Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 03, 1891, Page 3, Image 3

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{ Delivered by Carrier In any purl of tlio C'lty.
Trt - I ItiiNlni'iiOHIco No. M
TU rniiriK-ra
< - i Night Editor No. 81
MtXUH .I//
N. Y. P. LO.
Council Hluffs Lumbrr Co. , real.
Craft's chattel loans , 20t Sapp block.
U you want water In your yard or bouse
go to IHxby'R , : urJ Mcrriam block.
Pattl Rosa will hold the boards nt tht
llroadwitv theatre Saturday night li > "Dolly
Vnrdon. "
Ttio Sunday school of the Uroadway Methodist -
odist cliurch will hold a picnic today nt Lake
A marriage license was Issued yesterday
to Krod I'onoyor und Oilvo Young , both of
this city.
Mutthow Smith and Ethel R Ilorrell , both
of Omttha , were married yesterday by Jus
tice Hammer ,
County Clerk T. S. Campbell has secured a on South Seventh .street and will inovo
ills family hero at once from Neolu.
Ttia races t the driving park commence
next Wodriesdny. Ttio entries have been
closed and some of the host roadsters In the
country nro on the lists.
Tomorrow evnnlng a lecture will bo trlvou
In the Fifth iivonuo Methodist church by
Kov. L. H. Wlderinntn of Shcnuiidouh on
"Young People In Soelaty. "
Harmony Chanter iSo , ll , Order of the
Eastern Star , will hold n spctlal mooting to
morrow evening In Masonic hall for thu pur
pose of Initiation and sociable. Bv order of
the \V. M.
The following Jury was drawn yesterday
for the September term of superior court :
William McCrary , L , . Zurmnuthlcn , O. II.
Lucas , Jon Sundol , Janu-s ICIluay , Ira Scho-
llold , IX D. Clark nncl William Uobtnson.
A mortgage on the real estate of the Chau-
tauqua Assembly association was filed
with the county recorder yester
day nftcrnoon In favor of K. 1C.
Hnrt , trustee for the following par-
tics : Thomas Ofllccr. P. Wind , J. U. Hice ,
E. E. Hart , J. H. Hood. O. L. WycofT , L.
Wells , Jolm Dauforth , Low Hammer , L.V. .
Tullovs. P. C. Dovol , F. Wci , F. O. Glcasotl ,
M. F. Hohror , I , At. Troynor , H. McKcnzIe , .
A. P. Hanchott , H. O. Mctco. ! The amount
covered t > y the mortgage Is $400 ! , which was
paid by the above gentlemen in Individual
sums of ? -'l8 apiece.
Now RooilH at the lloqtnn Store.
The blpcst { array of boxes over piled
In front of n Council Bluffy business
house attracted attention to the Boston
Store for tlio past few days. The lioxos
reached up nearly to the second story
on the Broadway front and fully as hiirh
on the Fourth atreot side. The boxes
contained the first consignments of now
fall goods that Messrs. Puthorlnphum ,
\Vhitolaw & Company have provided
for the patrons of the Boston Store.
Ladies of Council Bluffs and vicinity
will bo Interested in inspecting these
elegant now goods. The now styles are
very handsome and the prices lower
than over.
j' . t'.iit.tuitttrits.
Mrs. C. A. Machan hus goneto Colfax.
S. H. Foster has returned from a trip to
M. F. Itohror nuu wife have returned from
n trip to Avnlon , Alo.
Miss Nellie Hayes und Miss Burl ICcIlsr
have gone on au eastern trip.
H. E. Hadokor of Philadelphia is In the
nity , the guest of the Grand hotel.
Mrs. W. D. Nuson and daughter , Miss Evu ,
leave today for a week's visit at Wall Lake.
Muster Will Colclough and Froa Weisner
have gene to Dea Molnos to take in the state
Miss Anna Elliott , 2203 Avenue D , has gone
to DCS Molnes , where she will attend Drake
University for the coining year.
William Moora loft for the east Monday
evening , accompanied by his daughter , Miss
Nellie , who will attend school at London ,
J. .1. Stork , whoso grip is now loaded In the
Interest of Van Houton's cocoa , was greeting
his old friends hero yesterday , and left last
evening for Chicago.
W. S. Prouty , who graduated from the
State university last Juno , loft last evening
for Nashua , Chlckasaw county , whore ho has
n position as principal of the public schools.
Miss Freda Hahormnss , the newly elected
teacher of modern languages In the High
school , has arrived In the city from Jackson
ville , 111. , and Is stopping at the Grand.
Mr. and Mrs. L. Hoist Inavo this evening
for the Thousand Islands , where Mr. Hoist
will attend the National Railway postal
clerks' convention as delegates from this
city. They will also visit friends in Buffalo
anil other eastern cities.
Don't forgot there are two beautiful
parks In Morningeido that will always
bo open K paces and bits of natural woods
when the oily has a population of 100- ,
000 and upwards.
liiNiinlty Cases. '
Two cases of Insanity wore tried before
the commissioners yesterday. The llrst was
that of William J. Matthews , who has boon
before the commissioners several times , but
has always been discharged. This time a
number of witnesses wore Introduced , and
the fact of his Insanity was proved loyoml a
doubt. Those who have been familiar with
his fumllar affairs state that ho hus abused
his family In a shameful manner of late ,
boating his wlfo and kicking his children out
of the house on the sllghtoot provocation. Ho
wan ordered sent to St. Bernard's hospital
for treatment.
Belle Phillips , the daughter of Mr. and
Mrs , K. N. Phillips , before the commls-
Bloncrs ( or examination , She was formerly
an Inmate of the asylum at Mt. Pleasant , but
was discharged ns cured. Hecontly her old
malady has noon coming back upon hnr. She
was ordered sent back to Mu Pleasant.
Buy your furniture , carpets , stoves
and household goods of Mundul & Klein ,
Council UhiHs. Prices very low , freight
prepaid to your city.
Removal sale. Bargains in shoos. L-
Kinnohan has removed from U I Broad ,
way to No. 11 Pearl street.
Avoea .Jurymen.
.Tho following list of Jurors was drawn yesterday -
torday for the Avoca term of district court ,
which commences Spptomoor'J'J :
J. Kodwell , Center township ; G. A. Smith ,
James ? James McGlnius , Wright ; E. Cary ,
Gooro ; G. N. Ferguson , Carson ; William
Crouch , BulUnop ; J. B. Hurrod. Bolknap ;
J. B. Cook , Holknap ; Florence .McCarthy ,
IMcninnl ; C. H. Miles. Miu-euonhi ; H. F.
Wilson , Macedonia ; A. C. Kay , Lay ton ; V.
Cleveland , Layton ; Al. C. MeKtnstry , Layton -
ton : C.V. . Merrill , Layton ; J. W. Britten.
* " " " " ' " "
Drs. Stewart ft Patty , veterinary sur
geons , -15 Fourth street , Council Bluffs.
Picnic at Manhattan beach. Hound
trip tickets from Omaha , including boat
ride , oOc ; on sale at news stands at Millard -
lard and Murray hotels.
Swanson music company , 333 Broad
way. _ _ _ _ _
Uitilcd In Man-luce.
The grand Jury U now at work and n num
ber of cases are to bo taken under considera
tion. Among the tint was that
ot Charles Snerror , charged with seduc
tion , tbo prosecuting witness bolnir Otilllo
Klatt. Witnesses wcro being subna'niud
yesterday , and all noccsiary preparations
were bolug made for a hearing , when Shor-
ror suddenly upHarod | at the ofllcdof tLo
lounty clerk and demanded a marriage li
cense. He and thu prosecuting were
married by Justice Hummer In thu afternoon
ana the CAS * against him will uovv bo
( Mopped.
Assignment Onse of Kimball-Ohamp In-
Company Revived ,
Petition of Intervention Piled tiy ' . C.
Teller to Secure .Several Ilitmlrecl
Dollars Paid to the De
funct Firm.
J. C. Teller has Illod a potltlon of Interven
tion In tlio assignment case of the Klmhall-
Champ Investment company , in his petition
he states that ho went to the oflicoof Kimball
& Champ Juno . ' 1 to pay off a mortgage executed -
cutod by J. . ! . Burns to the Investment com
pany to the amount ol fs'iO.OS , the total
amount of the mortgage , principal and Inter
est. Klmhall .tChamp slated to him that they
controlled the mortgage , and ho paid to thorn
the money for the liquidation of the claim ,
receiving their written receipt and agree
ment to release the mortgage. A short time
after that the company made an assignment ,
and on looking the matter up ho found that
Kimball & Champ had no control over the
mortgage as they had claimed , but had sold It
to a third partv. The mortgage was never
released according to ngivoment , and ho
claims that the money was converted to their
own use by Kimball ft Chump. Ho raises
the point that the moi.ey did not belong to
Kimball & Champ , but was simply p.ild to
them in trust , and ho asks the court to order
the assignee to pay it back to him with In-
torcst and the costs of the suit.
B iyl Us park is a beautiful pa"k a
perfect glen. But wo honestly believe
within live years homes In Graham and
C'ook parks will bo more desirable
places to live than on Bayliss park.
Why ? Bocau.-o as the city gets larger
a little park in the very center of town
become" loaiing plnco for vagrants
and tramps. While Bayliss park lias
improved every year in appearance
homes around it are not as doslnib'lo as
they wore several ye.irs ago.
The best property for the money , in
Council Bluffs or Omaha Is In Morning-
Call on Cooper & MeGee , 10 Main
street , or Mr. Gould on the ground for
prices and terms on Morningsido lots.
They Can Walk Now
Semi occasional growls have boon Indulged
In in the pist by the residents of tho'oastern
part of the city with regard to the discourte
ous treatment received by them at the hands
of the employes of the motor company , but
of Into the growling has been of so loud and
protracted a character that something may
be expected to drop in the near future II
there is not a reform.
Most of the complaints came from the
vicinity of South First street and Graham
avenue. The employes of the motor line have
token It into their heads that they will not
stop to allow passengers to get. on or olT ex
cepting at the intersection of sticots. That
is the law on the Nebraska side of the river ,
but on this side there is a city ordinance that
provides that street cars or other convey
ances must stop at any noint along their line
when requested by any passenger. This or
dinance they do not observe , but compel
their passengers to got off at the intersections
of the btroots on either side.
The hardship of this Is felt most at the
upper end of the street , where the sidewalk
facilities are not the best , and for a person
to get off at any place but Immediately in
front of his house means ho must walk quite
a ivuys through the mud. Colonel U. C. Hub-
hard , who lives near the entrance of the
park , states that ho has frequently been
curried Into the park as far as Uio beginning
of the cut and then compelled to wade back
to bis houso.
Throats were made some time ago that un
less the employes changed their tactics there
would bo several arrests made under the city
ordinance. The complainants , however , de
cided to make known their wants at tbo ofllco
of Manager Stone , where they received but
little satisfaction. No onn cares to take upon
himself the responsibility of the notoriety
that would result from a lawsuit , and the
consequence Is the couituctors and motor
men have been allowed to run things at their
own sweet will.
Tlio citizens along First street and Gra
ham avenue havn decided to walk hereafter.
Colonel Hubbard , A. C Graham and Walter
Young are among those who who have
adopted thu solo leather scheme of getting
oven with the motur company. It is doubt
ful whether this will bring the company to
terms , as the wear and tear upon the side
walks has already commenced to manifest it
self , and it is feared that if the company
does not succumb to the demands of the
property owners soon it will bo necessary to
order now walks along thu entire lower half
of South First street.
Frank Trimbloatty , Baldwin blktclM3
With each and every purchnso of the
Council Bluffs Music company , 6'tS
Bro'idway , will give ono copy of the
celebrated "Skirt Dance. "
The prettiest residence property in
the city is in Morninghido.
Blood on the .Moon.
A patch of radishes and a Jlock of guinea
hens were the innocent cause of Ed Wilson ,
who live } at the corner of nvonuo L > and
Curtis street , being arrested on a churgo of
threatening to kill Miss Lula Cartner , who
lives next door to Wilson , has the radish
patch , and Wilson's guinea hens got
in several times recently and did consider
able damngo by scratching nrouncl. Guy
Cartner , a small brother of Miss Lulu's ,
armed himself with a club and drove the
trespassers off. His usinir the club on the
birds was too much for Wilson's temper and
it Is claimed ho took a club himself
and brandishing It about said bo would make
several holo. in various parts of yountr Gart
ner's ' body for the daylight to shluo through.
Miss Cartner was afraid that unless to-no-
thlng wan done Wilson would carry out bis
threat , so she had him arrested. His bond
was fixed at J'JM ) , and bo was released until
this morning when ho will have a Hearing be
fore Judge McGeo.
Now fall goods , finest line in the city ,
lust received at Holler's the tailor's , 310
Drs. Woodtniry , dentists , . ' 10 Pearl
street , next to Grand hotol. Telephone
145. lllgh grade work a specialty !
Two beautiful parks InMorningalUc.
Crimlicd liy IIIH Horso.
N. Waclt , one of Beno's salesmen , mot with
n bad accident yesterday afternoon while o ut
riding. His horse fell while passing along
Madison street near the corner of O and
Broadway , and Wach full under him in such
n way ns to fracture ono of his limbs. He
was picked up and carried to bis home ,
where bo received medical attnntlon. At last
accounts ho was resting easily.
City water on the highest point in
Pianos , organs , < J. B. Music Co. , 639
Pollen ( JrlHt.
George Donloy was brought up In pollco
court yesterday morning for examination on
the charge of stealing a gold watch and chain
from a Mrs. Grogon of Cut-Off island.
Several witnesses told their stories , and
have sought to profit by the
high reputation oIJoliannITolT'8
Malt Fxtmi't. Hownru of them.
Look for the oiguaturo of
"Joliann Holt" on the neck of
every bottle , Klsuur & Mon-
deUou Co. , 0 Burduy Streets ,
New York , age n Is.
after all the evidence was In ho was bound
over to await the action of the grand Jury ,
his bond being fixed at 100 , Ho was uuablo
to put up the money , and hova ordered
taken to the county Jail ,
Tom and John Prultt wcro fined f20.00
nplcco for drunkenness and disturbing the
peace. The former. It was learned , had come
to the city to got a license to cot married. Ho
wns accompanied by his brother , and after
the license had been secured they sot out to
have n tlmo. They did so with such a
vengeance that they are not through with It
yet , and the probability U that they will not
got through until they have spent n couple of
weeks in Jull.
Jacob Washington and George Tolllvor
were lined $15.70 each for drunkenness.
Tlio ladies of the Broadway Methodist
Kplrti'opal church will give a sociable
next Thursday evening , September 3.
at tlio residence of Mrs. Dorland , - ! !
Vine street , Everybody como , as tills
Is the last social of thta conference year.
The following equity assignment wai made
ycstorday :
Tuesday , Wickham against Smith ; Wednes
day , Campbell against Dalai * ; Opltz against
Opltz ; Kansas City , St. Joseph ft Council
Bluffs Ualtway company against Schurz ;
Judd-Wells Investment company aealnst
Wrizht ; Thursday , Hammer & Co. against
Grimshaw ; Friday , Sherlock ngnltmt In-
goldsby ; Saturday , Bennett against Estop.
The case of Wickham against Smith was
taken up in the morning and it occupied the
rest of the day.
- -V.I770.V.I/ / / I
Opening oT Army Hliontln ? Tourna
ment at Fort Sheridan.
Ciiiruio , 111. , Sapt. ! ) . The national shoot
ing tournamant of thu United States army
beean at Fort Shondan today. There was
no opening ceremony simply a sharp report
of a rillo in the bands of Sergeant W. A.
Bo.vlo , the llrst marksman to take advantage
of the allowed preliminary practice. As
Boyle's rillo rang out in the air , a MO-grain
bullet spud from tlru mule across tlio 200
yara rongo , striking a bull's eye fairly in the
center. "
Ninety of the crack shots of the army were
Upon the grounds to familiarise themselves
with the range , all eager for the medals that
are to bo awarded.
The shooting today was done nt four
ranges , 200 yards , , ' ! 00 yards , f > 00 yards and
000 yards , each man being allowed to shoot
ten shots at each rango. Today's shooting
Avas wholly preliminary , the contest proper
not beginning until September S. The load
ers so far In the practice are : Private C. H.
Clark , companv F , Fourth Infantry ; Cap
tain J. B. Kerr , Sixth cavairy ; Private P. J.
Blake , company F , Fourth cavalry ; Sergeant -
goant A. C. Austin , company F , Fourth In-
bourn M.iMf/.i.
Will Itccoivo the 10iiKlneern.
A meeting was held in TJIB Buiroflico to
make arrangements to receive the delegation
of stationary engineers on their vinit to the
Magic City this afternoon. I ) . F. Bayloss
was elected chairman and Samuel P. Brlgbam
secretary. Hon. John McMillen and Samuel
P. Brigham wore appointed a committee to
wait on the convention ana ascertain what
hour they would arrive.
The following commltteomen , with their
wives , were appointed to receive und escort
the visitors : Samuel P. Bngham , John C.
Carroll , Andrew II. Miller , Dr. W. Berrj- ,
John IX Lee , U. A. Forsyth , lion. John
McMillon , A. C. Powers , H. Hoyinan , Cap
tain Peter Cockroll , Z. P. Hedges , Thomas J.
O'Noll , S. D. Uynoarson , Arthur W. Saxe ,
C. .11. Melchor. J. A. Baldwin , Frank A.
Broauwell , Edward J. Soykora. Dr.
W. H. Slabaugh. J. W. Walker ,
Thomas Flynn , C. A. Crossoy , Ed-
Johnson , C. C. Stanlov , M. G.
Zorbo , Mayor William G. Sloane , Patrick
Howloy. John S. Walters , Andruw B. Haluv ,
John J. O'Hourkc , Samuel W. Dennis , II.
Meyers , J. W. Scott , A. W. Babcock , James
W. Lowry , J. P. O'Grady. Daniel Cameron ,
John S. Bangs. Omar Stoddard , T. W. Tolm-
ferro , Colonel E. P. Savage , M. F. Blanchard ,
John E. Owen , John F. Kitchhurt , A. J.
Caugnoy , Dona Albery , E. O. Mayfield ,
Frank J. Persons , G. C. Buck , Fred M.
Smith , J. M. Tobias , Bernard , Blum , W , H.
Sage. David Anderson.
The commltteo will moot In the oflico of
Masson & , McMillon , 2103 N street at
o'clock in the afternoon.
Witliiii All Ac of His Life.
George Jowott , an employe of the G. II.
Hammond Packing company , had as close a
call for his Ufa as ho will over have again.
.Tubt as Mr. Jowett was about to step on the
moving motor car at , Twenty-fourth and N
streets , ho was overcome by au apoploptic tit
and fell in the trench duir out for paving pur
poses and with his face pressing against the
rail , the flanges of the wheels passed over
his face so as to clearly leave the Imprint
and to painfully brulso and obraiso the loft
side of the fuco. Mr. Jowott was picked up
after the train had passed over him and
medical aid summoned. After recovering
sufficiently to bo removed ho was taken to
his liome'Eighteenth and California streets ,
Notes About tlio City.
S. M. Press Is in Chicago.
Samuel Adams has returned from Tnrkio ,
Mrs. Anton Moran has returned from Ban
Christ IloifT is over from Missouri A'ul-
ley , la.
Mrs , Heed will occupy the Heed house next
Miles Walsh has gene to O'Neil ' to visit ,
his parents.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Hovoy have gene to
Grand Island.
A son has boon born unto Mr. and Mrs.
George W. Murrow.
O. L. ana W. G. Toinpleton have pur
chased the Chicago store.
Mrs. Emma Mnrr of Schuylcr Is the guest
of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Pholps.
Mrs. S. F. Xlogler of Lincoln Is the guest
of Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin S , Adams.
Mrs. John N. Burke , who has brrn visiting
her parnnts In Fanning , Kan. , has returned.
Mr. ana Mrs , M. II. Brigham of Osceoia
arc the guests of Mr. and Airs , C. H. Danlol.
J. Harry Nash , formerly of the exchange ,
came In from Central City to visit friends a
the yards.
Mrs. Emma Murr of Schuyler Is the guest
of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Pholp * of the Great
Western hotol.
Joseph Damron has returned from his
Sarpy county farm to his homo on Twonty-
flfth ana P streets.
Harry L. Carpenter , ono of the popular
employes in the yards oftlco , will go to St.
Louis today for a short visit.
Miss Pearl Uoddtng of Proguo Is the guest
of Mr. and Mi's. Joseph F. Cornish , Twenty-
sqcond street , between 1C and L streets.
Hurry C. Moody , formerly of thu ux-
change , arrived from Douu-las , Wyo. , with a
string of cattle and was met by nmny wel
coming hands.
The King's Daughters will meet at the
home of Mr. und Mrs. W. B. Chcok , near
Seventeenth street and Missouri avenue , at
4 : > tO o'clock ' this afternoon.
Charles and George Londull and Howard
Hammond have boon held under arrest till
word ho received from York , Mo. , about
some clothes supposed to have been stolun by
thorn. They will explain before Judge King.
H.UX 2tl' HKQI'UttT.
Melbourne , tlio litiiiimakoi' , FiirnlHlicH
HlorniH on Sliorl Noliuo.
CIIKVKNNE , Wyo , , Sept. 'J. Melbourne an
nounced this morning that tie would produce
another ralimtorm In three hours and u half ,
and , entering hU den , requested that no ouo
Interrupt him. The rain steering committee ,
however , called upon him and requested that
hodoslsU Among other reasons given was
the desire of ranchmen to make hay and the
opinion of others that it would
bo easier to produce ruin after the late storm
than If It was allowed to clear off. The com
mittee then requested Melbourne to product )
rain next Sunday. Ho appeared natlillod
and said he would bo governed entirely by
the wishes of the committee , The rain
wizard has received requests from Salt Lake
City and Akron , Colo. , and will probably
visit both places , The quiet , yet confident ,
en *
damcanor of Melbourne orcjleit a favorable
Impression from his llrst arrival.
- " 'I-
Severely Injui'cf l mill Much
Properly Desu-oycd
Urnusorov , In. , Sept , iflA-ISpocial Tola-
gram to THE The broken flange on an
engine- driver caused n sertous wreck on the
St. Louis , Kcokuk & Norlpstorn ) } passen
ger train at Vlolo. la , , thjls mornlng. The
engine and four coaches wen ) derailed and
badly smashed. The cnginper , Hostirldge ,
was pinned between the eHRlno and baggage
car for two hours before he fonid ho released ,
In a badly Injured condition"Triilllc was de
layed several hour ! ) . ,
Io\va Appointments.
Dr.s MOISKS , In. , Sept. 'J. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : OKI : . ] Governor Boles yesterday
day appointed Dr. Ed Hormbroolt of Chero
kee n member of the board of trustees of the
Independence Insane hospital to fill the
vacancy caused by the resignation of Dr.
Whitely of Osage , and Prof. W. S. Wilson of
Sheldon a member of the boara of directors
of the state Normal School to till the vacancy
caused bv the resignation ot Prof. E. G.
Cooley ot Creston.
Clinton liiiu-H Hold.
CMNTOS" . In. , Sept. 'J. The sale of the
Clinton kt J.vons Street Hallway company of
Lyons to the State Electric company of
Clinton broken off ye.sterdav , was reconsid
ered at u conference held today , and final
papers woru signed by which the State
Electric companv of this city became own
ers of all the street railways of Clinton ,
Lyons , la. , and Fulton , 111. The consolidated
property is valued nt nearly $400,000.
Missofiu VAU.HY , la. , Sppt. 2. [ Special
Telegram to THE Br.i.J : Word was received
hero tonight from DCS Moinri that the mo
tion to sot aside the oraor of Judge Given
restraining the board of supervisors from
considering that petition and remonstrance
in the county seat contest , had been referred
by the supreme court. This gives Logan ono
more year to hold on to the county scat ,
Coin in : i iid cr-ln-CIilor Honored.
Sim.nov , la , , Sept. 3. [ Spociul Telegram
to Tun BIB. : ] Captain C. L. Davidson , com-
mander-in-chtof of the Grand Army of the
Republic of Iowa , was nominated for senator
by the republicans today. The district em
braces Lyon , Oscoola , Sioux City and O'Brien
EIOLK GHOVE , la. . Sept. 3. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB BKB.J An unknown man was
run over by the cars hero last night and In
stantly killed. His head was cut off and the
body 'horribly mangled , the remains being
scattered along the track for yoo yards.
llopiibllcan Prcpurntlnim.
Missot'iu VAM.EV , la. , Sept. 3. [ Special
Telegram to TUB Bm : . | General George
Sheridan of New York will address n repub
lican meeting in this city Monday evening ,
September 7. _
Successful Iiiwtluite of Four Days
Closed at 'faiNlc. '
Luoic , Wyo. , Sept. ' _ ' . [ Special to TIIK
BEE.JTho Converse Countv Teachers' In
stitute , conducted by Prof. Morz of the
Wyoming State University , closed at Lus.k
on Friday after a session of four days. A
paper on "School Lifo and Its Effects Upon
the Health of Pupils , " a lecture on "Sand
Moulding , " an essay entitled "Scraps" ac
companied with illustrations on the black
board , an exposition with maps upon meth
ods of teaching neography with history , an
essay on "School Government , " a lesson on
primary writing and orthography and a
paper on "Teaching Patriotism in the Public
Schools , " were among thoi many ways In
which the teachers contributed tu the inter
est and success of the mooting.
On Friday evening a oall was given in
honor of the teachers by the citizens of Lusk ,
the musio for the occasion being furnished
by the regimental band of Fort Hobinson ,
Governor Campbell of Ohio.
Coi.uMiii's , O. , Sept. 2. Governor Camp
bell , accompanied by his wlfo , left for Now
York this evening and will bo absent until
the last of next week. A change of air is
recommended by his physicians.
xmr.i oh' .
The eighth annual St. I < oitls exposition Is
A whipping post has been Introduced In the
Tennessee luxUluturc.
Marquetle , Mioli. , Is going through an epl-
domloof typholil fever.
Jacob llairoy. a liorso du.ilor of Lebanon ,
I'a , , IIIIB failed for f.'W.OOO.
Knburt Wullanil , foimarly of San TraneNco ,
committed sulcldo ut Dayton , U.
Pit/natrlek of ' I'a.
IlenUmln / I'lttslmrR , ,
( tabbed and fatally wounded i-am Early.
The Austrian ami German piess nro making
much ado over the Dardtinollos'lncUlciit.
It Is said that nmncrnr William and the
prince of Wales will visit thu World's fair.
K\-Cniiiruismiiii Scott him roiched Now-
port. Thu douiois think his easu Is hopeful.
The London Times sais the Husslan govern
ment Is trying to get control of the .Sniv. canal
Hob Poland was shot and killed by Hob
llatililur , a cowboy , ut I'ro ler , I. T. , ycs > ter-
( i ay.
The Soudan News wilt send to tlm World's
fair a rupiodiiution of HhulicsMcuro's Stratford
Peter Hen f row of Pprlneflold , Mo , will Imna
on OutoburO for the murder of Deputy Sheriff
A colored youth has" boon appointed to a
scholarship ' " the Maryland Instltutu of art
and design.
Thu Gentian War department U buying
raln In InntuiiiiiiiiUlIek In Hungary and the
llalknii status.
II. M. I.liimuiiii , by keeping Hllont , saved u
member oC the Ontario house of common *
ft urn disgrace.
Tlio Oasurvutoro Ilnmano , an Italian paper ,
says tlio departure of thu popu from Homo Is
more than probable.
1'or Insulting Ills girl John ( iiionther of lluf-
fulo , N. Y. . fatally wounded Frank Smith und
shot Mlko llokarljouk'
The cv.arowioli ot Hnssla , dexplto thu oblec-
tlonnC his father , will marry hlsoousln , the
Piincess Marie , of Uruece.
Itov , S. O. Stone of Memphis , Tonn , 1ms
bt't-n bound over to the grand jury In the sum
of K'.OJJ. Hu Is uhurRtxl with arson.
A riot bro. < e out ut YcchunK , riilna. on
Tuesday. All the mlsilon and forohrn proo-
eitv was burned. No fatalities are reported.
Thu Increase by the Mcuuo government of
/.ono I.lhro duties from a to lu percent , excites
a good deul of attention , Thu now schudulu
ROCS Into ullVet November 1.
Joseph and I'red Whaleii attempted to paai
thiouxh tin ) ruplds ut.tJuihUspoiiaion brldgo
In u I'linoo They woio canuht ut tlm nit and
up'Uit , I'reil was talcep put alive , hut his
brother wu lost.
Hei-icturj Noblu toduv dlri'i'ted thu pay
ment to llio rflsiPton und. Wilbni'ton Indians of
Smith Dakota of W7 , r > 7n. Hiss 10 tier cent In
volved In HID Sunburn attorney ufuliu under a
treaty continued by thu act of Mutch U. IbUI.
A upoelul train bt-urhfx'Mrs. ' President Har
rison. Mr. und Mrs , UnHsi'll liuirlsun , Mr. und
Mis. J. Kohort MeKi-e. 'Mrs. Illmmlck. Mis
Sutindcrs , Mrs , Uus ll Harrison's mother , and
accompanied by Oeorgu W. Hoyd und ,
arrived utl'upu May lusnUKht.
Ilcccnt cxpcrimenld/jU / , rcatl before the
Jast Congress of Surgeons at Itorlln , leave
no doubt that the true way to CljIiAH
THE Sl'tiTKM OF MlCltOUl in
through thojjorcs of Iho skin , It has been
found/that remedy which kills the Mi-
crobl will also destroy the life of the
patient : but it hus alao bcun found Hint the
Microbl can bo forced out through thu
skin , ntid It is in this way that CJ * 2 02
relieves the sritcm of poison.J > J > *
LINING SUFFER 0iic\i \ from Conta-
fl gious Blood Poison , after u lng half
a dozen bottles of [ J5H 8 Sil | was HKBTOU-
all eruptive sores disappeared. You are
at liberty to make any use of my statement
that you wish. J. Cnosnv Uvno.v , 208
Third Avenue , Pittsburg , Pa.
Trcatlto en Ulood and Skto dleeato mallei free.
Clothing buyers casting about Tor the most de
sirable place in which to supply their \vants
for Fall and Winter use , should keep it well in
" 'em" expressly to supply the retail trade of
our thirteen large stores. If you've never no
ticed the special care we take in the sewing , in
the finishing up of a garment , or the taste in
selecting patterns , to say nothing of the perfec
tion in the fit of every piece. It'll pay you big ,
just at this time , t.o spend an hour meandering
through our new stock. If you don't buy now ,
you'll be posted where to go when you want
clothing that's correct. As to prices , we don't
make up any cheap goods , but we DO make
stacks oi good goods cheap.
Our $1O.OO Suit is worth $1O.OO , because
its durable.
Our $12.6O Suit you might pay $18.OO for
elsewhere , and then not get as good value. You
musn't forget that we take the same pains in
making up our low-priced and "medium grade
clothing. WE FIND IT PAYS.
In Boys' ' and Children's ' Blotting.
We're ready for you with all the latest
styles , neat and natty , with prices ranging from
$2.OO per suitup. . To those who are not yet
ready to buy , we insist that you acquaint your
self with our handsome new stock now filling
every department. You'll be treated courte
ously and may be converted to our way of
S. W. Cor. 15th and Douglas.- = Reliable Clothiers.
G. A. SchoedsQck , Proprietor , Offices 621 Broadway , Council
Bluffs and 1521 Fnrrmm St. , Omaha. Dye , clean and refinish goods
of every description. Packages received at either office or at the
Works , Cor. Ave. A and 20th St. Council Bluffs. Send for price list.
Merchants who have shop-worn or soiled fabrics of any character can have
them redyod and finished equal to now.
nd most approved maohinoryatost ut loss codt than you over paid bjfo.-o.
"Giroflo-Glrofla , " Lccocq's bright and
sparklliiR opera bouffo. which has been in
the repertoire of comic opera companies for
years , notwithstanding the changes that
have takoa place , w.xs given by the Ciiirrow
company last ovonlng at the Grand opera
house , and as u llrst performance mav bo
classed as a success. There \s'as consfdor-
ablu snap and go in the production , which ,
with ono or two repetitions , will place thu
performance quite. uDroast tha best efforts of
the company.
Miss Laura Clement play.s the dual titular
role very acceptably indeed , slngine the part
in a delightful manner , but she lacks the
chic , the abandon of the character which
made Alice Oatos and Sollna Delaro Irresist
ible , memories of whoso acting are still fresh
and green. Still she throw agrcatdoulof
vim into her rendition of "Seo How it
Sparkles , " and desorycdly won a doublu
Miss Barker as Aurora was acceptable
from a dramatic standpoint , but hardly up to
the requirements from a musical point of
view. Vut she Is to conscientious a worker
that whatever she docs deserves considera
tion.Mr. . Urow , as Don Uolero , was very humor
ous , tbo liberties ho takes with the book
being , In this case , extremely pardonable ,
for ho has little opportunity for effective
work should ho confine himself closely to the
Mr. Hallam sang Marasquin excellently ,
lie IH a romantic actor , with n volcu that is
delightfully sweet and winning.
Mr. John Brand us Mour/.oult , suffered
somewhat from a throat affection which
necessitated thu cutting out of ono of the
gems of the opoin for baritone , "Tho Travel
ler. " But his acting tvas a strong feature of
thu porlormuiico and in the concerted num
bers , his very pleasing voice was heard to ad
The female chorus was strong , the nialo
members of the company , however , did not
appear to advantage seemingly for the rea
son that they are fearful of opening their
mouths. Thu orchestra was a marked Im
provement upon that of lust week und taken
altogether the porforinancc was very credit
Churned with rituiilliiK Kuriiltnrn.
Charles A. Wenstracd , formerly a clerk in
the Young Men's Christian association , from
which ho was accused of takingalarifosumof
money , was arrested yesterday on a warrant
sworn out by Willis K. Jacob * , who alleges
that Wonstruud broke Into his storehouse
near the Union I'acillo tracks and madoaway
with a sot of parlor furniture , uti organ , a
kltcliun stove , a bet of kitchen utuusils , a bed
room suite , nil to the value of $17 < \
Use Hullcr's Gorman Him , tha great co n
btipatlon and liver regulator.
Mu n Killo.l ut Carroll.
Neb , , Sept , 12.- [ Special Telegram
to TIIK HKKJ Wlilser Swartz , a > ouug man
about 24 years of flgo , son of Hov Mr
Paid Up Cap'tul $100,01)0 )
Oliloit orKnnlri'U bank In the eltr. Kurulitn mid
domestic uvcli.uufu und local upcurUlo * . Ksput'lHl
atturitlon lull.I to collections. Account * of Individ-
uuK bank * , bankers mid corporation ! sullcltuil.
Corroiioaili'iuu ) Invite : ! .
Giu. : 1 > . tJANKlltl ) , I'riMldont.
A. w. IUIK.MAN : , canhior.
A. T. RICH , Aaalatant Cashtor.
Galvanized Iron Cornice Works ,
It. OKAI1L A BO.V. t'UOI"d.
1O1B and 1O17 Brorulwatj.
KMImatc , furnlsliud on nil kind ) of ( inlvanlsal
Iron Cornlto Work , Iron Hoofliu , hloro Kronti un I
CopiHT Work. ArlHtlo work n n | > c'cl ttT C'orrui-
poiiiluiicuaoiiclti'd Irom iiulnu JOJ nillut from Coun
ell Uliin < und Uinulm.
Special uttcntlnii given to Electric
Bolls , Uurclur Alarms , Announciatora
und Incandescent Wiring.
Council Bluffs , la.
N. A. TAYIJOR , Mnnnger.
of Carroll , this county , was struck by light
ning near that place during the thunder
Btorm last ovcnlng and Instantly killed. Thu
young man was returning from thu hay Meld
and was loading one horse und ruling another
when thu bolt fell His clotiiing was almost
torn from the body , which was badly mutil
ated. Iloth horses woru also killed. A sis
ter of the deceased was so prostrated by the
death or her brother that fears are enter
tain ud us to her recovery.
Knlliin Cniiiny'H Fair.
CIIBTK , Nub. , Sept. i. [ Special to Till !
IlKK.I TlioKulIno county fair opened yes
terday. The display of pro luco ot all kinds
is exceptionally good. The Crete numeric *
aru at the top with their cxhlultlon of fruits ,
the collection containing twenty-eight vari
eties of apples und seventeen of grapes , all
ticaulllul specimen * of their Kiliil. The sumo
nurseries will make u grand display at thu
Hiata fair This adurnoon thu races com
mence , the track being In good order , uot-
wlttiataadmg tuo ralu of larj t
The Great Cliiiicsc Pmiiiccist
Wishes to Rlvo ix few reasons why lu > Is work-
in * sueh wonderful cures whoru other dootorl
Ohlnu lia uliont half the population of thq
cloho. Tboy have been pr.icilrlim und | irr *
fooling nii'dli'lii" over 4.HH ) Vi\U ; . t'hiltm
Nungx'O ( I'nov. llrlt ) dlscovoro I seventy-
two poNniH und theli' antidotes a.4M years biv-
fore Uhrlst , and .Marco 1'oln , who hiuiiKht tha
Camplnl , one of the first Knropeans lie on *
tcrod I'lilnii. says : "I'luMr physicians h.ivo u
thorough knovvlodgu of the nature of herbs
und an ailinlialilo skill In dlammsltu by tu
puls'3. " ( Bee Wlllurd's MIOcllo Kmniio )
It Is neil known that uMinpowdor , steam and
1'lnetilcltv urn old In I'hlna. .uul that the Chi-
ni'su won ) printing their doilculo uooki UOO
yours before tiiittenhur was hoin.
Hut It "as to tnndlclno the Cblncso irnv *
their attention , ami when tint iniipi-ior Ohlu
WOMBotdtirod all the books to lin hilrnctl ho
nxei'ptt'd the im'dlcal works , and It was only
bv the molest accident Ihut tlm cioal vvorkg
of Confill-Ins himself were sa\ed. he having
placed u set of his works In the > orncr-vtonii
of Ills residence , which was found -MWJ year *
after , .
The celebrated Dr. Ilohson states Unit on *
of the ( 'hlne ( > dispensatories elves UI'J
IIKUIIAI , UKMKDlKSulotip. Can urn vvomle *
Then ut the doctor's success'
Tlio Caucasian physicians all use tlm very
same Huinodles and when yon ehanno doctors ,
In your disappointment mid disgust , you
morolv cliuiiuu f u'os and assertions but not
medicines When an Anicrloin ( lorlor dis
covers a non remedy nil the other doctors
know uhoul It liniiiudliitoly. Now , yon krioW
thu ChlnuM ) Doctor Domes from an utmost tin *
known country , containing nearly half ot tha
people of the world , where all the medicines
are entln'ly illireienl , anil lir.O. ( \VoolTori
a reward of S.V ) 1.11 to itny onn "ho can dupli
cate any ono of his Ulilncso Medicines , Do yoil
now copinri'luMid that after ulvlnK up nil
hope of holiiK cured by your doctors. Unit , In
taklue tin' Chlnt'so Doctor's Itemed Irs. 4.000 In
number und ubsolutoly unknown outside of
China , that ho has u wonderful advantage
over all other physicians. Ills now rmnodlc *
have never before ontercd your blood and uc
on It IIH If by manic , ouclux the disease and
rendering tlio complexion us a chlhl'a.
I nm OS years of 1140 and have NiiHored Indo-
scrlbalilo UKOIIV from aslluna for iiiiinv yours.
I could not sleep and had to sit up nil nlcht lu
u chair. I tried doctor tiller dodo *
but without help , anil thimthl so mo nlgbt I
would choKe to death. As u last hope I tried
Dr. ( . ' . ( lee \\'H , the Chinese doctor , und win
relieved liiHtiintly. In n short time I win
cored and have never since been troubled. I
have reason to bless Dr. C. tiooVo. . MHS. 1' .
U. IIIK II. 'Jlth HI. , hot. . ! .V K. outli Omaha.
In order to convince the public that. Dr. O.
Oi-ii U'o cull euro any dlsp'tsp. ho makes tlm
follownu offer : A ( HIAItAN I'KR to return
the iiionoy If uftor a fair trial the patient U
In any wuv dlssatlMlIfd wltb liealmciit. Hit.
C tSKRWO. inth und ( JallfornluStioi'ts. Of-
llco hours , Da. m. till I ) p. in. Call Sunday If
you wish.
N. II. The D.irtor has ready nreparod tlm
following clu'ht remedies : lllooil. IVmalo
\VeaKn'FS Klicomatlsm , InillKOitlon , host
Manhood , Hick lloadaclie. ( 'aturrh , ami Kid
ney and Illver Medicine. I'rlco ll.K ( ) .
fill or vvrlln for question blank and book.
Dr. O. G'oWo. 16th and California.
Can lie reached from auv of the depots on
fom'luetodby thoSlstorsoT ( Hiurlty , | l. V. M.
TKItMH I'or hoard anil tuition , omhraolni ;
all branches of a finished odno.itlon foryoniiK
ladles , $ " . ' > for Hussion of live months , com-
mencInK llrst Monday In Soplemhcr ami Kob-
ruary , respect I vuly. For further p.irtleul.iri
'l""rCSS- '
St. Krancls Academy , Council IllnlTs. la.
Or Council Bluffs.
CAPITAL STOCK $ ,150,000
HIKECTOUS I. A. Miller , ! ' . O , filoason. II li.
Shut-art , F- ! II rt. J. I ) . ICilmnndson. Charlus
U llannan. Transact KOiiorul banUliiK busi
ness. I.araest capital and surplus of any bank
In Soutlnvusloin Iowa
Over 0 II , Jiicijuemln & Co.'s Jowtiliy Htoro.
VV"ANTKI > Thri'u cnud steady IIOVH , Hi to
V' is years old. to learn trimmers trade.
Apply to ICeyn HIOS.'H carriage factory , Cunn-
ell llhiirs.
\\7ANTI1H A ynuiiK man bolwoon in ami JO
' ' whospeakh KnKlUli und ( iormun. lo as
sist In u hotel. To u well recommended youni ;
man a jiormanont place with good WIIKOK In IIH <
snri'd , Iii'iulru ' ut Tiemont house , Council
Hl ulVs.
VV TANTIvl * Two yoiinit Indies want hoard
' V und room tnu private family ; referenced
uxcliunxod. Address I ) , llco oDIco.
\\J AN'I'I.D At ( Hand hotel , clmmhcrmajdai
i i good wiKUb for those co IIIIIK well rocom-
mcmlod ,
VXTANTKI ) want to let contract for I.Otfl
> yurdx of Illllnu' on Thlid t. Apply lu
Leonard iveiotl. ;
\\rANTii : ) 'I'o lot contraut for V.'iJO ' ynriTT
i ' of plastoiliiK to a man who can take it
hoise In part payment. Apply to Leonard
_ _
JpOIt ItlvNT Furnished rooms , U houth
_ HKjll Htrout. oppnsltii poslolllcu.
, Inwa ( arms for .talo at J .0.1.0 to
SHVKKAl per aero. Will talio ucloailotor
horxusus llrsl p.ivment. Far.naoM'J ' acres and
up. Johnston ft Vuti I'atten.
. , Two Rood Klrlt lit l.mmott
IIOUHU , .No. 151' . ' rtoutli HUth Htiyfl.
17 > ( ) lt IlKNT Or loato. I'wo-story Mnro-
-L room. No.H. . . lll ( llo llro.nlw y. linen
Aisod for llii > pust six yuam us book anil Htt- ;
tlomsry Moro. Apply toJ. 1'oiry , shno uhop ,
uiiilnr I'lrtit Nut
\\rANTr.DloTrado Klvo-ioo o house fill
' > lot In Omiiha for house and lot In ( onncil
lllulTb. I ) . UroAii. IUi llroaduuy.
OlAIK\'oVANT.ind tiychcmiotrh' , ur i-har-
actor roiclliiKs , also ( ll.iunoih of ( llsfaso.
nend look of hair for ruadln.M by letter Hun-
huys and oven uxs Mn > U lloopcr. 14. ! Avo-
dee K , near corner 15th street , Uouuuil ( Unify ,
' 1 urnis , 5Jo and It 0) .
MAJ.MI''lor.NT ' in'ro nroporty In ItviMioro
tracts located ' 'vi mile I from iiostollli'u ,
for nalo on reasonable terms Some duo ru l
Ot'iicu property for rout by Day A lluss ,
1 OI(3AI ( K or Itunt UirJan lint tilth
JL' haui < , uy J , U. Uia * , Hi UMB it , OuuoaU