THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDA i SEPTEMBER 13 , 1S91-SIXTEEN PAGES. THE OMAHA BEE. COUNCIL. BLUFFS. OFFICE : - NO. 12 PKAHL STREET. Delivered 1 > y Carrier In any part of Uio City. II. W.TII.TON , - MANAUEK. "iiMlnem onico . N" . $ Ft Pt > iin\'F < J EIjE' ' ' % 1IOA'-S1 Nlaht Killtor . ? " N. Y. I . co. Council Illuffs Lumber Co. , coal. Craft's chattel loans , S04 Snpp blocn. U you want water In your yard or house CO to Ulxby's , 'JO'J Mcrrlam block. Mrs. Kio'fcr of Toronto , Can. , will lecture on tomncranco Sunday and Monday evenings nt the First Baptist ctiurcb under the niiipiccs of the Oood Templars. Tlio Models will play ti game of ball nt Mannwa today with tlio Falconers of Omaha. C.ninowlH bo called nt > l p. in. The ModcM wcro defeated by the Falconers the last tlmo the two clubs mot on the diamond , and n stubborn Rntnc Is expected. r.ydla Mntthnws , wlfoof William . I. Mat thews , who \vat ordered sent to the Insane asylum u couple of weeks BRO by the rommls- nlciicTH , filed a petition in the district court yesterday nsklnp ttint she bo appointed guardian to take cnro of his property. All honorably dlscharpcd soldiers and sailors of Council Hluffs who deslro to attend the reunion at Oakland on the lilth and 17th nrn requested to moot nl the Grand Army ball Tue ( iay evening nt 7U : ) o'clock to make arrangements. Important business will bo transacted. F. K. Tlioma's , commander. K. Morgul. charRed with criminal assault , had Ills case continued In police court , yester day morning. Hnblp Aloof , a Turk who was caught begging on the streets , was ulvcn a ten da.vs son ten : o for vaerancy. William Libbuka was given thirty davs In the county Jail on the elinrco of general worUilessiiess. .Sam 'J'tnldy , I'rof. I. I. ICottoll , and \V. T. llrowii wet-o lined J1U.1U each for drunken ness. Thomas ICelly and Thomas Walker , two fly plumbers from Omaha , undertook tno con tract of running the transfer last night. A colored man and a couple of loafers fell across their path and wcro promptly knocked oml over end. Thov were having n line time when Ofliccr Qiilnn came along and half an hour later they wcro resting quietly behind the barn in the clt > Jail with a charge of dis turbing the peace entered against them. Marshal Tcniploton surprised his three deputies , Harhyte , Whllo nnd Fowler lint evening by tatting each ono , in thu prcst'tiun of the bystanders about the oftice , ami reliev ing him of his star. The three deputies were thunderstruck , as they were all con scious of having behaved thcmsolvos oven better than usual. They forked over the stars , however , and wcro agreeably surprised al leceiving in return ina nltlcnnt silver badges with gold stars in the center , nnd with the initials of each ono handsomely engraved In a monogram on the stars. The badges wcro ordered during the marshal's recent visit to Now York , and will bo highly pri/.od by the men. Dnlby'B blind concert , Fnirinount park , September l.'i , from I ! to 7 p. in. The addition of two public parks. VCHH Having quite a few of the Indies' SWIPH and lisle vests on hand yet wo have decided to run them another wcolc nt the sacrifice price. Ladies light weight ribbed cotton vests , -Ic. LadioB * Egyptian cotton vests ( shaped ) , Oc , or II for iioc. Ladies medium weight Swiss vests , former price SMc , now 17c. Last but the best bargain , ladies' Egyptian lisle vests , -15c goods , for 2oc. At the Boston Store , Council Bluffs , la. I'JUtSOti'A I , 1'AHAGKAl-lia. Mr. William Malouoy is visiting friends at Marion , la. Mrs. Dora Judklns of Fnllorton , Neb. , Is visiting her cousin , Mrs. J. T. I3oll. Mrs. S. L. ICom and daughter of Denver , Col. , nro guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wil liams. F. E. Stubbs , who has boon In Chicago fern n couple of mouths past , returned homo yes terday. Mr. nnd Mrs. William Woouworth of War ren , 111. , are the guests of the taraily of N. W. 'Williams. Kov. S. Alexander returned yesterday from n trip to southern Kansas and will preach morning nnd evening at Trinity Methodist church. Mrs. J. U. Carothers has gene to Bolvl- doro , 111. , to join her husband , who Is travel ing in Illinois In the Interest of a Ufa insur ance company. Dr. II. B. Jennings started last evening for Toledo , O. Ho wilUroturn the latter part of this week with Mrs. Jennings , who has been visiting relatives In Ohio for the past month. Mr. and Mrs. John Schoontgon ana their son Kddlo started last evening for Boston , where Mr. Schoontgon , jr. , will enter upon n course of instruction at the Massacuusets in stitute of Technology. C. Uowland Crockwoll , son of J. D. Crock- well , loft Friday night for Terra Haute , Ind. , where ho will attend the Hose Polytechnic Institute , taking a course In civil onclncor- Ing. On bis way ho stopped nt Orinncll. wlicro ho attended colleco last year , and at Chicago. Tnlilo IilnuiiH and MtialltiH. "When in search of a nice table coverer or table rnplcina , or anything in the way of muslins stop into the Boston Store , Council BlulTs. They are headquarters for everything in Unit , lino. Our low prices always lontl. A pleasure 'to show goods. J3oston Store , Council Bluirs , In. Dalby's band concert , Fnirinount park , September 13 , from 3 to 7 p. m. Beautiful Morningsido. No Kalco , Hut a Fact. Wo have determined to close out our business in Ciuicil Bluffs. Our timeis limited , nnd wo have marked down prices no low that goods will soil them- bolvos in u hurry and thus clear out our immense establishment. Wo will hell furniture , car pets , cooking and heating stoves , crockery , glabswaro , tinware , curtains , nil sorts of housekeeping goods , for nearly ono-half the nsiml prices. Nothing reserved. Everything must go , cost or no cost. The stock is complete. First come , llrst served. Those in debted to us must call and settle promptly , nnd BHVO costs , ns wo onn Hliow no partiality , Mandol & Klein , IWO 13 road way. _ _ Democrat lu IVImurlos. The democratic primaries for the selection of delegates to the county convention will beheld hold next Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock , The meetings will bo hold as follows : First ward , Wheeler & Horold's ' ofllco , select nlno dele gates ; Second ward , city building , select twelve delegates ; Third ward , Swonrcntron's onico , select so von delegates ; Fourth ward , Superior court room , court bouse , select Boyon delegates ; Fifth wnid , Eighth avenue school house , select olght delegates ; Sixth ward , Shubort's building , West Broadway , Bolect four delegates. Miss Kama of Chicago arrived yester day morning and will havocliargoof the trimming department In .MissHagsdiUo'a n illlnery parlors. Hurt In u Uumnvny. Amos Connor , an old man man who lives on a farm near Manawa , was driving along Dryunt street when the horios started to run at full speed. They rounded the corner of Vine street , dashing ovortho parking and through the fence at the side of the road. The tongue of the wagon foil to the ground , throwing Connor to the ground. He was nicked up and an examination showed a large liololn tbo back of his skull. Ho was movud to the St. Bernard's hospital during the afternoon. Ho Is not out of danger yet laid only time can toll whether bo will re cover , NEWS FROM COUNCIL BLUFFS , Olouth About Kimball & Ohamp Grow Blacker Every Day. NEW COMPLICATIONS OF YESTERDAY , Cane to Set Aside the AnslKniiiciit I'ut Over IloiiHcliold Goods At- Inched ItumorH of More The ca o commenced several days ago by the members of the Klmball-Chump Investment mont company to have the assignment of the company sot iiilde was brought up before Judge Macy yesterday for n hearing. The de fendants thought It would take a month to got their evidence together , but nftor some very warm arguments had been inado a week from next Monday was set as the tlrao when the case will be tried. Judge Macy also inado nn order restraining Assignee Uohror from In any way disposing of the goods of tbo Ilrm , anil allowing C. C. Towlo , the secrotaiy of thu corporation , to have Iroo access to the books. i'ho household goods belonging to Kimball & Champ , which wore overhauled by a don- uty marshal a day or two ago after they had been packed in u frolght car at the Ninth street Union I'aclllo depot on tholr way to San Francisco , to satisfy a claim of John Sullivan , wcro re-attached yesterday by u deputy sheriff on a writ Issued from the district court in favor of the Omalm National bank for $17,000. All the property was turned over to the bank with thu understanding that , Sullivan's claim should bo protected. It has transpired within the lost few days that both Kimball and Champ have taken out loans on their homo aggregating about JIAKDMAN. Another Honor Added to n MHt. Musical Courier : "Ilccho oxprcs- amento para ol Senor General Antonio E'/.eta , vice prosidento do la republics do San Salvador. " This inscription is illu minated on the iron plate of ti semi- grand piano which has been exciting considerable attention among musical people during its recent exhibition in the haiulsoino wurerooms in the Hard- man building. Translated it reads : "Made expressly for General Antonio Exotti , vice president of the ropuolic of San Salvador , " and it means that another Honor has ofallen on the Ilrm of Ilardman , Peck & Co. in having their grand selected from among all others by a person of position and distinction. The uiano itself is a portent gem , a mahog any semi-grand of the haino scale , in re duced form , us that concert grand which caused so much sensation in uiano and circles when played at the Car negie miibic hall last season. The case is particularly handsome , inado of selected wood and emblazoned with the coat of arms of the republic of San Salvador on the fall board , with the name of General K/.ota in the con- tor. Special care lias been taken in its interior construction , every detail lias been looked after , the tone is rich , sonorous and musical , the action all that can bo desired , and , taken all in all , it is an instrument of which not only Messrs. Ilardman , Peck & Co. , but ovary other American piano maker may well feel proud to have sent out of the country as an example ot what can bo done in the way of piano building in the United States. Among the notables who have patron ized the firm and who hnv.o boon sup plied with Ilardman pianos , wo may again mention this list : Her majesty the queen of England. IT. R. II. the prince of Wales. Her grace the duchess of Fife. Her grace the duchess of Montroso. His grace the duke of Richmond and Gordon. Gen. Antonio Ezota , vice president of San Salvador. Surely this is a collection of names of which any firm might well bo proud , nnd the end is not yet , for we are in formed that some important additions to it will bo inado before long , The popularity of the Hardman pianos in Great Britain can bo gauged by the success that the European representa tives of the house htivo had in securing the support of the nobility to the extent indicated above as well as the words of high nraiso Unit it lias elicited from musicians and musical people in gen- oral. Not Ion ; , ' ago Emil Bach , court pianibt to the emperor of Germany , lilayed upon a Ilardman grand in concert iiiid was outspoken in his admira tion of the instrument , writing1 to Mr. Adlington , chief of the Ilardman men in Europe , a letter of endorsement , which wo are promised soon for publication. lu addition to the stores in Aberdeen and Glasgow , Scotland , there is always u stock of Hardmtins to be found in the tremendous waroroomsof Messrs. Cramer it Cramer in London , and many smaller concerns throughout England number the Ilardman among their lists. Their representative , Mr. Frederick Lohr , who is on the continent visiting all important cities in Franco , Germany and Russia , sent in a cable order of eight grands , indicating a heavy business. The Mueller Miibic Co. , Omaha and Council BlulTs , General Aircnts. School hats from 2oc up nt the Louis' Masonic block. Frank Trlmblo.titty , Baldwin blktcl 303 Throwing HrloUtt in IIU Path , The saloon Injunction cases , In which L. M. Turner Is the plaintiff , nro to como up fern n hourlni ; lu the district court tomorrow , G. F. Boultou having entered his appearance In Turner's behalf. Yesterday Mnrv ' Scott , who Is n defendant in ono of the cases , by her attorney , Frame Trim- Bio , tiled a motion asking that Boulton bo required by the court to show up whatiivor authority ho might have from Turner to act us his attorney. Accompany ing tbo motion was nn nftldavlt stating that Lho defendcnt believed that Boulton was an usurper and had no authority whatever to try the caso. Turner skipped tbo country months ago and shown no disposition to como back and face the music. Attorney Trimble states that ho Is prepared - pared to provo that several suits that wore commenced by Turner worn settled on the payment of $90 odd dollars Into the hands of the attorney who took charga of the cases. The vauio cliareo Is made freely against Boulton In connection with the cases of the saiiui kind which ho has prosecuted In the past , and when the war com 03 to a head It Is tikelv tharo will bo fun by tUo car load for the disinterested public. Drs. Woodbury , dentists , 80 Pearl street , next to Grand hotel. Telephone 1 15. High grade work u specialty ; Swnnson music company , J33 Broad way. _ Picnic at Manhattan bench. Round trip tickets from Omahn , Including boat ride , 60c ; on sale at news stands at Millard - lard nnd Murray hotels. Itolibcil IllH ( iramlinotlinr. Three young follows glviu ? tholr names as Thomas Bain , John Canoday and W. II , Thomas , were arrested yesterday morning at ho Northwestern depot by Ofllcur * Kully and O'Comioll , The llrst two are about " 0 Tars of ago , while Thomas u not over 14 , They an ) charged with havlutf btolou ? 'JOO from the erandmothor of Thomas who lives nt Molngoiin. The tboft was committed night bnforo last , nnd the boys disappeared at the same time , so that thel friends nntur.illy connected thorn with it. When taken to the pollcb station the boys wore found to have about them overSlSO , o which 1 153 was m the possession of young Thomas. John Thomas , a relative of ono of the boys arrived In the last evening and wanted to take the boys homo with him at once , but as thev wcro Mated with bolntr fugitives fron Justice , nnd as Justice , In the person of Judge MeUeo , was out of the city , the proper or ratiRomonts could not bo made. The boys will probably bo taken homo today. MornlngHldc. Mornlngsldo Is nn addition ot nbotll fifty acrci. Twelve ncrca are in public park ? . There nro 101 lots. Tills mnkos n trillo over ! l lots to the aero when mosl additions nro platted from 5 to 7 lots to the acre. About 70 lots Have already been sold , which leaves less than 100 lots In the Addition. Ono hundred lots are ti goodly number to choose from. Yen , but they nro going , nnd if you see n Hito that suits you and think you can buy It later on you are liable to want It when you can't got it. Yon can buy cheaper now than you can next year , when imnrovomcnts nro more nearly completed. Notwithstanding times have been hard , lots are selling in Moniinghido , nnd the great number of inquiries tmspcak n largo number of sales this fall. Times are getting better , and everybody Is looking for a general nnd widespread boom. Property will advance in all good lo calities. Nearly every lot that has been sold in Morningside has boon to parties who wanted it for n home. The streets nro ordered paved nnd in another year the whole addition will be n beautiful park.Wo Wo cannot publish the fact too often , that this addition was only platted last year , and that all improvement ! ) hnvo been made since then. The grading is not completed , but is being done ns rapidly ns possible. The Innd had to bo cloarcd and grubbed nnd the streota laid out. and from what has been done In the first year you can judge what another year will do for the place. The park tiommissionors now im proving Graham and Cook parks. These will make two IIH pretty parks as there are in this part of the country. One lias eight acres and ono four. They are not largo enough to become resorts for people ple of questionable character , being re moved from the center of the city. They will alw.xys bo beautiful natural parks , where neighboring children can play with perfect safety , and nway from the evil associations of city streets and alleys. Some of the lovlicst views to bo , scon anywhere , nro to bo had from the elevated sites in Morn ingside. When driving through the nd dition go up by the water works tower and see the beautiful view of Omaha. From the tower of the McGee liouso the view is unsurpassed. Wo will not at tempt to describe it. You are welcome to look at it , and invited to do so when in the addition. Not all the pretty building sites of the addition , however , are on the hill tops. Some of the lots facing Graham and Cook parks in the shady glens are ideal spots for homes. When you visit the addition wo may not bo able to see you. If you will call at the house of II. G. Gould , corner Morningsido avenue and .lucid street. you will bo shown the addition , or if you will call at the ollico of C'oopcr & McGee , nt lO Main street , they will gladly show you the addition. And if you don't want to buy don't think you are not welcome to visit the addition and have it hhown to you. Wo like to hnvo everybody see it , because every body likes it and talks of it , MorninHide. . City water in front of every lot. Now goods , latest styles at the Louis' Masonic block. Council'H Cut Doesn't Go. The County Board of Supervisors dis cussed the matter of the reduction of the taxes made by the city council last spring for the Union Pacific Hallway company. Attorney General Stone and County At torney Organ were present as counsel , nnd their adulco to the board was that they leave the state assessment , wnoro it was at tirst. After considerable discussion it was decided not to concur in the reduction inado by the council. This reduction , it will bo remem bered , was made by ths council last spring from SSOj.OOO to f i3.iOUO on the 18SO taxes and another largo cut on the taxes of Ib'.tO. The county uttornny was also called In for Ills advice on the matter of the claim of the members of the board of cijuuli ation for special fees for their services while acting as members of the board. His advice was that the claims bo rejected , and the recommenda tion was concurred In by the board. Some dlscusbion was Indulged in with re gard to the appointment or county surveyor. It scorns some of the notes mudo by former ' engineers nro in the hands of L. P.'Judson , who refuses to lot , any ono else have trcm. Some of the supervisors were in favor of electing Judson to the otlice. so as to cot on the good side of him , especially considering that the emoluments of the ollico were by no moans burdensome , but F. Stimson 'was llmilly elected by u vote of four to oni1 , and the problem with him will now bo to got hold of those records. Still in Sicht. While in the east Miss Rngbdalo was fortunate enough to secure Miss Karns , who comes highly recommended ns a llrst-class nnd artistic trimmer. Misb Utigsdalo is preparing a grand millinery opening at her parlors , duo notice of which will bo given in the papers. Don't visit it without taking a stroll Lhrough Graham park. County Olrrk'rf Hide or It. Countv Clerk Campbell was soon Fri day In regard to the trouble between him and SallilT McFaddon over the reduction ofsnlary recenty made by the Board of Supervisors. ilo said : "I brought the question before Judge Oeemer nnd Judge Smith nt the close of the lust term of court , and told them that If cither of thorn would maka an order to that of- 'oct , 1 would pay McFuddon during his vnca- lon , but 1 would not c'o It without any mi- -hority of that sort. I know that U had been .ho custom of mv predecessor in ofllco to pay the head balifT during vucitlon the snmo a's nt any other time , but I also know that there could bo no roasnn for pacing n court olllcor when there was no court. Neither of the ndgcs would make the order , so Mcl iddon didn't got his pay. McFaddon was there when I brought ttio matter up , and ho know list as well as I did why 1 refused to pay urn the money that ho didn't earn. " Platted last year. Land cleared and jrnbbcd , streets laid out and paved , louses built , sidewalk built , city water put In , streets ordered paved. A year from now the whole iddltlon will bo a beautiful park , veil built up with line houses and with ill modern conveniences. Bella Robinson , concert , plunisto and teacher. Studio , 410 Broadway. Lots sold on monthly payments at low ntorest , Cnu't Hurry tlio Court. Yesterday Attorney Fllcklngor appeared before Judge Macy In the district court and asked that ho be allowed to tile a petition for \ divore in behalf of Mrs. Florence Westcott rom her husband , H. B , Wo tcott , and tuat It might bo hcattt HI once. They stated thai the defendant InUHb case was present anil would not make any contest. The ground upon which tbo , divorce was asked was cruel and Inhumixtu treatment. Jtidga Mncy ruled that the raSo would have to go ovci until the next term of court like any other case , In spite of the fact that the defendant was willing to tvnlro all his rights. The peti tion was not tiled , nnd will not bo until next month. , t There will bo a grand testimonial concert to Frank .V . , Biulollot at the now Broadway theatre , Wednesday evening , September 15. JIo will bo assisted by Thomas J. Ponnoll , Charles M Abbott , Ike Moynor , Will L. Murphy , Charles A. Iligglns , Will Rogers , John's. Brown , George Hnrbach , Mrs. A. A. Bolknnp of DCS Molncs , la. , Miss Lena Slmms. Man dolin club , T. K. quartette , Stryk-cn- Bluns-Lust club. Admission , CO cunts. No extra charge for reserved seats. Seats on sale Monday , September M , at Ellis' pharmacy. Testimonial Concert. The splendid programme has been prepared for Frank Badollot's benefit concert to bo given nt the Now Broad way theater. September 10 : Orchestral "Ermlnlo" . Jacobowskl Strylc-en-Blnns-Lust Club , Director , Charles Baotcns , Mus. Doc. Song . Selected * I. M. Troynor. Flute Solo . Haako Theme and variations from Bellini's "Somnambula. " Mr. Badollct. Mandolin Club "In Old Mr.drid" . Messrs. Keating , Hoss. Patterson , Haas , Million nnd Dolt. Song "Fuir Pearls Hath Every Ocean" . Otto Ticrson Miss Lena Mtn ins. Cello obllcato , J. S. Brown. "T. 1C. " Quartette "Brcc/o of the Night" . Macy Messrs. Duncan , Kratz , Conrad and Bollnmu Orchestral ( a. ) Aria 1 rom Handel . Arranged for the occasion by Charles Bactons. fb. ) "Bororo" . Moskowskl Club. Stryk-en-Blnas-Lust Quartette of Boehin Flutes "Notturno , " op. r > 7 . V. Do Mlchelis Messrs. Abbott , Ifnrbach , Uogors nnd Badollet. Song . Selected Mrs. A. A. Belknap. Cornet Solo "Tho Bulls of St. Marys" . . . Hodnoy Master Will U Murphy. Violin Solo Fantasia on William Toll. . . . Do Bcriot et Osborno Master Charlo3 A. Higgins. Song "Lo , Hear the CJentlo Lurk" . . Bishop Miy. A. A. Belknap. With flute obligate , Mr. Budollot. A Chance. A chancp not to bo had every day , for this or while they lust the Boston Store , Council BlulTfi , will offer . " 5,000 yards line French saline , beautiful patterns , at the ridiculous price of lOc a yard , IIH cheap as calico , taking the width into consid eration ; lor qunlitv every one knows a French bntine. BOSTON STOUG. Council UlulTs. n.'oriilng.sltlc. You can't do better with , your monthly savings than to put them into a. . Morningsido lot. The way improvements have been made , and are being made in Morningside , assure you of what tlio addition will bo a year from Chlldrcn'H I'lcnlc. The picnic which was given the cnlldren Of the city yesterday nt .Lake Manawa by the proprietors of the Boston store was u success beyond the hopes of the entertainers. Nearly 2.000 children gathered at the store in the afternoon and loft for the corner of Broadway and rsinoth street in n body , lieudeO by the Young Men's Christi.iu asso ciation drum corps. After th y arrived at the lake u number of races were run , the fol lowing being the names ot the winners ofj the first prize In each : Girls' races ( i to S. years. L. Convey , E. Alton. K. Lawicncu : 8 to 10 years. II. Kuan , A. Kilvk- MJII , II. Lovuly ; 10 to li yoarIjumb. ( ; . J. I.und , li. Srutt ; 12 to 14 yours , May Ciomer , M. Lamb. < ! . l/iinl ; ) . Hoy. " raci" . . B toS yenr . 1" . St.-iccmaii. W. Tlptnn. Gcorpe Mack : to ID years , II. llansen , C. Shoemaker. It. Swlprrt : 10 to li voars. Aclolph Honer , J. Ilumhl'n. J. Nichols ; 1'J to 14 years , T. Uullierford. W. Hailuy , \VulKer. . rree-for-iill raec , L. K. Urumur. All the little oucs who wanted to , nnd all of them did , wore irivcn a ride on the steamer about the luko. The afternoon was passed in a very pleasant manner and at 0 o'clock they returned homo. Tlio I ruth of the matter is that Morn- iiiL'bido is as pretty a place naturally as anb can find for a homo , and tint it lias boon laid out to the best advantage pos sible , and is being rapidly improved. jSTcw fall goods , finest line in the city , just received at Roller's the tailor's , 1510 13 road way. _ The .streets are ordered paved. Church AtiiioiiiiucnicntH. Broadwuv Methodist Services at Masonic temple at 10 : : .U n. m. and S p.m. Morning thcmo , "The Man ot Sorrows. " Congregational Preaching in the morning by tlio pastor. Tneino , ' 'The Beloved Galus. " In the ovcnlng will unite In n union meeting nt the Presbyterian church. Berean Baptist Sen-vices at 10.13 : a. in. nnd TiiU : p. in. Subject , ' 'Lesson from Sinai. " Pirst Presbyterian Preaching by the pas- : or ut 10iO : : u. in. Union service atTiIi'J p. m . n the interest of county Sunday school work. Several stiort addresses will bo do- Ivered. It's not a boarding house addition. Youcin'l got a cheap tonomjiil hoiibo , n it , either. It is a nice , clean , buanti- 'ul rc&idonco addition , a plueo where icoplo build themselves homes when , hey want n nice place. Dnlby's band concert , Fail-mount park , September 13 , from II to 7 p. m. I'nylng ThouDebts. . The Woman's Christian association desires o wlpo out the indebtedness ' on the Hospital ) y the tlmo cold wo'athor sots In. A com m li ce has been appointed1 nnd will start out in n 'ow days to nialto a canvas of the entire cltv. I'ho ladies desqrv ? the hearty support In hcirlauduhlo undertaking. Following is n statement of the Indebtedness : .onn nn property bV State .WUVIKS | hank.$4SOO Cost or ralHlux building anil Impune- inunls . , . _ ! . . 8,031 Total . i . tOKj | . Removal sale. - Bargains In shoos. L- Kinnchan hub'rdmovod from 323 Broad. way to No. 11 Pearl street. Good Morningrfaldc , Victim of a 'Mistake. Ono of the parties who was arrested on Friday night on the suspicion that ho be- ongod to n gang of alleged pickpockets called at this oillce last evening and made a .statement to the effect that his arrest was horoughly unjustifiable , and that In spite of ho fact that he had papers and letters on his icrson showing that ho was apparently a lardworulng nnd respectable man. no nttcn- Ion was paid to his request for nn nttori.oy , nnd ho was treated ns though ho had com mitted n crime. Two of the olllcors inado a claim that the party in question had been ar rested by them twice within the past three ears , which claim tnoy failed to provo , The udgo discharged the prisoner , llero'M n Handy Driver. James Ycrinllllon who lives at IJ03 North Sixteenth btrcot drove a dirt wacon and bay cam of horses to the pohco station last ovcn- ng and said that ho had boon hired that morning to haul dirt , but was irut told whore o tuko tlio , team ut night. He did not know ho man's numo who hired him and so left ho team at Juunlug& ' hotel stable * . Fears That Another Wnr Will Be ntod in the East. FREIGHT AGENTS BECOMING UNEASY , The Alton n Thorn In ( lie Side of ( ho Central Xrnlllu Association SCIIH- ! live Jlnllroad Olllolnls The World on WlicclM. CIIICAOO , III. , Sept. 12 , Humors of cut rates from Chicago to eastern points wcro flying In flocks today. In addition to the 5- cent cut on provisions and the absorption of the Icing charges on dressed bcof shipments , which cnino to light yesterday , It is now claimed that the rate on oats has boon se cretly reduced 3 cents per 100 uounds by at least ono of the lines in the Ccntinl Trafllo association. Furthermore , it U claimed that this line Is the Nickel Plate , nnd that the reduced rate applies via the Lnckawantmand the Lchlgh Valley. Whether these charges can bo substantiated or not remains to bo seen , ( iuncral freight agents nro more or less uneasy , hut hope that by prompt meas ures a serious demoralization of rates may bo averted. Strange nnd ui.iiccount.iblo as tt may seem , there are certmn roads which , nftor maintaining rates through the dull period of the year , almost invariably begin slashing the moment they nro assured of more traflle than they can handle at full tarilT rates. Homo Visitors ICvcm-nion. Some of the lines in the Central Truffle as sociation Interested In thn homo visitors' ex cursion to Michigan , Ohio and Indiana points , hope that the western roads will yet bo broucht to loiii them In making reduced rates September ' ! . Although they have boycotted the Alton they expect that road to como to their relief. The Wnbash will make reduced fates from St. Louis , and they think ttio Alton will moot Its competition to Chicago cage Irom St. Louis nnd Kansas City , In which event the other lines would undoubt edly follow suit. To Avoid a Car Famine. The westerns roads nro considering an agreement which , if adopted , will probably prevent a blockade by cutting down the tlmo for holding loaded cars at ono point from six days to forty-eiu'ht hours. In case thov nro not disposed of in that time it will bo the duty of some authori/od agent to scl/o nnd unload Incm. Tnis applies only to grain. By so doing it U hoped to avoid a car famine. The Atchison has already given notice tnat on Monday next it will begin storing delayed grain at Kansas City , and that , too , nt owner's ' expanse , provided the property Is delayed more than forty-eight hours. Statement ol' IJIliul Krciftlit Pool. The August statement of the South western blind freight pool shows that the total ton nage , cast and westbound , between south and western Misso uri river points and the eastern boundary of the Western Freight association was tMS.W ) tons , against n ton- uaco ol l.'tTjUti.'i for July and " J'.i.vtOt ' for August last year. The percentages were as follows : Atchlson'JiT4 : ; Alton , 1,1'J ; Bur lington , l.iru ; St. Paul , 7l.r > ; Hock Island , 018 : Maple Leaf , l..IIS ' ; Kt. Hcott , Til"Va ; - bash , 5)0 ! ) ; Missouri Pnciilc , t H. The revenue derived from this traflic m August was SS)0- ! ) ( iT < ! against , S ,01,001 for July mid 701,001 for August , Ib'JU , _ lu tin ; Handu of u itcccivor. DU.IATex. . , Sept. 12. United States Dlstnet.ludRo McCormlck today ruled upon the application for the possession tlio Texas Trunk railroad , presented by Charles Dil- litiKham , that ShcrilT Lewis and James Maronoy would have to turn the road over to Dilljngham. The order dlspossuses tl'o re ceiver , Maronoy , recently appointed by Judge Burke of the Mate court and Sheriff Lewis , who holds the road on writs of at tachment. This is a victory for Judge Par- dco in appointing Uillingham as receiver. Notice of appeal was given. Attached tlio Honey. Voitic , Sept. I'- . Counsel for Joseph A. Davidson obtained nn attachment against the Mexican National Railroad company upon a claim for 8103,1130. The company has fTO.OlK ) in cither tne City National banker the Western National hank. As there maybe bo deposits in other hanks the sheriff served notice ot attachment on all in the city. Commenced u Libel Suit. NEW YOIIK , Sept. 12. The Ohio & Missis sippi Railway company begun suit aealnst newspapers here to recover $100,000 damages for the publication of an article to the effect , that the company is deep in the mud , owing to incompetent management. HAD A IIA.UD FALLi. g IMr. Hritt tlrt Victim of an In secure Guard Kail. Roy II. Britt , a young man employed at the B. & M. headquarters , mot with quite a serious accident last evening. He was leaning up against the railing which protects the area way In front of the old Kelly & Stlser store nt Fifteenth and Dodire streets. All at once the railing gave way and joung Biittfellto the bottom of the passage , a'jout ' twelve- feet below the sidewalk. The unfortunate * man struck upon a pito of l 'icl ; and stone loft there since re pairing the buldliig. Two big gushes wore cut In his foieho.ul , from which the blood flowed freely. In addi tion to the cuts , Mr. Britt was severely In1 in soil. An ofliccr was notified nnd the patrol wagon convoyed the injured man to the police - lice station. Dr. Robert was sent for. and found it necessary to take fourteen stitches to close thu guslios. Altar the wounds wore dressed the doctor hud his patient removed to his room at Glr > South Sixteenth street. TO : 1CK.MKN IX TUOCMLK. CoilUlllKhloiUM'H IllVChtlfJiUiMfJ tllC I'CO- eudllloes of tlio Copper * . At the mooting of tbo Fire and Police Com missioners lu t evening , the case against Ofllcor Vance Fields , charged with assaulting Judge Doane's son , wus to have been tried. Owing to tlio ofllcor'.s illness the hearing was continued for ono week. Charges wcro preferred against Ofllcor Cliff Rouser for being absent llvo da.\s with out leiivo. The ofliccr pleaded guilty to the charge nnd was fined three days' pay. Charges against Ofllccrs White nnd Von Mugga wore liled by J. W. Harris. The : omplalnant charges Von Muggo with Intox- cation nnd refusing to ronuer assistance to rank llarrh on the night of Aucust 7 , whan issaultcd by u gang of printers. Harris also alleges that ho desired to go to the pullco station to fllo a comnlnint , and that Von Muego charucd him with bnlng drunk anil disorderly uml placed lim under arrest. The next Uuy In police court the city prosecutor rofuscd to Hie the complaint ot the olllcor against Harris. I'ho case will bo heard next Saturday evening. Ofliccr Boyle was cruntod fifteen days' eave , ten with pay and llvo without pay. Ofllcnr Burr was granted ten days and Olll- ccr Ciiistuvlson s'x ' days , A resolution of the council by Mr. Specht directed Chief Scavey to havi ) the dangerous banks and walls on the south-cast corner of Fourteenth and Jones streets removed was received nnd filed , lu connection wl'h ' this resolution the mayor said that u resolution of the council nlono is Insufficient authority for an expenditure. According to the charter the signature of the mayor Is required on nil resolutions Involving an outlay. Secretary Hnvoy of the Police Relief As sociation sent In a communication stating that the directors of the association tind decided to ralso the death benefit from.fiOO to 11,000 , providing thocommts. sionors approved the resolution. The matter was referred to the committee on laws , or dinances and regulations. W. b. Wright sent In n bill for tfi.M and a communication stating that hose wagon No. 4 run Into aim damaged hi * bugyy on the evening of August SO , The bill was referred to the committee on men and discipline tor investlualloi ) . Mr Smith offered a resolution authorising the committee on property to Investigate nmt report on the advisability of covering the patrol wagons. Tbo committee on property reported that It had bought fifteen now horses lor the lire department nnd sold four or thn old ones. Also that It had accepted the engine house nl Thirtieth and Spauldlng. The committee on men nnd discipline was Instructed to designate stands for c.tbs , hacks , etc. , and tc send the report to the council for auproval. The stands for drays nnd express wagons will remain ns stated In the lust report , JM/ HMri.oris Will Oppose All 7iiKlHliitloii ! Hostile to Tliclr InlerestH. DrnrqfK , la , Sept. 12. Two hundred rail way employes , mostly of the Chicago. Mil waukee & St. Paul shopsj mot lust night nnd organized a local brunch of the Railway IJin- ploycs' union. Their object Is to oppose can didates favoring hostile legislation toward railroads. Thpoflldals say If hostllo state legislation Is continued wages must bo de creased and the forces cut down It is al leged that this has already been done in some Instances. Aftali-N at Itoono. Booxn , In. , Sept. 12. [ Special Telegram to Tun Bnn.J Lightning struck the largo barn on the promises of Birmingham & Keut- Ing , ono mlle from town , at 10 o'clock last night. The barn was totally destroyed , also the contents , consisting of grain belonging to J. C. ( ! ood. The loss on the bum is $700 and on the grain $ .Y > 0. The drug store of II. C. Conloy , at Men- gnnli\ was mitcrcd by burglars Thursday night and $10 lu goods taken. Two young men wcro arrested for the offence , pleaded guilty , wcro lined and released. Last night the grandmother of ono of the young men. MM. Thomas Tl.omus , was robbed of ? J. > 0 of pension money she had Just secured. 'Iho young mon nro missing and are supposed to ho the guilty parties. Coon KnpidM Wreck Hovlveil. Cr.nui Ru-iiH , la. , Sept. -Special [ Tpleirram to Tin : Bii.J : Mr. Worth of Uo- coruh has brought suit In the Linn county district court against the Chicago , Milwau kee A : St. Paul Railroad company for ? IO,000 dan. ages for Injuries received and tidiness Incident to being in the water while u pas senger on the train wrecked nt Coon Rapids recently. _ Collar UupldN' Growth. CKIUH KUMIU , In. . Sept. 12. ( Special Tel egram to Tin : Bui : . ] The Saturday Chat has Just completed n census of Cedar Rapids , which shows a remarkable growth since the census wus taken in IM'O. ' Then the populn- tloii was lsOJO , while now the Chat shows Cedar Rupids to have a population of 21,17-4. Iowa Fnrincr'H LOSH. CnniiilttniM la. . . Telegram , , Sept. -Special [ egram to Tin : Bin. : ] The farmhouse of A. L. Hunting , near Grundy Center , was com pletely destroyed by tiro. Loss $1,200 , with JbOO Insurance. _ .vf.v niMnvuACY's UULK , Southern KiinnurH' Alliances Heady for a Tlilnl I'ui-iy. TOIT.KI , Ivan. , Sept. 12. Colonel Polk , president of the National farmers' all'ance ' , in company with Frank Mcdrath , tno Kan sas president , returned from Ilolton last night. President Polk this morning talked frcelv of the political situation. * "If thosoutiiurn people nro driven into the pooplo'.s party , " ho said , "no power on earth can prevent thorn from carrying every south ern stato. But the question is , will they bo dm on into the third party 1" "Four months ago , " answered Colonel Polk , "I would have said that a now political party was not likely to follow. It now seems impossible to prevent it. The alliance with us is in such a condition that it can ho changed in ono t'.ny into u political party. It was organized us n non-partisan institution and has been conducted ns such. Wo don't look for any more concessions from the demo crats than from the republicans. " ' Will the supreme council , which mcots in Washington In February , declare for a third party } " "That I cannot toll , but n third party seems to bo inevitable , and in the south our organ isations are prepared for it. The south Is n unit on the sub-treasury plan. Whether the supreme council in February decides that u third party must bo placed in the Held or not , it will bo ( i go anyhow , and it will recievo thousands of votes In the south. The demo crats have It in their power to stop the move ment by acceding to the St. Louis demands. Nothing short of that will avail and if it is not done the south is lost to them. " Ij-ist NlKlit'n Aliirins. Fire was discovered in a manger full of hay in an unoccupied livery stable on South Eighteenth street , between Hartley nnd St. Mary's avenue , about midnight. Four or llvo pails of water put the fire out before the department arrived. No clue. Box ( il rang In at (1:2 ( : ; ) o'clock last evening to which tlio down town department and No. 1 responded. It proved to bo a false alarm. A > ; aiiiHt Ilrolcer Hnckor. Ni\v YOIIK , Sept. 12. Judgements aggre gating over $150,000 have been filed again st Abraham Backer , the commercial note broker who assignoa August ; t Hit. "Olivot'o" was the bill last evening nt the Grand opera house , nnd as a first produ ction gave promise of being ono of the strong operas in the Uarrow Opera company's repertoire. There wore cr.idlties and a numborof stngo waits which made It embarrassing for both actors uml audience , but these drawbacks will bo noticeable by tholr absence upon the repetition of the opera. Audruii hus written a vrry pleasing lyrio comedy in "Olivette" and for years it hus had a hold upon opcni goers. It Improves to with the years nnd Its music lust evening was a blessed relief from the drivel which pushes current tlioso duys as comic operas. Mr. J. L. Sutherland , the new accession to tl > o company , guvo u pleasing interpretation to Captain do Maritime , "tho sad sou dog. " His humor wus Infections and his singing wus very acceptable indeed. Mr. Hullam made only n fair Valentino , his acting being n paiticulur drawback , although ho sang the role splendidly. Mr John Brand wns out of his clement ns the Due Des Ifs , and showed little knowledge- of the part. The Coduiellcot of Mr. Drew was not up to the standard of his other elmructors. Ho played the part In u minor key , which to say the luiist was not cITccilvc. Miss Clement , always conscientious , sang the muslo ot "Oilvotto" very olTcctlvcly , but the sprightllnc .s , Iho roguishnes.s of the character was lacking. Miss AUolla Burliur surprised her friends ns the countess. Her dramatic- work wus excellent and she sung with nice dlscri.nliiu- j tlon. She is ono of the very useful members I of the company. Miss Lillian Swain , piquant and cnptivnt- nip , pluvud the small part of Voiontin de lightfully. The chorus was good and iho production wus mounted very satisfactorily. Indeed. Two largo Louses witnessed Mr. Kcono's performances yesterday afternoon and oven- lug , Iho largest umlionco of tho-engagement being present last night , when "Richard III. " wus played us only Mr. Kceno knows how. It was u masterful Interpretation uml worthy iho fnmo of the actor who holds so warm n place in thu public heart. XKWS or r ; : . > Thn cotton pIckcrsstrlKohasnot yet reached South Carolina. The C'lti/otis' bunk of Mobster , Minn , bin rlimod Its door * Liabilities iimount to tlO.tXW. , ,1'hii president yeilorduy appointed John M. " Ilohlo icgiMur uf the laud ollico nt rolsiun , A < lliinti | < } i from Corunici says the Trench fluit iot JsnntM lms bco" wrecked oir . , , l > , ' ! lt , ° i"i",1 * C'V > f K'U'sas ' I'lty. Mo. , burn Mllti'i ' " " u solUointvit with tlicltf J. 1 > . Austin , u morchnnt of SulHhnry , S. ( ' . , has lieeii iirrcstod for ultciiinUitK to imss n raised chock. dooiK'ot' . llrlntnil , convicted In California o rllllim tlio mulls , was pardoned yesti'iduy by the president. TliuiiMlolos of Incorporation of the Snath trust company Imvc licon lllo I for record with tin-secretary ofstatuof Mli'lilgan. The story that William S. Hollltipsuo.-th has ijuloii f 100,000 from his pnitnrr. John Pulv , New ork gambler. N said to bo untrue. Mrs. Dmily Ilimllnelon Mit | | > r flm liroii eli'ctctl principal of tinvroiuan'i ( nllegu ot the Nortlnu'storn university ut I'lilcago. 1'red Wiley nnd .liilin Iluckor , half nrothof , < iuurrelud at t'nitt , Knn. . overlhn poiiosulou < V a lo.iin uf liu-raoi. Wiley shut uiul killed Mucker , HenryI. llhndus of tli-aillnc. i'n. , ha failed , Licentious lUiiouiitliiK to over ( 'u.cHU luivo been Nsueil against him , Ilo \ > us In iRv lliiuor business. It Nsnid tlio white alliance of Nnrth Cam * Him. will discountenance any attempt to In- aiignrntu ; stilUo union ? the cotton pk-korsof tllUtstllto llcvniisci his wife refused to lonppr snpixirt lilm In Idleness , \ \ llhuin : < pitiop 0(1 ( hl- i-jiKo shot and piolutbly fatally wounded hur. He thuti Milclded. The r rcimmlu yi < Mciday attending on lay- Ini ; I ho coiner itonoot thu Odd IVI Ion a' HMU- | iU > In Cincinnati attracted UionsiimN nl the order to that city. About HMOi.nuo of 4'i ' percent bonds yet re main to lie icdc'crned or continued. Thu total amount continued to dutu Is i''l.rKV..lJU ; re deemed , ifl'.I.V.VHW. Two brothers iininod Jiirks-in , u I'J. vuur-oM Kir ) , and two men , ucrc diounod ycstcrd&y while attempting to eioss the M. l.ouls river , iiiiiir Cluquet , Minn. Tulopruphlu ml vices fiom I'lorldn and nil parts of .Mississippi are to' thu urTcd that the eotton ulcuurs' NtrlUo hus not reached thoio strxtes , mid U not HUely to. Ity n teirlblu explosion which occurred yos- tcidiiy an lionul n nii'U tiorlni ; vessel ut the "Iron ( lutes" on iho Dniiiilio two persons wuio killed and a number Injured. The Delaware Iron works at Newcastle , Del. , were destroyed by ( Ire lustiilKht. Io-.s about tsi ) ( , ( > iio , coMired by Insurance. I'ho tire throws MX ) men out of employment. A sailboat containing llvo men cnpsl/ed In ( 'aninlmv straits opposite llenechi , Oal. Mminil Vargas anil Miniiiol SlUla wcio dtortiied. The others swum ustiore. Colonel I < . W. Wynkoop. ex-wiudeii of the Nuw Muxleo penitentiary and a widely known pioneer of till ) ICoeky Mountain * , died at his homo In Santa I'o j osterday uCleraloiii ; Ill ness. Dulton and Dean , the men arrested for liold- liiK up a Central f'uelllo train ut I'eies , C'al. , had an examination yesterday and were dis charged. Daltou Was re-anu.slcd for another robbery. The Venileuvro maneiivres of the 1'renoh army wuro lesunied yesterday. I'hu four coips joined , and acting as a sliiKlu army iiKulnst tlit ! sKuleton of an iuvadliiK force , continued to advance and theru woio several out post .sklrinlHlics. A hill wus IIled In I he chancery court at Memphis , Tonn. , yesterday asking a decree declaring Kov. Tavlor Is'ltfhUncule , pasiorot the Iteul Street liaptlst church , us wrongfully usurping Its pulpit , and holding possession oC the church properly. SPECIAL NOTICES , , COUNCIL BLUFFS. _ \VAXTKI > iMSiii : > iATiiv-iaiiv : ove" " ) ' 'to help lu pajIiiK business. II. i ; llco ollico. I7UM KiNT : NMi-plv furnished fiont loom -L with or without bounl. Heferences. IIU'J fourth avenue. 7Sl AIItVOVANC'U mind leadln * o7 I'sy. V choinetry. Diseases of all k nil dlacnosml and tieated with hot baths and massage. All loiters promptly iiiisweied. Olllce hours , U a in. to III p.m. No. 14 . avenue K , near cor. ljjtlihlr et : \\rANTRD I'miiMied rooms for Kcntloman ' and Iiuly. No uhlldrcn. Address , K , u , i Heyolllee , t'ounollninlTs. _ W AITKK wanted Immediately ut Modul iTslniirant. la I'earl st. . Aii-riNi : ; LICHT IIKAIIA.MS retch strain , very cheap. Addicis I' , y. Swlck , yjlJ Avuinio P. . Council llluITs. TlOIt KKNT I will rout the \\holu or p.irt of - my house , corner 1st avenue andStb street. I'll i mice , water , ; as uml hath loom. Mrs. I/ . ! r. llullaid. yin Arm : IOWA KAUM AT i.'O i'iit : AC-UK J.-U and Ifi'J aero farm. Largo list. Johnson vncKi.v ruKMHiino UOOM run TWO JL > Kcntlimicii. C' location. Address with rofeijiicj _ _ jr ftlleo _ olllce. WA.NTr.II-At Grand hotel , woman pastry cook. Good uagc . Also ( uinlsli ail nsslstaut. \V ANTED At Oraud liotul , cliamliurmaldj ! ' Rood wages for those co.ninx wull rocom- m o iidod. t \\TANTI'n Two peed jjlrls nt Kminctt t T house , No , flit. t-oiitb hlxtli sticct. ) -I'lve-room . , full WANTKI to TradoI'lveroom bouse. lot In Omiiha for house an I lot lu Council ( Iluirs. I ) . Iliown. ICi.l IlrouhNay. T7IOU SALT or Itciit-tiaidoii land with -L houses , by .1. It. Klcc , 101 Main si. , Council HI nils. ST. FRANCIS ACADEMY HOAKIUNCJ AM ) DAY SCHOOL. FIFTH AVENUK AND SSVS.Nm ST. * \ C'aii be reached fro'ii unv of the depots on motor. C'imiliinteilliy tho.Slstor-of C'hui-Uy. II. V. M. TlvltMS Tor lioar.l and tuition , oiniiruolng all hranches of a tlnlshoil o liiuatlou fur yoiuii ladles , t'i for sinsloa of llvo months , com mencing lh-,1 Monday lu S'tiloniticr ami I'ob- iiiury. respeotlvuly. Kor further ; iiillcutar * udiliess. St. 1'rancls Academy , Council ( Hull's. la. CITIZENS STATE BANK Or Council Bluffs. ' CAPITAL STOCK $150,000 SURPLUS AND PROFITS 70,000 TOTAL CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $223,000 DiienrrniiK T. A. Miller. P. O. fileasou , K. Ji. S'hOL-iirl , U K. IIut , .1. I ) . I'.dmond-on. C'hailun U llaiinun. Tiaimiiut general huiiKIng liusl' ness. Iiargestuupltal and surplus of any bunk In iroutlnvcslorii Iowa. NTE.REST ON TIME DEPOSITS THE GRAND Council ISIuffa , In. APPOINTED KLI'HJANTI-Y Fj IS NOW OPKN. N. W. TAYLOn , Mnunflop. MSTNATIONALBAM OF COUNCIL BLUFFS , IO//A. I'aiil Un Capital $1(10,000 ( OIiloil nrt ( iil < . | tuink In Ilin ( Itr I'lTi'lKn nnrt ( lonimllu oi'liuiik'o inn ! lutvd niTiirllliM Knii attuiilliin | iald tit eolhurllniH. Acoiunli f linl iiiili. banki. liunkurn null < Miri < ir.itluni noHcllil'l. r < irreipunilcnco Invlttil CiKO. 1' . UANI'CIIII ) . I'nulilnnt A. W IIIIIHJIAN ( 'minor. A. T HICK , Aiililint ( ni \Yhcre did you get that choice Coal ? At Thatcher's , - 16 Main Street , Best Quality Guaranteed. Lowest Prices Always. He Leads Others Follow.