THE OMAHA DAILY BEE , SUNDAl SEPTEMBER ( > , 1891-SIXTEEN PAGES. BY COLLEGE BRED KICKERS , Omaha's Obristlan Young Foot Ball Phyon Ontdono in a Kica Qamo. PRETTY WORK ON PART OF BOTH TEAMS , Kniiim * Clly FloBseil h.r DoiiTcr-Chl- Dropped n Onnio Homo Ijlvcly IIiiHtlliiK t < > I"- ' | NI KuhcditlcH. The ( MX ) foot ball enthusiasts who journeyed out to McUormlck park to see the match be tween tho'Varsity students and the Young Mdn's ' Christian nisoclntlon team were well repaid for their trouble , ns the ( 'iimo was n well contested and interesting one. Follow ing were the players nr.d their positions : College. rosltloiiH. Y. M. 0. A. Itrown Hlislit Knil i'orotimn Ii.ino ( Hlght Tackle Hill 1'iitrlcU ItlKhtOuiird Connors Thomas Center Hlieldon Mor.ioman Loft Oiiard llrown I'.Dodgn LoftTncUle Denlck Iloaelnnd Loft KIKI Itowlo Cowln ( Juartrrlmck Dicker Uilslln Itltrht llulfbneU Osirood .1. DodKu Left Halfback Mr".w ; R Uiistin I'ull Hack Tullleld In the kick off the Young Men's Christian association boys rushed the ball In dangerous - ous proximity to the "Varsity's goal , ( 'on- ncrs nindu niluo rush , breaking through the ru h llnoof the Colleglnus , but went down before Fred Kustlu's nent undrr tackle. The College boys worked the pig skin into the Young Men's Christian associations' domain , both the Uustius , for the 'Varsity's ' , making beautiful inns , and Oacood , Connors and Sheldon of the Young Men's Christian asso ciations doing some spleudld tackling nnd tricky rush line work. A clover dribble nnd bunt by W. Kustln brought the ball ncross the Young Men's Christian association goal line. Fred Hustin tried n kick for goal , but mlsseO. At the close ot the llrst half hour thu score stood i to 0 in favor of the Students. When time wns called tro Young Men's Christian association kicked oir thu ball. Their rush line worked the sphere in front of the college goal. Morrow , Sheldon , Osgood nnd Connors rushing the ball in grout stylo. Thomas , Patrick nnd Morsoman secured the ball nnd by n scries of brilliant passes nud rushes pot the sphere over thu Young Men's Christian association Hue again. William Kustln punted the pigskin over tbo goal beautifully , raising the score six points. Tbo game now stood 10 to 0. Again the collegians klriicd off , nnd hud gotten the hall into the Young Men's Chris tian association's territory when time was called with score standing 10 to 0 for the "Varsities. Mr. Clinton Urninnrd nctcd at referee nnd gave gront satisfaction by his decisions. Tno features of the giitno were the half back nud full baclc plnylug of the Huslins and the rush work nud running of Osgood nnd Connors. Denver AViiin from Knnsiis City by n KANSAS CITY. Mo. , Sopt. r . A very poor decision by Gaffnoy in the first Inning gave Denver three runs and the game. Both teams fielded raggedly. Score : I-COIIK 11V INMMIS. KnnnnnClty 1 20010300-7 Weaver S 0000230' 8 st'JIMAHV. KariiPd runs ! Knn m Cltv , 1 ; Dourer , 0. Three , bane hlta : llonvor. Tvtiuuu. First tmtto on b&lln : OlTHdvriU'rti. I. Struck out : llf iiHiIem , 7 : Kpn- noilr. fi. I'n 'i-il Imlln : Cuiiinn , lircnnin. Wild pltchos. fciowilera. Tlino : Two Imura. Umpire ; liaDncr. _ Stoln Coulilit'tVln It. Sioux Cur , In. , Sopt. C. iSpocIal Tele gram to TUB BUB. ] Stein pitched n line gnmo today , but lot down slightly in the sixth nnd seventh , when Sioux ( Jlty bunched its hits nnd won. In the third , fourth and fifth Stoln struck out seven men In succes sion. Hart was very effective nnd the battle was wholly with the pitchers. The score would Imvo been smaller but for inoppor tune errors by i\lcGlono nud Fields. 8IOUJC C1TV. Totals at n o ay 10 OMAHA. , , , AII. it. In. ro. A. E. Wrlcht , rf 0 t Meuionu , : ib DUIIKIIII , m 5 0 200 Klnnagnn , Ib 8 1 0 ModloVlnn , ! ! b n 0 0 Holds , o Trtillloy , 83 4 0 0 filoln , p 2 0 2 MoNubb , If 3 0 0 ) Totnl. 0 C S4 8 3 SCIIHK 11V INNINUH. flloux City 00000510 * 6 Omaha 000000000 0 BUMMAItY Knrncd runs : Blou-v City , 2. Two bnso lilts : Hart , Hwartwood , Doiiblu plays : Sioux Olty , 1 ; Omaha. 2. Klrst busoon liiills : lly Hart , 4 ; by .Stein , T. Sti uok out : lly Hart. 4 : by .Stuln , It' ' . Sacrltlco lilts : l > 'laiiagan..Mcl.'lollan.Viiii- Djke. Strauss. Tlmo : Two hours. Umpire ; Knight. Western Association A31iHl : < J.l.ANtiOUl.l TJOX. Ilnltlmoro Hail IMttlo Troulilo AVhlp- pliiKlh' ! Oolonolti. BAi.TiMour , Md. , Sopt. 5. Hnlttmore won a game from the Loulavlllos today because of Fitzgerald's wlldnoss nud n few errors in the eighth. The gnmo was rnlled on nccount of darkness nt the cud of the eighth. Attend ance 0,030. Score i Italtlinoro 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 4 K I.OuUvlllo. , 0 3 lilts : Ilaltlmoro , 7 : Louisville. 12. Krrors ; Ilnltlmoro. 1 : Loulsvlllu. 4. llntiorles : Maddim nud Hohliison ; Kitzgurntd nnd Kyan , Knrnod runs : I.oulsvlllo , 1. luviur.i ) noxons. WASHINGTON , IX C. , Sept. B. Washington nnd Columbus played two games today , di viding honors , tbu Senators taking the llrst with ease nnd Columbus tbo Inst by n close ibnvo. Attendance , 2,000. Score : Washlnittm 4 1 ' . ' 0 ( I 2 0 0 0-1.1 Colutnlins 0 000233 10 8 IllUt Waslilnvton , 14 ; Ooliiinbus , 11. Krnirn : Washlnelon , 4 : Ooluinbus. 0. llatterlos : Uas- lan and SutclllTonnd McOnlro ; GastrlKhtund DOWRO. Kiirnrd runs : \Vnshliiston.8. Second game : Washington 00040001 5 Columbus 13000300 0 . . .Hits : Washington. 8 : Columbus It. Krrors : \\ushlniMon. \ 4 : ColnmbtiH. 4. llnttnrlcs : Uar- soy andSmclllfu ; Knoll and Douohuo. Kurncd runs : Columbus , 4. MIUVAUKIiB IIIIOI'IM-.I ) TWO. Piiii.AiiKi.i'iiiA , Pa , , Sept. 5 , The Athlotlo nnd Milwaukee clubs played two vamoj here this afternoon , The first was iplrltcdlv contested - tested , the homo club winning bv bettor Holding. The Athletics d-sfcatcil thn Mil- wnukecs In the jocond gnmo , owing to the Wild throwing of the westerner's inflold. Atlendunco ' . ' .NJO. . Score : Athletics 1 0 1 I 0 0 0 1 0 0 Hlluuukoo. , . . . . . . 2 ODOOOUOO 3 . IIIUl Athhitlcg. 7 : Milwaukee. 5. Krrors : Athlotlcn.0 : Milwaukee. & . HattKrluHi Mllll- Ran and Uhiimburlaln ; Vaimhn and Dwyor. Karnod runs : Athletic * . I : Milwaukee , I , Second gatuot Athletic * 0 6 illltraulico , . . , U 1 Hits ; Alhlntlcs , 4 ; Milwaukee , 0 ; Kri-nrs ; Athlutlcb , 1 ; UllwauUoe , 7 , llatterlo : Woy- bins nnd Mlllhtani Darloi nnd Vaughn Knrnod runs : Milwaukee. I. American AHHOUIJUIOII'tniidlni ; flared. Won. I'or C1 notion 112 71) ) : n .7n St. Louis ll.t 73 4'l .CJ Italtlmoro Ill l RO JW Athlotlcs tir > IZ ! .11 A1 Coluinhtu 11H M KV .4.1 Milwaukee IIS 47 WJ .41 Wnsli n-'toi IOJ M ) 70 Ul Loillsrlllo H2 ! U 73 .SI NATIOXA1 , I.H.H1VIC , Clnclnuntl'H ICrrorrt Itniiilcil the Tonn In Ijiint I'lm.'o. CINCINNATI , O. , Sept. C. Philadelphia woi nr exciting twelve Inning game hero thl nfuirnoou. All of Cincinnati's runs wcr scored t errors , nnd In the twelfth nfte Latham hnd given two men bases by hi errors , ( tlenson won his own game by i timely hit. Score : Cincinnati 0000 r I'lilladulnhla 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 Hits : Cincinnati , 1.1 : Philadelphia , U l > nirx : Cincinnati. f > : I'hlliidelphln , a Il.itter les : IlhliH's mill Harrington ; Oluason am Cloiiiunts. I'arned runs : 1'hUadolDhla , 2. TWO SHOUT n.VMKil AT I'lTTIIII'im. PiTTsiiuito , Pa , Sept. fi. The first garni was played In n drizzling rain nnd Severn stops were nmdc on thnt account , and thoi the t-anio called at the end of the llfth inning Costly errors lost the pnmo for Pitts bun ; Hoth pitchers did well. Score : I'ittsnure 00200- Hrooklyn 2 1 0 0 0 ; H Is ; I'lttshur ? , 3 ; llrooklyn , 4. Krrors I'lttsbnrz. ; i ; llrooklyn. 1. Hatter ei : Kin : and Miller : Inks and Dally. Karnod runs I'lttsburg , 2. The second triimo looked very much like tin visitors' In the second inning , but In the thin Inning the homo team knocked Inks out o the box and won the gnmo , which was cnllcc on account of darkness. Score : 1'lttsbnrg 0 272 0 1 Uiooulyn 1 510 0 ' Hits : I'lttHburc. II : llrooklyn , fi. Krrors IMttsbiir ; , I ; llrooklyn , 4. Knmcd runi I'lttshur. . r. ; llrooklyn , I. Ilntterlos : llald- win and Miller ; I-ovett , Inks , T. Dally and ( J Dally. CHICAGO 1.KT3 GO OXB. CHICAGO , 111. , Scp.t. 5. Today's game wn ; loosely played on both sides and was dull niu uuinterestinc. Score : Chicago 100001000 : Iloslon * : Hits : Chlcaeo , fi ; Ilostoti , 0. Krrors : Chicago cage , I ; Itoslon , 3. Hattorlos : Uumburt aiu Merrltt ; Stalcy and Gnnzul. National League Standing. I'lnyod. Won. Lost. I'or Ct 42 .K 47 iff. 45 IK. 49 Ji4l 61 X.K GO .44 7 JO- 67 IKH A310XU TIIK ,1.1 AInst KxoltliiK ol'tho Senson. Fiir.MONT , Nob. , Sopt. 5. ISpccial Tele gram to Tin : BEK. ] The second game will Hastings this afternoon was perhaps Uu most oxcitlnc contest played on the home grounds this season. From start to Ilnlsh il was full of pop and ilro. Both teams fonphi every inch of ground , nufl when the contesl ended Hastings cmorcad covered with defcul for the fourth time of llvo in its contests will ; Fremont this year. Tbo homo team put Dunn , a now man in to pitch. Ho wns knocked out of tbo box tbo ilrst inning , the visitors getting ting four scores. In the seventh Hohrer , wbc was In the pitcher's box for Hasting1) , losl his temper on a decision and turned ant struck Umpire Gannon. Hank Kendrick , r heavy weight slugger , slipped ever from tin grand stand and gave llohror n jolt thr.1 brought him to his senses. It looked as if c free light was imminent. The hot hond < cooled off , nnd the game proceeded. Scon by innings : Fremont 0 010230y ! Hastings 4 20000010 1 Hattcrlcs : Dunn. Htnphcnson , Maupln am' Connors , Itolirei-and Abliott. Siruok out : llj Stvphenson , .1 ; by Kohror , 2. Krrors : Hast ings. 4 ; Fremont , 3. Passed balls : Abbott. 2 Hnso lilts : ; Hustings. 4. Twobnsi hit : .Miles. Double play : U.istonu to date- wood to Taylor , Umpire : Oannon. Time : Ono hour and forty-live minutes. Nice , ( iriitlonrinly Ijosers. SriiivoFiKi.D , Neb.SepU 5. [ Special Tele gram toTiir. BEK. ] A very Interesting game of baseball wns played hero this afternoon between the Springllcld Wuitlngs nnd the Second infantry nine of Fort Omahn , result ing In score of 7 to 1 in favor of the Whit ings. The soldiers put up n uico game and were the most gentlemanly sot of players thnt has graced the homo cround this season. Their work with the stick though , with Har- lau in the box , was rather weak. The score : HDrlngflold 10002.110 0 ' , KortUmalia 0 0100000 0 1 Batteries : SprlngOold , Harbin and Hall ; Fort Oinalia , Ooady and Duborry. Huso hits : Sprlnglhild , - ' ; 1'orLUmaha , 4. Krrors : Spring- Hold. I ; Fort Omaha , fi. Struck out : Hv ! lar- Ian. 2 : Uiises on balls : Oir Har- lan , 1 : off Coady , 3. Doiiblo plays : Spring- Hold , Hall to Oliver to ClomontM. Time : Ono hour and thirty-live minutes. Umpire : Fox. Orchards Klojurod Agiln. : WEEPINO WATKII , Nob. . Sopt. 5. [ Special rologrnra to Tun BEE. ] The S. A. Orchards mot defeat nt the hands of the Republicans today. It ivas the best game ever played on the homo grounds. They came hero with n strong picked nine and lost two of three games und loft many ducats with us. The features of tbo game were Miller's peed work on third und two homo runs knocked nut by Chamberlain and Mnhonov of the Orchards. Score : Uooiillc.-ins 0 0 0 0 1 3 0 1 0-5 Drclntrds I 0000003 0 4 Italterlrs : Xhpp and Gudko. Cummlngs nnd Lacy. Struck out : HIT < Cnpp. 0 ; by UiinuiiIngs , t. Stolen bases : Orchards , 2. Two base lilts : /.ami and Hiitlor. Krrors : Orchurds. 4 ; Ito- imblleiiii8r > . Passed balls : Lacy1. ; Qadkol. Umpire : Dunn. nnino Ti day. The Commorciol Avenues and N. U. Fal coners will play nt the Omaha ball park this afternoon. A close game Is expected ns both nines have got n strong team together for the occasion. Game called atiiiito o'clock. Ad mission in and 25 cents ; ladies free. The teams nro : N. II. I'lilconer's Positions. Commercial Are. Dalvls Catcher M. Olark Krimun ; rd. Mullen Howies Second Knowles rirnndgoan I'ltehor Powers U. Dalvls .rirsl Hiiskall Jjianoy M ( Idle Hiiiiiond Norgrecn Short llolen Cjiimiliiilinin Left \V. Clark Held Itlght Ilonsun Ainntinir NOICH. The West Omnnos will play the Fort Omnhns this morning. Uamti called nt 10 j'clock. JSXIOVltLV ir.UT7A . llclrs of Invl Wnltlnjj fl > r the Jury's Vortllot. HUTTR , Mont , Sept. 5. 11. G. Ingorsoll nd daughter loft for New York toaay nfter \ stay hero of six wcoks , during which Colonel Ingorsoll has been engaged day and light In the great Davis will case that closed , ast evening , nnd on which the jury Is low closeted In company with the alleged ivlll and a powerful IIIICI-OSC-OIKI. Humors of ill kinds till the alms to how they arc agree ing uud un anxious crowd of holrs are sitting jp nights wondering how much of a slice of .he $10,000,000 involved will full Into their bauds. Novel Sport , HOUSTON , Tex. , Sept , 5. The most novel > f all sports was Inaugurated hero today a ; oat race , gotten up by the sporting editor of .ho Houston Post In n spirit of levity. It proved more than n joke , however , nud 5,000 Tooplo turned out to see It There were sixty mtdcs uud the turfman made book * on thu csult and hundreds of dollars In pooU were lold. Never was there such a sight before. I'ue mayor and other cltv mid county olliclals ictcd as starters and judges. Some of the ; out3 made the UOO yards iu thirty-two soo- uidi in harness. Jny Gould ut Homo. NEW YOIIK , SupU 5 , Mr. Jay Could and its party arrived at Jersey City early this norulng , having completed their extensive voitorn tour. Mr. Gould wui in fine health md spults. \\entntouca to his summer ilace at Irvlncton. To IMeiiKO Ktiutli Grrtimny. DEIIUK , S pt. 5. Field Marihal Count Lconnnl Von niumonthnl , chief of the general oral staff of the Prussian army , classed n ouo of the most distinguished stmteglsti o modern time- * , has resinned the command o the Fourth army Inspection district , comorM lug the Third , Fourth nud Thirteenth nrmj corps ( Kingdom of Wurtumburg ) nr.d twi nrmy corps of Ditvarln. Ho hns boon sue ccedcd by Prince Leopold of Unvnrln. Till U tnkcii to bo another Instance of the dcslr of F.mporor Wllllnm to plcaso the Sotitl Ournmn federation , UIKIAMZIXII nut I'ltttnwrjioy , Colored Cotton I'lekcr.s foinhliu AualiiHt the I'liintors. ( I\IAT.WOS , Tex. , Soit. | fi. An orgniiizntloi of colored cotton pickers has bccu formed the members of which Imvo ngreod not t < pick any rotten nftcr September 'J for los than SI per hundred pounds nnd bonrd. Thl ; orgnnizatlou has been perfected through tin colored alliance nnd now numbers more thai 500,000 , with thousands being added overj day throughout thu touth-irn stntcs. Colonel U. A. Humphreys , general super Ilitcndctit of the colored alliance , with bend quarters nt Houston , admits the existence o tills organization , sayingIt : had boon In ducrd by organizations some time ngo , o planters and merchants In certain sections mostly notably Memphis and Chnrleston- to reduce the prices for picking to r very low stundnrd , nnd that the colorei pickers bad combined to protect thomselvo1 from this dictntlon , nnd ho thought that I Was right to do so. It is learned that a secret order 1ms boot mailed nt Houston to every colored sub ulliunco throughout the cotton belt , llxiiu the date of the strike of pickers , which will boHlmiiltuucously Inaugurated , uud how 1 shall bo conducted. Y 1'itorroii'n n I TKKS THIV lie Wilt Inspcut the iMontlei.Mill tnry 1'osls of Dnkotn. BOSTON , Mass. , Sept. 5. Secretary of Wai Proctor , who nrrlved at his summer home nt Mnrblehcnd Neck , todnv , snld , In convor sutlon concerning his coming trip to wcstorr military posts , that ho expected to lonvc New York next Wednesday. The purpose of the visit Is to Inspect the posts of the department of Dakotn , which I was not nblo to visit on my former visit , I desire esno chilly to see nnd oxamlmo Into the workings of the new Indian companies just organized There nro six already organized and six addl llonnl under way. The experiment of mak ing trained soldiers of them is proving suc cessful. Wo nro not hurrying the work ol recruiting , but tryinc to get the best men. The physical examination Is very rigid. Sucrotnry Proctor expects to bo gone about two wcoks visiting most of the Sioux posts , Fort Snolling , Fort Ivcogh , Fort Custer , Fort Gilford und others. General Bncheldor. qunrtormastcr-genern ! of the nrmy , Major Schwnn of the adjutant- t'eucral's department , who has had charge of tbo recruiting services in the Dakota de partment , and Lieutenant Heard of Ocncrnl Howard's stnft will nccompany the accre tnry. Ho bus nlso invited Governor Page ol Vermont to go with him as a guest. A II U L'T KL. . I .V.M * .S ft' /.K. . China Ilpltl Up us n Tcnintlnii Bnlt for KnuIniicl'H Conquest , LONDON , Sept. < " > . Commenting on the statement cabled to this city from Shanghai and purirarting lo give the views of the edu cated classes of Chinese in regard to foreign missionaries nnd demanding the withdrawal of foreign missions from Cnmcso territory , which , it is claimed , have utterly failed in the objects they were Intended to accomplish , one ) only tend to fo ment revolt , the Times says : The lesson to bo drawn Is that liberal treatment of China is useless. Europe should inflexibly and sternly insist upon the observance of troitj- rights nud thus uvoid Imitating fussy naval displays. "Wo nro clad to believe this is the view hold by tbo foreign ofllco. " The Morning Advertiser says : "A notion CCbinn ) wlucb occupies towards foreigner * such nn intellectual ns 11114 , can hardly bo brought to a desirable frame of mind by diplomatic remonstrances.11 The Post , commenting on the same subject , expresses as the opinion : "Thnt it Is evident from the inherent strength of the Chlnoso as from their manifest weakness , thnt a trilling policy Is the worst tnat can bo ndoptod. Europe must prepare either to enforce or re- uounco her treaty rights. " run TIIK vi.K.tauiiK OF itrxas. Austrian 'froous Swoltcr in the Hot Sun und Krolutc. VIENNA , Sept. 5. The Austrian mnncuvros nbout Shwnrtznau were continued today. The Austrian and German emperors and the king of Saxony , with their suites , were In the field by 8 o'clock this morn ing. They took up their position nt Budorboso on the highest ground In the dis trict , commanding a view of the opposing forces , the center of the conflict being iu their immediate vicinity. All the forces were engaged nud the effect resembled that of se vere lighting. The cavalry forces were much hampered owing to thu wooded nuturo of ttio country. The two emporois watched the evolutions for nn hour exchanging comments " In n most eordinl manner. They "then joined the southern force. Chancellor von Cnprivi and CountiCuluoky ; were also witnesses of the evolutions uud all were struck with the cx- coltonco of tbo maruhiug and the endurance of the men. Operations were suspended nt noon and the two emperors returned to Scuwartonau. DcnlcH the Charges. CIIICAOO , 111. , Sept. 5 Abram P. T. Elder nua B. L. Barber , provident nnd vice presi dent of the Elder publishing company , which has been closed by the government oftlcials for violating postal laws , were up for pre liminary hearing today , but their attorney not being ready , thocaso was continued until Monday. Elder declares ho is the victim of a forger who embezzled n largo sum from him nud to cover up his villinny Inspired the arrest. Ho dcnios nil the charges acnlnst him. To Stop OTTAWA , Ont. , Sopt. 5. Hon. McKonzle riowcli announced in the house yesterday that it was the intention of the covorumcnt LO place a revenue cutter on the lower St. Lawrence to put a stop to the srajigglingsald to exist there , Wilt JlcHtinin WASHINGTON , D. C. , Sept 5. It Is stated at the ofllco of tbo comptroller of the treas ury that tbo indications aru favorable for the oanv resumption of business by U o Mer chants' Nntionnl bank of Fort Worth , Tex. . which failed. _ _ New Appointment. WASIIINOTON , D. C. , Sept. 5 Judge C. Hill of Minnesota hns been appointed chief of the division of Indian affairs In the oflloo nf the secretary ot the Interior , vice M. E. Car penter , resigned. XKII'ii Of * . The sultan hns stopped the Immigration of Itnsslun Jews to Jerusalem. Another man lini boon arrested on suspicion ofliuliiit cnnpbmucl In the tr.iln robbery near Ml > .s Gertrude 1'otterof Chicago and F. Leo. sou of a wealthy Wisconsin lumberman , have been married. Ex-SemitorTnbor tins sold to nianow , Scot- nnil , ' . ' " 'UR * . AJj" I'noruiaii mlno ntOarrlbo , lly nn explosion of naptha In 1'rovldonco , K. L , t o niBti were fntally njurod and MJV- urul borlously hurt. A warrant In Insolvency hu.s been Issued auulimt the KurukaKllk Manufiu-turfni ; com pany of L'orlon , TlUinaii. tlio LouUvllIe , Ky , . mnboxzlor , who HIS been at \ \ Indsor , Out , , for some time past , inn suddenly disappeared. Isabelle 11. , daughter of Hon. O. I > . Shiran of ) utiHiic ) ] , In. , and Irvln Van Vlolt of Du- iniiun were mnrrlud at Chicago yesterday. President Unrrlson , nccompiuiied by Uon- grrsamau Houburn and a number of others , eft Cape Mar J'olnt joxtorday on n niilpo ihiHitlni : expedition. The loxlilatlvu commltleo of the I'enntytvn- ilu K' Uluturo. niKlntei | | | to InvestUnlu the condition uf thti utnio truasury , mut yenlorduy und udJoinncd until Ihu Illh lint. At Ilojwull. Ind. . ymterd y Geonto TUIlUiii amIJ. II. I je'd of Wellington. III. , trltul to drive acrota the l.uhu hrlo A Wosiern tracks ahead of the pai < uiii ; r train. Tliuy were klllod. RACING A@tS { ) $ THE RIVER en > d 7 ; Plans Laid for jJd Next Moetlug at Uaioi FULL LIST 01 ; , . ENTRIES UP TO DATE One Kiniftli nt Iiutoiilu ThntDltl No Suit tin ; , , Crowd News lYom Unco TUo early fall meeting of tlio Union Pan Knclng association will bo liolil next Tuca ilny , Wednesday , Thursday ami Friday , Soi ; tcmbor 8 , 0 , 10 nnd 11 , at Union Park , Coun cil HI lids. Liberal preparations Imvo booi made for this scsslor. and tbu nmungomou Is anticipating the most successful am prolllnblo mooting over bold hero. Th spring moot was a moil satisfactory ono , bii every effort will bo ful forth to made ihl n bigger success in all details. The 11s of entries Is much larger and embrace * i much larger number of well known horses The purses nggiogato In the neighborhood o t7,0X ) . In addition to nach day's excellent trottlni und pacing programme there will bo sovoi running races , Including two hurdle MCOS lutorsponcd , and tnls will ultord ntnp.o excitement citement for those who fancy the bang talli In fnet , the management has exorcised muol dlscratlon in propuriuir the wcok's cnrd , am It Is not extravagant testate that it has neve been excelled here. The park at present presents a boautifn view , \vkli Ills inaentilcont track In prlmt condltlcn , ita remodeled grandstand ant other buildings , now fauces nnd closolj cropped swnrd. Every day the track I1 ativo wltn the nags in training , nnd thu sighi of which well repays a visit there. TIN electric motor curs from both this citynni ' the Iluffs ) run directly to the grand s'taml thus obviating nil inconvenience In reachIng Ing the scenu. Nut Brown is head ovei heels in the preparatory work , but will always bo found readv to rfivo any nnd all In formation that may bo desired. The complete ploto list of entries is as follows : Tl'KSDAV. Trotting , 2:59cliss : : , pnrso JTOOi Ony Sher idan , u.s. , K. O. Mlllur. l-'iillerton. Nub. : Uluc Hull , b in. . E. C. .Mllier. Kullorton. Nub. : Pride , b. in. , O.V. . I'lcknnl , Omaha ; Murry .lulin , b s. , I' . O. Hammond , Tort Uutlioiui , Nob. : Dnrli Knight , br. s. . John H. Wolf , jr. . Cellar Uadlds Nub. ; Klttlo Itlrd , b. in. . John S. Wolf. Jr. , Cedar Uapld , Nob. : Guclph , jr. , blk. s . J. I ) I'nltcrson. Ituatrlee , Neb : Nolllo f.'nlVrey. b , in. , ! _ A.Wfckhain , Council lilulls. la. : Dandy , b. s. . Thnni'iH Knsaoll , Marysvllle , Kim. : lie Aye , lir. s. , II. J. Moore. Ihinlap. In. : llelle L'u- dnrhll' ' , b. in. , I ) . Q. Storlo. CImrlloii , In. Trotting , - ' ! ! ! class. JjOO : nuolph , llli. s. , C , A. Turnny , lloatrlce , Neb. ; Tolephnne , b. s , Arch. Kerr. Kiirokii , ICnn. ; ( Urnco W. . br in. , George WolIT , Topekn. ICun. : 1'rlnro MuMiihon b. s. , Theodora llnucp-ock. Hastings , Neb. ; Nigger Itaby , hlk. g. , V. I * Clark , St. Joseph , Mo. ; Isiils Pat mis , li. s. . Nut Brown. Omaha ; Neva Seeloy , b. m. , King Hill stock farm , St , Joioph , Mo. Kunnlti ! } . d sh"flvo-olghthsora mile'J-vour- olds , piirsutl.'iO. ' Kumilng hurdle1 ono tulle , over four hurdlus , purse JJUU. VTEPNKSPAV. Trottlni , ' . 2:32. : class , nurse Ifiuo. Floyd H , b. g. . Hcrndon btuvU funu , Clarksvlllc , Tunn. ; .loo , ch. s. , .M. I/ , Williams , Uncolii , Nub. ; Hanpy Miiy , b. m. .Hrltton * 1'errv. Wayne , Nob. : Hilly Kill-ton , b. g. . D. A. Wllljains , 9ioux City , In. ; Corrlo. br.m. . J.I ) , llardln. C'hnrlloii. In. : Chestnut WllUe * . b. in. . W. C. Swnrts. Oli ver City , la. ; Horn I'lpo. b. s. . H. WhltforJ , Kansas City. .Mo. ; . , Welshman , gr. s. , I'olei Dellor , Sioux ( Jlly , la. : Sorrel Dan. s. g. , Thomas Hussoll.M\rvivlllc , Kan. ; Ivlcu , b. . > . , W .1. Dyer. Lnncaster , WIs. I'ni'luir , free-for-all , nurse KID. Ftorm. blk , s. . II. I' . . „ H. I' . IClrK- , Mason C'ty , In. ; i'rlnco T , r g. , A. Thonipsivn , Unialia : Kclwiird Hcae- water. g. s. , K. Solomon , Omalm ; Almont Ila- shaw , b. a. , Prank lltirns. Iditllrove. la. ; Wlluli ! Uussoll , b. s. , Klug Hill slock farm , St.Joscpb , Mo. : DCHCOII. b. g. , ( . . . 11. Dyngherty. Leon , In , ; Joseph I , spt. c. , ; A.JJ. I'oltor , Omaha. Huniililg , threb'fourt'ns of a mile duh , iinr-c JIM. J.QU v Unimlug , hiirdlo onemnd one-fourth miles over four hurdles purse WX1 ' TIIUHSDAY. Illuming , onu-lmlf nillo dash , for stock yards horses. # 50 added. Trotting , free-for-all , purse JC'X ) : Ttlnik ; Diamond , hlk. g. , W. H. McKlnncy , Kansas City. Mo. ; Puncuori. b. in. , J. W. Uoyce. Hlou.v Fulls. S. 1) . : Nigger IJiiuy.ulU-.g. . Kim : lllll stock farm , St. Joseph , Mo. ; Nolllo V. , h. m. . W. H. 11. Colliy , Korl Dodge , la. : Jessie Galnos , br. in. . It. T. Knopba. Sioux City , In. Trotting , 2:27 : class. pur-o JGOO : Vrank I' . , blk. s. . Jack Porrv , Omaha : Qi.uon T , b. m. . W. T. Taylor. St. Joseph , Mo. : llolstoln. b. s. , Charles K. llainum , Omaha ; Jolinnlo Ito g ; . b. s. , M. C. Hobinson. ArlnKton ; Lady Wonder , s. in. , ( illtonl > - lloa hlon , Manliatton , Kan. : Victory , b. g. , W. J. Uyur , l.anuaslcrVU Hunnlng , ono mlle and repeat , purse J-00 , I'UHIAV. 1'Bflne. 2:21 : class , p-jMO MTO : lllno Sign , b , g. , J. HofHlilnos. Loon , la. ; I'llatoga. s. H. . llo- ohani ] ) A.IarvN , Cdiiuonlla , Kan. ; I'rlnco T. , r. g. , A. Thompson , Omaha ; A K. D.ivU , b. g. , I'odrant & Son. Si. Joipph. .Mo. ; Abdalla Wllkoi , b , s. . It. T. Knoebs , Slonx C'lty , In. ; Joseph L. , spt. g. . A. J. 1'ottor. Omaha. Trotting , : : Mula s. piusoWlO : Oliver J. b g , E. A. Wlokham , Cnnm-ll Hluirs. In. ; Dark Knight , bs. John S. . Wolfe , jr. , Cedar Kaplds. Neb. ; Dlnoha , b in. O. W. I'jukard , Omiiha ; Kitty Illrd , b in , John S. Wolfp. jr. . Cedar Kap- Ids. Nob. ; KlttvVcni.bin. Ilrltton it I'erry , Wayno. Nob. : llrutus Girl , blk in , Herndon stock farm. CItirksvlllu. Tonn. ; Guy Sheridan , b s. K , C. Miller. Kullorton , Neb. ; lllno Hell , b ni , II C Miller. I'ullerton. Nob. ; A. It C. . brs. N. J. Uouiiln , riutnont. Nob. ; Kitty K , br m. N. J. Konnin. rromont , Nob. : Aravant , b s , I'odli'.ht & Son St. Joseph. Mo. ; Union , b in , Itauchamp & Jarvls. Concordla. Kim. : Cnrile , brut. . I. 1) . Hart In , Chtiilton. la. ; Harol Maid , > i m. W. II. II. Colliy , Knit Dodge , la. : Max , br s. 11. J. .Moore , Dnnlap. la. ; Norway , ch s. J. I ) . Yi'onians , Sioux City , la. ; Illuok 1'rlnuo , blk s , U. ( J. Hlorlo , Charlton , In. All the railroads centering hero nnd nt the Biufl's will reduce their rates during the week , nnd the proipocts nro for some very . : > rgo crowds during the meeting. MOIM K .111 nt Lmtnnia. CINCINNATI , O. , Sept. n. The rnoo track at Laionin today was a continuous bed of ycl- ow sticky mud. It was about as slow as it could bo. The sky was beclouded , but no ruin loll except a Scotch mist during the last rnco. About U.MJO people were present , nearly nil men. Out of fifty-four borsns entered fifty started. Non-tavorltes won in the llrst and last races and prime favorites won the other four. Close nnisho ? ilts- ; lngulshod the fourth nnrt sixth rncos. At : ho closa nf the fourth the crowd rushed to .ho Judges' stand and kept shouting Pomfrot. When the judges announced their decision in this nice it was greeted with cheers , mingled wilt ) hUsos. Klrst nice , solllnr pursii for R-yonr-olas und npwnids , one inlluiinu bovunty yards Sin-on slartors : Outcry. 1U2 (0 ( to 1) ) , won by llftrcn lengths with IVn&olty , 101(4 ( ton ) , soeonil , it front of Hilly I'lnkurton 109 l " leek in , ( to" ) , third. Tunn : | : .Vb . , Socoml race. sell , | ? purse for : t-yoar-ulds. nno mile and xovcnty yanU. ICIcht starters : lloro , IO(8toli ! ( , wAC ( stiblly by three lengths. Plrst Lup. lo-'t.'it/i ii uvond. a lonvth In front of Drift , I" " . " ) (10 ( to-ll.'lhlrd. Time : 1:5 : < )4. ) Third nii-o , free limidlcup s eop-iilrs : for J-yoar-olds and pptrards , ono mlle and 100 yards. Kvi | > starlow : I-'althfnl , 1U2 fi ! toll , won by thrco lenjulp easily. I'allsadis 1U1T ( to 51. second , elu'lit rutiKths ahead of Lillian Lindsay , 105(10 ( trilvthlnl. Tlino1:11 : , Fourth race , Avutlilalo stakes , for : i-yonr- alils that Imvo not on u valuiiiile r.ico this ronr prior to uloslng thu onlrju * . onu mile , light st.irtcrs : ThU wits the most exciting race of this mooting. 1'nnnlo S , 11)5 ) iIO to II. i-et - > ut to culdo the nlil , and \ > n had It all alone mill within half'a. furlong of thu llnlih , when Slstur Linda , 101 f\P i ) , went for the honois. Just tlinn 1'oinfrot , jQOCita 1) ) , who was third , nndusuch a brllluntdash | from two Ictmthi o the rear of SIste'rLlmia thnt ho uamo within i nosoof capturlh'g Hio first prlzo from l-innii < * , wlio was Kivrti1 TiiMt , whllo I'omfrut was I'L-ond bv naif a len&tli ahead of tlstor Llndti , bird. Tlmo : 1 : ; > 1 ! | . Fifth race , purse for 2-yonr-old-i that have lover won. j'HO. ( Tour and ono-hulf furlongs : 'lilrtiuin xtiirtei-i. A siilundl'IstMigulu In thu luUh showed up Julia Mny 107. ( I to li. wlnnor iy a neck with ! > < > cclt KIT , W to 1) ) , second , a lend In front of Hauillnn 10S , ( U to i ) , third , rime ; ! : ( > m , . Sixth riu'o , same e < Midltlons tin fifth. 1'oiir inn nnc-lmlf fiirlones. Nine sturlor.i : Tim ace wus between Qrounwlfh 10 , * > , Citol ) , and > ere li : ! , ( H to 1) ) , mid Matildn m , r.1 to H. In a losnerato llnlsli Orounwluh won by scarcely n leuk with Matilda secondonly u not > oln front t Dor third. Tlmo : ; .vji. ; HCHII | | at HIionpHlioad. Sinthi netn HAT IltcK TIIACK , L. I. , 3ejit. . The track was heavy , owing lo today's am. but , dosplto thin , the Holds wctii fairly oed nnd the batting brUk. Klnt raro. a awcupitaLos ono mile. SiiK'ii titrlorai Itaclne. I Iti ( S to Si , won by a liinutn rom Sanntorur. ll'iriitii li. who bunt Worth , u2 (13 ( toll , thrco loiiKtln. Tlmotiii. : | : ; . Jocund rnce , th Krlumllv stakes , n swcop- > tukv ( ur-yvar oUU of * .1K'uch , 11,000 uJdud , 1 titurlty riinrsu , about ilx furlotiR * . Nln starters : Lronn Well. 118 fit to II. won by hal a loiiRth. Uaiiinel , HO (7 ( to B > . < pcond. K suan Icneth in front of WlRhtninn , 110 (4 ( to I ) . Time 1 * 10 tl-N * Tlilnl racn , the Hoplombor stakes , sweep stakes for : i-y cur-old fonts of ISs.HofiV ) oucl half forfeit , with f I , .Mo added , mlle and si furlongs. Kotir starters : Heckon , isn ( J to 1 won easily hy n leimtli. llcrmiiila. 1KJ (7 ( to 10 was nccond , H vo lenuths the toil of John Cnv anali , 111) ) ( ! ) to I ) . Time. ; t:07'i. : 1'ourth nice , IlioOinnliirn handicap , : i ban dleap sweepstakes of tjOuacli , mlu | ami a fur long. Mvo starters ; Vabol Olenn , DT ) ( to.V won easily by two li'iiaths. Woodcutter , in rlStoI ) . second. TMlIn lllackburn. liiUto8l : ( third. Time , IW. : I'lfth rnco , n hnndlcap swuupstakes , mlli and thrco furlongs , llvu starters : llonior. II ( I'JtoCi ) , won by tun length' , llamiuet , ll.MSti ftl second , Virile. 83 (12 to I , ( third Time : SiM Sixth race , Illghwolglit > sneep < t-tkes. mlle and a half on turf , four .starters SI. Luke , Illl (7 ( to 1) ) , won. Krlc , II" (7 ( to I ) see ond. Carroll lii (2 ( to 1) ) , third. Time : 3:50. : ItaooH nt CYoto. CncTR , Nob. , Sept , 5. [ Special Tologrnn to TIIK Ilnic.-Tho ] last nice day of the meet ill ? of the Snlluo Countv Kair assoclatloi ended today , and It was the best racing sect in the stnto for some years. The i'Jii ! : clns1 took suvnn boats to ilnlsh. In the sccuiu boat Clmrley Hlrch and Sir Alblu collided throw their drivers nud run down the hoim stretch ut u furious gnit. The driver elI I o nn H saved himself by Jumping. Sli Albin und Log.iu U run over the track twice before being caught. No serious damage was done , uxcopt to sulklos , nnd S'r ' Alblr turned uplnmo , < < o that ho had to bo drawn , Hero nro the rncos : Class SiSi ) . Liiifnn It wnn. Itebol Medium sec ond. Charley Hlrch thlr.l. Tlmo : 2J7ii. : S-A\ 2CI : : , aw : : i , 2:111 : , 'Jai. Si , : > ! ' , . Speelnl race. 2liciass. : ( Itoyal WllUcs won Lly See "ocnnd , Tom MacMahan third. Tlmo : 2:1.1 : , ' , ' : JO , 'JiIW. I'aclng , 'J'M : class. Hilly MeCraokon won Talavor , Jr. second. Tlmo : 2:4" : , 2is. : : KaceH. Cincvoo , 111. , Sept. G. Garficld park , Track fast. l-'lrst race , one mlle : Mnrlln Uus = ell won , I'ortuguaso second , Lord Lonsdalo third. Time : l:4.Vj. : Second race , ono mlle anil seventy yards : Ormonde won , Mary McCnwan second , Svdnoy third. Tlmo : Il8'i. : Third race , Washington hnmllo.ip , soven- eighths of a .iillu : Adoila won , Karlno second , Jim Murphy third. Time : lii'- ; : Court li race , sovcn-elghtlis of a mlle : Sil verado won. Getaway second. Argent a third. Tiniii : 1 : . . ) . riflh race , nvo-elchthsot a tnlle. Little Iock ! won. Illg Casino second , Klrst Day third. Tlmo : 1:01. : sixth race , ono mllo. Jed won , I lagan second end , Koko third. Time : 1:44JI. : Colonel Corrii aii'H Hnoc.s. CIIICAOO , III. , Sept. fi. Hawthorne results : i'lrnt race , five furlongs. Hedlna won , Mrs. Peck second , Unclu Harry thlr.l .Tune : l:0."ili : Second race , six furlon s. Geraldlno nun , Heller Skelter. second , Tom ICarl third. Time : ll3 f. Third rai-o. mlle and a slxteonth. llrook- wood won , Itlval hovond. Gllfoid tliltd. Tlmo : 1:51 H. I'oiirlh raco. six 'furlonss. Maud H. won , Ai tlstlc second , Sanford third. Tlmo : 1:1.1. : I'lfth raco. six furlongs , ( juoonlo Trow- hrldgo uon. Uuusur second , Ivanhoo third. Tlmo : 1:1 ( > J. Cheerful Crnok of the Shotgun mill the Scores It Miuli * . There was a largo attendance at the Omatin Qun club's weekly shoot on the Cross grounds , ever the river , yestnrday afternoon. The approach of the wild fowl season has awnkoncd un increased interest in the affairs of the trap , nud the wenther home superb , about every punnur who could took advan tage of tha opportunity to test his skill. In addition to the contestants there was n good crowd of spectators. The first event on the card was the regu lar club shoot , the conditions of which were twouty-flvo blue rocks , live unknown traps , eighteen yards rise. The score : Pnrmolco. . . . lllll 01111 lllll lllll lll1-2l | llrnucr 11111 Hill 10111 01111 10111 ' "J Kunndy. . . . 10010 011)11 ) lllll 11111 lllll 20 Fogs Hill lllll 11010 10010 UIUI 2) ) ICorty Hill Hill 10010 HUH Ollfl 18 I.oomli lllll 01111 11(131 ( lllll 11011Jl Taylor 11101 10J11 OiniO 00100 1"OI1--13 DlcUev lllll lllll 11IOJI 1)1010 lllno 17 Smith 01.00 lllll ) 0)111 ) 11131 lllll 17 Townsonrt , . . . 11101 Hill 11110 Oltll nil , ) 21 itiack ooi 11 inn own 11111 nun .0 kUhelmer. . . 01101 11110 J1111 11110 lllll ) 10 Mr. Pdrmalce , with a score ofM , carried off the modnl. Following this cnmca live bird sweepstakes shoot , live birds to o.ich man , thirty-one yards rise , modified English rules , fit en trance. The score : I'nrmelee 11111 T > I'triv . ' . 11101 4 Smith OII1I > llrower 11111 3 Hhick 11110 4 Dicker lllll S Loomls , , . , lllll fi First money waa divided by the 5s mid second end by the -4s. Tho" third match was a duplicate of the second. The score : I'iirniolec 10111 t roKB..i , 11110-3 Multh 11111 ! > Ilrewcr 11 HI 5 Hhick 11101 4 Dickey 11111-5 I.oomls lllll 5 lun-ty 11011 1 First and second moneys divided. The $100 match , twenty-live blue rocks encb , eighteen ynrds rise , between "Airnolo" Billy Townsend nnd Judge Elscnhounor , wns won by the judge by the following close booro : Klionhoiincr lllll lllll Hill Hill 11111 25 Town-end 11111 lllll lllll Mill 11110 2J Hoforces : Kroner and 1'-iriuoloo. T TOI Jl.ll'I'V TKHMlX.niOX. How Outiu-Io OIliulnlH Hush Boudlint : Soiuiilnl.4. OTTAWA , Out. . Sept. 3. The Gaio dos Chaliorus rriiroad will bp brought tea a happy termination as the result of n con ference between the lawyers retained from the vurious interests. The application of the now company for the dominion act of incorporation was opposed bv the Ontario bunk und the McFarlnno estate. Incidentally , during tlio state com- mittuo's inquiry , nil the boodllng disclosures took place. Now an arrangement has been reached by which the nioasuro will not bo further opposed. The now company has agreed to incorporate a clause In tlio bill pro- Vluing for the deposit of 8180,000 in the bank of Montreal as necurlty for the payment of Sub-contrnctor MuFnrlano's claim and nlso to pay whatever uward is made by the courts in the civil cases now in progress. S , Sept. 5. The second series of the great French nnny maneuvers , In which 110,000 men took part , commoiicod today. It will last l ntll September 0 nnd consist of n five-day's battle between General do Galliffo and General Davout , under the supreme di roi'tlon of General Souslor , military governor of Purls , who already nnj been designated as the probable commaiidar-in-chlof of the French urmio-i in case of war. .Spcoinl lO WA'.IIINOTOX , D. C. , Sopt. 5. Secrotury N'oblo today appointed Otla Staples of Mln- jiosoto , Hurry O. Miller of Minnesota , A. O. Elhiuohnrt of Mlnnosocn nud Fred A. K. Debs of Mlnuototii , G. A. Lawrence ot South Uakotti , William Hull of Virginia , und K. L. lirookwny. of Wisconsin , to uu uxnmlnors of timber lands on the White Earth Indian res- jrvatlon under the uct of January 11 , ISS'J. Caliliu-iila AVi-nlliof. S N , Cnl. , Sept. 5. The llrst nln of the noasou foil tcdny In the coast Bounties of C'ullfornla and In some parts of .ho cuntml valleys. At no point was the irocipltntion grout , and no damage was done o grapes or other crops , Thu weather iiiroau indication * point to generally bcttlod vcutner for thu coatt , with occasional show- irs in the valleys of this stuto. Axioll'x Valuation Hiilsed. INDUSM'oi.i.s , Ind. , Kept. fi. The tax com- nissionons hove ruisod Axtoll's vnlunllon to US.onO. The chairmnn of the state tax com- nlsslun said the assertions that Axtull had : est (103,000 , was untrue ; that the prim paid vai f.V,0X ) ( ) . This and the fact that the 'amous racer hnd recently a touch of Umc- nllucuced tbu couimlsiloii to tax his ownur 'or ' * in,000. AVorld'a Pair CoiniiiUHlon Work , CIIICACO , 111. , tiept. 5. The NntlonM Jolumblaa commUsioa rontsouibhij thU morning nnd consumed the most of the for noon In the transaction of routine buslno' ' and the hearing of reports from the vnrloi states ivs to the progress ot the work thcrcli An Invitation from the local director to tun members of the commission to visit tt ; fair site this afternoon was accepted. The director general has been charged wit the control of the LiUlu-Amorlcnn bureau. The report of the commttteo on awards fa exhibits of live stock was udopted. The commission then adjourned till Moi : day morning. ytrmtit MAinti.iuii ro.wr./cur/o.v. A WOIIIIUI'N Kii-Kt lliintmnd Conic ISnuk to Trouble Her. NKW YOIIK , Sopt. 5. A suit for divorce i pending In the Now Jersey court of chnncnr , under pecullnrclrcuntatnncos. Fifteen year ngo the defendant In the case wns n girl c 10 , nnd wns married to n young man of lln prospects lu life and n well known nnmc. 1 less than n week after the marriage , ho w.i arrested for crime , convicted In thu court ? nnd sent to state prison for n term of years A Inwyor lu formed the youuc wife ihnt th sentence vras equivalent to n decree of dl vorco nnd In the course of n yonr she wa married again nnd tmd a child. Two years interword , having dlscovcroi her second husband's infidelity , she sough nnd obtained n divorce from him. Sonv time nfterward she was agnln courted am married , and has lived happllv with the thin husband and raised n family. This lumbani is In entire Ignorance of the first marriage Two mouths ngo the 11 rat husband callet upon thu wife and made hlirself known , m explanation followed. Ho him no desire , In said , to claim her or make their rolntloushli known , but simply wanted n legal distolutloi of their marriage In order that ho mlglr marry without bigamy , hence tlio suit witli the llrst husDnnd ns the petitioner. There is no contradiction of any of tin facts asserted In tlio petition. The case W.T before Special Muster In Chancery Join U'hltohend of Nevvnrit yesterday , nnd ho wll probably ndvlso n decree , and it will bo uec cssnrv for the wife to go through nnotuci marriage with her third husband in order U legitimatize her children. I UT husband has yet to be Informed of the state of things. I'K.IKV TIIK I'ltUXKS' XOIIT1I. Some ol' Ills CoinjmMlonfl Return nnd Tell DiHiiuil TaleM. Pliu.Mini.i'iiiA , Pa. , aept , . " > , The member : of the West Greenland expedition that trnv elcd with Lloutonint Poary n part of tuo way Into the frozen north , who have re turned to this city , say that unless rescued by n relief expedition , Lieutenant Perry mill his entire partv will never bo hoard of ngnlu , There were eight In the company .that landeii nt Unltimoroycslcrdny from the stcnmshl ] Nova Scotinn from St. Johns , N. U. They were sent by the Acadcmv of Natural Sci ence to investigate the geology , botnuy nni ! biology of western Greenland. Dr. Uobcrl N. Keeioy , ono of the party , s.iys : "Our expedition wns entirely distinct from Lieutenant Peary's. Ho wontjiiitendiiig to push to the furthest point north-yet reached by man. Wo went merely to study the west coast of Greenland nnd bring onck specimens. Wo were exceedingly successful , but every member of our party , I believe , considers the situation of Peary und the seven comimnions he now has ns most perilous. Ho Is about six hundred miles north of Uperuavik , the Danish town which trading vessels reach about OIICB n year. His liloa whoa wo loft him wns to push several hundred miles north ward toward the pole and to get back to Up- ernnvlk again by August'l next. "In the llrst place , north of Upcniavlk stretches Melville bay , which has always ' baflled iiuvigulors. We , In our little barko'n- tine , the Kile , were for thrco weeks packed in the ice of the bay nud hnd given up all hope of getting through , wnen it llnnllv opened up. Hut wo brought back the Kilo with us nnd Peary will Imvo to de pend on his whale boat to got him south. " xiu * i it. t ( i u. i .v it 10 nnn. Orannilii's Chief of I'olioe and Fifty CillzeiiH Shot Nnw YOIIK , Sept. 5. Mr. Himon Voloz ot the Kovlsta Popular of this cltyhas received a letter from his agent iu Granada , Nicara gua , who states that the chief of police nnd n number of his soldiers were shot during thu riot in tliat eitv of August 1 , and that more than fifty of the citi/.en rioters were either killcu or wounded. Ho says that the five persons who were suspected of a move ment uguiust the government ox-Prosldent Uhamorro , ex-President Lnvaln , Anselmo Hlvas , director of the Nictrncuans and Sonors Enncuo Guzman and J. D. Hodori- guoz wore npprohcndod and imprisoned iu the b.irrnclcs. The rioters included n num ber of piominent citizens. They were nrmod with rifles und nttnckcil the onrracks , firing on the irnrrlson. The .soldiers vepollud the attack , losing .several killed. On August 2.1 five ol the suspected revo lutionists wnro tried , found guilty nnd con demned to perpetual exile , with the warning that they would bo immediately shot if found on Nicuraguau soil. XOT It'TLDLY KXVlTlSa. Tennessee' * I/cKi laturo llolmviiifj He- nmrknfolyVoll. . NASHVir.i.n , Tunn. , Sopt. 5. There were some Interesting features In today's session D * the general assembly , though nothing wildly exciting. In the house n resolution was adopted , showing the sense of that body lo bo thnt when the present penitentiary loose expires there should never bo another iiiadu. The bill prepared by the joint mili tary committee , empowering the governor to cull out the mllltln , was introduced In both lious'es , nud the parole bill , nuttiori/.iug the covcrnnr , in his dlscratlon , to parole all con victs serving terms of not more than llvo roars , provided they have served the min imum sentence proscribed for their otfenso , was introduced in the senate. Ainnng tno bills introduced in the house today wns ono making it u'folony to ougago in a prizn tight , with or without gloves , or to u lit or nbot n li lit. . XOTIVK JIKVKIVKI ) . riio Kintc Hop iriinuiit Form lly HCJII-H the NO\VH IVoin Gci-mnny. Wsni\orox , L ) . C. , Sopt. 5. Formal noIre - Ire of the success of the negotiations result' ng In thu removal of the restrictions upon , ho Importation of Amurlean pork Into Gur- nany has reached the Department of State n the shape of a letter addressed to Whnrton ) .V the Gorman charge d' ' affaires , dated Now i'ork , September ( . It reads : "I have tiio loner to Inform you thnt thu restrictions ilaced upon the importation of American > ork , swine and snusnge.-t into Germany have icon rescinded , provided sucli Jive lings or tog products have been examined according o your law of March . ' ! , and norordlng to the gulntious of March Ui ! of this yo-ir , mid are urnished with proper olllcial cortillcntos. " Involving a TO\VIIHC. | ( Lot'isviM.K , Ky. , Sopt. 5. On the third ilonuny in October 18,000 ncros of ground , ncludlng the site of the town of Ellznboth- Dwn , Is to bo sold. A judgment wns run- ored in the Hnrdiu circuit court on Docom- or l.'l , IS ! } ) , In favor of Paul M. Spotiord und tlun-a of Philadelphia ugalnsl John Walsou nil others , the amount Involved being about 10,000. The uropertv In nucstion was pnt- utcd by the state nf Virginia to Nicholas , ow in I78 i and the plaintiff secured his idgmcnt In 1WXJ for money advanced to the atuutco. Many citizens of Kll/abothtown nro liirmed , hut It U not believed titles will bo ( Tooted , us they claim ownership under nu Idur patent. Now Su iuli ( > oi IN-Ht. SAN FuAXruuo , Cal. , Sopt. C. A now nud aiiinglng insect bus recently made Its up- curanco nt ' Watsonvllln , whom It has tUcked boots grown in that vicinity for the jgar factories , The now Insect is of nn uu- nowii species and Is a sort , of mystery to ; lontists. It Is fenrtxi that the ravages of iil now 'beet post will seriously uffcct the jgar beet industry on the coast , which is ist Dugumliij ; to assume large proportions. \Vr kly Hank KliilHiiionl. YOIIK. Sept. 5.The weekly bank [ utemcnt shows the roservu hits ducniaioj ) , UH,000. The Uauka uoxv bold $11,107,000 la icesj of legal roqulnuuents. FROM THE HARVEST FIELDS , Stories of Largo -Dropa and Well Tilled Graniuios , GREATLY IMPROVED BY RECENT RAINS. All Corcnln in I'5\ct-ns ol Tlioto ofAny Previous Yield \Vhllo 1'otatooH Full Coimldoruhly llolow the Avi'rnj o. OKTIIOIT , Mich. , Sept. 8. The Michigan crop report , Issued monthly by the secretary of stnto , gives thu follow-In ? Important figures on wheat , which nro returned from threshers up to August > : .lobs , : i'lH , ; ncrosTUW ! ; bushels , 1,1:11IO.'I : ; uvonige per acre , IS.S bushels ; number of jobs reported tluwtu'ii In the contrnl counties , ll'.l ' ; ncros , lCM ; bushels , ( HIIII ; nvor.ige per acre , 15.00 bushels ; number of Jobs reported threshed In the northern counties , ( VI ; ncros , itTiit ; bushels , it.'JjC ; average per acre aid bushels. The llguros indicate n total crop ; iu the sluto slightly in excess of Sr ,000OOU bushels. Oats lu the southern counties yield ! I5 IS bushels nud iu tlio cen tral counties iio.78 bushels per acre , and bar ley iu the state averages 1U..V > bushels per acre , Potatoes will yield nboiit si per cent of an nvorago crop. The crop has boon In jured by the druuth , but the recent rams will greatly Improve it. Winter upplu-i will yield ibout IIO par cent nud Into ponchos about . 'H per cent of nn average crop. O.its in the com nil nnd northern counties lire not all stored , but Imvo boon considcrauly damaged by wet weather. Some in stuck is nlso Injured , l.iitocorn Is iu u condition to bo greatly improved. ST. PUM , Minn. , Sent. . As thtcshiug progresses throughout the northwest reports of Inrfo yields of wheat in number. Fifty bushels lo the acre comes from Devil's Luke , N. D. , while Hottluoau county , in the same stnto , where the piece of wheat of the Now Orleans World's fair wns crown , claims that all of its wheat this season is of the pri > o winning kind. Tlio most conservative estimate places the wheat ylulu of Allnnasotn nnd the D.ikntus at 1U5OUO,0'J ' ! ) bushels as ncainst Ou.000,000 bushels last year. The Great Northern people claim that'tho whont crop In the tlirce stales would 11)1 ) u train AV ) miles lung. Sr. Lori * , Mo. , Sept. 5. The secretary of the State Board of Agriculture lurnishes the Associated press with the following weathui' IH-OP bulletin , for the week ending Saturday , September f > : The rainfall for the week was below normal for the state ; two counties only St. Louis and iMouetnu reporting an ex cess. St. Clair nud Christian counties re ported light frost , slightly Injuring late corn. The temperature was below the normal , frost being reported from Holt county , bl.t no damage. Sunshine above the normal and very bouolicinl to fruit nud corn , especially in the northwest suction. The week , while splendid for farm work , plowing anu wheat nnd corn cutting was not seasonable for maturing corn , the weather being too cool. Dies MOISKS. In. Sopt. r > . t'hls wcok's bulletin of the Iowa weather crop service says : Frost on the ! ! d nnd lib did slight , dnmngo. Corn made slow progress , and at least two weeks warm weather is needed to place thu bulk of the crop boyoud danger. About , one-third will roqiilroallnf September without froit to mature , and the proipoct Is not favor.iblo. All other crops are excep tionally heavy. Fall plowing is iu progress nnd there will bo n largo Increase In the acreage of winter wheat and rvo. Toi-i'iCA , Kan. , Sept , n , Tho" monthly crop report issued this evening by Secretory Mah ler ot the State Board of Agriculture s.iys that Kansas , throughout its outiro breadth , has bountiful harvests of nil kinds In some localities corn lias suffered from insufllcient rainfall , yet the .state ns u wbolo has never hud a more on- cour.iglng outlook. Since has bucn threshed the estimates of the totnl yield of both spring end winter has increased fi.OOO- OOt ) bushels nnd the aggregate product Is now placed nt ( iO.OOO.OIU ) bushels. Oats has yield ed from twenty-nine to thirty-six and ono- fourth bushels per acre and the estimated total tins not boon changed since the lust ro iiort. Corn lias suffered considerably from lack of ruin , the principal duniauu occurring in eastern nnd central Kansas. The general condition of corn has fall on from 'JO to 81 per cent of the average yield during the month. Later corn is in a condition to bo greatly im proved by timely rains. Other crops promise well. O Vl'TljlO Sll U'.tl ISN TS. Oinnlm Com pi rod With the and IVIIIIHUS City Mii-k : < ! tn. The Hnwllns Kopubllcan says thnt although stock shipment did not begin until the pres ent month wns well advanced , August has proven n lively month. Agent li I dwell says hols coiillduut tiiat fully tlitun hundred cars of stock will bo shipped from thU point dur ing the month. During thu U-OOK the Kll Suvon outllt shipped seventeen cars of uattlo to Chicago and Orn Haley shipped nineteen cars to the same place. Kyan ! ! ros. have un order in for thlrty rnrs and expect to load on Saturday. Thu two train loads which liyiiu Hro-i. shipped last weak were sold , ono train load iu Chicago for $ . ' ) , the other In Kansas City for ? ti.7."i. The two tiains were started from Hnw- itns ut the same time , one for Om.iha , the other for ICnnsns ( Jitv , with intention of as certaining which of the two markets was the hotter. The Kansas City train on account of n wreck , wns delayed a couple of days , there fore both loads were not on the market on the same day , und this load sold foiJ 75 pur ewt , The Omaha train went through on time , and an olfer of SJ.UO was made In that city , but was refused and the cnttlo were taken on to Chicago whcro they sold for SI.OO. The Omaha offer was much the hotter - tor of the three , but as It wns nmde n couple of days earlier than cither of the others , nnd tno market on the decline , there Is probablv but littlu dllforoncu In thu price paid for bcof in the thrco cities. Reader Bros , sold In Chicago n foiv days earlier mid received ) . > . It uppeni--i that the advluo to hold on nnd make late ship ments was untimely. ( "ownrilly Oimo. Fivm.tY , O.Sopt. 0. Wlillan number of -non - were threshing wheat this evening the innehiuu exploded. William Mull was klllod md four others seriously Injured. On Invcs- Igntlou It was found that a dynamite cirt- idgu had loen placed in a stieat of wheat by , oine person unknown , causing the explosion. Three SollIlci-H Drotvnril. jjn b\\i.i.s , Wash. , Sopt. n. Kour oldlcrs , Corporal OITorson , J. Hrovvn , 1'ut- ick ilngan and .1. O'ICoofe , while boating on nice Ciimr d'Aluuo , were upset. All won ) Irovvnod except Ilogan , who hung In thu lent and was picked up In nu exhausted con- lltion. ) l''oroHt Klrcn. TACOM * . Wash. , Sopt. 5. l''orost ' llros have icon rugliig In the Cascade mountains near lot Springs for three day * . Much valuable Imbur has already been destroyed nud thu ires , which now extend twoiity-llvo mllnt long the mountain rnngo , are still spread- l'.lliiiH .Mny Siicnoell I'r otnr. NKW YOKK , Sep. . 6. A spcrlnl from Wnsh- iigtou says It is reported on good nuthorlty lint thu Hccrotnry of war bus soul his rcslg- ntlon to Ihu president to toke olfect Sep- uinbcr'to , The snino nuthorlty snya Stephen ) , Klkina will bucceed Proctor. NowMilniiilVoiiion Can Vole. WKI.I.INGTOS' , N. / , Hopt. fi , The house of oprosontatlve.s of Now /.enlnnd ha * passed a III granting residential buffriigu to women nd qualifying women for uluutloii to parllu- lent , V v Tui ; Siiiik hy a Ktcainnr. t\K\f YOIIKSapU"n. Thotuguoat Krl vai unk tbls morning by n steamer ami tut ) > ui f the captuia was droirnud.