now Jersey , has just returned from
& trip in the latter state and hints at a com
bination among Chicago dealers.
"Poaches ought to bo flftv cents a bushel
instead of ilfty cents a basket , " said ho. In
Now Jersey , ho says , thousands of bushels
of ripe peaches are being fed to the hogs ,
because the raisers can't llnd a profitable
market for thorn.
The crounds and buildings committee of
the "World'.1 : fair has agreed that anthracite
coal only shall boused on the grounds dur
ing the exposition. The decision is very im
portant , involving as it docs nn immense ex
penditure. The machinery plant of 34,000
horse power will consume an enormous
amount of fuel , and the decision in favor of
hard coal Is made to avoid damage to flno
iabric and the art exhibit , which would bo
ure to follow If soft coal were usod. It is
thought au arrangement can bo effected with
the roads running to the exposition by which
all the engines delivering passenger trains
will either use hard coal or bo llttod with
moke preventive devices.
The ladles propose to make this town too
tot to hold Lawyer McHagh. the attorney
whoso savage attack on Mrs. Elizabeth Me-
Mahon'.i character drove her insane. It nas
reused their ire and the unfortunate woman's
ad condition , as a result of the indignities
to which she has been subjected , has evoked
their deepest sympathy.
At the regular mooting of the Central
Woman's Christian Temperance union , to bo
Bold tomorrow , Miss Helen L. Hood , secre
tary , will call the attention of the ladles to
the pitiful fate of Mrs. McMahon and
reviaw the events that brought about
the present blank condition of her mind. It
Is possible the society can do nothing mow
than enter a protest against such proceedings
in a court of justice , but many of the ladles
ro active members of societies , sach as the
Woman's club , tno Woman's Protective
agency , and other organizations that , adding
their inttuonco to the protest of the Woman's
Christian Temperance Union , can do much
toward bringing public contempt upon , if not
mooting out punishment , toward attorneys
who wantonlv attack defenseless women
Who happen to' bo court witnesses.
Referring to the dispatch from Hamburg
to the effect that a syndicate has
boon formed to constructpiir ? abattoirs in
Chicago in order that Germans may control
the imports of American pork in Germany.
Mr. Webster of Armour & Co. says : "I
don't think there is any foundation in fact
for such a statement. The are certainly
enough abattoirs and pig houses in Chicago
at present to supply not only Germany , but
the whole of Europe. "
Work on the fair buildings at Jackson
Park Is being pushed now with all possible
peed. The forestry building is to bostartod
at euro aim added to the many that are now
under way. The forestry building is
to bo ono ot the architectural curi
osities of the exposition. The figures
for its construction will bo advertised
tomorrow und the job will bo started as soon
ei the contractors can begin upon It. The
building is to bo 200x550 and is located down
near the agricultural lay out at the southern
end of the grounds. It is to bo rustle in its
arohltecturo , and part of it Is to bo donated
by the comuilislouers of the various states.
The colonnade around the Duilding is to bo
constructed of trees representing the various
U. M. White , World's fair commissioner
from Now Mexico , who has boon In the city
for several days working on tno plan to
have the territories of Arizona , Okla
homa , Utah mid Now Mexico combine their
exhibits and have ono building answer for
the united displays ot all , sola this morning :
"It now looks doubtful whether Utah will bo
in our scheme. That territory expects the
next legislature to glvo a $100,000 appropria
tion for World's fair purpose * , and in that
oront it would want a building of Its own. "
Armour & Do. this morning received from
their custom house notlco that 3,7 l boxes of
tla pinto were on the way to Chicago and
consigned to thorn. This invoice amounts to
about ! iOO,000 pounds , and Is the largest con
signment of tin plate since the Increased
\arlff took offoct.
Tbo following western ncoplo are In the
cltyj Mrs. T. U. Whlttomoro of Long Pine ,
Kub. , Is at tbo Urand Pacifla with her slstor- , Miss Josslo Whlttomoro of Brooklyn ,
At the Grand Pacific : F. 3. Smith , Hel
ena , Mont , ; H. G. Hand , Salt La no , U. T. ;
Thomas Ewlug , Lincoln ; E. E. Nauglo , C.
p. Dornmn , Omaha.
AtthoLaland : Mr. and Mrs John Forbes ,
At UioHicholtou : John II. Howell , Pierre ,
P. D.
At the Auditorium : Samuel D. Martin ,
Butle. Mont. ; I. G. Wlolol and daughter ,
At tha Wellington : Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Williams , Cedar Rapids , la. ; Joseph Gar-
peau , Jr. , Omaha.
At the Palmer O. W. Turner , S. Q. Joyce ,
Omaha ; S. Illooni , Dcadwood , S. D. ; Nat
JJnkor , Lusk , Wyo. : C. W. Hubbard , Sioux
Palls , S , O.i Mrs. M. SUvormau , Butte ,
r At the Tremont-Dr. J. IV. Hathaway ,
Eloux City. la.
il At the Sherman L. C. Frey , Salt Lake ,
1J. T. ; William Urlggs. Aberdeen , S. D.
. Air. oiid Mr * . Jaiuui II. Douglas of Omaha
nro In the city on tholr wny oait. They expert -
pert to bo gene about two week * .
C. W. Hamilton of Auburn Is rol torod at
the Avcauo house In Evanston. F. A.
1'rnf. Smith's Victories Over Vlolouq
Oinihn Homos.
Prof , Norton B. Smith opened his bono
training entertainment at the Omaha Guards
armory last night to a crowded houso.
Flvo vicious horses were treated for bad
habits , ono nftor another much to the amuse
ment of the crowd.
Four animals belonging to well known
Omaha levers of line horio llosu wore glvon a
course of Instruction la obedience and fully
W. T. Seaman's thoroughbred was the last
ono brought out. This horse has made his
mark by killing n man and Is filled with all
the vlclousncss that the hot blooded
thoroughbred race horse Is capable of hold
ing. A stout harness was first placed on the
animal with a string of slclehbclls
dangling at his heels. And how ho did kick.
The Fifth Ward Kickers'club wasn't ' in It
at all alongside of His Highness.
The conquering of this Kentucky bred ani
mal was finally accomplished , after a long
struggle , and as a closing to the programme
ho was driven around the hall Iu a buggy and
behaved splendidly. Tin cans , steam whis
tles , papers and umbrellas were u. ed to
frighten the animals after they hud been con
quered , but without effect. Prof. Smith will
rldo a bucking broncho tonight , besides treat
ing several other vicious horses already on
his list.
There U comfort for the man with a prema
turely gray board in Buckingham's dye , be
cause it never falls to color an oven brown or
black as may bo desired.
"Penalty Suspended on a Huckster Tar
Starving Jilt ) Horse.
Tbo remains of what was once a horse
loaned wearily and painfully against a telephone -
phone polo in front of the police court room
yesterday morning , while his owner wont
insldo to slvo Judge Holsloy an opportunity
to fine him $5 and costs for cruelty to ani
mals ,
The owner was an Italian named N. Silver-
stein , and the court road him a lecture that
made the banana drops cozo from his pores.
"Now then , Sllvorsteln , " said tbo Judge In
conclusion , "you take that horse right homo
and bo mighty sure you take good care of
him. If you put him In the shafts again it.
that condition I'll give you the limit. You'll
rue It and don't you forget It. Now mind
what I toll you. ' ,
Inrorimition Free.
Do you know that any old sere or cut oan
bo absolutely cured by the Intelligent use of
Haller's Barbed Wire Liniment ? Bo merci
ful to your horse and trv it.
Serious Accident Which Befel a Coun
cil liluffs Man.
Henry Honrichs , in the employ of the
Omaha and Council Bluffs Transfer company ,
mot with n painful and serious accident about
4 o'clock yesterday afternoon.
Honrichs was standing on the sldo ot his
wagon between the wheels in front of a store
on Eleventh street , between Howard and
Hartley street * , unloading some goods. An
other transfer wagon attempted to back up
to the sidewalk but the rear wheels did not
turn and backed against Honrichs. The body
of the wagon caught him about the waist and
squeezed him against his own vehicle. A
doctor was called nr.d the patient carried to
the nearest drug storo. Later a carriage con
voyed the unfortunate man to his homo in
Council Bluffs. It Is feared that Henrlchs Is
Injured internally , but just how seriously
could not bo told at the first examination.
Constipation poisons the blood ; DoWitl's
Little Early Risers cure constipation. The
cause removed , the disease is gono.
.Lincoln County All
NORTH PIATTE , Nob. , Sopt. 10. To tha
Editor of THE BEE : The sincerity nnd de
termination of the republicans of this city
was shown at the primaries Saturday where
"all hands 'round" Joined together in the
election of delegates to the county conven
tion to bo hold in this city next Saturday.
Men of all shades , the pros and the antis ,
the ins and the outs , Joined in to elect repre
sentative republicans. The delegates were
"instructed" that "tho best man in the
county , the district and the state must carry
the co'lors of the republican party this year. "
The trimmers' occupation is gone. The re
publicans of this county and district are con
fident , almost jubilant , over the situation.
It is , of cour o , difficult to forecast the
nominations , but it is certain that our pres
ent district judge , Hon. A. H. Church , will
receive a unanimous ro-nomlnatlon.
For sheriff the general sentiment seems to
point to the re-nomination of D. A. BaKor.
Mr. Baker is conceded to bo the best sheriff
Liucoln county has over had. Ho is popular
in the country at well as in the city.
For treasurer , the only name so far sug
gested Is J. L. McAllister.
For county clerk the convention will doubtless -
loss put in nomination J. A. Stoddard of
Wallace. A good man and true.
There seems to bo a general feeling that It
Is the part of wisdom that Reese should ro-
cclvo the republican nomination for associate
Justice of the supreme court. I am confident
that Lincoln county will instruct her dele
gates to the state convention to cast its vote
for him.
Put Lincoln countv in the republican col
umn for 1801. B. H.
_ _
"Four heaved Clover. "
Fifty children , ranging In ago from 0 to 14
years , presented the opera of "Tho Four
Leaved Clover" to a fair sized audience at
Washington ball last evening under the di
rection of Mrs. S. E. Ciappo. The attend
ance wai smaller than it would have been
but for an unfortunate announcement fixing
the data as Friday night and which , al
though afterward corrected , undoubtedly
loft nn erroneous impression in the minds of
The presentation was exceedingly cred
itable to the youthful participants and their
painstaking , conscientious teacher nnd di
rector. It Is probable that the entertain
ment will bo repeated but the date has not
jot boon determined upon.
The Imtest Conundrum.
Why Is Hallor's Sarcaparilla and Burdock
llko the most popular soap of the day.
Because they both cleanse the skin and
leave It both soft and volvotv.
Will Ho Heard Saturday.
Lewis and Riley , the young men suspected
of entering G. W. Wnroham's house at the
corner of Seventeenth and Wlrt streets last
July , had a hearing in police court yesterday
Detective Vaughn found the man In Lin
coln recently and brought them bora. All tbo
evidence was hoard , but Judge Helsloy post
poned the hearing of arguments in the case
until Saturday at S p. m.
In the meantime bonds were fixed at fSOO
each , which will probably bo furnished today.
Cure lor the Drink Habit.
Tno John Holiday Remedy company , of
Burlington , la , , guarantees to euro'tho drink
habit nnd dypsoraama. Homo treatment.
Remedy sure. Ingredients harmless. Per
bottle , postpaid , with full directions , fc.50 ! ,
No testimonials published , and correspond
ence kept inviolate. Wo have used our own
Out lor Gore.
T. J. Hewitt , a horsoshoor , was arrested
last night for being UrunU und threatening to
Hewitt waadorod up to Frank Slave's
fruit stand at the corner of Sixteenth and
Cass streets , and , pulling a loug-barrolod
sis-shooter , threatened to perforate the dago
fruit dealer. Salvo objected , called an onl-
cor , had the horsosnoor arrested and prom
ised to prosecute him In pollco court today.
Will Uooolve Mr. Ober , , - '
The Young Men's Christian association
will hold au informal reception this evening
in the parlors of the association building , for
the purpose of enabling tuo members of the
Board of Directors and eommluoomon to
make the acquaintance of Mr. Frank W.
Obor , tbo general socrotiry recently employed -
ployed to take charge of the Omaha Young
Men's Christina association.
Nebraska City's Ohlof of Polloo Bather
Roughly Handled.
Company of Jtiblloo Singers Accused
of lusiiltlntr ( Jlrln of Tender
Ordered to Iionvo
( ho City.
Cttr , Nob. , Sopl. 10. [ Special
Telegram to TUB HKK. ] Chief of I'ollco
Wheeling created a sensation last night by
giving ox-Ctnof C. E. Abbey a severe fist
rrmullng on n prominent street. Ever slnco
Wheeling was raado chief and Abbey retlrod
the InlUir has had a blttor fooling against the
present chief. Wheeling met him on the
street last night and they fought It out.
Dart County's Kctinloii.
LYOS-S , Nob. , Sopt. 10. [ Special to THE
BEE.J The Grand Army of the Republic re
union of Hurt county began yesterday morn
ing. The wcathor Is beautiful and the pros
pects for a largo attondanoo during the three
days could not bo moro promising. Fifty-
four tents arrived yesterday from the Omaha
Tent Loaning company and are pitched In the
camp Just north of the school hoaso. A largo
polo was raised this moraine from which a
long and beautiful United States Hag Is wav
ing. After partaking of hard tack at
noon and relating the scenes and
trials of camp life , the old comrades
assembled again and listened to speeches
from Hon. Fremont Evorott. Q. M. Morroll ,
George Wlltso and L. P. Kobe.
Nearly all the tents aru lilted tonight and
everybody Is having n good tlrao. Bancroft ,
Ponder nnd other towns outside of the county
are represented. The town is full of people
tosnght and the largest orowd ever assembled
in Hurt county will bo hero tomorrow.
Ponder Will llixvo n Fair.
PESDEII , Nob. , Sept. 10. [ Special to THE
BEE. | A mooting was hold at the court
house last evening by a number of the load-
luu business men of the town for the purpose
of forming an organization to hold a market
day fair in Ponuor on certain days of the
month. An organization was effected with
County Cleric J. F. Myors as chairman and
H. S. Swenson us secretary ,
A committed was aprolnted to draft rules
and regulations for the government of the as
sociation , to bo known as the Ponder Market
and Fair association. It is proposed to bring
buyers and sellers from far and near together
on this special day , atid to bring commission
merchants and stockmen from Omaha and
Sioux City here to invest. Omaha parties
were present at the mooting last evening and
were enthusiastic to form the organization.
Not nn Auspicious Opening.
BLUE Sruixas , Neb. , Sopt. 10. [ Special to
THE BEE.J The alliance picnlo held hero
yesterday was not an overwhelming success.
About SOO persons were present at tbo spook
ing. State Lecturer Hull failed to show up.
McKolghan talked about two and a half
hours , but made no converts. The candidates
for county ofllces on the independent ticket
were all hero , but the absence of many who
were prominent alliance workers last fall
was noted , and it seems likely that the en
dorsing of the independent ticket by the
democrats at taoir county convention yester
day will loose them a largo number of alli
ance republican votes. This picnlo was tbo
first of a series of four planned by the in
dependents for the fall campaign in this
county. _
Gcrinnii Baptists in Session.
FREMONT , Nob. , Sept 10. [ Special to THE
BEE.I The annual conference of the Ger
man Baptist church mot tonight atPlatto-
villo , Saunders county , ton mlles southeast
of Fremont This conferences embraces Ne
braska , Iowa , Kansas , Missouri , and a num
ber of other western states. The delegates
nro all ministers and the conference will
continue ovorSunday.
Ono of the principal things to bo done at
thli meeting of tbo conference is to fix upon
a point for the location of a college to bo gov
erned by the Uorraan Baptists , the most west
ern ono at present being located at Rochester ,
N. Y. Fremont has put In a strong bid for
the location. Tbo closing sessions of the
conference will bo held in this city.
"Will Fuse with the Alliance.
CBNTUAL Urrr , Nob. , Sopt. 10. [ Special to
THE BEE. ] The democratic county conven
tion was held last Saturday. But two nomi
nations were made G. C. Haynes , present
incumbent , for county clerk and Thomas
Farrell for sheriff. There is a tendency to
fuse with the republicans. The republican
county convention will bo bold next Satur
day. The result m the primaries indicates a
tendency to endorse Agnew for cleric and
renominato tho'nre ont treasurer , who Is an
alliance man. The balance of the ticket will
bo straight goods. There will certainly be
no fusion with tbo democrats on any ofllco
except the clerk , The democrats will bo
asked to accept the clerk only or a straight
ticket will bo named.
Ncl-r.iskii City Against thn Field.
NKHIUSKA. CITT , Nob. , Sept. 10. [ Special
Telegram to Tun BEE. ] The democrats of
Otoo county are badly split up. Even the
Evening News , the only democratic dally in
tno county , has kicked over the traces and
admits that many errors were made in the
nominating convention. Every nomlnco on
the democratic ticket , except for coroner ,
lives in Nebraska City. The News says to
night that the fight will bo the city against
the country. Old timers hero now predict
that the candidates who will bo elected this
fall In Otoo county will bo principally repub
licans , with a possibility ot ono or two alli
ance men , but no democrats.
Nebraska luittioran Synod.
BEA.THICK , Nob. , Sept. 10. | Spooiol Talo-
gram to THE BEE. ! Today was the first reg
ular business session of tbo Nebraska Luth
eran synod. The business was generally of a
denominational nature and presented but few
features of public interest. The session is
liberally attended but not as fully as is ex
pected later. A number of eminent Luth
eran divines are yet to coroo. Rev. L. P.
Luddor of Lincoln delivered an Interesting
address on "Homo Missions" this evening.
Tomorrow evening the subject ot "Foreign
Missions" will bo treated by Rev. A. J. Tur-
klo of Omaha.
County's Fair.
\Vi'.3T POINT , Nob. , Sept. 10. [ Special to
THE BKE.I The Cumlng county fair opened
Wednesday with fair prospects. Tbo exhibit ,
while not as largo as It might bo , Is fair in
quality and quantity. Tbo majority of the
merchants have made a line display of their
wares , and attractive races have boon pro
vided for tbo several days.
The carrying of the sewer bonds last weoir
means a now era for West Point. The bonds
will sell readily at a premium and work will
bogln on the tronchoa within n few weeks ,
with the ot'Jeot of completing it before December -
comber 1.
Columbus Fair Prospects.
COI.UMHUS , Nob. , Sopt. 10. [ Special to. THE
BEB. ] Today tbo Columbus Driving Park
nnd Fair association opened what promises to
bo the finest fair over held In Platte
county. S too ic entries uro unusually largo.
The trades display is magnificent , and the
agricultural exhibits worn never better ,
Hon. C. H. Van Wyck will address the
poop'o tomorrow , when there will bo served
roast ox , sheep , pigs , oto.
A number of good horses are entered and
the principal races will bo tomorrow and Fri
day , _
They Failed to Curry.
NEIHUSKA. Citr , Neb , , Sopt. 10. ( .Special
Telegram to Tim BEK. ] After all the re
turns are iu it was developed that the propo
sition to vote & ! 0.000 boutU for paving Im
provements wat lost by a small majority.
Advertising Dundy County.
BKNKKI.MAX , Neb. , Sept. 10. [ Special to
TUB BEE.J An onthuslastlo mooting of
the Dundy County Immigration society
was hold here today and action taken that
will bonofll this locality moro than any effort
tnndi ) heretofore.
The object of the moating wus to ndvortlso
Dundy county , and It was decided to prop.iro
and send n car filled With a variety of thn
county's ' products to tbo. Illinois Kioto fair
at Poorla and nftor that forwarded for
exhibition at the St. LotiH exposition.
The cor will bo atthlctlvoly decorated.
It was nUo ordered , that a pocket
pamphlet giving history and description of
the country and Iti natural resources bo prepared -
pared , Ten thousand copies of this pamphlet
will bo scattered at Pcorla and St. Louis.
The exhibit will leave here next Monday
via the B. A. M. and will bo In uhorgo of Dr.
Ml lien and E. E. Ulllon of this city. After
tbo Illinois fair It will bcrsont to St , Louis ,
whoroS. D. ForsythonnrtsL. E. Wnlkor of
this city will toke charge. J. I. George and
O. Cnlllban were appointed a commttuo on
transportation and G. A. Koso and O. Calll-
ban committee on finance.
Pender 'Mtlzcns imliKnnnt.
PEXimn , Nob. , Sept. 10. [ Special to TUB
BEE. ] About 100 citizens of this place hold
a mooting last night and took stops to drlvo
out a company of colored Jubilee singers that
are making their headquarters In town.
This same company was here two or three
weeks In July with n patent medicine ad
vertiser , giving entertainments , nnd some of
the members got to acting entirely too fresh
toward young girls of tender ago. On the
return of tno colored gentlemen yesterday a
meeting of citizens was called by several who
bad grievances.
At the mooting a committee was selected
to wait on the obnoxious singers and give
them to understand that their absence in
Pcndor was especially desired. The mooting
adjouruod until 7:30 : tonight when the com-
mittco will report. If they do not hoed the
cvder to leave. It is likely the determined
citizens will enforce It by whatever moans
they may bo deemed most expedient.
Itcd Cloud's Successful Ilcunlon.
RED CLOUD , Nob. , Sopt. 10. [ Special
Telegram to TUB BKE.J The second day of
the reunion was an eventful ono and had It
not boon for the disagreeable weather that
prevailed In the morning , nothing could have
been bottor. In the afternoon Paul Vendor-
voort of Omaha addressed the audience at
length , confining himself exclusively to the
pension laws and many defects thereof. Ho
also furnished statistics showing that
the years for the old soldiers
nro but few. Gonornls Bowen and
Dilworth ot Hastings and Major B. F. Smith
also spoke for a short timq on subjects that
would interest the veterans.
The dross parade at 4 o'clock was ono of
the loading attractions of the day. Tonight
a grand camp iiro is being held. The attend
ance today was fully 5,000 , nnd as yet no ac
cident or trouble of any kind has happened
to mar the rounion. '
Good Tlino at CM nip Davis.
VAUMHAISO , Neb. , Sopt. 10. [ Special to
THE BF.E. ] Camp J. B. Davis presented nn
Interesting sight tonight but llttlo could bo
done during the day on account of tbo high
wind and clouds of dust , but a pleasant
camp fire was hold this evening. Short
speeches , jokes and old army songs were lib
erally Indulged in by the old soldier boys.
Not n many were in attendance today
as was desired or expected , but should the
weather bo favorable tomorrow a good crowd
will bo here. ,
Colonel McArthur arid H. H. Shedd are
billed as speakers tomorrow afternoon and
ovonlntr. Captain John Steen supplied sev
eral good sticks for the fire this evening and
will help ugaiu. The camp Is very pleasantly
located and all are enjoying themselves.
Farmers Feel Hnppy.
Pr.ATTSMOUTn , Nob. , Sopt. 10. [ Special
Telegram to THE BKBThe ! ] Cass county
fair opened today under the most favorable
auspices and the immense crowd of visitors
was extremely gratifying to the manage
ment. The exhibits are especially fine , varied
and numerous this year , each department
being a complete show , la itself. Cass coun
ty's fruit shows up in. great shape and
there could not bo a better display in any
section of the country. The cereals also
make an excellent sbow'.thls year and all the
farmers of this vicinity are wearing broad
smiles and light hearts.
AVest Point's Now Church.
WEST POINT , Neb. , Sopt. 10. [ Special to
THE BEE. ] Ono of the greatest events in
Catholic circles that has over taken place iu
this section of Nebraska will bo the laying of
the corner stone of ths $14,000 Catholic
church In this city on Sunday , September 2T.
All the preparation ! ) are about completed for
the occasion. Dignitaries of both church
and state will be present and will address
tbo audience. Bishop Scannoll of Omaha
will arrive on tbo noon train , accompanied by
Very Rov. Father Hooffer , S. J. , president of
the Crelghton college , who will deliver tao
Prospects in luiov County.
CnEiouTON , Nob. , Sopt. 10. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB BEE. | The ICnox county fair
opened here today. Everything indicates a
bettor exhibit than that of last year and as
good as nny herotoforo. Entries in all
classes are filling rapidly. A good crowd
witnessed the races thfs afternoon. During
the races Hewer brokb a small bono in bis
leg In the first heat. No other accident
marred the pleasure of the crowd.
Bin tor nnd KKK Men.
FREMONT , Neb. , Sopt. 10. [ Special to THE
BEE.A | mooting of the Nebraska Butter
and Egg association was held in this city last ,
night ut the parlors of the Eno hotel. It was
purely a business meeting , called to discuss
the business situation. There were present
sixteen members of the association. This
forenoon the local members gave the visitors
u carriage drive about the city.
Sarpy ( ounty's Success.
Pxru-LioN , Nob. , Sopt. 10. [ Special to
THE BEE. ] The Sarpy county fair opened
today with moro entries than upon any "first
day" in tno history of the society. The races
for Tbursday and Friday are all filled. The
display of live stock is gruad. The race
oveut in which most interest colors , is the
froo-for-all which Is Satur
- - pace , billed for
day. _
Worrick County's Fair.
OENTUAL OITV , Nob. , Sept. 1C. [ Special to
TUB BEK.J The Morrick county fair is the
principal attraction here this week. The dis
plays in all departments are quito complete ,
and , although the weather is too warm for
comfort , the attendance is good. The display
of fruit is excellent nnd attracts general at
tention. The fair closes tqmorrow.
No Dantrer From Frost.
VALENTINE , Nob. , SopU-10. [ Special Telegram -
gram to THE BEB. ] Tho1 wcatbor for the
last three weeks has b'eeii favorable to the
rapidly curing of corn. , .During the last three
days the mercury has 'marked 1)3 ) , 00 and 01
degrees. Com Is abou out of the reach of
frost and there Is a very heavy yield.
Sent to the lloftirm School.
COLUMIIUS , Nob. , Sept ; 10. [ Special Telegram -
ogram to THE BEE. ] Edward Albaugh , a 14-
year-old lad , was sentenced to the reform
school at Kearney by ffifae Honsloy today
by request of his father , who olalms that the
boy is Incorrigible. Sheriff Caldwell loaves
With him tonight. ' "
Flaiterln > f ' 'Prospects. '
BBNKEI.MAN , Nob. , Sept. 10. [ Special to
THK BKB. ] The Dundyccmnty fair opens
September 17 , and a , 'ffr/iud / display U going
to bo made of tuo county's products. , The
track is la splendid condition and the grounds
are well improved.
Dawos * County Kepuhllcan Conven
tion Conducted With Good I ' "eel Inn.
CHADHO.V , Nob. , Sept. 10. ( Special to TUB
BEK.J At the republican convention hold to
day every proclnot of Dawoa county was
represented by a full delegation. D B.
Jouukos of Chadron wai ohoson chairman
and A. J. En body of Crawford secretary ,
Many spectators were attracted to the con-
vcntlon by the hopes of seeing a row , but
went away disappointed , aa tuo delegate !
proceeded at once to nominate a list of win
ners at the coming election , uud all was douo
n a buslnosvilUo manner without a Jar.
A very largo majority of the delegates
were representative farmers , who oxprejsod
themselves a Iu perfect sympathy with the
Great Special Sale Today of Boys' Suits. Boys' Long Pants Suits
at Prices Never Dreamed of.
All new goods. Not one suit of last season's goods at this sale.
New Fall Styles for little money.
Boys' Fancy Cheviot Suits.
Boys Black Cheviot Suits.
Boys' Black Cheviot Double Breasted.
Boys' Fancy Worsted Suits ,
Boys' ' Fancy Cassimere Suits ,
Parents , an opportunity is offered you to clothe your boys this week
for a small outlay. Embrace it.
Continental Olottiina House ,
Harrison administration nnd the policy of
the republican party. Allusions to Blalno
and Harrison brought down the houso.
There were many candidates before the
convention , but when they went down before
the victors it was done gracefully and with
their colors nailed to the mast.
The following ticket was chosen : County
clerk , A. E. Hobson ; treasurer , W. H. Rey
nolds ; sheriff , William Maun ; clerk of the
district court , A. O. Shears : county superin
tendent , Mias Delia M. Burkott ; surveyor ,
H. .1. Ingorsoll ; coroner , H. T. Clary.
Hon. A. Barton was allowed to select the
delegation to the judicial convention at Val
entino , and chose D. B. .lenks , T. F. Powers ,
L. A. Brewer , T. A. Coffey , E. J. Carpenter ,
W. H. Kotcham , J. F. S. Rosouborgor.
Kcpuulicaiis Desire Xo Fusion.
CoLUJiiius , Neb. , Sopt. 10. ( Special Tele
gram to TUB BEE. ] The republican county
convention was held in this city today ,
elghty-ono delegates were present. The fol
lowing ticket was nominated : Sheriff , H. O.
Rodohorst ; clerk of the district court , Fred
A. Schollold ; county clerk , D. W.
Zolgler ; county judge , J. N. Kil-
llan. The balance of tbo county
ticket was passed and the central committee
instruetod to kill the ticket with the under
standing that nn ono will bo nominated who
is a present candidate in any of the other
parties. Delegates were appointed for the
state and judicial conventions. The latter
will bo held iu this city September 21.
Pozzoni's Complexion Powder produces a
soft and beautiful skin ; it combines every
element of beauty and purity.
Manufacturers Will Meet.
Wo , the undersigned , respectfully make a
call for a general mcetlnsr of all manufactur
ers of Omaha , to be held at the Hoard of Trade
rooms Monday , September21 , at 4 o'clock p.
m. , for the purpose of discussing mutters of
Importance to the manufacturers of this city.
D. S. Plnnoy loaves for Kalamazoo , Mich.
Michael Cudahy arrived in the city yester
J. P. Flynn has gene to Paplllion for a few
Miss Flora EverJ is the guest of J. P.
Zack Budding left for Bozeman , Mont. ,
last evening.
Frank Harllck of Wahoo is visiting old
friends hero.
Hans Hanson of Atlantic , la. , is the guest
of ( Jus Wordomann.
Clinton C. Norton of Covington , la. , is the
guest of C. M. Smith.
Mrs. M. O'Connor. ' Twenty-sixth nnd J
streets , is dangerously ill.
Mrs. George E. Ollmoro of Florence , N. Y. ,
is thd guest of Mrs. Wymnn.
.Will Cone has resigned his position at
Hammond's to go to Chicago.
John RItchart will leave this marning for
an outing at Hot Springs , S. D.
The Ladies' Auxiliary Society mot at the
homo of Mrs. Eli II. Doud this afternoon.
Mrs. A. V. Miller loft for Columbus last
evening to Visit the homo of her childhood.
Miss Maud Newton , one of the brightest
scholars attending the Hlght school , 4s seri
ously ill.
Miss Julia Norton of Peoria , 111. , Is so
journing with J. Jones , Twenty-second and J
Mrs. Mary Durand of Gretna 1s spending a
few days with her brother , Councilman
Ryan Brothers , Robbins. Wyo. , had a banner -
nor train in at tbo yardo yesterday morning ,
consisting of twenty cars.
Rov. T. Stevenson and Deacon O. C. Has-
Idns , attended the Baptist association's moot-
lug at Herman , la , , yesterday.
This evening the Bohemians will moot at
Blum's hall to perfect the organization of
their building nnd loan association.
Mrs. Rosa Dray , wife of Samuel Gray , died
last evening. The funeral will take place ai
Bcllovun at 3 o'clock this afternoon.
Six hundred carcasses have already been
Inspected at the Cudahy plant and as yet uo
traces of trlchlmu have been dlscovorod.
The 2-year-old child of R. A. Ashland foil
down stairs yesterday and broke ono of Its
logs and otherwise severely injured itself.
W. H. Matthowson was lined & > 0 and costs
by Judga King for pulling out the whiskers
of Charles ICaufluid in a boarding house
Marshal Brennan took the infant lound
last week on the doorstop of a deserted
house last Monday to the Poor Farm nnd
placed it In tbo foundling department today.
A delegation of South Omaha republicans
will go to Omaha Saturday to help tbo cen
tral republican committee cbooso delegates
for tbo state convention to bo hold at Lincoln.
About 150 democrats In the Third ward got
together last night and formed a club. James
P. Maloney was elected president. Thomas
McGutro secretary and James Costello treas
urer ,
Chris ChrUtensen loft last nvnning for In
dianapolis to attend the biennial convention
of the Cigar Maker * ' International union.
Mr. Chrlstenseh will represent South Omaha
union No. 07.
Attorney J. H. Van Duson began In the
district court yesterday morning , action for %
mandamus to compel Judge King to grant a
chaugo of vcniio In the case of the State
against Goldstein. '
Yesterday Mayor Sloano approved the
contract of Burnuss & Parks for paving two
3troots from the viaduct to Twenty-fourth
street with vitrified brick. Ed. A. Cudahy
was the bondsman.
Saturday ovonlng , September 10 , a concert
will bo given at Blum'd hall under the au-
soloes of Ollvo Branch lodge No. ! i1 , J , C. D.
Lena Kuniel , Anna Oncsorg and Mary Sobo-
tova are tbo ladies having In charge the per
fection of the arrangomduts.
Henry Mois , M. Hoafy , James Flynn , MICA !
Caulklns , P. Halfpenny , Joe Rudewdorlt ,
Ed ICnne , John Sexton and Rody Redmond
wilt visit the Sarpy county fair at Paptllton
today In n body. Friday will boSouth
Omaha day" atid'a partv of 100 will go Jown
from hero for a day's ' Jollification.
The city council met asn board of oquaH'.a
lion to equalize the special tax and ussoss-
monts levied against the pmnorty abutting
on Twentieth street , from N to'Q streets ,
yesterday afternoon. The levy is made to
pay the cost of grading the stroot. The
council will moot , again today for the samu
Within two or three days a party of South
Omaha gentlemen will go to the extreme
western portion ol the .stato on a hunting ex
pedition. The following is the make up of
the party : Henry Grave * , Joe Vance , Gus
Soldier. Thomas McGuire , Bruno Strnthman ,
Hoary Mlos , Henry Sautter , Al Boason and
his dog "Sport , "
Tuesday , October 0 , will bo dulyobserved |
as Gorman day by all tbo Gorman lodcos and
societies. A committee on general nrrango-
meuts has boon appointed , consisting of
Messrs. Frank Humpert , Franz Stommor
and Otto Furst of Plattduotschen Vorooa ;
Joseph Probst , Franz Schuollor und Martin
Spoottlo of True Bund loupe No. 53 , and Gus
Wordoman nnd Herman Tronklo of Court
Tuotonia No. 103 , Independent Order of For
Democrats < Joinjj to Grand Island.
The advance guard of the great untorri-
fiod started for Grand Island yesterday
afternoon to looic after the details of the
arrangement for the state convention which
is to open at S o'clock ' this evening.
The party was headed by Charles Ogden ,
chairman of the state central committee.
The others of the party weio Frank P. Ire
land of Nebraska City , and M. V. Gannon ,
D. Donovan and A. B. Churdo of Omaha.
The main bodv of the delegation will start
for the scene of the great pow-wow this
morning. Several of the delegates , in order
to avoid the rush , called on the railroad
officials early yesterday morning and were
supplied with transportation to and from
Grand Island.
Arrangements have been made under
which two special cars will bo attached to
the Union Pacific train leaving Omaha for
Grand Island at 10 o'clock a. m. , for tbo
Douglas county delegates to the democratic
state convention at Grand Island. This train
leaves at 10 o'clock under a now time card
and delegates must bo promptly on hand at
that time.
f.OV.ll ItKKriTIKS.
Assistant Postmaster Woodard inspected
the postofllco at Fort Omaha yesterday
morning and the ono at Florence In the after
There will bn a mooting of the republicans
of the First ward on Thursday evening , Sep
tember 17 , at the corner of Eleventh and
Pierce for the purpose of selecting delegates
to the state convention. Wo want every re
publican present. John Mathoson , William
Umphorson , John II. Butler , committee.
A mooting of the Seventh ward republi
cans Is hereby called for the purpose of se
lecting five delegates and alternates to the
state convention. Meeting to bo held at 1-1-
Park avenue , Friday , September 18. ut 7:30 :
p. m. sharp. Joseph W. Con , C. L. Thomas ,
A. E. Baldwin , committee.
Chief Soavoy received a complaint from
residents and property owners on South
Fourteenth street yesterday alleging that
Mrs. Fisher , who lives nt 1220 South Four-
tooth street , was running a disorderly houso.
The petition asked the chief to suppress the
nuisance and ho will have the house in ques
tion investigated.
. A. S. Potter atid John L. Webster were
among the passengers on the Burlington
fiyor for Chlcago.yosterduy.
MiltJennoy and .fames McCullougb , two
prominent horsemen of Oskiiloosa , la. , called
at Tun BEB ofllco yesterday.
Mr. W. G. Richardson of this city , has
accepted a responsible position with the
Kansas branch of the Kocley Institute at
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur C. Wakoley came In
from Chicago on the Burlington yesterday
morning. Mrs. Wakcloy has been spending
the summer at her homo iu Baltimore and
visiting relatives.
Mrs. Lawlor , wife of Chief Detective Law-
lor of St. Louis , was In the city yesterday
onrouto to Munltou Springs , Colo. Sergeant
Ormsby , who is nn old friend of the family ,
had the pleasure of escorting Mrs. Lawlur
about the city.
DoWltfs Llttlo Earlv Kisers ; only pill oto
euro sick headache and regulate the lxli
Vanilla - Of porfoot purity.
Lemon - Of great strength *
Orange - '
Economy In tholr use
Almond -
Rose etc.r Flavor aa delicately
\T * V W |
and dollclouoly aa the frooh frulk
DU. T. FELIX \.0ltlfAIl ! > - ! > OltlKNTAI.
' " '
" " ' o\c'ry liltmii'i mi
-Hiuitjr , nuil drlln
"j S } /S - 'VI /STvilUclfcllon. It luu
s N iP J ftWW.'o0
Sff & 37 S aRSta3s
si > * F a-mffi Vif
A. Saytr pul.l . to n
Indy of theluitit ton
Unit * a will luollicm ,
It-.iat ) iniinrul of nil
the rkln | irfniiii ] *
llon . " For auta y
nit Dti'gvbta ami
Fancy flood * l > i > ai-
eraln the Unlt .1 Stntw , CAnftrtsunnil Knrope
K Ul > .T. HUl'KIX . Pi ou'r. 37 ( Jrcat Jtnm St. N , Y
DOCTOR Thoio Colclimtcd IX(1I.ISH ( ;
Pllla are ix I'osltlvu Cure for Ski. ;
llcutlnclir , ItlltouitncR" , and !
OoiiMtlpatlon. Bmull , plcnt.S
PURE ant and n fuTorllo ullK the !
llva. 8ol4 In Kii Und for Ifl.
PINK il. , In America for 2Sc. Got ;
Ihcm from your PniKiW. or ;
eoml to IT. H. HOOKEI1 A CO. , ;
G il llroo.ln 7 , Hew YorJ. ;
For Sale by KUIIN & 00. and SHER
< " "
_ „ „ , , neuseisrs.un
National Bank
Capital $4OOOOO
ORlcorx anrt Dlroclord Honrjr W. Yntoi , I'reslrtontj
Lcvtla S. Heed. Vlco I'rmldont : ( i a Slnurlco , W.
V. Jtorso. John 8. Collins , IU C. Oushlng , J. N. II.
Patrick. W. II. S. Huplioi. Cnslilcr.
Corner I2tli and Knrnaui dts.
Gcnoral llunUIn ? Kuslnoss Transacted.
Corner 10th and Mason Streets.
New iHilldlnif , notr furniture , OIITJ tlilnz lint
clan * ; llnust location In tlio city ; nil modern Im
provements ; Htonm Heat ; ( inn : Cull llolU ; Ilnth
nnd Harbor Shop In connection : Klcclrlo und Cutilii
Curatonny pnrt of llio city. Try na nml bo cun-
vlnccd thnt wo IIUTO tlio licit IIOUBO for the money
went of Chicago. Unlus from 11.00 td fl.M per iluy
Centrally | | AU tbo Latest
ISrouil\vny 4lHt St. , K r Vorlc.
SafTtrtnif ( rain
tlio iltecU ( V
- youthful crro i
early clooaf , wtuitlnff weaknrss. lo t inuiUiuod , etc.
I will tend a valuable troatlsa ( a'nlaill coatulnlni
full Particulars for bema euro , I'llUli of rtmr i >
Arplencllil niwllc l work : ulumM Ixi read by oruri
man wlm U liorrom onil debilitated. Addrurt
Prof. V. C. 1'O WblUt. OIoudUB , C'uuui
Knticenf Jive Itnuiir un unler tltulitatl/l/j/ (
cents ; each lultlftbmtil line ten c'.nt * .
MILNKK-Uattivrltio K. . ttxcd"J yearn , U
nioiitliH , liilays , wlfiiuf II , K. Mllnur , of ty
phoid fovur , \VVdr.uidiiyuviiiilnv.Muiiluiii- -
! HT 1C , Is'I ! , iityllO ; o'clock. Funeral burvlcuH
frommslilonuc , liXISIinnniiiuivoimr , I'rlduy ,
HoploinherlH , iifturmion ut - o'clock , to Kur-
et Iiiiwn cmnotery.
COIjK Duvlil , itKiil Kl yearn , W ilneduy
morning , feptoinbor 10 , ut tlio tusldiiiico of
U. H. A n nun , KW Hnutli Twenty-Unit Hlreot ,
Notice of fiinurul will bu Klvon lioreufler.
I'AUMEliEK-Dan K. . ugcd TO years , on the
10th lust , Funeral from the ro.Mlcloiiuu of lilt
Hdii , K. A , rnrmulco , northeast corner
Twentieth unU Uorhy streets , at4o'cloulc
thl afternoon.
fiutlca t > J flat Ittimir icnuHtirlltli Iml , Kftit
tnti ; each auifltfniKil lint ten ccnti ,
The iiiuiubuMOf Uajiltol Ipdee No. 3 , Ancient
1'reo and Accepted Miihont , nr * ; rcitn. | ' * " ' < i 10
moiil ut KmMniiscni'n hull tomorrow , Tliurs-
ilny. Hetoinlir | 17 , alUiIW p. in. , loutluml tliu
funeral of ourluto brother , Dan H. I'lifiiiinuu.
Alunibura of Nubruaku Imlne No. I , ( Jovurt
No. II ttud Ku Johns No. "i are rrijnuslod to at
tend , alto sojourning Miibtur Jliuuns. lly
order of UKOIIUK Y. LiNiNdRii , Master.
HorHtord'H Aold IMnmplnite.
Imparts new oncrK.v to the brain
Giving the fooling and sense of increased In. ,
lollcetual ) > owor.
For Schlltz boor apply to 11. II. GrotU