THE OMAHA DAILY BEE , TIlW'BDAY SEPTEMBER 17 , 1891. THE OMAHA BEE. COUNCIL BLUFFS. OFFICE : - NO. 12 PEARL STREET. Delivered liy Carrier In niiy part of the City. II. W.T1I.TON , - MANAiJiil : , J Hii'lnns Ofilec . No. 43 / rt ' " Fntmvrn ' ' - Night Killtor . N' N. Y. P. LO. ' Council Bluffs Lumber Co. , coal. Croft's chattel lonns , tOI Kapp bloc * . If you wnntnntor In your yard or house eotolJIxby's , litt ( Merrlnm block. Charles Llndnll and Ada Johnson , both of Omntm , were married yesterday by lustlco Conci. J. U. McGlnnls and Adulo Butler- both of Pottnvvnttamlo county , were married yester day by Justice Hammer. Unity guild will meet lu regular session Friday afternoon ixt'JfllO p. m. , with Mrs. U. 11. Juckson , South First street. A social will bo hold In the parlors of iho First Presbyterian church this ovonlag. Supper will bo served nt 0 o'clock. Har'monv Chapter , No. 2. ) , Order of the Kaotcrn fcjtar , will hold Its rcRUlnr session this evening nt8 p. m , lu Masonichall. . A full attendance Is desired. I3y order of Worthy Matron. The Mutual Protectionists of Harrison and Pottawnttomlo counties will hold their an nual picnic next Saturday nt Parish's grove Among the speakers for the occasion are Colonel U. I ) . Dnlley , W. 11. Wimi and J. P. Organ of this city. The Young Men's Christian association drum corps started for the soldiers' reunion yesterday morning nt the hcau of the Coun cil HlulTs delegation. The new uniforms- , which have been bought for the boys , were put In use for the llrst time and they made u very line appearance. The cost of the uni forms wns about $100. News hns been locolvcd of the defalcation of Jonn Hcrmnnson. who formerly was In the clothing business In this city , tut for a couple of years past has been In the smnollno of business at Dillon and Cnstlc , Mont. It is ittntcd that bo closed o\it the business at the latter plnco nnd loft the countrv with tlio en tire nrocccds , amounting to about $ ii,000 in cash. cash.Tho The Missouri Valley Mcdicnl society will hold a mooting in this city today. A largo number of physicians from nil parts of the Missouri Valley nro expected to arrive dur ing tbo day. The exorcises of ttio convention proper will commence this evening , when the exercises of orgntibatton will be gone through with and several Interesting papers will bo read. The Grand hotel will bo the plnco of molting. The "Carnival of Nations" begins tomor row evening at the Broadway theater. Elaborate - orate preparations have been made , anil the dances of the various nations of Iho world will bo exhibited under the direction of Prof. W. E. Chambers. The proceeds of the en K. v * tertainment will bo devoted lo the Christalu Homo. There will bo thrco performances. Friday ana Saturday evenings and Saturday Inn tin co. George Smith was given a hearing in Jus- tlco Cone's court yesterday morning on the charge of committing a crlir.lnal assault on a little girl at Cut-OlT Island , and was bound over to await the action of the grand Jury. Ho was unable lo give bail for his appear ance , and was taken to the county Jail. Dur ing his examination ho w s closely watched by n deputy sheriff , who took him in charge ns soon ns ho had been bound over. It Is thought ho bus already been Indicted by the grand Jury , although no report hns been made yet. No Pake , But n Fact. Wo have dotormi nod to close out our busincfas in Council BiufTs. Our time is limited , und wo have marked down prices so low that goods will sell them selves in a hurry anil thus clear out our immense establishment. Wo will sell furniture , car pets , cooking and heating stoves. crockery , glassware , tinware , curtains , all sorts of housekeeping goods , foi- nearly one-half the usual prices. Nothing reserved. Everything must go , cost or no cost. The stock is complete. First come , first nerved. Those in debted to us must call and settle promptly , and save costs , as wo can Bhow no pnrtiulity. Mandol & Klein , 820 Broadway. Mrs. E. T. Shenn of Chlcapo Is visiting her is' or. Mrs. W. S. Bass on Seventh avenue. II. D. Sewing of llnrtington. Neb. , wns in jbo city vostcrday , the guest of his father- in-law , Houry Pa&chcl. A. W. Johnson wont to Sioux Fall' , S. D. , last night to represent iho Keystone Manu facturing company at the state fair. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Benjamin nnd daugh ter Kato of Kingston , Canada , nro the guests of Mrs. L. M. Colclough , 520 First avenue , Miss Maio Chapman , who has been spond- Inc n year or moro visiting In Colorado , has returned and Is visiting the family of F. II. Evans. Platted last year. Land cleared and grubbed , streets laid out and paved , houses built , sidewalk built , city water put in , streets ordered paved. A voar from now the whole addition will bo a bountiful park , well built up with flno houses and with nil modern convonioncos. Bountiful Mornincfsido. Narrow Escape. A young man who tends bar In Peter Beeh- tclo's saloon at the Junction of Main street nnd First nvonuo had a narrow escape yes terday. IIo was entering the elevator in the Baldwin blocK to go up htalrs , when the ele vator boy carelessly started the machine on Its upward course. The young man's head came Into contact witn tlio iron tramo won ; around the elevator shaft , and cnmo within nu ace ot carrying It along with him. The boy was horrlilcd at what ho had done , but ho had presence of mind enough to stop the elevator ns soon ns possible , so that the young man escaped with a very sere bead , out otherwise uninjured. Tnat Is whv there is a brand now elevaior boy la the Baldwin building this morning. Use Holler's Gorman i'llls , the great co n itlpallou and liver regulator. A Clianoi * . A chance not to bo had every day , for this or while they last the Boston Store , Council BlulTs , will oiler 5,000 yards flno French sutino , beautiful patterns , nt the ridiculous price of lOc n yard , as cheap ns calico , taking the width into consid eration ; lor qunlitv every ono knows n French batlno. BOSTON STORK. Council UlulTs. Now Kind of Medicine. John Mnher , charge : ! with assault with In- lent to kill , wns to have had n hearing In pollco court yesterday morning , his case hav ing boon sot for that time by Judge McGco , who had Issued an order for Annlo Manor , the prosecuting witness , to be arrested nnd brought In to prosecute her caso. She and Mnher had patched up each other's lacerated feelings , nnd they mutually decided not to nppcar In court. When tbo case was called and neither respou bed , JudgoMcGco declared the bond which had boon deposited with tbo city clerk forfeited for want of nppearancu. lr , F. P. Bellinger wn& bondsman , and the amount of the bond was f.'OO , Both Maher mud the woman have dlsnppcarcd from the city , nnd Dr. Uollmgor'a chances for getting ills money out of either of them do not seem flattering. Gesjlor'sMaglolleaoaono Wafers. Curosal headaches In .1) ) minutes. At all dr The addition of two public parks. Swanson muslo company , 333 Broad way. _ Now fall goods , finest line in the city , Just received ut Holtor's the tailor's , 310 Jlroadway. HEWS FROM COUNCIL BLUFFS , Young Dalton'fl ' Death Caused by HU Own Oirilossness. WHAT THE CORONER'S ' JURY LEARNED , AftciAttcmlliiB the Primaries tlio Vomiir Mint \Vciit Out With Some 1'VIomls Ho Fount ! the Tracks. Frank Dalton , a young man living at the corner of First avenue and Fifteenth street with his parents , was run over shortly after 12 o'clock yesterday monnncr by a Burlington - ton engine with eight cars attached , at the corner of Lourtoonth street and First avenue. Doth legs were cut off , one above the knee and the other below , and the severed parts were crushed and mangled In n horrible man ner. The engine wns backing toward the local depot , with the cars attached to the cowcatcher. At the time of the accident the train was inovlni ? very slowly , so that when It atrucK the young man it was easily stopped nt the ilrst scream from him before anything but the tender had passed over the body. Dalton was picked up and carried home , where Dr. Lnev was called to attend him. Ho lingered until 2:30 : o'clock , when ho c'.lod. Coroner Waterman empanelled n jury and held an inquest yesterday morning in Estop's undertaking looms. From the testimony of these who had been with the young man fcborlly before his death , It appeared that he was under the Influence of liquor , and that ho wns lying on the track when the train came along. David Hutchins , an undo of the dead man , stated that ho had attended the Fifth ward caucus with his nephew , and that shortly after they arrived at the schoolhouse - house where Iho caucus wns hold ho lost sight of the young man. John Peterson testified that after the bal loting had boon completed ho left the school house with Dalton and a unmoor of compan ions , nnd spent the time from 10 o'clock until 11 In going the round of the saloons , where they drank about ten glasses of beer apiece. At 11 o'clock ho loft D.iltou with some other men in front of a saloon nearly across from the Ogden houso. Where Dalton went after that ho could not say. Some of the train men who carried Dalton to his homo stuto that ho told them ho was drunk. After the jury , which consisted of O. II. Lucas , W. II. Hoblnson and S. Covalt , had hoard the testimony , retired , and in a short time returned with a verdict stating that the deceased came to his death by.being run over by n train on the Burlington road. The company and its employes weio freed from nil blame. _ DoWItt'i Little barly ttisors ; best little pills for dyspepsia , sour stomach , bad breath. Democrat ! ) . All day long the democratic primaries nnd the scenes enacted thereat formed ono of the main topics of conversation on the street cor ners. There may bo democrats who think that everything passed off in an eminently proper manner , but if there nro such they managed to keep out of sight. In every ward tnoro were rumblings of discontent , nnd in nearly every ward the discontent manifested itsolf'in out nnd out war. The better class of the democracy are dis gusted with the way ia which things were managed , and on all sides could bo heard re marks made to the effect that they would not bo counted in with such a crowd any longer. The republicans , on the other band , arc considerably encouraged , and the general opinion among them is that by doing a little judicious wire-pulling there is no reason why they should not elect a county ticket. The democrats nro divided hopelessly over the trcasuroshlp , there being nt least four tickets in the Held , to say nothing of several more that are likely to bo sprung on the party at the convention. There is not so much interest manifested in the outcome of the contest over the ofllco of sheriff , as the local democrats have como to the conclusion that they cannot got both offices , nnd the proper thing for them to do is to work with all iheir might for ono. The candidates for sheriff however , have not lain do'vn , nnd some vigorous lighting may bo looked for yet. Charles Walters is probably in the best spirits of any of the candidates for the shriov- nly from this cltv. Ho states that out of the forty-seven delegates elected night before last nearly forty will veto for htm , and ho also claims Hardin , Washington and Wave- land townships as his very own. Knowing democrats , howovtr , insist that Walters is entirely too previous with his calculations nnd that his chances nio practically worthless - loss > DeWltt's Little Early Kisers for the liver m Mornlngstdc. Lots sold on monthly payments at low interest. _ Drs. Woodbury , dentists , 30 Pearl street , next to Grand hotel. Telephone 145. High gratia work a specialty ! Tlio lindollct Boiicflt. A largo audience was present last evening nt the benellt tendered Mr. Frank Badollet in the Broadway theater. Au attractive pro gramme was rendered by well known Omaha and Council Bluffs musicians. Mr. Bndollot played with his usual excellence and wns heartily encored after his first appearance. The "T. K. " uunrtotto of Omaha won the distinction of having three encore ? , nnd oven 'then the audicuco would not have been content had it not been for the largo amount that was still to follow. Master Charles Hipgins won n deserved recall after his violin solo , the "Fantasia on William Tell. " by Do Boriot. Mrs. A. A. Bolknay of DCS Molncs was also warmly applauded. Besides these there were selections by Miss Lena Sims , W. L. Murphy , I. M. Troynor , the Council BlulTs Mandolin club , the Strvken-Blaas-Lust club and a quartette of Uoehiu flutes consisting of Messrs , Abbott , ICarbaeh , Hectors and Bndol- let , all of which were well received. Misses Pearl Chamberllu and Daisy Hlgglns , nnd Mr. J. II. Sims acted ns accompanists for the various soloists In a very acceptable manner. Mr. Badollet loaves next week for INew Yorlc where ho will pursue his musical studies dur ing the coming winter in the National con servatory. Ho takes with him the best wishes of a largo number of friends in this city and in Omaha. A very small pill , but a very good ono. Do Witt's Little Early Klsors. The streets tire ordered paved. Bella Robinson , concert , pianisto and teacher. Studio , 110 Broadway. Governor's Iteeeptlon. Governor Bolos arrived In the city last evening at 0 o'clock aud was mot nt the depot by W. 11. M. Pusoy nnd S. B. Wads- worth. Ho was taken to the Grand hotel for supper , after which , from 7 o'clock until 8 , ho held an Informal reception In the corridor , to which everyone was very welcome. A largo number took advantagu of the oppor- ' Positively cured by CARTER'S these Little IMlls. They also relieve Dis tress from Dyspepsia. In 1TTLE digestion and Too llaarty Kattmr. A perfect rem edy for Dizziness. Nausea , Drowsiness , Bad Taste Ui the Mouth , Coated Tonguo. rain in the Side , TOHPID LIVEK. They regulate ttio Dowela. Purely Vegetable. SHALL PILL , SMALL DOSE , SMUL PRICE , tunlty to ihnko hands with a ronl llvo g-iv- ornor , and they scorned to en joy It hugely. After ttio reception I ho governor was taken to tlio Broadway the.tter , whom ho listened to n part of the programme of the Badollot must- calo. Ho leaves this morning for Onnxvn where ho will speak thlq ovcnln ? . Governor Doles wag accompanied b ? Congressman William M. Springer of Springfield , 111. , Chairman 13d Hunter of the stnto central conlinlltco nnd it. C. Shaver niul Sam M , Burdott of the Chicago Herald. These gott- tloincn nnd Messrs. Pusey. Wadsworih , Casudy mul Uohror occupied the governor's box at the theater. Preparations nro bolng made for the annual display at the Council Bluffs mlliinorv parlors , 321) ) Bro.ulwny , and Misses Sprink ft , Fonron promises the ladles of this city nnit vicinity some- thine that will agreeably surprise thoin. VofitH Having qulto n few of the ladles' Swiss and Halo Vobts on hand yet \vo have decided to run them another week nt the sacrlllco price. Ladles light weight ribbed cotton vests , -Ic. Ladies' Egyptian cotton vests ( shaped ) , 9c , or 3 tor Hoc. Ladies medium weight Swiss vests , former prlco 2oc , now 17c. Lust but the best bargain , ladies' Egyptian Halo vests , ISc goods , for 2oc. At the Boston Store , Council BldlTH , In. Fnnlnl wild the CPII'UIS. A. S. Bradley of Stain , Taylor county , la. , wns brought Into the city yesterday under the wing of a United States deputy marshal for n hearing on the clmrgo of refusing to obey the census law. According to the story told by ttio authorities , Bradley is the proud possessor at a mortgage on a piece of land In Taylor county , nnd a blank was son t for him to bo tilled out , stating the amount of the mortgage and other particular ; , In accordance - cordanco with the census law. Ho not only refused to till out iho blank , but ho wrote what was considered a very Impertinent let ter to the head of the department. Ho was taken heforo Commissioner Hunter yester day afternoon nnd given a hearing. Ho wn-t bound over to the federal grand Jury , and was placed under bonds of f-JiX ) for his ap pearance for trial. MornlnHide. . City water in front of every lot. MnrningHldc. The Iruth of the matter is that Morn * ingsido is as pretty a place naturally as onb can find for a homo , and that it has been laid out to the best advantage possible - siblo , and is being rapidly improved. Good Morning-side. Republican Primaries. The republican primaries to select delo- gutcs to the county convention on Thursday , September 24 , will bo hold at the following places on Saturday , September 19 , at b p. in. First Ward At 51. S. Hoop's shop and select elclit deloRiites. f-econd Wiird At city building and solcct cloven delegates. Third Ward At republican headquarters mul .select eight delegates. Fourth Ward At county court house and select eiirht delegate * ; . rifth Ward At I'lmrles Shields' htoro and solcct sldelegates. . Sixth Ward At IKUS West Uroadwny and select four delegates. Table Ijinens ami Muslins. When in search of a nice table coverer or table napkins , or anything in the way of mublins stop into the Bobton Store , Council Blurts. They arc headquarters for everything in that lino. Our low prices always load. A pleasure to show goods. Boston Store , Council BlulTs , la. Don't visit it without taking a stroll through Graham park. Frank Triinbloatty , Baldwin blktcl 30J Picnic at Manhattan beach. .Round trip tickets from Omaha , including boat ride , 60o ; on sale at news stands at Millard - lard and Murray hotels. St. Louis Mining Quotations. BT. Louis. Mo. , Sept. 10. Closing : B&GGILLIJN BLOOD. Kcccnt experiments ns read before the last Congress of Surgeons at Berlin , leave no doubt that the true way to CLEAR THE SYSTEM OF MICROB1 is through the pores of the skin. It has been found that a remedy which kills the Mi- crobl will also destroy the life of the patient ; but it has also been found that the Microbl can be forced out through the skin , and it is in this way that ® < S | 4jJ relievca the system of poison. SlgSfjia ; ? SUFFERED much from Contagious - gious Blood Poison , after Uing half a dozen bottles of [ irxr55 j I was KESIOH- ED TO rciiFECT laaBSflgal HEALTH , nnd all eruptive sores disappeared. You are at liberty to make any use of my statement that you wish. J. CKOBIIV BirjtON , 208 Third Avenue , Pittsburg , Pa. Trcatlso on Blood end Skin diseases mailed free. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO. . Drancrl Atlutuu , GlU SPECIAL NOTICES. COUNCIL BLUFFS. WANTKD-Two blacksmiths nt Keys Ilros. ' Ciirrlupo factory , Council IllufTH , TT1OH SALK A nlco quint UUKKy liorso ; or -L will trnilo for u draught liorso. C'all at T , Colo's. 8'r > Avo. K. WAM'I'D Klrst-olnss Imrni'ssimiknr ut W Wrltu toU. O. Deppo , IniOKotic , In. I71OH KENT Nicely fiirnlshod fiont room JL' with or without bocrd. Hottm-ncus. HOD I'oiirlh tivemio. IAIUVOYANOE. mind runrtliiR or I'sy- I'hoinutry. Dlsousus ot nil kind dlitpnosod inul trcntud with hot baths nnd mus ngo. All letters promptly nuiwoicd. Ulllce lioum , U u m. to 10 p. in. No. H.- ' . uvuiiuo K , near cor , 13th btreot. T71OU KENT I will rent the whole or pint of Jmy house , corner 1st nvoinie undBth street. I'urmicoutur , BUS mul butli room , Mrs. L. f. lUilliml. OlO AOIli : IOWA t'AUM AT , " 0 1'CH ACRE. W and ICO nuro ( ami. Largo list. Johnson & Van I'utli'ii. WANTED-At Grand hotel , woman pastry cook. Good wtigca. Also furnUli an assistant. \V ANTEI-At Cirnnd hotel , cliiimlioniinldsi i good wages for these coming well rouom- moniied. W ANTED Two Rood girls nt Krninott houso. No , IM' , ' outli Blxtb street. I7IOH SAI.R or Kont-Gnrdon land with J.1 housus , by J. It. Illuu , 101 Jlnln al. , Courtcll IHu IT a. niB Steve DoHlH by Cole & Colo. It Is easy to got swindled on a stove. Good polish and nU-kol cover poor Iron. Light cheap goods arc often moro showy thun goods worth twice us much money. Wo nro not sell ing out In quit uiiMnuhs every full ; wo nro hero to stay. Our reputation for giving value lui'ehtul to our uustoint'r.s luis liullt up for us a largo nnd growing trade , \Vo hnvo pur chased for cash llvo car loads of stoves ut lower urlcos and bettor irootla than wo have over buforo offered the public , IteniGinbcr vie can soil you n cook steve from J5.00 totlui.OO : u heater from f.LUJ to iT5.W. The celebrated Hiulhmt Homo nnd I' . I' . Btowart heators. the best ever offered. Wo uro solo agents for the John Van Mot stool rungcs , tlio Htownrt cook stoves , the Itadmnt Homo ranges everybody como und SCB goods and get prices. Always pleased to chow goods to nnyono In terested. Will sell on payment where desired without extra chargu , Cole At Cole , 41 fllnlu Street. SoutlnVcst Corner 15th and Douglas Streets. ISO ? PLxOOR. ' MEN'S SUITS. Fall and Winter Suits , made -by our own factory , for men of fashion , for men of business , and for men of leisure. They are suits that will gracefully become any one of you , and the most astonishing feature you'll notice about them will be the extremely low prices marked on the dangling tickets. We'll show you many new fabrics in suitings this fall. WE'LL KIT YOU I'KRFECT , OR GIVE YOU THE surr. If you've got a suit in mind for the near future , you'll detect no mistakes in the make-up of this line. 2ND FLOOR : Youiif Men's ' , Youths' , Boys' and Children's Clothing. Excellent styles this fall. No slight visible in the manu facture of garments for this department. WE KKOW that boys make men. We'll start you right in point of dress. All suits on this iloor are money-savers to economists. They've got the style to " 'em , " the fit's perfect , and the price often less than paid for slop-shop. BOYS , bring your MOTHERS , and MOTHERS , bring your BOYS , and see how neat and how cheap you can be fitted out from a first-class stock. 3RD FLOOR : We Devote to Overcoats. The best light in the city. Our present stock of fall weight , medium weight , dress and general wear Overcoats you'll visit the ends of the earth and locate no finer or better assortment , and our prices , like quality and style , WILL HEAR well the light of day. IN FURNISHING GOODS AND HATS we're equally well prepared for you. Come early , come often and come in numbers. Browning , Kini RELIABLE CLOTHIERS , " S. W. Corner 15th and Douglas. SEND FOR OUR NEW CATALOGUE. Just tde same AND SO DOES MADE ONLY BY N.K.FAIRBANK&CO. CHICAGO. You can Become Hoard $2. A Teacher , Hxpcnscs Low. A Bookkeeper , Send for Circular. A Stenographer , . \'oV\Y. \ \ S. Paulson , 'y A Typewriter. Council Bluffs. OF COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. Paid Up Cnpitu ! $100,000 Olilon ort'nnl eil bank In the city foreign nnd dotnosllo cxclmnKo nnd local sucurltlui. l > [ iilclnl attention mid to collection * Account ) nf In.llUd * unK binki. liiinVorn nnit corporation ) oollcltu I. ( "orronpnmlonoo Invited. Gio. : T. SA.NMWI ) . 1'rotldcnt. A. W. HUIICMAN , Cn.hlor. A. T HICK , Assistant Caililor. FRANCIS \ ACADEMY INIAKDING AM ) DAY SCHOOL. FIFTH AVENUE AND SEVENTH ST. Can bo reached from any of the depots on motor. Conducted by the Sisters ot Charity , U. V. M. TIjKMS Tor nnd tuition , embracing nil branches ot ; i Ilnlshed o.lucutlon foryo ing ladles , 475 for so-tslon ot llvo months , ooin- moiiclni ; Hist Monday In September and Feb ruary , respectively. For fui thcr p irlloulan address. SISTER PUl'EUIOH , St. Trancls Academy , Council IllulTs. la. Attorneys at law. I'rao UL.O | , , tlio st.Uo an.l federal court' ) . Knoms .t. 4 and 5 Shugart llcno block. Council 111 nits. la. HI fllinihorc Attorney at Iaw , No 19 . J , l/UulllUUS / , [ streat , over Ihisli- noll's store. Telephone No. 2A Iliiblnosj lioms. k a. in. toll p. m , Council HI arts , 11. W. C. ESTEP , 14 N. Main St. , Council Bluffs. Funeral Director and Embalmor. COUNCIL BLUFFS STEUM DYE WORKS , All kinds of Dyoln andOlcanlng done In Urn lilchcit style of the art. Kmlod and stained fabrics made to look us good as now. lieu feather * cleaned by steam In llnt-uluss mam ner. Work promptly done ami delivered In all purls of the country. Bind for price list. 0. A. MAt'MAN , - - I'HOI'ICII'.TOU. 10J Hroadw.iy , Near Northwcs orn lo pol COUNCIL llLUFFil. IOWA. OTMSlTlfEBAM Or Council Bluffs. CAPITAL STOCK . $150,000 SURPLUS AND PROFITS . 70,00 ! ) TOTAL CAPITAL AND SURPLUS . $225,000 I. A. Miller. R O. Glea on , B. T * , II T ; . 11 irt , J. I ) . Kdmumlsmi. Chariot K llanniin. Transact goner. il bunking busl * ncs . LarRcst capital and surplus of any bank In bouthwu.itorn Iowa. NTS.REST ON TIME DEPOSITS THE GRAND Council Bluffs. la. THIS ELEGANTLY APPOINTED HOTEL IS NOW OPEN. N. W. TAYLOR , Manager. AND EYE AND EAR INFIRMARY. For the Treatment of all Chronic and Surgi cal Diseases , Perfectly equipped with , every facility , apparatus and remedy for the successful treatment of every form of disease requir ing medical or surgical treatment. MOST COMPLETELY ANTI-SEPTIC OPERATING ROOM , and best hospital accommodations in the west. Board and at tendance at reasonable rates. The business of the Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute , formerly conducted at 9th and Harney streets , by the late Dr. J. W. McMenamy , has been removed across the river to 26th street and Broadway Council Bluffs , la. , where every case and any and all con tracts , old or new , are receiving prompt and skillful attention We refer by permission to patients we have cured. Write for circular on Deformities and Braces , Trusses , Club Feet , Curvature of the Spine , Piles , Tumors , Cancer , Ca rrh.Bronchitis , Inhalation , Electricity , Paralysis , Epilepsy , Kidney , Bladder , Eye , Ear , Skin and Blood , and all sur' ica operations. Deformities of the Hilman Body. Brace Dept , RACES , TRUSSES , and nil manner f surgical appliances , manufactured to ardor and a lit guirantaol. : : The brace department h unilor the oluvr j of J. P. Webber bor , who was Dr. McMoniuny's brace maker for years , and who is unreservedly recommended by the medical profession us being the bodt brvoamvkor In lU United States. < * i In this department we are especially successful. Our claims for superiority over all others are based upon the fact that this is the only medical establishment manufacturing surgical braces and appliances for each individual case , We have three skilled instru ment makers in our employ , with improved machine ry , and have all the latest inventions , as well as our own patents and improvements , the result of twenty year's experience. 144 PAGE BOOK , Illustrated Sent Free to any Address DISEASES OP WOMEN A SPECIALTY. Book on Diseases ot Woman Froo. Only Rollablo Modlciil Institute innklnjr a Spoolalty of Prlvato Diseases A blood discuses successfully treated. Syphilitic Pounn removed Iroiu the system without mercury. Now restorative tro ilmeiit for loss of Vital 1'owor. Persons uiiablo to visit us may bo treated at liome by correspondence. All commuuicatioiiB coiillilontiul. Medicines or instruments bent by mail or express , securely piolted , iiu marks to indicate contents or sender. Ono personal interview preferred. Cull and consult ns or send history of your case , and wo will send in plain wrapper , on BOOK TO MEN , FREE ; upon private , special or nervous diseases , Impotency , Syphilis , Gleet and Varicocolo , with question list. Address t MEDICAL AND SURGICAL INSTITUTE , , - 26th and Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa ,