THE OMAHA DAILY BEE , SUNDAY , SEPTEMBER 13 , 1891-SIXTEEN PAGES. SOCIETY IN MID-SEPTEMBER , ' * " Woddinga Which Will Ocoar Daring the Ocming Week. A FORECAST OF THE SEASON'S ' FESTIVITIES Whnt UicMciiilxM-M ortlioHaiit Momlo round to Kntcrtiilii llioni the AV'cck Just I'nst Movements null WliurcnlioiitH. Prom September's misty etMs , Growing on the furrowed ground , Comoj the cheery rrlckot sound ; Whllo from twistea , browning trees App'es ' full. Anil the warm mid dusty winds , Turning vvhlto the roadsii'.o weeds , Whirl tlio leaves und thlstlu scous , From the mullovr , ha/y nlr Bluojuys call. O'er the meadow's nftornmth , By the August rains mndo green , Harvest spldor-wcus iiro seen , Showing wet , llko fresh-drawn not Spread to dry. Threading from the summer's ' \voof | Uoldon-rod September weaves , Binding In with crumpled leaves - Sparrows trailing flight from trees Tli rough the sky. Butterflies with snowy wings , Kislng fiom the asters whlto , Look Ilka petals in their light , Or ns souls of summer llowers Passing by. The past week has witnessed the return of n laigo number of the fashionables from BUtnmer Homes , und already plans nro being made for the formal Inauguration of the sea- BOH. While it Is hard at this writing to In dicate \vliut the chief amusement of the haul inondo will bo this year , It is qtiito safe in saving that The Assembly and probably the Cotillon will bo rcorgaul/"d , in addition to several neighborhood dancing club ) . Cards will continue to bo a stiong attraction for these who cnro not for 'ho inn/y round and the intellectually inclined will take ill ) courses of rending in keeping with their do- Biro to shine In the domain of culture. Tlio picsonco ol a number of society girls from different ultlos throughout tbo country will add largely to the pleasure which is now anticipated , and with the debutantes to give lustro to the dollies of socieiy tbo season ought to bo one of the most brilliant la tlio history of the metropolis. Some town houses in the fashionable quarters are already open and moro aio being made ready for their occupants. Tlio crowds huvo deserted the sc.isldo places , so eastern correspondents inform us , and while some of the mountain hotels uill remain ouen until October , ttieto uro but fo\v people remaining in them , and every week , indeed. Ovory day , will see tno returning summer tniants in goodly numbcis. These who have countrv places near the city and who have been away on trips nro mostly bock , and these wtio iiro loitering will not bo absent much longer. " 'Shall ' men dance in the next century ! ' Is tbo question which is asked by leaders of fashion nowadays , " says a correspondent of the Now Yon ; Press. Kvory year sees fewer and fewer of dancing men. And each season it is harder and harder to Und loaders for cotillions and gcrmans. This year many very smart ladies mo dancing together at the func tions which take place at Mimmor hotels , and it is not considered a bleach of etiquette or n lapse of manners , or a jump into tlio uncon- vcntionalitics for women to do so. Whcr- ever tbi'so smart ladies have boon HCOII dancing together at these summer hotels they weio invariably as sorted in couples that were utterly unlike in appearance and stylo. A very tall , dark brunette would cheese a littio fut blonde for her puitm-r , while in turn a tall , stately blonde would boar upon her arm a delicate littio brunctto who looked as if sbo could not speak up for herself to save her llfo , and ouhl not oy any chance ventnro to take a stop alono. Thus it is with women. They talco things as they go with remarkable equanimity , and have a littio kind of tact and good tasto'which enable them to make up the breach in such a way that no ono over sus pects that they have los t anything. A "brown luncheon" is quito the newest mode of onteitninmeut. The menu cards ore done in brown sepia , trith 1'gures ' from the "Brownies" In ono corner. These also do duty as souvenirs. Hiown and white china uro used , und the while napkins ana table cloth are decorated with a broad band of drawn work done In blown. Hefreshmcnts consist of tbo brown moat of turlcoy , veal loaf , brown bread , chocolate and marble cake , chocolate Ices and coffee and choco late. Next week will Inaugurate the September weddings , the marringo of Miss Irene Moore , daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C , B. Moore , 2010 Capitol avenue , to Mr. Franklin Welsh of Evanston , Wyo. , being on the cards for sol emnization Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock , Dr. Joseph T , Duryca ofllclating. While the wedding will bo a very quiet ono , It will bo very chaimmg. The hi Ida and groom leave the next day for their future homo in Evan- Eton. Following closely upon the heels of tlio Welsh-Mooro weading , Wcdncsanv will wit ness the marilngo of Miss Loola Carter , daughter of Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Carter of West Farnam street , and Mr. Newton - ton Barltalow , ono of the best Known former society men in Omaha. The ceremony will tnito plnco at Trinity cathedral at 7:110 : o'clock , Bishop Wmthlngton nnd Dean Gardner officiating , although live other clergymen will have places in the chancel , old ft lends of the fam ily. The surpliccd choir will sing the wed- dine march fiom "Lohengrin. " Miss Carter will bo assisted by her sister , Miss Leila Car ter , Miss Hawley , Miss Hoynolds of Council Bluffs and Miss Amv Barker. The best man will bo Mr. living Baxter : tun ushers , Mr. Berlin , Mr. Kobort Pattiek , Mr. Moso Bark- nlow and Mr. 1C. C. Baiton. After the ceremony at the church a recep tionill bo given at the beautiful homo of the bride on upper Fnrnam street. The largo acquaintanceship of the family necessitated the issuing of a very largo number of Invita tions , minor stating that nearly 1,500 Invita tions hnvo been issued for I ho ceremony and reception. A Doulilo Ono of the prettiest weddings over seen In South Omaha occurred Inst Wednesday morning at St. Agnes' church. City Clerk John Kyan and Miss Mary Corrigan were the h.ipoy contracting parlies. Hov. Fr. D , "W. Morlarty tied the bonds , Mr. James H. Fleming nnd Miss Anna Corilgan being best limn and bridesmaid respectively. The brlilo were a wino colored silk , trimmed with black lace , and carried a largo bouquet of Murcchal N il roses and llllies. Doth iiartiiu are well known , having resided in South Omaha and vicinity from childhood. Mrs. itvan is a sister of County Commis sioner Corilgan and is a lovely , accomplished young lady. The sumo morning Mr. Lany O'iCeafo and Mrs. Torusa Uwyor worn also married by Kov. Fr. Morlartv. Mr. James 1'aiks and Miss Nellie Hughes did thu honors for the last named parties. The brldo was arrayed In garnet silk. An elegant wedding breakfast followed the ceremony ut the homo of Mrs. Kyati's parents , U10 Twenty-sixth street. MavorSIoano and all the city oflloials weru present. Until couples loft the .same evening for the west , whoru they will nivel foraeek or two lu the beauties of mountain scenery , and Will return hero about October 1 , A Itiriluliiy i'arty. Ono of tbo most delightful parties of the season was that given last WednosJay eve by Mrs. Cleorso Dovorell , ( JOriCumlugstreet , in honor of her husband's birthday. Tha house , beautifully decorated with ( lowers , lent enchantment and fingranco throughout. Illyh-llvo was tho- leading feature of the evening , Mrs , Ur. Howard Cook being tbu lucky Indy player , who won the first prize , wblch consisted of n buudsoino gold nnd mother of pearl pen * Airs. ( Jould drew the Dooby. Tbo gentlemen's tlrst prlre was awarded Mr , Frank Cioiild , a silver watch case. The booby prize was captured by Dr. Howard Cook. Amoni ; the e present wore : Mr. and Mrs. T , U. Haven * , Mr. aivl Mrs. Jr , Howard Cook , Mr. and Mrs.Villto Cur- uoy , Mr. and Mr * . Hlchard Kagan , Mr. und Mrs , C. 1) . Hutcblnion , Mr and Mrs Don Jobst , Mr. and Mw , U. UhoJiw , Mr. auil Mrs. Stephen Felltor , Mr. nnd Mrs. Hem mlng , Mr. nnrt Mr * . Fred Dolono , Mr. and Mr . Uoaohnold , Mr. and Mrt. Crosby , Mr and MM. Frank Gould. Mr. and Mrs. it. V HodRln , Mrs. Yatcs , Mr * . Hnrton , Mr. Wnl lor I'arlsh , MM. Smith , Mr. Illchnrd Smith Hclunldt null U'llnnlnii. A very pretty wedding occurred at the Holy Family church , corner of Kightccntt ana Izard streoti , Wednesday ovcnlng , a which Mr. N. J. Schmidt of the auditor's ofllcn of the Union Pacific and Miss Htanor J. O'ltanlon ' wera united In the bond1) o matrimony In the presence of a largo numbo of relatives and friends of both pirt , lc . The bridesmaid wai Miss Florence O'Han- Ion , sister of the bride , and William Weber acted as host man. James Casey , brother- in-law of tno bride , gave the bride away. At thu conclusion of the ceremony u de licious wedding breakfast was served at the Hotel Caioy , at which were present about f irty relatives and friends of the contracting parties , Mr. nnd MM. Schm dt started this after noon on an extended tour through the east during which they will visit i'lttsburg , De troit , Now York , Chicago nnd other eastern cities , returning In about three woeks. Tl orntoii and Todlmntcr. On last Wodnoiday evening September 9 , a very happy wedding took plnco nt the resi dence of Mr. Thomas H. Todhuntor. 2021 St Mar > 's avenue , when Mr. Frank I' Thorn ton und Miss Mayuilo A. Todhuntor were united lu marriage by Hev. T. K. Cramble of the First Christian church. Shortly after H o'clock the "Ivinhoo" wcddlnc march was played by Miss Carrie Parker while the con true ting parties cnteied and teen thoii position in the front parlor , surrounded by the family and nearest friends , who witnessed nossed the ceremony , after which nn elegan supper was enjoyed by all present , The bride was handsomely dressed in grey nnd looked n picture of sureno content. The popularity of the young couple was exprossot by numerous present' ; , whllo n beautiful bed room suite nnd sot of dinner dishes from the clerks In tbo Pacific ; Express auditor's ofllcu testified the esteem In which the groom is held by his superiors and associates in ofllco. A Itattlo V. itli CarilH. Mr. and Mrs. Edward POCK gave a pro gressive high live party Monday evening in honor of their guests , Miss Wilson and Miss Smith , of Boston. Each guest iccelvod a tiny basket lilted with mots. As the game progressed each of the fortunate ones \vero given a whlto lese , so that at the close each had a basket of beautiful roses , The llrst prize , a basket of La Franco roses , was won by Miss Laura lloagland , and Mr. 1C. Charles Barton won the gentlemen's prlo , a pack of cards in a hand painted ca&o. Refreshments were served during the evening , These present weio1 Mr. and Mrs Charles Deuol , Mr. andMrs. L. P. Flnlcuouscr , Miss Wilson , Miss Bishop , Miss Smith , Miss Besslo Yates , Miss Duane , Miss Emily Wakelov , Miss Hall , Mr. Hall , Mr. King- wait. Mr. Hamilton. Mr. Cbarlos Howo. Mr. Oifut , Miss Keeso , Mr , Murray and Miss L.aura Hoagland. Movements ami Whereabouts. Mr. II. B. Hedge was lu Omaha the past \\cck. Miss Mollona Buttorfleld has gouo to De troit , Mich. Mrs. George M. Darrow has returned from BnyJleld , Wis. Airs. C. II. Gardner will remain at Bay- flold , Wis. , until October 1. Judge and Mrs. W. T. Strawn are now at homo at'JOI5 Douglas street. Mrs. Warion Hogors , her friends will be pleased to know , is convalescing. Born , to Mr. and Mrs. W. F. VnHl , Wednesday overling , n daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Hitchcock are very happy over the birth of a daughter on Sunday last. Miss n. Wren returned Tuesday from n thrco weeks' vacation at her homo In Mich igan.Tho The Misses Brown of Fort Meade are guests of the Misses Sherwood on Dodge street. MM. F. A. Kinehart will return from Den ver today nttor a fortnight's visit with friends. Mr. and Mrs. John A. Bryant returned last week from their wedding trip through Now York und Pennsylvania. Mr. C. B. Ott , a former resident of Omaha , but now residing in Wheeling , W. Vn , , is in thu city laprescntine a glove company. Mr. John Howard , son of General O. O. Howard , second lieutenant of the Nineteenth foot , is in Omaha visiting friends for a few days.Mrs. Mrs. Gannett and Mr. Karl Gannett will arrive in Omaha ooout Octubor 1 , and will occupy Mr. Hobort Garlichs' house for the winter. Mr.V. . II. ICconlg , as brown as a berry , returned last riunday from his outing to the Yellowstone park. Ho was accompanied on his vacation Uy Itov. Mr. Kuuns. Mr. ana Mrs. J. J. Dickey , accompanied by Miss Clara Bro\vn and Mr. Hurry Jordan , left , Omaha yesterday in a special car for u tlaeo weeks' trip to Portland. Mr. and Mrs. William F. Allen have gene cast to place their daughter. Miss Uraco , in Liisell Seminary , Auburndalo , Mass , 'iuov will return in about two weeks , Mr. William Haydcn and Miss Sadie Hayden - den are making an extended tour of the cast , visiting nil the big cities of tbo Atlantic coast. They will return about October 1. Captain and Mrs. A. C. Haymond of Ver mont are visiting nt the residence of Mr. and Airs. C. S. Hayinoud , on West Farnnm btrcot. They are delighted with the west ana enthu siastic over Omaha's possibilities. Mrs. E/ra Mlllard and her two daughters , Miss Anna ana Miss Helen , have returned from their long tour of European countries and have taken up their residence in the old Millnrd mansion , Nineteenth and Capitol avcuuo. A largo box party was given Wednesday evening at the Grand oporn house by the oflicials of the fort and their wives. After the pcrtormuneo sovornl of the principals went out to the garrison with the military people. Miss Oliver , who has boon the gurst of Miss Kountyo for the past tow weeks , Is now with Mrs. Frank Lchmec. Mr. Herman ICountro and Mr. Luther Kount/o have left for St. Paul's school nt Concord , N. H. , and Mr. Charles Kountzo for Yulo. Mr. nnd Mrs. Coutant were agreeably sur prised by their friends last Tuesday evening. Cards wcro the order of tbo evening. These present woio : Mr. and Mrs. Yates , Mr. and Mis. Bnrkalow , Mr and Mrs. Morbomnu , Mr. and Mrs. Pritchott , Mr. and Mrs. Yo t. Miss Jessie , daughter of Dr. and Airs George H. Pnrbell , is to marry Mr. Silas Cobb on Tuesday , September W. They will bo ut homo after the 10th of November at ' , ' 825 California street. Mr. Cobb Is the pros ecuting uttoinoy for the city , a bright" and prosperous young lawyer. Miss Yost loturnod yesterday from n de lightful visit to Salt Lalio City , having boon a guest of the Lymans whllo thoro. During her absence she was ono of a gay party that took in \ellowstouopark. . She will bo visited by Miss Wallace of tbo City by the Jordan during the winter. Miss Nellie iIcelanS"i South Twenty-fifth a\enuo , gave nn Informal party to a number or her friends Fiidayevening. Among those uresent wcro Miss Cushing , Miss O'KoelTo , Miss Montgomery , Miss Jacltson , Miss Do- vine , Messrs. John O'Keeffp , John Moran , L. Huydon , John Urow , F. Miller , W. Hnzoltou. Mr. and Mrs. Patrick g < > vo a party of their friends un outing to Mr. Walker's farm , thlr- .0011 tulles from the cltv , where n pleasant day was spent. Tbo part > consisted of Sonu- ; or and Mrs. Mandorson , Mr. and Mra. Yntes , Mr. Berlin. Miss Bessie Yates , Mr. latin Patrlfk , Miss Sherwood and Miss Doano. George L. Fisher of the firm of Mendelssohn - dolssohn , Fisher & Laurie loft Wednesday for Now York , from wuonoo ho sails on the Auruma for Quccnstown. Ho will spend several months In n tour of the continent. Ho will make u special study of tbo principal points of architectural Interest lu the old world. Mr. and Mrs. Harry B. Richardson and Mlsa Grace Klchurdson of Chicago , who huvo been visiting Mr. W. G. Klchnrdsou for some weeks , have terminated their visit. Miss Itlobardsau bus tolurucd to Chicago , ana on Friday Mr. ana Mrs. Kiobardson departed Fora fuitUer ojourn In Denver and Manltou Springs , Col. The Crystal league of North Omaha gave a party at Mr. Boatty's ' , 1224 North Twenty- tifth street , Friday evening. These prmont \\eroMissc * Kail man. Ferryman , Foremau , Anna Hoddor , Alice lloUder , Hyatt. Mont gomery , Itucf , Van Dueicr , Messrs. Golden , lloftmun. Hoddor , Sticct , Foreman , Ferroll , llcatiy , FrlUclier , Garrison , Patton , Miller aud Mcllou. AT THE HOME THEATERS , What Arausemont Sookora Will Find to Entoitaln Thorn , * THE PLAY HOUSES IN FULL SWING , "Olivette" nt tlio Grand Opera House "Master ami Man * ' at the Fnriinm 1'ntil Itosh at Itoytl'n. "Master and Man'1 ' will bogln a four-nights engagement at the Farnam Street theater this oven Ing. The play Is the work of Slmms & i'ottitt , who also wrote "Tho Uomany Hyo , " "Hands Across the Sea" and "Hood- man Blind. " The story of the play tells of the adven tures of a young civil engineer , Jack Walton by name , who Is bounded by Uobort Carlton , master of the Carlton Iron works , and his tool Hurnpv Logan , for marrying the village school mistress , Hester Tbornbury , who is in reality the rightful heir to the Carlton Iron works. By false swearing Walton is sent to prison , where , after six years , ho escapes with a follow convict , Jim Bur- loigh. Returning to his home in the dead of the night ho is surrounded bv the ofllcor.s of the law , but escapes and makes his way to the iron works. A strlko is In progroos , for which the workmen tlamo Humpy Logan foreman of the works. Maddened to desperation , the strikers sel/o Lognn and drap him to the works. 'J iiuv nro Just about to throw him into the roailng furnacowhun Jack Walton , who has been in hiding , stops forth and saves him. The memory of that awful night causes Logan to repent his vil lainy and with his aid , Hester Is restored to her rightful estates , Jack Is proven Innocent and Robert Carlton sent to prison. The company carries Its own scenery , which was painted by Harley Merry and the late Matt Morgan. The greatest scene in the play is in the fourth act , where the In terior of the Carlton Iron works is shown. The stage being darkened , the effect Is weirdly picturesque. From the tall chim neys volumes of dense sraoko nour forth with a roar , and when tbo big doors of the furnace are opened the ( lory llames shoot out with a Ualing brilliancy hugo sheets of bluish , gaseous lire , which light up the faces of tlio workmen and form u realistic scone. The company includes the well known young romantic actor , Walter II. Edwards , whoso work In the loading role of "Tho Stowaway" last season gained for him an enviable reputation ; Palmer Collins , E. II. Monck , Carl St. Aubyn , Charles Saunders , Marguerite Fcaly , Mary Pish , Lotta Holly wood , and littio Maud Fontv. In the fair scone , in the last act , specialties are Intro duced by tno Martinetti brothers , the Twin City tno and the worklngman's quartette. The announcement that the accomplished comedienne Patti Hosa is to appear at the Now Boyd theater , opening tonight with her company of players will bo gratifying to the many theater goers who recognise in this brilliant young uctiess the leader of her class on the American stage. She has worthily won this judgment by the excellence of he'r woik in the past and it is promised that now beauties and excellencies will bo disclosed by her impersonations this season. Her versa tility is almost limitless and it matters not in which ono of her plays she is soon , whether it bo "Dolly Vurdon , " "Margery Daw , " "Imp , " or what not , her naturalness and lack of affectation give a chni in that is rarely seen In stage performances. It is to Patti Uosa's ciedlt that her company is always up to the highest standard and interest is not confined to her work alono. When she Is off thostago talented performers are there to keep up the work of amusing and entertain ing. She is worthy of all patronage and can surely count upon facing u crowded house when she steps upon the stage hero. Tomorrow evening will inaugurate the fourth and last week of comic opera at the Grand. There will bo a change of opera every evening the engagement terminating Friday evening. On response to a general request , a matiuco will bo given. 'J onight "Olivette" will hold the boards , Mr. Drew appearing In bis humorous rendi tion of Coqullicot , Miss Clement in the title role , Mr , Brand as the Duo dos Ifs , Mr. Hallam as Valentino and Mr. Sullivan , anew now acquisition to the company , as Captain do Mornrnac. The new sounding board in the ceiling of the house will bo finished early in the week making the acoustics perfect. Other im provements have been made and the house is now as comfortable and co/y as any in the west. A largo patronage is expected during tbo next week as It will bo the last oppor tunity the publio will have of hearing these artists in Omaha this scason.thoy going from hero to Chicago to lill an engagement. Master Charles A. Hlggins and his tal ented sister , Miss Daisy Higgins , announce a concert next Saturday evening at the Grand opera house , previous to their departure for the National Conservatory of Music , wuoro they will pursue a course of study. The programme Is an excellent ono , well known musicians of Omaha and Council Bluffs having volunteered to assist the bcnollcinries in making their concert a success. Among these who will participate are the S'-ryk on BUss Lust club. Miss Fan nie Arnold , Mf. W A. Derrich , Master Wil liam Murphy of Council BluffsMis > s Zulcma Fuller of Sioux City , a well known elocu tionist ; Mr. Frank Bndollet , Mrs. Frances Moellor , the favorite contralto ; Mr. Water B. Wllkins , the tenor of Trinity , in addition to Master Charles and his sister. Seats maybe bo had at the box ofllco of the house Septem ber 17 , 18 and 1'J. Claiming for her in modesty , only what a dlsciimlnatlng public basso freely bestowed , "little Katto Putnam" Is the admiration of lor filends , tbo rot of her audiences and the jride of her profession. Educated In a con- , 'ent , the purity of whoso discipline ! is preserved - served in her manner , in her personality , and n her characterizations she came to tlio stugo i genius of art and a phenomenon in the Inltlifillness of her portrayals , and In the wonderful inliuonco for good she has wielded .hrough them , for no nudlonco over sat .hrough a performance of hor'3 without bay- ng its human side softened , and its heart nadoallttlo moro tender. HerOayllownrd , in 'Love ' Finds a Way , " her Ermn , in "Erma , the Kir. " her Little Nell and the Marchion ess in Charles Dickens' "Old Curiosity Shop" are a revelation , the memory of which will endure with the stage. And she is ns humorous as pathetic , in deed it may bo claimed for her , in truth , that n her pathos and comedy , she has caused uoro sympathetic tears and moro genuine icartv mugitor ! than any other in the long 1st of her school. She composes and sots to nuslo her own songs and slnps them and has literary talent of no moan older. Miss Putnam will glvo four performances nt the Fnrnam Street theater , commencing t'hursday , September 17 , and will play in " Finds " "Old Curiosity succession "Lovo a Way , osity Shop" and "Krma , the Elf , " Saturday natlnoo , "Lovo Finds a Way. " The Eden Musoo presents this week the famous athletes , Kasten and Quinu In their clentlllo wrestling contests. Also Muggio , ho midget mother and her famous baby , . 'urkish candy makers , Juo and Ella Mc Carthy. Musgravo mid Pinuetto In refined ketches and many other attractions. AIIIOIIK t'i ' < > IMnyer Poll ; . The Parisian probs js in ucstauios over Daly and Kc'lmn. Agnes Huntlngtou will bogln her American our in October. KosoCogiilan has made n success in "Doro- liy's Dilemma. " Fanny Davenport begins her season In St. jouts September" ! . Jeffries Lewis will create the loading part n "Mr. Potter of Texas. " The youngest son of Mrs. Agnoi Booth- jcboctTol has an excellent role in Miss Marie Yniuwrlphl's production. Miss Percy Haswoll who visits Omaha Is vith Roland Reed this year , playing the role Sylvia in "Tho Club Friend. " Il is no unusual thing these days to have a lalf dozen advance agents In the city nooni ng thilr tovcrul attractions. Mlnnlo Frencii after a season of rest Is gain with Evans & Hooy. Herylslor Eva Mrs , Wllllum Hooy ) is on the retired lilt his season. Miss Eleanor Carey , who U well known lu ) maua , hat boon engaged to play the tltlo role in a second "Nlobo" company which will tart out in a short time. MUs Carrln Swain is ona of the most prom- sing young women on the comla opera stago. Sbo is full of vivacity anil U destined to uiako a name for herself. i Augustus Thomas is dramatizing Honliln- son Smith's "Mr. CartoTSf Carters vilto. " II ! said that E. M. jUolIaml , the Colonel Moborly of "Alnonmailil | to play the title rolo. M , Koland Heed's ' now oplnv. "Tho Glut ) Friend. " by Sydney Horonfcld , has achieved ns notable a success in'ifew York ns It did in Boston upon the occaslotraf its first produc tion three weeks ago. 1 if Miss Adolla Barker , wh6 plays "old women" parts In IhoOnrrow Company , has shown n wonderfully quick study in tno parta she has played In tbo pasnortnlght. She is a veteran in stngo business and a tower of strength in the company- Mrs. Agnes Booth hits returned to the Palmer management hnd will play Mrs. Page when "Aliilmma".ijiput onnt Palmer's. Miss Brookyn who ployed the part in Oma ha week before last will possibly go on the road with company No. ! J. It is said that Miss Agnes Miller , tha clover littio actress who played tbo role of Carey Preston in "Alabama" so charmingly , may retire from the stage nt the close of the present season. Her retirement will moan the loss of ono of the most clover ingenues on the stage. E. II. Sothorn and his now play , ' -Tho Dancing Girl , " mndo n distinct lilt in the New York Lyceum theater Monday night. It is a heavy production and has over forty people in the cast. It U written bv Henry Aithur. Tones , author of "Judah" niid "Tho Middleman , " which E. \Vlllard has pro duced. Lincoln J. Carter , author of the successful melodramatic sensation , "Tho Fast Mull. "is a young man of varied talents. Not only did ho write the play , but painted his scenery designed all the pictorial work , constructed all the mechanical oftccto himself , books mid manages tlio company on tour. As Mr. Carter is now but 37 years of ago , bo is some thing remarkable in the theatrical world. Owing to Fanny Davenport's bereavement and lior determination notto ; open her season until September 21 , Boyd's theater will bo dark upon the tormlnntion of the Patti Hosa engagement until the appearance of "Men and Women , " Bolasco It Do Mlllo's great play , Monday , September 21 Miss Daven port was booked to appear at Boyd's next Thursday evening for the balauco of the week , but has canceled the engagement for th o reason given nbovo. The negro quortetto with A. M. Palmer's company in Augustus Thomas' "Alabama" is the well known Eclipse quartette of the old Georgia minstrels. Their engagement for a tour of 8,000 miles in six weeks simply for the purpose of singing two songs behind the scenes in the second net of "Alabama , " evinces n regard for carefulness of detail and completeness regardless of expense not often found in companies while en tour. Hero is n list of some of the big salaries per week received by favorite pla\crs : "Billy" Florence , from the Jefferson-Flor ence company $1,200 ; Henry E. Dixoy , from Charles Frohmon , ? COO ; Lillian Uussoll , from T. Henry French. $ SOO ; Marie Tempest , from Rudolph Anronson , * ; > UO ; Marion Manola.from "i'he Tar and Tartar" company , S.l.r > 0 ; Digby Boll , from "The Tar and Tartar" company , $ J.-.0 ; E. J. llonloy , in "Tho Black Masque , " SJ30 ; Louis James , in "Tbo Soudan , " H > 0. Al. Cnnby tells this of Louis Harrison : They were standing beside the tomb of Juliet , Shakespeare's immortal heroine. Tno Cunblan 03-0 was damp and the Harusonian lips trembled with emotion as the guide des canted upon the history jpf the sacred spot ; "Tho outer tomb is ofj marble and weighs eighteen tons , " ho said in closing ; "the inner tomb is of granite and weigh1 * twelve tons ; the casket proper vhich contains her bones weighs flvo tons.1' "Al , " sighed Louis , "they've ' got her. " ' The engagement Is1 announced of Miss Beatrice Cameron to Mi' . Ulchard Mansfield , in whoso company she nfls been the loading lady lor four years past ; > Upon the close of the Pacific coast tour next July the marrlaeo ceremony will bo performed in London , nt the house of Miss Clarft. sister of the late Rev. Walter Clark , D.D. " , headmaster of the famous old Derby schoot When not acting in America Mr. and Mrs ; VMniisliolU will set tle down to the llfo of quiet country people nt a lovely house in England , near the sea. Miss Camoton is the daughter of Dr. liegeman - man of Troy. During , tbo , piosent tour she will ns heretofore bo accompanied by a friend wto will act as chaperone * The Kansas City Timefe editorially offers a good suggestion : "Thord is n great deal of variance of opinion ns to-which American ac tor or which American stock company shall represent the United States nt.tho Vienna in ternational festival. Booth's health will not permit him to go. lUchard Mansfield's ca reer is not npo enough. Tnoro nro several peed reasons why Kceno would not bo a just representative. The Boston Museum com pany is the oldest stock company , but lacks strength of personnel at present. Tlio Daly company plays only thollghtostcomedies.and would not , therefore , place the Ameiican drama fairly before the Viennese. The Palmer mor and the Lyceum companies both have too much English blood. The question therefore arises. What's to be done ? Tlio oost solution ib for all managers of stock companies to agree to loan ono or more of their actors and actresses for the formation of an independent temporary stock company. The United States must bo well represented. " A Sunllowcr Party. Thursday evening tuo boarders of 1721 and 1723 Davenport street entertained. Tha house was aitisticnlly decorated with sun flowers and each lady and centlpmon were presented with ouo on enteiing. Misses men and Downr are to bo complimented for the pleasant and successful entertainment. Dancing and card playing was indulged in until 11 o'clock when lunch was served , after which came dancing again. These who participated were : Mrs. Davies , Edson , Mackoy , Hawklnson , Godfrey , Williams , CJtt , Bnggs , Misses Wren , Dowar , Kress , Moduli , Smith , Collins , Vincent , Cumings , Stickloy , Smith and Mackoy , Mr. Palmatier , Davenport , Edson , Hawkinson , Brlggs , Wil liams. Moss , Durling , Cooper , Man , Strass- nor , O'Brien ' , Hogors , Downr , Coons , Grad- man , Colfnx , Conwuy , Godtroy and Mai tin. Fnti-rtalned tlio Friday Club. Mrs. K. W. B ulcer , wife of the superin tendent of THE Bin building , entertained the Friday club most delightfully in her beauti ful rooms In Tin : Bui : building Friday after noon. High 11 vo was played by the guests and followed by refreshments. The club moots every Friday nt the homo of some of the members , and cards nro plajod usually , although now and then other iorms of nniuso- ment nro substituted. These piosent were : Mrs. E. ISosowator , Mrs. Fell , Miss Uosowator , Miss lilancho Koaowutor. Mrs. Deuol , Mrs. Kennaid , Mrs. Brunor. Mis. Hanoy , Mrs. Hawes , Mrs. Hess , Mrs. McMillan , Mrs. Morse and Mrs. Bolndorff. _ A Plonmint Surprlmtt A number of friends surprised Miss Luclla Collins nt her homo on South Twentieth stieot Thursday evening. Dancing and games were indulged In until IR30 | o'clock , when an elegant supper was served. Thee present were the Misses Bnwejj $ , Davenport , Cox , Smith , Long , Collins , PJJnoyor , Jackson , Butler " ' ler , Messrs. Copelond , "L'andoryou , Greene , Houston , Stubl , Boweir' ° Cutler , Oury , Wil son , Halcm , Penoyor.0A very enjoyable evening was spent. Tub guests dispersed about 12 o'clock , vowInjMUoy Had never spent n more pleasant ovenlngj Small in sl/o , great in'1 ' results ; Do Witt's Little ICarly Ulsors , pill for constipa tion , bj < t for lo' , bait for soar stem ach. O | | IMnslo at Hi ) ) Park. The Seventh Ward band will present the following programme at Hanscom park his afternoon , commoircJiig , at It o'clock , March Oonnsta . . . Walston Overturn fsu 1'lns Pltr.'tflll . I'otlpo SOUK Jluln Uestroluh . ) ( / > ur , Htulnhuusor Quintette The bht'phurd's Sunday SHIK . . . .Krout/or lly Messrs. Uruon. Kruynr , Walker , Ki.l lit , TuSHart. Roloctlun from thoOporu loluntho . Sullivan Hong and Itcultatlon I'rom 111 Trovatoro . . Verdi Wolt/-Tlio i'ostllllon . I'ahrbuoh HumlnlsciMiuesot Dont/ettl . arr. llonloko Oiortiiro Celestial Utultglou-i ) 1'rnndhlilti SoluutloiiHoKKurhtudoiit . MlllooUer DIIIUII Mexican Clilon , . ar Uee\oa Urund Maroli--Hoboceii Oommandry I'elteu Kcl MIllor'H Hard Lines. "Prof. " Ed Miller , ox-hack driver , ox pugilist and almost ox-saloonkeeper , Is in n precarious condition physically. Of late ho has been drinking very heavily and has boon sent to the county Jail on two or three occa- Minis to sober up. Ho was arrested again yesterday , crazy with liquor , and wn this morning given another ton days on the bill. Shortly after taking his seat bo piuugod for ward upon the floor lu a tit. Ho was taken botow and medical aisuttauco scut for , but for nearly nn hour ho was unconscious. The attack was brought on by excessive drinking , and the doctor says that at the present r to Miller will bo a dond man tustdo of throe months. O , You Sun-Browned Girl ! Why do you not invo the Tan and freckles removed from your hkln by using Mrs. Graham's which makes the skin pure and whlto and clear , and free from o\ury blemish , as it was when n.itiiromudo It Don'tliueurnlcssulioia your coiiiplmiuii. U Is a woman's cMi'fiisl phyell-al eharin. I'neo Ilk-aoh Jl .Ml per Lottlo. riireu foi * ! . ( . All DrilKflsts sell It. lilclmrdson Dru Co , wholesale agents. Omaha. GRAND OJP&liA. MOUSbl SATURDAY KVKNINO , STU'T. 1U. Grand I'nrcwull Testimonial and llencdt O O N O EX R.0s. . IJV MasLor Gliarlos A. . I-Hqqins Omaha's TaNorlto Young Violinist and his sister , Miss Dnlsij A. l-Iigglns. 1'I-A.NIST. 1'rovlous to their departure for the National Conservatory of Music , of America whom they will pursue a course of study. Well Known vocal and Instrumental musicians of Oinali i and Cuiiiu'll Jllulls have Kindly volun teered to nsbibt for tlio following programme. INTUIT I. 1 Orchestra ! Selection Krmlnlo Mryk en Illmt I > u t Club. Mr llnetens. Director 2. So | > nina Solo. . llalltul I'lorrnt-Iiulchlnson. , . MI'S K nule Arnold 3. Violin Solo , "KnntnUeon Wllllnm Tell , " ° liu.'oi ' 0"0"10- siAsi'ijii : A . . , , , 1'1' " Of 1 > r0f 1 : ' Ilre" I. DnssSolo , ' "ilio .Mariner's lloinuls the t-on " - Hauilccger. .Mr W. A Derrick. 5 Cornet Solo " 7lh Air Vi\rlo \ . Do Ilcrlot. 'r ' Wm .Murphy , ( if ( Vinnell Illuirt 0 I'liino Hole , CaprlLco op 2. V ilenUclssolm llnrtliulilr MM Uulijr A llluKiii ! The part will bo played by her toicbcr , Jlr. 1 ullx llhinkvnfcliluii , n qccoml piano. I'-A-it'r ir. , 1. Quartette , Instrumental Selected. Miss Daisy A. lllKiiliu , PI mo .Mr 1 rank lladollet , riuto Mr Wm Mtirph ) , Cornet -Mr Chin A IllBKlns , Violin 3. 1.locution Mlsj Kiilom 11'ullcr of t-louv nty , ' ' 3 riuto Solo , ( lly iierinlsHlon o'f'the .National Con servatory of music of Amerlcj , ) Souvenirdoi Alpes Mr. Frank lladollet i. Contralto Solo , "UlieUells of bt. MTry'p. " .I'aul Kodiiey. Jlri Trances Moeller 5. Molln Solo Souvenir Do Hade , 11. Leonard M.istur Ch if A HlnKlns G. Tenor Solo Vcross the far Illue Marie Marston. Mr \ \ It Wllklua 7. Selection ! S"ftj"oro ! ' j.uX'k . ' ! Stryk en lllnun l.\nl Club Miss Daisy A IllKKlns , Accoiupanlnt. Seats on sale at Grand Onuru House Soot 17th , 18th and 19th. OMAHA GUARDS' ARMORY. Oapltol ave. , hot. 17th und 18th Sts. CommencliiK Wednes day fcopt 10. every o\- onlng at 8:15 : , PROF. Norton B , Smith , Kmpororof nil Her o Edunators. Greatest Hor-,0 Training Exhibition on cat Ih. IlrliiKyour klcken , slijors , ninnnays halkeri , plunKers , nerioui horaei , younK colt * , wild iniis- tniiK , wild brdnchos nnd ra in oitlnjf itallloni and I will linmllo and Hubdiio them frou of cliargu. 0 wild and viciousQhorsoi handled at oich oxhlhl- tlon , n scleiitltlc method entirely tlloponilnK with punishment. Admission Sic , rmerveU seats Me , biltony box seats 7. c. The only exhibition of tlio kind In tlio world Ap- pl > to , lnuii'3StephMi8on'8 Ihory sttlilo or I'ulnoa stables for Inform itloii. NAT HEIIIIFAS , MamiKOr. DIME EDEN MUSEE Corner llth anil rarnam Streets , MAGGIK. The MldKot iMothor and hur liabo. Till : TI'KKISII C'ANDV MAICKK KAbTKNANDXIMMEU , In Atholotio Ex- lilliltlons. JNO. AN'I ) KWjA JledAHTV I'lQt'ETTE AND MUsGllOVE and others. Open Daily fiom 1 to JO p in. FKRNKMaSTRBETaTHEKTER , - 4 NIGHTS COMMENCING This { Sunday } Evening. MATIN IS I l WEDNESDAY. FIRST TIME IN THIS CITY OF THE BRILLIANT SUCCESS , TER ano Produced witli a Strong Cast and Strong Scenic Meets , INTRODUCING TIIH Wonderful Forge Scene ! Displaying nn Iron foundry In full blast. Now Music , No'v Soni ; * . Now Dincos , the Working * mi'ii's ( JuarU'lte. the Twin City Trio , and the World's Hi cutest Acrobats. Seats on sale at box office. Popular Prices 15c , 25 , 35c , 50c , 75c. PRRNRMsSTREET-THEHTER. Commencing' Thursday , Sept. 17 , IN THREE OF HER GREAT SUCCESSES. THURSDAY NIGHT : FRIDAY NIGHT : COMEDY DRAWA IN 4 ACTS LOVE FINOS A WAY. Emma The Elf , AND ATUKDAY MATINEE , SATURDAY NIGHT : Did GifriositLf Shop , As played by Miss Putnnm 1OOO times in Europe , Australia nnd America , and in which characters , Littio Nell and the Marchioness , she has no peer. During the action of the above plays , Katie will introduce her inimitable songs , dances nnd banjo solos. Popular Prices 15c , 25c , 35c , 50c , 75c SEVENTEENTH AND HARNEY STBEETS. = The Iljmclsomost , anil S.ifosl Tho.ilot-in tlio .America. La liom Firt > l Kloor Kicjhleoii m JVU. t Beginning SUNDAY SEI > 'Jrjti. \ . Omaha's FavorlLo Oomocllontio , Aided by a Superb Comedy Company , including Mr. Will Mandeville , Mr. Joe Cawthorn , AND MANY OTHERS. Sunday and Monday , Tuesday and Wednesday , SDollij Vapdery ALL THE LATEST SONGS : "Tho Pardon Came Too Late. " "Oh ! What a Difference in the Morning. " "Over the High Brlok Wall. " "Mary and John , " "He Never Came Back , " and many others. at the following prices : Uusorvccl seals in p mulct . and piniu | > t ilr- VlOO''haU-ony 7.'o noon aiiinlhsloi to p.innua 7Ses KI iulmls.lin ) to balcony r > uo. ole * ; RU . , . Hold at Mo Uillery ! i.o The .Vwll . oholweiVi filli awl JOfl oed boats In the b.ileony GRAND OPERR HOUS They Must Soon Say Farewell. m In Indian's ' Greatest Success TooigliL \ Tonight. STILL Catchy THE Songs. GREAT LAST Graceful and WEEK-FOURTH CAST. NEXT - IN GRAND REPERTOIRE : Dancss. . BOHEMIAN GIRL Monday Evening Tuesday Evening . GIROFLE-GIROFLA Beautiful GRAND Wednesday Matinee . OLIVETTE Wednesday Evening . EKMINIE Scenery. CHORUS Thursday Evening . GIROFLE-GIROFLA PBRFORMANCK . BOHEMIAN GIRL Friday LAST OF Elaborate 40 VOICES. Best Reserved Seats 50c ; Balcony 35c and 25c , Costumes ,