THE OMAHA DAILY BEE , TDjESDAY SEPTEMBER 8 , 1801. SPEG L NOTICES. ADvkllTIHKMKSTS FOH TlIKSK OOMtMNH will ! taken until 12-.KU p , In , , for thn ficnlnit nn < t until fi .Op. m , , for the mornlnn or hundny cdl totin. All nrttiTllfcmontKln tlip ( < ciliimn lrnnl a word flritlnnrrtlon and l4 ! rrni * n wnrd thereafter , or t'i tier 1 1 no \ < cr month , No mlvrrllMMnenl taken fnr ic tlmn2."ici'ntii for tlmllrrt Inn'rllcin. Torni ci"h In nilfntiri * . InlltalK , HunriM" , dynit.oli , etc. . pitch count n n word. All iwlvurtljrnicnti lulint runroll- fcutlvi'ly. Advcrtltcri. by tp < | upstlnit a Jimubeml rheck. cnn Imrn tholr linn pr nildrcKiutt to n num- ln'Tpd Ic'ttrr In carp of TIIK HKK. An wcr BO ad- rtrpii Pd will bo dcllTerotl on prcuflntntlon of Iho check. _ . - polimirm wilt 1m Inkpn nn Iho nlmvd miulltlonii t thn following liimlnrM IKIIIMIII. who ate ililliur- liprt In mm * i ( ifclnl nntlcp * at tlm inmo rales aft can ip Imd al HIP main ufllrui Houtli Omaha Hrarch OIHAc-No. Zffi ) N trcct , I.lntprlilork. .lolm W Ili'll. pharmacist , tltliaml Mni > on nlrpptn. H. II. Farnnnrnrtli , I'hnrmnrliit. 3115 CiimlnK utrcut. W. .1. Ihmlii'ji. 1'hnrnmcli.t. i. 4 N. H'.th ntrpct. C. K. Patturllcld , Pharniacl l , 1H3 i avenworth Itrpct. IhiulH'V I'harmnny , Zlth and Karnnm. .SITUATIONS XTKIl _ _ For note * , ttc , . tee tori nf 'rrl column on ttim ran * . ) MAN WITH rpfpri'nco ; city or country. 0.7. Ileo olUrp Coun cil Hlum. M.W , 12. A LADY WANTH A SITUATION I'OH (1KN- A cral honnework. Henry Jlucller. l.Hli anil Jonnn. > 13 < H a * _ _ H1TUATIO.V WANTKI ) HYALADYTO WOHK morn an ovu for board and room. Aildre < A 27 , Hue. 311 8 * _ WANTIII ) STKADV KMPLOYMBNT HY MAN of A ) : able to keep boukt. Kent of refercnni or security. Address A 2.1. Hoc. SV.V7 * WANTKD , HY A VOrNO LADY , ntenoKrnphi'r. lliift-rrnri'ii. Address .li'nnlo ( IrccnslatP , Wlllinatliavllle. .Mo. 211-7 * lornilcf , etc. , tee ton of jtttrnlumn on IM i ui' " TfyMVANTKI ) . RKNKIIAt. ACKXTS FOIt Ot'll -Dnnn-nvniioratlnu , Iion-frrp/liiK clipinlcnl llriiimlli rnllrely nnwi pntniit recently itrnnlcMl : quick millori apply at niici' . Thu Worri'fli'r Flro Appliance Co. , 8S-4I Front nt. Worci'stcr. . - . . - * -KAILHOAD LAHOHKHH FOIt WOHK ON -"Union I'mllln : In Wyoming Knimcr \ Kramer , labor iiKcney , Wt South Kleventh street. M32i ! 8 * T > PAKNTS ( , TO HKLlT NKW ADVKHT1HIN J 'device to merchants , ninniiriictnrers and at of fices. Dig pay. Htcady nurk. Are J. .MfK.'o. < . , llacliie , WIs. Mva 9 * O-K.YPKHIKNCKD CLOTIIINfl SALKHMAN TO JJsollcIt orders for custom made clothing , salary or commission | mld. Ktulmrds , 1417 Farnam.M320 M320 8' B WANTKD , HOY AJK 15. TO DISTHlllin'K samples. Cull ot 8 a.m. 210 South 12th. M.118-8 * 13 \VAN1'Tir : HJVS. ( .HTKADY WOHK. Oil AIIA Hot Factory , K. Omaha. Mill. T > WANTKD-COAT , PANTS AND VKST MA1C- J'uri. Iliishelaian and tallurcssos. ( label the tailor , 1518 Farnam street. M3.I7 10 * 7J-WANTKI ) , SIX HOOD HIIICICLAYKKH AT -I'once. good nak'i'i. steady work , apply to Hutz- Irus Hros .1 Piilenskc , HantliiKs , Neb. 3I2-13 * " p WANTKI ) , LOCAL AND THAYKLLINO J'snlpsmnn , Hpeclnltles worth { I'fl.lO per week to good limn. Allison , 177 Monruu slrect , Chlcntro. 3I3-7' 15 WANTKI ) , ONK OH TWO LIVK AOKNTS TO J 'represent the American Housewife In Omahn nnd vicinity. Address for 3 days , AW , Heo. : m T-WANTKI ) , A HKL1AHLK FIHK INHUHANrK J'man of KOOd business nhlllty and long exper ience and InrKOacijunliitniico In Omaha , and well posted on present rates , can lonrn of a lucrative and porninnciit posltlgn by addressing A li , Hee. 211) ) T > WANTBD.m A MONTH AND KXPKNSK8 FOIl JJsalesinen In every county In the U. S. ; sampln.H.t outllt free : no experience necessary : yearly con tracts man > : Uncut and easiest selling goods 1111111- ufactnred. Addrois with stamp fur full particu lars , 1C. Converse , 32 llermoii at. , Worcester , Mass. m ; j _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Tj WANTKI ) , 8PKC1AL Acls.NT FOH 11UILDINO -Iand loan assoclutlon. Call 501 Hue hulldlng. 8 to 10 a. m. 112-8' T > WANTKI ) , SALKSMANON i ALAHYOHCOM admission tohandlu the new patent chemical Ink erasing pencil ; thu greatest sclllmt novelty ever produced ; erases Ink thoroughly In two seconds ; no nbraslim of paper ; 200 Id f > .V > per cent profit ; one nucnt'tt sales amounted to ? ii20 In sir days , another IU2 In two hours. We wimt ono general agent In each state nnd territory. For terms nnd full par ticulars address thu Monroe Kraser Mfg. Co. . La Crosse , Win- S8a T > -MKN OF ( JOOD ADDHKSd TO SKLL OOol ) ? -IJon Installments. American Wringer Co. , 1MH Howard. M05U H ; B WANTHI ) . 20 SAI.KSMKM TO CAIlllY AS A slilu line our "Cn h on Delivery" clunr , with polil-tllk'il wntoh : bis pay , C. O. D.ClBur Co. , Wins ton , N.C. 815 B -WANTKI ) , OOOn CANVASSKIIS AT SINfiHIl , g machine olllco , 151(1 ( DouKlas street. 8M 839 B-WANTKD. TWO (70OI ) ACC1DKNT INStlll- anco sdllcltors tor thn city and ono for Smith Omaha. Aililrt-sn W 12 Heo. M.'M'J AV ANTI3FK IA LK 11 l-JI I or rtitet. etc. , fee ton nf Nrt column nn tills tiaijs -WANTia > "a irAovs"ANI > T ( JK for ilriiQintlo Co. Oooil ailyaiico man Aililrcas AVJ , Heo. Jll'tl C -WANTKI ) , A Olltr. FOIl IIOUSK WOUK. Lltienil WIIKOB to ono who In a Kood cook and liiumlrcns. ItururcnceH reiiilretl. | Call at nr ad- drusi 'KM1. I.afayottu aTcniiu. M3il : 10 VANTKI ) . AT ONCH. WAIST ASH ) SKIIIT tllilnliiTs. The .Morno Dry ( iooiU Co. ; 11T 7 C WANTKI ) YOl'XH ( JIllhOr'AllOUTlnYKAUS for lioinuwork , 1711 N. 1'Jtli etreut. SI27U 8 * WANTKI ) , A YOUNCi ( IKUMAN OIIIL TO DO 'ncneriil housework , 123 Scuitli lith etrcot. Mllni. KOIl HI3NT 1IOUS13S. tornitrn. fta , , jre In/i / ofr i coitimit nnthln < no' . 7V-KOII HK.NT. NKW 7-UOOM FLAT. HUICK J-block on So. Ifith t. ; bath , ranxu , hot and cold water. J. II. Kvana , 308 N. Y. Life. ilKS-ll ) Di - UOOM 11OUSK CKNTHALI.Y LOCAted - ted uioileru liiiprovomenti ) . lirmulro 713 N. I''tli. ' ' 811.1 -FOH HKNT. F1HHT CLASS .MODKHN HKYKN riiom house f2J per month. Nice view nnd ynrd , < 2d and Nicholas. M'.SI b- B < 1OI ) F1VK-UOOM 1IOUSK KOIl HUNT 2018 ClnirloB nt. Iiujulro at 21)11 ) Charlea Bt. 3UI 'J * TI KOIl Hn.NT. MIOOM FLAT , SIODKHN CON- J.'venU'iicc. Hcfi'ruiiL'os rv < iulred. Wrlcht A Las- bury , liih : * Ilnnard. B-FOH HUNT , HKVKN-HOO.MS.S'rKAM 1IKATKI ) Hat , Cluwry hulldlng , H'.tU and Chicago streets. llo twrts. Hi IS ChlctiKO itreel. 'i'i'.i 1:1 : * B-2 TUN HOOM HOUSKS. ALL MODKHN VIX- luren. Furnace Hue bath room , hot and cold water. UX ) barrel cUtern. All In line condi tion. Kent moderata. Apply IW3 N. Ihth street. .M277 8 T-J-FOH HKNT , 7-HOOM .MODKHN FLAT. 1UTH -l/aiulCiiinlngats , , fiJ.M , Two7-room modern tints Bltli and Farnam its. . J21.W. Hennwa * Co. 2IU-7 FOH HKNT , six-HOOM FLAT ; HATH , KTC. , IISPO. Hulbrook. 4. Heo building. 211 B-TWO 8-IUKXM HOUSKS IN ( JOOD HRPAIH AT DlilnncliWlri. 'Mth street- The Hates Smith In vestment company , IIW.1 Korniuu. 173 U * -FOH HKNT. I HA Vi : JUST TUHNKD OVKIl In my ugent , N llirlon Hall , room 3VO. First National dank , 6tv , 8 mid' ) room dwellings with hath , lurnace and all niodern conveniences. Thou holmes Imvu nut been Iu the. nnrket until now and nre being i > ut In first class order for teniints , every thing new and clean. Hems moderate lo good tenants on year leases. For particulars Inquire of ugenl. Herman KounUe. MI68U D-FOH HKNT , HKSIDKNCIM ALL PAHTS CITY lilobo Loan and Trust C . , s. w. cor. liith \ Duduu , 782J B-IP YOU WISH TO HKNT A HOUSK OK store , Dee II. K.Ciile.t'ontlneiital block , B'Jl B-IO-HOOM HHICK IIWKLLlNTj ALL CONVKN- leni'os , convenient to city , IM.OO. Nelherlon Hull , llooiu.120 Is ! Nat , bank- ma 1 - FdTTilKNT , HHICK IKUISK" . 10 HOOMS , IN JL/iioud repair. Apply tu 'XITJ St. Mary's avenue. . . .MH1 T"i--FOH HKNT , MtOolil HltlUK HOU.SK WITH X'largOKiuuuds. Apply to ail'J St. .Mary's avenue. ; M731 D-FOH HKNT. IIOUSK 10 HOO.MS ALLMODKHN Imprnvuruonts , ( JO pur month , ; Cud nnd Farnuiu. Dcxtur 1 Tliumns. 7.M IV FOH HKNTOUH HKSIDKNCK. HI ] S. lOlliTt JJApply , f , 8Bhxuller. Nuw York Life.M7U1 _ D - ' I1OUBKS ANDT FI.ATS AT UHKAl'TlY reduced prices. U. K. Hutu. 311 1'mton block. l\-FtJlt lKNT. 8-HOOM FI VT , IIIIICK , J'l.aku tt. . with all modern convenience ) . ILK. Cole , Continental block , or k'auit botllliiit work > . _ _ _ a D-rOK HF.NT 7-UOO.U IIOU8K IN WALNUT Hill. Inquire of M. M. V i > Horn , cam of Max Hey r llron. AND & -lUHm IIOUUKS , JI0.1W TO tlJ'aT ; ealdenuu B U Iu city. Mead Inv'u Co , 4I'J uiiXT Fuuxisiimi itooais. For rnttt , etc. , ret lay of i ni column on iVii * i i'jt " " ' - mouth. 411 S. : itli enu . MMi 13 * W PKtl MONTU aw KOIl UnNT-KUHNlflUKI ) ItOOMS. Conlintif ) ! . _ T. CLA'UI KUiVopHAN IIOTRU coil. Jti nnd Dodge , will mftfco low rut" for rooini by the week or mouth , with or without board , a l I-KOH HKNT. PLKASANT KUIINISIIKII UOO.\f , 1-iTery dcnlrnlilo location. 1021 Clilcmio atreet. b-HOOM , PHIVATB KAMILY , 1701 CAPITOL ll/iro. JSW _ Tf - f < m HKNT. NICKt.Y FintNIHIIKU COOf. l-Jrooiin at niirthcant rorner lAtli and Howard ; Inwn nround htillillnK ; from 17 lo RO. 03 a month , i KX , -FOIl HKNT , TIIHKK FUHNIHHKD HOO.MS , I-Jinltable for housekeeping. Address , X 10 , Ucc. 1,1-KUHNISHKI ) HOOJI , 812 S I3TII ST. li C27 _ " KUKNISMl' r ItOOaiS AND I1OAIH ) . for iatuttc. , feeto ; of frit column on ? J. tlemnn ; dcilrable location , 210 South JJlli utreot. M2.M a * _ _ I7-IIY I'illVATK FAMILY. T1IIIKK Oil FOUIl J choice Ininrilern , IIIIIIKI new and handsomely fur nished. Address A 21 , lluo. WJ T I ? UOOM8 ANII HOAllI ) . HKFKHKNCKS. 1822 I C'hlengo atreet. .M2S7 8 _ K' NKATLV FL'HNISHHI ) HOO.MS WITH HOAHI ) I ZOI'JCallfornlaBt. ISO-IP' O HUSINK8S , 1721 * atroet. M732 H _ l.i FUHNIHHKI ) HOOM8 .t IIOAIIU 2011 Hnrnoy. J' 11502- 17- Foil HKNT , HOOM WITH HOAHI ) . 1722 I > OI(1K ( I1atrcot. . K7 " ' it IONT u"6o'aTHuxi'iiuxsii IJD Fur ratet , etc. , teetnp of Krtl culiimu an l/ij / ( p igs v 'nLfntorci for rent ; ono hotel of M rooms. Si'iir.i , ICW N. Y. I.lfobldg. 140 9 / " < I UNFUHNI8IIKI ) HOO.MS , SUITAHI.IT FOIl v 'lioui-ckcoplnft to email family , price til , 170V Webster street. _ 2dJ fiFOH HUNT , R HOOMS TO A SMALL FAM- VJlly , with all conveniences for housekeeping. In- ( ) ulruiuli : 1'lcrco t. ' .nil HOARDING. fr'orrattt. elf. , tee ( < ip of find column on tht.i " " PUI tioard. nicer cooms , convenlenceB. ratei and location It cannot be excelled. Mra. Horn , prop. 25I-S12 * KOH UKNT STOIIL8 AM > Oh'KIOKS. I orrnlet , etc. , res ton of 'in' ' column on ttil * N NBA II II Urt- ness center for llrst class saloon. Address A 20 , lice. M2S38 I -KOIl HUNT. TIIK 4-STOIIY IlItlCK HUlLDLVO , with or without power , formerly occupied by The Hoe Publishing Co. , ! Hi ( Farnum ntreet. The Imlldlni : Ims a tlreproof cement basemi'iit , complete BtcniTi-hcnllnK tlxturi'H , water on all the Moors , ana , etc. Apply at the olllce of The Hee. _ 918 -FOH HKNT Oil HALE , MY HUILDtNO ON -i Jones ttt. . bet. 10th & llth. U.A.LIndqiilatlG : ) S.l.Uh 81W T-STOIlKfl FOH HKNT IN OHANI ) OPKIIA 1 House InilldlnK. F. J. Sutelltlo , 14 First Nutlonal Hank hiilldlnit. _ B'.fJ ' T KOli'llKNT. TIIKOKF1CK FOHMKHLV OCCU- J pled by Alexander A Smith In Continental bolck , corner room , perfect order. Freeland , LoomN Cu. MOW WANTKD TO HUNT. Trrratet , etc. , tee ton of flrit column nn l/iui K WANTKI ) . TWO OH THHKK UNFUUNI8IIKI ) rooms with heat and hoard In private family. Heferencef * exchanged. Address A 28 , lice.MtB MtB ! S * WANTKI ) , FUHN1SHKI ) SMALL COTTAdK or tlireo or four rooms for housekeeping suburban locality preferred. Address A 32 Uee. M3IIMI * WANTKI ) 1MMKDIAT15LY , MODKIIN DK- tachcd house of 8 orfl rooms , furnished or part ly so preferred. Apply Frank Kemp 20.1 N. Y. Life. ! ! 07 WANT TO HKNT , COMPLHTKLY FUll- nlshed house. 5 to 8 rooms , modern convon- lonces. for the winter. Man nnd wife. Address O. II. Jeltrles , 20U Hee bulldlii'- . MI5I 8 K MAN AND WIFK WANTS 3 OH 4 UNFUH nlidied rooms .suitable for light liousekecpInK not moro than six blocks from 17th and Farnam Ht. Call at IU17 Farniim nt. U'J ' UKNTAIj AGKNCY. For tatft , etc. , fee (011 ( of ' r.-t column on thts page. H. K. COLIS , H E N T AL AC KN C Y tal block. Wl L -HOUSKS , FLATS ANDSTOHKS FOH HKNT IN all parts of the city. Parrotte , Itith nnd DoilKe. SO.IS2U STOHAGK. ! or rate * , etc. , tcffto i nf rat column on tht-i iwir/s , - OM ) K8Ti"cTlKTFKSOCN house Iu city. WHIlaius & Cross , 12U llurnoy. SHW -CLKAN , UHY AND PIUVATK STOHAOK OF furniture , Omaha Steve Hepalr WorkH. 1207 DoiiKlas. VIU3S21 WANfKD TO BUV. Forrafw , ctc..iceto ] > f flnt colionn on this pie Hournir OLD STOHKD - ' Wells , 1111 Fiirnam street. Wl FOIt hAIjIi r-'UKNITUKK. r'or rate * , etc. , * te to of i.r l column on tills jidue UHTWmi il T llOO STTiATt flat , cheap for cash , AM S llith al. Flat a 172 10 * - FUHNITUHK A ND FIXTUHH3 ALMOST NKW fur sale cheap , now brick hotel , only one In town , Address li T. Hriidley , Harvard , Neb. MHH3 S -FOIl SALK CHKA7 ! A NICE LOT OF lioiucbohl furnlturu at I'JIrt Doniilas street , ( kit. FOUSAhK 11OIIS I2S , WAGONS , I3TO t'ortrrm * . ttc. . e ( op of flnt column on inn - old llainblctonlan stallion. C. 11. H. 2111 Sixth avenue , Council Hliitts , M33521. 1)-NICK7STVL1SH DHIVKK-NO HKTTKH ALL purposu her * * * . Owner can Klvo consldurablo patrmiHKu to coal dealer or merchant or taku goods as part payment If nulled. Address A 22 , life. MSU1 8 * _ _ _ _ _ _ P-SPAN WKL [ HHOKK AND WKLL liunT U-year-old * olts ; would taku tu exchange. Rood iihaotou , billiard or pool table. Address Hood 2 , P. O. bnlldliiK. 310 I0 | > FOHSALK , NDMUKHO.NK PONY , FOIt HID- L Iin ; or driving , cheap. W. A. t-peuuer , room 7 , Chumber Commerce. M270 8 -FOirSALK , TiOOD HKAVY TKAM OF MIJLKS , J waxmi and harneu cheap. 1D4 South liith st. , KiMidls , 218 7 * p-FAMILY IIOHS13 FOIt SALK , SINULK IIIIIV- 1- era or carrlaun teams. Can furnish any kind of horsu desired. Call at C. D. Wtmdwurth A Co. , or address T. J. Flemliii , ' , Calhoun , Neb. ! < Jj KOIl . etc. , ft too of > rit column on tills i Q" - o6i > "iiou8K. A LTiiisiT InuBttivo of hard coal taken In part luiyment. Address A . 'II , Uee. , M ; ; , ' ! 1U' FOIl r > ALK7X ( ) HKAI ) OF IHHW VKKDKItS , welKhliiK I.UU ) to 1.100 , nn raiiKu ut HiMikleman , Neb. For partlciilnrs aililruas N. A. DurT , Syracuse , Neb. , or IMnver l.lvu Stock Coin. Co. , Denver , Col. 22J SU _ _ _ -A CIIOICK LOT OF FHKSH MILK COW8 ; call afternoon at 25th and Hurt streets. 2U.I 7 * Q -PLANiNj MILLINriOODOIIDKH , Hl/NNINO ; constuntlyt no Imcumbranciv cheap , \V ; io , Hun. 4il S 18 * Q-TllOItOUlIlllKHI ) MASTIFF PUPrf. SSW 1)K- ) catur itifft. Omaha. 571 B X ! * MISCKI ANKOU-S. For ratet , etc. , tee too of/.ivl colnmn < > n l/iu ' ' MA B MlKttKJV\lKS'Kl. K t"ntl > T I IK H- mil balliH , icalp and hair treatment , manlcuru and clilropodUL Mrs. Pual,3l'JHS ISth.Wltunullblk , HAMILTON IIHOS. , 414 8. I8TH ST. TKU 11TJ Dot' < jobbing , carpenter and brick work , plus- turlnt and palutluir , tW Hid -OOOI ) PASTUIIK VOII HOllbKS. T. MUHHAY. mal _ l > --BPKINWt'LL ( ! CKMKTKHY KINK WrTS , JXiiuiifor il ; urate.s , 110. O nice , No 701 N. Itltht tel. No. mor ny undertaker. MlliiSU' 1JNO NKIJSON cT.KANaCKSSl' < XIJJ , VAULTS , J-Xcto. Ollk-ii llSS. lltu itrcet. Telephone 1174. JI4U HIT _ _ _ _ _ _ OLA 1 1 it VU V A N T8. For rate * , ttc. , it ton offnt runimri OH IMi jxige. -MIHvAL B-XTlAOUIJlNAHY > nKU'1Ur. ' Oruvclatlona. L'hallouiroi tlm world , Mr * , llr , M , I.eifrnTU , dead trancu clairvoyant , MlrolOKlit , patmlit and Ufa raador : loll * your life from the uradlD toiiiav * ; uultm the separated ; caiuuirunr rlagti wltu thu ona you luva ; tails whore you will ucccod * ad In what bunluoM bu l MlupteJ tori hai the colobritted Kiryptlau br alplato fur luck and to leitroy bad lutluonco ; cur > Mia , Intemperance ml ill prlvktocumplalnti wlib maisano battii and alcohol treutineiit. Si'nd tJ , look of hair , uumu aatldataof blrtUand ruoolve aeeuratallfocuart ; I emit * In nampii for ctruuUri glra * Inltlalt atone rou will rnnrry , al.u puoto of iama. OOJca UU7 South llth itreut , ant Boor ; houri.tlo-m. 108 p , m. Coino onu , ooui * all , and 6 convlucod of this wonderful encl * . CljAIHVOYANTS. S -MltS. r-OHT.PAr.MIST ANDOYPSY FOHTUNR teller. Tolls pa l and fitturn from lines of the hand , Fee , fl.W ; ladle * only. MiN. 2Uln upntalrs Q MHS. NANNIKV. WAKKHN. CI.A1HVOYANT Orollnblo builnttts medium , IHth year , at ll'JN. ' H'.th WU _ MAHSAOI3 , ItATHS , KTC. Fbrni'/'c , etc. , ttt ln\tnf frtt column nn Mil * jww 'PM A 1 1 A M K S.M it 1 1 , " i Ji CA PI TC I Ij " A V ' K IN 7U K , Izdtloor. M8S4 U' _ 'P-.MASSAGK , GIO S. I3TU 8TIIEKT , SKCONI ) JL floor. M413 HIT * rot r3te , etc. . ice lei > of rut column on tht * \ nat -nOIIKIlf HK.NYtY KVANa . CardllT. Hnuth Wale , and InKt heard of atOmalia In rpiiut'ntcd to wrlto at once to liUM tcr , Mm. Chrlii Una Kvan9&Mortlinerroadt'anloHi Cardiff : mother dead , . M210 II _ A1USIO. All ! ' AXI ) IjAXOUAOK. For nil ft , etc. , life ton of 'rst colnmn on thl * jmi/e. \r-TIIK OHflOODHY HCIIOOIi JW 8TKNO Kraphy , Ho lii > iter. N. Y. Thorough lintructlon tiy mall , Inclndlnii manual , render and npced book III ) . Hooks niipplled fufjelf Instruction. Kniiraved nynop ln for 2 cent ntamp. .M.'l''t H * " \r-IIKKOHK IICYINd A PIANO KXAMINK TIIK ' new acalu Klmball plnno. A. llo.ipe.15n Dotiitla . UIO _ _ _ " \r-TA I'KSTUY. K.MIIHOIDKKV AND ALI , O'l'lIKR > artwork dotio at 1720 North 33d atrcct ; also lessons Klven. M2II 8 F. OKLLKNHKCIC. HAN.IO ' teacher ; with IIospu or 10IU Chicago street. 013 IT OMAHAKINDKHHAHTUN FALL TKHM ' commences S < epl7. Kvolyn Urllllths,2&W Davenpt. MO.N'KV 'iO l.OAX Itlilj ! IO.STA1I3. t'nri-titrt.rtc , , ttt top nf int column nn Hit * \\r-MONKYTO . . . property nt low rates. W.'H. Hynn , H fi. 1205 Farnam street. 177 13 \\r-MONKY TO IXAN ON OMAHA PHOPJ3HTY , ' Fidelity Trust company , toll Farnnni. 1)11 ) TV-MouTtiAGH LOANS.J. D. KITTLK.SUI N. Y.L. J > 013 \\r-CKNTHALLOANANDTHU8TCO HKKHLDO ' yi3 \\r-LOANS. W. M. IIAHHIdH.20FHKN7.IKH HLIC \\r-ANTIlONYLOANANDTHUHT CO. , 318 N. Y. Llle , lend at low rates for choice security on Nebraska or Iowa farms , or Omnha city property. Hill \ VPKH CKNT FIHST MOHTCACK LOANS lllchard C. Patterson , 007 N. Y. Life. 1117 \\r-HUILDINd LOANS I ! TO 7 PKH CKNT ; NO Ti additional charges for cumnilsslnn or attor ney's fees. W. H. Mclklo , First National batik hldg. UI3 \\r-MONKYON HAND TO LOAN ON FIKST niortvagu on Omaha city property. Chas. W. llalney , 315 Umalia Nat. bank bldir. Ulil W-JIONKYTO LOA ToN OMAHA PHOPKivTY K. Neb. and la. farms. K. F. Hlugcr , lil'J Far'in. MONIOY TO LOAN Cll.V'JL'TrjIjS. / or rnl < a. etc. , see top of tlrsl rrxiiumnu tliti | ide. xLOAN8 , , < jrx t. Y. LI FlH. MOHHIS.CIS O2 V JIONKY TO LOAN IIY 11. R MA8TKHS ON Vious9holil | goods , pianos , organn. liorse.i , iniilcs , warehouse recelptn , ote. , at tlio lowest possible rates without publicity or removal of property. Tluiu arranged to nult borrower. My loans nrc BO arrunvcd that you can make a payment at any tlmo uud reduce both the principal and Interest. You will tlnd It 'to your advantage to see mo If you want a loan , or If moro convenient eall up tele- jilino 11.21 and your business can bo arranged at home. Money always on hand ; no delay ; no publicity ; lowest rates. II. K. Masters , room , Wltlmell block , IStli nnd llarnoy sU Wl X MONKYTO LOAN : SO. W AND 'M DAYS ON furniture , etc. llult tlroen , U2U , Continental blk. JJUS1N10SS CIIANCIOS. For rates , tie. , we top of ml colnmn on e/ifs jxwe , nnd physician , a grocery and feed store each : rent very low. Apply to Ooorgu W. Coates , 3 Hoard of Trade. M323 11 "V rou SALK on HUNT , A coon IIOTKL , ALL JL furnished ; also bar and fixtures with stock of llquora. nnd doing a good business. For particu lars address M. C. , South Omahiu M1U4 13 Y A UAIIK OI'POHTUNITY. ON HECKIIT of one dollar and stamp , will correspond with any gontleman.or lady relative toagood and profit able biiBtness , give your full name and address. Heed & Co. . IU Court street , llrockton , Plymouth Co. , Mass. 811-3 $ Y-KOU UKNT , DAUN , CIIKCKKHKI ) LIVKHY hum , cheap , 16th and Uarnoy St. Call room ( III Now York Lite. . ' Uli-'J "V W.OOO STOCK OF IIARDWAHK AND KUHNI- L turo for sale. Address A. O. llugadorn. Curtis , Neb. M'JSl 1C * Y FOIl SALK , TUB CANADIAN KMt'LOYMMNT olllce , bettor known as Mrs. Hreg''p. The very best business la the state. Iu particulars tmniilru 3UH S15th. . M1U1 Ol r-UO YOU WANT A GOOD J1US1NKSS. 11UY TUB - Commercial , the loading hotel , llrokou HonrNeb. V KOH HALK , HAHDWAUU STOCIC AND L building In county sent town In Nebraska , Good crops , good trade , clean stock. Kurnlturo stock can bo added. Tenement over store. Ad- drcs , X , 45 , Uoo. M'JlS-slIO ' * V-COUNTKY BANK oi-KNiNCr ; MUST IN Lstatu ; promluui agriciilturnl county ; safe and fixtures for sale ; good bulMlng. lease cheap : owner moving far south. Dorr Hetfloman , An- nelmo , Neb , t3'J ! ' S23 - LlOiIT I'LANT I'OU SALK IN Y-KLKCTHIG county seat town within bU miles of Omaha. Two dynamos , capacity I.IMHO C. 1' . lamps , ono W ) II , 1' . Westlnghouso engine , two ID II. I' , boilers , will soil for onethlrd cost price , half cash , balance unliieiuu. bercd real estate. Address W 3 , care of Omaha Hoe. "J2sll r-KOU SALIC , THADH OK KXCHANQE , KSTAII- llshed business , r. O. box 519. F01C liXOIlANGR. i , etc. , ite top of tr t column an this i > aut. ' /Jlmprovcinnnts , clear , to exchanuu for Incumli- eriMl property Iu Omaha. Alex Moore , 4UI Heo building. .M 2 'J y -WANTKI ) , A dlOCKHY STOCIC ( JKN'HHAL /-'stork or commission business In trade for clear property. Address A 3U. Heo. MJ ; 10 * y-KOIl KXriIANtSK , 40UKADNAT1VU 11OHSKS /'nnd ' cash for good farm. Clear lots In good Ne braska town for stocks of goads. SU acreH. clear , fur good equity In house and lot. 1NJ clear for house and lot. 12U Improved , &UU. 1GO Improved , fiUi ) . It you want to bur a farm or miiko an ox- chaiiKO , call or wrlto L. W atoriuan , S2'J 1'axton blk. : wi7 _ r/-IIOllStCS AND FAHMS FOH 1MIO11KUTY 1N /Somalia or vicinity. Call Ilooiu ( tt'f.llrown H'l'd'g , 230 O 5 y TWO CIIOICK CLKAU LOTS , ONK NOHTII , /-Jono south part city , tor six room housu and lot. Address A 23 , Hoo. 315-U'- y KOIl KXCIIANOK , ( iOOl ) OMAHA UKNT AT / property andsomu cash for a good farm within 25 miles of Omaha , J. 11. 1'arrotte , room 'f ! , Doug las block. MIVJ 11 * r/- LAND IN KIIANKLIN ANDS1IKH.MAN COUN- /JllcH , Nob. , to trade for clear Omnha or Council lllulls property. J , H.HIco.llttMuliist. toillicil Hlults. M1W Ole Z-WANTHI ) TO TltADK , NKW for u good atroiik' borsu. Address T 'JU , Hoe. MIS ) y-K.\CH.\NK ! , MilS'l ' FKKT , KAST /-J feet above grade , luo fuet from Furuam utrotat , cast of 37tn street , well Improved , elegant locution , good rout. Will oxclmnxo for small property clear , < ir large property with liiciimbranco. Star Loan li Trust Co. , llrst Uuor. N. Y. Life Hldif. MliiO il _ fFOIt KXUIIANOK , AN IMI'OIITKI ) UKdlS- / tercd Civile stallion ; want clear land ; prlco ll.SQi ) , Hox'JiiU , Shoimndoali , la. 170 7' _ y WHAT HAVK YOU TO KXCUANQE. CALL f-1 or wrlto me , full descrlptloa. Alex. Moore , 401 lice building. M'JU- ' _ y FOIt BXC11ANOK 17,01)0 ) IIAIIDWAHK STOCK * -t\n \ good town , doing splendid business ; gooit reason for selling. 1'art cash , balance good liuiil or Omaha property. K. K Kluxer , 151' , ) Farnam. 1158 T'Oll SAIjII IUO V lj"KSTATli For ititc * . ttt. . 8/n top offrit roliimn on t'lU ' . L bercd real citato , a null established commlsttoii and storavu builuuis. Address X it ! , Ileo.Iti Iti U TOH HALK 4 ACHK I/W3 AIUOININd THK OITY L of Illiilr ; prK-ofJUJ ; I10U caih , bulanco time , II. W McUrldo , „ w. fPIIK WEST rilOl'BHTY IN THK llAHKKT AT 1- prices a k4d la llaiel Terrace : lots loUU to IdUU each , on * ? tvrms. Heud & tiulby , U. 31 , Hoard of .Trade. > A ItQAIN-LAUnK U > T. tf-HOOSl IIOUS B Ilharn , well , cistern : California street ; will sell for ll.SUU.UD Usi than actual valua. Van Ueuren , IKjii - las and Utb. street. 101 a _ OKB TII03B S3T1I AND 11UUT HOUSKS.DAISIKH , Oopea all day. Kajy terms , Tacaut lot Urstpay- meuu Sliolm , JlJUt Natl. bk. U1V < & CABII AN I ) 110 A MONTH fOlt A IXT IN iPllaiel T rrac . Hu 4 & belby , It. 94 , Hoard of 'trad * . FOIt 8AI-K I 1-J8TATK. lOIl SALK-KASY TKK.Mrt , IIOMKS FOIt 7IW L1 IIJWO.II JlXMl.tW ) unit U | * .Takn small clear prop erty In part piirmcnt , ( ) , UuWallacc , llrown block , Itilh and Douglas B2S 17OLMI CIIOICK FAItMi * ' ' IN WKSTK'.tN IOWA JL foranlf , I2U acre , tw.o of 1W ) acres each , one of 750 ncro < : all linproven , W. It. Krldlcr , owner , 511) ) I'axtoii lllock , OmaU MTOO1 * T OT.S IN i7A7Jiii TKltlVAOK , TIIIIKK HLOCKS -Ijfrnni sutli and Vlntod' nnd the motor Una to Sautli Onmlia , prlcea 30 > J twi0l cnch , fM cash and balance In monthly pnytunpU , 7 per cent , Heed A Selby. U31 , Hoard of ' 1rdHy MM18 n < Oll POirTII O.MAIIA.i.'llpl'KUTIKS , HUSINKHH , 1 truckage- resldeiieo.ii > rte the lendlmt real es tate ) dealers In .South Otiahit , Kd. Johnston A. I'D. , corner Jlth nnd N trept . ' W7 T'Oll HALK A ( lOOl ) IIOMK ; ISIOUT-UOOM 1 liousi ocmi bo bought Just now , cheap , as tlio owner has no lisa for It. llooni 20 , Fronior block opposite ; 1' . 0. via FOIl SALK-ON KA8Y TKll.MS. 3 STONK UKHI- dpnces ; nil modern Improvements ; will take izoni ! city or farm property In part payment. Clarke. In board of . T OOK AT IT KK1IIT-HOOM HOUHK. HATH. IJolty water , ntc. ; newly iiapered and painted throualiout : corner IntiiOxlOtiHi f eel with good barn i only f2.3 ' ' ° ; small cash payment and balance easy terms at 7 per cent. C. A. Starr , Huu hulldlng. 784 7 10.000 ACHKSLAND FOHSAI.K.CUSTKH , FHANK- 1 tin , Cheyenne and Klmball counties , Nebraska Oeo. H. Petorsou , 1412 S. 13th St. . Omaha. VM S U I.OPT. , e > c. , stetni > nfflrtt column on tMa JMOC , f"OST -LONO liitowNr t'bcKYvmmk mrnvl K.v J-Twenty-slxth and llarnoy or Twonty-noventli nnd Leiivenworlh ! contained fii and door key l.cave at Heo olllco nnd receive reward. MW7 8 * LOST , fJOLl ) IlHKASTl'IN ON FAUNAM BT. between Fifteenth and Seventeenth. He I urn to room 521 Ileo bld'g and receive reward. 310-7 * STKA5I FKATII Kit IIKXOVATOH. I'ur rules , etc. , tfttoi > of flat column on ( At * fASHKD ; FKAT.i J > ersbonKlu. .Mall orders promptly tilled. Work : called for Adellverod. FraUk An sun,3h" : A Franklin. i'ATl XT SOLICiTOItS. Narrate * . ttc.reel'iinfftmt ) column n/iu ( / MATKNT LAWYBKS AND SOLICITOUS , (1. W. X Sues & Co. . Hoe building , Omaha , Neb. llrnnch ofllco ut Washington , D. C. Consultation froo. 023 DllKSSMAlCING. Forr.iteo , etc. , teetop of lint column o TO DO DltlWSMAKINO IN families solicited. Miss Sturdy , 320 S 2Utli st. 11HO1' MECHANICAL OHAUUUl'SM I5N. I ) ATKNT OFFICK AND HPKCIAL DHAWINQS prepared by U. W. Sues & Co. , Omaha , Neb. PATTKKNS AM ) / "or rate * , etc. , fee ( oj of > rl column ont/ift uage. 1'AWNIIHOKBIIS. | ? HKIMOIILli : LOANS MONHY ON DIAMONDS , i watches , etc. ISllrf Furnnin st. M1O7 RR1LWHY 1T.IME GRRD Leaves IC1HOAUO. HUHLINUTON A Q.l Arrivoi Omaha. I Depot lUth Qad'.Mason Sts. [ 4.30 p m Chicago Vestibule O.W a ra Chlcaiioliipross U.20 p m .ChlratiO-'Kiprcn g.M p m Chicago S , tqwa Local Loaves lUUHLlNdTON .t' MO. HIVKU. , Arrives Onutha. I Depot HHIi nhdiMason Sti. Oina ha 10.25 a nil Denver Dar * Kxnrois 4.0. ) p m 10.2. ) n m Dtfsdwood Kxpress 4.05 p m 7.10 p ni Dcnvc tpress .nj a m 7.10 p m Denver Uxpress , Dally 0.00 p m 3.00 p m . Lino1ALJ . 11. ID a m 8.15 a m Line lotri it ocal ti.20 p m Lcavui I K. C. , ST/J , A 0. H. I Arrival Omaha | , Depot 10th and Mason 9t . I Omaha. 11.30 a m.Kansas | Clty'J'ay Kiproii. . . . | 5.55 p m B.45 p mlK. O. Night Krf/Tla U. P. Trans. I li.4'i a m Leaves I UNION'VACIFIU. I Arrives Omaha. [ Union Depot.lrth ( and Marcy Sts. | Omaliii. 10.00 n m Express | 5.00 p m 2.1 ! ) p m .overland Trlyor , 3.15 p m 8.30 a ra Beatrice amti'ulrfleld..I 7. I p m 0.30 p m i a in Leavai I CHICAGO , H. ( n& PACIFIC. I Arrtvui iOnmlm. | Union depot. 10th & Marcy 3ts. | Omaha. ICHIOAUO , MIL. 4 ST. pAUuiArrivo Omaha. I If. P. dopot. nn I Mirny riti. | Omaha 0.2U p ml .Chicago ICrprou I ! > . ; am 13.l5pm | .OlilcnKQ K.xprosi I S.jS-p m l-mvei I SIOUX CITV& I'ACIKIUL | Arrivoi Omaha. I Depot 10th anil Maroy Sty [ Omaha. 7.15 a ml .Sioux City Passenger I ID.'JO p m 4.30 p ml. at. Paul Kxpross 110.5J n m ikTes I SIOUX CITY A PACIFIC. I Arrivoi n Dim. Depot 15th and Webster Sts. Omaha. 65pm | 8t. Paul Limited. . I H.25 a ra Mr. ilowo'rt JlrfHtles. Mr. John D. Howe > returned Sunday from Connecticut , whore no' hns been visiting the scenes of hU boyhood for about throe weeks. ' - ' 1" . | > "Have you boon informed as to the meet ing of the council coininlttco and some of tha Union I'uclllo oftlclals } $ talk about auroelutr upon some basis by which the depot Injunc tion suit could bo dismissed and work upon the now depot rosum jn" was the query Tim lli'.n reporter submlttcft'to Mr. Howe. "I read Tin ; HIK : opc ionally whllo I was away , " said Mr. Howe , "und noticed that such a meeting us you spoalt of took place. I wonder If these follAtr * realize that they nro not running that law sultl I wouid like to know when tlio inoruboM of the coun cil were authorized to liavo auythlni ; to do with the casol" "Do you expect to dismiss the case soon I" "I have never contemplated anything of tbo kind so long as the depot company Is not disposed to keep faith with the oooplo. I believe the sentiment of the property owners of this city Is in favor of holding the Union Pacific to $ mo of the contracts Iu oftlcors have agreed to , tf we can. Tbo city of Omaha has boon deceived time and time again by the unkept promises of the Union I'aclflo. There is no soiuo in being deceived ngam by promises , " Cure lor tlio Drink Habit. The John Holiday Homed ? company , of Burlincton , la. , guarantees to euro the drink habit and dypsdtnania. Homo treatment , Itomody sure. Ingredients harmless. 1'er bottle , postpaid , with full directions , fXSU. No testimonials published , und correspond ence kept inviolate. Wo bare used our own medicine. DA. C. GEE WO , tot WIMiei to jslvo a few reasons why ho ti work- Inaisucli wonderful euros whuru ottior doctors fall. China has about half the population of the globo. Tlioy have ! > eon prat'tloInK anil ner- ftn-tlnu mecllolno over 4X ( > 0 VKAUf. t'hunn Nuns ? ( on Knev. Hrlt ) illseovi-roil seventy- two jioNons nnd tholr antidotes a,4M ycuri lio- fore OlirUI , and Murco Poln , who broiiKht the cdnipasi. ( Jnnipltil , ono of the first Knropennv who en tered Utilnii , says : "Tlmi'r physician * have tlumnigli knowledge of the niUuro of horlis nnil an tirtmlrublo skill In dlueiiosltiK by the Diilao. " ( See Wlllnrcl's Mldcllo Kuutlro. ) It Is welt known that gunpowder , steam anil oloctrlulty aroold hi Uhlna. and that the Chl- ncao were printing tholr dollcato books 000 years before OuttonborK wa < born. Hut It was to mcdlclno the Chinese cave their attention , mid when the ompcror Ohln WOIIK ordered ull the books to lie bnrni'd ho oxueptod the medical works , and It was only by the iiiorost acouloitt that the Kroat works of Contuclu.s hlinsolf were saved , ho having placed u sot of his works In the rornor-atono of his residence , which was found 2,000 years uftor , The oolobrntod Dr. Hobson atatos that one of the Ohlncsn dispensatories gives 1442 IIKltllAL KK.MEDIE.S alone. Can you wonder Ibcn ut the doctor's success' The OHUoaslan physicians nil mo tha vary sanio Koniodh's and when you change doctors. In your disappointment and disgust , you merely change faces and assertions but not medicines.V'ht > u an American doctor dis covers a now roniody all the other doctors know about It Immediately. Now , you know the Chinese Doctor conies from an almost un known country , containing nearly half of the people ! of the world , whore all the medicines are entirely different , and Dr. C. ( lee WoofTors a reward of i-moo to anyone who ean dupli cate any ono of his Chinese. Mocllclnos. Do you now comprehend that after KlvliiR up all hope of behiR cured by your doctors , that In taking the Chinese Doctor's Honiedies , 4.000 In number and absolutely unknown outsldoof China , that ho has ; i wonderful advantaso ever all oilier physlclain. Ills now remedies have never before entered your blood and not. on It as If by miiKlu. curing thn disease and rendering the complexion clear as a child's. A MOTHER'S STORY. I am 62 yoirs : of itio and have suffered Inde scribable agony from aslhma for many yoars. I could riot sleep and had to sit up all night In a chair. I tried 'doctor after doctor but without help , and thought seine night I would choUo to dentil. As a last hope 1 tried Dr. O. (3eo Wo , the Chinese doctor , and was relieved Instantly. In a short time I waj nured and have never since boon troubled , I have reason to bless Dr. O. Oeo Wo , MU3. I' . O. 11IK8II , 114th St. , bet. .1 & K. South Omaha. In order to convince ! the public that Dr. O. Goo Wo can euro any dlsotso. ho makes the following oiler : A OUAUANTKK to return the money If after a fair trial the patient Is In any way dlssatlsllecl with treatment. DR. O. OKE WO , Kith and California Streets. Of fice hours , 9a.m. till 0 p. m. Call Sunday If you wish. N , I ! . The Doctor has ready prepared the following olcht remedies : Iflnoil. I'emalo Weakness. Hheumatlsm , Indigestion , Lost Manhood , Sick Headache , Catarrh , and Kid ney and l.lver Medicine. I'rlco il.UD. 0ill : or wrltn for question blank and book. Dr. O , G nW iRtP - -I rioH 'o Wo Doiiil tlio marvelous French ItemedCALTHOS frrf , niul a legal guarantee that CALTII os will STOP DlnchiirBe * .t Kmlulons , CUKK Hpprmutnrrliea.Vnrlcocclo and Ki:4 TOHK Lot Vigor. Use it and pay if satisfied. AAlrr. . . VON MOHL CO. , Hole American AcnK tlnelnnttl , Ohio. DI3ATH OF1 A VETEUA.N. Ono of Omulia's Pioneers Passes to His Final Howard. Colonel HaiTy Bnwnson , ono of the best known mon in Omaha , a pioncor , who spent nearly a quarter of a century of a busy Ufa In this city , dlod yesterday morning at his homo , SC.12 Davenport street. Few mon in Omaha have lived a life so full of events as that Just laid down by Colonel Hrownson. lie was a riativo of Vermont , havine been born at Ilichmond , in that state , March 10 , 1829. Ho entered the army , as a lieutenant and regimental quartermaster of the Twelfth Vermont volunteers , August 31 , 18(11 ( , and served as sucu until Mar 1,1S03 when ha was taken 111 with typhoid fever , nearly lo t his life , and was finally mustered out , August 21 , 1803. Ho was ready to serve his country again , however , as soon us his health would permit and was appointed captain and quar termaster February 29 , 1804 nnd assigned to duty iu charge of railroad transportation in Now York city. On December 2J , ISO ! ho was sent to the front in charge of the Second end brigade , Tulrd division , Ninth rorps of the Army of the Potomac. Ho was stationed for nine months at Fair fax. Va , , noting most of the time as brigade and quartermaster general under Cioneruls Stougbtoq , Blunt , Stannard , and General Holntzclman in command of the de partment. After serving iu various positions with credit ho was mustered out , as brevet lioutonunt colonel of volunteers May 1 , 1807. 1807.Soon Soon after leaving the army Colonel Brownaon entered railroad work as agent of the Hudson Ulver road at Thirty-Third Street atation , Now York , and remained in that capacity until March 9 , 180S , when ho came to Omaha and en tered the employ of the Union Pacilio as terminal agent , in Which capacity ho lo cated nearly all of the stations of the road , west of Fremont. When the road was com pleted Colonel Brownsou was appointed general - oral freight agent and remained in that po sition until May 10 , 187. ) , when he was ap pointed agent of the Northern Pacific at Bis- narlc. DoeomboriiS , 1875. ho was appointed lunrtcrmustcr agent at Bryan station , Da- tola , having charge of the transportation of troooj and government .stores , at which duty ho remained un til transferred to itawlins , Wyo. July 1 , 1879 , where he iiiinulnod on duty until Jctobor 1 , lisbO. During the Lto war ho jroko down from exposure , and came to Omaha where ho again resumed railroad work and continued it until his death. Colonel Brownsoti's ' wife and two duugh- ors survive him. One of his daughters Is the wife of Uuutotuiut Morgan , instructing ofllcorat the University of Minnesota , and : ho Bother the wife of Dr. Ciondoiining , J. S , A , The funeral will take- place at 2 o'clock Tuesday afternoon from Trinity cathedral under the auspices of tlio Masonic fraternity , the Knights Templar and the ( Jrand Army of tbo Republic , of which orders the deceased vas a mombor. A Nurvo Tonic. Hereford's ' Acid Phosphate. Dr. Kphrnim Bati'man , Cedarvllle , N. J. says : "I havn uiod It for several yeaH , not only In my practice , but In my own Individual case , anil ccmshtor it under nil circumstances mo of the best nerve tonics tbat wo posieis. \ > r inontul exhaustion or overwork it gives renewed atrungth and vigor to the entire system. " UAItVKST KXCUHS10NS SOUTH. Via tlinVnlniHli 11. II. On Sontombor 20 the Witbush will soil round trip tlckota good ( or itO dny to mints in Arknnuiis , Texas , f-iouismna , L'cnnossou , Mississippi , Alabama and loorgln. For rate * , tickets and full in- ormutlon call on or wrlto. O. N. CLAYTON' , Agent , 1502 t'urnutu at , , Omaha , Nob. Both the method niul results when Syrup of Figa is tnlron ; it is pleasant nnd refreshing to tlic tnste , and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys , Liver nnd Bowels , cleanses the sys tem effectually , dispels colds , heiul- ncliea and fevers nnd euros linbitunl constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind over pro duced , pleasing to the taste nnd no- ccptnblo to the slomnch , prompt in its notion nnd truly beneficial in its effects , prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances , its many excellent qualities commend it to nil and have made it the most popular remedy known. syrup of Figs is for snlo in 50c nnd 81 bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who nmy not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO , CAL , lOUISVIUE. KY. NEW YORK. N.Y. A Written Guarantee lo CURE EVERY CASE or MONEY REFUNDED. Oar euro Is permanent and not a patching up. Cases treated flvo years ago have nevtr soon a symptom since. Ily describing ca o fully wo can treat you by mall , and wa giro the same strong guarantee to cure or refund all money. These who profur to coino here for treatment can do so and we will pay railroad far * both ways and hotel bills whllv hero If wo fall to cure. We rhallonitn the world for a , cane that our MAOIO IlEMEt > Y will not euro. Wrlto for full particulars and get Iho evidence. Wo know that you are skeptical , Justly so , too , as the. most mlnent phy lclonsh v never been able to glvo more than temporary relief. Jn our five years' practice wltn thoMAfHC REMEDY It 1ms bren most dimcult to overcome the prejudices against nil no-called specific * . But under o r strong KUaranttia you eliould not hcsltato to try this remedy. You take no chance of losing your money. Wo guar antee to euro or refund orciy dollar , and as wo have a reputation to protect , also financial backing ot 1300 , . 000 , It U perfectly safe to all who will try the treat- moat. Ileretoforoyou harp been putting up and paying out } our money for different treatments and although you aronotyetcured noono has paid back yourjnon- y. Do not waste any moro money until you try us. Old chronic , deep seated catoi cured In 30 to 90 days. In. veitlcatn our financial standing , our reputation as buslne smen. Write U3 for names and addresses of these wo have cured who have given permission to re fer to them. Jt costs you only POSRKO : to do thin it will save ) on ft world of suffering from menUl strain , and If you are married what may your offspring suffer through your own negligence. Ifyoiirsymptomsaio ere throat , mucous patches In mouth , rheumatism In bonas and joints , hair fulling out , eruptions on any part of the body , feeling of general depression , pains mlioad or bones , you have no tlmo to watte. These who are constantly takhiff mercury an 1 potash Bhould discontinuous Constant use of tlieKodrugdwtllfiurcly bring sores and O'ltlngulecrsln ' the oml. Don't fall to wrlto. All correspondence srnt .calcd In plain envel. opes. Wo Invlto the mo-it rigid Investigation and will do alt In our power to aid rou In It. Address , COOK JtliMEDl' CO. , Omaha , Xeliratka. Ofllco 13th and Farnam. second Hoar , entrance 13th b * . FOR IE ? ONLY. $500 for a case of Lois of Falllna - . General or Nervous Debility , waalcne33 ot bodyor mind , tha efiects of orrora or ox- cflssesin old or young that we cannot cure. We guarantee overv case or refun.1 every dollar. Five days trial troattiout $1 , full course $5. Perceptible ban flt ? roalUjd Iu throe daysBy mail , ascnroly pacltai trotn observation. Offloono'i until 0 " . m. COOK REMEDY CO. , OMAHA. NER LADIES ONLY MARIP FEMALE REGULATOR , Safe and niHUIUCorttain-ot a aiy or money refunded Price by mall $2. SealeJ from ob59rvatlon COOK REMKDY CO. ' . Omaha Neo GOULD'S SHOUT IJNK. Tlio Union Cut-Off Finally Opened for Trnllc. The much-talked-of Union cut-off of the Missouri 1'ncillc bos at last been opened to trafllc , or partly so. Commondng yesterday inorning.R mixed truiu will bo run over tlio line between 1'lnttsnioutli una Union , innlcIriR ono trip each way. The train will Icavo Plaits- mouth at 10:55 : a. ID. , and nri'Ivo at Union in ono hour. Returning it. will leave Union at . ' 1 p. in. nnd roach Plnttsmouth atI o'clock. The alstnuco between tlicso stations is M..l ' miles. A new station will bo opened at Murray , 7.5 miles from Plattsmouth , with Mrs. Frank E. Drake as agent. Superintendent Huthburn was in the city yesterday and stated Unit ho hail come ever the new road from Union to Oilmoro , the full length of the now portion , nnd hud found it in excellent shape. That part of the road between Pluttsmouth and Gilmora in still in the bands of thu construction department , and Mr. Uathburn expressed the most pro found ignorance ns to when it was to bo put in operation , but ho had a1 faint suspicion tbat tlio road would bo turned ever to him before - fore very lout ? . It has boon generally understood from the first that , wuon the cut-off was completed , passenger trains would run ever it from Union to Gilmore , and thence over the Union Pacific tracks Into the union deoou This would shorten thodlstuncc between Union and Omaha bv about twenty mitra. Uonornl man ager Chirk about two months ago expressed grave doubts ns to the advisability ot nmltlnir such achungoon account of ttio complications Involved and no ofticlal statement confirming the general impression has been announced. Do Witt'a Llttlu Early HiserJ , bait pilU Orjuid Hu try liiro Oinnlin. On and after July ! iO , 1801 , the Chicago cage , Milwaukee it St Paul Hallway company will run all of its tniliiH In ami out of the union depot , Omaha. No moroannoyanco cau.sed by transforrlnpr and switching at Council IJluffH. Solid vostlbuled trains , consiBtliifr of ninv Pnlaco aloopiiitf cars , free parlor chair cars , olocrant coaches , and the Unoat dinlncr cars in tlio world , all huutcd by steam and lighted tlirou houc hy olcc- trio lijrhts. The now ovoniitr ) express with "oloctrio li 'hta in every borth" now loavoH Omaha daily at ( i.20 p m. arriving1 at Chicago at 930 : a. ra. In tune for all eastern ooiinoctioiis. Secure tickets and sleeping car burtha ut 1501 Farnam street ( Barker block ) , J. K. 1'UK.sTON , lA. . NASH , C. I'aas. Agt. Gon. AgU Now Wo Are witli Voii. The Chicago , Rock Island Ss Pacific railway nro now running all its trains in and out of Union Depot/Omaha. Trains will leave as follows : East Hound Duv express , 10:00 : a.m. ; voatibulod limited , 4:0.0 : p.m. ; Atlantic express , 0:10 : p.m. Arriving at 0-10 : a.m. , 12:05 : p.m. ana Glf ; > p. m. Departing , West Bound Denver vos- tibulod limited , 12:15 : p.m. ; Nelson ac commodation p.m. ; Denver express , 7:05 : p. in. Arriving at U-10 : p.m. , 10-I5 : a. in. and 7:30 : a.m. These trains are vesttbuted nnd It Is an indisputable fact that the dining our servlco of the "Oroat Hock Island" is becoiul to none in the country. For rates nnd sleeping car , berths to all points east or west , call at city olllco of the "Houk Island Houto , " 10th and Farnam atrculn. JOHN 8KHABTU.V , G. T. nnd P. A. J. L. IK I5ivoisi' : , General AgonU UF TIIK x Nobrnskn. Hoyd countr Imd nn olJ soldiers' reunion last week. The Hartley Inlor-Oconn , nttor nn oxlut- once of Ave years 1 dead. A tri-woekly stage sorvlco has boon ostnb. hshod between Stuart ami Hiitto City. Norfolk's city schools have opened with lovonteen tcnchors , nnd tVl3 pupils In nt- tonilnnco. Hov , L. D. Wells of Wntorloo lint nccaptoil ncall to tlio pantornto of the Iloldrogo Pres byterian church. Alonzo Perkins of Hlnlr bns declnrod lilm- iolf n camlldnto for judge of Washington county indcpondcnt of nil political pnrtloi. K. H. Cluiso. n Sownnl druggist , died on natiirday uvluontly from nn of morplilno taKen to roltovo p.iln. Six monthi ngo ho failed in business. The North Nolirnika Knir nssoolatlon li tmttliiK the .trni-k at Norfolk in llrst-ela s shape , and Is luaklng prcparntloius for a bi ovoiit from September : to ' . ' ( I. Wnltor Maxwell ' , In chnrgo of the sugar beet cxporimont'statlon nt ScbllVior , hni returned from Washington and will nt once commence tests to discover when Is the best tlmo to harvest the crop. Tom Corey , nn old tlmo engineer on the Chicago , St. Paul , Minneapolis & Omnha road , has been hanging around Covlngton until ho hns liccomn itisuno nnd Is now con fined In thu county Jail nt Dakota City. According to the statement of the Uod Willow county clerk , the farm mortgncoi released during August oxcondod these recorded by f'JSI. the chattlo mortgngea ra- leased exceeded these Hied by ft.'l.tiio.O'J. ' J.V. . Pnttorson , Into proprietor of the Pnclllo hotel nt Fairmont ot which ho wns deprived by flro n few weeks ngo , has Just completed repnlring and refurnishing the old City hotel building where hu will welcome nnd entertain his former patrons and all cantors , Wbllo the two young sons of K. O. Austins of Utica were driving homo a shot was llrod by some unknown party , the bnll striking OHO of the boys in the hand , passing entirely through nnd dropping into the palm of the other Jmntl. No cause for or who did tha shooting can bo ascertained. A few days ngo W. J. Xolrhut , cashier of the Exchange bank nt Milllgon , took the south bound train with the supposed Inten tion of visiting St. Joseph on business , ho having said ho would return In two or three days. As ho failed to return nt the appointed time , nn Investigation wns made , nnd the bank , It is claimed , was found to bo short fl.'JOO nnd possibly moro. The busi ness is now in the hands of n receiver , and there is yet no duo ns to the whereabouts ol Mr. Zeirhut. Ed , A. Fry , the veteran editor of the Nlo- brnni Pioncor , has ngnln shown his enter prise by bringing bis paper out In n now dross , giving It n bright look pud n pleasing npucaraacp , to compare with its real worth as a newspaper. For seventeen years Mr , Fry has boon the nionoor jonrnalist of ICnox county , nnd not only hns ho always boon ahead of the times in his section , biit hu ban constantly labored to bring his county nnd community up into the front rank. Success has attended his ofTorts and bo Is still mov ing forward , lown. The Latter Day Saints will build a house of worship nt Leon. It cost Ida county $0,000 to replace the bridges swept away by the Juno Hoods. Hon. B. F. Clayton has removed his family from Macedonia to Indianola to secure col lege privileges. A Salon physician removed the wlshbono of a chicken from Joe Moca's throat , where it had been for two days. The remains ol ( Jeorgo E. Schlonp , Into of Davenport , according to the tos'tamontary request of the deceased , were cremated. John II. Stewart's son , at Gundy Center , swallowed some sort of toothache propar- tion. Two doctors worked over him half n day and saved his life. Mrs. Betsy Wormooil , aunt of W. W. Wor- mood of Dubuque , died at the ngo of 100 yoars. She was but -I feet 5 inches tall and weighed about eighty pounds. The silver jublloo of Bishop Honnussy will bo hold in the cathedral at Dubuiiua on the UOth of this month , the twenty-fifth annivers ary of the bishop's consecration as bishop of Dubuquo. In Franklin county the opposing candi dates for the legislature are two brothers , Dr. O. B. Hnrrirnan having been nominated by the democrats to run against his brother , W. F. Harrimnn , the republican candidate. A girl living not far from Leon donned male attire the other night , sallied forth into the highway , nnd with n revolver relieved a young man of his watch and small change. She was captured soon after nnd said it was merely a jolto. She had a passion for dlmo novels. Noah Jordan of Savannah lost ? 000 and n gold watch last Thursday night. Burglars entered his residence , wont through his pants , took his key to the saloon , his gold watch and about $10 therefrom ; then wont to the saloon , blew open the safe and carried off ? 800 in cnsh. A straw vote for governor was taken , on an excursion train leaving DCS Moines Wednes day night. The result wns 10 ror Wheeler nnd 111) ) for Boies. Most of the passougors were farmers returning from the fair and manifested great earnestness and enthusiasm for Wheeler. The iinnouncomontof the vote wns greeted with cheers in every car. About half u do/.en were found who did not know who were the candidates , and when told said they were for Boles. A woman residing in Red Oak has had a tnpo worm twenty yards long taken from hur and at ditTuront times been bitten by n mnd dog , two rattlesnakes , a but , a cat and n rat , and been married twice. Strange as it may seem , at tbo present tlmo stin is able to oat three siiuaro meals a day , hang out a wash six days in the week , Is proud of the fact that all these things have happened to her , and now fondly imagine' ' ] that she has n living Li/.ard in her stomach. Do Witt's Little Karly rtisors ; hoit llttlo pills fordyspopsla , sour stomach , badbnuth. RUSHING I'llKVOUK. . Kll'orls lOvpondncl for the Completion of thu Now Olnl ) HOIIHI * . At a mooting of the directors of Omaha Athletic club held Saturday , forty-six mom- bar * were elected. On account of the delay In the completion of the building , it was do- clded to suspend the fill initiation fee until the olul ) house Is ready for occupancy , thus leaving the initiation ut the old Agurn of $5. Apparatus of the most approved design for the gymnasium has been shipped , and will soon bo In uosltlon. The contracts for the bowling ullovs , gas and electric ; llxturea huvo been let , and arrangements for ample bath ing facilities perfected. Provision tini boon made for competent instructor * In boxing , fencing , onil general physical dovelanmmit , In order to push thu completion of the house as rapidly ns ptmlblo , it has been doulacd to close the building until ready for llnul in spection , fit Hie interest of members every possible olTort 1st being made to tit up the club In us complolo nnd attractive manner as nossiblo , ami it Is hoped that ampin time will bo gtvou the directors to fully carry out these plans. Unless unnvoiduolu delays arise , the liousa will prabibly bo opened on or about September 'M. A very small pill , but a very good ono. Da Witt's Llttlo Early Hlsors. HIS DAUOIITISK'H HONOR. Private Wrloli Cracks a Corporal's lloail In HH DulVnsi ! . Corporal James Allison , of company D , second Infantry , Htutionud ut Fort Omaha , li lying m the hospital nt the fort in a seuil-un- conscious condition , with his suuil fractured and ono arm broken In two plucos. The mmi'M Injuries were received about 8 o'clock Saturday evening nl the hands of Thomas Welch private in the same com pany. It seams that Welch has u very pro- [ loscssini ; daughter , sixteen years of 1190 , to whom Allison Ims endeavored to make him- golf inora or lets ngreeublo. In the company moss room .Saturday night Allison made a remark that led Welch to be lieve that the corporal hud been unduly inti mate with tha cirl , and without asklmrany further questions ho picked up a tent polo and began boating Allison over the head and shoulders , inlllctWB the wounds dotcrloed. Allison win * nt ouco removed to the hospi tal , where the post surgeon dressed hU wound * and miiJo him a comfortable as poi- alblo. alblo.Welch h-w not been arrested and Is on duty M botore. ( lenurul sontluieut sooini tq be iu favor of Wclcb.