8 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE , MOXDAY SEPTEMBER 7 , 1801 , AS TO SON-PARTISAN JUDGES Opinion of a Prominent State Attorney on an Absorbing Topic. JUDGE WAKELEY DECLINES PROMOTION , IlrimllllunnH Arc In On tlic Supreme ilmlKC Issue Citizens' Ticket * Utidor the New A Jlnr rcprcscntntwo saw n prominent at torney of tlio stnto who , among other things , was uskcd tlio following questions : "What do you think of the proposition to linvo the republicans nml democrats nomlnata the judges now on the district bonchl" "Thorn can bo douut from the general sen timent , not alone of the bar , " was the reply , "hut alio of the people ot the Fourth Judicial district , that the district court bench , at now constituted , should bu renomlnatod In its en tirety by both the democratic and republican partial. Of couno this will glvo the four jmlKcs - Wiiueloy , Doano , Ferguson and Ir vine-to the democrats ; while the republi cans will only got three Davis , \lopowell \ end ICstollo. It is to hoped that it will not bo necessary to call a bar meeting for the pur pose of tnkincr action In the matter , as everyone ono of these gentlemen have already received the hearty appproval of the bar of the district , and If the republican and demo cratic parties dcsiro to voice the sentiment of the people they will unhositatiiiKly nominate nil seven Judges. Should they not do no there will bo the snmo kind of a Judicial light that there was four years ago when the bar nml the clti/.nns generally took the matter out of the hands of the politicians and almost unanimously elected the Judges , " ' Who do you thlnK will bo the successor of Judge Cobbl What are the politicians doing lu that llnof" "For the first time In the history of Ne braska there Is a possibility of a Judge other than a republican lie ing elected as associate Justice of the supreme court. There was an effort on the part of some attorneys , backed by rullroaJ and corporation interests to gat up what they are pleased to denominate a non-partisan ticket. This was to bo brought about by the members of the entires bar of the stnto meeting ii : a sort of con vention nt Lincoln and nominating or euggeUIng to the democratic and republi can partio-i the name of some prominent attorney for nomination by the two parties ; but the course that Tin : Urn : lias taken as well as the cold water that has been thrown upon the matter by leading attorneys throughout the slate , has virtually killed this movement Uosldes It Is well known that.Iudgo Wakclcy has absolutely and posi tively declined to be a cundlduto for the Biipromo Judgcshlp , and as his name was prominently used by the advocates of this non-partisan business , they are decidedly at .sea , us in order to succeed they ore aware 'that they must have some ono who will carry Douglas coufity almost unanimously. The present indications are that , ludgo Broady will bo the nominee of the democrats , and should there bo a non-partisan meeting held , lie will probably be nominated by that body , also as It Is understood that nothing but a democrat will bo accepted by the non-parti- Bans. There are two promincntcandldates in the republican ranks forthe Judgcshlp , Judge Cobb and ex-Judge Kceso , both of Lincoln. From all that can bo learned the light bo- Uvcfii them and their supporters will DO very bitter. Judge Cobb declines to bo shelved at this time because of the fact that the lioya decision is creating great opposition to his candidacy and tie refuses to retire In the face of the enoiry , but will do everything to re- elvo the nomination. Juduo Hecso , on the other hand , will bo strongly supported by the anti-monopoly wing of the republican party , and if ho is nominated will undoubtedly draw very strongly from the alliance candidate. So that with the throe candidates , democratic , republican and alliance It will bo very hard for any ono to foretell the political complexion of the next Judt < o ot the supreme court. " "Will the Australian ballot law , In your opinion , interfere with u.iy citi/ons' move ment of a non-partisan character ? " "No ; it will not for the reason that section D of the Australian ballot law provides mnong other things as follows : That the electors , llfly in number , of any cltv , county or dis trict , have a right to assemble and nominate n candidate or candidates for olllco , so that for example , if the republican and demo cratic parties should decline to nominate the present judges of the district court of this district tlfty electors could assemble within not less than twelve days of the election and pi n co them in nomination and by tiling witb the county dorks of the counties composing the district the names of the candidate or candidates such action would procure their names printed upon the ballot. " AMONG G13KMAN 31AHKSMKN. l''ourlli Amiuil Tournament of the Om.ilia : cliiict/onvurcin N < > \ \\pok. . The fourth annual tournament of the Omaha Schuet/onveroin will ba held next Saturday and Sunday , September 13 and la , nt the club's rillo range at Itusnr park. On the first day the shooting will begin at 8 o'clock n. in. , and continue till 0 in the evening. Sunday tno shooting will begin at 8 o'clock a. in. and clojo at 1. Following the regular club shoot comes the second shoot for the state modal , worth $175. The condi tions of this contest is ' . ' 00 yards off-hand , nt D union target , I'-Mnch null's eye , open to nny rlllo shot in Nebraska , entrance fee ? . ' ) , each to have throe shots , the possible maxi mum score bqing sovonty-llvo points. Tno medal is now hold by John W. Potty of Omaha. After the state shoot an Individual match between Fred A. Fullor.tlrst shooting master of the Omaha SehuoUonveroln and John A. Petty for f.M ) n side , 'JOO vards oil-hand , each man to have ten shots. In the stnto shoot , every nun must deposit his entrance fee $1 , with tlio secretary , Kouls llelnuod , by 3 o'clock Saturday , Sep tember 13 , the shooting to begin at 1 o'clock sharp. The tournament will close Sunday ovonltig with a grand concert oy the Musical Union Military b.ind and a ball Saturday's club's programme will bo ns follows : First , the "hour" target I'-lnch bull's eye , divided into thrco rings , outside counting 1 , next ' . ' , and Insldo : i. Twenty shots lor $1 , shooters being privileged to buy as many cards ho wlshcn. The men making the llrst and lust centers of the day's Bhoot to be awarded GO cents each. For the first hundred points In this target the marks man will be awarded a gold modal ; second hundred points , $5 In cash ; the third hun dred , $10 In cash. Next comes the "man" target , three shots for 11) a contestant being allowed to enter ns often as ho desires , but each contestant can win but ono prize , this en the card of which ho makes the host score. After 15 per cent of the gross receipt ! ) of this target , has been deducted for club expenses , the remainder - dor to bodlvldcdintoprlzcs , the Ill-it prize not to exceed $15. The "volks" target , a 12-Inch bull's-eye , wlthiJA'j-iiH'h circles. A man gets a card for J5 for nlno shots on this target , this card being divided Into three parts , three shots to n part. The shooter then takes his bast tlireo shots for hU percontngo. The prizes divided the same as on the "man" target. Sunday's programme Includes the "ohron11 target , tno prucs for which amount to foOO , mid have been donated by business man and members of the club. Open only to members of the club. It Is a 13-Inch bu'U's-oy , same ns "volUs" target. Entrance , $3 for three shots ; only ana entry to n cian allowable. Kvory contestant to receive n pri/o accord- log to his percontuge ; entries close at 13 o'clock. Also the "koimig" target , which Is the same ns the "hour" target ; ton shots for J 1 , and only allowed to enter once , the man making the bast to bo declared the shooting Icing , and will bo awarded a fil medal and $10 In cash ; only members eligible ; shooting to begin at S o'clock and close nt 13. Also the "man" target ; MUIIO as Saturday's. Also the "volks' > target ; sama us on Saturday's programme. Thu tournament to be under the management of Fred Fuller , Henry Itusnr , Adolph .Meyer and F. L. Ulumor. For restoring the color , thickening the growth , ami beautifying the hair , and for preventing balduoss , Hull's Hair Kouowor unsurpassed. MANUKAOIUKKItS W1M * Mliljr. IlCHiilt of tlio Agitation In Favor ol Home Industrie * . The recent agitation of a very Important matter In the columns of Titit Ilm : tins cul minated In a general dcsiro on the part o ( Omaha manufacturers to got together for mutual benefit. A call has been ls < sued and n meeting \\lll bo bold on Monday , September 121 , for the purpose of devising ways and moans to ad. vnnco the Interests of Omaha manufacturers by Impressing upon the people of Omaha the fact that homo Industries should bo encour aged by the practical pntronnga of the pee ple. Following Is the call Issued Saturday : \Vi > . the iindcrslKii < > d , respectfully make a call for a mineral moot IMC of all mnnufiirtur- crs of Omalm. to bo hold at the Hoard of Trade rooms Monday , Hcnlrmbor 21 , at 4 o'clock p. in. , for the purpose of illscussliiK matters of Importance to the manufacturers of this ulty. TAMIIHM. A.CO. , OMAIU CAN MVo Co. , ItKKS I'lllNTINI ) I'O , r. .1. ( JUKAI.BY SOAP Co. Citro for the Drink llnlilt. The John Holiday Uomody company , of Hurlmgton , la. , guarantees to cure the drink habit and dvpsomania. Homo treatment. Hemody sure. Ingredients harmless. I'er bottle , postpaid , with full directions , $2.50. No testimonials published , und correspond ence kept Invtolato. We have used our own medicine. Ho. lirneii. Mndo of the llnost lurloy nntl the choicest Imported hotis. Try"It. . There Is no bottoi * drink to bo hntl anywhere. Jt is plciuunt , wholosoino und nourish ing and on draught In till the saloons wlioro the famous product of the OMAHA BHUWING ASSOCIATION is gold. Grnnd Kntry Into Onmlin. On anil after July HO , 181)1 ) , tlio Chicago cage , Milwaukee & St. I'nul Railway company will run all of its trains in ami out of the union depot , Oiu'ihu ' No inoroamioyanuo e.uisod by transferring1 and switching at Council BlutTs. Solid vostibulcd trains , consisting of now P/ilaeo sleeping cars , free parlor chair cars , oloiwnt coaches , unu the finest dlnintr cars in tlio world , all boated by steam and lighted throughout by elec tric lights. The now evening express with "electric lights in every berth" now leaves Omaha daily at U.20 p m. arriving at Chicago at 0'JO : a. in. in time for all oabtcrn connections. Secure tickets and sleeping car berths at 1501 Farnam street ( Barker block ) , J. E. PKKSTON , F. A. NASH , C. Pass. Agt. Gon. Agt. OMAHA Prospect of Several Schools ItcliiK Started. It Is understood that the committee ap pointed by the Board of E'luc.Uion ' to con sider the feasibility of establishing kinder garten schools in Omaha will recommend at the next meeting that a few such schools bo opened as a sort of experiment , and that these bo of the very best that can bo had. If the kindergartens are opened nt all they will bo placed In the hands of the most competent instructors in the country. Mrs. Harrison of Chicago , ono of the lead ing kindergarten workers of the country , will bo In Omaha ono week from tomorrow and will deliver an address in the High school building for the bonotlt of these inter ested in kindergarten schools and kinder garten work. Don't Fool Well , And yet you are not sick enough to consult a doctor , or you refrain from so doing for fear you will alarm yourself and friends wo will tell you Just what you need. It is Hood's Sarsaparilla , which will lift you out of that uncertain , uncomfortable , dangerous condi tion , into n state of good health , confidence and cheerfulness. You've no Idea how potent this peculiar medicine Is in cases Hko yours Auction ! Furniture Auction. flOlG Wool worth avenue , Tuesday , Sept. 8 , 10 a , in. Entire contents of this fine residence , belonging to Mr. Win- cote , will bo sold at auction. Pine fur- n i two of all kinds , china , glass , bric- brnc , upright piano , etchings , oil paint ings , etc. Robert Wells , auctioneer. A MAN. Now Wo Are wltli You. Tlio Chicago , Rock Island & Pacific railway are now running all its trains in ' and out of Union Dopot.'Omaha. Trains will leave as follows : East Bound Day express , 10:00 : a.m. ; vostibulcd limited , -1:0,3 : p.m. ; Atlantic express , 0:10 : p.m. Arriving at 9-10 : a.m. , 112:05 : p.m. and 0:15 : p. m. Departing , West Bound Denver vos- tibulotl limited , liJ:15 : p.m. ; Nol&on ac commodation , 4 : 10 p.m. ; Denver express , 7:05 : p. in. Arriving at U:10 : p.m. , 10:45 : a.m. and 7:30 : a.m. These trains are vestibulcd and it is an indisputable fact that the dining car service of the "Groat Rock Island" is second to none in tlio country. For rates and sleeping car berths to all points east or west , call at city olllco of the "Rook Island Route , " 10th and Farnam streets. .loiiN SIIIASTIAN , G. T. and P. A. J. L. Du BUVOISH , General Agent. on .MiiilHtor Uiivrrox , Neb. , Sept.I. . To the Editor of TiiKlJui : : It is manifest to nny reader of the Herald that the Hon. Patrick Et'un is In very bad o'lor with that concern. Fortunately or unfortunately for Mr. Egnn ho did not join the democratic parly promptly on his arrival In this country , and heuco must bo hounded In and out of season. The United States officers who i have returned from ( Jliill spoik In the highest terms of his ollleloncy and Integrity , but these disciples of Jell Davis & Uo. see nothing but call and worm wood In all bis nets , otUcml or otherwise. Would the Hcr.ild please mention the names of these Lincoln Irishmen that are said to Do denouncing Mr. Ugnn In his ab sence i Mr. Egan Is lu Chill as the sorvan' . of this government and subject at all times to its orders , and has very little discretion. The Herald tribe and the west Britons nro a unit In his denunciation , Mr. Egau is far away , and in his absence il Is not manly or honor able to continually assail him , yet ovary issue of tbo Herald lately keeps up that tire in the rear that our old soldiers got so accustomed to In days of yore. Wore Mr. Egan on the ground no could and would defend himself. P. S. UUAI , . _ S.illow and leaden hued complexions soon glvo place to the loveliest pink-nnd-whito , when the use of Ayer s Sarsaparilla Is per sisted in , and cosmetics entirely abandoned. Nothing can counterfeit the rosy glow of perfect health , which blesses those who use this medicine. S. R. Patten , doiitlbt , removed to Bee building. Open till 7:00 : pin. TeloO. , T , J. Johnson ft Co. have removed their coal olltco to ± 10 S , ISthstroat. Mr. I'nxtoii lor 'Mayor. "Lot mo tell you something , " said n loca politician yesterday at the Mlllard hotel. "Tho democratic wheel horses have ten dered the nomination for mayor to William Paxton and ho has agreed tp accept it. Ho will probably deny it but I know this to bo a luct. " When n HUB reporter asked Mr. Paxton about the mattnr the c.inltallst and cuttle king took a deep breath , as though preparing to express himself with superlative earnestness , and said : "It they should co in o to mo with a certificate of elec tion on a silver salver uloug with a check for fo,000 , I cou'd not bo Induced to consider the matter for one solitary moment. I would not under any conditions become a candidate for mayor If I know I would bo elected. Tbo iuea U simply out ot the question. " Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup for Chll dren Teething softens the gums and allava all palus , M coats a bottle. ] SETTING TYPE BY MACHINERY , The Now Method is Meeting With Grcut Favor ia Chicago. EXPERIENCE OF THE NEWS OFFICE , Twelve Machines In Siiuccfmrul Oner- ntlon Tor the 1'nst Two Yours Important Content to beHeld Held In October. CIIICAOO , 111. , Sept. C. [ Special to Tin : Unc.J The prospects are that the typesetting ting on all the dally newspapers of Chicago will In iho Very near future bo done by machinery. Two of the ofllcos the Evening Journal and the Dally News have already made the experiment and the Inter-Ocean will very shortly do so. Fifteen machines of the Morgunthalor pattern nro now being put Into the latter ofllco. The Mows has twelve Mergunthaicrs which have beer su operation In that ofllco for two vears. The machines for the Inter-Ocean ofllco nro a later design of the some make and the Inventor claims for thorn some superiority over the old. Superintendent Wright of the News oftlee , however , expressed entire satisfaction with the operation of their machines. "Liiionny other machine they need repairs occasionally , " said he , "and owing to the number we have In use wo have a man to look after them and keep them In order. In the main , however , they work very satisfac torily. The Journal has thrco machines of the Thorne pattern. These machines set up typo and distribute It again while the Mcrgun- thaler sots each line in n solid slue which is melted up again like a stcrotypo plate. The latter Is managed by ono person , while the Thorno rivjuiros two men and a boy In its operation. The Thome's have been in the Journal olllco about n year , but pot out of or der owing to homo dittleulty with the manu facturers as to the question upon whom should fall the cost of repairs are not now in uso. I was told that In addition to the ob jection that they require three persons to man thorn , the Thorno machines break a good deal of typo and these type , whllo dif fering somewhat from these used by com positors , are Just us expensive. At the Jour nal olllco there has been some little dftieulty with the Typographical union which insisted that only union men should be employed and that they should bo p.ud for ton hour's work although the machines could bo used in composition about seven hours daily. As they are self distributing the three hours which compositors employ in distributing wore lost. Superintendent Hutchlnson said that with the Thorne an export operator was able to do about lour times as much us could bo done oy hand. At the News ofllco I was told there had never been nny trouble with the union. The fact that an operator docs or does not belong to the union cuts no figure. The News pays IS cents per'1,000 for machine work and 41 cents for ordinary composition. The average rate on the Mergunthnlor Is between 25.000 and ! iO,000 cms daily. Several of the ma chines uro operated by women who seem to have as little difllculty lu handling thorn as they do the ordinary type-writer. So far us the method of operating them is concerned they nro practically the same thing. Both the Herald and Post will probably beset set up by machinery within a year. 'Mr. Scott has been Interested In the perfection of typu-aotting machines from the start , and as soon as ho can determine which of the many designs is most practicable , both ofllees will bo supplied with them. A contest which is to toke place hero next month will have a marked effect on the ques tion of ndoptlnt ! the machines , not only in Chicago , but all over the country. The con test will talco place in the Evening Post building under the auspices of the American Publishers' association , of which William Scott Is president. All the various deslcns will bo represented und each machine will bo manned by an export. A nrlvatc contest nt which only newspaper publishers will bo present , will bo conducted for ono week be ginning October 12 , after which the doors will bo thrown open to all who have any legitimate interest In the subject. The con test will bo under the direct management of n committee specially appointed for the pur pose , consisting of Woods of the ilosten Herald , Driscoll of the St. Paul Pioneer- Press , and Richards of the Indianapolis News. The copv will bo prepared by Mr. Woods and run out in long and short takes Just as it would bo in n dallv newspaper ofllco , and nn afternoon papar will bo printed at 1 , 2 mid : i o'clock. Thl < s copy will bo prepared - pared secretly , so that all the operators will bo on nn coual footing so far ns n knowledge of the matter to bo sot up is concoinod , and no ono will bo permitted to got nn unfair ad vantage of his competitors by committing the subject matter to memory and thin save the lima required In looking at his copv. " 1 think thcro Is no doubt that machinorv of borne sort will do the tyno-sotting in all metropolitan olllces In tte near future , " said the business mannccr of ono of the Chlc'igo dailies. ' 'The saving in tlma nml money is very great , and the work is ns sutlfuctory as that done In the old way. I do not apprehend any difficulty with the typographical unions for two reasons ; llrst , because printers are the most intelligent of all skilled workmen and can see plainly the business principles which will necessitate the adoption of the now method ; secondly , opposition on their part would bo ot no use , because the newspapers would be practically Independent of thorn. It does not require years of apprenticeship to sot typo by Iho now method ns It does by the old , and anyone who can use u typewriter can man age a typesetter. Even a novlcu can sot as much tj po In a day as a good printer , and an expert can do the work of three or four. F. A. A-fjiijs o/- ' run xoitTiiH'ii r. Mrs. Eiccta Smith of Shelby Is dead at the nio of Si. The roof of the Kearney cotton mill Is beliiR put , on. Editor Ulxby 1ms hndo furowell to tlio renders of the Columbus Sentinel. Editor Kulthloy of the Aslilnml Leader has decided to remove tils paper to Culborison. Tno Brown county fair has boon postponed from Snptember 10 to Soptnmbor yo to Octo ber 3. A dufeotlvo electric li ht wlro caused the whole front of the FltzRornla block In 1'liuts- mouth lo hi-como heavily uliargcd with elcc- tricity and a numbODaf people were severely shocked before the current was turned off , Culbcrtson tondcrtct a reception the oilier evening to tno ofllcsMand engineers of the Pueblo it Dtihtth reid who are surveying In that vicinity. * Seven tlctn , the propoity of . 'ohn Wright , a Lloyd county ranchman , were sold to satis fy a Judgment In favor of IL L. Colby , whose crops had been destroyed by WrlghVs cattle. The now Table Rock elevator Is nearly completed , and tha switch put In by the 11. it M. to accommodate the brewery worlcs and the citlrons generally , has been com pleted sonic days , A deaf ana dumb woman , supposed to bo Mrs. O'Urlon , of Smyrna , Nuckolls county , was hilled by the car * between Hyron and Hardy , It Is not known whether It was accidental or premeditated suicide. A gentleman of Mason City nnmod Stod- dard has invented a machine designed for use In tlio cultivation of sugar beets. He claims that by Its imo the expense of raising thai crop can be reduced CO per cent , JftOr. A. J. Freeman , n I3oyd county home steader , went insane the other day and tried to kill his attendants. Hoviia securely tied and Ihe Insanity board was notlllcd and or dered him committed to the rsorfollc asvlum. A Table Hock meat market n.ado n now de parture In giving an oyster supper Urn other evening lor the bcnetli of the four churches of thai place. The rcsull was nn Immense croud , a good supper , a good IImo and gross proceeds amounting to over ? 00. The .statement of the county clerk rf Sow- an' ' county shows that during August there were twenty-eight now farm mortgages tiled amounting to f Jo5S : ! M , whllo there wore thirty-nine mortgages satisllcd , amounting to fW.402.00 , nn excess over the new mortgages Hied of S-MOii.7i ; > . There were six now town and city mortgages tiled , amounting to J'J- I2S.H. ) , ( luring the same month and live mort gages satisfied , atnountltn , ' to ? , ' , I ID. Forty ICnlghts of Pvthlas of North Platte participated In a banquet Friday evening in honor of J. C. Ferguson , past chancellor , the former Union Pacllle aeent at that place , who was about to leave for his now Held of labor ns agent of the Union Pacllle at Fro- mont. The banquet- was a most enjoyable artulr , and was pleasantly conclu ted by the presentation to Mr. Ferguson of a Pythian watch unarm Indlcailvu of his order and rank. Samuel Brown , son of John Urown , living near Cortlnnd , loft homo the other evening whllo his parents were away nml has not been heard from since. Ho Is about 15 years ot IILTCcry tail for his age , red headed , of a very quiet disposition , and no bad habits. Mr. and Mrs. Urown uro very much worried about him and will ba Under many obliga tions to any person giving them any information mation ihal will lead to the discovery of his whereabouts. At Bancroft a young man and a young lady were found to have taken possession of the house of Mr. Bancroft whllo ho and his family were away at a funeral. Neighbors knowing the young man to be n hard case , gathered about Iho bouso and Invited the couple to come out , which they did. Those who had waited upon them were armed with cgg , which they broke on the young couple. It has since transpired that the young lady has always berne a good reputation and hud been engaged to work for the Bancroft fam ily , and not Uncling them nt homo Inn ! simply remained in the house awaiting their return. There is talk of piosecutlons lo follow. The record of farm mortgages tiled and released for the month of August is again favorable to the farmer ) , and proves lhat the financial condition of our farmers is con tinually improving , says the Wahoo Wasp. \Vo llnd that in August thirty-seven farm mortgages were tiled , amount ing to $ : ( ! , ! ) . ( > . " ) , while the number re leased was llfty-slx , representing f , ° il- ! > li'J ) ; ! , This shows that the mortgage In debtedness on farms decreased nearly $10- 000 in August.On city thirteen were recorded , amounting to f. > , ( > l4.05 , and nlno released amounting to f-Vi'.M.SS. Will the caiumily orators who nro howling so loud nboul Iho debt ridden farmers pleura make n note of the fact that in this county during the past thrco months the mortgage indebtedness of the farmers has decreased $20,777.bO. Iowa. Eight Storm Lake women are export bi cycle ridsrs. A Kingsloy maa has a lemon trco in his yard with fifty lemons on It. Marion county is destined to become ono of the leading coal producing counties in the state. Burlington expects to license 100 "dis orderly nouses" this month , against 103 last month. Senator William B. Allison will deliver nn addrj'.s at the Foicst City llax palace Sep tember 10. The summer resort business at Spirit Lake this year nus not boon very large on account of the cool weather. Ell Utchonbergor has sued the town of Morlden for 5T ,000 damages for injuries sus tained by tailing through n detective side walk. Frank.fohnson and John Small wore sen tenced to two yours m the penitentiary for altomptlng lo rob a safe in a store nt Ot- lumwu. Thu 19 year-old son of Van Emerson of Dutmqiio sold a loam of hoisos belonging to his father valued at , § 400 for$13U and skipped to tuo Puclllc coast. Anton McICurca , an inmnto of the soldiers' homo , was anvslcd nl Marshalltowu in an intoxicated condition. When scachcd $117 were found on bis purbon. Frank Cnluotir. fell from tha top of n freight car near Merrill. His arm caught in tbo ladder in such n manner as to break it and diflocato his shoulder. Otto Molt ? of Bancroft , aged 15 , was thrown from a broncho last week and had two bones of his neck broken. Ho died two days later from the injuries received. Cieorgo Ensloy , who lives near Benne , was driving a bull lo pasluro when Iho animal turned on him and lossed him Into tlio nlr som-al times. Ho sustained a badly broken thigh and arm. It is said that a Webster Citv genius has invcnled a plpo and cigar holder which re moves Iho nicotine from the smoke and de posits it in a vial. The invention will enable the young man to .smoke his llrst cigar with- oul getting sick. A very sad accident occurred about three miles northwest of Charlton which may rc sull in Iho death of Mrs. James Citillnghcr. Mr. Gallagher was mowing grass and Mrs. Gallagher was In tlio act ot piloting him pasl n ditch. She was directly in front of the sickle , and while ha was looking in nn op posite direction the machine overtook her and cut ono toot entirely oh . Mrs. Gallagher Is probably 00 years old , and It Is doubtful If she can survive the injury. Several days ngo Judge Prilno of Carroll ? * pnul Obedhih Havsof Craig , Nob. , $500 , the iatlor's share in the family estate. Mr. Hays Is over \carsotiageand the jildgo sug gested when turiuuK over the money thai ho carry a draft Instead of tbo money on his trip homo , but the.old gentleman preferred the greenbacks. When ho arrived in Mis souri Vulluy ho full in with u couple of strangers who , ho says , mesmerised and relieved him of fIO , conscletlously leaving the old gent $ U < 0' to defray travelling ex penses. The lenth annual reunion of the Nino- luonlh Iowa Infantry will bu hold nt Klilon , on Wednesday and U'iiursday. October 7 and S. Kales of ono iiiut'ono-ililul faro have been secured from all stations In Iowa , on the fol lowing ladroads : Burlington , Cedar Hupids it Northern , Chicago it Northwestern , Chicago , Burlington it Quincy , Chicago , Milwaukee it St. Paul. Chicago , Hock Island it Pacific , Clilcniciij St. Paul , Minneapolis' it Omaha , Chlcago.-.St. Paul it Kansas City , Hannibal it St. Joseph , Kansas Cllv , St. Joseph it Council Blufts , St Louis , Kaunas it Northwestern , Illinois Central , Iowa Central , Minneapolis it St Louis , Sioux City it Pacillo and Wubash. Free board , lodging and hall in Eldon. Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard , BUSINKSS In our men ' s department has started in with a rusn. Never since we opened our store have wo sold so many fine suits during the first week in September as we sold : last week. We've gets the goods , we've got the styles , we've got the quantity , and what's more to the point we've got the Prices. This week we open on our second floor an entire new stock of Boy's clothing. When we say entire new stock , we mean it. We didn't carry over a single suit from last season. Every suit we arc showing today is new this season. We intend to double our trade in boy's clothing. We've got the goods to do it with. We've bought immense quan tities. We've bought them right and we intend to make prices on them that have never bcca made before. 396 knee pant suits at $1.0O , Made in handsome brown plaids , in tasty styles , ages four to fourteen. 278 knee pant suits at $1.65.Made Made in neat pin checks , in a variety of colors , in tasty styles , ages four to fourteen. 295 knee pant suits at $1.95.Made Made in handsome stylish stripes , with double breasted coats , trimmed with soutache braid , ages four to fourteen. 75O knee pant suits at $2 50.Made Made in strictly all wool cassimcres , in five very hand some patterns , ages four to fourteen. These are the best suits ever sold at the price and are worth fully four dollars anywhere. 325 long pant suits at 7..T. $2.25 ] Splendid wearing School Suits in threfl 375 long pant suits at. . . . ' . 2.5o f prices , Coat , Vest and Pants , ages ten to 250 long pant suits at 2.75 J thirteen. . 4t Strictly all wool suits in three pieces , Coat , [ 260 long pant suits at $4.00 Vest and pants , in a very handsome assort- I 250 long pant suits at 4.25 ment of colors andsCyles. : | 250 long pant suits at 4.50 } HAVE YOU GOT A BOY ? BRING HIM IBT. The Cheapest and Best Medicine for Family Use in the World. ln tnntly i > tnp the ino't cxrriicl.itlnv pilnv nctcr f.ills to clro ui o tn tlio suirorer. n few npplloiMoni act like iiinuic ciiiilMK the pnlu to liittiinUr stop A Ciire for all Bowel Complaints. Internnlly tnkcn In doics of from thirty to sixty Imp's In halt n tumbler of water will euro In a few mln- ntoi liiimpi , MIMBIIH. bonr Moinfuli , ( .oik1 , ri.ilulenco. Heartburn , I.nnituor , rulnllni ; SpulK ClIOMCKA MOUIIUS , niAlimiOliAinSKNl'HIlY Sick lie id lull i , .Vino i , Vuultliu , No/roui.ijii , .Mihirln ; , : uid nil Internal pullis urlslnx fiumrliniuo of illot or water or othuriuusuj. GO Cents a Bottle. SoU by Druggists. NO GUREX ! NO PAY. 1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb. Mnny yonrn' experience. A regular cradunto In medicine ai diploma * show. Is still treating fflth the croitest success nil NerTOits , Chronic anil 1'rlvate Diapiues. A poriu incut euro cnarntitood for tntnirh Spermatorrhoea , I.oi.t Manhoo.l , Seminal Wonkiuiss , Nlnht Ixmei , Impotency , PyphllK btrlrturo , and all Ulse.isesor tlie Wood , Skin and tlrlnnry Orimns. N B. I guarantee J'OJ for every cine I iiniterluko find full to cure Consultation free. Hook ( Mjuterlos of I.tfe ) sent free. Office hours-D a. in to 8 p. in. Sunday 10 a ui. to 12 m. Send stamp for reply. BAD BLOOD ! Pimples on the Taoo | Breaking Out ) Bkln Troubles | Little Boreal Hot Skin | Boila I Blotches | Cold Sores | BadBreatuj Sort Mouth or Lips | If 3 mi nulti r from BUT or InUo WHY ? BECASJ3aPWvP oURLOOD : Hive you o-cr used mercury I If BO , did you ; Klvo yoiir olt the nccdfd otti ntlon at the tlmo I. Wo ril't-d not tfll > ou that you require a Wood . ; niadle'no ' , tocnuurB frci-dom froin the afti'iof. ; f.cts. ISr. AcUcr'n KiiKllnh lllji.id Mlxlrlntlip. only known tnedlelno that will thoroiiulily orail ; ito the poison from the M teni. ' ( l t J * froni. roiirdrugulHt. c or wrlto to \ \ . II. IIOOKKU A- . < JO. , 4ttV ? i t Hroud" / , > e\v \ ork City ; AI.n IIY ICUHN , t CO. . Onitilm. ( ionori'lux'ti , ( Heft ixnrt l.ciifoi-i-lto f curoil In'JcliuM by the It'ionuh Kuino ly nn- titloci Urn KING. It dissolves ngulitst nml Is absorbed Into tlio Inllaino.l ii.irts. Will rofumi money If It does not cum or CIIIIMM striuliup. UciiUuinoii , hum is u rolUblu urt'uln. ' } .l n puokir.o or - for l > nor mail prepaid. Mc- Corinluk & I.iiud , Omaha. DOCTOR These Culchmtld EMJMMI ; . Pills are a I'uMUioCuruforMcL ; "O" Headache , JllllniiBttcM , until iiAtlputlon. Knmll , nlciiM. " unt and n rinurllo ulth the * llf. SuU In Kn.lnml for Is. ; I , d. , In Aincilcn fur % c. Oil" llu.in from jour I > rujnl5tj , or ; eond t n. U. Ituoifut X III. , ; PILLS , 41 ! Heit Ilrnml-iiT , .Vr Wt. J For Sale by Kl'llN & CO.Omit TtuGitfAfrlEAcrHDRlNK. I'ackiifo inakt'H 6 K , and . Hold h ) rll donlor / / ' / ' / illionutlftll 1'itttiro Hook and cnrds pent tn nny onn nddrow/ * U. UUIItCS id' A ( iKN'ri.vK MtcitniiK Kii.i.r.ith icinns UKKM JiltADICATOIt CiinxullillitMsiMhoi-uitu It kllli the mlcroho i r ci-rin I'ut un and refilled In ' . ' Jit and f > M/c.i , the lutior Jh Killon * . U.'iit nnywliuru prt'pHhl on let olpt of prh o or r. o \Volinuon I Kunrnntro to euro Thu nubile , triulo nnd lohburt mipplli'dhy tholjoodninn lriiii'o , .Mil'orinlek .V Lund Oninhit C A. MiIrinr. | Howard MJOM nnil I : J s-ayknrii. Kuuth Oninlia , A l > I otter nnd M r iilU : , Council lllutM I Suffering from the ilTVctl rf _ _ . joutliful crroJ early docny , wttMlnaweaknoiw , loit umuhood , etc. I wAl scMil avalualilo truutlco lu-alrilj contalnlnj fu.11 particular * for homo cure , I'll lit : of clmrio ; A. uplendhl ineillcal work ; thould IHI rvaU by vor ] mail who l IHTVOIH nnd di'hllllated. Addn-ri I'rof. r. C. I'O WMilt. niooUin. Coun bilunlloni proruro ftii uriulu , | | | ( J < Wnti > fnri-iri.iiliirH. SIIHUWIKJI ) inioji 4iu NO\V \ urk Ufo llldu Oiunlin. Ni'h. TELEGRAPHY. 'Icvtli Hlltiuiit plati'i. riiiniviil > U ) lirliUu \vnru. "llr. TlinxlUiiMiiirirn uitiml. " iNu tlniliilim | < linn ) uf iilutni , blto iinylliln , ' yim llitu : tcuili roinalii Unu. .liiht tnu tliuiJ fur inliilst rH. luwvors mill iniUllc- | ii nkors I'ui'o u lilllu niiiro tliaii riililit'r plan's nilhlii in.n'h of nil Ur llulluy JiontKl Inis thtmoli ) rltilit toUti'alia iiinl Hou-'liin ' utility. Ulllvi. tli.ru lluur 1'vxtou bluilti uiuuuu , Trussas , Supporters , Crutches , Syringes , Atomizers , Bandages , Bed Pans , Elastic Stocking , Medical Supplies , OF ALL KINDS. Physicians' Prescriptions And ull niedii'iocs carefully pounded. TIlEALOBfilWOLDCO. 114 South i5th Street. NEXT TO J'OSTOl'TK'E. INTEREST RftlDQNDEPOSITS ATQMAHAlOflN&TRUSTCO CAPITALS 100.000.00 DIRECTORS ! A UWYMAH-C.W.NASH JHMILLflRD CUV-C BARTON- B. LAKC. JO BFtOWN-THOS-L.KIMBALL. NIsLJRA.tr.KA. . National Bank u. s. nni'o mwv. - OMAHA NIII Capital- . , . $4OOOOO Surplus . GO.OOO Olllrero nnd IMrei toriHenry \V Viitei. Trojldont : Lpwli S. llecil , VUo I'roHldent f. S Miiuilin , W V. Morsf , John V ( olllni , II C CimliliiK , J N. II I'ulrkk , W. II rf. lliu'hdi , CiiHhlor Til hi IKON Li A NIC. Corner 1'tli und Hmmin l > A Orni'r.il ItiniUlni ; Hiislni-s Trutisnctuil. "JOSEPH GILLOTT'S ' STEEL PENS. GOLD MEDAL , "Ants FXPOSITIOM , 1889. HE MOST > 'hRFECT OF PENS , UNION DEPOT HOTEL. Corner lltli up. I M.I OI : > tro > H ll lf lilm'k wuit nf t'nliiil I' iillh' and II , V M lleputi New liulMlnj now l.irnttnr ) o.i'ry th HJ tint i III M. I'liulo t lortitun In u nnti i tloff nf untli-j mirroiunliiu f "untry. KII h ith ul > * i ulr i ull until utu Kali's , rl IU u id II ty i\itry II in of i mlo iin I mot it cur" , iu. wit i H iii'iiljik 010 ' , il "in > rm i i Avnoiu nml Hit it.ro n I'.uk line I ul'iutt ii aj mid you c.m Irunifvi lo th 10 n VMI wiaii OT C ? I BCSQ INTHEWORIOWILL B SX 19C9O RETAIN A RUPTURE oricl relief Ilko"Jf , 1'lorco'a ' .Muunutla l.lantlu TriiM. It hururrdthouH nilii I I f you .Mit the IIKh'I'.BOlid lolimtdliiim ( or lri-ul'jn.hlut | | .No. 1. tUKUtUo lllullo Tru to , , ban I'roucUco , foi MOORE'S LIFE Loavonworth , Kan. , 0-15-90. Dr. J. P. Moore My Dour Sir : I have boon subject to sick liondaoho all my life. Over two years ago I bcpttn uS'ng ' Mooro's Trco of Lifo for it , and I hava never had a cuso of siult headache since , except when 1 was at ono end of the road and the medicine at the other end. It is worth more than money to mo. J heartily commend It to all BufTorinjf with siek hoadivcho. Yours tru.lv , W. 13. KfLR , Pastor First GaptistChurch. Jlooro'a Tree o ( Mfa n podUro rare tor Klitnsf and I.Ivor I'ompl lint nm ! nit t > oo 1 illioiio , . DooilJ pay to nuiTur wnon you 0111 urj I or uslnj Uooru'4 Traoof Ufj. tiioUriMt i.lfj lloraolr ? DOCTOR : - : McCrREW Tllli SI'EOIAUIST. Slxteon VoarH ISxpcrli'nco In the Treatment of t foriii.1 of DISEASES. Skin | ) l i'ii > oi mid Kum.ilu Dlia.voi I , miles from S HI 4 only lr ) Mctfrow H UUCIUMI In the treatment of Private Dhim-iiH IIIIH nuver hooti oiiunllcd llookgL und C'lrcuhirt ritt'B Trtutment by corruHpondoncaL Ollicu , 14 and Farm n Stj. , Omaha , Nub. Kntrnuruon olthoi street OMAHA , NEB. Nos. 108 , 1 10 and 112N. 1 1th St. TELEPHONE 1772. PHOTCCTCD I1Y U. S. PATENT ! . Manufacturers of Iron and Steel Ribbon Yard and Lawn Fences , also Farm , Stock , Park and Cemetery Fences. The cheapest , most nrtlstlo and durable fence In the market. Manufacturers'agents for Archi tectural Iron work of all kinds , and for tha celebrated Buckthorn Steel Ribbon Wire , Call at Factory and tee samples. Srnd for Cataloged ind Prlcel , For none-bleed inject Pond'a Extract. Inn i. i n.my fur Ml ion ' il'M haifi n < l Iimaimi-uukriMil ii.5u 4 cortala euro for tin * ilthllU uw.iniin. J l > ri'nrnho it nnd fell mid - In rernniiniiiidluc U til 1J ull minen.r . A i StONER , M 0 , D Holil liy I ru. TrU. J'llU'K 91,00. Jlluu , f , Yini can hiivu u bui ) In any room or olllcn anil noiinu knows it. TIIHOUNN I'OUHNO HIJDIO Urunil ItitptdH. Mich HI i' ' lilnin ovtiry cluss of furniture , frvu. A Kuvolutlou lu l''urnlturu ,