Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 10, 1891, Page 5, Image 5

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_ _ _ _ _
Und of a Long Btruggln Among Chicago
Bpeculatora on 'Obango. '
Cnblnet Mnkcrn Apt to Win In Their
Flulit Tor Hotter \VaKi'H-I'roioHl- |
tlon I'orripnnlHli Hull M litH
CutuAiio , III. , Sopt. 0. (
The wlro * nro to bo roitoro-J to the lloor of
the Hoard of Trade. The matter nas boon
dlicussod quietly among tliu mom Dors for
ncvcral days , but until today thcro wa no
certainty what action would bo taken. This
will oiul n long striiKKlo between the oppos
ing forces among ttio tiiombors and
will bo the mean * of healing
crcat many wounds. The wiroi
vroro taken off the lloor in pursuance of n
policy outlined for the present administra
tion by the members of the board to crush
the bucknt shop ovll. The sentiment which
at one llino was In favor of taking out the
wires U now as strong In favor of pulling
them back again. The change among the
prominent commission inon has boon a
gradual 0110 , forced bv Iho realization
that the taking off of the wires hurtuhu busi
ness tuoro than It did Iho bucket shops ,
IN TUB i.Aiiim woiif.n.
Affairs have taken a turn favorable lo the
trlking rablnottnukur.s. Seine of Iho loading
manufacturers are gutting tired of keeping
tbolr factories closed aud their capital locked
up , and are talking of a I'ompromlso. This
week will see either a sottlomunt otTactod or
measures taken lo wngo determined war all
along the lino. ,
II. MuCormack , local organ'zor for the Car
penters' Hrotherhood , has mapped out n
schema for ofgaul/lng all the carpenters
within u radius of tlfty miles of Chicago.
The world's fair committed on ways and
means hits declined a nropoMtion from M.
Koyes of Madrid , who , fn u letter lo the ex
position managers , says :
My friend Luis Ma/anllnt , the proiulnnnt
bun killer [ In rny opinion tlm first onoj. naked
me If It would bo possllile toKlvo null lights In
Chicago ut tlio oxposltlim tlmti.und I tninsiiilt
to you lis ! consultation In order to havuyour
vuluuhlo opinion.
* The lady bonrd of world's fair commis
sioners , apropos of Iho charges lhal MM.
I'almor had latnpcred with the mlnulcs or
the organization , passed a resolution Intro
duced by Mrs. Logan to the effect llmt "This
board condemns the action ofthoso members ,
and that in the future any member of this
board who causes anything to bo printed or
circulated to produce discord or inharmon-
loui action , shall receive the cen
sure of this body and a potillon will
bo sent to Iho commissioner whom
aha represents lo ask for her resignation ,
ana that another bo appointed us her suc
Collector Chris Mainer Is in Washington ,
ivhero ho will discuss with Commissioner
Mason the project ot adopting the weigniui ;
Instead of tno gauging system now in vogue
In most distilleries. If the scheme is adopted
it will result in culling dawn the force of
Yesterday was Iho First regiment's seven
teenth anniversary and was celebrated by the
regiment mpvlng Into Us magiiiilccnt now
armory at Sixteenth btreat and Michigan
avenuo. The armory Is Iho largest and 11 nest ,
In the country.
A local paper says : At a secret meeting
of tlie board of control of the World's ' Col
umbian exposition hold yesterday afternoon ,
after the national commission had adjourned ,
too following resolution lusuostance was un
animously adopted :
Ilrsolvm ) , Thnt the director Konoral bo In-
utrurlua to petition tlm .secretary of war of
the United Stutos eorurimiont to detail two
competent and ftklllod engineers-one from
the uriny mid one fioiu the mivv--to oxuinlno
nnd report upon the strength of the fmmilii-
tlon und snpotstriiotiiio of the various
worlds fair buildings now In course of con
Whllo the proceoiliiigs of the meeting were
inlonded to bo kept secret the fact leaked
out. The act of the buildings und grounds
committee a few days ago In enlarging Iho
manutuelures and liberal arts buildings , and
adding great annexes lo machinery hall , all
of which had been published , aroused public
attention. Then , the action of the construc
tion department in suspending work on the
woman's ' building and the mines and ir.Inlng
building until tbo foundations had been
strengthened , intonsliled the fooling. Night
before lost the grounds and uulldlng commit
ted held ono of its usual executive meetings
nud authorized the chief of construction to
enlarge and strengthen the foundations of
the blir manufactures and libnral arts build
ing , which rovers thirty acres of ground , to
meet the increased strain on It caused by Iho
change In superstructure. All these facts
rendered the action taken last evening by the
board of control , which represents tbo federal
government as well as the local diroctorv ,
Ono of the commissioners said Ihnt the resolution
elution implied no criticism of the construc
tion department , but the national commission
is roprtMonlatlvo of the federal government
and the various suites wished to make sura
beyond n doubt that no point of safety was
being overlooked.
Hon. John M. Thurston of Omaha , who Is
nt the Grand PaelnV , does not think , fuy
Gould Is the physical wreck that Now YorK
dispatches make him out. Mr. Thurston was
with Mr. Gould on his recent hunting and
tishlng vacation in Idaho and Iho western
states. "I watched Mr. Gould carefully , "
eald Mr. Thurston lo an Evening News re
porter , ' 'and I found no evidence of an un-
uormincd constitution , Ha 11 shed longcrund
liardor than any member ot the party. Then
lie took Inug dally walks , frequently return
ing sunbur.icd and rugged as a minor. Now
bo has returned to New York and the sensa
tional writers have made n mountain out of a
mala hill. The whole matter is Just thiv.
Mr. Gould has an enormous fortune nud ho
lias arrived at that period in lifo when all
sensible , successful busiiioHs men leave Iho
swirl of business caret toenjoy tholrmonoy. "
'How about the great railroad interests !
"Will Mr. Gould continue to direct , bis man
agers ! "
"Ills sons are able to do that. Of course
Islr. Gould may think a certain amount of the
supervision should remain In his keeping. "
The World's fair district is to bo improved
with another largo hotel , for which plans ara
now being prepared. \ \ hlto & Coleman will
recl n building on the southeast corner of
Jackson 1'nrlc terrace und Ilopo street , con
taining In the neighborhood of B.OOO rooms ,
to bo dovolod exclusively to hotel purposes.
This will bo bv fur the largest structure of
this kind in the city. The structure will lie
elx stories high and will cover the outiro
site , which has a froutuiro of 5'5 feet on
Jackson Park terrace by 1125 feo' , on Ilopo
wrsreiix I'Koi'i.r. IK CMIIOAOO.
The following woslorn tieoplo are In lha
city :
At ttio Grand Puclllo Wllllnra Voss , Uo-
dar Kaplds , In , ; IV J. Nichols , Omaha.
At tlio I'almor-I'oior Lombard , O. O.
Modwov , MM , U. O. I'ugh , Cedar Uaplds ,
IB , ; J. V. Craig , Miss Anna Craig , Omaha' ,
Mrs. M , 1C. Jennings , Ues Monies , la.
At thuLolaud Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Clancy ,
Dos Molnos , la.
At the Auditorium L. Drake. D. W.
Archer , Mn. M , Logan , Omiiha ; F. H. Sim
mons , Cedar Knplds , la. ; Mr. aud Mrs. 1J. R
Urcono , lies Molncs , la.
W. V. Kurtz and V. J. Allen of Omaha ,
who have been nt the Auditorium for the
last ton days in connection with a western
land deal of considerable dimensions loft for
borne tonight. p , A.
The Howoscalo took llrst proimctn nt Pnlln
dolphla , Paris , Sydney und othoroxbibitions
Dorden & SellecU Co. , AgU. , Chicago.
Illoody Throe-Cornered Flulit.
SAVAXNAU , Go. , Sopt. 0. A torrlblo trugcdy
occurred at 1'cmbroko Monday , m which
tbrio young mou were mortally wounded ,
two of whom were the sons of IIou , J. D.
Jlrown , ox-ordlnury of Dry an couuty , aud tbo
ether Mr , P. H Patrick , a highly rospccfd
young man. The trouble nruso over a dis
pute between the young Drowns and Patrick
In which they cmno to blows , over a small
settlement bctwuon the parties. The ether
young brother to the ono engaged Interfered ,
trying to seperato Iho parlies , when Patrick ,
mistaking his motive , drew a pistol nnd shot
him. Then all toroo drew pistols and began
to shoot. After idl had emptied their pistols ,
fifteen shots being fired , there lay on the
ground Ihroo voung men , who had boon
friends from childhood up to the tlmo of this
trouble. The physician In attendance soon
after Iho affair occurred gnvo It as his opinion
that all parties will dlo.
A Nrrvc Tonic.
Ilorsford's Acid Phosphate.
Dr. Enhraim Daleman. Ccdarvllle , N. J.
says : "I havn used It for several years , not
only In my practice , but In my own individual
case , and consider It under nil circumstances
ono of Iho best nerve ionics that wo possess.
For mental exhaustion or overwork it gives
renewed strength and vigor to the ontlro
syslom. "
til'Ofl.KIt A HfMUIH' 1'LOT.
Itostoii I'olloo Prevent n .Murder nncl
Hiillcry. )
HOSTOH , Mass , , Sept. 0. The arrest of
James E. Cutler by the Boston police has
spoiled a diabolical schema to murder nnd
rob , and brought to light a collection of In
fernal machines suRlclcnt to blow up half Iho
Cutler's sister married Luther II. Uowo , n
wealthy manufacturer. Mr. Kowo's homo Is
at Melrose , but Ills manufactory Is at HavOr-
hlll. Cutler was angry because his wealthy
brother-in-law refused to advance as much
cash as his extravagant tastes demanded nnd
tried to tnko his life. In 188S ho made the
tlrst attempt and was arrested and sentenced
to two years' imbrlsonmont. As soon as ho
was released ho again laid bis plans to secure -
cure his brother-in-law's > voalth. Ho roomed
on Chambers street , und after his arrest yes
terday the nature of his plot was revealed.
His original plan was to blow up his vic
tim. He laid in a big stock of giant pow
der , nltro-glycorlno , dynamite and n regular
ursenal of llrcarms. In addition to these
weapons ho has many bombs ready for uso.
Ills original scheme was to conceal a bomb
In an umbrella und leave it In Mr. Howe's
hands. Upon rellcctton ho decided that there
was too much danger lo himself in lhal plan ,
so ho abandoned it for Iho plan of blowing up
the house. lut ! that might Involve the do
strucllon of his sister and that scheme was
given up.
Last Wednesday ho conllded his plan to nn
old friend , William Duller. Ho and Duller
had worked logelher In Iho same shop. Ho
asked Butler's assistance In removing Kowo ,
und promised him half of the money that was
expected as a result of tno crime. Duller at
llrst thought Iho whole mutlor was a joke ,
but when ho discovered lliat Cutler was
really bonl on murder und robbery , ho pro-
londed lo approve of Iho scheme in ordnr lo
hold the man's contldonco and Ihon ho re
vealed Iho plot to the police. Cutler's plan
was to ht.vo been put in operation last night.
Ho was at the rendezvous waiting for his
accomplice when ttio police arrested him.
Ho nnd Duller were lo have proceeded lo Mr.
KOWO'H house In Melroso. Duller was lo
ring Iho bull , and It wa anticipated that Mr.
Howe would answer the Doll In person. As
soon us ho opened the door , Cutler was to
shoot him. If ho missed his aim , Duller waste
to open lire. Then , having disposed of Mr.
ilowe , the two were to cover Mrs. itowo wltli
their revolvers und force her lo glvo up all
Iho money and valuables In Iho house. In
case she refused , she , lee , was lo bo mur
Constipation poisons tno blood ; Do Witt's
Little Early 'Risers euro constipation. The
cause removed , the disease is gone.
ERIUI'S Course Sntisfnutory Snnionn
uiut Hawaiian A flairs.
WASIIISOTOX , U. C. , Sopt. 0. Although Iho
efforts of this government to further the In
troduction of American moat producls Into
Europe have not abated as a result of Iho
success of the negotiations with Germany ,
Iho greater part of olllcial at ton lion is now
being directed lo Iho advancement of Ameri
can Interests In the Pacific.
O So ] far as Chill is concerned the Department
of State is much encouraged by Minister
Kgan's cablegram , announcing the establish
ment of cordial ro.atlons between himself
and Iho provisional government. The ofll-
cials of Iho department specially call atten
tion lo Ibc fact that the provisional govern
ment of Chill was not organized until Sep
tember 4 , and on the sumo day it was recog
nized by the American minister , who hud
been instructed by cable to do so. This
action is not u formal oftlciul recognition , but
is all that can bo done by any iiatlon at this
juncture nnd Is In line with the prccodents of
diplomatic practice.Vhon tbo republicans
in Spain in 187 ! ) succeeded in overthrowing
the monarchv , Mr. FUh , Iho secretary of
state , Instructed Mr. Sickles , the American
minister to Spain , as follows : "So soon us
the republican government Is well estab
lished and in possession of the power of
nation , you will recognize it. "
Tins was followed after the election of the
Spanish president by the Issuance of new
credentials to Minister Sickles , nnd so , when
a now president of Chili is elected , Mr. Kgun
will receive credentials of the sumo kind.
Koports are expected to reach ino Uopart-
mcutof State In a few days from Honolulu ,
embodying the announcement of the death of
John Domlnls , the prince consort. Develop-
monls In that quarter nro being narrowly
wnlched on account of the possibility of an
upheaval and the resulting jeopardy of Amor-
lean Intori'Sls.
Such onicinl Information ns has reached
the department from Samoa is indicative of
the existence of n fooling of unrest among
the natives , nnd it was believed to bo politic
to send n man-of-war there. This vessel , the
Iroquois , arrived at Apia n few days ugo.
Thcro U nt present a German man-of-war
there and an English cruiser is expected to
reach Apia In a few davs.
Mrs. Wlnslow's Soolhlng Syrup for Chil
( Iron Teething softens the guins and allays
all pains. ' . ' 5 cents a bottle.
iiiu yufKit iro/uj .1 COHI > MT.
A Centenarian Kxplulng the Cause of
Her IJOIIK I'lib.
EAST MIU.STO.VK , N. J. , Sopt. 9. Mrs.
Sarah Van Nostraud , who Is now entering
upon her 104th year aud Is still halo and
hearty , atlribulcs her lougovlly nnd physical
condition to Iho fact thai she never were a
corset. The halo old lady celebrated the an
niversary of her 10'lrd birthday the other day
at her homo hero. She WHS conceded to boone
ono of the "youngest" In the party , so lively
and sociable was sho. On that occasion she
did not hosltula to make u know thai her dis
obedience of fashionable moss was thu causa
of her halo old ago.
"If our .girls would abandon the corsou , "
said she , "they would live longer and bo
Healthier. I always hated cor&oU and would
never wear ihem. "
She was married in 1810 and during her
flfly-llvo years of married life she gave ulrlh
to eight children. The old lady says she
thinks sbo will live to see nor li'ith year.
The perfume of violets , the purity of the
illy , the glow of the rose , and Iho Hush of
Hobo combine in Pozzonl's wondrous Powder.
With Itnkotti'H llnllrouil Mnddlo.
FAKOO , N. D. , Sept. 0 , Besides Iho lorn-
porary restraining order secured by Iho rail
roads against tbo breaking of car seals fcr
the Inspection of grains by the couimUslonom ,
a bill In vqully bus boon tiled by the Ureat
Northern , which rocllos Inability to properly
inspect at night , and a consequent delay of
trains if Iho law is enforced. The bill says
the orders of the board discriminate In favor
of Iho "Soo" aim Milwaukee roads. The
orders of the railroad commissioners are
claimed to bo contrary to the Intor-stnlo com
merce law. Similar papers were served by
Iho Northern Paclllo ,
DoWlll's Lilllo Early lasers ; only pi)0lo | )
euro sick headache und rogmalo the bo , < is
This IH
HOME , Sept , 0. The Italian government
has sent an agent nn order for 50,000 rilloj to
Ibo Ternl factory and has instructed General
Hlcottl to minutely luspoot the forts iu the
Alpine district.
Chairman Finloy and Olmrltoa of the Alton
Etill QnarretHug.
Another Oncti I/cttor / In Which the
Question of Cutting ItntCH IH Gen
erally OlnciiHird from SOT-
ornl Points.
CutCAno , 111. , Sopt. 0. General Passenger
Agent Charlton of Iho Allen ha written an
other tarl letlor to Chairman Finloy. On
complaint of the Atchhon that the Alton hail
sold tickets lo St. Louis at reduced rales
without charging- ' . " ) cents extra for admis
sion tickets to the exposition , the chairman
authorized nil compolllors of the Alton to do
likewise. In his letlor Mr. Cnatllon say *
among ether ihlngs : "Tbo S.uita Fo letter
to you Is dntea the Ith lust. , und that com
pany had out the rate on Iho 3rd. Your
Inner to mo Is daiod lha 7th and
reached mo on the 5th , nnd wo ,
In consequence of your omission
lo advise us , were doDrlvod of Iho opportun
ity of mooting the cut rates imtilo by the
Santa Fo and sanclionod by you. The
alleged uilvlco lo you Is Incorrect nnd Iho
charge against the Chicago & Alton is un
true. At tbroo of the ion points named wo
do not it'll any llckots and , therefore , cannot
have been guilty of cutting ratoi at these
points. At the other seven polnu our ralos
are ono fan : and onu-inlrd with U5 cents
added for admission ticket. We le.ivo your
lines to perpetuate Iho demoralization , wbilo
wo merely protect ourselves. Your lines
have the honor of forcing the lighting in
crooked ways on every occasion. "
At the mooting of the Western Frelpht
association today it was decided to establish
rates from Evnnsvlllo , Cairo and kindred
points lo the Missouri riper , on tlio basis of
Iho coinhlne-1 locals via Ivan St. Louis.
The southwestern lines convened this after
noon nnd disposed of a number of mailers.
It was agreed to establish the same rates
from Sioux City lo Now Orleans via Kansas
City , that are In effect via the Illinois Cen
tral. A rate of lll o per hundred pounds
was made on sewer pipe from Kansas City
to St. I'mil. and a rate of lee from Kansas
City to Duluth. Resolutions wcro ndoplcd
making the rate on coal from Missouri river
points lo Iho interior Missouri river points
45o loss than the Chicago rail. Many sub-
Joels were passed until the next meeting.
The Alchison. Topeka & Snnla Fo has
again como out on top in Us appeal from a
decision of Chairman Finloy. Some limo
ago a large number of mlloiigo tlckols that
hud got Into Iho hands of brokers were
bought by tdo Hock Island people , who un-
derlook to compel tho.Atcblson to redeem
them at full larifT rates' under a provision of
an ngreomonl. Ttio Burlinglon also pre
sented ono ticket of the ; atnb kind for re
demption. The AVchlson showed that many
of these tickols had been bulletined as irreg
ular nnd refused to reilcum them.
Chairman Finloy decided that they
must nil bo redeemed whereupon an appeal
was taken to arbitration. ' 1 rafllo Manager
Murray of the Big Four , General Passenger
Agent Shattuc of the Ohio & Mississippi
and Vice Chairman Donald of Iho Contra !
Trafllc association were chosen as aroi-
Thejsubmllled a decision loday reversing
the rulings of Chairman Flnley und deciding
that the Atchlnson could not bo compelled to
redeem any tickets.
The agreement reached last week by the
Interested lines to advance the passen
ger rates from Cincinnati nnd Ohio
river points lo the Paclllo coast
has already been knocked lo pieces.
General Passenger Agent Shatlucof thoOhlo
& Mississippi has given notice that ho will
continue lo make Iho Chicago rale apply from
Mitchell , Ind. , on Paclllo coast business and
lhat from Cincinnati ho will make the same
rate per mile to the Missouri river for basing
purposes that is now in effect from Chicago
to Kansas City , referring to thu 41 rate. Tno
rnto clerks had already met to check up Pa
cific coast rates on Iho agreed basis when
Mr. Shattuc's announcement caused them 10
adjourn without action. The situation ro-
mulns as It was before the ttio conference.
Do Witt's Litllo Early Ulsers for Iho Ilvor
See the two thiovus iu "Eriuiuio" ut
the Grand opera liouso.
Thomas W. Keene , supported by a very
able company , appears in elasslu and historic
repertoire ut the Uoyd for four performances ,
commencing this oveninj , ' . The opening play
is Bulwor's ' great state play , "Uichollou , " In
which Mr. Keene gives n very thrilling per
sonation of the crafty cardinal-statesman.
Many of the world's greatest actors have ap
peared In this Dart , but none huvo mot with
greater cucccss In It than Mr. Keotio. For
Ibo remainder of Iho week Ibo bills will bens
ns follows : Friday evening , "Louis XIj"
Saturday mutineo , "Merchant of Venice ; "
Saturday evening , "Ulchard HI. " The ad
vance sale of seats has been very largo , und
Indications are that Mr. Koouo's Omaha en
gagement will bo very largo.
It is always a pleasure to announce the
coming of that sterling artiste , Patli Hosn ,
for Iho bare announcement carries with it
assurance Uiut n performance of superior
merit will bo scan. An especial degree of
Interest attaches lo horonfrugomoiitatBoyri's
new tnontcr , opening next Sunnay night , In
the fact lhat she will produce an entirely
now play and ono that has been written
especially lo meet her line of talents. Its
tltln is "Dolly Vardon , " and Paul Kosa will ,
of course , enact the ttllo role. The character
is that of a bright and bewitching American
girl whom circumstances have sent to Eng
land to become a member of the family of nil
English curate. Miss Uosa has a part In
which she clullphts und It Is safe lo say lhat
she will delight her many admirers. Iinr
company is an exceptionally good ono.
In response ion popularuomnnd "Krmlnio"
will continue to hold the boards at the Grand
until Saturday evening , when "Olivette"
will bo put on and will bo ronuatod Sui'day
night. The opera has mudo n decided hit and
Is being largely attended. It goes with a
dash and swum that Is delightful , and all the
minor parts are tilted Into their places and
work smoothly. Next week tno company
will plav iholr roporlolro , Including "Grand
Duchess , " giving u different opera every
evening. The management is now pulling In
Iho new sounding board In iho celling , which
will bo Hnishod next week , making Iho house
as nearly perfect In accoustics us it is possi
ble to muko n theater. The ladles' reception
room is now HnishoJ and handsomely fur
nished nnd the foyer has neon newly car
peted , malting It additionally cozy ,
Lincoln J , Carlor's sconia production ,
"Tho Fast Mull , " which will bo presented -
sontod at the Farnani street then tor this
evening by nu excellent company , is ono of
the most successful plays put on tbo stao In
recent years. The story Is thrilling , and
Justice Is done thu startling and roiillstlo
scones by a perfection of mechanical uffoots.
The attraction at the Furuani Slroot theater -
ator next Sunday evening will bo tbo success
ful play , "Master und Man. "
The Eden Musoo presents this week many
good features , Lizzie Sturgeon , the armless
pianist bomg the favorite , Tno ludy snake
chnriuer and two big siago shows 'aro the
moans of drawing peed houses. Friday will
bo ladles' kouvonir day.
Do Witt's Little harly tdsorj ; bou llttlo
pills for dyspepsia , hour slouiaah , bad breath.
"OHvotto" next oponi nt the Grand
npuni liousu , Saturday und Sunday ovon-
ings. ,
' 'hnrgod \ \ Ith Arnon.
At 3 o'clock on the morning of July 21 ,
1SIK ) , a grocery store belonging to Abe Gan-
noier and located at the corner of Leaven-
worth und South Tenth streets was discov
ered on tire ,
Thn loss on stock was considerable conoid-
orlug the size of ttio store and by remarks
dropped bv .loino of thmnolghbon It was sus
pected that the pluco tuid boon tlrod.
The Insurance agenU ( pole up Iho mutter
am ) thoroughly InvoUirUtod the c.vio. Yes
terday afternoon ( lanniUcrvai arrested and
charged \vlth arson , .J' of the Interested
parties will talk about tlm m tutor.
A very small pill , bu&nwery good ono. Do
Witt's Llttlo Early Klsors.
Kvorybody lui ; hs. < U the Grand oponi
honsu. "linnlnio.- ,
They Kxprrm Tliolr Qplnlons In Very
Diioltlcil Ijiiiiniinu .
WoitCESTKit , Mass. , Sopt. -Tho I ) prohibi
tion state convention was called to ardor this
morning. W. H. 1'nrtrldgo wa temporary
chairman. On taulng the chair I'urtrldgo
addressed the convention at great length. At
lha close of the chairman's address , many
ethers wcro made , and the coinmlttoo on
resolutions reported.
The platform usialls tbo liquor t radio In
the usual manner nnd calls for Its absolute
suppression ; denounces high license , and da-
mands the dissolution of tbo "partnership
now existing bauvtcn tno government ,
national und state , and the rum power ; "
points out to supporters of missions that the
tbo port of Uoston Is foremost in iho ex
portation of rum lo "Darkest Africa , " and
Ihnt iho tralllo was douolcd during the past
The seventh plank Is as follows :
\Vo doplnro thu depth of degradation to
which tlio Department of Sta'.o lias doscundnd
In becoming : i "ilrniniiiur" In furolgn luiuN for
Hit ) ItcurToids nf tills country. Add to this
thi'Mu other fauta thu refusal to nnlto with
th r Millions In : L iruuty for Iho Hiipprustlon
of > ho stavu Irutlo and mm tnitllu In Afiluu ; n.
president WKI | Iliuls IIvo kinds ot wlnu nucoa-
sary for his ollldal buniiiut | ; a vlrtv-prosldunt
who applies for u lliuor | llcunsii for Ins ' \Shoru-
liuin ; u sunfilo that will not l.unlsu thij liar-
room from Us Klin ; of the uupltol , und uluiuso
that stfuniiles all Inquiry Into Iho fuels of the
llijnor trulllu anil wo have u purfout dniiioii-
stniUon nf Iho eoniploto domliiitnuy of the
mm pouer In our national alTalis and of tlio
HluvUh snbsorvlency of our puhllisorvunlslo
lls liuhosts.
The romudies which iho party proposes nro :
prohibition bv the state ami national author
ity of the manufacture , Importation und ex
portation , transportation , or sale nf alcobollo
beverages , and the election nnd appointment
of oflU'lals , executive , lepislatlvound Judicial.
In sympathy with , and who will on force
prohibition. Tlieso ends , ihcy bollovc , are
attainable only through a party organbed for
Iho purpose. The platform also favors the
appointment rather than the election of pros
ecuting olllcers for tbo sumo reasons that
judges nro upnolntlvn , and declares In favor
of female suffrage and a strict enforcement
of the civil service law.
Charles H. Klinball , Lynn , was nominated
for governor bv acclnmulion , Augnslm H.
Smltn for lloulunnnt governor nnd Alfred
W. Uichardson of SprlngUold for secretary
of stato.
Only two moro nights of "Krminlo , "
tonight nnil tYidivy nijjht. 'Grand opera
The September lerm of the counly court
opened yesterday morning with 'i > 0 cases
on Iho docket. On the call 101 of these were
sot for trial. -
A. J. Bolleiio , an unrogenernto vng and
constitutional bum , was .sent up by Judge
Helsloy for ton days , the tlrst and last live
on broad and water. <
Charley Gees , ox-juultor of the city jail , is
behind the bars for stealing a box o ( cigars
from Powell's saloon nt Fifteenth and Jack
son , whore hn was employed as cuspidor
George Adams has been wonting for
George Brcnmin of the Eagle house lately.
Tuesday night ho skipped , taking with him
n revolver belonging to Brennun. Dotocllvo
Vizard nrreslod Adams yoslorday nflornooti
and charged him with petit larceny.
City Clerk John Groves does not take
kindly to the idea of the democratic councilmen -
men dictating the nano | of his deputy. Mr.
Groves snld today that hi ) would never sub
mit. Ho would apnoiut a man who would be
satisfactory to him , biit would never lot the
democrats run the otllce.
J. W. Ivors reported to the police last night
that a light overcoat , a rubber coal , boots ,
shoos und sotno ether articles of wearing ap
parel were slolon from the South Omaha Ice
company's barn at 14 Leavonworth some
time during yesterday afternoon. The Ihlof
is supposed to bo u discharged employe.
Many old times in Omaha will recall Pat
MoHugli , who in the o.irly ' 70's managed an
Irrigation ranch on Ninth street when that
was the only ttiorousrhfnro to the depot.
Later , during the Bl ck Hills boom , ho be
came niavor of Doadwnod. Now ho Is mayor
of LangJon , S. D. , was a member of Ibo lost
legislature of fiat tate and is reputed to bo
quito wealthy.
Do Witt's ' Little Early Risora. Best little
pill ever mado. Cure constipation over/
timo. None equal. Use them uow.
Iron Foundry CollnpscH.
LKI'.DS , Sopl. 0. Will's ' Iron foundry hero
collapsed today. Two children were lilllod
nnd iwo olhors are dying from the effects of
[ njuries received.
Buy It ! Drink it ! Whan ! Why Cook's Ex
tra Dry Imperial Champagne. Once tried
always preferred. Absolutely pure.
W. J. Cook of Blair Is at the Casey.
J. F. Kendall of Superior Is nt the Casey.
W. C. Brooks of Beatrice is ut the Mlllard.
Thomas F. Lasch of Lincoln is at the Mur
ray.II. . B. O'Lynn ' of Chadron Is at Iho Mur
John C. Love of Plattstnouth is at the Del-
J. E. Stauffcr of Grand Island is nt the
George A. Austin of North Phitto Is at the
Henry Houseman of Broken Bow Is at the
F. C. Ilnnafod of Grand Island is at the
John H. Tnompson of West Point Is at the
Miss Kate Glllmoro has gene to Burling
ton , IS. J.
J. S. Osborno and wlfo of Geneva are nt
the Murray.
Mrs. F. B. Glllmoro left lost evening for
Topeka , Kan.
Mr. John Grant has returned from a busi
ness trip oast.
A. B. Dolwlolor nnd Yoager of Yutnn nro
nt the Casey. " "
Mr. and Mrs. U. J. IC"llpatrick of Beatrice
are at Iho Puxlon.v
Hon Frank P. IrolnW'tnayor | of Nebraska
City , is at Iho Pax ton i
D. \Vheolor , T. R-neopor and J. J. Lou-
don of Ponder nro nt the-Dollono. -
George H. Crosby , general freight agent of
the Burllnglou , . Chicago yesterday
Mr. C. M. Palmer , busies ? manager of the
San Francisco Examiner was in the city
yestordny. "
Uov. A. W. Lamnr "of the First Baptist
church , arrived homo vostorday afternoon
with his family via Iho Fremont , Klkhorn &
Missouri Valley railroad.
W. II. Kent , the woll' known newspaper
man , formerly of Om'nlm , has resigned his
position ns editor of the Laramle Republican
nnd will bo succccdodi 'by .1. C. Crawford of
Omaha. Mr. Kent wllltrumain In Lnrnmlo.
T. S. Godfrey , the well Known passenger
ngont of the Missouri Pnelllc , returned homo
yesterday morning , accompanied by his
family , from a mouth's visit to tholrotd homo
in Philadelphia , During Iholr trip the visited
Ocean Grove , Long Branch and oibor polnls
on the coast.
When Ilahy wa-s lick , we garo her Ca torla ,
Wliun she WM a ChlM , she cried for Castorla ,
When she became JIU.S , * ha clung to Castorla ,
When iho had CliU Jrun , the c vo thuiu Castorlx
In our Men's department has started in with a rush. Never since we opened our store have wo
sold so many fine suits during the first week in September as we sold last week. We've got
the goods , we've got the styles , we've got the quantity , and what's more to the point we've got
the Prices. This week we open on our second floor an entire new stock of Boy's
clothing. When we say entire new stock , we mean it. We didn't carry over a single suit
from last season. Every suit we are showing today is new this season. We intend to double
our trade in boy's clothing. We've got the goods to do it with. We've bought immense quan
tities. We've bought them right and we intend to make prices on them that have never been
made before.
396 knee pant suits at $1.OO ,
Made in handsome brown plaids , in tasty styles , ages
four to fourteen.
278 knee pant suits at $1.65.Made
Made in neat pin checks , in a variety of colors , in
tasty styles , ages four to fourteen.
295 knee pant suits at $1.75.Made
Made in handsome stylish stripes , with double
breasted coats , trimmed with soutache braid , ages
four to fourteen.
75O knee pant suits at $2.50.Made
Made in strictly all wool cassimcres , in five very hand
some patterns , ages four to fourteen. These arc the
best suits ever sold at the price and are worth fully
four dollars anywhere.
325 long pant suits at $2.25 j Splendid wearing School Suits in three
375 long punt suits at 2.So ' pieces , Coat , Vest and Pants , ages ten to
250 long pant suits at 2.75 ] thirteen.
Strictly all wool suits in three pieces , Coat , [ 2f > o long pant suits at $4.00
Vest and pants , in a very handsome assort- j 250 long pant suits at 4.25
ment of coior.s and styles. [ 250 long pant suits at 450
sovrn .itin.i.
. , . .
Two I'rctty
St. Agnes' church was the scoue of two
very protly weddings yesterday morning.
The contracting partial were City Clerk
John Kvnn und Miss Mury Corrigau , sister of
County Cotnmissionnr Corrigan , nnd Oftleor
Larry O'lCeofo and M. Teresa Dwyor. Mr.
J. H. Fleming nnd Miss Anna Cerrignn acted
us best man and bridesmaid respectively for
the llrst named couple , Mr. .lames Parks and
Miss Nellie acttni ; in the same capacity for
Mr. O'Kcofo nnd bride.
Hov. D.V. . Morlartvcelohraledlhonuplial
mass and lied Ibo bonds. Tbo church was
beautifully decorated with rnro exotic plants
and ( lowers , and the full choir rendered
Mozart's twelfth mass.
Miss Corrigan were an elegant wlno
colored silk trimmed with black laco. In her
hands she carried a bouquet of Marochal
Nell roses and lilies. Miss Dwyer was arrayed
in garnet silk.
After the ceremony wedding breakfasts
were served to the guests of bolh huppv
pairs al Iho residence of Iho brides. Twenty-
lourtb nnd Q and Twenty-sixth and F. They
were the recipients of manv elegant pres
ents. Mayor Slouuo and all the city ofllctals
were present. Messrs. Hyan nnd O'Keofe '
and their brides lenvo this evening for nn extended -
tended tour of the wesl , slopping at Denver ,
Salt Lake , Seattle und Butto.
Assignment oCTi-uolior * .
Following are ino assignment of teachers
In Iho public schools for the en nlug year :
High School \V. J. Taylor , principal ;
Helen Seeloy. nsslslant nrinclpal ; Miss llnl-
ilo Moore , sixlh grade ; Miss Agnes Hoffman ,
llfth grade ; Miss Mabel Silver , fourth crado :
Miss Mary Lohorn , Iblrd irraJo ; MIsses
Luella Erion und Bli/a Gibbs , second grade ;
Mrs. L. W. Hald nud Misses Alice Havens ,
Clara Davis and Ilopo Hornuy , first grade.
Third Ward Miss Els > io Hurlmnn. princi
pal ; Miss Lena Cilbson , fourlh grade ; Miss
Margaret A. O'Toole , Ihlrd grade ; Miss
Mary Garrlhan , second grade ; Miss Mary
H. Liltle , ilrst grado.
Albright Miss Luvena Jones , principal ;
Miss Eflio Sampson , second und third grades ;
Miss Mary Elgin , llrst grade.
Fourth Ward Jennie Allen , principal ;
Miss Nora Cox , assistant.
West Albright Miss Sarah Shields , prin 1
cipal ; Miss Sophie Cleveland , assistant
Brown Park Iviiss Sadlo Finloy , princi
pal ; Miss Kale Kyan , asslslanl.
Missouri Avenue Miss Nellie Hughes.
Miss Kalio Gregory , suhjllluto ; Miss M.
A. Davis , special drawing ; Miss Emma
Wood , special music.
Slmop Skliinlnj ; Challenge.
Frank Compton not having covered my deposit -
posit loft with the South Ornahi roprosonta-
tlvoof Tim BEK on August 21 , nor accepted
my challenge of Unit date I hereby claim Iho
lltlo of champion of Nebraska for skin
ning sheep and stand open to defend Iho
same acninsl any person uud all persons now
in iho sluto. IK dofonco of my lillo I horobv
challenge any man in Nebraska lo contest
with mo in skinning sheep for u purse of
$101) ) to $ y.r > l > . and huvo dnuositod with TUB
Bui : a corlllled chock forSJSO This challenge
will remain open until U o'clock Sulurdny
night , September IU.
On behalf of William H. Crawford , cham
pion sheep skinner of Nebraska , wo hereby
challenge Frank Compton to a sheep skin
ning contest with William H. Cruwford on
the following condllions : That Crawford
will sltlii six sheep while Compton skins live
for&iOund Iho loser lo pay tor the sheep.
Against tlmo. A ? i5 check has been depos
ited with Till ! BKK nnd Iho challenge will re
main open till Saturday night , September 11) ) ,
nt U o'clock. WUIOIIT & Mi DKIKI. . .
Independent Dolomites.
At the meeting of the South Omaha Inde
pendents held in Blum's hall Tuesday evening
the following delegates and alternates were
appointed to attend iho counly convention
to bo hold In Omaha , Saturday , September
12 : / . P. Hedges , P. A. Barrett , Samuel P ,
Brlghnm , D. P. Iloth , 1C. Tomplolon , T. G.
Laur , G. W. Hoyworth , C. L. Coo , U. A.
Forsyth , C. Goryo , H. Hussell , T. G. Smith ,
S. D. Uynorarson , D. F. Buyllss.
AltornntcH II. H. Miller , A. H. Adams ,
John D. Loo. O. H. Tubbs , L. G. Noff , John
Ulnwdon , John Buxtor , J. M Fowler , E. E.
Polslnv , C. P. Davis , W. Beckett , W. J.
Temple , and J. W. Bolleau.
NntcH About the City.
E. D. Swan of Salt Lake City was in town
tills morning.
Miss A. O'Brien of Chicago , U the guest ot
Mrs. John Irwln of Brown Park.
W. Beak , wife and son of Clayton are the
guosis of Mr. und Mrs. W. L. Holland.
Commissioner Corrigan returned from Den
ver yesterday much Improved in health.
Councilman O'Kourku Is Iu Lincoln regis
tering the city's grading and paving bonds.
Atlornoy Farnsworlh and faintly loft for
Blair this morning to bo uuscut several
Cigarmakers' union < 1T will meet In Turner
hall this nvoning to elect otllcers for the en
suing year.
The lump Jawed steer had an Innings at the
yards yesterday , .six being condemned by Inspector
specter Howard.
A very enjoyable sociable was given al ino
FirU Presbyterian church last evening by
thu ladles of the parish. ,
James 1 * . Murphy und his brother Michael
of ihe Union stock yards were called to Chicago
cage last night by the death of their father.
Mrs. J. L. Martin , wlfo of Agent John L.
Martin of iho Hock Island , nnd Mrs. E. D.
Walker are attending the state fulr at Lin
Frank Long , Infant son of Martin Long ,
Twoiitv-tliird unu S streets , died last night
and will bu hurled at I o'clock this afternoon
m St. Mary's cemetery.
Young People's Society of Christian
Endeavor of the First Christian church will
glvo a social ut Mrs. Hovers , 1C and Twonty-
llfth streets , tills afternoon.
Arthur Adams , son of City Atlornoy
Adams , who was shot in the face last Sun-
dav. Is doing nicely. Fragments of glass en
tered his o.vas and proved very painful.
The Ladles' Relief Corps of the Episcopal
church gave a supper last evening al the va
cant room on N and Twenty-sixth. Quito a
sum was realised for sweet charity's sako.
The Catholic union , a now society , mot last
evening at Blum's ' hall to period an organi
zation. It Is n boneUelnl Insurance society
and already numbers soventy-ilvo members.
T. J. Hill of Grconllold , In. , was n visitor
at the yards yesterday. Ho is on his way west
to his farm In Filmoro county , and us ho In
tends to locate iu Nebraska slopped off lo see
bis future market.
Si. Agnes' parochial school opened yesterday
The Sisters of Providence from St. Mary's
of Iho Woods , Ind , , nro in charge. The
coin-so of sludlos bus been lengthened and
porfecled. There are 200 pupils In ullend-
anco and everything gives promise of a splen
did year's ' work.
The Century club of Iho Trcaly of Limer
ick will nold a [ tooting in Young Men's In
stitute hall , Saturday evening at Ti : : ( ) to com
plete arrangements for. the celebration of
lhal event , which will bo hold In Boyd's ' Now
Ihcalur , October 14. Some of the most elo
quent speakers Iu Nebraska have been iu-
vlted lo participate. The committee on ar
rangements P. J. King , Emmet Tlinoly ,
Martin McIConnn , Joseph Brcen , John G.
Irvin and Patrick Shoohy.
For restoring the color , thickening Iho
growth , nnd beautifying Iho hair , und for
provunling baldness , Hall's Hair Uonowor
Laughter and applause the ruling foil-
tnro at the Grand opera liouso. It is
"Enninio.,1 .
Kail Suits.
The Commercial National bank has brought
suit to recover $ . ' 1,000 from W. K. Harding
The potillon charges lhat the defendant has
absconded. His property which Is in the
hands of Sloan , Johnson & Co. , nnd Puxtou ,
Gallagher &Co. has been attached.
Marie P. McCaguo has brought suit and
asks to bo divorced from her husband , Will
iam. She charges cruelty ,
Annie Hamilton has appealed from the
action of the city council In ordering the
grading of Sprairuo slreot from Thlrty-
Ihlrd lo Thirty-fourth und will nsn Iho
court lo say that the work shall not bo done
this year.
Judge Davis has granted George Smith a
writ of habeas corpus and will hoar argu
ments tomorrow afternoon. Smith has boon
contlncd In tbo city Jail.O
"Olivotto" Saturday and Sunday
nights at the. Grand oponi houbo.
.Moro Trouhlo for Jlallor.
OOiror Meals was called upon to arrest
Fred Hallor again yesterday afternoon. This
time the prisoner was charged with being a
suspicions character , but in reality he was
locked up for spiriting away n sowing ma
There was a machine nt the Hood house ,
1017 Chicago strool , whore Hnllor boarded ,
nnd In some way ho obtained possession of it
against the wishes of Iho agent.
The article was dually located nnd the
police notillcd lo arrest tno youncr man and
nave iho mailer sotllpd in court.
I'lnypil with Mntuhos.
An alarm at 12i50 : o'clock was caused by a
lira In a stable owned by Al. Urick at 1018
North Twoniy-foiirth slreel , and occupied by
Charles McCloud.
The hlazo was started by a little girl who
was playing with malchos. The building
was destroyed. Loss $100. A span of miilos
belonging to Mr. McCloud were somowhal
scorched , but wcra not seriously Injured.
Ant ( CM nf flvf. Him nr Itn nn > ler tltlx Itcittl , fifty
ftiitt ; tacli atliltttnnal line ten cent * .
DAKlUS-IMwIn , mm nt Mr. und Mrs , R 11.
Wither. Funeral from tlmlr resilience. .U7 !
south I'ftrunth Hlirnt , this afternoon ut 'J
o'ciouk. Knunds Invltud.
IIAUKETT Thomas , aired L 2yonrN Tni'Mluy
evening at blNin : of Thomas and Mar-
carol llarrett. Tlio funmal today at'J p , m.
from family residence ) , hmith Mil In street ,
Florence , Nob. Interment I'orc&t I.uwn
Vanilla - ° ' portoot purity.
Lemon - Of aroat strength.
AfmondI Economy ln tholr U9 °
Rose etc.r ) Flavor no doltcatoly
and dollclously no the fresh fruit
I1ho Best Till On Enrtln
III' . IIobk'H
Vegetable I'll Is act
Roiilly yet promptly oa
Iho LlVIiH , KID.
I < Vver and
clonuslng the lyiitein thor
oughly nnd they cur *
habitual oonntlimtlon.
They are PUfinr contud.
i vjVlUtV Jf.l do not grlpo , very
< amt $ $ & % sK " " " > " ott'y tu tai ° . ° < " >
2 Mfff > pill n UOBO , and are
purely vegetable. i > lllnlnonch vlnl. per.
Wk dltftistlon follows th ' ! r u o. Tluy AI1SO *
mdare llfooiiiliu'iidod by LviKlliiK l'liy
llclmiN. 1'orBnloliy ilniKK'nt" ' "r fcuut liy uiul.
f coutn u vlnl or 5 for } 1.00. AddruM
'fin Francisco , Cal. Chicago , lit
Itnlin A Co , Cor. i.MIt nnd Douulns Ht < .
J A. Fuller \ Co. , Cor. lull mid Douvlna H .
A I ) . Kostur A Co. . Council ItlulTa In.
He Offer 1'ou
tr/ilc/t In.inra * Hufety toile
il/o of Mother nnil Chilli.
Jtoln Confinement of It *
1'itln , Horror nnil Jtlgle ,
AfteritslngonnboltlHof "Mollinr'H 1'rlrnd" I
titlen'd Imt IUtluintiiunililld | not uxpurlviiuu that
weukni'ns afterward Iu micli CIUHM. llm.
ANMK OiOK , Luniar , Mo. , Jan. 15th , 1SI1.
Sent by cxprvu. elinrKcn propnlil. oil ii-colntol
prluoS1.50 | > ur lioltlc. Hook to UullierHinalU > il free.
1IUAI > 1'IKI < H ita-XJUI-A'l'Olt CO. ,
Pltnploa on the Faoa |
Breaking Out | j
Skin Troubles | ;
Llttlo Bores ; Hot Skin ) i
Bolh I Blotctoa ) !
Cold Sores | Bad Breath | j
Sort. Month or Lips | ;
If yuu ufrfr from PUT of j
thnio iijrinptuiii * , t k i
ll f you ever used marcuryl It so , did you ;
glvo rour > eC ) the nccHlril attention nt Iho tlmo I.
We ni'oit not tell you fiat you ruqulro Wood . . ;
inudlc'no ' , toomuro fri lnm ftoiii the uftrr of.
Cocti l > r. AcUrr'n Knullih lllo.icl l.llilr 11 tliu . :
only known inwliclno U t will thorouKhlr eradl. ;
catS tlio poison from tno 'Vin'11'1l".1'.twf,5olt1 ' :
ynurilrwuljt. or wrlto to W. II. IlooiiKII Ae :
( . 43 Weit llroiul"uy , New 1 ork < Ilty
] < > ,
. . . . i. . . . . . .mi .1. . . . !
I1Y KUIIN & OO. iinrt HIIEIt-
MAN .t Mel'ONNiiU : Omuha.
Mlmnlatntlintorplcl Ilvor , HtroiiKtlifii tlm
illgontlvo orj ; > iiiH , rcgilluto tliu LMVUK | , mill
am mit' < | imli > il an nn
Anti-Bilious Medicine.
l. DomiHinnll.
itH cent * . < ) lllr . : iO > A ; .Jl I'arU 1'liicii. N. Y-
: DOCTOR These Ctilohmtwl U.VDLINII"
I'lllioronr.i.Ulvu Cure fur Hlfk ;
lAGKER'S Hradnclie , lllllouinc * ! , and !
C'onillputlon. Pmull , pi cm. I
I PURE nut aud u fuTorlto with the !
llei. Sold In England for ! > .
il. , In Ainerlc * for U3r. Got ;
Uiom from your I > ri > f lit9 , or ;
> oixl to W. II. liooiiru * ( O. , ;
PILLS. 4H nut , Kiw Tort. ;
in1.1 > . . . , . . . . .I
For Sale hy KUIIN & CO. und SIIKR-
llan Line
Montroiil Mini Qiinlxm to llorry anil Liverpool
di Mn t.'J ) to JiU. nrriirillnK to mciiuior nnil locution a
Into room , liilurmiullntuiind etcariiKunt low rntci
NO I'A'm.K CAltltlUII.
l = i
Now York and ( iiiuu'iw ' vlii Ion < limdurry tvorj
Oft I , HTA'J'K 01' NKIIUAHKA , 8 OA M
Pnbln MA ill" llulurn MS. Mi'i'riuo H'J ' Al'l'lyto ' '
Al.l.AN \ CO. t lilfUK" ! M. K MIIOUKH , Wslmsll
Tlckc'toill u.V. . K VAII , , llurllniftun Ticket Olllco.
In < JI H K. OthCM In
rninpnrUon urn tlow nr
II I'onr rnt < . Ho.
H vt i.
fl Centrally II All thn t
Ix > cato < l V Iliiir | toiueiiU ,
'llroiulwuy & tut. SI. , Nmv York.
Corner | llh nnrt Mnnoii Mtriiiiti. llnlf blnuk trait ot
t'nlon 1'iiclllo nnd M A M DupuU.
New biillilliiK lie * furnliiiru , uvory tli fu link
clan * , coiiloit liicntlcm III Oumliu , vluw of uutlra
inrrounilliu oiiiintry , uu iMtholoctrlo cull hulls uta
UIDI , II. IU und II M. Kvurr Unu of ( wililu nil I mutoi
Ar , IIA M wlllilu uno Uloclc , ukojit riliurtu'k t Avouiit
id luruconi I'urir lluu. 1 bluofci away and you < Ui
Irttnifui to tlmao If > yu