Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 10, 1891, Page 6, Image 6

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Bad Break In Wheat and Corn Causes Con
siderable Loss.
OitlHltlo Onlrra Wore I < lBlit nml tin
Bcntliiidit ofTnulo DuclcliMlly
Hcnrlxli Activity In
- „ r. . III. , Popt 0-Whr-at and corn broki
bndly toduy and closed with n loss of le uiu
SSc-respeftlvely on the leading futures com
puted with jcstcrduy's closo. Around the
openitu who l soul tit Ic decline. Thohiavj
rceeluts. nKgrcKitlntt about I f W OOOlmshuls foi
the p ist tnreo days , nKiilnst onn-thlrd thai
ninount for llio corresponding period list yunr
the mndoruto urporls und the weak cable1
rore the causes of the decline Spot il
Liverpool was ( | iioted Id lovvnr In thu publli
cablegram nt the opening and London cartjoc'
for prompt hhlpment were id off. The price'
nt tliooh soof juHtorilay's session vvuru fioin
IH'.r totw4e and at the opouliu this mornliu
there were sellers it from'He to Oi'ii * . but nc
more dotntnd above the lower of tlieso quota
tions and before thu session an hour ohl
II was down to OPsi' . Then the sentiment ol
the triido wus beurlsh and the ontslilo orden
were light.
An ufti moon piper says : "Iho surround'
IMC of the tr.ide has been uriduilly under
KOltiK a i'o In the lust two vvcuks 'I lit
ciuiriniHis receipts h ivu ut List ovurtuKon und
snip issed the eapu Ity of thu ot'uill Iliot U
moie tlie surplus with sulllclunt raplillty ti
prevent some iieeiimnl itlon , und thus befoie
tin vveli-ht of the heivy sprint ? heitero |
has hud time to make Itself felt , thu win it
I'OiiL-lil b } In m li hnjiorli rs Is tein him ; thorn
fasti i tlinn Is ni 11 ss isy for Iho Immediate
wants of the i onsiimois and the I'liu'llKh gr tin
trnou Is t ikliiK udv.mtiu'e of the tin t and li
holding olT vv Itli the ov Idi nt expectation th it
this ft ilurcof the busintss will become still
'Iho pr to HiietcidlnR thr quotations last
given slum sonic system" of liuprnv Ing iimlei
a d < iiiand from visttrday's Imycis of puts
bill npiin tin riKulpt of Ilridsln ot's \lslhk
supply statement showing In addition to nn
hurt aso nf IIINUnO biishi N east of the ItoeK-
ILM , that slocks on the I1 n llle coast , oxclnsUu
\\nhlilnulon , had Ini teased2Sl2(00 ( liusliels
a fill tin r break occurii ( I , tlie prlco for DCLCIII-
b < r gilting down IO'HI ' C , Ihineiimo it dls-
puti li from .Neuttri \ 8 lying that a c ibli -
iriiiii rn elNcil tht ro fie 11 Antwerp ropurt'jd
tin lattir n arl.ot prai ticilly In u si ito ol
pinie and homo longs hero Immcilliiti ly
roveicd enoiKli of the holdlngH lo cailso a
fiirthor hie.ik to UVir
Trudlng wntslon and without much aiilmv
tloti iinlll nftor ihi prlto had uorkud below
Hi'ii' ' after whlih thoru was ho ivy trailing In
cavh suicesshu break The last half hour one of finer Illelul offirlius by tlio Ion- ,
and hurried calling of mariliis by thu be us
nndi \\hli'li i Iho ( | iiiintlty of Ihoso offerings
Kept jnoreaslng and Dro\ented any ru ictlon
from the lowest figures , and thoimirlvutclnucd
we ik at UiSc
Corn WIIH trade < l In only to a f.ilr amount
during most of Iho session It btarled >
u ml lower , out afler ileellntng another fric
tion urew tniiiioiarll ) > strong and recovered
the loss 'I his was followed by decided weak
ness and a ho ivy lire ik. The oaily In
fluences wore Iho wuiKor c.ib'os , the
hoav v rLculpts agcroit.itlni : over J.'iOlOixi
dining the p ist thrco d.iys against
about wniHiij biiRhels for the corresponding
days lant week and Iho continual absence ol
temporalities suggesting frost anv where In
the torn belt The aubsiquint re itllon was
attributed to nnichiiscs by tliee1lino | which
Is supposed to be manlpitlatlnu September and
Uctober. In the light of the snbsuinont de-
volopinenls llio tr.idu camu t the u > m.luslon
that the svnillcate h iddmlikd lo u'lvu up the
deal and that Its buying was for the pin pose
of maUIng a haul spot to sell on , In the last
hour the oll'm lims hcuiino fri o and the be us ,
believing that liquidation by the syndicate
had bogiin , added thulroirerlngs and the m Ito
went off witli a iiish , The local tradorn were
asgressholv hostile to the operations of the
clique and Its .lUltmlu at the close Indicate
n iirobabllltv of u further bear r.ild tomorrow
mill si the. situation IB matorlally changed.
Uct her oponcd nt from r < .s'tu ' to'iS'ic ' , sold .1"
low as ri'ic .mil from tmit up to Vic before the
bits break of the day occurred. It declined In
mHires to riVgo and closed at that llguro
' 1 hoio little of Intoicst In the oats mar
ket , whluh took Its action from wheat and
declined from live-eights of I contlo5c. ! The
provision marUet was llrm In contrast with
the surrounding market and the lower prlco
for hoes I'ho llnctuallons wore conllocd to a
narrow r.iniro and tno closing prltcs were
practically the same as i estorUay.
The loan ng futures ranged as follows :
September * W ? <
- ,
Diumtitr w
Muy 1 OI Cil Ou I ( U
CitHN No 2 - UM
Hepteintier ( IOI I' M
( ) i toiler M 51' ft
Heptenibcr . VCt a 28H
Oituliir . . . . yi'J
Mny J-'hl
Mil's I'OIIK
October . . . 10 65 10 rs
Diteniber 1087H , 10 > n 10 S7
Jiiiinnry . . . U074 13 U
Heptenibcr. 0 87 o 10
October . . . It ' 10
.Ininuiry 7 22- ! 720
Hepti mber 7 OS 7 10 707
October 7 I2L 7 lift
Jnnimry uwii 7 00 700
Ciish iiuotatlons were as follows :
1'ioini In fair reiiust | nnd vveik ; spring
patents , t4lKViift.llii h ikers' . f-l 00l.ffl : winter
patents , t4 ; hragH , i .
\\lu.AT-No. 8 Hiirini ; wheat , laoi'e ( ; No.
3 bprlng , 8lKo : No. J rod , UHt9I'4u.
C'oHN-No. . " , ® Jlc.
OATH No : * . MUes No , 2 white , 3l'4o ; fo J
. .
No. 1 ! , Hie.
HAIII.K * No. - ' , 0l < aG4c ; No 3 , 40 < 2 ( > 3o f. o. b.j
No 4 , .lllf'fio f o. b.
I'l.AXstui No I. f I 01) } .
Tiviorm Si.i'ii-l'rlino. $1.29
I'OIIK MIHH pork , per barrel , JIOM ; lard ,
evvl , JI1 1KI&I' U."j J short ribs sides ( loose ) .
tier ( ( IJ'.iI dry billed shoulders ( boxed ) ,
W7"iWG.fc7V. Bhort clear sides ( boxed ) , J7 UJft
\ViusKi.v \ Dlstlllorb'llnlslied goods , per ? al ,
f LIB ,
BUOAKS Unchanged ; cut loaf. ,1 < iWVc.
liecelpta and shipments today were as fol
low 8'
On the produce oxcbaniro today the butter
market WIIH steady , unchanged : fancy Klgln
dairy , 2IIi6J4c ( ! line western , 2J < iW.'le ; seleotod
i , l74iJlUo ; ordinary. Uiiloc. Kggs , I
Now Vork AlarlcotH.
NEW YOIIK , Sopt. 0. I'Luun Itocolpts. 20.t,53
packages ; exports , 9.J7S I ) irrols. 8,77(1 ( sicks ;
market dull and heavy , silos , 24,2. > u barrels.
Witt. vr Uecolpts , J04.2JO bushels ; exports ,
3.17MM bushels , sates , ! > ,72.VOOO bushels of fu
tures and 7D.OJO bushels of spot. Spot market
lower nnd quiet ; No. 2 red , ifl OOStSOhtOU In
oluviitor ; II.OIHSOI.1 2' , iillout , * 1.0l'i < ai 04U f.
o.b. ; No. 3 red. U7dc ; ungraded rid , Hue ®
1107'i , No. 1 northern to arrive , tl 07v © l.0s ;
No 1 hiird to arrive , JI.Kxai 10'4. Options aru
much doproshtd on Inactive export Inquiry
nnd lower oables A good deal of an ulfort
was miido by foreigners to rt.sell not
only their holdliiKs hero , but cargoes , whllo the crop U pouring
In fn ely at all markutnblo points and makts
largo accumulations , prlcts aru down 2'iiio
anil vvuak , No. 2. icd.soptenibcr.closlng il.Wiij
October , f i OIMgUUit , closing tl.OHi ; .Novem-
bor. * I.J'B ( ) < 1 04 . closing 11.0.1" , ; Ilctember ,
H.(4'l.JtiV. ( ( closing | .04 % j .lunnaij , Jl tws
UlOhU. closing il.ilMarch ; , ( I 10 , closing
tl 10. May , tl liai 1. " , .
-Duprtahod and dull ; western , c. I. f. ,
48cUOIIN Itccclpti.2l.VX ( ) bushels ; exports , 11,827
bushels , suleH , I.M8.000 bushels of futures
nml 85,000 biiihuls of spot , . Spot market dull ,
low or and ivcul. No. 8 , 73o lDuluvntor7.5 ; > ( & ( > o
ntloat , ungraded ml\od,7Hitt"Ooj No , 2 whlto ,
fie , llptlons tire I' 4i2'40 lower and ilepressed
with pressure to soil nn account of thu break
In vvheat. September , "O'aliMl'it' , closing
70\iOt October. avan'Sf. eioslng 5o ; No-
vrmber. n.kt .5 > , c. closing Uo ; December ,
ta MSho. clojlng Vi 4ei Jnnunry , 6l' , < il56o ,
closing 5 c ; Muj.5 > i iVlie. eioslni : , 51 < 40
OvTs Uecolpts , lJswX ) uiuholsj exports.
Ol.iui , silis , U5ooo bushels of future" , and
IM.OOj husheU of spot Spot market lower ,
quiet nnd wuiu. Option * moderutelv nu
ll \V Unlit.
Hoi'8--\\enk. quiet.
Count Options oponid stonily nnd un-
chiuis'ed til B points down ; closed steady ,
10 points down to 10 points up ; talus
20.250 bags. Including September , 115 105115.85 ;
October , (140OU.IO : .November ( U2 ( bU2.5 ;
Detnmbor. IliUvaiU-Wi Jiinuary. ( l. 0 ; Mnrth ,
ll..tiOttl2.S5Hpot ( ; Itlo. act I vu , tlrm ; fulrcur ocs ,
Ih o ; No 7,11,0.
buiuu Haw , helil firmly , quiet ; miles ro-
pcrtvd of 19 000 ; miinlllu tit U'c ' ; icllnid fairly
uottvo nnd Urm.
Mot.AbSEb Now Orleans , quiet and flrm.
) ( ICK Quiet uiul tlrm ,
1' Httoug and
I'ic on mnll buying , then renctod Ic nnd
closed steady ) I'cnnsylvanlu oil spot opened
nl57c , highest 57Sc , lonciit c , closing ut57Sci
October options opiMilng. Mum oil no sales.
1 otnl snleB 91 000 birrels ,
COTTOMRI.HI OliKlrmi wnntpd.
TAi.r.ovv Styndy ! city ( U for packngcs ) ,
4 Vc ,
Hosix- nnd qtllot ,
B Qulot nnd stondy nt .17'4'ik'lSe. '
I : < KISI'lrm. . fairdomand ; western. ISftlu'iCj '
rupolpts , 0IV > paekigcs i
I'OIIK Htronger , more nctlve ; old moss. 111.00
( Tlll.M ; now mtss , ilJS312.75 ; oxtrumo prlmo ,
OPT MHATt rirm j pickled bullies , E
Mititir.f * "tuutly
LAIMI Htoadv , we-ikj western sto-un , 1530 :
.iles , 10 MX ) tlurces at ti WI&7.30 : op
tion silos , 1.100 tlurces : October. i/i/a7.W ! ;
closlii' ' , } 7"7 uskt'd : November. J7..15 ; Dceum-
bur , (7.41 asked ; January. KM ) , closing. * " M
bid ; rubrilury , 17Wnsked.
HUTrKlt riilrdcmind , llrmt western dairy.
ISii c ; wi stern ere imory , r > tJ''l'4e ' ; woslorti
fnctory , lUWIV : Kleins. 24'jc.
CHIMP ( julot , steulyj western , CSSc ; part
skims 45l ' 4C
I'ld IIION Dull ; iinclmtiffod
Uoi'i'ut fetu.idy ; laku , September and Oc-
lobor. JIto. .
LI-AD ( julot , dompstie , ( I 50.
TIN Dull , strults f.uos
KIIIIHIIH City Blnrkoti.
KANSAS Cm , Mo , Sept. 0. I'toutl Dull ,
\ \ ill vr Lower ! No 2 luifd , cash Kl'icbld ' ;
Suptumber. We bid. No. 'J red , cash , S7'ic bid
Cons "to idy ; No 2 , cash , DC'io ' bid ; hep-
tember , Vic bht.
OATS steady ; No 2 , cash and September.
2Pfe bid.
II u rirm and unelmniod.
I l.\x ' ITI.KMe idy utlisc.
KirtTkii-I'lrm and itnrhaiiKod : crc.imory ,
UrU-'Oc ; duliy , IIQlOu ; store packed , ll&iau ;
P K'klkRO 'fiillC
I Cos I'lrm at Ific ,
UEU llrshtit , 7C.OJO ; corn , 1.100 ; o-its ,
' llll'MLMS , .ti.SOO ; corn , 1,100s oils ,
Iilvcrpool Markets.
LlVKiii'onu ' ept 0 WIISAT Weak , dctmnd
poor , holders otrei freely ; Uallfornl i No 1 , a
Ud cssii | iiertental | ) : No U winter , ( < sd. ! )
Cons rirm ; deiiiind poor
Hi hi i\lra : I mil i mess , 77s dd per tierce
I'OKK I'rlmu Ilios , western , r > * is id pur bbl.
LAUD I'rlmu vvestein , los put cvvt ,
L i-plrlts , 2ss fid per uvvt ,
Ht. I onls llnilcrti
' T. Louts , Mo. , Sept. 9IIHAT Weak ;
cash 92u bid ; Dei ember. Ti'iiC.
Clous We ik , c ish. ( , J'ij ; October , .Vic.
OATS Weak , c ish Do ; Ottober , ' . 'ic nskod.
I'dltK 1'i loi. ? ll U'J. '
JiAiin I Inner IP , W ) .
WHISKEV. ftlea Ij * I.I3
Mini cniioliH > lnrkot.
MtVNi'Al'Oi.ts Minn Sept. 0 W \T-Pasli
miuket oil from v osterday ' the bulk of the
gi.iln went to millers L'loM No I bird oil
tr.n l > , hiij' ' ( > lie. No 1 noithern. September ,
7.5'ic , on tritk , 64ib7'je , No - norlhurn. on
tt.ick. S © Sf. _
3Iilvviuki-e ( ( .1 .ihi Market.
Mii.uAitKbP , WIs , Sept ' ) Wnr AT Weik :
No 2 spring , cash , ( Jltd'u : ) ; beiituinbcr Wii
01 ' , e.
COIIN Lower ; c ish. U' '
OAib-I.ower. No . ' , white .
Cinoliuinii .M.irkols.
CINCINVATI. O , Sept , 9 WitEtT Lower ;
No 2 rod. 95t&'i7e
Cous I" isler : No 2 , mixed. 07o.
OATS Steady ; No 2 inl.\ed , JJiic.
Toledo drain 'Martcct.
TOI.KI o. O Sopt. 9m.AT - - Lower ; cash ,
and September , Ut'jc. '
COIIN teidy
OArs Dull , cash , 'lie
ainneheHter Market Kelew. .
MANOHS-TMI , Sent 9 The Ouardl in In Its
commorcl il article savs ; The full prltts
hinder business The Ilimiiun * Is often war-
r uitcd bv the orders In h mil and It Is entour-
aged bv the Mte uliness of totton The Import
business Is executed only where specl il suits
lire wanted 01 sellers .no e isy to doU with.
1 ho Inquiry foro\porty.ini Is nioiler.ituly ac-
tlvt , piltes nneh mgid. ' 1 lioio are fuw trans
actions 'I he. dem mil for India Is thlelly for
llomb iy. I'uw oiileis aru uxeeutod for China.
' 1 he finer printing and otliur llnlshlng tloths
have bi en sold in moderatu ( | uantltlts Thu
butter makes of heavv goods are steady , thu
( oninion m ikes are dlfllcnlt to sell. / ! % / > ItOMfi.
NB\V VOIIK , Pept. 9. The stock market today
wason the whole very ncttvo but no anima
tion was hud In spots and the sumo may bo
said of strength or weakness was seen
during the dav , thu list being held
llrm within narrow limits and following thu
leaders fiom tlmu to time Thu gru it feature
of thu trading at present Is the prominence of
thu Vandurbllt stocks in the .speculatic n and
for the niomunt they furnished the only sup
port to Mho niurkot us their stiongth Is at
tributed to Inside buylii'- though how much
truth there Is In the conjecture Is not to bo
Known ,
Thn news of the day us usual of Into was of
a genei ally faVorablu miluro and whllo the
bums were on the alert for any item which
would aid their c uiso. nothing of that charac
ter wus mndu public. There was considerable
soiling for arbitrage account but the foreign
operations aio not of sptelul Importance now
and give no promise of being of any material
Inllnenco for some time to como. The hours
endeavored to prcsi their ndvnntuges of ves-
tcrdny ufternoon still further this morning
and vvltli the aid of some London helling , u
wutk opening wus made with most stocks
down from ono-elglith to livo-oighlhs of
1 per tent uiul Hock Island 1 pur cent. The
demand was urgent , however , and the tamper
of thu speeiil itlon was soon changed for thu
better nnd utter some slight hesitation uu up
ward movement was Inaugurated which lasted
with llttlu Interruption until noon , when In
most of thu active list thu highest pilcts wuro
attained. The Vandeihllts and especially
Oinadii Southern and Nickel 1'lato second
preferred led the advance , but later Luku
shore , Chicago , Columbus. Olnolnnatl JI , fat.
Louis and Chesapeake JI Ohio became promi
nent. At dllTurent times Nuw Knglund , Head-
In L : and l > lo wuro ospeclnlly stiong with
miirl'ed letlvlty , but while St.Tiiiil. Atchlson ,
Union I'uclUo nnd the other loading sh ires
were moru largely traded In than these men
tioned , theli lluctu itlons wuro con-
lined to narrower limits and their
movements wuro sluggish through
out. In the lust hour roall/ntlons
started a re.ittion , which , uldud by renewed
presuru b > the boars , gnlnud force as the day
unnm to an end and tliu maikut closed actlvu
and weak , genei.i Iy at Inslu-nllleant ohangcs
for Iho day The gains In most of thu strong
blocks woiu tomplotulv noutrall/cd , but Luku
Shoru and Now Kmiliind uio I1/ , per cunt
hlghor tonight , mid Ito idlng 1 pur emit. Thn
onlv really wuak spot In the mai lent wus cord
age which dioppi d away 4 pur cunt and closed
with u loss of , Hi per cent.
( lovurnmunl bonds have been dull and
St itu bonds have been dull and steady.
T ho follow Ing are thu closing quotations for
thu lu.idlng stocks on. the Now York stock ex
change today
The total sales of stocks today v uro 4uliL'iS )
shares Including Atchlson , 57 , W I ; Lanada
outliern , 1U.4'V ' > ; Duliivvnrc , l.aukiiwanna .V
Western , ' ; Trie , I.IJO ; Hocking Valley ,
, ( ViO ; I.ako Shore , J.U.M ; I , mm , v llio .V Nash
ville | .tan : Mlehlgnii t'untral , 4..CI7 ; .Mls ouii
'aclllc. 15,7Vii Norihnuslurn , 0.010 ; North
Amurluun H.vvi ; Northern I'uclllo nrofurred ,
,400 ; I'nclllu Mall. 7,1170 ; Heading. ' . ' 1,0)0 ) ; Ulch-
nond X Ui'st 1'olnt , J.JIO ; bt. 1'unl ,
Lnluu 1'acltlo ,
l-'liiiincliil Ituvlciv.
Nbvr VniiK , bopt. a-Tho I'ost s.-iys : It Islet
lot nt nil strnngo that profusslonul opuratlons
honld bo feeling tholr way cautiously. The
untlmont nnd bullet of the Iliunulul com-
nunlty lso > urwhulmlngly In favor of an old
uihlonod bull movement but there uro cur-
alu lomout * lu tlio ltu tlou wUtcU make It
anomalous nnd dinicult to forecast with nrr <
olslon Ono of thcso Is the ( Innnclnl outlooV
abroad , to which rufurcnco wue made In thh
lolunin ycsterdny.
Another Is the undorlvlng dread of rndlc i
diver legislation here , nnd still niiothor Is tin
dullness In atiolt domestic Industries ns tin
Iron manufacture , which , of course , must detract
tract from the prospects of any "boot It
The slnculnr condition of the tlmo monoj
inr.rliot doiibtli ss rollucts In n mo'isuro all o
thcsu elements nnd operates Itself against tin
formation of n bull pool en n largo scale. Not
withstanding nil thcso more or less ilnfnvor
able fin-tors , It should not bo forgotten that
even though there may bo relatively llttl
ptospcrlty Inciinenl Industrial nlTulrs. futur
prosperity In many iinurlurs Is .issurtd bv on
uupicei'duntcd good fortune In the harvests
nnd llio attention of thu domestic Investor i
very Important point has obvloutdy begun t <
turn ngiiln with fiivor towards thu railway si
curliy mtirkut.
New York MOIIOT Alnrkot.
N'Pvv VOIIK.f-ept. D MOSK ov CAM , E-xsy
ranging from < l to 7 per cent , last loan 4 pu
cunt : closed olTered at .l'i ' percent.
I'IIIMJ. MEitt NTit.E I'Appu S ® * tier cent.
STKUI.INO nxcilANDRUtili't mid easy n
( IK ! for slxty-uny bills and M ST > for do
the following were the closing prices 01
bonds :
rinaiicial NotoH.
1C\NS\S Cm , Mo , fc-ept. O.-Clc.irlnss , $1 ,
"in,1 " ) ) ,
NMS VOKK ' ept 0 C'lenrlngs todny. Jl.W.
SsMHi'i : bilnnces , f > IDI.OJI.
llAi.Tlvtoitt , Mil , ' opt. -C'loirlngs JJ.IIlJ ,
Oil : inces , iJUT.OdO ; money , ( > per tent.
I'llil.Aiin.i'iin. 1'u. S-pt. II llnnkoluarliu- '
todui. fl.d7,7ll ( ; baluntih , l,71'-jl4. ( Monej
S pel i tut.
. . . . . . OniiANS Li , Sept 0 , CIo.-irliiRS , $1
UM.OUS ; NtMV Vork oxcliiilico. $150 ; b.inK , Wi
pet 11.000 discount
MBVIPIIH. 'ltun , f-ept. 0 New York o\-
cliuiuu Is sulllm ; ut JI Ol premium. Cle.u in.i-'s
* . .idl' ' : D ilintes , 4,74 ) ( > .
* T Louis. Mo , built 0 PleirliiKs. $ .1077,100 !
l.iiliincos. . { "I.OUKlonoy7itspertunt l.\-
0)1111140011 ) New Vork , Uo discount.
HOSTON , Muss , Sept 9 Kank clearings to-
dny , } r.,4 . ' ' 'i ' : ; balances , $ I.M.44J ; ruto foi
monoj , I per cent : exebaiuu on Now York , 17u
discount purl(00. ( _
ItoHton Mitel ; Market.
BOSTON , Mass , bopt ' ) The following wuro
thuulosliu prices on htojks In the thu Boston
stock maikot toduy
Althlson X lupekii T' ' Hontoii V Mont
lloston \ Mnlno 175 Cnlliinel.i Ikclti . .270
Cli Hurl * ynlnej IK ) I rnnkllu . .
I'lKlern It U 1,9 Huron
I Htlibnri ; It It .
Hint \ Peru M . Oiteoln . 40
do pfil . 4U "until lo Copper
K. Ct I A C H 7n 111 , Tiiinnnu k
Mns Control Hoaton l.nnil Co
Mov Ctn com . . , SHU l > li no l.nnil Co
" ' ' \\est Knit l.nnil Co
( ) liH'olon > . . . . . Hell 'lelcpbomi . .
\\K | Central com 1,111113(111 More S.
do pfil 50 \Vnter Power . . . . 2' ' ,
Allonez M Co ( new ) 2KI ( M
Atlantic 15m .N U T
Ijonilon Stock Marker.
LONDON' . Popt. 0 The following were the
London stouk'iiot | itlons oloslng it 4 p. m :
I'.U Is ICentcH.
I'Atit0 , Sept 9 Three jer ) cent rentes OCf
47'jc for the atconnt
Denver .Mining ; Mtoclcs.
DPSvrtt , Colo.cet. | . 9 Moder.ito business
In mlnhiL- stocks today. Totil silos , .10,7 t )
sli.ULs Iho following are the closing
quotations :
New York 'Milling Quotations.
Ni.w YOIIK , Sept. 0. The closing mining
stock iiuotatioits are as follows :
St. Ijouis Mining : Quot itlons.
ST. Louis Mo. Hopt. 0 Stocks on the Min
ing exchange dull. The following aru
thu closing bids :
Now York Dry Goods Market.
NEW Yoitk. Sopt. 8. In drv goo Is there was
n Hpurt In the demand for Ion grade bleaehed
cottons , with suppllos already tight nnd
prices on a number of styles appreciated.
rhero was a seed rc < iuost for line brown tot-
tons and Bonio of these are scatcu and a little
higher. _
Poi ( > iKii Oil Alnrkot.
r.ONDOV , bopt. 0 0\I.CUTTA I.IVSHI ) 42s
Id ( iiiiirter
I.iNihKD Oir. 20s per cwt.
AvrwKKt' , fcept. -I'tTitot.bUM ! 54 ! paid
* nd sellers. _ _
Havana tiurkotN.
HAVANA , bept. 9 SPANISH Goi.u IJ.3JJJ
! . H'4 ' ,
KxciiANdi. Quiet.
bulAlt--Qulet. _
V Talk.
OiitCAtio , Sept. 0 1' O. IoganA.Co. to the
lliy.inroninilsslon coinpanj Deceinborwlioat
inened at ( IT v and eloscd at OJVo A 11 for- . are weak and lower "U'oither line
and harvesting rapldlv. " I'or the present the
L'ontlnout have purchased all needed for the
next few months and England docs not ap
pear to ha\o any anxiety about the future.
Meantime our stookH are on the lucre iso and
carrying chiuges dally becoming heavier.
I'ho December options hulls now at 4e to 4'o '
overciHh. It Is rather unlio ilthy. Present
rrolght rates are lower than they will be after
L'lOhO of navigation , and as vvo look .it It cash
iv heat should thU bcason command n pru-
iiluin. The general sentiment Is for a fur
ther decline The receipts nro heavy and
in the IncreiiM ) . This , with thu light export
li'inand Is all In favor of It. October torn
nienod at ' > S'iO and closed at Wic. Sonio son-
lallonal gossip about the supposed cliitu ! ] &ell-
nout. . I ho selling vvtib done by the conntiy
lolders who ha\o been looklni : for a corner
n 8epliiinlir ) and October The prlco Is too
ilgh and vvo look for It selling down near the
May pi Ito It there Is any merit to October
u "MO May miust lie cheap at about lOc less
rte believe that selling October and buying
vlav will inako n few tents pro lit Oats are
llsgiistiiul ) dull. All wu can say about them
s the ) are cheap compared with corn Hog
product llrm , the business In.liuiiinri In-
: reastd Inrgelj. the country buying
Oillt.Mlo , III. . Sept 0. Ivuunutt. HopkllH A.
Jo to 8 A McWhoitor It Is but , i few da\u
slni'O nearly every nowHpnpor picked up Cu-
. allied harrowing details of uhnlosiilosiarva-
. Ion In Kuropo on account of deficient grain
uirvcsts , 'Iho world's harvest was f.ild to bo
ihort of requirements fiom 400,001,01)1 ) to 7H- )
100,000 biifhols and the famine croakers jiro-
llcted almost fabulous for wheat.
I'liln.-s huvo siiildoiily and ridlcally chaiu'ed.
Sothlng Is now hoard of the approaching fam-
IHI In the prov Incos heretofore alleged to bo
> nro of bieadbtutrs , Thoto hiivu snd-
lenly como to light erunt stores of
vheat mid rye hid away by hptculutors
I'ho we ithor which two weeks HL'O was said to
uivo utterly ruined thocrnpH In Croat llrltaln ,
'ranco and wmio other sections Is now s.ild to
10 brilliant ovori whom Harvesting Is going
in blithely. Thu yield Is u-olng to bu much
arger than untlelp.ited. thuio is going to bo
10 scarcity , the urulnarles aio llkol } to burst
iVlth plontj , and in short what turns out to
HIM ) been a horrlhlu nU'ht iiiuru Is I'oniplntly
llspolltxl ThU boats thn three card inontu
laino nil hollow 1'aro dealers uro
tot In It. The hpuculiitlvo pub.
le has been done to u rich brown
urn through the Inlliinimntory I'liropean
tews ugencles Everything coming from that
Ida will now bu rose ito ami Intensely bearish
intll Amorlcis longs have been Hlinl.enoiit
mil the wily foreign specul itors huvo loaded
ip with ehoip wheat Then llrother Jonii-
lian will discover that thu card was not
indur tno hat buno.ith which ho niitiuoiod It
o bo. The Dual slump today was on Ilrud-
tuet s announcement Unit whe-it stocks In-
rc.ised last wnek about 400KX ( > , tlOO In the
'nltcd ' t-tates , most i'f which wan on
hi ) I'ttdllo coast. It Is believed on
irotty ijoud authority thut tlitso
Are not corrnct ami tiiLsldorably ctaegorntcil
'I ho amount on oceaapmi igf , which hasbocn
"teadlly ( leoreaslnu.toi some wi'rk' shows r
further reduction uhourly ( I.OW.OJO S-tock :
allo t nnd In store iitithe principal Kuropnii
intirkots are reported iliy cable today to h iv
deere i cd about IIOINMUM bushels lust month
ThU Isi'ticonragliiR toholdors On llui othci
hand the foroljn dhiSand Is falling off Uo
colpts at iirltuary miirkols nro liirgeH IncreaS'
Ing Cash wheat hnt become something of r
drug tit full cirryliijriti > s under liceombor
and , with the doprLM'cd feeling abro id. Il
looks as If the sharp break eiu | il toSc In twr
dajsuould goeomo further. Iho pnulo It
wheat eiiconravud br > trs to pound corn , for II
has been reported Unit Hutch and other bit
trader * Interested In the rorn deal hadbiui
loading no with wlichl between 00 anil 11.00
audit Is II g u red that their ability to squeeze
corn shorts would IHI greatly weakened bj
their losses In whu&ti This encouraged tht
bears fearlessly. attacked tcuteniboi
nnd Oetohor , raiding the market
and successfully U Is believed b }
some tti it tills Is the be.-lrinlng of the end in <
th it ( he ollqno will now bo forced to llouldiite
This , nowovur , Is very uncertain and tno nexl
thing on t i | > Is u sharp bitlne of U or 8 cents
O.its we ikoticd modcr itely with other mar
kets but showed cotiiddorablo Inhorenl
strength The bears undertook to raid tin
provision market , but without success Theli
oirerlngs were absorbed by good parties wh <
believe the product to ho chonp nt eiirron' '
itlol | itlons Thoru seems smalt piobibllltj
of any nntorl ll break In prltes ind customers -
ors are advised to stlek to the long sldo buy
ing on nil soft spots
t'llli uio , III , " -'opt. 0 swart ? . Dupco.V Mo-
I'ormlek to I' , t'vnrtr .V Co1. Wheat todaj
was very we ik , the result 1 irgely of old hem
facts wnlch h ivu neon accumul itlng Tlien
was re , illy no annountomunt today to niui'li
chniue the temper ( ables were lower but ni
more bearish then they hav u been since Satur
day. The apprehens on the governmiun
crop report tomorrow would raSe the wlntei
rtinlspr I , iv encesh id iinquostlonably
homo Inlluence It certainly seems assutei :
now th it this vo ir's crop Is very much largei
than that of Issu Mr Dodges avenges ol
condition as well as his UO.ISMI far are botl
ilndor those of ISSI Mlnnno molls and Iliilntli
had b"J cars , and Diilnth nicssiges nlllnncil
that arrivals there were simply limited by
rallroid facilities Hero the e irs VT > vvon
\\oreo\or the estimates llridsticet in idt
an lucre iso In iviillablo supply e ist midwest
of the Heckles for I ho weolf. of 4'UNo > tl. The
llu'urcs possibly contrlbutid some to the de
cline ( orn was weak owlngto warm we ithei
and In svmp.ithy with wheat. Cish iiirn
bioko I cents Oils yielded very simll
fr ictlon In syniDithy with the ether grilns
1'rov 'slims kept within moderate riugo and
closed vvheio they dht Tuesday The abroga
tion of the prohibition decree by Dtnmark was
an aid on the other hand Hogs were In very supplj and prlcts nt the yards weic
tincAno 111 ' opt 9 Coimsclimin A. Iiy ) ti
Cockrell Ilios The leading grain m irUets
were depressed from onlslilo ted iy by lluo
wcathi r and weak cable advices I'.verv fresh
Item of news was boirlsh , receipts of both
wheat and torn it cloven urlnclp il points
vveio about double the shipments it the s imo
points and oporatois repotted the fotulirn
maikets hid fallen aw iy faster thin this
sldo had done and the specul i-
tlvo holders bcenmo anxious ta un
load on the early break to 97c for
December wheit There wis > prettj free buy -
Ing ag iln t pnls , and considerable toverlngof
provlons jdiort siles , but later c iblcs iiuolo
Knu'llsh mil contlneptal markets dopres-td ,
and on" prlv ite cable B ild Antwerp was p in-
luKy. 'Iho foreign domaud Inning been Iho
main prop to the market holdeis be
came demoralized. Our prlv ito cable
says that Knssl i w is rilslng talhvny rate'
to all dhlpplng points and other adv itcv Indl-
catod a greater short iu'u of ciops there than
has been heretofore reported. The urgency of
sellers , however , outwolghtd all other consid
erations After liquidation has betn com
pleted these Items will probably assist an np-
waid reaction. Provisions showed considera
ble Independent strength Tno pitking ele
ment were heavy bujers the most
of the session and provisions
would have puliAIy responded to
any strength In grain pits. Other conti
nental countries seem to bo following the
action of Ooi m inj Jb ( ho removal of restric
tions upon the Importation of hoi : products
nnd will eventually huvo nn tmpoitant In-
llucnco on prices The prtsent stock , how
ever , Is not suited t ( > tlielr wants and in IKS t. bo
used up oy homo , tonsumptlon and lower
prltes are prob ible.
o.w.i H.I u raiovit J
, OMAHA. Sopt. 9.
UAr-rr.E-Omelal lotolpts of cattle , , ! ,1.4
as lomnired wlih .1 Jll yestord iy and 4..I77
Wednesday of last vvook. Hulk of e.itt'o ' wore
lancers. Including tump ir.itlvoly few beef
cuttle , Dosliable grades were stolidy , otheis
slow. Cows wore In good demand , and Mi-Mo
hlglier than jestci lay on all crades. I'eulcr
market dull and lifeless. Ught stocks almost
I lees Olllclal receipts of ) iogs 4.K11. as
computed with 4,2Sf jcsterday , and L'lrvl
\\ednesdiyoflustvvcok. Good shipping de
mand foi ll.'ht and medium weight hogs at
about steady prli ts , $ > .OV2."i,10 llest he ivv
hogs aboutlOc lower , and common heavy and
mixed pau > ers , lXTo ( So lowor. Market fairly
aetl\e , and ovorvthlng sold early. Light $ " > UO
© . > in : he ivyl l 9 ® - " ' W : mixed , il 'OBfi 00.
fcittpt' Ksllm.itud receijits of sheep none ,
as comp irtd with none yesterday , and 407
\\ediiesanyoflastvvtok. Nominally steady
market. Natives , 41. > JI .V ) ; westerns , W .W ®
4 S3
Kcccits ] and Disposition of Stock : .
Olllclul receipts and disposition of stock as
shown by the books of the IJnlo i stockyards
comp my for the twotttv-four hours end Ing ut
5 o'clock , p m. , September U , IbJl :
lluyon | Unttle | llo s | Sheep
Itcitrcsuntiitivo S.ilo , .
No Av. I'r. No Av. I'r. No Av. I'r.
1 U > 0 W 50 1 1100 JIM 18. IIBJKIO
1 1020 71 8 1270 1 SO 20 070 8 05
1 KM 75 21 K.'J ' 1 # 0 0 1025 2 20
1 blO 100 2 ( > 'J"i ItO 23 20 % 225
7 7')2 ' 150 21 IOU7 1 b.5 10 117.1 2 85
1 1010 150 4. . fefl UK ) 2,1 USJ 225
1 1010 150 22 012 IOJ .1 I2I.I 2'5 '
1 IL'O 1 50 18 814 1 IB 3 1101 225
1 > On 170 M U5 200 OJ 021 2 J5
24 8J7 170 17 lbri 2 OJ 1 1140 225
1 1110 1 75 t 070 200 0 < J 021 2 81
1 810 175 41 101,1 200 1 1140 225
2 Kin 1 75 S 01)0 ) 2 00 1J..1104 250
11. . U01 175
I. 870 ICO 7.140. 165 1..14JO 200
1 110J 1 50 1 ,1'ICO 2 75
1 220 2 50 0 . 281 J 75 5. . 06 4 50
1 010 22.5 0 llttl 2.15 21. . fR5 333
1 1TJO 225 1 .1010 250 20.1108 J 35
1 milker 12000
1 mllkur < 21 IK )
1 tow and c.Uf 24 00
1 covrand hulf 2500
I cow and calf .U 00
j cows and calves. . . . . to OJ
I cow and calf n US 00
No. J ' Av. I'r.
4 cows . ' * . . , ' 10f2 fj 15
8 tows . ' . 'A. lO-H ) 2 | 1
21 feeders v , llfc.1 2 .I7'J
t ! fetdurs . . . . . , i.j 11)51 ) 2 40
2J feidurs U.5.1 2 li )
1 stter 121) ) .IOJ
1 feeder v..l. 1170 I DO
l ! Hteurs i..I Hilt ) : i 10
21 ftedera , < I-01 J 20
H feeders . ,1 1115 .1 V5
H b tiers tl.a lluO 325
J. L McCoy.
a cows rr.77 looo 200
h cows. , , WiO 210
2 cows ' . . ' . ' .I K70 810
1 feeder r.r 120 270
7 feeders . . . ; . , . HOT 870
2 feeders 1I4J 270
Ul MciTh . . . . 'J ? UK ! J 45
( jiithrlu fi Oskuiiin.p.ittlu company.
1 tulllntf IHU I 50
1 tiillhu n1. ! ' HOO 2 15
1 tallliiK { HW 211
4(1 ( COW * I * * ) 220
U L'OWD , OJ5 220
1 tlllllllt ? UJO 825
18 feuill'IS ' IdO 2 10
2fiedorx 1120 2 1)0 )
2 feeders UW 2 lJ )
.1 feeders 1U73 21)0 )
0 fctdcrs 10'KJ 8 OJ
8 ft oilers 1271 8 ID )
70 ftodors 1115 311
It stters 111. 335
Emerson , linker X K ,
17 cown (171 ( 220
Htows U\l 220
8 titlllllBti 1115 885
20 ftudurs 1117 2 M )
1 ? steers 1IJ-J 3 JO
J. N. Oliadwlolc.
2 tows 100 171
Scows BSO 175
23 cows. . . . , WO 28i )
II cows IDil 220
Sonlrv * . 205 300
.1 fetders low 300
81 Htuors * HIS 3 50
15 calves 214 400
Uiois1 A. Lunian.
3 cow 070 201
1 cow 1170 8 2.5
1 cotT , . . . , 1.31 } 2 29
fi feciloM . . . . JIM S 7 %
13 steers . . . . 10'G 3 JO
Tvoclionmelier X Uellllller ,
8 cows. . ait S H
1 fouler 1015 2 ( VO
.1 Moors no ) 3 00
1. ' Rloi'M . . . 109J J 03
Ognllaln Land X I'uttlo Co.
1 tailing 1140 2 2.1
4 tailings I."JO 240
5 ulcers IUK ) II W
Ssticrs IU5 8 IX )
J4S steers \ H373
" 0 °
No Av Ph. I'r. No , Av. Sh. I'r.
2 . . . tPK ) W II M 01 87 M.5 ) < )0 )
10 . . 2ik5 450 K5. . . . 2.I.J l.0 fl(0 (
M . .217 I.M 4 IK ) 71 170 N ) ft W
W .201 200 4W 72 , . . .5lV > S40 BOO
fJ . .SOS IM 4 IM 6' ' ) . . .20S bO SIO
f > 'l 1SI0 ( 4 U ) 48 801 610
( T > 2 ( > i 240 4 Ik5
C'l ' . .257 200 4 05
W 211 40 4 95
f > 3 . . 213 120 t 95
33 .517 - 2 10 1 . 2-50 - 4 S3
1 . . 1120 2 25
jl\o Stnult Mnrkolfl.
CIIH tno III. Scjit 9 l poclalTologrim ti
TUG llri-'l ] here did not appear to bo anv
special roison fn"a olmngo In values of htol
cattlu and none occurred At the decllm
fcored c.itly in the week there was an nctlvi
demand fronijjiu dllTercnt classes of buyer >
and the tone of the market wasstcadv at
from $1 V ) to $2 75 for poor to choU o tows s.MK
to $110 for stoekers and feeders. ! ) . - ' " > to } < ) 2'
for shipping and dressed heof steers , tj , ' 5 ti
} l 75 for westerns mil at JI V ) toj.l2)fot IV \ -
tins Importers and uistcin shippers con'il '
have h milled u few more prime beeves than
vvt'ie olTered but of other irr ulcs the supply
was amjito to meet all tequlroments ' 1 he In
quiry for thrifty young steers for feeding
puiposes was again active and thu tendincv
of prices iippiurs to be minimi The cilf
m i rket also show od grout firmness supplies
being rather light Tlioduj's receipts con
sisted of about no u n itlve cattle , .1000 IVans
and 4 OOJ wcstuins The hog market was nut
us nttlvo as on vcstord.iv .mil the day before
Shlppors bought with consider iblo fieudom
butpicuers appealed IndllTetcnl and were
disinclined to piv thu pilecs inline at the
eloso of v estord a v'st lading Thorn wire s i es
at ste id } figures but the ? vveio exceptional.
the average bolng about r > o lower , I'lio best
he ivy suits sold aioiind t" > 10 and choice as
sorted light weights were not wanted atover
$5 J5 Most of the dav s woik w is douo below
} 5 23 or at from tl IX ) ( of i 20 , them being but
little difference In theselllng mice of hoiry
mi dlnm and llu'lit weights dnss Inus were
nut sought for and were a drug at u icdnctlon
from the prleo paid for i orn fed Culls and
lit tie pics sold at ftom J.25toJI 'K ) The market
tlosed ste ulj at the deelint' .
The I veiling lourn il repoits \TTM--Ho- -
colpts , 10,001 ; shipments , 4 , IKI Market ictlve.
sleidi togtrongor ; natives L75fl ( "i ! PoMins ,
JJ2Viil7ri , stockeis , { , ' .10 ® . ' ! ) . ) , tows and hoif-
Hods Uicelpls 2.1000 : shipments.
miirket dull nnd lower ; tough nnd common
$1 5n4 85 ; pickus and inlM-d. S4 MKii5 ( Kl ,
prime heuvv and butcher weights , 1,1 ' ,033,15 :
light $ .50) ) Mi 15
Si i Hp Kecelpts , 10,0)0 : shipments , 2iH ( ( ) :
market lower ; natives fl bO , wcstetns. { 410
© 4 50 , lumbs , . ! . ' > OG-5 W
/ : . > rt > .
1'ioiliiot oT tlicook Sliows n
rlnl ilocrc inc.
CivriNNATi. O ' n [ sptclil Telegram
to Tuntv \ \ J The 1'ilco Current will say
The vvtek's picking In the west Is 140.HOO
ag ilnst 215,000 last > oar and 13) ( JOJ two years
ago I'roni the total Is r > ,110ll)0 ) icalnst
7.4SO.OOO a j o ir ago , a do-io.iso of 2 , 170 0 0 'I ho
total stock of moit In tllu west Is 211,000,1100
pounds of pork , II30.(00 ( b irrols of lard and I'H-
010 tlorces on yeptomber I , as against 4li7.UOO.000
pounds of meat. 401.IKX ) barrels of pork and
M5.000 tierees of inrd on July I. I'ho stocks of
meats Is not cousidoicd uxttsslvo for the time
of the year. Tno p icklng at leading places
compares us follows.
New York Ijivo Stock Alnrkot.
NKVV YOIIK. ' ept 'I ln ( : % Ph Kocoluts ,
S.RsS head , Inclndluir 74 c irs for sale. MaiUi't
lOo per 100 Ibs lower , nallvo stters , JI4I6V 7" >
poi IOJ Ibs ; TOMUIS and Color.idos. $ lWfr ( > ;
bulls and cows. } 1 MI1J4 ' . ' 0 , dressed bouf ste idy
at 7B'iiC ) ] ier Ib ; shipments today. t < 00 beeves
and l.ssiiquiitcrsof beef ; tomoriow,38I Deovcs
and ! > " > sin on.
OAt.vrs Kotelpts , l.hT. ) head : maikolvcaU ;
v eals , J > 00 ® * ! 00 per IOJ Ibs : gr.ibaorb , t. ' OOffi,1 7S ;
OnrterniilU c lives. $ I OXTU.'i i.
SIIKII * Koculpts , ; market stndj :
sheep , J 1.1 ® r > OU per 100 Ibs ; limbs , $ . " > 00 ® "iU " :
dressed mutton dull at 7'jTU'jc ( per pound ;
dressed lambs ste idy atS't ® O'jc.
Hoes KecelptK , 8..M head , conslenod direct :
mm ket nominally sto.idf at $4 U05 00 per 100
Ibs. _
KIUIS.IH City lave btook Sfurkcts.
KAVSAS OITV , Mo , Sent , 0 Cvrrr.E Ko-
coluls , 7.7JO : shipments , 4,7 3 ; marUet steady ;
steers , * . ! 2" > < ? t. ) 00 : cows , , $1 SOtt.1.00 , stockers
and feeders , $ . ' 4WS.I.7" ) .
lions Uecolpts , ( U'K ) : shipments , 1,1 SO ; nnr-
lowoi ; bulk , -IUO50j ; all grides ,
' Hocolpts , 20 0 ; shlpounts , 870 ; mar
ket steady. _
SWEET I'OT \ s-I'orlb.Iia.l'Jc. ' .
CIIAH AI-PLFS 1'er bill , J. 5000 )
CAMAI.OUI'ES i'uriloz. { I.OOnit.SI.
I'f ACHES Callfoinhi Craw fords , slnslo case
lots , ilir ) ; ten eabo lots , jl.15 ; Mlthlg in , per
basket. Me.
GiiAi'FS Homo grown , 10-lb baskets , 40c ;
STi-lb baskets lots , .Ho ; per cr.ite Jl CD
© 1 7r > ; Itoso Peru , JI lf > ® 1.50.
I'KAIIS California Uurtlctt. $ J.7. > SJ.OO ; other
California % arletlcs , . ' r ® i.50
I'I.UMS California , gros and Hungailan
pi lines , } 1 r > 0 ; Uoiman prunes , Jl.'Jo.
Ai'i't.K'5 I'or bbl. { 'M.
Oil \Mies Uodl , $1.10.
WAiLitvtEi.ONb I'liucy Musoatlno , crated , r >
© I7c.
LEMONS Per bert W ; faney Maori , $800.
HANAN I'or bunoh , J. 003 jo for good
nhlpplng stock.
CKAMIKIIUIFS Will bo in market In a few
( lavs Capo Cod per bbl , JJ 00 ; Wlaconbln bell
and bugle , $ /-75.
Omaha Milling comp my Hollance. Patent ,
1'flO ; Invlnelblo Patent , 6) ) ; I.ono bt ir. bu-
nerlntlve , $310 ; bnowfliko , i. ' lOj I'linty
Kimlly. J.'OO
U. T. Davis Mill compuly. No 1 and Cioam
High Patent , l.'Sfti Illuo 1) . nnit Ked IMi-'fi ) .
Lion and llavvkoye , JJ40 ; ISoval No 10po -
clal Patent , tluo ; .Minntsoti and Dakota ,
Patent. JJ'K ) ; ICunsis Hard Wheat. Patent ,
J.M-O : Nobrask.i Str.ilirhts , } J50.
y. 1' . Oilman's Gold MoUl.t.'tQ : Snow White ,
$ > .MI ; bnovvfliiUo. f.MO ; low grade , II lil. Queen
of the Pantry , fJ'H ' ) ; Minnesota bpaculatlve ,
f.'BO ; bran.tlJ.OO ; ehopped toed , J-.UU.
The following quotations represent the which cholto stock Is billed out on
orders unless oil cr\v Iso stated'
ONIONS Homo grown , 40jOo per bn.
( Vi.l HI I'orilor .l"io
TIIMATOI s Per bushel , tl 00.
( 'AIIIIACIF Homo grown , Ic per Ib.
IlEANS Navy , JJMKlt.'O'i per bu.
1'OTATObs I.ooal growers uro Hiipulylng the
demand almost exclusively .it r a.Cio per
bw t J.T POTATOKS Jersey , Ji V ) per bbl.
Country Produce.
roo1 Market ste idy at K/ain'Je. '
Poui/im. Maikot we.vlc. The outsldo on
old fowls and chickens Is Moo and smilt
L'hlcifens have sold as low as { I 75 and good
m/es ut * . " * ? .
Hut i Lit The best country butter , nooil
unoiigb foi city trudo. soils at 15Ql7o ; puckuis'
stock , 1 ! iC. _ _
Sallow and london lined complexions soon
-lvo place to the lovclio-st pink-acul-whlto ,
ivhcn the use of A\er s S.iisapaillla h per-
mh'd In , nnil custnotlcs uiilholy nbaiulonuU
Nothing c'lii couuturft'it the rosy glow of
liorfoct health , u nluti blesses these u ho use
this mndlclno.
_ _
DimiHtroiis AVinok in Ici-lanil.
UONIIOS , Kept 1) ) Advices have been ro-
: clvod of the wrecking of a Grlmsby smnck
,11 , Iceland and tno dtovtnlng of her crow.
Do Witt's Little Hiiriy KISOH , bostpill.
McShane & Condon ,
300 S. 13th f-t. , First Nattoml Banlt DaiU
Ing , Omaha , Neb
Deal In dock * bmli laourltlai i'ivii nr-ri'Ul pi
lor.utc Su itlnt In 1111 01 I n ir > ra I U ui'i ' k ri i
itntu t-lmrt tliim 11 in < ia , banU ituu < , or uln
ipprovcd Lolluturiil vttuurltv
III rr tSxttna * . If you don't bomSrA
CANlUSInwiill > m , l.lo U.C.ll i.,4 " llM < bii. Ulli
ll , HI" Ikdiliui At , fin I ll " t8 > r
lUllimiUUUUlO ( i
Omnha Tout & Awn
ing Oo , ,
1 Ings htitiinnirk < oil nml
rulilioretiitlilim Solid for
cntidoiine lilt l-nrnniit
HAGS A.\l )
Importer * nn I Mntitifnc-
Hour . "k llurlnps ivnil
A. II. Perrijo & Oo M , 0 , Daxon.
1101 Doilue Htro > t ltlcycle otil on monllil ]
Semi for our entlloxno
ami prices rinm t , Omnli
Ackornmn Brothers & llcintze ,
Printers tilnilen , ilmtmtirpcri , blnnk lioik in inu-
Illii llownnl ilrn't , Onmhit
Ohas. A. fou&C'o. ' KirkemlallJoues&Uc ,
Mnmifvtim'M nml Job- \ \ lioli-'iili'Mniiiirni'tiir rs
licri Aircnts for Motion Ilnti-
t > erhue C i Ilir. 1101 ,
lion Honrnnl ulroot atnl IIUI llnrney Ktroct
Williams , Van Aor- W. V. Morsj & Oo. ,
nain & Hnrto "hoc Paitory Corner llth
12U nml Oiinulni H Dniiihii
llnrnor ntreet
Merclinnti Invited tu
Oninim , Null. < nil nnd of\mlao
West & Fritscher ,
Miniifncturcs tlneclcnrs ,
Jobbers of leaf tib-icco
1011 1'iirniui Strcot
Omaha Coal , Ooko & Ooutant & Squires ,
Limo Hnrd mid soft tonl ship
Eagle Oornico Works ,
Mnnnfactureri of
n Ivnnlitd Ironcornlco
Wlmlon caps , melalllo
Rk > Ilk-lit" , clc 1110 nnd
11U DodKO St
J. J. Johnson & Oo. , Oady & Gray ,
2183 r.thbtroet , Lime , cement , etc , etc ,
Omnlin , Neb Cor 9th ivnd Ioiuzlna St *
M. E. Smith & Oo. , Kilpatrick-Kooh Dry
Goods Oo.
Dry /roods / notions , fur- ,
uoo Is Dryeoods notions , cents'
Corner llth nnd Howard cor llth anil Howard Sti
"Wolf Electrical Oo.
Electric Motors
Illnstrnted citnloKUo nnd Dyamos Cntnlo uo
free free II A Klnnpy.din'l
1014 Cnpltol Aronno Aitt , 8.U I N V I.lfo Hid K
Parlin , Orentlorff & T. G , Northwall ,
Martin Oo , , Rcnornl nostorn n cnt
I'low Co
bkuiullii ,
Corner Jonca nml tltli Sis
Uiiiubu , .Si-lj 1111 liil Sliorninn Ave
S. F. Oilman , Omaha Milling Oo , ,
Merchant Millers
1013-15-17. N ICtli Strcot
Olllcunnil Mill 1113 North
P K HlncV - Mnnakcr lull Mntt
Dewey & StDno Fnr- Beobo & Rnnyan Fnr-
uituro Oo , , nitnro Oo.
Successor * to C A llecbo
Furniture nnd cnrpeti , V ( o ,
I115-I11J 1-iinmm Street ( ir.ioo nnd 1 Itli Sts Omnhn
J. T. Rohinsou Notion
( louts' furnlAbln uoods
m f g ( olutirilel bnind
llutkikln ' overalls ,
ptntH Nbirts , r < iats , nle
( or I 'Hi hinl llmuiril ritn
Y A XI ) XO'110.VS.
0. A. Stonehill , I. Oborfuhlor & Oo , ,
Milliner } , Notions do iks linporti r * atul Jobbers lu
I t <
.W . ' 10 nn IJU south llth
1IC-1ISS l , Omnlin Street
Max Meyer & Bro OeM A , IIospo , Jr ,
M f u Jo * eler , de ilori In I'lauos , Artlstt'
UIU ILU ! liiHtriiinent ! , ,
MaterlnN , Ktc.
rnrnnm and It tb I'.U Dnintlm street.
Platt & Co. ,
stori FlHhnnd ttlcrr ,
319 South 10th EC
Oonsjlidated Tank
Line Oo.
Hotlmd nml lulirliMlliin
oils nxlo ( .reuse eta
U I ! Until , Mmmkcr
Ribbel & Smith , Sahroedar & Oo. ,
llonli r In tountr ) prod- Ciub bii > er < butter nnl
mi fruits , vi'iictnblts , ( t-'k'i , mid com-
tie mHlii | ition Imnt *
tie1JO , llowiinl Street. 4ilSouth llth btrccL
Robert Purvis , E. B. Branch & Oo. ,
IJIT Horrnrd hticct I'roiluce , frulti of all
\ \ rltu for prlcoH on Imt-
kinds , ,
lor , IKKI poultry , nml oysters
1 itb and llnrnoy blrootJ ,
Kirschbruun & Sons , Jas. A. Olark& Oo. ,
Ilntter , clicoie , CKKI
Duller , eiwi nnd poultry
poultry nndKnmo
oward Street ClWSoiitli 13th Street
Bates & Oo , ,
Country produce fruits ,
AtMtnble" t-ruurs npo-
ClllltlS ttllH , ItpltLS , CtC.
(17-41J y lllbSt
Carpenter Paper Co. , Omaha Rubber Oo. ,
Curry a full "lock of Mnnufncturcrs nnd Job.
printing , wrappliiK anil bcrs nil kind ) rubbo
wrltlnx iinpor , card pa- Koods
, etc I'.JO I nrnnin St ot.
Emerson Seed Oo , James Hughes ,
Set d growers dealers In Stoves repnlrn of nil kind )
linrden urnss , Kruln nnd Cooks nnd Houlcrd
trto Bieds for xido
l..tli . MIT S nth Street.
M. A. Disbrow & Oo , Bohn Sash & Door Oo
Mnnufncturers of snsli Mnnufncturorsof mould *
iliiuri. blln IM nnd mm , blinds doors , tto.
inoulillnKs Mrimcli of Olllee
tlte , IJtli nml linrd bti Itoom IH llto Iliilldlnsr.
U. S , Wind Engine & A. L , Strung & Sons ,
Pump Oj. ,
IW-i-lWI I urnnm Htreo ,
HnllldaVlml MIIH
U1S nml ' .r.'O lonus Strtut
Onmlm Neb
(1 ( I ItiiKS , titlingmnna 'r
Consolidated OofTeo
Company ,
1414 nnil ItUi Humor St ,
Omnhn Neb
II. Hardy Co. , ThoBruuswiok-
I'oys , ilolls n I b u m n , Balko-Oolloudor Oo , ,
fuller gixuls liiiu'iifnr lllllliinl merdinnilliK *
nl > liliiK KIIO l , tlillil- Haloon llxliircl ,
ren s onrri 1 1 s 407IS ' Illlli Htrtbt ,
I 111) ) I iirnuin Htroet. Onmbn
A. D. Boor & Oo. , Iliiiitor & Groon.
g.6'J KlllllllIKO llllllillllK , uO Hi linniie llullilhit' ,
Honth Oinrilm conth Omnhn ,
Miss r.lln.losopli loft , vosterduy for I.ovo
and , Cole , she ulll tench in
.thools . duriti ) ; the coining j onr.
National Bank
3tlplU\l $ / OOOOd
Surplus oa.OOO
Olllrtrs ami DlrcttomHenry W v.nto , I'roildcntl
: * liH llouil \ Uo 1'ronlilent C H. Mniirlto , VV.
I .Mume , Inliii K ( .ulllin , It U CutliliiK , J M. U ,
i'atrltk , W II H HiiKhen. I inblur
Curnor l.'th anil Haruiiiii riu
General llunkln { lluslniMs TrumiactuJ ,
For hemorrhagea
take Pond's Extract.
. .Nervii Iltnim euro all leiuiil wimkiii In illlijf
er , nttlnit on nerres , Uriilm , "muni urnnni Au 0
IMKiini for InipijU'iiiy nluhily euilmlon * toil
neinary , Hit ilrouuu. uvtriluu to oililr tliiui ,
loitpalil BU bnsii II Nl-illVli IIKAN CO , HuN
uio , N V. tiolm/y Uuoduiau Drug Cu ,