Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 06, 1891, Part One, Page 5, Image 5

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Here's ] Mew Merchandise , Fresh From the Mills tif the World , at Prices Down to Your Expectation.
For a CORSET 35c.
Good lots of a half do/on makes , harden
on to 11 dollar for real value. Monday
only 35c each. Third floor.
IIow excellent the quality ixnd how as
tonishingly low the prices nro of our
Boys' Clothing.
Hero's a few crisp prices :
S-pIooo Long PantSuits ,
Cheviot Roofers ,
2-ploco Suits , Cashmere and Cheviots
2-plcca Worsted and Tricot Suits ,
Overcoats $2.50 and up.
Btarnud Sterling Flannel Shirt Waiatf
75c Each.
Percale Shirt Waibts ,
Boys' Pants 55c.
H.OO and 31.25 Extra Pants.
The prices mean out little unless you
too the goods. Always bring the boys.
Third lloor.
Madame Wallace , after a two months'
trip through the fashionable centers of
Europe , returns tomorrow ( Monday )
and will bo ready to receive orders , and
to exhibit the rare und beautiful cos
tumes gathered for our exclusive cua-
Six to n customer only. Basement
Wo confidently nssert that in nil In
stances for the an mo qualities OUR
I'RICKS nro the lowest.
You may have common BOIISO oropora
lasts. Those shoes are worth a third
Opera last ,
$3. worth $4.5O.
Iloro are fiixos hard to got in such
low priced shoes. Nothing off in qual
ity , only the price that is off. Sizes AA
to EK , line Dongola. SU.HO.
20c , 38c , 48c ,
70c , 78c.
For every good serviceable sort.
88c , 90c , $1.22.
$1.20 , $1.38 , $1.68.
Bring the children with you , for you
nor wo can oi'uss at the lit.
Second lloor.
Are pouring in by the thousand from
every quarter.
Send for samples of the Now D css
Wo think and choose for you as care
fully as you would yourself.
Here's a richer flow of nov
elties and a daintier grouping
of soft illuminations than have
ever been gathered under one
roof. And the prices ? How
gratifying to know they are
consistent and lower than
elsewhere , in most instances ,
and never more in any.
Bright Plaids , the small
checks so neat and tasty ,
50c a yard.
16th street window and first
There is something in get
ting the weave and getting the
color to make the lustre the
richest. We have sought
nmongall the good sorts and
this is the best.
85c a yard ,
And every new shade together
with the pick of the stape [ col
orings. First floor.
Bedford Cords , $1 :
Every day increasing in
favor. New colorings daily.
The new Camel-Hairs with
dashes and lines , with "short
stops"of beauty and patches
of sprightly color on softly
contrasting grounds. It is bet
ter to see them. The invita
tion to do this is hearty.
Bargains in
A Bunch o , Turee
For a pick of these popular weaves.
10th street entrance , loft.
To trim the silks ,
SScand $125.
You'd go a long way for bettor onos.
Fancy Black Serges.
Very good for elderly ladles ; spots
and dashes and stripes that just show a
little on the rich black surface ,
First floor.
Fancy trimmed Night Shiits ,
Men's Seamless Hose , fast black ,
Hemstitched Handkerchiefs.
Whoever heard of so low a price aa
that ? "i
A shirt , two collars. one pair of cuffs ,
all laundered and mudo of dainty pat
terns percale ,
First floor , back. * "
_ Illll _
50c EACH.
Tastily tmlntcd gloho , Inrge burner.
A half morn is the true worth of these
bc-autiftil lamps. All other lamps L'O to
50 per cent off the regular prices.
Un.semtint Hoor.
Lined with white onamol. No "flat1
taste 'com baking ,
The sixes that wore $12.50. Basotuont
Not much profit in 'om , anyway. Why
not hand thai to you for a week ?
These Muslins
quite a saving to you who have largo
First floor , near elevators ,
For another rich-looking , dainty-shaped
carload of
Fourth floor.
Ladies' Natural Ribbed Vests and
Pants. GOc each.
White Jersey Fitting Vests , do not
shrink , oOc each.
Natural Wool Combination Suits ,
Natural.Wool Vests , $1.00.
Children's Fine Vests , 23c.
Ladies' Fine Cashmcro , fast blacks ,
of course , 2oc.
Children's Rilhcd 8oc.
Second lloor.
I'Yosboim your homo.
Irish I'olnt Lnco , with Urusaols centers -
tors ,
$5.10 pair.
lionl nriissoU Luco ,
$12.00 pair.
Fringed Top Chenille ,
With bountiful rich mid tasty bordorn ,
$8.50 pair.
Fourth Floor.
Silk Effect Muslin
For draperies and the transom , and for
throws , ot.c. ,
Striped Madias 5c.
Fourth Floor.
Henry II. and Medici Collar founda
Bolero 40c.
Medici 40c.
Henry II. 25c
Other fashionable shapes
At 25c , 30c.
They are with the Uuttorick patterns
and September Delineators.
Third Floor.
And floor covering constantly rolling
in now. No such assortment of kinds
and patterns anywhere else No such
attractive prices.
It is bettor to see and search for the
rit.'ht color and kind.
| Fourth floor.
Uriro the need of Rood bed covarlnff.
Larijo double bed whlto wool Hlunlcota
$1.90 pair.
Others" oiiunlly n peed In proportion
to tlio prlcu.
Down Quilts , flltod with real odorlcsi
down ,
$5.OO each.
Second floor.
Such tut you hnvo boon paying double
for are hero for 91.125 , $1.50 and $1 ! n
pair. Odorless , light ami clean.
Fourth lloor.
The Baimocklmrus
Are constantly growing in favor. So
muuh like the now fall styles in dross
goods except the price ,
15c a yard.
Second lloor.
50c Biographies , etc. , I5c ,
75c Novels , 25c.
85c Books , 35c.
$1.25 Books , 50c.
These are a few of the Joplin pur-
chaso. Hundreds of others equally as
low priced.
Second lloor.
Always busy bore. That is because
economical buyers quickly find the best
sorts for the money.
-1 and 5-hook , 75c.
8-biitton iWotisquetaircs , 85c.
Sacque Gloves 85c.
Cashmere Gloves 25c.
It is better to come and DO fitted no
trouble to us.
Second lloor.
Our Goods , Our Methods and Our Prices are Correct. The Lasting Satisfaction of the Customer is the Condition of Every Sale.
A Pretty Young Emigrant Paved from
Being Sent Back to Germany.
But a Voting Man at Lincoln Ijovotl
Ilor and Put Up a Bond
to Care Tor Her
LN , Nob. , Sopt. 5. [ Special to THE
Bin. ] A pretty little romance is told in
Tvhlcb one of Lincoln's ' young man figures as
one of the principals. It is us follows :
On last Tuesday ttioro landed in Now
York among the otaer passengers a pretty
young Gorman woman. Sue was unattended
and was vary sick. The commissioner of
Immigration inquired Into her case ana
learned that slio uad como alone all tbo way
from Germany to join her lover , who was In
K Uucolu , Nob. She bad a ticket to that city ,
but bad no money , She was almost crushed
with despair when she wns informed that
under the pauper immigration aot they
would bo obliged to send her back to Oar-
many unless she bad friends wbo would fur
nish a bond guaranteeing that she would not
become a charge upon the charity of the
countrv. Thn sick girl said she had only oua
friend in the United States and that wns her
lover in Lincoln , and that his name was
OUf J. Linden The commissioner tclo
, j graphed to the lover the state of nit airs nud
ho wired boon to allow the young lady to
como on as they weru to bo mnrrlcd. The
commissioner telegraphed back that it would
. , bo necessary for LIndor to give * $1,000 bond
that DO would care for tbo plrl as required
by tbo pauper immigration act or she would
bo lent back to Germany again. This was
recolvod yesterday mul immediately young
LIndor hunted up an attorney , bad a bond
drawn up that ho would oaro for her the ro-
. malndor ot nor natural lifo , and then forwarded -
warded It to the ofllcmls In New York.
Llnilor and tuo young lady were lovers In
Germany and wnro engaged to bo married
Not making money enough in Deulsch-
land , ho decided to seek his fortune In Amer
ica , promising to send for her when be had
accumulated sufficient to build a homo. Tbo
heart of tbo young German girl , however ,
Teamed for her lover and she decided not to
bo kept away from til in bv n mere matter of
dollars and thought to give him a pleasant
Biirprlbo by crossing tbo ocean and coming to
Him in Lincoln. Tbo surprise was prevented
toy the events detailed above , but In a few
days tlio will bo , vlth her lover , wbo Is now
impatient to sco her. Meanwhile bo is lil
ting up n cosy cottage and on the evening ot
bU sweetheart's arrival tbo homo will bo
consecrated with n quiet little wedding ,
Deputy Sheriff McFnrland returned last
evening from North Bluff precinct , whither
he had gone to replavlu a frame school house.
lla demanded peaceable entry and possession ,
but Airs. > Yobstor , who was entrenched In
"the bouso with a big revolver under her
apron , aworo shq would shoot the llrst man
vrbo crossed the fence. Being convinced that
It was all bluff tlio accommodating deputy
called to the men to follow him , and leaped
the fence. Tho'Wobstor's didn't shoot , and
ullenl.v gave up the battle. The bouso was
moved and the war Is ended ,
* jr It 1s believed that the death of Hoia
' Bpraguo , the domestic In James Altkou's
family , was accidental rather than suicidal ,
ms tha was addicted to the use of chloroform.
Several empty bottles marked with tbo uama
of that drug were found In tbo trunk of tbo
dosd girl , and the undertaker who prepared
her for burial found another partially flllod
In her stocking ,
Tbo homo of the deceased is
t some place in Michigan , where her father
now resides , She married a man named
W ldmau about eight years ago , and with
him removed to Seward county. Weldoiau
Vdiscovering that his wlfa was untrue , loft
tier. She afterwards i soured a divorce from
tilm , rind was restored to her maiden namo.
Soon afterwards she wont to live with a innn
named Jack Anderson , and passed as his
wife at Columbus and Seward until three
years ago , when Jack was sent to tbo peui f
tontiury. Shu was a well built woman and
about ! iS years of ugo.
The commissioners refused to allow the
coronar to hold an imfuost. asserting that It
was too expensive. The remains were re
moved to the undertaking rooms of Roberts
& Co. , and on an order from the commission
ers was Interred In Wyuka cemetery this af
Tha following decision has been handed
down by Hon. E. K. Goudy , superintendent
of public instruction , in the case of district
in , Flllmoro county , on the legality of the
action ot said district In changing the school
house at an adjourned session of the annual
mooting :
Station S. sub-division 11. prorldcs that
"Tho qualified voters , when lawfully ns-
sumblou , may mljourn from time to time us
nmy bo necessary to designate u ttlio for u
school houso" and "to change tlio same by a
similar [ tvtn-thlrda ] vote ut any annual meet-
In . "
Tbo former language of the statute wns :
"And to change the samontuny regular moot
ing. "
The word "annual" In our present statute
being substituted for the word "ropular , " on
the suggestion of u former superintendent
with the purpose of making the meaning of
tlu < Inw moro clear.
In 1837 a bill wnt Introducer ! embodying the
Interpretation of this office on this particular
point. This bill recites tlio provisions for
locating a site. Thun In a sentence separate
and distinct from that which provlil es for lo
cating H site It sets forth this : "They mny
clianirn any site at tlui annual meeting by
twothirdsoto of these present. " Thus
allowing that "locating 11 site and "changing
n site" nru tno separate and distinct acts : the
former buln an act of necessity which may
hi ) dona at an adjourned meutlnu , if from any
Ciiuso the hlto hail not been located at the
Ur > t or annual mooting. While the latter , the
chunking of site , not being essential , but only
u matter of convenience , can only bo done at
the nnnimt district meeting.
In the fifteenth XulirasUa rcnort , State vs.
Cones , Is a dictum ot the court In which the
following lungimuo IB used : "Section H pro
vides ( or an adjournment from time to tlma
for the purpose of locating H site : but wo Iml ]
no authority to adjourn for the election of
olllcors. "
So while authority Is formed for an adjourn
ment to designate a silo for a school homo I
Und no authority for changing .1 situ once
designated uxcupt at an animal meeting.
I shall therefore hold that tlio action of dis
trict No. fi of nilmoro county in voting to
chance the school house Kite at a mooting
other than the annual mooting la Invalid and
so of no eiruct.
NO I'I'll O.M.I//.I.
riunday Services.
Methodist , Twenty-third and N. streets ,
Hev. C. H. Duwson , pastor Sunday school
0.--I5. Preaching II o'clock by the pnstor on
"Tho Divlno Law of Majorities. " Class
meeting 1'J m. Kpworth League 7 o'clock.
Evening service at 8 o'clock. Members will
bo received after the morning service.
First Uaptist , Twenty-seventh , botwcou M
and II. streets , Uov. Thomas Stophonsou ,
pustor bunday school 10. Preaching 11 ,
Song service at 7:1)0. : ) Address by the pastor -
tor nt 8 o'clock on "Tbo Puritans , thulr Per
secutions and Truvnls. "
First Christian. Twenty-second , between
J and 1C streets , lv. ! Marion Holes , pastor.
"Tbo Tongue" will bo the subject of the 11
o'clock sermon and "Thp Two Troos" the
evening subject. Sunday school at 10 o'clock ,
Christian Endeavor meeting nt 7 o'clock.
West Albright Mission Sunday school at 3
o'dock. Sermon by J , U. Lemon at 8 o'clock.
Gorman Methodist , Twenty-eighth and H
streets , Uov. 11. A. Trolbor pastor. Sunday
school at i ) : yo. Owing to the absence ol tbo
pastor attending the conference at St. Joseph ,
Mo. , tboro will bo no service.
Mr. t ninptnn Not Heard Prom.
On tbo 3Ut day of August William H.
Crawford Usuod a challenge through Tus
llEimiul deposited a certified check for ? 5
with the South Omaha roprojoutntivo of TUB
HUE to Frank Comnton for u sheep skinning
contest. All parties interested will meet at
TUB HEK oBlco , .ti.'a N stroot. South Omaha ,
Wednesday afternoon between 4 and S
o'clock , to accept and cover the deposit and
agree ou tbo puree and arrange the condi
tions of the contest.
Driven off With a Outi.
Thieves lata at night m4o au effort to
break in a Railroad avnnuo saloon , but their
nolso awakened tin inmate and VVhUky Jack
turned his revolver on the intruders. Sev
eral harmless shots were necessary to drive
the men off.
Notes About the City.
A. N. Mlllspaugh Is on tbo sick list.
Miles Welsh has returned from O'Neill.
Miss Alma Francis has returned from
Tno regular shoot of the Gun club will
occur today.
Mr. and Mrs. R. Gordon of vVarno are vis-
Ing Mr. Gordon's brother , J. M. Gordon.
The foot race between Harry Condroa and
James Dunn did not take place yesterday.
Mrs. Hartz , wlfo of Rudolph Hart/ , and
son Otto have gotio to Davenport , la , to visit
Miss Sarah Heyman , daughter of H. Hoy-
man , has gene to Atlantic , la. , to visit
Tbo board of education and thocltvcbuncil
will hold regular monthly meetings Monday
James Rowley of New York , brother of
Councilman Patrick Rowlov , died In Now
York city.
Miss Josie Condon of Hastings , wbo has
been the guest of friends hi this city , uas re
turned homo.
A son has boon born unto Mr. and Mrs.
John Hays , Twenty-third street , between O
and P streets.
Miss Mary Fitzgerald , who has boon visit
ing triends in Kiioxvlllo and DCS Moluos ,
has returned. .
Mrs. A. J. McDougall , who has boon visit
ing friends in Troy , N , Y. , during the hot
months , has returned.
Paul Lincoln , wbo has boon spending his
summer vacation In this city , has returned to
Cotnor university , Lincoln.
Edward P. Brosnahan , one of the popular
railway boys , who has boon us far west as
Puget Sound , bus returned.
While nt play a young son of J. Morrow ,
Solby s addition , accidentally fell and frac
tured both bones in bis forearm.
Mr. and Mrs. August Gilchrtst and Mr ,
and Mr * . Daniel Seuman of Elliott are tbo
guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. Gllchrlst ,
Mrs. A. E. Thomas , who has boon visiting
her brother , C. D. Gideon of tbo btockman ,
will leave tomorrow for Washington.
J. B. McFarland , a whole soulcd and well
Informed stockman , wbo has boon traveling
over the grain laden west , tins returned.
Mrs. Cheek , wife of Acnt N. B , Cheek of
tha Chicago , Burlington & Quincy , has gene
westward to visit friends on an all 'round trip.
Councilman A. B. Haley of the Second
ward siiys that six hydrants are being re
moved from tbo Fourth ward to Brown pane.
Several car loads of material for tbo pav
ing of Twenty-fourth street has boon re
ceived by Stradatnant company from Cali
Miss Aunlo Woolhlsor of West Side , la. , a
charming young lady , is vUltlng her sister
and brother-in-law , Mr , and Mrs. T. C.
Marsh ,
Joseph W. Edgorton , candidate for asso-
clatoJustico on the supreme bench. Is at tha
Hot Springs , S. D. , ana Is much bettor In
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Babcock will go to
Davenport , la. , to visit friends. Whllo away
Mrs , Uabcoek will visit a sister In Washing
ton , la.
The Bohemian turners will go to Nonpareil
purk , Fifteenth and Vlnton streets , Omahit.
to compote In tbo Bohemian State turners'
Tuo monthly meeting of the Live Stock
Exchange and tbo board of directors will be
held In tbo Exchange room Monday afternoon
at U o'clock
Miss Hottlo Moore , a teacher In the city
schools , wbo has been spending the summer
at her parental homo In Now Castle , Pa , ,
has returned.
Frauk S , Bell left for flodley. Mass. , yes-
terduy afternoon on rocolnt of telegraphic
Information that bis sister was very low and
could not live.
A lodge of Brotherhood of Hallway Carmen
Is being organized in this rltv. Already
sufficient names have boon signed to the
charter petition ,
The oyster supper and lea cream social
given by the Young Pooules' society of the
Fir t Baptist church , was as admirably ar
ranged and conducted as It was liberally pat
ronized. The social and lunch vvero suo-
cossos in every particular ,
Citizens' nlllancu No. II will hold an im
portant mooting Tuesday evening in Knights
of Pytnlus hall , McOinnis block.
The Maroons and Indians will play ball at
0 o'clock on the Third ward grounds'and the
Cudabvs and the South Om.ihas at 'J o'clock
on the same grounds ,
A thief giving tbo name of B. Slimmo
stole a pair of trousers from the rack in front
of John Flynn , Uro. & Co. this forenoon and
was soon after arrested.
Elder Marion Boles of the First Christian
church and Captuln Peter Cockrell will go to
North Bond Tuosdav to attend tbo district
convention of tlio Christian church.
Superintendent Alfred J. Harder of the
tinning department at the Cudahy packing
plant , has completed and Just moved into bis
now residence Thirty-sixth and Q strolls.
City Clerk John J. Ryan and Miss Mary
Corrlgan will bo married next Wednesday
morning at S o'clock in St. Agnes' church and
will take tbo U o'clock afternoon train for
Salt Lake City.
A special mooting of tbo Bohemians will beheld
held at Twentieth and Wyman streets at 4
o'clock this afternoon to mane llnnl arrange
ments to organize and Incorporate a building
and loan association.
On Monday Labor day will bo observed
generally by South Omaha business houses.
Cigiirmnkors' union No. < ! 7. Typographical
No. 2ii9 and the cowboy brigade will turn
out in the Omaha parade.
Ofl'or of Kivo Thousand to the Conven
tion Fund.
OMAIII , Sept. 5. To the Editor of Tun
BIK : : Lot us bo frank with each other. Ttie
insldo information is that unless the press of
Omaha can bring about twenty enthusiastic
citi/ens tlio national convention will not como
to Omaha. There hsva been many promise !
but somothtngtaoro Is necessary. wo don't
want to bo classed with the poirlflod romin-
lscnses. "God make the country , man makes
the city. " Wo want to do ourpart In making
Omaha. Wo nro willing to make the follow
ing investment , fully believing that it will
return ten-fold , If not to us to the general
public , and wo are willing to ttiKo our
chnnccs on corrallng our part of the pros
perity , Tboro are or should bo many others
Just as liberal and more patriotic. It requires
no argument to convince anyonn what it
moans to have tbo wliolo country talking
about Omaha for thn iioxt eight months. A
great many wealthy neopla owe u largo debt
to Omaha. Now is thq iliuo , to liquidate part
of It.
But to business. Tuo Globe Loan and
Trust company will bo'ono ' of twenty to guar
antee the 100 , ( XX ) for the national republican
convention ami audlt'drlum. That Is , wo will
take care of fi.O'X ' ) in cash or auditorium
bonds of the proposcd.ii.und ,
Will you appeal to the patriotism of nine
teen associates for us ! "If you con Und them
this whole question can bo settled m twenty-
four hours , und wo believe It will bo the best
Investment wo over made. Every branch of
business begins to feolHlio effects of tbo mag
nificent now crop. Lai'us wiko up and Im
prove tbo opportunities all about us.
H. O. DAVIS , President.
CADET TAVI.OU , Actihg Secretary.
llnd uTS'lbe Tlino.
The closing summer social of the Young
Men's Institute at tboir parlors last Monday
evening was n delightful affair. About -00
ladles and gentlemen were in attend-
anoo. Songs by Miss Brady , Mbs Rush
and Mr. McNamara , duets , piano and violin ,
by Mr. and Mrs , Kilter , banjo and piano by
Mr. and Mrs. Gallonbeck , ending with mus
ical quartette , banjos by Mouw Rowdeu ,
Klophnur anl Gallenbcck , and guitar by Mr ,
Morris were rendered in an orccltont man
ner. Excellent muslo was furnished by Prof.
Wendolpb , Luncheon was furnished during
tbo evening.
Iiy Committees.
All marshals and comnilttoos v/bo have
charge of tbo matters pertaining to tha
Labor -day pa rod o and celebration are re-
quastod to m'eatut data City ball , corner of
ThlrUionth and Douglas , ut 10 o'clock this
morning. H. K. EVSTOV ,
Black Hills Mines Send Large Sums in
the Precious Metal.
Xwcnty-Kicht Dollar Hock Found
ut a Depth of Only n Hundred
rcot-Tlio Hlaiuo 1)1-
Torco Case.
ABAUWOOH , S. D. , Sept 5. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB BKK. I Tbo gold bullion accum
ulated at the Homestako , Highland , Deadwood -
wood , Terra and Caladonia stamp mills and
the Golden Reward chlorlnallon works dur
ing the last half of August was sent out by
express yesterday. There wits eight bricks
having an aggregate value of $2SOiXX ) .
A strike of sillcious ore , assaying K8 per
ton. was mndp at the one hundred foot love !
in tbo bhaft on the Welcome mine Wednes
day night. Owners of Uio property have a
good deal ot similar ere exposed in other
workings and ere aoout electing chlorina-
llon works to trout It.
The IJiixton company owning a group of
six patented claims in Bald Mountain district
has Just completed a shipment of ono lot of
TOO tons of fib ere to Omaha and Aurora. 111. ,
and is nropiiring to forward 3.01K ) tons moro
of the same quullty of ere to the same plants ,
A strike of sillcious ere assaying f (00 ( per
ton in gold Is reported from the Edna loca
tion at Garden City. Specimens showing free
gold , an unusual occurrence in sillcious ores ,
were exhibited in Dead wood today.
The B. iVc M. and the Fremont , Hlltnorn &
Missouri Valley railroads are now hauling ou
an average of " 00 tons of ere per day from
the mines of Ruby and Bald Moui.tuln dls-
trict.s. Half of this Is delivered to the plants
in Dcadwood , while the other half goes to
reducing works out of the Black Hills.
Harris Franklin und associates liavo lust
made thn llrst payment of $ . ' 15,000 to Henry
Lundt und I ouls Town for n irroup of eleven
claims nt Bald mountain. Tbo purchase
pnco is # 55,000 , balance being duo January 1 ,
Henry Kclmor this week shipped a carload
of manganese iron ere to Chicago to bo teslod.
He has u large body of ttie ere In a locallon
near Central City.
Itlninn Dlvorct ! Suit.
Dmnwooo , S. D. , Sept 5. [ Special Telegram -
gram to TIIK line. ] No papers in the Blalno
divorce case , to bo tried In this circuit dur
ing October , have yet been tiled hero. The
order for publication of summons was signed
by Judge Thomas a short time nco , but as
personal service was obtained on Mr. Blalnn
at Bar Harbor , Mo. , the summons was not
published In the stale.
County Committee Meets nii.I Kettles
tlio Tim i ! 1'or 1'riiiinrli-n.
The democratic county central commlttoa
mot yesterday afternoon ut 214 South Four
teenth street nud tlxod tbo ttmo for holding
tbo county convention a > October 10.
The commlttoomen from each ward and
precinct were Instructed to appoint the dole-
pates to tbo state oonvnullon to bo bold at
Grand Island September 17 and send in their
names to tbu secretary to bo duly cortlllod
to.Tlio primaries to elect delegates to the
county convention will bo hold October 8.
The committee appointed William HucKiiey
of West Omaha precinct to 1111 luo place of
CommlUconmn Tiuu , wbo hat moved out of
tbo precinct.
aMessrs. Welsh and Flemlnir of South
Omaha were also appointed to fill tbu tempo-
rory vacancy caused by tbo absence ot tbo
comuiltteotnen from that city.
ur.l : iu ! > .
The regular meeting of the Eighth Ward
democratic club was announced fur last
night. The meeting wns called for the pur
pose of electing oflicors for tlio ensuing year ,
and for the transaction of ottior Business.
A few of the members assembled at
Twenty-fourth nnd Cumins' , where the moot
ing was to have been held , but it vas found
that tbo ball was occupied , and the entire
neighborhood was scoured lo find another
place.l last the meeting was finally called
to order In Wolff's ball nt Twenty-second
nnd Cumlng street , with President George
( btcrnsdurlT in the chair , and twelve mem
bers present.
It was decided to postpone tbo election of
oflicors until a future mooting.
Mr. Shrocdor , a member of the county
central commitleo , stated that the committee
had decided that it was advisable to call a
caucus to name delegates to thoetato conven
tion on the 17th Inst , at Grand Island. Ho
suggested that a caucus bo hold on next Fri
day ovontng at Shroodor's ball , Twenty-
fourth and Cumlng streets. '
This was embodied in n motion and was
adopted ,
Messrs. Hughes , Connor and Weimar were
appointed as a committee to secure a hall for
meetings of the club.
Krnnco nnd Anstriii's Armlos I'rao-
tluing tlio Art or Wur.
VIBXXA , Sopt. fi. The Gopfrltz manoeuvres
yesterday developed into an infantry battle
on u great scale , tbo Infantry being supported
by artillery of both sides. Tbo conflict wns
hotly suslalned for many hours , the Eighth
corns llmillv falling back on Schwartzeimu ,
around which they bivouacod last night , The
Gorman nnd Austrian emperors watched the
engagement with keen interest , being on the
Hold for sovorul hours accompanied by Chan
cellor Von Ciprlvi nnd Couut Kulnoky. A
few sunstrokes occurred , but tbo troops gen
erally nro hardy nnd are little afflicted by the
bent. Archduke Albrecht nctcd ns umpire.
Emperor William's do-sire to closely watch
tbo cavalry movements led htm several times
to dismount and mount hastily. The result
was that fatlguo was felt In his recently In
jured knee. All tbo newest appliances of
smokeless powder were used todny to nu
nnormous extent. The oflicors bad to exert
their utmost skill to prevent confusion.
Critics declared that tbo novel tactics were of
surprising interest.
Emperor William , anxious not to wound
South Germany's feelings , will attend tha
Bavarian military nmnumvrns under the
Bavarian Hair , us a guest and not as wov-
PAUIH , Sept. 4Tho plans laid down for
tbo army tnnndmvru.s in Franco have boon
somewhat modillcd to nvold the destruction
of crops. The evolutions of yustordnv. tbo
second day of the innmruvros , showed both
men nnd liorses in splendid condition , Tbo
animation of the trooos was remarkable
when tbo excessive boat which prevailed Is
considered. Thorn wore mnnv canes of sun
stroke , two of which proved fatal. The
battles today were between tbo Fifth und
Sixth army corps , ou the banks of the Aubo ,
and between I ho Seventh nnd Elgnth , near
Chnuuinnt. Chiflly Infantry nnd artillery ,
were engaged. It wits found that the ra-
scrvei endured the fatigues of tbo day bettor
than tha young soldiers. Tbu employment of
captive Galleons proved n gronl success.
With the view afforded by Its use tbn gen.
oral stuIT wns kept fully informed of th
enemy's movemonls. Tlio use of smokeless
powder mndo It pnaalble for nil tbo evolutions
to bo clearly observed ,
Identified and Tliou Hunt ; .
Four Ginso.v , Miss. , Sept , C.Wllllo
Smith , colored , wno criminally nssaultod a
white ludy near bore AuKiist'JI.was captured
Inst Tuesday. Yesterday n mob of 000 men ,
mostly colored , took him to the scene of the
crime , whore lie was fully IdeutlUod by tbo
victim , after whlcti they hung him.
of Union 1'iiolllu AfTilrw.
NKW YOKK , Sept , 5. Union Pacific direc
tory has ratified tbo duod of trust under
which collateral for new notes was deposited
and the formal agreement was then nl nod
bv the creditors' committee. It Is said that
over three fourths of the creditors bad al
ready agreed to extend their claims.
Preparations for the UnvailiuT of Chicago's
Beautiful Monument.
Railroad Companies Hntcr Into the
bpirlt of the Celebration nnd
Will Make Low antes
for tlio Ouuufduii.
CIIICAUO. III. , Sept. 5. j
Tbo trustees of tbo Grant Monument asso
ciation are working to make tbo unveiling of
the monument October 7 n grand success and
a national affair. The oxecu'.lvo commltteo
bold n meeting today at tbo oQleos of the
Lincoln Park board to discuss arrangement * !
for tbo unveiling. The chairman of the
transportation commltteo reported that every
railroad line entering Chicago had cheer
fully consented to miiko an extremely low
excursion ratu. Half rates will bo charged
on all roads , good from October ( I to 8 Inclu-
Tbo committee wishes it understood that
nil organizations , military and civic , nro In
vited to participate In Hits celebration. General -
oral Miles has 'iccopted an invitation to act
as marshal of the parade nnd says that all
tbu troopi ut Fort Sheridan will bo In lino.
It Is thought , too , the governor will order out
the two orlgadcs of National guards.
Next Monday a meeting of the local execu
tive committee , r.ppolntcd by General Snor-
umn to nrruniju for tbo twenty-third reunion
of the society of the Tennessee , will bo hold
ut the Palmer bouse.
Western 1'coplo in t hlonKo.
The following western njoplo nro in tbo
city : .
At the Grand Paclllc A. P. Dorraan , C. J.
Collins , Omalm : A. E. Dcrloflos , Salt Lake ,
Utah : A. W. Wurron , Ogdon.
At the Palmer Dr. .I. J. Suvillo , Mrs. E.
B Porrin , W. F. Swnn , Omaha.
At. tbo Loland--Mrs. J , W. Foster , Diug-
las , Wyo. ; B. J. Fine , LIllie ICratlng , Flor
ence Ryan , Untie , Mont.
At the Auditorium-Mrs. ( I. L. Fort. Lin.
coin ; WillU Vandorventor , Cboyonno ; J , S.
Cameron , O. N. Henn , Oinulia ; Miss Bolklu ,
Helena , Mont.
At tnu Wellington W. A. McAneuy ,
Omaha ; Mrs. L. M. Murtlu and two chil
dren , Des Molnon , In ,
Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Stone and Miss Stona
uru ut tbu Auditorium on their way uist ,
where Miss Stone is altoiullng school.
E. L. Lomux , general passenger and ticket
ngont , Union Pnclllc , Omalm. Is In the city
Mr. Lomnx sav.t his road will have all It can
do for next year to move crops iilong Its lino.
Mrs. Thomas A. Wholon of Utah won tbo
apnluusn of tlio Board of Ludy Managers
today by saying that she had good reasons to
bollu'vu that Utah would dovolu SIOO.OOJ to
the fair. F. A.
Diok'H Dupllolty.
Attorney IJ. A. L Dick Is In hot water foa
inducing Mrs. Fannlo Valentino to ( live him
MO to get her husband out of jail , under a
written agruumnnt to refund tbo money
within forty-eight hours in case bo was nut
successful , and then falling to carry out any
of his promises.
Ho told tbo police Judtfo that ho was not
trotting n cent for It , urging Hint ho was
working for charity , und Induced Urn ; ofllciu !
to racmmriund n pardon , which , however , ho
lifter wards recalled when ho learned thn
true siato of affairs , b'ovoral of Dick's
brother ntiorno.vs nro In favor of having tha
case Investigated by the Bar association.
CicorgQ W. Mavno has filed a complaint
against Driver Tulmage , for stealing tbu stal
lion , t'erosco Chief , valued at tV > 00 , which
Tulmiign spirited nway from tbu fair ground *
Friday nlgbt to sucuro a uluuu for unpaid