THE OMAHA DAlJjir JL5EW , WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 0 , 1801. SPEGIKLNOTICES , L IIVKHTIHKMKNTrt KOIl TIIKHK COUJM.N9 A wilt lie tnkcn until 1J : . ' ) p , m. , for the orcnlnK ind until 8:110 : p , m. , ( or tnt > m' ' rnlnj or Hundnr cdl- Ali ncTcrtliTinont | In thenc columns Jccntu n wnnl nritlnnvrtlon nnd IK contu n word llipronftnr. or n ix-r line I.IT month. Nn ndtRrtlncnirnt tnkpn for | r a Itiiin2. ' > cpiitii for tlio nmt Insertion. Term * oi h In ndTRitri' . Inltlnln , tliturp * . * rml > ol * , Ptc. . rncli lonntno n word. All RdvpftlvjmoriU mint riincun- iccullrclf. Advprllncru , 1 > 7 rpqucstlnir 4 numliprpd ehPCV.pftii Imvo Iholr ni > Kprii nddrp" Pd to n iiuin- bcrcd luttrr In earn of TIIK HKK. Ainworn no ml- " 111 bo dallrdrpd on proaentvtlon or inn rmXNcii oKTiiJKAirvKiiTinTs KoTt'rfwK Jiroliimii" will l > n tiikrn on th ntioto rondlMonn Uliofollowlniiliiiiilncn h' > ii oi , who uro nutlmr- ltp < l to Inmupcclnl noticed nt thu tania rate * IM can Lft tmd nl Ilia main onlrn : Routh ( iiiMlin Ilrnn-li Onioc-No. 2G2.1 N dtrcct , I,1 Irr block. John W Unit , plinrmnclnl. Illh nnd Mnnon ulrpPtn. H. It. Parnnwnrth , 1'hnrninclsl. tllJCuinlnR lroul. W..I. Iluirlip . rimrnmplnt. "U " N. 1Mb utrppt. C. 1' . KAtterllold , Plinrinuclsl , 113 U'Hrcnwortli trcpl. IliiKhPfl' I'lmtmncj' . Iltli niul Knrnnm. SITUATIONHWANTKI ) J'rf antrt , tie. , nrftiwnf rrt fnltimn onIM ( i-tiy. A HOTii : > C < XKi ) AM AIIO tlN I M AN WITlt r fi'rcnroi cltf or country C. T. ltc olllrp r < iiin- ell llluiT . .M.tM IZ. -SITUATION WANTKII IIV A I.ADVTO WOUK morn nn DTO for board nnd room. Addrcn * A 27 , M. 311 8 WANTHD MAI K IIK } ortttttf , elf . , tee lt > of 'id rnfiinin on 1/iM > M// / \VANT'lf "A"IK ) ? " WITJI A flOOl"pONV TO dallTor nrouto on thu llnllr lieu. Applr * I1- m. AIWi B -WANTKII. A r'lllHT CLASH IIOUHK HIIOKIl. Apply to Shnmhlpii & Hrntt. N hctwni-n TiTcnty- nnd Twunty-suvcnth utroctn. aouth iimnlin. MUST 10 * 7-Afll"NTM. : . TO 110 I'lllt DAV COM .I'mnall iilrtnrcH for HH to copy nnd cnlnrKu : nntlit- rnrtlon miiiriinlbciliinrl it f I imtllt frco. A. Iliinno & Co. , Wi Ill-mil ! Btrucl , Now York. MAVi 'J * B-.MKN WANTKI ) ; HALAHY AND KXl'KNSKS. rcrinnnpiit plncn. Apply nt onco. llruwn Hros. Co. , Nurnuryincn , ChlouKi ) . * 1 Mi V - ' ) , A (1001) ( TAILOll AT ONCK B 2151 M street South Omnlm. M 3rO-9- T > - WANTKI71tH PKIlMONTIISALAllY AND JJcxprnfpi to Hporlnl rcprpicnlntlvps In every pounty. Ni > nipprltfiieu nprcsnnry. Ability to fol low Instructions rc'iulrcd unlr. Btendy employ ment. Scnil nlamp fur full pnrtlculnrs nnd contract. y\ililrcss Worcester Korrulu nnd M'f'e Co , 32 lltir- limn \Vorcenter , Mnps. T > WKOKFKIl AOKNTS I1K ! MONKV IN KXCLU J > KV terrltcirv. Our IIPW pntcnt snfpn ncll nl KlKht In cilv or country. Now audits llrnt In Held nctunlly urttlna rlrh. One nccnt In ono dny cleared I Ml. Ho cnn you. C'ntntoinin free. Alplnu Snfu coin- jinny , SiVi-371 Chirk ctrpet , Cincinnati , o. 0-WANTKD. r.KNKHAr. AfiKNTH FOIl OUIl J'non-nvapurntlnK , non-fri'UTlnK chemlcnl nro pall : intlrely new ; imtPiit recently urnntcd ; ( ptlck nellor ; npply nt once. The Worn-nti-r Flro Appllnnco Co. , 88-44 Front i t. Worcester , .Mm . M32VI-10' 1 | > -MANAK11H ( ; WANTKII KYF.llYWUKHK TO J'tnknchnrnu of our hiisliii'ss. ndvortlsu. dlstrllf nt clrpulurn nnd pinploy help to nell k-oods ; wnKCi , I.V ) to f 125 per month : pxpousoi ndvnnced ; fltnttCT- | iprlehro. wnKi'n oxprcted. nl o pr 'f < 'renc ) for homework work nrtrnvvlliiK. Sloan A Co. , Mfr . , 291 Ceoriiu t. , Cliiclnnall , O. Malt-ID * B WASTKI1IOYH. > . STKADY WOHIC. OI1AIIA HOT Fnttory , K. Oiniiliu. Mill. : : -A ( iOOD . .MILKKHVANTKD. . MUST UK A B I dnlry man. Apply nt Purity's barn , Cumlni st. B WANTKH COAT , PANTS AND VKST MAK- nr , Hiishclmnn nnil tullori'ssos. ( inhol thittnllor , J5I8 Fnriinin street. M.137 10' 11 WANTKD , SIX ( ! OOD HIIICKLA YKItH AT J'once. Kood wnKPH. Btt'inly work , npply to Hutz- Irlls Hros \ Polenokc , lint-tint's , Neb. 312-13 * fl-WANTKI ) . OSK Oil TWO I.1VU AOKNTS TO J'repri'iuMit tlm Amcrlrun lloiisuwlfo In Omnlm nd vicinity. Address for 3 days. Ail ! , lieu. W3 8 * B WANTED. A ItKI.IAIILK FIHK INHUHANOK mnn of Kood huslnesn ability nnd lon pxper- lonco nnil Inrin ) iic < | unlnlaiu-i > In Omnhn , nnd well posted on present rntpn , cnn Icnrn of n Innrntlvo and permanent position hy ndilrusslni ; A ft , Hee. 219 WANTED , KS A MONTH AND KXI'ENSKS KOIl salesmen In ovcry county In the U. S. ; samples A outllt frcu ; no experience ni-cpssury ; yearly con tracts made ; tlnpst nnil easiest solllni ; uooiH man- ufuctured. Address with stamp for full pnrtlcu- Inrs , K. Converse , 31 llurmon St. , Worcester , .Mann. I' , ! 17 _ WANTED. 8 1'ECl AL All hlN"1 ! FOIl HtllLDINO and loan association. Cull IM1 Hoe bulldlnu. 8 tu ID n , in. _ ! ! ? ; ? ' _ l-\VANTni ) , RALKSMAN ON SA LAHY Oil C ( ) M J 'mission to handle tlio now patent chemical Ink ernslni ; pencil ; the Krente t sclllm ; novelty ever produced ; erases Ink thoroughly In two neconds ; no Obrnslon of pnpor : SlOto futl percent prollt : ono riKent's sales umounted to HM ) In six days , another | 33 In two hours. Wo wnnt ono Kcncrnl nuciit In pnch stntu nnd territory. For terms nnd full par- tlculnrs nddross tlio Monroe Krascr MfK. Co. . La - -MEN OF (10OD ( ADDHKSS TO 8KLL COOIW on tiistnllmonts. American Wringer Co. , ' 1IW tlownrd. M95U s M' _ -WANTKD. 21) ) SALKSMKN TO CAHUY AS A sldn linn our "Ciihh on Delivery" cluar , with cold-tilled wntcli ; blK pity. C. O. D.CItfar Co. , Wlns- toii.N.t ; . _ 8li _ _ B -WANTKD , OOO1 > CANVAS3KHH AT SINCKIt nowlni ; machine ollloo , Ulii I.iuK'hm ) strcot. 850 839 B -WANTKD , TWO ( ! OOD ACCIDENT INSUIl- anco solicitors for thn city und ono for South Omaha. Address W 12 lleo. M319 AVANTKIt PHMAIjK IIKIU1. I ur ralfn. fir. , fee tan of lint column on /if I / * 'uvj ' ' - FOU KPnernl houruwork , nin-t bo n cord cook , In family of two , nl ' . ' 007 Ht. Mary's avenue. Hnfer- I'lices reiUlri'd. | Apply between 9:30 : and II o'clock. Jlrs. Kemp , Murray hutnl. Muil : 10 * -WANTKD , filUL TO WOUK IN KITCI I K N VT Dornn IIOIIHO , 422 H. 18th street , Olio bluck south of court house. M : i > 3 -A ( II 1 1 L TO DO ( IKNKItAL IIOUSKWOIIIC IN sinnll family , rinqulro Vsli' ' Hlondo. M35i-ll : * - ' - . ) , ( iOOD ( illll , Kt ) | C.KNI'niAI , C-WANTl'-.l lioiibL'Miirk , In family of Ivro. Cull Weiliiftulitjr ami ThiirKilny 0 to l' { n.m , 1. > L N J.M streot. S.M 8 * -\VANTKI > OIItI < FOIl ( iHNHHAI , IIODHK- C wnrk'UMInriiD/ . 3W 1U * Cc c I WANTKI > A ( Jlltl. FOIl .NUI18K AND SKfO.VO work. Apply Kill S. 28th Bt. SIT it * VA.VTKI ) . : l IiAllVS AND 7 ( IKNTI.KMKN for ( IrniiKitlo Co. ( iooil ailvnnco man. Aillr ( > H9 A ft' ' , lli'o. Min.1 u * -wAxrnD ] A"c i in. KOII uoi'sv : wouiT. Llliornl wnKin to onu who la u k'ooil cook und Innnilrcss , Itefnn-ncon required. Cull nt or ml- dn'Mi W'l'J l.nfnytitlo iivtMitiu. M.'L'll It ) C " -WANTED. A YUl'NU < ! KHMAN (1IIIL ( TO DO Koneral housew ork , 122 South ' . ' 6lh street. Ml' i. KOIl ItKNT IIOU.-KS. J Kinll'K. I'fc. , KfC ton of t > Kl ( ' 11,1111111 lllttllt * , Hlf ( , TFim iiEvrTTnTw i 4 block on s-o. loth st. : bath , ranio , hot nnd cold water. J. II. Evans , 308 N. Y. Lite. M32S 10 1) TEN IIOOM HOUSE CKNTHALLY LOCA- u > d mudcrn Improvements. Emiulro 713 N. HUb. 89.1 V-KOIl HUNT ( I IIOOM COTT.Uii : WITH HATH. AHIII Cullfurnln st. , fIS pjr nilintli. ait \-tim HUNT. HI.KliANT FUlUlt UOUSl ! . 8 /roumi , nil nioitnrn liii | > rovuiiiuiit , .No. 41M N. 2.1 tt t. Apply t 1IWJ Fiuiuiin nl. 810 | 3 t.B - UK.NT , Kom-ltOOM COTTAlii : ; AM. convrnlimcut , Ml S 17th nrunuo. fill II * B - ( it)11"KlVrMtOO.M ) IIOl'SK KOIt UKXT aMl ( I'linrlpi U Iinjulront Wll Clntrloi nt. Ml'J' TKOIl HKNT , SK.VKN'-HOOMNSTKAM IIKATIJI ) J ilat. Clovrry bulhllni ; . ir.thiuia ClilcaKO HoiUs , llol-fru , liils ChlciiKO ktri'ot. ZK > U * 1) ItK.VT , SIX-llOOM KI.AT ; IIATIliTn'cT , fl.'iUI. , llolbrook , I. Ili-u htilUlliiK. .HI i A TWO S-IIOO.M iiot'siis IN tioon UKI-AIII AT J 'iH ) Biid'J'.l y. SJtli ctriMit. Thu ll.itoi Mmlth In VotiniMit KHupunr , IIMJ Koriuim. IT3U * iTKoTT HKNT. IHAVBJfST TUKNKII OVIIli J'lu mr "K-i'iit , Nrthi'rUiM Hull , room SX > , First Kiilliiinil i link , ix , S unil I ) room ctwulllniij lili Imth , Inriinru niul nil iiioilorn roiiM-nlvnci1 * . Tlirio tiuioi'B Imvo not bocn In tlm market until now iiinl uri' tuliiif i ut lnllri > t rliv order ( or lununta , uvt > ry- tliliik' IIPW niul clunn. Itonts mcilurntu to no ml lonunti un ) enr li'itmu. Vor purtlculurs Inqiilru of iiii-nt. lli'rman Kountio. .Mils a 1) I-FoiTllK.NT , IIKSUlKNCKa AI.I. I'AIITS CITY tilotio ; Uiiin andTrusl Co.a. vr. cor. Kitli \ IKnlno. IKnlno.W 1) , IK YOU WISH TO HKNT A HOUSE OH lore , lee M. H.Colo.Cuntlnenlal block. 891 -lO-HODM illiint IIVVKLLTNTl ALL CONYKN- lences , viinvvnlonl tu city , KO00. NutUerton Halt , lloooi 3--01st Nat. bank .nil D -KOIl IlKNT , IIKICK IIOISSKS. 10 IIOOMS. IN ' KOOU , ri'pulr. Apply to SUltl at. Mitry' IIVBIIUO. D-KOIl ItK.NT , tf-HOO.M lllllciF llOUSr ! WITH larto k-iouuJ * . Apply to'Ol'J ' tit. Alary' * nvennp. Mni D-KOll IlKNT. HOUSK IDIIOOMH AI.lMmiKltN linpro unipnU , ( JUpvr month , ! ni ] uuJ Furimni. Ixitcr lTliouio . 7 1 \ i. - ruitltKNT.OUK HKSIDKNUK. 111 ! 8. 10th l. ( t 8 KguUer | ( | Neir YorkUro. MTOI TrTV | 1IOUSKS AND FLATS AT UHEATl.Y Unreduced prices. ( J. r. llults , 311 Pmtun bluck. _ . * _ _ _ ttu-sil IA--OU HKNT. 8-1IOOM FLAT , IIIIICK , JISi J./Ukust. . with nil modern conveniences. U.K. Oule , ( .uiiiliionlul block , or K ust buttling works. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I" ) Wll HKNTMIOOM 1I0118K IN WA1.NUT J/lllll. Inquire of JO. u. VHJI lluru , c reef M * < UvytrUrat. FOIl IU2NT JIOUSI'-R. ContiniiAt. 7A-S , 4 AND'i-llOOM HOL'SHH , flO.UU TO IIJ.OOi .Uhcstrpildpnca flats In city. lesd Inv'u Co , 441 llp bullnlng. W > For rate , fte. , ret Inn nf I nt rnlumniin thu tVTWFimNHlKiic.NTHTO Jjniontli. 441 S. 21th nvenuo. M295 ' _ THE HT. CLAIlt EUHOI'KAN IIOTKL , COIt. IJlh nnd Dodito , will make low ratm for room * , hy the week or mouth , with or without board. . ! in- ItOOM , lo 1'Ell MONTH , IW ! IJF It VOH HKNT. PLKAHANT KCHNIHIIf.O IIOOM , J-Tery deslrnblo location. IWI Chlcnifo street. IIOOM , PH1VATE FAMILY , 1701 CAPITOL avu. 2W _ Tr"Fll ; ( HKNT , NICELY FUHNISHKD COoTi I Jroums nt northeast corner I'lth nnd Howard ; lawn around butldlnx ; from l to 120. IM a month. _ a IKOH TlKNT. TI1HHK FUHNI9HKD HOOMS , lultahlo for huusckceplnir. Adilrois , X IV , llee. I-'O KNISIIKl ) UOOMS AM ) ItOAIll ) . For inte * , etc. , ftf. to > nf irst cnlurnri DH l/itNi7g. / ( | - FluNlflllKD UOOMrl AND board , ( J.CO per week. 720 north ISth street. I/-IIOOMS AND HOAIlll. HKK K UKNCKH. 1822 J'chlcnitu slrect. M2J7 II * _ IfIIV PHIVATK FAMILY , THHKE Oil FOUll .1 pholcu honrdprs , hotiso new nnd handsomely fur * nMicd. AdilressA2t , HOP. ! iU9 o * _ 1FUIlNISIIKI ) IIOOMS WITH IIOAIU ) ; PHI- I vntu family ; nil modern conveniences ; IMS S loth n t ri'C t. 342 9 _ _ INKATLY FUHNISHKD HOOMS WITH. HOAIll ) J 'JOI9 Cnllforliht st. ISO 10 * IIOOMS & IIOAIU ) 2011 Ilnrnoy. 152O2 * Iroil HUNT , IIOOM WITH IIOAIU ) . I7W 1KIC.K 1 atrcct. W7 Kofrn EXT 11 C OMS lf\I ? U11 .S IS11 li ft For rates , etc. , reetopitf firtt column on thin p igt KS ' " ' ' ' ' ' ' VJsu'lto"lKJ'H'l'gtl'i. ill'w'10' - HKNT , IIOOMS IN HIJITIW TO I'M'.ASK ; 0-KOIt nix KtorRn for rent ; onu hotel of M rooun. Mpurx , UH N. V. I.lfo bldn. HO 3 -KOIl IlKNT. 3 IIOOMS TO A SMAI.I. KA > T lly , with nil conveniences fur liousekoepliiK. In- qnlru 1013 I'lcrco * t. ' lilt 1SOAKIHNG. Forrntei , etc. , fee //iji / nf first column fin tlit pt(79 ( -UiLMAN " 'ioUSK , WO WJEnm bonrd , nicer rooms , conveniences , rates and location It cannot bo excelled. Mrs. Horn , prop. KOIl IlhNT STOKiiM AMI OKKICKS. l-ormtet. etc. . ftnloiiof 'rut culiimii 't ( /it / < . Iwlth or without power , formerly occupied by The lleo Pnbllnhliik' Co. , 9U1 Farnnin street. The bulldliiK hnii n II reproof cement basement , complcto nteawhcatlni. llxturps , water on nil the Hours , uas , etc. Apply ut the iilllco of The llee. _ 918 T-FOIl HENT Oil SALK , MY 1IU1LDINH ON IjouesAt. . bet.lOlh X llth. G.A.LIndqulst,31G S.l.Uh 8' . T-STOHKS FOIl HKNT IN CHAND OPEHA -I Honso hulldlnx. F. J. SUtclllTn , 314 First Notional Hank liillldlin. . _ Mil T-FOIl HKNT. THE OFFICE FOIIMKHLY OCCU- Ipled by Alexandpr < c Smith In Continental bolck , corner room , perfect onler. Freeland , IjOOUiliOo. M'.IQO ' _ WAXTlTl ) TO III3X r. Jtrratei. etc. . "e Ion of frit ci'iumn ' nn Ittu nvrt WANTED ] FUHNISIIKD SMALL COTTAOK or tlirco or four rooms for house keeping' Btiburban locality preferred. Addrosa A 32 Heo. M3I9 9 * AO13NOY. For rates , ttc , , fee ton nf > rut rnlumii on thto jxuje. T - II. BCOLETlKNTAi ! , AGlVNCY " J al blocks L -HOUSES. FLATS AND STOHKS FOIl HKNT IN all parts uf thu city. Parrottu , 10th and Dodne. HO.I .S."J STOUAGH. I'or rate' , etc. , fee to i nf rtt column on thli - - huiisu In city. Williams A Cross , 1214 llarnoy. , Wi _ -CLEAN , DHY AND PH1VATE 8TOHACE ( T ? furniture. Omaha Stovu Repair Works , 1207 DuiiKlus. 90.IS31 _ \V A N I' K I ) TO JJ U'V. For rates , etc.rcetnpnf flrtt ( olnmn on ( Ad wvErrUJYALNTK IlKST I N J. i some paying business not to exceed 91,200 cash. Highest references ulven and required. Address A 10 lieu. M , 22J-9 * AT FUHN1TUHE UOUtiHT , SOLD , STOHED 1 > Wells , 1111 Fariiam street. 904 KOIl SAIjIJ KUIIMTUIIK. bar rate * , etr. , * re In nr column oil lliia i < atie 0 KUHNITIIHK OF 7 IIOOM STEAM HEATED lint , cheap for cugh , 514 S liith 8t. Flat C. 172 10 * -FOIl SALE CIIEAIA NICE LOT OF household furniture ut 191ti Douitlns street : ( Kit. KOIl"SAIjK HOKSIOS , WAGONS , UTO For terms , etc. , HC tun of first column on tnu jiuoe " " " ] > - ( ! 6o > 1 Inc'tovo or hard coal taken In part payment. Addrens A 31 , lleo. M32I 10 * _ 1J-FOH SALK OH THADK , FINK THHKE YKAll J old Hanibletonlaii stallion. U. H. H. 2114 Sixth nveinie , Council llluirs , M33J21. p-SPAN WELL HIIOICK AND WELL HHKD 1 3-ycar old colts ; would tnko In e.xchanfO Kood , bllllnrd or pool tnblu. Address Hood 2 , ' . O. bulldliiK. 310 10 * P-FAMILYIIOUSK FOlt SALK , SIMILE DIHY- J crs or cnrrliiKu teams , > Can furnish any kind of horsu desired. Call at C. D. Woodworth A Co. , or address T. J. Flemlnt , ' , Calhoun , .Nob. KJ.'i KOIl SAlTli M ISOlOIjIjAMiOOS. I ormtef , etc. , fee tnnot 'rs { column on Ini ( IHIJJ. Q oirsALr7Mr HEAD ool'iEiTi7iiis : , wclKhlnir l.UUO lo 1,100 , on rniiKU at Henklemnn , Neb. For particulars address N. A. Dull , Syrucuio , Nub. , or Denver l.lvo block Coin. Co. , Denver , Col. 22.1 Sll f 1 - I HftI.HI . > IIIIJ l > \l\l\Jl * IflVIFI-.ll , ItUll O l. U Vvcconatnntly ; no lincumbrancn ; cheap.Y 35 , HUH. 4113 S IS1 Q-TMUKl7DTllIIHEl ( ) MASTIFF PUl'S. 3310 DK- catumtruot , Omahu. 674 S 22 * SUbClOla.AM'.O U& ] Fun alts , ttc , , ret tup of ; .rt rulumn on tMt KIIALINKSSPOS1T1VKIA CUHKDi NO MIS tnko about It ; hund fur deicrlptlvu circular. Address dross "Antl-Ilald , " box 29,1. Davenport , la. -MASSA11K TUKATMKNT , KLKCrilU-TMKU- mal baths , scalp and hair treatment , nmnlcuro nnd chiropodist. Mrs. Post,319VS , ISth.Wllhnoll hit. 10T _ _ _ _ -HAMILTON III1OS. , 411 S. I8TII ST. TKU II7J Iviioes Jobbing , carpenter und brick wurk , plus- torliu and palnllnK. t i Slj _ R -UUOI ) PASTL'HE FOIl HOUSES. T. MUllltAY. HS 1JNO { NKI.MKN CI.KANSCKSSl'OOUS , VAULTS. Oltlcu tlSS. llth struct. Tuluphono 1174. Mill HIT Olj.tlllVOVANTS. For rattf , tie. , sea toji of mt cultunn on thl iiii'jf. C AHUIVA1. KXTHAOitDINAIlY , WONDEltFlJL > 'revolatlons. ( .linlleiiKes thu world. Mrs. Dr. M. Lcurnvo , dead truncu clairvoyant , uslroloKlst , palmist and life reader ; tells your life from thu cradlu to irrnvo : unites thu separated : causes mar- rlnuu with thu onu you lovu : tells tvheru you will succetMl nnd In what business best adapted for ; has thu celebrated I.Vyptlnn urunslputii for luck und to destroy bad Inlluencoi ; cures tits , Intumperuncu and all prlvntuciiinplalnts w'th ' mnssaio baths and alcohol treatment , r-emt V , leek of hair , name anililnluof blrlh nnil ri'celvo nccuratu llfu chart ; 'i penis In stamps fur circular ; Klves Initials of ono you will marry , nlso photos of sumu. Otllcu 1007 buulli lull btri'ot , llrst lluors huurs , 9 a. m. to 9 p. m. Conioono , cuiuu all , und bu cunvlncud of this wonderniljiraole. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ M ; > 039 * S"MUS , Frn\PALVrHT ) ANIllYP.SY"KOUTiNE- lollor. Toll * puit end future from lines of tlio hand , Feefl.Ou ; ladles only. WiN. 2lthi upstairs. S MHS. NANN1K V WAHIlE.S\cAlANT rullable buslntui medium , tlfth year , nt 119 N. liith WJ i > 'AS's'vtt | : I'tivnis. i-rru Kor rn'fi , ' 'c' ' . . * " 'i'i ' > of tirt column mi t/is / ( JKKJI ) M V-M XT ) A ME S lllTl I , 131 " CA P IToi. A VK N U"E. J-Sd flour. ilMi 13 * M'-MASHAUE , till ) 8. UTIl STIlErM' , SECOND -Lnoor , Mllu t-n > I'KHSONAIi. roiritti , ttf , , i < c ( op ot iciCnifimin 011 ( * if < t ' ' ' ' Csrdlff , South NVaUs. nd Ust bmrd of at Otnslm , It requeued to wrlta ml ouca to hltilitcr , Mrs. Cbrts tlna Kr c , GMortImerro dC atuu ; Citrdlrli mother de d. UtX ) U I'RllSONAli. Continue * ! . U--H. Ik I1. . IIKCKIVED VOUUS MONDAY. CAN be hero Friday the llth , Would Ilka lo sea you then Iet mo know Wednciday etonliia or Tburi dny mornlnx train > uro. Address M. C. , Wt litrd strppl. M . .ll9 * MUSIC , ART AXI ) IjAXOUAOK. e. , f.m > of ' rt f oldm n o K itYiNO .nAM ) AMINETIIB new scitlu Klmball piano. A. llospo.1313 Douvlns , 910 _ -\r- (1KOIK1E P ! ( lltLLENHKnC. HANJO > teacher i with Ilojpo ur 1010 Chloaiiu ttroot. P--O.MAIIA KINIIKIKIAIITKN-KALT , TKUM commence * Sept" . KvvlynUrlllllhOUi } Dftvenpt. 'to LOAX iti-s.Mj KSTATH. For rattfetc. , tee ( op nf tr l rolwnM on ( / ( / jniy . -\\T MONKY TO LOAN ON CIIOICK OMAHA prniwrty nl low rates. Vf. 3. Itynn , It , I20i Knrnnni street. 177 13 \\r-MONKVTO LOAN ON OMAHA I'llOPKIlTV. ' Fidelity Trust compnny. 1UU Farnnin. 1)11 ) AYr-MOllTOAdK I.OANS.J. IJ. ZITTLK.UU N. V.I , \v r-CENTHAI. LOAN ANDTUUSTCO HKK I1LIH1 913 \\r-I.OANS. W. M. HAIIllIS.Il.JO.FIlKNZIKIl III.K VV i5 ) ! \\r-ANTHONY LOAN ANDTHUHT CO. . I1 N. V. ' I.lln , loud nl low rntes for choice security on N'cbrnskn or lown farms , or Omnhit city property. an 1\r- l I'KH CKNT KIHST MOIITOAOK LOANS > Itlcliiird C. I'nttcrsiin. TOT X. Y. LICu. ! U7 Yir iriTLIIN | LOANS B TO 7 I'KH CK.NTl NO 'I nddltloiml clinrk't'K for commli.lnn ! or nttor- nuy' < ti'Ki. W. II. Melkle , Klrat Niitloiuil bank blilit. tlia - lr.MONKY ON HANI ) TO LOAN ON 1'ItlHT ' niorlKnm ! on Omnlm city property. Clms. W. Itulnuy,3la Omnhn Nnt. Imnk bldir. all ) \\r-MONKY TO LOAN ON OMAHA * ' K. Nub. and In. furmK. . K. llln ur , 151'J ' Far'tn. 4211-S-I7 * MONKY 'J'O LOAN OIIATTIOIiS. lor rata. etc. . re * fop ofr l coiuinnan tliii page. I3S O2 .MONKY TO IXAN HY II. R MASTKHS ON hoiiHOluihl Kood.i , pianos , orKnns , horses , mulcn , wnruhonw roculptn. utc. , nt the lowest possible rntoii without imbllclty or removal of property. Tlmn nrriuik-eil to suit borrower. My loans nre BO arranneil tltnt yon cnn mnko n payment nt nny time auU reduce both thu principal and Interest. Yon will IInd It to your advantage to son mo If you wnnt n loan , or If moro convenient cull up tolo- iihno 1K1 und your business can bu urranneJ ut Lome. Money nlwnys on hnndj no delnyj no publicity ; lowest rules. II. F. .Musters , room I , Wlthnoll block , ISth nnd Hurncy eta 1U1 X MONKVTO LOAN ; no. IS ) AND W DAYS ON furnlturu , etc. Dull Ureon , It 20 , Contlncntul blk. iCJ itUSl.VIOSS UHAXOHH. For rates , rtc. , tee ( op of inl column on this paas. TO chnndlso business cnn llnil n freed openlnir by K' Pontiunster , Ocunce , Neb. M353 15 * V'Oll HALK , FOUH-CIIAtll IIOTKL HAItllKlt 1 shop , dulimKood bnslncas nnd terms very reason able. Mulchlor Hros. , 1110 Farnum ntrcet , city. SI359 0 * V-DKSIltAULK LOCATION FOlt IIIU ( ! BTOHK I and physician , n Krocory nnd feud morn each : rent very low. Apply to ( ieorKU W. Coated , 3 Hoard of Trade. 313r. 14 V KK SALK Oil UKNT , A OOOI ) IIOTKL , ALL 1 fiirulHhed : nlso bar anil llxturcii with Htock of llnor ] , nnd doliiK it Kood business. I'or particu lars address M. C. , South Omaha. Mliil U \r-A IIAIIK OPPOUTUNITY. ON IIKCKI1T I of onu dollar nnd stamp , will correspond with nny Kcntleman or lady relnllvu tonKOOtl and prollt- nhlu biislnesH. Klvo your full nnmu nnd nddross. Heed A Co. . 143 Court street , Urocktou , Plymouth Co..Mass. 314-8 $ V-J-oil HKST , UAHN , CIIKCKKHKD LIYKUY I barn , cheap , 13th nnd llaruoy St , Call room Oil Now York Ltfo. 141 9 T'-KOOO STOCK OF HAHIWAKK AND FUHNI- tnro for sale. Address A. U. lIiiKndoru. Curtis. . Hi * y' FOIl SALK , TIIK CANADIAN KMPLOYMBNT olllco , better known na Mrs. llreiia'e. The Vury bent bunlneis In the ntnto. In parllculnrs ennulru 1111 S. 15th. M'/JI 01 -DO YOU WANT A CJOOD DUSI.NKSS , IIOV TIIK Commercial , thu leading hotel , Uroken UowNeb. if- < V roil SALK , HAHDWAIIK STOCK AND L liilldlnK In county oat town In Nebraska. GotMl cropiii , good trade , clenn titock. Furniture Block can bo ndded. Tenement over storo. Ad- dres , X , 45 , Hue. MDH-sW : * V-L'OUNTltY HANK OPKNINO ; BKST IN 1-stalu ; prumluin liKrlcultural county ; safe nnd llxtures for snlu ; ituud bulldliiK , loaao cheap ; owner moving far south. Dorr llellleman. An- Kcliuu , Neb. 039 S23 * \r-KLKCTHIC LHltIT PLANT FOIl SALK IN JL county scat town within 80 miles of Omahu. Two dynamos , capacity 1,350 lli C. P. lamps , ono CO II. P. WestlnRhouso ciiKlno , two O ) II. P. hollers , will sell for one-third eost price , half cash , balance unlncnni- bcrud real estate. Address Vf 3 , euro of Omaha llee. 292 si I Y FOIl SALK , TllADK'Olt KXCHANUE , HSTAH- llshcd business. P. O. box 518. M'.VJ KOIl 12XOIIANGK. t'oriaten , ttc. , tit t i > of trut column r i ( hit JKII/S , y Foil SALE 011 THlAiitt ? TONK HUILDIrN ( ! /'and lot , prlnclpul business street In Columbus , Neb. , prlco J2WO.UO. Address A , 34 Ueo. M 352-10 * y-HUSlNKSS LOT ON HAHNKY STHKET. KAIll /Jlmprovements , clear , to oxebanno for Ineunib- cred property In Omnhn. Alex Mooru , 401 lleo liulldbiK. MTOJ 9 y-WANTKI ) . A ( JKOCKUY STOCK ( JKNKUAIi ' stock or commission biiHlnesH In tradu for clunr property. Address A 3'J ' , Heo. MJ3'J ' 10 * y MOUSES AND FAHM3 FOIl PIIOPKHTY IN /-JOiuaha ur vicinity. Call lluoiu IWllrown ll'l'd'i ; . 220 O 5 Z TWO CIIOICK CLEAR LOTS , ONE NOHTII , onu south part city , fur six room liuuso and lot. Address A 25 , lleo. 315-9 * V-FOll K.\C1IANK ( ! , ( ! OOI ) O.MAITA HKNTAL /Jproperty niul some cash for n uotid farm within 25 miles ofOmuhn. J. 11.1'arrotto , room 2 > , DOIIK- las block. .MI'Ji It * r/- LAND IN KllANKLIN ANDSIIKHMAN COUN /'lUn , Nub. , lu trndu fo r clear Qtunlm or Council llluUs property. J. U.Itlco.lW .Main st. Council lllutls. .MIU.i 1)1 J y K.\ClIANiK ( , 60tl3.1 . FKT.T , HAST FltONT , 3 /Jfept above Krado , luu font from Fnrnam strout , east of Il7th street , wull Improved , olojant location , Kuod rent. Will oxclianno for small property clear , or laritu property lth Incumbranco. Star Loan A Trust Co. , llrst lluor , N. Y. Llfo. Hldn. M130 9 iy-WHAT HAVK YOU TO KXCHANfJK. CALL /-J or write > m > . full description. Alux. .Mooru , 401 lieu bnll.llnn. M9I7- y-FOlt EXCI1ANI1E 7.000 IIAHHWAIIK STOCK / Jin Kood town , dolnit Hpli-ndlil business ; Rood reason for sulllnt ; . Part cash , balance Kood land or Omaha property. E. F. llliiKer , I5IU Furnaiu. ll.Vti KOIl SAIjK UKAIj IWi'ATK. F < > rtatettc.tft tap of first column on t7iU . ANDLisrlllO : AclKS , JL.'itici hnndles It : ono mllu from Fnlrhiiry. l.aruo vine ) aril : u burk'nln. Address , P.O. llux il > ) , I'nlr- bury , Neb. M U 15 * I.'Oll SALE-1'AUT CASH. I'AHT UN1NCUM- 1 bereil renl estate , n null estaiillshod coininlsslon und storaiio business. Address X 113 , Met , . 115 9 * 1/011 SALK 5 ACHE LOTS ADJOINING TIIK CITY I ot Itlulr ; prlco * JOO ; * 100 cash , balance tlmu. It. W Mellrldu. Ul. U * BAlUlAIN-LAWiE UT , B-HOOM HOUSE , burn , well , cistern ; California street ; will sell for f ) lo lhan actual value. . Van lluureu , Douis- lasnnd Illh street. 101 a CUE THOSE 39T1I AND HL'HT IIOU KS.DAISIES , k-'open nil day. Knsy terms , vacant lot llrsl pay ment , bhules , SISlsl Null. bk. 1759 * ioil SOUTH OMAHA PIIOPEHTIIW. HUSlNKsi ! 1 truckaue or residence , no to thu leaillnu real us- tutu dealers In South Omaha , Ed. Johnston A Co. , corner 21th nnd N utrcets. .iJ7 li'OU SALK A ( iOOD IIOMEl KIOHT-UOO.M 1 huusocan ho bouxht Just now , cheap , us ihe owner hns no usu for It. lluuin 20 , Freniur block opposite 1' . O. % -j 1/OH HALKON EASY TKll.Md , 3 STONK IlKSl- I dencun all modern Improvements ; will taku L-uud city or farm property In part payment. Clarke. 19 board of trade. MXI ! 10,000 ACHES LAND FOl | .SALE.CUSTEII. FHANK- 1 Hit , Cheyenne tmd Klmball counties , .Nebraska ( ieu. 11. Peterson , III ) S. 13lli t. . Omaha. WJ s II 7i'Oll S.VLLr KASY TKHJIS , HOMES FOIl" ? I fl.UUfl,200fl.iUnnd ) up. Taku small clt-ar prop erty \ } \ part payment. U. U. Wallace , llruwn block , Ililh and Doimlns- Vll _ irOL'll CHOICE KAIIM8 IN WKSTKHN IOWA J fur null ) , I2U ncrp * , two of Iti ) acres each , onu of 750 acres ; nil Improved. W. M. Krldler , owner , 619 Pit x tun lllock , Omaha. MIV5O1 * UltiHS : > IAKI.NI. _ _ Farr-itti. etc. , netii \ < if tint ciilummiM Wilt p MHS Vl. A. DYKIlY lilt ErtSM A KK i iVi KN Tj AJ ( K muuts In famllle * .ollcltud. 3JOI Hurl st 3.19 1 4 * _ RNUAUKMENTtt TO DO DIIKddMAKINU IN families lOllcUod , Mlu Sturdy , HO ) a Will st 1IJOI * m BEAUTYor POLISH SAVING LADOR/GLEAMLMESS. Ho ODOB WHBii HKAiEa STKAM KKATH Hit UUXOVATOH. Far ratf , ttc , , tee top /lfjt ) ( column OH t/iU / j'Jtft ' i FEAT. * Horn huujlit. Mnll onleM promptly tilled , Wont called for .Vdelivered. Frank AtuunjllstA Franklin. VM 1'A'rir.NT SOIjIOITOKH. t'orrat ( , t > nf flrt roltimn "p AT K XT" , A W V BUH AND 's 6 M TI TO "w. 1 tfue It Co. . Hen hulldlnK. Onmhn. Net ) . llrnnch ulllcu nt Washington. " C. Connullatluii free. Mil I'ot rattf , rtt. , trt li > nfn-itcnliimn onthu S A N I ) K IISON CO ilXK \ 1 5T l'l'A N I ) J A f K SON ( Wtai _ " " ' " l'A\VNTritOK K US' IMIEDMOHLK LOANS MONF.Y ON wntchcs , etc. i : > llt Frnam t. MM7 _ .earoi TcfllL'AOO. lltjrfl.TSl'iTO A ( J. . Arrlfoi Omnlm. I Ippqt lOthjuid Ala qnStji. _ I Oninha. 4 .SO p m Chicago Vestibule. . . . 8.00 n nl V..V ) n m ChlcnKO Exprins 1(1.01 ( it m P.SU p m Clilcnu" Kxuress 000 p m li.60 p in . . . . . .Chicago A Iowa Local 8.15 n m Leaves IIIUIlLl.N'liTON ft MO. IUViilt. i Arrives Omaha. | Depot lllth and Maiou Sts. j Omn 1m 10.2 > null Denver Dnr Exnros 4.0j p ra lO.ii n m Dead wood Express 4.U'p m 7.10 p m i.Denver Express lij ) : a ui 7.10 p m . . . . .Denver Express , Dally. . . . . ii.OO p ra i.UJ p m .Lincoln Limited. 11. ; f ) a in 8.15 n m . .Lincoln Ixical. , C.30 p m uavoi I K. C. . SI1. J. AO. It. Arrival mnhit. | Depot 10th nnd Ma on Hti. Omiht. H..10 n mi..Kansas City Day Express. . . . i fi.55 p m fl.4j p niK. | C. NlHht Kxp. via U. 1' . Trans. | C.I5 n m Leaves I UNION 1'ACIFIC. I Arrive ! Omaha. I Union Depot. 10th nnd Mnrcy Sts. I Omnhn. Leave. ) I CHICAGO , It. I. A 1'ACIFIU. I Arrivoi iOmaha. [ Union depot. lUth A Marcy Sis. I Omaha. Lenvoi ICH10AOO , Mil * A ST. 1'AUL.I Arrlvo Omaha. I U. I' , depot. and Maroy Sti. j Omaha 6'J ] p ui I ClTlcnvo F.xpross | ' . ' .Mum ia.l5pm | ChlciiHO Kxpruss I S.I5 p ni LeilfOl 1 81OUX CITY A PACIFIC. Arrivei Omnhn. I Depot 10th nnd Mnror Sti. Omaha. 7.1. ) a ml . . . .Slonx City I'aiscnttor ilO.'JOp ui 4.110 p ml Ht. I'nul Bxprma M0.55 a m ir\eiT SIOUX C1VYA PACIFIC. I ArrlvoT n nhn. Depot 15th unit Webster 9ti. Omaha. ! )5pnil „ . . . . .St. Paul Urn [ ted | | l.jj a m Leaves K'HICACO A NUHTIIWKSI'KIIN.1 Arrivoi Omaha. I J. P. depot , JOth indMircy _ : St . I Oniahi. 7.2. > n in , . ( Kx. Siin'y ) Ciirroll PusseiiKer. . lOTiTTrnT 1 ! . - ' > n m .Cblca4foKxpros9. 8.1.1 a m fi.UO p m .Vestibule'Limited. I'.JO ' a m < . | .15 p m . Kits torn Fl or . li.OO p m 7.00 D in . . ( Kx. Sat. ) Fn t Mnfl iKx.Mon ) . . 2.15 u in Lnnvo 1 O\l\II V , t At. Ij-j JH , .Vrn vo Omsha.U. | 1" . d : ppot , 10th itnl M-irjfSti.l On tha 4.10 pm | . . . . .St. Louis Lannon Hall II2.3.1 p m l.onvo K. . K. AMU. VALLEY. I Arrlvo Omaha. Depot IStti nndWobstor Sti. | Omaha. 9.UJ n m lllitclt Hills Kxprcss fi.a ) p ra U.U ) n in ( Ex. Sat ) Wyo. Kxp. ( Kx. Mon ) 620 p ui 5.10 p m Lincoln Pas. ( Kr. Sim ) . . . . 1135 n ra 6.10 p in . .York A Norfolk ( Kx. Sunday ) . 11. & a ra 5.45 p m . . . . . . .St. Paul Express 9 25 n m 1X3IIV6 ! C..ST. P. , M. 40. Arrives Onulm. Depot 15th nnd WcbitcrSts. Omaha. B.IO a mi..Sioux City Atfommodntlon. . . U.05 p ra I.W p m'Slouz ' Clly Kxpreii ( Ex. Sunday ) 13 40 p m 5.45 p ml St. PnntJUmlted ! > .2J a m 5.15 n mlllancroft Pnnsgrujur ( Ex Sunday ) 8.45 a m J.oavoi I MlddUUltl' I'AUIFIU. Arrive ! Omaha. 1 Depot 15th nndYobttcr Stu" Omaha 10.30 n ml St. Louli Express I G.W a m V. 0 p m | . .St. Louis Kxpren I 5.10pm Lunves K. C. , ST. JOB A a 11. ' I Arrives. Trannfor Union Depot , Council IthilTs. Transfer tl.uO a ml..Kansas City Day Kxpm.ii I 5.55 p m 9.45 p m.Kan9ai | City Night Expro > s. . . | (1.45 ( a m ixiavea CU1CAOO , ItI. . A PACIFIC. Arrlvo l Trsnfor Union Depot , Council HlulTa. Transfer 0.30 p m . , Nhiht Express U.'JO n m U..VJ a m Atlantic Express * . . . | 5.55 p m 5.00 p m Vc.-llbulo Limited . . . | 10.30 n m Leaves 1 SIOUX CITY A PACIFIC. Trnnsor ) Union tiot. Tiiii'l ' It i f. Trans fa 7.45 a ml..Sioux City Accommodation..I D.40 6.50 p in | SU 1'uul Kxpran | 100U p m Lonvoj | C'.llCAo.NOllTH\VESTEUN1l ; Arrives Tnunfer , Union Depot , council lllniri. ITramfor 12.01 p m Chlcato Express 5.30 p ra 5.1 i | km Vestibule Limited. 9.10 a m lO.OO p m Eastern Flyer 1.30 p m V8.00 p m ( ISx Sat.Atlantic ) .Mall.Ex ( Mon ) " ! X > a in 7.40 a m | Carroll I'aaienner. . . . . . , . 10.UO D m Lcavo * OMAHA A ST. LOUIS. Arrives TruDvfoj Union Depot , Council llluils. Transfer 4. < 0 plii i St.Tou7s Canim Hall | T2Tl5 p"rn Leaves ICHlCAdO , HUItL'N A yUlNUY.I Arrivoi Trnniferl Union Depot. Comirll IllnlH , iTrnmfer .1.40 n m1 Chicago Express G.'JU p m 10.00 p in ChlcnKO Express 40 n m T.OJ p ml Crorton Local 15 a in IMPROVEMENT the OKOEtt of IbeAGE FOR 15 YEARS All user ? of TVPBWIUTEUS Mnvo fnlt Uio iici'iss-ilty of tliolr bulnp ; Iniprovoi ] , Yon will tin. ! in the thoPiiiicp Typeffi'itci1 ' Tlm lutrst nnd dust. Wo oliilinj unU Insimo tloii uiul trlnl nrovo It. "Tho Most Durnlilu In AllKiiinont , Easiest Kumilns , niul .Most Slloiit Alltyno cloiinud In ton Hooonils vltliout in ) hiinils. Semi for The Smith I'rcmior Typo Writer Co. K II. M.\YIIIW , Manager. ir - , ' Kiiniitin xtrudt , Uniaha , Nub , THE 6IKO1AUIST. Sixteen Yean Exporlunca In the Truatmunt ot forini of -DISEASES. Skin DUoanei und Kvmalu Dhonoi Ladles from toionly. Dr Molirow't uoco < i in thu tro.itmunl f PnvaluDlioaiot hu nuvur beat uquallod Iliim nd ClrcuMr * film : Treatment by corruipondonou. Ottivd , 1-1 aiul Farm a Sti. , Omaha , Nub , lmrumo : on either street. JOSEPH GILLOTT'S ' STE2U PEWS. GOLD MEDAL , "Ann EXPOSITION , 1880. THE M08Y . bRFECT OF PENS , OFFICE OF THE NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY , 340 AND 340 BROADWAY , NEW YORK. At n opcalul mooting or the Bonrd Of Truntooa of the Now York Llfo Insurance Company , hold on Atipruat 31 , the lollowlnpr. UronmVlo aid reeolutlou were " \Vliprpns \ , n pprshlent , unjii * ( nnil iiiifiiunili'il ussniilt I ins been niul If * now being iniulo tipnn thN coiniuiny by ( ho Now York 'Tliiic < ; ' nnd "N'liDrens. ( his lionnl is now niul nt nil ( Imp ; lins Itccn desirous ( Iml nil clmrpos npilnst tlio innnni'ciiipiit of tills poniinny ] slionlil 1)3 ) fully nnil fairly Invcsti nled , nnil to Hint pntl lias requested tlio Hiiporlnlt'tiilpiit of the Insiirniiep ( lopartinent to nnke nil oxnmlnntlon of the affair * of the coin- pnny Mhluh Is IIIMV beiii ooniinclo ' , nnd hns oniKcil nn notion to lie instl- tu ol ; In the nanie of the t'oinpaiiy nsnlnsl the N'pir York 'Times' Tor the libellous nltni-k so inntle uiuiu tt bj snld iiLMvspnper ; nnd Whereas , Theodore M. Hnntii , the rnshler of this company , pending snld linpstigntion nnd netion , lias pub- Hshcd n ptiiiiiiiiinlcatlon In ( ho Ncir York 'Times' of August 28 , df-slgncd lo give support to snlil nttieklo the Injury of this company nny its p.illcy- lioldors ; "Therefore , Kesolvcil , Thnt it is the sense of this lunrd thnt the presi dent remove Theodore 31. Itnutn from the position of cashier of this com pany nnd from the cmp'oy of the com- puny from this date. " According'jTp In pur. uanco of that minute , the foil win ? letter of dismissal was addressed to Mr. Banta by Mr. Beers , the President of the Company : NliW YORK , AUG. 31 , 1891. THliO. M. BANTA , ESQ. DEAR SIR : WcMierc\vith \ enclose copy of preamble and resolution passed by the Board of Trustees at a special meeting held this day. In accordance therewith you are hereby notified that your services will be dispensed with on and after this date , and are requested to balance your cash and turn it over to the second vice-president and Mr. J. 0. Youte at your earliest conven ience. Yours truly , ( Signed ) WM. H. BEERS , President. DR. lIUiivintKYa'SPECIFICS nra scientifically anil carefully prepared prescriptions ; used for many years In prlvatoprnctlcowith BUccfss.nnd forever thirty ycnrauicd by thei-cople. Kvcry eliiKloHpo- cine u a special euro for tlio disease nnnicd. The < o Specifics cure without ilniRglnc , purg- Initorroiluclngtho system , mid nro In met and deedthoHovorolgn reiiicdlfBOl IhoWorld. ' , Cold , Uionclillla Ul 7'outrliH 8 Nournlulit , ToothacheI'ccoaoho. . . . .VS.J 0 lirniltickiCM , Blckllf.idnchp. Vertigo , 'J5 0 DyHpiipNln , lllllous Mnmach , . . . . . . . . .1J5 J7 KidneyJ liionne , JH Ncrfonn Debility . . , : -lJJ ( | HO llrlunryVonUneio , Wcttlnft lied , .rt I 3-2 Dlneimeiiof HiolIunrt.Pulpllatlonl.lHl Hold liyDrugglstd , or m > nt postpaid on receipt Of PrlCO. 1)11. ) IIDUI-IIKKYH ; IIAIIDAI. , ( Ul DnKU * ) richly bound In cloth nnd Hold , mailed free. HDMPnREYS' MEDICINE CO. , Cor. William and John Streets , New York. SP EOS FIGS. tionori-liop.ti. nnd / < iian/t ! no cured In iidtwi liy tbo I'ronoh Unmoily entitled - titled the KINO. HilUn > lvui nxnlnit und Is ftbiorhod Into tlio Itiflnniud pitrU. Will rofiind money If It docs not euro fir umi-nii > rittutnrn nmu . ContlonuMi. lioro is n reliable nrtlola * . ' ! a pacUnzo or - for I" > per limit prounltl. Mo- Curinlck & I/iinO , Oinulm. For earache use Pond's Extract MOORE'S Lotivonwortli , Kan. , O-lo-OO. Br. , f. P. Moore My Omir Sir : I hnvo boon subject to sk-k lioiitlaoho nil my Ufa Over two yours ityo I butrun us'nj ' , ' Moora's Tree of Llfo for It , nnd I Jiuvo novur Imd u onso of sick hontlnchostnco , oxcapt when I wits nt ono ami of the road nnd the mudloino nt the other end. It ifl worth inoro thiitt inoiioy to mo. I hoitrtily conimond It to nil autTorliif * with siuk headache. Yours trulv. W. B. KlI.K , Pnstor First Haptlat Church. Moore's Tr o of I.lf , a poiltln ear * for Kldiai u > d Liver i.'uuipUlnl aaj all u ouJdln.t aK Dosil ; ty to suffer n boa you ota untl or ut\ai \ Mourj'4 Ufa. Llfu lUaitilrt 1'OMitNo nooi'iis. .Joint ConiinUtco ItntVro the Illtlri to CotniiilnHlotior nmt Coiinoll. The joint committed oompotod of members of the Ilonnl of Uount.r Uomml ilonort , city council nnd the Ilonnl of Kth.cauon met nt the court house yo\tortny ! ) for the purpose of con..lilcrln the billsinbmlttoil for furnish- the booths nnil other oqulpiuonUi for run- u tlio next election. . The bids were ns follow * i VV. V , Ulco , $140 par booth ; J.V. . McDonnUl , $ iU : ) . with fS.T.'i luldltlonnl for Moors ; Nuwiiinn , Ilnnsun .t Johnson , JtTO ; A. KoionlKTi : , JUKI ; Jnbit Uros. , $ liV : Carl Lntowslcy , tim ; O. It. Cnlti , fliVi ; C. W. t'artrltlKP , WOu \ Andrews , f t. It wns tloclilccl to nifor tbo entire matter to tlio boilles which the members of tlio committee - too roprcscntuil niul report the action to the county commissioners itt tbo session to bo bold next Saturday aftornoon. To tlio IMlllllc. 1 nin n traveling mnn nnd Imvo boon nf- Itlctcd witb what Is culled ohronlo dlnrrhiua for some ten yours. Lost fnll I was In western - orn I'onusylvanln , nnd i.i'dcUmtnlly wns In troduced to Uhnmborlnln'.i Colic , Choluninnd Dlitrrhmn Kerned ; . I ventured to mnko n trlnl nnd wns wonderfully relieved. I would llko now to introduce It nmont ! my friends. H. M. Lewis , 21 Krooman street. Cleveland , Ohio. Ohio.We We have never heard of n raso of cbronlo dinrrhu'a thnt this remedy would not help. It Is Invnrlnbl.v pronounced the moil success ful mcdlinno tha pntlunt Imd over triod. In ninny cases It has effected n porimnont euro. Manv old soldiers , who contracted tlio dis ease whllo In the service , nro cnthushiUio In their prnlso of this remedy. "Krminio" tonight Gnrrow Opcrn Co Grund Ojorn ) liotiso. Grnitd Kntry Into Omnhn. On nnd nftor July 30 , 181)1 ) , the Chi- cnpo ; , MllwnuUuo it St. Pun I Unilwuv compitiiy will run nil of its trains In nnil out of the union depot , Onv.vhn. No inoro annoynni'o c.uisod by trnnsforriiifj nnd switching at Council mull's. Solid vcstibuled trains , consisting of now Pnlaco alooplng cars , free parlor chair cars , oloL'nnt coaches , and the iinost dinlntr cai-H in the world , all hunted by stouiu and llghtod tlirouphout liy electric - tric lijrhts. The now avonlnp express with "electric lights in every berth" now loaves Oirmha daily nt ( i.20 p m. arriving' nt Chicago at 9'jO : a. m. in tune for all eastern connections. Secure tickets and sleeping car bertha at 1501 Farnnin street ( Barker block ) , J. E. PiiKSTON' , bA. . NASH , C. Pass. Agt Gen. AgU Cure I'm * Jlurdor. O.MAIU , Sept. 8. To the Editor of Tun BIK : To bo sure it's horrifying to contem plate the possibility of tbo neck of ICd. Nenl bolng dislocated by lliu s tier I IT. Just think of Itl Meal only shot nnil killoil two old people , wtio owned some ) stock ho coveted. Ho might bnvo tnkon iho cattle and horses without Hilling the old couple ; but there was a possibility that ono or tlio other might toll on him. So , being n thorough ioiitli > innn , nctuatod by "tlio llnor spirit of the ngo , " ho calmly placed thu old folks boyotid nny uhancu of circulating stories duroKntory to his honor. And then the stock wns hardly worth mak ing n fuss about. Neal only got SI US for it , Just tlio prlco of one slnplo Uobauch , nnd before - fore tbo month was out found himself re duced to the necessity of again appropriating horses ttio tttlo to which was vested In uu- othcr man this Unio a Kuiisns gentloinnn , who fortunately did not linppon to bo present nt tbo time Mr. Neal found It necessary to tnko the hones with n view to replenishing bis purse through the hypothecation of tbo animals. This little moral obliquity of Mr. Neal's which amounted nlmou , to oecon- trlcity when it eamo to u consldoratlon of ro- lutlonsnf tneuin ot tuuin , is undoubtedly to bo deprecated ; yet It scarcely warrants n strong people in visiting upon the singularly thouahtless young man tlio inconvenience of having his neck stretched Dy n rude sheriff with ncoarso rope , because he casually shot nnd killed a contented old couple , the killing aforesaid being merely nn incident in thu sequestration of sundry head of neat kino necessary to enable Mr , Nenl to indulge bis appetite for liquor and to ensure bun tbo pleasure of n certain class of female society ho greatly affected. Now , there was Bulling down in Missouri. Of course Missouri is n benighted state nnd hasn't , had nn opportunity to keep un with "tho liner spirit of thu ago. " Bulling only shot his wife chased her through the corridors riders of a hotel wtiero she was employed Incidentally earning n living for both cursed her as she ran nnd drowned her cries for mercy In the toport of the sbot thnt killed her. Mrs. Dulling bad grievously offended. She had refused to walk the strains with n drunken husband , preferring to earn her living nnd Ids by honest labor. So ho killed hor. And the people In Missouri were nctunlly barbaric enough to insist that ho bo hanged. Absurd , isn't It ( There was n Chicago doctor in Omaha lust spring who proposed that some day criminal1) would bo treated , not. punished. Ho argues thnt crime is disease. True , very liKoly. And the "liner spirit of the ago" may yet bring forth lhat which will servo as n panacea for crime , even ns bl-chlorldo ot gold is now bold forth KS a i peel Ilo for certain vicious habits. Ouring the interim , howovnr , it is quite probable that the cure for murder will not depart from the time tried , lira tested proscription the external application of well prepared hemp. . T.V. . M. If you could see your own scnln through a ordinary magnifying glass , you would bo nina/ed at thn nmount nf dust , diindrnff , and dead skin thereon nccnmdlated. The best nnd most popular preparation for cleansing the sculp is Ayor's ' Hair Vigor. I'ntcr Goob' I'roiHM'ly. Judge Ferguson was on the bench yestcrdny listening to the arguments in the case of Krck ngalnst ( Joos. Erck asks for the np- polntment of u receiver to taUo charge if the property owned by Peter Cioos. A Written Guarantee lo CUI1E EVERY CASE or _ . _ 'MONEY ' REFUNDED. Our euro U permanent nnil not o rmtrnlnu up. Casei treated llvo years aaro hava never neeii uujrinptom lnco. Hy ( leicrllilniffwio fully wo ran treat lou fc/ mall , nna wo Biro tlio uaiao iruiifr KUarantco to euro or rcfunil all money. Tbu o who prefer to conio hero for treatment cnn dusn nnil wo will pjy rnllroiwl fnio lioth ways and iiotel lill wlillc Iicro If wo fall to i cure. Wo ehallcniro the world fur a ia o that our M.U.IO KKMEUV wilt not cure. Write for full panliularsand RotlhoovlJcnco. Wo know that , y.m are iktpticnl , Jujlly o , too , ns the m .at eminent | > hjnli-lan Imro noterlKcnal.lotoRl . > m ° ro than tci.i.orary . | r. llcf. Inourfhoycari' | > iai'lro ! with tlio MAfllO llr.MI.Ijl It lias tren nio.t dllilcult to arirtfotno the prijud'c ' nitaln.tnlUo.callidiipocini.- under our ( trong ( juarantco you ihould not hollato to try thin remedy. You take no chnneo of limlnir yuur money. W o rjuar- mitee to euro or rifund o > cry dollar , and ns wo liavo a reputation to protect , nlnoflnanrlal livUnirof S5CO- ODD , U It perfectly fafo to all who will try the treat ment. Ileietoforoycm II TO lfn pultln up and raylns outyoiirmoni'fiTdilferriitlreatiiicntiiniul nllhuuKh you are not ) et cured no ono ha pild hack your mon. vr. Ponutwaitonnymorumonry unlll you tryui. Old ehroiiledcrpgealedcasoifuifdlu39 to (0 dayi. In. vritlKato our financial ttaiullni ; , our reputation n > Imolnoi * men , Wrlta ui for name * anil mMrcMfi ot the o wo Iiavo cured who liavo given pemilolon to re- fartothtm. Hcu ts joil unly | < .i'r < i ( a dotlilnlt will iaru ) on a , worlil ot > unerlni ( f rum mental etraln , und If you are nmiTled what may your ufliprlnif gulfcr thiouxhaurowniieKllKrncc. Ityourtymptomiaro > ere throat , ntucuui pa tfi \ In inuulh , rheum..tltin In li < Snei and J'dntu ' , hair fnlllnitout , eruptions on any part of thotiody , fifllnticf iT'in' di-prculon , palm in head or l > one > , you IIUTOIIO time tu watte. Ihoio who are constant ly taking mcrrtiry an 1 potash Bliou Id dliconllnuolt. CurutAiit U4o oC theoodrmri wlllfturvly trlnif ftorfdaii'lo llntr tl' crs In the end. Inu'tfull tu write. A'l ' cm rpip' ' ndenro in-lit ealid In plain cnvil- opvs.VolhTUJthomu | trlkfid In ytvlltfati&a anil will do all In our power to aid you In It. Addretn , VUOK HK3tii > r CD. , Omalia , Jfrbratka. Onieo 19th and rarniin.ttf : > condloor tntraaco 13th ( I. FOB MEN" E _ ONLY , $500 tor a oiia ot LIJ a o.Kail i > ' Manhio'i ' O oneral or Nervous Debility , waalcno i ot body or mind , tha od'aow of error. ] or ex * causes In old or young that wv cannot euro. Wu iuarnutee every ciiso or rofnnJ avoir dollar. Five days trial troitmunt $1 , t'uU cour o $ & . Puroupttbli ] lun tUi raiUod In thrua clays. By malL B3 uroly pxoltaJ from observation , OIHoonet tint I O " > . m. COOK UKMEDV CO. , OMAHA. LADIES ONLY MARIP FEM ALE REOULATOB. Bafa nnil nlHUIUCorttam ot a myor money rofunJoJ I'rloo by mill 3. .Soalx 1 from COQJC UKhf nvna. n.u hi TIIUSH i'.v MI.SSII > . The County nnil Mnto Tnxt's thnt Hnvo Novnr Upon Collcotcit. The stnto law provide * thnt each year tha county elorks of tlio oountln * shall rroparo n list showing the iincolluotnuto tax niul transmit tlio jnnm to tlio itnto niulttor , thnt n proper oroillt mny bo ulvon on tlio books and tbu nmount strlclton oil. Prior to this ycnr this tins novel- boon ilono In Ormolus county nnitslneo IS.MUlio niuounts luivo loon ) piling up until now the boo Its nt Lincoln slunv thnt louKlni county owe * the Mnto * H > , S'.I3.W. Ono.M'nr ago County Cleric O'Mnllev took the mnUorln luiiul nml went to work upon tlio Itookn , Ho tint just complitlotl tlio following tnblo willed shows tlio nmount of uncolloctuhlc tnx for each yonr : ' t'rcillt i Dm1 frni Ycnr. 1'cr.ionM Errors Total I t < tnu. ! ( 1,5711.11.1 J 2.UN 22 .1..V.V 15 f l,07il tt INI ) 2.1177.117 I . .MS ( < ii 4,4(1" ( " WI 21 I.I.VI.jJll 1.1177.10 3.127.4H 518 15 ' " " ' 3ll ; 711 2.012 52 421) ) 25 INU' ! . ! ! ! ! i.'jilvw 17V 01 I .Mil 0(1 ( 4IK1 : ) 41'.i 51 2.I.V4 . 7.11 W 3,8lo ! : > ( i (151.15 ( i.umi 1.718 2t ) ; , llrj.W 2luil W 1, 4 > KS'l.Vl ( ! 1,711 79 3.IHVI.24 ; 4.T10.PI' ' I.HJ7 W lO..H 25 4.\H.ia 15.5 .87 ,1,2ltl I ) IS7U. 11.1)71.117 ) I1.2T' 07 1871. lll.ll.'l.l'l ' U.M1M 5,877 W I87J. I2.SIVI.4S 4.140.71 17,01)1.10 ) 4.2VI 50 1K7S. 0.7.VI.4I 2.7111.77 IJ..VW 18 ,1,140 IS 1S74 IO.I7U.fl I.4W.MI 1I.IVJ.II7 175. ll.Ul5.Si ; , 11.710.17 I.l4i : 711 KB. , 6.IW1.IIU , . ' 1.227 I 1S77. ' ' 577.10 4liiK'.4i ! ! 1,421 ( VI ! . I.Hio.M LIU I 24 1871) ) ! l.ltr.l 81 18.10. ; ukui 1,113.14 4.5HI.5.S M7 M 1WI. . I.U .IH 87l. 55 1S8J. Ijllllili 4.ww ! iin.HI ; X2.l M ISS.I. , f ifl.77 I.-U5 13 7S.I7 ) I : W7 Id Tiiiiiizi 8.KCI.371 I.871 BO Totnl II57.8SS.2I ! f20a.lMI.ll7 JI9.8W ' .HI The nbovo list will bo transinlttoil niul nftor the ( nncollntlou tins boon iniulo , UotiKlni county will upon n now snt of noolti with thostnto. Most of the Items In the trensnr- or's boons nro for .inmll ntnounts nnil tire nirnlnst pnrtic ; who tmvu loft the county. The following tnblo shows the ninoutit of tlellmiuont tnxoi on real cstnto for the yonr * ISO ! to ISS. , Inclusive , for which the county trontui-or may bo allowed credit : Siil'.lcot to tlio Colic. Pnrsons subject to periodical nttnoks of culic will bo inturrostod in the followingi "Mr. Clnrlc , living nonr hero , has hml chronia colic for yours. Ho tried ono LTi cent bottle of Uhnnibcrl.iln's Colic , Cliolcru and Dlnr- rhua Kotucdy , which gnvo him so much ro- lluf that hohas since used four bottles which no says bns ill most cured him sound und well , The reinedr sells rapidly nnd well tioro.V. . II. Worrell , druggist , Fort \Vlilto , Florida. " A MAN. Now \Vo Arcs ivltli Von. The Chicago , Rock Islnnd & Pnclflo nil I way tire now running nil its trains in and out of Union Dupot , Omtihiu Trains will louvo as follows : East Uound Day express , 10:00 : a.m. ; vestibulod liinitod , 4:0.i : p.m. ; Atlantic express , ( ! : ! ( ) p.m. Arriving at 0:40 : a.m. , li:05 ! : p.m. and (1:15 ( : p. in. Dopartlnp , West Bound Denver vosti- buloa liinitod , Ii2:15 : p. in. ; Denver express , 7:0 : , " ) p.m. Arriving at ! J-10 : p.m. , and 7:30 : a. m. Those trains are vcstibuled anil it la an indisputable fact that the dining car service of the "Groat Hock Island" is second to none in the country. For r.atos and sleeping car horths to all points east or west , cull at city ollloo of the "Hock Island llouto , " 10th and Fnrnnm streets. JOHN SHIJASTIAN , G. T. and P. A. J. L. DK IJiiVOiSK , General Agont. AVIIAT THUV ljlj YIINKD. llcnvor OtllulnlH Ont Varied 1'olntor.s . On Omnlia'M PavuinontH. The city ofilcials of Denver were in Omahn yostcrdny for the purpose of lonrnlng somu- thini ; ubout imvlng niul paving material , but It is doubtful If they know as much about , cli matters hou they wont uwav ns they did \vncn they came. During the enrly hours of the day they were the guests of thcOnmhn council nnd in n drive passed over mo-it of the paved streets lu the city. As they passed along they pro nounced them llrnt class und rated Umahn the best paved city In the laud. This opinion liiiRorod until afternoon , wlion Chulrman Dlrklmubcr of the Hoard ot I'nblio Works took the western olllclals In tow and piloted thorn to his ofllco In the base ment of the court house. Then tlioy were Illled full of wind. They were told about ( . ' . K. Squires and his street sweeping contiiict. They were told thatthu documi'iit full of bolus nnd that uvoryihliiir was In favor of the contractor nnd the Inter ests of tlio city. They next wanted to know about asphalt. This Inquiry touched Iho rlytit chord and the chairman of the Hoard of I'ubllc U'orus win at limno with the subject. Ho dilated nnd expanded until space room In the 'ittlu olllcu was in a premium. The gentlemen wire Informed that nsphaltum was fair to look upon , tiut tuat for actual service it win nut worth u cuss. It did not wear. It melted In nmt cracked hi winter , hedido * It rotted during wet weatnor. 'J ho Denver men concluded that their city -.1,1 not want asphaltuin and wcru npfln tlio point orsnylngso , wh'ju ' U. K. Squints appi'aiod upon the scene and slolo HlrUlmusur'.strufMs. Ilo conveyed them nboit the city. llo praised tlio elasticity of the nsphalt pavo- incnt nuU souii had ihoin convinced tlmt it wns the In the world. Thnt having been accomplished the in "I wi ro whlrlod over the Colorado stone | idvi < iiii > nt und shown its defects. Its btippnry and rough condition was discussed , and llif.-n tin * bndiy worn stouo paveinontH down in thu wholesale districts wns placed on exhibition , After the gentlemen hnd soon both Hides from the prejudiced standpoints , limy sought their train nnd departed. .M | NMKS | | | | | | | . I regard Cbmnborlain's Uollu , ( , 'liolorn nna Dinrrhdiu Honiedy as the t-rcatujt rmnody over Invented for bowel complaints.11. . \V. Ales , Oxford , Mississippi. IIAIIVKST K.VCUItHIONH SOUTH. Vln tlm U uhliHli U. It. On Soptoinbor 2 ! ) thu Wnbiisili will Boll round trip linkoU yood for HO tlnvH to iiolntH in Arlcinums , TOXIIH , l/niirtFiiiin. TonnoHSou , Misslswlpi ) ! , Alitbninn nnil Guoi''ln. { , For nxto.-i , ticljotn 11111 ! full Information - formation call on or write. G. N. CLAYTON , Atront , 1602 Fiirtmm Kt. , Utnahn , Nub. AIIIOIIK Military I'cojilo. Captain Cliurlus A. Coolrlil o lias coin- jlotod ) his ilutlos conncotoil with tlio rllla range compotltlon nnil praotlco ot llollovuo anil was orilored .vustanlay to nrocooil to Uli stnilon ntOnmn I'llot Iliitto , wyoinlnir. Captain ho l R Hurnottof iho Hoventh In- fanty , nl Korl Lo an , lirn been grantoU an oxtonslon of his luuvo of nbsoncc. Miijor Bucou hui returned from a tour of Inspoctiou , _ Small In slzo , Rro.u in roiultt. Do Witt's Llttlo Kurly Ills-art. Host pill for ronnUpa * tlon.'ijit for loihsiU'So , l3it ' for oar atoinuch.