Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 30, 1891, Part 1, Page 8, Image 8

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    r F rl
Inciting Down tlio Price * .
Now evaporated rnsnborricB. 17c ; now
evaporated California peaches , 12e ,
wortli 20c , 'now evaporated California
pitted plnniB , 17Jc ; now raisin cured
prunes , 12jc ; now evaporated blackber
ries , 6c : now evaporated apples , lOc ; very
line Valencia raisins , 8jcnowcvaporntcd ;
California apricots , 12Jc ; now seedless
rnlslns , 12jc ; a-nouml win California ap
ricots , put up In heavy syrup. 17Jc ,
worth iWc ; It-pound can California
poaches , lic ) , worth Me. Full cream
cheese , 10e : brick cheese , lie ; Swiss
cheese , best imported , 12e. } Sugar cured
hams , lOc ; picnic ham , 7jc ; dried beef ,
10e ; best mignr cured breakfast bacon ,
lOc. AH kinds of washing p ° wtlcr 3lu
per package.
None can compare with Ilayden Bros.
In regard to drugs , patent medicines ,
toilet articles , soap , etc. , and yon must
Remember that you can got the genuine
article for half the price. The follow
ing prices wo know will astonish every
body :
Figs syrup -I0c , anywhere else Ma.
Hops and malt bitters Ofic , anywhere
else $1.00.
Llobig hoof , Iron and wine -ICc , any
where else $1.00.
Hires' root beer 17c , nny whore else 2. " > c.
Scott's emmulslon 7oe , anywhere else
Hood's Sarsaparilla 80c , anywhere else
CiiBlorin 2ic ; , any where else 3 ! > c.
Primloy's Sarsaparilla Coo , anywhere
else $1.00.
Household ammonia fie In bottle.
I'uro glycerine , 8 ounce bottle , 25c.
Witch hazel , 8 ounce bottle , ICe.
Bay rum , 8 ounce bottle , 2/3e. /
SozodontMe ; regular price , 7Cc.
Totlow'd ' swansdown powder , lOe per
Tetlow's gossamer , 16c per box.
Llebig beef extract , 'We.
Armour beef extract , . ' ! . " > c.
Cudahy's beef extract , 3-5c.
Remember it will pay you to visit the
drug department , 113 it is like all the
other department In the house , goods
come direct from manufacturers , thus
giving to our trade the pure , unadulor-
ated articles , and cheaper than they can
bo had elsewhere.
Dry goods and drugs.
Two cases of 11-t white mnrsotlles bed
spreads , worth $1.50 , our price , $1.00 ;
double faced imported white bed spreads
nt $ y.i)8 ) , worth 40.00 ; full sized spreads
at a big bargain at O'Jc and 880 each ;
now styles in fringed chenille table
covers at 42.75 each ; turkey red clothes
In all sl'/.cs and prices ; fancy bordered
and fiinged cloths in great variety ;
don't fail to see our 50e bleached
damask ; the best value for the money
over offered.
0-8 bleached napkins , nil linen , at OOe ,
TCc , 850 , $1.00 , $1.15 , $1.25 , $1.89 and
$1.50 dozworth , more money. Particular
attention is called to our lOc unbleached
cotton flannel ; compare it.
Lawrence LL , sheeting on Monday by
vard or bolt , Cc yard. 10-4 brown sheet
ing reduced to 15o ynrd. Our prices on
muslin are the lowest. Now outing
flannel in dark colors , just received , lOc
ynrd. Best American Indigo blue calico
5c yard.
Yard wide Dutch blue , lOc yd.
Yard wide batiste 5c , woith 15c.
Summer wasb dress goods are going
very low. They must bo sold.
Five cases white Shaker ilannol , just
opened , at 6c yd. This is a big bargain.
Haydons'at o headquarters on blank
ets ; they carry the stock and they are the
cause of the low prices 75c for a pair of
clean white 10-1 blankets , or 76c for a
pair of gray camping blankets up to the
finest California blankets made. If you
intend to buy a pair of blankets and get
the best value for your money you can't
afford to pass Hay don's.
Silk embroidered flannels cheap.
Dry goods and carpets.
Oinahn In lOastcrii IJolo.
\Vo have opened the oyster sonson at
our oyster i.nd grill rooms , 1509 Farnam
street and H08 South 15th street , with a
full stock of sea food and are prepared
to furnish all shell fish fresh from the
ocean , as wo receive them daily. In
connection with the following oyster
bill wo servo all kinds of fish , game ,
salads and other short order dishes.
Special attention given to residence or
Hocknwnys , per doz. , 50e ; per half
do2ou. .
Blue Points , per doz. , 50c ; per half
doz. , 25c.
Stowed , pordoCOc : ; per half doz.,30c.
Steamed In shell , per doz. , COe.
Steamed In shell , per half doz , 35e.
Fried , per doz. . COe ; per half doz. , Hoc.
Dry or plain stow , per doz. , 50u ; per
half doz. . iiOc.
Cream stow , per doz. , OOoper ; half
doz. , Hoc.
Neptune stow , per doz. , 50e ; per half
do/0e. ! !
Shell roast , per doz. OOc ; half doz. floe.
Fancy roast , per dot. GOc ; half doz. Iloc.
Pan roast , per doz. COe ; half doz. 85e.
Box stew , OOc.
Broiled , per doz. OOc ; half doz. 85c.
Escallopod. per doz. OOc ; half doz. 'toe.
Fried In butter , tomato sauce , per doz.
7oc ; half doz.Hie
Broiled , mushroom sauce , per doz. 75e ;
half doz.Hie. .
Broiled , with celery sauce , per doz.
750 ; half do10e. .
Ladles' entrance 80S S. 15th street ,
Barker block.
Seminary lor Young ij.-ullcB , Omulin ,
Rev. Robert Doherty , S. T. D.
Fall term begins September 10.
The completing of the south wing
makes accommodation for10 boarding
toholara additional.
For catalogue and particulars apply to
the rector. '
Ilelln fc Thompson , tailors and men's
furnl8hors,1012 Farnnm. Summer styles.
1 1 nr vest lOvonrHtons South.
On August 25 and September 29 the
Burlington Route will sell round trip
tickets , good for 80 days , at one and
one-third fare , to various points In Ala
bama , Arkansas , Louisiana , Missis
sippi and Tennessee. Full information
us to rates , etc , , at city olllce , 1223 Far
nam etroot.
_ _
J. J. Johnson & Co. will remove their
coal olllco on Sept. 1 to 220 S. IGth street
Pullman tourist Bleeping car oxcur-
elons to California and Paclllo coast
points leave Chicago every Thursday ,
Kansas City every Friday via the Snntii
Fo route. Ticket nito from Chicago
C 17.60 , from Sioux City , Omaha , Lincoln
orKunsas City $ ! 15 , sleeping car rate
from Chicago si per double berth , from
Kansas City $3 per double berth. Every
thing furnished except meals. These
excursions nro personally conducted by
experienced excursion managers who
accompany parties to destination. For
excursion folder containing full particu
lars and map folder and time table of
Bantu Fo route and reserving of Bleeping
car berths , address E. L. Palmer ,
Passenger agent , A..T. & S. F. railroad ,
411 N , Y. LUoBldff. , Omuhu , Nebraska.
\Votnlrrriil mid SlnrtlhiK Har nlnfl In
Kvory Departmrnt Cor Monday.
Our largo barirnln counter In front of
the store is attracting widespread atten
tion. You're sure to llml something on
It to Interest you.
Towels , oc.
Handkerchiefs , Co.
Hose , Gc.
.Suspenders , Cc.
Shirts , 2oc.
Overalls , -I8c.
Bottom out of stationery on this coun
Bottle Ink Ic.
Tablets Ic.
Very largo tablet .te.
Box 21 sheets paper and 21 envel
opes fie.
Roll tollot pnpor r > c.
Flat tollot paper 6c.
Good note paper 3jc outre.
Good lead pencils , M dozen for lOc.
Wo can olToryou big bargains in all
kinds of hardware.
One gallon glass oil can , 2oc.
Good dish pan , 20c.
Porcelain kettle. 'tSc.
Nutmeg grater , Ic.
Screw driver , ! ! c.
Curry comb , ! ! c.
Harness snap , Ic.
Wo make a specialty of Teas and
ColTees in this department and have
built up a tremendous trade In them by
handling the best goods to bo had and
selling them at prices never approa
ched by other dealers. Come In
and have a hot cup of Bradley's
"Jamova. " Wo are sole agents for this
colToo , which wo sell at 28o per pound
and warrant to bo fully equal to Mocha
and Java. Our "Imperial Java , " which
wo sell at 3 pounds for $1.00 , Is the very
choicest Java that comes to this market.
Wo sell a good strongtcaat 20o per Ib.
and at 58o wo will sell you as good a tea
as you over used , together with a pre
mium , the retail price of which is as
much ns we ask for lea , premium and
all. See our bargain grocery counter in
rear of tlio department.
One-pound package gloss starch 8c.
Bottle lemon extract , 5c.
Can Star lye , fie.
Throe pound can tomatoes , 3 for 25c.
Condensed milk , lOc.
Bread , 2 for fie.
You've always understood that there
was a tremendous profit in drugs , and
you'll readily believe it if you'll notice
the difference between our prices and
ordinary "drug store prices. "
3 or 4-grain quinine capsules , 20c doz.
Spirits of camphor , -10c pint.
Ext. witch hazel , 2oo pint.
Bcecham's pills , 20c.
Castoria , 2oc.
Wo still maintain the lend in the but
ter and egg business. It's easy to see
why. Wo handle only'tho best goods in
the market and sell them at lower
prices than other dealers sell old and
inferior goods. Wo sell no oleomar
garine , buttorSno or butter compound in
any form. Goods shipped to us direct
from farmers all over the west.
This department is on our second
floor. Wo are overstocked in some
lines and for Monday shall oiler aomo
\vild bargains.
Cane seat chairs 7oc.
Kitchen chairs 3oe.
High back dining chair , 98c.
Antique oak bed room sot , $13.75.
Woven wire springs , $1.50.
A special lender is a plush bed lounge ,
well worth the regular price , 810.00.
We'll sell them Monday for $10.50. Ask
to sco them.
1508-10-12 and 14 Capitol avenue.
The nij- Shoe Sale Catohcs Them All
Slightly UniitiiKCtl by Water.
Of all the shoo sales over attempted
in Omaha wo think we've got the great
est of them all , and so would you If you'd
give us a call.
Tomorrow is tholastdayof the month ,
and wo know everybody is short of cash ,
but in order to give everybody a fail-
show and to keep up the rush , wo shall
olTf r some big bargains tomorrow. If
you haven't bought your fall shoos you'd
bettor right now. This sale will last
only a few days longer and you never
will have a chance to buy Omaha made
shoos so cheap again. These shoos wore
made by W. V. Morse & Co. of Omaha.
They wore slightly damaged by water on
the night of August 12 , and we bought
the entire damaged stuck. There are
no finer shoos made. Each shoo is
stamped with the W. V. Morse & Co.
firm name on it , and that alone should
bo guarantee enough for anybody , flurry
up if you want shoos cheap.
114 S. 10th street
Donn Goes the I'rloo oCAlcnt.
You'd bo surprised to find "how cheap
moat can bo bought In this city if you
will go to the cash tniirket of E. A.
Marsh at 514 N. 10th street , wlioro you
can got beef at 8c , and the best cuts for
lOc per pound ; pork , mutton and veal
correspondingly low. A good supply of
oysters and celery , game , ll h , butter
and eggs , can always bo found at this
market at the lowest living prices for
cash. E. A. MARSH.
514 N. 10th street.
W. T. Seaman , wagons and carriages
pr.Swotnam , N.E. cor. 10 ana Douglas.
F. M. Ellis arehltoct , Boo building.
Hull'Kates to G. A. II. Uuiinloii , Grand
The Burlington route will sell round
trip tickets to Grand Island for one faro ,
August ! ! 0 to September 4 , inclusive ,
good to return until September 7. The
attention of comrades and tholr friends
is culled to the fact that the Burlington
line via Lincoln is Iho shortest route to
Grand Island. On Monday , August 31 ,
and Tuobday , September 1 , passengers
leaving Omaha at 8:15 : a. in. , will con
nect at Lincoln with a special train
reaching Grand Island at noon. City
ticket oliiro 1223 Farnam street ; union
depot Tenth and Mason streets.
Hamilton Warren , M. D , , eclectic and
magnolia physician and surgeon. Spe
cialty , diseases of women and children ,
119 N. 10th strooU Telephone 1488.
O.tfiH Foot Above the Son hovel.
Sovonty-throo mlles south of Denver ,
almost under the shadows of that
"Prlnco of the Range , " Pike's Peak , in
the presence of the most impressive
panorama in the Rocky Mountains , lies
Colorado Springs.
It is essentially a home and health re
sort. Hero Is concentrated great wealth ,
and more people have summer homos
here than in any of the other frequented
places In Colorado , which is duo to the
fact that It is ono of the most attractive ,
as well us most healthful cities In the
Pleasant days , cool nights , health-
giving springs , go-.i ho'-sls and the
.quietness of this beautiful o.ty combine
to nmko It a desirable place for tourintt *
and ono of the greatest resorts in the
Remember that It is located on the
Union Pacltlc. E. L. Lomnx , Gon'l
Pass , and Tk't Agent , Omaha , Nob.
inI ? f IV ? CTIPIF ? ) S , ffl
IvbUM , olllilMV ( X ID.
Grand Display of Fall nnd Winter Dress
\Vo Ulsplny Sonic of the Cholurst I'ro-
dtiollotm from 1'arln , London and
llcrlln , In Autumn and Win
ter ILrcHN .Materials.
Rich camels' hair , broche effects , ex
quisite nmtulasso diagonals , chovoron
the correct autumn fashion , cheviots in
camels' hair striped , Bedford cord nov
Our leader this Foason is a perfect
cloth , 64 inches wide , silk finish and line
in texture.
$1.501 Sl.oOl $1.501
The correct styles this autumn , all
stylish colors , well adapted for nard
Our 54 inch striped camel's hair suit
ings are very choice at
$1.15. $1.15. $1.15.
Extra line quality , exquisite shades ,
snport finish. 51 inches wide , highly
Camels hair plaids.
Cheviots In various grades.
Broadcloth from $1.15.
Cheviots tjilUed effects.
Shepherd checks , etc. . etc.
Our Importation of velvets has arrived.
Wo call special attention to quality and
variety of shades.
Latest novelties in
and our
first importation
ladies' line embroidered .
wilt bo displayed Monday morning.
Our entire importations for autumn
have arrived and will bo placed on sale
Monday morning.
Ladies' and Misses'
\Vo have now on exhibition the larg
est assortment , comprizing the latest
novelties in plain and fur-trimmed
jackets over shown in the west.
Cor. Farnnm and 15th street.
Snin'l Hums
Calls attention to some bargains for the
fair week.
English decorated dinner set $7.00 ,
formerly $12.00.
English combination sot $11.00 , for
merly $20.00 :
English toilet set , 10 pieces , $3.75 , for
merly $5.00.
English toilet sot , 12 pieces , $5.75 , for
merly $10.00.
Visitots and purchasers equally wel
Good farm in Buffalo Co. for 7-room
house. W. A. Gould , GO-3 Bee building.
The Mica Fireproof Roofing Co. , 12
Withnoll block. *
Great Hut tor Sale > t Ilayden Bros.
Wo sell a good butter for 12c per
Just received a lot of fine country but
ter from Iowa. It will bo sold for 14c ,
and it is wortli double , but wo intend
doing now nt > wo always did , that is , sell
the boat butter at lowest prices.
Our fancy Iowa creamery will sell at
'lOc and 174c. You can't buy this butter
forlobs than double this price outfaido of
our store.
Remember , our motto is to handle
none but first-class butter at the lowest
p lie on.
In Consequence Coal Is Liable to Cost
Owing to the scarcity of cars the
prices on coal will undoubtedly advance
soon. The great demand for cars is al
ready causing the railroad companies a
great deal of anxiety.
Wo therefore would advise all to lay
in their coal at once , bo as to got it before -
fore the rush and have money.
Wo are prepared to furnish all with
bright , clean , double screened ' 'Old
Lee" anthracite at lowest price. Also
the favorite cooking coal , "Peacock , "
makes a quick hot lire , no soot , nnd
burns to a white nsh.
Try us and bo convinced that you will
receive good treatment.
A. J. Myor & Co. ,
109 So. 15th street , opp. P. O.Tol. 1490.
After being closed for two months , the
Palace billiard saloon , 1204 Farnam
street , opens Saturday.
Improved Itullroad I'aclllllcH.
The Chicago & Northwestern limited
train now loaves the union depot at 5
o'clock every evening. A very conven
ient hour for Omaha people. The entire
train of now sleepers nnd free parlor
cars Is vcstlbulcd throughout and runs
bolid from the union depot on this side
of the rlvor. The fast Atlantic express
leaves at the same time as formerly
9:10 : p. in. "Northwestern" dining cars
on both these trains. City oflico , 1401
Farnam street.
The prospects for the coming Omaha
fair and races promises to eclipse any
former fair liolu in Omaha. Tlio entries
so far are largely Inoxcobs of any former
year. The managers have every nssur-
unco that all races will bo well filled and
of superior horso. The stock , agricul
tural and lloral departments will bo the
best over shown. Do not fall to attend ,
Commencing Augest 81 and continuing
iivo days. Address all communications
to John Baumer , 6aeroturyOmulm , Nob.
Grand 10airy Into > u t i
On and after July 80 , 1891 , the Chicago
cage , Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway
company will run nil of Its trains In and
out of the union depot , Onv.iha. No
more nnnoynnoo caused by transferring
and switching at Council Blulls. Solid
vcstlbulcd trains , consisting of now
Palace slooplng cars , free parlor chair
cars , elegant coaches , and the finest
dining cars In the world , all heated by
steam and lighted throughout by oloc-
trlo lights. The now evening express
with "oloctrlo lights In every berth"
now leaves Omaha dally nt 0.20 p. in ,
arriving at Chicago nt 0:30 : a. in. In time
for all eastern connections. Secure
tickets and sleeping car berths at 1501
Farnuin street ( Barber block ) ,
a PUSH. Act Gou. Aft.
A Touch of Fall SnggcsU 'Bointiful Things
in NowDies3 Goods.
or All Wool Henrietta ! ) to He Konnd
Anywhere , nndil rluo Conic Mon
day , I/on r n I , < ! imihi { IH the
1'arl to Veil.
The now servo plaids , nice looking , 40
Inches , oOc.
Bedford cords , not the conrso wale
sortn , but the yoft , fine , clingy wear ,
only to bo found hero , 48 inches , $1.00.
Good looking , all wool plaids , hither-
mixtures and plain colors , splendid for
school drosses. 60e.
Black and line somehow go together ,
especially bore ; not that' everything
black Is line , but everything fine crops
out in black here. Then , too. such a
flood of daylight to sue them In. You
needn't bo a judge of black to buy safely
here. nutria and broadcloth French
novelties ; have you soon thorn ? Ultra
styles ; superb ; no two allko. That's to
keep 'om from getting "common. "
Get snug up to this cool weather and
buy the natural ribbed vests , all wool ,
oOc ; $1.00 for thosuit ; the tvhito ones are
the same price , oOc.
Sacquo gloves : Dressed kid , ; all
WE ARE SORRY wo couldn't wait on
you all yesterday among the boys' cloth-
Ing. Como tomorrow , and the week ,
and wo will got the good things to you
sure.Boy's light weight all wool limits , floe.
Boy's Ilannol shirt waists , $1.00.
Bargains cropping out all over Iho do-
Drummond's Pax Voblscum ,
The Chnnifed Life ,
The Supreme Gift ,
25c each.
Window shade" , 0 feet , 30 inches , and
spring rollers , 30c.
Imitation China bilks for drapes , etc. .
7c }
LHCO curtains , $1.23 a pair ; should bo
Heavy porliors , * 2.08.
Before school begins got the children's
shoes , better got them of us for tlio sav
ing there is in it.
The IjnrgcRt Furniture , Carpet nnd
Stove House .Vow Heady Tor I5iinlne8S.
The well known People's Mammoth
Installment house , which for years has
been located on North 10th street ,
is now permanently located at
1315-1317 Farnam streoot ( the for
mer location of the S. I3. Morse
Dry Goods Co. , and are open for busi
ness , where all customers n"o now in
vited to inspect their goods , tor ins and
prices. Their present quarters is indeed
an elegant onebeing admirably adapted
for their business , and far oxcolls any
other house in the same line of business
in Omaha , beginning with an entire new
stock nnd the very latest styles.
They will , undoubtedly , during this
fall , more than double what was hereto
fore already , a ihirgo business. Every
orto is invited to'CHll and look through
this mammoth establishment whether
wishing to purchase or not , as they con
sider it no trouble whatever to show
Tholr new locatson is very centrally
located , being within a few minutes'
walk of every street car lino.
For the benefit of these who are un-
ablp to call during the day , they will re
main open evenings until 9 o'clock.
As usual , prices will bo quoted the
\ery lowest , and terms the easiest.
Watch for the grand opening , which
will bo shortly announced in the daily
J. E. DiotrickarcliUoot,900 N. V. Life.
Butler will bo at the Omaha fair and
races and will give daily exhibitions of
chariot , hurdle and umbrella races ,
which cannot fail to please these who
attend. Do not fail to witness Butler's
performance during the fair , commenc
ing August 31 and continuing Iivo days.
For booth privileges call on or ad
dress A. H. Briggb , N. E. cor. 14th and
Farnnm streets , Omaha. Nob.
Fine carriages , Seaman's repository.
The Palace billiard baleen , finest bil
liard parlors in city , opens at 1204 Far-
mini street Saturday. Everything is
Go Kant , Yonni ; iMnn , Go lOast.
Reverse Horace Greeloy's famous ad
vicoandgo oast. Go for a change to fish ,
to climb mountains , to loiter in shady
lanes , to saunter by old ocean , to revisit
the scones of your-boyhood , but go and
.Throe daily trains leave Omaha at 9:50 :
a in. , 4:30 : p. m. and 9:20 : p. in. , for Chicago
cage , making close connections in the
latter city with all express trains to Bos
ton , Now York , Philadelphia and all
points in the cast and southeast. W. F.
Valll , city ticket agent. 1223 Farnam
The From mi Normal Shool. .
Prof. W. II. Cloniinons , president of
the Fi'omont Normal bchool , Is in the
city. Ho is highlyolalod _ over the pro- > -
peet of a very largo attendance at the
fall term , which opens September 1.
Now Wo Aio with Yon.
The ChicagoIUock Island & Pacific
railway nro now-running all its trains in
and out of Union Dopot. Omaha.
Trains will leave us follows :
East Bound Day express , 10:00 : n.m , ;
vostlbuled limited , 4:0. : p.m. ; Atlantic
oxprobs , (1:10 ( : p.mi Arriving at 9:40 : a.m. ,
12:05 : p.m. and 0:15'p. : in.
Departing , West Bound Denver vos-
tlbulod limited , 12:15 : p.m. ; Nelson ac
commodation , 4:11) ) p.m. ; Denver express ,
7:05 : Arriving at 3:40 : p.m. , 10:45 :
a.m. and 7:30 : a.m.
These trains are vcstlbulod and It Is
nn indlsputnblo'filct that the dining car
service of the "Groat Rock Island" ia
second to none tin the country. For
rates and bleeping car berths to all
points east or wostoall at city olllco of
the "Uock Island Route , " 10th and
Fnrtmm streets.
J. L. DK BUVOISK , General A ont.
Thoiunmls Really Remarkable Bargains Of-
forcil in Our Basement Tomorrow ,
10 Cases Cotton Kliitincl Jl l Bo , 5
Cases Indigo Illito Calico l-lo ,
Fifty Thousand Skeins Yum ,
21 l-ilo , All In Itiucinont.
This la nn olcgnnt grade of comforter
cotton , a full pound In each roll , only
slightly soiled on tlio edges. The railroad -
road company pays us tliu damage and
wo will give tliom away tomorrow at 7je.
Ten cases of good heavy quality tin-
blenched cotton llnnnol in remnants of rte >
to 10 yards go at ! Ijo a yard , worth up to
lOo.The host quality American indigo
blue calicoes , -Ho a yard.
Yard wide bleached and unbleached
muBlinlc } , ( > c and Tie a ynrd.
700 odd curtain ends , Including Not
tingham , Irish point , Brussels , tambour ,
guipure , antique , Valenciennes , etc. , nt
! to ! ) and USc each.
These are odd curtains and would bo
worth up to $10.00 if in pairs.
100 ilncst grade chenille portieres at
iJI.H8o.ieh , worth $ -r . 00.
Our now linen department is now the
largest and most complete In the city.
Wo are enabled to olTor Gorman , Irish
or Scotch linen at far below market
value. It will pay you to inspect out
line before purchasing.
Rest starlight zephyrs in split , double
and single , in every known shade and
color nt ! ( ic an ounce. Regular price
10c nn ounce.
Imported starlight biixony at ( ijc per
skein , worth loc.
Largo skeins Germantown wool and
midnight zephyrs at 7e a skein , worth
Spanish yarn Sea , skein , worth 25c.
Shetland and Iceland wools at 8c a
skein , worth UOc.
Host irrades German knitting yarns
lOc a skein worth IMc.
Right at the corner now.
N. W. Uor. 10th ami Douglas.
S. R. Patten , demist , removed to Bee
building. Open till 7'iO : pin. Tel CO.
Omaha Minors' mid Oio Millers' K\-
chiuii > c.
If you are interested in mines or min
ing slocks call on or send your name to
our olllce and obtain valuable informa
tion. Northwest corner 12th and Far-
Bethesda & Colfax mineral water ,
Sherman & McConnoll's pharmacy.
Oiniilin's City Government Ijoft With
out a VihtDltt Starting Point.
The efty government of Omriha Is without
an ofllcinl head and has boon for tnrco days.
Mayor Gushing is In Wisconsin and Pres
ident Lowry Is in Denver inspecting the rod
snnd stone quarries owuod by Hugh Murphy.
This stnto of affairs has never boon known
to exist since the city government was estab
Upon former occasions , when both the
mayor and the president of the council have
been called away from the city , the mayvur
has appointed some member of the council to
act us mayor pro tern , but this time the
mayor either was afralu to appoint a substi
tute or else ho forgot to name him. In either
case the absence of a head to look after mu
nicipal affairs has excited some comment.
There are members of the council who nro
moan enough to ninlto the statement that
Mayor Gushing feared to niimo a president
pro tern , as ho thought that if ho did so the
council would take advantage of the oppor
tunities offered and dispose of the question
of the member of the Board of Public Works.
Possibly the council might have done this ,
but it Is hardly probable , as Chairman Don- '
nelly of the committee to whom was referred
the appointment of boch Furay and Gibbon
b olt on the stone Inspection junket And has
all of iho papers safely tucked away in the
pistol pocKat of his pantaloons.
Yesterday both the republicans and the
democratic members of the council hold their
separate caucuses , trying to hunt up author
ity for calling a special session lust night.
The republicans openly declared that if they
could I hey would call a meeting , take the
papers from the committee and confirm
t-'urav. The democrats had no hesitancy in
claiming that they wore In the tight and
would con linn Uibbon If they could call a
special meeting.
At < i o'clock last night both factions pulled
off their seai-cncrs and decided that the charter -
tor is n very lame document , us It mnkus no
provision for a mayor pro loin in case the
mayor and the president of the council , who
is n'cting mnyor , uro absent or should dio.
They decided that the charter is ft badly
botched up affair , and that If any calamity
should ovcrtakn the two gentlemen , a
special election would have to bo bold
to vote upon a man to 1111 the
vacancy. Some of them went oven farther
than tliis and stated that if the aforesaid
calamity should ever occur the city would
huvo to peg along without a head for all lime
to come.
The charter provides that the mayor shall
issue the notice and call tlio election. With
the mayor and the acting mayor botli absent
this could not be done , and In cuso they should
both die or full to return Omaha would go
glimmering down through the shades of eter
nity without anybody to sit on the boot and
hold the lines.
Three I'rpsBlmt Points nottlad By the
The county commissioners hold a fl vo-min-
ute session yesterday afternoon with Messrs.
O'KceiTo , Timmo and VunCump present ;
Mr. Hcirlin being detained at the rooms of
the Koal Ustnto Owners' association.
Mr. Tlinrno was suffering from a partial
relapse and labored under great dlfllculty.
The meeting was therefore brought to a close
and an adjournment taken until Wednesday
next at 'J o'clock.
The county clerk was instructed to iidvor-
Use for bids for the construction of a pllo
bridge across the licit Line railroad. This is
for tUu purpose of carrying the sewer across
thu Hell Line track from the hospital to the
city sewer by way of Wooiworth avenue.
Uy resolution of O'Kooffo the levy for the
general fund was reduced from 7.8 mills to
T. 11-20 nulls on thu dollar of all taxable prop
erty in the county. This It for the conven
ience of clerks In making up the lov.r and
will provide ainplo funds In the opinion of
the commissioner : ! ,
Uy resolution of O'Kcoffe the board peti
tioned th mayor and council for permission
to occupy tlio street in the construction of
thu proposed county hospital sower.
Used iii Millions of Homes 40 Years tlie Standard
Receives 800 Now Fall Goods This
Week The Finest Line
Tomorrow Wo Offer n Number of Kc-
ninrknblo Harualnn Out of ThlH
Ijot an nn Advance Noiluo of
thu Great Values.
30-Inch black tomnles twills nt 15c ,
worth 30c.
40-Inch black Bengal Henriettas nt
20c , worth 40c. 40-Inch black best
quality English Henriettas 30c ,
worth OOc ,
40-Inch silk finish black brllllnntinos
35c , worth 7 < 5e.
41-inch imported black serges and
prunollo cloths , medium weight nnd
soft finish at 50o. worth $1.00.
lO.inoh black satin berbers , brocades
and drnps do Alma black polka dots ,
cubes and squares , 52-Inch best quality
silk mohairs and 50-inch all wool French
foule sergoH , all at 75c , worth $1.50.
25 pieces Paris and Berlin novelties In
black dress goods , unique patterns , this
fall's importation , jncquarts fantaisios.
whipcords and Sobastopols go at $1.00 ,
worth $2.00 n vn rd.
20. SC , 100 , lot' , 25C , 49C.
Wo place on sale tomorrow 10,000
remnants of the finest silks which wo
closed in bulk from the great Helvetia
silk mill at Riverside , N. J.
Thcsjo remnants consist of the finest
China silks , surah silks , Japanese sllkn ,
India silks , figured stint ) , strlped.chocked
and dotted silks , plaid wash silks , silk
twills , etc. , etc.
These go tomorrow at 2c , 5c , lOc , 15c ,
25c , 49c per entire remnant.
An immense quantity short lengths of
all-silk ribbons in all widths , colors and
shades , go at Ic , 2o and 3d per remnant -
Great long remnants beautiful nil-silk
ribbons , 5c , So , lOc a yard.
Very wide bilk glace ribbons In mill
remnants go at Ion a vard.
Right on the Corner Now ,
N. W. Cor. Kith and Douglas. .
Men Can NIIIMO Their Tlino With Cor-
In nccorJaiico with tin agreement mndo
with the men at the time of the strike the
smoltcr management have taken steps to
give the men thulr choice of hours.
Tuesday morning ttio men la the blnst fur
naces and ronstors will vote on tlio number
of hours which shall constitute n day's work.
They will bo glvon the ctiolco of olslit hours'
work with eight hours' pay or twelve hours'
work nnd pay in proportion , with no double
sliltli , nnd two days' my off each moutti with
full nay.
The mon have boon working in twelve-
hour shifts since tnn strike with no work on
Sundays and no double shifts. Tha largo
majority of thorn are sititllod with this , hut
hs usual In such cases there are who
nro not satisfied to do as the majority wishes
nnd trouble is likely to ensue if the men do-
ciuo in favor of twelve hours.
Jim Bacon hns been on n protracted spree
for several days nnd imagines thnt ho i the
duly constituted guardian of the men. Ho
has boon busy for some tima stirring up the
men and it Is not Improbable that ho may
succeed in precipitating trouble.
A Irii ilst Surprised.
J. G. Bono , n druggist at Dunmoro , Pn. ,
says he has never sold n medicine thut gave
such universal satisfaction ns Chamberlain's
Colic , Cholera and Oiarrhron remedy , nnd
that the largo demand for Jt has bentr n great
surprUo to him. It is sold here by druggists.
Tlic I'rlocn Tor Moiulny Are Much licit
Thnn Coat.
Rend a few of the prices.
1 cnso largo figured coiiifortor calico
3c per yard.
1 ea o fancy stripe DoBolgoB 60 per
yard , wortli JJOc. *
1 ease standard apron check gingham *
do per yard.
-5 " plocottJHMnch figured bastlsto Co per
yard , worth Ifle.
100 pieces unbleached Canton flannels
Co per yard.
SJo pieces unbleached Canton flnnnolj
lOc per yard , worth ICc.
60 pieces white shaker flannel 7o po
yard , worth 12c. }
A lot of finest quality French entlncs
12jo per yard , worth Mo to COe. Thosd
are In fancy colors , no blacks.
Wo will continue the sale Monday o (
gouts' line hodo at liJc ! per pair , worth
" 5c , and the line grades at I26o per pair ,
worth fiOe to "fie.
Ali-o children's hose at 12jo per pair ,
worth i5e ! to "Co , don't miss HIOBO hoao
they are chcnp.
100 do/on damask towels knotted
fringe , fancy borders at 12jo each , wortli
2 * > c.
c.CO pieces cliockcd nainsooks , worth
from lOo to 12je , choice of lot Monday fia
n yard.
1(10 ( dozen ladies' half wool jorso '
ribbed vests and pants , in white and
gray , nt "oo each , well worth $1.00.
Just arrived now lines fall dross goodd
in the very latest weaves and colorlngay
at popular nrlcos.
Closing out house furnishing goods la
basement , also wall paper. Got ou >
prices before you buy. ,
Specials In every dop-irtmont Monday * '
iho Hoildfl.
County Attorney Mnhonoy and Commit *
sloncr O'lvccffo returned yesterday froitt
Lincoln , where they succeeded in overcom
ing the objection of Auditor Benton to th
refunding bonds of Douglas county. Tha
bonds wora regUlerod nnd the two gentle *
men returned with them.
The bonds must bo in Now York by Sop
toinbor I , nnd the question ot how to get them
thrro was n perplexing ono. To send thorn
by express would cost fJIO und It was Dually
decided that Commissioner O'Keeffo ' should
deliver the bonds to the purchaser * in pop *
son. Ho has therefore started for Now Yorl <
with Iho J15S,000 bonds in his charge ,
The bonds nro done up In a small parcel
about ton inches squnro nnd represent good ,
hard cash as they nro mudo payable to
The Latest Conundrum.
Whv is Ilnllor's S.irsnpanlln nnd H unlock
like the most popular sonp of the day.
Bccnuso they both clcinso the skin and
leave it both soft and velvety.
Y. M. I. Siiolal.
On Monday evening , August 31 , the m' <
bors of the Younir Men's institute will mor , '
than repeat tholr former efforts by having
another literary cntertntnmont nnd soclublo
nt their parlors on Fourteenth streot.
AH members and their friends nro wolcomf
to attend , ns this event will bo the last of th (
summer socials. After the programme il
finished , refreshments will bo served , thoa
every ono in attendance is oxpoctcd to indulge
dulgo In n general good lime.
The members are pleased to state they arj-v
ariangmg to have these affairs occur on rog X
ular established evenings during the fall and
wmtor. Tnoy will inform tholr friends about
particulars after preparations nro mndo.
Constipation poisons the blood ; DoWltt'a
Little Knrly Hisors euro constipation. Th
cause removed , the disease Is gone.
The following marriage licenses were Issued
by Judge Shields yesterday :
Nnmc nnrt Addro'i' ' . Ap
I OtloSliinilakn. Otnnlin
1 AnniiH.'isok , Omaha
t I'atrlok MoAmlrowi , Oinuha.
I MiivHouho , Oiniilia .1
j Iluy llanuit , Omaha . 3 (
I I > anni Johnson , Omaha n
I Cnrlstlan Ilansen , Douglas county 21
I AnnluM. I'laiiiheeli. Douglas county n
Advertising alone , no matter how excellent ,
Cannot build up a larcro trade , or make a house great
Yet vital importance hinges upon advertising ,
For very few concerns have ever reached colossal proportions ,
Without liberal and intelligent advertising ,
And when it is backed up with
Variety ,
Quality Price.
Public confidence is at once assured.
Our Sack and
Cutaway Suits
In Of $10
Endless Correct Splendid or $15
Como in light and medium weight ,
For street or business wear ,
An absolutely perfect fit ,
And will hold tholr shape wid wear you until next fall.
You can buy .
Some of our best
$13.5O and $15
Suits for.
Our handsome ,
dressy $18 and
$2O Suits will
go for
We are now receiving a new line W
of hats , in the latest fall shapes
and shades , and are able to offer
you the best $2 or $3 hat in this
western country ,
Our fall and wlnler goods will soon nrrlvs
And our present slock must bo reduced.
R.olinl5lo Glotftiors ,
Southwest Corner 15th and Douglas Street.