Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 13, 1891, Part Two, Page 11, Image 11

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Collections In the Country Bolter Than in
the City ,
Local Jobbers Point : a Rood Ilnnlne-H
with I'roHitcotfl PmorliiR n Hllll
Jjnricr Movement
of OoodH.
.There appears to bo nn Improved feeling In
moil lines of business as the fall season ad
vances. This may be duo In part to the con
fidence that nil classes of pcoplo hnvo had all
summer that times would bu bettor with the
coming of fall nnd winter vvoatlior. The real
cause , however , Is to bo found In the abund-
nut crops that have been harvested nnd are
yet to bo harvested. The Ilrst to feel the
effects of the farmers' ptosperlty nro the
country retail dealers , and from them It
spreads to tha Jobbers. Omaha retail dealers
nro not likely to feel the effects of the abnna-
nnt crops so soon ns the others. A jobber re
marking on the Improved fooling among the
country retail dcelcrs said that he could tell
n merchant from last jenr's burnt distilet
ns soon as ho saw htm coming in the door
Last year their faces woio long , this jcur
they mo broad with n satisl'ud Mnllo. All
reports from the country ngrco that the stnto
is just entering upon a season of iniparalcllcd
Omaha's Jobbers almost invariably report
n good business during the past week and in
lomo lines there has been a posltiv o r ush.
In hardware tr.ulo is repented as improv
ing. Collections have boon ivnnrkably good
during the first ton days of the month. In
opito of nil previous Indications uails have
dtoppcd , "c
ithout any now features worthy of note ,
the general hardware market continues in
very good shnpo at Now Voile , and icports
nro , as a rule , cheerful and promising As a
rule travelers are meeting about the success
of last season , some doing better , and while
the direct trade from store nt this point has
been somewhat disappointing , dealers suy
the } commence to sco sltfiis of impiovonifciit.
Kvcrvthlni : is ready for trade , stocks in
quantity nnd assortment showing up full
enough to satisfy any call likely to niiso , nnd
white the usual minor dlffoicnccs on cost at
times dovolopono ludlcnl changescamoabaut.
Nails aio Bomowhnt irregulir In movement
for all kinds. Wire is most to bo depended
upon to attiact full orders , butthe ficcdom
of sale they have secured of late is telling a
little , as considerable custom has secured
nbout the ucaltcd quota , otid now stand off
Cut are slow with prices Inclined In buyers'
Omaha Jobbers of groceries report a very
quiet week so far as the development of now
features Is concerned , but an active week of
trade. The movement of goods has been
large. Sugars have advanced ' 3,0 , with the
demand heavy. Omaha Jobbers have light
stocks of sugar nnd it is said that interior
Jobbers have almost none at all.
At Now York tlio Bulletin remarks that
tnklng the nvcrago run of holders carrying
any line of commodities , and they are woii
inclined to assume an optimistic rather than
the pessimistic viovv of the situation. It { 3
thciofoia natural that omongstrcet operators
In staple groceries the tenor of icports 10-
malns choctful , and every apparent piomts-
inu' and stimulating fcaturo is cited as an ad
ditional supporting clement. It does not ,
however , require any special strain or distor
tion of facts nt the moment to make out ; x
pretty good case for tbo selling side , as the
country call is well on tlmo toeiify predic
tions of increasing vvuuU nbout tins Juncture ,
nnd ns distribution goes on Jobbers must fall
Dack upon bulk lots for n renewal of supplies
nnd assortments. Speculation interferes to
some extent with n full development of the
nctual mctits of coffee , and also has a slight
Influence upon spices , but other goods worn
naturally nnd promptly absorb the benefits
from n glowing legitimate demand. Even
the cooler weather is cited ns n benellcinl
factor to Insplro quicker movements and
stimulate the sala of some articles not ordi
narily in favor under summer heat.
O malm's wholesale dry goods trade has
been very good for n wool back nnd orders
hno been coming about as fast ns tlio bouses
could fill them. Country merchants report a
very satisfactory trade and a general feeling
of confidence prevails nuiong both Jobbers
and rotnllcrs.
In Noiv York the Bulletin in its review of
the week finds that business nt , first hands
lias reached considerable proportions In dry
Roods. There has been the same quiet np-
pcnranco on the spot , owing to the moderate
uttonuanco of buyers from day to day , but
orders by mail nud who have como forward
with regularity , nnd with n tendency to
grow In Individual volume in the direction of
staple cotton goods. This has had some little
Inlluonco on the views of these who aio
carrv ing stocics of brown and bleached cot
tons , but they have drawn moro strength
from the decided aavanco in pi ice of raw
cotton and the upward movement In print
cloths. This combination has imparted n
firmer tone to ttio market nt the close of the
week , chiolly noticeably in the elimination of
nearly all tbo pioviously vveaic spots. Lead
ing makes have been in n comparatively good
position for some tlmo past , and inthcsothcro
is no chango. t\\lth the disappearance of
pressing olloi3 stocks nro loss noticeable , but
in all probability they are much the sumo ns
they woien-week ago. The stocks ot piint
cloths nt Fall River have been considerably
reduced , The advance in prices is , however ,
linully looked upon as permanent vet , as in
the opinion of the trndo here , its maintenance
Is depended upon the manufacturers and
operatives failing to agico unon the wages
question. The demand lor printed fabilcs
lias continued good. The loading novelties
In fall prints nro well sold up , some Doing
taken off the market , nud in other styles
ft bolter business has been done Ulnghnms
and wash fabrics and dress goods in vinious
makes for fall wear aio also in b.rtlsfactory
condition. In now spring fine woven cotton
fabrics there has been hut little done so far ,
although sometime past the date when a
considerable business had been rccoidcd in
such makes last vear. Collections have
shown a slight Improvement in t > omo direc
tions , but irieguhirity is still complained of
The business reports fiom largo dbtilbutlng
centres continue to show nn active business
In progress , and as wholesale buyers mo
as pressing as ever for speedy uellvoiies of
tiielr purchases , stocks rmist still bo running
on nearly starvation limit. The southern
trade has dlsplajod n little moro animation ,
but Is still very backward.
ojr.iiM tTTri : A/OC-K ji.i K/r .
OMAHA , Pent. IS.
OATTi.K-Omeml receipts of cattle , 1,711 ,
ns compared with ' . ' .owl yesterday nud b"J
Hnturday of Inst wook. The nuuKet was ao-
tlvo an uSe nml lOo higher on desirable beef
ulcers , fconin natives selling at $ . " > .H4i5.1' , and
nbtilngof raiiRers nt MIX ) , llutchur stuff In
Rood demand and tttrou , : . Good fceauis about
steady. Common stull IP heavy supply and
badly donunallzcd.
lions-Olllelul receipts of hogs 3.G4S a
compared vvitli U.M3 yestotdiiy , and 2,9.17
Haturduy of last \veoU. \ The maiUot was ac
tive nnd stroiu u > Ko higher all around , bhlp-
lilnc demand was Unlit , 1'acKorsoro free-
uujcrs. MnrUntclosed woik but with about
ovorylhliiR sold. Ijluht JIUJ < 350Jj heavy ,
II Weft1,73 ; mixed , Jl UYQMiOO.
Hnrui' Ulllulal receipts of sheep 40.1 ,
as compared with none yesterday , and lumo
Huturdny of last week. Uomund isoixl. Mar
ket Hteadv. About the HIUIIH as yosturday.
Natives , W.501&I.M ; westerns , U wai . ' 5.
IlccnlptH anil Disposition of Stouk.
Olllelul receipts and disposition of stock as
hewn by the books of tlio Unloi stookytinU
compiuv for tint twenty-four IIOIIM undiu at
6 o'clock , p. in. , Hoptombor It , 1SJ1 :
' ' ' .
Cars lleiul.
ID mo ovrri.r : .
Warbonnet Oatllo Co.
3 6 steers 12)2 300
1 slag 1-83 2 5J
121 feeders 1010 200
Hiirkliarl 1' . Oo
Sfiudcrt 5CO 840
IS fecdeis 71J 2 U1
i steer 14)0 ) 403
8 steer" ICIrt 881
1 steer UOO 300
i o Imo Stoolc Markets.
CinrAtio , III , Sept. 12. [ Special Telegram
to THE HKK.I AUhotieli tin1 receipts werol a
llttlo above Iho average for Saturday , good
natives worn found to bo as sc irco as usual
nnd there was uolhln lu the situation to de
mand the attout'on ' of the prominent
traders. Tlio supply , consisting of about
4,003 head , w is composed almost
entirely of Texans , there bolng less than 1,000
head of native and western cattle Incliiacd.
The few mtlves on s ilo were chiolly low , consisting of old lots of cows ,
bulls nnd grass steers , which went to 1111 tlio
locil ilcmiiiil nt biroly steady prices. Can
ning cinvs sold chiefly at from f I.4J to $ . ' .20 , fair
to EOiXl butchers' stock at from $ . ' .25 to $ . ' .75 ,
thin to fair llesln-d bulls Jl V ) to } 2 r > 0 and com
mon lo fair gr iss stcois at from $ .1 St to$45J.
Hood Hi Uio beef steers , 1'JOO and $1.400 Ibs ,
sold on Krlday s nnrUot at fiom $1 75 to Jl 00
and good to clioleo shipping and export cit-
tlc , 1,150 to I lUO Ibs , at from { 5.73 to in 81 Thom
m irKot for To\ isind vvpstorn cattle today
lacked the Him activity of former
days this week , bur the pens are cloirod lu
coed season and Uio prices at the cioso were
about steady , w lib 'le"cus cows ranging from
81,71 to 4. 10 : To-cas strnrs W 40 toJ-t--'O : western
eows , $ J.UO to JJ'K ) and filr to eholco range fiomf IV ) tot 11)0. )
The market for the week has sliown
good llfo and a slight upward tendency ot
values. A firm dem md his piovallcd
thiougnout for the good grade of shipping
and export stoois and pi Ices today stand at
from lOc to He ibovo the closing values of
last week. N itIvo butchers'stock md cholco
Texas nnd nostciu rangers also show an equal
Improvement. Tlio best r.ui o cattle have
sold tor eastern shipment at an even J5 0) ) .
Business was brisk In hogs from the enrllcst
movement. The receipts were light oven for
the h iturday trade and Included a state stock
of S.OtO head. ' 1 ho ( ot tl number on silo did
not exceed tl.OOJ head. Oood corn fed ho s
wci o iigalu ve-rv sc-irco and the buyois forcist-
fru shipment who hud urgent orders In hand
woie compolli'd to pay a big advance for the
few choleo olToilngs. Kxtra pi Ice assorted
butcher weights sold atS" > ( > .1 , which was 15o
above Friday's top prlco. Good to choice me
dium and heavy shipping hogs and cliolco
paeUlug grades sold ut a full lUo advaucu and
the common to fair clashes almost met
with the demand at prices strong to
fie hUhnr The tone of the market continued
lit in tliriiighout and closed at nn etirlv hour
with loss than 8,000 hogs unsold. Good to
cholco medium nnd heavy shipping hogs sold
at fiom } 5 15 toj. " > J ; fair to f incv llghl , $110
toM.10 ; fair lo good mixed , $500 to M 21 :
rough D icklng and mixed grassers , 8180 to
$1 OJ , and stags , culls and poor light at from
$ 'fi ) to $4.10.
The r.votilng .Tourml reports : OATTtE--no-
cclpts , 1,000 ; shipments , 2too. Muikot weak ,
ntoiidv to lovvm ; natives. J.tKao80 ( ! : Toxans.
$ JOiJ.01 _ ; stouUcis , J..SofS.VJJj eows , 4105 ®
Ilfins Receipt ! , 0,000 : shipments. 4.50J :
marUct active , stronger to higher ; heavy
shippers , SI 10M1 I" : pilmohf ivy and butclior
vvoUhts , $ > 4 fi 1ii ( ; 1011'b , heavy and pack
ers $1 6txf5' ' " > . prltuo light , tl.imij.1'10 ; secoud
olnss llglit. $11) © 103 : crassors , $ I.'V < ? ! ) .80.
fallfni' Kecolts | ) , 2,000 ; slilpiiii-nts , 1,130 ;
matUnt Meidy : natives $ .170 ® ! . 10j westerns.
HOOffil.So , Iambi. . $ l.7)i31'5
Kaiisns City liivc Stook Sfarkoti.
KVN9AS OlTV , MO. Sept 12 OATTI.r. Ko-
coluts , 5 , 0) ) ; Ehlpmunts , 1,1)1) ) ; best catllo we ro
steady , othen woik ; cows stioiur , .Steers ,
} . ! ' 'iii1 ( 71. cowil 752.U > ; btocUeia and feed
ers. f.MV/ll.01. /
lions UoiolpK 4,000 : shipments , 110 ; runr-
kot nctlvo and ste uly to fie hlghei ; bulk , $1 85
© I 01 : all tti ulos. $ J ( )0a.1.1'i. )
' un p UccelpU , 1)00 ) , shipments , 010. Nomi
nally steady.
St. Tjottls Iilvo Stoolc Afnrkct.
ST. I.OITH. Mo , Pflpt U 0TTt.R Uocol pis ,
1.000 ; shlpmcnU. 1,200 : mar'.ut Him ; fair to
cholco natlv ex. J'KKiu'i 71 ; Texans and Indian" ,
$ ; 40.l85 ; cniiuers , $ l.rili2.1.1
lions Iteiolpts , 1,11'D ' ; shlpmculs , 3,000 ; market -
kot sle'.uly ; heavy 85.10 5.85 ; mixed , $1.00 ®
6.It ) : llRht , MOO.ltJ. !
Constipation poisons the blood ; Do Witt's
Litllo Unrly UUers euro consllpalioii. The
cause removed , the disease Is gone.
run itn.\i/ivy 1
Ts placoa on record September
nM'itattlsaud wlfo to O H llattls , lots
Hand 10 , block 7. rokermnn I'lnce , wd I 1,000
Carl Kanscholt anil wife to U II 1'avno ,
lot ,1 n nil o IS feet of lot 4 , block 0 , 1'ros-
I'ect i'lace. w d .1
V J ICiclima and wlfo to V llartu , until v
'i n ! lot l" > , blocl , 0 , llrown I'nik , w d , 300
I'rank MaleJ and wlfo to Jacob Dokiilll ,
n't lot Sands ' , lot ! > , block 10 , Park
I'orest. w d . . . . 700
V Halt. i and wlfotol'red Krchmn , undtv
l , s ' lot l" > . block 0. Hi-own Park , w d. 300
J Krojcl and w ife. to I' M Welch , B 2J feet
lot t . block l'i , I' V .Smith's add , w d . 2,700
0 A Dinning and husband to M M Put
nam , lot 5 , block U , Highland IMaco ,
w d . . . . 5,000
OK Morrlll and wlfo to J M 0 Jlorrlll ,
4-ixl2l feet In n nw 10-15-la , w d . . . 5,000
H O t'oopnr and wlfo to M Vend , lot 18 ,
block U ) , lirundvlew , w d . 453
United btatcsto J 1' Hunger , so sw 31-15-
10 , deed . 1
William Mack and wlfo to Henry Muel
ler ol ill , lol 21 and w Ki lot 21 , Hiiwiey
Torraee. w d . 1,000
South Omaha I.and compinyto Hand . _ .
T blonder , lot 2. block 111 , South Oma
ha , w d . . . . . . . SG7
Allen Koch to public , dedication ot
Kooh'ssubdlv In n 't nw , II-14-12. pint .
Carl Kuuschlsh and wlfo to 11 1' I'ayne ,
w4l , ref 04IJO-29 , lot 11) ) . llnvrcs mid ,
wd . l
M M I'utnum to 0 A Dinning , lot 12 ,
blookl ) , Hiinscom 1'luce , w d . 8,600
L U Ulbsoit anil wlfo to W b Wliltton , s ! i
lot 4. block 'Jl. ? oiith Omiihn. w d .000
K 11 1 hnuillur to Thomas Mi'ldrum , lots
II and r , block .1. Mnlroso IHU , w d . COO
Donnls Uunnlnih\m nml wlfu to I.ottlo
Qorden , lot ' . ' , block 4 , Itlveraldo udu ,
qed . 200
Jacob r.xwpott and wlfo to 13 J Ilush. n
' lot IS , iilibotli : I'lace. w d . . . . 5,000
1' A Vanzcco and wlfo to J 0 Ish , uub lot
Ilof lot 1 In sw no JI-lVli , wd . 1.800
J W Urllllth , trustee , to 1' .1 1'slco. lot U ,
block tf , linker I'lace , vd . , . , . , 450
O O ( Jattou to A I * TuUoy , lota , block 10 ,
Ollfton Hll | , n od . , i
0 K Ularkn to A 1 bhelTen , lots 18 and 21 ,
liloek 4 , Iake View uild , w d . . . . j
MJ 1'axton and husband toj N llrown ,
W H lot 2 , block U" , Umuhn , w d . S5.000
No Rrlpping. no nausea , no pain whoa
DoWlli's Llttlo Kurly Klsors are taueu.
Small pill. KufopllL. Best pill.
Eirly Wheat News Bearish , With Few
Friends for That Cereal ,
Ilntcliinsnn IMnycil n Stnr
incut on tbo Hoard , to tlio I'aln
Tut Snriirisc of All Utlicr
CiiiCAno , III. , Popt. 12 Whoitwas weak nil
day niul cloanl two cents lower tlitin It illil
yesterday. The early news wits bearish and
tlio cereal seemed to Invo no friends. During
tlio bnlRO yesterday many traders cot loaded
with who it and they lost no tlmo IhU inorn-
Infj lit trying to dispose of It. The
dolnrf so advanlaKcously. was rendered dim-
cult by the boirlsh character of the news ,
Cables brought no encouragement to holders ,
and with thn domestic markets generally In
receipt of liber it Information and llttlo In tlio
way of bull news , the mirUot Imil a tlrod look
andthu decline was easy The solllm ? was
Konoral and rather issrcsslvc , with the do-
iniind slacker , mostly conllned to the covering
of shorts on the liieak ,
At tlio opening 1'nrdrlgo had a tloron bro
kers fiollliiK short and not rid of a bit ; lino. On
tlio break which followed ho recovered a large
amount of it , but sold again on .ill hard spots.
lllsoperUlons today reduced his line very
materially , llutehlnson was also a ho ivy
seller , uslni : Witto , H V. White , I , imsou
Ilrothera and I'arkcr ; the wheat sold was pen-
enlly supposed to bo lone wheit tiKon
< in jestcrdny. 'ho an , Ilaldwln , Mllmlno
Iloilm in and other houses wcro ulsc
loidcd with Helling orders while
thoseilpliiR crowd was generally lor.nlng Id
the selling side. Asiimll sUed wnrrumorwas
tluonii Into the pit but produced veiy little
eireU. Tlio clearances from both coasts for the
wi ol. showed a marked falling oil rind the o\-
Dorta from tlio three points yesterday foot up
only dJ'i.ObO bit. December oponul at from 071id
to I' ' 'aC ' , liroko to no'ic , Improved to Ui'auaiul '
agiitu hroUo toldu nnd strciiethcned to tH'iC ' ,
then durliiKthui.iui hour , under the continued
prt-ssiiru of s lies , lecoded toll"\olnok toli ! > ' t : ,
at which prko It closed , against Us'aO j ester-
day. The com clique was actholv tndlng In that
article tod.ij and the mirl > et , ficcd from Its
Intoi feronce was weak and eonsUUr.ibly
louor. It a succession of slumps , rind al
though theio wcro M > MIO rc.ietlons , the du-
cllnus continued lo re ich a lower Icnel as tlio
BOhslou Die rehsed. 'lliotriders felt around
for tlio clique at first mid woio rather wnrv In
their operations , but becoming emboldened
by the absence of the nuuuijul itorn and
encouraged by the apiuMtanco and prospects
for the weather and hc.i\y receipts , thov sold
nuioli mute ficoly upon e ich succossho break
until from Sd'aO ' October hnd Kot down to .MJ40
and the elo o was 'jc higher , but 2 cents lower
than > c3toiluy's close.
Tlieio\v.i9a moder ito trade In oats within
a range of 'ic , closing at the bottom figure
and 3so lower than joatorday. The provision
market was llrm to strong for a tlmo near the
opening but changed to weak. later In the day.
I'ork and ribs suffered moro than laidwhich
was upheld for some tlmo by the reported
s ilo yesterday for e\port of between U.OOO and
I"OJO tierces The failure of the frost to do
Injury to corn w is a wi-akonlii ) ; factor In ho , {
pioducts : the pickoissold freely of porn and
ribs and moderately of lard. The iloso was
at nearly the lowest prices of the day.
The loading futures ranged as follows :
Casli quotations were as follows :
I''iouii--Qulot but steady ; prices ® lf&l
lower than a week ago.
WIIKAT No. 'J spring wheat , 0240,92 0 ! No.
3 spring who it , 8le : No. 1 ! red , 9Jc.
Con.N-No. J. G2'Jc
OATNo. . ? . 28'2o : No , Z white ,
o J wlilti ) , iO'iftJOUc.
Kin No 2. f > 7'4e.
HAIII.KY Mo. a , GJCc ! ; No. 3 , 43Q03o f. o. b. ;
No 4 , an 4Sc f. o b.
rrA\sf.K No. 1 , OS'ic. '
TIMOTHV SELD Prime , $ I.2. " > @ 1 20
I'OIIK Moss pork , per barrel , ? IOW10fiOj
lard , per cwt. , J7.0JV4 : short ribs sides ( loose ) .
* 7.10a7.'JO ; dry salted shoulders ( boxed ) , J'lOJ'i
< Sl > 7ri : short ole ir sldos ( boxo'l ) , t''ttiid.OJ.
WniSKEV Ulstlllerb' finished goods , per gal ,
SunAits Unchancod : cut lo if. G/fol'ie.
Hccelpts and shipments led ty wcro as fol
lows :
On tlio produce otchanso ted ly the butter
market was Him and uuclianied ; < f.incy Ililn ]
dairy , 2a.4e ! : line vvobti-in. X'JJle ; selected
dairy , 17Ol9e ; ordinary. U
New Yorlc Slarkcts.
Nr.w YORK , Sept. St. I'r.ouu Kccolpts , 20,413
p tukaccs ; exports , J,737 b irrols , 'UO..1 sicU- , ;
111.11 ket less active and unchanged ; closing
oisy silos , 21OjO Imriols ; clioico family ,
Con.v MnAi. Dull ; yellow western , $3.40C5
WIIB\T Receipts , 417 , T)0 ) bushels ; exports ,
390 , MS bushels ; sues , L'.OHO.OOO bushels of fu-
tuioi and 64.UJO bushels of spot. Spot nmikot
dull and weak ; o. 'J run , $101 In elevator ;
I1.0."B1.011J afloat , J1.0. < ai O.P , f. o. b. ;
No. J red. Use ; ungraded led , l)7e ; No. 1 north
ern to arrive , $ l,0l'j ' ; No. I hard to airlvo ,
$101 ; options declined l'iWsu and closed
oasv on vvoaUcr cables and quiet condition ot
tradliiRhoro. Tlio doiuaud was inoilly loc il ,
No. 'J rod. Soplombor. SI.Ol'oSl.OJ B-lll , oloslus
tl.OP , ; Octobor. * 1 08@I OIMO , clo-tn , ' Jl 02' ' , :
Novcmbci. * I.04',5J1 ' 0" > 7-10 , closing fl.OI'ij
llecembor , $ l.iO'tI 07. closliiK Il.l5' ; Janu
ary , $1 07aiI.OS , , closing * l.07' : rubruary ,
closliiK JI.OS'jj Jlay , $1,11 44
KYI : Dull , nominal ut ( Vi'07efor ' western
ItAHi.bV Quiet ; No. 2 MllwauUeo to arrive ,
74547.1c ; sales , ( jOHIO ( bu.
IUULKV.MAI.T Qu lot ; Canadti country made
$1.00 © ! 01.
COIIN Itccolpts.CD.lOO bu ; exports , 49,191 bu ;
sales. .IU',000 bu of futures ; spot none bpot
market dull and nominal ; No. 2 , 7jri71.lo ( in
olovatoi ; 7Joalloit ; ungraded ml\o < l , Tl'i ' ®
74c. Options dull and oi > y and 'iHt'tO loner.
Only llpit mnnlpulnllon. t-eptoinbur , ( > Sc , clos-
IIIK i58c ; October , OKSOl'ac , closing ( ,4c ; No
vember. bXUS'ie ' , cloains 1 , 0 : Di'cember , M'i
CWJ'ac , clojliu Wl c : Junuaiy , rllii4" | > l'1 o , clos-
InKfifjo : Mnr. ft.lTiWil\iC. oioslu. , M'8o.
OATS Hocolpts , 110,000 buahols : exports , 50-
03U bushels ; stilus , b. > .OOJ lliihhels ot futures.
and ro < JJ bushels of spot , bpot market
lovvnr. Options dull , woiKur ; Septiimbor. .lie ,
closlns .tic : Ooiober. Jl'.iiWI c. closlui ! Jl'io ;
November , > l. < ® ' , , oloslni ; J.i8c ; IVtombor ,
olosliiK ,11 'jo : bput No. 2 white , .iT &iso ;
wcHterii , J-t i cvhlto vvoslorn , a'ffllJc ; No ,
2 Uhle.uo , , l.lo.
\\-yulcl ; shipping , OOcKOodlo ; choice ,
UWilOo. .
HOPS Qulot and weak ; stale common to
chnlco , 1 k617n ; I'aolllo co i t , 14-317C.
K Options hte.ulj , unchuuncd to " 0
. . .
i. .ui .Miiitii , Tiijij iuiljr , Til wiill M ; o
Uio. dull , noniliiul : fair cargoes , IS.50j No. 7 ,
bucAii-Haw , nulot , nrm : fair ;
CPiitrlfuKil.ini test , .1 7-IbQI'4o : riitlnuil llrm ,
MohAsbts KorolRtt , nominal ; Now Orleans
llrm , iiulet ; common lo fancy , i'SiUx'e.
Uicr ( julot , firm ; domestic , fair to extra . ,
move , ; I'lilladelpliln ami llaltlmoro.
In bulk , JISJO. ) bj ; Unlteil closed 55io ! for Oo-
ConoNSEEn Oiiv rirnii now crude , JOe ; vol.
low , JMSI70.
TAI.I.OW Pull , steady ; oily ( JJ.OO pUss ) , 4' o.
HobiK Dull , steady ; strained , common to
good , tl I.Vitl 40.
Tllii'i..NTlM--Qiilot. stnady ; 'iMi'isiic.
l' < iis ( bte idy ; vvcstcin , HyaiOo ; receipts.
3'Ui packiiKOB.
Ullir.s ( illicit wel salted Now Orleans BO-
looted , 45 to 75 ll)3l/iieo ) ; TuYUSboIcctud.fiOlokO
Ibs , maso.
I'OIIK Modoralo tlomand firm : old mesv
tllWl.Mnow \ \ mesa , SU.2Jai-173j o\lru
prime , II 00 < 3I1.50.
firm ; plcUlcd bolllos.Oo ;
lilekled liouldera , 7c ; piekled hams , 101-i
.MniDLEs 1'irw ; short clear , September ,
7 75.
I.AIID rirm butqulotiwrstorn etonm , 17.40 ;
options sales. 75J tlurccs ; Octolior , (7.10
K7.4I , closing * 7. : bid ; November , 47 40 ; Du-
cember , 17.51 1 January. KU.
UurrEU-ljuloti llrw western dairy , lf&
l c ; western creamery , lftfJ"Vj western fac
tory * r.'viwn' - - ie' ; i IK" ) " i'i < ( fr. e' ,
CIITMI Quiet ,'j woile-rn. MtSc ; part
skims , Jt7'i ' < > . . . . .
IMU Iliov-tJIucr : Afntrlcan , II6.00SIS.25.
V , Mo. , ? opui' ' rtouu-In KOOI !
upiiiaud , llrm , active ,
WIIKAT- Steady : No,1 , 3 liard. cish , Me bid ;
Scptomlipr , S.c bid : Nu. 2 red. cish. Sic bid
Conv Stuady ; No. ,2 , , cash , M'iC | Suptem
ber , Mo. ,
OATS-III tlemantl ; < WftMi , 27 0 ; September ,
Sx * . n i
1'i.ix SKBII 89c. 1
Hurmi 1'irm ; creamery. 185lc ; dairy , 15 ®
ISc , .
Poos-Stoadv at inc.
Ki , llCKl.tCOi corn , 1,100 ; oats ,
iit Whoit , 51,500 ; corn. 8,000 ; oats ,
St. Iiouls 'Markets.
PT Lotita , Mo. Sept. 1. WIIKAT Lower ;
cash , or'je ' : ilooc-uibor. l > i'o.
Oo IN \\o lU : cash , 4J'ic ' ; May , 42o.
O VTS I/OHcr ; cash , JOc.
I'Oltic-JII 3\
ItVFlii'OOt Sopt. IS.VIIBT I'lrtn. domanil
poor : holdeis offer sp irlncly ; No. 2 winter ,
7s D'idf'l's ' led per cent il.
COIIN steady , dem.u.d poor ; mixed wesl-
orn. Os r > d per cental.
I'BAS Canadian , iHOil per cnntal.
Ot--iiii Jlnrkot.
r t . Minn. Hcpt 12 Witr.vr
fish , dratrRcd. llecolpls , , IC" > cirs Close-
No I haul , on trm k. bd'i i'iC ' ; No 1
northern , M'Sc ' ; on I nek , 67jj < iiso ; No. 2
1101 them , on track , b4sc. ;
Cliiclnnntl Marlccts.
OINCINVVTI , O , fcopt. 12. Win : \T-Qulot ;
No 2 icd , die.
CHUN r.isy.No 2 mlxnd. Wi'UKfo. O
O\TS SlroiiR : No. 2 mixed. J'itfflj3e.
WlllSkl'.V Jl 1H.
Mii.WAtfMct1. WIs . "opt. 17 Wnn.T Lower ;
No 2 Nprlii . cash , Ollt , ' ! c ,
CoitN I.owor ; No. 1 , ( > 0c.
OATS I.ovvor ; No. 2 vvhltp , 3l'5e ,
Tnloilo ( < rnln Altirlccr.
ToLfno , O. . Sept. 12 WIIKAT Lower : cash
and bepti'tulior , UPfc.
COUN Lower ; ' ish , fi4o
OAia CJulot , cash , oO'ic.
San KruiioiscoVIiont AInrkot.
vv PiiAsci > .ro , Cal , Pcpt. lJ.-Wiir.AT
Sto idler : bujors1 sena n , Jl 7SV. buyur , IbOl ,
41.00' i , sellei , 1S9I. * 1.0t'4
Nr.w YOIIK , Sept. 12. The sleek market this
mornlus opened with a confldoiit feeling and
wltli prices Kenorally small fractions better
than thobO of last ovonliu but there was an
other batch of rumois and stories touching
the condition of HIchiiioud & West Point and
the rumor that a receiver ts Inov-
It , iblo was louder than over. Nalurally ,
as an nccompanl nncnt of these stories , the
boars attacked the stock and bonds with
v Igor right at tlio outset , and the common
stock fell away fiom l'l'4 per cent to 10' per
cent , nhilo the preferred dropped from GO per
cent to 55 per cent. At the s imo tlmo the Col
lateral Trust 5's were pounded down from 5S'i '
percent tool per cent. The effect upon the
rest ot the list was not w hat , It ou jht to have
been , considering the suddenness and force of
thchatnmorliiz , and while Itiirlln ton yielded
1 percent to 9 > per ceht , the others lost only
fractional amounts.
Tlio foreign houses were buyers as a rule ,
while there 301110 sclllni ; for western ac
count and the local tridiug element wcro
sollc'H almost to a , min. The low prices
bioiiBht It. ' ome new buyliiK for the long ac
count and covering at the bottom prices was
urKcnt , which hid the eircet of rallying
thu INt rather Mi.irply after 11 o'clock. Tlio
bank bbitomeiit wus moro uni'our igln to tbo
bulls than expected and tlio demand for
Blocks In the las , ! few minutes was sped.illy
Urge. 1'rices continued to adv -nice , and not
only weio the early losses in ido up , but frac
tions In addition wcro calncd In most c isos.
The best prices woie not fully maiut lined ,
liowovcT , and Iho final changes are Insignifi
cant li. almost all of the active stocks. The
cioso wis firm at slight concessions from the
best figures Richmond & West Point Is down
l"a percent after a material tally and the
preferred 4 per cent from the last previous
Government bonds have been dull and
State bonds have been quiet and steady.
The following are tlio closing niiot itlons for
the leading stocks on the Now N ork , stock ox-
chatiRO today :
' ] ho lotal s lies at stoclcs toil iy woio 117.2C.O
sliiuos Ineludliig Atchlson , 1U.02S Canada
Soutliein , 4.1.0 ; Delavviiie , Laokiiwann i .1
Western , 2,000 : llilo. 7,7i,0 ; L tKo t-horo , 2.11 , ) ;
Louisvlllo. < L N'nshv lllo , r > ,500 ; Mls ooil Pacific ,
nrofi'iiod , 2l."i ; Rondiun' . 4 ( HI ; Ululimond ft
\\ost I'olnt , 11 , 53 ; fat. Paul , 7,710 ; Union
Pacific , 8'W.
Fiiiiiiiuial Iu\lo\v.
Nnvv YOIIK. Fopt. 12.-Plio 1'ost says : At
leastonu winning Inference can bo drawn
from this unpleasant Incident , whatever the
outcome may bo It was apparent several
months ago that the chief discouragement ex
isting both In tlio Block market and
IiiG ininy rallroid oltclcs was duo
to the fact that Iho companies
could neither make the now bonds nor secure ,
long tlmo loan on advantageous terms. The
financial outlook has Improved materially
slnco then ; but the now bonds hivn not ap
peared , and the tlmo loans , Instead of being
more read fly carried/ have become In several
cases In Hating burdens , through the un
easy action of the banners by whom float
ing dubls were supported. This very
plain fact shows an important element In the
situation which is certain to embarrass and
restrain an upward movement. What Its do-
toirliu Inlluonco on the iiuruut will bo In the
and In not easy to 'coulee ' turo If It loads
merely tooiutlous and Intelligent discrimina
tion In oiitsldo liii ) Inj ; qf htouks , there will bo
perhaps llttlo occasion lo regret Its appour-
uncc , _ _ „ „ _ _ _ _
New York Money Market.
Nr.w YOIIK. Sept 11 MONBY ov CAM. Easy ,
with no loins , closing riflcrod at , " 5 per cent.
PKIMI : .Muiii'ANrir.K I'M'KII 1VIB7 percent.
Sri.nt.iNO LxciUNtiB-Quiet and lnu\v at
Jl U for blUy-ilay bills and flbl'i for de
'Iho following wcro the closing prices on
bonds :
I'lllllllOllll Notl'S.
Nwv OKI CAh8 , La , Sept. la-Clearing" ,
KNSAS ClTV , Mo , Popt. 12 Clearings today'
.Ovj.M l , ami for the \vooli , JU.UbU,707. )
lUt.Tivtoin- . . Sopt. -OIuirltiKS.,543- ! , -
660 ; buluncos. tCM.GJO Hate , 0 per cunt.
NMV VOIIK. fci'jit -t'learliiKS , li.7,078 , ( > i
liiluncpM , t.\li7,77. . 1'or the nouki Ulourlnus ,
Jii ( : ! , t7rju ; ! balances , , ' 5. 101 UOI.
I'liiiAPi.i.i'iiii , Pa. , hunt. 1 ? . Dank cloar-
luss today , tlo,7MH ( ; Iialanee1) . tl.S7Ufl.i7.
lor thn vveolt endeil today clo irlmss were
( AVaSI.ITU ; baliinee'sf , * S7JJ'iA Money , 4,4i5 !
per cent.
IIOSTOV. Musi , Popt. 12 Hank clearings to
day IIJlfU4tiU. balanees , tl.&IT.tOI , rate for
luouey , i ; i ( til per cuui , uxuuau b ou Now
York , 2'i .lOc illscount tier 11,000 Tor the wonk ,
' ' $ ; ri7lH' , ' < I'oi
cionrliiffs Hl.SI'.tlJi balances , , ,
thu corrcsnundlnx wrrk In 1SW , clearings , tsO-
4IH.7W ) balnnce ? , J , < .W7MA
S\N I'lUNCnCO , Cal. , Sopt. 12. Drafts , 7H
per cunt : by lolcttniph , IJ > { per com ,
Pts rinNcise'o , Cal . ? opt. 12. llink clear-
IIIRB for the week cm ! Ins today , $ iO.'iMtX)0. )
t'llirno , 111. Popt. 12 Money it per cent ,
Now Vork oM'hntiRu ( VJ ) discount. Uio trine"
for to lay , i.7ro,7S5i for llio week , Wt > .Vlf.I
i'\chanffo vvcik at fisjij for l\ty
day bills and l 8 fur slitlitdrafls
ST. l.oiM * ) , Mo , Som. Ii I'iiMirluas today ,
Jl.ll , < W5 : tills week , * J4Vi7.'t ! last week , iti
II.K8I : corrcsponditu ; week last yonr , tllt& * > -
' . ' 0. llaliinci'sToday. . J' > ii"Mij this woi-K ,
( X7 > asi3 ! last wcol , , iiV.'sl.l.'d ; corroapomlh-fi
week last } oar , } . ' 7'i1lll ( Atutioy , ( if per ce-nt
I , \eliaiiKo on New York Is quoted at uir.
London Stoolc Market.
Lovnovopt. ! . 12 The followln ; wcro the
London "took rpiot itlons closing at I p in :
Cornols TTionpy 5 , l'i HI Uric " M
Consols nccuunt 1i | <
IT 4 * . . . 120' ' xt Paul common ; iw
tl s 4M . llU'-a ' Sou liirkivnlril It-Ml
N Y I' A O IlrJta 3UH l > ciiiis > lviinl f5'4 '
Ciinnillnii t'aclilc .ifi Mmlenn C . now 4s. 7V i
HAHSir.VBll 11'iS.
Movnv Uato of ilUcotint In the open imrkel
for both short and three months bills , Hi pui
cent ,
Bank of Kimlirntl Bullion.
ept 12 The amount of bullion
wlthdiavvn from the llaukof Kngland on bal-
tiuco today. A'l'i.COJ.
1'arls Kontim.
PAUIO. Soiit IS lined per cent rentes 001
f'5j for the accounU
Donvcr 'Mining
Cole , "opt 12. i' oo 1 business In
mining stocks today I'ot il s ilos , r',1 , , " > Usliares
'Iho following are tlio closlup quotations :
Ban PranuiKuo .tfiiiiiii ;
SAV | 'H\NCISCO. Cal , fcopt 12. The official
closing ( inot itlons for mining stocks ted ly
were as follows :
Now York Mining Quotations.
Nrvv Yoinc , Sept li The closing mining
Rtoclvciuotations are as follows :
Now Yolk Dry GooilH Mnr'ifet.
VOIIK. Seit. | 12. Tlinro was a Rood busi
ness In dry Kood- , for a Saturday at tlio h inds
of adonis as null as jobbers Tin ) demand < or
cotton goods csuocliilly K consldoi Jbly accel
erated and stocks look smaller. ' 1 ho touo of
the market Is firmer. I'riuts are ac
tive. There .aro no stocks of popu
lar articles or of Indigo blues. The
Cilouccbtor prints have been advanced - ! '
pet cunt. The following have been advanced
ouo-iiirtor | of 1 cent a yard each. Audros-
mxgln bio iched , constitution il 4-4 blown ,
Tliorndyko ticks bwlfL HIver aim CondN A. O.
O. ticks. Manufacturers refuse to ell print
cloths at Jo The Koncral market Is entering
upon a radical change , and It Is no.v dilllcult
to eel many articles , for prompt dolfvciy. Ail
Indications DOlnt to a consldeiablo period of
New York Specie I xportH.
NEW Yoinc , Sept. 12. Exports of speolo from
Uio port of New Yoik duriiiK tlio week
imounted 104777,7" , . ' , of which told
: ind fSJ",1) . sliver. Tlio imports ot specie dur-
IIIK tli" week amounted to Uftl,65 , of which
5K.471 was gold and ifl..S'JI ' silver.
Trailers' Talk.
CmcMno,111.Sept. 1. CounselmanA. Pay to
'Jockrell Uros : The leading Intluoncos In today were bearish L'.ibips reflected
inly a small pint of yesterday's advance nnd
lecolpts nro largoi tnan expected anil a war
like Item of news from the New York ller.ild
reported hero caused an curly llurrvof liuv-
iiU , but the advance brought soiling ; orders
tiom every point of the compiss
uul prices fell uudei the frco oiler-
ius to i > woik elo liu at l 4 to ' "ic
lecllne. Thcru are bonio shipping Imiulrlcs
Toi low grade wheat nnd Indie itlons thit a
fair export trade could bo done on a llttlo fin-
ther decline Wo therefore advise covering
short s ilcs on the next ( rood brcul > . Corn was
: lepu-sed by reselling for account of bull
speculators who hi'd bought jcilmday on the
, Uiul service prediction of a cold wuvo and
iveru disappointed , Hccelpts are growing vei v
lie iv v and as tlio iniukut K sus
tained i > urelv uy miinlpulntlou wo
it'll ' advlao s lies of December or May corn on
Hard spots 1'iovlslons wore decidedly lowoi
: ind while the action of pickers was divide d
the balance of the trailo was In favor of sell-
In Jauntily pork. Thu weakness lu grain
biought out 6imo long Uetolici pork foi out-
> Ido aei-Oiint , which was taken by packets and
: arrlers anil 114 ilnst which s lies of latur fu-
Lint-swoio made Hecelpts of IIO.IH were In-
luaslug again and wo htlll regard the market
n fialo on bulges.
CiticAdO , III , eopt. 12 ' 'wiirt ? Dupeo X Me-
Cormlclc to 1\ < - bw irl ? \ . ( . 'o : Tlio whoiit
miukct today opened at a MMill decline fiom
yesterday's close and closed at a dcolint- for
the day of 2c ultli but ono reaction which was
\uiscil by a bcnsatlonal v\ar iiimor sent hero
from Now York. 1'orelgn m irkets opuiicd
liare'ly htcady and closed lower. Oco in
Trolghts nrooiily I cent per bushel , nntwltli-
it Hiding the rate at which stocks at the bea-
iioiriliiroaceumulallug. Kurclptshero4'Kcars. '
In Diiluth and .Minneapolis theru wcio7J7 , ad
vices from the formur place Indicate a very
large movement uo\t week. Corn was very
noiik The weather map showed the cold
ivavohad been escaped 1'ho northwest te-m-
[ leraluros Tiero all higher I'hu crop summar-
ca In the nuirnlng papers hhowcd that one-half
to two-thirds of thociops woio pr ictlcally
iiaturcd Low grades arogcttlng to a heavy
llsumnt under tlio contract I'rov Islons weio
ivoik. The decline was chiolly In sympathy
, vitn tlio grain markets. Tliero was , however ,
i promise of a large hoin irket
OlltiAiio. III. , hopt l.-Ki nnett Hopkins &
"o. to S A , Mu\\liorter lu round numbers
llioio havu been marketed on this crop In the
linst weeks ut the nlno prlnelp il primary mar-
, .ets-)4,0)O.OOJbiisliolsof ) wheatagainst20 Oil ) OJO
Imsliols for lliocnricspomlln ; ! iierlod lustyniu
in < l 2 : > , ooo.OOO biishuUlu bhl ) . It Is now coining
lo market about foui tlmis as fast as in IbW ,
ind ll Ihhi'iirccly unloaded anywhere in the
tvoit betoio buyeia sell a alnit } It lu
I'liloago. I'ract cally L'lile igo receivers
ire culled on to take earo of
: lie bulk of these millions of bushels
ivhlch farmers insist In soiling In hpllo of
.heir alliance. Clileun'o capital Is Insulllulont
lo sustain tills enormous load unless Iho
toroUn demand keeps up and the who it can
lie kept moving toivard I'liropoin angieatii
uilumo as It pours In from tlio wnst. It
inattera not how gre it tlio foreign duflcluncy
mav bo or how llatteirlng Is the prospect fur
U..V ) who it In Iho tprliu' . U Is
now simply a problem In financial
nathomiitles Uhleagi ) cnn't and will not
iiold Iho hnf for llin rest of tlio world nnd If
tlio foreign demand Is Insufficient to absorb
tht ) hiiiplus at em re'iit prln s ihu market will
will gradually hi uk a pi Ice low euou.'h to at
tract nvctssary export onlers ' | ho hliaigi ad-
mnco which ucnirrcd Tilday and i-aliirdnv
iv as uitlllclul nud thu roiult of lar/opureh ISLS
ly eastern siK'enlutor-i I'urt l.'ii iiiutkets re
fused to respond to the rally , and when It WIIH
utleinpted to unload , the dirllno was oven
moro lapnl than the liul e. In coin nnd oats
It Is the Impiesslon that the eaateinclliiuo am
losing their grip e ich day as this
wo ither adds mllllnns of hushols to our crop
ind foou thiu'litlrocrup will bo safe. . Uur ud-
i'lees from Columbus Neb. state nou corn In
'onilltlon to bu hhippwt has madu Its appuir-
ineo IP tint lu.uket. Hliould a eornei bo
ittomntnl next nuiutli It wiuild bo possible to
: irtlllchilly dry thu new coin bo as to m ike It
lullverable n ct < ntructs , ( Juts are soniewhul
lower in consequence of the we iknoss In corn
l'rovl > lens hhiired in Iho general decline , jiaek-
TH lielng the prlnolpul M Hers The market
ooknus If It mluhtgohiime-wlialhiwor.hutour
id v Icci is ullli to buy them tin nil boft sputa
Do\VUt s Lltllo iulv uiscrs , only piDolo
sure slclt hcaautfuo uua rcju.ato the be .t la
Movements of Pastors and Pious People Dur
ing the Past Week ,
Opcnlnn < f Paltcvtio CollORC Tito Now
Tlicotnjjlcnt SPmltiary Coming
MutboillNt ConfVrcnco nntl
Some ol'Its
Hollcvuo colloco , of which ovorv frlontl of
education In Omaha fools promtd , opcucil for
the fall term hut Ttiosdny. Tlio attendance )
for the ilrst day was very cncouraglm ; , the
number roachlnt ; almost sixty young Indies
and gontlonitiu.
IJr. ICerr , the energetic and faithful prcsl-
dent , feels very much encouraged by the out
look aim U perfectly contUlont that the school
will nchlcvo greater aiiccus * this yoir tluin
over before In Its history. Thu teachers
nrn all onthuslftstlc over the progiess of the
school and they \\lll botid every energy to so-
ctiro ttiopivatest possible results fiom the
jeii's worlt
Miss Ilosnck is onoof the most popular and
successful toacher-t In the \\ost.
1'tof. C'tothcts lias been In K'lropo ' nil sum
mer and will , ot fotuso , conic homo filled \ \ ! th
now idois and with the Inspiration of outhu-
hiasm for ptolltablo woik
Dr. Hell has spent pat t of ttie summer va
cation In visiting ( JamLiklgo and Oxford
and doll\oted some Icctutcsat the gtoat summer -
mor meeting conducted by Key U. T Moody
nt N'orthllold , Mass. Ho ha-i arrived and Is
rcadv fora \ cat's hard wonc. Mrs. Boll Is
also In hnr place and is tocogni/od us a very
able teacher.
Miss l.awrt'iico of Xow Yoilt , has been
cmploj cd to tuku ehar o of the teachers' do-
pattmont. Miss Ileislioy has the att dopntt-
montaiid 1'iof. Tabor of Omal.-i , \\lllgl\o In-
strui'tions in piano and organ music The
friends of Uellovuo look forajoar of gtoat
Want lo he .MiNstoniii IPM.
The conversion of the ( Jhlncso to Chris
tianity may or may not be a hopeless tasic.
However this may bo it is ceitam that Neb
raska Is going to send out n number of
enthusiastic missiou.ulos to labor with the
cunning child of the otiont upon the subject
of moiallty and eternal sahatiou.
About two years ago something lilca a
missionary wave sti tick the prominent Young
Men's Christian association workers of
Kunsa * and JJobtaskaitnd tho/oal for fotclmi
missionary nork undeV\\ont a marked change
throughout the \\ost and paitlculuily in the
states named.
Mr. Fisher , the general secretary of Kansas
and Mr N&sh , the gonctal secretary of Neb-
ra ka , took hold of the \\otlc with gtcat
energy and lost no opportunity to tiigo upon
Chtiblian joung men and women the neces
sity of ( living themselves up to missionary
work. Their efforts ate now bringing forth
fruit. In neatly ovetv countu wheto thoto
Is an active Young Men's Chiistiiin associa
tion , theio are joung men and women pto-
paring to enter the woilc of a foieign
tnissiomuy , 'Ihcto are othei membeis of the
Young Men's Chi istian association , whohavo
not looked with favor upon this movomcnt.
They claim that in many instances the veiy
best workeis h ivobeen induced to
abandon the field neater homo whoio tliofr
services woio very b idly needed and In a few
instances it is claimed the associations liivo
, been seiiouslv ciipplod thtstllslntcgi.ttlon
of thoenthusiastic w01 kars. ThObO whoaio
most intcic-sted in the misslonaty woik , hold
how over , that theio aio enough wotkeis for
the homo field If evoiyono will do his duty
nnd the need of foioigu missionaiy workers
they claim is \ pry groat.
irall who are now in" > imlng for the work
decide to go theio will bo about twenty to
thirty missionaries leave Nebraska within
the coming j car lor China. They will go to
Clianghi nnd spend ajoar In the missionary
training school where tuoy will learn bomo-
thiug of tbo Chinese language and then they
will bo assigned to woik among the natives
of the celestial kingdom.
The following ladles aim gentlemen are in
tending to go as missionaries. Mr Nu h ana
wife ; C. 1C. Powell nnd wife , of York ; Mr.
KniLkerbockor and wife , of Hastings , U. 1' .
Stnlcy and wife , of Lincoln ; 13. lj. Griflln.
Bertha Scholield , U. S bhocfer , of 1'latts-
mouth and T. J. Hollander , of Omaha.
Tlio Modi xlist U mrcrpiiee.
The session of the North Nebraska annual
conference- near at hand and proUsionis
now Loing made for the entertainment of the
ministers nnd their wives who will attend.
September II ) will witness the gather
ing at Omaha of ttio giottost number
of Methodist pro-idlers that ever convened
in Nebraska not th of the 1'latto river. The
comincof jJlsnop Goodsoll to ptoslao is an
ticipated with no small measure of interest.
The ptoichors of this conference l.avo
been engaged lutely in a good-humored con
troversy in respect to making live districts
out of the present four. The Omaha quar
tet ly conferences have neatly all remonstrated
against ono foatuio of tlio piojoctod change ,
In that it is proposed to uivido the citv , giv
ing to each of two ciistiicts pitt of the
metropolitan chaiffC3 , Instead ol all the
charges belonging to ono , us at present. The
The presiding older of Omaha district thinks
the contemplated chaii n might work a llttlo
unfairness to him. In the past three years
lie has boon xho morns , by diligence and
tireless labors , of constructing several now
chugos in his Hold of operation. The mak
ing of llvo districts out of four would cut
into his diocese , probibly taking fiom it
some of the boat charges.
The Theological Seminary.
The Presbyterian Theological seminary 1 s
progicssmg nicely. Tlio first class now coa-
: ams nine studouti in daily attend incu and
three moro tire expected to como in within n
week or two. Dr. John Gordon of this city ,
Dr. Stephen Phelps of Council IJlulla nnd
Ifov. A. J. Stoillng of the Walnut Hill
church aio the regular teuchois who hoar
classes every any , while Dr. Low no of
Uouldor , Cole , and Dr Itarsha of Tccumsou
and others connected with the faculty will
visit Omaha limos cacn toim ( lining
the year and bring un their departments.
Next , \ear the professors will all icsido in
Omahu , nnd In all probability un udvnuced
class will bo started.
I'nNtniH and IVoplu.
Rev. W. J. Harsha of the I'irst 1'iosby-
torian ctrurch rotutiied lust week fiom'n
three weeks' vacation in the east.
The annual State convention of the
Woman's Christian Tomporaiico union will
moot in the rust Methodist chuich In this
citv on September 'Jl. It will piobably con-
Untie several days and the attendance
promise * to bo Intgo
Bishop Goodsoll , who will prosldo at the
annual session of the Noitli Nobiaska con
ference which meets ueio tills wcoit is a man
of magnificent personal appcaranco , a finished
scholar md ono of the best pulpit orator. , of
the Methodist denomination.
The Second Prosbyteiian church on Satin-
ilora sttcot was reopened last Kuuday alter
Inlying been repaired and repapered through
out. The chuich Is now as neat mid attractive -
ivo as and now sptlng bonnet , nnd Hoy. S i\I.
Ware nnd his congregation fool amply lopald
foi the luconvenionco and e\pnnso of rupair-
Dr. A. W. Lamar of the f'ltst Bnptlst
chinch and family lotuinod last Wednesday
from Long Pine , .Nob , wlicro they spent the
mouth of August. They will bo at homo to
their fiiomls after today nt'UI'J L'urnam
street. Dr Lamur took a vety active part In
the work of the 1' at Long Pine
and at Hot Kpiings , S n , whoio no lectuioa
upon "Hecolloctions of tUo South Piior to the
War" and on "Wives mid Women " I in
loctuics wcio received witti greit favor and
the doctor made a gnut manv frio.uls during
his sojourn up there. The clti/cna of Long
Pine piesonUid him with a beautiful lot on
the Clmntnunua grounds ard intend to Iniild
a cottage on it for him next year so as to in
duce the doctor to go to the Cttautauqua at
Long Pine every year. Dr Lam ir will now
buckle on the armor for u hard winter's light
nt-amst the power and forces of the uvll ono
Ilo will begin a sei 101 of Sunday evening
bormons apptopilutu fur autumn contempla
tion mid study by preaching this oveniug
"Lessons from the llooU of Truth , "
Bishop Ncumnn of Omnha officiated nt thl
hiving of the corner stone of the I'owloi
Methodist church In Chicago last Sunday.
The building will cost fltJ.OOO.
It Is said that the growth of MothodUo
In the nnglMi at my and navy In late ycnr <
lias bucn \ cry romntkablo. Koturus for th *
present year show that there are nearly
a,000 ) declined Woiloy.ius In both services.
The woik of the Salvation army has boon
particularly successful In It'dla nnd Ceylon
during the past year , the organizations mi in
boring 110 as against clghtv ono nt the closn
of the ptcvlous year. Of the 501 prcucnl
ofllecrs In these countries fMO are natives.
News U received In Rochester of th
death , In Ocnovn , Swltrcrlnnd , on AUgim
II , of the Uov , rerdlnnnd Do Wilton Ward ,
DD. n Presbjtoilan , who wns an array
chaplain In the lllUh Now Yoik voluntoan ,
nnd dlstilct scctotnrj * of thn Amcrlcnn Bibla
boctotj for Wcslotn Now York
Dining IsiK ) thi'to wore built in the t'nlteil
States sn OvW churches. Docs till * look like
decay I During the last vcnr In all donomlnni
tlons In this country tl.o additions numbered ,
oor 1,000,00(1. Does this look llki * docnyt
The Issues fiom the blblo house since April
I have been iL'0,1 It , copies. Does this loota
By the will of the late 1311 Perry of Albany
tlio Atncilcnn Haptlst Missionary Union , the
Amcticiu Baptist Homo Missionary 'ocloty.
the New YoikBiptlst Union for .Ministerial
I3ducatloii , nud Hamilton's Theological semInary
Inary wcro made toslduarv legatees Ac-
conihigh , last week , eaoh of these received
a check for $ * ii,0 > . " > 0,1 , mal.lng n total of ever
* . ! 00,000.
Thoirt is groit rolipious oxcltcmont til
Sixdetilmm , a village ncir Kltiitston , OnU
The action of the Pico Methodists In the
\lllno hall croitod so much disorder that
they woie put out of the building i hey
then loturncd to a vac-iut Held , wheto a
"corset meeting1'was ' hold A honllio wai
st.utod , nnd women thicw their corsets on
the bl.uo , cryltife' , "Wo will die ns God made
us "
The Uov Igmtlus P , Horstmnn. D D , ot
Phlhidi'lphla , who Is believed to htixu boon
chosen in Uomo to succeed Bishop Gllmour
of Clovctand , O , is rl jean of ago HI ?
catlj education was obtained In thn country1 ,
but ho was ouo of llvo students sent ftotn
Amoiau to the AmetlCau college attached to
tlio propiigandn at Uomo In 1M > 0. Hning ro-
celvcd ilia iluBiee of doctor of thonloirv , ho
taught fiom IMW to IbT" in the Catholic som-
lnnrIn Philadelphia in tlio dcpuivuonts of
loirlc , motaplijsics , othit i , Get man and He-
brow. Ho is i.ow chancellor of the diocese
and the spiritual ditoctor of the Convent of
Notio Dame , and of the thtco assoil.Hlons.
Children of Mniy , Tabornnclo Soctctv anil
the Confratetnlty of Chiistian Mothers ,
which meet theic He has tw ice bofoio boon
coasldcicd for a bishoprlq'
A letter in the Indopoiident from a Methodist
dist mvloiuuy ! in .Inpan tells tlio names
taken by the different rolinious bodies nt
work in thoompiro. T'lio Presbytcilnns are
tlu "Chinch of Chi 1st In .lap in. " the 13pis-
coinliuns mo the "HolCatholln church , "
but ate commonly known as the "Ulshop
church , " tlio Kussian tjpo Is called the "Or
thodox chinch , " the Roman Catholic is styled
the "Religion of the Loul fiom Heaven , " the
Congiegntionalibts nro the "Assoclato
Churches , " the Baptists are the "Immersion
Chinch , " while-absurdly enough , the Moth-
odist-i lejirodtico in Jnpan the three oparato
otgani ations known hero as the Canada.
Methodists , and the Methodists , North nnrt
Bouth. Ono may well wonder at the rapid
piogrcss of Chti'stlnnitv In Japan , seeing H
advocates aio tlius divided.
A new choir master in n church ought to
make u\crj thing Just hum.
"That was u vorv rcisotiablo rciiuest the
Rov. Mr. Whltctio made last Sunday. "
"Whit was Hi" "Ho requested that no but >
tons bo contributed tor the heathen without
gii incuts attached to them "
St. Peter What has become of that real
sstato avent wo lot in on piobnlion ?
OabrielJoblotsi Ho has mrppod out n
new mansion and is offering to lot paoplo ot
small means in on the ground Moor.
Ministers may pieach about the evils ol
piuo fighting and nil good pcoplo hold pugil
ists in deep abhorioncc , but ncaily every
body will tin n round vvitli keen Interest to
watch n lively scrapping match upon the
"Johnny , I want jou to go ever to the
grocery stoic on the corner and got mo a can
of condensed milk" " 1 don't want to go
now , mamma " "Why don't jou wnnt 10
go now , Jolinnj ? " "Bocauso I want to wall
until tlio groccrvimn's wifogoos to church ,
riicn her husband will bo in chittro of the
toio. Ho never goes to church nnd ho will
ijivo mo a stick of candy , which she uovor
iocs. "
To tlio I'nhllu.
There is nothing wo could say that would
30 thoroughly convince the leader of tha
Ricat vuluo of Chamberlain's Colic , t'nolora
nnd Dinrrtuun Remedy as n personal trial ,
nnd what wo do say Is only with the liopo
that jou will give it a fair trial and satisfy
\ourselfthat our staton-cnts are true. AVe
biso our claims on sovcntcon jcars ex
perience in tlio sale and use of ttio remedy ,
Lluring which tlmo moro linn two million
bottles have been sold. What wo claim is
that Chamboilaln's Colic , Chuleia and Dlnr-
rli < i.v Ueinodv is the most ncompt nnd most
teliablo medicine vet discovoicd for boucl
Th it it is pleasant and sifo to take.
Tint it never fails when the plain printed
directions aio followed.
That it will euro pain in the stomach , cello ,
1'iamp colic , pilutois' colic , printers' colic ,
liilious cnlic or cholera morbus in their worst
lorms in less tlmo than any other known
That it will cuio malignant dyscntry or
bloody flux in its worst form , and even when
npldemic.that It has boon used in sovoial cpl-
ilomics of that disoiso with poi foot success ,
nnd that it was Uio only remedy or ticatmont
used lu either of these seven opiuomies that
ivould cult ) Uio wout cases. Wo have many
losliinonlals in pioof of the above state
That it will euro clnonlo dim ihci n , nnd Is
the only remedy that has ever boon known to
ellcctually cine thai diei.dfiil dl.oaso
The 1 ago sale on this lomcdy has , to ft
Rroat extent , been produced by people who
have baon cined by it urging their friends
and acquaintances to try It In almost every
noignboi hood there Is some ono whoso Ufa
has boon saved by it , or who has been cured
of n sovoto attack ot bowel complaint by it ,
nnd thov mo its most enthusiasm ; advocates ,
honcstl ) nnd slncmely so , bocaus" thej knovr
at its nun its fioir. pmsonal oxpoticnco
It Is put up In " ) cent , .V ) cent nnd $1 bet >
llos , and may bo obtained from any diuggist.
Jliamborlain & Co. propiiutora , Dos Moluci ,
Ij ( * < > itlniato Sal'i )
Brooldjn IIHH a vorit'iblo Hiifobrcalcor.
It inulliiud to ( lishonosty lie inltfht cuuso
, lie pnllco no end of troulilo. lliH Intog-
: 'ity , however , IH ocjtnl to Ills nUill. 'J'hla
niinipulatur of the cold chisel ban boon
iroalvlii into biuilv vaults iiiul biifou for
'orly yours In all bo lins untoiud1,000
lafos , mill , Ihout'li iiust ( lovonly , lie ox *
iccts to add to the mnnbor. Tlio ox-
iliuiution is Unit ho in riiii > ! o\od to open
iitfosvhuio locks liit\o become IIod or
.bo uoinbinulion lost.
DoWHt's Llttlo Uarly itisors for the Hvor
ions A M ( HI A Mi U ( .OS'llOlf
McShanc & Condon ,
300 S. 13tl ( f-t , Fir-it N itiouil Hank UulUt
Ing , Oinahi , Neb
Pcil In utocki Uonli iBoirltlui 01 iiTinn I il pa
30ruti No iiUa I Mai on I u ir iviil I ) n ill l rat
mltilo himrL Inn ' lu un ) ! ij bulk ( lock , or uti *
cell itural
tlio .ml MM Imrgiit uml
. . I and the
| , > n.a.f' men
dcliil i ' "is pcmliar
to wend It i r s in a few
d us i tin t tlto iul or
ust t ol a 'lot ' < ir
t Aaifrtran Cure
he Evans Chemical D
u o *