Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 06, 1891, Part One, Page 3, Image 3

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> ? t . , Secretary Sntton Sp3aks Ocnoirnlng the
Meeting ( f tbo Irish National League.
Causes the TJOSS ofTlireo
Dozen' l-'lnc IIorscH by I-'Irc
Hulclilc of n Mncoln
Man ,'1-ni.y , Neb. , Kept. ! > . [ Special to TUP.
JJI.K.J A representative of TUB Hr.icnllcd
on lion , .lohn P. Sutton , secretary of the
Irish National Lcacuo of America , and
elicited the following information regarding
the forthcoming convention at Chicago. In
reply to the query whether the convention
would bo in favor of the I'arnellltes or anil-
I'arncllltes Mr. Sutton mudo the following
statement :
The convention will bo perfectly independ
ent of all Irish factions. In accordance with
the resolutions of tha Cincinnati council
incotlnp , ofTers of arbitration were made to
1'nrnoll and McCarthy. Parneli's answer
wn-s studiously ovnslvo and McCarthy made
no reply. When the convention was called
to moot at Chicago October 1 nnd 2 , the fol
lowing cablegram was sent thu leaders of
each faction :
" 'Convention meets Chicago October I.1
Mr. I'ftrnell replied as follows :
" 'Hcynit unable visit America October ,
possibly Inter what do you sui/KestC "Mr.
I'nrncll probably wanted a further postpone
ment of the convention ; butttio days for sub
mission to the whims of Irish loaders have
pnsped forever , " said Mr. Sutton.
Mr. McCarthy , after many days of medita
tion , answered :
" Cnblcpram received , thanks. "
"By 1'nrni'U in power and Pnrnoll out of
power , and by tho' members of McCarthy's
following , whether united or disunited , the
treatment accorded to the Irish National
league , of America has been cowardly dis
courteous , and , I may say , treacherous , de
clared the gentleman. "You can therefore
bo perfectly certain that the coming conven
tion will bo entirely ludonundont of Irish fac
tions. "
"But have you not seen comments in Cath
olic newspapers stating that the convention
was to bo a Parnnlllts convention i"
Mr. Mutton smiled nnd replied :
"My dear uir , what the average editor of a
distinctively Catholic newspaper does not
know about the Irish movement would till
volumes. Kxcopting a half dozen really able
journals , the rest are more barnacles on thn
Catholic church. The respectable .class of
Cathollfi pupors are slow to form opinions on
matters of which they cannot bo supposed to
have n thorough knowlogo , nnd they value
too highly their character tortruth and sound
judgment to rusti Into editorials on the basis
of imperfect Information. The barnacles
niako tip for deficiency of intellectual power
In the vehemence of their scurrility and the
Bhamolossncss of their falsehoods. The call
for the convention , made on the broadest
possible basis , the objects for which the path-
crinir has been convened , the very wording
of tbu circular , all point to the desire of the
league executive that this convention shall
devote its solo attention to tno udoptlon of
the best means to reunite the Irish people
ple and romovn from the Irish naino
the disgrace Inflicted upon It by the present
condition of affairs in Ireland. There will bo
rumors nnd whisperings of trouble nt this
convention , ns before nt all previous conven
tions of the Irish race , but the coming gath
ering will only be ono moro proof of the con
servatism of the Irish character , and like its
predecessors , the next convention will bo ono
of harmony , and In that ( jtiallty. In marked
contrast to many American political conven
tions that I have attended. "
Stiloldod at Ijlncoln.
LINCOLN , Neb. , Sopt. 5. ( Special Tele
gram to TiiKBr.B. ] E'rod C. Eichlor , a young
man of 125 years , committed suicide sometime
today and was found dead in his betl this
evening. Some morphlro on his table told
the story of his taking off. Ho was loclted
nil day in his room and It being suspicioned
that something was wrong , the door was
broken open and his dead body found. The
deceased was engaged to bo married soon to
Miss Mary Soholley at Mil G street. When
the news of his death was convoyed to her
she was stricken with grief , but admitted
that she know the cause. On being pressed
to divulge it she refused , saying that it was
something that occurred wlnlo the deceased
was living In the east.
I'atldoolc Coin pi line u tell.
BEATUICK , Nob. . Sept. 5. [ Special Tele
gram to THE Bcn.j Senator I'addock re
turned from the east lust evening and found
the following gratifying telegram from Sec
retary Husk awaiting him :
WASHINGTON , 1) . O. , Sopt. 4. Hon. A. S. Pud-
dock ( Jermany bus removed Its prohibition
against American pork. The country Is In
debted to you for your work In the senate In
bfhiilf of thu meat inspection bill wlileh made
tills event possible. J. SI. KUKK , Secretary.
Senator Paddock's ' legion of local friends
nnd those throughout the state will bo highly
pleased to observe this public and ofllcial rec
ognition of his services in behalf of the pro
ducing classes. _ _
CIM 7.od from Drink.
WKIIIMNII WATEII , Neb. , Sopt. 5. [ Special
Toleernin to Tin : BiiK.J Hay Jenks became
crazed with drink today and , securing a revolver
volver , threatened the lives of several people
nnd ordering Saloonkeeper Dornn to open up
nnd give him fresh beer. When the marshal-
attempted to arrest him ho leveled his weapon
nt Iii.s breast and told him to stand back or
ho would kill him. Ho tired one shot at n
crowd of men but missed then and was finally
disarmed nnd locked up.
Itoniiion Thlfvos.
OIIANII ISLAND , Neb. , Sept. 5. [ Special
Telegram to Tin : BIE. ; ] Yesterday afternoon
while the family of I ) . W. Smith wore out on
the reunion grounds thieves broke Into their
house , anil among the articles carried oft was
n line Indies gold watch and pair of spec
tacles. Other cases of potty thievjng nro
reported by residents of the city , mostly in
the day time , during the absence of their
families. _
On tlio Mitroh.
POUT KOIIINSON , Neb. , Sept. 5. [ Special
Telegram to Tun BKI : . ! Six troops of the
Ninth cavaly loft hero this morning on their
practice march to Hot Springs , S. D. They
expect to bo out fifteen days , four to march
tip , seven there and four back. It Is rumcred
that the Eighth cavalry will make the Springs
their objective point and roach there at the
naiiio tlino. _
Wntor for O'Nolll People.
O'Nmi.i ' , Nob. , Sept , 5-Spoclal [ to Tun
Hnu.j This morning the men at work on the
artesian well struck what Is thought to bo
thu kind of rock which usually just precedes
water. Mr. Hardokor , the foreman , savs ho
thinks they will strltio water aoou. They
nro now nt a depth of l'JiT > feet audit they
ttrlko water soon It will undoubtedly bo a
Not l > iinniK tt Ity ProNl.
O'NKIl.1. , N b. , Sopt. 5. ( Special to Tun
BE. J The frost of Wednesday night ha done
no damage to speaic of and the weather being
ivnruier the prospocti for corn maturing are
now very good. The hay crop is being taken
rare of in good shape and its yield Is larger
than for many your * .
PronilntMit Imtly Dcnil.
BKATIIICI : , Nub , , Sopt. 5 , [ Special Telegram
to THE IJnE. ] Mrs. T. B , Ussor , a highly
esteemed resident ot this county died yoster-
clav morulng at Kansas City , from the effect
of u surgical operation made necessary to
remove a largu tumor from under her loft
shoulder , She was too weak to survive the
Tomloroil nil Ovation.
Ketitxnr , Nob. , Sept. 5. [ Spoclal Tele-
cram to Tnu HEE.J-Company A , Second
regiment , came homo tonight from ( irand
Inland. Thuv were mot at the depot by the
Midway Military band and numerous citi
zens. Kcanioy Is proud of her militia.
Iti'iinlou ClONCd.
.iNt ) , Nob. , Sept. 4. ( Special to
Fun ilEE. ] Tha thirteenth departmental
reunion of the Grand Army Hapurillo closed
today. It VIM the most ucccsiil ever bold
In this state. The largest attendance was on
Friday when there were not fewer than
C)0,000 people on the grounds. The reunion
committee have rcallzod several hundred
dollars , which asiuros thorn of creator suc
cess next year. Tno citizens have been sat
isfied with the patronage on.'oycd ' uy retail
dealers and expect the next t'mo ' to exper
ience even greater bont-IHs.
Hoivy lumi by Klra
NoitTit PMTTC , Nob. , Sept , .1. ( Spar-lnl
Telegram to Tut : BKB. ] A S o olocK this
evening Daniel Dcutch's Hvcry barn caught
flro and was consumed , although the tire de
partment was on hand promptly and wotUed
with a wilt and to some effect , The Ptablo
was a largo brick nnd Iron structure in the
heart of the city , and wa * insured for $ ' . ' ,000.
There were about forty horses In the stable ,
and only four or llvo were gotten out. The
barn was consumed In loss than twenty min
utes after it caught. The tauso of the
flro was the breaking of a lantern ,
which was btlng used In the loft by
parties who were tnovine away a load of hay.
The men at work had barely time to escape
with their lives. The horses belonged to
dlvoH parsons and wore boarding at the
stnbles. Tbo proprietor lost tlftcon head ,
besides harness and .wagons and buggloi ,
There was little or no insurance on the con
tents of the stablo.
NKIIIUSKA City , Nob. , Sopt. 5. [ Special
Telegram to Tup BKE.I Although the Ne
braska City exposition has flno spacious hulls
there was not room enough in either building
to hold all the people tonlsht. An additional
feature was the return of company C. The
train was expected atI : . ' ! 0 in the afternoon ,
but It did not arrive until 11. Hon. John C.
Watson had extended an Invitation to the
boys to tuko n look through
the imincnso nxpodltion. Ho was
bound the boys should see something
and oven at tnat late hour had the manage
ment show them through. On Monday even
ing Mr. vVatson will carry out his Invitation.
All the Nebraska National enards boys lu
uniform will bo given admission to the expo
sition free. Tne attendance tills afternoon
nnd tonight was far ahead of anything that
had been anticipated by the management.
Sure to ho S
BruwKM. , Nob. , Sept. B. [ Special Tele
gram to Tnu BKB.J The republicans of Gar-
flcld county , held their convention hero to
day. Much enthulnsm was manifested and
the independents are already boglning to
count their numbers very closely. The
opinion Is quite general to night that the
ticket nominated today by the republicans
will bo elected without a missing link. To
the state convention the following delegates
were selected : James Hnrr and W. Z. Todd.
Judicial convention at Burwell , C. H.Jones
and A. E. Crosby. The ticket Is : Michael
O'Connor , clerk ; S. L. Uoasonor , treasurer ;
J. S. Lomastors , sheriff ; A. Phillips , county
superintendent ; Nels Peterson , county sur
veyor and C. H. Jones , coroner.
Alter New Ilnllrontls.
KntnNr.v , Neb. , Sopt. 5. [ Special to THE
Br.i : . | Edayvlllo , Dawson county , forty
miles up the Kearney & Black Hills road , Is
after tne proposed Uuluth , Sioux City &
Pueblo road. Committees have been ap
pointed , nnd .1. II. Hamilton , vice president
of the Kearney & Black Hills road , has
promised right of way through the townsito ,
nnd J. H. Kdmiston through two sections ho
owns. Kearney is after the same road and
will offer inducements.
Mnrclintl to Hot Spring ,
CiiAwroiii ) , Nob. , Sept. 5. fbpeeial Tele
gram to Tun BEE. ] Tno entire command of
the Ninth cavalry started this morning on
their practice march to Hot Springs. They
will go into camp at Hot Springs and remain
until September UT. They presented a
pretty appearance as the troops passed
through the city.
Hl.lVElt lllti F.IVE.
Fariniiii-tou , In. , No ro Horribly Cut
in n Itoiv at tlie Uauc.s.
Four MADISON , la. , Sopt. S. [ Special Tel
egram to THE BKE.J After the races Thurs
day evening George llatton , a Parmlngton
negro , interfered in a row between Dick
Tally of Montrose , la. , and an unknown. Ho
knocked thu latter down several times , wnilo
Tally drew a long miifo and sliced Hntton's
face open , inflicting terrible wounds and
leaving him In a serious ITx. There were no
Victims Objected.
GUTHHIE CKNTIIE , la. , Sept. 5. [ Special
Telegram to THE BEIS.J Wallace & Co.'s
circus exhibited hero yesterday and such an
aggregation of thugs , pickpockets , burglars
and gamblers has never passed through this
place before. The fakirs swindled the people
out of $1,51)1) ) ) , numbering among their victims
some of tlio most nigbtoned citizens , some be
ing swindled out of as much as $ luO.
About 10:1)0 : ) last night a crowd of the indig
nant victims ot the fakirs gathered at the
show train and began firing stones and brick
bats into the car windows. Somebody yelled
"lights out" and out they went , followed by
n general melee , in which three iton were
shot , ono probably fatally through the bowels ,
ono seriously through , the mouth and
wounded in thn leg.
L. McCoy , the ono shot through the bowels ,
is not expected to live.
Suiuliloil by Drowning.
BOONE , la. , Sopt. 5. [ Special Telegram to
Tim BiiK.1 Mrs. William Wolf of Pilot
Mound , formerly Mrs. Ahrons , committed
suicide this morning by jumping Into a well.
Death resulted from drowning. She had
acted strancely previously and is supposed
to have been insane. She leaves a hiisband
anu six children ,
Illcw Tbo Safe Ultli Dynamite.
SI.OJLN , la. , Sept. 5. ( Special Telegram to
Tun BEE ] Tbo Sloan State bank was
broken Into last night and robbed of 'about
$1,000. Dynamite was used to blow the safe
open. About $ s ( ) In silver and gold was loft
on the floor. There U no clue to the burg
Cowardly Contliiot. of a Gang of Hull-
rontl Laborer * .
TAILAIUSSIC , Fla. , Sopt. 5. Whllo a sec
tion gang of men wore v/orxing on the Flor
ida & Western road today , twenty miles from
hero , along Big Swamp , a bugo and ferocious
panther leaped from a trco nearby and struck
Phillip athletic laborerknock-
ing him flat. The furious beast attacked him
fiercely , nnd Its shrieks and unearthly yells
frightened off the rest of the hands , who
Ilcd , leaving McWtllianis to light alono. The
contest was short and bloody , MoWilliams
bad no weapon save a long-handled shovel ,
which ho wielded bravely , but tlio panther
was too much for nlm , ani ) in a few minutes
ho was mangled beyond recognition. The
gang of mon had got arms by this tune and
returned , but were too late , as the panther
tore oft the arms of thu corpse nnd fled to the
swamp. This Is the most horrible occurcnco
hero for years , Negroes bavo refused to
work near the swamp , and work has been
suspended ou the railway.
Probably Another Good Indian.
DKNVUII , Colo. , Sept. 5. Black Bear , chlot
of the Indians on exhibition at FIsk's garden ,
tilled up with "llro water" late last night and
whipped his squaw. When the other Indians
remonstrated with him the chlot took another
pull at his flask and started to clean out the
aborigines. He made for Boar Kobe , in
regular Indian fashion , raising terrible war-
whoops , and that Indian , not caring for a per
sonal encounter , drew his big six-shooter nnd
flred thron shots at Black Bear , two of them
taking effect. The chief will not allow the
doctors to oxamlno him , but it Is thought one
of the bullets which entered his back will
prove to have madi a fatal wound.
Wreck on tbo Alton.
MAII8IIAI.L , Mo. , Sept. 5 There was a
railroad collision yesterday morning at Tabo
switch on thi > Chicago & Alton. The second
section of IreU'ht No. 7 , run Into the first eo-
tlon , Fireman SwUbor of the second sec
tion was probably fatally Injured lu jumping
from his cub. The onglno aud six or eight
can were totally dotuoiUheit
Nebraska Republicans Preparing for the
Approaching Campaign ,
Voting niuoil of the Party Perfectly
Organized and Numerous Indian-
tlotiHofn Complete Victory
County Conventions.
NEI.IOII , Neb. , Sopt. fi. [ Special Tolceratn
to TUB URE.J The republican county con
vention of Antelope county mot. lu tlic court
Louse hero today. George H. McUoo of
Clearwater was made chairman and Felix
Ilnloot Uurnott secretary. The state dele
gates nro : W. 1J. Lambert , II. E. Kroiger ,
II. Cllngman , O. Brlttell , T. P. McCarty , C.
Johnson and A. HCQSO. The doleeatlon to
the judicial convention are : N. D. Jackson ,
D. Wygant , D. F. Nlchol , F. Pendloton , S.
D. Thornton , D. Copoland. The nominations
arc : Captain T.V. . Dennis , county clerk ;
Lorenz Thompson , county treasurer ;
E. C. McConnel , county judge ; E.
F. Bnyha , surveyor : Dr. Cornell , coroner ;
T. U. Murphy , sheriff ; II. M. Stock wall ,
county superintendent , and T. II. McCarty ,
clerk of the district court.
All are staunch republicans except Bayha ,
who have always stood In the front of the
party. A full central committee , of ono froia
each township , was elected with Judson
Graves of Uiu Advocate as uhalrmun.
PcmocratH Not Numerous.
Lorr CUT , Nob. , Sent. 5. ( Special Tele
gram to Tun Bni.J The democratic conven
tion mot hero today. Tno meeting was called
to order with only three townships repre
sented. Dr. .1. W. Jones was elected chair
man and J. Twisoll secretary. The conven
tion only made three county nominations , C.
F. C. Moore , clerk ; Fred Itoln , sheriff , and
Mrs. J. W. Johos for county superintendent
After those three nominations wore madotho
nomination of C. F. C. Moore was reconsid
ered and rescinded.
The delegates to the state convention are
M. C. Mullck , Jacob Albors and James Ka\v.
lev and to the Judicial convention C. II. E.
Heath , II. M. MatheW and J. TwUoll. After
electing M. C. Mullck as chairman of the
central committed and a mombar from each
township they adjourned.
Republican Harmony.
ALIIIOV , Nob. , Sopt. 5. [ Special Telegram
to Tun Bci : . ] The republican county con
vention held today was ono of the most , har
monious and enthusiastic over held in the
county. Every precinct was represented arid
In full. The nominations are : Captain W ,
J. Farris , sheriff ; L. P. Judd , treasurer , \V.
Weltzol , countv clerk ; O. M. Noedham , dis
trict clerk ; H. F. Williams , county judge ; C.
E. Spear , superintendent of schools ; L. M.
Faltz , surveyor ; J. J. Bump , coroner and L.
G. Brian commissioner. Hon. Loran Clark
was elected central coromlttooman. The ticket
Is regarded as a strong ono and will receive
tbo old time majority this fall.
Hcatrlco Republicans.
BEATRICE , Neb. , Sopt. 5. [ Special Tele
gram to Tun BiiK.l A largely attended and
enthusiastic meeting of republicans was held
at the city hall last evening. A young men's
republican club of sixty members was organ
ized and the determination to carry the war
right into the enemy's camp was unanimously
agreed uoon. A. number of independents
wore present and Joined the club. George A.
Murphy was elected president and J. T. Phil
lips secretary of the club.
i'H ol' Kaolprocity.
TAI.MAOB , Nob. , Sopt. 5. [ Special Tele-
pram to TncBuE.J A largo and appreciative
audience gathered in Casp's opera house to
night pursuant to a call of the Tulmuge club
of the Knights of Reciprocity , to listen to a
speech by Judge Hay ward of Nebraska City
on some of the loading topics of the day. In
a speech of an hour and twenty minutes the
Judge dealt some tolling blows 10 the lalla-
clous teachings of the alliance on the money
question. _
An 13\cltlnK Campaign Predicted.
SIDNET , Neb. , Sent. 5. [ Special Telegram
to TUB BEE. ] The countv central committee
of the alliance party met hero today and
passed resolutions to plaeo an entire county
ticket in the field. They hold their conven
tion hero on September 'M. This moans an
exciting campaign as all parties are fully
Favor Kluknid for
O'NEILL , Nob. , Sept. 5. [ Special Telegram
to THE BUB. ] The republican caucussos to
elect delegates to the county convention was
hold today. Harmony prevailed generally
and the delegates nro solid for uou. M. P.
Kinkaid for district judge.
Adams County Democrats.
HASTINGS , Neb. , Sopt. 5. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : Bms.J The democratic central
committee mot this afternoon and decided to
hold the Adams convention on Tuesday , Sep
tember 15 , in Hastings.
iro.v .1 .SKIT tun MILLIONS ,
Inventor KuIblM Securer Judgment
In Favor or His Patent.
NE\V YOIIK , Sept. 5. Inventor James
Knibbs , chief of the telegraph system of tjjo
tire department of Troy , has gained another
victory for his Invention of a relief valve In
steam lire engine pump * . Ills patent has
been sustained by Judge Wheeler of the
United States circuit court. In a decision
rendered yesterday In the case of C. C.
Campbell , asslgnoo in trust of the patentee ,
against the major of Now York ot al. The
city will liavo topay Inventor Knibbsaccprd
ing to an accounting made by Commissioner
Joseph M. Doull in 1885 , the round sum of
JS.WT.OOO for the use of his patent device entire
tire engines since 16ll ! , when it was
There are , " > 0 ( ) similar cases pending against
other cities throuchout the United States ,
and it is computed they will aggregate $15-
000,000. All these suits depend upon the
same state of facts as I > i the test case Just
decided , and U practically means thai In
vt'iitor ICnlbbs will get Judgment for that
amount , of money. The present suit has been
In the courts for fourteen years. A fortune
has. been spent on both slues In counsel fees ,
Two Ynuni ; GlrU Murdered and Tliclr
HodlcH Cremated.
NASIIVIU.I : , Tonn. , Sept. 5.-A horrlblo
storv of a double murder has reached hero
from Livingston , over the county , about fifty
miles from the railroad. Sunday night the
family of William Smith wont to church ,
leaving two girls aged 17 and 10 In the house
alono. About nine o'clock , a neighbor
noticed an unusual light in the
direction of Smith's dwelling. Ho ran over
and found the house rapidly burning. Ho
arrived Just In time to sea the bodies of the
two girls both dead , lying on the iloor In the
center of a down stairs room. Their faces
were covered with blood and their clothing
disordered , So llorcu were the tlames that
the bodies could not Do readied. The girls
had been undoubtedly murdered , after which
the house was sot on lire. The lumlly was n
very respectable ono ,
Another KndorHomcnt.
GU.VESTON , Tex. , Sept. 5. At a meeting ot
citizens of Galveston , Hon. Walter Groshum
of this city was enthusiastically and unani
mously endorsed for appointment to the posi
tion made vacant by the death of W , L ,
Bragg , of the Intor-siuto Commerce commis
sion. During the mooting several telegrams
were read from Colorado , Kansas and Iowa ,
endorsing Mr , Ores hum's candidacy.
Itollovod to bo Innocent.
SAVANNAH , Mo. , Sopt. 5. Kev. August
Lavako , who acted as spiritual advisor at the
hanclnir of Louis Bulling yesterday , was rn-
Icused on bonds of $ .V > 0 to answer to the
charge of furnishing Bulling with tbo weapon
pen with which the murderer attempted sui
cide Just before his execution. It Is gener
ally believed now that thqiMrlcst was Inno
cent. Bulling loft a totter fn which ho di
rected the sheriff to return the revolver to
Abe Uulllnir , his brother , who , ho said , knew
to whom It belonged and how It uamo Into
his ( LouU ilullliiir's ' ) possession. it ( , r.u j < ff.VM. < * .
Meeting of the Trnlllu Association
Itnllroud KuiiiiHlonq ,
CHICAGO , III , , bopt , fi. The Board of Com
missioners of the Wcst rnTranlc association
ctosod its session this afternoon , When the
question of commissions 'tb be paid by the
transcontinental lines on'cmigrant ' business
came up , Chairman Flnloy produced the
letter from Chtirmaln Farmer of the Trunk
Line Passenger association requesting a con *
forenco at Now York on the subject
September 11. A resolution was
adopted appointing Trafllc Managers
White , Hawley and Hannaford , rep
resenting the Atehlson , Southern Pn-
ullo and Northern Pacific respectively ,
to act with Commissioners Walker , Smith ,
Flnloy and Vlntng , in preparing n schedule
for emigrant and other transcontinental busi
ness. Another Important case that was
hoiird relates to rates and divisions on copper
matter from Montana points , This is n case
In which tno Union Pacific claims n larger
division of tha rate west of the Missouri river
than its connections cast of the river are
wllllnc to concede to it. The decisien of the
commissioners will bo awaited with no littio
interest in the latter case by'tho 1 Ines con
necting with the Union 1'acillc at Omaha.
The Chicago & Alton management today
notllled the Western Passenger association
that It would sell excursion tickets from all
points in Illinois and from St. Louis ntu rate
of one faro and ono-thinl for the round trip
every Monday and Thursday during the con
tinuance of the exposition at Chicago , which
will bo opened from September lit to Octo
ber til. General Passenirer Agent Charl-
ton points out to Chairman Fin Icy that
similar rates have been made in the
past for the Chicago exposition and have
been made this year for the St. Louis exposi
tion , and for fairs and expositions held at
other important points within the territory
of the Western Passenger association , not
ably at Kansas City and Milwaukee , St. Paul
and Minneapolis. Ho says there is no reason
why excursion rales should not bo made for
the Chicago exposition and ho has no doubt
tnat his action will bo mot by other roads en
tering Chicago.
The revised percentages of business car
ried by the roads in the Northwestern blind
passenger pool for nine months , from No
vember 1 to July ill , are as follows : Chicago ,
Milwaukee & St. Paul , 5.8:1 : ; Chicago , St.
Paul & Kansas City , 14.50 ; Chieaco & Northwestern -
western , ' . ' 0.1)0 ) ; Wisconsin Central , 18.22 ;
Burlington and & Northern , 10.25 ; Albert
Lea route , lO.&O.
CINCINNATI , O. , Sopt. 0. As n natural se
quel of the railroad policy , which for years
has given cheap transportation to partio's desiring -
siring to visit the south and west to select
homes , there now Is Inaugurated by the Big
Four railroads what are called homo visitors'
tickets , intendoil to carry back the settlers In
the south and xvost to their old homes In the
central states. Tickets will bo put on sale
by connecting1 roads at ono faro for the
round trip September W from Texas , Colorado
rado Kansas , Missouri and ntticr points to
Indiana , Ohio and Michigan. Family reun
ions will bo In order.
WiNNii'KO. Man. , Sopt. 5. The rumor is
circulated hero that the Grand Trunk is
about to extend its line to Winnipeg via
Sault Ste Marie and Duluth , and tnat when
this city Is reached the line will bo extended
to the Pacific coast.
Sr. Louis , Mo. , Sopt. 5. Today's session
of the rate committee of the Southwestern"
Kailroad and Steamship association was
taken up by the consideration of routine
matters , no business of general interest being
on the docket. An adjournment was tanon
until Tuesday , when tno question of cotton
rates will bo taken up again.
LOUISVILLE , Ky. , Sept. 5. Dr. W. Taablor
assigned today at Harrodsburg , Ky. His
assets are nominally $1100,000 ; liabilities un
known. Ho is interested" in Birmingham
and Forenco , Ala. , and Wichita , Kan. , and is
supposed to have property to meet all his
debts , but was forced to the wall by small
creditors demanding Immediate payment.
Two Qucnt'ona.
OMAHA. Sept. a To the Editor of THE HUB :
I'leaso state In THE SUNDAY ItEE , ( I. ) The cor
rect pronunciation of Iqulniio , the former
iieiidimirters of the revolutionists In t'hlll ?
( i ) Was not the boner Montt , mcntlonrd In
lust nlglit's HEK , us ono of the loaders of the
victorious purtv , minister of justice at one
time under Ualimiccda ? This to nettle a dis
pute. "SOMniiouv. "
1. E-kce-kaw.
2. There are three Montts prominent in
the Chilian war. Ono represents the in
surgents in Washington , another is the asso
ciate of General Canto , of the victorious
army ; the third Goday Poraz Montt was a
member of Balmacodu's cabinet and
a , so re
mained to the end. Ta' ' < o your choice.
George B. TO.\ll > K III.
BOSTON , Mass. , Sopt. 5. Hon. Gcorgo B.
Loring , ex-Unitod States minister to Portu
gal , had a sudden and serious Mtuclc of illness -
ness last night. His symptoms were thosu
of inflammation of the bowels. Ho is nt his
homo in Salem.
1' I'.tll.HlH.U'lUt.
W. D. Dodge of Tobias is at ttio Casey.
J. F. Allan of Fremont Is at the Murray.
F. A. Zibbuch of Beatrice isat the Dollono.
J. T , Fwiss of May wood is at the Paxton.
N. M. Ruddy has returned from Chicago.
E. S. Salisbury ol Boatrtno Is at the Mil-
Ferdinand Adler has returned from Eu
rope. .
J.-L. Harley of Seward is a guest at the
C , A , Mast and wife of Norfolk are at the
Mr. D. P. Uolfo of Nebraska City is at the
J. H. Brown of Pllgor is n guest at the
Dr. Birnoy , the catarrh specialist , Is spend
ing Sunday at Storm Lake , la.
Mr. Walter Eintnons returned yesterday
from his trip to Des Moines , la.
Miss Uoso Carson , Mrs. Upton and Mrs.
St. John of Lincoln are at the Millard.
Mrs. J. E. McClure has removed from 2. > 0
Pierce to 1591 Telegraph nvonuo , Oakland ,
H. A. Eaton of the World-Herald loft last
night for Nebraska City to spend tbo Sab
Miss Stella ttilov , daughter of Thomas
Klloy , loft Monday for Joliot'Il ) . , where she
will resume a year's study.
Miss Lou Bixby of Edsowood , la. , is visit
ing her sister , Mrs. George Lancaster , . " > ! 5
North Twenty-third street.
Mrs. M. Kteso ot Chicago , accompanied
by her daughter , is visiting nor shier Mrs.
A. Martin nt2310 Seward street.
Miss Linnn Stone of Nevada , la. , who has
boon visiting at tha residence of H. M ,
Watnr.-t , returned to her' ' homo Saturday , ac
companied by Mr * . H. M , Waters and son.
Mrs. Captain H. E. 'Powell and daughter
Clura and George H. Ppwoll have Just re
turned from n two months'/ sojourn at Nnra-
gansctt Pier and are at homo at 3D I Virginia
Mrs , F. Crawford of C'rpjton ' , la , aim Mrs.
C. Peterson from Manning , la. , have ro.
turned to their hoinosi after a week's visit
with their sister , Mrs. Gfcbrgo W. Lancaster ,
,115 North Twonty.thlrd'struot. '
James E. Preston , jlssjstant passenger
agent of the Milwaukee .road , accompanied
by his wife , started for Now York last night ,
having been tuimmoncd by a telegram mi-
nonncini ! the suddyn and'serious illness of
Mrs. Preston's father.
Miss Dora Harnuy , one of the teachers in
the Park school , returned homo Friday from
Colorado Springs where sbo has boon'spend-
ing the summer , She was accompanied bv
her mother and Miss Edna Hartley and will
bo at home on South Twenty-ninth street ,
J. M. Hazleton , state secretary Y. M. C.
A. , In a letter to Dr , Blnney , the catarrh
specialist , HIIVH : Allow mu to oxpro s my
entire satisfaction with the result of your
treatment of cainrrh and throat trouble. Before -
fore commencing your treatment I suffered
with chronic catarrh and throat troubin of
two years standing. Wai subject to frequent
colds and almost incessant sore throat. Your
treatment las otToctod a complulo euro. I
have not had a severe cold in twelve months
and rarely havn any affection of the throat.
Allow mo also to thank you for uniform
courtesy and fair treatment in all our busi
ness transactions.
Secretary Prootor Determined to Prepare for
the Future ,
Competent Oniocr Detailed to Thor
oughly Investigate the Views of the
Ilcd .Men Concerning llaltlo
Tlcld Movements.
Mil FofiiTBKSTii STIICRT , >
W ASIIIXHTOSD. . C. , Sept. 5. )
Secretary Proctor has determined to pre
pare for the future handling of America's
warlike Indians. Ho foiinil during the scrimmage -
mage with the Sioux of the northwest last
winter that the army ofllcors were dctlcicnt
In knowledge of the Indians plans of carry
ing on war. It is the general Idea with
America's soldiers and citizens that the In
dians rely upon their dash and cunning for
success In battle ; that they have no well ma
tured plans for organizing and carrying on
battle. It Is true they do not tiavo quadruple
lines and care nothing for the tactics of regu
lars , but It was soon found that they do not
fight without system and deliberation , and
that In skirmishing and attack they are su
perior to soldiers , both regular and cittzons ,
Secretary Proctor has detailed Captain
Cusslck of the army to ascertain all possible
Information about the Indians' modes and
write them out In a comprehensive report for
general circulation in the army and the In
dian .sections of the country generally.
Concerning Dongluc' Successor.
It is said , by way of explanation of the np-
polntmont of a temporary resident of Haytl
as minister to that country to succeed Fred
Douglas , instead of naming ono of the many
applicants among the colored republicans
from Ohio , Indiana , Now York , and other
states thill the president arrived at the con
clusion some time ago from what Minister
Douglas and others inmiliar with the subject
reported to him that It would simply be an
experiment to send another man to that post
directly from the United States , as few men
would bo willing to suffer the ordeal or take
the risk of acclimation , It was therefore
Important that some ono should bo named
who was acclimated.
War Department Humors.
At the war department this afternoon it
was announced that nothing was known of
the report that the ncadquarters of the de
partment of Arizona were to bo removed from
Kan Diego to Denver and Colorado taken from
the Department of the Platte , ns stated in n
regular dlsnatch from Omaha this morning.
There has been some dissatisfaction among
certain o Ulcers with the present arrange
ment , but no ono hero appears to know of
any contemplated step like that suggoJtod in
the Omaha dispatch.
Hcccnt Army Orders.
The following army orders were issued
today :
First Lloutonnnt Charles A. Curtis , re
tired , is detailed for services as professor at
the Marmnduko military academy , Sweet
Springs. Mo. , under the provisions of section
1UOO , revised statutes , approved May 4 , IsSO.
The extension of the leave of absence on
surgeon's certillcato of disability , granted
First Lieutenant Ernest S. Rabbins , Third
cavalry , August 3 , is tlll further extended
two months on surgeon's certificate of dis
ability. Leave of absence for six month's on
surgeon's certillcato of disability is granted
Major Tullins C. Tupger , Sixth cavalry.
The appointment of Cudot David P. Cor
dray , graduate of the United States military
academy , as second lieutenant of infantry ,
to date from August 21) ) , lb',11 and his assign
ment to the eighth infantry as of the date of
his appointment , are announced , ilo will
report at the expiration of his graduating
leave of absence , November MO , IbOl , for duty
with his company at Fort Hobinson. Leave
of absence for ono month on surgeons certifi
cate of disability is granted Major Joseph
W. Wham , paymaster , and leave of absence
granted Second Lieutenant William K ,
James fourteenth infantry , Juno 1 , is ex
tended ono mouth. The pay station at Chey
enne. W.vo. , is discontinued and Major
William H. Comogys , paymaster , is relieved
from further duty at that place. Ho will repair -
pair to Omaha and take station there , reliev
ing Major John B. Baker , pay
master. from duty at that sta
tion and reporting to the commanding
general , department ot the Platto. Major
Baker , on boiiic thus relieved , will proceed
to Albuquerque , N. M. . take station there
and report by .letter to the commanding general -
oral , department of Arizona.
First Lieutenant Alfred C. Sharpo. Twen
ty-second infantry , is detailed as professor of
military science and tactics at the University
of South Dakota , Vermlllion , S. D. . and will
report In person for duty iccordinglv. First
Lieutenant Harry L. Bailey , Twenty-first
infantry , having reported at the United
States military academy , West Point , N. Y. ,
August 19 , IS'.ll ' , will return to Omaha.
The following transfers of company of
ficers of infantry are ordered : In tha First
infantry , First Lieutenant Nathan P. Phis-
tor , from company G to company D ; 'First
Lieutenant Samson L. Fatron , from company
1 to co.iipany G. In the Third infantry , Second
end Lieutenant Henry P. McCain , from
company K to company D ; Second Lieu
tenant Harry Freeland from company D to
company K. And In the Eighteenth infantry ,
Captain Charles U. Paul , from company K to
company B ; Captain Charles B. HInton , from
company B to company K.
Major J. D. Kluotsch , publisher of tha
Frci Presse ni Lincoln , is in the city on his
way 'homo from Gettysburg , Pa. , where ho
attendee ] the unveiling of the monument of
Eighty-second Illinois volunteers , in which
ho served during the war. Ho leaves for
Nebraska at noon tomorrow ,
L. J. Maroy of Fairfleld , la. , Is at the
James Cavnnaugh and James Consctt have
tiled a protest against ths mineral applica
tion of C. L. Havens for the Galena placer
claim in the Rapid City land district , South
James W. Tuthlll of Iowa was today ap
pointed to a ? ; K10 position in tbo pension
olllce , also Evorard C. Brown of Nebraska.
Assistant Secretary Chandler today af
firmed the decisions below in the pre-emption
case of Henry S. Boll vs. Joseph Backes ,
Chadron district , holding the former's home
stead entry subject to the superior rights of
the pre-emption filing ot the latter , for the
northeast quarter of section I1- , town " 7 ,
range 47 west.
Ho also conllrmod the decision In the tim
ber culture entry ease of Slgol Carr vs. the
heirs of Samuel Petit , deceased , dismissing
the contest from the Mitchell , S. D. , district.
P. S. II.
_ _ _
Clilll'H Now Government HUH Not Iteen
IlccoKiily.ud liy Thin G.ivorninonr.
WASIIINOTOX , D. C. , Sopt. 5. Whether or
not the congressional junta has boon rccng-
ni/.cd ns the do facto government of Chill
cannot bo oflldally learned nt the Department
of State , as the acting secretary refuses to
make any statement whatever on the sub
ject. Nevertheless there Is good reason
to believe that , acting upon Minister Egun's
Information , that the authority of the
junta is .suprimo in Chili , ho has , as already
predicted , been directed to open relations
with them. If there bus been any question
as to the proper treatment of the refugees
aboard Admiral Brown's llagshipthu Haiti-
more It has been decided bv the admiral
himself , as appears from the following cable
gram received by Socr&tary Tracy from him
this afternoon :
VALI-AIUISO. I'hlll. Sept. . iMll.-Tht' it ltl-
mnro leftyustard.ty for Molleiulo , I'm-u. tuk-
liitt uwuy twenty refugees whoso U\IH wuiu
notvifo In Olilli no other way lo ruai'li noil-
I nil turrltorv. Tint Ilitltln ort > to rotnrn with
out dcliiy. Ku'ltoiiionl 8iilllhr ( , ' rapidly.
_ _ _
The ilunlii Supreme.
PAHIS , Sopt. S. A dispatch , received today
by tno Chilian location in this city , from
Santiago do Chill , says that the provisional
government of Chili has been constituted
and that It will send a circular letter to the
powers and to all con , .trie * appearing dis
posed to rocognUo this administration of
SAN FitA.Ncisi.0 , < jal. , Sept.Ovtnc to
the steamship Mnrlposs , which arrived hero
today , having been delayed by a hurrlcano
on her yoynRO from Svdnov , the Englls h
uuilU from the colonies will miss connection
with the steamship Majestic. Tok'tnnphlo
arrangements , however , have boon itmilo for
the Fuorst Bismarck to nwalt the arrival of
those malls In Now York until uoon Thurs
day , and It Is expected there will not t > o a
delay to exceed twelve hoiirc In iholr trans
Hontlnu Work Occupied the Time of
Acting Mayor Lowry presided nt the meet
ing of the Hoard of Flro and Police commis
sioners last evening ,
Charges against Ontcor s'nnco Fields wnro
Hied by Gcorgo W. Donuo for assault. The
case will bo heard next Saturday evening.
Chief Senvoy ont In a letter from President
Barton of the Smelting works asking the
bonrd to accept the $500 chock for the police
relief fund. Secretary Smith was Instructed
to thank Mr Barton for the gift.
The chief of police reported that 1,779
meals had been served to prisoners at the
city Jail during August at a cost of fJiKl.\'i.
Frank Shloldi and Patrick Hlnchoy were
appointed special policemen and assigned to
duty In the sanitary douartmo.U.
John Iloiirk was appointed n special ofllcor
for the Omaha Gas Miinufarturitig company.
Chief Galllgnn reported that -JI.I cellars ,
basements and steve pipes had boon ux-
aminod during the month and that il : ) notices
to clean up had been served.
At this point the rules were suspended and
Chief Gcorgo Halo of the Kansas City llro
department and Dr. J. H. Casey were intro
duced to tlio board. After n ploasnut talk
with the visitors business WHS continued.
Chief Galllgau reported that two lengths
of hose were cut in two by n B. & M. train
on tno nlcht of Soptombur 1 at the Shoelv
station crossing. Tbo bonrd decided to ask
the railroad company to pay for the hose de
The committee on property reported that it
had examined and accepted itOJt ) feet , of now .
Chief Seavoy's report showed that sixty-
one days had been lost by men on annual
leave , six were excused by the chief and
llfty-llvo days lost by sickness , malting a
total of I'J'J days lost.
Onicers Cook , Osborn , tia/o , Byrnes and
Vaughn wnro each cranted a ten days' leave.
Operator Frank Phillips was granted thirty
Onicors Dunn and Brugh tendered their
resignations , which were accented.
The committee on property reported that
they had contracted for a combined truck and
chemical for ono of the new houses.
Spiegel .t Klein were granted a transfer of
their liquor license from 20111 to 2225 Ctiming
In executive session the board talked over
the appointment of now firemen , but decided
to make out a list of those wanted and call
upon as needed.
C. E. Sattorfleldof 1718 Leavonworth street
was. granted a druggist's liquor license.
Head of the Knwtown Firemen I'nys
Omalia : i Friendly Visit. '
Chief George Halo of the Kansas City fire
department aim Dr. .1. H. Casey , manager of
the Kansas City Fire Supply company , were
in the city yest.'rday and were guests of
Chief Galligun. Chief Hale is the inventor
of the famous Hale water tower , which Is in
use in nearly every metropolitan city in the
union. The Kansas City vl ltora came unan
nounced. but found the Omaha flro depart
ment folks glad and ready to receive them.
After breakfast' at the Paxton the visitors
took n carriage and Chief Gntlignn showed
them the city houses. Chief Halo was well
pleased with the trip and especially enjoyed
iiiMocting the recently completed houses.
In thn ivfriracon the party visited Boyd's '
now theater , the Now York Life building
and Tut : Bnn building. When the guests
arrived at TUB Bii : : building the afternoon
paper was just going to press. Chief Halo
watched the stcrcotypors with considerable
interest and then turned his attention to the
building. After examining it thorouguly the
visiting fireman said :
"This is the only absolutely llro proof build
ing I have over seen. There is no chance for
a lire hero , for there is nothing to burn. "
Whllo looking over the city from the roof
the famous fire-lighter said that the vitrified
roof of TUB BUB building was the ono of
the kind ha had over seen and ho had been
all over the country.
Upon leaving Tin : BKI : building the party
drove to the smelting works , the Backing
houses in South Omalia and all over the
southern part of the cltv.
In the evening the gentlemen were intro
duced to the llro and police commissioners
and wore entertained for a few minutes.
Lntor on they visited the Boyd and Farnam
Street theaters.
The visitors will leave for homo this morn-
idg , more than pleased with their first visit
to Omaha.
Four Very Toijh : 3Icn AriVHtcd Ily
the Detectives.
Detectives Haze and Savage arrested n
quartette of very smooth men at the Union
Pacific depot yesterday evening.
At thu station the men gave fictitious
names and were booked as suspicious char
acters. A couple of the crooks had a largo
sum of money in tliolr clothes besides the
delusive three shells. The others were fitted
out with all-round confidence men's plunder
and were also well heeled financially. In thu
mass of plunder laid on the jailer's ' desk
when searched was several drafts , a couple
of line gold watches and some cndoraed
The crooks will bo held until Monday for a
hearing. By that time the visitors to the
fair and the Grand Army people will bo
gone. Chief Soavoy consular * the work of
the detectives an cxcoDtlomilly good catch.
fir. i.oins it.i\i {
Itlow the Safe Into Scraji
Iron nnd lONcapo.
ST. Lens , Mo. , bopt. fi. [ Special Telegram
to Tun BKK.J Thosafo of the Sloan bank
was blown into scran iron by burglars last
night and M , < > 00 in currency stolon. Only
i70 in .silver was loft. The job was done by
professionals. Tbo burglars then Ktolo the
cashier's team , drove to Corroctionvllld , a dis
tance of twenty-five miles , blew open the
postofllce safe and stele $200 worth of stamps ,
A reward of $500 is offered.
Mr. Erlckson and wife will bo happv to
sou their many friends at tuulr home , Thir
tieth and Franklin streets.
The city engineer and two counciimon of
Denver will bo In the city tomorrow , the
guests of Acting Mayor Lowry and the
Omaha councilman.
Monday being Labor day and a loirrtl holi
day the postofllco will close nt 12 o'clock noon
for the rest of the day. The usual morning
deliveries will bo made.
The September docket forthodlstrict court
will bo nearly twlco in largo as last icrm ,
duo to the fact that litigants realize that
with aovon Judge * they can got speedy action
and ara hurrying up tholr law suits.
Mr. W. H. Honnisonof Beunison Brothers ,
living at Mil Einimit street , lost twenty
chickens from his promises Friday nicht. A
Muthodlht minister lives on ono nldo of Mr.
Bcnnison's house and an Episcopalian rector
on tha other.
Trinity Cathedral , Eighteenth street and
Capitol avenue--Vary Kov. C. H. Gard
ner , dean. Holy communion 8 a.m. ; Sunday
school 1(1 ( a. m. ; second colouration of holy
communion and sermon , 11 n. in. ; evening
prayer and sermon 7:15 : i > . in.
Rev. Charles VV. Savidgo has boon con
ducting n series of very successful revivals
In Karpy countv and goo < now to Rock Falls ,
Phclps countv , to hold an old fashioned camp
meeting , lasting ton day * . Tno meeting is to
lie held on thn picnic grounds of Mr. S. E.
Mr. William M. Erlrkson and Miss Millie
Hanson were married Thursday livening ,
September : ) , I Mil , at the residence of Rev.
Jlmrlo.s U' . Savidgo , the oftli'luting minister.
The contracting parties are wry well and
favorably known lu this city. The bride is a
friend of the lumlly. Tlfo house was beauti
fully decorated with Mowers Thti wedding
Humwr was delightful and was thoroughly
enjoyed by all. A number of the prominent
[ > eoplo of the city were present-uoout ilfty
'ucsts in all. The contracting party were re-
by substantial and beautiful ( 'ifU ,
Sudden Death of the Prince Consort of tha
Hawaiian Kingdom.
They Sinned nnd Snifcht to Illdo Their
In Death Australian and
Hawaiian News of
S\v FIHSCISCO , C l. , Sopt. S. The steam
ship Marlposa arrived today from Austrnlli
via Honolulu.
John Domini , prince consort of Hawaii ,
died August 'J7 from n Midden attack of pneu
monia. Queen Lliluokntlul is much affected
by the death of her husband. His remains
were lying In state at the palace when the
stonmorloft. Domini vas born In Schuncctdy ,
N. Y. , in 18IIS , his father being an Italian
nnd his mother an American. Ho was taken
to Hawaii when n child and has since resided
there , except for a few years during the Cali
fornia gold excitement , when ho lived in that
state. He was married to the present qncou
of Hawaii several years ago.
There was a severe shock of earthquake on
thu Island on August - ' " > , but no great datnaga
The Marlposa was delayed one day in ar
riving hero because of a severe storm be
tween Svdnoy and Auckland. Thu pilut honso
and smoke room were stove In , the cnblna
flooded Mid considerable other dnumgo dono.
Antonio , ono of Mine. Beruhardt's valetf ,
nnd the ship's doctor were slightly injured.
Thu steamer was six days in making the
passage between Sydnoj nnd Auck
land , which Is usually mndu in four
da.vs. Among the steamer's passengers were
Mine. Bornlmrdt nnd company , who were
tendered n reception on arrival hero. When
the steamer loft Sydney John L. Sullivan's
combination was about to proceed to Mel
bourne. A number ot Americans greeted
Sullivan on his arrival lu the colonies , but no
reception of nuto was given him. Sullivan
proceeded to Indulge In liquor on his arrival
in Sydney , but did not create any disturb
ance. Captain liny wood stated that the
stories of Sullivan'.s conduct on shipboard
were much exaggerated. A party of llvo
roughs attacked Sullivan while In Her Maj
esty's saloon , but Sullivan and his compan
ions promptly knocked them down , after
which the roughs O3caped.
All accounts of the Goddard-Choynskl
fight , the result of which was cabled at the
time , agree that the contest was ono of the
most desperate over soon in the colonies.
Both men were bathed in blood in the second
round. Goddnrd was the stronger and his
rib blows , together witli his right swings on
the Jaw , eventually decided the fight In his
favor in the fourth round.
The petition to wind up the nffairs of the
Imperial Banking company of Melbourne
was presented to .lustico iVubb August 10
nnu made returnable on the iilth. The
bank suspended business with liabilities
J.178,000 and assets . ' 0,000. At a moutlnir ot
stockholders It was charged that the directors
had conducted the affairs in n negligent and
illegal manner. Thu chairman of the moot
ing said it was hot anticipated that the com
pany's affairs would bo settled for a year or
Adelaide advices state that there is no
prospect of gutting the stranded vessel
Sheophano oil the roofs between Merriam
Kirby Islands and the mainland before
spring. It is stated that thu vessel got out of
her course. The sailors deny that they re
fused to work the ship.
A conference between representatives of
the Sheep Shearers union and the Pastorial-
Lsts federation of Australia closed at Sydney ,
Auirust II. An agreement was signed to the
effect that employers shall bo free to employ
and shearers to accept employment whether
belonging to unions or not , without molesta
Fifteen hundred pounds bavo been raised
for the relief of the flood sufferers lu Vic
Ceylon advices of July 0 clvo details of a
double tragedy which occurred on the steam
ship Hohetizollorn which loft Adelaide Juno
22. Lawrence M. Davidson eloped with Miss
Alliffe , his wife's sister , and reported to bo a
daughter of the registrar general of births
and deaths of Adelaide. A warrant had
been issued tor their " arrest , and it is pre
sumed this came to" their knowledge , for a
tie vo sel reached port , Davidson shot him
self through the head and thu girl swallowed
strychnine , dying shortly afterwards.
The postmaster general of Now Xealand
has clvon assurances that the contract bo-
twaou that government and the steamship
companies for carrying the mails between
Auckland and San Francisco will bo renewed ,
The light between Fred Grifllths , bettor
known as "Griffo , " and Billy Murphy , which
took place July U'J at the Amateur Gymnastic
club , should bo for thn featherweight cham
pionship of the world nnd u purse Of ilBO ,
was won by GrifTo by u foul In the twenty-
second round niter an oven buttle. Both men
were badly punished. John L. Sullivan wit
nessed the light. His appearance In tha club
room win the iilgnal for much applause ,
Milllla WIU Sue IVr Pay.
TACO.MA , Wash. , Sopt. -Colonel Hnlnes
of the national guard says that papers are beIng -
Ing prepared for a suit which thu militia will
bring against the state to compel payment of
the pay rolls for service In tno lata mining
riots in King county. The total expanses In
curred in the Hold by the militia amounted to
about. 515,000. The attorney general holda
that the expenses should bo paid by King *
county. _
St. Louis Mi ni nt ; Quot itlonn.
ST. I.OUIH , Mo. , There was not much
trmllnuMin the Mining nxclmiiKo loduy mill
fuw sales wnro made. The following nro the
closing bldb :
Artnins . . . , . 777 T5s Montroao I'lnror. . , . M )
AllllTlCIII ) Ncttlu. . . . 110 Mltlmr llri'i'ii M ! {
( Vntriil Oliver . I Minintiiln Kc-jr 10
Kll/nhi'th . | ! ii Hniull llupui Ki
( ininltu .M . ZM Viium i''H
l.lltlu Albi-rt . t
Our Family Physician Ilcrommciula
( Jiiticnra ItiiiiiL'dics , and Siijs They
Cured Our Child.
I'nUu'r Wont 25 Miles to (3d ( Cutlriiro ,
ami Feels Thankful anil Wants
Others 11 Do as Ho DM.
Mr rlillil Ijrnko out with croful wlion t o month !
olil , nnil o trlocl nvarytlilnx lint tlui do MI could
ilo. U took out MI hnir unit lirokii nut tin lila llmba
anil nnoi ) . u wai tlitin < Tn < THA UI.MIIIIKH : : were
rtTOMiiiioiidtMl liy nur ilucto. ' whu nttuii'lnl liliu ,
iiml la now alUInu horn. Thu iloclor mil I I 1'IKTIIA.
UinmilES curcil my child , mid rni'iiiiimi'iula Ilium
for all illHCimo * 'of lliu "kin Mini lilnml. H illil nut
iiikuijul unu Eia nf I'i'TH I-IIA HKMKIIIIIH. I went
tHuiily-llvu inllUH t'i s 't thimi. .My i hlH li well iinil
li 11 * n llnu lii'iul ( if hair it1 * call 1 > 0. fur nhlfh 1 fool
tliiinkful lo you. fur my wild u In Iml liriiUh. 1
hnvu ri'CiiMiiiH'iiili'd lliu ( iTiruiA liKiuuiK ; lo
ulhrri. I'rlnt thl If > iiu think It will rainu any per *
run to ilo u * 1 illil.
I ) . V. I'lINHOM , IiitMKler. 1'lkt ) Co. , Ark.
1 n in the chiclur that rcriiniiuuiiiluil ( 'rncriiA
HIMIIIII.S to I ) K I'unaoii. I liavu known them to
cnri'novi'i-iil hail c.'iii'i of nklu anil Mooil dlB
mill 1 mty thuy art ) uuml.
Cuticura Resolvent
The nuw blood and Hkln purifier and greatest
nf hiiinor riiiiiodltw , nu > IIIHCH tlm blood of all
ImpiilItlt'.s and pol-onoiis elements , nnd ( him
ri'inoyi'H HID fiuisi' . wlille UUTit'lMA. the great
hklll 1IIIIU , Illld ITTICl.'IIA KlIAl1 , Illl lXIIIINltO |
hliln iii'aiitlllur , oli'iir the sl.ln nirl mulp , unit
rt'Hloru lh hitlr. Thus tint CiiTU'unx ttKMK-
iilIN euro eveiy spiM'lt'M of Ituhlnu , linrnliiu' ,
ii'aty. Pimply , and hlotehy HKIII , MMlp , mill
bltiod illseihe- ; > . from plmplos to Kcnifnla , from
infancy to uifo , whoa the I ett physk'iaiu fall
' toviirywhero , l'rlc * . CIJTICIIIIA. ) i SOAP ,
i'i ; . ilooi.VE.ST. II. 1'ioparud by llni I'OTTKII
IllU'ii AND Ciii\nr\i : , ( 'oni'uii.vriiiN. lloston.
tr"Huiid tor "lloiv tu t'um Illontl '
f.l i , W llliMtrittloiiii. nnd lui ) f
HUln iiiidKc.-i p p irlltnd nnd Outt .tllli.'d
liy CUTifiMiA HtiAi1. Absolutfly pure.
Muck iicht' . lildney pulnxseali -
. . . 'h . rlii-uiiHilKm and miiHt > t
pains rtilit'Vi'd ' In onu iiilnultiby
Uutlcuru Autl-1'ttlu 1'luktw , ' . 'Ou.