d HORRIBLE SCENES IN CHILI. EevolUng Government Troops Murder Their Ofllcera and Disband. MOOS OF SOLDIERS IN CORONEL. Women Insulted nnd .Sulijccfcd to All Manner of Iridi nitlcn Apnonla for Mercy Annwcrocl wltli Deadly Klllo.Shots. liy Jdmrt flunloil flrnnttl.1 VAI.PAIUISO , Chill , VIA UU.VMTON , Tex. , Sept 2. [ Now Vork Herald Cablo-Spcclal to TIIK UBB.J Exciting news Is brougbt today frum the south by the Straits steamer which came up from Tnlcahunno. The two regiments of government troops which were taken to that port recently from Coqulnibo by the transport Imporinlo revolted when they hoard of the defeat of the Balmacodtsts at Plocllln last Friday. They shot to death all their ofllcers and disbanded. Nearly four thousand coal miners Jolno-1 them and together they have practically taken possession of the town of Coronol on the coast about twonty-flvo miles south of Concepcloti. All sorts of excesses have been committed by thorn. Houses and stores have lioon sacked and burned. The slightest pro test against their actions Is met by rlflo shots. "Women hava boon abused and subjected to brutalities of the most revolting character. In fact rnalo rule In Its worst form pro- Tails. Homo outrages have boon committed also In Concopclon and Talcnhuauo , but the force at the disposal of the authorities thorn lias been sufllciont to save thorn from the fata which has overtaken the six thousand people of Coronol. As soon as the news was racolvod this morn ing the Gorman war ship Sophto and the British gun boat Daphne were ordered to gent nt once to Coronol and protect the Interests of forolen residents there. The government ofllclals hero have also taken stops to beat f' the mob Into subjection. SeuorJorgo Montt , ( Jonoral Canto and i others of the congressional chiefs arrived in t Santiago this morning. They wore I received with the greatest on ly thuslosm by the people of the ' capltol. Oonoral Baquodnno , the acting pros- iuont , received them ofllcially. The other members of the Junta sablerno are expected . , to arrive hero from Iqulquu tomorrow. They [ " will at once proceed to Santiago when the f question of a now election and the reorgani zation of the government will bo considered. There Is no disguising the fact that there Is a very bitter fooling against the Americans on the part of the successful revolutionists. This feeling is so strong that unless It Is conciliated In some w.iy may seriously affect American commercial Interests in Chill ( or ome time. The capture of the Itata llrst created the Impression that the United States govern ment was actively un favorable to the revo lutionary cause. This impression was In- tensiilod by the action of Admiral Brawn when bo visited Qumtoro bay on August 20 to witness the landing of Uonoral Canto's army. The admiral dosiredjto see the manoeuvre and Invited aomo of the ether naval ofllccrs in Valparaiso to coma to the flagship San Fran cisco and go to Qulntoro bay. Only the Uormuti ofllcers accepted. The San I ran- Cisco did not anchor1 at Qulntoro oay , but fltcarccd around until the landing was af fected and then headed for Valparaiso. A boat was sent from the transport Coplapo to visit tbo American crulsnr , but did not suc ceed In getting aboard. Upon the arrival of the San Francisco hero Lieutenant Dyer vis ited Admiral Viol to sccnro permission to send a cable dispatch to the Navy depart ment. This visit has been construed by the adherents of the Junta as proof positive that Admiral Brown was acting ns a government epy on the movements of the opposition , aim no amount of explanation bas boon sufficient to remove this Impression. Then ether things have served to strengthen the feeling against the United States. Not the least Important among them li the very general feeling that Minister Egnn has boon an active partisan of Balrnaceda and has used his iuduoncn In preventing t'to State department from recognising the bellig erent right * of the Insurgents. Acting Secre tary Wharton's action In Ignoring Sonor.s Montt nnd Foster , the congressional envoys , oven now when It Is n recognl/od fact that they represent the only government of the country , has Increased the feeling against citizens of the United States. Admiral Brown's action in refusing to glvo up the political refugees who have found an asylum aboard hU ships , has also added to the gen eral irritation. It l.s the general belief that Admiral Brown Is nctlng under Instructions or by the ndvico 01 Mr. Euan. The minister ) s expected to arrive here tomorrow for the purpose of consulting with the admiral ns to the final disposition of the refugees now on board the American ships. The feeling against Egan is very violent and there is little - tlo question that his recall will soon bo de manded. The Uorman admiral settled the question us to thi ) disposition of the refugees so far as ho Is concerned , by sending the corvette Alexandrine to the north today presumub'y to Callas with Sonar Claudia Vienna , the recent president elect ; Admiral Oscar Viol , the ( vx-lntcndoiito of Valparaiso , Captain Fuonts , recently In command of the torpedo boat Almlranto Lynch ; Senor Sanchez , late superintendent of the custom house nnd others aboard. Mr. McCroory the United Stntbs consul at Valparaiso is In high favor. He rendered valuable services to persecuted women nnd political rofutrees wlioio lives vrora in danger. The records nt Santiago oontlrni the statement that on August 18 President Bnlmaceda ordered forty-two young mon to bo shot to death. They were charged with haying engaged In a plot to blow up a railroad bridge and thus prevent the movement of government troops. Many of them were boys of from 10 to IS years of ago. One of them was whipped In order to make him confess the plot. It Is charged , nnd from the records appears to bo true , that only n small portion of the cruelties perpe trated by the late government have been pub lished. The congrosilonallsts mo giving trials to all against whom offences are charged and executions up to thU time had boon remarkably fow. Much pity Is foil for the families of the Balmnccdlst olllewls who have lied the country. Many of them have boon loft behind - hind friendless and penniless. Tboro will bo uo tight at Coqulnibo. The transport CoapopI had taken on board a division of troops and vras under orders to sail for Coqulnibo today When a formal tender of submission was ro- colvcd from Colonel Corvolllo commanding the troops tboro. Uonoral Baquodano at at once sent back orders for Colonel Corvolllo to retain the command of his troops nnd to maintain order In tbo district about Co- quluibo. I have bcon assured by prominent won among the congro.sslonallsU that within month arrangements will bo tnado to hold elections in all sections of tbo country aud that as soon as the results of these elections are known the junta will turn over the country to the properly constituted authori ties. ties.Tho The torpedo boat Almiranto Lynch nd the cruiser Eirnoruldn returned today from an unsuccessful search for the Almlranto Con- doll and the transport ImporUle , Nothing ha * bo D heard from the vesiol * tlnco they aft Coijuliubo. Order hut boon rottoroa In nnu f flL Snntlngo nnd Valparaiso. The mobs have bcon gotten undo"- control nnd tlioro Is no likelihood of ttio nuthorltloi being nnnblo to preserve the peace from this out. Mercan tile establishments hare bcon reoiwncd in thU city nnd the business section H Rni'luftlly restiminp 1U customary nppcarnnco. lix- chnngo Is steadily rising. NothlnR hns been ho.ird hero of President Tlalinnccdn slnco ha was reported with hi ) family and valuables at Lot Andes. It li not likely that any dollnlto news will bo ro- cntvcd of him until ho gets within the r.mt'o of telegraphic communication on the other slJoof the mountulni. It bas been found Im possible to bury nil the bodies which were loft on Friday's ' Iwtllollold with the facilities at the command of the authorities , and it has therefore boon decided to cremate thotn. This will probably bo done tomorrow. The hospitals in the city are tilled and all the available medical force In the city Is kept as busy as can bo. Many of the men who were wounded nt the battle of Coucon wcro loft for eight days without attention. Had not the foicign surgeons orgnnlrort an nmbulanco corns the sufferings of the wounded would have boon inllnltely Kroater and many moro of tncm would have died. n.tr.M.ICKIIt HKI'OltTKO KtLT.Iin. Hnlil to Ilnvo Ileoii Murdered U'lillo CrnHHltiK ll > o Amlr-H. Ni'\v YOIIK , Sept. 2. An unconfirmed ro- nort reached tills city yesterday from Santiago that Dalmaroda , ox-dictator of Chill , had boe'n Killed In the mountains'while trying to effect his escape. According to the story Ualmacoda loft Santiago on Saturday night before the rioting commenced. Ho took his family with him and carried a great deal of personal property , Including a con siderable sum of money and some valuable Jewels. When ho reached a point a few mlles outside the city ho and his family abandoned the carriages in which they hail boon travel ing and took n special train which was in waiting to convoy them to Los Andes , thirty- two miles northeast of Santiago , Hero Unlnmceda left his family and with n companion started on Monday ifight to matte his way across the mountains , his ultimate purpose being to roach Liuonos Ayros. The weather was bitterly cold and the snow on the irrontul miulo travel very ulfllcult. Bulmaccda rode u inulo , wnlcti was the only animal that Is of any use In the mountain puss through which ho was making his way. Tuesday morning the muleteers begun to grumble and wanted to turn bacK , as the weather was becoming - coming so severe and the snow so dcop that thi-y feared they would lose their lives. Halmacoda ; knowing that almost certain denth awaited him if ho returned , refused to turn back , and In a lit of passion struck one of the muleteers , who retaliated by drawing a pistol and shootlne the ox-president on the spot. His companions then killed Dalnm- ceda'a companion , and after rilling tuelr pockets , made their escape. The bodies , according to the story sent here , were found by n party of mountaineers nnd returned to Los Andes. No further particulars could bo obtained. Tbo news created great interest In this city , but no one seemed surprised , an It was generally be lieved that the unfortunate man would either bo killed or perish with the cold before ho reached a place of safety if ho tried to make his escupo by crossing the Andes. Mr. Fowler , the manager for \V. K. Oraco & Co. , admitted having hoard the report , but said that ho had received no con Urination of it. IDKiiu Hoard From nt Imst. WASHINGTON , D. U. , Sept. 2. At last the de partment of State has board directly from Minister Egan. The news came in the form of a cablegram from Santiago dated Septem ber 1 : Decisive battle Valparaiso twenty-eighth August. Revolution entirely successful. K very thing tranquil. , TdAN. The delay in receiving this report is owing to the fact tnill telegraphic connection be tween Santiago and Valparaiso , the western cable terminus , has bcon cut nnd Just re stored , and thru the line eastward from San tiago to Buenos Ayres was Interrupted by heavy snows in the mountains Although the telegram Indicates the success of what Egan describes as the revolution , he has not yut in formed the Department of State whether a government bos been s > ot up that may bo recognised as the government of the people of the country. Accordingly the department will probably await further detailed informa tion before according formal recognition of the now government. A very small pill , nut a very gooJ one DeWitt's Little Envlv HIsors. T.OU.tL ItltKl'ITIKS. Seven minor permits aggregating $1,400 were Issued by the superintendent of buildIngs - Ings yesterday. Tbo Inspection of grain at Omaha was com menced yesterday. The Inspectors examined nnd graded llfty cars , which was considered pretty good for the llrst day. The Gorman Landwchr society will glvo a grand picnic , concert arid ball at Tcutonla park on Sunday next. Hermann Uusch , president ; CharlesKaufmnnn , vleo president , and Carl Loutz , secretary. Frank Swoesoy was arrested yesterday afternoon on the charge of ombc/zlomont. It Is claimed by A. J. Love , the complainant , that Swoosoy , as ngont of the ( Jlon Falls Insurance company , took and kept ? - . " > In cash belonging to the company. Small in si/o , great in results : IJoWitt's Little Early Klsors. Best pill for constipa tion , b3-t tor iuXhJ.vi 13.10 , bait for sour Htornach. Hold Work of u Tlunf. PiiiiAi > ii.t'iin : , Sept. 'J. Jeweler S. S ; Weaver , of 11IVJ Chestnut street , this city , received a letter signed by Frank Thompson , ! ! 014 Cabal street , asking that samples of Jewelry bo sent to the house in order that the mother of the wrltor might make select- Ions. Mr. Weaver sent Salesman Schulor to the house with a quantity of Jewelry. The man called Mr. Schuler's attention to the window , and when his head was turned struck him a Violent blow with a club , knock ing him senseless. Thompson then pocketed the Jowolory , wortn 50 ( ) , and escaped. The man Thompson was recognl/ed nt once by Chief Wood from the description irivon by Schulor. Ho Is known as a thief and has boon arrested for burglar ) * nnd larceny Ho well known among railroad men from Jersey City to Pitts burg and ho Is supposed to have jumped aboard a passing freight train and thus made his escape. Gosjlor's Mugiolioadacno Wafers. Curcsal hcaduchea In " 0 minute * . At all druggists Money Tor the Comiulttnr. The finance committee which has charge of the work of raising funds for the repub lican national convention Is pushing along quietly. Considerable canvassing has been ( lone and some of the loading moneyed cor porations nnd capitalists have promised to do the right thing when the time comes. In all probability a mecUnt- will bo held next week , at which the tlmuico committee will taUo Us bearings nnd map out the worn for the future. Do Witt's Llttlo Early Hisors. Dost little pill ever made. Cure constipation every time. None equal. Use them now , Hniiccnl Hiul n Snap. OTTAWA , Ont. , Sept. 2. The speaker of the commons has Issued an order for the arrest of Andre Sonecal , superintendent of the gov ern men t printing bureau , who failed to np- pear at the bar of the house ns ordered Aug ust 'J7. It U estimated that during his term of ofilco Sonocal received $00,000 from those who supplied goods to the overniuout. Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup for chil dren teething rests the child ana comforts tbo mother. 25o a bottle. In Australia Mr.uiouiiNU , Victoria , Sept. 2 , The Vic torian legislature has pissed the federation bill , at the same time adopting an amend ment excluding Now Zealand from the feder ation. The Now South Wales legislature ha * rejected n motion in favor of protective duties. Ilrimford'a Auld IM For the Tired Uraln from over exertion. Try It , VANDERBILTS ARE NO ! IN IT , Banker Morean Denies 'OIIH of the Rumors About Union Pacific. HIGHER THAN THE EIFFEL TOWER , A Steel Klcuplo for the World's Pftlr Two Hundred Kcct Tn Her Thau i ho 1'iirlH Structure Ciiicvoo BUIIIHU or Tuts DBB , I Cmrioo , III. , Sept. 2 , I A Now Vork dispatch quotes J. IMcrnont Morgan as having said that there was not n word of truth In the current report to the effect that the Vandorbllu had gained or ulmodtoncqulromivintcro.it In the Union I'ncHIc. Mr. Morgan further denied that ho was to assume control of tbo road. "My duty In the Union Pacillo case , " said ho , "is simply to see that the company's assets are properly applied to the liquidation o ( Its ( touting debt. This U all that I propose to do. " WII.I. HF.AT TltK EtrFEI. . llalo , the elevator man , will build n stool stcoplo for the world's fair reaching n quarter of a mile Into the sity. The Paris tower was 9W ( foot high. The Halo tower will soar 200 feet higher. The ways and moans committee of the World's ' Columbian exposition , nta late hour last night , practically agreed to grant the concession asked for. The plan will bo referred to the building and grounds committee. There Is no doubt that a favorable - able concession will bo granted. It Is said the lower can bo erected within fifteen months. Tbo area at the foundation Is 'ItO fcctsquaro. At the llrst landing Is a colon- ado around tbo outside llftoon feet wide and 7IW feet In clrcumfereucn. Inside this space Is room for four hotels , each 45x00 feet , and ns many stories high as may be required. These building can bo made of appropriate style of architecture for French , Gorman , Spanish and Italian restaurants. Tno res taurants can seat six to eight thousand guests at one time. Thu second landing can bo used as a picnic quarters in the day and a dancing platform at night. This laudIng - Ing will bold S.OOO people. The grand lookout on the top will bo three stories high and will nccommodato 1.500. About this will bo four ofllcos which can bo used for the signal service. Above the of fices will bo an electric railway carrying a light nt nlgnt and signals by day. On top will bo a light bouse , carrying the most pow erful revolving light over made. From tbo llngstaff the stars and stripes will wave 100 feet higher than over a ling fluttered. There will bo eight elevators , ouch carrying llfty people. Two will run to the top without stopping , two to tbo second landing nnd four to' the llrst. They will have a carrying ca pacity of 7,500 per hour. A fee of SO cent will bo charged to the llrst landing , 75 cents to the second , nnd $1.50 to the top. The esti mated dally revenue from the elevator serv ice of the tower Is $5,000. ) MUCH SIONIJV lEMAN'lii : ) . If the straws'chat are now blowing Indicate cato the direction of the World's fairdraught the snug llttlo sum of $ ,5,000,000 will bo wafted out of tbo treasury of the United States and line the coffers of the Columbian exposition. It now seems to bo moro tnan probable that the officers of tbo exposition will ask the next congress for government old in this enterprise. They will not , how ever , nsk for any appropriations beyond what is necessary for tbo cost of medals of award and the Incidental expenses , which will amount probably to between $500,000 and $700,000. If the f. " > ,000XM ( comes from congress It will bo in the form of a loan secured by mort gage on the gate receipts. It has not yet been decided to ask congress for this loan , but such n stop has boon proposed in tbo spe cial Joint committee on linancc , nnd the iaoa Is very favorably entertained. Members of the Board of Lady Managers are quite the happiest people in nil this land. They have fought for recognition from the government of the United btutos and have gained It In the most substantial form , and now they are on the eve of the meeting nt which the exposition Interests of the women of this country are to bo taken care of. Them are already Foventy or sovonty-Ilvo of them in the city , far more than a quorum , and others are arriving by every train , The fol lowing western lady managers are already bore : Mrs. John S. Brlggs , Omaha ; Mrs. Frar.it B. Hall , Cheyenne ; Mrs. W. B. McConnell - Connell , Forgo , N. D. ; Mrs. E. C. Lang- worthy , Seward ; Mrs. John A. Wilson , Doadwood. S. D. D.onus onus \xr > IND < . A white m.m quarrelled with a negro narr.ea liichard Reynolds on Clark street yes terday nnd shot him in the stomach with a DS-cnlibcr revolver. The ball scarcely broke the skin. Edward Morris , a son of Millionaire Nel son Morris , was in court yesterday charged with knocking down u butcher named Hup- land , who called him a liar. Alderman Munz is preparing an ordinance for Introduction nt the next meeting of the city council providing that the police shall take charge "of children between ! ! and 15 years of ago found nt largo on the streets , and for the prosecution of the pironts. Si ) many children of this age are now allowed to play on the streets that it is almost impossi ble to drivu without running ever thorn. WKsmiN I'Kon.i : IN CHICAGO. The following western people nrn in the city : At the Palmer Mr. nnd Mrs. A. T. Ilaw- son , D < u Molncs , In. ; Mrs. F C. Longworlh , Sawnrd ; Mrs ) . L. A. Bates , Aurora ; Mrs. II , M. Barker , Huron , S. D. ; C. E. Lee , E mil Brnndces , Fred Lowe , Omaha ; Mr. and Mrs. II. P. Kiickor , Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Labno , Grand Forks. N. D. ; E. Timor , Dil lon , Mont. ; Fred J. ICInsol , Ogden , Utah. . At the Grand Pncllic-Clmrlo.s E. Will iams , Omaha ; A. McKlllop , Tobias : Gcorgo W. Biter , W. D. Kitor , Salt Lnko , Utah. A * the Auditorium John F. Sinclair , Mrs. T. M. Sinclair , Miss F. C. Souttor , Cedar Rapids , la. ; Mrs. J. E. KIckards , Daughor , Mont. ; H. E. Carr , Onmbn. At the Lolnnd E. Li. Uogsdolo , Council Bluffs. At the Wellington Joseph Garnoau , Jr. , Omaha. World's Fair Commissioner Euclid Martin of Nebraska is at the Palmer , with Mrs. Martin and Miss Nona Martin. F. A. "Champ igno that has the least alcohol Is a stimulant and restorative , " says Dr. Pavy Use Cook's ' Extra Dry Imperial. THO.-13 KUICIGHT mFFlSHKNOKS. Hook Inland nnd Milwaukee OJllululs In Coul'ortmoo Jliillrondoton. . A conference was hold Tuesday afternoon In ttia office of F. A , N.ish , general agent of tbo Milwaukee road , which will have mi im portant bearing on the question of freight now In dispute between the Kock Island and Milwaukee on ono sldo nnd tbo Union Paolllo nnd Missouri Pnclrlc on the other. Thu two former roads bavo determined to force the Missouri Paclflo to turn over freight to them on this sldo of the rlvor when con signed to them at Omaha , which will deprive the Union "Pacillc of the bridge charges , amounting to $5 par car or thereabout ! ) , The Hock Island has been paying the Union Pa- clllo about $15,000 per annum as brldpo charges on freight turned over by the Mis souri Paclflu at Council Bluffs and they bavo resolved to snvo this to thomsoivoi by haul- ug the freight across the bridge. The Missouri Paclllo has declined to turnover ever freight ou this sldo of tbo river on ac count of Its agreement with the Union Paclllo and the HOCK Island has refused to receive freight at all unless turned ever at Oinatm while the Milwaukee is receiving It under protest , Tbo mooting held In Mr. Nnsu's ofllcn was attended by General Manager A , J. Barling , Superintendent of Motive I'owor J. Is. Barraud Superintendent C. A. Uoodnow of the Council BlulTtt division , all of the Mil waukee road , and W. I. Alton , assistant gen eral manager of the Kock Island. The subject uudor discussion was the erec tion of a freight depot on the "old nail works sido" on Seventeenth street , Immediately west of Wukelleld's lumber yard and extending - tending along the track * for two or three blocks , Iho gentlemen present were of the opinion that the Union I ' .id Ik' wa * making n mittiiito in pursuing Its present polloy as the rend * worn In a position to wotcct tho'iisclves. Thu froleht dttpnt question was debited In all Its phrases but it was derided tn hold the tin u I settlement of the mattur In nboynnco until the general maungor of the Missouri Pai'lllo has held n confiironcu with the gon- crnl manager of ihc'tTnloti Pnclllc and do- cldod on what will bo ilotio by those roiuU. If this decision Is notialUfactory the UoiMc I < lami and Mllwautf&d will at once pro ceed to erect n fntfgnt depot of their own nnd Imiulln tuelr own freight Instead of having the Union Pacillc perform that duty. Alronuy the matter Has bcon taken hold of by cltUcns and n movutla on foot to null the two roads more land ( n the vicinity of the null works properly , and ono gentleman , who Is Interested in the progress of Omaha , remarked - marked this morning that ho hud no doubt the shippers of thU city would tinlto with the Hock Island and Milwaukee In their contest - test with the Union Pacific and divert freight to those roads whenever it was possible to do so. _ The IliirltiiKion'H olouu lOxtonslon. The report that the Burlington is bulldlnir towards Helena Is given credence by people In this city who keep a close watch ever rail road affairs , but the pcoplo at headquarters of the B. & M. say they know nothing about any such work v'olng on. Instead of ending at Merino , ns stated in the dispatches , the road Is In operation as far ns Donkey creek , several miles beyond Me rino , and the rend bed has boon graded to n point fifty mlles east of Sheridan nnd about ono hundred tulles southeast of Buffalo. The latter point Is about -00 miles from Holuna nud it Is very doubtful If the road Is to bo pushed beyond BulTnlo for the present. The latter point Is In the heart of the grazing country add the road will pass through the richest portion of the coal and mineral ro- glous , H'Ultl.lt'S l-.lllt .M.lTTBllS. of the CommlHsloiinrH nnd Cltic\oo , 111. , Sept. 3. The World's fair commission met at noon today , The llrst subject to come up was the reading of a com munication from the general secretary of the American Sabbath union , asking a hearing for n delegation from that body ou the sub ject of closing the exposition on Sundays. Finally , after considerable debate on n mo tion by Commissioner Do Young of Califor nia and nmondcd by Commissioner Massey of Delaware , it was decided tn appoint a com mittee of three to confer with tba Sabbath union delegation nud 11 x an hour during to morrow's session at wnlch the commission would hoar the delegation. The memorial of tno union to bo presented to the Columbian commissions sots forth that the proper observance of Sun-lay nt the fnlr will "Honor the low of God , by Whom Iho Sabbath was made for man , that it will bo in harmony with the letter and spirit of the laws of all the states nnd territories ; that it will respect the conscientious convictions of all Christians who , forming n largo part of the sterling character of the world , should have their feelings considered ; that It will bo in line with the Sabbath observance at the Philadelphia exposition ; that it will follow the examples set by , the English speak ing nations at the Purls exposition of 1SS9 , who , with the official countenance of this government , rnfusoB to uncovpr their displays on Sunday ; that to open the exposi tion ou Sunday would unjustly compel the employes of the fair and the transportation companies to labor on'that ' day ; that it would lead to excesses by the various classes ; that Saturday half holidays nnd the generosity of employers may bo depended on to glvo all employe * an opportunity to visit the fair ; that this government cannot fiord to .sot such un example to tno.nalions of the world ; that all foreigners should bo given un oppor tunity to SOB the "American Sunday" as It U usually observed ; and , finally , that the event which the fair celebrates was the result of the supreme Inspiration of n Christian man who took possossloli of the new world in the name of the Son of Man , who Is also the Lord of the Sabbath.1 Speaking of the matter , Colonel Shopnrd said : "I bollovo llrmrythnt If the fair Is not closed on Sundays the Lord will put Ills curse upon the entcrpriso nnd upon the na tion. Ho will send plagues nud pestilences , as hu did in the day of Pharaoh H , on the contrary , the gates are closed on Sundays , the Dord will bless the fair and make it the grandest success possible. You have no Idea of the Intense feeling of tbo Christian world on this subject. It is with us to a man , nnd , should wo win. it will aejoico ns ono man. Hence , it Is imperative that the question should be decided at ouco and the decision not put off until a later date. " After hearing reports from the board of control , president and director general , a re cess was taken until a o'clock. President Palmer , in his report , said In part : "I congratulate the commission on the way it has done its work. No candid par son can look ever the proceedings and not bo impressed with the work accomplished. The responses of foreign governments have been most , satisfactory and presages the greatest exposition of its Hind ever attempted. Twenty legislatures have made appropria tions and thirty states and territories hnvo made application for spaco. Tbo expense of these can not fall short of f ,000,000. Con gress , by u meagre appropriation , has tripled the work , but it Is to bo hoped that the next congress will do better. From estimates prepared , It fs evident that the expense of the commission must bo cut down , if the appropriation of $ .VJr > 00 is to bo sufficient. This question , gentlemen. you will bo asked to seriously consider. I recommend that the commission give the question of award their careful considera tion. Too much care cannot be exorcised. The cost of bestowing awards has boon estimated nt $700,000 , and I am of the opinion that congress should bo asked for an appro priation to cover that amount. " The report of Director General Davis cov ered the work done under his direction , the facts of which have already boon given in these dispatches. The National Board of Lady Managers met in the morning and clouted Mrs. Susan Gale Cook secretary , in place of Miss Cousins. Congressman Springer , who was present , was asked to speak and ho complied. Mrs. Palmer , president , thun presented her report nnd reviewed her European trip. No gripping , no nausea , no pain when DoWltt's Llttlo Early KisoH are taktm. Small pill. Safe pill. 'Best pill. IT.K.lSUltKS OI' ' TlSX.lt ) Tit ll'Kl. . HobliurH Hold Up u Southern Pacific Train nud Mulct * n IJIU'KO Maul. DEI , Kio , Tox. , Sept. -Telegraphic nd- vices from Samuel , fox. , a small station on the St. Paul railway , Ipcated In a thinly set tled section a few mile's from this place , give n thrilling account of a daring robbery com mitted by six masked ' .men at that place shortly after midnight fast night. Dynamite and Winchester rlllos w'ero used as a moans of intimidating the express messenger and ' gaining entrance into'tuo car. All the money nnd valuables In the safe In the express car wore becured by the rbbbers , as well as several - oral sacks of mall and'reglstorod puckapos. Tno amount of inanay > > secured cannot bo learned , but it wllli-roach Into the tons of thouaands. , Vj The train was Just nulling out from the station when six nuvsKcil men , who hud boou In hiding , mounted UiJ'onglno , mail and ex press car. Over forty shots were llred , lit erally perforating lh/rihuirgago / ) nnd express cars without Injury to jiny ono , when n dyna mite cartridge was ox'modod against n small window In the express1 car The ofTPct of this was to tear the twlbdow out and other wise damaci * tbo car , The express mes senger was stunned , but ho recovered In a few moments , only to bo overpowered by the robbers and made to glvo up tno snfa koy. The train was delayed for several hours. The robbers took thulr tltuo In doing tno lob nud with the utmost coolness nnd exhibition of nerve. Horses were In readiness for them , and on the completion of their work the bandits rode rapidly away nnd are now In Mexico. _ _ Some of tbo herbs In Hall's Hair Konowor , that wonderful preparation for rostormir the color and thickening tbo growth of the ualr grow plentifully In Now England. Hallway Tr.-ifllo. NEIIUASKA CITV , Neb. . Sept , 3. jSpoolal Telegram to Tim BKK. ] Two special trains of stooit were shipped from this point to Chicago cage today. Tui-ru were forty-one cart in all. Uo Witt's Llttlo fcuny KUDU , o < l pilL _ , . $8.50. $10.00. $12.00. ' . $15.00. A light weight Overcoat is iiidispcnsable these cool mornings and evenings. Now is the time to buy one. This week we have arranged our entire Fall Overcoat stock for a grand bargain sale. A bombastic description does not count for much in a newspaper advertisement , but if you want to be convinced of the genuineness of this sale just step into our store this week and see the stylish absolutely all wool Melton Over coats in three shades at $8.50 , our medium shade Meltons and Kerseys at $10. and some of the choicest fabrics at $12 and $15. The season for the sale of Fall Overcoats is short. We have a big stock and don't mean to carry over any. We will be all ready in our Boys' Department this week. New goods are being opened every hour. . j\ \ Corner Douglas and 15th Streets. WESTERN RAILROAD SCHEMES Freight Association Defeats the Indiana , Illinois and Iowa. TRAFFIC DIVISIONS TO BE AVOIDED. Ncnt Plait of the Burlington nnd Atch- isou to Monopolize tlic Groaui of the Buniiiess Quickly Killed. CIIKHOO , 111. , Sept. 2. The application of the Indiana , Illinois & Iowa road fur admis sion to membership in the Western Freight association Is likely to bo rejected. The members bavo all voted on the proposition In response to Chairman Mldgloy's ' communica tion , and it is understood that several roads voted against it. There is a fooling that the whole movement Is a trick engineered by the Atchison and Burlington roads to preserve the advantage which they have enjoyed heretofore in handling through business In connection with the Indiana , Illinois & Iowa. The luttor line trots o double proportion of the through rates by drawing both from its western and eastern connections , and Is thus enabled to attract businos ? to its line by paying a pnco for It. To stop this manipu lation of rates the members of the Western freight association have been ordered to fllo statements of their divisions with outside lines. Under the agreement a member is not required to mnlto known its divisions with ether members , and to avoid being compelled to reveal the proportion allowoxl the Indiana , Illinois & lo\\a \ road , It Is charged that the Burlington mi a the Atchlson Induced it to apply for membership in the association. A mooting of the Western Freight association will bo hold next week , when the matter will no doubt bo dually ubpoioJ of. NO TAIITV HATES AOOl'TI'U. \VesternPassongorassociutlon closed Its session today. The proposition to estab lish party rates was discussed nt consider able length and llnally laid on the table. A number of the roads are opposed to party rates under any circumstances , and 03 tno ( iiostton of their legality Is .still pending In the United States supreme court , where it was taken by the Interstate Commerce com mission , It was agreed that any action on the subject in advance of a decision by the court would not bo wise. One road that Is growing moro und moro displeased with the proceedings of the Western Passen ger association is the Chicago , St. Paul & Kansas City. It is the only member that Is not also a member of the Western Traftlo association nnd it Is becoming an Interesting question whether this road will bo forced out of the Western Passenger association or Into the Western Tradlo association. rmnuiiT MIIIINO : : ru.im > . Chairman Dlnnchnrd today issued his call for tbo next regular freight meetIng - Ing of tbo Central Trnlllc association September S. The following are among the subjects to bo considered : Adjustment of divisions on Missouri river tralilo via Junc tions between Chicago and St. Louis ; uniform basis of nitoi from Central Tralllu association points to interior trunk line points ; rates from Missouri river points and the 'ioutli to seaboard cities via northern and southern routes ; differential rates on trndlc to Savuunah via Atlantic seaboard nolnts ; proposed revision of oil rotes : request to apply the sumo basis of rates on jug iron from Ircntown , O. , to Boston nnd Boston points ns nro authorized from Youugstown nnd Mnhonlng districts ; rates to apply on tno stocit which changes hands on route. 17.V10.V VACIFIV 'flWVltl.KS. Gould'H IntiTOHC Hoiuir Hard Pressed on All HldOH. NHW YOUK , Sept , 2. Humors were current toduy that there had boon a breach In the Union Pantile scheme , and thnt the plan to extend the Homing debt would full through. A banking Institution which had mndo a loan of 1100,000 yesterday demanded the money from the company and failing to get it , sold out the collateral. President Dillon said today : "Tho Unoln Pncltic company , pending negotiations now taking place , prornlbcd to treat all creditors nliko. Ono banking in stitution Insisted upon Immediate payment nnd oxorciscd its power to realize upon Its collateral. " Uoports that the creditors' com- mlttco of the Union Paclflo would add L. J. Flt/gorald und Henry B. Hyde to their num ber at tomorrow's meeting were quickly de nied by members of the coin mittoo. The many rumors whloh have of Into boon current In regard to a consolidation between tbo Chesapeake & Ohio and the Ohio & Mississippi roads are without foundation. President Barnard of the Ohio & Missis- alppi , whoso nresonce In London , coincident with the visit of Cornelius Vandorbllt nnd President lnialls , was looked on as conllrmatlon of the rumor , has returned und U now In this city. There was Home foundation for the re port that closer arrangements would be made between the Baltimore & Ohio nnd Ohio & Mississippi , but no change bus resulted tn the ivliittona of those roudi and no turlhor developments uro uxpertod. A dtutomont purporting to cotno from ofll- clul sourcM wns published yesterday to the olTrot that the Atctiuon management would extend Its guarantee notes when they became duo In November , it Is nlso stated that tbo company "outside of offsets" had a Moating debt of not moro than 3 .500,000. Vice Pres ident Kuinhufdt who has buon In the city slnco Saturday authort/os the following : "The statement bus no foundation In fact , nnd owes Its origin to a source which honest people honed had been killed off by the Im proved market. " The money advanced to the Francisco by the Atchlson Is n snmlhg the floating debt of that company can bo obtained at any time by the Atclusori company , which has a standing oifer of a good price for the recent author ised Francisco bonds , but the management believes it wiser not to sell the securities at present. The statement that tno Atchlson has no Moating debt other than was repre sented by current accounts for which vouch ers have not yet boon made up , is oflicinlly continued. No negotiations uro pending for any arrangement for the Denver & Ulo Gran do road. Secretary Foster's Position. WASIIINOTO.V , D. C. , Sept , U. Tbo secre tary of tbo { treasury has announced that ho will receive for account of the sinking fund of the Union Pacific railway any of the first mortgage 0 per cent bonds of the Paciflo roads that nro n prior Hen upon said roads to that of the government nnd deliver In ex change therefor United States currency ( is of like dates of maturity upon the basis of an increased Income to said sinking fund of U.f nor cent. The first mortgage Us may bo de livered to the nsslstant treasurer at Now York for shipment to the Treasury depart ment nnd In duo time thnt ofllcor will deliver the currency ( is upon payment of the sum necessary to obtain for the sinking fund the additional income desired. For Schlitz boer apply to U. fl. CJrouo 10JOFarn.in. The rosy freshness nnd velvety softness of the skin Is variably obtained by these who use Pozzonl's Complexion Powder. Figures ou Furniture. The council committee on public property commenced burning midnight oil last night In an effort , to figure out the lowest bid sub mitted for furnishing city hall furnlturo. The committee met In the Osthoff building on North Sixteenth street , whore for six long hours it pored over papers that gave the price of desks , chairs , sofas and ether arti cles Intended to make tbo life of u city ofllclnl a luxury. The committee hopes to complete its labors and submit a report to tbo council next Tuesday night , DoWitt's Llttlo harly Risers ; best llttlo pills for dyspepsia , Hour-stoinaoh , badbroath. Dlnonscd Gatclo. CIUCAOO , 111. , Sept. 'J. Six car loads of cattle which were shipped from Indian Ter ritory passed through the stoolc yards this morning , consigned to Jayson Ball & Co. , Buffalo , are snul to have tbo Texas foyer. Tno authorities at Buffalo will be notified of the fact. Murdered In Ills Store. LOWEI.I , , Mass. , Sept. 2.--David Bolangor , a dry goods denier , was found dead In his store this mornlnir with his throat cut. The theory is that some ono concealed In the place last night committed the nun-dor. DoWltt's Llttlo Knny Risers for the liver Crops In Scotland Dainn. < ; ud. ICniNtifiinii , Sept. 2. The recent storms which swept over the British Isles half ulncd crops throughout Scotland and har vest U atn complete standstill. Constipation poisons tne blood ; DoWltt's Llttlo ICarly Itlsors cure constitution. The cnuso removed , tbo disease U gone. JHlATllfi , of flvaltn'tnr Imi nwlcr Oils haul , fifty centeneli mlilltl mnl Itni Icn rent * . ( V UK A"M ary A. , at 13 : 10 p ' . after an 111- ness of sovun months. Age. D'J years , 1 month und UJ duys. Fiinonil Krlday taorn- itiir , Sttptombor 4 , at II n. in sharp , from family residence , I'M lllnnny Ht , , to sacred Heart church. Solemn Illuh imiKb In * Itov. J , T. Smith. Inleriiioiit Kl. Mary's ei-mrlory. fi'uttcr * ofluj / llils < or le ini/er / tlilt he'll , fifty ent * : r < irh < i < lilinnntt : ( fur ten crnlt. hur 2. MKs I'.iigenla A. HulTiitn of Omaha mid .Mr. Ilenrr 1' ' . llarnard of Denver , at tin ) residence of the brldo'ti parents , t'Slli Ciihs Ntiuot. O-n'U/VM-linNSON ' / On Tuesday. September 1. at the rosldonco of tlio lirldu'n nrotlior. irv.'l North Twi-nty-llfth stri'nt , Herbert Oslrain of Chicago Mini Miss 11. l llrabcth Ilunsonnf On.uli.i. Kuv. WIIInrdN'oH olllcl.it- Ing. NATURAL FRUIT FLAVORS. Vanilla - Of porfoot purity. LemonI Lemon - Of great strength. Almond -I Eoonomy 'n ' thoiruso Roseetc.r ) F'avo < * no dolloatoly and dollclously ao the fresh fruit PERFECT HEALTH Hlclinr J It. Uook , I.ockpurt , N V. , wrltos Hint nftor ninny years' MtitTorlnjf from Nervom Dublllty Hloop- fo nei3 , Ttvltcliliiit uf MiiHClva lin was restored bf fourtinxoi Nnirr. IIKANS "InmhO. " lioiajri , 'but fcolllkoit rminvtnnn " fl | > i > rtmr poitimlil. I'siu- pbletfroo. NKIIVK 111'AN CO , lli'rrALO , N V. I Bold by ( joodiimn Druv Co , 1110 Kiirnum St. , Omfth The flrnt tloso often nstonhlien tlminvalid , giving < iantleltyoriiilmll | > ouyincyi > ri > odj- , GOOD DIGESTION , regular bowoln nnd solid ilosh. 1'rlcc , 3CCt Dedicat ou of Omaha's ' MagniSoant Now Timplo of tin Driiim , - - The A. M , Palmer Homa Stock Go , IK Mr. Augustus Thomas' Successful American Play. Under the Direction of Mr. Al. Hayuiau , on THURSDAY CS TT "O/TN O EVEN NOZD r v sr JL . O- A ndconttniiinR the remainder of the week. " 'Alnlmma' ouKht to bo neon by everybody who lorctliln country WHY ALABAMA DRAW3. It Is n Knnil ( ilny to bculn with. Nvxt , II Is n piny li nn Anii'rlaiin. Anil Inat Itli n piny about Amorlunns - Now Vork HuruliI I'.Mlturlnl. This ovonlni * thodoor will open ilTo'cloeU promptly , nnd the curtain ilsn at Kl.\ : Tin ) audience Is requested to bo In their Hunts at HI5. : HI5.NP.XT ATTIlACTION Hnsseil's Comedians In "The City Illiectory. " GARROW OPERA CO. TO-NIGHT ! TO-NIGHT ! A Now nnd Miif-nilli-iint OiThcHtrn. A Grout ( Just. A Grand Chorus. Hplondld Si'cnory. Artistlo.Cnstu.iiioH. Popular prices , 2.r > f , .Tic anil fiOo. Ho- serve aunts by mull or tulophono , KA HNAM Hrii A'r 3MUHTS mill Halurduy Mutiniut , Commeii * cliiK Thursday. Mipteinhnr 'Inl , TUB I'MfNI'NT CO.MMMAN. MK JOHN DILLON , ' WANTIlllTIIKKAIlTIl" - 8 ' ' . " ikliiltliu-NKW 8TATI ATI'UKM'V. I'uuiiliir prlL-i < s. DIME EDEN MUSE B KU\'INTI : : ( AND TAKNAM HTS. Kvery day from I to to p , in. Itlilnulmrt hhters , Parisian limbru ileror * . Lady llrasn lluiid. uf uow i