THJB OMAHA DA1JUY BJfiEB SFNDAY , AUGUST 80 , 1891. coxmcr.n riu t PAOE TWBI.VB. 07th Pa.mos ; Taylor , Oth 111. Cav. ; Henry Vonkor , fiOth Ind. ; J M. Van Demon , 09th Jnd.s A. .T. Williams , COth Wis. ; S. If. Wclscr , 15th III. ; Chat. P. Wlnslow. 4th Iowa ; Frank West. Mlh 111. , lllth U. S. Col. ; Jno. Wnlsh , U. S. Marines ; Jno. S. Ward , 1st Neb. cnv. : It. \Ventwortli \ , asth Iowa ; Edwin B. Wclst. 80th Ind. ; Gco. W. Wnld-jn , 47th 111 , ; Gco. W. Wotdon , 47th III. ; Walter 8. Wiley , 33d III. ' 1 ho South Dakota Home. The stnto of South Dakota deiorvodly ranks high In tlio esteem of the soldiers of tholand. She had not mfactyet uecn hon ored with the title of state when she made provisions for tbo accommodation of her fceblo veterans. She has hullt her homo at Hot Spring * and a magnificent homo It Is. It Is a masslvo tone structure as enduring as the hills and tupplled with every convenience to enable Its Inmates to past their day * In retirement and peace , The location was selected with a vlow to both Us usefulness and beauty. It Is a iiourco of fascination to the disabled heroes and readily attract * the attention of vcry visi tor. tor.Tho roster Is as follows : W. V. Lucas , 14th la. , commandant ; John P. Campbell , 1st LI. 7th Ky. Uav. , adjutant ; Hen ] . V. Crum , H2d la. , quartermaster ; D. G. Griffon , 8th N. Y. heavy art. , hospital utownrd. The enrolled inmates are as follows : Win. Uaker , Dlst N. Y. ; Richard W. Barker , 1st WIs. ; Edwin P. Bockloy. 13th la. ; Prod'k. ' Borsch , 7th la. cav. ; Daniel E. Burwoll , Oth Ohio cav. ; Chas. E. Burgoyno , fith Mich. ; Amos 1C. Brown , U2th N. Y. ; And. I. Bolslngor. 2nd Minn. ; Blsscll Case , 44th la. ; Hvron Carey , 18th WIs. ; Abner B. Cole , 2nd Minn , art ; Curtis M. Carpenter , 14th Wli. ; Georuo Cox. : i7th WIs. ; Wm. E. Cook , 32d 111. ; Gninvlllo W. Domaroat , 12nd N. Y. ; Clias , II. Duntoti , 20th Mo. ; Abram Dowall , 23dN. Y.jTbeodoro Englobcrt , Hth Wis.i John Edwards , 8tb Ind. ; Freeman ErvniiH. 10th N. Y. art. ; Patrick Fltzi'orald , BOth N. Y. ; John Fields ( colored ) , 7th MJ. ; Cbas. Pnhionwald , 15th N. Y. ; Richard W. Fowler , 11th Wis. ; Stiles E. Forsha , 7th la. ; Ira B. Ford , 2d 111. cav , ; Uerald Grace , 2d Col. cav. ; James Grlflln , 1st Ore. cav. : Waddy lloovor , 7th Ind. ; Ira Hasting * , 10th It. A. N. Y. ; Albert Uovoy , 2d Minn. : Andrew - drew I. Hedge , Int WIs. Cav. ; Aaron Huff , th U. S. Art. ; Itomnin S. Hough , 4th U. S. Cav. ; Gco. A. IIowoll , 10th N. V. H. A. ; John Harkor , : iith ( Wis. ; Andrew Hall , 12th 111. ; John A. Hall , 10d ! Ohio ; John S. Harp , 00th Ohio ; Augustus Judklns. 2Sth Mich. ; Edward S. Johnson , 1st Minn. ; Lytnan Ivccch , 7th WIs. ; Francis M. Law , 14th Ind. ; Peter Lvnch , 7tb ICans. Cuv. ; John Lucv. 1st Nob. Cuv. ; Lorenzo W. Loot , 120th N. Y. ; Albert O. Locke , 2d Col. Cav. ; Joromlah Mlllnge , 48th 111. ; William Mo- Mlllon , l.'tth U. S. ; Win. E. Miinn , ISth Ind. ; Daniel Mitchell , Hth lowu ; A J. Mattbews , 47th Iowa ; Win. Motcalf , M WIs. Cav. ; Wm. H. Mays , 1st Dis. Col. ; M. I ) . Hichardson , 100th ' 111. ; Stun1) ) H. Matthews , 102dlll. ' Houston Kussoll , 2d T. is. Dra. ; Hubert Rus- BOll , ( Hth 111. ; Pat Ualnoy , lOlh Ohio ; Levi Sumn.avlid Tenn. Cav. ; Samuel Stewart , 17th Maine ; James Stewart , 00th 111. ; James H.Stark. lid Minn. ; Alblan C. Spearin , 11th Mo. ; Nuhomlah Shelly , 4th Ohio ; James M. Thomas , 3rd Col. ; Daniel W. Taft , 51 st WH. ; Bruce Winnoy , 110th N. Y. ; Orson W. Webster , : i7th Wis. ; James H. Wright , 87lh III. ; W. A. Wacner , llth Ohio Cav. ; Charles M. Yellott , 1st Poto. , Ho Brig. STA'iK OKGANIHA/IIOXS. How Soldiers Kcop Alive the Memory of Their Old HoincN. Ono of the most Interesting and valuable features of the soldiers' reunion are the minor gatherings which talto place among toldiers from the various states beyond the Missouri anJ from which they wont forth to battle for their country. These meetings load to the formation of itato associations. Hosiers are made and year by year now names are added to them , wblloycar by year also old names disappear , according as their owners join the great sllrnt army beyond the gravo. The number of those organizations which met at Iho last reunion was larger than over assembled at any preceding gathering. It Is expected that this jenr the number will bo Increased and that several hundred names will be added to the several rosters. The oDIccrs of the state organizations elected at the lastreii'ilon are as follows : Indiana Joseph Butler , president ; W. H. Kaymond , adjutant ; J. W. LlvoringboubO Hastings , ( inaitormuster ; L. B , Willoughby , treasurer ; 1204 members. Iowa VV. S. Uandall. Fall-Held , president ; H. C. Uussell , Schuyler , vlco president ; A. H. Brown , Hastings , secretary ; P , D. Lee , Klwood , treasurer ; 372 [ numbers. West Virginia-J. A. Wear , president ; F. D. Willoughby , secretary and treasurer ; 19(5 ( members. Illinois General C. I. Dllworth , Hastings , president ; J. Leo , vice president , Oxford ; 1,201 , mombors. Kansas II. E. Palmer , Omaha , president ; 842 members. Ohio-S. Wllcox , Scotia , president ; W. P. McLauphlin. Grand Island , secretary ; J. N. Hurd , Howard , treasurer ; Charles F. Man- derson , Omaha , orator ; 470 members. Michigan Miles Warren , Bellwood , do- ccas d , president ; J Brass , Juulata , secre tary ; 141 members. Wisconsin J. H. Culver , Mllford , colonel : C. W. Hyatt , Alma , lieutenant colonel ; George W. King , Wymore , major ; N. J. \Ylnand , Nowmun's Grove , surgeon ; 384 members. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ WOMAN'S KKIjlKF COUPS. Clio Grnwl Auxiliary of Patriotic to the O. A. H. NATIONAL OFFI- cora Sue A. San ders , Illinois , presi J dent ; Margaret R. Wiclions , senior vlco president , Kan sas ; Mary Lyle Rey nolds , junior vlco presidentKentucky ; Armllhi A. Cheney , treasurer , Michigan ; Clara Barton , chap lain , Washington. Executive board Lydla C. Hopkins , Michigan ; Eliza A. Cawken , Oregon ; Ellen M. Putnam , Now York ; Mary M. Brown , Rhode Island ; Bianca L. Muller , Tennessee. Appqlntivo committee Kmmu Stark Hamilton , Mlchl- Nebraska President Mrs. Tlsdell , Kear ney. ney.Tho The Woman's Relief Corps Is now eight years old , though the spirit which prompted Its organization vitalized charity and devo tion to thu soldier lads through Iho dark and lorrowful years of the war. When the boys midudults wcro moving from tholr farms and firesides to the danger and death at the from , ttioy found at every central point , organiza tions of ladles to tender them a refreshing cup ot coffee , n homo-llUu meal , or perhaps u blanket or a coat , which the condition ol iho recipient demanded. When the boys returned on furlough or to repair shattered constitutions they found the tame generous and mother-IlUu attention. When the war had al length , been brought to a close , and the troop * cu no marching home again with glad and joysomo tread to enjoy iho peace ibolr valor had won , ihoy wore welcomed by iho s.voot smile of women and tears of joy suffused the eyes of the an gels who had shed tears of sorrow over their departure. Patriotic WOIIIOII'H KlndneHH. Thcso women associations performed kind nesses which no man can estimate. They performed u labor of love , tbo effect ot which can bo appreciated only by those who wcro directly the recipients ot its benefits. But they acted without concert. Each did its best Independently of any other and It was not until alter the war that the Idea was promulgated of having n systematic or- vanlzatlou which would extend throughout the country. The first aid society , which was called a Woman's Uellol Corps , was auxiliary to Bos- worth Poit No. 1 , of Portland , Ale. This pioneer corpj had printed rules und regula tions as early as 1800. Ten years later Massa chusetts organized n stale society , consoli dating her many corps , and patterning closely After the fmlilou of the Grand Army a * to charters , badges , seals , services , Inspections , etc. To Massachusetts belongs , therefore , the honor of being the first state to organize as A department ; to Maine , that of having the llrst. relief corps. Tbo mon ot the Grand Army themselves were , however , prime fac tors In bringing about the formation and rncognltton of ihose societies after the war. General Sargent , commander of the Massa chusetts Grand Armv In 1878 , called Iho first convontlon of the Massachusetts aid socie ties , by the advlco of his adjutant , James Mcuch , and the department of Massachu setts , organized In 1870 , was the result. Now Hampshire fell in line In 18SO , and Connecti cut In ISb' ' . Approved by the G. A , II. The first resolution looking to the recogni tion of the Woman's Relief Corps by iho Grand Army was Introduced In the four- , tecnth national encampment by J. P. LeverIng - Ing of Massachusetts , In 18SO. At the fit- loosth annual encampment , at Indianapolis in 1881 , tbo resolution given below was adopted : Ituiolvcd , That wo approve of the project of organizing \VoniMI'H National Itnllef Corps. ItcsolTcd , That such Woman's Itollof Corps muy use undwr mich tltlo the word * "Auxil iary to the Uraiul Armv oftho Hopilbllu" by special endorsement of the national encamp ment of the O ran ( I Army of thu Republic. In 1882 Paul Vandcrvoorl , comraander-ln- chlof ot Ibo Grand Army , Issued a call for a national convention of women connected with llie various soldier.1 societies lo assem ble lu Denver at tbo nmo of iho annual en campment of the Grand Army of iho R ( > - publlo. "Thirteen , stales , " says Mr. Fuller , 'losponded to the call , and forty-five ladles signed the charier list , " The work of Iho Massachusetts department was adopted and E. Florence Barker elected first * national president with hradquartcrs at Boston , Among Iho unsettle : ! questions Hint of ollgl- bllliy was finally decided al Minneapolis at Iho second national convcntlpn , July , 1881. The article on eligibility Is " * follows : "Any loyal woman of good moral character and good ropule In Iho community In which she lives , who has not rendered aid or comfort to the nnomios of this republic , aud who shall have attained Iho age of 10 yearn , Is eligible to membership in Iho Woman's Relict Corps , " The li'lrit Departments. The first year closed with fifteen perma nent departments. Kate B. Sherwood of Toledo was elected ul Minneapolis , and a year laior at Portland , Me. , reported the adlillon of nine departments. The ovcnls leading up to the exlstcnco and present size and con ill ton of the order maybe bo briefly summarized as follows : 1. The formation of aid societies In 1S01. 2. Tbo continuance of those in work for Ihe ex-soldlcr aficr the war. 3. The recognition of Bosworth Aid society as an auxiliary to the poJt , under the name of the Woman's Relief corps al Port land , Me. , in 1800. 4. The societies of Maisachusells form a department , 1870. 5. Now Hampshire department organized iii 1880 and Connecticut in 1882. 0. First national convention at Denver ; thirteen states and forty-llvo mombors. 7. Second national conventionMinneapolis , 1881 ; fifteen permanent departraenls ; E. Florence Barker , national president ; 10,000 members. 8. Third natlouHl convention , Portland , Mo. ; Kato B. Sherwood , national president ; twenty-two departments ; 23,000 mombors. 0. Fourth national convention , San Fran cisco ; Sarah E. Fuller , national president ; 33,000 members. 10. Fifth national convontlon nl St. Louis ; Elizabeth D'Arcy Kin no , national president ; 40,000 members. U. Sixth convention at Columbus ; Emma Stark Hampton , national president ; 03,000 , members. 11. Seventh convention at MilwaukccChar- Ity Rush Craig nallonal president , 73,000 members. 13. Elghlh convenlion nt Boslon , Annie Willcumoycr national president , 0'OJO mem bers. 14. Ninth national convention at Delroil , Mary S. McIIenry , nallonal president , 100,000 members. The Good It Has Done. The badge of Ihe order Is Ihe Maltese cross , with a Grand Army ol the Republic center , suspended from a bar pin by n ribbon. The membership badge has the letlers P. C. and L. upon Iho pm. For officers Ihe official lillo is on Iho bar , with n yellow ribbon for the national , red for the deparlmcnl and blue for Iho corps ofilcor. To quote from Iho words of Colonel Smod- bergof California : "Wo shall never know the relief that has been done bv iho relief corps. II cannot bo known. Ills done in such a quiet unobtru sive manner that no ono oven realizes the amount of good. The number of dollars that you reporl as relief lolls us nothing of Ihe ministrations to Iho suffering , Iho sick and Iho dying. Wo only lake il on Irust and ie- liovo thai where there Is a lck , suffering or destitute soldier , widow or orphan , Ibero he relief corps will bo found ministering to thorn. " The ninth annual convention of Iho order was hold In Detroit nt the same tlmo the en campment of the Grand Army of the Ropub- lie took place last month. At that mooting it was decided to carry porpolunlly on the rolls of the association Ihe name of Paul Vandervoorl of Ibis clly , who was formally commapdor-ln-chiof of iho Grand Army of Ibo Republic and ono of the loading organiz ers of Iho Woman's Relief Corps ; as also the name of Clara Barton of the Rod Cross asso ciation. Almost Universal. The corps Is organized In every slalo ex cept Alabama and In nil but three torritorles- The order exists even In Canada , Montreal having a corps atlachod to General Hancock post. There are twonly-sevon corps auxil iary lo colored posls in the southern slates. The lasl report showed 00,800 members m good standing. During the past year 100- 408.50 were expended by corps for relief and $30,075.01 wcro turned over to crnnd army posls. Relief other than money was con- Irlbulcd to the value of $45,234.71 and f5.031.00 were paid for nurses. There is now on hnndl ( > 8,8f0.13. Since the corps was organized f375,287.50 have boon raised and distributed lor the re lief of the soldier , Independently of Ihe sue cor afforded by individual effort. The Order at liome. The order was introduced into Nebraska In April. 1884 , and the state presidents have boon as follows : Louise Ann Merrill , St. Paul ; Lydia M. Bohne , Grand Island ; ErnrnaV. Manchester , Lincoln ; Mary R. Mor gan , Alum ; Mrs. Tisdoll , Kearney. There arc sovonty-two corps In tha stale wpVh a membership of about 2,500 women. SONS OP VETEKANS. A Sketch oftho Origin and Progress ofThlu Organization. DIVISION onicoers for 1801 Colonel , P. P , Corrlck , Stockham ; Lieutenant Colonel , S. S. Hartman , Kearney ; Major , George H. Palmer - mer , P lulls mouth ; Division Council , O. D. Eaton , MjcCool ; C. J. Humphrey , Donlphan , and D. O. Freeman , Omaha. Delegate at Largo to Encampment of Com- inandory lu Chief , John Brown Reeve , Omaha. Staff Officers -Adjutant , E. C. Gruhbs , Stockham ; Quartermaster. C. A , Coats , Stockham ; Surgeon , C , E. bampson , Tecumseh - seh ; Chaplain , Gcorgo W. Hunt , Nelson ; Inspector , P. A. Burrows , Alolon ; Muster ing Onicor , W. S. Jolloy , David City ; Judge Advocate , Guy Livingstone. Plutismouth ; Sergeant Major , O. V. W. Baker , Wahoo ; Quarlormaslor Sergeant , E. J. Warner , Lyons ; Ctork Division Council , A. L. Twl- date , Junlatn ; Inspoctor's Clerk , A , E. Scarl , Columbus ; Assistant Musterlnc Ofll- cor , A. N , Kayos , Cambridge ; Judgu Advo cate's Clerk , George W. Heine , Hooper ; Chief of Staff , J. P , Holllngor , David City. The order of Sous of Veterans was founded In Plltsburg , Pa. , in November , 1831 , by Ma jor A. P. Davis , n prominent comrado'of tht > Grand Army of Iho Republic. Thu charter for the first camp was granted by that state , and that camp ihoro has radiated an Influ ence which has extended throughout the land , There are camps In thirty-four states und Iho District of Columbia , aud the organi zation has nearly 150,000 members. The components of the organization are ; 1. Local organizations known nscuinps. 2. State organizations known as divisions , 3. The national organisation known as the couimandcry-ln-chlef. The order u military In character and cere- menial work , and Is officered in accordance vrlth army regulations. Camps maintain the same order and work as companies ; divisions correspond to regi ments ; and the cotnmandcry-luchief to the nrmy. The captain , first and second lieutenant are elected by ballot. The captain appoints his start as follows : First sergeant , quartermaster - master sergeant , chaplain , color sergeant , sergeant of tbo guard , corporal of the guard , musician , uamp guard and picket guard , Di visions are oDIcorod as n roglmont , com- mondory-ln-chlef as an urmy , The members do not apply the Grand Array of the Republic titles and names bo- Moving they are peculiar to that organiza tion and otpeclally cherished by Its mem bers. Tha principles Inchido n firm belief and trust In Almighty God , and n recognition of His beneficent guidance lu the preservation of tbo llfo and Integrity of the nation ; Must ho Loyal. true alloglau'co to the government of the United States ot America , a respect for and fidelity to Its constitution , laws , and opposi tion to any system or power that In any man ner tends to Impair the efllcioncy and permanency of our national union. The object of the order is to keep green the memories of veteran fathers und their sacrifices to maintain the union , and to promote - mete their Interests and welfare as oppor tunity may ofTor or necessity may demand ; to aid In earring for their helpless and dis abled members ; to extend aid and protoctlon to tholr widows and orphans ; to perpetuate the memory of their heroic dead , and the proper observance ot niomoriu/day ; to aid and assist worthy and needy members of the order ; to Inculcate patriotism , not only amongst the membership , but among all the pcoplo of .tbo land , and to spread and sustain the doctrine of equal rightsuniversal liberty , and Justice to all. The sons , not less than 18 years of ago , of deceased or honorably discharged soldiers , sailors or marines who served In the union nrmy or navy during the civil war of ISOl-fi , who have never borne arms against the gov ernment of the United States , mid the sons of members of iho order , not less than 21 years of ago , are eligible to membership. No ono is oilglblo who has over been con victed of an infamous ctlmc. Camps uro organized by authority of the division coloneland are music-red In by a staff odlcor of the division , or a member of the Grand Army of the Republic selected for that purpose. How to Organize. Upon receipt of an application for a charter the applicant secures the names of at least ten cliglblu mon , and obtains their father's record while In the army. This may be done by reference to the descriptive book of the post If ho bt a member of the Grand Army of the Republic. If ho is not the record may bo obtained from the adjutant general of the btato in whoso regiment ho served during the war or from his honorable discharge papers. The record is generally made com plete. A special committee Is then called for consultation , the .selection of a camp name , and election of officers. The charter fee aud amount for supplies are collected and for warded with thu information that the men are ready for muster. The colonel of the division will detail an oQlcar to do the work. The charter feels $15 , which pays also for a complete sot of books , printed forms , rituals , constitutions , rules and regulations and ono membership badge. It Is customary In places where no camp exists for the Grand Army of the Republic post to appoint a committee from among the comrades" luke the matter In clmrgo of circulating the application for charter and to supervise and encourage the formation of the cam p. The constitution provides that comrades may select five comrades of the Grana Army of the Republic as an advisory com mittee to assist the sons in their work , and in the management of affairs. Thcso comrades are given certificates of honor to this effect. All members of the Grand Army of tbo Republic are privileged to vist any camp In the order aud may remain during the entire ceromony. At tbn twenty-second national encampment of the Grand Army of the Republic , held in Columbus , O. , September , 18SS , the following resolution was adopted : Itcsolvcd , That this encampment endorse theobjocls and purposes of the order of tons of Veterans trilled Status of America , and hereby glvo to thoordur the olllclal recogni tion of the Ornnd Army of the Kopuhllo und recommend that comrades iild and encourage thu Institution of camps of Sons ot Veterans United States of America. At the twenty-third national encampment the following was also adopted : Itcsolvcd , Ity the national encampment of the Grand Army ot thu Kepitbllc , that thu order of the Sons of Veterans United States of America DO and they are hereby rocoxuliud as the order ot Sons of Vefjr.tiH . , . .mlubld thorn " ( Jed speed" In theirnoblo and patriotic work , und we recommend to all sons of ex- union soldiers and sailors , over the agu of IS years , that they unite with that order , so as to bo prepared to take up and carry on the work of fraternity , charity and loyalty and the maintenance of thu foiieral union , saved and preserved by their fathers. How the Order Grows. During the past year the commander-ln- chlof received from all sources $15,74 .58 and reported on hand $3,007.10. At the close of the last year there were in the order 08,531. The ranking during the lust seven administrations was as follows : 18St , 4,310 ; 1883. 8,309 ; 1880 , 10,407 ; 1887 , 27,013 : 1888 , 40,337 ; 1880 , 57,033. The history of the order dates from Jan uary 13 , 1883 , at which tlmo Colonel S. W. Coglizor of Weeping Water , was obligated as provisional colonel of the Nebraska division. That gentleman mustered the first camp In Nebraska in Weeping Water as camp No. 1. The camp was afterwards disbanded und ro- mustered ns Captain H. C. Balrd camp No. O'J. The second camp mustered was that of Charles Mandarsou at Bradshaw , July 18 , 1883. Garllold camp No. 3 was mustered at Dorchester. The first provisional encamp ment , with three camps , was held In Hast ings September 7 , 1883. The following officers were elected and appointed : S. W. Coirllzor , Weeping Water , colonel ; W. A. lieutonant-col- Kolthly , some place , - - oiiol ; E. II. Funk , Bradshaw , major ; H. U. Clark , Dorchester , chaplain ; L. Eberhard , Bradshuw , surgeon ; Messrs. A. Hosklns , J. W. Kolthloy , S. W. Riploy , F. F. Hex ford und Captain Williamson , division council. Fir.jt Nolira&tca I iiouiiipniuiit. The first annual encampment was hold In Fremont January 30 , 1884. Camps from Weeping SVater , Bradshaw , Dorchester , York , Harvard , Wells aud Osceola worn roprosentod. The following officers wcro chosen : Colonel , S. W. Coglizor ; lieutenant colonel , H. G. Clark , Dorchosler ; major , J. F. Knerr ; chaplain , J. W. Foolbacor ; sur geon , I. Ehorhurdt ; division council. F. J. Coates , N. B. Payne , S. L. Carlyle , L. Rig- gins , H. F. Bents. The second encampment was hold In Lin coln , 1885 , and the following oftlccrs were selected : Colonel , H. G. Clark , Dorchester ; Houton- ant colonel , G. M. Fletcher , Lincoln ; major , Gcorgo II. Barber , Edgar ; chaplain , W. E. Smith , Mlndon ; division council , F. J. Par- rott , W. D. Dilworth , W. D. Hart. The third encampment was hold nt Hast ings Mav 13 and U , 1887 , when tbo following were selected : Colonel , B. W. Hawkins , Beaver City ; lieutenant colonel , O. D. Eaton , Davenport ; major , (5. ( W. Sampson , Tecumseh ; surgeon , C.E.Jordan , Red Cloud ; chaplain , C. L. Hamilton , Albion ; adjutant , L. E. Forbes , Beaver City ; quartermaster , O. Proas , Beaver City ; inspector , H. E. Brown , Tocumseh. The fourth encampment was hold at Tecumseh cumseh June 13 , 1888 , and the following were selected : Colonel , A. M. Anpolgat , Tecuinsoh ; lieu tenant colonel , Moses P. O'Brien , Omaha ; major , L. S. Ellsworth. Holdrogc ; adjutant , William Grlmos , Tecuinsoh ; quarter , master ; G. W. Sampson , Tecumseh soh : chaplain , W. H. Hamilton- Albion ; Inspector , O. D , Eaton. Davenport ; Surgeon , S. T. Baldrigo , M. D. , Omaha ; DlvUlon Council , A. J. Coates , Omaha , George H. Palmer , Plattsmouth , und J , W. Morrow , Bloomlngton. At iho IHth encampment , hclu at Hoi- drcgp , the following olucers wore Installed : A. M. Applogtu , Tecuinsoh , colonel ; M , P , O'Brien' , Omaha , lieutenant colonel ; L. S. Ellsworth , iloldrege. major ; C. E. Sampson , apjutant ; J. L. Philips , quartermaster ; b. S. Hartmau , Kearney , chaplain ; Frank J , Coats , Omaha , Inspector ; W. L. LaDoaux , Holdrogc , mustering officer ; D , I ) , Davis , Pnwnco City , judge advocate ; L , E. Forbei , Beaver City , surgeon ; Walter Hamilton. Alqlon , sertreant major : J , W. McAdama , Davenport , quartermaster sergeant ; P. P , Corrlck. Stockham , clerk division council ; C. J. Humphrey , Doulpbnn , Inspector's clerk ; Division Council , H. E. i'almor , Platumoutb , J. T. Walker , Ohlowa , and S. Moftlt , Uorcheiter. Toward the close of his term of office , Col onel Appelgel resigned and the division coun cil assembled In Lltun June 17 , 1800 , and elected Moses P. Q/ilHou / , of Omaha , to fill " ' the vacancy. Colonel O'BrloafOrvod In that capacity during the rctnalnuWpf tbo term. At the itlxth oiiqAmpinont , nt Lincoln , Juno IS , 1890. the ' /allowing officers Were elected ! Frank J. Coates , colonel. Omaha ; P , P. Corrlck , lieutenant colonel , Stockham ; George H. Palmorui Jor , Plattsmouth ; Di vision Council , H. MyLEaton , Davenport , C. J. Humphrey , Donipaan , and Flltnoro Dor- toy , Herman. , „ % Colonel Coates .appointed . the following itaff officers : , Surgeon , Charlo ! L > ( Olds , Fremont ; chap lain , E. D. Gldoon. j&uth Omaha ; Inspector , E. J , Strolght , Lincoln ; mustering officer , J. T. Walker , Ohlowa/ Judge advocate , W. D. Guttory , Wahoo ; sergeant major , P. C. Bush , Western : quartermaster sergeant , W. C. Weltzol , Albion ; clerk division council , A. C. Massey , Geneva ; Inspector's clerk , Frank Smith , Dorchester ; assistant muster officer , George I. Allen , Leigh ; Judge advocate's clerk , G. A. Eberly , Stanton ; olork of staff , Wm. A , Manchester , Lincoln ; quartermaster , J. B. Reeve , Omaha. D. O. Freeman , adjutant , Omaha , resigned March 1 , 1801 and John L. Gldoon was ap pointed in his stead. The seventh encampment and the first Hold encampment of the order was hold last Juno In Geneva and the names of officers elected appear at the head ot this article. The Camps Now In NohrimKn. At tht- present tlmo there are lOt camps in the division with n membership of about 8000. Of those camps , fitly were mustered the past year aud tbo location of all is ns follows i No. 1 , Omaha ; 2 , Crete ; 3 , DorcheUor : 4 , Spring Ranch : 5 , Beaver Crossing ; 0 ; Ulysos ; 7 , Oakdnlo ; 8 , Chester ; 10 , Frlond ; II , Schu.vlor ; li ! , Wahoo ; 13 , Lexington ; 15 , Bennett ; lit , Geneva ; 10 , Lincoln ; ' . ' 0 , Hust ings ; 2' ' , Bhulen ; 23 , Red Cloud ; : M , Beatrice ; 30. Beaver City ; 33 , Tecuinsoh ; 31 , St. Ed wards ; ! I3 , Albion ; 30 , Hardy ; 37. Daven port : 38 , Osceola ; 30 , Ewlng : 40 , bt. Paul ; 4 , ' , Holdrogo ; 44 , Crolghton ; 40. Doniphau ; 47 , Wllbor ; 4S , Stockham ; 40 , Kingston : 50 , Platlsmoulh ; 51 , Kearney ; 5' ' , Ponder ; 30 , Shlckloy ; 57 , Alklnson ; 58 , Adams ; 50. Ris ing ; (51 ( , Bnrtlett ; O'J , Weeping Water ; 03 , Ohlowa ; 01 , Nelson ; G5 , Palmyra ; CO , Strai ten ; 07 , Table Rock ; OS , Indiaiiola ; 00 , Exeter - otor ; 71 , Pawnee City ; 72 , South Omaha ; 73 , Vacoma ; 74 , Alexandria ; 75 , West ern ; 70 , Leigh ; 77 , Stnnton ; 78 , Harvard : 70 , Plniuvlcw ; 80 , Lltchficld ; 81 , Grand Island ; S3 , Claries ; 84. Norfolk : S3 , Juniata ; 80 , Callnway ; b" , Greenwood ; 8'J , Central City : 00 , David City ; 01 , Hebron ; 02 , Slorllng ; iw , Madrid ; 0 , Crawford ; 03 , Co/ad ; HO. Palisade ; 07 , DoWlll ; 93 , Wayne ; 90 , Noligh ; 100 , McCook ; 101 , Bralnnrd ; 102 , Petersburg ; 103 , Blair ; 10 , Tobias ; 103 , Fullerton - lerton ; lot ) , Auburn ; 103 , Calno's school house ; 100 , Clay Couter ; 110 , Crab Orchard ; III , Diller ; 112 , Falrbury ; 113 , Bassolt ; 114 , Lusblon ; 115 , Ayr ; 110 , Lyon ; 117 , Craig ; 118 , Papillion ; 110 , Hooper ; 120 , Tonamau ; 121 , Sicily ; 122 , Republican CIlv ; 123 , Campbell - boll ; 124. Madison ; 125 , Nebraska City : 120 , Tuylor ; 127 , Wilsonvillo ; 128 , Falls City ; 120 , Grecley ; 130 , Reynolds ; 131. Sutlon ; 132 , Springfield ; 183 , Syracuse ; 134 , Columbus. There ore now in Iho slate 2,3(0 members in camps of the Sons of Veterans. The next annual encampment will be held at David City. Juno , 1802. Over $300 in prizes will be given to the host drilled camp. Imclics' Aid t ooloty. In connection wit ! } , the Sons of Veterans there is an auxiliary association known as the Ladies' Aid society. It is composed of sisters , wives and female friends of the Sons of Veterans. The last encampment was hold at Minneapolis on the 25th lusi. , and It was shown that there \vas a division in existence in almost every stajlo. Tno object of the order is the same in connection with the Sons ot Veterans as that of the Woman's Relief Corps in connection with the Grand Armv of the Republic. In this stale Ihoro is a num ber of branches of Iho order , but there is no division organization. ' UNION VETl'JUANS' ' UNION. Another SoldicrtT Organization Intro duced toithe State. THIS organization was Introduced in Nebraska' in the spring of 1880. Each branch is known as n command and is officered after the style of u regiment. There is only ono command in the state , that of J. W. Savairo , No. 1 , in Omaha. It is offi cered as follows : Colonel command ing , E. Bartlett ; lieutenant , colonel , J. S. Mlllor ; Major , Ed Shaw ; quartermaster , W. H. Plainer ; quartermaster sergeant , D. O. Clements ; sergeant major , Brown ; oDlcer of the day , A. F. Masterman ; officer of the guard , J. Gard ; chaplain , A. Allen ; 'surgeon , W. Brewer. Representatives to national encampment at Cleveland , 1801 , Colonel Edraond Bartlett , Colonel G. H. Fitch , aid-do-camp to na tional commander-in-cbiof aud mustering ofilcor for Nebraska. Colonel Fitch has received requests from South Omaha , Heel Cloud and other places In the stale to muster commands. The order has commands In a number of states , among the latter being Michigan , Ohio , Pennsylvania , New York , Washing ton , Maryland , California , Colorado , Oivgou , Minnesota and Illinois. There is an honorary degree connected with it as also a laalos auxiliary , but neither of Ihcso has been established in Ibis stato. The Olijcct or the Union. The object ot Iho Union Velorans' Union , ns announced by Iho constitution , is to preserve - servo and perpetuate the principles for which veterans contended on so many fioli'.s ; to secure recognition of thu rights of union soldiers to positions of publio trust und pref erence over others for employment by "both government and individuals , otnor llnngs be ing equal ; lo demand of Iho government a proper appreciation of their services and a just recognition of their claims ; to support , aid and assist in electing to positions of pub- He trust any and all true frlonds of tbo union soldier , Irrespective ot politics , creed or party , to oxlond to comrades widows aud orphans thai charily lhal knows no end. The badgoof Iho order Is a metallic button with an ambosscd star , the spaces between tbo points of which are filled with rod , blue and yellow , emblematic- the three arms of the sarvlco , , The national headquarters at the lime at which this mottor Is prepared are at Cleve land , O The natlon'al officers are : Commandor-ln-chlof , W. T. Clark , Clovo- landdopuly ; , E. BniPutnam , Chelsea ; second end deputy , W. H. Smllh , SI. Glair ; Mich. ; surircon urone.alVj -M. Crosby , Bingbum- ton , N. Y. ; chaplain , J. A. Anderson , Wash ington , Pa. : udjutapt gonaral , George A. MoKuy ; assistant adjutant goncnil , P. R. B > > llquartermastoriganoral ; , A. P. Fall-bank ; asslstanlquurtann an lor general , LovlBauder , all of Clevolnnd ; JUdce advocate , W. E. Rogers , Washington , D. C. WOIIIHII'H V ! tirin Kolief Union. This union U auxiliary to thai of iho velerans. Any woman of good moral char- nclor , holding Iho' JVolatlonshlp of wife , ' mother , daughter , a 'lur , grand-daughter or daughter-in-law to atoldior , sailor or marine who did honorable . ' service for the United States government during the war of the re bellion , for u period of not losi than six months ( unless sooner discharged by reason of wounds received In action ) , shall bo ellirl- bio to membership In the organization. Part of said service must have been nt thn front. The object is to aid and comfort deserving union soldiers , sailors and marines , their widows und orphans and parents In time of sickness and distress ; second , to assUt Iho comrades of the Union Veterans' Union in the enjoyment of a more social and closer bond of friendship , The national headquarters are nt Blooming- ton. III. The oQIcors are as follows : National president , Mary C. Bloomer ; senior vlco president , Sarah Fisher , Byron , Mich. ; Junior vlco president , Murv Stai-loy , Llpsic , O. ; conductress , Amelia Holllnsbcad. Defiance , O. : chaplain , Maria Swlck , Byron , Mich. : treasurer , Eldoru Hallott , Bloomlcg- ton , III. ; secretary , Jennie ICoehler , BloomIngton - Ington , 111. ; inner guard , Kale Bon a r , Cleveland - land , O. ; outer guard , ttmlly Norcross , East Sa.inaw , Mich. THE \'irri3R\N8' KUIENDS. They Are Found In n Number of Self * Sncrlflclnc Association * . Besides tbo soldiers' associations above mentioned , there ftro several others In this country which aim to ameliorate the condi tion of boys who were the blue , both during the late rebellion and lit the ranks of the reg ular army. Among these are the following : Ex-Prisoners of VVur , which hold Its las' ' annual meeting In Detroit on August 5. A report ot a commlttoo was adopted , embody ing a bill to bo ptosented at the next session of congress In behalf of soldiers who were In prison for n period of not loss than sixty days or more , providing that they shall receive $ : from the government for every day of tholr confinement. Tno following are the officers : President , S. M , Long , East Orange , N. J. ; vlco prosl dunt , Major Marlon T. Anderson , District of Columbia ; chaplain , John S. Fcrguion , Kco kuk , la. ; historian , Warren Lee , Norwich , Conn. ; executive committee , R , P , Wilson , Ohio ; C. W. Pauoy , Illinois ; George W. Grain , Minnesota ; 10. H. Ripples , Pennsyl vania , Nuvnl Veterans. The officers of the association are as fol lows : Rear admiral , W , S. Wells , Now Haven , Conn. ; commodore , B. P. Osbon , Now York ; Captain , D , B. Hubbnrd , Chicago ; commo dore , \V. E , Atkins , Cincinnati ; lioutenanl commodore. William H. Place , Providence , R. I. ; senior lieutenant , A , L , Lowe , Texas : junior lieutenant , J. W , Keel , Columbus , O. : paymaster , A. G , Forticl , Buffalo ; surgeon , A. T. Schurlzor , Baltimore. chaplain , Kobori E. Edwards , Now York. The Silent Army. This Is composed of veterans who are deaf and without hope of being relieved. At Its last encampment it decided to lay thu matter of its pension claims before the pension com mittee of the Grand Army. The principal object of Iho reunion , however , was to give these men a chance lo find some social enjoyment in a mithorlng that .vould bo un interesting to them under ordinary circum stances. Hardly ono in ton of these veterans Is able to do anything for his own support , and yet the pension rate for total deaf ness is less than half of that for the loss of both arms or both legs. The Maimed Soldiers' League. Of those unfortunates there are nhoutclght thousand banded together. The president is Isaac R. ftlartindell of Philadelphia. The membership of the society is increasing con stantly , < > ! ' the G. A. II. This Is purely n charitable organization , confining ils ministrations to tbo members of soldiers' families. It admits to membership a soldier's mother , widow.wife.sister or daugh ter and all ex-soldiers and marines. It Isnow In the fifth year of its national organization , has about twenly thousand motnuars. Ils ran its wore increased lasi year by Iho acces sion of 200 circles. Ils revenues are derived from dues , donations and proceeds of enter- tainmcnls. The national officers are : M. J. Cartledgo , Kansas , president ; Alice Bishop , Massachusollr. S. V. P. ; Neltle Sanford , Chnpin.Ia. , J , V. P. ; Annie Grubo , Now York , treasurer ; Alon/o Page , Illinois , chaplain. or Veterans. This organization , as Its name implies , Is composed exclusively of daughters of men who served In the late war. It has not yet extended through the country , and in Ne braska there have been organised only three "touts" as their branches are termed , One of Ihcso lents Is established at Kearney , another at Grand Island and the lusl nt Nebraska City. Some posts ot the Grand Army of the Republic in this stale have en couraged Iho order by recognizing and bid ding It God spued in its work. Tno repre sentative of the national association in this stale is Miss Myro Yost of Kearney. 1'HK I.OVAIj LiLG.ON. Perpetuating the Fellowship Formed by Companionship in Arms. THE ordci of the Loyal Legion is an other of the military asso- ciallons of Iho United States which has been Institut ed In the stale of Nebraska. The objccls jro lo cherish the memories and associa tions of the war waged in defence of the unity and in divisibility of tbo republic ; strengthen the ties of frater nal fellowship and sympathy formed by cympanlonshlp-in-arra > ; navanco the best Interests of the saldloiM and sailors of the Unllod Slalos , ospacially of Ihoso associated as companions of Ihis order , und oxlond all possible relief lo Ihol r widows and children ; foster the cultivation of military and naval science ; cnfoivo allegiance to the general government ; protect the rights and liberties of American citizenship and maintain na tional honor , union and independence , The order Is composed of slate command- erics and a national commandcry. It has memberships of several classes. Those of the first class are honorably discharged com missioned officers of i ho United Stales army , navy and marine corps , regular or volun teer including officers of assimilating or cor responding rank by appointment of the sec retary of war or navy who were actually en gaged in the suppression of the rebellion prior to April 15 , 1805 , and whose names ap pear in the official registers of the United blnlos army und navy and volunteer forces or who served under the president's call of April 15 , 1801 ; or who , having served as non-commissioned ofllcora. warrant officers or enlisted men during the renellion , have since been commissioned as officers of Iho Unllod Slales armv , navy or marl no corps or were commissioned as ofTlcors in Iho volun teer force prior lo Iho 20lh day of Auuusl , IbOO : also persons having served as noncommissioned - missioned officers , warrant officers or enlist ed men who shall have become eligible to membership by Inheritance from officers not members of tbo order , but who were eligible ns such who shall have dlod prior to the 31si day of Ujcembar , 180J. Another class eligible is Iho oldosl dlrecl male lineal descendants , according lo thu rules of primogeniture , of deceased original companions of iho llrsl-class , and of oltlcm not members of ibo order , bul who were ele- gible as such , who shall have died prior lo Iho 31st day of December , IbOJ ; and If there are no such descendants , then thu male heirs of such deceased companions orollloersln the collateral branches of their famlllos in Iho order of genealogical succession accord ing lo Iho ruloj of priinogonllure , disregard ing Intervening female lives , Members of Iho second class are the oldcsl sons of living original companions ot the Ural class who have attained the ago of 21 years. Upon the death of his father , a com panion of the second class shall become a companion of the first clasi , and bo so an nounced to the order by circular. Compan ions of thu second class shall have the rlghl to vote In all cases except In elections for membership in Iho class , The third class comprises gentlemen who , in civil life , during the rebellion , were specially distinguished for conspicuous and consistent loyalty to the national government and were active and eminent in maintaining the suproniHoy of the same ; bul Iho number of companions of thu third class In any commandory shall not exceed the ratio of ono to thlrly-Uiroo of tnose of the first class. Provided , however , that no companion of the third class shall bo elected after tbo 15th day of April , IbOO. Any gentleman who was ongaecd In the lupprcsslon of the rebellion prior to April 15 , lbti. % serving upon staff duty without com mission , may bo elected a companlon-at-largo upon Iho nomination of a slate coinmandvry , and election by the commandery-ln-chluf. Such nomination shall only be made upon due application aud inveiU.&Uon , _ ud by unnnlmous favorable ballot of the compan ions present at the mooting when the report of the committee of Investigation Is .submit ted. Upon notlficattoa of the nomination the commacdory-ln-chlef , after further Investi gation , shall act upon the nomination. The vote shall bo by ballot , and ono adverse bal lot shall reject. A companlon-nt-largo shall become an original companion of the first class , upon affiliation with the state commau- dery by which he was nominated , and shall receive the diploma aud Insignia of the or der. der.A A congress of the order composed of the comnmmlor-ln-chiof , recordcr-in-ohlof , and three reprosentatlves from each commandory assembles at least onoo In every four years , on the Wednesday next following the ninth day of April , nt such place as shall have boon designated by the preceding copgross. The headquarters of the commandor-ln- chief are In the city of Philadelphia , Pa. , and It , there assembles nt least once In every two years. Meetings are hold in alternnto years at such places as tuny bo designated at preceding - ceding stated meetings. Tbo councll-ln- chlof moots annually. The funds for the expenses of the order , and for purposes of relief , shall bo raised by an annual assessment of at least f3 upon ouch companion , which shall be paid In advance. Any companion who shall pay at out tlmo (150 In addition to his admission fee , shall be exempt from the payment of nil further dues , and all sums so paid shall bo transferred Immediately to the treasurer for Investment In such securities as shall be approved by the board of officers. Relief may bo afforded to needy com panions or the widows and orphans of da- ceased companions. The board of officers , nt Us first meeting after Installation , shall ap point nine companions , to bo aporovod by the coramnndery , ns a ruliof commlttoo , to servo for ono year from such approval , to which committee all applications for n-liof shall bo referred. The commltlco may afford asslsl- uuco In cases which admit of no delay , which shall bo reported to the board of officers at Its next mooting. The expenses for such assistance shall bo paid bv nn order on the treasurer , duly signed and nltestod , bul Iho said committee shall lucurno other expenses , except by resolution of iho commaudery. The llm officers of Iho Nebraska com- mandery were elected ul the organization of the same , December 17 , 1885 , and sorvca ut'tll May 4. IbS * . They were as follows : Colonel James W. Savage. Omaha , com- inundor ; Captain W J. ' Broalch , senior vlco commander ; Brevet Brigadier General Amaaa Cobb , Lincoln , junior vlco comman der : Major J. M. Brown , rccordoi ; Captain W. H. Ijams , Omaha , registrar ; Lieutenant William Wallace , Omaha , treasurer ; Captain F. E. Moores , chancellor ; council , Lioulonnnl E. S. Dudley , Captain H. E. Palmer , Captain Church Howe , Acting Ensign W. H. Michaels , Captain Gcorgo M. Humphrey. The officers who served from Mny , lbS7 , to May , IbSS , are as follows : Commander , Uaptuiy William J. Broatch , Omaha ; senior vice commander , Brevet Major General John P , Hawkins ; Junior vice commander , Captain George M. Humphrey ; recorder , Major J. Morris Brown ; registrar , Major Horace Ludlngtonr : treasHior.Llnuten- ant William Wallace ; chancellor , Capluin Frank E. Moores ; chaplain , lieutenant Roborl N McKaiij ; council , Lieutenant Colonel Samuel S. Curtis , Omaha ; Captain Henri' E. Palmer , Omaha ; Captain John R. Manchester , Omaha ; Lleutonanl Edgar S. Dudley , U. S. A , , Lincoln ; Lieutenant Nathan S. Harwood , Lincoln , Tno officers for 1SS8-0 were ns follows : ComraandorCaptain George M. Humphrey ; Major T. II , Clarkson , senior vlco com- inundcr ; Major J. Nelson , G. Franklinjunior , vice commander ; ftlnjor J.M.Brownrecorder ; Major H. Ludlnclon , Omaha , registrar ; Liotitcntntit W. Wallace , Omaha , treasurer ; Captain F. E. Mooros , Omaha , chancellor : Lleutenanl Roborl N. MpKaig , chaplain. Council Major J. W. Paddoclt , Omaha ; Lioutenanl N. S. Harwood , Lincoln ; Cap- lain H. E. Palmer , Omaha ; Colonel S. S. Curlis , Omaha ; Brvt Brigadier Generals. Brcclc , Washington , Tbo uoxl officers for ISbO-OO were ns fol lows : Major Thaddeus S. Clarkson , Omaha , com mander ; Major Nelson G. Franklin , senior vlco commander : Major Joseph W. 1'addock , junior vice commanuer ; Major I. Morris Brown , U. S. A. , re signed Juno 21 , 1880 ; Major Hornctt Luddington , recorder ; Major John B. Dennis - nis , registrar : Lieutenant William Wallace , treasurer ; Caplain Frank E. . Moores , chan cellor. Council Colonel Samuel Brock , re signed , September , IbS ! ) ; Lieutenant John U. Furay , Lluulenanl Colonel Samuel K Curtis , Lieutenant William' ' L. Wilson , Lieutenant Nathan S. Harwood , Caplain John R. Man chester. The officers for 1SOO and 1801 were as fol lows : Commander * Brevet Brigadier General Amaba Cobb , Lincoln ; Major Joseph W. Pad dock , S. V. C. , Omaha ; Lieutenant William L. Wilson , S. V. C. , Nebraska City ; Major Horace Ludington , recorder , Omaha : Major John B. Dennis , registrar , Omaha ; Lieuten ant William Wallace , treasurer , Omaha ; Captain Frank E. Mooros , chancellor , Omaha. At thoannual election of officers , hold May 0 , IbOl , the following were elected for tbo en suing year : Commander , Major Joseph W , 1'addock , U. S. Vols. ; Senior Vice-Commander , Briga dier General John R. Brooke , U. S. A. ; Jun ior Vice-Commander , Lieutenant Nalhan S. Harwood , U. S. Vols. ; Recorder , Major and Surgeon Horace Ludlnglon , U. S. Vols. ; Registrar , Brevet Brigadier General John B. Dennis , U. S. Vols. : Treasurer , Captain James S. Franco , U. S. Vols. ; Chancellor , Captain Frank E. Mooros , U. S. Vols. Council Lieutenant William F. Bcchol. Captain Heury E. Palmer , Captain Edward C. Jackion , Blair ; Lieutenant. . George E. PrituhaU , Brevet Major Charles W. Pierce , Lincoln. The following list includes Ihc names and residence of all Iho member * of the Nebraska commandery , and shows tbo arm of the serv ice in which ihoy were engaged during the war und the class of membership which they enjoy In the Loyal Legion. William R. Abercrorabio. 1st llout , sd U. S. I. , b ; Inheritance. Fort Omaha ; Abraham Alice , capt. Kith 111. , cav. Omaha ; LulhorT. Ames , capt. 2d U. S. I , , Fort Omaha ; George Armstrong , ma ] , 1st Nob. vol. cav. , bvt , col. U. S. V. , Omaha ; Jonn W. Barriger , maj. sub. dept. , bvt. brig. gen. U. S. A. , St. Louis , Mo. ; Dol- ovun Bates , col. 30th U. S. C. I. , bvt. brig , gen. U. S. V. , Aurora , Nou. ; Solomon W. Beardsiey , 1st llout. I51th N. Y. V. I. , Cheney - noy , Nob. ; William F. Bochel.lst lleul. 107th O. V. I. , Omaha ; John T. Boll,2d lleut. Iowa V. 1. , Sun Jose , Cal. ; Uan'lV. ' . Uoiiham , maj. 7ih U , S. I. , Omaha ; Henry H. Ben son , capt. 8th Iowa V. I. , Omaha ; William R. Bowen , 1st llout. 1st Neb. vol. rav. , bvt. capt. U. S. V. , Omaha ; Oliver P. Brlcgs , 1st llout. and R. Q. M. 19th Mass. V. I. . Seatllo. Wabh. ; William J. Broatch , late capt. 40th U. S. I. , Omaha ; J. Morris Brown , major and surgeon , U.S. A. , Ft. Mcado , S. 1) . ; John R Brooke , brig. gen. U. S. A , , bvt.maj. gen. U. S , V. ; Franklin B. Bryunl , 1st llout. and R. Q. M. 12th WIs. V. I , Omaha ; Thomas Burrell , 1st It. IS'Jth ' N. Y. V. 1. . Columbia , i. T. ; William P. Carlln , col. 4th U. S. I. , bvt. maj. L'on. U. S. A , , Fl. Sherman , Idaho ; John L. Jarbon , oapl , A. C. S. U. S. V. , Brownsville , . Nob. , James O. Carter , 1st llout and nsst. surgeon ItUd O. V. I. , Lincoln , Nob. : John S. Caulllold , 1st llout. lllth 111. V. I. . Omaha ; Thaddeus S. Clarkson , maj. 3rd Ark. Vol. cuv. , Omaha ; Amusii Cobb , col 5th und 43d Wis , V. I. , bvl. brig. gen. U. S. V. , Lincoln ; William Coburn , 2d Hunt. 3d U. S. V. I , Lincoln ; Victor H. C'oITman , maj. and surgeon 31th Iowa , V. I. bvl , 11. col. U. S. V , , Omaha ; Gooriro W. Cook , 1st. It. and adjt. 170th N. Y. V. I. , Omaha ; Harrison W. Jroujcr , capt , 7th Iowa V. I. , bvt. It. col. U. S. V. , Omaha ; Samuel S. Curtis , It. col. 3rd col. vol. cav. , Omaha ; John B. UounU , ma ] , pay dopt. , bvl , brig. gun. U , S. V. , Omaha ; William A. Douel , cant. 12th Mich. V. I. , Pu eblo , Col. ; John J. Dlckoy by Inherlt- aiice , from200t , Omaha ; John B. Dlnsmoro. -d. : It. Oth N. Y. V. C. , Sutlon , Nob. ; Daniel Kocond class , Salt Lake City , Utah ; icorgu M. Downov , Capt. 21st U. S. I. , bvt. ma ) , gen. U. S. A. , Salt Lake City , Jtuh ; James S , Franco , Capt , 17th'N. V. Vet. V. I. , Omaha ; NeUon G. PranKlln , Major 45th O. V. I. , Omaha ; Culviu U. Fred erick , Lt. Col. With III. V. I. : uvt. brltf. gen , ] . S. V.Omuha ; John B. Furay , 1st Lt. llth Jhlo V. Cav , Omaha ; Robert W. Purnas , Col. 2d Neb , Vol. Cav. , Brownsville , Neb , ; lohn A. Gordon , Cupt. 15thVU. . V L , Omaha ; John Grant , 2a Lt. .Vith N. J. V. I. , Omuhii ; Nicholas Grousol , Col. 30th III. V. 1. , Ml. Pleasant. la. ; Charles L. Hull , by Inhor- lance , Lincoln. Nob. ; Do LOJ E. Hall , Major J7th N. Y. V. I , , Pocntollo. Idaho ; Robert H. Hall , Lt , Col llth U. S. I. , Los Angeloa , Cal. , Nathan S. Harwood , Ht. Lt. lOlh Iowa V. I , Lincoln , Nub. ; John E Hill , Cupt. llth Ohio V. I. , Beatrice , Nob. ; Charles A. Holmes , CauU 2'Jth Wu. V. I. , Tecumaeb , Nob. i John t'S ' S. Hoover , Major and A. D. C. U. S. V.i or * col. U. S. V. . Blue Hill , Nob. ; Othnlel Horns. lst.Lt.andAdJt,100thIII.V. I.SvracuioNob. | Church Howe , Ca l. liilh Mass. V. I. , bvU maj. U. S. T. , Auburn , Nob. ; Gcorgo M. Humphroy , CatU. 42nd Wis. V. I. , Pawnee City , Nob. ; Chauucoy W. Hyatt , lit Lieut. 3sth WIs. V. I. , Fremont , Nob. ; SVIIHnm H. Ijains. Capt. 30th O. V. I. , Omaha ; Jacob W. Her , Capt. 4lUh O. V. I. , Omaha ; Edward J C. Jackion , Capt , 123th N. Y. V. I. , Blair , f Nob. ; John Jensen , 2nd Lieut. 12th U. S. O. II. A , , Geneva , Neb. : Samuel B. Jones , 2nd Llout , llth Vor. V. I. , Chicago. ! ; Simeon T. Jossolyn , 1st Llout , 15th 111. V. I. , Omaha ; Joseph Kooffo , Capt. 4th U. S. I. , Fort Spokane , Wash , ; Joseph J. Kelly , Col. 107 III. V. I. , Lincoln. Nob. ; William 1 _ Kelly , second class , Omaha ; William H. Kill- gore , 1st Llout , 1st Pcnn. LI. Arl'y , Kear ney. Neb ; Nulhan Klmball. Brlif , Gon. U. S , V. Bvt. Maj. Ocn. U. S. V. , Ogden , Utah ; ' James T. Ktnslur. 1st Llout. and Asit , sura , \ goon 104th N. Y. V. I. , Omaha ; bouts H. Korty , third class , Omnhu ; G. M. Lambortson , by Inheritance , Lincoln , Nob. ; Theo. P. Livingston , by Inheritance. Phittsmouth ; Horace Ludington , major und surgeon , 100th Pn. V. I , , Omaha ; Edw. Lynch , Ut Lt. 8th U. S. I. , Ft. Niohrara ; Jno. R. Manchester , Cnpt. , 07th N. Y. V. I. , Omaha ; Goo. O. Masten , 1st Lt. With N. Y. V. 1. , Choyeniio , Wvo. ; Samuel I > . Mercer , 1st U. , a s't. surgeon , HOtll 111. . Omaha ; Jesse S. Miller , MuJ. , llth Wis. , Omaha ; C. S. Montgomery , second class , Omaha ; M. Montgomery , Col , 251U WI& . , Brvt. Brig. Ocn. , U. S. V , Albion ; P. E Moores , Capt. , Sin Ohio , Omaha ; S. H. Maiflson , Isl Lt. , 2nd WIs. , Nebraska Cltvj Thos. Mulcahy , Lt. Col. , Kl'Jth ' N. Y. , Omaha ; J. C. Mcllride , Cnpt. , 48th Ind. , Lincoln ; J. H. MuClnv , 2nd Lt , , 47th III. , Lincoln ; J. J. O'Brien ' , Cnpt , , 1st N. Y. cav. , Ft. Spokane , Wash. ; Jos , W. Paddock , Maj. , Ass't. Adj. Gon. vol. Omaha ) Ben S. Paddock , second class , Ft , Robinson ; Algernon S. Paddock , third class , Beatrice ; tl. E. Palmer , capt. llth Kansas , Omaha ; Jno. N. H.Patrick , 1st It , r > lowu cav.Omalm ; ' Robt. W. 1'atrlck bv Inheritance , Omaha ; \ \ . W. Patllson , 1st It. 12 U. S. I. , Kearney ; James It. Peabouy maj. and surg. bvt. lu col. U. S. V. S. Omaha ; R. O. Phillips capl. With Pa , V. I. Lincoln ; C. W. Plorcc.cap V. R. G bvt maj. U. S. V. , Lincoln ; Chas. A. Plerco , second class , Bennett , Nub. ; Goo. C. Potwin. 1st It. lilcol. liif.OtnahnJ. ; H. PrntUcapl. and A. Q M U. S. Vol. . Omaha : Gon. E. Prltcbctt 1st u. I20lh N. Y. V. I. , Omaha ; Thos. P. Qulnncapt. 4th U. S. I. , Ft. Snokane , Wash. ; Darius G. Rhoads. capl. 72d" Pcnu. V. I , Omaha ; Lynmn Richardson , capt. 1st Neb. V. I. , Omaha ; John H. Roc. capt. Kllth U. S. C. I. , Kearney , Nob. ; Ira L , biindorson , 1st llout. 31st N. J. V. I. . Port Muad , S. D. ; Horace B. Sarscn , capt. 2d U. S , I. , Foit Omaha ; Alvin Saunders , third class , Omaha ; Thomas Snivel ) , capl. 1.7th 111. V. 1 , Lin. coin. Neb. ; Michael V. Shurldan , maj A. A , G. U. S. A. , bvt. lleut. col. U. S. A. , Omaha ; Bradner D. Slaughter , by Inheritance , Omaha ; Charles E. Squires , capt. 20th loivn V. I.Omaha : RolllnM. Strong.llout. col. lOlh , - WIs. V. I..Omaha ; John 10. Summerscol. , and / J surgeon U. S. A , Omaha ; Franklin Swcit , capt. OJd Point. V. I. Grand Island , Neb..Tbos. Swobo , 1st lieut. 12th Mich. V. I. , Omaha ; Charles JM. fcrrall , Lt. Col. Dent. P. M. G n. U S. A. , Omaha. ; Edwin H. Teircll , bv Inhorllanco , E. E. and M. P. U. S. , to Bel- glum , San AntonioTex. ; Dealer L. Thomas , Capt hslh Ind. V. 1. , Omaha ; Ja ties M. Tls dell , Capt. 115th 111. V. I. . Kearney , Ncbr ; William J. Turner. 1st Ll. 2d U. S. I. , by ' hcritanco. Port Omaha. ; James Ullo , CaV-I U. S. I. : Bvt. Maj. U. S. V. , Fort Omaha * * U lllluin M. Van Home , Capt. 17th U. S. 1. , Fort Russell , Wyo. ; George Y , Wallace , by Inheritance , Suit Lake City , Utah ; Willinia Wallace , 1st Lt. and Adjt. 1th O. V. 1. , Omaha ; Jo-oph R. Webster , Lt. Col. 44th U. S.C.I. , Lincoln , Neb. : Almond B. Wells. Capt. 8th U. S. Cav. , Fort Mead , S. D. ; Charles West. 1st Lt. 1 Ith 111. Vol. Ci.v. , Lincoln , Neb ; Frnnit Wheatou. Col. 2d U. S 1. : Bvt. Maj. Gen. U. S. A. , Fort Omaha ; William D. Wildman , Capt. bSth Ind. V. JM _ . Culbertson , Neb. ; Charles H. Wilson , scconj class , Omaha ; Willlnm L. Wilson , 1st Lt. and Adjt. 142d I'a. V. I. , Nebraska City , Neb. ; Henry H. Wright , 1st Lt. Oth U. S. Cav. , by Inheritance , Fort Robinson , Neb , Chas. Ballnnce , by liiherltanco , Onuih'i ; J. I. Coehran , capt.MHh Ind. , Lincoln , Nob. ; C. J. Dilworth , col. 85th 111. , Hustings , Ncb.j C. P. Franklin , second class. Lincoln , Nob.j W. H. Gardner , capl. OOtli Mass. , V. I. . Omaha : W. H. Holcomb. capl. 70lh U. S , C , 1. , Omaha ; W. H. Holcomb.jr. , second rlass , Colf.ix , Wash. ; F. U. Lawrence , 2d it , O'Jth N. Y. V. I. , Omaha ; T. J. Majors , maj. Isl Nob. vol. vol. cav. , 1'orii. Kob. ; H. H. Moort's , second class , Omaha ; F. J. Morgan , capl. 14lh Conn. V. . Doaver , Colo. ; W. W. Morsnmn , capt. 22d Iowa V. I. , Omann ; J. C. McKell , capt. 73d Ohio , Omaha ; C. M. Riirg , by inheritance , Beatrice , Nob. ; T. H. Slanton , It. col. and dop'y P. M. , gen'I. U. S. A. , Omaha ; J. H. Sllclcol , 1st It. 33d Wis. V. I. : Hebron , Neb. ; J. E. Summers , second class , Omaha ; V. Vifquuln , col. 07th 111. vol. Inf. bvt. brig , gcn'l , U , S. vol. I. 78 , Lincoln , Neb. ; R. Williams , 1st It. 110th Ohio V. I. , Cheyenne. Wyo. ServiucH of the Chief Pen-ion Iner Secured by The I5ou. - " WASiMNorox , D , C. , Aug. 2S. [ Special Telegram to Tun BKK.J Examinor-In-Chloi * , of tbo Pension Bureau Carroll D. Judson , today sent his resignation lo Iho commisi sioner of pensions in order lo lake charge o | Iho pension business of Tin : BEE and Exam iner Bureau of Claims. Mr. Judson Is thor. oughly familiar with the preparation ant ] prosecution of pension and other claims ei soldiers , having grown up In the business.1 ! ? For llftoun years ho was in charge of ono of the largest pension agencies In the country. His qualifications were so well known to tie | commissioner of pensions that in 1885 ho was volunlanly temlorod and accepted the nojl , lion of special examiner , with duties m Iho field. Mr. Judson was then transferred to tha ! office in Washington and has rapidly been promoted to Ibo position of examiner in chief. Ills extensive experience and technical knowledge of the workings of the pension ofllco render his services very valuable to Tin : BII : : and Examiner Bureau of Claims , especially at a time when 11 Is doing so much good work for worthy claimants. His loss will bo keenly fell by Commissioner Uaiun. Tbo acquisition of Mr. Judson is in hooping with the policy ot Tnr. BKK and Examiner In iccurmg only the best skilled talent to pros- acute its claims. Ills services will bo of Incalculable value to the patrons of Tim Buu mid Examlnoi Bureau of Claims. God Speed to the Hiironn. V BlUNCII MlMTAItY IlOMK , LKAV- Kan. , Aug. 21. To the Editor of TUP. BKK : I have soon n notice In Tun llr.ii roconlly that you , with othnr representative Journals of this country , have assocluud themselves and organized n "claim burrau" for Iho uonclliot legitimate claimants ngnlnsi- thn government o ( the United States who nra unable to boar the expense of pushing their own claims. Quito n number of old veterans hero at tha homo , who are old and destitute ) and cannot work , who have pension claims of many years' standing iti the pension department , for lock of means , are compelled to "biclo tholr tlmo. " Some arc carried to ihoir grave * through disappointment and waiting. Wu are greatly Interested In iho progro i of your phlhuithroplcul enterprise , and bid ll God speed In Its noble and conorous work. And wlmt wo would II Uo If you would plciuo Inform us at your leisure , when the burom will be open for bunnois ! , what will bo the mode of procedure , that wo may understand how to make application and what are th terms. Very respectfully , E. W. HAIII.KIU.- , and two hundred and three olhorc. Mr. Harloman has been furnished with circulars which give the daslred Information. Kor the In order to lvo every roudor In this Htuto and Iowa nn opportunity to It cop potted on the progi-ofm of the campaign In both Uioso ntuton wo huvo decided to olTor Tin : WKBIU Y HKU for the bnlunco of this year for twonty-llvo contH. Send In yourordorH ourly. Two dolliirn will ' bo'iicuoptcd for u club of ton niunos. TIM ; UKK I'um.iKiiiNa Co. , Omuhn , Nob. ' Mlllloni have drank and praised Cook's ' Extra Dry Imperial Champagne in the last forty yvur * .