G THE OMAHA DAILY BEE , JflttDAY SEPTEMBER 11 , 1801. THE SPECULATIVE MARKETS , Wheat Weak and Lower on Accjunt o Oablo News , WEATHER IN ENGLAND HOT AND FORCING , Out * Followed Iho Course of .Mnjor CcrculH , Mulii * OfT UtiH y , niul Strong I/nter in Dnj'n 1 railing. o. III. , Pcpt. I0.-Whont opened weak ixncl lower tills morning. Tlio prlmo CIIUSP was the wonk tone of ciblos. Liverpool was ro- portcil dopnssod. with nnxlouu sellers , at ! , pcnco decline. Tlio red-Hits lioro worn nearly 100 enrs undertho estimates , but thn foreign demands were lUlit nnd tlio crops In tlio northwest woio heavy. Tlio we itlior I'l Hurt- Innd wns hot mill forcing , ami tlio government crop report wis expected to lie bo-irlsh. There built had bought lit consider ibly higher prices and were nvorso to running tlio risk of tlio further loss which iip.io.ired to threaten tlioin mill the other Ciiiss of 'onus ' , tlio Bl/oof whns- > lines was nltogrlhnr dlsprooor- tloniloto their m'irglns , were froosoilers tit the opening of the nrirki't 'Iho slimts fc.lt at that tlino so sure In their position Unit they stoo 1 nshlo wlillo the linlls referred to ottered tholr holdings from 0 * > ic down tofll'io boforci they thought well enough nf tint price toeovor to any Kroat ex tent The tridliu then Ijucnmo ho ivy for about llfteoii inlnulos , during Which It singed up and down between the figures alre.idy Riven 1 liun Hcurious change In sonllniont oceurrml The hours bc-jan to roiieh the 1011- clnslon th.it a drop of Me In the pr en of who \l \ within three wooUs was enough to Jus tify a reaction and to consider a wonk iniirliot overlo idod with he.ir news and with apparently no friends ns furnlshliu a ruro opportunity for a turn. Tlio number who reni'liiil this ( om'lnslon at about the s.nno tlnio hero and olsowhi're , as shown by the buy- In ii ( It r . I oversell the tone of tint market anil Minted pi Ices upward. I oiolgnors who hail sold out on the excite ment which existed hero when Do'ember vv hint told as high as $1.1,5 , sent In consider able bnvlng ordeis Many of these are said , to come from I'arls , from a house there which loi'ontly recohed a check for about J.J50U ( ( fiom Its commission men as profit on a ho ivy line of long whe.it sold ou ton t ho excited bulge of thn o weeks ago. This foreign nujliu re- hiiltul. with the aid of shorts. In an advance and drew wheat to Iil'4c about an hour after Iho opening and followliu that , the business started up and the lluctiiatlons for the most part were confined between 'iVicnnil ' ! > > e. The prlco worked uji to around ifl'io igaln , when a dispatch from Now Vork reported the failure of the London gr.iinhonso of Alexander A. Son foi about JlO.UUO.OOOand thatc.iused a sudden break to UV..C. AIcxniKlor A. ' on failed some nooks ago and lodiij'sulsp itch meiely gives the lota ! amount of thcli Indebtedness at the time of the suspension , ' 1 ho dccllno was at once recovered from upon the receipt of above explanation. The reaction was aided by reports of fotolgn buyIng - Ing which ciiino fiom New Vork , bt. Lou's. ' Dulutli and Minneapolis , together with wh.it was going on of a like character hero , and the active demand by shippers for vessel loom The advance culmliritod at DT'sU and the close at073tct against U > 5 o at the close yestor- lontrary toexpoctatlon the boars did not make a further raid on corn today. The clique apparently h.id the market wclllnhand and under cov 01 uf the strength of wheat , put the price of the ruling option up l" > o above the closnir | prlco of jesterday , October opened at from .54'40 to.'i'io ' , advanced 57'ic and closed at 07o against ,5.5'e ' , , at the close > estorday. Oats followed the coiiise of the malor cor als , being weak uaily.md strong later , and closing near tlio top llgures of the day. The provision market was Irregular , open- Ins weak and closlusr Mtronir. and In that te- Bpeot It merely re poiKled to the action of the Kinln ni'irkot. The p.ickors were bldillns for the October option and solllnc the Januaiy. This foollliK Rruwlni ; out of the pro duct for January Is shown In the f ict of the dcclino hi the premium previously o\lstln ( * for that month , nioro ospccl.illy In lard and ribs. Thoiolsan actual di'-couiit of I'J'ic ' In .I.inmuy compared with October ribs. January pork still maintains Kood premium from the taut of Its superiority In a spccula- tlvosonso , but today It gained only Tie on yesterday's closing price while October ad vanced 27'Jc. ' Olio cause of the strength In provisions today was the report of the stocks of out meats In the country , showing ade- crease of IWl.tKM.OOJ pounds since Inly 1 Tlio lonu ! ! „ futures raiiKOd as follows : , 3 hprlngwho.it , H o : No. 2 led , CHUN No. 2 , dl'ic. OATH .No. ! ' , ibvn.'S'to ; No. 2 white , 30J4 ® 8U4o , N < i. 3 whltii , .OiWO'iO. ' ll\r No 2. h7e. IHlll.l'.vNo. . 2 , O-iaWo ; No 3 , KUOlof o. b. ; No 4 , 3.KB450 . riA.\flhKI > NO. 1 , Ifl.OI. TIMOIIIV HLKII I'llino. JI.SW3110 POIIK Mess norlf , per bairol , 110'5in > IO SO ; laid , per owt , 17.0"i ; shoit libs sides ( loosol. I7r725 : drj balled Mhoulduis ( boxed ) , MliJ'f aO.73 : short e'ear ' sides ( bovo'l ) , t7.UVJi ti.Od ti.OdWMISKUV WMISKUV Distillers'finished goods , per sal , ( MS , BlKlAHS Unchansod ! cut loaf. 5ffl.5yo. Uecolpts and shipments today wore us fol lows : On thu produce exchange today the butter market was llrm , unchanged ; fancy Klgln dairy , iUii.4o ; line western , "Ji ? 'lc : holectod dtuty , 174 lli ) ) ; ordinary , Iftiliio. Hggs , Iw&HJSic. Now York .Markets. NBVV YOHK , Sept. 10. I'l-iitm llocolpts , IH.755 P'ickagos ; exports , 4,27il barrels , 1.5,1110 sucks ; t-ales , , rV)0 ) barrels ; maiket more active and weak , WIIIMT Itecolpts , { 100,400 bushels ; exports , lOO.'JU bushels ; saies , .5 , LVl.UOO bushels of fu- tuios and 07,000 bushels of spot. Spot market unsettled , closing stronger , options dull ; No ! i toil , } l oo < i l.)0 ( ) > , in olovutor ; ? loiv4ifs l.li. 4 atloalj Jl.tll'.ai IU f. o b. ; No. a red. Use ; ungraded red , IKS' edWl O'l , now No. I mil thorn to arrive , il.rtl'i ' ; new No 1 hard to ariive , fl. > " > : > ' , . Opt ions declined ' fi4l ' 10 on w ecu cables nml piossuie to soil , advanced " 4 , ' . ' ] aO on light oirorlngh , shortscoverlng and foioign political talk and lighter lueolpts , and the bureau re pot t expected tohhow less favor ibly than had Keen looked lor ; dcclliiLil C < ! 6V > and closed isteudy at'ittl'jo over yestorduv. No ' 'rod , Septomhel. lHl'ic.tl.on ' , closing * I.OI ; October , JHWMiCl . ! % , eiosln. : Jin. , ; Noveinhoi , ll.nsu to I 04 , , closing fl.ui'ii December , * . , ' ® Od'i ' , closing Jl.c.51 , ; .lunnary , Jl 05iJ441.ihi1 ( , clos ing * 1.04a ; rebiuaiy , fl 07I.W'n ) ' , closing tlW'ii Muy.tl IPStl.l-'S. eloslngl.ia'8. UVK-Opened weaker , jlosed bteadleri west ern , c , 1 , f . in , ® ! ) * ! ' . UOIIN Uecolpti,5l.l'.5 ( bushels ; exports , ? 0,4Q7 bushels ; sales , l.iif..WJ liusholN of futures and : iluoO buihois of spot , spot market Irreg- 111 n r. dull. closing llrinor ; Na S , < 4Cit,7l'iO In uluvator ; 7 7.5'io ' alloit ; niiKrailed mixed , "IdtT.'o ; No , 2 white. , 73c. Options opened ( iffil'iO lower , advanced lOHio and closed tit J4i > decline on Bales and ? > , ii&iC advanc" on othermonths throiiKh man ipulation N'litoniU'r , ( ,1.4J70e , closing TUo ; Uotober , OKSosiic. clusliiR u.5'ic ; November , JlWI'ie , olosinir Wo ; December , M > i57Si < , elodiu ft"iOi Januaiv , ftiaviUc , closing ftSUo ; May. SiW.Vc , cioslnu. 51J40 OATS Hocol pis , t > flioO hiiBholsi exports , FO bushels ; sales , 210,000 bushels of futures , and 116,000 hlihheU of spot bpot mtirket ijulut and KtruiiK'er. Options Hrmorand modeiatoly actlvo beiitomber. ; 'idt.l.Ve , elostni : 34 * > c ; OoioUor. 34-4 < tt3.5"o , cliia I ni .H'.o ; No , 2 white teplemler , lli ao' c ! October. 3iJSSW7o Hunt No. 2 while , 3S'.lMto ! : mixed western , 3M.itk ; ; vvhlto western , Jf < U4Jo ; No , 2 Uhluaio , lloi'HQulot nnd easy. Uoi IKKOptions openid Irregular and 10 to M points down ; ulosod barely steady , ; w to 15 points down ; kales Jixuoo uiigs. Inoludln September. JMaviJiMO : October , * li.7vai4.05 : November * l.\7.\iH 10.51 Dotomuer , tjS.IUOU.M ) ; Jaiiiinry , fl'.4V'Cr..M ; March , fl' ' . ' Mtl-.llt-Kiioi Illo , dull , but btcady ; fall cargoes , Ib'iu ; No. T , Hie. bwiAU-ltiiw , qulcli but steady ; fair refln- lu > r , a lll-Uto ; cuntrlfuKnU. IK1 test , 37-10 © B ! i' ! lellncd tlrni nnd In PIHH ! demand. < uouvu-0prut.i Bloady auil uftvr a llahl ndvnnca became vroik under irostorn oiling and dci lliiod Pc , lalor rallying He nml closlns steady ; Pennsylvania oil spot , open- In if. 5.5'ic ' ; hlKhcst , 5.5'ic ; lowest , 55'iC ! Closing , M'r ' ; October option , iiponlng , ( < fci hlhcit. Wlct lowest , SIHe. I. Inm oil , no sales. Total salon , .13 UXK ) barrels , COTTOXSKKU OiiStronc nnd tnoro nottvo. MOI.ASSM Now Orleans , llrm nnd quiet , HUP I'lrni nnd quiet TAl.t , ow Dull , htendy ; city llSforpneUnscs ) 4Ve. ItOilN-Diill , itoicly. TiiltPKNTlNis-Diill. steady nt 37'42.'l ' < lc. I'ncm-Qulot , utoady ; western. isSlO'tc ; ro- colpln , 4ni5 p icUaires , PoilK ( iuiel , steady ; old mess , lll.007lll.Mi new mess , II2.2 > 312.75 ; extra nrlnio , $11.003 - plcklodbolllcs.Oc. 's Stronger ; short clear , September , $7.75 , orn option . October , ? f. * ' i. . ) , cinsin ? , JI..I.IUHI ; mnom- her , (7.44 ; Dcromhor. t'.ul ) , closing , 17.51 ; .Inn- nary. * 7 5" , closing , < 7.fil. ' 1 tjulot ; strong western dairy. 13 ® west- oer , .0. I.KAII Dull ; fairly stoacly ; domestic , $ l.47'j. TlN-Qulet ! easy ; s trails. I.U05. KaiiNiiH City 'Markets. ICANSAs'CtTY , Mo. Hopt. 10. Wnr.4T-I.owpr ; No. 2 bird , cash and September , HJo bid ; No. 2 red , cash , Me hid " ( Jews Lower ; No 2. cash , 55o bid ; Sep tember , 51'tC bid. OATS-Htoidy ; No. 2. cnsh , 27'Jc bid. II vv I'lrm and ilnehtuued. IIUTTiu I'lrni and nnchansied : creamery , inftjlc ; dairy , MSlOc ; store packed , HOIZo ; package. 7llo Dins I'lrm at IGu. 1'BCBHTiheat , 53,000 ; corn , none ; oils. none. Sitii'viK.NTS-Whc it , 3I,4JO ; corn , 1,103 ; oats , none. Wlic.tt Mnrkot. MINSIMI-OMM. Minn . Hept 10W \T-Tho eish market had a fair movement today , though the market was not very strong and H7'o ' was a reall/lng price on No. 1 northern The tables were pietty well cleared up. Ko- culpts , ,15,1 rnrs. Close : No. 1 h ird. on triu-k , ' ) ' , ® ' ) : No. 1 not them. September , 87'ao ; Oetober , BS' e ( Deeinnbor , 1)1 ) % e ; on track. 8s'/ ' lO'Ocj No 2 northern K5as7c. Kt. lioiiiH MarkotH. ST. LOOM , Mo. Sopt. 10 WIIIHT Strong ; cash , Ok1 ; Decemboi , ' )7o ) bid. Oo N I'lrni ; cash , CJtiU'i'Jc ! October , 53o bid O\TS fleadv ; cash , 30c ; October. 29ic. ! PoilK-Qillet at $11 ' 'I. iMiin-Hteady at Id.lJ. WlllhKGV Jl H. nuSeiit 10. WHEAT Weak , demand poor ; holders oiler freely ; California > o I , Ss Idlitss 1'id ' percental ; re I western spring , gs lidOM II" , o ; No. 2 winter. 7s IdS7s ( ( 1'id. Con v Steady ; de.tM.ind poor. IMIID Prime western , 3.1s < ) d percwt. Grain Mnrlu-ts. MlMVAUKE * . WIs. Sept. 10. WllBAT Steadier ; No. 2 spring , cash , OOc ; December , Colts l < ewer ; No. 1. cash , OATS btoadv ; No 2 white , .l.'c. Ciiiclnriuti > IarkctH. CINCINNATI. O , Sopt. 10. Wins \T-Lower ; Olc. Olc.Cons Cons Lower ; No. 2 , mixed. Odi7o. ( OATS Steady ; No. 2 mixed. , l2 c. WIUSKKV Ji.18 AMI ItOWtS. Nuvv VOIIK , Sept. 10. The stock market tod.iy exhibited during most of the session a marked decrease In the amount of business done , while the speculation had a hesitating tone , which clearly leflected the attitude of operators at present , pending the determina tion of the attitude of the Gould party In the market. The general view Is still decidedly bullish. The now strength displayed by the Vandorbllts Isastiotig supporting element on the market. Like Shore sold at the highest price It h is readied In years , touch ing 110 per cent , and while It reacted sharply for a time , It was well held late In the day , and Chicago , Colum bus , Cincinnati i. St. Louis was the strong point In the list , but the movements In the Nickel Plate and the Chesapeake & Ohio gave signs of having re iched their limits for the present. The Vlllnrds were stronger , but made no marked advances while specialties like New England were remarkably quiet tnd no movement among the Industrial scored ex cept a n iitlnl recovery In Cordage utter Its sharp decline of yesterday. The market ouonod gonor.illy fractionally higher than last night's figures , but boar pics- snro Knocked Cordage down over 1 per cent farther , while Missouri Pa cific and Itouk I si mm exhibited special weakness for a short time , The cITcct on the latter was In all piohablllty duo to the general expectation that the uov eminent , crop toport would show a lowei average for corn than lust month and this factor entcied into the course of all the granzois. The demand , however , soon changed the temper of the spocu atlon and the Vandcibllts , and espec- 1 illy Chicago , Co unihiis , C nclnnatl A. St. Louis and Lake Shore led an upward move ment which lusted during the forenoon and placed most of the active stocks at mrgo fractions above their first prices. The buying powei fell away after that time and a heavy falluio In London added Its Inllnoneo to the boar pressure and prices receded all alone the line , L ike Shore being ono of the weakest on small tr.ins ic- tlons. thoiuh us a rule the Ciou d shares led the list , The decline was not checked until the last few minutes , when u feohlo rally oc- eni red , closing the market firm but near the lowest of the day , 'I ho final changes are gen erally small fiactlonal losses but Lake Shore Is 1'a percent lower and Liickawanna 1 per cent while Cordage Is up 1 per cant , gstalo bonds dull and mm. ( iovernmont bonds dull and e.isv. United States 4s reglstoiod , 110 per cent ; United Stites coupons. 117 per cent ; I'nltod Slates coupons , 2ds. OU'j ' percent ; Paclllc bs of lh'i ' > , 110' ' , poi cent. 'I ho follow Ing aio the closing qnot'itlons for the loading stocks on the Now \ ork stock , ex- cmio ) today : Ux dlv The total sales of stoeKs today woio 8C3riT : shines Including Atchlson , 4.OSo ; Uannda Southern , ll.lKXl ; Delaware , Liuilcn wanna X Wostern. 4 470 ; Hrle , Jl.l'Os Umisvlllo V Nash ville. 4 17 ; Mlssouil P.ietlle. n , . ITU ; Northwest ern. 4 , His ; Ninth American. 4.41U ; Noi thorn I'aellle. 'I. Kftj Northern Paclllo preferred , 14.l,5 ! ; Pacllle Mall. ,1,410 ; Uoadin , ' , 5.70J ; bt. Paul , V4.000 ; I nlon Paelllc , 1U.40J. Itovlnw. NKVV VOIIK , Sopt. 10Tho Postsaysi Ills i eurlous incident In the present very curious llnanclal situation that the London nows- uipers nnd London dispatches are unanimous n their assertion that London Is considered icarlsh on the general security market by Its Irond of nn advance In the Intercit rates whereas the time money rate In Hint city , after Its ndvaneo of n fortnUht ago , U settled back to Its old tlgurcs. Lenders of three nonths' money cannot get more than ' . ' per cent , nnd the Hank of Kmiland , despite Us np- irehens'ons ' regarding the gold movement , ins been unable to raUe Its own minimum ills- omit rate above the low Sli nor cert level. This certainly suggests that the present re- uctanco of l.iigllshinen to buy our slocks on i large soale hi duo toothcroniihes than u luck of money to loan nt reasonable rates. Financial Notes. K \ss\s CITV , Mo. , Sent , lo. Clearings , tlt- ! ) " . ' , (77. ( NKVV OKI. I\NS : , La. , Sept. 10 , Clearings , * I.1M7CCI. Nuw YOHK. Popt 10 ClearliiKS today , tia- bnlnnees , IS.i'SJ.WS. IV , Sent , 10 , Clcarlugs to day , lli ,5S ; bnlnncej , " IIK04l. ! Money , 6 porcont. Ilu/rlMoiiE. Mil. , Soit. | -Hnnlt clearings , tJ,600,2S.l ; bnlnnces , M .5PSO ! rntes , C per cent , ST. Louif ) . Mo , Sopt. 10 Olunrlngs. I4.S07.MO ; baliincos. I4iri.iiy. Monov. 7S8 per cent. Now Vork oxdhnngo , Kilo dlsao tint. HOSTO.V , MniM , Sept. 10. Hnnk clearings to day , fir > , fr,7.47J ! balances , tl.7l4iU : ) ; rate for money , II per cent ; exchange-on Now Vork , 17 to 200 per tl.ooo. OHIOADO , III. , Sept. 10 Money steady nt 0 prrccnt ; clearings , < l7G2sH)0 ( ) ; Now Vork exchange - change 70o discount ; sterling exchange wcik nnd heavy nt $1 8.1 for sixty day bills and M.8.5 for sight drafts. Ijomlon Htook Miir.'cof. Lovnov. Sopt. 10 The folio vltu vvoro tlio London stook'not ( itlons closing it I p m : ronsol mono ) * ' . ' ' , 15 n , ) seconds IU7 Consols nccounl tij II ill Illinois Con .105 ( j " " ' ' " .121 Mcfclcnn ordinary . 35 1) H 4 > < "V. . . . . . 104't ' si Paul common 7)H ) N V P At ) lints . Pennsylvania . Cnnndlnn I'm , I lie , Itcnilltitf Krlo HAitSir.vi'H I5s-ird ( per ounce : money 'i per cent , H'lto of discount In the open market for bothshoitund throe months bills ft per tent. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Hank of Knilniul Iliilllon. LONPOV , Sept 10 The bullion In the Hank of I'nglnnd Increnscil t'J'Jl.000 during the | iust week. The proportion of the Hank of 1.up land's reserve to liability vvhleh last week was 4VJI per cent Is now 4(145 ( percent. Amount of bullion withdrawn from the 11.ink of Eng land on balance today , 1'40,000. New York Money Afnrkct. Nrvv VOIIK.Sept in Movr.v os C'AI.I. rnsy. ranging ftom i ! lo .5 per cent , last loan " 4 per cent : closed nlTurod nt 'J percent. I'HIVIK MmicMMir.n pAi'int-ri ® " percent. STI-III.INO iciiv.vniynlot : and steady at J4S2' ( for sixty-day bills and JI.K5 for do- mnmi. TrciiHiiry llonils Itoi'clvril. WASIIINIITOV , D. P. , Sept 10. The 4'i ' per cent bonds received at the treasury depart ment for continuance at'J per cent amounted to MJ.5.5UO. making the total to date I.'I.'J i1) ) , 150. Iho 4'f ' per i cut recolvod at thu department todnr fur redemption amounted to fm''UO , making the tjtnl thus far redeemed JIO,7,1SIOO 1'arfs Itcntcs. 1'Altii , Sept 10 The weekly stutomcnl < if the Hank of Fnnoi shows a decrease of ll.'MU.UOOf gold and 7h7,5,000f silver. lliree per cent rentes Oof 45c for the account Gorman liaiilc SlntciiUMit. HFUI.IN , Sent 10. The statement of the Im perial Hank of Germany shows a decrease- specie of 5,4iJOOJ m irks Denver Mining stocks. DRNVTII , C'olo. Hopt. 10. Huslnoss was very good on the Mining ex'liaiuo todiv. Total s lies , ; i ,3 o sliaies The following are the closing quottitlons : AllcKhlltl ) . . . . 7 Ulmlc . 18 Amity 2'i ' llnllnrnt . ( .0 . Hnnukok 6 Arxonnnt . U HntuH Hunter . . . . n ; lllulndliin . Id HrovTiitow 10 7' ' Cnlllopo 15 ClnudlnJ . t\i \ CIny County . . . . . . 121 C'entury 37 ( JuttyBbarif 17 Dluniind II . 37I'i ' ( old Uock hi Denver ( ins , * , UII. . . . Icavenworth 8' ' ICmiiuiiii . I.lttloltulo . . . . . . . 10S Oold'lrcnsuro . .Mny Mnzoppn . . . . 118 ronclnd . . . MntchleiH 28" > John .lay . Ore 100 Jtiitlco . Pay Itock ,11. Ijcitnl Tender . . . . . . Puzzler i\ \ < Mornlnt : ( , llm. . . . Heed N M ) I'urk Con . lUnlto 110 I'ctosl . Uniiiiliiit l.ode 'ii > Hoston Stock Al.irkot. BOSTON , Mass , Sopt. 10. The following wore thoolosln prleo-i on stojks In Iho the Huston stcipkjnnrkot today : AtcliTion A , 'lopekn Calumet A Heclu . . .27J lloitiin A Vlnlno. trmkllu Ch , Ilurl A yul Huron , IK Kltchbiiri ; U It ICcnrtinrige Hint A Pure M . . . . 2W | Osceola 40 do pfd 8J4 "antn Ko Copper . lass Central HI Tamarack . . . lor. Cen com . . . tl\t nn Dletjo I.und Co N V AN Hng . . . 40 West Knd r.und Co. . OldColony IWVj Hell Telephono. . . . WIs Central com . 81 J I'HiiiNon sturo 5 . . . 20W do pfd so Water Power. . . . Allouez M. Co ( new ) . „ " ( O .M Atlantic IS1 II A II C lloston , V Mont . 4Ult San Kritiiclsuo Milling Quotations S\N I'liVNCtsCo. C.il. , Sept 10. The otllolal closing 'iuot itlons for mining blocks toil ly were as follows ; Altn 45 Mono lo llnlwer 20 Ophlr ,1'K ) He-it X llclcher 810 I'otoM Iludlc Oonsolluatcd. 810S.1 310 Chollfir 175M Sierra Nevnihi . ! I20 Con Cahi A Va ( M Union Contolldtttod 215 Crown 1'olnt . . . . . . 1IKJ Utah . 70 Gould A Curry . . . . 1'JO Yellow Jneket . 130 IlnloANoruross . . . 180 Com . 25 Moxlcun 2411 N . 10 Now York Milling Quotations. NEW VoitK , Sept. 11. The closing mining stuck quotations are as follows : Alice IJ ( Horn silver 15J Adams Con ITu Iron Silver 100 Chollar 17.1 Ontario ,17 5' ) Cronn I'olnt ISO Ophlr 3.10 Con Cnlii mid Vn . I.U5 . Plymouth 175 Doiilnooil T . . . . 171 tnndnril IIS KurekaCCon. . . . . 27.1 Union Con 210 HomoBtnko . . . . 10J VellowJuckct . . 115 St. IjOiilH Alining Quutations. ST. I.OUIB , Mo. , Sept 10. Mining stocks were very qulot , and ontsulo of Kll/iuotli anil .M. Bieon met with few orders either to buy or soli. Closing bids woio : Adams . 187k Vllckey llreen ICIIynbutl 2JO Siniili Hopes 450 irnnltc.M 22oO Yuina Montrose 47i- Mlniicapoliu I < Mour Market. EAroi.is , Minn , feopt. 10 The North western Miller says : Iho Idleness of tlio 1'lllfibnrv and onuot two othoi mills made a ilg liolo in last week's Hour output. Where tlio production for the week ending August 2' ' ) was I8s.5')5 ' ) b.urols , that of tlio last week was onlv 110,5.5 ( li.iriols av"ialns 2I.77J bairols dally , agtilnst Ki'.ll.'l barrels for tlio corro- spondln tlino In 1S90 nnd Ml Oso bariols In IsS'j. But those mills are going again the present week and though low ator Is troubling a good toil , the output promises to-attaln pretty liltrli figures 1'hoio were fcKtoon mills In motion Wednes day , and thoyvveio grinding at thoritoof about 27fOJ barrels dally. The water power dropped olT very suddenly yes terday and commencing today the s > l\- X'ou hotii elanso of power le ISLS Is Jolng uiifon ed. Tnls has cut oirtwo moderate sl/c I mills that would bo iiinniiig weio thoio plenty of water Mo mils beliu largely OIB- iloyud by sl\ mills , as against only two a week a. o. There continues to be more or less variety o Iho descriptions given of the Hour market. boino of the be.iv est limit , hoio teport s.ilus In excess of tbeli production for a week back , thllo others el.ilm to have done compara- Ivoly a lljht business The domestic trade consists ot scattering ordurn of varying sl/o fiom all qnaitois and a partUulai foitoio seems to bo that bn > ois want the Hour soon after placing their eiders I\o vei v largo lots are -olil and middlemen show no inclination lohtockup bomo of the local millers have sold a good deal for oxpoit and In fact the foreign trailo Is the best part of the market. Consldoiahlo patents have been worUo'J. ono 21.000 biurol lot being placed yesterday for Irish mailiots The weakness In wheat today made the call for Hour less active. Prices of the latter aio from ice to l. > c per bariol lower than a week ago. The iixpoit shipments for the week weio 7.,7J- | barrels against 7SMO bariols foi thopio- c-illng week London quotatlon.s foi L'.SJ Ihs c I. f. uro : patents , .t.'s bd tolls : bakers , As L < 1 to. 'Ph .Id ; low gra les , in to 20s. Tlio NoithWLStein Miller savs ntlltorlally ! During the ciop year of Ib'.ll ending August , il , Mlnno ipolls piodnced 7,4 II.O'is ' barrels of Hour. In Ib'U ' her output was d.Sll.Oir ) Innels , u gain dining the Ir.st year of over 50J- 010 barrels. The nearest apuroach to last year's output was In 1-S when the mills of Minneapolis tinned out 7.2II.U11) ) barrels Lust \ ear's run miHlly beats the rec ord. Tin veirs ago the output wns ,1.142,974 barrels. Thus In a compaiatlvoly short tlino Minneapolis Increased hoi pioditotlon of Hour over 4Hu.jUO ) ( ban els per year. With the mi 11 iralloled ciop of tills yo.ir vvo may eonllilont- ly expect that last j ear's figures will bo greatly oveeed"d. The o\poit of Hour from Minneapolis for the last crop year iinioiintod to 2,51) ) 515 barrels against 2.0'I,2I ' ) barrels for thn previous yuai , a gain of nuiirly 500 , KI bairols. arkutM. II\V\NA , Sept. 10 Sl'AMSll Goi.li J3.3JJJ V.ci't : ' , oxchaimfe ijulot hut firm. fclIAil"lHiioti ( yesteiduy 5),003 ) bags of ecn- trlfugiitlVxIogiees polarUatlon sold at fJ.1 ! ! * gold iier quintal , Now York Drj ( inotls M arket. Nivv : VOIIK. Popt. 10. Business In dry goods was very fair with agents and unite actlvo with Johhois at Hrst hands. Tlio Munition Is not muloilully changed. OyHtiirH. New Vork connls , per can , ( Wei company se lects , 45ot extra selects. 40oj eonipiny btand- dards , J7oi btnndards , .t'o ; mediums , 27c. Talk , OIIICAOO , 111. , Hopt. 10 , Konnett , llupkliu A. Co. to h A McWhortor : The news has heon morQ bcnilsh than on any previous dav hlnco the rvcout iloollno buxun. It U probable that prices would Imv o gone mnio lower out fur the sharp demand from shorts , who , having good urolith , with a government report Imponillni ; , thought It prudent to close up outstanding t'oiitructi. There booms to bo nothing else nt the bottom of toilnj'H rally. Cablet from first to last have been weak , and to mid to the de moralization abroad u London grain luuiso which secured an ox tension tome ago reported fullgJ. with llubllltles of HO'O.om ' nnil assets less limn ft porconl of th u mini , Up lo the ckMo-of 'chniigo the scnbo i rd hud not reported n nfiNhol taken for export. There scorned to boiio demand for nhont ex cept to nil shorts jthtl iho reeolpH fit prlnn- rlos were ngnln larurIt ) the short Intircst IIM covered as freelynlS npponranccs Indlcnte wo shall probibly sop lower prices tomorrow. Corn nnd oats oxnlbtva substantial rocoveiy from yoslordny's vvdjluiess , doubtless duo to covering by shotfrf. Corn nets rather heavy nnd many th/iik / the clliiuo would bo > t i nil to bo rfd of their loads. The screws mny ho xnullcd nan lit tomorrow If the government report should be bullish Pro visions opened on iho ( bottom nnd closed nt the top Slocks of munts In this country were reduced over 4(1 ( per emit In July nnd August. Pork decreased 50,000 barrels In the same time nnd lard 15.0uotuccs ! with n still greater decrease In Inrd iitiroid. Everything points to n belter prlco not f jr on" . OMIOAOO. Ill , , Sept. 10. Swart ? , Pupeo .V McCormlck to K. u. tiwartz A. Co i Wheat opened weak on lower cables , liberal receipts nn'l good weather , There was very free cov ering by shorls during most of the session , which was Inlluencod piohabty by the upneiir- anco of the government report whd h will be made public this evening. There were some scnsitlonnl wnr dlsp itches from nhiond , which was nl o n bullish Inlluence. Liverpool , Paris , Antwerp , London nnd Horlln all closed lower. Minneapolis and Ditluth received H40 cars. Soabo ird clearances wore ll ht and the now export business reported wasHinnll. Corn opened weak but closed very stion,1. Tlio weather throughout the corn bo'.t Is perfect. Charters wore made for HO.OOO bushels Pro visions were lit in In sympathy vvlth the grain mnrkets. The Cincinnati Price Current esti mates tint the Mock of meats in the west has decreased In sixty days lflKUlOJ ( ) pounds. OMAHA l.t .U I It K UTS. OVIAIIA , Sept. 10. C'ATTr.K-Onielal receipts of cattle. 1.IXVJ as compared vvllh . .1,121esterday aid 1.474 Thursdav iJ lust week. The maiket was actlvo and strong. Unod butchers' stuir strotu. others sloidy. Stoel.eM and feeders steady , others slow. llons-Olllolal receipts of hogs 3A5. , ns compnrcMl with 4'JI1 yestcrdtiy , and 2.l i Thursday of last week. The market \vns 5o lower on all grades. Trade moderately ac " tive , demand fair. Light 15 835 05 ; he iv y , " " inlxud.f Sill ii' : Olllelal iccclpts of shcop none , us compired with none yesterday , and i75 Thursd iy of last week Nominally stoidy mitkot. Natives , JI,5 > S > l.i50 ; westerns , JJ.SJtS 4,33. Hfoi-ljim anil Dlspoiltlon of Stock. PHIS Afih HOUGH 1 . . 310 3 1 1 .483 250 Chicago Ijivq .Stock .Markets. CHICAGO 111. , Sept.1 10. [ Special Telegram to Tnu HEh.1 In a iHcnornl way the cattle market may be snldU have been unchanged. Ah on the piccodlng days of the week , prime cat tin were In nu'l2ro supply , In good demand ami strong , Of other grade" , supplies wore lur.so and the tone of the nun lift unyUiln. , ' but buoyant. However , there wasifo appreciable change In values for any class "I'horo was fair activity In till briinehes of the : trailo and quotations were from $1,25 toMIO for Infoilor to extra cows and heifers. J | ; 5to , UT.I foi bulls , t ; 00 to } , l so for extra shipping Ktoors , t..OO to * r5 for vvojtern COVVB , if.l.L'5 to 11,7.5 for western Htee ii'nd" I WHojCi4"iYorTo"xaseattle. ) ; The receipts Included 7.000 rangers of which 4.00J were wehlorners. Stockers and fct-ders continued In active roiiicst | and the greater part of lust week's decline has boon looov- ored. Tim en It nmrket was stoidy at from tiOJ to 15.25. The general market for hozs re mained In a state of nnsuttlemont Thorn was nn actlvo demand for good heavy and medium wolehu nnd those descriptions com manded us good prices us on the day before but for common qualities of nil weights the market was very dull with prices averag ing from 5u to lee lowet. Willie the good grades vvuro pretty closely bought , there were sovor.il thousand of iho undesirable sorts left In the pens. The top of the market was f.5 40 A few loads of eholcu nnd medium henvy weights brought from3li ) tofS.115. The best of the ll ht weights wentolT Ihohonlosat from l.VISto f3.SO. Most of the trading wus below (3,10 , The l.venlng Journttl renoitH ! OArn.E lto- celpts , 14..MW ; shlpmoutfl , 4,5X ) . Market steady ; natives , J.5030.25 ; Texuns , tl 3Q&J 10 ; stockeni , .MiittiOJ ; rangers' itocra , fJ.COOi5.UU : native lloas-Uvculu'ti , nWihlpmouti \ , 10,003. market trrcgulnrt rough nnd common , (4 > < 3 > 47,5 ; mixed nnd pickers. J4 7.VitS 0 ; prUne heavy and butcher weights , t5 105..I3 ! prime \\eM.ti.mi\\o. \ \ \ yiirKi'-llocelpl" , 7,000 ; nhlpments , 5,100) ) market steady to lower ; natives H7MII ( W ; wcsteriin. f4.lTO4.Ti ! mixed , fJ.60t&l ( X ) ; lambs , - Now York Iilvc Slock Mnrlcrt. NEW' YOIIK , Hnpt , 10. Itl'UVKs lloeelit ) , SJJ bend , ooiislmipd dlieet ; no trade , feeling llrm ; dressed beef steady at 7 l'J1io per Ib ; shipments today , f > 80 bcev es and V > sheep , C\i.vrs llcceipti , l , l bond ; market firm ; vr.ils. J50 4ts oil per 10J Ibs ; grassers and but- lormllkiMlveH , U'OiUOI. ' yitKt.l1 liecelpt" , S H he id ; market flrm for good slock , dull for common ; hpcp. II l > 0T.5 ( 4 lierinolbs ; lambs , ( I 7.V30 SO ; dressrd mnitou steady at J70W.OO per 100 Ibs , ; dressed lambs ( Irm utKt O'ii' ' . Hods Heei'lpts , r > . : i7-'hcad. Including" cars for sale ; market weak nt } l ' .wao.05 per IPO Ibs. KtumiH C Uy Live Slouk KANS\M CITV , Mo , Sept. 10 C'ATTI.E Ko- cclpls , fi.'OOi shipnionts , < , - < ) ; m it-Uet stroiu ; steers , if I'.ViJ'/VM ) ! cows , J I Mii. 1. 00 ; stockers and feeders , J..45l.k7V lloim-IIocotpts , 4,1. " ) . ) ; shlpinonts , 1'I'W ' ; m-ir- UelMMOc lowot , bulk , } IK5 < j,05j | all grades , 1 Hocolpts , 600 ; shipments , 1,00) ) ; mar ket . steady. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ St. Iiotils Mvi ; HtoD'c ' Market. ST Louis , Mo , Hopt 10 CAITI.F Koeolpl" . : iIOO | shipments. C.WO. Slendv. Natives , J.IOO Wi.V ) ; Pexann and Indian" , J..40il'l. ( ? ( ) ! can- nlng , * l.5urj.i.5 ( ( : llons-Hecelpts. 3.7f ( ) ; shipments , 3.100 ; lower ; he'ivy. J l. ' ® .5.1.5 ; mixed , SI.Mfd MO. light , * 4 1)VS5 ) 10. _ O.M.UIA ir//o/.s ti.rMAiiKinti. KriiltH. RVVEKT I'OTVT lKM-1'or 111. , W. I'jC. ' Cm n AiM'M s I'er bill , ( . ' . .VKiiliU ( 'ASTAi.oiri'i's IVr do/ . JI.)0'SI.,5 ( ) ( 1'KACili.s-C.illfoi nla Craw fords , single case lots.fi ; . " > ; ten case lots , Jl. 10 ; Michigan , per basket , dOc. ( JilAPPs Homo rrown , 10 Ib b isliot" , 40c ; B,5-lli , oaskets lots , , i" > c ; Muscat , porctale. fKGJ © I 7,5 ; Hose Peril , $1 l.vai.f > il. I'E\its ( Jallfornl.i II irllett , $ . ' .7,5 ; othorCall- fornla varlotle" , * J'J.5'B. ,5o 1'i.ttvis OTllfornla. gios and Hungnilan piunos. Jl ,50 ; ( lorman prunes , J1..L" ) . Ai'i'i.ns I'or bbl. f..Vija 0 > . , oiu.Ndfs 1'or box.t'i 5J W\iinviKtOM5 : I'aney Muscatlnc , crated , n < 3lhc. l.BvioNs I'er box , $ fi 00 ; fancy Maori , JS.OO. IlA.sNAS1'cr bunch..00'J .V ) for good shipping stock. C'lUMintitii-s Capo Cod per bbl , JDOIXSIO 00 ; Wisconsin bell nnd Imsle , J 7.5. , I-Moiir. Omaha Milling compiny. Hell.nice. I'.itont , $ .VK ) ; Invincible I'atcnt , tJ6) ) ; Lonu Mar. Su perlative , if.'oO ; fanovvll.iko , W U ; 1'ancy iSiiilly. JJ.OO K. T. Davis Mill conipiny. No. 1 and Cronn High Patent. $ . ' .85 ; Illuo I ) , and Hed 1' . J.Mii ; Lion and llawkcyc , tJ 40 ; Itoval No. 10 , Spe cial Patent. $ IUO ; Mlnnosoti and Dakota , Patent , { . ' ,00 ; Kansas Haul Wheat. Patent , $ , ' 1,0 : Nebraska htralghts , JJ ,50. S. T. Oilman's Uo d Metal. $ JttO : Snow Whlto. $ ' .50 ; bnovvllake , * ' . ' .10 ; low grade , tl.fll ; QUeen of the Pantry. $ . ' ! ) ! ) ; Minnesota Speculative , J-.SO ; bran , $1.1.00 ; chopped feed , $ J-.oo. Vegetables. The following quotations represent the prices at which choice stock Is billed out on orders unless otrerwlso stated : ONIONS Homo grown , 40@jOo per bu. OhliKUV Per doi5c. : . TOVIATOBS Per bushel. $1 01. CAiuiAaE Homo grown. Ic per Ib. IlB\NS Navy , $ , ' .50 ® . ! U5 uer bu. POTATOES Local growers are supplying the demand almost exclusively nt U3 < Jil5c per bushel Mvintr POTATO M Jersey , $5.53 per bbl. Country Produce. Eons Market weak at li.ll'5c. ( Poui.Titr Market weak. The very otitsldo on old fowls and chickens Is J.1.00 and snnll chickens have sold as low as Jl.7.5 and good si7os at $ . ' . .50 ® . ' . 7.5 ; coed duck * , ft OJ. IllTTriiit The ocst countiy butler , good enough for city trade , sells at 155J10c ; packet s' stock , Ii We. C0\l > 1110.01' ' C'HO/'A. Corn ! -iiie\vIiut ) lainiicd nnd In Hanger Wheat nil ItiLjlit. WABIII.VOTON , D. C. , Sept. 10 Statistician Dodge reports the September a\eiages as fol lows : Corn , 01.1 : wheat. 008 ; ri c , 93.1 ; oat ! ? , 00.7 ; tobacco , 87.1. 1 he condition of corn Is twenty-one points higher than In boptcmbci of last year , and has been exceeded only three times In the past ten years. The state averages aio high. The lowest n re those of Michigan and Wis consin , Minnesota and Noith Dakota coming next , while South Dakota , Ne braska nnd Kansas make fl ures under the general avctage , In the o istern and middle states the erop Is well grown. Is gen erally earing well , but a little late aim tlio iccent cool nights present rapid advancement , vet the frost has not as yet done any damage. The ciop Is In a line condition In the southern states. It Is not FO much Injured 113' the heavy inlns as was cotton. In some cotton lands water has caused material Injury , wh'lcon ' the uplands the crop Is romaikably good. H was some what Into but Is now beyond the re ich of fiost. A line yield h.is been made west of the Mississippi , thoiuh In western Texas It was a little reduced by drought. It Is a crop de cidedly above the medium throughout the south as a whole. .Many cot respondents refei to It as the best In years. In the Ohio vnlioy coin Is heavy In stilk , somewhat late In o.irlng from the cool nights , and In some places has been blown down by heavy winds. > ot It Is generally very promis ing. Local drouths aio mentioned at a few points as ono cause of deloiloratlon , without producing very serious loss. The correspond- out In Franklin county , Ohio , claims the heav iest ciop In foi ty yc.us. In Indiana and Illi nois there was more Injury fiom the drouth In July and eatly In August , which has been par tially rep itrcd by recent r tins , If fiost holds oil ton days nothing hut the latest planting will be Injured. Absolute immunity from loss would ieiiilrc | exemption thiough September , vi t most of the breadth Is iilieiuly safe. In Michigan there lias been considerable Injury fiom frost In Into planted coin. Wisconsin loports damage fiom the floats of August L ! , ' toV , anil In some cases still narUoi. Some aieas h ive been cut up for foddoi In this lat itude. Many Minnesota correspondents proin- ISD a good ciop if the frost holds off. In the valley lands and niiiiu noithein sections Ii has already done considerable damage. Thoio are leturns of injury fiom fiost In the la- ) kotas. In Iowa anil Nohi'islta the ciop Is late and would no Injured by frost prior to Sop- tombei XO and net ds the ontlro month for thn ilponlng of the late plantid. In Missouri hoav > rains in Juno , the drouth In July and the heavy rain and windstorms recently h ivo boon unfavorable to the high est conditions On well cultivated and drained land corn Is heavy and Its condition variable. In ICnlisas the wi stein dlstilcts aio sulloilng fiom duinth , while the eastern counties have it. nmlstiim and a heav v emn. The condition of vvheat IB voiy high , consid ering both vvlntei and spi Ing varieties In soils , latitude and elevations so widely dllToi- Ing. the general average has only been o\- ceoilod twice slnco IS7D , In IhS. and 1K84. The state average are iinlto uniform , hut ten fall ing below 1'3 ' , and three below IK ) . The lowest bolngSt , foi Smth. Carolina iindM foi North Carolina. The ( inures foi the principal wheat growing states aio as follows : Ohio , OX ; Michigan , Us ; Indiana. 10 ; Illinois , 100 ; Wis consin. UO ; Minnesota , 100 ; Iowa. HO ; Mlssouil , 04 ; Iv'iiiihiis.SU , Nebraska , ! M. North Dakota , 01 ; South Dal-otu , ! K > ; California , US ; Oregon , \Vii-liliigtnn. ; . at. Kast of the Allogliany mountains. Now VoiU. If ) ; Pennsylvania , IH ; Mtirjlnnd U" ; Vliglnla.OT In the hontlnvest : Texas..IT. ' In the middle states wheat was goii'-ially voll II led and Inrvosted in good condition , yielding well In thieshliig. In a lew counties In Pennsylvania and In pails of Maryland and Virginia there has been homo injniy In the shock The Texas ciop was un usually line , and was haivested in May and June , and Is now mostly marketed , In ono county a yield of twenty to twenty-throe bushels per aeio Is reported and In anothoi eighteen bushels Is reported In Kentucky homo claim foi wheat one of those exccptlon- nllj Oneciops that occiu at long Intervals , Othois make bangulnu statements with varia ble loturns. In Ohio and Michigan the tenor of loimuks as to quality , iii ] intlty nnd condi tion are viuj favoiablo. In Indiana , Illinois , nnd .Missouri threshing grain yields hotter than WHS i xpocted , with t-onie exceptions the largest ever hni vested , In one Instance thirty bushels per ncio. The lomaiks concerning ( inantlty and quality of spring wheat In Min nesota are uxtioinoly favorable , with very slight drawbacks fiom frost and wet , and nearly as favorable In Iowa Nebraska and the Dakot is The extreme yield of thirty to foi ty bushels Is reported in all those slates. The spring wheat uf thn Paclllo coast has boon Injured by the hot and blighting weather , JOIIVA MCfllANE , HIANKO CONDUS McShane & Condon , INVESTMENT HANKHRS , 300 a 13th St. , First National Hanlt Hail 1 ing , Omaha , Nob. Dent la utock * bind * , scJiritlDi cnnmrelil pi paretc. Negotiate loint " i I n irirJt Oiiitu rn estate Hhort lliuuluitui " > , bulk > too < , ur oh * approved collaturul nocurltv WANTED Total IH.IK'K of CITIES , J COUNTIEf ) , SCHOOL DISTRICTS. WATER COMPANIES , BT. n.R.COMPANIEB , Ul ( Jorrv | * ) nilincu lollciteij N.W.HARRIS a COMPAHY.Bankers , levies Doorliorn Slroot , CHICAGO IS Wa'l Stroot. NEW YOIIK. 7O State BU > UOUTOMu OMAHA umm DIRECTORY. FURNITURE AND CAlll'ETS. nit A iff AND r nor is 10 ft b. Bryan Commission Oo A , 3. MoWhortor Ilimm lt > , Itosnl nf Trmlfl. nn I liipk < .N V I.lfn HrokpM I'rlvnla wire * 1 Hit Prlvnto trim Chi- liv Son Vork. rnitu M I .null anil ninlSt. Loult Cn Now Vork tiiuinlit. Cockroll llros I1 , 0. Swarta ft Co. > ni < > ! r.nli barer * Ilrukor < ( Irnlii.l'roTMotl * I'rlvnto wire * to N * w ctr I'rtvntn wlta loft. V rk , CliUnKo. A "I Iionlnnnil ClilctKO lloom l.mil Id-la Hoard of . T.llimrd of Trnilc.Omatm. TriUlP IkXrlmtiKObld C , H Uuitthi Eobort Purvis , E , B. Branch & Oo. , 1217 How nil Sticct. I'roditre , fruits of nil Write for prhe on but ter , CKKS ponltr > , nnJ kinds , oysters , Knme. Mth nnd llnrnoy Streets. Zirschbrdim & Sons , Jas , A , Olark & Oo , llulter , chcoio , egits lluttcr , eKus nnd poultry. poultry nnd Knmo. 120UIi > Hnril Street. ( fl'JHoutli ' Uth Street. Bates & Co. , Countiy priiduce , fruits , veKclnMei Kroiers' spu- cl.iltlen tom , splees , etc. . 4I7-4U S llth St. PAPER. RUlUthit GOODS Oarpoutor Paper Co. , Omaha Eubbor Oo , , Cnrry n full stock of Mnnuf icturers nnd job printing wrinplng nml bers nil kinds rubber wrllliiK paper , curd pn- KOOllH per , ete I'M rnrnnm St out. SEEDS. S'lOYES. Emerson Seed Oo , Jnmes Hughes , seed ttroweri , ilnnlon In btovei repairs of nllklndj vaiden t'lin , Kruln nnd Cookn nnd Heaters tree soeiN for snle 4.'l-4ili30Uthl1tli 1 llh Street. r , noons , BLINDS , E TO M , A , Disbrow & Oo , Bohn Sash & DoorOo Mnniifni-ttiror-i of Mnnnfuetiirersof mould- doors blinds n nd ngH , lillniU. doors , etc. minildtiiKi Ilrnnch of O 111 co Ike , Uth .mil iznrd bts lloom KM lira llull.llii. . S'lEAM AND WATER SUPPLIES U.S. Wind Eigino & A. L. Strang & Sons , Pump Oo. , 1002-1004 rnrnr.ni HtrcoL Ilnllldny Wind Mills HIS nnd 'W ) limes Street ° ' Onmhn. Neb ( j 1 Uoss , ncllngnimitu'r TEA , COFFEE , SPICES , Consolidated OofToo Company , 1414 nml 14Hi llnrney St , Omnhn , Net ) 'JOYS. HILL1ARDS. H. Hardy Oo , , Tim Brunswiok- Tiiyx , dnlh , n I hum s , Balko-Oollontler Oo , , fnny KHOII * . home fur HIIII ird merchnndlHO lil-lilnf L'nols , child Hiilnon llxluriit. ren H i trrliiue * 407 , 4TI ( S IDlh Strout , 1 111) hnriurn Street. Omnhn SOUTH OMAHA. UNION STOCK YARDS CO , LIMITED A. D. Boor & Co. , Hunter & Green. g-W Ktchnnio Iliilldlii , , ,0 KxcliniiKO lliillilltiK , South Omuhn. South Omnhn. Miss Ulln Joseph loft .vostordny for Loveland - land , Colo.vhoio she will tench In thopublla bchoolb dining the COIIUHK your. NKBKASKA. National Bank [ J. S. DKI'OalTOUV. . OMAHA NHI1 Cupltal $4OOOOO Suf-plus 05.OOO Olllrcr * nnd DlroctornHenry W Vntei , I'ri ld nti Iwwti S Heed. Vice President ( I R Mnurlni , w , V Morae , .lohn H Colllrn , It 0 , Cuililntc , J N , II. 1'utrlik , \ \ | | ri llutihus , l/iihlcr TIIK IHCiN BANK. Corner IHh nnd I iirnnin rill Cciurul lltinUlnj lluslnoiii I'ransactuil. m INTERESTPAIDONDEPDSITS ATQMAHA10AN&TRU5TCO. ' BAI1K 5E.COR IBT < DDUGLA55T5 , CAPITAL'S IOO.OOO.OO DIRECTORS I A UWYMAN-C.W.NASH. JHWIltARO CUV CDARTOH C U. LAKE. f JO.QROWN-THOS'U.KIMQALL.