Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 08, 1891, Page 6, Image 6

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Avorngo Pricfl of Wheat In Eicesa of Las
. * *
Hyc SliliiiicntH I'lidod AVItl
Hut n Sinnll Qitnntliy of
Ccrcnl Now on 1-nsNajjo to
tlio Continent.
I.ONnov , ppit. | 7. Tlio Mark I.ano
In lt uccU-lv review of the llrlllsh grnln trade
nays : DnxlUh wliuat has brought an avoraei
jirleoof 41s. h-omo new I'lifflliti sold fo
< 3s per Ml poilniln. The avoraiu pileo ot Kn
gluli wheat NhouN a not advance over las
caionof4s ! H pur quarter. The prices o
foiclKii wbuats are against hnldor > t. Then
has been an iverago drop In rod wheats of ' ! <
nnd In Ciillfornlaii of Ul. ( Plnu Uallfornla I
quoted at 4s M.
1 lour Is firm , with u good Inquiry ; Ami'rlcni
corn Isvuak : Heplumlier shipment
an dull at.'Ms.
Ontufiro from Cd to Is dearer. The Itnsslai
rye Hliipinenls hiivn ended and there aie Im
Cu/UU ( | ii iters now on p.isMiine to the eontl-
ni'iit. iitfiilnst SII.OUO iiunrters at the coire
xnomllng period Inf \ . Cargoes iiro
atile ahoro 4-'s ' ( I , against 4Cs a fortnight ago
A niimber of siecnlntors | lust he.i\lly.
At today's market now rnitllsn when
broui'lil barely Ills ; business \vas dull ; foreign
nlientN ii\craKe < l dd lower.
Outsucte donn ld. The prices of barley
corn and l.u.ins nnd peaa i'ie ugalnst Belleis
Iilvcrpool'ooi , Sent. 7. WiiBtr Qnlet ! do
tnnnd poor : holders offer moderately ; Cull
fornla No. ) , Ss lid per cental .No. 'J winter
( : id.
Con.v I'lrin ; deiiKind tmor ; mixed estert
CisHl per cental , Kxtra Indl.i mess , hl ) pei
I/AIID Prime wt'slern , 'Mis r d iier e t.
HuiTEii Good United htates , 70s jiur cwt.
IMIIivnulccc ( iraiu .Mnrlccl.
Mll.WAUKKK. Win. , Sent 7. U'llFATIVisy
No ' 'spring , on tr'ielt , easiii."io ; December , Udei
No 1 neil her n. DTo
( Jonv I'lriiii No. U , on traeU , cash. U 'ii\ '
< ) AiHJulet ; No.hltc. . on traek , W ijJ.'Cc. ( ! Quiet : September , i,4e.
HVEQnlet ; No. I In stole. We.
MiniKMiiollH Grain .Market.
MlNNllAl'OMs. .Minn . Sept 7. WIIKAT-
Whenl market praotlcally lifeless today ,
though there Has a fair ciisb market. He-
CclnlB , ( i0 Kara. Ulose : No. I bard , on
tra ( k , ir.ft'tilie ; No. 1 northern. Atienst.
M c ; on Hack. HOiiefltLUU ; No. nortburn
on track , h7 ® iC' ) .
Cincinnati Markets.
CINCINNATI. O. , Sout , 7. WIIKVT Htrong ;
No. Mred.SW'iaiHle.
tloiiN Ijluht snpiily ; No. 2. mUed. ( Hlii
OATH-btendy ; No a mixed.
WHISKEV $1.18.
Flnanoial .Votes.
KANSAS CITV , Mo. , SupU T.-Cluarlngs , J1.81S-
71)7. )
DKNVKII , Cole , Sept. 7. No session on the
mining exchange today.
ItAi.TiMoiiB. JId. , Sopt. -Hank clfirlnRi
today , J-il-i.W ( : ; baliinces , JJ'II.'JIU ' ; money , G
percent. _
Hank of I nirland Itullion.
LOMION. Si-pi 7 Amount of bullion irene
Into tin llanK of England on balanee today ,
I'.iriw llentL-H.
TAIIIS , Hept. 7. 'I'hree per cent I entes Pflf
TJie for the account.
Sail I'YnnciiNco Mining
SAN KIIANCISCO. Cal. , s'opt. 7. Tbo olllcliil
closing miot.itlons for mining stocks today
were as follows :
Iluvaiui . * nrketH.
OJIIAVANA , Hept. T. SPANISH Goi.u $ , ' .3.1 ! $ ©
EXCIIANOK Qnlot on tbo United States ;
short blRhtKold , 10U premium ; on London ,
lO'iSja ) proniluni.
HliUii--lJiiiet ; nnthlr.R doing , holders aloof.
TraUei-H' Tnlk.
NBXXVOIIK , Sept. 7. Henry Clews , the
banker , says ; The iniward moxement xxhlch
started In i > o onerpj-llcally xxeoka apu
continued to hold full sxxnydurlni ; the early
part of the pioaont week , the result bolni :
another hharp ndx'nni.e In nearly all t lie prom
inent shares ; but ut this juimtuio the IOIIR-
looked-fnr reaction made Its appearance ,
nnd the most. micccssful bull cum-
fialK'i seen for many a day was
ironi-'lii temnorarlly to a halt and tbo
bourn for the nrst time In live weeks were al
lowed to talto an InnliiK'Vlien It Is t ken
Into eoiisldinnllon the enormous advance
which has tulten place In such Hlocks as Chicago
cage lliirlliiKton X gnlney. Uoek Island , Lake
bbore. Missouri raclllc. Northern 1'uclllo preferred -
ferred , nnd In fact all the prominent Minres
actively triidciHn , It Is not snrprlshiK that
the miirUet Nhniild rccelxo a setback , but on
the other hand , to have been able to Htund the
Btraln of movlnn.ln ono dliectlon for Hiich a
IOIIK period , notwltlistandliu free icall/liiKb
fiom time to tlmo , clearly demonstrates tlio
good quality of tbo market nnd tbo Improxed
condition of allalr.s broimht atom by the
xvonderfnl crops xxlth xxhlcli thU eountiy has
been blossul. With the almost famine crops
which are reported In nearly exerv country
other than the I'lilted States , It Is Interestlm-
to compare the UKIIIOS of our last yeai'H crops
\x lib the estimated llRiires for tills year's
yield :
1800. IS'll. ' Ineranso.
Corn l,4RiI)70,000 ) ) 2,040,080.000 5.W , : )0,000 )
Wheat . . . Iltl-i..Vi'.lKW 58- > ,0WOOJ Ih5,7is,0o0 :
S2IIUIOOU ! 700.000,1)00 ) 17lii71l,000 :
Kyo 27.11(1.01)0 ( ) 2 < J.OOOOOJ 1.SM.OOO
Tlio result Is highly Kratlfylng. Wo have
In loiind iiumlitirii , tiil.lng the curluU com-
blnod. 1114,000,000 luibholH moro than lust yoai ;
tnli ghes us an oxportalilo surplus of 22flOJO-
OtO lumhelK of wheat , and. In addition , u largo
( inantlty of corn. Now tnin to Kurono Hnd
obsorvu thocondltlons tliero.Vlthtliueeen -
tlon of Kngland land HIO ) Isohllgt-d to Import
14i'OlKnl)0 ) ) biibhols of wlii-at annually n.oro
than she grows ) ox cry wheat pmauu-
Ing eonntiy tlu-ro U liuculv dellelent In
Us luirvi-ht , and It Is ustlmatid that ut
h-ast S.W.WW 000 tiushols of wheat will ho
lequlri-d to coxor the Bliortauo. Lust the
I.iiropeaii rjo croii ( niion which tlio poorur
classes In llusblii , ( ioimany and Aiibtua
snlislsl ) amountpil to lOI'UXHOvOxhllo ) this
yi'iir the } mid will not ho ox or ( IIUOOiiijO. )
'Hint the delleleneles aliroud exist as stated
abox e , there senms to ho no reasonable doubt ,
and IIH Amor ca Is the only country xvlth u
largo Hiirpliih of wheat , Kuropo must tnin to
us. I.nropeaiiH huvo nut been udm-aU'il to eat
our corn , and It hub been a mat tor of cnmniont
Hint our c < ix eminent lias inner taKcii any
Hiitlxo Ktiips to bring ubotil that result , llnw-
ovur. with the largouxlstlngMiortagesiibroad ,
corn will hi\o ! to bt- accepted for food , and
once the experiment Is tilon , It Is not lluoly tone
no icllnuulshi-d , iiNt-orn IH much moro nutri
tious than wither w heat or rye ,
The inoxunient of grain ut Interior points
Jins l-eoii xory lioavy , the receipts showinc an
Incri-iibu of tAper i-i-nt ox or liibt xoar. Thn
Immodlalo ulfoot of this Is teen hi the In
creased earnings of hiixeial rittlrondH , whoso
Htatemonts Imvo lati-ly boon piibltshud , and
uuL-eslK boinn Idea of what niiy | bo oxpeetod
In the fiitnie , when thn inox-onicnt bi-coinnii
nioru gonural , Anothur promising feature , in
fuel the niost cncoiiraglim algu thut lias yet
nppourcd. Is tint announcomcat that a con-
efuiimiint of J..ftoo.iKJO gold tins been engaged
fortihlpiiifiit to thlsi-ountry from the conti
nent. U Is understood that tin-so are "hpoclul"
transactions , at the into * of exchange me not
yet loxr enough to admit of cold being Im
ported at protlt , U win bo roiueinbvru.l
that a great part of the gold recently ihlppi-d
from tlilt country w us tuken from us under
j us termed "special" transaction * . U U
highly gratifying , thorofiue , tliut the
lliht foniilgniuoiits of thu return How
eboiild come Duck to IIH under the
limit hcadliiff. Thone "hpeclul" transactions
will probably fa\or lib from now on , and u In
r peeled that the movement to this aide will
rccelxo a fresh ImputiiH BOOH , as foreign ex
change Is becoming heavier each day , and , If '
continued , will teen bo at the gold Importing
point. I'ndur tin-to circumstances It IH not unreasonable -
reasonable to expect that , If not the. whole , at
Icust tlio greater part of the precious metal
wh oh v ns tuken away from us will KOOII Und
llv way buck iiiniln to Its nuturul resting pluco ,
Thn money market , during thu pun week , luu
Ihown niii < i of working u little closer , the
{ urUcoiiiud louut uuoilBjr huvuiB ud-
vancoil to 8 per cent , while tlmo loan * com
nmnd the full legal rate for nearly nil dales
This Is but natural attlils time of the yent
ns the currency movement IB always agatns
tliln centre , owltu to tbo urgent demand fii
money lo moxo the crops , htlll , there scorn
to be no ground for uneiiilncsi on thU score
M the ImporM of nold , which nro expected ti
fontlnuo , xx-lll bo apt to check any tcndonc' '
towards stringency In money. The rates till
ycnr are In marked contrast to the high rate
wlilcli ruled a yotr ago , when cat
money was quoted at a prcmliin
of one-half of 1 per cunt per dlcn
and Interest equivalent to IBS per cent pei
annum. Secretary Poster's pot Hchumo of ex
tending the 4 ! ( percent bonus at 2 pir cetil
has not been entirely successful , us the hold
ers of only about t.'I.OOO.OnO have slKlillled tbel
Intention of ttklng the now bonds There line
no alternative , therefore , for tlio govi-rnmcn
but to redeem the ether J-M.iWj.uoo , which wll the circulation to that extent.
Taking tliu "Huatlon us a whole , It Is cor
talnly faxnrablo to an ultimately hlghc
raiiL-eof x'alnes ; but there are several thlngi
on the surface which may retard for the tlnn
being any further pronounced upward move
incut , nnd which It will bo xvcll not to losi
* lght of. I'nlon Pacific's affairs still i-ontlnui
to bo somewhat tangled ; rumors of n
rccolXLr , tngothcr xvlth a statement tha
the collaterals bold against an lincan-
celled lo'in had been thrown on llie inarkct In
a bank which became Impatient nt the unla ]
In taking Hie loan up , have caused that stool
to lu looked upon again with a llltlo susplcloi
both at boinonnd nbioad. Another thing to hi
watched Is the statement Issued by tbo Hani
of I. nglnnd as having a bearing oh the fiitun
conditions of affairs across the XMitor Till
xx euu's Kt'itomi-iit shows that the proportloi
of re"C' xc to liability lias di-i-Ilnod from 4T > .7
last \vcoK to 4 * > 2S this week , and that tlio do
cio ii In thn reserve fortliat period aniountei
lo jLt'.i'i.witi. ' ThuMi figures In lliuniMilves haxi
no ospeclal slgiillli'iincc , as thu renervo Is stll
stlghtl > above last yciu ; but It tiliould not lx
forgotten that the old country will soon hi
called upon todlsgorge a largo amount of tin
gold which she so ruthlessly tnok fiom us. am
when that happens licrri'acrxcs will natural ! }
dni' In view of this the bank of Kng'
land's ifoxornors are likely to advance tholi
rate of discount soon , which will natural ! )
haxo the effect of making money doarei
abroad , and consequently moro dllllcult foi
the foielgners to cany our stocks , which al
present they have a good supply ot 1'lu
tnctor , houever. of moid Impoil.incu than an )
other at the present time , as It Is the one cal
culated to do the most mlscnlef If dcxclopcd ,
Is the cold xveatliiir In the northwoHt , xxbicli
seems to bo moving In several dliectlons anil
which may jet do serious Injury to some portions
tions of the corn crop , as It xx III bo two 01
lliiee xveeks before all i orn xx III be out of ( lun
ger from frost As bofoie stated , the situation
as a whole has a piomlsliig look for the future
It-it xxhllo these somewhat uncertain factor'
are hoxerlng over the in.uUet It will bo well
to moxo eaiithmslv , ami when good profit"
make their appearance It will be advisable U
secure them. L' IK likely to show
moro activity from now on , especially as the
loading "boar" will eon bo homo to take n
blind In tlio game , ( food opportunities , there
fore. w III be itirordcd for ijulck turns. : ittovK ji
OMAHA , Sept. 7.
CAiTi.E-onielal receipts of cattle. 3.8)9 )
us compared wllh Hi : ) baturdav and l.GJV
Mondiiv of last xvenk. The market WHS slow
and about steady on good grades and a sliacli
lonoi on common gr des of beeves and butch
er stock , and ttloxv nnd about ste.idv on the
best grades of feeders , und sloxv and lower on
other grades of feeders. Tbe receipts ol
butcher stock , feeders and stockers were very
lloos-Olllclal receipts of hogs 373 , a
compared with 2,007 Saturday , and Ct !
.Monday of last xvcek. The mnrkctva
hlo.ulj to strong. All wore sold. ' 1 lie range
of the pi Ices paid was * I.OVT-U. ! Tbo
axerageof thn i. rices paid was $1,01 ascom-
paicd with i\uObaturday and $1.04 .Monday ol
last week.
SiiEKi' Onicial receipts of sheep 1.110
a compared xvlth 3,30'l Monday of last xxcek ,
Tbe market was actlxo and stronger.
Niitlxoe. l-.f ! > 04.r > 0 ; westerns , t..23@4.23 ! ; good
CO to 70 Ib. I'llilbs. * 400)0) .
HccciptH nnd Oisinltioii | ori to olc.
Oflleliil receipts and disposition of stozlc as
shown by tbo books of the Unlo.i stockyards
comp inv for this twontv-foiir hours ending at
5 o'clock , p. in. , September 7 , 1&J1 :
Itcprcacntntivu Sales.
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. t'r. Na Av. Pr.
7..11bU $ J 4U
1 lO'iO 160 S5. 10.m Jl 05 7.112 , ' 210
I 10 0 1 Ifl 1 810 y 10 Zl 119(1 ( 2 l-'i
1 8.1) ) 175 4. OJ7 200 11 987 215
14 . OhS 173 8. U',0 200 I. . U-'O 220
10.701 175 'J2. . Ml 2 Or > S. . 721 22J
50. O'JU ' 1 1
101. 070 27ft . UW U 00 1..1000 325
10. . W.I 2 IK )
: 1710 175 .1JM 175 2. . 1410 173
I .1700 1 73
1. 1480 1 50 1..1500 2 75
a 103 ( t oo
3. . U'O ' 2 7 , * > *
1 cow and e.ilf . 3J 00
1 Kprhmer . MOO
1 nillkoi . 20 UO
No. Av. Pr.
2 stoori . 1100 323
Jack Creek Land and Cattle Co.
1 feeder . Kin
2 f millets . 1W4 ! 2 OS
155 feeders . loot 20 }
U. J. Thomas.
2 sloeis . im 3Mi {
' 27 steers . 1231 3 62'i
li steers . I-.KIO j 5JJ ;
2 eows . 10 ! > 0 225
8 ein\ . 1030 225
Saw > ur llros.
15 rows . 1001 225
12 fei-dois . 001 2 N >
1 stcor . 11,0 U 41
1.1 hit-era . 12T)0 ) 345
1 sti'cr . mo y 45
i : . r. iii out.
1 bull . 1400 175
ft tutlliuM . UIO 225
a -.teem . imi j 10
10 steers . lib ) a 10
JS steers . , . 1182 325
K. S. Isuwman.
1 bull . 1410 l 00
lleous . nj'j a.- ,
13 steers . . . . . lus 3 as
Kilter A. 'o.
12 cons . Kio 1 fk' >
t7c'0 ! n . 049 2113
52 eows. . (118 ( 2 15
10 steers . 1208 a ; a
71 t'ow s . 010 07U
87 rows . . . 1U5 S 07U
4.1 i-owh . OJ7 307' ,
81 eons. . wo 1 071 ,
( i3i'oWH . U6I 2 U7 { ,
4 J Cattle toinu.iny.
1 toedur . 1170 250
1 ft'Oilur . I5W 250
15foodoiti . IIS'J 2 t5
ClsU'ers . HbO 3:15 :
JOatrers . I''U 335
U. A Coiroy.
lli'Htouis ' . 1344 a M
Jl sleets , TOXUIII . 11-11 300
4 bti-ors . llri II U5
.sand CieeU Land and Cuttle coniiany. |
7 ? eows . DM 05
1 htt-or . 1270 3.10
li stft-rs . 12IJ J JU
I'lilon 0. Co ,
. K ) rows . 8I > 180
105 feeders . 1IJO 3 15
A , \V. OMIllKer.
S funiluiH . 74i 2 N )
71 tei'deri . t > 8d 3 10
Hytin Ilios.
3:1 : slt-ers . HW ) 310
40 ateers . 100.1 3 35
O. \Vol/ol. .
ft ! feeders . 1120 205
4S utet-r.s . luui 3 J5
82 steers . lim 335
W5 steers . 1138 335
3)fouderH ) . . . . . . ll.V ) 275
flfoedeM . U2U a 05
No..Y . Av. gh.bO Pr. No. Av. Sli. Pr.
.Y .230 bO 4 tO 74 225 240 5 00
.Yfi . It'll 40 ( 0 . .218 500
1 . .310 4W CO . 27J 100 503'i '
0 . . .ISti 4 tt'i 511 . 2M ) 12J 505
) . > . 210 ; to 403 ca . . . . iui : u.o sto
3 . 277 bO 4 CO StSS 100 510
io. Av. Pr.
1W ncktern wethers . 115 410
Chicago l/lvo Stout.
OiiiCMio , 111. , Hupt. 7. [ Spi-elal Tvlegruiu
oTMB lleE.1 There ntis an ejfinptlnn.illy
u-a > y run in entile today , sometlilni ; UUo
1,000 head. AllhoilKh tliero was un ucthu
Juniand. sellers were nnalilu to hold
lie marUut up. buyers f ( ire Inn n deellnu of
nlly 10 cents ami 15cunt * per hundred pouniU.
L'on&ldurubly mure than half of the ruceliiU
oiulbled of natl\cn niKiiy of which were
liolcc. Tlio beht of them told ariunul fd.oo.
1'nln eowa were nt-elcott-il ut from tl.&O to (1.75
tiud Htoekor * and feederw worn HOW at from
S.W to \VcstcrucaUlo ) a\vragud about
10o lower. There wnro nbont 4.IVW of then
nnd they sold on a bails of from II.OJ toll.ftj
Tcxans were In Inrne snpiily and the ri\or 2 (
( innlity was common , the urOportlon of cone
bolnx fiireor.
The o.irly market was active nnil Mroni ?
Slilpiiurs and p.ieUors biiyline freely at trim
2'ic ' fo So advance. The market continued t <
display falraotlvtty , but after the middle ol
the forenoon tliero wns a weaker fcollnx and
tlio i-loio was at uibU.uitlully Satnrdiiy't
iinolRtlon * . I'loin f 1.50 to * I.SO for ifrasflors and
MiiiKh stulT , prices ranged npwnrd to W.NV foi
fanoy , heavy. TliOKruntor part of thonitiily |
however , chaiiKod liamUat from $ V20tlo r > .4J
heavy weight * gnln , ; laritoly at from U
} i.40 , and from 13.10 to > . .I3 takinit the bulk ol
the llBht and ineOlnm. ( Irais hogi wen
neitluctcd at from 50o to tl.oo off from tin
prices paid for these fatted on corn.
The F.vonlnit Journal ropnits ! CUTTLE HO-
cj-lpts , 21,000 ; nhlpiiicnts , J.70U. Market lower.
Kxtra n at I \ os. } iLOIK3ll.23i prime export , f * > .3iKtl
n.Hi ( ) ol.linrs . , U503&SOI Tuxans , JJ.OO'a.l.j'Jj
'lions' itccplpts , 22,0001 shlnmcnts. 10,000 !
coed denuind for heavy stntT early : niarkel
stronic : roiich and common , JI. > iT.V.i3 ! pack
ers and mixed , $3.1V25i3 : ; prime heavy nnd
butchers weights , , ) . ' . ' / < C .M : IlKht. M.HKa..M.
BllKEi' Kooolpts , 8,000 ; Hhlpmetits , 2,000
market sti-ady to stronj ? ; i-nos. J.I.V.iJI.OO
Tex aim. ! JCO < Ql.25i westerns , } { ,4X&\25 ( ; Iamli9
Now Vork Ijlvc Htoi'k Market.
New YOIIK. Sept. 7. HBKVKS Itocolnt"
8,771 head. Inclndlin ; lli.1 cart forsale. Miirkel
dull at IDo per ewt. lower ; Texans and t'nlor.i-
does , .4'i per 100 pounds ; natives Jl.dOS
GH ( ) ; dulls ami COWH , i.iO.I.OO ( ; dressed bee ]
steady at'ffi'i'ir. ' '
CALVKH Ki-eelpti. 2.517 lie-id ; market shadi
i-aslors veals , fi3i ) < a.s.23j gratsers , f.5J4tl.OO
linttormliks , f-.7.V3.4 2'i.
bllKKi1 Ueeeints , lee head ; shfi-p , J4 OoiM.r ( > 0
l.imbs. Jr. UKdil. VJ ; diessed mntton steady al
7'i10Lper Dounil ; dressed lambs dull at 8' |
lions lioeolpts , liu'luilhiK slv ears for sale
lO.MWhead ; mat ket steady at J4 OOiib.00 per IW
pounds. _
KIIIIHUH t Ity Ijlvc Stuck Iark-ts.
KANSAS OITV , Mo. Sent. 7 I'vrri.K Ko-
colnts , O.'UO ' ; shtpmunts , o.OOi ; market dull ,
lower ; steeis , ( .l.2VTl.'i."ii : cows , ( I.ti0ffi.'l.00i
stookiTH and feeders , tMI-l ) 73.
lloos UucelptH , ) i ; shlnmcnts , 1,000 ; mar
ket stroiiB ! bull , , } 4. .VU3 05 ; all gr.ides , UM
5,23 ,
HIIKHP liccelpts , 150 ; flhlpmcnts , 2,020 ; mar-
) \et ste.idy.
St. houlH fjlvc Stook .
ST. I.otrn. Mo. Sopt. 7. OATTLK Heeolpts.
n,000 ; shipments , nonp. h'lrady ; fair to
t-'ood natlxes. J . ' .KofttVO ) ; Texan ? and In-
( llauu , . ' . , IO.lOi ; e.inncrs , II.5J.40.
Ilixis Kecutpts. 1,2 0 ; shipments , none ;
stronir ; liouy. f > .2U ® .J'J ' ; mixed , $1.70 ®
f > .13 ; lluht , I'iOOSi.SS. '
0.1/.I//.1 > .t TA : MA itKirs.
SWEET L'oTtTOKS-Por lib ) , $1.30.
CIIAII Ai'l'i.LS Per bill , $100
CANTALOUI-ES 1'er dor. if 1.0031.21
PKACIIKS Ujllfoi nla Craw fords , single case
lots. } 1.25 ; flvo case lots. $1.15.
CliiAi'KS Homegrown , 8-lb baskets , 40ffirio ;
U-lli uiisl.ets. 50o ; Jlnscat. per crate. $1 75 ;
Itoso Peru. $1.50.
PEAKS California li..rtlctt. f J.50S2.75 ( ; oilier
California varieties , * . ' .2.VS2.rU.
PLUMS California. 11.50.
Ai-i'LKS Per bbl. g..SS&'
OllANdts Kodl , Ji.50.
WATEiiMni.o.NSShlpplni ; stoclr. 1318c.
I.EMONh Per liox , } fiO ; funcv Maori , $8.00.
IlANtNAS Per bunch. iOOQ7.50 for Rood
shipping stock.
Omaha Milling compuny. Rollance. Patent ,
12.00 ; Invincible Patent , J28fl ; Iono Star , bn-
norlathtJ.30 ; Snowllake. $2.10 ; Fancy
Krfmlly. J..00
It. T. Davis Mill comp my. No. 1 and fronm
High Patent , $ - ' . ; Itlno 1) , and Ked K , $ , ' .00 ;
I. ion and HawKcyu , $ J40 ; Koval No. 10 , Spe
cial Patent , J.luO ; Minnesota nnd Dakota ,
Patent. $ J.X ) ; ICiinsas Hard Wheat. Patent ,
$ -00 ; Nebraska Stralclits , $ J50.
S. I' . Oilman's Gold Metal. J.&O : Snow White.
I..WI ; Snowlliiko , * 2.l ( ) ; low grade , Jl.fid : Queen
of the Pantrv , $2. ' ) ) ; Minnesota Speculative ,
* 2.fcO ; bran13.K ( ) ; chopped feed , Ji'.OO.
The following quotations represent the
prices at .winch choice stock is billed out on
orders unless oti orwiso stated :
OMOSS Homo grown , oOc per bu.
CKI.KIIV Per dor. 33c.
ToMATOl'.s Per bushel. $1.00.
CAIIIIAHE Home grown. Ic per Ib.
HKANS Navy , $ J.50S B" > uer bu.
POTATOKS Local growois are supplying the
demand almost exclusively
Country I'roilucc.
Eons Sales are reported at lOOlfiVJc.
POULTIIV Chickens weie on the down grndo
last wcok and good Htock wont at $2..P > U < Q2.75
and Home small si/us at low as $ l.752.25.
IlUTTEit Good butter Is very scarce and
choice dairy brings Hl7c. The puckers'
price Is 10 ® lie. Arrivals of desirable grades
meet with ready salo.
Sonic Good Shooting ut Fort Hlicrlilaii
CIIICAIIO , 111. , Soot. 7. Shootlnir began in
earnest at the nnt.onal tournament at Fort
Sheridan today. The tempting purses and
golden medals brought foitn the test ofTorti
of the marksmen and some puonominaLwork
was done.
Lieutenant Ramsey drove seven leaden
missiles out of n possible ten through the
blinking bulls-eye at the 000 yard range.
Sergeant A. C. Austin pierced eight out of
a possible ten at the 500 yard limit , and a
score of forty-eight points with only fifty
chances was made by a crack shot from the
Ulo Grande.
Today , besides being the opening of the
tournament proper , was the day sot apart for
bulls-oyo firing Two purses , four Rold
rnedalB and one prize were offered. Sixty-
eight competitors including Ltoutonant
Colonel . D. Hotchklss nnd Captain John
H. Ingrahatn of the Second Infantry , Illinois
National guards , entered tbo lists. Firing
began eatly and continued Incessantly till
darkness Intervened. Use of the 1,000 yards
range which , was about to begin was post
In the ofllcers1 contest ( or the SDauIdlng
medal the contest at tbo close of 800 yards
lliinpf seemed to rest between Lieutenant F.
D. Ramsey , "Id points ; Lieutenant Colonel
W. U. Hotcbldss , Second Illinois Infantry ,
'JOJ points , and Lieutenant W. N. Hughes ,
Thirteenth infantry , 11)3 ) points. The three
highest in the contest for the enlisted men's
puiso are : Private C. li. Clark , company
1C , Fourth infantry , 115 points ; Private 13.
McICen/io , company D , Eighteenth infantry ,
-10 points , nnd Sergeant S Kenny , company
J , Eighteenth infantry , SOU points. While
it is generally accepted that the throe
named in each of the above con
tests will include both winners ,
It Is possible that bad luck on
their part * , accompanied by some phenomenal
work by some ono dangerously close in the
final score , will change the outcome ma
terially. When the shooting began tbo
cavalry iron hold their own splondtaly with
their infantry brethren , but when tbo long
ranges were reached their "shooting Irons"
were far too short to compete with the "long
toms" of the footman. Jackson , the colored
crack of the "Fighting Ninth" missed the
target entirely several times in the bOO range.
When the signal was given for dinner the
filing had buin completed on the 200 , : K ) and
IKK ) yard ranges und u gold medal and a (100
purse had been wnn.
Sergeant A. C. Austin , company H ,
Fouttti infantry , had carried oil the
Inter Ocean imrso of ftUO to the
enlisted competitor , making the great
est number of Imllseyos at'-(10 ( , JiOO nnd f > 00
yards , His hcoro is as follows ; Two hun
dred yards , four bull's oyns : UOO , threu ; 500
eight ; total , fifteen.
Lieutenant . N. Hughes , Thirteenth In
fantry , won the gold modal ofTerod by the
Tribune to the ollleer making the greatest
number of bull's eyes at 200 , JiOO and M)0 )
yards. Lieutenant Hughes secured three
hull's eyes at the 200 yard range , four nt the
itoo yard , and live at the 500 yard , making a
total of twelve.
In the afternoon ttio shooting was begun at
liOO yards anil at thul tango closed two con
tests , One , the Inter-Ocean gold modal to
the officer making thn highest scoio at00 ,
WO , 500 anil IXX ) yards nt bulls'jyo fit ing , was
v > on by Lieutenant F. I ) . Karnsey , wliOdcoird
11)7 ) points. Lieutenant W. N. Hughes was u
food second , making IM points , and Lieuten
ant Colonel W. I ) . Hotclikiss , Second Illinois
infantry , 101 points. Lieutenant Colonel
HotctikUs won tbo prize offered to the officer
making tbo pieutest score at 500 yards In
millseyo firing , lie bcored forty-fivo points ,
wLich Is rccuided us remarkable shooting.
General Miles wat on the range this after-
icon. Ho occupied u seat on the grass cloio
Micnigh to the men filing to smell the powder
iinokoand congratulate them on a lucky shot.
Jno week tomorrow tbo prizes , meiiuis anil
> uises wll bo presented to the succebsful
lontestanu by General Miles in person , with
ipproprlato military pomp.
Use Holler's Gorman I'llls , the great co n
itlpatlou and liver regulator.
[ cosTiNt'cn r OM FIIIST i'Aon. |
boiln , W. J. 1 lessor , H. Hiins , Sawyer St Co. ,
and the Omahu Flower company.
A bottar exhibit tffts never seen In At
ball tlinil that crowded Into Its octagont
quarters this your. The ncodlovorK rise
truly into the rcnltn bt Art , nnd attracts
great deal of fAYbrnblo coininoiit. Th
painting * , | crnyon and [ mitcl work nro ats
superior to these df previous exhibit ;
There nro many efforts that would nttrac
nttontlon anywhere. Thorn are a nuiiibor o
clumsy , cruuo daubs , but tlioy nro in lit
minority this year.
First and foremost among the work o
Nebraska's artists nro the paintings contrll
utod by Mrs. O. L ) . Alexander of Syracuse
The quiet country scene with cows In th
foreground Is regarded by many ns her boa
effort , although the larger palatine of "Cow
at the Brook , " lemons , begonias , glass o
wntor nnd nut bavo each admlrors.
The pen work of .ludgo Hlggliis1 1-t-yeni
old son , narry , of Grand Island attracts cor
sulerablo attention. Among the snccltnou
Is an excellent portrait ol Governor iJovd.
A striking feature of the display ts th
picture nt a Green innlden on tniie-ury oxc
cutoil by Mrs. John II. Wright. The snra
lady also has a beautiful collection of chlnn
hand painted ,
The head of the Madonna bv Sarah C
Hollly Is universally pronounced the lines
pleco ot crayon work In the exhibit , nnd fa
surpasses anything else presented by thn
Among the more notable articles prcscntci
by Miss Mabel Merrill uro the head of a Uo
nnd a mitrlno scene , both In pastel , and
very hnndsoma scrcon.
Airs. Mnbul Clnson has shown whatsho cat
do in the "Uoscs" nnd "Dlco Throwers. "
Mrs. Anna Junk shows herself to bo ;
clover nrtlst in nor pictures of apples , ducks
figure pieces , rose panel and lemons.
Miss Kdlth E. Russell bus an attractive dls
piny of china and a nuninor of painting dis
playing nnusuul skill. The picture. "Lad' '
Playing a Mandolin , " is one of the mos
striking pictures In the hall.
Phatoah's horses loom up as usual in in
less than live different style of drawing am
Among other artists who have praUe
worthy efforts are Mr. George , Mrs. Bohanan
Miss Blanche Hoot , Mr. George and O. K
Among the other notable features of thi
display uro the brass work by Mrs. Georgi
K. Hrown nnd the pottery work ol Anuio J
Moruantilo Hull.
fn this department are to bo found the exhibits
hibits of local and foreign merchants win
deal in articles In the main for use In tin
household and in connection with It. Thi
Kansas Salt comoauy makes a largo dls
play of rock salt and the following llrms arc
also represented by fine exhibits , allhoucl
the number is scarcely so largo as had beet
expected yet all the space In the building it
occupied : Young & Elder , music ; Kudgo &
Morris , hardware ; U. Wittman , harnesses
Korsemoyor & Co , sanitary plumb
ing : Hcrpoltlioimer , bouso furnishing :
S. B. Hohmin , organs ; Woodworth .t Me
Fnul. harnesses ; Reynolds Brothers , shoes
Normal university , specimens of penman ,
ship ; Lakeside company , organs ; Lincolr
Kubber company , rubber goods ; Max Moyoi
& Uro. , Omnhu , pianos nnd organs ; N. P ,
Curtice , pianos ; Parker & Sanderson , shoos ;
Lcigbton , stationery ; Davis & Son , carpets -
pots ; State Journal company , stationery ;
Nebraska university , herbaria , ornitholog
ical specimens , photographs of the college
fnrm nnd sugar buot patches ; Hardy A
Pitcher , furniture ; Orandall's puttorr
works ; Bradlny & liaising , white bronze
monument and statuary ; Hedges' iron
woiks ; Nebraska Mintol company ; Kath-
bun's college , Omaha , specimen ! , of penman
ship ; Webster & Hogers , shoes , maps , draw
ings , mineral specimens , herbaria by child-
dron In the public schools of Lancaster and
Kearney counties , Weeping Water , Sutton ,
York , boxvard and other cities.
Those displays vvcro linisned tonight.
On the Grounds.
Outside the buildings provided for the
display of goods by the association there arc
several frame structures dovoied to
every conceivable purpose. There arc
restaurants. English kitchens , dining rooms
condl ctcd under the auspices of almost every
church in the city. These sanctimonious life
supporters are rouged in one row.distant many
feet from the hostulrios which have not the
seal of religion. Then there nro confection
nricstoy booths , cidar stalls , book stands and
fakirs with freaks , and shows , catch penny
devices well nigh innumerable. The petii-
fied woman , which the militia boys drove out
of camp at Grand Island is hero , as is also
the wild man of Alabama , and people are
found who are curious enough to patronize
In the space allotted to threshers there are
about twenty of those peripatetic machines
quartered. Each is connected with an im
mense traction ontrino by a bolt. The noise
they make when sot in motion nt the same
time is almost deafening , especially when
the superfluous onglnos permit their steam to
escape and pierce the air with their shrill
nnd demoniacal whistle.
In another section there are about fifty
windmills revolving at the rate of a mile a
mlnuto before the breeze. Some of these
work at a dizzy height upon iron nnd wood
frames and others exhibit themselves at a
distance of only a few -feet nbovo the ground.
Somoaro goaiod to pumps , corn shelters ,
elevators , and a dozen ether machines , while
some nro sntisfied to revolve without doing
anything more.
There are several ncros of mowing machines -
chines , sulkies , plows , barrows , buggies and
farmers' wagons , nnd the number is being
constantly added to. In thosu respects the
exhibition oxcells that of any preceding year.
The display of horaes and cattle will bo re
ferred to later.
Turners' I'rl/c" ) .
The medals offered by the State Fair asso
ciation for uirnitiL- and ether athletic oxor-
[ isos attracted the following turnvoroius :
Omaha , Lincoln , Nebraska City , 1'latts-
raouth , Sioux C'ity and Fremont.
The oxorclsos took plnco immediately In
Trout of the amphlthnator , and wore con-
Jucted during tlfo races. Both ontortaln-
Tients were , for this reason , within range of
.ho spectator nt the same lime.
The Judges were Philip Andres of Omaha ,
3. Kostlan , Fremont ; Hobort Schneider ,
31oux Cltv.
The turning was of a very high order and
frequently evoked peals of applause. The
iwards was made as follows : First medal ,
i red Broiling , Fiomont , li'J' points out of a
losslbloHO ; second , F. Foil , Sioux City , 'JIV
joints ; third prl/o , Fred Fruohanf , Omaha ;
'ourth prize Cr. Blattert , Omaha.
The presentation was made by ox-Governor
. 'urnas in u very neat speech.
I'rogrnmiuuio for 'loilny.
The programme is as follows. In passing
ipon the blooded stock experts will bo em-
iloycu : _
ClitBs A Horii-B. Pert-borons , Trench draft ,
'n-'llhh shire nrdinft.
( Mass II Cattle. Hhort Horns , Hiirofords ,
Olrss O .sheep. L'qtswold. bouthdowns ,
Inmpslilro Downs.
Class I ) Swine. DerltHhlre , Poland Chlnn.
Class -rarni I products I'lonr , ote , wlnu.
Muss G Textile .department , tjllk and
root , '
Class H Fine arts.i Oil paintings.
Clues M-Mechanical arts. Lljjhl machines ,
irlnllnir. bookbinding
Class A Horses. CJIydosdnlo. Clovolund
lnv . grade draft , ititslnteied trottliuhorses. .
llliibs II I'uttId. Polled AIIKUH , Uullowuyi ,
ted Polled eattlo , Sxvss. ( Devon.
Clubs LI Sheep. Shropshire Downs , Oxford
towns , AIIIOIlean Memios
t'laas ' I ) . bwlno. Kftaev , Ohestor While , Jor-
ioy HHI ) . ti <
Class P. r rm products. Grain and seeds ,
IlKerotlonary. , ,
Class ( I. Textile depiirtmont. Knitting ,
icedlo work , fancy needle work , lace work
Oliibs II. I'lno arts. 1'alntlnKS , nrtlllclal
lower *
riuas I. Dairy department. Whole of tills
lllHsi ,
Cluvn J. Educational. Whole of this eliiHu.
U aHS Ix. llco < , honey and apluiy Broods.
Vholonf this oliuu.
Class I < Clmmplon. Sugar beets , cane
nizar , discretionary.
Class M. Mechanical goods , bluvcs , etc. ,
onsthol ) < l furniture ) .
CluHg N. Machinery. 1'arin muclilnery ,
nillnes , elo.
Speed. ' . ' 140 class , trnttlnir , fav ) | Si.1 ! } clusj ,
rnttlni : , Ilio ; Siicj cl.ik . p.ielnu , . Knurantuud
urse , t > oj ; running , one-mile dash , IIUO.
Tno season of 1S01 will bo one that the
iriners of the United States will not soon
'Ilio l.ntrttt Conuiiilriiin.
Why Is Ilallcr'a Sarsapanlla and Burdock
Uo the moat popular soap of the day.
Because they both cleanse the skin and
) ave It both soft and velvety.
Ijnrlmcnt8 | lu Small Towns Mori
'J. litu n HIIUCCRV.
W HINOTOV , D. C. , Sept. 7. The post
master general was Indignant when hi
learned that during hUabsonco on r vacatloi
an ill-Informed clerk in ono of the bureaus ol
the Postoftlco department had glvon out false
Information to the press , namely , that tin
frco delivery experiments in small towns an
not n success. Ho caused an examination o
the latest reports from these experiments t <
bo made , and found that they wen
succeeding beyond his most sanguliu
expectations nnd in n way utterly t <
confound the critics of the experiment. It I :
already an established fact , It Is stated , thai
the Increased revonao In these oftlcos when
the frco delivery experiment is on trln
almost pays for the Increased expenditure.
Even If the frco delivery does not qult <
pay for Itself , it is likely Hint the postmnstci
general will nsk congress to consider the
question whethei the rurnl districts of the
country may not pioporlv oxpccl this Bltghi
contribution to their postal facilities where ,
in so many quarters thov have , up to tlu
present tlmo , boon so limited.
cint.rt , jwori.s/o.v u , ! ' . % .11 BAH
MlnlHtrr KKHII InCoidlnl Coiiiiiiiinlca-
lion wltli II.
WASiiisoros , D. C.Sopt. 7. The Department
mont of State telegraphed to Minister Egati
on September 4 that If n government luui
been formed by the congressional party
which was acceptable to the people that he
should rccognl/o It and open communication
with its head. Today , the 7th lust. , the dc <
partment received n telegram Irom Mr. Egnn
in answer to the nbovo , stating that n pro
visional government had neon established on
the 4th lust , with Joorg Montt as president
nnd was universally nccoptod by the people ,
nnd that he ( Mr. Eirnn ) was in very cordial
communication with it.
TO OUAKIt AM Kind ! * /.VTttff fs f.S.
Dispatch of n Mnn-ol-Wur to the
IllUVallllll iNlllllllH.
WASHINGTON , Sept 7. Socrotnvy Tracy
this afternoon Issued orders for the United
States man-of-war Pensacola , now nt San
Francisco , to proceed at once to Honolulu.
The stnto of affairs at the Hawaiian islands ,
resulting from the death of the prince con
sort , Is such that the presence there of an
American man-of-war is regarded as neces
sary to guard American interests.
? \o I'ciiHinti Urllcfcm1 } ' .
WVSJIINOTON. D. C. , Sept. 7. ( Special
Telegram to TUB BEI : . ] General Kaumsald
today that ho had a surprise in store
lor the next congress. There has not
been a session In congress for years
that has not been coiled upon to appropil-
ate not only for uonstoni to become due ,
but also for deficiencies in pension appropri
ations. The last congress was so generous
in its pension legislation tunt t had been
supposed that the next congress would DO
called upon to make up a largo pension de-
llcloncy but General Hauui says that for
the first time in many years this
ofllco has much more money on hand than
It needs to meet pension demands.
Ho will not onlv como out oven at the end
of the year but will imvo at1 excess of nt least
ot tS.OOO.OOO. If General Hnum is as good as
his prophesy the next congress will start not
only even but with a largo sura to its credit.
The last pension deficiency was $31,000,000 ,
nnd it was part of the load which helped
swell the enormous bulk of the appropriation
of the last congioss. No such huge deficiency
will stare the next congress in the face for it
will start with ? S,000UOO credit to apply on
pension payments of the next fiscaLyoar.
Mexican Military Rnml.
WASHINGTON , D. C. , Sept. 7. Minister
Homera , of Mexico , has written a letter to
the Treasury department asking whether
the Mexican National Military band will bo
permitted to cross the boundary line If It
accepts an Invitation to go to Portland. Ore. ,
to perform for the state exposition to beheld
hold there. Ho has been Informed that tbo
baud will bo allowed to cross as destiod.
Foul * and n Hull' lcr Cents.
WASHIXOTOX , D. C. , Sopt. 7. The amount
of - t1por cent bonds received nt the treasury
department touay for continuance at 2 per
cent aggregated $ . ! :2.,000 : ) , making the total to
dote ( J4,0.)7,8.)0. ) ) The amount received for
redemption today aggregated 2'J,4UO ( ! , mak
ing the total to date f'.l.bllO.OOO. ' These figures
do not Include the transactions at the Now
York sub-treasury.
He Shoots nnd Kills HlH Swcrthcnrt
and Himself.
BI.OOMINOTON , 111. , Sept. 7. Dr. Charles E.
Ballard of Saybrock , 111. , and Miss Bertha
Ison of Baker City , Oro. , and daugh
ter of the lala Judge Ison of that
place , were found dead this morn
ing. Dr. Ballard , a young physician ,
came to this city Friday and over since then
has boon importuning Miss Ison , who came
here with her mother to attend college , to
marry htm. Sno thought much of him , but
begged him to postpone the event until after
her education was completed.
This morning ho appeared at the house and
had an Interview with Miss Ison in the par
lor. While talking with her he pulled out a
revolver and shot her twice , once through the
head and once through the heart , producing
Instant death. The doctor then shot himself
tlvo time ? , dying in a few minutes.
Mixin vor.invtt WITH JIVSI.VKSS.
Why PreHidcnt IMoIVat and Siiporln-
tumlont Smith Iol'ttho ICIo Craiuli ! .
DKNVIIII , Colo. , Sopt. 7. Ofllcinl Info'rma-
tlon way received hero this that Mr.
MolTat and Mr. Smith's resignations as
president nnd general manager of the Uio
Grande railway was accepted by the board
ot dirt-clots at their meeting in Now York
last Thursday. As the resignations went
Into effect immediately the road is nt present
without an executive. It Is understood that
the resignations of these gentlemen were
brought about by the legal department of
tbo road , it having some political differences
with the management.
CI.KAItlAO Till ! Itl&KIH'ATlO.'f.
United Matcfi 'IronprrH Driving Oat
Illegal Settler- ! .
SAC AND Fox AOKSCV , I. T. , Sopt. 7.
Tioops B and C ! , Fifth cavalry , bo an the
work of remavlnp the Intruders from the
Sac and Fox nnd Iowa reservations yester
day morning. Boomers nro Hying In every
direction at the word of command. Tbo
cow boys and renters move a littto slower ,
but everything gees before the sweep of the
soldiers. No resistance Is holnc offered to
the troops and it Is expected the lands will
ho cleat eu of illegal occupants oy the end of
the week.
I'reHhlenl HarrlHon'H
CArnMAN. .1. , Sept. 7. The president
today pardoned Julies Street , of the southern
district of Mississippi , who had been fccn-
Leuced to ten yenis Imprisonment for violat
ing the pension laws ,
I'ardon was tefused Jasper Smith of the
same district sentenced to ouo year for per
jury.Tho entire presidential family witnessed an
exhibition drill py the ( Jupe May Point life
laving crew , Captain Eldiedeo , thU after
Secretary Noble arrived this evening and
lie will stay at the presidential cottago.
SAS-FIHMISIO , Gal Sept. 7. United States
Jlrcult Judge Loroiuo bawver is danger-
msly 111 at bis residence froir. a severe at-
ack of bronchitis. Three physicians were
n attendance on him today.
McShane & Condon ,
31/0 a 13tU St. , Flrfat National UanU liulU
Inc , Omaha , Nub.
Deal In ilock * . boiili , stonrllloi , oo-n noroUl pi
icr.ulo. Nojotlnts lomi uii iJipMTUl Omiik ru
nUtu. Miorlltiualoaa * . on ; bank loc < , ur uh
ipprottd collateral igcurlt )
' and
Importer' itml Manufnc-
KlourSaokt llurliiiis nnd
A. II. Perri o & Go- M , 0 , Ditxoii.
110(1 ( Doilitf Slro t. ycle'dlil mi moathl
Scnil for our rnt lUiKuo
niul prlret. fiirnim t. , Onml
Ackennan Brothers & Hointze ,
I'rlntcrn bliuluri , clcctr > tr | > r < , blnnk boot nnnu
llli' Hunanl ntru't , Oinnlm
Williams , Van Aor- \V. V. Moraj & Oo. ,
uaui & Harto "lion Knctor.Corner Ittl
niul Doiiiiln * 911 Oiiinhi
I2IJ .
Ilnrnor street.
Mcrchniiti Invltod ti
Ocim'm , Nell c.ill niul et inline.
John L. Wilkie , Louis Holler ,
Oinnlm pnpcrbot fnclory Miitrlior * nnd I'.icker'
1II7-1JIU DoiiKlns Tools nnil supplies , lieu
Orders promptly lllk-d. ho/ . and xhcon utslng *
Illi.-llis Jact'on iirHPt
W. T. Seaman ,
Oiniba'3 f.iirfc'est Variety
Omaha Oarpet Oo , , Gilmore & Ruhl ,
Cninet' , oil cloths
mit- .Mnmifncttirori
tlnit' , cnr'nln Kood'.otc \Vholo nlu Clothlcri nnd ,
1MI DoiiKlni atreet 1109 Ilnrncj ttrecU
West & Fritscher ,
Manufacture' flncclicnrs ,
Jobbers of loaf tMmcco.
1011 Karnam Street.
Omaha Goal , Ooko & Ooutant & Squires ,
Limo Hard nnd soft coal nip
Hard nnd soil real S K * pers
cor II th anil Douglas 1303 Inrnain'treot
itrei'tn. Omahu
Eagle Oornico Works ,
Manufacturers of
G Ixanlied Iron Cornice.
Window cnp , metnlllo
sksllKht' , etc. 1110 und
1112 llodKubt.
J. J , Johnson & Oo. , Oady & Gray ,
218 a. nthStreut , T.I mo , cement , etc. , etc.
Omaha , Neb Cor 9th nnd Douglas Sts.
M. E. Smith & Oo. , Kilpatrick-Koch Dry
Goods Oo.
Dry coooX notions , fur- ,
Dryttoodj notions , cents'
fiiriilshliiK Ko d9.
Corner llth nnd Howard ror. llth nnil llownrd Sts
Wolf Electrical Oo. DETHO1T-AU TOMATIO
Electric Motors
Illustrated e-itnloRuo an t Uynnios Catalogue
free freu 11 A , Klnnoylipn'l
1M4 Capitol Avenue. A t 8.12-.IN Y. l.lfo llld'K
Parlin , OroudorfF & T. Q. Northwall ,
Martin Oo. , ( Jcncrnl notlcrn n ent
bk UKlIu Plow Co ,
Corner Jones nnd Oth 9t'
Omaha , Neb. III'i-lDM t-horninn .Xvo.
H. T. Davis Mill Oo.
C. ( ! I'iKlorwooil ,
MniUKur nt Oinnlm.
Cor eth ami .luck-ion Hti
S.F.Gihnan , Omaha Milling Oo. ,
Morclmnl Mlllera.
IOH-15-17 , N. K.lli Street
OllliuaiKl Mill lllJ.Vortli
3 I ! Illnclf - MiuiKKor.
Dawoy 4 ; Stouo Furniture - Beebo & Ruuyan Fur
niture Oo , , niture Oo.
Hiiceoaiorn to U A llouuu
Furniture nnd cnrpoH ,
115-1110 Knrniim Slreat ( irncoiiiiil IHIHU Omnhn
ichuo dor & Looini ? , J , T , Robinson Notion
nnd liiiiorti-r of
obbora |
RoutV fiirnl > hlni { Eooii ,
notions and fiirnlnhliiK in f K colulir.itod liruml
lluckikln ' oxernlU ,
pints MilrtK , ( oati , i-tc
1111 Hownnl Htruot. Cur Ulh nnd HmvnrdhU
CockrollBros F. C. Swartz & Oar
Ilrokcr * . I'rlrnla wlro" Hrokpr , tlr lnl'roTl lento
to Now York , riilamnt , , V me I'rixnin wire to St.
M UniK Special niton l Until nnd Chlon n Oflloa
tlon ( tlren to truck bids i In l lNnt'l HankUinnh
tin grain. 1st NiU'l llnnk lIichaiiKebld'K , S Oman
Kcctor&WilholmyOo Leo-Olnrk-AudrecEOU
Hnnlware Oo.
Cur. lOtli nnd Jnrxson Hti .
lili mil I'nrnrr , Onl
Cni.iln. Nob.
1HOX H'OltA'S.
Paxton fe Viorllng .Omaha Safe & Iron
Iron Works , Works ,
Wrolmht niul cnst Iron
ImlldliiK work , imalm-i , MiMinf r flra unit tiurnlnr
hrnm work. irtMtornl proof nftn. vaults "jnii
foundry , mnrhl.iH nnd work. Iron nhuttnrt nnil
Mneknnillli worK. U I * llro oxnpon ( I An-
Ity nnd Kill bt. | dri'i-n , lllh * Jnckvm t *
Per < Sc Oa. , R. R. Grotto ,
I.lciiur | Morrlimiti , lU'P ' > rtor nml Jobber of
llli llnrnpjtrool , \Vinnt niul l.t < | itnr
MnniiCiictnr r Kcnni'ily's. 10 ; . 1 mid Ma rnrimm * < t ,
Knit lintli Itnteri 1'rli e Ilila vn upplloiitlon ,
L. Kirsclit & Oo , , Friok & Herberts ,
\Vliole ! ilot.liiior Denl'rs Whole nloUijuor Dealers
407-lrj ( S 10th St. ( OI-MH y. 10th St.
Q. W. Douglass & Oo John A WnkeOcld ,
Imported , American I'ort
llnnlwuoil l.utnbor , land ( t'mrnt , Mllnntl
ki'c lldniiille Ccirpn
1 110 North mill Street. iiihtgillncy White Lima
Oharios E. Lee , Louis Bradfortl ,
llnnlnooil liunlier , wood
carpeti unit pnniuut Lumber. Mmocemt.'nl otc.
Otli nnd Doiixlna If.'l tniuln Hlri'ct
0. A. Stonohill , I. Oberfeldor & Oo. ,
Millinery , Notion' . Cloaks Importer' nnd Jobbers In
Klo. Alllllnorr
M3. SIO nnd 212 Hoiith lltll
110-liaS IlltliHt. , Oiniklm Street.
Max Meyer & Bro Oo A. Hospo , Jr. ,
M'f'n Jewelers , dpnlors In 1'Unos , Oriiani , Artists'
tunalcnl lii'triunents , Materials .
, Kip.
Kiirnnm Hud Ilitli. 1M1 Douxlas Street
Platt & Co. ,
OysterFlih nnd < olery ,
Jl'.i South loth Bt
Oonsjlidated Tank
Line Oo.
Unfilled nnd lubricating
oil' , axle xrcasc , olc
U II Until , MniiaKor.
Ribbel & Smith , Sshroodar & Oo. ,
Denkrs In country prod- Tanh buyori butler an I
ucu , fruits , xcKCtnUIus , I-KKH , and com-
etc iiil"lon merchant' ,
etcIM71 toward Street. 4W South llth Street.
printing , wrappliiK and bers nil kinds rubber
wrltlni ; paper , cuid pa KliOdx
pur , etc l..iO Knrnam St eit ,
Emerson Seed Oo , Jamea Hughes ,
Hi-oil Ktowcri , iloalon In Stoves rcpalrn of nil klndi
unrclrn , k'rnsi , tjrnln uml Cdukn niul HontvM
tree CLIH for imlo.
4il-42J South 15tli. T07H. llth Street.
II. A , Disbrow & Oo , Bohn Sash & Door Oo
nf iiioiitd *
il no n b 11 n < l s a ml liiga , bllaiH. duori , tie.
monldliiKt. Ilrnncli of onicei
llco , l.'tli nnil I/uril Sts lloom IU Duo IlulMliu.
f H
Consolidated OofFeo
Company ,
1414 niul 141' ' ! Ilnrnor St ,
Oniiilm , Nc-b.
H. Hardy Oo. , ThoBrunswiok-
Toy * , itollfl. alb n mi , Balko-Oollondor Oo , ,
[ nnoy Kooils. boiisHfur- lllllluril tncrclinndlito.
lll lllllU UIIOil < 4 , Lllllll- Puluoii lliliiraf.
u-aS rarrl IKL-H , 407 , 40 ! ) S 10th Httuut ,
UI'J Kiirniin ; Street. Omulm.
A. D , Boor & Oo. , Hunter & Qreon *
5-I.y i : > ilmiiio lliillilbiK , : > 0 Uxcliuniiu llullillnff ,
South Oiimlm , South Omohk.
MH | Kiln Joseph loft yesterday for Lova-
and , Colo.vliero she will teach In the public
ichools during the coining year.
National Bank
Capital $4OOOOO
Sui'plus 00,000
OIllciTt mid lllrwtorjllourr W Vnt % 1'reildantl
.cwli H. ItBi ) I. Vliu I'rnildiiia C S Maurice , XV ,
, ' .Muriie , John H. Ciilllni , It I ! Cuililinr , J. .N. II.
utrhkV II H HiuliiiH , Caihlur
Corner iStli i nl Knrimin cH )
\ Geiii rat II uiklng lluslno-is TrunsactoJ.
TI | > rll Ur > < l. fmrl. - - - d. n"vt
loun I ( KMI | | tur . wtll | UUV
taauy iuf *
LIK. liut a rtlUtlit i-frAft
AjilrisiJ l > . 110USK , Uoi ,
n < 8iwmwnrTATA iaWfnr7.f TI Hi
> l NN l-OUI > INMi 1 1 Ml ) combined
lib ovi ry class of Furniture , lldllferunt
OIK ne l > y leidlng deitlnrs. ( MINN I'OI.U-
NJ ( III. I ) CO. , ( iritnil llaplds , Mich.
OMAHA Hlliiutloiii pruuura fo
utu . Wrltuforclrtulan ,
York l.llu IIW'K. Omahu , .Sib.