Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 03, 1891, Page 8, Image 8

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Funda Are Not Available For tlo Oora-
plotlon of the Job.
Slory of tlin .Mnntirr In Which
ol' I IT Iras IIiivo Itocii Allowed
( Jrently Uxcootlintr tlie Orljjl-
It may bo n surprise to the public , but It Is
ft fact nevertheless , that there nro now
strong probabilities that wor " ! the now
city hall will bo dlscontlnutd within Iho next
thirty days.
Should work bo discontinued it will simply
bo bccnuio the funds tiav * been ex unlisted.
When It wns first decided to construct a
city hall In accordance with the plans wo-
pared by Architect Moyur.s , bonds In the sum
of $ 00,000 for Its completion were voted.
Work was commenced and 13,059 put Into a
foundation nnd basement. Then work was
topped nnd nn election hold to decldo upon a
location. Jefferson Squnro and the present
location nt Eighteenth and Farnam slrcols
wuro voted for. The latter named location
won and the pinns for the building were
The now building was to cost not to oxccod
f.VH,00l ) ( , and bonds in the sum of | a' > 0,000
nuthori/od. Theoldbasomentwa.s lorn out and
the building wont on In conformity to the designs -
signs submltlcd by Fowler & Bolndorff , who
entered Into n bond that the hall should not
coat to oxccod f.TiOUOU. John F. Coots had
secured the contract for f.ii'i7. ! ; il which did
not Include Interior finish. Immediately
after ho had entered Into the contract it was
discovered that the plans needed changing to
conform to ino crndo of Douglas slreel. This
loultod in an nddlllnnal expenditure of
money and . * 0llii : was allowed.
Tbo contract for $100bS ; ! > for interior finish
was next let.
About that time billi for extras began to
roll In al a rapid and alarming rate. The
cornice , which was to have been of galvan
ised iron under the old contract , was changed
to Portage red sandstone. This cost $ ! 8tiS7
additional. Then the gutlcrs wore changed
to copper at n cost of WsJi. On the roof cop
per was substituted for liti nnd Iho change
cost t."ir > 17 extra.
The foundation for the hollers , which had
been neglected in the original specifications ,
cost $ ! C,7.r > l ami a contract for marble tiling ,
vault doors and electric wiring added f 17riu. ;
This ran the estimates up to fiiH.lbl ) , or
fll.IKI moro than thoorlglnal estimated cost ,
but a halt was not called then. The council
changed a stairway nt a cost of several hun
dred dollars , received bids on fS.WJO of vault
fixtures and entered Into a contract for fur
nishing the same. Plumbing extras , electric
light fixtures and gas pipe contracts amountIng -
Ing to $ ! 5,000 nrc on t'10 ' wa to tuo council
nnd the city treasury.
Between SCt.OOO and toO.OOO of office furni
ture has been advertised tor and the bids are
now in the bands of the commilcco on public
property nnd buildings.
It Is true that all of those bills have not
been paid , but of the f.T25,000 that was on
hand only $7'.lr ' > 0. > .OJ remains in the treasury.
When the estimates now duo are paid , and
when Iho paymenl is made lor electric wiring
and going on with the necessary work
that Is now In sight and must bo done to place
the building under roof , the balance in the
city hall fund will bo written on the red ink
Bide of the ledger.
This stnto of affairs has called out an ex
pression from City Attorney Popploton , who
said that ho understood that the funds had
been oxhaused and that , thu balance of the
$ , ' > 0,000 ( ) , * 17r ,000 , could not bo availably until
bonds had been voted and sold.
In view of this condition of the financestho
members of tlo committee who have been
looking after the furniture bids nro all at sea
nnd hardly know what to do. If there
is no money they do not want
to buy , and for this reason it ii
possible that a contract will not bo awarded
for some time. This condition of finances is
nlso what prevented the commitleo from re
porting on thojcontract for vault fixtures.
Superintendent Hawaii said yesterday that
the August cstlmalos for labor were at least
$10,000 , while the appronrialion sheet showed
that they were only ? V > OI.OS. M this Is true ,
the $70riO.i.Oj would bo reduced another f.1,000
if the bills were paid.
To say nothing of furnishing , it Is esti
mated that to complete Ihn interior of the
hall would cost nt least $ .10,000 , as nnno of
the lloors uro laid ; Iho lower is yet unbuilt ;
the roof Is not yet on ; no provisions have
boon made for heating ; the doors ,
windows nnd casings nro yet to go
in ; the stairway , balconies and a large
amount of plastering and plumbing remains
lo bo finished.
Mr. Cools , the contractor , is absent and
consequently no stalotncnt can bo obtained
from him , but it is known that for some rea
son no effort Is being made to push the com
pletion of the building , as scarcely u doion
men are employed.
Kverybndy Knows
that at this season the blood is filled wllh
impurities , Iho accumulation of months of
close confinement In poorly ventilated stores
workshops and tenements. All Ihtso impuri
ties and every trace of scrofula , salt rheum ,
or other diseases may bo expelled by taking
Hood's Sursaparilla , the best blood purifier
over produced. It is the only medicine of
which " 100doses ono dollar" is Iruo.
E wit A MAN.
Now Wo Aio with You.
The Chicago , Rock Island & Pacific
railway are now running1 all its trains in
and out of Union Depot , Omaha.
Trains will leave as follows :
East Hound Day express , 10:00 : a.m. ;
vostibtilod limited , ! : ( ) < > p.m. ; Atlantic
express , 0:10 : p.m. Arriving tit , 0:10 : a.m. ,
lUOo : p.m. aim 0ir : > p. in.
Dopurtinp , West Uound Denver vos-
tibnlod limited , 1 :15 : p.m. ; Nelson ac
commodation p.m. ; Denver express ,
7:03 : p.m. Arriving txt 15aO : p.m. , 10:15 :
a.m. and 710 : ! a.m.
These trains are vostibulcd and it Is
an indisputable fact that the dining car
borvico of the "Great Hook Island" la
second to none in the country. For
rates and sleeping car berths to all
points east or west , call at city olHco of
the "Hock Island Kouto , " 10th and
Farnam streets.
.loiiN SiniARTiAN , O. T. nnd P. A.
J. L. Du Unvoisi : , General Agent.
Nt > l > ruHka Soldlorw' Koiinlon.
The third annual reunion of the Nebraska
soldiers will bo hold at Cushman park , Lin
coln , from September 10 to lit Inclusive. Ar-
rangomonU hnvo boon made wllh railroads
for onu nnd one-third faro for round trip.
Fall fnro must bo paid going , n receipt taken
from the agent for the same , which , receipt
when signed by the president of the associa
tion will entitle the holder to a return ticket
for ono-tlilrd Iho regular faro. Arrangements
hnvo been made for good sneaking and a va
riety of amusements.
Although this Is n Nebraska soldiers' re
union all comrades will bo cordially wel
comed. Arrangements have boon inniio for
the convenience and comfott of all In attend
ance. Tunis , wood , Ice water and straw
will bo furnished free to all who wish to
camp. JOHN Q. Cess , Pros.
Gioitu : ( : V. HAI.I. , Sec.
Children ,
Especially Infants , U prevalent moro or less
nt all times , but Is largely avoided bo giving
proper nourishment ana wuolo.souiu food.
The most successful and reliable of all is the
Gall Burden "Euglo" Brand Condensed Milk.
Your grocer uud druggist keep it.
nt all bars , where the celebrated boor of
the Omaha Hi-owing association is sold.
boor iii the world.
Western 1'ciiHlons.
WASIM-SOTON , D. O. . Sept , a , [ Special
Telegram to TUB DEB. ] Tbo following list
of pensions grunted Is reported byTniilJBK
and Examiner Bureau of Claims ,
Nebraska : Original Ellas Bpurgoon ,
riiluoas Balr , William Q. Kaslclr , Barney
Mullen. Jacob Harab , Bonlamlu F. Mclntch ,
Juinoj Groves , Jcsio KnlgLt , William Knoe-
land , Thomas C. Oftylord , James Kllny , Jo
seph J. McCortnlck , Jnmos W. Donnls ,
James Ford , John Douglas , Joseph H , Miller ,
William C. Moore , Conrad HoUlormann ,
John W. Ludlnglon , John Hnstlngi , Ulchard
Molt , Ocorgo M. Lodge. Helssuo John W.
Job , deceased. Original widows , etc. Annlo
Ellison , Mary A. Lohncs , Mary J. Job , Eliz
abeth Hanover , James S. Lynn , father.
Iowa : Original -Frame Messmor , Nelson
E. Myers , Ell Crotiso , Henry C. Foster ,
Lewis N. Fabrlck , John A. Johnson , Charles
Houg , Hetirv Hodges , Wlltnrd C. Hnyncs ,
William B. Harris. William Kenyan , Jamei
H. Fox. Royal N. Joy , Daniel McCrlstal ,
Lurlcn B Finch , William 1) . Mitchell. John
H. Merrill , Thomas Gay , Henry O. Moore ,
Martin V. Milan , George B. Hall , Joromlan
C. Decker , John W Fulton , Nathaniel C.
Austin , John C. Flntel. Increase -Vincent
Travis. Original widows , etc. Ailulino
Crane , Lovinn Patterson , mother : Mary Jane
Stowors , Mar > Gray , Maggie Gulliver , Amy
E. Garmnnt , Hutli T. McConncll , mother :
Frankle Wilson. Emma Eveleth , Jnuo Mc-
Elrcc. Elizabeth K. Flanghor.
i'nriMitH II-aTl'liU.
July nnd August nro anxious months for
mothers who carefully watch over their llttlo
OIIOH , Hot da.VH nnd frequent changes of
temperature are liable to produce cholera
nwrhiis. How satisfactory it should bo for
parnntstoknow that Haller'.s Pain Paralyzor
is both a uloasant ami cfTnetlvo remedy for
nil summer complaints. U soothes and reMoves -
Moves nil pain and griping and always effects
a complete cure.
S. I ? . 1'atton , dentist , removed to Bco
building. Open till 7:00 : p m. TclGO.
I'atronl/.c Home Industry.
In running its "Omaha Branch" the
North British Insurance Co. spends more
money in Omaha every year than its entire -
tire Omaha premiums amount to. Pat
ronize the North British and leave every
dollar of your premit m in Omaha.
II. N. WOOD. Resident Secretary.
210 South Thirteenth Street.
Via the WubiiHli K. R.
On September 20 the Wabash will sell
round trip tlckots good for ! ! 0 days to
points in Arkansas , Texas , Louisiana ,
Tennessee , Mississippi , Alabama and
Georgia. For rates , tickets and full in
formation call on or write.
G. N. CLAYTON , Agent ,
1502 Paninni st. , Omaha , Nob.
Ucupoiislbillty for the Care of Indig
ent Sick In Kmer omjIoB.
The Board of County Commissioners met
yesterday afternoon with Chairman O'lCeoffo
and Members Berlin and Van Camp in at-
lon dunce.
County Atlorr.oy Mahoney submllled an
opinion relative to thu care of the Indigent
sick who happen to bo in Douglas county.
Ho said the statutes were plain ; that emer
gency oases should bo cared for by the city
authorities , especially where such cases oc
curred in the city of Omaha. All olhors
should be cared for by Iho county. City At
torney Popploton concurred in the opinion.
The mallor was referred lo Poormaslor Ma
honey , with power to act.
The counly's legal advisor also furnished
nn opinion upon Iho question of providing for
clerks and judges of election. Ho has con
sulted wllh Iho city allorncy' nnd Iho allor-
noy for Iho Board of Educalion , and nil were
of Iho opinion lhat ono set of Judges and
clerks could do the work. The three political
bed Its would have lo confer and agree to np-
pointthosamo officers In each of the pre
cinct ? within the city limits.
Notice of a suit by George Forbes to re
cover ? , )00 damages was served upon the
A number of contracts for doing grading
on country roads were presented nnd ap
Dr. Hosewnter asked payment of $ oO for
two post portoms performed at the request
of Coroner Harrigan ; referred.
The purchasers of the JlfiS.OOO of refunding
bridge bonds asked for further data ns lo
when , whore nnd how Iho bonds were Is
sued. The hislory asked for will bo given.
The board will hold another session Satur
day afternoon.
Cure lor the Drink JIablt.
The John Holiday Ilomcdy company , of
Burlington , In. , guarantees to euro Iho drink
habit nnd dvpsonmnia. Home treatment.
Remedy sure. Ingredients harmless. Per
bottle , postpaid , with full directions , $2.50.
No testimonials published , and correspond
ence kept inviolate. Wo have used our own
Have You Drnnk Alneiieliencr Haf-
br.'ien V
Try it. It is the best beer in the
world. For sale at all bars soiling the
celebrated boor of the OMAHA BUEW-
Grand I3ntry Into Omaha.
On and after July IfO , 1801 , the Chicago
cage , Milwaukee ifc St. Paul Railway
company will run all of Its trains in ami
out of the union depot , Omaha. No
moro anuoynnoo c.uised by transferring
mul switching at Council BlulTs , Solid
vebtibuleu trains , consisting of now
Palace sleeping cars , fi-oo parlor chair
cars , olocrant coaehos , and the finest
dinintr cars in the world , all heated by
steam and lighted throughout by olec'-
trio lights. The now evening express
with "electric lights in every berth"
now loaves Omaha daily at 0.20 p. m.
arriving at Chicago at 0:30 : a. m. in time
for all eastern connections. Secure
tickets and sleeping car berths at 1501
Farnam street ( Barker block ) ,
J. E. PftnsTON , F. A. NASH ,
C. Pass. Agt. Gen. Agt.
Story ol'do Sin and SufTcrlnt ; of Poor
Annlo Cnni ] > loll.
All yesterday afternoon Mrs. Annie Campbell -
boll of Lincoln lay on the sofa In the police
matron's room at police headquarters suffer
ing Intense pain. It was with difllcully that
Matron Cummlugs managed to got the story
of poverty and pain from the poor woman.
Mrs. Campbell said that she loft her hus
band two years ago on account of another
woman , She gave her two children away
and started out into llio world to earn a
living. Finally she was seduced by n painter
named Jack Kody. Together they went to
Plattsmotith , but Rody foiled to got work
nnd finally deserted her.
About August 1'J Mrs. Campbell came to
Omaha and .slopped for n time at n lodclng
house near the Union dcpol. While search
ing for cheaper lodging she got down on
to Ninth street , and not knowing the
city was Induced to enter n resort at 109
North Ninth street where she was offered a
homo and care during confinement ,
The promises of the madam were not kept ,
nnd the poor woman was forced to lead u llfo
of shumo until she became dangerously 111.
Then she was wanted no longer and was
driven into Iho slrcot. Barely able to crawl ,
the unfortuuuU finally reached a friendly
sheller nt'JOU North Ninth street.
Yestordat morning arrangements were
made , a hark was called and the poor woman
taken to the city Jail , uud placed in llio
matron's cure.
Mrs. Cummlngs had the woman removed
to the counlv hospital late In Iho evening
where she will remain until ufier contlno-
The Latest Conundrum.
Whv fs Bailor's Sarsapardla and Burdock
Ilka thu most popular soap of the day.
Because they both cleanse the skin and
leave U both soft uud velvety.
When Haby was blcV , we gute licr Castorla ,
When showiw a Child , uho cried for Castorla ,
When si 10 became Ml s , she clung to Custorla ,
Wliru shu had ChiUrvu , the euro them Castorla.
The National Engineers Are Opposed to
Working All the Time.
ContoRtH For the Next Convention
lioontlon and Olinnncs lit the
IlnloH IMiin For I'nKslim
the Leisure J lours.
It wns nearly 11 o'clocK yoatordny when
the convention got tttnvii to business , unit the
work of the second duy's sc.isl.on win bepun.
The deluy was caiisod by the noii-nrrlval of
Secretary Uarloy , who wns preparing his an
nual report.
The convention wns called to order nt 10
o'clock , but a recess was immediately taken.
Ill order to take advantage of the Hying mo
ments the president swtitit ; tils gavel again
and quiet reigned while ho announced tuo
following committees :
On constitution K. D. Haloman of Ohio ,
H. J. Smith of California , Tliomi.3 K. 1'orlor
of Now York , Henry W. Jones of Massachu
setts , Fred i * . Upton of South Carolina.
On ritual John Trix , Michigan ; Olhson ,
District of Columbia ; .tames Duncan , Massa
chusetts ; H. II. His bee , Now York , Judson
Pratt , Ohio.
On ways and moans James \Vhlto , Con
necticut ; John Muhor , New York ; Charles
KelU-r. Ohio ; John N. Kellcy , Ohio ; L. L.
Noble , Illinois.
On engineers license : U. O. Smith , New
York ; K A. Mnnsburg , Missouri ; Louis
I3ehler , Connecticut ; James L ) . Lynch ,
Pennsylvania ; U. W. Merrill , New Jersey.
On education : A. H. Low , Now York ;
Ralph II. Day. Ohio ; M. D. Naglo , New
York ; C. W. ISaylor. Illinois ; lid. Sherwood ,
On mlleauo Joseph Bailey , Nebraska ;
John Mnher , Now York ; Judson Pratt , Ohio ;
John Trix , Michigan ; w. M. Swinglo , Jo\v .
On mutual aid T. J. Holmes , Illinois ; E.
Pearson , Kansas ; Klmor Chambers , Now
YorltT. ; H. Andreson , Tennessee ; Jns. V.
Burke , Illinois.
Ou good of the order Jas. Thornton , Now
York ; A. Doliorty , Missouri ; Jno. F. Daniel ,
Michigan ; George II. Boebo , Iowa ; D. L.
Tanner , Illinois.
On llnance Jas. Becltorleg , Illinois ; II. A.
Freeman Hhodo Island ; .r. H McConmiughv ,
Ohio ; Anton Moeller , Now York ; Jus H.
McDonald , Missouri.
On auditing C. T. Naylor , Illinois : John
Muhor , Now York ; Josopti Bailey , Nebraska.
On appeals and grievances William Bald
win , Now Jersey ; F. A. Dillo , Georgia ; N.
Kelley , Now York.
Another recess was taken , and after n wait
of naif an hour Mr. Secretary put in his ap
pearance and the grind was resumed.
The report of the auditing committee
showed $1,74J.H : : in the treasury September
1 , IbiH ) ; receipts of the year ending Septem
ber 1 , Ib'Jl , were $5,5 4.15 ; total , ST.'JJU 10.
Disbursements , f2b.V.3leaving n balance
on haud September 1 , 1MM , of jj.Ull.'Jl.
The committee also recommended the
adoption of the treasurer's recommendation
as to extra care in making out mileage re
ports so ns to prevent moro raunoy boinir
drawn than should bo.
Charleston association introduced a resolu
tion in favor of reducing the per capita tax
and of establishing a legal cortitlcatoof mem
bership for the National Association ot Sta
tionary Engineers.
Pending the report of the committees , the
convention adjourned until 4 o'clock , at
which hour the visitors were to return from
their Florence excursion.
A few of tbo delegates objected to devoting
tho'afternoon to an excursion , and a com
promise was reached when the late session
was proposed.
Mr. Bailey , of the local committee , extended -
tended a cordial invitation to nil members of
the association , whether delegates or not , to
bo present at the banquet this evening and
the ball Thursday availing.
After adjournment the various committees
held short sessions to consider the business
referred to them.
There is considerable work to bo dona by the
convention and fun is predicted bolero the
oody adjourns sino die. Some of the dele
gates mo rino for a hot parliamentary llgnt
and apparently don't care very much what it
is about , so lougns they only have one.
There will bn quite a tussle over the loca
tion of the next convention , if one is located
anywhere. Many of the delegates tnvor
biennial conventions and don't want another
until IblW , when it Is a foregone conclusion
that thov will meet in Chicago and take in the
woild's fair.
This question , howovorinvolvcs n constitu
tional amendment , nnd tncre will bo qutto a
contest , over it , as many of the delegates hold
that it would ho an evidence of weakness to
make the change.
The question of dividing the country up
into districts Is another cha.ico for a dis
agreement , ns there is a division of senti
ment as to reducing the number oT delegates
entitled to seats in the national convention at
the present time , although it is generally ad
mitted thot this will bo necessary when the
organisation is older nnd the subordinate as-
socinlions increase so that individual repre
sentation would uiako mi unwieldly conven
tion.Tho big fight will como up on the election
of ofllcors. There nro half n dozmi candi
dates for president , nnd these most stronglv I
backed uro the present incumbent , J. J. ll-
lingworth , the past president , Hon. John
Fehronbaleh of Cincinnati , and the present
treasurer , W. H. Cronley of Jcrsov Citv.
For the past two voars the latter has been
ondoavorint ; to got rid of the oftlco of treas
urer , but the association has insisted on his
retaining it.
The trip to Florence was full of Interest
for the visitors. They boarded a special
trainl of six coachbs nt the Webster street
depot at ! i o'clock , and although many of the
members of the convention committees could
not get away , owing to the amount of com-
mltteo business to bo looked after , hut there
were nevertheless nearly ! ! 00 excursionists In
the party. With the party were several
prominent Omahans , among whom were
Colonel C. S. Chase , Major St. A1. D. Bal-
eombo , Councilman Conway , George P.
Bomls nnd Superintendent A. * B. Hunt of
the Water Works company. The tourists
were gone two hours and a half , nnd ox-
nmlncd the entire plant at Florence , , explor
ing the great pump house fiom end to cm ! ,
nnd from top to bottom.
The ponderous machlnorv , especially the
great Allls pumping engine , was closely ex
amined and was a revelation to the engineers ,
who admitted that they were surprised oven
after hearing nnd reading so much about It ,
After admiring It to their heart's content
they took a trip along the reservoirs nnd
wuro much interested in ( hiding out , ns Mr.
Trix of Detroit expressed it , "how that
mud over there is made ill to drink. " Thev
found out and volcod their approval of it by
declaring that the system was one of the
eroatobt , as wall as ono of the most perfect ,
In the country.
Shortly after returning to the city , the
gen vention was again called to order , and Sec
retary Carloy submitted tus report.
It showed that during the year tlilrty-thrco
now subordinate associations had been
chartered with a membership of 4b4. There
were eight associations to ho dropped from
the books , six as suspended and tuo as dead.
At the last convention there were upon the
rolls of the order in good standing ! > , IIU
active members. There have boon Innitwted
during the year 2,510 now inuinbora , making
a total of r.iteO.
Losses by annulment of charters , 10 ; by
death , -1 ; suspended , -S' ! ; total , 111 ! ! ; pros-
out membership , 7,001 ; nut gain , ' , ' ,100.
"I have compiled with resolutions adopted
at llio last convention , " said the secretary ,
"uuthorl/.lug tuo national secretary to print
MX i copies of. the Journal of the proceedings ,
nnd IniVu paid lor the same , and to .send two
copies to each association to uo placed on
tile , and to chariio 10 cents per copy for nnv
extra copies that might bo needed. Loss
than 100 copies of the journal of proceedings
have boon sold to thosuboidinataassoclations
of this order. "
A lengthy debate followed the reading of n
communication from Tnnnwanda association ,
Now York , relative to the action of Deputy
President ( iriftln In neglecting to turn over
funds received for Instituting a now lodge.
The secretary said be had written to tbo de
linquent ofttciul a score or Ictlars demanding a
settlement , but had been unable to" got one.
Ho was Dually Instructed to prefer charges
against GrlDlti and refer them to the local
lodge for investigation. Tual disposes of the
matter for this year.
WUOH the convention was notified of the
proparatlons made to viilt South Onmlm this
afternoon lomu ol tUu dclogatoi rcpontuu of
their Inaction nnd linovcd that the cntlro
day ho devoted to buiiness. It wont through
with n wlionn , nnd tbo convention adjourned
until 0 o'clock this morning.
The convention hnt been In session two
days , and about tliamnly work that has boon
accomplished was to ucctdo to do something
today. The Indications arc , however , that
there will bo music and plontv ol It when
the preliminaries nro nil disposed of and now
business is taken tip.i
The visitors , ladles and all , assembled on
the court house irrunmls nt noon and had
their pictures "tookou" In a group.
The Dally Stationary Engineer is ono of
the features of the convention. The manage
ment displays commendable entcrpiiso nnd a
duo appreciation of the Importance of the
convention in getting out n sixteen pngo
thrco column Journal , patterned utter their
weekly. It booms Omaha and her marvelous
resources , and will lay thorn before tbo on-
pincers of the country. The mechanical
work uu the paper Is done by the Hoes PrintIng -
Ing company , who undertook the work princi
pally to convince the striking printers who
recently loft their employ that they have all
the now men they want and can handle Any
thing that comes along.
The exhibit In "machinery hall" is now in
running order , nnd attract * truch attention.
Patent valves , tubing , packing , shaft oilers ,
pumps , cylinder ? , bulling , etc. , nro among
the articles that interest the engineers.
An automatic gear cutting machlnu "that
does the rest , " without any attention or
assistance after bninir once put ui > In opera
tion , attracts perhaps more attention than
anything else. It Is constantly at work , as
nre pumps , fans and other pieces of
The only radical euro for rheumatism is to
eliminate from the blood the ncld that causes
the disease. This is ihorouqhly effected by
the persevering use of 'Ayor's Sarsapanlln.
Persist until cured. The process may bo
slow , but the result is sure.
chiMirr I o lirnoii. *
Mndo of the linost barley itiul the
choicest imported lions. Try It. There
IB no hotter drink to bo hud anywhoro.
It is plumunt , wholesome and nourish
ing and on draught in all thu saloons
where the famous product of tlm
is sold.
SKWS orfin : sointi\vi \ r.
Sncnlc thieves are making llfo miserable
for honest people In Emerson.
Plans nro being prepared for a big two-
story brick block at Plainview.
The sub-alliances of Mcl'hprson county
have formed it county organization.
Kev. Jesse Underwood has loft the pas
torate of the Methodist church at Oakland
and will remove to Maine.
Mrs. Louisa E. Hlckman died nt her homo
near Sewnrd , aged .IS years. She sullied in
Seward county with her husband in IbOS.
The Dakota county commis.3lonor.s have
ordered that the question of township organ
isation be submitted to the voters this fall.
While performing on a trape/o George
Clother of Columbus failed to hang on by his
knees and fell to tuo ground , breaking his
The 5-vear-old child of John Peck , fifteen
miles west of Ord , had its skull laid open
and ono lobo of the brain exposed by the
kick of a horso.
While attending the United Brethren
camp meeting near Seward Kov. Mr. Bus-
will of Lincoln suffered the loss of his pants
nnd $ J" in money , which were stolen Iroin
Iho lent whcro ho was sleeping.
The town of Jackson will hold n special
clcctior. September 125 to vote on a proposi
tion to bond the precinct for ? 1S,000 to build
n court house in case Inckson should secuio
the county seat of Dakota county.
The annual reunion of the old settlers of
Antelope county will bo held in Neligh , Sep
tember 10 and 11. Hon. John H. Have ? of
Norfolk will deliver the oration the s'econd
day. It is expected the old soldiers of the
county will Join in the reunion.
Hon. II M. Pritchard , residinc in Cuming
county , near Ponder , died Tuesday. He was
a member of the Illinois leitislatfiro during
the great Logan light , and hold other ofllccs
of prominence in the same state. His health
has been failing for the last few years.
On Frank Hutchlnson's farm , four miles
southeast of Hebron , a depression In the soil
was noliced by Mr. Hutchinson n few weeks
ago. It lias been gradually growing larger
am ) is now a hole twelve foot in diameter and
fou ecu feet in depth. Mr. Hutchinson and
his neighbors nro much interested in watch
ing its growth and uro unable lo assign any
cause for it.
William Hosinor , living Just south of old
Doby town , Phelps county , mot with a ser
ious accident while cutting bands forono of
his neighbors. While threshing his clothing
caught In an exposed knuckle on ttio machine
and but for llio breaking of the tumbling rod
ho would undoubtedly have bnon killed As
it is , he is lying very low and fears are on-
lortaliicd for his recovery.
John Horak , living four miles south of
Dodfie , was badly burned in the fnco nnd
will probably lose his eyesight through a
cmious accident , which happened him last
Saturday. Mr. Horak wns slacking lime for
the purpose of whitewashing his house. Dur
ing the process of slacking an explosion of
the llmo occurred , which filled his face full
of the hot llino. Ho was so badly ourncd
that the skin came off uia fuco and his eyes
looked milk white.
A person traveling nn the train between
this city and Schuyler Is surprised at the
vast number of liny stacks that may bo soon
as far as the 03-0 can reach on either side of
the railroad track , says the Columbus Tele
gram. They represent thousands of tons of
hay and demonstrate conclusively that the
liny Industry-Ill Nebraska is no small feature
of farming. There Is probably no section In
the state and wo might .say world where
there is any moro hay mauo than in the
Platte valley along the line of the Union Pa
cific between Fiemont and Columbus.
The Oddfellows of Victor are building a
Davenport claims to have the largest filter
plant in the world.
Creston is full of gambling houses , accord
ing lo the Advertiser ,
An nUompt is bolnpr made to organize a
newsboys' homo nt DCS Moincs.
The Kookuk canning factory if riui'ilng
night and day and 28,000 cans of tomatoes per
day are being put up.
The farmers' alliance * In Page county
have disbanded and thu members will alllli-
ate with the old political parties.
Cedar Uapld * Is gaining an unenviable
roputallon us n suicloo resort. Eleven self-
killings have occurred there already this
year.A special election will bo hold nt Ottumwn
September 14 lovote on Iho question of
granting n franchise for Iwonly-llvo years
for artesian wotcr works.
Davenport has -suit for damages on Us
hands , the result ofa ! boy falling into a pool
of water near the mtcrsoctiou of two streets
and nearly being drowned.
Charles Cole was killed at Corydon by the
explosion of a railroad torpedo which lie was
trying to break with an uxo. A portion of
the shell entered his brain.
A Burlington shoa dealer has onpacod ten
of the most beautiful girls In Now York , who
will arrive In BiuiSngton soon and remain a
month advertising His buslnoss.
A small boy loftn paper box containing a
snake In n Dubuque rostHiirant. When the
reptile- got loose .1L put the waiter girls to
flight and caused the col o ted cook to turn a
few shades whiter.
Children nnd parlor matches sot llio to the
largo barn of Judge Paine , thrco miles west
of Carroll. The burn and about u du/i'iiutner
stables and sheds \\oro entirely consumed ,
along with 1S0 tons ot luv , lee bualul ? of
As the old farmer said when ho stood in his cornfield and heard the cornstalk into each
others cars about what glorious weather it was for crops , this is going to be a great fall. '
WE'RE READY FOR IT. To-day we place on sale our advance assortment of
Never since we began business have we been .able to show such a magnificent array of Ne
FINE SUITS as we arc showing today. Our great sales of suits at the end of last winter's
business entirely wiped out every old suit in our house , and we arc able to begin this season
WITHOUT AN OLD SUIT. Wo wish to direct your attention more particularly this week SE
to our elegant display of FINE SUITS , which surpasses in magnitude anything-we have
ever before attempted. Suits made from both foreign and domestic woolens from the finest Jlr
looms in world. Suits in every conceivable shade and color. Suits in checks , stripes , plaids ,
mixtures , and plain goods. Suits in all wool and silk and wool cloths. Sacks with straight
corners and Sacks with round corners ; Sacks double breasted and Sacks single-breastedj
Frocks and Cutaways ; Suits with binding and Suits without ; Suits that arc gotten up with all
the nicety of the tailor's art cut in fine style , made lined and trimmed as well as any tailor in
the land makes , lines and trims custom work.
\Ve extend a cordial invitation to every man in Omaha to pay us a visit during the present )
week if for nothing more than to LOOK.
Pimples on the Face |
Breaking Ont |
Skin Troubles |
Little Bores \ Hot Skin |
Both ) Blotchoa )
Gold Sores ) Bad Breath )
Bore Month or Lips |
Kyim uffir Irmn OUT of
tficee tjmptmm , tnUe
It Te you evi < r u il mercury t If so , did you
Klvo yourM-ir the nccili-il nltiitlon at the Jiino I
\Vo m-uil not toll you tlmt yoii reiju ro n liloocl
inrdlclne , toemure freedom from the "flyr
IVctH. I > r. Acl.rr' Kmtlleh lllu.ul r.lljlrlltl.n
only known mrflclno tlmt wIlllIioroiiKhly eradi-
cite M.urilriiKirl the j.olfon t. or from write the to ' .J"1"- . " ' ' ' . .IV01. ? .
t)0. , 4 V t JIrim.H'r.r , > cw \ ork CUy ;
. . . .1 i u illinium
FOU SAI.H I1Y KUIIN & f'O. . Omaha ;
Is C
comparUo'i nrc flow or
DEAD. It niCcrinstry
Jt i'oiietrates , He.
llovo * . C'lll PS.
tin tx rotten rid of b ; burning SKADURV'S SUM'HUtt
CANDlfc.lntnirRocmi.CIoiftCelUn.Ac. ItMchuUolhi ,
Fltta. DailHuz. . &c. , oultkly % anUh n < l ft nt.Klmiq ilMftl.iftr.
rt.l.Lhforconttatit : fumi atloii. SolJ by all Drup iili.
OMAHA ISItiiatluni prc'Ciiri ) tor irrnilil
\Viltefiirclrunlnrn. .
, Vorlt Life
oars and all Iho harness and farm utensils.
Loss , $1,000 ; insurance , $ lr , > 00.
Lewis Patterson , a young man 2.5 years of
ao , has live alone for some time on a farm
with his sister , 21 years old , near Beverly in
Linn county. Their relatives discovered that
they occupied the relations toward each other
of mun nnd wife , and on being confiontrd
with their crime Uio.v bulb look a train for
Jeff Wolchor was forced to marry Amelia
Anderson , n Davenport girl. Welchor hid
enlisted in Iho regular army , Illinium : that
ho could avoid the conscqnoncoi of his vil
lainy in that way , but was taken from a Chicago
cage , Burlington it Qiiincy train hy nn olliccr
and put under arrest. Then he concluded to
make legal reparation and n justice per
formed the ceremony.
Agate bearing scales , cofToo mills with foot
power , grocers rolrigorutors , butler coolers ,
catalogue of Borden & HcllOclc Co. , Chicago.
Story Coiiccrniti llrnliiirtorK ( | ! , Do-
irirfmciit of Ari/.onn.
There is a rumor about army headquarters
to the oiled that the headquarters of Iho
Department of Arizona will probably bo
moved from Han Dingo to Denver , and the
stnto of Colorado will bo taken from Iho
Department of the I'lntlo. Conoral Brooke
was asked about the mutter , bul would not
cxpiesH an opinion.
\S hen nslsetl if Denver would oo n conven
ient point for the headquarters of thu Depart
ment of Arizona , the general simply said :
"Look at the map. "
One of the other ofik'ot.s of the department
said : "I tihould think thai if the headiinur-
lers wuro going to bo removed from Kan
Diego that they would be located at Santa
Fe. "
Use Ilaller's Uennnn fills , the great co n
stlpation and liver rogulatur.
Will I'altt ; Clams Again.
Last year the members of the Klks' club
Inaugurated the Ido.i of n clam bake. A car
load of clams were shipped from the Atlantic
coast and the affair was a blooming success.
This year Iho Klks will try U nsaiii and
uoxl Mnndav nt Prlob' lauo Ihoyill oolip-io
the one of last yoar. A i > rofoa lonal ratoror
will ho in chnrgo and no pains will bo spared
lo make Iho evenl an enjoyable one. Tallyho -
ho cOiiehoH will bo at the club rooms at l'l : ; ( )
p. in. uud half an hour later the start will bo
.Mil IT IK < " Ij
The folio wing marriage licenses were Issued
by.lndk'U Shields yesterday !
Niimn nnil Atliliess AKC.
J I'fllT OltlMI. Ulilllllil . , .21
i Mury I Ustiiiry. Oniahu. . T. . . ! , " >
J H.i Inr Clntil. , Uniiiliii . VI
I JuL.i Mi / ' n iMmilni . : ' |
Used iu Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard ,
Has INtabllshcd a llrnnch of Ills Pumoni
Kor the Cure of Drunkenness Opiitmand Morphlna
llablf- Thousand : , cured. Kor further Informa
tion add i ess
WE B Tuc Kceley Institute , - BLAIR , NEB
Cure ? all ilisor.Iers of llio Stomnrli , Liver. Honuls , Kiilonjs , Hlinlilcr , Nurrout
fceasiis , LIHS of Appetite , llcnlnclie. fonstiputi in. Otstiven'ss. InlineU in ,
nesss , L'ctcr , I'ilis , KUnnil rentiers tinsjstPin less liable to contract
KADWAY'S Plfil.S are euro for this complaint. Tnoy tnnu tip the internil stvirotloni to
oiilthv aetlon. restart ) stien tli to the stomaeh. nn I on ililo It ti iiorfnnii Iti fuiitiiisi
I'rlcoaioanov. hold by till dnuicUts , or milled by It YIJWA.Y & OO. , .IMVarrun Htroot , N
\ 01 K , on receipt of pnue.
1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb.
Many ye.ira" expoi lonro. A rrRiilnr Rriulunto In ineUlcIno n dlplonmi show le mill treating with ltj
gntatpst succcji all NtMvoiin , Chronic- and I'rlvnto lUiu < ici. A poriimnont t'uru uiinrnntntnl for I'nUrrh
Hpnrmutorrliooa , hiikt Mnnhunil , Humlnnl Woakneim. Nluht ie , linpolcncy. Sj-pMIK Stricture , and l |
dhenioauf tlio Illooil , Skin nnil ( Jrlmirr lr an . N II. I KiinninUo J'OJ for every rnso 1 umtcrtuku unit fall
to cure. Consultation frra Hook ( Mynlerloa of I.lfc ) lent free Ulllcu boun-'Ja. m to S p in. Buntlajf
10 .1 ni. to 12 in. Send ntnmp for reply.
HeWs Neryc Tonic PilH
Ouro IimoiiionU , pr otlHlln < l I'liisl. ft
ealDehllltr , Vital Kxhauitlon , 1'nln / /
In th Iltclf , Cold Ilindii or FeclIlncl / (
ClrcnUtlon , lllue MII > H under thfi 11
Kjesrimplt > janJnUothorJ\frTOUs 11
o UlooJ I'laeoaes la Kltlior Kei. H
Hotb's Nerve Tonic Pills
They brim ? tuo rosy tlutofllcallli to itia
nlloiv check. If younroButtorlng from Do.
rnnBeinentot the NcrvoHIn pnro liloud or
J'Uht irror i you should at nnoo tnke lOr.
Holitm' Nerve Tonic IMIln , the fJrmit
Ufa It onoxvcr , ns they will enrich your BlocJ
and BtruDKthuuyour Nencs. I'rlco , CO coats via * .
For tula by drUKgl'ts or ecu t by mall.
Ktilui , V ( o . < r i.'itli nnil Diti
.1 A I'lillcr , V ( , . Nth : im
A U luitur&Cn , t'iniiioll lllillli
Inventions ,
Teotli without platin , ifiuovab'o ' brill" "
work , "Ir ) TliiodUiiinrtru'R n-iti'til. " iS'o
droptiliiK dun n of plates : blto anytblnt ; yon
llku ; tfuth roinaln linn , .lust Inn tliin fur
ministers IHW vc rs and publli * spunkors I'rit'o
a llttlu innio than rnliliiT plutus , within rr.ifli
of nil. Dr. Itallny. DcntNI. IIIIN the solo right
In Dii'iiba and Dinieliis I'onnty. Ulllce. third
llunr I'oxtcm blix'k , Omalin.
National Bank
Capital . $4OOOOO
Surplus Jnn. 1st , i8OO. O2.5OO
OttliTr nml Director * -Hour ) W Vntni. I'reililont ,
I.owliH lie xl. Vim I'riMiiiMiii ; .Iruiioi W Hnvn o W
V. Mnri > i' . lulin - Cullliii. It C. ftiililnir , J N. 11
1'ntrlck. W II. lluulii" ) , I mhlur
I cini'T r.'lli Mii-l riiriiiini rid
fitin oral lliinMir,1 lliiliitss ) 'I raiism-ttd.
Corner Hill unit Mnion sire ti llnlf lil > k wc l ut
Unliin I'.utltlinml It .1 M l ) ' | int
Niiw linlt'lln niilV furniture vi > ry ill iu tint
Clui * . ouijt | tt lontlin In ( I nnli'i ' VII M nf unilrii
urrouiiilliu i luiiuy um liatli vlif lri1 all lioll ole
Hnti'5 , fl lUnnil II > l.iory lim > f uiile un I innlnr
cars in" nll'iln "ii 'lilui'k io i > , it ili'rm 11vu.iu >
nml llunico n I'.trk Him ( liluuki it > > nii'l yuu c. n
Iranilui to Uioiu if run m >
I I Centrally
J [ J catcil _
Hrniuluu ) Alint .St. , N w York.
A.MU1UUAN AM > litJlOl'il.VN i'JLAJ * ,
Souailoui nert tbe ancltuttfor lalwartnicn Uial
I'tiDy torml lilrth wtir JULIO death.
Every UAH can he BTRONq
and VIOOKODS In all rcipiotl.
insuring from HERVOUB DB *
BTLITT , Loit or Falling Man
hood , rhyilcal Eictnti , Itintal
Worry. Btuntfd Developnient , or
reitor.d to PERFECT HEALTH and
MEN , the rrM and rower of Nalloni.
Wo claim hy ycnri ot prncllrn by
our PxrlnsUn inpthorti , n niilforni
r& VS > - - , ItiKnll Dlieaiei , Wtaineiieinoit
_ _ ft AHIctlonf of Bten TruUinonluU
L ! ' from HlHInli'S nml Territories ,
' " " idii/rrc noiilcil.poiiu
" ,
ntID Mctll nnnt/
DUK NcW BDOtV iml.l.fnrnllmllV.I . tlin , . : a <
Itnhlliyoucao. Full Eiplanalloni for HOME THEAT ,
1IKNT Yon can be FULLY REBTORED al ThouianoJ
haTebeenbyni Readonrteitlmonlali Addrtnatone *
Mwrpniim llnbli
No pay till cured DU J BTErilENe.Lebangii.O.
Illinois Military Academy , Y /i / , , VttJi .
for L'olU kru or llii > inrii Fun niuluKiin np | > ly In I iiiuli'i .
nillkKHIMI IUII , IVAIHHll i > I . > Jit kHIV HT.
Ill Ijr.tKl.t. uf Mune llr n tie lr >' . Tt.c i .n'TntOt
( UK B' liut'l ' tin un >
Ivtl nuilo.1 li < 1 , i , liar rxTi til I. Illrrtler.
oraun I'lirklnoarChlca eol. line nl I no I
yM forUlrla und VOIIIIL' J.urtluo. Kurt
cutitluuun nililreiB U. Til A Vl.'lt. I.I. I ) . .
torc ul'urklll.or 'Ji'j Hiuui btruct.ciiltugoI
ruir Addrun G. I lit l.l\llll. 8uj > i Ja < l-onvllk.I.l.
hi IIUOI.S Dl'1 1,1 MMiT" > .
B * W A. WlLtfON , 1-roiiOonl ,
" JO Ll.ANTOH. J'ru'iicnl
JUW "rJSiBbLXIi.lSSSS ! Sti > M P.J ol