Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 13, 1891, Part One, Page 8, Image 8

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Grand Fall Opening Bale In Every Depart
ment in the Honsa Tomorrow ,
Uvory r-ncly VMIltng Our Fall Open-
in R Will Ho Presented wHIi n
Fi-nmcil Imported Art O | HH
I'nrlor Window Transput-alley.
Ono of these bciiulitul souvenirs Im
ported by ii foi thooccnslon will bo pro-
eon ted to every ludy making 11 purchase
in our store. These soiivonlrs nro works
of nrt and in keeping with the decora
tions of tbo finest parlors.
( HtAN'I ) KXJimmoN OF NEW
Lndloal ccmo and sco the novelties wo
have in now fall dross goods.
Our stock IB immense ; wo promise you
im exhibition that cannot bo excelled ,
while our prices will bo found far lower
than tbo lowest.
An elegant line of now ! ! 0 Inch tufted
Borgcs , an immense variety of plaid and
choolc homespuns , yard and a half wide ,
IMc n yard.
10 Inch now novelty plaid earners hair ,
in all now colorings , , ' 1'le. '
2 cases of the now tufted Scotch plaid ,
40 incites wide , atIHc. .
10 inch now homespuns , Scotch chovl-
ots , dotted and rough effects , 58c.
62 inch , all wool French serges , ole-
gnnt colorings , Too.
11-inch best makes of Gorman hen-
riettns and now broadcloth In new
plums , heliotrope serpent , Eillcl red ,
etc. , Slic.
12-inch nil wool Bedford and Crolso
cords , all the newest shades , and black ,
24-Inch line brocaded silks , 29c.
21-inch brocaded black and colored
jrmurcs nt/JOc / , worth $1.2.3.
All wool Bedford cords , Sobastopols ,
now Parisian novelties and all wool and
ijllk warp honriettas at 88c.
7o now imported Parisian robes at
$7.50 , $ ! ) .CO , $12.75 , $1-1.50 nnd $15.75.
Another immense lot of canton flan
nel nnd outing llannol remnants at Ic ,
J.'c and 5c a remnant.
Dark French llannel remnants suitable
/or Indies' and childrens' jdre&Ees , 7jo
o yard.
A largo line of cotton wrap dross
20odt ) in mill remnants in 3 to Jo yard
lengths , ! ! Jo ti yard.
For our opening sale only , lonsdalo
bleached muslin , ( ! Je a yard.
All wide sheetings in bleached and
unbleached , 8-1 , 'J-l , 10-1 , at actual cost.
Extra heavy and line blenched and
unbleached muslins at 'ijc , Cc , 7o and Sc
n yard , guaranteed worth double.
Fine all wool heavy twilled medicated
flannel. 2oc ; regular -lOc quality ,
9c , 19c , 29c , l0c. !
Gum drops , 8c a pound.
Fine cream mixed and old style mixed
candy , lOc a pound.
French mixed , 20c ; cream caramels ,
17c ; chocolate creams , 1'Jc ; jellv beans ,
The finest grade of hand made choco
late and boil bens at ! ! 5c a pound.
Wo offer tomorrow in our basement
100 boxes of choice sound lemons at 5c n
Right on the corner now.
The N. W. cor. Kith and Douglas.
Historical Tea Spoons.
Representing six great epochs in
America's history.
Jos. P. FICUNSSKK , Jeweler , opposite
post oflico.
Wanted , a first class drapery and
eh ado man.
man.Tho Morse Dry Goods Co. ,
1th Floor , Drapery Dop't.
Mine. Illckmnn having just returned
from the east Is now prepared to show
lior lady patrons some elegant patterns
and millinery novelties.
Morand's dancing school armory , Cap.
avo. Reopens Thurs. , Oct. 1. Lessons
Titos. , Thurs. & Sat. Assemblies Thurs.
Now dances.
Monday is the last day of the big shoo
sale at IM S. 10th street. Hurry up if
you want some of the W. V. Morse &
Co. Omaha made shoos at half prlco.
Sam'l Burns is in receipt of n now lot
of cut glass from the celebrated factory
of JIawkos of Corning , N. Y.
Historical Ten Spoons.
Representing six great epochs in
America's history.
Jos. P. FIUNXI-K : , Jeweler , opposite
_ _
The Wogmnn piano made the most
Impressive showing at the state fair.
For sale by Ilnydon Bros.
JIui-VRHt KxcursioiiH
To Texas.
On Sept. 15 and 20 you can purchnso
at Omaha , St. Joseph , Atchfcon or Kan
sas City and intermediate points round
trip Ili-ht class tickets to all points in
Texas at one and one-third faro , good
for 30 days. E. L. Pnlmor , passenger
ngent Santa Fo route , 411 N. Y. Life
bld'gi Omaha.
Monday Is tlio last day of the big shoo
BaloatlMS. Ulth street. Hurry up if
you want some of the W. V. Morse &
Co. Omaha made shoos at half prico.
A nlco line of now bangs nt Mrs. R.
II. Davios' , opposite P. O.
All first class grocers sell Gorman
On August 25 and September 2 ! ) the
Burlington Route will sell round trip
tickets , good for 30 days , at ono nnd
ono-third faro , to various points In Ala
bama , Arkansas , Louisiana , Mississippi ,
TONIIB nnd Tennessee. Full information
as to rates , etc. , at city oOlco , 1223 Far-
nam street.
_ _
Lace curtain cleaning , ] Mine. IllcUma n ngt
Ask your grocer for German Yeast.
made in Omaha.
California Kxuurnlonn.
Fullmnn tourist sleeping car cxcur-
lens to California and Pnoitlo coast
points lonvo Chicago every Thursday ,
Kansas City every Friday via the Santa
Fo route. Ticket rate from Chicago
117.50 , from Sioux City , Omaha , Lincoln
orKansas City $3-3 , bleeping ear rnto
from Chicago 1 1 per double berth , from
Kansas City $3 per double borth. Every
thing furnished except meals. Those
excursions nro personally conducted by
experienced excursion tnanagerd who
accompany parties to destination. For
excursion folder containing full particu
lars and map folder and time table of
Santa Fa route and reserving of bleeping
car berths , address E. L. Palmer ,
Passougor agent , A..T. & S. F. railroad ,
411 N. Y , LlfoBldg. , Omaha , Nebraska ,
Grand Opening on the First Floor of tbo
Largest , Finest and
At Our Opening Hale Tomorrow Wo
Offer the Most Colossal Hir
tliat Hvcr Tempted Human
to lluy SluiCH.
Remember this is "THE BOSTON
STORE" right on the NORTHWEST
CORNER of 10th nnd Douglas.
Every pair of shoes In this stock has
boon bought within the last ton days.
The entire stock is fresh now goods and
most desirable in ovorv way.
Reynolds Bros. , Utien , N. Y. ; I. Will-
lam Rnynor , Rochester , N. Y. ; Bohal &
Sons , Philadelphia ; Kippondorl Dott-
mnn , Cincinnati ; Ganc , Rucdo , Valors ,
Paris W. V. Morse & Co. , Omaha ; C.
M. Henderson & Co. , Chicago , nnd a
host of other leading American , French
and Omaha factories represent the style ,
grade and quality of the shoes in this
In this department as in the rest of
our vast establishment the rule holds
that whatever is sold must bo sold
for less than anyone else can or will sell
the same grade. How wo can do this is
always a question , but the fact itself Is
beyond , doubt. Wo do it now , wo hnvo
done it and wo always will sell you a
better shoo nnd for less money than any
other house in America.
Ono lot ladies' heavy calf button
slices , 2oc , worth $1.10.
Ono lot ladies' fine dongola button
shoes , 70e , worth Sl.fiO.
1,200 pairs ladles' elegant dongola
shoes , silk worked button holes , solid
leather soles , Inner soles and cojiiters ,
plain too or patent leather tip , opera or
common sense , in all sizes , from 2 } to 8 ,
worth from $2.25 to § 3.50 , in dongoln ,
pebble , straight goat or kid , go at $1.25
and $1.50 a pair.
1,500 pairs ladies' line kid and dongola
shoos , kid or cloth top , button and lace ,
plain or patent tip toe , all sixes , widths
and lasts , worth up to $1.00 , in machine
or hand turns , go tomorrow nt 82.00 and
$2.50 a pair.
1,800 pairs ladies' imported French ,
Viennese and the now Vitrion kid and
dongola ( hand turned and hand welts ) in
opera , Now York and C. S. lasts , in all
widths from A to F , lace or button ,
leather or cloth tops , worth from $5.50
to $7.50 a pair , go tomorrow and until
sold at $3.50 and $3.75 a pair.
Infant's shoes , good ones , 25c.
Child's school shoes (5 ( to 21) ) , 40c , COc ,
75c , Soc , $1.00.
Misses' shoes (12 ( to 2) ) , COc , 75c , 90c ,
Fine dongola and goat shoos , in heeler
or spring heel , made by tbo linost hands
in America , out of extra line stock , go
at $1.00 , $1.25 , $1.50 , worth up to $3.00 a
3,000 pairs fancy and plain slippers
and oxfords in kid , velvet and plush , all
hand turned ; worth big money , will bo
sold at 45e , 75c , 95c , $1.00 , $1.25 , $1.50.
To introduce the men's side of the
house wo innko the astounding offer of
1,000 pairs of men's line consrross shoes
( all si/os ) for tomorrow at $1.20 a pair.
1,000 pairs men's fine calf congress and
lace shoes worth $3.00 go at $1.60 a pair.
2,000 pairs men's elegant calf lace and
congress shoes , worth $3.50 , all sizes and
styles go at $2.00.
1,000 pairs line kangaroo calf shoos ,
worth ui > to $0,00 a pair , in machine and
hand welts , go at $2.50 , $2.75 , $3.00 and
N. W. Corner 10th and Douglas.
Candy Free.
That Is , free from the slightest trace
of adulteration. Pure sugar products.
.That's the kind wo sell in our candy de
partment. Wo have all kinds and all
prices , from 8c per pound up.Vo fur
nish the sugar and other materials and
have the candy manufactured under our
personal supervision. Wo guarantee
the quality the prices speak for them
selves. Visit our candy department.
1508 to 1514 Capitol avo.
Fine car ringes , Seaman's repository.
Thousands of dollars are being expended -
ponded to overthrow and prejudice the
people against the Wegman piano , but
it is getting away with the premium at
fairs wherever represented and being
admired by musio lovers all over the
world. The now tuning device is hav
ing such an endorsement that orders
are rolling in by the thousand at the fac
tory. 3 car loads have been ordered by
Iluydon Bros , for Omaha. Sold on in
stallments , tlaydon Bros.
Monday Is the last day of the big shoo
sale at 11 IS. Kith street. Hurry up if
you want some of the W. V. Morse &
Co. Omaha made shoos nt half prico.
< .oln * Awnj ?
If so , bo sure your ticket reads east
ever the "Northwestern. "
Five trains east every day. The fast
Chicago and eastern trains lonvo Omaha
at 5 p. in. ivory convenient' hour this for
Omalia passengers ) and 9:20 : p. m. Both
these trains are vostibulcd nnd equipped
with free parlor cars , the very latest
sleepers and "Northwestern" dining
cars.You can got sleeping berths reserved
ever any eastern line , nnd have your
baggage chocked direct from your resi
dence to any destination on application
at the c'ty ' ollico , 1401 Farnam street.
Gorman Yeast is the best mado.
J . E. Dtoti-lck.arohttoct.OOO N. V. Life
Bothosdn , & ; Colfax water ,
Shot-mail fc McConnoll's pharmacy.
Hamilton Warren , M. D. , eclectic nnd
magnetic physician nnd surgeon. Spe
cialty , diseases of women nnd children ,
110 N. 10th street. Telephone 14SS.
Grand I3ntry Into Omalia.
On nnd after July 0 , 1801 , the Chicago
cage , Milwaukee & St. Paul Rallwav
company will run all of Its trains in and
out of the union depot , Omuha. No
more annoyance c.uisod by transferring
nnd switching nt Council RlulTs , Solid
vostibulcd trains , consisting of now
Piilaco sleeping cars , free parlor chair
cars , ologaiit coaches , and the finest
dining cars In the world , all heated by
steam and lighted throughout by olec-
trlo lights. The now evening express
with "oloctrlo lights in every berth"
now loaves Omaha daily at u.20 p m.
arriving at Chicago at 0:30 a. in. in tune
for all eastern connections. Secure
tickets nnd sleeping car bertha at 1501
Farmun street ( Barker block ) ,
C. Puss. AgU Gen. Aft.
New Goods Sacrificed.
Opening up our fall goods wo find nn
over stock In some lines all choice nnd
correct goods.
Road the quotation on thorn for to-
Finest Ugh tin the city.
Ono whole sldo of tlio building de
voted to the sale of dress goods.
To Introduce our now room wo nlnca
on sale the following bargains for Mon-
dnv and whllo they Inst :
12 inch nil wool habit cloth in all the
now colorings , usually sold for 05c , dur
ing the week 50c.
4 l-lnch rough camel's hair strlpo ,
very olTcctlvo and desirable ; usual price
$1.00. during the wcek7Sc.
51-inch Scotch wool choviols In
heather mixtures ( if in a patsern suit
would cost $18.00) ) . by the yard , during
tbo week $1.25.
New stripes in camel's hair effects ,
now stripes in cheviots , now mixtures ,
new goods in great abundance. Priest
ley's now novelties in grey diagonals.
Come early and get a good choice.
40 Inch all wool serge , regular $1.00
quality , on sale Monday at 75c.
41 Inch nil wool hcnriotta cloth , worth
$1.00. on'special sale Monday at 7Se.
40 inch all wool black cheviot , good
value at $1.00 , on sale Monday at 75c.
Pure silk warp honrictta cloth at
$1.08 ; no bettor sold In the city at $1.50.
Monday's prlco , $1.08.
Surah silks In every shade , 75c.
Faille francaiso In blacks and colors ,
$1.00 and $1.2.3.
China silks , best quality made , $1.00.
Crepe do chcno , 24 inches wide , $1.25.
Brocaded crepe , 21 inches wide , $1.05.
Striped grenadines , 21 inches wide ,
$1.10 , worth $1.50.
Brocade aide silk , $2.00.
Our new stock of velvets are on hand ,
and comprise all the now shades. Elau ,
Hnvann , Elcctriquo , Vioux Bleu , Fumoo
Russo. Gros Vert , Grls , Piloto , Gronnt
and Coquolicot.
White polka dot gauze , 48-inch wide ,
$1.25 , worth $1.75 ; while embroidered
gau/.o , 30-inch wide , $1.25 , worth $1.75.
All of our black and colored mousil-
line do soio $1.25 , worth $1.75.
48-inch embroidered inousilllno do
solo $2.25 , worth $1.00.
Ladles' gray ribbed balbriggnn shirt
iuid pants for full wear nt COc , worth $1.00.
Ladies' heavy onyx dye cotton hose for
25c , 35c and 50c ; special value.
A largo variety of fancy colored hose
in cotton and lisle thread , from 50o up.
Gents' fine gauge French merino half
boso for 25c a pair.
Gents' onyx dye half hose for 25c ;
color guaranteed.
Gents'fall weight Egyptian balgriggan
underwear for 75c ; see them.
Linen handkerchiefs in plain white
and colorecl borders for 12c. }
Early buyers are the lucky ones.
Great Butter Sale.
The very finest country butter fo.15c. .
Wo got this fresh every day and is made
by the best farmers In Nebraska and
Iowa. Wo will sell our Iowa creamery
at 17e and 19c. You know that this
price can't bo boat , and as for the butter
it is first class. Come hero for tlio pur
est qualities of butter at prices lower
than any other store in Omaha. Re
member TO are the loaders in fine but
ter and low prices.HAYDEN
1 Fischer piano , 7 1-3 octave , 3 strings ,
1 Sterling make , $25.00.
1 $125.00 Estoy organ , $72.50.
1 $100.00 Newman Bros , organ , $50.00.
Monday is the last day of the big shoo
sale at 114 S. 10th street. Hurry up if
you want some of the W. V. Morse &
Co. Omaha made shoes at half price.
Whereas , in view of the loss wo have
sustained by the death of our friend ,
associate Thomas Barrett of hose com
pany No. 1 of tbo city of Florence , there
fore bo it resolved that it is but a just
tribute to the memory of the departed to
say that in regretting his removal from
our midst wo mourn for ono who was in
every way worthy of our respect and re
Resolved , That wo sincerely condole
with the family of the deceased on the
dispensation with which It has pleased
Divine Providence to afilict them , nnd
commend thorn for consolation to Him
who orders all things for the best , and
Whoso chastisomontaro meant in mercy.
Resolved , That this heartfelt testimonial
menial of our sympathy and sorrow bo
forwarded to the parents of our departed -
parted friend.
J. A. IIor/r/MAN , Secretary.
Don't forgot to call nnd see tlio lovely
now goods at Mrs. R. II. Davies' , oppo
site P. O.
Clianco to See a Great Country.
Reduced rate , round trip , 30 day ex
cursions into Minnesota , the Dakotas
and Montana , via Great Northern rail
way , from St. Paul , Minneapolis , Duluth
and West Superior , Sept. 15 and 20 , in
connection with eastern linos. See your
nenrost ticket agent or write F. I. Whit
ney , G. P. & T. A. , St. Paul , Minn.
Tliat n O'clock 1'r.iln.
On the Chicago & Northwestern is
fast proving the most convenient and
popular eastern train from Omaha. The
equipment of this train consists entirely
of vestlbuled parlor ears , "Northwest
ern" diners nnd Pullman and Wagner
sleeping cars.
This train leaves direct from the U.
P. depot AT OMAHA at 5 o'clock
daily and arrives at Chicago at 8:15 : the
next morning. City ollico , 1401 Farnam
W. T. Seaman , wagons and carriages
Monday Is the last day of the big shoo
saloutlMS. 10th street. Hurry up if
you want some of the W. V. Morse &
Co. Omaha made shoos at half prlco.
Holln & Thompson , tailors and mon'n
furnishers , 1012 Farnam. Fall stylos.
Now Wo Are wllli You.
The Chicago , Rook Island Sc Pacific
railway are now running all its trains In
and out of Union Depot , Omaha.
Trains will leave as follows :
East Bound Day express , 10:00 : a.m. ;
vostlbulod limited , 4:05 : p.m. ; Atlantic
express , 0:10 : p.m. Arriving at 9:10 : a.m. ,
12:05 : p.m. ami ( > : ! " > p. m.
Departing , WebtBound Denver Vostl-
bulou limited , 12:15 : p. m. ; Denver express ,
7:05 : p. in. Arriving at 3:10 : p.m. , and
7:30 : a. in.
These trains nro vostlbulod and It Is
an Indisputable fact that the dining car
service of the "Groat Rook Island" la
second to none In the country. For
rates nnd slooplng car berths to all
points east or west , call at city ollico of
the "Rock Island Route , " 10th and
Farnam streets.
JOHN SniiASTiAN , G. T. nnd P. A.
J. L. DU UuvoiSE , General Agent.
This Wonilerfhli Sale Begins Tomorrow
( Monday ) at EUonohill's ' ,
$20,000 Worth of Merchandise 1'ur-
olinHcd In Now York City nt Auc
tion Will He Offered Tomorrow
nt lOo on the Dollar.
Beginning Monday wo will knlfo
$20,000 worth of merchandise purchased
from Now York auction. Among these
goods Is a complete notion stock , which
wo will offer for about 10o on a dollar ;
nlho manufacturers' ends of remnants.of
wool dress goods.
50 doz. kid gloves In blacks and colors
at39c , worth up to $1.00 per pair. 250
doz. genuine kids , including 100 do < ; .
mousquotairo gloves and 50 tlo/ . genuine
Foster lacing gloves , nil go ut 76c.
We will only say n few words about
our dress goods. Wo have about 1,000
remnants from2 to 8 yards which will bo
slaughtered at half value.
12 doxcn buttons for 3c.
Matches , Ic per box.
Binding ribbon , 12ic piece.
25c tooth brushes lOc.
Elastic web , 3c per yard.
Silk elastic web , lOo per yard.
Thimbles , le each.
Dress stays , 3c per dozen.
Stockinet dress shields , lOc ,
Curling irons , 8c.
Hair crimpers , Ijc per paper.
Combs , 3o a piece.
Embroidery silk , 4Jc per dozen.
Load pencils , 4 for Ic.
Horn hair pins , Ic each.
Mourning pins , IJo per box.
Safety pins , 2o dozen.
Crochet needles , 2c each.
Silk thread , 2Jc per spool.
Linen thread , Ijc per spool.
Cotton thread , IJo per spool.
Tacks , Ic nor paper.
Soap , Ic cake.
600 dozen children's underwear goes in
three lots. Lot 1 , 5c ; lot 2 , lOc ; lot 3 ,
15c. Wo are not advertising a lot of
small hero , but up to the largest
sizes in misses.
500 sample patrsof comforts and blank
ets at 50c on the dollar.
livery purchaser will bo presented
with an elegant souvenir.
Come early and avoid tlio rush.
110 and 118 N. 10th street.
lindly lefr.
That's what you'll bo if you buy any
thing in the way of furniture without
first looking over our lino. Come in and
look at that ! J-pieco antique o.ik bed
room suit we're offering for $11.75. You
cairt beat it any place for $15.00. See
ojir $3.98 extension table and the center
table we're selling for $ Mio.
They're the kind of bargains
that make customers. Wo have more
chairs than wo know what to do with
so we are selling kitchen chairs for 35e
each and cane-seat dining chairs for 75c.
Come in this week. It will pay you.
Wo shall have another lot of startling
bargains in our shoo department Mon
day as well as in every other part of the
storo. W. R. BENNETT CO. ,
1508 to 1514 Capitol avenue.
Mrs. II. II. DavlcB
lias the finest line of imported goods
that was ever brought to this city , in
Monday is the last day of the big shoo
sale at 114 S. 10th street. Hurry up if
you want some of the W. V. Morse &
Co. Omaha made shoes at half price.
Give Gorman Yeast a trial.
Undo Snm'H Special Tribune Han Jjots
ol' Work to Oo.
"There are about 5,000 Indian depredation
claims now filed with the court of claims , "
said Hon. L.V. . Colby to a BIE reporter
yesterday. "Tho docket is very much
crowded , and many ot these casoa cannot bo
reached before the first week In January.
These claims that were passed upon prior to
the Dassago of the act creating the court of
claims will probably ho disposed of before
that tirao. There were between 500 and 1OOJ
claims of that kind which bad been exam
ined and allowed before the act was passed.
These will bo disposed of very shortly after
the court commences In October. All these
claims that arc believed to bo logltinmto and
honest will bo Uurrlod forward as rapidly as
"I do not understand that it Is my business
to hinder or retard the progress of these
cases , but on the contrary whore I am con
vinced that the claims are just , I expedite
matters as much as possible. The passage
of this law was a great step in the direction
of substantial benefit to the claimantnnd ,
the thousands of deserving people who
have boon waiting for years for
moneys that the government owes them.
It nullities all previous extortionate contracts
with claim agents and attorneys and will en
able the claimants to obtain nearly the full
value of their claims Instead of being obliged
to divide with agents nnd attorneys whoso
fees usually ubsorbod a very largo share of
the funds received from the government for
honest claimants.
"Tho practical workings of the law will , I
think , boot croat benefit to the states of
Iowa , Nebraska , Kansas , the Dakotas and
Colorado , where the people have suffered for
years Irom the depredations of lawless In
dians aud have been writing for the govern
ment to malto good the lossns. la some In
stances the Indians themselves are willing
to admit that they stele or Destroyed the
property. The Brulo Indians who stele n lot
of mules and horses near North IMatto years
ago confessed the theft and ovcu ahowed the
animals to the government agents , but they
refused to return them. They asked the
agent to deduct the prlco of the mules from
the animal allowance granted tholr band by
tbo government. In short the Indians appro
priated the prqporty and asked Undo Sara
to charge It up to their account. "
IJo Witt's Llttlo Early Hisorj , bostpill.
Gorman Yeast is made in Omaha.
Sale 'Mori KII gee's Snip.
The housdhbld goods and personal
property In tlio house IJ010 Woolworth
avenue , lately occupied by C. E. Win-
cole , will bo ; sold by the mortgagee at
public sale im Monday , September 14 ,
1801 , beginning nt 10 o clock a. in.
Ti. WKM.S , Mortgagee.
Dr. SussdorlT , 1501 Knrnum , treats suc
cessfully diseases kidneys , bladder and
rectum , also diseases peculiar to women.
The Mica Fireproof Roofing Co. , 12
Wlthnoll block.
That the Burlington odors the best
service to Chicago. Kaunas City , St.
Joseph , St. Louis , Lincoln , Deudwood
and Denver.
Itoniombor that Us trains for Chicago
leave the union depot at 0:50 : n. in. , 4:1(0 : (
p. m. and l20 ) : p. m ; for Kansas City , St.
Joseph and St. Lou's ' at 0tO : : a. in. nrnl
0:15 : p. in. , for Denver at 10:25a.m. :
and 7:10 p. m. ; for Dead wood ami the Hot
Sprint's of South Dakota , at 10:25 : a , in.
Uoinombor that U hiw four dally express
trains to Lincoln , and live from that
city , and that its ticket ollico is at l--3
Furnum falreot.
Cnrpet _ and Curtain Side for Ono
Beginning Monday , Soptcimar 14 ,
\yhon wo will offer some extraordinary
bargains all of which wo guarantee do-
slrablo In every particular. The prices
are absolutely the lowest and can not bo
competed with. Head the prices. 200
rolls extra super standard mnho all
wool ingrain carpets worth 75c and 85c ,
now 50c nnd GOc yard ; 200 rolls standard
mnkototton chain Ingrain carpets worth
"We , 40c and 50c , now 20o , ; ! 0c nnd 85e
yard ; 100 rolls best tapestry Brussels
worth $1.00 nnd $1.2-3 , now 75c and S5C
yard ; 55 rolls body Brussels worth SI.50 ,
now $1.00 a yard ; 87 pairs chenille portiere
tiere curtains beautiful dado deep and
fringe on both ends nctually worth and
sold all ever at $10.00 , Moiulny $5.00 pair ;
OS pairs chenille portiors largo sl/o deep
fringe on bottom nnd top also dado on
both ends worth * 12.00 , Monday only
$0.60 pair ; 200 pairs Nottingham Inco
curtains , sold freely at $2.00 , Monday
only $1.25 pair ; 500 pairs Nottingham
Inco curtains , beautiful designsit ) yards
long , formerly sold at $11.50 , $1.50 and
SO.OO , Monday only $2.00 , $2.50 nndSU.OO ;
50 pairs Irish point curtains , formerly
sold at $0.00 , Monday $ U.OS pair ; 180
pairs extra line quality Irish point cur
tains , worth $12,00 , $ 15.00 and $18.00 ,
Monday In ono lot only $8.50 pair : 500
best opaque curtain shades , nil "mado up
on best spring fixtures , l5c ! each ; 100
rolls floor oil cloth , 25c yard. Don't
delay ; buy your carpels and curtains
during this .sale ; you will save money.
Early buyers will get best selections.
5 bales fruit-loom anil lonsdnlo muslin ,
( iju yard ; 2 eas-es unbleached cotton
llannel , 44j yard ; 50 pieces white shaker
llannol nt Uc ) yard , worth 15c ; big line
apron check gingham , 5c yard ; a big
bargain In towels Monday at lOc
and 12c } each , worth 15c and 20c ;
25 do/.cn Turkish bath towels , 5c each ,
Special sale now fall dress goods , beau
tiful wool plaids , 25e and 50c yard ; they
are a big bargain. Don't fail to visit
our cloak department. Special bargains
in ladies' fall and winter jackets. Re
member wo m'o headquarters on cloaks
in Omaha. Closing out wall paper at
half price. BENN1SON BUGS.
Mr. and Mrs , W. J. Temple returned from
Lincoln last evening.
MissTame London of Hastings Is visiting
her brother Kobert London.
Postmaster Glasgow and family arc back
from the sUto fair at Lincoln.
South Omaha lias now six additional mails
daily owing to the entrance of the Hock
Kdgnr Walters , for years clerk of the Del-
mouico hotel , loft for his houic at Shclton
last evening.
Next Tuesday evening the now Uohemian
association will meet in Blum's hall to com
plete organization"
II. .T. Jeffries and I. W. f.oodhard of Elkhorn -
horn were calling on old friends in the city
vcstorday afternoon.
Mrs. C. Yount found her missing son last
night after n search of three days. Ho was
stopping with friends.
The Cosky Slavanski Podporudjico Spelky
will meet this evening at Ancient Order
United Workmen hall.
O. T. Biglon. mayor of O'Neill , Ben De
Amyer and .lohn Tassunmn , prominent mer
chants of that place , are the guests ot Miles
Ton lump-Jawed cattle were knocked in the
head by Inspector Howard j-csterday. This
makes tliirty-nino head condemned so far
this month.
G. S. MASSOII , D. Anderson and John
Kitchhart will becin their work as appraisers
of damages along Thirteenth street us extend
ed tomorrow.
J.V. . Martin , n house mover , had his hand
badly crushed while placing some heavy tim
bers under the building. Dr. Berwick fears
ho may lese his hand.
Charles Miller was given free board and
lodging in the sanitarium on the hill for
thirty days for appropriating a pocket book
belonging to O. A. Stuart.
The preliminary hearing in the case of
young Goldstein , who shot Arthur Adnms
last Sunday morning , will take place before
Judge King tomorrow at 10IiO. :
The Bohemians gave a dance at Blum's
hall last night which was \voll attondod.
Many of their countrymen from Omaha came
down and joined in the festivities.
A meeting of the Limerick club was hold
last night at the YounuMen's institute and
arrangements were completed for the cele
bration to bo held in Boyd , $ now theater Oc
tober U.
W. S. Missomcr , grand chief carman of the
Brotherhood of Hallway Carmen of America ,
with headquarters at St. Joseph , Mo. , is the
guest of Horace Hussoll. Mr. Missimer was
hero perfecting the organization of carmen
lately started.
At the coming alliance picnic to bo held nt
Homer , Nob. , September ' - ' ( ! , Uov. Kobort
Wheeler of this city has been Invited to
speak. Dixon , Dakota , Thurston and Wnyno
counties will bo represented , nnd the day
will bo devoted to music , speeches nnd an
Immense barbecue. .
This is the last Sunday of the present conference -
foronco year at the First Methodist church ,
corner Twenty-third and N streets. Consequently
quently tomorrow may bo Iho last day on
which Kov. C. N. Dawson will preach iu thjs
city. Tlio congregation of that church have
been greatly pleased with Kov. Dawson dur
ing his residence nerc , and will extend a call
to the district conference for his return to
this station ,
The Hock Island brought in Its first through
train of stock from the west ycstordnv. Tno
shipment consisted of eight cars of rancro
cattle , the properly of U' . H. Hallott. The
run from Colorado Springs , Colo. , tlio load
ing point , was made in nineteen hours. Mr.
Hallott was well pleased with the run and
the prices received. Ho has noout 10,000
head and slated that they would all coma to
tbo South Omaha mnrkot.
Tlio I0\posltlou.
The exposition at tlio Coliseum building
will bo opcucd on thoSbthmst. nnd continued
three weeks. The management has divided
the building so as to make l.U1 ? spaces for ex
hibitors and Ihoso have all boon taken except
M. S. Llnasay , who has been looking after
the details of the matter , .states that efforts
have been made to secure n first class lot of
exhibits and in this thev have boon very suc
cessful. They will not allow space to betaken
taken up by inferior exhibits which will mar
the tonoof the whole exposition. A special
effort has been made to Rocuro n line line of
nxhiblts by local manufacturing industries
and in this they have been very successful
and Omaha factories will bo well repre
A concert will bo given each evening nnd a
band contest will bo held the last week , nt
which ( ' , ' 50 in prizes will bo distributed.
TurKlnKou TrouliIoH.
The case of 'Anna Tur nelson against hoi-
husband , Peter , was up for hearing before
Judge Ferguson yesterday. A Jew days
ago the wife brought a suit for divorce. In
her petition she alleged that Peter had not
only been gay nnd giddv , but that ho had
been guilty of Inhuman treatment. Today
she asked for und secured nn order restrain
ing Peter from disposing of his property ,
valued nt f I.IXKI. Arguments on the restrain
ing order will bo hold next Saturday morn.
A very small pill , hut a \ cry good ono. Do
Witt's Llttlo Karly Hlsors.
J. .r. Johnson & Co. have removed their
coal ollico to 220 S. 15th street.
Via tlmValmHh U , 1C.
On September 20 the Wnbnsh will hell
round trip tickets good for ' ) days to
polntH In Arkansas , Texas , Louisiana ,
TonnoHSoo , Mississippi , Alabama and
Cioorgia. For rnte , tii-kotb and full in-
furmuttun call on or write-
( . . N i i Avr Ngont. .
16UI'unnuu bt. , Uiui\liu , hob ,
Graml Kroo Concert.
The People's Mammoth Installment
house , liilo nnd 11)17 ) Farnam street , nt
tholr grand opening tomorrow evening
from 7 to 10 o'clock by the Musical
Union Military band , II. l' ' , Irvine , di
I. Overture , "Orphens , " OlTonbach.
2. Selection , "Nation , " Gonee.
II. "Tho First Heart Throbs , ' ' Ellm-
4. "A Trip to Coney Island , ' ' Moses-
Synopsis Hush to tlio boat. All
aboard ! whistle. "Life on the Ocean
Wave. " Italian kind playing on board
the etoamor. Appoaram'-o of jubilee
singers. All ashore ! whistle. BoardIng -
Ing the train and arriving at Coney Isl
and. Carousals. I'usMng a frce-and-
oasy. Appearance of street uand enter
ing West Brighton hotel , tbo greatest
living coi-notist Is heard. A heavy
thunder storm comes on with thunder
and lightning. The clouds are breaking
and sunshine follow * . Arrival at Brigh
ton beach whore Soidl's famous orches
tra is hoard. Boarding the Marino rail
road , train arrives at Manhattan bench
just in tlmo to hear Oilmoro's bund per
form the "Anvil Chorus , " introducing
500 anvils. Signal for 1'alno's fireworks
is heard , followed by cannon shots nnd
imitation of skyrockets. After a grand
rush for the homo bound train , "Homo ,
Sweet Homo" concludes the piece.
6. Mexican. dance , "Ho-es mid
Thorns , " Itidonguo.
0. Overture , "America , " Moyrollcs ,
on national airs.
7. Medley , "Popular Airs , " Bootlgor.
8. Wall"First Kiss , " Lamotho.
0. Selection , "Erminio1 Jacob-
10. Characteristic , "Simplicity , "
11. Idyll , "Tho Mill in the Forest. "
Edinborg. ( a ) On the brook , ( b ) The
mill ,
12. March"American Modloy"Brooits
Wlljfj I'AY I1 < VLK.
County CommiHbioiicrs Make nit Offer
on Klcrtlou Itootlis.
The regular meeting of the Board of
County commissioners was hold yesterday
with Messrs. O'Keoffe , s'an Camp , Timnio
and tlio members of the Joint committee from
the council nnd Board of Education present.
Tlio list of bids on election booths as pub
lished a week ago was read , together with
the resolution of the council instructing the
representatives of the council on the joint
committee on election booths that the coun
cil would pay ono-qtiartor of the cost of the
booths provided the school board paid a like
amount nnd the county one-half of the cost.
Mr. O'Kocn'o reported that ho had pro
posed that the county pay ? ,000 , the school
board $ -1,000 and the city the balance. This
would leave thu city fti.'JOS to pay providing
thu booths were purchased.
Mr. Osihoff , of the committee from the
council , said the council had given the com
mittee from the council no discretion m the
matter. The council thought the county
should pay one-half of the expense of the
booths including the cost of furnishing them
complete , and the committee had no power to
change the terms.
After discussing the matter for some time
iron booths were decided on and the follow
ing resolution was introduced by Mr. Timnio
and adopted :
KoMilvcd , Tlmt Iho county will pay $ fl.4i ! :
for ihu riMjnlral numhi-rof booths In thu city ,
and when this amount Is paid the county hus
done all that will be ic-quitod ( if It. the city to
taku c.ire of Iho boothsaml furnish them with
thu necessary furniture and Htutionrry.
The county attorney was instructed to
meet with the attorneys of the city and the
Board of Education and draw up a contract
covering this matter.
The amount of $18,20 , of which the county
agreed to pay one-half , cover ? only the pur
chase price of the booths , not including the
necessary chairs and tables which will cost
nt least $1,000 additional , and which the
city will have to pay.
The board then proceeded to the regular
order of business.
The usual number of communications and
bills were road and referred to the various
A resolution from Van Camp provided that
all claims for coroners' witness and jury fees
up to Augustjll. which nro lound correct by
the county auditor , bo allowed. The resolu
tion was adopted.
The regular appropriation sheets were
"Ilio Four Leaved Clover. "
M. 13. Home's pretty oporatta "Tho Four
Leaved Clover , " will bo presented nt WashIngton - i
Ington hall Friday evening next under the
direction of Mrs. S. E. Clappo. Fifty chd- |
dren , ranging in years from (1 ( to H , will ap
pear In the performance. The following is
the cast of characters :
Isabella , Counters of Agnllar
.Miss Uracu Crawford
I.ady Ine/ 1 l.oulse ( Jatuh
July ; lllnda , known I Her
us Juanlta V Nettle Decota
Susunmi. maid to I
Lady Iiiu/ . " Kny Cook
IonSehislliiVi"coMimanlorof ) ( the oastlo .
. Murray Crawford
Don Carlo * , a Hiianlsh gnosl . . . . ! < . McCarthy
air ItoliuiK ( Jriioino , an KnulMi guest. . . .
. Allen
Pedro . I Tholr j Harold Dunqlur
Donald . ( v.ilols. j Curl Cook
l.orrn/n , Monuselml . Hort Corbctt
( jliic-u-Anf. a Gorman sprite . I'ot Corliott
Ciretuhtiti , his blsturund liituinrolur .
. Myiilo Docoto
Ma/otto , loader ot thu ( Jypsli-s .
. Muiulco Hardiium
Po'Julinu , I5j'ny | fortune tellnr. . . . . . . . . . .
. Nor.i Nowhonso
l.ords nncl I.adlos of the Oastlo Annie fillmore -
more , Ourrlo St. Cuyor. AKKO ! Uurr. Kiln
Dilrr. May ( Jrllllth , llttu TnoKur , Adulalni )
Ivounlg , M//lo liuwion , Mlllo I. arson. I.uey
ll.iyus I'rniico * I.ov ) , I'ntrk-k l.ynt-h. Charles
ChirU. ( irorgo Williams , May WIIIInniB.
( lypsles llorllm Momauli , Idu Waur.i. Anna
MeCailhy , Tllllo Cni-iy , Alice llilKKx , D.nsy
KatsUy. .lennto Oallnsky , Dilllii liulliibky ,
Kmmii I.awson , Mauik-e llardinun.
Chorus of lotalneis , peasants , Gypsy t.oys ,
Ilriul In Danger.
Thu ofllclal head of Count I'ulnskI , the
keeper of the city pound , hangs ever the
eilgo of Mayor Cushing's basket. Last night ,
so the story goes , 1'ulaskl rode to the homo
of Kd Kennedy. There ho found a cow at
tached to the end of u ropo. Whooping like
n Comanchc Indian , ho nourished his whip
until the cow brolto from her
After that ho demanded the payment of 75
cents , which was refused. The cow was
driven to tno pound and tomorrow morning
Dr. otowo and Mr. Kennedy will lilo charges
against Ihu count.
They're Afloi- Him ,
"I nm besieged by women , " said Senator
Mandorson yesterday. "It has gotten out in
jomu way that the government Is going to
omnlov women at Houtn Omaha to conduct
the mfcroscoplo examination of moats and I
think there have been a score of applicants
to see mo about the matter within the past
few days. I understand thcro will bo em
ployment down there for several capable inspectors
, "
specters _
The following nrirnailio3ii in woralssuol
by JuiK'o Shields ywtorday :
Namn and Address. AKO.
I linns Chrlsllnn IVdnrson , Omahn , . . . , . II *
I Marlu Ili-itheUt'ii , Omaha . Hi
, Omalm . "I
J tli-iii irn AiliiniH
1 Alllu llrowii , uni ilm . Ill
I ( iror/a tiuliiioll. Omaha . U'J
1 Mrs. Amelia Junus. Uuialm. . . . ' ' >
A Scnnatlonat Divorce Cnno
May bo the outcome of a man boln/j /
continually obliged to oat poor broatV
Maybe U'H not your wife's fault , though.
If you want nor to mnko "brcnil Hku
your mother used to mako" von must ;
buy good Hour. If you'll get her n sacW
of ono of our celebrated brand 8 and slid
is at all painstaking she'll nmko you
nlco white , light bread and blm-ults ami
rolls such us you haven't ttiHtod olnco
you "loft homo. "
We're the relnll Hour house in
Omaha. Wo buy In cur load lois ami
can make you closer llgut-OH on gooil
goods than any other linn. 60-pound.
sacks of llrst quality Hour from $1.00 ins
Kvcry sack of Hour sold by us la fully
warranted , nnd If It's not entirely satla
factory , wo pledge ouixMvoa to make it
so. Most of our Hour Is made In Oiunhit.
II-ivo you tried our .Inmova roiTooyot ?
Come fit and get a hot cup. It ranks
with the llnest Mochas and Javns in the
world and never falls' to excite an ludlf- '
foront stomach to tlio onjoymonl of n
hearty breakfast. Kplcuros'do not tlm
of the delicate , rich Htivoraud pungency
it possesses. Wo sell .lamova at lho ! po"
pound. W. U. HKNNKTTlO. ,
loO-S to l.'il I Capitol avcnuoi
Hnglno houses 7 and * were placed In scr
vice last night. Chief ( .lullignn has manned
them temporarily with four man each. The
other now houses will bo ready for occupancy
In n week or so.
Thoru will bo a mooting of the local branch
of the Xabraska State Business Men's nsso-
elation Monday evening at the Mlllard hotel
to make arrangements for Douglas county's
showing In the advertising train which it la
proposed to send the latter partot thli
month. All business men nro urged to attend
this meeting.
During Friday night's storm lightning
struck Dr. Tilden's residence nt Nineteenth
mid DoiigUs , knocking down the chlmnoy
and shattering the roof to the extent of i'-OO ,
No ono was injured. The orrntu- current
also burned out the switch board at tha
Nineteenth street power liousu , causing n
tlo up of the Parnatn street line for nearly
three hours.
On Wednesday evening Prof. Xornon C.
Smith , the horse trainer , will open tha
Omaha Guards armory on Capitol avenue ,
between Seventeenth and Eighteenth streets ,
as an arena for the handling anil subduing ol
all wild and vicious horses. Ho Invites nil
owners of hor.sOH possessing any bad or any
wild habit to bring them to the professor and ,
ho will euro them frco of charge.
Mr. Ira Stewart Sherman , formerly of tins
city , died nt tlio I'alniPiHouse , Chicago.
Wednesday morning , September U , of typhoid
fever. The lecoasod wasengagoil in the real
ostnto business in Los Angeles foi six years
and removed to Chicago four mouths ago anil" *
did nn extensive real estate business up till
Ids Illness which resulted In his ( loath. .Mr.
Ctmrlcs 1 { . Slmrman of the II rm of Sherman
it McConnell of this city , a brother of the
deceased , returned yesterday from the
Miss Eli/abeth Harrison of Chicago , prlno
clpal of the Kindergarten Training School
for Teachers , will lecture at the Young Men's
Christian association hall Mondnv orcnlug.
Subject : "Tho Kindergarten. " Miss HarrU
son's lectures in Chicago have been vor/
largely attended. Her lectures to mother *
have attracted much attention. She is rccog-
nl/.ed as n leading authority upon tlio kinder *
gartcn. Admission froo. The lecture wilt
bo given under the auspices of the Teach *
ers' association.
Last Friday evening the members of th
Young Men's Institute celoorated tbo begins
ning of their series ot fall socials , it was rt
success in every point of view. The soncs
by Mr. James Swift and Miss Cosgrovo , reel *
tntlon by Miss Kennedy , nnd American
dance by Mr. Val. Mule-any , won full aupre *
elation from the nudicnco by the manner iu
which they rendered their respective selec
tions. Notwithstanding the inclemency
of the weather about IAD ladles
aud gentlemen attundod , and tholr
verdict was they had spent a thorough good
A\lL I'.tlt.lGlt ll'IIS.
John Weaver of Ponder is at the Casey.
Josiah Cilllland of Howe , Is at the Dollone.
P. W. Fcenoy of Lincoln is at the Dellono.
A. L. Cameron of Lincoln , is ut the Mil *
C. M. Boyulon of Lincoln , is nt the Mil *
Charles S. Lincoln of Lexington , U nt the
II. P. Jackson ot Plattsmouth , Is nt thij
II. O. Whymont nnd wife nro at tha
F. N. Carpenter and wife of Syracuse , are
at the Murray.
Mrs. Emma b. Jones has roturncd from
Fremont , where she lias been spending tha
Hon. R. M. Eaton , the popular district
judge of Atchison , Ivan. , is visiting friends la
Omaha a few nays.
A. S. Mercer of the Northwestern LIve
Stoclc Journal of Cheyenne , Wyo. , was in the
city today and paid a visit to Tin : Bui : build
Miss Suslo Ken fro of Louisville , Ky. , li
gladly welcomed buck to Omaha. She is the
guest of Mrs. S. C. liorom of Davenport
street. 1
Miss Eli/abeth Harrison , the bend of TftJ
kindergarten college of Chicago , is visitlni *
her friend , Mibs Alexander , IS'JH South Thir
tieth avenue.
Mr. nnd Mrs. W. H. Fisher of Detroit ,
Mich. , with their daughter Irene , are visit ,
ing In this city , the guests of Mr. and Mrs.
II. A. Sturges.
Miss Suslo CiUggonhelmor of Chicago , who
lias been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Drelfus , of
11117 Cass street , for the past four weeks , left
for her homo last evening.
Mrs. S. N. Kearney of Shrcovcport , Lflj , .
who has been visiting the family of Mtjj !
U'llman at'JIOl Ca.s ; street , departs for her
southern homo this morning.
Jay Hulphroy and David I.oer of Norfolk ,
WIMM in Omaha yesterday working up nn ex
cursion from Onnha to Norfolk to attend the
opening of tlio beet sugar factory.
Mr. Julius Foatnertnu returned fiom Dftv *
onport , la , where last Timsdnv ovi-ning ha
witnessed the river carnival , the most
unique displnv , ho says , ho evnr witncssed (
Tlio canoe clubs of the city had 100 barks ou
the water ahil n do/en or moro steamers ,
all brilliantly Illuminated , whllo the govern
ment island wasabla/o with llroworks during
thoentlro night. Fully 100,000 visitors wit *
nessud Iho spectacle.
Miss Katlo Putnam , the charming llttla
actress , who will this week mnko licr ro
cntro on the stngo of Omalm after an nbsonco
of eight or ton years , deserves a bilof peri
bonal reference'Independent of her morlU ni
a comudienno of exceptional talent Mis *
Putnam Is ono of these artistes whoso pri
vate lifo honors the dramatic profession and
refutes the allegations ol thoio who nttorapt
to traduce the staco and Its votaries. In tbd
broadest and best sense of the word she Is a
lady , Imbued witli the kindliest lu
stlnctn and never allowing an op
portunity to pass for doing good to hoi ?
follow benign , whether in tlio profession off
out of It. It U not too much to say that up
uctrois in ttio country hiis givmi more to
charity than Miss Piitnmn. and none taUo *
greater plonsuro in iho performance of kindly
oOlci-s. Her qualities as nn artrcss nro
hpolton of elsowhuro , and wo simply icfor in ,
tills connection to her lovable , generous and
Irronroachiihlo character as a woman , whioU
has won for her a host of constant friends
wluTt-vor "ho is best known , nnd which
glviM h. r an added claim to popular respect
and admiration.
Used iu Millious of 1 u - -40 Years the Standard ,