Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 06, 1891, Part One, Page 8, Image 8

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Our Display of Autumn and Winter Novoltj
Dress Fabrics Greatly Surpass ,
And dm Doil nn Arc n Complete DC-
liarluro from Prcorrdlnu SOIIHOIIH
Our Now Kail nntl Winter
Jackets on Ivxhlliltlon.
TOIL DE CHEVRE , in the latest de
signs from Parif.
CHEVIOTS , In the correct colorings
and fashions.
CHEVRON E , stylish and suitable
shades for autumn.
bROCHI EFFECTS , in camel's halt
and cheviot.
BEDFORD f'ORD , with mtitalas-jC
brocaded effects.
TWEED SUITINGS , winter styles.
ETC. , ETC. , ETC.
Our 51-Inch suitings , rich styles ,
All the new colors now in block.
' $1.00.
Yorkshire twccq cloth stripes.
( new btylo. )
5-1.60. -
Silk finish our leader perfect colors ,
Latest novelties in
Shaggy earners stylish ,
$ l.5. : !
Durable , stylish , inexpensive , 6-1
incites wide.
A stylish and durable material.
Fall stylos. Wo have received a full
line of autumn shades in drcbbcd ant
undressed gloves.
The Blarrity. glove is growing in favot
for shopping and sireot woar.
The Trofottsso Mousquotairo glove is
considered a leader for wear and fit.
Our stock in this department is replete
ploto in all its branches.
THE NEW BUFF Now shapes and
TECKS The latest colors and do'
FOUR IN HANDS Now reds , blues ,
etc. >
Wo call special attention to our war
ranted stainless black double heel anil
too half hose.
25C. 25C. 25C.
Gentlemen's walking and driving
gloves , now fall and winter shades , the
largest assortment in Omaha , varying
In price from 75c to $2.50.
Remember vo guarantee our $1.50
Btrcot glove , of which wo have all the
now hluulcs.
The largest variety of fall and winter
jackets , consisting of plain and fur
trimmed goods In reefers , hip coats and
military capo newnwrkots.
Our line of misses' in both jackets and
nownmrkots cannot bo excelled.
Also novelties in infants' goods.
Wo are making special efforts in this
Block and cordially iuvito all to call and
Inspect , whether wishing to purchase or
not. You will find our styles correct and
lit wo guarantee.
Dr. SusbdorIT , 1501 Farnam , treats suc
cessfully diseases kidneys , bladder and
rectum , alho discuses peculiar to women.
Great sale in men's and boys' hats
commencing Monday at Htiydon Bros' .
Iluttor , UnttciIlnttiT. .
Wo are again prepared to sell you
Bomo very line qualities of butter at
greatly reduced prices. Wo will sell a
good butter for 12c. Tlio vary finest
country butter at 15e. Don't pay double
this prlco to other dealers for It. Como
hero and try our butter. You will bo
fully satisfied , as our prices and qualities
can't bo beaten. Our Iowa creamery
will sell at 17e and lc. ! ) Remember our
butter is always first class and prices
lower than any store in the city.
St. Potcr'H lUincvolent Society.
Will glvo a plcnlo at Byron Rood's
} ) laco21ht and Ciibtellar , September 7 ,
( Labor Day. ) All tire cordially Invited.
The Wegnmn piano which took first
premium at the Douglas county fair , are
on sale at Ilaydon Bros' .
Hamilton Warren , M. I ) . , eclectic and
magnetic physician and surgeon. Spe
cialty , diseases of women and children ,
110.N. 10th street. Telephone 14S&
Harvest ICvuiirNlous South.
On August 25 and September 20 the
Burlington Route will sell round trip
tickets , good for 110 days , at ono and
one-third faro , to various points in Ala
bama , Arkansas , Louisiana , Mississippi ,
Texas and Tennessee. Full information
as to rates , etc. , at city oillco , 1223 Far-
iinm f trcot.
S. R. Patten , dontlsh , removed to Bee
building. Open till 7:00 : p m. Tel 60.
Flno carriages , Soamm's repository.
Cull lorn In KxoiirHloiirt ,
Pullman tourist sleeping car excur
sions to California and Pacltlo coast
points leave Chicago every Thursday ,
Kansas City every Friday via the Santa
Fo route. Ticket rate from Chicago
$17.60 , from Sioux City , Omaha , Llnctun
orKansas City $115 , sleeping car rate
from Chicago * I per double berth , from
Kansas City $ U nor double berth. Every
thing furnished except meals. These
oxcurbions nro personally conducted by
experienced excursion managers who
accompany parties to destination. For
excursion folder containing full particu
lars and map folder and time table of
Santa Fc route and reserving of sleeping
car berths , address E. L. Palmer ,
Passenger agent , A.J.\ ; S. F. railroad ,
411 N. Y. LUoBldj , ' . , Omuha , Nebraska.
Read the Price ? Svory Item We Quote la a
Oront Itciliicllon Rntn Vou Will Miss
It If Vou Do Not Attend Tills
Hale , ( IN the Kctliiu-
tloiis Arc Grunt.
On Modny and all this week wo shall
ofTor what is loft of our spring and summer -
mor imrpots at o.xact cost. This In
cludes all except out1 fall purchases and
represents a value of about $120,000.00.
The patterns are yood and if you wil
want carpets soon It will pay you to bti
now. Head these prices and como anil
fcCO US.
Best body Brussels , $1.03. tapestry Urussols , 80c.
Other tapestry Brussels , fiOc to 70c.
Best wool ingrains , GOu and Goo.
Wool Ingmins , COc.
Part wool Ingrains , -I0o to 5oo.
Cotton carpets , loc to ! ic. ( )
These prices are for one week onlv.
Kead tlio prices ; every one a bargain.
fi,000 yards whlto Shaker Ilannol it
tcmimnts 2 to 10 yards , worth lOo to 15c
yard. They go Monday at 5e yard.
1" ) nieces white Shaker llat'ncls su "L
and lOu yard ; great bargains.
15 tiicccs all wool cream whlto flannels
Monday at Iho low price of "lc yaru.
5 ciihes nnbloached canton llanno
Monday ; they go at 'Ic yard.
3 cases . ' ! ( i-iiich bleached muslin , no
dressing , Monday 17 yards for $1.00.
00 pieces 30-inch unbleached muslin ,
H5e yard.
-00 pieces new Ilannollctto fall suit
ings , a now fabric , beautiful patterns
only loc yard.
50 pieces dark stripe and check outing
flannels at lOc and llije yard ,
100 pieces Inrgo figured comforter calico
ice , Monday lie yard.
25 bales snow white cotton batts. Yoi
can got them Monday only at 7c roll.
60 pieces cotton crash , Monday 3c
Great towel bargain , all linen liuck
towels , fancy borders , size 17.x31 inches ,
! Je each.
600 dozen satin damask towels , knot
ted fringe and fancy borders , Mondaj
12Je each.
1 case ladies' jersey ribbed pants ani
vests , Monday , long alcoves at 25c
Now fall dress goods arriving daily.
Wo are showing handpomo lines in Bedford -
ford cords , camel's hair broadcloths txni
tufted plaids , etc. , all at bed j-ock
pi ices.
A special for Monday , 28 pieces -10-
inch colored brillianlino * nt & 5c yard ,
worth Ooc ,
Grand Circus .Matinee for the Chil
The managers of T. K. Burk's Great
Trans-Atlantic Railroad Shows , Circus ,
Museum , Hippodrome , School for Edu
cated Horses and 1'onies , etc. , etc. , will
give two grand matinees , to which ladies -
dies tvnd children are especially invited.
Every child attending will receive a
beautiful present and an invitation to
ride on one of the cute little Shetland
ponies. Doors open at 1 p. in. Grand
cntreo at 2 o'clock. The full programme
will be rendered : The dashing riders ,
thrilling norlullbts , graceful acrobats ,
funny clownsoxclting hippodrome races ,
trained horses , cunning ponies , trick
mules , etc. Ample seating capacity.
Polite ushers in attendance. Popular
prices. South Omaha , Monday , Septem
ber 7. Corner Charles and 17th stivets
Omaha , Tuesday , September 8.
Dcnne in Marulo
Arrived today. Will bo on free exhibi
tion nt Turf Exchange , KiOO Douglas
Great sale in men's and boys' hats
commencing Monday tit Hayden Broi > ' .
The family of the late Thomas C.
Gardner desire to extend heartfelt
thanks to tlio Ancient Order of United
Workmen and many kind friends for
numerous soi-viccs during their recent
That the Burlington offers the best
service to Chicago , Kansas City , St.
Joseph , St. Louis , Lincoln , Deadwood
and Denver.
Remember that its trains for Chicago
leave the union depot at 0:50 : a. in. , 4yO :
p. m. and 9:20 : p. m ; for Kansas City , St.
Joseph and St. Louis at ! ) : oO a. in. and
9:43 : p. m. , for Denver at 10:25 : a. m.
and 7:10 : p. m. ; for Dead wood ami the Hot
Springs of South Dakota , at 10:25 : a. in.
Remember that it has four daily express
trains to Lincoln , and llvo from that
city , and that its ticket oillco is at 12 3
Farnam street.
Miss Fannie Sehadell oTp. M.Schadoll
& Co. is in Now York city bolecting fall
and winter millinery.
J. M , Gaynoro's eleventh year , Omaha
Dancing Academy , 1515 Dodge , will open
for beginners Monday evening , Septem
ber 7 , 70. : ; ! Children's class Wednes
day , September it , 4 to 0. Saturday from
2 to 5. Private lessons given.
Samuul Buus 1ms just received a now
lot of these $5.00 toilet sots ; formerly
Auction ! Ftirnltnru Auction.
SO 10 Woolworth avenue , Tuesday ,
Sept. 8 , 10 a. in. Entire contents of this
line residence , belonging to Mr. Win-
cote , will bo sold at auction. Kino fur-
nlturo of all kinds , china , glass , brie-
brae , upright nlano , etchings , oil paint
ings , etc. Robert Wells , auctioneer.
IMuiMiolioiicr Ilul'l'meit
at all burs , where the celebrated boor of
the Omaha Browimr association is sold.
beer in the world.
W. T. Seaman , wagons and carriages
Now Wo Are with Von.
The Chicago , Rock Island & Pacific
railway uro now running all its trains in
and out of Union Depot , Omaha.
Trains will leave as follows :
East Hound-Day express , 10:00 : a.m. ;
veatibuled limited , 4:03 : p.m. ; Atlantic
express , 0:10 : p.m. Arriving at U:40 : a.m. ,
12:0-1 : ji.ui. and 0 15 p. m.
Departing , West Bound Denver ves-
tibnlod limited , 12:15 : p.m. ; Nelson ac
commodation , 4:40 : p.m. ; Denver express ,
7:03 : p.m. Arriving at a:40 : p.m. , 10:13 : and 7:30 : a.m.
These trains are vestibulcd and it is
an indisputable fact that the dining car
service of the "Groat Rock Island" la
second to none in the country. For
rates and sleeping car berths to all
points east or west , call nt city oillco of
the "Rock Island Route , " lUth and
Farnam streets.
J , L. Da BuvoiSK , General Agent ,
Grand Opening Sale of Early Fall Brass
OrnniloHl Collection ol' IhiropDiui and
American Noveltlcn In Dri'Ni ( lixxln
Hver Shown L'uiler One Hoof
Goes nit Snle Tomorrow.
2 eases double fold Stanley wool suit
ings and Monde novelties at 15c a yard.
40-inch line wool sackings , ranvas
cloths , grey and tan mixed suitings , all
go ut lUe.
ol-lnch Scotch wool cheviots , new
plaids anil grey wool tricots , 25c a yard.
40-Inch all wool borgos with hair" line
silk Btripcs , ! loc.
40-inch all wool , French and English
novelties , In camels' -hair and cheviot
.suiting , plain , overshot and rough and
ready effects ; all the rage this fall wo
otfer them tomorrow atoSc , worth $1.00.
One and a half yard wide best quality
silk mohair brilllantino regular $1.50
grade goes aC75e.
22-inch alt tdlk French faille , poau do
solo , all silk Lyons silks , Armuras and
now crepe silks go at OSc , worth $2.00 a
22-inch gross grain all silk sterling
silk , previously soiling at $1.23 , uo to
morrow at 75C.
250 line Imported dress robes , all now
Parisian styles , for fall and early winter
wear , no two alike for tomorrow nt the
following special prices ;
At $2.08 An elegant silk mohair suit ,
with all the trimmings necessary to its
makeup , fully worth'3.00 , at$2.)8. ! )
All our new imported cheviots and
camels hair unmade dresses and suits gene
no $1.75 , $ i.75 , $0.50 and $8.50.
Tlio finest grade of unmade dress pat
terns , imported for tlio highest grade
trade , go at $9.75 , $10.75 , $12.25 , $13.73 ,
$16.75 , old usually from $18.00 to $ , ' 15.00.
These consist of line henriottas in
black and colors , fancy cheviot buitings ,
camels hair , habit cloth and 54-inch wool
suitings , in two to ten yard lengths , in
two lots , at 15o and 25c , worth up to
Drew an immense crowd and delighted
everybody. The quantities are so largo
that all the prices advertised for Satur
day continue for tomorrow and the bal
ance of the week.
Recollect wo sell you ladies' real kid
gloves at 23o , 3c ! ) , 6'Jc ' , GOc , 7oc and OSc
that cannot be duplicated at four times
the price.
Right on the corner now.
The northwest corner of lOtli and
Douglas streets ,
Ocanc in Mnrlilo
Arrived today. Will bo on free oxibi-
tion at Turf Exchange , 1300 Douglas.
Davies Bros. , fancy and staple gro
ceries at auction tomorrow , 308 N. 10th
The Wecrinan piano which took first
premium at the Douglas county fair , are
on sale at Hyyden Bros' .
Great sale in men's and boys' hats
commencing Monday at Hoyden Bros' .
Auction , Auction.
Sale of fine furniture and carpets , 4
elegant Phoenix folding beds , a fine
antique oak sideboard , dining chairs and
12 foot table , elegant bed room suites and
parlor furniture , body brussels carpets ,
etc. Everything must be sold , Monday ,
September 7 , 10 a. m. Sirs. II. A.
Churchill's residence , 411 N. Kith street.
R. WKLLS , Auctioneer.
Mmo. Ilickman has gene east to select
millinery novelties for the fall season.
But for the immediate trade she has re
ceived a , good supply of now styles and
goods , which her lady milliners' will bo
glad to show during nor absence.
Harvest Kvouralon.y
To Toxas.
On Sopt. 15 and 29 you can purchase
at Omaha , St. Joseph , Atchippn or Kan
sas City and intermediate points round
trip first class tickets to all points in
Texas at one and one-third faro , good
for 30 days. E. L. Palmer , passenger
agent Santa Fo route , 411 N. Y. Life
bld'g , Omaha.
Dcnno In Marble
Arrived today. Will bo on free exhibi
tion at Turf Exchange , 1300 Douglas.
Morand's dancing school will reopen
on Thurbday , October 1. Circulars.
Tlio Mica Fireproof Roofing Co. , 12
Withnoll block.
Great sale in men's and boys' hats
commencing Monday at Hayden Bros' .
Samuel Burns has just received a now
lot of Bollock china.
.Uiieiichcnor Ifo.liraou.
Made of the finest b.irloy and the
choicest imported lions. Try It. There
is no bettor drink to bo had any whoro.
It is ploiuant , wholesome and nourish-
in t , and on draught in till the saloons
whore the famous product of the
is bold.
Have Vou Drank 311101101101101- a I'
ll ra en ?
Try it. It is tlio best boor in the
world. For sale at all bars soiling the
lolobrated boor of the OMAHA BREW-
Bothobda it Collax mineral water ,
Shormau & McConnoll's pharmacy.
Dr.Swotnam , N.E. cor. 10 ana Douglas.
Great sale of men's and bovs'hats
commencing Monday at Hayden" Bros' .
I J. E. DiotrlekarohitcotOOCN. V. Life.
Souvenir snoons tit Raymond's , the
jeweler , N. E. cor. Douglas and 10th bt.
Holin & Thompson , tailors and men's
furnishers , 1012Farniiin. Fall stylos.
Grand 10 n try Into Omaha.
On and aftoi- July - < ! 0 , IS'Jl , the Chicago
cage , Milwaukee i\s Ht. Paul Railwav
company will run all of its trains in and
out of the union depot , Omulia. No
moro annoyance caused by transferring
and bwiteliing at Council Blull's. Solid
vohtlbulcd trains , consisting of now
Palace sleeping cars , fi-oo parlor ohair
cars , elegant coaches , and the Dnost
lining cars in the world , all heated bv
stoaui and lighted throughout by olec-
trio lights. The now evening express
with "oloctrio lights In every berth"
now loaves Omaha dally at 0.20 p m.
arriving at Chicago at 0:30 : a. m. in tune
or all eastern connections. Secure
ickots and sleeping car berths at 1601
Farnam street ( Barker block ) ,
J. E. PHKSTON , p. A. NASH ,
C , Pass , Agt , Gou. Agt.
Tremendous Largo i Lota Daslrablo Mor-
chnndiso fromiJobbors1 Stocks ,
The Grainiest and Most Imvlnh .Dis
play of I-'all mid Winter Clonks ,
\VrnIH nntl Pine Millinery
on Second Kloor.
Ono case line bleached muslin ! l c n
yard , only 10 yards to a customer.
Fine quality yard wide unbleached
muslin 4ic.
An extra line quality of unblonchoi
muslin at 5 IMc.
Best quality standard sateen prints
in short lengths , from the mill , 4c t
Best American blue calico 4o a yard.
Cotton Ilannol in mill lengths , Jill-k
a yard.
Shaker fhmnnls , 8 3-Jo a yard.
Bleached and unbleached cotton flan
nels 5c , Oc , 7c and 8c a yard.
Largo rod bordered , cream linen table
cloths , 74c.
Extra si/o 8 by 12 turkey red table
cloth , $1.47 ; worth $2.50.
Full bleached Irish damask napkins
OOc a dozen ; worth $1.25.
Full double satin d.imask napkins
$1.00 a dozen ; worth $ ! 5.00.
Guaranteed absolutely fast color tur
key rod damask. ) c a yard ; worth ; i7jc.
An extra quality of red table damask
at 31)is ) , worth 75o yard.
All linen line quality cream Irish linci
table damask , 33c , worth 75c.
Immense bargains in towelings nt 4c ,
5c , Oc and 7c a vard.
An immense line of bed spreads ,
bought from a hard up jobber , go at OOc ,
SSc , OSc , $1.25 , $1.50 , $1.75 , worth fully
Hundreds of slightly soiled wool bea
ver shawls , line all wool shawls and
very largo shoulder shawls at 75e each.
Extra heavy all wool double shawls ,
fine cashmere shawls and plain Sarnnac
shawls at $2.50. worth $0.00.
Our display of cloaks and millinery on
our second floor is something never be
fore soc in Omaha. Every lady who
visits this department is surprised and
delighted how low wo are now boiling
high grade goods. Como and examine
them Monday or all this week.
Right on the corner now.
The northwest corner of 10th and
That 5 O'clock Iraln.
On the Chicago & Northwestern is
fast proving the most convenient and
popular eastern train from Omaha. The
equipment of tills train consists entirely
of vobtibulcd parlor cars. "Northwest
ern" diners and Pullman and Wagner
sleeping cars.
Tbis train leaves direct from the U.
P. depot this side of the river at 5 o'clock
daily and arrives at Chicago at 8 the
next morning. City office , 1401 Farnam
Great sale in men's and boys' hats
commencing Monday at Haydon' Bros' .
See these "Swan" toilet sots at Burns' .
J. J. Johnson < fc Co. have removed their
coal oillco to 220 S. 15th stroot.
Patronize Homo Industry.
In running its ' 'Omaha Branch" the
North British Insurance Co. spends moro
money in Omaha every year than its en
tire Omaha premiums amount to. Pat
ron izo the North British and leave every
dollar of your promit m in Omaha.
II. N. WOOD , Resident Secretary.
210 South Thirteenth Street.
Via the WnlinHli It. U.
On September 20 the Wnbush will sell
round trip tickets good for UO dnys to
points in Arkansas , Texas , Louisiana ,
Tennessee , Mississippi , Alabama and
Georgia. For rates , tickets and full in
formation call on or write.
G. N. CLAYTON , Agent ,
1502 Farnam st. , Omaha , Nob.
AVcstorn I'ciiRlons ,
WASHINGTON , D. C. . Sopt. 5. fSpocInl
Telegram to TUB Uni : . ] Tno following list
of pensions granted Is reported by Tnu BUE
nnd Examiner Bureau of Claims ,
Nebraska : Original Edwin Ackorman ,
Robert Bend , Jacob W Swcarlngcr , William
\V. Gibson , William II. Lawyer , Dumotor
Fluclc , Isnixe Coon , John Wibsmann , Nelson
Gray , John Franco , William Sclmltz , John
Doinurnuvillo , George P. Cross , John Wood ,
Daniel Coughlm , Neal J. Perkins , Elins M.
Compton , JoL'ii C. Wyno , Alux M. SwcrliiBor ,
Lutollus L. Frazer. Additional Hubtiurtl
Wlicolor , Joseph Hunt. Increase Edward
Arnold , Charles Sontug. Kulssuo John II.
Iowa : Original HarvoyCliaso , Frederick
II. Clark , Daniel Adams , Tliaddous Ely ,
James II. Dickinson , David X.cedcrs ,
Nntlinnlel Wiiis'lp ' , Augers H. Fisher , Caleb
Dennis , Hobcrt Walton , John \V. Donn , Will-
tain Ciaroar , Michael Dovlnu , Henry D.
Smith , James B. ( Juffey , Henry A. W. Gil-
latt , Newton Dollson , Henry Bean , Jurcd K.
Cox. Additional Jacob K. Mann , Fruncls
Schwab. Joshnti P. Mlllor. Increase -
Thomas McBath , John D. Colony. Original
widow , Mary A. Borkoy.
lillioiiH Colic.
In almost ovoryicoinmnnity lucre ere ono
or moro persons who are subjected to periodic
attacks of bilious colic. In most cases for n
day or two , or ut least u fuw hours before the
attack , It can bo felt romlng on. * K Cham
berlain's Colic , Cholera and Dlurrluea Hciin-
ody Is tultcn us soon as these symptoms up-
pear the attack may bo warded oft. In such
cases the Hemodytsbonld bo followed by a
dosu of St. Patrick Pills nt bed time.
The report of theiolty jailors shows C.1S ar
rests during the month of August. There
wore 410 dlsmlssiils and IbU convictions.
Sixteen cases woro'iont to the district court
under bonds aggravating ? lf > ( X > . Thirteen
prisoners wore under 1(5 ( years of upo. ( Jlty
prisoners were furnished 1,770 tneals nt n
cost nf $ iW1.85. ( TUuroworo ' , ' 51 calls for the
patrol wugon , 10 lire * and M prisoners wore
> ont to the county Jail. Policemen lost 55
Jays by sickness und ill days on annual
le.tx-o. Stolen property of the vuluo of
MibOU.TO was reported , ol which $ > was
Tin ) following marmgaliujnstH wore Issued
iy Judtra Shields yesterday :
Sumo anil Address. AKD.
llolni\V. lloUten , Omaha . -'U
l Aiinia M. NolMin. Ouiahu . " ' <
) Andiew Swunsoii , Omaha . .M
i Christ lanu llaiibi'ii , Onmhu . - " - '
.Notice , Urlo'-vlayers.
All brlcltluyers are requested to meet at
heir hall , Fourteenth and Douglas , at 7:30 : a.
n. , Monday , the 7lh inst. , to participate in
bo Labor day parailo. By order ,
J. H. PAIIKBII , President.
DoWltt's Llttlo Early Ilisors , nest little
illl over m ado. Cure constipation every
imo. Nouo equal , Use tUctu now ,
1)0 ) YOU KHI-i IIOL'SK ?
WomlorTiil ItarRnliiHlbr Housekeeper *
All Over Our Sinra.
Wo want every housekeeper In Omahii
and vicinity to visit our store during the
coming week nnd to make It an object ,
we've made some of the wildest slashes
in the prices of household sundries you
over hoard of. Wo'ro not going to give
the goods away or oven sell them at loss
than cost. Hut then wo buy direct from
the makers and In such largo quuntltie.-
that wo can ulTord to sell thorn at much
below cost to most dealers. Como and
see.Parlor matches , Ic a box ; clothes pins ,
lea do1lb ; package glo- starch , ; ic :
1-lb package corn starch , -Ic ; loinon ex
tract , fie ; can lye , fie ; can salmon , lOc ; H
bars good laundry soap , 2oc ; paper pins ,
Ic ; hooks and eyes , lu ; safety pins , ha
dox. ; embroidery silk , all coloia , Ben
do ? . ; towels , Be ; mouse trap , Ic ; nutmeg
grater , Ic ; box tacks , Ic ; tin cups , 2c ;
Doppor box , 2c ; screwdriver , He ; piopans ,
! ! c ; tack hammer ; llro shovel le ; 0 hole
gem pan 5 e ; whisk broom fie ; rolling
| ) in Go ; shears fie ; pad-lock fie ; scrub
brush fie ; clothes line oc ; potato masher
6c ; market basket ; wash pan fie ; colTco
pot lOc ; tea-pot lOc ; shoo brush Klc ;
largo hammer lOc ; good broom Ifie. 1
gallon glass oil can 2c / ; tubular lantern
Hoc ; rubber lioso 7o per foot ; ink lc
bottle ; envelopes 'to for 2. > ; note paper
HJc quire ; shelf paper 2 doCc ; roll or
Hat toilet paper 5c ; ( t doz. good lead pen
cils lOc ; "toilot boap 2e cake ;
pint bottle household amonla , 8 c ; Cha
mois skin , 6 c ; bottle machine oil , fie ;
box toothpicks , fie ; hair brush , lOc ;
tooth brush , fie ; kitchen chair , Hoc ; cane
seat chair , 7fie ; woven wire springs ,
Sl.CO ; bed room suit ( U pieces ) , S1U.75.
The above are only a few of tlio many
bargains you'll Hnd till through our
stock. Bo sure and visit every depart
ment this week.
Drop in and got a hot cup of our
Jamova coffee. It's delicious.
1503 to 15M Capitol avenue ,
It'H 11 SiKiillluant Ku > t.
That the two parlies who secured the
first and second prizes for butter at the
Douglas County Fair , supply their entire -
tire output to W. R. Hannott Co. . and
the pri/.o rolls were sold over their
counter Saturday. That's the kind of
goods wo boll in our butter and egg de
partment. Good buUertnnkors till over
the west ship their products to us. Wo'ro
the biggest retail butter Jirm between
Chicago and San Francisco. Try us.
W. li. BKNNl'JrT CO. ,
1508 to lol-l Capitol avenue.
Dcano in .Marble
Arrived today. Will be on free exhibi
tion at Turf Exchange , luOO Douglas.
Going Awnj ?
If so , bo sure your ticket reads east
over the "Northwestern. "
Five trains east every day. Tlio fast
Chicago and eastern trains leave Omaha
at 5 j > . in. ( very convenient hour this for
Onmtm passengers ) and 0:20 : p. in. Both
those trains are vc&tibulcd and equipped
with free parlor cars , the very latest
sleepers and "Northwestern" dining
cars.You can get sleeping berths reserved
ever any eabtorn line , and have your
"gfiTngo checked direct from your resi
dence to any destination on application
at the city olllcc , M01 Farnam street.
Dcnno In Marlilo
Arrived today. Will bo on free exhibi
tion at Turf Exchange , 1HOO Douglas.
inns ox noouis.
Offers Mtulc to KurnlHli New Klcetlon
The joint committee of the city council ,
county commissioners and school board met
In the commissioners room yesterday after
noon to opou bids for furnishing booths to be
used at the coming election. There were
present Chairman Cohurn , Secretary Tuttle
and Messrs. Speeht , OsthofC and O'Kooilo.
Nine bids were received and opened by the
chairman. Tlioy werons follows , all the bids
calling for wood booths except Andreen's ,
which was for iron , prices given being for
ono booth : A. Uosenbortr , lt' > 0 ; Bliss &
Latosky , S2S5 ; William F. Hlcp , fl ;
Jobst Brothers , S149.UH ; Newman , Hanson
Johnson , SUM ) ; O. H. Cane , $13J ( ; U. W. Partridge -
ridge , $1I7 ! ; J. W. McDonald , $110 ! ; G. An-
dreen ( iron ) , fclW.
The plans on which the bids wore based
provided for houses 1(1x20 ( toot , containing
stalls and everything necessary for conduct
ing the election except chairs and tables and
ballot boxes.
The county attorney .submitted nn opinion
in which ho stated that it would bo leual and
a great saving of expense to have ono set of
Judges and clerks.
Mr. 1'uttlo called the attention of the com
mitted to the fact that under the school law
women wore allowed to vote for members of
the school board. Tpo matter was discussed
hi' nil the members informally but nothing
was done.
On motion of Mr , OstholT a committee was
appointed to consider the hlds and report
next Tuesday. The committee was OstholT ,
Coburn and O'KeolTo.
Chairman OsthoIT notified the special com
mittee to moot Tuesday morning at 0 o'clock
nt the commissioners' room. The whole coin-
mlttco will moot at 10 o'clock.
I'Yotn .Mississippi ,
I regard Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera and
Dinrrhii'a Homcdy as the creatost remedy
ever Invented for bowel complaints. B. W.
Ales , Oxlord , Mississippi.
SO.MI ; mjums HICMI.
\Vonion to Vote nt School
lOloollons in Qtic'Miim.
"There Is one question I would like to hoar
discussed , " salu n prominent lawyer yester-
lay to n BII : : reporter. "It Is this : Can
women vote nt school elcstions under the op
erations of the Australian ballot law ] I nm
nclincd to think they cannot , for they can
not register , nnd the law 1 very strict with
reference to the voting of parties who have
not registered. "
Hull a do70ii other attorneys wore asked
'or nn opinion upon the subject. They np.
[ icarcd to bo somewhat uncertain ns to the
instruction of the Australian law , but , mo < t
of them thought thnt women would still bo
lorinltteil to vote for school directors and
ncmlicrs of school hoards as they have In
ho past , although it appeared to bo some-
tiling of n doubtful quoulon in the minds of
i early all the attorneys spoken to about the
No gripping , no nausea , no pain when
DoWltt'a Llttlo Early Klsora are tatfoti.
Small pill. Safe pill , Best pill.
Oiiialia'H People Clear Off Dully a Nloo
Corn Kloltl.
"Omaha people cat corn , " sold a prominent
retail grocer to n BBB reporter yesterday.
'Wo have sold nearly twenty bushels of
casting ears today. There uro at It-list forty
otail grocers In the city who have sold
is much as wo have , nnd many
iinuilor concerns that Imvu sold a
urge quantity of the Juicy Indian maUo , It
s safe to say that not less than > 00 bushnl.s of
orn have bocc sold to consumers in Umnhii
"KitinmtliiK corn p.l nn average of ( Hty
itishcU to the acre you see the pooplu of
Dninha will got away \vitU about sixteen
cres of coin In u day. In siiort , our people
lean up a ROK ! &Ucd Held of Nebraska's
hlof product every day during tlio roasting
or season.
I'ontpniu'it tlio
Yc&terdoy was the dixy sot by Judge Doano
or hearint' the application for the appoint
ment of a receiver to take charge of the
flairs of the defunct Howcll Lumber coin-
jany. Mr. Chufleo , the purchaser of the
3umba end of thu IIowcll's business , was not
cady auu too tiuurltig was postponed ono
votlc ,
0. W , Crawford on the Ques-t'ou - of the Now
Deep Harbor of Texa' .
Its lOvport Kiicllltlt'H in tin ; All
Almnrlilni : 'i oplo in Tliut
Hi | > ' ( lly ( 'lowing
( .Yfir r < , ih SUM. )
The low nrieo of cotton Is the gloomiest
tiling wo now imvu to contemplate. Last
your wo raised 2,000,000 bales mid sold It for
about $ ! > 0XUOtH ( ) ) . The crop this year prom
ises to bo equally us good , mill iho acreage
planted isS per cent larger.
1'oxas Is raising too much cotton. This
fact may bo n wholesome Idsson ami turn our
farmers to growing other crops which pro-
tluco etiually us well. U'o have ralsoil this
sciison 1" > , UOO,000 bushuls of whr-nt. Ono
Texas county this year raised as much as the
whole state ilnl lust year. The part of thd
state north and west of Port Worth U now
lnown : to bo as good a wheat coutitrvns Kan
sas , ami three tlmo.s us largo anil live times
as certain.
The sun of prosperity shines most offal-
gently over all Texas. An old Texas pioneer
who has lived on the Ura/os eighty-two years
Bays a Texan's only prayer is to give thanks.
"Texas nets every good thing. "
The export bulletins nwkonshowlng which
must bo a stirnrlso to the people of the oast.
The Increase In value ol exports for the
whole United States last year was fc.-.OOO-
00(1. ( The increase at tlio port of Galvcston
nlotio in eleven months was il-IUOi ! ) > 0 IJ per
cent of the whole. All Texas ports gained ,
but Now Orleans fell oft u little ovsr a mil
\Vhero diil this Increase como from ? Two
causes gave rise to it , cither one very Hatter-
Ing to us. It must Imvo been increase of pro-
iluetlou or trailo attracted from this territory
north , which has heretofore gone to Atlantic
ports. 1 bollovc it was duo to Doth
The trend of the future commerce of cho
trans-Mississippi will bo southward.
U'o now have deep water on the Texas
coast at Vclusco , the mouth of the Bra/os
Senator Fryo's article in the Forum on
"Gulf 1'orts" called
out a vigorous protest
from Texas. He mentioned In detailed de
scription every port nu the whole coast of the
Gull of Mexico , except the mouth of Braos.
In reply to a letter asking him why ho so
carefully avoided that place , he said : "Tho
government Is not doing any work there , and
that he had no Information about the work. "
To tell you an astonishing truth , wo are
very glad that the government is. not doing
the work at Velasco. Wo know too much
aoout government harbor work.
Previous to lS7t > the United States govern
ment engineers directed the expenditure of
$111,700 at Charleston , S. C. Since then they
have spent f ' 'Oll.fiOl ) with no bcnollt , and
now they have estimated that It will cost or
take $ ! , ia : > ,000 to complete the work.
Thirteen years- expenditure of J',34V
200 , and no bpnollt.
The first appropriation was mndo for Gal- i
vcston , Texas , in 18TJ. At that time there j
were twelve feet of water 011 the bar. Up to '
1SK ! ) there has been appropriated and spent
$ ' . ! , .JTOUOO. The engineers in charge , in their
report to the secretary for lf > 'JO ' , stated that
there were 13 feet and ! ! inches of water on
tno bar. Nineteen yours and W.iiO.OOO of
government worK has given Culveston 1 foot
and il inches of water.
Those "know all" povornment engineers
reported that deep water could not bo OD-
taincd at Volosco. It wus u unanimous re
port of the commission appointed by congress
to Investigate gulf harbors. Did you ever
mould bullets when you were a boy for an
old squirrel ntlof Wll , they were all alike ,
wore they noli The govern'tncnt moulds its
engineers at West Point and they "uro all
alike. "
In 1SSS Congress passed an act giving per
mission to a company of Chicago and Texas
capitalists to undertake the work of deepen
ing the channel across the bar at the port of
Velasco. Tue work was planned by Mr. 1C.
L. Corlbell , who was chief to Captain ICads
in the tvork at the mouth of the Mississippi ,
ana Mr. Georpo Y. Wisncr of Uetrolt , Air.
Wisner perbonally superintending the work.
Since that tima the company has expended
$1,500,000 , and today thouateris seventeen
feet deep in the shallowest place in the chan
nel over the bar.
Two yean anil the expenditure of $1,500.-
000 of private capital under iliiection of civil
engineers has deepened the water twelve and
one-half teat.
These are fact ? . On the 7th of last month
the secretary of the treasury , Mr. Foster , de
clared the port of Volnsco opened. Pending
un act of congress , and in his letter to the
collector of customs at Galveston , ho said ;
"Owing to the insuflleiency of water on your
bar , vessels of certain draught , although lor-
olgn , may go to Vclasco to unload. "
Stone taken from the streets of New York
is shipped down to Velasco , and Is being used
lu building the jetties at the harbor.
Tliojo are rocky facts for Undo Sam's en
gineers to contemnlatc , but they make the
people exclaim , "Texas gets every good
thing. "
Houston , v. 'ilch is now the railroad center
of Texas , has deep water at Volasco. and will
Have It at Galvcslon and Sabine Pass , all
within arm's reach , if there is a change in
the government engineers.
At Chicago they have scant fourteen feet
of water , and the tonnage of that port last
year was moro than a > iy other port in the
Galvcston has thirteen and one-third feet ,
and the value of her exports was more than
Wa.000,000. This business Is done at the dis
advantage of costly lightering.
At Velasco wo will have twenty feet within
six months. The grain , the meat of all Iho
country south of central Kansas , will uo exported -
ported via Vclasco.
The slogan of Texas Is deep water , cheap
transportation and reciprocity.
DoWltt's Llttlo Kany Ktsors ; best llttlo
pills for dyspepsia , sour stomach , baj breath.
They Will Mart Hero Today In Ktiui >
The State Association of liohomian Turn
ers will hold its annual convention in Omaha
llcsiilcs the homo teams , teams will bo
present from South Omaha , Wilbur , Plaits-
mouth and Turkey Ureclt. It is expected
that 1100 wonting turners will bo present to
participate in tliu o\crcUos , which will beheld
hold at Hascull's park , at Fifteenth ana Via-
ton streets.
At noon the procession will form on South
Thirteenth street , at Met/ hall , and march to
the grounds. The exercises will consist of
team and Individual turning. The llrst and
second Hum pri/os will bo beautifully engraved -
graved diploma ? , which have been prepared
oipeclally lor the occasion. The individual
badges will bo four costly gold badges.
In the ovcnliiu' a ball , banquet and literary
ontotlulnincnl will bo given at .Met , ; hall.
Small In sl/o , grout in result ) ; UoU'ltt's
Llttlo ICarly 1 Users. Host pill for constipa
tion , tutt for lo.ihmlun , bait for soar
Hiillilliii ; I'urniitM.
Yesterday Iho following building permits
wcro issued by Building Inspector U hillock :
A. I' , ftiikuy , one story frame barn , i'or-
ty-thlid iiml liiiKo $ | coo
Hubert l < . Itiiynulilx , two story fiuine
resilience , Highland I'ln ( > 5 roe
i : . J. Khunljuiiirli , two htniy Illicit rci | .
iluiiL-p. l.owu itiuiiuu in d I'.illfornla. . f > , ( K)0 )
i : .1. IthoiilniiiKh. one and h.tlf Mory
brk'l. barn. 7 1
Unu inliiul penult & ,
1'otal . lnWi
v. n. FA i. COM ; it.
- _ _ *
Nt'W ( lOtXlM ,
Out1 now Htoro Is now i-oinploto nm ! oq
Monday will bo oponcd entirely tilled.
They tire much botlot' value than tlio
merchants i-aivy ever from dcn on to
beacon and they are all desirable j'oodtf ,
In ether words jjoods that people want.
\Vo also olTor some oxtrnordlnary bar-
trains In blankets , dross > ; oods , hosiery ,
linens , diaperlus and cloak" . Only the
wrotuhed state of the money manors In
the cast nmkliiL' It possible to . i > cura
such prices. X. 15. FALCJONKH.
Mnttor.q AticntliMl to by tlio
L'otn in ISH ton i < r4 YoHiertlny.
The Hoard of County CominUsloners mot
in regular session yoitorduy uftornoon and
ground out a largo amount of uuMnett.
There were present Messrs. Ilerlln , O'ICcoffc ,
and Van Catnp , anil the session was marked
by th" utmost harinouv , not a ripple of dis
cord marring theplicld surface of the usual.
ly turbulent bodv ,
_ A petition signed by a largo number ot
roiidonts of the county aiicoa the board to
imnrovo Main street in Florence from the
city llmlt.s of Omaha north through Florence ,
on the ground that Iho road Is used by per
sons coming to Omaha from the north put of
the county and Is almost Impassible , was referred -
forrod to committee on rouds.
An allldavlt by Daniel U.vlly stiitlnu- that
( tcorco W. Roberts , a duly elected and quail-
lied Justice of the peace of West Omalia pro.
duct , was a iion-rcMdont of thnt precinct ,
was referred to the committee on Judicinrv.
A petition askinir-tho uppoliitinont of James
J. Casey to till the vacancy cased by Kou
ert's removal took the same course.
Matron Cuinmlngs of tno city Jail .sent In n
communication relative to the little boy of
the notorious Kd Uahhlngton. Tlio father o (
the Hey has married since his separation
from his llrst wife and the boy Is a victim lu
thcirdrunkcn lights , The matron asked the
county to assist the boy's gr.uidmotncr llnan-
claily tin order that she may euro lor the
little fellow ; referred to the county attorney.
A letter was received fiom Kount/o Hrot.
of Now York , acknowledging the receipt of
$153,000 in bonds of Dotmlas county , which
had been turned over to Messrs. Snltrer .t
Co. The firm received $ lf > ' , > , lti.Yf > ii , which hnd
been placed to tao credit of the county in
paying oil the bridge bonds duo .Inly i to
gether with Interest to September - .
On motion of Berlin u number of claims
wore taken from the hands of the linanco
committee on account of the -sickness of
Messrs. Corrigan and Tiinino and ordcied
placed on the appropriation sheets for pay
The application of the Benson anil Hulycon
Heights Land companies to operate n street
railway along the county road from the In
tersection of that road and Military road to
Benson , was granted.
The county clerk was directed to advertise
for bids for supplying ham and soft coal for
the poor farm , court house , Jail and city poor.
The county treasurer was authorf/ed to
draw on Kountza Uros. ol New York for an
amount suftlcient to pay the principal and
interest on llvo bridge bonds of $1,000 each
held by John A. McShnno.
A resolution was Introduced by Commis
sioner Ucrlin , including n report" called for
by a resolution introduced by that eentlcmou \
in Juno last , reading as lollows :
Whoieus , It appears finni thu.stvnni returns
of the eoiinty tiuasiner now on Ille lu the of-
HCII of the county clcilf that certain Items of
personal property tax levied on
prowttv In Dotmlas county for the yuais 1K > 3
to l 'i , lioth Inclusive , are not collectable by
leason of the removal or Insolvency of the
puronb eliart'cd with such IIM : < S , and that tlio
said county treasnier has been uiiauln with
diligence , for mote than two yeuia to collect
tlieaino ; and. B
Whi'icaH. It also anpe'irs fiom BII Id sworn
retains of s ild cuuniy Measurer , that vutlnln
Items of real estate tax. spudded In suld 10-
tnrns. are not Collect nblii by reason of oirors
in amount and errors In Tooting tax Imol ; . " for
tlioye.ns Iho'.i to lstr , both Inclusive ; tlii'riforo
bo It
Unsolved , by the Hoard of County t'oininls-
htoniTs of suld county of Douglas , that ttin
se\ural Items of iini-ollevtalilo taxes specified
In said tioiisuicr's luturns hi * strlcUcu from
tlio tax list and bo hereby allowed vrudlt for
said .several Items of ilui'olluctablu tiM.'t ; * as
shoun by suld returns to the amount for said
bovurnl yuiiis as follows :
Then followed a table for the years from
1850 to iss'i , both Inclusive , showing total
personal tax uncollcetcd amounting to J1&7-
bs7 > . .il ; errors in footing up amounting to
M.VJUl.-Kl , making a total of ojMiJ.i)7. : ( ) The
table shows also that the county has pr ld to
tto state tnxoa amounting to ? IIMIVJO ! on
this uncollcetcd tax which Is now duo the
county from the stato.
Then followed another table showing the
amount of delinquent taxes for the years
1SOI to ISS5 Inclusive , lor which the county
treasurer may bo allowed credit amounting
The resolution continued as follows :
He It fintliiT it ol\o > l bv this bo.nd. Thsft
the county ulci k 1m and liu Is hoioliy diri'utud
to certify to Urn amlllor of public accounts of
the state of Nobias-.a the amount o [ de
linquent anil uueolk'i'tcil st.ito IIIXTH for ouch
of said years to the unit Unit wild county may
huslvuii pioper oivdll tluuofor.
On motion of lierlin tno deputy assessors
of the Third ward were allowed pay for tnclr
services as follows : ICato Cosgrove , fl.VJ ;
James Tulhott , ? iri : 'Pom Crosble , tl.YJ ; Kd ; 1'at MeAmlro , SIW.
The regular appropriation sheets were al
. 'ii'HMi Talk.
All friends of the kindergarten will bo in- .
torcsteil to lo.irn that the executive committee - w
tee of the Om.ilm Public School ToncnorB1
association have engaged Miss KlUaboth
Harrison of Chicago to address them upon
the kindergarten iystem , Momlnv , .Septem
ber 1 1.
Miss Harrison is principal of ono of Iho
largest schools In Chlca.-o for the training of
kindergarten teachers. The mothers' elu'BM
in connection with 'he school last year num
bered Till ) , and Included the wealthy and. " >
fashionable mothers of < Hueago , who eaino to *
learn lo Hotter nppiociato , understand and
train their little ones. Miss Harrison ia
rccognl/.uil In the highest educational circles
as ono of the most competent nnd reliable au
thorities upon the Froubdl Hyhtepi.
It rollouts credit upon our teachers' orgnnl-
/ation that ihov thus .secure , not only for
theniM-lves. but for the public , the oppor
tunity of learning moro of this department In
educational work now nUraoting .so much at
tention whnrovor education and culture nro
prl/ed. The occasion offers the proper oppor
tunity for the ladles nl'i-ady Interested to
meet ami perfect an organi/ution for the
study and advancement of thu kindergarten
Idea and the establishment of free kinder
gartens In Omaha.
Do Witt's Llltlo Karly KISOM , DJU pill.
Xtitlm i if Ih'f ( fins nr I ? * * uii'lrr till * liMil ,
tcnti < ; rtirh iiilitlttnnitl 1 1 If : ten cent * .
ieiit < > mhur ' ! . IK'JI. ' at the losliluneo of the
olllclalliii ; I'lor yinnn , .Mr. William M. KiluU-
MIII nnd Miss .Mil iu Jlunbim , by Ituv. Charlvi
/ > K.l 77/.S.
Xu'tcn five KMCI or ( cm uirfert/ifn /
cf.nt ; Um n .
IIKM.MANN 1'ranK llollmann. aped 2 y curs ,
son of .Mr. and MID. I't'lcr lltilliiinn , . ' even *
tut'iilh and llrown .south Omaha.
died at 4 o'clock vi > sti > iduy afti'inocn , and
will lu ) bulled In l.itniul Kill cemetery at 3
o'clock tnls nfturnuun.
IIIHT At the fninlly n-sldonce. I8lh B. 10th
htiin'1. HildLTt wlfn : > if Mk'lmul liirt , aniHt
lit JIMIS und H iniiiitlis , 1'iinural tomorow ,
Suii'l.ij ul S o'l-loi'K , from the family rrnl-
ilciico I ili ; rineni at Uormiui-Uatliollo
.IT u
Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the StfiB < < t