Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 15, 1891, Page 6, Image 6

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Wheat Ruled Nervously Strong Throughou
the Entire Session.
Trntlcru I.ont Knlili In ilio Ecnn
Imter In the Uny nnrt Mnn-
Ifcstotl nn Unennjr Dlsjiost-
tlun In
OiiiCAno , III. . Sent. 14. Wheat hai rtilci
nervously strong throughout Ihu session
Thcro wore occasional weak spots , but III
mntkrt showed Rood rallying power. Tli
opening of the session wus n fraction ever ' . '
over Ihu Saturday's close , uticl the close vtn
IKo higher. I'nrls cables reported a stroiij
market In Uvorpool with quotations u lull
penny higher on spot niul a half pciinv hlijliu
on futnrep , wlillo the continental market
wore firm nnd In hotter tone. This , In connoc
lion with the fact Unit the alliance was send
Ing out another "Hold your wheat" clreula
made the shorts very nervous and there \va
good covering , December opened at fromUC'i
to fCyo against fKiUc at the close on Saturday
advanced to OTlic , lint cased olt some 01
realizing sales.
The enormous receipts held the market li
check HOIIIO , there being ( . > cars hero am
about 1,800 cars In the northwest ; but then
was llttlo disposition to fid I , and , otitsld
markets showing strength , the fcollnit wa
Ki'iiorally ilrm. Later In the day the news o
Oreut llrltaln'H action In the Dardanelles mat ,
ter caused a tttampi'do of shorts tn cover am
speculative buying put the prlco up toliA'.tc
then realizing sales broke the price to ! )7 ) ? c
the trade losing some faith In the war scare
Mews of wet weather In the I'nlted Kliigdiin
again sent the prlco to U8ic ! and the close wa
bluaily at07aC.
The Increase In the visible supply was i
Btrcnxlhcnlnx fcaturi" , as It was much lus
than had been looked for. The closing re
ported a decline of 2 marks In Ilcrlln and 1
centimes oir for October at Paris.
Corn opened weak on the enormous receipts
thu absence of fiost and free selling. Purlni
tlio llrst half hour September sold down li
G2c. October InKUio and Jiay to 43.i ! < . ' . lu
thnbiilgu In wheat started good buying am
thcro waM a sharp reaction. September sclllni
to ( VlUe , October Mi'ic and May to 4P6c. Onto
her was rnndo stroiiKcr than tbu other future
and closed at an advance of-igc cornparei
with Siitniday's close , wlillo September wa
nnchaimed to half a cent lower and Muy un
Oats were weak at the start , but strength
ened with other cereals , though fluctuation !
were confined to live-eighths of a cent. 1'ro
visions opened weak but rallied with corn
eaBlng oil later and closing ullghtly lowe
tlnin on Saturday.
The leaning futures ranged as follows :
WllKAT-No. 2
Boptcmbor. . 05 t JI.VM $ 74' .
December. . . V8U .17 ?
Mny 10IK 1 Olj
Coa.v No.2
Hoptomber. . C2l !
October 63 SB *
OATS -No , 2
September. , 28 23 Si V
October ' ' 232SJ : 275s
Jlny 32' : i2 l s\\ \ \
October 10 U 10 nr 10 MX 10 f > 2- !
December . * 10 SO nrI5 ! 10 80 10 62' ' .
Jnnunry. . . . 1300 13 HIM 12 OTJ.
September. . 7 00 fi 85 700
October 7 125- 7 J5 1 10 7 12-
January. . . . 7 22 } , 7 KM 7 20
September. . 7 15 7 15 7 05 7 10
October 1 ! t > V4 li 85 6 bo
Jnnunry. , . . 0 112)4 ) t ; 80 (183 (
Cash quotations were as follows :
Fi.oiTii Steady , unchanged ; prices 1020i
lower than n week HKO.
WHEAT No. 2 snrim : wheat , ni'Sc ' ; No
8 sprlnK wheat , HI ® : No. 2 rod , UPic.
CORN No. 2 , ( WHe.
OATS No. ! ! , 27'5o ' ; No. 2 white , 20'ic
Ko. 3 wliltr ) , 28H-8ljc.
UVK No. 2. Wilic.
IlAiuiv No. 2 , 01 < aG2c : No. 3 , 42G610 f. o. b.
No. 4 , 3. > ® , ' )0o f. o. b.
Ii'r.AXPKKn No. 1 , tl"c.
TIMOTIIV SEKD Prime. JI.24O1.25.
I'oitK JIcss pork , per barrel. $10.50 : lard
per ewt. , JO.OOH7.00 : sliort ribs sides ( loose )
7,1C7.15 ; dry salted shoulders ( boxed ) . $4.0 !
< 3C.7. > : short clear sides ( boxo'l ) , { 7.85Q7.00.
WIH8KUV Distillers' finished goods , per ? al
StioAita Unclmnsod ; cut lonf. rViJT c.
Kecelpts and shipments today were as fol
lows :
On the produce oxulmnco today the buttei
market WUR stonily and unchanged ; fancy Kl
Kin dairy , 2324e ; line western , 2utc : : selected
dairy , 17llij ) ; ordinary. WSlGc. E gs , 10l7c.
Now Vorlc Markets.
NEW YOIIK , Sept. 14. Kr.ouit Uecolpts , 33,2(51 (
paokiiKt's ; exports , 5,0 0 barrels , 11,271 sacks
market Irregular. elosiiiK steady ; fall
trade : sales , 25,100 barrels ; choice family
. . .
COIIN MUAL Quiet , steady ; yellow western
WIIKAT liecelpts , 4tltOO ! ) busliols ; exports
SG ! > , ( i ! bushels ; sales , 5,770,000 bushels of fu
tures and 278.1HO busliols otppot. Spotmarkol
opened weaker : closed stronger with option )
fairly active ; No. 2 rod , lfl.o.ffil.ii2J ( { In store
ami elevator ; ll.U-'VjSil.iU.'a alloat ; fl.UJJi
< ai.04'i f. o. b. : No. 3 red. t)3io ) ! ; ungraded
red. WcQtl.Otm : No. 1 northern. tl.Oiy ? No. 1
lianltl.lNll4optlonsadvancod ; lJ2con flrmei
osibh's and war talk abroad , foreign buylnc
and shorts covering , declined ! 434C on roal-
IzliiK , closed steady at © 'So over Saturday ,
No. 2 rod. September , $1.02501.0 : ) , closing * 1.02U ;
October. * 1.U1.04 " > 5. closing Jl.oaiJ " ; iNovem-
Hvt : Steady : uulot ; western , 07o.
Htouks of craln In Htoro and alloat Soptoin-
bor 12 : Wheat , 3,47ll.r)07 busliols : corn. 3W,4J
bushels : oalsfMll77bushels ! ; ryo,4llb87bush
els : malt , UI.WiS bushels : poas. 4.ri07 busliols.
IIAllliKV Quiet : No. 2 Slliwaukee , 74a7io.
( JOHN Icoelpl8,07i50 ( ( bn : exports. S2i : 4 bu ;
fales. WiOOO'J bit of futures : 21Ujo bu of spot ,
spot market dull. strniiKor ; No. 2 , 7lffi72o In
months. September , cYliS'tJSo , ' closln ? " OSc ;
October. , Bi44iU4c ; ! ! , closing li4e ! ; Novem-
upr , UlMffidie. closing 020 : Jiinua'ry , f > 'J5iaio : ,
"I * bn'-J'Ci ' iy' 52 > 'lii3it : ) ; ; < OIOi'u ' ' K''ioi '
lcc -
OATS-Hecofpts , 2(11,000 ( bushels ; exports.
J.GOO bushels ; sales. 500,000 biibbols ot futures.
and 1.I7.00U bushels of spot. Spot market
lower , moderately active , heavy. Options
more nctlvo. weaker ; September , ftKiilHo
olosliisiuo ; October. XlUCKHKc. closing
8lll1DlllRl 03o ; E0 ° a to choice ,
" Ooi-KKE-Optlons . opened irregular. HO to 40
SuaAU-ltaw , firm ; sales , 772 bags ; crntrlfn-
pals , M test , II 7-105130 : 81S bags molasses sugar ,
totost,211-lflo : rollnod firm ; fair demand.
MOLABSES Now Orleans , fairly active , firm ;
common to fancy , " 8JKt2c.
KICK I'lrm ; good demand ; fair to extra , 50i !
OS7ot Japan , SJiasjic.
I'ETiipi.KUM-Oponed steady , nnd after a
illglitdeolltiQln thu onrly trading advanced
e. elosliiB firm , rcnnsylvanlaoll : Sppt open
ing at Mo ; highest , fiOc ; lowest. Mo ; closing.
Wo ; October option , opening at Mo ; highest ,
Wie ; lowest , ( o ; oloslnir.MJio , Lima oil , no
tales. Total sales , uu.ooobbls ,
TALLOW Dull , stronceri scarce ,
OUT .MuATS-l'Irnu pickled bullies , kSO > io ;
plokled Bhouldora , tiyeujic.
Mimn.i : * Weak.
I , AIID Weaker ; wnstorn stoAin , f.35 ; tales ,
I.U50 tierces at fu7.37l : ( ; options sales , 5iX
tlurcoj ; October , } 7.U17.UO , cloilne. t7.3l bid ;
December , (7.4U ; January. )7.52iQ7.5 ; closing ,
lltiTTEH Qulot ; firm ; western dairy. 1K4
ISoi western oroaniery , ' ; western tuo-
-lory , HWftlS to : Klaln , 2Su ( ; ) iu.
CIIKKSK Qulot , tinner ; western , C-asiJo ; part
I'lo" IKON Qulot , unchanged ; American ,
. . ,
Coi'i-Eit-Oull ; lake , Boptombcr , 112.30 ; lake ,
October , * I3.30 ,
LKAD-Steudi ; domestic , fl.47i. !
TjN-Uull , steady ! btrnlts , t20.oo.
St. I/ottls SlnrfcotH.
BT. Louis. Ma , Sept. H. WHEAT Hlghon
lush , 03 > i'e : December , UTiic.
OOIIN Ijowor ; cash , BOO ; September , 5s
OATS Lower : cash,2Uio ! ; October , 2se.
I'oitK Steady i * 11.25.
liAiit > Steady : { 0.80.
Liverpool Markets.
WuiAt-FJriu , deoiaod
noori lioldcn offer sparingly ! California No
1 , 8s Tliniff'11 * Bd rio r cuntal ; No. i winter , 7i
10d7s lusjd percental.
UOIIN htcady , dcmaccl ooorj mixed west
ern , C M per cental.
I'KAS l/'anadlan , OiOil per cental.
LAitu 1'rlmo western. 33s Dd per cwt.
Kniirmfl City Markets.
KANSAS CITV. Mo. , Sept. H. KLOUH In good
demand antl firm ,
WiiKAT-Dnll nnd lower : No , 3 hard , cast :
and September , 76o bid ; No.2 red , cash , 83 <
bid Coitx Lower ! No. 2 , cash , file bid ; Scptom
her , MUn bid ,
OATS-I'lrm ; cash , 28c ; September , S74c ! bid
IlilTTKit I'irm and unchnngcd ; creamery
! dairy. 12Q18c.
KddR-Stoudy at inc.
rf heat , 60,540 ; corn , 6SO ; oats
HlltrJlE.NTS Wheat , 105,690 ! corn. 3,500 ! oats
non ° . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Clnolniiiul . 'Markets.
OiNCtN.vATr. O. , Sept , 11. WHEAT In gooi
demantl ; No. S rod , o c.
COIIN In modnrate demand ; No. 2 mixed ,
( JAM-r.aslcr ; No , 2 mixed. 3233e. !
M lhvaiilcet ; Onilii Murlcot.
MILWAUKEE Wli > . . Sept 14. WIIBAT I'lrm :
No. 2 spring , cash , unai-'c : December Ul',4c.
COIIN Kasleri No. 3 , cash .WJWJo.
OATH-Kaslcr ; No. 2 , white. : ilc.
Toledo Grnln Market. , O. , Sopt. 14. WiiUAT Easj ; cash
and September , IKc.
UOIIN Dull ; cash , file.
OA-J S Quiet , cash , ; jfl",4c.
lirltlsli Grain Trade Ilcvlow.
LONDON. Sept. 14. Thn Mark Lane Express ,
In Its weekly tevlew ot tlio lirltlsli grain trade
nays : Now KngllHh wheat Is liberally olVered ,
Heds are quoted at ! I"M and wliltes at ICs. For
eign ban fallen heavily. At Liverpool price ;
have fallen 4tl per cental and at London is nci
quarter. I < argo arrivals of Indiana , Kiisslati
and American have helped the depression ,
KOI ! winter and Oallfonilacargocsdocllncd 2s ,
( 'nrn Is weak and prices have fallen Od both
for nuar and future delivery. Harlcy and oats
nro tin let. At today's market the prices ol
wheat were still In the buyer's favor ; now red
Kngllsh whoatH were iiuotcd at from Ills to 33s ,
and white * at from 37s to 411s. Korelgn wheats
were stoaolcr. 1'lour was down Cd per saclc.
STO VliS A.\'l > J O.V US.
NEW YOUK , Sept. If. The slock market to
day was rather less actlvo than the nvoi-azo
of last week and dlsp'.nylng on the whole
rather more of the reantlonary t cm pot1 than
was usual of late , though the losses suffered
were of no moment outside of the leading act
lvo shares , tlio market showing a narrowing
tendency and remaining without special fea
ture In the general list. Tlio buying today
was nut of an urgent nature and while en
couraged by some foreign purchases , the Lon
don houses were also seller ; ; to a limited ex
The opening of the market was made In
most stocks at advances extending to
one-half of I per cent , but the boars
brought prcs uro to boar Immediately.
and tlio opening prices In ninny
cases wore the highest of the day. Tno early
weakness , however , nceomu'lshed most of the
losses sulTercd , and was most conspicuous In
Union Pacific , Missouri 1'aolflo and Lr.cka-
wanna.although tlio wholocompo tat tvo stocks
yielded largo fractions. The low priced shares
were In no way prominent In the dealings
today and attention was concentrated by a
larger extent than of late In the loading shares.
Tlio weak , feverish and declining tendency In
prices lasted until well In the afternoon ,
where the pressure to sell abated perceptibly
and dullness once moro marked the trading
outside ot a few stocks llko Atchlson , Dis
tillers St. 1'aul and some others.
U.'ho rush to cover shorts then made itself
manifest and ut the satno tlmo the conces
sions In prizes Induced considerable buying
for the long account which Increased In volume -
umo as tlio time Were along. The list moved
up. but Hlchmond & West I'olnt lost almost
all of Its early rise. though the
preferred letalncd all of It. Distillers
was tlio great feature ot the afternoon.
moving up from 30U pnr cent , to 51 per cent , on
the announcement that the trust had at last
made arrangements with the outsldo distil
leries by whioli It would have complete con
trol of the business. In tbu late dealings New
Kngland became a feature , making one of Its
sudden and Inexplicable advances , The mar
ket llnally closed strong with most of the list
nt about the opening figures. Tlio final
changes are generally slight valiis , but Now
Kngland Is up IJi per cent and Distillers 3)t )
per cent.
Government bonds liavo been dull and
steadier. State bonds have been dull and
The following are the closing quotations for
the leading stocks on the Now York stock ex
change today :
The total sales of stocks today wuro 231.001
shnros Including Atchlson , i ; > , .r,7U ; Canada
Southern , 11,13.1 ; Delaware , finckawanna A :
Western. 0,5liO ; Krlo , ITO. . ' ) ; LouiHVlllo & Nash-
vllo. 7,470 ; SIlssouvl 1'aclllc , 3,7 : > 4 ; Northern
1'aoine proferrcd. 3,305 ; Ueading. 5..VJO ; Hlcli-
inoiid & West I'olnt , 10.41 ; ; St. Paul , 1,500 ;
bnlon 1'aclllc. 11,218.
Finnnuliil llovlow.
NEW YOIIK , Sept. 14. The Post says ; The
movement of prices In stocks today simply
Illustrated tlio blight which bus fallen upon
tlio market through tlio public notice
of embarrassment served by two such
imtortant corporations us the Union
1'uclllu and the Itlchmond Terminal , It
is the concrete Kpccllla Items of
news , especially when they eomo somewhat In
the nature of a surprise , which most power
fully intlucnca tlio professional speculator's
mind. There Is llttlo occasion for wonder
therefore that this element In Wall street
has for the tlmo deserted absolutely
the bull side of the market and that they are
not vigorously assailing prices. Is duo of
course to the firm substratum laid by tlio
providential harvest and the certainty of a
consequent revival In business prosperity
generally. With a deficient or an average
yield the developments of the past month
would have been NUtllolent to bring on a bear
campaign. As It Is , the professional contin
gent Is puzzled In a very unusual degree forte
to what extent the discounting ot a prosper
ous future can counterbalance uutTorlng for
actual results ot n disastrous past Is a problem
of peculiar alllloiilty.
Now Yoi-k Money Mnrkot.
NEW YOIIK. Sept. 11. MONEV ON CAM/ Easy ,
ranging from -i ! to5 per cent ; lust loan , 5 per
cent ; closed ottered at S per cent.
1'imiuMKiicusTii.K l'AVKii-5y7 percent.
HTKUMNO KxcitANac Actlvo and weak at
* I.81)S ) for alxty-Uay bills and J1.8I1S ( or de
mand ,
The following were the closing prices on
bonds ; .
U. rt. Is , roitlitured..lli ( Mutual Union IU 1U7
do 4i , coup ,117 N , J. Cent Int Cert.110
do ! ( , ' , roi ; WX Northern I'uu lBts.,115
I'liclllcCt ol ' j ill ) do Mi , .113
Louisiana Stamp It , . * HW Northwest1 consols,1H3
Tonni'ssco N. H.b , . ,105 do dubontiiro&i. . . 103
do M luju St. Ij. .tl. .M. ( ien .Is , . B'J
110 3s 70V , Ht. I , . AH. F. dun.M.100
Canada Southern ads 1)7 ) Ht. 1'UUl consols r > l ) {
Central 1'aclllc l ts.,10JS st , i1. . a&i > , uts.ii3
I ) . A U. U , lata ll T. I1. li. O , Tr. Itcts. , 85
do 4i 78 T. IMUl.Tr , lieu , . U2U
KrluM. . .103 Union ruclaolBta,10iiM
M. K.AT.llon'lii * . , . JIM \VcstSlioro , .1W
M. K. , V T. tian'l Sa..tSK
Flunnolnl Notes ,
HAt.Ti oitis. Md. , Sept. H.-OloarliiBi , W.03I-
038 : balances , fa\TH. \
NEW YOIIK. Sept , 14. Clearings today , t77-
770,70s ) ; balances , I,7US,720.
riiiLADKUMiiA , I'a. , Sept 14. Clearings
today , HOH.013J balances , ll,57fl,55 i monuy ,
IKi&Mi percent.
BT. Louis. Ma. Pept. 14.-0lonrlngs W.517.-
4.Vjj balances , 4Xtlu. ) Money , 74W per cent.
Kxchmisoon Now York. par.
OlIiCAao , 111. . Bopt , 14.-Monoy steady at 0
per.oont , Oloarlnps , 110.404,000 , New York
COo dUoouat. ttcrllng exchungo
weak at * I.B'J' ' { for oUty-day bills and
for light drafts.
NEW Unr.r.ANS. Iio. , Pest , 14. Clearings ,
today , Jl0'J,3i7. ( Now York exchange ,
bank , flOc ; commercial , (1 0ocril.OOJ discount
IlosTO.v , MAM. , Petit , H. Clearing * today ,
IIIS.M1.370 ! bnliincos , II.iM,77ij : rate for money ,
Z'/i'uVi ' per cent ! exchange on NowYork , lOic
BOc discount peril. .000.
Honton HtnoU : Atnrlcct.
nosTO T , Ma i. , Sopt. H. The following were
the clo ln ? prlcm on stojks an the liojton
stock market today ;
Ijomloii Htoulc .Uurlcur.
LONDON. Popt. H. The following were the
London stock rniotatloii'j ' c'oslng at 1 p. in. !
Consnln money. . . .IM I-U' , | Illlnoln Central . 104
Connols account. . .Ill 15-11 ! Mexican onllnnry. . . . DI
I1.S.4 . UIV St. I'nul coniiuon
.New York Central. . . .1124
N. V. I ' . .to. tlrUs. . . 37 I'ennnylranla
Canadian 1'aclllc . V\ \ Itoaillni ;
Krle fccomls. . . . . . . . .IUT Mexican C. , new 4n. . .
MONEV ? ( © 55 pur cent. Ilato o'dlscountln
the open market for botb short and tlirco
mouths bills , lli&l per cent.
On I.oiidoii'H Htoulc Kxuluuigc.
LONDON. Sept. II. This Is nettling day on
the Stock exchange. Thu settlement Is
heavy , i/ut It Is progressing favorably. Do-
silto the abiindanco ot nionov railroads were
charged from : i to 4 per cent , , The pcncral
tondeney of business Is towards realization.
This Is partly duo to the report concerning
the Island of Mytlllno being occupied by the
Kngllsh and partly to ( ho feeling that the bull
account has been overdone. Heavy Hales on
CoiiRlantlnopIo and Krankfort orders caused
Turkish soeurltles to drop 11 percent , Itus-
slans ono-half of 1 percent and Italian and
Hungarian sovon-elghths ot 1 uer cent.
Hank of lOuiilaiMl Itiilllon.
LONDON , Sept. 14. Amount of bullion gone
Into the Hank of England on balance today
1'arlH KcntcH.
I'Aitis. Sept. 14. Three per cent rentes 05f
50o for tliu account.
Denver Mfniii < ; rftoclcs.
DENVEII , Colo. , Sept. II. Thoru was light
business In mining stocks today. Total sales ,
l. > . : i Osharcs. The following are the closing
quotations :
Srm Frnnclsco Miuiu < ; Quotations.
SAN FIIASCISCO. Gal. , Sept , U , The ofllclal
closing quotations for mining stocks today
were as follows :
New York Minim. ; Quotations.
Nnw YOIIK , Sept. 14. The closing mining
stock quotations are as follows :
Alien no Mexican 2r < 0
AdnmaCon 170 Ontario 3750
Dcailwood T IliO Ophlr S75
Kurekn Con 200 I'lymouth 175
Oould , t Curry 170 Snvago , 310
Halo & Narcrosa . . . 185 Slcrr Nevada 320
Honio.Htake 1000 Htandnrd 115
Horn Silver 345 Union Con 225
Iron Silver 103 Vellow.lacket 130
CofTco Market.
Rio m JANKIHU , Sept. 14. COFFEE Regular
first , 8,100 rols per 10 kilos ; good second , 75
IKCnii ! TS During the weok. J8.000 bags.
PURCHASES For the United States , 40,000
SIIIWIENTS To the United States , 21,000
bags ; blocks , 3j7,000 bags. v.
New York Dry Goods Mnrkct.
NEW YOIIK. Sopt. 14. Agents of dry goods
were In rccnlpt of numerous moderate orders
for cotton and woolen fabrics for Immediate
replenishments , nnd there were muny bids
for larzo lots of the latter atsllght din'ercnces
from agent's prices. The market , however ,
was very Ilrm and well sold up. The llartel
prints have been advanced 2 } per cent.
Sniitos Market.
SANTOS , Sopt. 14 , COFFEE Good average
8,701 rols per 10 kilos.
KucKii'TS during the week 100,000 bags ; pur
chases for the United States 15,000.
SHIPMENTS to the United States , none ;
stock. 27,000 bags.
Foreign Oil Market.
LONDON. Sept. 14. SPEIIM Oir , . 47 per ton.
KOSIN American strained. 4s'Jd per cwt.
CALCUTTA LINRUEU 42s4ld porquarter.
LINSKID On , 20s per cwt.
Charleston Oil Market.
OlIAIlt.CSTON , S. 0. , Sept. 14. TUIU'BNTINB
Steady ati4c. : (
Jlosis I'lrm ; goo-J strained , 11.15.
ISuttor Alnrlcct.
N. 111. . Sopt. 14. llUTTEit Klrin. Sales
1 ,200 Ibs at 25c. _
TriKlcrs1 Talk.
New YOIIK , Sopt. 14. Henry Clews says :
For the last few days , tlio stock market iias
been subjected to tlio ulfcctlvo test of loallz-
Ing profltH. Thu sellers have Included innnv
largo and Inlluentlal holder ? , and the "hoars"
also have inado "short" hales. These com
bined transactions have been largo enough to
try the contlilimco of the market pretty
shnrnly ; but their oll'eot has appeared ralhor
In checking the upward tendency than In
producing any material decline In prices.
In other words the result has shown
that the disposition to buy about equals
tlio disposition toholl. Tlio condition of the
market must t > o conceded to ho a strong and
bcalthy one. ' Tim speculative movement Is
backed by a jovlval ot the long dormant
Investment domain ! for bonds and the bettor
class of shares , and a considerable amount of
securities are going out of the lloatlng supply
Into the strong boxes ot permanent holders.
London , Hoston , Chicago , I'hlladolphla and
the minor cities participate In the renewed
activity , anil appearances Indicate that tlio
"boom" lias substantial elements of perma
nence. It remains to bo seen what may bo
the attitude of the Important class of opera
tors who liavo been realizing , Sumo of them
'oncliiilo that they liavo been hasty In realiz
ing antl are buying In ugaln ; but a larger pro-
liortlon are waiting , or perhaps tire using
their Influence to create a reaction In order
to got ) n at lower prices. It seems
reasonable to tutor that unless some
unforeseen Inflating element appears , the
n resent halting nttltudo of the market may
bo continued somewhat longer without any
uxtromo changes in prices. It caif hardly bo
questioned that tlio .status of the chief condi
tions that regulate values has Improved < | iilto
us much as prices have advanced. In ovury
condition tlioro has been a gain beyond what
was expected six weeks or two months ago.
The apprchmislon then felt about the sup-
nosed weakness of finances In Kuropo have
been dissipated by a largo recovery of con II-
tlonco and oven by the beginning uf a revival
nf speculation , especially In American securi
ties. it is no longer expected that any attempt
will bo iniulo by tlio llrlUih and continental
banks to Interfere with the natural course of
exchange arising from unusual Imports of
American grain ; which removes the distrust
lit imo tlmo felt aa to the return of gold and
the consequent course of our fall money
markot. Thooutllowof currency to thu In
terior turns but to bu lighter than usual , and
although the loan murket may work Into amore
moro nctlvo condition later , there Is no cer
tain prospect of special stringency and noUlf-
liculty In procuring tlmo Joiins far stock
uxohango purposes. The crop situation has
nliiHHl passed the btugo of uoslbio
attvurso contingencies. The corn crop
according to the government report ot Hop
tomber 1 , showHan Improvement over tlio con
dition lu August and may bo already consid
ered as virtually beyond reach of frost , and
the Into storms have caused but llttlo dis
counting af the earlier good prospects. The
reports of damnKO to spring wheat In the far
west prove to have been exaggerated , nnd wo
may fcafoly count upon a total y lelu of 575,000-
[ KW mishulsof that grain , In excellent condi
tion and of bettor toun uvoraga nuallty , The
reports of damaga f ruin worms ( a the cotton
crop liavo undoubtedly been grossly magni
fied ; for that kind ot Injury Is now so largely
under Immediate control by the planter that
It Is no longer the ooiirco of danger It once
was , liesldcs , oven aupposo that a loss of a
rjuurtor million bales were to nrlsu from this
cause , It is morollkoly , In view of the present
large stocks , that It would Incnmso tlio total
value of the crop rather than diminish It
The general conditions of triulo are encour
aging. Thcro are nowhere any upcclflu com
plaints , nor U theroanywhero a boom , but the
foolluic oj all haadg la hopeful fur u food and
prospcroiu noawfri'l liuslno s. In iho Irot
trade , the llrmer touo ot prices tndlcatus the
boRlnnlng of a bouljr tlomnnd. Tint Incrcaio li
tlio current consiinuitlon of coal Is clear ovl
dcncoof a growlnHActivity In our Inilustrles
Tlio oarnliiRs of tint rallroadfi show a Batumi
rate of lii'-roaso over those of last year , trhlcu
1 > also ovlilnnco of a steady expansion of tin
commercial movement. The iinoanlncss felt
In some quarter * InVro pect of tliodomnndi
upon the treasury fbr the rcilmptlon of thn 4l !
per cents Is found to liavo been ungrounded
Already about fll.OJO.OOO ot the obligation !
have been redeemed In cash , nnd tlio faclllt ]
with which tlinieilUiulilatlona hns been mo
removes any ilonlit nbout the ability of tin
treasury to deal with tlio outstanding re
iniiltidcr of about lii,000oOO. : the moro so a ;
the surplus of gold beyond the requirement !
of the greenback reserve now amounts tc
about J.'O.tHX,000. tlio forezolnr are the mail
conditions at present surrounding the mar
knt. They certainly are more favorable that
has been expected , and they mu t bo regarded
as laying the basis for a year of unusunl. tl
not unnroccdcntiMi , tonnimo on our railroads
and for u prosperity which Is likely to dovoloi
Into all era of marked Industrial and commcr
clal activity. Indeed , America is now hcyom
doubt under an Impetus which will noon force
It to the front of nations , wlicro It will stand
pro-eminent In the business world. Al
these results cannot como at oncoi
but It Is the wont of Wall
street to anticipate coming good times
nnd the question of the moment Is how far
far will speculation discount these prospect"
In advance , and how far wilt It wait for tliemi
At present , the prospects nro plainly towards
higher rates for money , to continue for * the
next few months ; In fact excessively oas.v
money Is now about ever until the middle ol
next April , the only contingency to tlio con
trary being tlio possibility of a lareo rellux 01
gold from Kuropo > It Is quite possible , there
fore , that at later stages the condition of the
money market may force out "ioni ? " stock'
nnil cause at least temporarily lower price ;
11 Kin these now prevailing. At tlio moment
there nro too many bulls and too few bears tc
make the market a safe ono to buy upon , ex
cept upon Bet-backs ; and , owing to tlio lack ol
n largo short Interest , good depressions nmj
bo expected to occur. The granger niid south
western stocks have largely helped to carr >
the market wlicro It now Is , anil their Im
provement has about exhausted itself for tin
present , at least ; for tills reason among.othcrs
It seems safe to benlii to Hell long Htoclia. Tin
Union 1'aclOc directors have ratified tliatoom-
vuny's deed ot trust ; but as the arrangement
is nothing beyond a means for extending r
virtually bankrupt corporation. It should noi
have the effect of enhancing the value of tin
stock. In view of these considerations , whlk
regarding the situation as In the long run ti
good one. I deem it prudent at this juncture
In the developments to maintain a conserva
tive attltue. anil to husband profits rathci
put them Into now purchases at present prices ,
Cmc.ino , 111. , Sept. 14 , CoiinselmaiuS : Day tc
Cockroll llros. : Tlio controlling Inlluencc
In wheat today was the strained European
political outlook. Local Inlluenccs were betir-
Isb , receipts \\oro laro ; ; and exceeded ship
ments by b77,0'JO bu. at twelve principal
points. Foreign markets are still below par
ity with ours , owing to the speculative excite
ment based on newsmi per war talk. Our private
correspondents In Kuropo express no alarm
over tlio attitude of Kus.slti on the Dardanelles
question , and unless the outlook la particu
larly lurid tomorrow wo don't look foi
another decline. Corn Is manipulated foi
higher prices by the Now York clique. At the
present rate of receipts It looks to us at
though they wcro facing nn enormous
outlay and a severe strain , but they may
carry the zeal through September and possi
bly October but wo regard later futures n
saloon all rallies. 1'rovlslons wcro dull and
easy. Hocolpts of hogs have Increased and
packers would llko to see a decline. They
are selling January pork and ribs and the bard
spots. In.spite of the strength In grain today
provisions averaged lower.
CHICAGO , 111. , Sept. 14. SwartDupco & Me-
Cormlck to V. C. Swartz & Co. : Wheat opened
( Inner on moio steadiness In foreign markets
and on foreign buvlng1 Tlio receipts were
very large , U , ' ; > cars hero and 1,800 ears In Min
neapolis nnd Duluth. The clearances wcro
largo from the seaboard and tills InlluoncoJ
eastern traders who bought largely In thh
market. Cables were conlllctlng , some quot
ing lower markets , others higher. Hrltlsb
consuls were a trlllo lower. A cable saying
that Great Britain had taken possession of an
Island In thu Hellespont was construed Into a
war rumor and had the effect to advance
prices. The 1'rench crop was ofllclally an
nounced to bo 115,000,000 bushels loss than a
year ago. The c'ash demand was reported to
uo bettor. Although the receipts of corn ,
1.127 cars , were abos'o expectation and al
though tlio wuatliai * In the corn bolt was per
fect , prices of the , near by deliveries were
very firm. Charters wore made for 401,010
bushels. The low grades arc at a big dis
count. No. aCc under No. 2. There was un
questionably sorno sympathy with wheat.
1'rovlslons were bold liberally by the packers
and as a result were easier.
CHICAGO , III. . S-opt. 14. Kennott. Hopkins &
Co. to S. A. SIcWhortor : Early sales on open
board were UoVs tor December , but cables
brought news of wet weather In Kngland and
stronger markets , whlcn advanced prices
sliarnly at the opening. It was believed the
foreign demand would show new Ufa under
such conditions , and so It proved , for over
300,000 bushels were exported during the day ,
The advance was well sustained , the close
being within half a cent of tlio ton. Late cables
were quite conflicting , Liverpool being strong ,
London and lierlln weak , and Paris
and Australia steady. A speclil
cubic reported shipments for the past
week to the United Klngcom and continent
10,740.000 bushcls.agalnst about 7,00',000 weekly
requirements , and this was coiiMiclcrcd a bear
ish feature. Much will depend on tomorrow's
Foreign advices. If they should Indicate an
netlvo demand for wheat wo may get a fur
ther substantial advance , but our market will
not sold unless the export demand keeps up.
Corn and oats were heavy all day. the receipts
liotng largo and demand for cash stnll slow ,
Ijator corn firmed up , In sympathy with
wheat , and closed strong , Oats failed to respond
spend materially. Provisions have boon quiet
ind featureless , but blow , no evidence of
OMAHA , Soot. 14.
CATTLE OHlcIal receipts of cattle , a,040 ,
it iromnared with 1.711 Saturday and 11,808
Monday of last week. Cattle were almost on-
Uroly rangers. The demand was good , but on
iccount of bad break In prices and heavy ro-
. elptsut Chicago the market was 1015o lower
htin Saturday , and slow on beef steor.s. Good
: ows active ami stronger ; common crudes
lull and unchanged. Keotlcrs dull and weak.
Hotis-Olllclal receipts of hogs 001. as
: omparcd with ll.iilS Saturday , and Ii7li
\londayoflastwcuk. \ Thu maikat was slow ,
.moven and bteady .to WftlOo lower.
\bout all sold. Light ifl.S035.0. > ; heavy ,
! I.IIO5.12' $ ; mixed , UI.KVai.OO.
SunKl' Olllclal receipts of sheep 432 ,
is compared with 4'Jll Saturday , and 1,110
Monday of last woolc , MarKet firm. Demand
: oocl. Natives , JKluOQll.iX ) ; westerns , $3.50(34.25. (
Receipts anil Disposition of * Stouk.
Ofllclal receipts and disposition of stock ai
iliown by the books of the Union stockyards
jompany for thn twontv-four homy ending at
i o'clock , p. m. , September 14 , 181)1 ) :
1..1140 1 60 ' 1.-1500 3 00
bTOCIC IlLIIl-'liltS.
7. . 023 1 75
1. . 20) 4 00
1..1IOO 3 15
0. . 578 1 C5 5. . ( W8 225 20. . 751 275
L' . . M5 1 73 M. . Ii.'l9 2M 8. . 0J 300
5. . 6 ! 200 ti. . ( IS I 275 8. . K17 UOU
2. . fi20 200 3. . 831 275 21. . 1005 305
B. . 1135 200 23. . 858 275 21 , .1100 305
B. . 83S 225 81. . 1015 305
1 cow and calf.\j. . IIO 0 }
1 cow and calf. > . ; } . 2000
1 cow and calf , , . . . . , . . . 21 00
1 milker . 2500
1 springer . , 2ti 00
\VISTEIIN CAvrz.i : .
o. Av. I'r.
10 feeders . 013 M 30
TUfpoders . 10CO 3 'JO
Windsor. Kctnp&Co.
1 steer , tailing. r. . . c . 1010 235
Ilhteors , tulllllB . . .i . I3M 2 35
23 steers , tallnws . ir : > 2 3 00
2 steers , tailings. . . , . . . .1KI5 3 15
II steer * , tMltnJs . 1170 315
l.stoor ) , tiUlliiK * . ' . 1213 U 25
1 steer , tailing . 1UO 325
Qbteors , tullIiiRS . 13tt ! 3 25
Oflfeedora . , . , . . 111 ! ! ) 315
2Btcors . ' . ; . , * # ; . H&5 260
4 steers , talllnea . 1357 2 60
It. L. Askbrook
1 cow . , . # > 1 00
13 cows . K 183
5K cows . W 210
HO calve * . at ? 8 JO
13 calves . ' . . . . 201 360
Theodore raulhabor
Scows. . . , . . ' . l 1 )
IbuH. . , . . . . W IW '
31 cuvt a . bib . Ji
15 feeders , . , , , . . , , . , , 078 300
Mount ft Hprnguo Packing Co
a cows , . , IOM 8M
21 focilors. , . , , , . ,1015 300
W. li. Knignt-
60 feeder ! ) 1000 3 M
07 Moors 1112 3 40
Stevens Land & Cattle Co.
M feeders , KM 800
75 feeders . ' . K4S 310
25 feeders DOS 275
.7 heifers 1097 210
25 feeders 1007 275
i ) holfors C2J 210
Colorado La ml & Cattle Co.
1 feeder ; . . I.T20 275
1 feeder. r.vio " 275
U feeders. I2J3 275
4 feeders 1383 275
1 feeder. K'M 275
5 feeders 12CO 273
Hrown lllir C. Co.
157 cows 053 235
Charles lltirkhurt ,
40 steers 1213 320
Schilling & Voiini ; .
! 2 steers. .7 V 1200 343
Ku Stcngor.
1 cow. . . . . . 10RO 2M
8 cows 1013 235
14 COWS 1020 235
4 stcors ; I''IO 2 03
Humphrey & ti.
C3 Mccra 1220 325
Warbonnet Cattle Co.
300 stecra 1013 3 SO
Chicago Ijive Stock AlnrUctn.
CIHCAOO , III. , gent. 14 , [ Special TeloRram
to Tun ltr.K.1 Somelhlnp like M.OOO cattle
wcro dumped Into tin ) yards today , and t'i '
market "slumped" badlv , only u small per-
contiiKO Of the olTerlnsH were of prime quality
and that class meeting with a isoiul ( 'astern
and export demand , was not tmblcctrd
to any Important shrinkage In value , but
til other ik'scrliitlons them was a decline
riiiiRlnif from ltc ) to 2. > c per 100 Ibs. This
reduction was revere enough to wipe out all
nmrKln of jirollt for western shippers , nnd
they wcro a gloomy set. As there was noun-
couraRcmont for owners to carry tliclr stock
ever until ton-orrow there was a general
eagerness to close out , anil inittiv diovesol
cattle cbaiiKcd hands at a reduction fro > n
last Friday's prices of from 20o to 25c per 100
Ibs. Not quite one-half of the supply con
sisted of names. They were quolaa at from
II.CO to 12.50 for Inferior to choice cows , bulls
and liolfors , at from tl,83 to W.23 for stoekurs
and feeders , and at J.' to 8- ( ; > for
common to extra sblppltiK J-tccrs.
The sales of rangers wcro on a
basis of from J1.40 to $ .1.25 for and from
Jl.DO to J4.00 for westerns. Although the
volume of trailing was large , many cattle
had to bo carried over. Thu receipts were
much the largest ever recorded foronodav.
1'rlccs declined lOc per 100 pounds
or to $4.0Ti to ? j.40 for heavy
and medium weights and from $4.f > 0
to Jr .2 , " > for light. The weakness was ascribed
to the fact that tlio receipts were larger than
had been expected , and that tin ) arrivals for
tomorrow and Wednesday promise to run con
siderably abovn the average. At the above
quotations tlio market developed a good degree -
greo of activity , but salesmen did. not
succeed In emptying , the puns and the late
sales wcro not a whit more satisfactory than
these luado early In the day. The quality
was poor , to which citcumstaneo was duo In a
measure the depressed tone of the markot.
Sales of heavy and medium weights were
largely at from IK5.1. > to M.i5 : , and from $ .1.00 to
$ . ) .20 bought the bulk of the light weights.
Common grass hogs and culls sold at prices
ranging downward from $4.r > 0.
The Evening Journal reports : OATTM : Re
ceipts , 27,000 ; shipments , 5.5TO. Market steady ,
prime quiet ; natives. $ "i.HK ( < Ji.iS ( : : good tooholce ,
* . ) .4Xiir ( > .8o ; others , } : i.r > OS.r > .2.iToxans.iiO.2r ; : ; ) > ;
stookers. $ i.i ! @ : t.l.- > : rangers , $3.75 ® l.UJj good
cows nnd holfors , $2.50'J.7j.
Hoes Hecclpts , 2iWOj ) shlnmonts. 0r03 ;
market dull , weak and lower ; rough and com
mon , $ I.GO@4.feO ; mixed and packers. $ l.80@- > . ( > ; > ;
prlmo heavy and butcher weights , * , " > .lC < 3.'i.'JO ;
prime light , Sj.lOG.VJ3 ; other llgnt grades , IJ.20
© 5.00.
SHEEP Receipts , 8,000 : shipments , 2,000 ;
market slow ; natives. $ I.OO@I.SO ; wcatorns.
S3.7D4.40 ; Tovans , $ J1.5aQ4.23 ; lambs ,
New York Ijivc Stocik iMarlcct.
NEW Yoitic. Hept. 14. HCKVKS Rocelnts ,
1,814 bead , Including ! ' , " > cars for sale ; market
a shade ( Inner ; native stcors , $4.10@5.75 ;
Texans and Colorndos. $ 'J.OOl.nri ; nils nnrt
cows. il.70Q4.S5 ; dressed beef steady at7Q.OJ.ic
per lu.
CALVES Receipts , 1,403 lioad ; market a sbado
easier ; veals , $ . " > . .rW@7.2 , " > ; grassers , $2.12i.ji5 (
2.75 ; Diittormllk calves. J2.75'l.0t ) .
Snr.EP Receipts for two days. 15,0(3 head ;
shcop steady : lambs ! se lower ; slice ) ) , $4.01 ©
5.50 : lamb's , $ . " > .COQ.G.OO ; dressed mutton steady
at'OJOHo per Ib ; dressed lambs weak atSOIOHc ,
linns Huci-'Ipts for two days , ll,7K ! > head. In
cluding 4 cars for sale ; market steady at $3.10
(20.UO ( per 100 Ibs. _
Kansas City Live Stouk Sfnrlcots.
KANSAS CITV , Mo. , ' Sent. 11. CATTMI Ro-
colnts , 7.000 ; shipments , S.5SJ : steers were dull
and lOc lower : cows strong ; Texans steady to
lOo lower. Steers , $ ; i.20Tk"i ( ; cows , $1.702.93 ;
stockers and feeders , $3.45 :1.61 :
Hoes Uecolpts , 111,00(1 : shipments , 000 ; mar
ket steady ; bulk , $4.80l.t)3 ) ; all grades , $ . ' , .00 ©
5.1" .
SitECi1 Receipts , 1,900 ; shipments , none.
Strong. _
St. Louis Live Stouk Market.
ST. LODIS , Mo. , Sept. 14. CATTLE Receipts ,
5.600 ; shipments , 2.200 ; market lower ; na
tives , $ ± 8u.50 ; Texans and Indians , 82.30 ®
a.fil ; canners , $ l.40iJ2.2. ( > .
Hoes Receipts , 2tni : ) ; shlDinents. J.BOO ; mar
ket strong : heavy. $ r > .lo@.2j ; mixed , $4.GOQ
5.10 ; light , $5.005.23.
Fresh J , > uitS.
CHAII Ai'i'i.ES 1'cr bbl , $ . ' .50 < K3.00.
CANTALOUPES Per doc. J1.001.25.
PEACHES California Crawfords. single case
lots , $1.2. > ; ten case lots , $1.10 ; Michigan , per
basket , OOc.
QiiAi-ES Homo grown , 10-lb baskets , Me ;
25-lb baskets lots , 3XlT.'o ( ; Muscat , per crate ,
tl.OOQl.75 ; Koso Peru. * I,3.VM.W.
I'UAiiS Oallfornia Hartlett , $2.75 ; other Cal
ifornia varieties , * 2.2.'
PLUMS California , gros and Hunenrlun
prunes. $1.50 ; German prunes , f l.o. ; )
At'i'i.r.s-Por bbl , ft.vj.Y&.SO.
UIIANOES Per box. Imporled , $0.50.
WATEIIMII..NS l-'ancy , erateii. l © lSc.
LKMONS Per box , W.OO ; fancy JIaorl , $ S.OO.
HANANAS Per bunch , ( f2.0oa2.50 for good
shipping stock.
OiiANliEHltlES Capo Cod , per bbl , $0.0010.00 ;
Wisconsin lloll and llugle , per bbl. , fH.75.
Omaha Milling company. Reliance. Patent ,
12.00Invincible. ; . Patent , $2.W ; LonoStar. Su-
Iierlatlve , $2.50 ; Snuwllako , W.10 ; Fancy Fam
ily , $2.0,1
. i { . T. Davis Mill company. No. 1 and Cream
High Patent , $2.85 ; llluo 1)1 and Red R. S2.0J ;
l.lon and llawkoyc , $ ; ,40 ; Hoyal No. Id , .Spe
cial I'll to lit , $ J.oi ; Minnesota and Dakota ,
Patent , $ itxl ; Kansas Hard Wheat , Patont.
K.ra : Nebraska i-tralghts , $2,50.
S. k Oilman's Gold Jlutnl. * 2.SO ; ? now White ,
J2..Vii Snowllake. $ . ' ,10 ; low grade , SI. IK ) ; Queen
of the Pantry , i'.W ) ; Minnesota Hiioculatlvc ,
(2.80 ; bran , (13.00 ; choppnd feed , $22.00.
Tlio following quotations represent the
prices at which choice stock Is billed out on
orders unless otherwise Hinted :
ONIONS Homo crown , 4053c per bu.
C'EMSUV I'or do * . , .Oo.
TOMATOES Per bu. , ti,03.
CUiniAiiK Homo crown , lo pir Ib.
11KAN8 Navy , ! J.5'J < B2.Gpor bu.
POTATOES Local growers are aunplylnR tlio
ilcmand almost ixcluslvoly : at 2JT > o per bu.
SWEET POTATOKS Jersey , 13.50 per bbl.
Country I'rodiioc.
Enns Market weak at lGIGJJc.
I'oui.Titv Market weak. About xbo outside
on old fowls antl chickens Is . ' .75 and small
uhlokons liavo sold as lawns J..oo and teed
sizes at J2.50412.7J : Rood duakH , IJ.OU ,
HUTTUII The best country butter , coed
Diiough for city trade , bolls at 15citc ; puckers'
itock , lO io. _
The Imtotit Conuiuiriiin.
Why Is Bailor's Sarsaparilln and Burdock
iko the most popular soap of the day.
Because they both cleanse the skin and
cave It botb soft and velvety.
McShane & Condon ,
300 a 13th St. , First National Bank Uull 1
Ing , Omaha , Neb.
Deal In ftojki , bon'ls , oosurlttai , conimircKl pi
jer , eta Niuotlnto lo.tnl on I in irrul O.niU t rev
ntnte , Bliurt llrno lunm , onj bank Hock , or uh
ipproved cullalerul ocurn |
Wo wnil tlin marTelonii
Ili' CALTHOS froc , niul n
le ul KUuriintiHi that L'ALTIIO * will
KTOI' I > Ut.mrar | < A : r.mU.lon. ,
CUIIK NM.rmuturrlirii.Vurlcoccle
lind HICKTOUK 1.041 Visor.
Ifte it ami ( > ay i/talijjtfit ,
Bait intrl.iu ltu , I1 l ll , Oklo ,
I BurTorlnir from
the jrti'cti cV
. jouthful erron
- - -
early decnr , wutlngweaknou , lout waohood , oto.
I wUl BCiul a TttluuClo treolUu ( i > ali > d ) coutulnin
tullpnrtlculan for bomo euro , V4l' > " " . ' cbnrga
A iplemlld mtxltcal work I iliimld bu read by over ]
tnaa who l nfnrou ami dtibllllat d. Addr rt
I'rof. V , C. I'O WLKIl. nioodui , Couu
llllllClffi ' ailll
Omaha Tent & Awn
ing Go , ,
Kin ITS , hnnimocks. oil nnit
rubber clothlnn. Send for
cntnlogiip. 111.1 Knrnnm.
Bemis Omaha Bag Oo.
Importers nnI Mnmifno-
turer * .
KlourSnoks , llurlnps nnil
A. II. Porrigo & Co. M. 0. Daxon.
lift' DoitRi ) Street. * polil on month ! )
payment * .
Send for our cntulOKiio
niul prices. tR37t < Kitrnain st. , .Omnr
Aokermau Brothers & Hointzo ,
Printers , binders , cloctrotypOM , blank book m.inu-
1115 ( toward troet , Oninlm.
Ohas , A. Coo & Oo , KirkoudallJoues&Oc
Manufacturers find Job- WlinloinlaMannfiirtiir'rfi
bers. Airents for lloiton Huh-
bur Shoo Co. Hit ! , 1101 ,
1109 Hownrd street. ami HIM , ll.irnoy street.
Williams , Van Aor- . V. Menu & Oo. ,
nam & Harto Shoo Factory.Cornor llth
1212 , niul Doiiulnt st . Omnlin
Hnrnojr ntroot
.Merclmnu InvltoJ to
Omnlin , Nob. cnllnnila < niiilno.
West & Fritscher ,
Mnntifncturps nneclunrs ,
Jobbers of leaf tabncco.
1011 Knrnam Street.
Eagle Oornico Works ,
Manufacturers of
r ? Iranlzed Iron Cornice.
Window caps , metalllo
pkyllulits , etc. 1110 nnd
1112 Dodge St.
J. J , Johnson & Oo , , Oady & Gray ,
213 S. 13th Street , Lime , cement , etc. , etc.
Omaha , Nob. Cor. Oth and noilglas Sts.
M. E. Smith & Oo. , KilpatrickKoch Dry
Goods Oo.
Dry pmid * . notions , fur- ,
nUhlnit goo li. Dry oed * . notions , cents'
furnishing Kiiridi.
Mriier llth and Howard. cor. lllh 1111,1 Howard Sti
Electric Motors
Illustrated catalouuo anil DyaniOJ. CatalORiio
free. free. H. A. KInnoyi'ii'l !
1014 Capitol Avenue. Ant. S13-S N.Y.Ufo lIld'K.
Parlin , Orcndorff & T. G. Northwall ,
Martin Co , , General no'tern aRent
Corner .lone.1 ! and 'Jth Sta. kandla How Co. ,
Omaha , Neb. 131'M.iM ' Sherman Ave.
E. T. Davis Mill Oo ,
C. 0. t'mlcnvooil ,
.Manager at Omaha.
Cor. Sth iind Jackson St * .
S.P. Gilniau , Omaha Milling Oo. ,
Merchant Millers.
. ,
013-15-17 , N. ICth Street
Olllcennd Mill 11119 North
1. K. Illnclr - Mnnncor. llUh Sheet.
Dewey & Stone Furniture Beobo & Eunyan Fur
niture Oo , , niture Oo.
Succoaiors to C. A. Iloob3
Furniture nnd carpets , Icl'a. ,
115-lU'J Karnam Street. Grace nnd Mtli Hts.Onmha
Bryan Oommlssion Oo A , S , MoWhortcr
llrokern. urnln , provision Itrtom IS , Hoard of Trmla
and stock * . N. V. I.lfo HrokiTO. I'rlvnto wire *
IHil'i : , 1'rlvalo "Ire Chi- to N w York ,
mini , 5 < | . l.oills nnil , I.OUIK. , "
Now York. bought ,
Cockroll Bros. P. 0. Swnrtz & Oo , ,
ItrokcM nnit cash btijer * . ] lroke.rstrnlli.l'roTl lnA
I'rltnto wlrei to Nnw ' rto. 1'rlvnlo wlro to St.
York , Clilcngo , A HI. i UmUnruH'hlciKO. Itoont
Units , 10-IS llonrd of I 7Hoard of Trnde.Omntin ,
Trndo. | KjcliniiKobldV , S. ( Jmnjia
Ecctor&WilholinyOo Olark-Andrccsen
Hardware Oo.
Cor. 10th nnd JacMonSU. .
I3th nml llnrnpy , Omnlid
Omnlin. Noh.
Paxton & Viorling Omaha Safe & Iroii
Iron Works , Works ,
WroiiKht nnd cast Iron
Imlldlnir work , onutni'i , Mnnnf'r < tire and hurcMf
lirn s work , ueneral liroof KafiH , vaults , Jntl
foundry , nnd work , Iron liullrrs nnd
Mnckimltli work. U. 1' . tire ovnpc.4. (1. ( An
Ky. nnd 17th St. drcen , llthAJnckion > ti
Ilor & Oo , , E. E. Grotto ,
Manor Morclinnti , Importer nnd Jobber of
lllillarnojr HI root. \Vlinn niul Liquor * .
Manufftctur'rs Kennedy'fl la.Mund Wfi Knrnnni St.
Hint India Hitters. 1'rlco lists un
L , Kirscbt & Oo , , Trick & Herberts ,
\VliolcsaloIliiior | Uonl'rJ WliolosnloMuuor Dcnlotl
407-409 8. 10th St. (01-HIS ( ft. 10th St.
G. W. Douglass & Oo John A Wttkofioltl ,
ImportedAmerican I'ott
Ilnnhiooit Lumber , laud ( Vmcnl , Mlhvnlt
kro llyilnviilln Onien
1310 Knrtli IClli Street. andQtilncy Wliltu Limn
Oharlos E. Lee , Louis Bradford ,
Hardwood lumbar , wood
carpal * nnd pariiuut l.uutber , llnu'cement , tc.
lloiirli- .
Ptli and nil Diugbo Street.
0. A. Stonehill , I. Oberfelder & Oo. ,
Millinery , NntCunrClonkj Importer ! , and .Jobbers la
Ktc. Millinery.
203. 310 nnd 212 South. IHU
llfi-I13S. lOtliSt. , Omalia. btrout.
Mnx Meyer & Bro Oo A , Ilosp0 | Jr. ,
M'f'B Jowolcrn. dealers In Owius , Artists'
musical Instnunents , Mutcrlala , ICtc. .
Knrnam and llitli. 1513 Douulat StrecL
Plntt & Oo. ,
Oyster * , Fish and Celery ,
.11 ! ) South 10th Be
Consolidated Tnuk
Line Oo ,
Hctlncd anil lubrlcntln ;
oils , nxlo Kreane , etc.
It. II. Until , Manager.
Ribbol & Smith , Ssliroedjr & Oo. ,
Dealers In country prod iiBh buycri butter atvl
uce , fruits , vegetables , 'ltUH , ami ucnoiiil com-
etc. lsHlou merchunti.
120 ; Howard Street. 4'.South : ) lllh Street.
Eobert Purvis , E. B. Branch & Oo. ,
1217 Howard Stiect. lroduce , fruits of all
Write for price ? on butter
, oysters
ter , 1'HK's poultry , and
Kiimo. 13th niul Hnrucy Streets.
Kirschbruun & Sons , Jas. A. Olark & Oo. ,
liuttcr , cbeo'c , cgei
Butter , circs nnd poultry. .
poultry itaino.
120 ! ) Howard Street. COU South 13th Street.
Bates & Oo , ,
Country produce , fruits ,
veKetatilo" , grocers' np -
claltle" . teas , Bptccs , etc.
417-4US. llthSt.
Carpenter Paper Oo , , Omaha Eubber Oo.j
Carry a. full toek of Manuractiircrs nnd Job
lirlutlni ; , wrapping and bers nil kliuH riibbef
rvrllliiK , card paper
per , etc. l.v.'O rnrnnm Htioot.
Emerson Seed Oo , James Hughes ,
5ccd growers , dealers In Stoves repairs of allkludi
: ardcn , Krass , k-niln and Cooks and lloutert
; reo seeds. ' for sale.
4'Jl-4i ) South 1 Jth. mi ri. 111th Street.
M. A. Disbrow & Oo , Bolm Sash & DoorOo
Manufacturers of unsh. Manufacturerof inoulil-
ilouri , blinds and HKH , Ijllii'K ' iloora , etc.
mouldings. Ilrtmch of- Olllre :
lice , U'th and lard Sts. Itoom 421 lleo llulldlnsr.
il. S. Wind Engine & A. L. Strang & Sons ,
Pump Oo ,
, 10JM001 Knrnnm Street.
llalllday Wind MUN.
Oiaand'.i-'O.lonesatioot. , .
Omaha Neb.
. ' . '
! ! ' lloss , ncllntfiimnux'r
Consolidated 'OoiTeo
Company ,
114 nnd Hlu Hartley Et. ,
Omalia , N'eb.
H , Hardy Co. , The Brunswick-
? oyi. ilalK n I hn ins , Balko-Colloiidor Od. ,
anoy KOOIK house fiir- llllllanl merchandise.
iHiliii ; Kood * , chlm- .Saloon llxturei.
cnV carriage * . < U7 , JW H. Idth Street.
Fiirrmm Street. Oniiihn.
A. D. Boyer & Oo , , Hunter & Green ,
B-W ISxchanieo llullilln ; ; , SO Kxchantio llulldlnij'i
South Omaha. South Omulin ,
MlssKllaJosonh loft yesterday for Love-
mid , Uolo. , where Hhe will tench In thopuullo
chools during the conniiK year.
National Bank
Jupltal $4OOOOO
Surplus OD.OOO
Olllceri and Dlrectora llenrr W. Vntet , 1'roilrtanli
Kjwti 8. llouil. Vlcu 1'ruildonti U H. .Muurlcn , W.
' .Morse , John HColllin , It , O. Ciulilnjr , J. N. U.
'utrlck ' , W. 11. d. Hiiuhon. Cnahler.
Corner 12th nnrt Kiirnnm dl ,
General Hanking Hiislnoii Transacted.
„ 3URE ,
, Ask your DriiguUt for n.
y bottle ( .1 lilt ! . Tha only ,
/ non-polaunuui remedy lor nil i
/ tlio unnatural dUclinW" J1"11
f prlnto dlkcuM ! * of men ami { Ji
dcbilltatlug weakness peculiar
to women. Jt cure * In a few
I days without the old or
publicity ol a doctor ,
iY/t / l.'nfifrMl Aintrlcnn Curt.
Manufncturcd by f
kjbo Evans Chemical Co.1
U , B , A ,