THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. \ \ EDNV/XDAY SEPTEMBER 0. 1R01. THE OMAFTA BEE. COUNCIL BLUFFS. 1'KAHL STREET. OFFICE : - NO. 12 Dellvero * t > y Carrier In any part of the City. II.V. . TIIVTON , - MANADKK. i llmlneit Ofllco . No. (1 ( m ' 1 Night Editor . X .ai : .H/.vr/o.v. K. Y. P. Co. Council IllufTs I.tnnbrrCV , coal. Craft's chattel loans , S04 Hnpp blocK. Uyou want water In your yard or house go to IJIxby's , .102 Mcrrlnin block. Kncampment No. 3 , Union Veteran Legion. meets this evening in the Knichts of 1'ylhias hall. hall.A A marrlago license was Issued yesterday to T P. Campbell of Hroolilyn nnd Hanna tlal- lager of Council BlufTi. Judge Mncy granted a divorce yrstordav In the district court to .rallies Ilaughn from his wife , Florence Ilaughn. fho ladles ol St. John's Kngllsh Lutheran church will give n golden rod social tomorrow evening at the rusiuonco of Mrs. Flues , 100 1 Fourth street. Andrew Goodyear and Vlllssn Young , both of Uinaha , the former white and the latter colored , wcro married by Justice Swearinfcn last evening nt his ofllco. A warrant hiis boon issued is .lustico Ham mer's court for the arrest of AI. Kennedy , who runs the California saloon on lower Uroauwny , on the charge of obtaining money under falio pretences , In pollco court yesterday morning M. C , Thornton wan given n thirty day sentence fur drunkenness and begging in "tho streets. tihermnn NolT , for u plain drunx , paid flJ.TO Into the city nvasurv. Meeting ol the VVornnn's Christian Tom- pernnco union at the Young Men's Christian niFoclntlon rooms In Murrlnm block ut ; i o'clock this afternoon. An interesting pro gramme and election of ofllcrrs. Superior court commenced Its September session yesterday morning. Most of the time was taken up with routine huslncss , railing ttio calendar and malting assignments. Court than adjourned until this afternoon ut 2 o'clock. For once , nt leait , the opera house will bo filled completely. No ono will want to miss the rnro treat off.ired by Keene's presence tonight. The sale of scats indicates that Council fluffs will liberally patronUo llrst class entertainments. The East Omaha Land company has offered to provide a building for school purposes at Cut-Off Island In case the Council HlntTs school board will furnish a teacher and sup plies. Thu offer will bo accepted and school will bo started up In a fuw days. The Mutual Protective societies of Potta- wnttnmie and Harrison counties will bo held in Parish grove September 18. A tine pro gramme of music and speeches is being pre pared anil n basket dinner will bo served in the woods. In the evening there will bo a dnnco. The proprietors of the Hoston store are making preparations for a free excursion for the school children , which will probably take place next Saturday. The children will betaken taken to Mnnuwa where they will spend the day. An entertainment will bo provided for thnni at the base ball pant. The suit of Dell McDonald against Wndo Cary , to recover ? SS which it was claimed was duu for services rendered a couple of years ago , was tried in .lustice Swcuriiigen's court several days ago and Judgment was rendered in favor of McDonald. Yesterday the case was apuealcd by Cory to the district court. Walter I. Smith has returned from At lantic , where he went to open the Septem ber term of the district court. Ho found the whole country rife with polities. General Sheridan was booked fern n icpubtican address , Governor Holes for ono to the democrats , while Colonel Ottis ad vertised to conduct a rally of the people's party , .Indgo Smith decided very wisely thut it wouldn't bo best to try to run his court in the face of so ninny counter attrac tions , nnd he adjourned until nextJUondny. E. Jefferson , who was arrested on sus picion of larceny , Is thought by the police to have been guily of the thnft of the child's jron bank which was stolen from a farmer by the name of Carlisle In the eastern .part of the county n week or so ago. Ho had seen In the papers that the bank bad been found nnd went to the pollco station to got it , Kavine it belonged to him. Ho said ho came from Sioux City nnd had stopped over night nt the Colorado house , where the safe was found. Ho was at once put behind the bars and will Lave a hearing iu police court this morning. The live crap shooters who were arrested for plying their trade at the Neumnyr hotel , havn lull the city , but before they did so they IOOK occasion to rnko the city govern ment ever the coals in gooil shnpo for allow- , ng poker uamcs to bo run without hindrance all over the city , but arresting strancers as soon as they bean to amuse them selves nt a llttlo social game. The case ap pears to bo much loss serious than ns llrst given out by tno police , and people generally think seine ono went off hall cocked , To the credit of tha proprietor of Ncumuvr's hotel it should bo said ho know nothing of the game until the oflicers pounced down ugon the place and made tno arrest. Use Hallor's Gorman i'llls , the great co n fctiputiun and liver regulator. No Knko , Hut u Fact. Wo hnvo dolorminod to eloso out our IntMiiebs in Council UlulTs. Our timu is limited , and wo hnvo mnrkod down prices so low that goods will soil thoin- bolvoH In u hurry nnd thus clour out our Immoiiho eatiibllshtnont. Wo will Hell furniture , car- jiotn , cooking nnd hunting Btovcs. eroehory , glnsswnro , tinwnro , oiirtnlns , nil soils of houbokooping goods , for Hourly ono-luilt the usual prices. Nothing reserved. Everything must go , cost or no cost. The stook is complete. First come , llrst borvecl. Those In debted .to us must cull nnd settle promptly , mid snvo cots , ns wo cun pliow no pnrtiality. Mandol & Klein , 820 Brondwny. I'/rKMKV.I JM K.I ('US. Or. C. 1) ) . J mill Is hack from a trip to the cast. cast.Fred Fred Grass loft last evening for Urlnncll , where lie will attend Iowa college. Thorns Motcalf has returned homo fiom n month' ; , visit to hu old homo In Ohio. Mrs.V. . D. Nason and Miss Kva Nnson re turned last evening from n visit of n week at Wall lake. Januis Saguin has returned from n trip to Memphis. Tonn. , where ho has secured a largo bridge contract. J. M , IV.ino , of the Milwaukee , and wife returned turned yesterday from a trip to Minneapolis , Milwaukee and Chicago. Miss Koburta Hattonhancr has returned from St. Louis , where i > ho has been visiting her sister , Mrs. K. G. Wills. Colonel J. J. Steadmnn Is In Traor , Tuma county , wh/ru / ho delivered an address yes- terdi.y bof'/re ' / thu Northeastern Iowa Sold iers' association , Mrs , Ju/.nio / MucConnoll and Miss Nelllo M. Kobl/ison lonvo this morning for Salt Lake City , nnd will spend several weeks vis- Ing Denter. Alanitou , Lcadvllic , Glenwood Spriiigs and other points of Interest. C. Sprultt has returned from Osccola , Clark county , where hu has been Instructor tn n teachers' Institute for the imt three weeks , tie will begin his duties In connec tion with thodoiif niul dumb Institute today. 'I ho Intent Conundrum. \Vhv Is Hallcr's Sarsapanlla and Burdock Iku thu moat popular soap of the day. M Uccauso they both cleanse the skin and leave It both soft and velvety. Cut Priors on Hulionl HuppllcH. 1 will f-oll my bohool books utovonless than the school bonrd prlcos. I huvo also grontly reduced prices on nil kinds of fcdiool bunpllos , sliitcs , pens , potieiln , tablets otis. Hulois , onib rs , book-cur riers , blotters , etc. , given with pur chases. You cun suvo money bv culling on J. D. Orookwoll111 Uroiulwiiy. No house cun bo built in thU uddltlon to coat less tUttii * 1,000 , NEWS PROJi COUNCIL BLUFFS , Another Sensational Edition of the Kim- ball-Ohamp Oaso. SOME VIRY JUICY ALLEGATIONS. Petition Prcscntcil to tlic Court Hint the Allt'KOtl As- Ilo Set Anlilo Oh Acooinil ol'l-'riuul. A blj ? sonsatlon was sprung last evening by Attorneys .lohn V. Stone , T. 0. Dawson nnd L.V. . How , In the shnpo of n potlttoti filed In the district court to sot astdo the assignment of the Klinbnll-Cbntnp Invest ment compAiiy. Some of the allegations of the petition nro decidedly Juluy In tholr nature nnd , if proved , will show up the busi ness transactions of the defunct Mr in tn any thing but n fnvoraljlo light. The philntlffj In the suit number ll.'i In nil , anil are the other members ct the cotnn.iny of which Ktmbnll nnd Chump wcro the main factors. In thu petition It Is alleged that Klin bull and Cnamp have converted to their own use ? loi,0i : ) ( ) of the cornorathn funds , and have nlio made use of the credit of the corporation to further their own pursonal affairs. It is alleged that at the time of the assignment the corporation was In reality solvent , nnd that ICImball and Champ attempted to cancel the Indebtedness of ant ho corporation by executing deeds on their real property after mot tinging it to its full value and then using tholr power as directors to ac cept these deeds as full payment. The liabil ities wcro in fact then only KCi.ilOU. It is claimed by the petitioners that Klmball and Champ executed n deed , luno 'J. i , previous to Ihu making of the assignment , to Kmll Hansworth , ICiinoall's coachman. to'HK ) acres of land In Osceola county , and that Hans- worth , n few days later , mortgaged the same .properly back to Klmball and Champ to so- euro a loan of ? .IOU ( ) which it was pretended was made to him. A further clnlm is that Gage , the third director of the corporation , know nothing of the fact that thoassli nmcnt was conti'tnplatcd until after it had been made , and that i.ono of the stockholders Informed of the move until after it > vus all ovor. It is alleged that the same attorney who counselled with Klmball and Champ pre viously to the assignment , and who drew up the assign mont papers , immediately became counsel for the assignee , M. F. Unhrcr. It is further alleged that llohror is a personal friend and follower of Kimlmll and Champ , and is manipulating the ulTuirs of the corpora tion to advance the Interests of Knnball and Chanin at the expense of the other members of the corporation. The petitioners also claim that C. U. Towle , who was and still is thosocietary of the company , has been ox- eluded from the company's affairs , and is allowed to have no part in itsjcouncils. The petition Is a lengthy document , nnd contains many other allegations , but those nro the most important. "At the close the court is asked to remove Klmball and Champ from the directory of the companv , nnd to set aside the assignment and to appoint a receiver until a meeting of the stockholders can bo held. The case was submitted to Judge Mnoy last evening nnd an order was issued bv him for a special hearing of the case to take place next Saturday morning at 10 o'clock. An order was also made for bidding the assignee from disposing of the property of the corporation until the hearing is had. CntlsrrnpliVrltltg machine is the best for manifolding and for speed , Miss Riigadulo has returned from the enat nnd is rapidly increasing her facil ities for pleasing and accommodating her lady patrons at her new milinory parlors No. HU7 Broadway. Ilcnii , Ponder , Now Is tlio Time. 50c all wool stripe- dross goods for 2oc. 50c brilliantinos , elegant line of shades , for , ' > "ic. ' 15c brilliuntlnes , elegant line of shades , for 2c. ! ) A special line of Broadway plaids , chocks , plains and novelties , goods worth from Mo tolOc. . all in at 2oc. at the Boston Store. Council Ululls , la. Brick st.'oot pavement has been or dered in this addition. Cronlccil IICHS. N. TJ. Trimble , the cashier of the defunct bank of Minden was made defendant in a case Hied in the district court yesterday af- tornoon. Peter Killers Is the plaintiff , and ho wants a Judgment against Trimble for $1120 b > reason of some crooked work ho did while cashier of t no bank. Ho alleges that the bank. failed March 12 , 1891 , nnd that on thut day troublci ro- I'oivcd a deposit of &WO from C. J. Henry Khler.s , contrary to the provisions of the statutes. On May tfi ho received another deposit of $ ' 100 from Trod Loluko , and both of the claims wore assigned to the plaintiff in the present suit. Ho alleges that the action of the defendant in thus receiving the deposits while the bank was In an insolvent condition was the cause of the two depositors losing their property. It Is further alleged that Trimolo is about to move out of thu stun , that ho refuses to pay the claim" , and is about to convert his prop erty into money with intent to put it out of tha much of his creditors. A writ of at tachment was issued for the amount of $ ! ' , ' ( ) and was served by a deputy sheriff yester day. _ DoWitt's Uttlo harty Risers ; best llttlo pills fordyapopsia , bom- stomach , baJ breath , Clicup School ItooIcH. School hooks at lower than the school hoard prices ; also reduced prices in all Bi'hool supplies. Doll. G. Morgan & Co. Drs. Wood miry , dentists , 30 Pearl street , next to Grand hotel. Telephone 145. High erratic work u specialty ! The addition of two public parks. Allotted. A separate answer was tiled In the district court yesterday by the defendant , S. M , C. Stewart In the case of J. H. Wallace niralnst Stewart & Hunter , the Junior member of the linn being J.V. . Hunter , u brother of R M. Hunter of this city , htowart was a partner ot . .1.V. . Hunter in the drug store at Mason Cltv until April 1 , IbSS , when ho stepped out and R M. Hunter stepped In. Slmvart , however , agreed that his name should still be used In connection with the llrm for the purpose of retaining the good will of the customers although ho was in no wnv in terested In the business. Ho now alleges that thotwo hunters hnvo consulted together to compel hint to pay fora part of the goods bought , as though ho were an equal partner , and with that end in view have assigned thu claims to Wallace. A very small pill , but a very good one. Do Witts Uttlo Karly Uisors. Cltv water in front of every lot In this addition. I'YanUTrimblo.atty , Baldwin blk.tcl ! t03 t for Coal I > l-jori. Yesterday thq Hoard of Supervisors mot nnd passed on a number of county roud coso ? . A ( tor some discussion a resolution was adopted which will bo of considerable Inter. WOMAN'3 GREATEST ENBMY SICK m\n.\iiiK. : And yet every women can lessen the number and froiiuoncy of her headaches by assisting nature by natural means. The gomuno Carlsbad Sprudol Salt taken early In the morning before break- fabt , and if necessary at bedtime , will supply these uicaue. ostto those who are Interested In the Hndiug of con ! . The resolution provide' ) lint any person who should discover a vein Of met1- chnntnolo soft coal anywhere In 1'oltnwattlmo county , not less than twenty-four Inches In thiuUnoss , and of good quality , should receive out of the county fund a reward of $1,000 , provided the dis- dlscovory bo made within onu year fiom September * , 1801 , and reunrtcd to the board to the satisfaction of the latter. The famous Uittlunn road rase was then taken up. and after a thorough discussion it was decided to grant the petition for the chnngo of the In N'nrwalU township , In spite of the remonstrance which was put In by some of the property owners along the road. The prettiest residence addition over platted in this part of the country. Picnic at Manhattan beach. Kotind trip tickets from Omaha , including boat ride , 60c ; on sale at news stands at MH- lard and Murray hotels. Removal halo. Bargains in shoes. L- Klnnchnn has removed from illi , ' ! Broad , way to No. 11 Pearl street. ItMilllcuiiH | ) I'leitsrd. The republicans .sot the ball rolling In good Rlmpo last night bv a rfrand rally in the Mcsoniu Temple. By S o'clock every seat In the room was occupied , and scats in the windows on the radiators and comfortable standing places on the floor were in demand. Attorney C. M. Hurl acted as master of ceremonies for the evening. In a few eloquent nnd vigorous words. In which no called attention to the evident signs of prosperity all around , and to the no less evident fact that the drouth , the pestilence , thu chinch bug and early frosts had failed to keep their appointment with Governor Boles , ho introduced General George A. Sheridan , the orator Of the even ing.General General Sheridan alluded to the two parties , cacti of whom wants to run the government , and represented them In the light of aspirants for the same position , each ono putting in its claims for the honor by ex hibiting its past record. On the ono side was the republican party , with a record that anyone .was at liberty to Invest igate , while on the other was the democratic parly , whoso main purpose waste to keep Its record In the background as much as possible. ifo then took up the tariff question , nnd in a hasty sketch he showed how ruin and dis aster mid followed the acts of the deinocr.itle party whenever It had been In power ; how free trade from ITVi to ITa'J had taken every dollar out of the country nnd left It bankrupt , nnd how the successive raisings of the tariff had resulted In the Increase of manufactures and the consequent Increase in prosperity of the country. Boies Now England dinner speech then came In for a choice share of the speaker's ridicule. Ho had not entered ths'ato , after reading Boles' speech , prepared to lind pov erty and ruin staring him in the face every where. Ho was mobt agreeably surprised at petting a square meal at Clinton for 50 cents immediately after crossing the line , and ut every step noiv signs of the prospheitv of the state greeted Him. His description of the exhibits ho saw at the state fair was an elo quent tribute to Iowa's wealth of resources , and his only possible conclusion , after look ing about the state , was that Governor Holes was either an ignoramus or else an unquall lied falsifier. Ho ridiculed Governor Boles' assertion that a merchant who goes over to England and buys $100 wortn of goods and pays n tariff of $ . " ) ( ) is compelled to make the con sumer pay the extra $ . " ) ( ) pluss the his prolit , and declared thM if the governor was to live three or four hundred thousand years nnd all the domociats , living nnd dead , to help him , ho would never bo nblo to lind n single article where such a statement of facts were true. true.Tho The speech was so highly entertaining and instructive that the audience was hold until 11 o'clock. At the conclusion a call was made for members of a young men's ' republl can club and a large number of young nion responded. Delicious and Heiiltlitiil. Sotorian Ginger Ale Excelsior Springs Co.'s. MornlnisiIe. Lots sold on monthly payments , low interest. _ Pianos , organs , U. B. Music Co. , 539 Broadway. Now fall good's , finest line in the city , received Hoiter's the tailor's just at , 310 Broadway. Swanson music company , 33-5 Broad way. AA'XUU * CKMKXTfi. At the popular matinee that will DO given at Boyd's Now Theater this afternoon by Itussoll's ' Comedians of "Tho Now City Direc tory , " ton now features will be introduced. Among the now musical numbers that will be rendered are the following : "AlwaysTo " WltmarK "Tho Ono Man gether , ; Quar tette , " Swcatnam ; "Tho Horrid Way Ho Says It , " DulyThe ; Mniionottoa , " .fA\y \ and Seaman ; a now dance by Amelia Glover : "Tho Miner , " Miron ; "Nora Maguire , " Bessie - sio Cleveland , r.ud a now lullaby , Maym Kolso. Hussoll's Comedians are "certainly the ablest this year ttiat they have ever been , and they deserve tno wonderful success they have attained. Today will bo the f ro- well performance ofThe City Directory" at the Now Boyd. The price at the matinee this afternoon at i0 ! : ! ! o'clock has been fixed at the astonishingly low price of f > 0 cents in all parts of the house , and for the evening performance at $1 , 7"i cents , fiJ cents and - . " > cents. \s a talented representative of the highest class in the entire school of comeuy work , Pattl liosn has been commended by the most astute critics of America , England and \ustrallu. She possesses that delicate touch tnut can draw thu line of pure comedy , nnd her work is free from the courses character istics of farce us ii Is also , frea from the broader slgnillcanco of burlesque. Ono prime element in her success and popularity Is her ability to win the admiration and lovu of women nnd children. The relinement of the woman Is shown In her work , and to children she Is a veritable ' 'good lairv of the stago. Her visits mich succeeding sea son are looked forward to with anticipations of enjoyment , the full fruition of which never fails. It is ono instance in which the plcasuro of realization Is greater than that of antici pation. Ilor engagement at Boyd s Now theater , opening next Sunday night , in her plays "Imp" nnd "Dolly Vardm" will enlist the attention and patronage of all who enjoy pure , Innocent nnd legitimate stage enter tainments. The advance sale of scats for the engagement - ment of the eminent tragedian , Mr , Thomas \V. Keene , at Boyd's now theater , which commences Thursday evening next , will begin at U o'clock this morning. Mr. Kcono will bo supported bv an excellent company and will present the following repertoire : Thursday evening , "Ulchnrd III. " ; Friday evening , "Louis XI."i Saturday matinco , "Tho Merchant of Venice , " and Saturday evening , "Ilichard 111. " The prices of re served teats for the entire engagement will bol for the Hist tloor and " > cents for the balcony. General admission to HrstfloorT5 cents , general admission to balcony 50 cents , gallery 'J5 cents , Lincoln J. Carter's scnnlo production , "Tho Fast Mall , " which will bo presented at th'j Rirnani street theater next Thursday evening by an excellent companv , Is ono of the most successful plays put on the stni/o in rcwnt years. Thu story Is thrilling , and justice It done the startling and realist ID > cones by a perfection of mechanical effects , Among other productions U a roprusoutatlou of an engine room on a Mississippi river sto.iaibout with the furnaces under ttio Uoiler tired up , A train of cars shoots across the stage In one scone , and In another thorn is a vivid , beautiful and uwo Inspiring repre sentation of Niagara Falls by moonlight , with the singint ; water * and graceful mist .hut rises about it. The company is said to bo excellent throughout. "Olivette , " Audi-All's charming comlo opera will be produced at the Grand Thurs day nisht bv the Harrow opera company. Of "Ollvotto" descriptively little pued bo said as It 1ms long been a favoriw with the public. The company U well cast Mr , Drew doing Coqulollojt in his usual Irresistibly funny manner and the other parts are equally well disposed of , The opera was the compa ny's greatest success In the cast and will , no doubt , be well received hero. IIS .1 INI'KIlVUUK. . \Vc crn AitH4oMnt Ion Holds nn Mil- The first mooting of the Western Art as- socl'itlnti ' , f llowln ; the muilummor Inter rognuin , was held at the ltjjin | , < or art gal- Iorj lust night with a fair attendance The evening was devoted to business and was opened by a short addv s by the presl- i dent , Mr. G.V. . l.lulngcr ! Ho stated that the association now had not ) members on Its I rolls and had n collection of , over iht works I of art , besides n fair collodion of casts and SI.-JiO In the treasury. Ho"then ivfcrrcd briefly to the art school .Avhicu had been opened under the direction of the associa tion. The opening ol the school marked an Important croch In the history of the club , but It was necessary for the members of the association to support It In closing , the president referred to the cointtiK fall exhibit of the association , and expressed the opinion that an art ex hibit In connection with the fall exhibition would form an attractive feature. Professor Wallace sp.iko about the new art school. Ho .said it would not bo ready for pupils until the last of the week , hut ho was very sanuutno of the ultimate success ol the school and expressed the opinion that there would bo at least one hundred pupils b ) October. The night , classes , he said , would provide instruction for a largo num ber who bail not been nblo to attend day classes , especially young inon and school teachers. The school was discussed at some length by a number of those present and then the question of an art loan exhibit was taken up. There was a great diversity of opinion at Hi's t as to tno feasibility of securing an inter- eitlng collection of cuilos or an extensive exhibit of works of art , but after a full dis cussion of the subject in all Its bearings It was ttiu gcnornl opinion that , with vigorous work , an excellent collection mlu'lit bo made. On Motion of Mr. Clem Chase , it was un animously decided to hold a curio and art loan exhibit In connection with the fall ex hibit of the association , subject to such lestrictlons as the board of managers might see lit to impose. The bo.inl of managers will hoi 1 a moil ing in a short time nnd decide upon the plan and scope of the exhibit. Found Iliw Watch. About T.10 : o'clock last nicht William Caskcy rushed into the police station anil ex citedly cried out to Captain Mustvn that ho would like to borrow three or four policemen If they were not busy. Upon being asked for un explanation Cnskcv said that he hud been held up and robocd of a silver watch. An ofticor was sent with the excited man , but soon satisfied himself that thotc was nothing in It. At 11 o'clock Caskcy was found in the streets dead drunk and taken into custody. When searched the prisoner had his watch In an inside pocket where he had forgotten it. AVon ' 1 1) Ir Strike. The striking horseshoors are jubilant ever the outcome of their walkout. They have secured an eight hour day , in which all the principal shops , with the execution of D. Cunningham and Andrew Murphy , have Joined. They express confidence in ultimate buccess all along the line , although the two shops mentioned are still pegirinc along on the non-union line and propose to stick to it. South Om IKI Lothario AVillinm Harvey was arrested last night by Olllcer Stiles on a warrant sworn out ov J. K. Graham and charging- him with adultery. Harvey Is a South Othaha barber and is married. It is claimed that ho has been criminally Intimate with a young pirl in this city and the arrest was in , ale at thu instcnco ot the wife. _ _ FVlltOUS FLAJIRS , Acid's Pi IIIPH yak)1 Perilous Work for Now YorU Kir men. Nnw YOIIK , Sept. 8. The immense storage warehouse of H. C. Hiayton at Oil nnd 04 South street was destroyed by fire today. At least fifty business houses had goods In storage in the buildings'and among the con tents were chemicals , drugs , Jute , sticllac and a variety of general merchandise. Mrs. Carlton , 05 years old , the Janitress and an invalid , was carried from her sickbed to the rcof and lowered down into No. 01. The fumes of the chemicals , composed principally of vitriol , burned into the flesh and oycs of the llrotnon. Five of thorn were burned , two severely. Later tno tire again broke out ana raged ilercely for an hour. Statements made by Mr. Layton warrant , giving KKO.OOO ns the loss on stock nnd $2r > , 000 on the building. Added to this Is the damage by water to goods stored in the adJoining - Joining buildings , occupied by Charles Kauf man , tobacconist , and small olllcos , which will bring the total up to Sfi'i.OOO The cause of the lira is unknown ; insur ance , uucompi'.cd. FLAT Jilt ALll'E. Merited Pate of n Priitnl NcRro Ilnv- taller in Louisiiinii. SnithVKrour , La , Sopt. S. News was re ceived hero today of a most heinous outrage committed on the por.son of a young lady school teacher near Arcadia. The school was two miles from the young lady's ' homo. After school was dismissed she started to walk homo. In a lonely place she was sot upon by n burly negro , who dragged her Into the woods near by and tied tier to a tree , where she was kept for two days. A searching' party found her there on the evening of the second day , when she told them her story , with the request to hide near , as. the negro would soon return. This they did , nnd in a short while the negro made his appearance and was captured. He was fear fully tortured , being skinned alive and lit erally cut to pieces. His body was loft in the woods for the bu/.zards to disposn of. KlI.l.Klt It 1' J.V Henry AVuliitor , While Tryinjj to ICHCiipo AriTNt , is > hot Down. COI.UMMUS O. , Sept S. At nn early hour this morning Ofllcer Fcest of the Columbus pollco force , shot and Instantly killed Henry Weostcr , a colored man , whom ho was pui ] suing f-r the purpose of arrest. The olllcer slates Webster fired upon him , and thut ho shot him In solf-dofcn o. Webiter canu hero some time since with a circus , and but little is known of him. There is consider able feeling on the purt of a cottaln class of colored citizens ever the shooting , and they have called a meeting this evening for the purpose of denouncing thu notion of thu olllcor Q WIFT'S SPECIFIC is a remedy which J is fur in advance of , medical science , as it bus Iicen expelling Microbl from the blood , nnd curing llio worst diseases for GOyeuis , and it is onjy recently that the medical world have concluded that THE DULY WAY to euro disease is to force out the baccllll tliroueh the I'OUES pP THE SKIN. Bs8sg8 | Fever Fails to do this , AN I Mil.V. . fit funniKdltor of the _ , _ . ' ' _ l MCklnibnr < Ne 8 , at Ilojiltoti , Va. , ED/TOnl .v that hr bus hcenentlrrly rellcv- < c < l from an absccri which formed In hi * iliroal , ail caused hitctirc pain , almost choking him , He c-jilUl not swallow pollj fontl , anil was In a mntt puluful condition. He iava that he took 011)7 ) thru- bottles , and that It effected a ( oinnletu cure. Trc-atlio on Blood aud Skin Dltcaio mailed free. bWIiT Sl'tUIFIO CO. . firmer 3. AtluntJ , Ga. Nh\EJKA.SKA. National Bank I' . S. PEPOalTOKV , . OMAHA N'EB Capital $4OOOOO Surplus OO.OOO Onlcers ami Illrectori-IIenrir . Yntot , Preildanti U' l S. Heo.l. VIcol'reiMint : C. S. Mnurlca , XV. V. Mono , John ri. Colllni. Jt. C , Cuthlue , J. N. U. r.trlck , W. II , d. llu b i , Caibler. T1-1L1 IliON BANK. Corner JUi and Fornam dti A OcDcral Uanklug Uusloosi Transacted. US I NESS In our Men's department has started in with a rush. Never since we opened our store have wo sold so many fine suits during the firrft weclc in'Septcm er as we sold last week. We've got the goods , we've got the styles , we've got the quantity , and what's more to the point we've gofi the /'ncfs. This week we open on our second floor an entire new stock of Boy's clothing. When we say ent'rc new stock , we mean it. We didn't carry ever a single suit from last season. Every suit we arc showing today is new this season. We intend to doubld our trade in boy's clothing. We've got the goods to do it with. We've bought immense quan tities. We've ' bought them right and we intend to make prices on them that have never been made before. 396 knee pant suits at $1.OO , Made in handsome brown plaids , in tasty styles , ages four to fourteen. 278 knee pant suits at $1.65.Made Made in neat pin checks , in a variety of colors , in ta tv styles , ages four to fourteen. 295 knee pant suits at $1.95. Made in handsome stylish stripes , with double breasted coats , trimmed with soutache braid , ages four to fourteen. 75O knee pant suits at $2 50.Made Made in strictly all wool cassimeres , in five very hand some patterns , ages four to fourteen. These arc the best suits ever sold at the price and are worth fully four dollars anywhere. 325 long pant suits at $2.25 ) Splendid wearing School Suits in three 375 'Ollg ' P'ult suits at 2.60 i pieces , Coat , Vest and Pants , ages ten to 250 long pant suits at 2.75 J thirteen. Strictly all wool suits in three pieces , Coat , [ 2f > o long pant suits at $4.00 Vest and pants , in a very handsome assort- j 250 long pant suits at 4.25 ment of colors and styles. f 250 long pant suits at 4.5 $ HAVE YOU GOT A BOY ? BRIJSTGr HIM IN. SPECIAL NOTICES. COUNCIL BLUFFS. 1i-l'M : NK LltHT ; I'elch strain , very rlifap. Atlclit'as 1" . i Swlclc. .1)12 ) A veniio I ) . . Council muffs. YA7 AXTI'I ) - - Competent tflrl for ( jenor TT housework ; must lo ) KOoil cook. HHo > court avenue. FOR SAM : Cheap Onu I'nirbnnks. ( i-lot s ' .ilus. new. II. A. COY , Hi Mull street. fcJIO Ariti : IOWA l-'AUM AT * ; i ) I'KIt Al'lt'- : JM > nnil KB ) line fuim. Lur u list. .lohnsor & Van I'.itlen. icrxv ruuNHiict ) iuwM\r\vc Kentlenion. ( lo.Mtloii. Address with reference. " .I" . " lleo otlU'o. JTIOK ItKNT Mccly furnished rooms , will -L or without bouid , 1(1 ( N. 1st street. WANTii-At : Gr.iml hotol. ' WD-IIIUI pastry cook. Good waxes. Also furnish an assistant. WKlmvo nn equity of $1,200 In a new , do- Rltdble seven-loom liousu and lot. Good location , ( . 'mi t'Nchiinxc for vaeant lots. A bargain. Cooper .V McUou , 11 ! M iln street. \V ANTKD-At Grand hotul , chambermaids : Rood wages for thosu co'iiius well recom mended , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ " \\7 ANTED Two t-ood plrls at Kmniott i house , > o. l.MJ south Sixth stieet. TOOK IcnNT Or lease. Two-story btore- - * - room. No. iSH , Middle Itroadw y. linen used for the p ist six years as book and sta tionery store. Apply to J. Perry , Mioo shop. under First Nut. WANTKD to Trade -Five-roo n house , full lot In Omaha for house an I lot In Council niuirb.R _ Hrqwn. ll'l Itro.ulwuy. NTaiid sychomotrlc , or clinr- - ' neter rc.ialnss ; also diagnosis of disease nend lee * of hair for reading by letter. Hiin- S.iys and evenings. Mrs E. Hooper. ! 4iJ Avo- duoE , near vorimr IJth btreot. Council lilulfc Terms , SJo and $ I.OJ. _ _ MAGNIFICENT acre property In five-aero traets. loeatud 2V miles from postolllco , for sale on reasonable terms b'omo line losl- dcnco propertyfor _ rentjjy Hay k lleis. _ ir > OU SALE or Kent Garden land with J- hollies , by .1. H. Klee , JOI Main St. , Council I ) luffs. at law I'MO ! c Attorneys , ! ) tlL.0n \ t,0 | sUto an I federal courts. Ktnins I , 4 null " > Shu''art Heno block , Council HlunN. l.i. HI fin mil ore Attornny nt faw. No. ID . J. tUiUIUJUa , I'oirl struut , ever llnsh- noll's store. Toluphono No. 2i'i. Iliisinosj hours , b u. in. to'J p. in , Council Itlutts , 11. : DOCTOR Thcso Utlclnatid EN L1 ! I' . I'lIU are a I'oMUvoCuru for fcloL ; a > llcAiliiehc. KillotmiOM , an'JJ ( 'oiiHlpiillon. F-inulI , pica * . ! nut and favorllc ulth the * hullcn , Sol I In KiiKl uil for la. * I' ' iL.ln America for S"ic. Octj Un in from your Dru lits , or ; eeml to \ \ . II. lioohiii A (0. ( , ; 40 Hf.l llnm w.Tt AirV. ; For fiilu by KU1IN & CO. unil SHKR- MAN & McCONNT.I.U Oimilm I.S I Oil I1UIIII\O MATKIMAI.H - Hulled Mates Indian Servleu , I'lue Kldut ) Agency , South Dakota , Sc' | > tuml > ur II , 1MI. ) iri'iileil proposals , endorsed "I'roposiiU for Iliilldlni ; Matorlals" and addressed to the uiiclcu signed ut Pine KuUe Ascmiy , Munition county. South DaUoM , w.ll . liu reenhril ut this ttKf uoy until I o'clock p. in. of Oetohur I. IK'.ll , for turnMiInx unit < hdlverlnx ut this ujrenev a variety ot bulldlnn mutnrinls. coiiHls'tlns ; of lumhor , doois , windows , Khlnuli's , ( mints , oils , hardware. ete. . a full list and description ot which inav ho obtained by application to thu undijr ltned. didder * will ho required to stall ! speclllciilly In tholr olds the promised prlco of uui'h uitlc'lo offi > iod for dull very tinder u contr.ict. Thu rich ! Is resorvt'd to reJect - Ject uny or all hliU , or any part of any Iml , If doomed for the best Interest of the survlco. I'ertlllod checks. Uach bid must hu aecom ( muled hy a certified ohei-U OP draft ii | on Mime United States depository or solvent nu- tlonal hunk In the vJclnlty of thu rehldonue. of the bidder , made payable to the oulerof the commissioner of Indian a II a Irs , for ut A per cent of the amount of thu propoi.U , which L-hei'kor draft will bn foifultoii to thu United Stales In case any bidder or blddfis lucoivmt : an award shall full to promptly execute a contract with rood and HUlllclent KUrotles , Xlic'i wlRO to be leliiined to the bidder , lllils accompanied by cash In lluu of a certified check will not be considered. I 'or further In formation apply to L'aptaln C , ( i. I'unnuy , [ 'ailed St'ites army , uctlnu' United Status Indlunauent. SUdgit M pUOl'OSAI.8 KOH I < lMllF.ll ! , -I. hrlclcs , ptilnti , hardwiiru , sluss , etc. U. iiiilhin Service , Omiihii and \Vlnnohuiii Acuney , Nob. , Wlnnohusn and Thur ton t'linnty. Neb. , Sopleniberrith , tb'.ll. ' Seiilud mo- endorsed "Proposals for Ininbcr , sliln- Clew etc. , ' us the CHto iniiy hi' , anil . . . _ . . to thu unilnrslunoil ut Wiiinu io , DiiUotit county , NiihrnsUii , will lie ivculvinl ut thi 11K i.'i icy until 1 i ) Y lock , 11 m. . of Uotohnr : ul , Ibill , for furnishing nnil ilrllvurliiK ut this u'-'riiL-y iihout ' 'il.MiU fouriissurtml Iniulior ; 111- MXhiilnvlos ) ; 7'nloorsi C8 wliiiliiwi ; lU.ouu Drh'ki 101) ) burrols ilniii ; liulnts , hiinlwiiro. Klusx , otc. u full list unil description of which nuiy ho ohtiiltioil hy npiillaatlnn to thu uiiik'r.slKnuiJ. ItldiloM will hu rt'iinlrt'd to alutii Hiooilk'nlly | In tholr hlils the proposed prlcu of oui'li artlulo olTeiud for ilollvury unilur ti contruut. The right Is roMirvi'd to rojcot uny or nil hiils. or liny part of any hid , If dcoinrd for the licit In- tl-ri'ht nf thu hur\lco. Cortllk'd oliDcksHiioh hid must ho uL'compnnlud hy n oci tilled ehuck or ilruft iitiun 801HO United Mittun duposltory nr solvent iiutloiiHl hnnk In the vicinity of the leslitunuu of the hlddor. niudo uayublo to thu order ot the connnUsloncr of Indian utTuIrs , for ut luiibt A percent of thu amount of thu jroposal , uhloh check or draft will bo ford - ' " d to lh United btutus In case any bidder ddoru revolving un award tthiill ( nil to iptly oxuciilu a contrHCt with Rood and lutllclent iuretlt a , othcrwlie to ho returned to ho bidder. IHds accompanied by cash In leu of a cortllled check will not beoomldercd "or ( urther Inforuuitiou upuy tuKOHKUl' II. AbllLEY , U b. Indluu ugcuu b'W-SU-M TWIN CITY STEAM DYE WORKS , G. A. Schoedsack , Proprietor , Offices 621 Broadway , Council Bluffs and 1521 Fnrnam St. , Omaha. Dye , clean and reflnish goods of every description. Packages received at either office or at tlid j Works , Cor. Ave. A and 20th St. Council Bluffs. Send for price list. Merchants who hnvo shop-worn or soiled fabrics of uny character cun huv i them rcdyod and finished equiil to now. ! BGD'FEATHEKS RENOVATED AND CLEANED BY STEAM , with the nd most approved machineryntost ut loss cost thun you ever p.iid bjfoi-o. SUCH THINGS DO NOT HAPPEN AT A. T. THATCHER , 16 Main Street , - - Council Bluffs Best Quality Anthracite. High Grade Soft Coal. Lowest Prices Guaranteed. UNCIL BLUFFS STEMI DYE WORKS , All Kinds of DyiiltuandCloiinliu donii Iu the highest style of the art. Faded and atulncd fabrlua Hindi1 t < > look ' < * good im new. Hud fonthiTJ flo.ineil by Btnain In fliNt-uliiss IIIHII- m r.Vnrk prompt y demo and delivered In all imrts of thu onunlry. S'iml for piluo lift. C1. A. MACIIAN. 1'KOI'KIKTOK. 10J llruudway , Near Northwua urn Depot , COUNCIL Ili.Uff.IOWA. . C. ESTEP , 14 N. Main St. , Council Bin/ft. / Funeral Director and Erabalmar. THE GRAND Council Dluffs , In. TIIJS KLEGANy APPOINTED HOTEL WNOW OPEN. _ N. W. TAYLOR , Manager. CITIZENS STATE BANK Of Council Bluffs , CAPITAL STOCK $150,000 SURPLUS AND PROFITS 70,000 TOTAL CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $225,00 ? DniKf roiis-I A Miller , ! ' . O. Olouson , II ft. Sbu''art , U Ill.irt. . ,1. I ) . IMmundson. Ohurlcf K llannan. Trans icl liunkliix biisU ness , Largest capital and surplus of uny bunU In Honthwetitorn Iowa INTE.REST ON TIME DEPOSITS STTFRANCIS ACADElY UOAIUUNU AM ) HAY SCHOOL. FIFTH AVENUE AND SEVKNTII ST. Can bo Touched from any of the depots on Conducted by the Bisters of Hilarity , II , V. M. TKHMS-l'of hoard ami tuition. IHU iruolnz nil branches of u finished o Incatlon for y onus Indies , K.'i for boiion of llvu muntln , com- nionolni ; llrst Monday In Sontombor and I'eh- rnary , rospcotlvoly. I'or ( urthur pkrtloul.ira ttlluros * SISTP.H si-i-nuiou. - St. Francis Academy , Council mull's In. i\T \ OF COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. I'niil Un Ciip'.tiil ? 101),000 ) Olitoit orKnnltml liiink In Ilia ( Itr Kurc'Un unit iluiimllu unclninuu nnd locHl niicurltlut. Ktpoclal nttt'iitlun pulil to culluctluni. Acomniti of Inill unit , | j.tnki , liunker nnil corpgratlun * tullcltuil. Corfnpunili'licu bivllo-l. UKO. I' . bANKJIlli , I'ruildont , A. W HIKKMAN. ruhler. A. T 111UIS , Atilntant Cmlil r >