Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 06, 1891, Part One, Page 7, Image 7

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Getting Ready for tha DivertisomenU of tbo
Winter's Campaign ,
' Notublo Oocn-
Opening of lloyd'H u
nlon-HtiriirlsliiK n KcHltlent of
iMitiilno I'lnoo A Hplilcr
\Vcid Party.
The event of grentoat Importance In the
ioclnl nid , Intellectual llfo of this city was
the opening of Boyd's now theater Thursday
evening. It wns nn ovcnt which wlU bo re
membered with Interest and pleasure by
these wlio were fortunate enough to bo pres
ent nt the formal dedication of what U ono
of the hamliomest temple * of amusement Iti
the country.
The scene was Indeed a brilliant ono , the
color * In their dainty blending reminding
you of n Watteau fan. The youth , boniity
nnd chlvnlry of the metropolis took posses
sion of the house , and made the opening n
gala occasion Indeed. Tno boxes were filled
by the prettiest mations and maids in the
city , whllo throughout the auditorium h'uid-
* omo ladies and distitiKiilshed rnon gave interest -
torost to the prettiest picture Omaha has
over looked upon.
Indeed the premiere of the house of nrt
took on an nppoaranro much resembling n
Purls opera night , for nearly everybody was
In full dress , and per consequence the bo-
( { Inning wns n pronounced success , socially ,
nrtlstk'idly nnd Jlnancinllv.
Every day brings In onlly returning tour
ists and the sttcoW begin to assume the ap
pearance of fall. The shops nro resplendent
In autumn fabrics , the windows gorgeous in
their now dress. Faces browned by a kindly
summer sun testify to the outdoor llfo of
their owners , whllo hero nnd there in the
hotels nnd clubs are encountered loiterers
who are potting back to the cares of busi
ness after a season spout itlong the beach ,
In the mountains or by some cool sequestered
lake In the heart of the wllderuess. While
nome will linger mid remain nt distant
places until September colors the leaves and
Rives a brilliant touch to the landscape the
great majority of the fashionables are on
their way homo , nnd shortly society will
resume Its round of pleasures.
After Knowledge.
With the coming of the autumn days and
the suggestion of fall freshness In tbo atmoi-
phoro the boys r.nd girls who have been enjoying -
joying a season of roil from school duties
boeln to pack their trunks and hampers , and
by tlm middle of September will bo buck at
tbo grind again , Imbibing knowledge in college -
logo and scm.imry.
The roster this year shows a very largo
number of Omaha pupils who will leave for
foreign schools in n short lime , or have left.
Whllo the list below is not altogether complete -
ploto , It gives a fair idea , ot the number of
pupils Omaha sends out to the schools , col
leges and seminaries throughout the laud
each year.
Nohiaaka University , Lincoln. Nob. Ar
thur Montmoroncy , Eugenia Ootner.
Swathmoro College , Swathmoro , Penn
Benjamin Bnttin.
Mount Auburn Institute , Cincinnati , O.
Miss Mai Burns.
MUs Biown's , Now York City Misses
Bubio Colpetzer , Flora Webster.
Chriati.m College , Columbia , Mo. Miss
Margaret Brown.
Yule College , Now Haven , ConnWilkons
Hustin , Ftod liustin , Morris Beall , Charles
ICountzo , Herbert Holcombo.
Princeton College , Princeton , N. J. Her
bert , Hogers , Will Kogers , Lurlmovo Denise ,
Paul Ludington , Thomas Croich. George Mc-
CORUO , Harrv Akin , Joseph Pulitzer.
Vassar College. PouRhkecpsio , N. Y.
Misses Alice Brown , Nolalo tlughes.Elizuboth
Obeiltn Colloco. Oborlin , O. Misses Sadie
Lyman , Uons MoMnster , Georgia Do Con.
St. Mary's Academy , Notre Dame ,
Intl. Misses Stella Hamilton , Tad Batch'
Pink Balch.
Harvard University Carroll Carter , Edwin
T. Stieer , Kenney Billings , Oscar Quick.
Slmttock Military Institute , Fairboult ,
Minn. Dwight Swobp. Ed Swobe. Hlohard
Grov , Bert Grey , Bouncy Fowler , Kussell
Burt , Charles Montgomery , Guy Montgom
ery.Konsneller Polytechnic Institute , Troy , N.
Y. Ilobrrt Wllios , Jnmos Stevenson , Jr.
Kcmper Hall , Davenport , la. Will Bur-
rouirhs , Alfred Barker , Alfred Domiuuo , Ed
Kockford Seminary , Uockford , III Mabel
Brown , Sndlo Baura.
Cornell University , Ithaoti , N. Y. Carl M.
Joharioo" , Chnrles Hosowator . D. Osgood ,
Will \Yelshans.
Amherst College , Amherst , Mass. Randall
Dartmouth College , Hanover. N. II. Na
than Bernstein , Irwln Uoad , Frank Foildt ,
Gilmore Prico.
Phillip's Andover , Andover , Mass. Will
Cowiu , Siim Caldwoll. Nelson Mercer , Paul
William * College , Willtomstown , Mass.
John Nolion , Allan Marsti. .lay Brown.
St. Paul's , Concord , N. H. Luther ICountz ,
Herman ICountz.
United States Military Academy , West
Point , N. Y. J. Wallace Broatch.
SU Catherine's , Davenport , la. Loulo
Lascll Seminary , Auburndalo , Mass.
Allco And rooson , Lllllo Tnkoy , Grace Allen ,
Mnttlu Stono.
Cnc-mmt Hill , Philadelphia , Pa. Jontio
Midland College , Atchison , Knn. C. F.
St _ niiarlos Aendomv. St. nimrlra. Mn _
Misses Bertha Baumer , Della McDermott ,
Mucglo McDermott.
Cornell College , Mount VoruonIa. Thorpe
University of Pennsylvania , Philadelphia ,
Pa. J K. T. Grossmnnn , Bert Luwlor.
Mrs. Plait's. Utica. N. Y.-May Morse.
Columbia College , Now York City Victor
Hosowntor , George Momir.
Worcester , Mass Itaiph KIchardson.
University of MichiganAnn Arbor , Mich.
Joseph Morsonmn , Kdgar Moncman , Thomas
Bnttin , Luroy Crummer , Charles Tliomas ,
Frank Grlltln.
Johns Hopkins University , Baltlmoro , Md.
Augustus 1C. Dotwllor.
Hryn Mawr , Bryn Muwr , Pa. Julia
Ohio Wesloynn University Fred S. Nave.
National Conservatory of Muslo , Berlin ,
Germany Harriet E. Brown.
Grlnnell College , Grlnuoll , la. Miss Mary
Holdotburg Unlvorslty , Holdolburg , Ger-
manv Samuel Brown.
American National Conservatory of Music ,
Now York City Charles A. Hlgglns , Miss
Daisy Hlgglns.
Tito Oinalm School of Mimic.
Ttiat Omaha Is destined to take a promi
nent place iu tno art llfo of the west Is evidenced -
dencod in the founding of the Academy of
Vine Arts , the establishing of a conservatory
of music und other similar associations , and
now comes Mr. L. A , Torrens , the director
of the Apollo club and an experienced
teachur , ut the hand of a now Institution
which Is called the Omaha Snnool of Muslo.
The metiopolls , occupying as It docs the
coign of vantage , should become a recognized
Knitter in both the musical nnd art llfo of the
western country , und for that matter , take a
pronounced position In the estimation of tbo
wtiolo nation. There nro In our midst clover
painters and still cleverer musicians , who
properly brought together ought to do very
croiiltublo work , not only for themselves , but
tor the city wui Ji they have elected as their
homo ,
The Omaha School of Muslo although but
va comparatively now Institution has iu its
faculty , iimn.v of the loading musicians of
the west , their reputation In the bronchos
to bo tauglit being second to none. The
faculty will consist of Mr. iMurtlnCahn , In
charge of the piano forte ; Mr , W. T. Tabor ,
organ ; lint Joseph GiUun. counterpoint and
harmony Han Albert , violin ; J. E. Uutlor
nnd W T. Marshall , organ ; Siir. C. u
Bugnot , tuachor of ilia languages ; Her ,
Joseph T. Dutyou , n. I ) . , lecturer on uiiul-
col lopiru. The brauchoa to bo taught uro
tinging , piano , violin , organ , baruiouy , com
position , otc. , and the language * . Lecture *
nnd rccltnli will bo glvou from ttmo to tlmo
whllo it will be the effort of the director , Mr.
I. . . A. Torrons , to organlx' ] an orchestra of
which the city mny bo proud. Ho will
nUo have a string quartette and hi the V oung
Men's Christian assocliillon hall where the
ictiool has taken quarters , chamber concert *
will bo glvon. In conjunction with the
school a musical bureau will bo organized and
vocalists , Instrumentalists , orchestras nnd
string qunrteltot will bo senton concert tours
through tbo stnto and [ f demanded through
neighboring states.
With such a faculty and with Mr. Torrens
at the head of the school , it ought to become
ono of the strong musical associations of the
west , Iu keeping with the prominence Omaha
has nlrcad v attained as n city of clear discern
ment In nil matters pertaining to art. Tno
school will open Monday , September 14 , In
the Young Men's Christian association hall
and puolls attending from u distance will
hnvii the benefit of the work done by the
Apollo club durlnz the season In addition to
hearing the best talent In the country In con
certs , f
Surprising a Mini ultli a Illrtliitny.
Mr. O. W. IColtU , wo-itorn manager of Wil
liam Deerlng & Co. , residing In Dundee
Place , had a birthday on Monday , but ho an
ticipated spi-ndlng the day very u.uietly with
out any "fuss or feathers , " But there were
a number of frlonds of the gontleunn who
determined to loach Mr. IColth a lesson about
celohratlrg the attainment of thirty-two
years , and no doubt he roall/os how bootless
it was to promise hlmsolf a rpuiol time.
Messrs. Upton , Cnrmloliael and Shannon ar
ranged a gnmo of croquet for Monday evenIng -
Ing , and Mr. Keith became ono of the plnyors.
It wns a ruse , however , to cot the recipient
of the surprise narty away from homo while
other arch conspirators might , arrange the
good things. Ut.tll 3 o'clock the battle royal
was waged and then without the least
ceremony n band struck up an Inspiring air
to everybody's consternation. Mr. Keith
thought a strolling band of players on wind
Instruments find taken possession of his
house nnd ho rushed home to see the play
out. What was his astonishment to find the
parlors crowded with friends. It was nn
April fool Joke in September. After the sur
prise had worn away , the guests enjoyed
themselves In attaching the caudal append-
ngo to a donkey , Mr. D. C. Patterson showIng -
Ing a knowledge of natural history qulto re-
inarkablo considering that his eyes were
bandaged when the operation wns performed.
Mrs. E. A Benson drew n prbo for placing
the tall on the other sldo of the room. After
everybody had taken a baud nt pinning a
tall to tno donkoy.rofroshments were served.
The house was decorated In profusion with
llouors and altogether it wns a red letter
night in Mr. Keith's history.
There were present : Mr. nnd Mrs. E. A.
Benson , Mr. nnd Mrs. .1. B. Cnrmlchncl ,
Mr. and Mw. William Shannon , Mr.
ana Mrs , W. H. Hancock , Mr. nnd Mrs. W.
1C. Kurtr , Mr. and Mrs. H. ( ) . Patterson , Mr.
nnd Mrs. Keller , Mr. nnd Mrs. M A Upton ,
Mr. John T. Shannon , Miss Bradshnw , Miss
Perkins , Miss Benson , Mr. Thomas Thomp
son of Davenport , la. , Mr. and Mrs. Finloy-
The Conservatory Opening.
The fall term of the Omaha Conservatory
of Music commences tomorrow , September 7.
The faculty of this mslltution is fully equal
to that of any ether school of music in this
country , every teacher being strictly first
class. The touchers of the piano , Mr. E. M.
Jones and Mr. .f. G. Cummlngs , were for
years pupils of the two Scharwonkas of Ber
lin. Mr. Cummings bus mot with great suc
cess as n composer as well as n teacher. Ills
songs , string qunrtcttos and orchestral com
positions were much admired and publicly
rendered by the Scharwcnkas , and were well
received In that most critical of all musical
cities , Berlin. Phillip Scharwonka was so
enraptured over a string quartette of his
that at the end of one movement ho sprang
to his fpot and , in the impulsive Gorman
fashion , embraced Mr. Cunrnings , exclaim
ing : "Wonderfully beautiful 1"
Signor Fusco , the \ teacher , is with
out a poor as n teacher of the voice , as
proved by the following letter from Max
Strakosoh , the great impressarlo : "Signor
Fusco : Allow me to take this method of expressing -
pressing to you the extreme gratitlcation nnd
delight experienced whllo listening to the
vocalization of your gifted pupil , Miss Mary
Tuck , nt your rooms on Thursday afternoon
last. The wonderful talents displayed by the
young lady were surprising to mo , nnd well
I know when calling you to assume the direc
tion of tier musical education , your abilities
as an instructor in the only trim 'Italian
method for singing , ' but more surprised am I
to witness the extraordinary advancement
she is making under your caro. You have
my complete confidence and entire approval
of the course vou are pursuing with her vocal
education. Her pronunciation of the Italian
is perfect , whllo her understanding of
rhythm nnd expression is most excellent. I
shall leceivo her from your hands thoroughly
educated for the stage. Again , allow mo to
thank you 11 suoAmlco. Max Strnkosch. "
Signor Fusco bears letters of highest rec
ommendation from such artists ns Alleluia
Pntti , Clara Louise Kollogc and Mrs. Scott-
Sladons , nnd was the teacher of the late
Emma Abbott. The lovers of peed music In
Omahn should see to It that Signor Fusco
moots with thu success his talents demand.
Mr. W. T. Taber , teacher of the organ ,
was a pupil of Geonro E. Whiting , the great
Boston organict , and is too well known hereto
to need any words of commendation. Charles
Baotens , Mus. Doc. , Is the teacher of violin ,
viola and violincello. Dr. Buotons was formerly -
morly a member of the celebrated Thomas
orchestra , later a professor in the Cincinnati
College of Music , and is ono of America's
tlnest musicians.
Misses Kotcham and Allen , who nro In
charge of the department of elocution , nro
both graduates and teachers of the renowned
Edun Chnffoe-Noblo school of olouutlon , De
troit , Mich. , and bcnr loiters of hlchost reo-
ommondation from her.
Mndarno Sauvago , n craduato of the Acad
emy of Sacred Heart. Paris , nml later a roji-
dent of Florence , Italy , Is unexcelled us
teacher of French nnd Italian
Mr. Max L ntz , a native of Hamburg , Ger
many , has been secured ns iustruclor of Ibo
Gorman language.
Itoiison und Ostrom.
The marrlago of MissLU/.Io Benson to Mr.
Herbert Ostrom of Chicago was solemnized
by Uov. Willard Scott of the St. Mary's
Avenue Congregational church , at the resi
dence of the bride's brother , Mr. Edward
Benson , Ifi'Jl North Twenty-tilth street ,
The wedding was private , only the Im
mediate friends of the family being prosont.
The house was vorv handsomely decorated
with plants and cut llower * . , Two llltlo
nolcos of the brldo acted as llowor girls and
a little nepbow ns ring bearer. The wedding
gifts woru very handsome nnd numerous.
The happy couple loft for the oatt Immedi
ately aftorlhe ceremony und will bo homo to
their iiumcious friends atI''l Thlrty-fouith
street , Chicago , after November 1.
"Swiiet S
Miss Carrie Butler , daughter of ox-FIro
Chief J , II. Butler , onterlalnod a party of
friends nt the residence of tier parents , 101 , ' )
South Ton tli siroot , Wednesday ovoiuntr , iho
occasion of her sixteenth birthday. Games
were played , and later refreshments were
served , which were greatly enjoyed by the
guests , it was a very happy occasion , und
ut mlumghttho guests departed with best
wishes for Miss Carrie.
Those present were : Misses Anna Smith ,
Margaret Bayer , Anna Hurley , Nellie Pen-
oyor , Dora Park , Tina Kuufmann , Mary Pat
rick , Uoso Patrick , Inez Williams. Hello
Cox , Lualla Collins , Hmnin Goodman ,
Edith iCrow , Dolma Ciow , Mueaio
Curoy , Anna Ford , Pearl JJeeco , Anna Foil
and 1 1 little Ivlns. Messrs , Stuht , Houston ,
Blum , Haslo. Potter , Saudenyoo , Winkol-
inan , Boindorff , Uowon , Puuovor , Knufmaun ,
Chapman , Owen , Churchill , Uavlo , Songster
aud Pondory.
A t-iplilt-r \\i-h I'nrly
Miss Mabel Brown gave a beautiful spider
web party to her young friends Wednesday
evening at the residence of her parents , Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Brown , 530 South Twenty-
sixth stroot. The house was prottlly decor
ated with ( lowers , In addition to a myriad of
tiny cords which led "up stairs nnd down
stairs and In my lady's chnmbor , " The girls
started iu their search for prizes which were
attached to all the cords from the parlor ,
whllo the boy * found similar cords In the
reception hall which they followed till the
eud was reached. * After everybody had suc
ceeded in untangling the threads refresh
ment * were served , tno little showing
great adaptability In looking after the comfort
of her guests. There were present Mlssc *
Sadie Baum , Bird VnnKUran , Louise Squlrdi
Jessie Dlckcraon , Lola Curler. Darlene Coo ,
Joullo Yates , Dovlo Honglnnd , Loulo Drake ,
Allco Drake , Mabol Kelly , Lutn Hobble ,
Bertha Sloan , SusloColpolzer , Bessie Hulott ,
Hattlo Cadv , Masters Dwlght Swobo , Ed
Swobo , Ilonry Clnrko , Gordon Clarke ,
Charlie Pratt , Lou Pratt , Uussoll Wilbur ,
Hao Hobbio , Mont. IConnnrd , Howard Til-
den , Arthur Carter , George PurvU , Bert
Morao , Ralph Connell , Bun Colpotzor , Paul
nnd Maxtor.
A very plonsant wedding took place at tbo
rosldonco of Mr. and MM. Bnglon , 3100 South
Thirteenth street on Monday evening last ,
the contracting parties being Miss Susie
Englon to Mr. K. L. Baxter , both of this city.
Thcro were nbout flfty guests present to
witness the marriage ceremony which was
] /orformod by Uov. Mr. Cramblot of the
Christian church.
After an elegant supper the guests departed -
parted for their homes. On Tuesday Air.
and Mrs. Baxter loll for Ilumeslou , la. ,
Inking with them many useful ns well as
valuable prosouts given Ihom uy their frrjnds
nnd relations.
MoremcnlH und U'lieroiihoutn.
Mr. S. G. Joyce has trono to Now York
DMrs. Guy C. Barton loft yesterday for
MrMorsomnn has returned from her
summer outlug.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Lovl Carter xvlll live nt the
Millnrd during the winter.
Miss Oliver of PIttsburg Is the guest of
Miss ICountzo at Forest Hill.
Dr. and Mrs. Giuck have taken rooms for
the winter ut 10H Georgia nvonuo.
Mrs. Flcotwood and Miss Cnrrio Wyman
are guests ut the lloaidund mansion.
Mrs. James E Boyd has taken horold homo
nt Nineteenth and uavenport streets.
Alri. Joseph Lohmcr has returned from
Chicago where she spout the summer.
Mr. nnd Mrs. J. C. Morrow have gouo on n
two month's visit to Mllford ou the Hudson.
Mrs. Judge Holsloy has returned from n
throe week's visit to her sister In Salt Lake
Mr. Wood Allen returned this week from
his four weeks outing in the wilds of Mon
Mr. and Mrs. E.G. Snydorhavo taken a resi
dence at 12J South Twonty-lltth street , for
the winter.
Mr. nnd Mrs. George ICoHoy are to bo con
gratulated on the birth of a daughter Friday
Mrs. W. Lyle DIckey and children re
turned this week from their summer homo
In Manllou , Colo.
Miss Margaret Boyd came direct from
Paris to attend the opening- Boyd's theater
Thursday evening.
Mrs. T. A. Hill of Ann Arbor , Mich. , Is
visiting her daughter , Miss Hill , and Dr. and
Mrs. George L. Miller.
Mr. and Mrs. Garnenu gave a small card
party Monday evening In honor of Miss
Sharp und Miss Alkou.
Mr. nnd Mrs. A. D. Bradlov , Of 411 North
Twenty-third street , returned from their trip
to San Diego , Cal. , on Thursday.
Miss May Urookyu and Miss Miller of the
"Alabama" company , were guests of Mr.
Max Meyer nt the races , on Friday.
Miss Carrie Yost Is expected to return from
her delightful trip to Salt Lake City , where
she has boon made much of this week.
Miss Chandler , who visited her father In
Kenosha , Wls. , the past fortnight is again
the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Brown.
Mr. W. T. Taber , wonderfully improved In
health , returned ibis wouk from a throe
mouth's visit to his old homo in Massachu
Mr. Lyman Richardson will leave today
with his son Kalph for Worcester , Mass. ,
where the latter will outer Mr. Fish's school
for boys.
Mrs. T. J. Muir and son Ralph are in the
city , visltlug Mr. aud Mrs. Mulr ou Park
nvcnuo and her sister , Mrs. G. C. Bonnor ,
U.V. 4 Caldwell street.
A. S. Van KM ran loft Thursday for Toron
to , Canada , where ho will Join Mrs. Van
Kurau aud the Daby. They will return t o
Omaha in nbout Ion days.
Miss Sophie Koohlor , who has been visiting
the Misses Cosgrnvo for the past two months ,
returned to her homo in Denver , where she
will resume her studios at the Loretta con
Mr. and Mrs. George C. Amos have re
moved from their former homo ou Pnrk
avenue , to their now mansion on west Far-
nam street , which Is rapidly becoming tbo
Neb Hill of Omaha.
Mrs. J. W. Cotton , greatly improved from
her long visit to Ferry Beach , Mo. , lias re
turned. While away she sang iu Now York
on several occasions nnd received several
Haltering oilers to rauka Gotham h ° r homo.
Miss Carrie Wasmor , of Grand Island ,
who made such a sensation at the Omahn
Guards ball last winter , because of her
beauty , will apend the winter In this city the
guest of her aunt nt. Twcnty-irrst and Burt
street , in prdor to pursue her nrt studios.
Thoto was n very pretty box party at
Boyd's theater Friday evening , the parttci-
pauls boui i : Miss Minnie Matthews , Miss
ijlllio Mutinows , Miss Mnmlo Wollcnhaupt , ,
Mr. Tom Cutler of Chicago , Mr. Fred Low
Now York City ; Air. P. G. Monroe , Chi
The races this week attracted largo
crowds of gay young matrons and
maids , the grandstand being n blaze of color
especially on Thursday nnd Friday. There
were a number of tallyho parties throughout
tbo week , Mlsi Wakoley , Miss Emily Wako-
loy , Mrs. Dan Wheeler , jr. , Mrs. Hurry Mo-
Cormick being noticed on Iho roof of a tally.
ho on Friday.
General Crook's many friends In this sec
tion will rejoice to learn that having obtained
her well-deserved pension , Mrs , Crook has
been ublo to build a pretty little homo nt
Oakland , Md. , not far from the spot where
she was born nnd where she mot the
general wounded and n prisoner. Mrs.
Crook culls her cottage "Crook's Crest. "
This name Is most appropriate. Oakland
stands high above the sea and commands a
line view of Maryland's mountains.
Wednesday ovenlnc an impromptu tally ho
party was formed , with Iho starting point ut
the Morrlam , the party being chaperoned by
Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Snydor. The ether
members of the company were : Misses
Emma Free , Adn Parker , Allco Parker ,
Nlun Marshall , Helen Smith , Mai Burns ,
Maud Stnloy and Miss Wnrnor. Messrs.
Gould Dlotz , Norman Konneay , Ed Gygor ,
George Lawrence , Harry Nye , L.OU and
Waller Dale , Ed Smilh.
The announcement mndo some time ngo
that Mine. Mucntuferlng would resume her
old position in the Sacred Heart convent was
somewhat premntuio. While oho anticipated
going buck to iho convent to tnko charge of
Iho music Ihore , ether considerations pre
sented themselves nnd sha has finally de
cided to become n member of the faculty
ut Browncll hall , reserving a portion
tion of her tlmo for private pupils
on the piano. This decision will meet with
hearty approval from Mrs. Muontoforlng's
host of friends for they have all wished that
she might bo connected with ono of iho load
ing female seminaries in iho country.
DoWitt's Lltllo Early HISOM for iho liver
nt the I'lirk.
The Socoud Infnntry baud will render the
following programme nt Hnr.soom Pnrk Sun
day afternoon , commencing at U o'clock :
Overture ( luy Mnnnorlng . Itlslmp
Medley Ilrlu-a-ltnie . Mlssnd
CJuartotlo I'raver from Per rrulschui ? ,
( Iiulso , lolsii ( roinniuolso ) . Weber
Messrs. Trtisson , Allea , Ulnrk and
Selection from ouern "Krnanl" . . . , . Verdi
Overture l-'r.i Dinvalo . Aubor
Quartette livening uliorns from n nlcht In
( Iranudn. ( sclion dlo Abundgloukun
Klnncn ; > . KrouUer
.Messrs. Trusson , Allus , Oltxrk uud
Selection from opara "Klgnlulto" . Verdi
I'otuourl Musical I'unoruma . C'onradl
III Act opera Iohenrin Hrldnl Oliorus
( by reqiioit ) . Wagner
PolHctloiiH from oppra "Stradolln" . Klotow
Moillev Southern 1'lnntttlnn HOURS. Oonradl
Iiatloiiul Anlliom Uod Svvu : Uur I'tusl-
deut from Kvery Harm . . . . Millard
An Ohio Miiu't * Opinion.
I got a bottle ot Chamberlain's Colic , Chol
era and Dlarrluua Hemedy to try It. I lot
my neighbors use some and used some in my
family and would say * It Is the best remedy
I over used. My neighbors who used it arc
of thttsamo opinion , -L. O. Young , Williams
Centre , Williams Co. , Oh'o. '
Wlint. AmiMomont'I/6vor Will Find to
Kntcrtnln lltejn Thin Week.
The Hicks & SawyorV minstrels , who will
bo at the Furnnm StroUt theater the first four
days of this wcok , opening with a inatlnco
this afternoon , inaugurated their season in
Baltimore last month. The Baltimore )
Sun gnvo the performance a hluhly
complimentary iiolioC ! recently , from which
the following oxtrucUKlira made : "The first
part showed the whole company on the
stago. with G. W. Plckott In iho mlddlo and
Bon Hunn and 'DooH baylos ou Iho end as
the llrst rolav of premiers. They were fol
lowed bv Billy Jotiojoti nnd Joe Ilolcotnb ,
and tlirlr porformanooilwas in willing and
able hands. The singing clement In the llrst
part Is excellent , Introducing William Coleman -
man , W. H. Scott , K. Russell , Julius John
son , George Williams , John Taylor and
others. Julius Johnson possesses n tenor
voice of rare directness nnd power , which ho
carefully and intelligently handles. The
other of Iho singers nro triad nnd familiar
friends. In the olio Billy JacKson , Joa Hoi-
comb , 'Doc' Saylos nnd William Smart cap
tured the house with their specialties nnd
kept the nudlonco In n continual laugh.
Messrs. Walter Smart , Colly McGowan nnd
George Wilson showed themselves to bo
ncrobatlc wonders. Smart nnd Taylor mndo
n hit In their drum major act. The Arabian
march nnd drill wns particularly well exec
uted. The mirth provoking afterpiece ,
'Aunt Mnndy's Reception , ' Is nlono worth
double Iho price of admission aud Is n sure
guaranteed cure for Iho blues. "
Nothing on the road or oft surpasses or
comes up to the brightness nnd cleverness of
"Tho City Directory. " Mr. Russell makes
some sweeping changes In his company every
season , both in its personnel nnd Iho jokes
nnd selections , but with every changa there
scorns to como nn improvement. After wit
nessing the performance everybody will
record their verdict thai the piece"wns never
stronger or moro enjoyable. It Is
hard to say whether Swcalnnm's
originality , Schoolcraft's unctious drollery
for Dan Daly's inimitable Stage
Manager Is the central flguro it would prob-
nbly bo Just to sn\ that they form three cen
tral figures equally inimitable. But Ihoro Is
not nn ordinary member in the company.
Hnverly nnd Seamen are both clever cotno-
dlans. Miron and Witmark nro charming
singers. Amelia Glover , the charming danseuse -
souse , has several now dances , which will no
doubt bo received with croat favor. The
Misses Cleveland , Kclso , Hart and Wollor
nro four charming young ladles of the com
pany , all clever dancers and slug admirably.
This company will open at Boyd's thoutor
Sunday evening for four performances and
Wodnosduy matinee.
"Erminlo , " .Tnpobowskl's charming opera ,
will bo played tonight at the Graod by the
Gnrrow Opera company. This opera has
boon the roicning comic opera success In the
east for several seasons ; Us waltzes are
played In Iho ball-rooms nnd upon it ? first
production it became the pet of the fashionable -
able and musical world. It is ono of tbo best
productions of tbo company , Mr. Drew play
ing the Pnris thief with nn ninount of unc-
luous humor that is irresistible. Tbo other
parts In the cast are admirably tilled and
levers of comic opara will enjoy a treat. This
Is the fir t tlmo "Erinlnio" has ever boon
heard in Omaha nt popular prices in fact the
opera has never been produced hero by so
admliablo ' a company.ft _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Beginning Thursday , evening next Mr.
Thomas W. ICceno will Inaugurate an ongngo-
mcnt of throe nights "arid Saturday matlnoo
at Boyd's now ihealcr.1 Mr. Keene has boon
too frcquenlly seen ItrOmaha lo require any
extended introductiod ot commendation.
The death of Lawrence Barrett and the an
nounced retirement of Edwin Booth ICOVPS
Mr. Keene the only American ropresontalivo
of the class of plavors who confine their
talents exclusively Jo th'o delineation of clas
sical tragio roles. *
Mr. Keene is ns yet a young man , ono pos
sessed with all the lirto and vitality of youth ,
blessed with a keen , discriminative mind , a
broad yet accurate coucoplion , nnd n voice
nnd physique which eminently llus him for
the portrayal of Jho lines of parts
to \ uich ho has * devoted his art.
During Mr. ICcono's engagement the follow-
Venice " Mr. Keene " "
, as "Shylock ; Saturday
night , "Richard III. " ,
The company includes Frank Hcnnig ,
Julius Scott. John Hannon , Thomas 1C.
Eagleson. Carl Ahrcndt , Benjamin E. How
ard , Hugh MoICay , Marwood Andrews , J. J.
Cummings , Charles Sands and Miss Alberta
Gnllnlme , Miss Henrietta Vadors , Mrs. C. A.
Baker , Miss Hannah B. Bailey and Master
Sargent. _
Manager Burgess of the Fnrnnm Street
theater has booked for the latter part of the
week , Lincoln J. Carter's great railroad
melodrama. "The Fast Mail , " which will bo
given n grand scenic production that In many
respects promises to bo one of the most ro-
mnrknblo over in the city. There is the rnt-
tlo and clatter of the patrol wagon ns it
comes down the street ; the whistles , bolls ,
etc. , of n Mississippi steamboat leaving her
wharf ; moonlight effects on the nvor , nnd
glowing furnaces of the boat , aud the explo
sion and breaking up of the steamer. A
gigantic piece of real water sconorv is pre
sented in the Niagara Falls scene , where the
enormous cataract Is represented with the
roar of the water , the seething foam und the
rising mist.
The company is highly spoken of and the
play is well constructed , with n strong lingo
of comedy to offset Ibo serious elements.
Previous to thuir departure for the Amer
ican Nntionnl Conservatory of Music , Now
York , where they will pursue a course of
study , Master Chnrlos A. Hlggins und his
talented sister Miss Daisy Higglns announce
n farewell concert to bo given nt the Grand
Oporu house Snturdny evening , September
19. Well known vocal and instrumental mu
sicians of Omaha and Council BlufTs have
volunteered to assist in the testimonial ,
which ought to bo successful in every partic
ular , for the young poopla are worthy of en
To the Public.
1 am n traveling man and have boon af-
fllcled with what Is called chronic dlorrhoju
for some ton years. Last fall I was in west
ern Pennsylvania , nnd uccldontally wns In
troduced to Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera nnd
Dinrrhoua Remedy. I ventured to make n
Irial and was wonderfully relieved , I would
like now to introduce It among my friends.
II. M. Lewis , 21 Freeman strool , Cleveland ,
Wo have never beard of a case of chronlo
diurrhraa that this remedy would not help.
ft Is invariably pronounced the most success
ful medicine the patient had over tried. In
many cases It has effected n permanent euro.
Mativ old soldiers , who contracted llio dis
ease whllo In the service , nro enthusiastic In
their pralso of this remedy.
- -
Bishop Newman presided over the Chicago
Gorman conference lust wcok in the city of
Chicago. Ho will not r'Jturn to Omaha until
November. '
The fall term nt DrownoU hall will opou
September 10. The nUenduuco promises to
bo larger than that of tly full term thounll-
tutiou has over oxporiimcod.
A complete ohotmc&l and physical labora
tory has boon put In , nnd several largo class
rooms , some i > rlmaryijj.\tool ; rooms nnd an
nrt studio huvo nlso .been fitted up , all In
good shape. Dr. Doncyty oxpocls to HOC an
attendance of fully lUOjpuplls during tuu fall
lorm. JS * * '
The Second Prosbyfflnau church has boon
hanilsomcly decorated , iihd ! repaired tlirou bout -
out nnd will bo The Suiuluy
school of thU rhurch'Tjolil n very enjoyaMo
nicnto nt Ilunscom parltlnst Thursany. KOT.
H. M. Ware hn * cnJoyTxl sovurul weeks' vaca
tion iu the cnst and will enter upon his worlc
todiiy with lonowecl zual.
Tlia complimentary banquet tondcrod Mr.
John M , Ila/oltoii Init Mondani ht by
nbout aovcnty-llvo of his personal friends ut
tlio Young Men's Christina Association
rooms was a vary delightful affair , and
fruincd u very 'Ittliik' termination to tlio suc
cessful worlc that Mr. ilazolton hat per
formed durltiR the past two years whllo act
ing ns ccnornl secretary.
, DurinK the summer vacation Dr. Doherty
has fitted up the south YIIOK of the building
nt grout expense niu' the Institution Is ttioro-
fore prepared for tbo accommodation of moro
pupils limn ever before , and many vury important -
portant improvements have boon made iu the
facilities for the comfort of the punlls
and In the facilities for Instruction.
The Institution now na > a very complete
gymnasium , convenient and commodious
bath rooms with a tlnu plunuo bath In con
The rector of AH Salnw church , corner
Twenty-sixth and Howard strncts , has ar
ranged for nn evcnliiR service , beginning
with next Bumtav , which Is Intondcd to
roach strangers nna these not familiar with
the regular church services The sorvlco
will bo brief , nnd strictly congregational ,
with an ad Iross or sermon on some Interest
ing topic , it Is hoped thnt In this way non-
church-goon , especially voung people , will
bo interested , mid the attendance largely In
creased. All scats nro free , and all who at
tend will bo welcomed ,
The Vatican continues 203 staircases and
1,100 different rooms.
During 1800 there were built In the United
Stfttoi Sr > 00 churches ,
A Now York CongrogiUlonallst minister
pots $10,000 n year and a life Insurance
The naitor of the Methodist Cuurch nt
Monrovia , Kan , drcachoi n sermon and then
innkos the congregation BUOSS the text.
The old Gorman Lutheran church at Wai-
tloboro , Mo. , has stood IliO years , and there
has never boon n collodion taken within Its
Nice hundred and flfty-flvo religious
periodicals are published In this country ,
which nro estimated to have a total circulation
of ! tn73,050 for each Issue.
Spurgcon grows stoadllv weaker , despite
the bo < a of medical skill and nursing , and It
is feared thnt ho wfll never again stand In the
pulpit , of his famous Tnbornaclo in London.
A true causa of the withdrawal to a mon
astery In Ku.ssia ot his Holiness Archbishop
Michani Metropolitan and Patriarch of the
of the National Church of Lorvia , Is neither
ngo norlntlrmitv.bututiMiccossfut speculation
on the Stock Exchange nt Uolgrndo.
Bishop French of England , who died ro-
contlv In Arabia known "that
, was ns mnny-
tongued man of Lahore , " for ho could preach
In English , Persian , Hindustani , I'ushto.liin-
du , Tnmll nnd Punjabi , nnd wns an eminent
scholar In Hebrew , Arabic , Syrlac , CJrcok
and Latin.
The Presbyterians of San Rafael , Cal. ,
have realized for u long tlmo the need of a
larger church building. Mrs. T.V. . Park
IIDS offered to give $ a,000 toward n new stone
church , provided that $15,000 moro is ranod
within two years and that the church when
completed , shall ho free from debt.
If Dr. Ignatius Hortsmnn succeeds Bishop
Ollmour in the Cleveland dioccso , as ho scorns
likely to do , the Catholic church vrill have
gained another big bishop. Ho is six foot
three inches In height , nnd llko Bishops
Brooks and Walker in the Episcopal churcn ,
a man of commanding figure. ,
The chief religions ot the world raav bo
classlllod according to the number of adher
ents ns follows : Christmnitv 50 , 000 , 000 ;
Confucianism , 800,000,000 ; Hindoolsm , 100.-
000,000 ; Mobammedanism.lS.OOO.OOO : Fotich-
Isui. 150,000,000 , Budhlsm , 100,000,000 : Spirit
Worship , 60,000,000 ; Shlntoism , 'J2,000.000 ;
Jews , 8,000,000 ! Purees , 2,0110,000. Total ,
Iho salvation nrmv has been In existence
just thirteen yonrs. It had its origin in n
sensational way In the English town of
Whltby , In the rough coal mining district of
Yorkshire , where General Booth , at that
tlmo Uov.V illlnm Booth , was delng humble
mission work. England was then in nrms.
expecting to jump Into the Husso-TurUish
war. It occurred to Booth thnt ho might at
tract a crowd by issuing a declaration of war
himself , so ho prewired one forthwith , sprin
kled it plentifully with hallelujahs and posted
aXK ( ) copies of It nbout town. The device
tickled the British sense of humo"- , there was
n "rodhot , rousing meeting , " to quote Gon- Booth , "tho penitents fell down In heaps , "
and the salvation army sprang into life full
Matlum Wallace , who lias boon in Eu
rope for the past two months in the in
terest of Morse's custom dross making
department , returns Monday next. On
hot1 tour through tlio principal fashion
centers of Europe Madam Wallace has
boon phenomenally successful in authoring
ing- the rarest -mid jnost fnshionubln
novelties , together with u detailed and
nulhorativo knowledge of the latest designs -
signs in European fashions.
Ucfjiilnr Army aiul Nnvy Union.
This order of soldiers , sailors ana marines
is very rapidly increasing throughout the
United States. New garrisons are now being
formed in nil parts of the country. Since
the last meeting of the National corps , held In
Boston last month , thirteen now garrisons
have bosn chartered and many more applica
tions have boon received at the national
headquarters in Boston , Mass. Abraham
Lir.eojn garrison No. 13 , located at Fort
Omaha , has n membership of about forty ,
and It Is understood that a now garrison will
bo shortly organized In this cltv. At the na
tional convention lately hold at Boston a
great many changes were made In the consti
tution and by-laws of the union , the princi
pal one Dclng the abolishment of army rank
in the union and substituting the titles of
national , vlco und deputy commanders in
place of generals. Another important feature
vas t&o doing away of departments nnd
assistant adjutant generals , and in their
place appointing n national aido-do-cain for
each state , whoso duty will bo somewhat
similar to that of deputies of secret societies.
Comrade Perry A. Lyon , formerly aid for
Nebraska , has tendered his resignation in
view of his removal from the state. His
successor has not yet boon appointed nnd It
may bo deferred until n new garrison is
added to the state of Nebraska , as the na
tional deputy national commander , Comraao
E. J. Davis , residing In Omahn , will bo dele
gated to take charge of the western garri
sons until a now aid is appointed. General
Whenton at Fort Omaha has kindly tendered
the use of the post hall for the meetings of
Abraham Lincoln garrlspn , nnd the garrison ,
appreciating the kindness , elected General
Whcatou an honorary inomDor.
Sulijpot to the Colio.
Persons subject to periodical attacks of
colic will bo interrosted in the following :
"Mr. Clark , living nonr hero , has had chronic
colic for years. Ho tried ono 2fi cent bottle
of Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera and Diar-
rhosa Homody , which gave him so much re
lief that ho has since used four bottles which
ho says has almost cured him sound and wull.
The remedy sells rapidly and well bore. W.
H. Worrell , druggist , Fort White , Florida.11
/ J'-/tSJ.l/l-/8
I I / " . . ' - ! . / - * /
Mrs. Graham's
Homovos Sunburn , Sallownoab , I-'rcolc-
IOH , Moth-jmtclioB , Punplos , Bliielt-
lioiuls und ovorj dibcoloiM'.iuu or bloin-
JHh of tlio Hldn. Fronipt , roliublo ,
harmless. It never fulls. Now that tlio
8iiininer is nearly ever it is timeto restore
store your comjiloxion to its uristinu
bcnuty. purity , clcarnos.8 und whitonohS.
Mrs. Graham's Kaco iilonoh ia Kuurun-
tocd to do this in ovorv uut.o. For sale
by all ilruR'lflts. ( 1'rico $ l.f 0. Tliroo
Mas. UKIIVAIHK GIIAIIAV. "Ilimuty Doctor , "
10,11'ost stioul , .Sail rr.inu.scu , treit-i laillui
for all bliinilblii's o ( thu diuii or figure. Ln'lu > a
tit 11 dlstnncu truutoil uy luttor soii'l slump
for her Hutu book "How to l > o Itnuiitlful "
Hii'linrdsuii Dru C'u , wliolositlii
9t V > d r Ur.4. I'tfl" * .Ur.i. < r
Tfturttlf ! IU * . I will glidlv Mnt ! the
recij * ( tclr < 0 frUKX loAny sunetcr It It
arl < it > lcM > 1U llFrCure AillrtttW S.
.H U..IJ.VI . SI..CiiicuuiiUO
It Tnkcn n Illtf Cn li Account to P.iy
tlio City's OnlccliolilorH.
The Heal Kstnto Ownors' association' has
completed the work of compiling n list of the
ofllcors and employes of the city , with the
amount of salarms of the employes In each
This work wai done In response to the
following resolution adopted nt n recent meet
ing of the iissoclatlon :
K "jolTi > d. Ttmt the secretary of this H-uocla-
tlon lie and N lioroby uutliorlrtKl to proiMiro a
cmnploto lUtof .ill iiononi drnwlnic pay for
tliulrsurvlrt't from the city of Omaha or thu
county of Dnimlnslti any i-ap-xolty wlmtouT ,
Mowing Urn numi'i Iu full , tate of imy ,
whcthnr It l > liy the day , month or yoar. In
li-m or otherwise , uUo statlnB hi < rvlccs
are buiiiit nutunlly rendered uy oaoli nurson
recoh IIIK pay. This to Include nil depart incut *
or branuhi-s of miinlclpitl or oounty K vi > rn-
inont tlirouith wli'ch ' the tu\o > p.ild
by thu tiuoplo are absorbed , used
or oxpiuulpili nntl tlmt tlio oftli-ors
who are In n position to furnish thu Infornm-
lion , lie ti'iiuustod to do MI. In older that this
n soclatl n , on Lolialfof tlio tnxparorsof tlin
city nnd county , may lie i-imblod In a Konurnl
w.ty to detiTiiiinn whether or not anv in-
trmichniuntHimiutlenhlu In this dlruullon ;
and If no , to nt oneu tuho nneli Mtups as may bo
In the power of tlio n-noiMntlon to Induction
the rodiiutlon of uxpuntn In tliH dlrootlon und
tin-ruby lunon tliu miulens of taxation for the
The following nro the total amounts of the
monthly pay roll for e.ich department nnd
nro exclusive of Inspectors nnd employes
who work by the day :
Mayor's olllco , WOS.IW ; city council ,
? 1'JOO ; comptroller's dop-irtiwnt , STIS.a.1 ! :
treasurer's department , HO.liO : legal
department , ftllO.I ) ; city clerk's
ofllco , fTi.l''r.CO ; city ouglneor'o oHU-o , fl-
411.07 ; Hoard ot Public Works. JI75.0-J ; su
perintendent of buildings $ ITI.lll ; superin
tendent of plumbing , f.110 ; police court ,
$1.13.H3 ; gas insnector , $ li"i , boiler Inspector ,
Saj.'i ; moat lnsuctor ] ) , $ JiiO ; licnnsu inspector ,
$125 ; watchman at dump , $120 ; sidmvulk Inspector
specter , SI7.1 ; stenograpnor. $1T > 0 ; health
commissioner , $10ti ! ; ! ( ; sarfjeaut-nt-arins , $75 ;
voternary surgeon , $ .10 ; janitor , f. " 0 ;
health dopirtment , mOTi treoicomnilvioiior.
$150 ; gu.irdiiiL' pi-Honors , $ ir > ; Uro and police
commissioners , $ . )50 ) ; license board , $ lti0.l7 ! ;
sewer department , $ . ! , ! 5 , park commhslon ,
SUI.lH ; library , $110 ; llro dopartinont , ? l-
7ll0.ti7 ; Ilronlnrm , $ J15 ; police alarm , $ . ' 100 ;
police department , ? ( ! ,7h ( ! . Total , $ ' 2ly.U.H ; .
A very small pill , but a very good one. Do
Witt's Little Knrlv llisors.
PrcsentlMKlMnlM. I'ottor'a I.sttitlmblo Absur.lltr
S. XIPt (3. (
EVENING , . ) . .
"riiBi'ltjr Dlroctnrjr" IIHH boon roconitructeil bf
I.oiili llnrrlsun. 'i lie musical imemiplloiH uro by
Win. 8 Mullnly.
Trices rnnjiint nnd Parquet Circle tl CO ! llnloony
75c : there nro 125 Id-ncrtcil Sent * In tlio llnli'oiiy
Hint will bo noli ! nt .Vo ) u.ich ( .nllerr 2'tc Capacity
nniallury liSOOV < > < Inc * < hiy Mnlluoo Me nil parts
of tbu liuuso HOY Sheets now open.
Boyd's New Theatre.
Seventeenth and llarney Stiucts.
Thursday , PrUny nnd Saturday , Sapt. 10 ,
11 and 12 ( Saturday Matinee. )
the Eminent Tragedian ,
Thomas W. Keens
Supported by a Poverful Oo'npany
In the folio" Ins repertoire :
Tlinrsdny Evening "JHclicIien. "
Friday l.icning "Louis XIr"
Saturday M.itincc "Jlprclinnt f Venice"
Saturday Mglit ( lUcliurd III. "
Box slieela open Wcdnesdiiy moinlng.
LIZZIE STUUGKON , the Arniliu.4 Hunlsto.
IMOULKY'S Illuminated I'nnorntnu.
LITTLE. SUKK SHOT , In Trlclc Shooting.
MAKSH. the Trombone Klnir.
A 1I1O Till.Nfl.
Honntnr Maiiilomon'H Opinion of the
I'ork Trimly With ( Jormiuiy.
"I boltovo thnt the proposed commercial
treaty wlih ( lernmny for the owning of thai
trmruot to our American pork will he a coo in-
ulished nnd It will ho the greatest triumph ,
in my oUtrcntlon , that the State department
hni nllalnod durinu the present ndmlnlstrn-
lion. " said Somttor Mnnderson to a reporter
for'l'iiK HiiKyoHlordfiv
"It will lo rlchl In line with the present
policy of the Stain department ami n crown *
( UK'evidence of tlio wisdom of our present
course with reference tocointnerclalrelation *
with ether nations , " concluded the senator.
Constlptilton ponons tne lilooJ ; Do Witt's
Lltllo Knrly Ulnori euro constitution. The
cause removed , the disease Is
Opera Company.
In Jacobowshi's Delightful Comic Opera
An Unequalled Oivhostrn Under the
direction of 3IG. CAUL TOUIANI.
POPULAR PRICES , 25c , 35c and 50c
Reserve souls by mail or loloi > hoiio.
Grand : Opera - "
Grind 1'aronoll Testimonial and Hciiollt
jfpp PlinrlPQ A flidfriiiQ
ml UlldlluD A , fllEllllb ,
Omaha's 1'avorito Young Violinist , und
Ills sister ,
Miss Daisy H , Higgins ,
1'iiiv Ions to their ilc pin Hi in foi the American
National Conservatory of Mnsle , Now Voile ,
whcro they will puistio a touiso cif study.
Tlio folliiwuii ; wnll known ami Instru
mental miirtlehins of Omaha and ( Jouni'll
Jllnlls him- kindly Miluntuon < 1 to assist :
bliyk en Hhins Liibtt'luh. Mr. H.iutmis , dl-
Mr.V , A. Derilok.
Master Win. Murphy of Council Hind's.
The otohestrnl part will uo played by Miss
IIlKKlns' teacher. Mr. 1'ullx Itl.uiKimfeUl , on u
second piano.
M hi ' 1 lonu Stoplmn of Council llln ITs.
Mr. I' lladollot.
Mr * . Kraiiols Mueller.
Mr. Walter Wllklns.
Scats on sale at Grand Opera House Sopt.
ITth. 14th and lUtli.
Pullnro.-ranimo will ho published In Tun
Hui : next i-iiiiUay.
unday Matinee , Sept. 6.
Also Sunday , Monday , Tuesday and Wednesday Eveninjs , September 6th ,
7th , Slli and 9tli , 1891.
Ksserved Scats for the Wednesday Mating 3 nrj 25 CENTS tj auy part of the lionio.
Introducing all the Royal Merry Makers.
.TO ! ! HOLl'OMH. ' ' ' -ft 11UAA , IlEMtV THOMAS ,
t ) K WILLIAMS , " l JAMES Il-hON ,
II. WlIirK , IKUl. M il. II. COI.EV
Popular Prices . . .15c , 25 , 35c , 50c , 75c.
3 Kiglits-SeptemberlOth" , 12th ,
LINCOLN Ten Sets of Soccial ] Scenery.
J. Flight of the Fast Mail.
CARTER'S Niagara Falls by Moonlight , with
GRAND Boiling Mist.
Practical \Vorlcing Engine and 14
Freight Cars , with h'ffjngjcd '
The Dajjo Dive.
Realistic River Scene and Steam
boat Explosion.
The Police Patrol and 100 other
Startlin" Effects.
POPULAR PRICES IBc , 20o , ODc , BOc and 70c.