r . 2 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE , HUNJOAY , A.UGU8T HO , 1891-TWENTY PAGES. SUBMERGED THEH IN LIME. Oo boys Sense the Unresisting Lambs Deep Into the Mortar Bod. OMAHA'S ' FIRST SHUT OUT OF THE YEAR , Itcd-Knood Ilonuli HIn lo Simians of thn IlcmirrectiMt Tonin Philadel phia Took Another from Clil- Oilier GnincH. Kansas City , 7 ; Oroahn , 0. Sioux City , 7 ; Denver , 4. Well that was n remarkable gaino Omaha and Kantns City played yesterday afternoon anyway. ID the first place it wns remarkable be cause the Omahas were shut out for the first tlmo this season. Iu the second place It. wai romarknblo because only twenty-seven of them wont to bat In tbo whole nine Innings. In the third place It was romarknblo because only tbroo little measly , putrid hits were rando off of Mr. Hoach. In the fourth place It was romarknblo because Hart never gave a base on balls , and In the llfth place It was remarkable because it only took ono hour and nineteen minutes to ploy tbo panic. Hut what's thu use ) It was a remarkable game , and that set tles It. In the opening inning the 11 rH flvo men who fucod thu Duluth twirler hit him safe , and add two moro hits to these , and six runs and you have the history of the Inning. From thison out Hart pitched magnifi cently , nnd but ono moro run wns scored off of him , nnd that was made In tbo seventh on King Elinor's threo-baggor and a passed ball. ball.Tho Omahas wcro Infants nt the bat and they only got ono man ns far nround as third during thu en tire game , and ho pot tbcro by the grace of Danny Steam's error. Thrco hits , two by D.iy nnd ono by Fhmncnn was ' the extent'of their achievements nt the bat. Barring the fatal first , the game was u brilliant ono. Hero Is the score : OMAHA. An. n. in. 8ii. fi" . pa A. K. Wright , rf II 0 0 u 0 1 1 0 Day.iJb 4 MoUloneib : . , : i Dunitan , in ! l McOlollan. If : i KlumiRan , 11) 4 Trnllloy.c 2 Walsh , ss 3 Hart , p 2 Total 27 "o II 0 1 2t 15 4 KANSAS CITY. All. IL III. 811 EU. TO. A. E. Manning , 21) : i KaU. in 3 1 1'lckett , ss Hmlth.lf 4 2 2 0 0 It 0 0 Stearns. II ) 4 1 1 0. 0 15 0 1 Hoovor.rf Carpenter.lib. . . Roach , o 4 WlUon , p Totit ! : TT 7 13 U 0 27 10 1 SCORE lir ININOS. Omaha 000000000 0 KunsasClty 6 0000010 7 SUMMAIIV. Huns earned : Kansas City , 0. Two-baso hits : Stearns. Hoover. Throo-hnso hits : Man- nine , Kat7. iiinlth. Doulilo plays : McClolIan to McGlnno : McOlono to Wright. Itaso on balls : Oir luarhr ! > . Hit hy pitcher : IlvKoach , 1. Struck out ; lly Hart. 'J : by Hoach. 3. 1'asscd hnlli : Hy Traflloy.2. Tlineof game : Ono hour and nineteen minutes. Umpire : Gaffnoy. Western Association Standing. 1'lavod Won. Lost. Par Ct. BIoux Oltv 1)4 ( ) 55 49 SOU Kansas Ulty 15 55 51 10 Omaha 04 48 4(5 ( Jill Denver 104 45 59 .433 Denver Still CoinDown. . Sioux CITV , In. , Aug. 29. Denver dropped its second game to the homo toain today , Hartman failing to Hoop his hits well scat tered. Score : SCOIIK IIV INNI.NOH. Blonx City 1 0 0 0 0 f 1 0 1 7 Denver 0 4 BL'.MMAKV. Earned Ituns : Sioux City , 2 ; Drnror , 1. Two- bsiohlti : HwnrtwooO , Nicholson. Si-liolbock. Ixift on buios : Sioux City. U ; Denver. 5. Homo runa : Knrle. Bncrlllco lilta : lliiyiiionil. Htolcn bnsvu Hloux City , 4. Denver , 2. Doiibln plr.ya : Kunnedy toWllaon IciTcbouiis Kemieilyto WcrrlcK to Tcbeuu. Hret bnBO on bnlla : Sioux City , 8 ; Denver. 1. lilt by pitched bnll : U'llrlun. Struck out : lly Hart , 3 ; Kennedy , n. I'nnsed bnlla : DPiivcr , 3. Tlma : Ono hour and forty-lire mlmitoa. Uinplro : Knight. NATIONAL LKAOVK. Ptulndclphla Jolts Clilcnfjo Down An other Notch. CuiCAno , 111. , Aug. 29. Gloason was alto gether too much for the Colts today and re ceived almost perfect support , a low throw by Donavnn being the only error by the Qua kers. Gumbert also pitched a good game , ono that ordinarily would have boon a win ner , but n little stupid work by the Infield allowed too visitors a couple of scratch hits. * after which they did their real hitting. Score : Philadelphia 0 0 Chicago 000000200 2 IIIU : I'hlluilolphla , 12 : Chicago , 8. Errors : Philadelphia , 1 ; Chicago. 0. Earned runs : Philadelphia'I : Chicago , 2. Batteries : fllca- lon und Uloments : Clumbcrt nnd Merrltt. UVBX Hlll'.AIC AT CI.EVKIAM ) . CLKVBIJINII. O. , Aug. 29. Cleveland nnd Boston played two games today. The first was won by brilliant playing by tbo homo team. Kelly muffed nu easy ono in the sixth Inning thatgnvo thoClovclunds a lead of two. Boston took tbo second game with case by hitting Sticarou freely. Tucker was re moved from the coaching line uy Umpire Hurst for boisterous coaching. Score : Cleveland 0 6 lloston a Hits : Cleveland , 10 ; lloston. 10. Errors : Cleve land , 1 ; lloston , 5. lliitlerles : . Vlau and Zlimiiur ; ClnrUtion und Gaiuoll. F.arned runs : Cleveland. 2 ; lloston , 1. Second game : Cleveland 120000000 3 lloiton p 3 1 1 0 3 0 3 - ! ! Hits : Cleveland , 7 : Ilnstun. 14. Krrors : Cleveland , : i : Huston. 7. llatturlos : Shcaron and Doyle : Hlalny. Utilized and Kelly. Karnod runs : Cleveland , 2 ; lloston. li , IIIIOOIU.VN WINS AT LAST. CINCINNATI , O. , Aug. 29. Brooklyn won wlihout much trouble today. Although the visitors made moro hits than Cincinnati did In cither of the two preceding days , they did not gain n runaway victory. The features was the play lug of Ward and Collins. Score : Cincinnati 0 22000000 4 Hrooklyn 1 1320000 7 Hits : Cincinnati. B ; Hrooklyn. 15. Krrors : Cincinnati. : i ; HrooklynU. Iluitorlcs : Crnnn and Keonun ; Curruthum and Dally , ICarned runs : Cincinnati , 2 ; Brooklyn. U OIA.VTS WILt , BOOK UK J.AST. PiTTSiiuiiii. Pn. , Aug. 29. A delightful crowa of 2,0 0 witnessed another victory by Pittsburgh club over New Vork today. Clarksou replaced Barr In the pitcher's box iu the third Inning. Score : I'Ulamin : 5120030' ! 0-11 Now Vork 0 000 00002 2 tllti : I'lttsbiirs , 18 ; Now York. 2. Errors : Flttsminr , 4 ; Now Vork , 6. naileries : nalvin and Miller : Clurkhon , llurr und Ciurko. Earned runa : IMllstiurK , 4 ; Now York , 2. Nutlonal LcnKiio Hiuinlin < ; . I'layod. Won Lost. I'or Ct. ChlOBO 107 U ! 41 .617 Ilotton 104 Gl 41 .187 Now Yortc M .53 43 Ml I'nllaUotDllU MU M 43 .Ml Hrooklyn 102 48 M .471 Oleroland 107 48 M 49 Ulucmnutl 109 42 < 4 06 l'ltUbur < 108 a 64 2M AMKKltJ.Uf . l.oulNvlllo Gives lloston a Tlclit Hun to n Dead Hunt , BOSTON , Mass. , Aug. SO. The pamo today wa very exciting , particularly in the last three tuning * , lu the tenth Louisville had three men on bases and ono out , but could not pot th d winner as Strykor and Brown mndo great catches , Ttio pamo was called at the beginning of the eleventh , as It was getting dark. Score : lloston . . . . . 0 2 Lonl.svlllo . 1000000010-2 IIIU : lloston , Si Louisville , 7 , Errors : llos ton , I : Louisville , I , Kirncd runs ; lloston , t : Louisville. . I , llnttorles : HulllnRton and Murphy ; l'ltgcrald and Cuhlll. IIHOWNS MIOIIT HAVK WOX. nAi.TtunitKMd. , Aug. ! & With nload of four runs St. Louis allowed the Orioles to tlo thoscoro by timely batting. Hcnly was hit hard In the first and llfth Innings. Umpire Fur- cuson called the game because of darkness. Score : Baltimore . 2 00004-6 St. Louis . 2 00041 0 lilt * : llaltliuoro , 8 : St. Louis , S. Krrors : Ilnltlinnre. 2 ; .St. Loulnr > . llntturlos : Healy , Tortn.MHid and Iloblnson : KullRcr and Dnr- llng. Karnod runs : llaltlmoro , 1 ; St. Louis , I. COI.t'.MIIUS Wltll'l'BI ) TWICK. PitHAiir.M'iiiA , Pa. , AUK I9. ! The Athletics and Columbus' played two games this after noon , the homo team winning both. It took thirteen Innings to docldo the first contest. and but for the brilliant work of Corcoran at short the visitors would have won. The Ath letics scored the \vlnnlng run In the thir teenth Innlne on two errors by Wheolock. Score : First gamo. Athletics. . . . S Columbus. . . 3 lilts : Athletlos.il : Columbus , 11. Errors : Athletics. 5 ; Columbus , t. Batteries : Cham- berluln and Mllllffan : U.mtrlelit . and Donohiio. Knrncd runs ! Athlotlcs. I ! : Columbus , 2. Second Rnmo : Athletics . 0 n 4 0 0 1-R CohlmhllR . 0 1010 0 2 Hits : Athletics. r ; Colnmhns , r . Krrors ; Atlili'tlcn , 2 ; ColutnbiiM , 2. Butteries : Bow man und Cross ; Lynton nnd Dowse Earned rum : Athletics , 4 ; Uiliimbus , 2. IIAIX SAVKI ) SOStnllODT. WASIIIXOTO.V , D. C. , Aug. 20. The game between Washington and Milwaukee was stopped at the end of tbo second inning by rain. _ Ainorlunn Standlni ; I'lavott Won. l.oit 1'er Ct. noston IPS 70 St. Louis 110 70 40 B.iltlmoro 101 fi7 47 Athlotlcs 107 l\ \ fil JXX Columbus Ill M filCO .4. ' . ' ) Milwaukee 105 43 61 .41:1 : Loulsvlllo 108 : H 70 xa on 102 : O 67 34-1 AMONG TIIK .IM.lTKUllt , . Coed Gnino nt Glcmvrod. Gi.EXwoon , In , Aug. 29. [ Special to THE BBE. ] Yesterday a very close nnd extremely Intorestlng game of ball was ployed hero. It was won by Silver City Dunchlng hits to the homo team's errors In the sixth. Tbo score : SCOIIK 11V INNINUR. Olenwoort 00102 0001 4 Silver City 0 0010 so i s SU.M.MAIIV. . Two-blue lilts : Crosby nnd Donclan. Stolen bases. Oleimooil , 3 : Silver City , 5. Struck out : By Donclnn , 14 : by riillmnn , 10 ! by CummlnKS. ' > Piiswl balls : lly Crosby , 1 : by Hall. 1 Tlmo of gamu : Two lioitra. Uiuplrett : UoDiiuot and Lufkln. SjiriiiL'llolil is Proud. SIMIINOFIELD , Nob. , Aug. 29. iSpocinl Tel egram to Tin : BEE. ] The tamest came of ball played hero this season was plavcd tub afternoon between the Springfield Whitings and the Blkhorn Blues , resulting in a score of 10 to 0 In favor of the Whitings. Tbo visitors were pie in the bands of the locals and they could have shut them out as easy as not , but they lot them got in six scores before they coula got up nerve enough to play their game. Next Tuesday and Wednesday they will have a chance to play ball , as they cross bats with the S. A. Orchard picked nine. They will not make any moro dates with weaic teams. Score by timings : SprlnKflo'.d 1 1200027 3-lfl Elkborn 0 10U05000-0 llntterles : Springfield. Ilarlnm and Gudke ; F.llihorn , Allen , llenson and Ualolly. Struck out : lly Harlnn , D ; by Allen. K. Tlmo of game : Two hours. Umpire ; Dr. Walnor. I Ifo Buildinc Infected. The following Is a list of the names of thn gentlemen composing the two teams of the east and west sides of tho. Now York Life Insurance building , with substitutes nnd batting order , to play today at Forty-eighth and Curnintr streets : East Side. Position. West Side. Dunn Second Daniels David Short Donovnn Huxan Third Wlllovor Kolby Hl-'ht Dovereux Leo Center Suhurii ; Dlhlilo Left Gardner DuWItt First KCKSS Iunt 1'ltcher Mullen Ullmoro . . . . .U.iteher Katen Dlstelhor.-it Substitute Harlght O llfna Team Won Attain. They played this tlmo but Kiobo was not in it. The teams were : Western Tln- Collln.s Gun Co. Position. ware Company. Wllholmy catcher Irish Kelehol , pitcher Klbbo Allison Urst Carrigiin ItlolinrdHiuiH Won. The Richardson Drug company and tbo Retail D rugglsts crossed bats at the Nonpareil - oil park , Fifteenth nnd Vinton streets , yes terday afternoon. Score by Innings : K I ) . Co . 2 0047700 0-21) ) Ketall Druggists . . . U 0 2 1 1 0 7 2 2-18 llase hits : Kluhardsnii Drug company , 15 : Kotnll Druggists. 7. Homa runs : 1'iles und Schall. Double plays : Ulubardson Drug com pany , 2. Errors : Itlohardson Drug company , 14 ; Uetall Druggists. II ) . Ilattorles : KlcharU- son Drug company : Humunway und Sehull , Yuagur und Kuhn. Uetall Druggists : Mc- Connul , Usborno nnd Trail. 1 1 nd n Walkover. The Young Men's Christian Association Juniors of Omaha wont ever to Council Bluffs this afternoon and had a walk-away game with the Juniors of Council Bluffs. The Bluffs boys wcro not In the game after the third Inning. The feature of the game was the hard hitting of the Omaha boys. Thu score : Council llluffa . 1101111-0 Omahi . 1 o ; i 11 1 4 20 llatterlos : Council lllulls , Hnthorford und I'onllus , Morrlum und Kossler. Omaha , llullur and Humphrey. AVmit Oiunc. The Athletics would llko to hoar from any and all ball clubs whoio players are 10 years of ago or undor. The Athletics challenge the Victors to play ngninonuxtSununy afternoon at 2 o'clock on the grounds at Twenty-eighth and U streets. Address Ucovgo W. Casey , South Omaha. The West Omaha Juniors would llko to have a game with the Labyrinths Sunday morning , September U. Address Charles Kuppo , Captain , 280 1 Douglas atreot , lilitlo ItoiiUH Crushed. ThoFalriuounts and LttUo Rooks collided yesterday afternoon with the following re sult ; Fiilrmnnnt . 0 0 5 2 230 0 4-lfi LIU.i ) Itooks . , . 0000300 10 4 Two-lniso hits : ILirrlion , 1'latnor. Threo- base hits : lUrrUou. Double playn : I'.xlr- luimnU , J ; Llltlo Kueks. 2. llaso on balls : Off Hitrrl.son.2 ; off Downs , : i. Struokout : lly Harrison , U ; Downs. 1. Umpire : Kusan. WuiitB n Con-cot Ion. FiiEiiosT , Nob. , Aug. SO. To the Sporting Editor of Tin : BBC : The game yesterday ut Lomars was 0 to 4 In favor of Loiuars. It was re-ported 10 to 3 lu TUB BKS. 1'louso tuuko correction. correction.W. W. A. STIU'IIKNSOX , Manager , Iicinnrx AVon tlio Socnnd. LEMAIW , la. , Aug. " 0 , ( Special Telegram to TUB BKB.J Loinars defeated Fromoii In the second game today IU Vo 7 , Tbo Koines City league toaui will play hero Monday. \ HIS HIGHNESS IS A WINNER , Gideon's Oolt Lands the .Futurity and the Richest Btake Known. MAGNIFICENT RACE BY A GREAT HORS * . Ilnrd I'rcBsod by Huron ami York- vlllc Hell Moljatiuhlin Drove Ills Mount to Glorious Vic tory The DctnllH. NEW VotiK , Aug. 23. Down by the sen this afternoon on the track of the Cono/ Island Jockey club the great Futurity race was run. The event carried the richest stakes In the world , nnd here Is the way the leaders finished : Ills Hlghnoss llr.t , lork- vllle Dullo scoond , Dogonetto third. Time : llli-r : > . The conditions of tbo race arc : The l-'utiirlty : A swceput'ikcs for B-yoar- olds , foals of IM9 , by .subscription of { 23 each for mares covered In 1SSS , and of Ml ouch for the produce of such mares , unless struck out by July 15 , 18W , or $100 , unless struc < out by July 13. IMII. All starters to pay $259 addi tional , all of which shall go to tbo second and third horses , as further provided , The Coney Island Jockey club to add $ I2.TOJ : the second to receive J2.000 of the added money and two-thirds of the startIng - Ing money , thu third JI.OOO added money one-third of the starting money : thu breed ers of the wlnnnor and of tlio second horse , namely tlio owners of the mnro at the time of foaling , tu receive il.50J nnd i IWO ( of the added money , respectively , whether they bo the owners of the hurso when the race takes place or not ; three-quarters of u mllo. Starters : Ills Highness , Mclaughlin , 130 ; Tuininany , Miller , till ; Merry Mon irch. ller en. 125 ; Oha- nulc , Thompson , IIS ; Hushford , Slum , 11.1 ; Les ter , Clayton. 118 ; Newton , Wllltnies. 118 ; fjnnipllKhtor , Anderson. Ill ; Aiiiilu Queen , Kay , 113 ; Iow Weir , Uovlnifton , 115 ; Vestibule , Lamley. m : Anna II. 1'ciin. 115 ; Mars. Little- fluid , H.V Trlnulo , J. l.amloy , 115 : Yorkvlllo Hello , Murphy. 112 ; Da onotte. Taral. 108 ; Ka- lula colt. Domett , IDS ; Lavish , Taylor , 108 ; Coxswain. Cox. .08 ; Umalllla , . 105 ; Cee.Fay Previous Futurity races : 1SSS I'rorlor Knott. ridden by llarnos , carry in : 11 ! pounds , won In 1:15 1-5 : 1380-Chaos. with Day up , car rying lee pounds , won In 1:10 : 1-5 : 1H' ' ) ) Potomac mac , ridden by Hamilton , carrying US pounds , won In 1:15 : . Most rimntional lOver Hun. The most sensational Futurity that has over been run was the ono decided nt thu course today. It was sensational because Ed Corrigan , owner of the colt Huron , refused to abide by the decision of the executive committee of the club that his horse wai not eligible to start , and Invoked the aid of tlio courts. Also It was sensational because the colt that llnally won carried the crushing impost of 130 pounds , and It was sensational uncauso of the brilliant manner in which the contending horses were ridden. When Ed Corngan wns victorious in his lognlskirmish with the club and secured a mandatory injunction it was thought that there would not bo any further trouble , but the club ofllclals were determined not to rec ognize the horse in any wav whatever. When his jockey , Overtoil , wont to weigh in , he was not allowca to pass the scales , nnd then Mr. Corrignn was lichtini ; inatl. In company with his lawyer ho demanded that his boy bo weighed , which was tin ally none. He was not given a number , however , and there was no batting against him. The colt ran , finished second , nnd now Mr. Corrigan will have to sue the club for the $5jGti ( tnat belongs to the second horse. ItYnn n i'erlbut Day. The dny was one of the most magnificent that has been enjoyed this year. The cool breeze came direct from the ocean , swept through the grand stand , and , instead of fans , light overcoats were in demand. The crounds never looked prettier , and there was only one drawback , and that was not n seri ous ono. The track was not fast. It was lumpy all over , wet in spots , and such a thing ns fast tlmo was out of the question. It was without doubt the largest crowd that has ever witnessed u derby at Shuops- head bay. It was a thorough metropolitan crowd , good nntured while hats were smashed and whole suits ruined in the mad struggle in the betting ring. There was not a disturbance during the entire day , and this , too , when men's hearts were sore over the loss of hard-earned dollars. There was considerable Interest manifested in the preliminary races , but it was not to see ordinary horses , eonlendini ; for thousands of dollar pur.ses , that tho.Journuv to the track had been made , nnd when the Futurity wns called a wild rush was nt once made for the betting ring , and the scene that followed was inde. < cribabio. How the IlottiiiR Went. For the moment men seemed to lose all control of themselves and nothing was thought of but betting. Some wanted to back ono horse , some another , and they ull wanted the best of the odds. The Gideon pnlr , His Highness nnd Merry Monarch were thn favorites , at U to 1 at fltNt , but the m onoy did not como in fast enough to suit the Im patient bookies , and they raised the price to 5 to 2 and from that to il , and llnally they quoted 4 to 1. In the meantime Dagonotto money had been rolling into the bookies' hands in regu lar streams. First there was ! l to 1 , and at that price tens of thousands of dollars wern wagered. The books .stood the onslaught manfully , hut at last they wcro compelled to rub and 5 to 2 was the closing price. Thou there was YorkviUo Belle. She opened at U to 1 and In n few minutes it was evident that she was nicclvltig support. Brewer Kbret nnd his friends were confident that sue would win , mid bet so much money ou her that at the close the best thut could bo obtained was U to 1. Of the others nushford. Lamplighter , Tammany , Silver Fox nud Newton were all nibbled at. Itcudy TOP tlici ( itnrt. Finally tbo clear Wast of the bugle was hoard and the cry went up "They're at tbo post , " u wild rush was mndo for the open and then overyouo waited , eagerly clutching bits' of pasteboard that would either enrich them or break them. In a few minutes liash- ford , wearing the peacock blue nud yellow sash of the liiuhford minor farm and ridden by I. Lewis , appeared on the track , followed , in order Uy thn Maid of Athol , One , Lamp lighter , Lester , Clmrado , Low Wlor , Anna H , Huron , Newton , Tammany. Silver Fox Coo Jav Jay , kavlsb , Triangle , Yorkvlllo Hello und King Cadmus. It was a trrand slirht to see the sleek , prancing thorough breds parading with their heads erect , and chuor after cheer rent the air.Vhon the upper end of the stand was readied the line was broken nud they all cuutored to tha post. Then commenced tba real strain. Powerful glasses were levelled at the horses , three- quarters of a mlle away nnd every movement was carefully wntchod. Up at the post ttio tha tension was almost as great , ai every boy was anxious to gut tbo host of the start , if possible , and Starter Caldwell was bound that there should bo no best. And there was not , for Mr , Caldwell caught them all well In a motion at thn sou. end attempt and secured a magnificent start. "Now They're Off ! " Yorkvlllo Hello was the first to show , but her a J vantage was slight and Marj , Anna 13 , Lavish , Tringlo and Ills Highness were lapped un her , with tbo rest not a loncth away. Murphy at onoo took a restraining pull on the Hello , but she wa full of racing and for u Quarter she was In front , followed bv Merry Monarch , who was , capped by lluron. with Anna B and Dagoneltu next. Then Daconotto , with a wonderful burst of speed , took the lead and His lllghncii and Huron both moved up. As they swung Into the stretch there was little to uhoso between Huron , Ills Highness , Yorkvllla Belle , Dagonctto. Mars and Bash- ford. The excitement wus lutcnso. Any ono of a half dozcu bones appeared to have a chance. Suddenly Overton shot Huron to the front , ana although tbcro was not a man on tbo ground who bgj a boton hlm.they nil cheered nnd yelled , lUo | the women frnnticallv clutched the 4t7f1 ° f their male escorts nnd screamed "Ilu i , " But Huron had not won yot. nidlns.fl r Tliclr Mvos. McLaughlln ttafty mid alert , astrulo Ills Highness , had * o ti Overtoil's move and sent His Highnessafter him , whllo Murphy was Improving hlrysltlon ) on Yorkvlllo Bella. In a faw stndgi Huron nnd His Highness worn on ovenTerrns , running llko n team and for their llvevlntypcd by Yorkvlllo Belle. The oxcltomtfict was now painful In Its In * tensity. FranUoibettora yelled'und nhniltcd , nnd tints , timbfeUas , canes nnd handkerchiefs were thrown fnto the air. Hit-lit Opposite1 the stand the struggle com * menced In arfrest. Overtoil wns rldliiK Huron like n demon , and the horse responded gamely. McLaughlln was llko u bundle of ntcol , and at ovorv stride seemed to lift his horse along , whllo Murphy , whoso yellow fnco was black with excitement , was whip ping and cutting , nnd Yorkvlllo Belle wns coming like n cyclouo. \Vlion the Itaun Was Won All of n sudden MrLaughlln realised that his tlmo had come , and drawing his whip , lot It fall on the alralnln ? sides of His Highness. The steel ploughed along his gaunt flanks nnd tlospltn Ills euormous weigh ) , ho responded gamely. Slowly but surely ho forged ahead , whllo behind - hind him thundered the Hold wltti whips Hy ing and switching In thonlr. By this tlmo tliti crowd had became delirious. Every ono wns yelling and screaming. Mon anil woman were crying , uud amidst the greatest , excitement ever .seen on nn Ameri can race course , Ills IllBliness , with nostrils aflame , nnd gathering and reaching splen didly , dashed In a winner by n length from Huron , who beat Yorkvlllo Belle a half a length for the place , with Dagonette n length nway. Cheer after chfor rent the air , both for the gallant horse who had picked up U0 ! pounds nnd beat the bast ! 2-ycnr-olds in the country , and for the jocko3" who had ridden him so well. For ten minutes the excitement continued nnd then It tiled nway and the rust of the races were looked at with but little interest. The other races : First racn. live and one-half fiirloni ; * , seven startciH , The oilier day Coircctlon , 111 (2i ( to 1) ) . one of tlic fastest xprlnters on the turf , was a big favorite and was dUgr.icofuliy lic'iten by a lot of common not'lng ' platers. Today she w.is pitted against such hor.ius us Loan- taka , 12. ( to A ) . Itaclne , I2J (11 ( to 5) ) . nnd Chest ipcake. 122 ( S to 1) ) . und w.is at 20 ( o I .ind won by a short hn.id from ChesuueaUo , who beat l.o.inwo'l. 111(15 ( to 1) ) , two lenths for the place. Tlmo : ltsn-ri : Second race , the Donlphan stakes , one mile and a furlong. S'jven starters : Lu 'loica. 117 (2 ( to 1) ) . won. Ambulance. 12. (7 ( to 1) . second , Homer. 122 ( JO to I ) , third. Time : I : .V. 4-.1. ! Fourth race , one mile. Kituilnrturx : Aubus 101(12 ( to 1) ) . won ; D.ilsvrlit , 111 (7 ( to 1) ) . second , Casslus 123 pi to II. third. Tlmo : 1:43 l-\ Fifth race , one mlle nnd a furlong. Six starters : Wllllu L , 01(8 ( to.'i ) . won , lloodlun > . 11)1 ) (20 ( to 1) ) . second , icubnrg , 01 (15 ( to 1) ) , third. Time : 1:58. Sixth ruiu. the Green stakes , one mile , on turf , f'lx > tnrlirs : Snowball. 123 i.'i to 2) , won , St .John second. Woodcutter , 1-.M < : > U > 1) ) , Hi rd. Time : 1:4.\ : Corrlifim Itnrrcd. The board of control mot today and adopted the following resolution. The Coney IMand ilockoy club , having sent to the board a stattmeiit tint It will receive no further entiles from Kil\\ard Cornwall , therefore. It Is Hesocd. . Thut the action of tlio Coney Island Jockey , club be endorsed ; nnd It Is fuither Resolved , TliiVt ) no further ontr'es be re ceived from Mr. Horrlgan by any of the elubs hiivln : repiesvnlatlvcs In thu board of con- tiol , without viojudlce to exlslliiu OIIRUKC- ments. to' W ; b. Vosntinc , Secretary. How * borrlunn Got In. NEW YOIIK , Aug. 21) ) . Judeo McAdnm of the superior couft Voday granted a mandatory injunction rcquir'inff ' the Conty Island JocKey club to eiiter'FjtlVnrd Corrigan'.s colt Huron in the conttstd for the Futurity stakes. Tno judioT/ln his decision , provided , however , that the owner of Huron must give n bond of $7,0,00 to secure the club from any damage. If IHOTiorsu wins tnu club may de cide iiprerlheloVs some other hor.so won , but it would in Uianr.isa be answerable to Corrigan - gan for damages In a suit against the club. Huron runa second , but was not given a place in the race. " J- FalllAIiietinf ; at JUat nin. , CINCINNATI-Ovi AugvSfl. This was a lovely day for the ushering In of the Latonia fall meeting races. J'ojir thousand pcoplo were at the beautiful truck to witness the sport. Never in the history of this track was it in better condition than today. The races were nearly all well contested and the decision of results gave perfect satisfaction. ,1 , O. Sheri dan sorveu with his well known ability ns starter. There Was some disappointment in the failure of Chief Justice nnd Kingmnn to start , in the fourth race. Hesults : First race , purse $ MO , one mile , for il-yoar- olils and upwni < | s. Six starters : Thu irroup ran compactly hunched lo the home stretch , when Flower Dull. 1C. ) ( H to fl ) , pulled out and came in winner Uy three lengths , iv.lli Don- ne.ll. HI nt to 1) ) , second , tuo lengths ahead of Cnrlniio Kinnoy.01 (7 ( to.M , third. Tlmu : l:4S\f. : Second nice , sulllir- , for 3-year-olds nnd up wards , mile and twenty yards. Twelve slnrt- ers : A line striicglu buan In tbo home stretch. Horn , Uj ( 'I to I ) , won by a length , with llailcllllc. ll'l P to 1) ) , set-oiid. u limtrth uhu.id of Mary H. 1IH ( < ! to I ) , tnlid Tlmo : 1:4.1. : Third race , soIIIn , : purse , one and one. s\- | tcoiith miles. Rluven sinners : Miia Archur. ll. > ( .lto 2) ) . held thn fiout all tbo way around anil won by four.lengths , with Iliiencme , 101 ( A to 2) ) . secondn length ahead of Joe Black- hnrn. lIGi ? to I ) . Time : l : : | i.t. Fourth race , the Mcichants' stakes , all axes , ono mile. Five starters. In the home stretch ovorv JocKey whluiH'd for dear life aim the finish resulted : I'rlnochs I.Imo , 10 ? ( to 1) ) , llrst , half u noclc In front of Vale in. 1-JO (7 ( to 2) ) , who boat Uncle Hob. 117 (7 ( to ID ) , half a length for thn nliico. Time : l:42".J. : " . Fifth race , llvo fiirloniss , for 2-year-olds. Thirteen starters. In the home slietch Don- cuslor. 112 (30 ( lo 1) ) . took Hie lead and won by u neck. Julla.May.J.117 ( IU lo 1) ) . second , hnlf n length ahoiidof tirceuwlch , 107 ( . " > to 1) ) , third. I line : 1:00' : ' , . Sixth rare , purae. : i-yonr-olls and upwards , mile. Seven starters. They were all In u bunch at thu stretch , when Whitney , 101 (8 ( to Si , came o it and won easily by three lengths In l:42li. : Kooka. DO ( to 1) ) , second , two lotiRtns tihoad of Tom UO.'UIN , 104 | U to 0) ) , thlld , Slpjor itawlcliiH' ItnurH. Cuic.vr.0 , 111. , Aug. 20 Garlield park track fuiiU First race , seven fiirlonssoko Hardy won , St. , Iou second , Unu DliiKi third. Time : I'M. Second race , five fuilon s : Mluiile L won. Vtinciuso second , MiiRglo Lobus llilrd , Time : 1 : ( 0. Third race , three quarters : Sis O'Leo won , Ituth.second , Gutuway third. Time : llbi. : ! rourth nice , one mlle nnd seventy yards : Verxo d'Ur won. Van Union second , Kit Hull thlid. Tlmu : 1.M. : Fifth race , dvu furlongs : Alturos won , Hob Tooml's second , Agu'lo II thhu. Tlmo : lutl. : Mxlh race , live furlongs : 'I'ownsend won , Crtilkshank second. Alo.iicllu third. Tlmu : 1:07. : . Colonel i orriiaii'H U loos. CIIICAOO , III , , Aug.29. Hawthornoresults : First race , fl p furlongs : Htrutlunuldoii , Illazo Dukosecond , Addle third. Tlmu : 1 : 0'4. Second racu/junu inilo : .lustlcu won. Prince bocnnd , llarnliv third. Time : 1:52. : Third race/ one and onc-sl\lconth miles : Hlhel won/'IATolenco ecctntl , H Iver I.nko third Tlinut- l : 7 > t. Fourth raMyilliieo-cjuartoi-s of a mlle : I.emon lllossom Won , Wnrron Lulund aecoml , Waldo third. Tltno : 1:21. j''lfth race , tliNA-tiuurtursof a mile : Iv.tn- hoe won. Tniujjiarl hccond , Fun K us third , Tlmu : ii8V. : t yhf Onino loiluy. The Omab sj and Kapsas City will play their last eampjQl the season on the home grounds tbU afternoon. Stolu and Fields will bo thq ( loyal battery , and Jocko says they can't loso. As the g'artln in u .sense will bo u benefit -toP thu pluyerj of the homo team , n largo crowd should go out nud glvo them a llnal tiller. The posltlousiof 11)0 ) teams will bo : Omaha. 01 T I'osltlon. KIIIIS iiClty. Wright " , , w..Uiuht Hoover Day . „ „ . .Nicond Mann UK McCilone „ Third C'arpuiuor Ihinu-an Middle , . . . .Kat < ! Mciluilan i. . . . Left Smith Flanii3i'au. . , . , . ' . . . .First Sluains Molds .t.atch ( iiinson Walsh Short 1'lckutt Stoln I'ltch t-owdora Game will bo culled promptly at 3:80 : , Cnn Pedal Sonic , Alno. Prof , J. L. Lulr'd , principal of the public schools ut Kmerson , Ju. , reached Omaha yes terday at 11 : ! ! 0 o'clock alter a blcyclu road ride that would open the eyes and break the hearts of some of the ambitious amateur croas-coumry ildurs of Omaha. I'rof. Laird rode eighty miles un Friday from Circs ham to Fremont. Ho left Fremont at 7I.'i o'clock yesterday morning nnd rolled off the forty miles between thnt city and Omaha In tbruu hours and ( orty-llvo minutes. Ho spent a few hours iu tbo city with I'rof. Davis of tlio Standard Business collage and lelton tuo uftornoon train for his homo ut Emerson. GENTLEMEN ON THE TRACK , Omaha HOHO Owners Indulsfl ; in Another Pleasant Matinoa Programra ? , INTERESF IN RACING IS REVIVING , Good for ( ho Formation of a Chili Hero Sonio Intcrnstlnn ContcsiN Settled YOHICI- dny lYfV'rnnon. The second nmtlnoo pivon under the auspices of the Gentlemen's Roadster club nt the driving park yesterday afternoon was an unqualified success In the Interesting nature of the various ovcnts as well as tbo attend ance Thn quarter stretch presented nn oxhlllarnting scone , indeed , with Its numer ous handsome turnouts , from tally-ho down to ilog cart , whllo tbo grand stand wa fairly well occupied. The ICountzo Place Fifo anil Drum corps furnished the nolso , or mimic rather , and altogether the afternoon was a delightful ono. Ono thing hns been demonstrated anyway , nnd that Is that Omaha could and would sup port H thoroughgoing , first class jockey club. Many of the most prominent pcoplo of tbo city wcro lu attendance yojtorday , and the amount of enthusiasm augurs well for nn en terprise of a similar character ou n Urger scale. Not to Intimate that the Roadsters' club is not nil right , however , foritls , p.ndtho gentlemen instrumental In Inaugurating those pleasant matinees are entitled to every en couragement and every prniso. It has created renewed interest In the noblest animal of nil , nnd xvlll eventually load to higher and better things. There are many ardent admirers of good horse ( lo h in Onr.iha , and there l.s no reason on earth why the city is not treated to one or two first-class sessions every summer. All the other importaut cities boast of their drlvine clubs. Why not Omaha , the largest und thriftiest of thorn all. Promptly at n o'clock the horses for the first event wcro summoned on the track , the judges being Sum G. Hamilton. W. W. Mace and George. ) . StcrnsdorlT. with Grant Carniichaol timer and Froa Fowler .starter. The first event on the card was the UU : trot , two best In three , half mlle heats. Summary : ( JeorRiiO. MetCHlf. 1 1 C. F. Koed 2 2 H. Sll'oway ' 3 3 Tlmo : I'M. \ : ' . Following this came the 3:00 : pace , snmo conditions , with thrco starters Or. Nason , N. Williams and WelliPlorco. Summary : Mr. MIIHOII , . . . . . i l N. Williams 2 : i Wells I'lerce : t 2 Time 1:23. : 1:27. The pruo hunp up for the winner of the 3:00 : trot was a hnndsoino | 5 bridle , donated by C. D. Woodworth. This brought out tf.ree starters , H. Kunuth , Chat Hedtck and H. McCormick. It was a good race , but Chut was a little too smooth for his competitors , and utter a struggle , curried off the prize. Summary : C'hat Itcdlek 2 1 1 H. Kiumtli ; i : i ; t H. McCormiuk 322 Time J:2li. 1:24J { . 1:20. : The 2:50 : pace , for u novel whip donated by C. D. Sutphen , was captured bv Bob Wells. His only competitor was Dick Smith , who could have taken the second heat handily nnd probably the race , but he fouled Wells in the first turn und tbo judges gave the heat to Bob. Summary : Uol ) Wells i i Dlek Smith 2 2 Time : 1:23. 1:21. : The next event , the 2:40 : trot , while there were but two starters , was ono of tbo best on the curd. The winner took two straight heats , but by such n clnso blmvc , that the result was almost in doubt. Summary : A. MHInrd.i l | Win. tufyder 2 2 Time : Ii3. : 1:18. : The'JMO pace wns another rattling good contest , Billy Hughes' natty little dun , Oklahoma , after dumping the llrat heat , pulling out n winner in line shapo. Sum mary : W. , T. Huplies 2 1 1 II. K. lluiKett 1 a 2 Ceorgu Kdwards. 'I 3 3 Tlmu : 1I'J : ' , ll7'.i. : 1:10. : The 2SO trot was n .valkover for Harry McCormick , his handsome big bay simply leading a procession iu both heats. Sum mary : H. McCormick 1 1 W. 1'rllch.ird . 2 3 H.O. lluckiis 4 2 Charles Unlit . ; i 4 W. H. Mallory 5 . " > John I * , lloyd fictr The llnal event was the team trot , for which Mr. Woodworth hung up u whip. A mile dash. Sumnfury : William fenyder won. J. T. Day second. Time : 3:10. : Although the card was not completed until 7 o'clock , thn bullc of tbo crowd remained and saw the last horse under the wire. N FOli T7/77 H'JVKK. II men that Will Start nt thn Fair GrotinilH Knees. Following is H list of entries regis tered for the Omaha races , which will take pltico on the track of the Dougfas county Agricultural society this week. The purses nro liberal , tbo horses fast , many of which are without provloui record , and If the weather continue * fair a great racing season Is u foregone conclusion. TDK UAY. foam issi , trottlnu' . I'nrso KlGQ : \Vlnona. William llnslmiestvard ; , ! > . . A. W. 1'holps & Son ; Tuiu. b. . M. 1' . Ill-own ; Mursh Jliirdouh. b. . J. P. Men ul re : Hilly I * , br. s. , Franco & llrandcs ; Kiama .1. , h. f. , Dlcl.ov .V Williams : AnrelliiV , A. Pnxton , Jr. : llnrdi'll , bll , . f. . Ed I'vln ; ( 'loo Pulltaii. br. v. A. II. llntuliinxs ; fiobcl Meduiici , jr. , g. g. . .Mis. M. H. Davis , ; l < 'tilpron | ! Hoy. li. s , .1. W. y.lli- boll : ( . oiinsolletta , b. f. , D. T. Sahln ; 2Mclass : trnttluir. iiur.so JWU : Nolllo t'ar- froy. b. in. K. A. Wlckham ; Illnckbiill. blk. u' . William Huston : ( ! uy Shoildan. b. s. , R C. Mlll'ir ; Ivlcii , b.s. , W. J. Dyer : Do Aye , II. ,1. Moore : .loler. ; b. s. , 1. . A. Ito.ivor ; Trineulo , s. s , , W. II. MoKlniuiy. ! 2:40 : uln s tiottln ' , inirso J.Wi : Dinah , b. ui. , O. W. Plekurd ; Tiuiitnii.b. s. , William Huston ; Klttv Von. b. in. , llrctton * I'orry ; A II I ) , br. s. , N. J. Konln : Wymoru Hey , n. s. . C. W. Unbertson ; .MUllt. lir. in. . James llrltton : Nuboti. b , u. , J. D. YootmmTilnculo : , s. M W. II. .McKinney ; Ilrnter.s < ! lil , bik. iu. , llernilon block Kami. Half mllf , rnnnliiR. pui o $ . * > a : Gntrle will bo made Juat provlous to the race. WKUNBSIIAV. 1'oals 1S.H trotting , pursu J33J : Antowood , b. b. . I'orry llutclilnson ; MnntRonu'ry , b s. , ICd I'ylo ; Kvitn ellne , D. MI. , .1. D. Urulxhton. 2.C'c'jass : , tioltlm ; , um-o $ I'K ' ) : Oaii. H. K. , I'erry lltituhlnson ; bprigtu ; Itrlxht. br. s. Improved Slandurii ; Illii/tiwood , I ) , s. TroUlng Horse cuiiinnny : C'liustnut WllUes. b. m , U. W 1' ulard : ; Alinont Alierdrun. h..s. , W. O.Sn'urts ; Joe. eh. H. , A , S llollodav ; Hornpipe , b. s. , T. O. S\Mtii : MeKarlanil. br. s. , WliUfoni X Laird ; Tossle D , I ) , in. , Kd I'yle ; Itcbol Modining. . -s. , W. J , Dyurt ; Hilly Burton , b u- . , I. W. S < | iiiru.s ; Norway , ch. . . Nat lluiwii ; AVIT'H llainblu- tonlun. br. s. . J. I ) . Voontans ; Kloyd II , b. g. , W. II. MuKliuiuy. TIIUII8tl\r. Jrl'J ' cl.is-i pacing , purse $ ! . " > ) : I'leldmont , blk. H. . Illuo Klvnr Mock farm : Weston. ti. g. , I. , llnivhori Uoldlo Saturn , "h. f. , William Huston ; Davy II , K. K ; Kd llnrku : Hint Ifainn- toii. K. H. , J. 1 Trapha'n'en ; Dart , eh in , , J. K. McCinlie ; Xulliu K , b. m. . ( Jus II. l.owU ; Ko\oy U. blk. g. , S. W. l.ockwood ; llnidbiirn. b. K. , J. 1) . Vm-mans ; Act-ldent. br. . , d'ould .V Miller. iiacliihs : , tmttlni ; , iMiurunlfi'd uur > e ll.iOo : Dandy , b , H. , I'erry llutolilii'iuiii ' Iliiiniy May , J. llrltion ; Jlary .Mr. , b. in. . J. D.'loUhton ; Max , br. . , II. J. .Moore ; Kupubllvan , b. M. . ( J. W. llo i'h ; I'mspeul , br H. . W. T O.-inuiboll. U:2I : trottur ' . purse I'M : ( > r.ico \ \ , br. in. , duor.'o Woolf ; Itobblo P , b. s. . Kd I'ylo : I mis I'aluiiH. b. s , , Nat llroun ; I'rlnce .MuMnhon , Tlicodoru llowcrsoek ; l bortlnc , eh. s. , ( Jonlil A : Miller KiiiinlniT , hnlf mlln and rapnut , purse tlPO : Kntrlus will btt made just previous tu the 2io ; : paelnis. giurnnti'Ctl purse JMXli Alvan Swltt. br. . , J. ' , Kai/fr : WilkeH I , h. H. . J. D. C'rolxhloiU Hilly Uuiilt , b. . . U. 11. .Mann : llhiesiii | ( , J. llufuhlnts : Illaok Dlol. . blk. h. . Charles Dnndo ; I'reil 1C , blk , g. , Clould & .MIlu'runnlnK. pu > ) ilX ( ) : Kntrliii will ba mndo just previous to Hie ruco. HIIIIAV. Ulus42M : , trotting , isiiunintcod tiurso JI.OOOi lluli-n. lloaiiubuiiip A. JarvU ; Kutlo 11 , U. 11. ratten ; Hay Dun. Wim-utt. Ulbbons X Co. ; NuwxLoy , W. T. C'anipbull ; I.uid l'I In tun , W. H.iMoKliiney : TuhSle f ) , b. in. . K. J' . Kncob- , . flam 2:27. : trotting , iiuisofli-0 : Jim Uir.fr. , , MunrcmA HtuiiffiTi FrnnW P. blk s. . Purry llrxn. ; Duncor , b.s. . ( J. H. Ununsi llurly lliirly , cli. . , IM. I'yiii ; Ma\er fobb. Jr. . b. s , . KM. IVarson ; yuct-ii T. li. iu. , W D. Tuyluri Ludy Wonder , H. m. , Uilfurd \ llumplim Half mlle duih , running , pursu t'3 , Tbo uiauugeuient confidently expecUa largn atlondnnco nnd a successful fMr .season , Tha track Is fast nnd aomo of the best horsw aeon In Omaha will start In all the races , Kino Dny'n Hport nt Item rice. DEATIUCK , Neb. , Aug. 2V . iSpoclal Tolo- Bram to TUB BKE. ] Another big crowd was at Llndon Trco Driving park today , tbo closing of this year's moot. The principal races were fought to a Mulsh , the 2:40 : trot requiring six boats to docldo. In this rnco Hello Thorno lost nil Interest iu the money by being distanced In the last heat after winning the second nnd third. It was n bad day for the talent , thrco out of four fields winning. Summaries : SMS trot , purse JWO : Araviuit . Mnylloll . ft 443 6dr Trlx . . . . . . . . 4 3 a 0 4dr IriHtlo Williams . 0652 2ar Comet. . . , . , , . 1 R 3 4 3 2 Saturn. Jr . 7 7 ? ds llHlloThorne . 2 1 1 8 ( Ids Tlmo : 2:40. : 2:40H. : 2:30 : , a:39 : , 2:37y : , 2:37U. : 2:23 : trot , purse S.VU : fdavan . i 121 Kontiirky Itussell . 2 2 1 2 Lady Wonder . ; i di J. M.O . . . . . . . il * Time : 2:27't. : 2S2.V 2:28 : , 2:27. : 2:2J : pace , purse H0J : Klossln Keod . 1 1 1 Hilly McUracken . a 2 2 I'lliUOtfa . 333 Tlmo : 2i27 , S:2iHi. : 2i2. : : Yearling trot , half nllle , stake raluo 175 , tlOO added , Pri-eedo . 1 1 Prlncoy Williams . 3 2 ( li-ormi Tupmlny . 2 II Quick St p . 4 4 Hussell II . 5 0 Sharp . ( j a Tlmo : 1:37V. : lw. : : nt Crouton. CIIESTOV , In. , Aug. SU.-fSpBcl.il Telegram to THE BISK , ] Today's races were very In teresting. Hesults : l''lrt raco. trottltiR. 2ii : : ; class , pursn WO ) : Artisan sold as favorite , nut Hornpipe wont out and won In straight hoats. Summary : Hornpipe , b.s . i j i Arils in. b. .s . 2 2 2 Joe , ch.s . . . ; i 3 s l''rank ' MeMalion , blk. g . 403 Welshman , b. s . i u 4 Tlmo : 2 : 2VJ. 2:3 : > i. 2:3.1. : Hocond race , free for all , J.WO : This was the bust race of tlio entire mooting , as Thalbur , 2:2.\ and Jes < lo Oalnos , 3iri : > 4. were starters. .lesHlo ( ! alni\s was a 10 to 2 favorite In the .idols , and nd one wanted the Hold niriilnst the imiio In the mutnals. The mare was played as n2l to 5 winner for the race , but Thai borg wns In It Just the oatno. He went , out and won In tlueo straight hunts , a half hundiod losers In the hutllnt ; ring on thu time accounted claiming 'I halbcrg trotted heat In ID and third In 21. Hmiiinury : Tlialberi ; . b. g . 1 1 1 JessEo ( fntnus , br. m . 2 2 2 Kobhlo P. br. B . 3 3 3 Ilrolbcr Dan , I'll , u . 444 Time : 2:2. : > , 2 : 24 . 2-4 : > i. Hail 'J'raoU at Independence. rxt > iiT.xi : > i.xcr : , la. . Aupr. 2'J. ' A heavy shower last night put the track in bad shuuo and the frcc-for-nll trot and 2:17 : pace wcro declared off. In the unllnishcd 2:20 : pace J. H. L. was played favorite , but only took ono heat. Tel egram , who had laid up for three heats , was thn only ono iu the llfth and sixth bouts. In the 55,030 stake for the 2:30 : class Pat Downing was the talent's choice , and the tlmo that was made on the ho , ivy track was phenomenal. Ho won In str.ilght heats , no other horse touching him. Olas2:20. : . pacing. W.OtO stakn : Telegram won. Mascot second , J. II. L , thtid , Charlie P fourth , I'lorcnce llflli , .Snnshliio sixth. Treasure was distanced In the third heat and Oamhrel. Skylark and Doai-on were drawn. Time : 24. : . -'MS , 2:13. : 2:10 : , 2:17i : , 2:1 : ! ) . ts.0 M stakn for 2:3(1 ( trotters : Pat Downing won. Pedro It second , Canary Ilird third , Al- hamlira fourth , Nluht nalo tlfth. ( Jarnet sixth , Waliasli seventh. Waumcga clKht. An drew Allison ninth. Time : 2:20 : , 2:22U. : 2:19. : Dentil oT Or vor Goldsmith. Ntw : Yonic , Aug. 20. James H. Goldsmith , who died yesterday at the Old Walnut Orove stud farm \Vnshingtonville , Orange county , was ono of the most respected men on the trotting track and his ttiousnnds of friends throughout the country will regret his early death. lie was only 42 years old. Nervous prostration really caused "his doatn. Mr. Goldsmith was known ns the best driver in the United States and last year broke nil records on tbo grand circuit , Including his own of the previous year. Mr. Goldsmith was born in the house in wblcli ho died , tbo fifth of the lino. _ Charter O.ik Knees. HtiiTFOiiu , Conn. , Aug. 29. There were four races nt Charter Oak park this after noon : Tiottlnz , 2:21 class. Illinois Kebcrt won , Fred Kolcor second , Dynamite third. Hust time : 2:20. : Kreu-for-all . Hal Yolo - - pace. pointer won , Maid second' Johnston third. Host time : 2I' ; ' . I'ree-for-all. trotting : Kosolund Wllkes won. Waller K second. Host time : 2:1b& : . 2V7 : class , trotting : Archlu II won , Lady Thompson second , Hulla Wllkes third.- Host tlmo : - : ; " > . Koekct and Goralda , the double team owned by William Noely of Now Haven , boat its iccnrd of 2'SO : by half a second. at I/exin lon. ICy. , Aug. 29. Fair trotting , last day. JiM class : Nellie McGregor won. Dan Wllkos second , liurnuy third. Host tlmo : 2:24 : , Second race , west stake for yearlings , half mile : Tuny V tlrst. Stamplir ' liroiind second. llest time : 1H. : Third race , p.ielng , purse & > 00. Hest three In llvo : liono Ley won , 1' owing Tide bccond , Alike third. Heat time : g:2Hj. : Close ol ° llio To ii run in out , The state tennis tourney closed Friday after throe days of consecutive playtnc. Largo and enthusiastic crowds of the friends of the aspirants were present throughout on- conn ) in UK their favorites. The local ontnos were Wilbur ana Uakor , Carter and StlKer , Doano and Guloii , A. and C. Kountzo , Donlso nnd Goorto McCuguo , Murray and Foyu , Dickey and McCaj-ue , Jsgood and Morrow , Hlchardson and Drown. liuttin nnd Ko erH defaulted. The state was represented by Crete , who sent Messrs , Glllson nnd Love-land , Lincoln by Northam and Hardy , Hastings by Drown nnd O'ivor. Iu tbo preliminaries it soon became evident who would be "In it , " Hustings and Lincoln soon went down before the local rnckutcrs , Donlso. McCiijruo and Osgood. Morrow put up smashing games lu the llrst play off. Alter tuo llrst day's play the contest narrowed down to O.sgood and Morrow , Gillcson and Loveland , Doano and Guiou. In thu Iliads Doano and Gulou had a "walk over" with the Hastings loam , and then they compelled O.sgood nnd Morrow to succumb. Score ; 1-0 , 7-5 , 0-1 , ( Wl. This give.s Doano and Gulou , of whom nil local players nro 1m- monm.'ly proud , the state championship in doublcti for three consooutlvo yean. They [ iut up the cle.moit cut and mo it scloutitla . nine overseen on the Ilarnoystruot grounds. The prUos are ulopaut silver racket plnten , sultablv Inscribed , donated by the State [ .awn Tennis association. In the mixed doubles Lane Denlsu nnd his fair partner. Miss Brown , had little trouble in cnnturinir the prize. Score : 0-1 , IKI. The other entries wcro : Miss Stone nnd F. Morrow , MIvs Vuughan und C. Taylor , G. McCnzuo and Miss McLuIn , H. McCuguu and Miss McKoll. Miss McKoll plavcd the bust Individual won : among thu ladies , and Donna und Denlto Handled tha racket most brilliantly imong the gentlemen. The Judges were [ 'rof. Sheldon , H. Hntlln nud J. Cookson. At present , Duana and Gulou hold thu chammonship of the state , L. Dcnlsu U the champion Individual player of Omaha , und Win Osgood holds the club honors In shinies , MUs Vaughan holds tbeso honors among the udlos. The success of thu tourney Is duo the Indofatlgabio elfort.s of Mt-ssts. Iltown , [ lattlu , Osj-'ood , Slioldon nnd Toyo. | ) | H ipnoiiitod of CI.MIKS , Nob. , Aug. 2'J. [ Special Tele gram to Tint Huit.J The Genoa Indian club , : emi > o.sod of six broKen down wblto pro- 'osslonuls and thrco poor forlorn indlun leldors for n tiguro hcud , visited I'larki oday and scooped tbo Clurks' nine of local ilsyers uy u score of 10 to " . A largo crowd vitnojseil the game , but were dlsnnpulnted at failing to see the Indian ball club as adver tised , \\lll llavon IiOiieuo Oainu. FIIIMOST : , Nob. , Aug. U'J.-fSpoolnl to TIIK : ) ei.JTho : management of the Fremont laio I Jail iviAOCiation lias arranged for a ( jatno on the homo grounds Monday with the Duinha league team. 11 u expectoa this con test will druw u big crowd of cranks in IhU section , It being the only tfamo of the season with a league toum. BOARD OF EDUCATION MEETING Site Selected for the Sherman Street School Repairs to School Property , f' MR , KELLEY'S ' AND THE CHAIRMAN'S ROW , ' Mndo by AVhloh tt\m Hoard Will Hcnr Some of tlio Kleotlon KxpcnncH llio i ; In Detail. ' There was n special meeting of the Board of Kducatlou last night. The subject of school silos wns n loading topical discussion. The labor union sent in a communication. Inviting the board to participate In the Labor dny demonstration. The Invitation was accepted. The committee on buildings and property reported on the matter of securing a slto for the Sherman school In North Omaha. Tha committee had visited the * lto olTerod by Mr. Jnynos nnd rocomitiumlod thut the board accept the proposition. Mr. Morrison was lu favor of purchasing the slto offered by Mr. Barker , consisting of an ncrn tract. Dr. Glbbs thought the Barker slto was too far south. Mr. Wehror throw bin Inlluenco in favor of the Barker site. Ho declared that Mr. Jnyiics could not furnish u clear title. Mr. Martin favored the Jnynos proposition. Following la the substance of the Jnynui proposition : For lots 21 , 22 , 1SJ and 24 , block 1 , Reunion addition , the owner offered to accept JO cash and the board to asstimo the mortgage of 800 , dated Juno n , IS'.ll ' , and running llvo years. For lots 2'J , 2i : , 21 , 1 , 3 nnd II in sumo block nnd addition ttio owner offered to take $1,200 cash nnd ttio boanl to assume the mortgage of 5100. For lots 21 , 22 , ' „ > ; ! , 21 , 1 , 2 , : i and 1 in same blocknuil addi tion the owntr proposed to take $1,000 cash nnd the bo.trd to assume the niortgvgu of The owner also ngrocd lo donate to the city n strip of ground ton foot wide across , tuo property to bo used as an alloy. Mr. Harkor proposed to sell the board ono aero for $2,000. The Barker property Is about three blocks south of the depot of the Minneapolis ft , St. Paul roads ou the bottoms of North Omaha , while the Jnynos lots are about ono block north of the dcpor. The board flunllv decided to purchase lots 21 , 22 , 211 and 24 In block 1 Sat 1,000 , with the priviloeo of buying lota 1 , ' . ' , 3nd 4lu tha same block if they were desired. The mutter of purchasing furi.nccs for the Pacific iiua the Pleasant schools was taken up. The committee recommended that the contract bo awarded to Lyle Dickey & Co. , but after debating the matter for twenty minutes the report was rejected. if A wrangle ensued over tbe renting of siniUp * buildings near the Pacific school. Mr , Mar tin said that Mr. Stubt had offered to throw off $10 per month on the rooms he had been renting to the board. Mr. Wehror said the Stuht rooms wore not supplied with the conveniences uccossary for school purposes. Dr. Glbbs favored the routine of rooms owned by Mr. Zimmerman on South Uluvenlh street. Ho said thut the three Zimmerman rooms could bo had for $90 PJJSL month. Stuht had been getting ! 5 for oaehN. room. The Stuht rooms were a block nearer > than the Zimmerman rooms , but ho thought tbo latter wore the moro dcsirablo. The matter was linally laid over until Monday night. Superintendent Hamilton submitted a few suggestions with reference to minor matters. Ho said the frame annex at the Center school could bo moved If the board ucsircd to have it on the ground owned by the school district. The building at present stands on land owned by Mr. Kountzo and the boi > rd pays him S7.T u year for the use , of. Ills tfiound. Air. Wnhror declared jnt the building pro jected over the bank fully ton feet and pcoplo had mndo a stable under lu Ho believed that , PIO would move the building upon the ground owned by the school district and for ? 20 moro the b'ulldinc could bo put in coed repair. Super intendent Hamilton thought the building could be made safe and in good repair for loss money wnoro it stood than to move it to the grounds owned by the school district. Mr. Babcock held that the building was absolutely unsafe in its present location. Ho believed'that a severe windstorm would blow thu building down the bank. Mr. Kclley arose lo speaK for the third time upon tbo proposition to move thu build ing. ing."You have apokon several times on _ , question , Mr. Kelley , " said President Goo4- ' ' mail , -and you must sit down unless you put , the consent of all the members to speak again. " "I will not sit down , " retorted Mr. Kelley , growing red in the fnco , "Sit down , Mr. Kelley , " demanded Mr. Goodman , pounding the dusk vigorously. "I will not. " roared Kelloy. "I will speak as often as I please. Other members have spouted all they wished to on this qucsltftt and I will have to sit down. " Mr. Kellay growled as he looked savagely at the presi dent and sank iuto his scut , "out if I had you outside I would set you down d d uuick. " The siiDcrintohdent of buildings was llnally instructed to repair the Center school annex. Mr. Hamilton submitted an estimate la favor of Smead & Co. for material for the Knllom school lurnnces , amounting to $1,800. Tbo committee on clnl'ns recommended tnut tlio estimate bo allowed , The report wai adopted. Mr. Coburn , from the special coir.mlttcu" " * appointed to confer with tlio council committee - tee with reference to uniting In the expense of tlio coming election , asked thu board whether the committee should comnloto the iirniugumontb for joint boards of election clerks and judges. Hu said that the com mittee had not been fully instructed ns to whether the board wished to have clerks und judges separata from thu boards appointed by the city nnd cotintv , or wbotbor c Joint board would bo satisfactory. Ho said the expense of build. In IT booths would bo about $2.0,000 , and it would require over fiOO men lo conduct the election us members of the boards of Judges nnd clerks. The city council coiumiUeo und the county committee thought that the school board should boar about one-fourth pf thu ontlro expense. On motion of Mr. Martin the special com- mlttco wns authorised to complete the arrangement - rangomont with the cnminlttous from the rounlv and city for Hu coming election. The attorney of the board wn * r" the committee. i" , The board then udjournqd to meet next Monday night. Out ) AffiilrH. There was a mooting of the directors of the ( Jinalia Athlotlo club at Prosldonl Amos' ofllco yesterday noon. Sixt.v-llvo applicant * for membership wore voted upon and fifty- ono wcro elected. Work on the club house Is progressing as rapidly us could bo oxpectud. The carpenters will finish their work In nbout n wpok. Plumbers are busy putting In the steam heating apparatus and the gas pipes huvo nlriudy boon laid. The big tree In front of the club houtft , cut down yesterday by order of Presi , ' / . , Amos. Tuts will give n much fuller and Di > < tor view of tlu building from both I'1 ! f teen th nnd Sixteenth streets. Carpenters wrra busv yesterday lining the window * and putting up the ouk doors and stairways , . Oinont men have worked all thn week on the floors In the basement nnd will llnUU by the middle of the coming wcox Considerable of the apparatus for the mala room lm already arrived from Now York , and will ba put In place us soon us the car- ponU'M art ! through. Tlio cvlllng and floors are liatd wood and are nicely oiled No doolnlon has bean reached W thodutoof the opening , but it will piy. , , not bo before September 20 , ns It Is liar < /r > thought ovorythliif can bo arranged bcfora that time. - Annuul dues will commence on Boptoiu 1 und are payable to Secretary Betty. TIT. membership list l growing dally , nua-tuo directors are conlldunt that the 500 mark will bo reached by tha opening ulgbt.