THE OMAHA DAILY BEE , SUNDAY SEPTEMBER ( j , 1891-SIXTEEN PAGES. 8PE01RL NOTICES. KOIl T1IR8K COLUMN AnVKHTIHHMKNTS IJM p , m. , for the evcnln nd until a SOp , m. , for the morning or Sunday edl All nelvr-rtlfcmonts In the e columns J cents nwor flrt.tlnt rllon and IH rcntt n word thereafter , or I fft line per month. .No advertisement taken fei leu thani. * ccntn for the nrsl Inncrtlon. Terms ov In nrtvance. Initial * , figure * , symbols , etc. . cue count nun word. All iKlvcrllneniRnls must rimcoi lecntlToty. Advertisers , liy refiioatlnir | n mimbere chrck. cnn havn their answers addressed to n nuni tirrrrt li'ltfr In earn of Tin : IlKB. Anuwcrs ( " > ' elrc * cd nlll ho delivered on presentation of th check. ADYKIITISINOKOHTMKSI BiiANrJioFFicKS columns will betaken on the nbovo condition tlhn following liu'lni-sB tinmen , who nro nutlioi Irnl tn take iiprclnl notices nt the inmo rntci as ca bei hart at the main onie-i' ! . . . , South Omaha llrarch Omao-No. 2HZJ N Btrcol LUter block , John W. lloll. pharmael * , ! . tlth unit Mnson Mreeti H II Fnrnnworth. I'lmrmae-lst115 I'umlng strocl W .1. Hughes. I'lmrmnelit. 24 N. ICth slri-et. 0 B Sattorfleld , I'hnrmnclBt , 1718 l-cavcnwortl trei-t HiiBhcV Pharmacy. 21th and Fnrnntn. KITUATIOXS AVAXTKI ) _ Firoaler , rte. , rtetaiinf trot column " * / " * iYv wiri. ) liKK A POSITION wm family nt tin1 furl , in oompanlon nnd ton sl t I Ihn household. In quick nnd capable ; best referemo given. Aililri'MA Iff , llee. a Uli' I'lllNTKII WANTS WOIIK ; In Job ofllco under Instructions. Addrcx At care lleo. 213 ( i * A LA"I > Y'WANTS A SITUATION FOII C.KN era ! housework. Henry .Mueller , 13th nnd .tones WANTKI ) . SITUATION AS DHlYKHOIt WOHI liy siiln-r reliable' mnn , one who thoroughly ur rtfrMniiils horses. Address A 14 llco. 2lj : G * WANTBI ) . IIY LADY. POSITION AH COPYIS' or nHslstiint hookkeeeper : etulrk nt llgurcs. Ai ! ( Ireni. Hamonii. Salt Lake City. Utah. 210 (1 ( * WASTED/A I'OsTrfoN IIV KXI'KHIKNCKI lady stenographer. Can furnish gond refei ences Address li. C . ft.14 So. 17th avenue. .M274 7 * ' AS IIOIJSKKKI-II'KIt IN WIDOWer AMTI'ATION er s family ; good references. Addres A t lice. 258 0 * Yor.Nfi LADY STKNOiillAPHKH WANT ! position. Small salary. Address A 111 , llee. WASTED A POSITION AH ASIISTAN'J L bookkeeper or bill clerk. Address AT , Hon. 2500 * -WANTKII-A POSITION IIY A YOUNO LAI\ AWANTKIIA ! understand : --fin Menncrnpher : experienced bookkec'plnn : Kood references. Address UI'J N 17th City. 255 U * WANTKI ) . SITUATION IN Wlim.l'.SAl.K "HI iionds liouse hy yountf nmn with four year'i experience In packing and shlppliiK department Address \ 13. lleo. 225-B * AW A NTKI ) . SMALL SirFTjK HOOKS TO K lilil evenlnus liy bonk keeper employed illlrlnit tin day. Address A. Kl lice. 221 ( i * wANTl ) I'MTION ( | AH II liy a lady for whlowpr ; no objection to leavlnt city. Address A , lleo. MIS4 li * - WMNTKllY A YOUNC. LADY. I'OSITK as steiiOKrapher. Iteferenccs. Address .lennli Creenslntc , Wlllmiithsvllle , Mo. 214-7 * A WANTKI ) . SITUATION KOIl IIOIISK-WOItTl by competent Klrl. Call or address 525 S 31st nt 181-11 * _ _ - > -1'O 1TION IIY LADY STKNOC A-WANTKI imiphcr and typewriter : three years experience In wholesale Implement house , lleferences froir former i > mplocrs. Addresn \ 05. lleo olllce. Ml IB c * _ AWANTKI ) , SITUATION HY YOUNO MA > able to keep ret of books In n store or oflicc Pinnll mlnry at commencement. Address A' f > 7 llee. 141(1 ( * WANTKI ) MAM * IIKIjI * . _ lor inter , rlc. . frc Ion uf ) > el cnliinin on tliln "P WANTKI ) , TIIA vml.No SALKSMKN TO BKfl J'linklm. powiler lo the retail grocery trndo. Wi nro Bolne to put our goods In every city and towi In Dm I'nlled Slates If poinlblu and have ndoptci thl method to obtain salesmen acquainted with the dim-rent n'cilonsof country. Wo want men now on thu loud to carry our goods as n side line. Till ! Is niton good opportunity for clerks or any live men nho mint to get on the road. Kxperlenoe nol absolutely necessary. We mi-iin bunlnexs. and td the right man a liberal contract will bo made am ! stonily employment given , ns we pay not le s thar $7.1 per month salary and expenses , or 20 per cenl commission. Addrexn with stnmp , The IJ. H. Chem Irnl Works , 840 nnd 812 Van Huron street , Chli-ngo His. _ 241 C * BPU.KSMKN WANTKI ) ALL OVKIl Till : United Htntes. Huslne < s wholesale. Mngnlll cent nilrurtlolni ; specialty for retail merchants KDiiiothlnK new ; $1.1X10.00 easily made before the heillilnys , No salary , but liberal commission or tlrst nnd futurei orderi from merchants. Addres. liuniedlately for exe-luslvo territory and full par tlculurs. Continental publlshlngCo. , l'hlladelihln | l'f . 242 0 * _ -WANTKI ) A FIHST CLASS , THOHOUOIILV ezperlene-cd. National Ilullilliiu and Loan mnr us general agent for Nebraska for a corporation with unlimited resources. Appointment will pny $5.K)0 ( to $ fi.lKJO per year. nceordliiK to ability of man. I'liiii of company embodying essential points of olil com jinnies , with new and popular features ailile-d , mnklng It absolutely without an equal. None hut parties who can flirnlPh best references ns to nbll Hy need spply. Address National Loan nnd In vestment Co. , Memphis , Tenn. 233 C * WANTKI-COOI ) 8PKCI AT/TV A DVKHTIMNO solicitor : commission 60 pur cent. Heat thine out. Address A 18 , llco. 291 U * -AOKSTH. YOU AIN'T TS IT IP YOU arc not selling the Hygcnln corset , the best lit ting , best wearing and best selling article out Apply for terms , etc. , to Western Corset Co. , HI , Louis , Mo. 2J1 tl * T ) WANTKI ) ( JKNTLKMKN Oil LADIES ON I.III- J eral snlnry to sell our goods In cities , towns ami country. Hxpcrlenco not necessary , ( iootl open Ing for workers. Hobb'a Medlclno Co. , Chicago , J7K ! ' . B A r.KXTLK.MAN WANTKI ) ltH A I'KHMA- ncnt position ; must bo prepared to begin work nt once. Kxperlene-o nnnece-smiry , but former rale-snien jireteired. Snlarr $15 wookly. Apply Tuesday after 10. W. T. Marshall , 12 Creighton ink. 275 C * _ T > WANTKI ) , A MAN IN KACII COUNTY TO 4 'sell hardware peclultlnt tn huslnoss men. ( ! oed pay , Kondfor samples. Wright Mftf , Co. , 31 I'ark How , N. Y. 230 (1 ( * BAOHNTS , $5.00 TO $10.00 PKll DAY COLLECT- liu ; small plrtures for ns to cniiy and onlnrgo ; satisfaction guiirantced and n tl.WI outllt free. A. Dunne A Co. , ! W Kendo street , New York. 22d 0 * T > SALESMAN TO INTHODUCH OIMI SPK- J'clalty to the dry and grocery tradei quick sales and large ! prollts guaranteed ; particulars on application : write quick , ( ieorgo O. linker A Co. , Beiuth Heml Ind. 2ii7ti * -S.MAHT.TNTKLLIOKNT AND TIDY MKN TO sell our goods In city and country. No experi ence iiee'ev < snry or e-apltal required. To the right nmn ne wl | | give terms that cannot fall to yield tlrst chiKH returns , Apply Monday after 10 n , in , nt lull ! Chicago struct , l.owery block , city. 273 0 - SALKSMKN FOIl NKIIIIASKA , KANSAS AND Missouri to sell paper bagt , etc. , on salaiy or commission. Only men with experience and be'si references need apply. Aildro s Klsas , Keller & To. . No. IM Frnnklln street. Now York. 272 0 T > WANTKI ) , A 0001) AOKNT IIY A HKLIAHLK -1'llrm to soil supAllei to the manufacturing ami torotrailo In Nebraska. Address Woden A Co. , Cleveland , O. MS71 7 B WANTKITllAVKLINd HALKSMAN ; CAN inako r.'i003 per neck permanently ; trodo n < o- elnltles. Tabor , 177 .Monroe street , Chicago. 2V9 0 * ) - ' Ohl ) ANI ) KSTAIII.ISIIKn H.TW.'fNTK.l--\ ? . , . . J ' 'Southern Loan Hiilldlng and association wants evcrnl experienced axonts , Call on 8. L. Whltton , Murray house , Omaha , Bept. 8. M''M ) 7 * B-WK OFFM H AOKNTS HUI MONKY IN KXCLU Blvo tcriltorr. Our now patent safes sell nt tight In city or country. Now agents llrst In Hold dually getting rich. One agent In ono day cleared IN. , fo e-an yon. Catalogue free. Alplno aafocom- pany , ! it > K171 Clark street. Cincinnati. O. -WANTKI ) , A HKUA1ILK KIHK INHIHIANCK man of good business ability nnd long exper- leuco mul largo acqualntnncu In Omnhn , ami well poslt > d on present rates , can Icnrnoru lucrative and permanent position by addressing A 0 , lleo. 21J _ _ 1 > - WANTKI ) , WHITK HAHIlKIl WANTKI ) A'l -I'once , single , good workman , good habits. fT.OJ net board , lieorgo Wllklns , 110X308 , Kulrhury. Neb. 21.1 ( i * BWANTKI ) , INDUSTHIOl'S MAN OIT ROOD habits nnd modi < rate education , re < shlent of city elrvfi'rred , permanent and tiood pay to suitable mini. Address A 2. llco , MI'.U 7 * WANTED AdKNTa OAl-AHLX ! OK HANDling - ling iiib-agents and territory for n househohl ipeclnlty. Call room 41 , Furls hotel , corner tlth and Furiinm. MUll 7 * B WANTKI ) , ONI ! 8ALKSMAN KOIl I.INKN UK- partmenti also ono for dress goods department. None but thorough talcituun need apply by letter to .X , 01 llco. I41M ) WANTKI ) , $75 A MONTH ANI ) KXl'KNSKS FOIl salesmen In every county In | ho U S.i tmmpli'8 A outtlt free ; no espi-rlenco necessary ; yearly con tracts lunitu ) llnest ami ensleu selllnit uooiU man- ufnctnred , Aililross nllhttnmp for full partlou- Urs , K. Conror o,3j Hormon st. , Worcustur , M n s , . IH 17 1 > WANTKH , BI'KCIAI. AHU.NT FOIt UUILDINO -I'unel loan a ucliillun. Call DOl Uoo building. H to 10 " m. 1U-8 * 1)-WANTKI ) , HALK8.MANON 8ALAHV PHCUM 4 'mission lo linmllu the new patent chemical Ink $ J2 In two hours , Wu want ono general auent In each ( tatoiuul tt-rrltory. For terms and full liar- tlcnlnrs nddreis Ilia Monroe Kru > r .Mfk' . Co. , La Croieo , Win- t'J BAdKNTS NTKI ) ; WK WANT MKN , WHO are nlrcndr trnvi'llng mietnien , to carry our lubricating oil ample < u a sldu line , Nnmo ret- rn-uccB and territory. Muuufaclurvn Oil Co. , ClOTuland. o. M'.Oj li * OK ( iOOU ADDIIKSS TO DELL UOOD3 EMKN . AiucrlcuaVrlugor Co. , li'vj Uo * tO. 11M l iW * WAXTKH MAM ? Cflllffmiref , . THAVKf.KH WANTKI ) IM mediately who Is ne-iliiilnteil | with retail rin irnod nnd notion merchants In Nebraska tn sol spool cotton on cnminlMlon nnd expense * . Itcpllc must slalorcferencen , no nnd particulars of roai experience. Address Slxcord , 1 * . O. boi CI5 , Chicago M297 7 * WANTKI-HOY AT MOODV'P CHINA STOHK n rcfcrencea required. i B N. ICth St. 1541) 1 > WANTKI ) . 20HALKS.MKN TO CAIlllY AS/ JJsldn line our "Cash on Delivery" cigar , will ( Mill-Illicit natch ; big pay. O. O. D.tlgar Co. , WITH ton , N. U. 81 , 1)-WANTKD. GOOD CANVASSKItS AT 8INOK1 JJscwIng machine ofllco , 151U Douglas street.MO MO BT n-WANTKI ) . TWO OOOD ACCIDENT INSUlT I'anco solicitors for the1 city and ono for South Omaha , Address W 12 lleo. M.ll ! / or ratff. etc. , tte toil offlnt column nil Hits ixiijt ft-I ( IBT M.IK ) SAIiAltY KACH WKBIC Vj/.Mr < . Walker. Very plennnnt work. Xlrn , I.oncli Imnbury , Conn. Mm. wnlkcr nonds mo $ .2. > evprj neck alnry. I open Irttori nnd nttcnd to her him m'Ks nmonf my frlendn. Mrs. Mnry Ilront , 211 Wn bnsli nrL'mip , Chlcnuo. I cnn pny n nnlnry of tS.Ol per week nnd Incrpnso It. to n few ladlca nt homo If n. Mft mo In n iiipt | ( wny. > Knsy , plcnunnt employ input. llpfi'ri'iicPH Riven. Addrusi with stnmp Mrs Mnrlon Wnlkor , l.uiilsvlllc. Ky. 23'j C-WANTnY ) , COMPKTKNT OIHI.i S.MAM. KAM lly ; apply In forenoon. Mrs. A..under , M7 S SJth nvenuo. sw 0 C WANTKI ) VOI'NO OIltt.OK AI10UT Ir VKAIIS Jtot housework. 1711 N. lath street. MiCT B' C-WANTKI ) , Ctllli FOIl C.HNIOIIAI , IIOL'flH kncpiiiKi references required. Mrs. I'tntn , 2.W. Callfiirnlii street. ii's'iil * P-WANTID. ONI ; I-MIIPON UKCKIVKINSTUITC V tlons , keep books ; Kood situation. l.Jj ) New Vorl l.lfo biilldlnK. 251 li * - - - I.MV ) Oil OKNTr-KMAN TC C-WANTKD--A tooknfter onrhnrlno sln their town or city ; nc capital neoilcd ; nTcrences rerpdii'd : M..VJ n ila ) Kiiarantced. Address A. J , Wheeler , Concord , N. II 2i7 U * 0-WANTMI ) IAIV AflKNTH IN CITY ANI country towns to sell the I'nttl Comploxloi Illench. Apply to Mrs. t'rlssoy'u Toilet llazanr , cor ner2Uh and Lake streets. 269 l ! ' p-LADV AOKNTS. IK YOIT WANT OOODS v that sell quickest , pays largest proHti anil plvci tii-st sntlsfnctlon write quick. Cataloituen free , Mention this paper. Lndles' Supply Co. , 2S7 W \ynshlngton n. Chlcnuo. .MI'JO C-WANTKI ) . A COMPKTKNT ( Mill. FOIt U UN- cm ! housowork. Iniiulra 711 ! N 2''ml street. 205 C p-WANTKI ) . A YOt'Nf } ( IKKMAN ( MUL TO IC ) v Kcncral housework , 122 South 26tli street. MI'Jd. KOU IlIONT IIOUSKS. / HItnttf. . rtc , tfe ( on nf I cut cn'Uinri oil 1/if.i / - ngf -FOIt N'T. COTAm C I mWIS , 3l8 NOItTn I'th street. Knciilro : ; 20 N. Idtli. 231 G * D-I'Oll KENT. ON OCT. 1 , HKSIDHNCK NO. 519 S. 2itli ! avc. , nlne'-room house with laundry , nnd nil modern Improvements. Inquire of ( I. N. Clay ton. Wnbash olllce , 1IYJ2 Farnam street , or F. D , llronn , local treasurer. U. 1' . lly. Co. ai2l'J7 * TTVFOH HKNT. FIltST CLASS MODKHN SKVKN - 1room house$2J per month. Nice view ami yarel , 42d and Nicholas. M234 S * 7"\-FOIl HKNT , 7-HOOM FLAT , MODKIlv CON- l-'vonlenr llefcrenccs required. Wright , < i Las- bury , Kith \ .iownrd. M28'J8 D-FOIl HINT-SOS NOIITII 231) STHKKT ; MOD- ern holism , H rooms. No. 21h ! California street ; detached house , 7 rooms. Apply 1101 North 2''d st. M2U1 7 * D-FOIl UKNT-7-HOOM HOUSK , MODKHN IM- provementji , 2H2I Dodge. 21136 * TY-FIVK HOO.M COTTAC.K , CITY AND C1STKIIN J'water In house , cast front , large lawn. En quire ncxtdoeir. 131 South 34th street. 237 fi * "TV-Foil IlKNT , SKVKN-HOOMS.STKAM HEATKD 'Hat , Clowry building , llith and Chicago streets. Hoberts , 1(118 ( Chicago street , 2.TJ 13 * TVFOH ItKNT , .1 7011 8 HOOM HOUSKS , WITH I 'hath ; corner 30th and Webster ; $20 per month , E. F. Beaver , New York Llfo. 204 0 -9-HOOM HOUSK FOIl HKNT ; FUUN1TUUK for sale cheap ; easy payments ; rooms now rented ; location. Cnpltol avenue , 4 minuter walk from lleo olllce. Address A 1 , llco. M187 7 * D-2 TKN HOO.M IIOUSKS , ALL MODKHN FIX- tures. Furnace , line bath room , hot nnd cold water. 100 barrel cistern. All In Hno condi tion. Kent moderuts. Apply I'M' ! N , IStli street. M277 8 * TVKOU HKNT , 7-HOOM MODKHN FLAT , I9TH 1-Mind Cuiiilng sts. , $27.50. Two7-room modern Huts 59th nnd Fnrnnm sts. , $21.50. Henawu & Co , 210-7 D--FOH HKNT , SIX-HOOM FLAT ; HATIJ , ETC. , 315.00. Holbrook , 4. llee building. 211 -FOH HKNT , KLKOANT 8-HOOM HOUSK , 2 floors , nil modern Improvements , No , 403 N. 23d St. Apply at 1309 Furnum at. 207 U -FOH ItKNT , VKHY CONVKNIKNT 10-HOO.M house : Bcwcrago , city water , etc. $25.00 per month. W. Al. Yalea. California and 32rt St. 179.0 * "TV- FOIl KENT. HOUSK. TEN HOOMS , ALL MOD- J-'orn Improvements. Apply to Owen McCaffrey , 2120 Ilarney at. 178(1 ( * TWO 8-HOOM HOUSES IN GOOD IIKPAIU AT DIUnndlri'lB. 25th Btrcot. The Hates Smith In vestment company , 1(102 ( Farnam. 173 fl * FOIl HKNT. 1HAYKJUST TUHNKI ) OVEH to my agent , Ncthnrton Hall , room S.U First National bank , six , 8 nnd B room dwellings with bath , furnace nnd nil modern conveniences. TICBO | houses hnvo not been In the market until now and nro being put In llrst class order for tenants , every thing new and clean. Items mcdcrnto 10 good tenants on your leases. For particulars Inquire of agent. Herman Konntzo. M158 9 1) I-FOH HKNT , HKgiDKNCKS ALL I'AIITS CITY lilobo Loan and Trust Co.a. w. cor. ICth & Dodgo. 1)D D I IF YOU WISH TO HKNT A HOUSK OH Btoro , see H. K.Colc.Contlncntal block. 691 D - HUNT , 10-HOO.M HOUSE CKNTHALLY located , moelorn Improvements , 712 N , loth. 893 D-FOIl IlKNT , STKAM HEATED FLATS. Choice ! locution. S rooms nnd bath $ . ' 10.00 to $115.00. Notherton Hall , room 320 , First Nat. bank , liif-G D-FOll HKNT LAHOK HIllCK DWKLL1NO , 14 rooms ; nil conveniences ; rent , $ ( X ) . Netherton Hull , room.120 , First National bank. 9e7 ! 0 -TWO NKW 7 HOOM IIOUSKS , CON VKNIKCKS. South 2Sthst near Hanscom park. Inquire 2711 Hickory at , M953 0 * - 10-IlpOM HHICIC OWKLLINO ALL CONVEX- lene-es , convenient to city , $50.00. Notherton Hall , Iloom 320 Ut Nat. bank < Jo3 D-FOIl HKNT , HIllCK HOUSES. 10 HOOMS , IN good repair. Apply to ' . ' 019 St. Mary's avenue. avenue.ami D- roil UFNT , 0-HOOM HIllCK HOUSK WITH largo grounds. Apply to 2019 St. Mary's uvcnuo. MI31 T\-FOH HKNT.HOUSK 10 HOOMS ALLMODKHN J'Improvements , $ ; 10 per mouth , 32nd and Furnam. Dexter L , Thomas. 720 - FOH HENT.OUIIUKSIDKNCE , 1112 8. 10th st. Apply , C. S. Klgutter , 4 Now York I.lfo. M700 -FIFTY HOUSES ANI ) FLATS AT OHEATLY reduced prices. U. F. Hulls. 311I'uxton block. C5A-B24 * D-FOH IlKNT. S-1100.M FLAT. HHICIC , 2423 Uiko St. . vtith all modern conveniences. U.K. Cole , Continental block , or Faust bottling works. works.WA WA D-FOH HKNT-7-HOO.M HOL'SK IN WALNUT Mill. Inqulroof M. M. Yon Horn , euro of Max Meyer Hros. ji400 -FOIt HKNT-4 ANI ) I ! HOO.M STKAM-HKATKD nuts In the dowry bullellngs. lloforence-s ru- quired. Hoberts , 1018 Chicago street. MU2l-ti * D-3 , 4 ANI ) 5-HOOM HOUSKS , $10.00 TO $15.00 ; best residence Hats In city. Mcud Inv't. Co. , 412 llco building. y ; > y KOU uixr FuitxisHKi ) UOOMS. rer , reilc. . , flc. . tee tint nf list column oil ( /in pays ] ? -WVofvUX\\Mffw } \ J-Jinoiilli. 441 S. 21th nveniio. J129i 12 * 1A WIDOW HAS A NICKLY FUHNISHKD Juirlor | and slocplpg room adjoining , inuthcrn oiposuro , to rent to gentleman or gentleman ami wlfo ; no other roomers ; homo comforts. Apply 1007 doulu llth Btrect , tint floor. Can call Sunday 232 0 * 1-LAH < iK FHOST HOOM IN I'ltlYATK KAM- - llly , near Union depot. 1213 Seventh avo. 2180 * 1 FOH HKNT. I'UUNISHKDOUUNFUIINISHKD l-Jroonu , ull modern convouloucoB. 407 North 14th street , _ -KOUHKST. . S FIMINISHKU FIIONT UOO.MS IJwIth bath uttili N. ' 'Itli ; uintalrs , JIM tt * -FUHNISHKD UOOM , $0 1'KH MONTH , 1WM . -I JFsrnaTn. jj.j ( E-4 OKNTLKMKN WANTKI ) FOIl SUITK OF roonn , modern ; 4W N 10th , 3ril Hoor. 1M4 ji FOH "TlKNT. TIIHKK FUUNISHKD HOO.M8 , lullablo for housekeeping , Address , .V W. llco , 143 1FOIl HKNT , FtlUNISni' ! ) HOOMS , ( MS AND Xjbath. ! SIB North 15th street , MIM U * 1 ? FOH HKNT , NICKI.V FUUNISHKD COOL LirooniB at northeast corner Kith and Howard ; lawn nrouud building ; from $7 to J20.W u month. V-IN IMIIVATK FAMILY , LAItCiK FUIINI8HKD -Jfront room , also ouo small loom , Uofcreiu-os 1817 DuvunportBt. M'/'l t. * lI'-KtlU HKNT. PLEASANT FUHNISHKD HOOM , Uvcry elctlrublo location. .IV2I Chicago Urcet.MI31 . , K ST. CLAIll KUUOl'KAN HOTKL. COIl. i-il3th and Dodge , will miiko low rules forrooiui by thu week or uioulli , wtli | or without boarel. RW JJ--HOOM , 1-lllVATK FAMILY , 1701 CAl'ITOL " H3 S 16TU iT. uoais AND HOAIUI For rntt * , etc. , tee ID i of l nt column on tftf.i ) * ije HOOM WITH IIOAHI ) FOH . tlcmnni desirable location. 210 South 25th < lreo MliJ 8 * IA-A NICELY FUHNISHKI ) HOO.M WITH IIOAHI -L for two ladles or gentleman nnd wife. In pilvat fnmlly for $ .VU ) a week each. Kvcry modern coi Tcnlencc , No. M5 North 2tel direct. 8(3 ( 0 * Ji'-FOHTtKNT FUHNISmiO HOOM WITH Al I cove Biillabln for 2 or 4 gentlemen , In modcr house , with hoard ; terms reasonable ; prlvat family , WHl S. 2lal street. M222 ' U-IUJOMS ANI ) IIOAUI ) . HKFKUKNCK9. 18J -i Chicago Btrcut. M237 8 * U-NICK UOOM , WITH HOAHD ; 1'LKASAN' ' -L homo ; private family. t20 North 19th stre-el. _ l--TWO WIDOWS OCCUPYING1'LKASAN' > homo elcslra roomers nnd boarders. Aildrea AZI , llco. 2U3 U * TTNKATLY FUHNISHKI ) UOO.MS WITH IIOAHI J 20I9 Cnllforiilu st. IbO-IO * T7-CONYKNIKNT TO HUSINKSS , 1721 DODOl J Btrcet , M732 S3 Tj" FUHN1SHKI ) UOO.MS A IIOAHI ) Mil Unrncj Vr-FOlt HKNT , HOOM WITH IIOAHI ) . 1722 DOI > oi 1 street. b'J FOR HUNT HOOMH UM''UllMSIllil I''orrnl < , clc. , teetnp of f.rtt ceiliim't tin tlitt j > tij < near motor , torrent cheap , 8JI ti. 21 t street. VS1 C G- I'APKUKIIUUOMS , KN 8UITK , W H. Kith Bttcct. MIM 7 * -KOIl ItKNT , 11KUMS IN StJITKS TO I'l.KASK > lx ntnrcs for rout ; onu hutul eGO ruomi. Seiiri K1S N. V. I.lfo Wt\x. \ H09 p I U.VruilNlSIIEI ) HOOMH. SU1TAII1.K FOI v.'lnni ! > c'kco'liiK | , to tnmll fnmlly , prlco tl < , 1IU Webster Btrect. 28 -KOIl ItKNT. 3 UOO.MS TO A SMAU. KAM lly , with nil conTcnIcnces for liouiekeuiiliiK. In qulru lUI.'l 1'lcrce t. ' .Hi HOARDING. Forrnlfji , rtc. , rtc lop nf first rntitmn on Wits ) > iji ( -Y > uiyM"A " "iVou8krrsio)6V JKrTOVi"ao'ti ) honnl. nicer rooms , convenience ) , ml 03 nni location It cannot bo excelled. Mm. Horn , prop 25I-S12 Foil KKNI' STOIC I < .S AM ) OKl'MCIOS ' orrnlrtctc.fce , fop nf t < rtt column on Hits pay T KOU IlKXT. CHOICK LOCATi'ojf NKAH "lliSl J ness center for first class saloon. AUdrosn A 'Al lice. JUJ388 _ T KOU HUNT , TUB 4-STOIIV HIIICIC IHMI.DI.VO Jwlth or without nonror , formerly occupied b ; The Hoe I'nhllshlni ; Co. , Ulii Knrnnm street. Tin bullilliiK h a tlreproof cement banemcnt , complcti Htcnm-heiitlnB llxtures , water an nil the tluors , tins etc. A pply at thu olllcn of The llco. _ 1)18 ) T-FOIl ItKNT Olt SAI.K , JIY 1IUIUINO O Ijones St. . bet. 10th & llth. .A.UmIiul3tjlU | : S'3 ' ' T-STOHKS FOIl HUNT I.N OHAND OI'KIl/ J lloura buthllnK. R J. SutcllIIo , 314 First .Niitlnim llnuk building. _ 6111 T KOIl HUNT , THKOKFICK KOIlSinitl.Y OCCU- Apled by Alexander & Hnilth In Continental bolck corner room , perfect ordor. Krceland , 1-Kxjnil.i Oo , I FOIl HUNT , TIIK 4-STOHV IIUICK 8TOI11 biilldlnK. 1111 Ilarney street , formerly occnplet by Allen Mros. Inqulro Mlltuu Hogcrs & Sons.M767 M767 ' AVANTKD TO ItI3.\r. Jmntr * . rtr. , ree tnnnt flin ! trlumn < m th\3 \ -TWC l NICB all inoilcrn conveniences with board for tnc KOntlemen In private family. Southwest trom bus IneKs center preferred , Can ulvu best of rofe rcncen Address A 17 , llco. Miss " -WANT TO HKNT KUHNISIIHD , BMALI , clean cottaife or Uatj central. Address All.llpc 23 < q _ K WANT TO IlKNT , COMri.KTKIjY KU11- nlshed house , 5 to 8 rooms , modern conven iences. for the winter. Man nnd wlfo. Addruss O. II. Jeffries , 200 Hco building. -MI518 K M AN AND WIFK 'WANTS 3 Oil < tJNKOIt nlslicd rooms suitable for Unlit housekeeping I ot more than six blocks from 17th and Kurnam st , Call at 1IJ17 Kn run m bt. II ' .I _ ItKXTALi AGKXOY. For t atrt , tic. , tee lop nf i ri > t column 011 this jjaye. L-H. K. COLE , HENTAL AGKNCY CONTINKN- tal block. 101 L IIOUSKS , FLATS AND STOHKS FOIl HKNT IN all parts of the city. 1'urrotto , leitli nnd Dodge. 603 SW bTOUAGK. Fprratet , etc. , see tn i uf nt column on 1/1(4 / ( ) iei0 . TVf" OLDEST , CHEAPEST ANI ) IIEST STOIIAOK J--lhouso In city. Wlllluma & Cross , 1214 Hurnoy. Wi M-CLKAN , DIIY ANI ) IMIIVATK STORAGE OF furnlturo , Omaha Steve llcpalr Works , 1207 Douglas. U03S24 w A x r ii -TO H uirl Forratci , eU.teetnpuf flrst column on l/ift / pige HOHSK AND I1UOOY WANTKD-APPLY TO N Dr. A.U.SImpson , Twenty fourth street , between at nnd N streets , South Omaha. 2080 * AT WANTKI ) TO HUY , A SECOND HAND IN- -l > valid chulr at 222 N. 10th. M201 10 * TVT-WANTKD , TO HUY HALF INTKUK3T IN . ! > Bimio paying business not to exceed { 500 cash. Highest references given and required. Address A , 10 lleo. ai , 223-7 TVT FUllrflTUIlK 110UOHT , SOLD , STOHKD J- ' Wells , till Farnnm street , yoi KOIl SALili FUICX1TU1CK. For rates , etc. , see to. , or itral column on tin * peiffo -MKXCAN "ifoKNKl ) 'HOOs osltv : llvo without water ; cannot leap , walk and run like a rut , horns like tlio cow ; easily elu- mobtleiitod , attractive , harmless , useful pe-tsi de- Btroy tiles , roaches , ants , spiders , frighten away rats and mice ; most wonderful ami valnablo of Binull living creatures ; bonaiua for those desiring business. $1,000 monthly cnn bo iiinelo by shrewd energetic men Bulling thcso frogs through agents , Cliculars sent upon receipt of stamps. Aeldrost * Uenerul Agent , llox&OO. Van lluub , Toius. 2'jkl ( i * | -NlCKTIIOItOUJHnitKIJKHSKYllULLOALF ) Q for sulo cheap , at 1U23 South 32d avonuo. 280 0 * - OF A 5 HOOM COTTAGE KOU 0-CONTENTS sulo ; central locution. Address A tl , Heo. 2(13 U * - OF 7-HOOM STKAM HKATKD 0-KUHN1TUUK Hat , cheap for cash , 614 S Kith st. Klat C. 172 10 * KUHNITUHK ANI ) FIXTUHK3 ALMOST NKW for sulo cheap , now brick hotel , only ouo In town. Address C. T. Urndloy , Harvard , Neb. M9a3 8 * - SALK CHKA" ! ' ! A NICK LOT OF household furniture ut 191(1 ( Douglas street. (134. ( FOUSALIJ UOKSUS.WAGOXS.ljTU For term * , etc. , fee loji ei/ first column on Irtw jxigs 1NICK , STYLISH DHIVKH-NO 1L. . _ . i- purpose horso. Owner can glvo conslelcrublo patronngo to coal denier or mcrchunt or take goods us part payment If suited. Address A 22 , llee.M301 M301 8 * 1V-WI1O WANTS A LA1U1K , YOUNO ( JET J- black ) family horse , suitable for phaeton or surrey , for 110 ; worth $ . * 00. A 6 , lleo. 210 0 * "P-KOH SALK , NU.M1IKUONK PONY , FOIl HID- J Ing or driving , cheap. W. A. Spencer , room 7 , Chamber Commerce. ai270 8 p-IWIVIXH HOUSK FOH $125. NO CASH HK- J. quired If Bcuiirlty IB Biilllclent. Co-Operatlvo Land und Lot , Co. , 205 N. 16th Bt. 215(1 I > - FO11 SALK , ( iOOD HEAVY TKA.M OF.MULKS , J. wagon und harness cheap. 1434 South 13th t. , Kendls. 218 7 * IJ-FOH SALK , FlHST-Cl.ASSSl'KKDING IIUIKIY. L Holbrook,4 , Heo bulldldlnir , 2T.-0 I > -TilK I1KAUTIFUL AIU11IAN 1IO11SK , JOE. L the ladles' favorite , together with phaeton and harness cheap for cash , or will trudo lor clear lot. Address \ 03 , lleo. .Ml'.ij-7 * -FAMILY HOUSE FOIl SAI.K , Sl.NULK DIllY- A cm or carriage teams. Can furnish nny kind of horse desired. Call nt C. 1) . Woodnnrth X Co. , or address T. J. Fleming. Cullioiin. Nob. 'joi FOR SAMj JUSCmajAXKOCS. or eilc. ' . lc. , tee topjif f.nt column on l/ij / ( j aj ) . Wwelghlng 1'ouo'to l.iou' ' on rungi nt llcnk'loumu ! Neb , tor particulars address N. A. Dulf , Syracuse , Neb. , or Denver Uf o block Com. Co. , Denver , Col. 223 S11 Q-FOIl SALKOH THADK , I.OTSHKLYiNijT'rT- bles , olunv ciisos , chuup. Inquire , UI3 Farnum. 2016 Q-A CHOICK LOT OF FIIKSH .MILK COWHi cull afternoon at 25th and Hurt streets. .1JJ 7 * LANINlf MILL IN UOODOUDKll , HUNNINO constantly ) Do iujcuuibruncn ; ehcup. W U5 , Hon. jd s ia * Q-TIIOHOUdHHIlKD MAbTIKF I'UPS. JI840 TK- catur strcut , Omuhu. 674 tj rj > For rate * , t'te , , ue lo ; ) of tint column -m tnin U-HALDNKSST'OsmVKIA C'UHKI ) ; NO MIS take about 11 ; send for descrlptlyo circular. Ad 3rys "Antl.llald , " boi'J.M. Davenport , la. -MASSAOK TUKATMKNT. KLtianuTTHKlt" mul baths , sculp and hulr treatment , nmnlcuro ind chiropodist , Mr . I'ost.aiOH b littiWlthnull blk. 107 UrSI'lllNllVVKLL CKMKTKHV-FINE LOTS. lOuia. for IWnraves.llO. Ottlcw , No , W N. Kitht id No. 3W , or anjr uuUeHskgr. Cnnliniitrt , -01'KNINU K.\KlClsS | OK I'ltOF. U. MAI I Vrlco Adams' noelcmy of ( lanclnir. delsarto an deportment , at ( Icrmanlit Mll.lfitb and Harncy st Monday evening. Sept. If. * ? cnd for clrculari n elu cod club ratvs , eta. 1'rltnle lemons nt nny linn Mtuo ; - etc. Olllce 418 S. Hlh ulrefct. Telephone H7I. M414 81 _ _ _ _ _ K -HAMILTON IIUOS.4.4II S. 18TII ST. TKL. 117 Docs Jobbing , cnrpcntPY-niul brick nork , pin1 tcrln ? nnd painting , < 5n si IVIGOOD PASTUHK FOTVHOH8KS. T. MIMIttAI IV 108 Ch.VIUVOVAN'i'S. /"or ratf. < , fie. , tee ton nfitt coliimn on Mil * teller. Tells past and future from Hues of th hand , Fee , $1.00 ; ladles only. MiN. 34111 ; upMiilr 80UH * _ _ _ _ S MllS. NANNIK V. WAIHIKN. CLA1IIVOVAN1 reliable business medium , IHth ye r , at 11VN. WW aiASSA K , MATHS , HTC. 1'prrate * , etc. . fee ( op nf fnt column on l/it > I M M A I ) A M K I , A It L' M ASSA ( IK 1 salt baths ; open till 10 o'clock p. in. 418 S. 131 street , Hat R. MVOJ U * P-MAOAMK SMITH , 1314 OAI'lTOL AVKNl'f JL M Boor. MH34 I : _ rp-MASSAUK , CIO S. 18T1I STHKKT , SKCON1 -Llloor. M4IS Si ; PKItSONAIi. e. f t < \ , > f c top nf i nt cut n mn nn till * | , y -lT'NHY"WANs"ol Cnrdllt , South Wales , and last heard of nt Omnhi Is reiiuesled to write at once to his slitcr , Mrs. Clirli tlnn Kvuns.SMortlmerroad.Cantou ; CardllT : mothe1 ( lend. M250 H WKSTKUN ( JKNTLK.MKN DESIHINIiT'TTi acquaintance of easier ladles through corro sponetence for mntrlmony or otherwise1 , aeldres with stamp Mu-Cor-Hureau , llox I'.U'.l ' , lloston. Mas 'iAI 0 * _ -SUITS 00 TO TIIK FOLLOWINO I'KHSONS August 31 ( no name by renuest ) . SOU Fnrnan ball II : September I , Andrew Miller. Sixteenth an Howard , ballSO ; Septembers. H. W. Hnnoy. Dall llee. ball 15 ; September .1 , t. Wengel. northeast cm Ninth and Douglas , hall l. Harry Hrown. V8.M1 * \ AUT AXI > For KllM. etc. , fee tint of irt ceiluinn on thtu taa : > ' new scale Klmball piano. A. Uospc.15111 Douglai 1)10 ) _ 'V'-TAI'KSTUV. KMHUOIDKUV ANDALLOTIIKI ' art work done nt 1720 .North 'Wd street : als lessons Riven. M'.Mlb * V MI'S. ' K. A. HOLYOIvK'S SCHOOL FOIl HOV > nnd girls , Ift'.M South iI2e ! avenue , will reopen Sej tcmbcr 15 , Ib'Jl , A limited number of pupils take-ii M27B ' , _ "ir ( IKOIUHC F. OKLLKNIIKCIC , HANJ ( > teacher ; with Hospo or 1010 Chicago street. tU3 _ _ \f-OMAHA K1NDKHOAHTK.V FALL TKI ' commences Sept 7. Kvelyn Urlnilhs'JiiOO Davenpt (153-9.ll ( MOXI3V 10 l.OAX UK.-VLi I3STA1K For ratcsrtc. , tec top of tnt column nntMsftarje. . " \\r-aiONKV TO LOAN ON CHOICE O.MAH. ' ' properly allow rates. W. S. Hyan , U 11.120 Fnrnam street. , 17713 \V-MONKY TO LOAN ON OMAHA IMIOIT.IITY ' Fidelity Trust company. 1(114 ( Farnam. till TIT" MOllTOAdK LOANS , . ! . D. ZITTJ.E.9I4 N. Y.I , * 912 yir-CENTUAL LOAN A'NDTHUSTCO HKK III.1K -LOANS. W. M. nAlUlISH.20FUKNZIKIl 11 Mi -il U15 \\r-ANT110NYLOANANDTUUST CO. , 318 N. Y ' LIlc. lend at low rates for choice security or Nebraska or lowii farms , or Omaha city property. 1. . 810 i \\7 -ii I'KIl CKNT FIHS'f MOIITOAOE LOANS Hlchard C. Patlersony07N. , Y , Llfo. 917 \\r-HUILDINO LOANS-4 TO 7 PEll CKNT ; NC * > aeldltlenal charges for commission or attor noy's feos. W. 11. .Melkle.-hlrat National bank hlelg , 918 Xr-aiONEY ON HANl ) Vro LOAN ON FIHST ' mortcnge on Omaha 'city property. Chas. W. Halney,315 Omaha Nat. bank bldg. 919 \\r-atONKYTO LOAN ON OMAHA PHOPKevTY ' ' K. Neb. and la. furms. K. F. Itlugor , 151U Knr'in. 42IJ-S-17 * MOXHY TO LiOAX O tor rntes , etc. , fe : till ) of tirst column nil Hi fa -LOANS , a i.v.Y. i/i FK it. r "iioifisi 133 02 * V MOS1JY TO LOAN IIY 11. F. MASTERS ON - -household goods , pianos , organs , horsei , mules. wnreheiuso receipts , etc. , at the lowest possible rates without publicity or removal of property. Time arranged to suit borrower. My loans nro sn arranged that you cnn make a payment at any time and reduce both the principal and Interest. You will llnd It to your advantage to see roe If you want n loan , or If moro convenient call up tele- iihno Iti2 ] und your business can bo arranged at homo. Money always on hand ; no delay ; no publicity ; lowest rates. II. F. Masters , room 4 , Wlthncll block , 16th and Hnrney sts U21 X MONKY TO LOAN : 30. IB ANI ) ! K ) DAYS ON furniture1 , etc. Duff ( Ire-en , H 20 , Continental blk. ' .122 _ ItUSIXKSS CIIAXOHS. For rates , ttc , , tec lop nf tnt column on ililn imtie , Y"w Ki'r'fo 7ui iAS 4y 'jNmHK In a llrst lire Insurance agency In the south or west , Oinahn preferred. Active , aggressive , ex perienced. Host of re-forancos given and required. Address X 07 , care lice. 227 ( J * V WANTKI ) , MAN TO INVEST iO.MK MONKY -L In and take position In llrst class manufactur ing company Just organizing that will bear closest Investigation. For particulars uddrcss , A 15 , llee. 247 U * _ V KOU SAI.K. A SMALL HUT COM I'LKTK STOCK K of elrugs , Woodworthblk. , ISthst.lnvolclngnbout thOO : everything llrst class nnd nearly now ; lll be sold at n suciltlco lor e-ush If taken at once ; speak quick ; It must go. U. D. llutchlnsou , fi''U 1'n.Mon blk IK ) U _ V KOllSALKOIl KENT , A OOOI ) IIOTKL , ALL L furnished ; also bar and fixtures with stock of ilquois , and doing n good himlncis. For pnrtlcu- arsaddrosaM. C. , Houth Omaha. Mlii4 13 V-I'OU SALK , HAKK11Y HUSINKSS , 111 ! N. 1ITH -Let. ; good location ; cheap rent. 217 ( i * V HKSTAUKANT FI.XTUHKS , OHIO1NAL COST A$5SO. will take $125.00 , monthly payments. Co Operative Land and Lot Co. , 205 N. llith tl. 215-li \r-KOIl HUNT , HAHN , CIIKt'KKHKl ) L1VKHY I. barn , cheap , 18th und llurnoy St. Cull room Oil Now York Llfo. UU-9 " \r--M,000 STOCK OF HAHDWAUK ANI ) FHItNI- I turo for sulo. Address A. ( J. Uugadorn. Curtis , Neb , MUSI ID * V KOU SALK , THK CANADIAN KMl'LOYMKNT Jolllco , bettor known us Mrs , Hrega's. The vury H-st business In the utate. In particulars enqulro 1144 H. 15lh. M'.i94 Ol _ Y-'JO" VOU WANT A ( HOOD IIUglNKSg , HL'Y TIIK Comuierclul , ( ho loading hotel , llrokeii How.Neh. 924 _ _ _ VJPOO HKtMSTKHKD SCHOOL IIONDS l-'OU 1 sale. For particulars address School Hoard , Hartley , Neb. 7 _ _ V FOIl SALK , HAlillwAllK STOCK ANI ) I building In county seat town In Nebraska. Co oil crops , good tradtVtMjeun block , Furiilliiro steick can bu added. Tenement over stnro. Ad- Ires , \ , 45 , llee , Mi)43-siO ) : * _ V-COUNTUY HANK , fll'KNINIi ; IIIWT IN J- state ; promlum ugrMruuiiral county ; safei and tlxtures for salu ; geiod building , lenso cheap : owner movliiu far nouUv I'orr Holllumnn , An- Beliuo , Neb , I ( V'J ) sw * V KLKCTIHO I.KiilT ( , 'LANT FOIl SALK IN J- county seat town wltlilnw ) miles eif Omaha. Two dynamos , capacity I Jut ) 16 C. r. lumpt , ono fa 11. r. iVcsilnghouso engine , two IB H. 1' . boilers , will seller or one-lhlrd cost price , half cash , bnlanco unlncum- bored real estate. Addicts W 3 , care of Omaha lleo. / , * 2l.tisl4 _ _ _ V KOUHALK , THADKtlll KXCHANUE , KSTAII- 1 llahe-d huslne . 1 * . O , box 6H. _ M'.VJ t , < te , , ire loj ) < i/ .rt coluHin on lilinat \ , avw \ \ /-Onniliu ( or vicinity. Call Ituum 40.Uro ) ii HTd'g. -na o a _ r/-KAHMS ANI ) LANDS FOIl SALK Oil K.V- /-'chi.nio fur city property. J. I' . 1'iitch , r-oi New 'Ofk Lite. Oauilm. M2fli 7 * _ V FOIt KXCIlANliK , ( iOOl ) OMAHA HKNTA1. / properly und sumo cath for n gooil farm within 25 miles otOuiulm. J. H. 1'arrultu , room 2 ! , Doug- us block. MIV2 | | * y"LANDN KUANKI.IN ANI ) HIIKHMAN COUN- t-l\\cs. \ \ Neb. , to trmlii fin-clear Omnhik or Council Hulls property. J. It. Main t. Council llluifs. MIWOIO _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ r/-KlllST-CLASSMANirFACTiHlN(7 ( i STOCK AND JgoeKl clear resldc-nco property to exchanitu for lock ut groceries , hardHuro or general mcrchau- IU , or guuil clear lurui. Addrvim K. A. Watruim , loutrlce , Neb. Ib'l ii * rWANTKI ) TO TIIADU , NKW FUHNITUIIK ' -Jfor a goud struu.hurtu , Addrctt 1' 30 , llco. M18J _ /-K.XCIUNlii : . Wil3il KKKT , KAST FIIONT , 3 ' 4feut above grailo , U < J feet from Furnam itreot , ait of 371U street , well Improved , elegant location , ooe ! relit. Will excliupvo for niuall preipertv clear , r largo propertr with Incumbrance. iJtur Loan .V 'rutt Co Ut t ttoor , tl , V. UIv UIOu. M1W U you KXOHAXOK. V-KOIt KXCIIANOE , AN t.MPOHTKI ) HKOI 'Jl < ; rod Cljdo stallion i want clear land ! prle t\tW \ , llox t i ) , Shenandoali , la. lu * rWHAT HATK YOtTrO ; KXClTANt1K. CAI , . , . "r wrl"1 me > ' " " ilc crlpllon , Alex. Moon 401 llco biillillng. jim ; . yrl'0ll K.VCIIANOK $7.000 HAIIDWAHK 8TOC ' t\n \ good town eleilnu uplendld business ; goo reason for selling. I'art cash , balnnro good laud t Omaha property. K. V. Itlnge-r , I5UI Kaninni. 1158 I'OII THADi : 28 1IKAI ) IIOIIMK . IS 'Jgood laud , for general merchandise nnd grocei Hock , .Mnry NOveitny , lltirwcll , Neb. .M829 l KOIl /"or miff , tic. , rrc tu > > uf firtl column on Hill ) > i > i OlO ii F6TlK StA'KINH"TsVl-S'r ' - - : MKNTS ISVK ! ii tlgato the lots I am selling nt < IO eae-h , beitnec Omnhn and new FortOmnha ; $10 Is lull payment fe one of Iheso lols , free from mortgage : no taxes lint January I , IK > 2i every hit a nice , level iiulldlng lei abstract plat and warranty eioeil with every le sold. The Midland ( iunrnnteei and Trust compan guarantee tltlo to this preiperty. Salesmen on th ground. Plats and full Information sent to any' ni drefs on receipt of 2c postage. Chns. 1' Henjnmli sole owner , 31J So. 15th st. 245 ( ! ' CI.OOOOFKO.V I'ltlCKOKA VEIIV NICK l ! UOO ; 'iphousennd lot If you come quick. Wclshnhs Co . ( iniiid Opera House bleick. MJU-7 ; l OH SALK-nilST trljA > .S ll-IIOOM MODKH rcshlonctf nnd largo 37th and Farnam. AI ply Dr. Mnttlcc , Douglaa lllnck. 292 u _ 'PHK IIKST IMIOI'KHTY IN TIIK MAHKKT A I prices askeil Is Huzol Terrace : lols $ 'itM to $8 , e-ach , em easy terms , llced , V Sclhy , U. 3i , Hiuird e M2.VI 9 I OH SALK. 120 ACHES I.MI'HOVKD LAND , $5.V I irosiKI ; 1,100 acre ranch. 1,500 aero ranch , TO aero ranch. Karms In Snrpy , Cnss. Saiinders , or | i any county In tin * stuto ; nlso touthnestern lown. 1 Waterman , 1'nxtuii block. 2N1 0 A 23 I'KIl CKNT INYI'isi'MKNT. The best Investment In Omaha today Is In Inslil property , Iho Income from which will net you ti to percent perniinnm , with the property growing ni | idly In value. Here Is a sample : A great east front corner on North lHlh strer paying H percent net and Increasing In value nt th rate of 15 per cent annually , alii ! will continue r this rule fur the noit llveyenr . I'rlce. fW.fiOJ.Ot For terms sou ALKXANDKIl MOOItK , 401 lleo Hulldlng. M I ' < _ 15Altr.AIN-LAHMO ( LOT. ' .MtOOM iToTsT "ham , well , cistern : California strei't : will sell fo $ l.'iOOIO ( less than actual value. Van Heiirell , DOIII las and 14th street. 101 8 _ IA'11 SALK-1'AHT CASH , I'AHT I'NINCL'.V 1hered real pstnte- well < - tahllalied commlsslo and storngo business. Addre'ss .V 02 , llco. 145 II" _ FOIt SALK TWO LOTS NOItTIl OK STHKKT ! vllle. Council lllulTs : or will trade for lot In ( ) m ; ha or horses. Address , X ( SI , llee. 2.13 (1 * 1 011 SALK , NICK fi-HOOM COTTACK , Ffl , 1 lots , Walnut Hill , only 11 , WO. Hlggest snap I Omaha , W. A. Spencer , It. 7 , Chamber Commerce M 1U 7 _ ( JKK THOSE 39TII AND HtMlT HOIISKS.DAISIKS ' 'open nil diiy. Kasy term , vacant lot tlrst puj ment. Sholes,2131sl Nntl. bk. 1759 * CM OASII ANI ) $10 A MONTH FOIl A LOT I ; iplliuel Terrace. Heed & Selby , It. 34 , Hoard o Traeie. SI2M-8 l0ll SALK-KASY TKH.MS , HOMKS FOIl $70 A $ I.OOO.I,2001WO ( and up. Tnkn small clear pror erty In part piymcnt , O. ( ! . Wallace , llrown block Kith and Douglas- ! i2."i l OfH CIIOICK KAIl.MS IN WKSTIIltN IOW , L for sale. 120 acres , two of li0 ! acres each , ono o 7M ) nereis ; all Improved. W. II. Krldler. ownei 619 1'axton Ulock , Omaha. JIKI5 Ol * 17OH SOUTH OMAHA 1'IIOI'KIITIKS. HUSINKSS A trackage or lesldem-e , go to the ) leading real e-h Into dealers In South Omaha , Kd. Johnston A : Co corncr24th and N streets. ! > . ' ? l OIl SALK A COOD 11O.MK ; KICIIT-HOOJ -L house can be bought Just now , cheap , as the owner 1ms no nso for it. Itoom 20 , Frenzer block opposite. I' . O , 'Ml 17OH SALK 5 ACIIK LOTS AIUO1NINO TIIK CI'H 1 of lllalr : price $300 ; tluocnsli , balance time. H W Mcllrlde. iVi'J tl lOll SALK-ON KASY TKH.MS. 3 STONE HKSI -L deuces : nil modern Improvements : " 111 take good city or farm properly In part payment Clarke , 19 board of trade. M9. . ' TOOK AT IT KKMIT-UOOSI HOUSE. HATH -l clty water , etc. ; newly papere-d and palntt-i : throughout : corner lotJOxlOO1 teetwlth good barn : only $2.9.V ) ; small cash payment und balance cnH > terms at 7 percent. C. A. Starr , Heo building. . 784 J 10.0(10 ACHES LAN ! ) KOIl SALK.CUSTKIl. FHANK 4-lln , Chetyenne und Klmball countle-t , Nebraska Uco. H. Velerson , 1412 S. 13th St. , Omaha. 2'JU ' S 11 DKKSS.MAK1.NG. . etc. , i ctt > n uf llrtt rolumnon Ihttfi 175 " tsUKllljAfiONAL Y system. 1112 So. ICth street , M123 7 * ( TO DO DHKSS.MAKlNO IN ENOAKMKNTS fumUlob solicited. Miss Sturdy , 320 S 2(1111 st. STHAAI FKATHlilt 11EXOVATOIC. / 'oj ; rei/fg / , flc. , see HID uf tlrxt culninn nil l/ili / ) M'j' " 'crH bought. Mall orders promptly Illleil. Worx called for A delivered. Frank Anbon'llst A Franklin. 1Kb For nifcn , etc , see lop uf firm column on Hi fa ( MTT"X SILVKIl-nANM.Kl ) HIIACKLKT AT JFarnam Street Opera houto or between Kith nnd Cass streets , Heward will he paid for Its return tei K. I ) . Mcadlmbcr , 15th and Cass streets. 22 < l (1 ( * T SOIjIOlTOKS. , etc. , iccdifj uffini column untlns " " PATENT LAWYs"ANn 1 SUCB fi Co. . llco hulldlng , Omnhn , Neb. Munich olllcu ut Washington , D. C. Consultation free. 921) ) POUND. Fur rates , etc. , nfclojioA ' / ( roiiimn onlilita'J / \ < 17OON D A SMALL'HI.ACK w ATKH VPANIK -L Call 2023 Uaitulliir st. liu ; U 1'ATTKUXS AX1) f of rote. ' , etc. , tec to-i of > rat column mttlut I.IK/I U l DwTs TISntNTTirTs ( V13 B23 * I'AU'XItllOICKIlS. LOANS MONKY ON DIAMONDS , FltKDMOHLK , 1511'a I'nnnim at. .M'.G7 3112OHAXIOAL UllAUGll rHMKN. PATENT OFKICK ANI ) Sl'KCIAL DUAWINUS I- prepared by U. W. Sues X Co. , Omaha , Neb. \r0.2-r , . A.GaV-l'ItOl'O ALS KOHSUIISIS. -L > tcnoo property Ollk-ii nf I'nreihaainu'and Ioiot | I'uiniiifowary of Stihalstonco. U. s. Amy , room IVIS lluo building. Omaha. Nob. , Sopt. I , 1891. BoaVd proposals In triplicate ; , auhjoe-t to thu usual e-omlltlons. will bo tuooivud u this eillloo until 12o'e.'lei'k in. , on Mon.lay the Mh day of October , IH'.II. ' at which tlino and iilauo tlioy will bo oponi'd In the prosoncc ejf olddorK , for tlio furnishing and dollvory of statloiiory. olllcu fiirnl'-uro , Isiiilni ; tools und iiti.-iislla. I'luforcnoo will bo ulve-n to artU-lus of doniuhtlo prod notion or inaniifaotiiro. i.'iin- elltloiiH of ijiiullty mid pi'lco ilncliidin In the prloo of foieilKM proeliie'tlons or inannfauturus the duty thuruon ) holiiK fqiuil. The right Is reserved to rujcut nnv or all liltU. Illiuik iiioosils | , and sueollloitlens ) showing In dolnfl the ) ai'tleilu.s and iimuitltli's ri-qnlroil , and cIvliiK full Inforinatlnn as to uoiiilltiiia or cemtracti , will bo fiirnlshril on npplioatlon to this ollloo. II. 11. USUUUI ) , Uapiain nnd C. s. , U.S.A. sldltefl-J Oil IKK Ol'AUTKIt.MASTKU'S Ol'l'ICE , Unialm , Nob. , i-e'iiu I. bOL Sealed | ireio- ) | sals will bo recolvud here until 'J o'clock p. in. , uptumborliO , 1MH , and ithon upunod , for L-OII- Ktruotloii of u corral v , Ith sliuils on Its Interior it 1'orl Nlubraru , Neb. The right Is rosurn-el to rujt'Ol any or all bids. All information fnr- ilshtMl on application hero or to post quartur- unstof , I'ort Mobrnrn , KiivoloncH inulesliiK ) > roposoU should bo marked "VroiiiiHals for i-on-ttriicllon of corral'utc. , " and aildiessod to Win. II. IllHIUKS , LlontKiiant Colooul and tnputy Quarturiiiastt-r Uunuriil. U. S. A , Chief QuaitHriuastor. slMllir. ' UM I'roDosulH lor I'aintiiii ; , KiilHOiniii- ini ; , l tu. Soale-d proposals will bu rrcolrud by the secretary - rotary of thu Hoard of Kdiiiiatlon until ft > 'CUVK | p. i" . , Mond-kv. Septumbor 7. I6IH. for siiuli palntlni ; , Ualsoinlnlim anil paper huiin- 1115 as Is re-eiitlred In tlio rupnlr of ( lie various elioo ) bullellii a anil appurtonani-eH for thu insuiim your accord I iig to spuullloatlons on lie in tlio scurntiiry's eillli-c. Thu llourel of Kdut'iitlein w-orvei tlio rUlit o reject niiv eir all liliU. lly orilur of tlio lourelot Kducutlon , AUIeJ't I'll.iitt.KSC'o.vovEii , Soerutiiry , l"ir Suliool lliiililiim. Hoaleil proposatit will bo received by the sr-c- utary of tholloaidof Ion until , r.i 'ohU , Monelay , Soptoinhor 7 , IB'JI , for the cun- triiothm of u tM'iiteiry. . feiur-ieieiiu fraiim chool InilldliiR to bu creoli'd on thu HltcliciK-i ; t'liuol [ site accemllnt : te > plans and spt-clllcit- lena on Illo In thu HociutaryV iilllcc. The llo.ird of IMm-atlon lesurvcs the right o reject tiny or all bldo. lly orilur of the ) Hoard of F.ilucittk/n. / CUAULES COKUVKII , fcfcrutary. TiiinT * tioirfi\Tn TntMPn TIMELY MAGAZINE 10PICS A Single Oourso Takan From n Rlob Lit crary Feast , THE FREEDOM OF THE PRESS The Hciitth of Sulioul Glillilrnn n AfToutctl liy Ventilation Control of Hiillroiulx Homo llnlo for Cities. Sopiombcr mngnzlno ? form ilellRlitful llolil of literary flowers of difttnrtlvanutumii tint ! Onu might revel In them for liour.i , ntul , huv lii siiUallod Ills Jc3iro3 for the tlmu bolnp Iliul that the Holds throws moro chnriiniig it ho turns uwuy. * * The Klal > t f I'i'lvmjy. UcorKa U'lllmiu Curtis roclluos lit the MS , chnlrof Hitrpors' nnd discourses on the righ of privacy mul how the freedom ot the pros U abused. "Tho frco nnd Itulopcndon Amertcnn , " ho suys , "is ontttlod to tmov ovcrytliiug. ills coiisolouaiioss of tills prc rogailvo U pioainntly llluitr.itod In the stor ; of the nun who , silting enthroned upon th back lega of his clutlr on the balcony of i western hotel , tiroso nnil tore down the cur tnln Improvised from u sheet which n gues hiul drawn aoros the window of lits room ti screen the more intlioato processes of hi : toiletand to iitmuou anil Indignant i > ues cxplnmcd that ho meio'.y ' wanted to see wha he was so darned private about. The free born American declares his bollof in llh'ht. A small cns-Duruor , sir , U ttio best modern po llco. I'ubllcttyls the greatest bulwark o our liberties , .fust toll mo , sir , if you please , for the half-million readers of the Uuily Tom Tom and Automatic ItuKlo-HIower , what yoi will htiVu for dinner today. " "Tho business of the press Is to turn ot light. If there bo seine pccullarlv revolting crime , some outrageous scandal , lot us have no hushing up. no coticoalmont , no darkness The American people , sir , wish to know. II the affair bo mi ear ultteti off In a druken row , or the theft of an old shoo , lot us know al about it. Lot ttio utmost details bo "written up , " 1'rovldo us with the portraits anil the biographies of Ihn thief , of the victim and o ! everybody remotely concerned ; also n ptioto praph of the shoo nnd thonumopf the maker , mid the prlco paid with a historic glance al the shoo industry. American cituins , sir , are not to bo treated like children. In this hapuy laiul vlco may try toskulk , but a vigil' am pros.- , , like a Hhrcwd detective , will Hash the light of publicity upon the offender , and soourgo him as with u whip ol lighlniiif ; through an admonished and grateful world. If two ladles of Baxter street , In their cups that inebriate , but not cheer , scratch each other's faces u great people will unow all about it In their morning new.sp.ipur or will know the reason why. * * * "Light is an effective police , but it is as indispensable- the thief as to the o 111 for. Every incident. Is not news , in the only true sense , namely , its value to the public wel fare ; and nlfnrupui" news is of relative im portance , and Is thcroloro to bo treated with duo regard to proportion. For the press to use an important incident to gratify morbid curiosity and to stimulate passion may bo prolitabie , but it is a monstrous abuse of power. To do it under n pretext of the right of the Amarlc.iii people to kumv everything , nnd of turning on the light to promote the public welfare , Is only to maUo money under fal < o pretences. "Free speech , a free press , nnd free men arc the battle criesi of modern liberty nnd civilization. Nobody has raised these cries moro effectively tlmu the American. Hut. although it is apparently often forgotten , the Americf.n who believes In light and liberty is not a fool , nnd does not demand light in the photographer's operating room , nor lib erty to betray what should not bo told. " # " Dondly Air in School Il-iorns. The general re-opening of the schools lends moro than ordinary IntoroU to the question of proper ventilation of the building , troatsd by LolnoUor Allen in the Engineering Magazine. Ho says : "Many schoolrooms containing the correct'amountof snaco for pupils , or per haps oven moro than Is uocassary. are still faulty us regards space , on account of their proportions. It may bo sot down as n r-lo amply justilled by practical experience , that all space in n schoolroom lying above a hori zontal piano twelve feet higher than tholloor Is , for purposes of ventilation , to bo consid ered as waste space. Each pupil should Imvc'-i : ) cubic ( eotof snaco below this piano , that is to say , twenty and one-fourth squaru fuel of floor space , or a square , each side of which is four and one-half feet. How many schools in this country mcot this condition ! By far the majority of them do not allow moro than half tills space for each pupil , and in many cases not more than ono-third. "How about quantity of air admitted ? To maintain the air in n good sanitary condition in a properly constructed schoolroom , mv ex perience confirms the .amount required as stated by Hillings , to wit , sixty cubic foot of air for each occupant per minute. For 100 pupils this amounts to 3 ( > 0ltU , ) ) cubic feul par hour. How many schools como up to this requirement ! There nro many schools In this country that contain 100 pupils and do not introduce moro than 2. > ,000 foot of pure air nor hour , and oven that is rendered tn a measure ineffective because the air is not properly admitted. The pupils do not die in the poisoned atmosphere ; many of them appear reasonably healthy. So do many per- .sens who > isit and tarry in malarial dis tricts. But thouglt the effects are not Im mediate and striking , tlioy are sure , perman ent , and easy to bo traced to their causes in after years , by these who make a study of discnso and its causes. It is scarcely less humane to kill a child than by willfully ig noring sanitary requirements to cripplo'il for llfo physically , mentally and morally , as children nro truing crippled today In the vllo atmosphere of many school rooms. " National Control of UuilroilH. : A very able article entitled "Why the State Should not Own the Utllroads , " Is contributed to the September number of the Engineering Magiulno , Now York , by Mr. Benjamin Hccco , u civil engineer and practi cal railroad man of many year's ' experience. Onu picture of the ro-iults which may bo uxpcctod from the sulutitutlon of political for Individual control of the railway system , is very strikingly put as follows : Imagine , if you can , the strife which the settlement of rates and classlilcntlon would engender. I'Ho snippers of like commodities would league together to secure favorable legisla tion for ihomsolvos , and the body politic would bo still further divided Into as many distinct groups as there are dllforont classes of commodities for shipment. Look nt pen " sion , tariff , subsidy , bounty , silver , labor , river and harbor , and proposed nillnnoo legislation - islation , and mark the dispersion of p 411 leal forces into minor groups , each organuod to loot the treasury. Even under iho loose methods which ob tain , railway construction has In n measure been restricted by fear of loss to the builder ; but with the people Mill insisting on moru railroads , and with the example of rlvor and harbor and public building legislation Jresh upon our minds , what shall wo expect of the combination of legis lators when every constituency will demand new railroads to no built by the federal gov- urnmuntl Commercial considerations would liuvo no weight whatever. National ques tions of important moment would bu set aside for the consideration of schemes uhlch would intensify the selllshgrocdof communi ties and nrousu local dissension ! ] and jealou sies Id every section of the union. Internal commerce , which has boon measurably frco from political Interference , lias been developed - volopod on normal lines directed by Indi vidual prudence , eucrgy and skill. Consider- utlons of Justice and utility domunil that it should so continue Evil consequences wilt Inevitably follow if the transportation In terest * of the country are subjected tn such violent changes n are typltled In the t a rill , the currency and frco co p i' , ' iugUlation. Internal uommorcu , which I ai so far tnndod to strengthen the political uni > n , will , when itilif ] cted to political control , uroiuo sectional animosities and cause economic lo s. Homo Iufo ! Tor Cltlou. The experience acquired by Hon. Sutb Low whllo mayor of Brooklyn , N , V. , ( 'lvoi special force to hl < article In the September Century on municipal government , LepUla tlvo Interference In purely local municipal matters Is n growing uvll. On this point Mr. Low says : . "Tno domain ! for homo rule for our mtlol , within well-determined limits , is undoubtedly bused upon experience * , nnd ought to prevail. When city government failed to glv satisfaction , the oat-Hast nnd not unntural appeal of the Inhabitants of the city wn § made to the state. Most of our states per- baps allot thorn have tried to remedy the miscarriage of city government In thrco ways. They hnvo created special commlssloni having their authority directly from the state , to do local work which under n ptopor city government would bo performed by city ofllclnls. The states have passed mandatory laws compelling localities to un dertake public works whether they wanted to or not , and the.v hnvo Interfered generally in the details of city action to an mconcolv * nbiu extent. Sutltciont experience has been had of o.ieii of those remedies to miuto it per fectly clear that the remedy Is worse than the disease. It Is distinctly worse , because , while llhas worked no benellt In the long run to the clllos , It b.xs eamml Into the logls laturo , mid spread measurably throughout the staU ) , the corruption which might othor- wisn have boon limited to the locality. These' three points , thorofori ? , appear to bo clear : first , when unusual work Is to bo done which cannot ro.ullly bi carried forward Dy the ordinary olllclals of the city , the city nnd not the legislature should determine the men by whom the work is to bo carried on ; secondly , ' the stnto constitution should prohibit tlio legislature from passing mandatory laws to compel n locality to undertake ptlbllo works to bo paid for by the locality ; nnd thirdly , Iho legislature should not be permitted continually - tinually to interfere , to suspend or alter the city charter. A commission appointed by thu legislature Is rospjnslblo to nobody but tlio legislature. ; neither the governor , nor the mayor , nor any other authority can call it to account , nnd therefore a stnto cnmmlsston for any purpose other than inquiry Is onu of tlio inost dangerous of bodies , lor thu reason thai it exercises authority unchucked by any ef fective responsibility. " * * The Girl vlo Touches. Sound health la n prime necessity for any worker In the world , no matter what the Una of work may bo. but It becomes of the great est Importance if the work is to bu carried on in the school room , writes Carolina B. Lo liow , in the September Ladies' HomoJourunl. There not only the physical , but the nervous nnd mental forces nro taxed to their utmost. The young graduate has hltliorto gene to school to sit comfortably athordosk : to stand occasionally for recitations ; to use her volco but little ; to have constant varinty in her work ; to enjoy her recess with perfect free dom and In companionship. As a leticbor she goes to school to stand upon her feet all diy long ; to usu her volco Incessantly , perhaps , too , in a largo room tilled with the tumult of the street ; to keep noisy , and , very likely , rebellious and disobedient clilldrcn not only quiet , but interested , and to spend tlio recess In care of them in the halls "and Iho yard. Besides this she Is to stimulate their brnlns.und n certain amount of time usually prescribed by the board of education , the members of which know little of the capacity nnd possibilities of thoyoutliful mind is aU lotted her , in whicti she must , somehow or other , succeed in teaching them a certain number of facts no allowance being raado for the slowness , stupidity , ordUordor , which increases the friction of the work and delay * the doing. No matter how complete the education , or How enthusiastic the spirit , tlio power for physical endurance is absolutely necessary. Alplmhcllunl Stn tii ! ol' Aliuliolinm. Dr. Cyrus Edson contributes a paper to tha September uumbjr of the Nortn Amor- lean Hjviow on the uuojtlon , "Is Drunuou- ness Curable ! " and ends the arliclo by raoit- ing an alphabetic rhyme , djiurlbing all Iho' stages of alcoholism from the nip to a drunkard's grave , which lie learned from a patient , a young man of great ability and line moral perceptions , who was an incurable inobiinto. The doctor says that his eyes would stream with tears as h < s recited the following verses , describing his own case and career. It Is the most truthful and graphic picture of the kind that has beoit printed : ( V stands for Alcohol ; deathlike Its grip ; B for Beginner , who takes Just a sip ; 0 for Companion who urges hiu on ; D for the Uumon of drink that is born ; E for Endeavor ho makes to resist. F stands for Friends who so loudly insist ] G for the Uutlt that ho afterwards fools : II for the Horrors that hang at his heels ; 1 his Intention to drink not at nil. J stands for .leering that follows his fall ; 1C for his Knowledge that ho Is n slave. L stands for the Liquor his appetite craves ; M for convivial Meetings so gay. N stands for No that ho trios hard to say ; O for the Orgies that then como to pass. P stands for Pndo that ho drowns In hli glass ; Q for the Quarrels that nightly abound. llstunds for Kuin , that hover * around. S stands for Slshta that his vision bedim. T stands for Trembling that seizes his limbs ; U for his Usefulness sunk In the slums. V stimls for Vagrant ho uulckly becomes ; \V for Waning ot life that's soon done ; X for his cXit regretted by none. Youth of this nation , such weakness U crime ; Zealously turn from the tempter in tlinol DoWitt's Little Early lasers ; only pill tQ cure sick hoadat'tio and regulate the be. tola THU MAKKI3T. IN.STIUJMKNTS placo4 on record September i , IMtl ; WAHIIANTV IIKiiS , Jllve llranrh and husband to A A .Cat- ; tin , " ! > lnsi | : and 4 , block U , Isaacs ft Soliifii'i ) add . t 2,500 A S ConUu to J 1C Connor , nndt s ) i Int II. lleuU ) ) L' , .Sinn in ft I'.aco „ J K Conner und hiHband lo A ti Ooolco , und ' n ' j saino > 1 I ) Tollman and wlfo to 1-3 M liuuil , lot IS. Arlington add 1.S10 [ J M liiwroiiL'o anil wlfo to A N Derm , und 'a ' lotO , bloeiK I , Missouri Avenue park 433 ! ' I ) Mulr and wlfo to .Itlin JlcCormlck , lot 10 , blkli , UuiMl's 1st add 10,000 M I ) Maluliluii anil liusiiand to I/linveiod Park Land company , lots IS and" , block v r fl , l.lnwood p'irU MO ( Vug Nulson and wlfo to J I ) Sliullborx , B ' < , M9 IMS aof iiwICMtl-l- , \ I * Tul.-ety ot al to Paul I.otb , lot 7 , hlue-Ui' . ( Jllfton Hill 1,700 U' K Turnetr and husband to .1 I1) ) Connor , eital lot 14 , blook " , Silniiult pl'iuu. . . . MO W \Veibsle.-r to .1 K V.'obstor. undlv ! J lot ( i. hle > e.-K 3. Illllsldo add No. 1 1W0 , ( Ulir CNMM IIKKIH. leiliu l.atoimor to W (7 Aluxitiidor , ill 1-0 alMI'i ftlnsw 10-15-ii ; I niiuiis. I riloyd.shorllT , to.M V Solomon , admin istratrix , lot l.'i. lilool ; ft. Solomon'3 " 01 j IWlttiim , special A W JeinuB , w ' 5 lotc , block K I'atiiok's inn add 335 /Vilnin / Snvdor. c-oiinty treiasure'r , to O F Dai'l'i Cd. , lots 12 ai > : ii : , block 11 , Onia- na Vlow iV (1 PIIKO nnd wife ) to W O Damon , lot 3 , ' [ ! . > , i.uko View add 2.0W ) Total niiiuunt of transfers I 3I.4W : MPROVEMENT the ORDER of me AGB FOR 15 YEARS VlliiMirH of TVl'EWHtTnUS hnvo full thi ) ne'cosslly of thulr bulnu linprovud. Vou will ( In. : In the initli I'raiici1 ' flic lalnsl uiiil Ijoit. Wo olnliiii and Insnoo lull and tilnl provo It. "I'liei .Must Diiralilo In MlKninuiit. lOaslost Hiiiiiilii ' , and .Mo-it Sllunt. A 11 ty in ) cleianod In ton hoi-onds vlthout the haiuU. Send for catalogue. The Smith L'remlor Typo Writer Co. IX II. MAYIIKW , M.iuaxor. lWJi ; t'uraatu itrout , Umaha ,