12 THJj ] OJyiAHADALLX BJiJ ] v SUNDAY. AUGUST 30. 1891. 1'iirni where the two roKlmonts wnro tnkon prisoner * , escaped \ > y uklnu .to the swamps. wnd finally roachrd the union lines. Wits with llanki on his oxiildltlon to llrowiisvlllc.Tixxas. Took part In tlm Mu and capture uf Moblla In Iliatprtnitot tiiCA. . . . . , . . Ilostrr 'I hoinau Lvnrh , Olth III. : J. I , , llut- erbaugh. 7 th 1'n. : < V , II. Kiilrbiinkf , CTlli PH. : llonrr Wiiiriior.TOtli Inil. : Henry I'otors.Bfllh N. V.i William Iturns. 1st Sims , cav.f John ft'hopp , nihOhlo : Thoimislllno.ltoib Ohio : Jpiin Pmltli. Mtli Ohio ! W. I ) , llobcru. Kid Knu tmt. ! Isaac lturns , 2d III. ! II. IM'arsons , isth Ohio. I ) . 8. Crawford Post J 117 , West Point. Ofllccrs forlrOI II. I.uhens , commander : K. Urines. udjiilnnt ! N. Larson. | iliirtcriniiiilor. J.-O. Crawford , Id ! Nob. eav. ; Ni-IU Larson , M.S. Itartlolt , John Hysons. A , I ) . Murphy , Hrnry Liihrns < ! itli 111. ! I' . I'1. O'Hulllyaii , SSd Mlch.i J. W Itovro , ! ' . .1. Wlesucr , Thpodorp Cooper , 4lh ( ! N. V. ! A. II. Ueuinor , Ijth l'n. ij. Urlfiit , lltnl'ii. ! J. Kliodis. I. U. Jjlpy , U. O. Mullen , Itr.'d I'll.- Lawn-lino Sklboikl. Joseph PhlployVm , ( Jnnrlnu , Aninwtim Dorr , John Ilochin , K. K. Vnli'iitlnr , J. W. Shearer. M. L. nisworth. II. II. MeKiT , IWItli Ohio ! W. A. llllick. 14th Vt. ! W , II. Wlldinlill. 2d Oh 3 ! ! ' . A. MewlH.d : : Wls.i I'.J. Garter , II. Y. Voder. J ) Pa. nrl.i 0. A. Utiimoni , Iftlth N. \.j James Hulllvnn. Onin H. llrooks. 4lh In. ! IV nil muni Suhoihn. 77th Win.1. Hobrrt I'uhlniiiti. With Inrt.i K. N. Hwcut. C. llo.storman. 1Mb N. Y. ! l.d- ward Undfiidorf. Ul.lh I'u.t M. V. II. Sharp. Ami row Herman. Stephen IVratin , J. Schulth , Id Nch. niv. ! Christian Stnlmmn , Stli III. ; Gior.o Wllklns , fith iMusu.i Win. llurkhiirdt , id Mo. urt. Kendall Post , No. KM ) , Stnnton. ftumuul ( iiihr , commander : .1. A. Kberluirdl , adjutant ; John. Hliorly , quartermaster. II. W. Clark , id Minn. ! J Eborly. 1'Jtli ' Ohio ! 3. K. l-'ornrlho. 2 th Ind. ' , T Konworlhy , With In. ; W. T. Mtil'nrlaml. loth Ind.i August Tliii'de , , ' ! d Wls.j ( ' , T. lluphes. ITth Ind. ! Frt'd lloltnurlok. Illtli 1'a ! Churloi Wolvcrton , Tilth III. ; I'rol Itlfhlu. Il.'d WIs. : HamuulUolIr. 100th Ind. : S. It. Mornrliind. irlth Ind. ; It. Kluck- iter , 2U2d I'll. : Cyrus Trent. 47th In. ! 0. O. UlouKli. 77th III ; J. M. Mitchell. ' . ' ( I Ohio ; Allen llrmui. I' S. X.s .1 M. Iliisho" , ir.th la. ! W. M. H yH , 4hth Ohio ; J. Zlon. 7th la. uiv. : ; A , ( J.C'hnmbuiliiln , Kid I" . : L. A. Mtrvls.S'JthWIs. ' : J. A. KliiTlmrdt , IWd III. : II. II Antlos. Jesse Heard , L , .1. Horton. M. II. Kennedy , 100th Ind. ; A. A. KtnKsley. J. H. Hoblnson. H. S. Ounllold , William lli-swlck , 17th III , ; J. JohiiHon. 1) . C. Itcslnuo. Minn. : T. M. Krilin , IHI III. lUhtart. ; HIIRO.aim. . 4lh WIs , cav. : J ) . Kwati. With K. I. : O. Kcrlcr , 1st Minn. ; O. Hotir.onschln , 8th Miss. cuv. Ilutniii I'oHt , No 178 , ICIin rock. Past Coininander I ) . J. llrown. Olllcers for l-HH Mason Tlnsloy , O. ; Alox. HOCK. H. V. U : II. S. Stcolo , T. V. O. ; I ) . T. Hood , Ad,1 : W. I'otler. Qin. : J. W. I'rank. sur- pcon : I ) . I. llrown , chaplain : II. Slovens , O. k ; W. Mllliourn , O. U. ; 0. Mlibourn. 8. M. ; J. 1) . Mottartnry. Q. M.S. D.ivldT. Mood ontured tlio service at Illoom- Incton , HI. , In I'd ! as a private of Company K , Mncty-fonrth Illinois Infantry and took part In tholmltlesof Pialrle Drove , Van Itiiren raid , VlrKsljnrit , Vnoo , Iltownstlollo. the v t'po of I'ort MOrgnn. Hpunlah Fort , and was discharged Auxutu. 1H ( > 5. Wolllnuton I'otter enlisted In the Thirtieth Pennsylvania Infantry In Liurrno county , Pennsylvania , Juno ID , KKll WHS on p'okut ' duty In the CuniLorlnnd valley. ID n ll ht at Curiyulo aKalnst Leo's advance : marched from HuirlsbnrK to Carlyslu woods , where ho wan taken xlok. from which ho did not recover until after Ills discharge , whluli ocourod Io- ) ccmhor 10. IvM. GeorcuMllhourn onllstcd In the 112th Il linois Infantry In Ifcll'J at Oalva , Henry county. Ho was lift times under nrcand was In twenty- two principal miKaKemontH and lUOaklrmUhes without receiving a wound. Amonif the en- EiiRomenls were Montlcello. Hluhmond. Ojl- houn , Campholl Ktatjon , Knovvlile. Heard station. DnndrldKi' , Jlud creek , Kelly s Ford , Pine moiintulii , Atlanta , Joncsboro. Colum- hla nnd 1'ranklln. Ho was mustered out Juno 10 , 1805 WubhliiKton .Mlibourn enlisted In the Eighth Illinois Infantry ; was In the ctieiiKcmont lit Mobile and iniistcrod out at Now Orleans Sep tember ' . 'I , IbljT ) . I ) . 1. llrown enlisted In the Second Ohio heavy artillery .luno 13. l&ra : did guard duty until tli'i war closed ID August , 1 > G. > . Ho guarded tlio railway fiom JLonUvlllo , Ky. , to llowllng Uieen until after the battle of Ohat- t noou. wlit'u ho wan ordered to Tennessee and guarded the railroad from Cleveland to Hi an station ; was In an onxaKCinont at Cleveland with Wheeler and ono with Hrookcnridgo at Strawberry plains. Ho helped urlvo liicukcnrjduo's command buck Into Virginia. IIu was ono of two sol- ' dlers detailed to carry u hundred pairs of eliocn thioiiKli the enomy's country from. Strawberry plains to lloan station. Was pur- BUi'd , oscupod across the Cumborhind river In u lioetroueh and eluded bushwnackers who Infested that part of Tonnesse. Was inusturod out In July , ) Mi. > . Henry Hteolo enlisted at South Plymouth , Vayolto county , O. , In company A , I'lfty- fourth Infantry , Ho was In the following bat- tits : Shlloh , Chlckasaw , Swamp , Fort Holnman. Corinth , VlukfihnrR , Atlanta , Jones- burg. Ho hud the bottom shot out of his can teen and a inlnnlo ball passed through bis belt while his musket was knocked out of tils hands. Ho was mustered out in Cincin nati In 1N . Hosier Henry H. Simmons , 8th la. cav. : Ocoruu Mlibourn , 112th 111. ; Mason Tlngley , 2d Pa. H. A. ; David T. Hood.Mth III. ; Joslah I ) . McCartney , 4th la. cty. : Albert Tuttle , fi'il Ohio. ; John P. Aiendt , 27th WIs. ; David 1. llrown , 2d Ohio II. A. : Kd O. Carnontor , KKd III. ; Henry . Sieelo. 54th Chip : Oils Ulchard- on , KM III. ; Ale.vnndor Hogg , tilth N. Y. ; Jon athan C. Sherman , Mth I'.i. ; Culvln K. llarnoy. 100th IIIValterS. : . Leak. IstOhlo cav , ; James Purcell , 1st Mich , t-ng. : Joseph W. Frank. 4th In. oav. ; Washington .Mlibourn , 8ih III. ; Oeo. . H. llosbuy , Hlli 111. cav. ; Wellington Polter , Ud Pa. lies. J. K. lIirncH I'oHt , No , SOT , MuCook. Ir. ) A. P. Wolls. C. : M. H. llacon , S. V. O. ; A. P. Klmrp. J. V. C. : J , A. Wilt-ox. Adj. : A , J. Thompson , Q. M. ; J , II. Yargor. O. U. : Charles Wolntz , O. 0. : Kendrlck Clark , S. ; II. 11. Kerry , Chan , ; J. ti , l.ellow , S. JM. ; M. Butter- ihall , Q. M. H. IJr , A. P. Wells , comtmuider. enlisted in the Elghty-Ilfth Now York ; was nftcrward hospital ntuward of his regiment ; promoted to second lieutenant , but not mustered In as ho was captured ut Suffolk , Ya. , and wan confined In Andersonvlllo anc Milieu prisons for over ulovon mouths ; wna exchanged and ro-on- llsted nnd was mustered out at the cloao of the war as a sergeant. A. J. Thompson served during tno war ; was wounded at Corinth. Juatln AVllcox , adjutant , was at the cloao of the war first lleutenatof his regiment. A. P , Sharp served four years and flvo months : was under Sherman on his march to tliu Buajvan Mounded at tlio second battle of Corinth and at the battle of Lay's Furry and WHS mustered out at close of war. M. II , Uncoil served one year at the front am ! then In detai hod sarvlco under Captains Dock and Kmmcrson. J. H. Yorger.servod during the war , was promoted meted to Hist lieutenant for meritorious sor- vlco. Charles Went/ served five years In the Ger man army , two years In the English army and attain enlisted in thu Union army at the breaking out of the war. Ho was mustered our us sergeant. Kendrlck Clark served two years and was mustered out on account o ( dlstbilUy against tils protest. Henry II. Horry wns ono of the first to ro- Ipond lo tlio call for volunteers. J , H. lo How enlisted us a private and was mustered out us a siorgoant at the uloso of the Moses Ilnttorshall enlisted In the 145th 1111- iii ) I a In the cull lor 100-day mon. and again ro- onllstcd urn ) korvod to the eloseof tlio war. Hosier-Justin A. Wllcox. IWtli N.Y. ; Charles K. Mcl'lioison , Ut Neb. ; Robert K. Coolev. 1st Ohio heavy art. ; George HuegliiN , 26th Mich. ; V. Friinklln. lltolhl'a. ; J. II , Yurger. 4lthOhlo ) ; Kd 11. MeConnlvk. 8th Mluh. oav. ; L. 1) . Hum. Oth ltuli.i W. O. llurd , lith Mluh , ; John G , ICaton , Oth Ind. uuv. ; John Doncr , ( HI III. lleht art , ; David llrvan. 12th . Pu.cav.t II. Small . , lllh Ohio ; Jnmea K. 4th ear. Imoon D. . Wllh III. ! _ . - _ - - . . _ _ .Johnston , Mild 111 , ; Jitmcs l.lddull , l t Mo. En : . ; M , U. llrown , 25lh Mo ; llargolla W. I. ami ) . man , 24th N , V. civ , ; Kondrlok Clark , ntli III , : Joseph C. Lockhuit , 12jth III. : Andrew J , Wllley , 7th Iowa oav , : John A , Davis , Mth Ind , ; John Catkins. Dili N. Y. urt. ; Daniel II. Humus. Slth Ohio ; II. n. Kerry. 115th 111. ; E. U , Gustln , : iird : Iowa ; l.nyson Dlandlg , U'tb WIs. ; Georgu Duugiin , 4 th U. S.U.I. ; .1 , H. Holmes , With N , Y.I John Holiind , 56th Ohio ; N. U. llruHii. 7lh Mo. eav , ; Anthony K King , ' 10th Mo. ; Charles K. Fox. Kth Iowa ; W. M. Irwin , 2nd Ilat. 1'n.t II. K. Olcott , lOlh Mloli.t W. Johnson. 7 lh 111. : John D. l < Iorri r,96tli III. ; Iru Wnldo , Htli lowncav. ; U.I ) , llabt-ook. llth Jlloh. c v. ; Charles Welntz , 17th Ind , ; W. D. Pnlne.Wth 111. : Harry Otslot , MOth l'i. ; o. ! ' . ICeynolds. 1st WU. cav. : A. J. Feiilmoro , 2nd ItaU It. Y. C. ; J , W. Klmmol. Slst Ohio ; A , O. Hnrlun , lull lowrv ; DuviU J. Oaborn , 1st Col. ; Urns. M. Chilstlan , Slid Ohlo.lC. F , M. Morgan. 1st Oho ; A. J. Thompson. 15th 111. : Emmull Morrow , 140th OnloIi. ; C. llacon , lit WU. cav. : J. S , lt < IIow , 15th Ohio ; Jacob ttelnmetz. IbHlh Ohio ; Peter Jones , Urd II , A. col , ; T , K. MitUraekeu , 2nd Ind. oav. ; A , G. Corey , ; lh WIs j James A. PedlRo , TOtli Ind. : M. H. llacon , nth \Yls.j A. P. W llusMtli N. Y. : Gco. Wall , Mud ImJ.jO. W. Dillon , th l . I Thos , J. Pnto.Olth 111. ; Moses llattorshall. IVIrtl iiml lIMIIi 111. ; llarnoy N. l.uuU. lulh W. YK.I U 1) . Mcltrldo , 213th Pa.i Biun'l IC1IU , 13th Pu. euvA. ; J , 'fholnas. 1st Pa. 100'dny men ; U W , Crltnor , IMtli Ind. ; John Stovuiu. l.'Wth Ind. : A. Miirnh , iiUth lu.t Thus. U. Ontt , 10th 1ml. cuv. ; J , M. llendemon , 127th lit ; Rlcluml It. Klnnluk , 7th In. ; Thoa. llun- uott , Vnd N. V. but , , Appoiuattojc Test , No11 , Olllcers for IWl-I . O. Puce , O , ; Kd 8. Post. 8. V. a ; O. R Goortoll. J. Y. 0 , : Urud Coou. adj. ; Jolin UlllUplo. Qm. ; H , J. Altuiindor , 0 , u , ; lohu WcOlay , O. I ) . ; O , II. Ooro , S. M. lloator W . W. W. Jonus , li. II , 1'ruisou , Ueo. E. llurber. Urud P. Qook , IX U. Ullurldte. . I. O. Guru r , 8. J. Alexander , O. F Goodtill , C , H. Gere. N. G. franklin. J. J , II. Cmwfonl.il. W. Davis , A II , Mondimhull , John Gllllsple. J. M. Kill. K. S. Dudley , R P. lUig eu. A. H. F.dnron , 1 , J. Muimtt , lliui. II. l.uiie. J. ! ' , llarnard. A. G. Uloketta. Geo. S. WiHluourixi.l , Porter lied go. C. W. Henry , II , A. lUtcook , Iboiuasbewull , John \Ylllianii , W. O. UuJ- dohon. It H. Nicholson , .T , IT. MnoUott , Joseph Hcott , John 11. Medlar. U. W. I.ymmi. O. W. Wcbstor. J , J , Kelly. Win. .M. Knopp , T.d H. 1'ast , T. M. Mnrqiiott. 0. 8. TroyltU A , U blunder. L. U. t'acu , II. II. Uoan , J. W. Do- WUt'SC. Post No. 2 J.Mtclillcll. William Duck , commander , enlisted AiiRtint 8,1942 , In the mh Indiana , was discharged January 7 , 1SOS. James U. Jlurray. senior vice commander , enlisted Iti the Fifth Ohio cuvnly March 11 , 1 ! ( " > ; discharged October30 , same your. Jacob Encolmnn , junior vloo commander , enlisted In th rifty-uljlith Indiana March II , KMi dlficnurgcd July 2 : > , 1W > . J. II. Flint , nimrU'rmnitcr. onllstcd May. 1MV > , In the I42d Illinoisdischarged : December 1SIM. 0 , 1) . Haton , offlcorof the day. enlisted In ( ho Thirty-fourth Illinois InJ-iOl and wasdls- churgfld May 18 , ISiio. J , M. Mills , ohajiliiln , cnllntod March 4.JFI. ( ! In thoBlxtoenth Indiana Infantry ; discharged November 13,18K > Alfred Dobruler , olllccr of the guard , enlisted - listed In the Tenth Indiana cavnlrv , Decem ber U , ItGll , and wits discharged August HI , jjMM. jjMM.Ktlgen oTIiomas , enlisted November S.lSflt , In the 1'orty-Blxth lllluols Infantry ; discharged ISfll. ISfll.A. . II. Potter , adjutant , cnllstnd In the Sixth .Now Jcrsuy cavalry September 10 , 1801 ; dls- charreu JuneS , 1S07T E. W. Oowln , Horgcant major , enlisted nt Mattoon Dcuomber , IM > I , In the Klfty-fourth Illinois Infantry , dlsuhargeil November 2 , iwa Hosier Albert Hush , 2nd Pa. cav. ] f/ouls U. ICiiKleman , -itli Ind. vol. : Jacob D. r.nglemun , Mth Ind. ; Orls D. iaton.ilth : : III. ; M. lllslop , 1st V. K. K. V. Iowa ; Goo. Vim. f > htli Intl. : Albert Ulukurson , 2nd Nub. eav. ; James I- ' . Murray , fllh O. cav. ; Joseph Mlllcllold , lOJud III. : Wvj. Duck , bhlh Ind. ; James M. Mills. Ji.i'i Ind. ; Wm. Hughs. 146th Ind. ; James Murray , O.'iul O. ; Geo. House , 1st lu , ; James K , Wlslniril , allli la. ; Albeit J. Wllhon. 1st III. IN art. : J. It.'Flint , H2d 111. ; E. W. Uon-ln , 61th III. : John Shaw , 7th town : James Irakc.ll7ih ) ICy. : J. P. A. howls , 40th Iowa : James Hlotp. lllh Mlch.i W. 11. Morseman. 12th Vt. : W II. Tompleman. 2.'d Iowa ; Hlclmrd A , Itakor , 1st ,111. ; John A. Slovens. 40th Ohio : Win. 11. Mi.irks , 4th III. cav. ; EugenoT. Thomas. 4l > th III. : Thomas H. McCllntock. l'jd : ; Ohio : Walter Smith , 4th Mich , cav. ; Geo. A , Warner , 48th 111. : Auln H , Potter , lith N. J. ouv.j Geo. W. Kel- ney ( Mi-rrlll's Horse , Mo. ; 0. K. Vaughn , loth III. cav. : Henry Wood 1st bat. PH. : John T. Young. Iffid 111. ; James Dlmmltt , lUlli Ind. ; Alfred Do llruler. lUlh InU. C.iv. ; A. It , Healh , 2d Wls.i Samuel P. DlllOn , : ! .HIi Ohio. Perry vlllo post owns its hull. The latter Is "fjcri feet , with nnto-rooms and everything to make complete for sucn an organization. It ImsuHtagu that Is well equipped with scenery. Tlio place Is valued at 11,10J , Including equip ments for use of post. \V , I \ Colly Post , No. U58 , AVnlli'cc. Olllcors for 1891 Samuel Farmer , C. ; Lovl LlnliiKor. S. V. C , ; W. IJ. llutclier. J. V. C. ; Win. E. Kllllnln , Adj. : James Light , Q. M. Hosier Amos J. Allison. 50th III. : P. V. Hot- tlnger , 27th la. ; Lewis Kelly , 40th Intl. : Wm. II. Hutchor , 2Hth III. ; lienj. A. Shlnkle , Mill Ohio ; James I/lght , ! Cd ) Ind. ; Samuel Farmer , ! ) . ' > th Ohio ; M. O. Reynolds , 3'ilh la. : James Doyle. 71st New York ; John MeCord , 80th Ind. ; Leonard Corby , 1st N. Y. ; Wm. Kllllau , 47th III. : Levl Lumlngor , C'.ltli O. ; John Honcstcel. 12Uth N. Y. ; Silas Hell , MLh Va. ; Wm. P. LucAitli III. \Vm.iI. : Moore. 14th III. : John Ditch. 2 Hn Peun. ; O. S. liradlny. 8tli Mass. ; Wm. J. Emory , IlUhO. ; Thomas Luuderbeck , 'Cld III. : Wm. Ervln , iBJth 111. : Orlando ltocrs. tl'jth Ponn. : Hiibsell llundy , 25lb 111. : J. S. Mtllor. ISth lu. ; Thoinns Dolan , O. ; David Plckrell.2Tth la. : Ellis Spiiraoon , 3d U. S. A. : J. E. Sallyard , ; ul la. cav. ; Henry Giecu , Ind. N. Y. ; Andrew J. Norman. Ina. ; D. L. Urownloc , 2Klh LH. ; Wm. V. TrllolT , - O. ; D. PurkeypileIII. . E. I ) . Fanulier I'ost , No. 25 ! > , Offlcors for 1811John M. Gray. C. : Q. N. Sheldon , S. V. C. : Thomas Alien. J. V. C. ; G. W. Elcher. Qm. : L. D , Wood , adj. John M.Gray enlisted In the Fiftieth Illinois Infantry ; served llireo years ; was at Donol- son. Kcsacea. Shlloh and Corinth. George M. Sheldon served ono year In Ninth Illinois Infantry and three vears In the Sovunth Iowa cavalry : was at Plttsburg Landing Corinth and Donolson. Thomas H. Allen served three years In the Thirteenth Wisconsin Inf.mtry ; was severely wounded shortly after enlistment and was not able to bo In any imuortant battles. George W. Elcher served one year In the Nlnty-nlnth Ohio Infantry and six months in the Ohio National guards , was In the battles of Perryvllle. Ky. ; Murphysboroiigh und Oumbeiliind. L. I ) . Wood , served four yours In the Thlrty- secotm Wisconsin Infantry ; was in the battles of bouth Mountain , Wlnchoslor , Second Hull Hun , Alitletum and all engagements from Itesiicca to Atlanta. Itostor-Il. N. Piper. 99th Ohio : T. S. Allen inth WIs. ; J. S. Richmond. 2lth ( III , ; G. W. Elcher , With Ohio : I * 1 > . Wood. M WIs. ; O. L. Dwyer , 1st In. cuv. : John Murray. O.lth Pa. ; George N. Sheldon , 7th lu. , cav. ; George W. Wood , 2d WIs. cav. : John M. Gray , 50th 111. oiv. ; Joseph KIser. UOth Ohio ; J. T.Johnson , bUhlo. ; ! ' . K. Doyle , 1st Ohio bat. ; J. H. Mu- Henry , Kd la. ; S. G. Uaruos , IlOth Ohio : Hull.M WIs. ; Kowloy , 1st Minn , heavy urt. ; Evens U. Vandergrlft , llth Kan. cav , George Crook's Post , No 2 U , Oiiinhn. Olllcers for 1801 Gn/i. C. Uonnur. O. ; llasll H. Hull , S. V. O. ; Wm. West , .1. V. C. ; Wm. C. Mc- Lcaii , Adj. : Albert D. Rhodes , Qm. ; Frank Miller. Chap. : L. V. Maglnii. O. G. ; Thos. L. Hall , O. I ) . ; S. K. Spaldfug. Surg. lieorgo C. llonner enlisted in June , ISC' ! , In the Seventh Iowa cavalry ; served until Juno 2 , 1800 : mustered out at St. Louis. Mo. , by orders from the military division of the Mis sissippi ; regiment was on duty guaidlng overland route from Missouri river to Fort Laramle , scattered at different points operat ing against Indians. William C. McLean enlisted Aiigusl , 1802 , In the l-'Urd Now York ; was with his rojltnent III the battle of ClnincellorNvllle. Gettysburg in the Twelfth corps. In campaign of Sherman fiom Mission Kldgo and Lookout to Atlanta , the march to Savannah , across thoCarolinas to Washington , In the grand review at Wash ington ; discharged as sergeant. Albert K. Khodus onlNted June 10 , 1801 , In the First Nonrttsku Infuntry ; mustered out August" ! ) . U04 ; the regiment participated In engagumonlh at Mllford , Fort Donelsou , Shlloli , CorinthCape GlrHrduau.Tweiity Miles SklrmlHh. Chalk lllulTs , Juuksonport , Hlask Hlvor , Clarendon. Frank Deloss Miller , enlisted In Cleveland , Ohio , May 2.1SOI , as private , company G , 150th I. N. G , , was discharged ut Clnvoland , August \i \ > , 18m. He did garrison duty In the fortifica tions near Washington , D. C. , occupying Forts Lincoln , Saratoga , Slommor , Totten , Slouum and Stevens , and belpcd lo repulse the at tack or the rebuls about August ! l and 4 , lsil. ( when Ewell und Ilrookonrldgo mudo u feint on Washington. Roster Gee H. Adams. 1st III , art. : W. 8. Askwlth , llth Pu. cav. ; II. R. Hall. 3d la. ; G. 0. llonner.7th In. oav. ; C. P. Illnkloy. llth Pa. cav. ; D. O. Clemots : , llth Pa. cav , ; H. D. Campbell. Oilth O. ; Saml Dhllson , Dili Minn. ; .las 11. ( Jullfin , cOth III. ; Andrew J. Cole.27th Mich : I ) . L. Carpenter , lith Wl . but. ; John II. Douuis , Cth Mass. ; Osuur Evans. lUth Pu. : P. F. Flanniuun , 140th eav , ; Wm W , Ford , 1st Kan. ; J , II. Furuy. lltb O. ouv. : Wm II. ( Jrlllltb. 7th 111. ; W. II. lloyt , IDth la.i Thomas L. Hull , 7th la. ; David I. Horseman , 4th la. : Goo Klnney , llth Conn. : Chas Cole , 1st Ky. ; Max Lout1st III. ; J.G. Mtllor , llth In. : John W. MeCune , 103th Pa. ; Frank Miller. I.Vlth O. : W.R. Muthls , Wlh In. : L. F. Kugln. Kith Ky , : W. a JleClonn. 12id : N. J. : Isaac E. Nnwman , Kth la. ; John W. Nichols , 150th I'a. : Francis L. Otis. : , d M. Y. ; II. II. Pepper , 2d Mo. oav. ; G. It. Kuthhun , 24th In. : A. H. Hbo.idcs. 1st Neb. : Rudolph Ryu. 8ih Pa. : Goo W. ltu''or. M O. ; William U Rubar. lUlth O. cav. ; Lewis W. Ruber , 104th O. cuv. ; William Stuart , 18th Ky oav. ; Edward Sulllvun , 2id : 111 , cay , ; C. L , Strolght. 2d Mo , oav , : O. H. Stngloy , 4th III. oav. ; Or. 8. H. Huauldlmr. 2nd la. cav , ; Oliver P. Straight , f.th O. cay , ; William 11 , Stdenor. UOth 111. : Charles Stunt. 28th WIs. : David I'nrnoy. 8th ! ) WIs. ; Frodorlok Urliui. ! C'd Ind. : David W. Wlillann , U > d WU. ; J. II. West , llth I'a.cav. ; J. (1 , Willis. Kth III , ; R. A , Willis , Bth Minn. ; David II , WatsonUOlh O. ; llunten Yocum. Orotiui Post No. U1KS , ( Jrotnn. Onicors for IS9l-Wlllani | A. Woo'oy. ' 0. ; Joseph lluiiloy. tf. V. O. ; J. D. Snoll. J. V. O. ; John R. Woods. Q. M. ; Job llubbltl , Sur. ; J. R. Tollman , Chap. ; James Doyle , O. of I ) . ; John Daitghurty , O. of G.j John Mlllor , Q. M. S. ; William llooze , adjt. ; M. llhnclii , 1st sor. ; P. H. Proctor , ser , ; Tliomas Mcf/'orniluk. Roster W. A. Wooloy , M. Illanchl. Job Ilab- bltt , J. R. Tollman , Joseph llarloy , J. D. Snell , T. MoCormluk , J. R. Woods. llauuor Post , iiOH , South Sioux City. Past Commander 9. II. Funk. Past Commander James H. Itllven entered the borvlso May 10 , 1801. lu Hie Fifth Wiscon sin : served three years HIU ! three months ; rolnllsted In Ninth Hancock veteran rosurvo corps from Minnesota : was actively onguged In DIB battles of Antoltum , Gettysburg Petersburg , Frrduncksburi ; , Wilderness , re treat from Itlchmond , Hull Run , Kapp.ilmn- nook , MunassuB Gup nnd Harper's Ferry ; was wounded 111 the toot ut Willow Springs In u skirmish. William McDonald , Senior VlcoCommander. cnlUtrd In the Thirtieth Wisconsin ; served thruo months. John W. Gtlson , junior vice eonimandor , eu- llsted In the Fifty-fourth Indiana ; served fourteen month * . H , U. Phillips , quartermaster , served in the Fourth Iowa cavalry twenty months. J , M , Church , ohapluln. 1 , J. Ammerman. olllcorof the day. J. II. l.oomls , olllcerof the guard , W. E. Shane , nurgeon , served In the Forty- sixth Illinois nno year M , J , TunnoolllT. sergeant major. Jtime * M. WooJcook , udjutnut , entered thu service Aneust Iti. 1861 , In the Fourtemith Oh'o ; was dlsohuri.-i'd In 1MU ; ig-enlUtod Muy J. 1301. lu the 1XM Oh'o : was promoted color sergeant In the 100 day Kcrvive ; was In the Wild Cut tUht In Kentucky thu 21 > t of Uctoler , 1KOI , and arrested Miss Dora Shaw the H up posed rebel npy ; wa In tbo buttle * of Kmlnoiice , Ky. , i'ltts- burir Landing , Crow's Neat , Corinth , and was Ulsctiargud for disability. tt. a i'uuk , quurteruiaatur'ii sorgcaut , en tered the sorvlcn In the Fourth Onto cavalry and served thirty-four jnonths. Ro tor-8. It. I'owlos , 10th N. Y. hvy. arUI W. 1C. Everett , loth Minn.V. ! . II. Goorae , Olth Ohio ; C. Irwin , 'Hat In. : John McConahoy , 120th Ohio ; M. Knauo. J * Cornell. C. Shndlnftpr , 2nd Mlnn.l John H. ConkUng.OJrd III. ! Jos , W. Heath , l-'th WIs. bat. It , art. ; D. Morton , ISth Mo. ; R , II. Dacoy , 14th Olilocav. KiiRhvlllo Pont No. IUO , Itiinlivlllo. Onicors for 18HI-E. II. Hoyt , 0.127th Illinois : 11. W. Crow. 8. V. O. . Thlrtoonth Wisconsin : Nathan Tlbbltts , J. V. < ; . . Flfte l\th Illinois ; W. Al. Alexander. Adj. , First Nebraska eav , ; I * . M , Thompson. Qm. : Nineteenth Michigan : George II. Riddle. Eighth Iowa cav , ; Roy. George W , Read , chap. , Te.nt.li Indiana rav.i J. II. Cunningham. O. D. . Thirty-third Iowa : Samuel Dlt/Ier. O. G. , Two Hundredth Pcnn.s . S. M. Ilnrdy , P. M. , Ouo Hundred nnd Forty-seventh Indiana ! I' . A. Promo , Q. M. S. . Twelfth Wisconsin ! S. Willis , I'lrst Wisconsin cavalry ; .Goo. W. Palmer , Twenty-fourth Iowa : llonry Ulwan- ger , Nlnty-llrst Pa , E , ll. lloyt entered the service at Piano , 111 , n * musician ; was afterward appointed veter inary surgeon ; wii * , twlio wounded , taken prisoner and confined In Andorsonvlllc , from which , with six comrades , ho escaped. F , M.Thompson enlisted August II , 1807 , In Ca.vs Co. , Mich , ; WIIH with his regiment nt the baltlo of Resacu , Twin .Mountains , Pouch.Treo ( Jreok , and with Sherman on his "march to the sou ! " took part In fourteen hard fought engagement * , coming out without a scratch , J. II. Cunningham saw hard norvlco with tlio Thirty-third Iowa In Kentucky. Tennessee. Mississippi and Arkansas ! waa wounded twice , oneo in the hand und once In the leg. Henry W. Crow served four years and three months. Ills regiment , was with the Fourth division. Twentieth eorts ; xras In Jim Lane's expedition to Now Mexico , at the stoao of Cor- Inlh. Inlh.W. M. Alexander enlisted Juno 15,1601. and was mustered out .In y 1. Istilj saw most of his sorvlca In Missouri and Arkansas. At thu bat tle of Fort Domilson his ttlotlilng wus plercu'l by Huvcn bullets und yet he came out unhurt. He TOM ) Horn private to Urst lieutenant and for the lust six months of Ecrvlco was pest ad jutant lit Omaha. S. M. Hardy did not enter the service until near the sloso of the xvar and served with tbo Army of thu Polomiiu. Roster I'lmrlos Promo , 50th WIs.I. : . Drown , 74th III , : W. II. llostic. 17lh WIs. ; .Martin llol- llngsworth. 4tth la. I ) , A. Wancllniry I'ost.No. : illScribncr Ed C. Horns , coniniander. enlisted In the 1'ourth Mluhlg in Infantry June 2i , HOI ; was- discharged l-'ebruai-y 7 , 18n ; tnken prisoner at Mine Run : confined In Pinnherton building , R'chmond ' , for threu months : removed to. An- dcrsonvlllc : exeliangod I\ovember2' , ' 801 ; re mained In tlio notur ous pr son all of the MIIII- mrrof IHOtj has tn h H possession a permit n ! lowing him to work between the stockade and the luwplt.il. which rj.uls "from 8 a. m. to 0 p. MI. . " and Uhlgned by the Inhuman Wlit/ . JohnO. Mllllziin. S. V. C. . unlisted In the Ninety-third Illinois Infantry , August , 1MB , and was dlKuharged January 7 , 1S 4 ; was wounded In the leg : it Germantown , Toon. L H. NelT , adjutant , unlisted Second Illinois light artllloty ; dltchiirgwl Juno 2ld , IHO'i. Fled Pilgrim , quurlornutster. enlisted In the Elchth Now York cavalry December 1 , 180' , and was discharged NovembnrO. I80 * > . I'Vod ' Moller.s'.ireeon.onllsted In thoTwontv- novoiith Wisconsin Infantry A'liriist 21 , 1SOJ. and was discharged August 2. , IHK'i. W. L. Golden , ohaplain. onllste I In the Ivan- ns buttery October 4 , 1BOI , and served till October 4.1S94. L.A. Klmhall. O. D. en'lstcd In the Ono Hundred und Fifth Illinois Infantry August 12. IWK. ami served till Juno ) , is S. A Stoii'-'hton , company G. Fourth Pennsyl vania Infantry , enlisted Apr 1 20 , 111 , and served till July 2 ! . 1801 , Rostei II. Wolhleger. Oth 111. cav. : W. Krager.Xith WIs. : Chas. Schroeder , nth WIs. bat. : J. II. Fulton , 7th Wis. ; D.ivld IloUteln , 5th Mo oav. LEADING OI- ' Tlio Til re f Principal Olllcers in the Nebraska Posts. From the following posts Tut : BEE was un- nblo , because of the reasons enumerated in the opening chapter , to obtain more than the subjoined Information touching the nuuioand number of the organization and tbu name also of each post commander , iKljutr.nl , and quartermaster : Sovvard post No. 8 , tjovvardV. . B. Barrett , com. ; D. C. Work , adj. ; John Woods , qm. Union post No. ( i , Stella , Luke Fisber , com. ; J.W.Schubert , ndJ.W. ; H , String- field , qm. Barker post No. 0 , Columbus , H. T. Spoery , com. : M. K. Turner , adj. ; T. B. Tschudy , qm. E. A. Hloe post No. la , SteeleUity , Chester Audrus , com. ; J. W. ritnrr , adj. ; J. F. An- krum , qm. U , Holliupsworth post No. 15. Nelson. J. H. Prills , com. ; E. U. Brown , ndj. ; E. H. Kirk , qm. * Edgar post No. 10. Edgar , B. C. Bcclt , com , ; Gco. W. Terre , adj. : ti. A. Henry , qm. Merion post No. 17 , Hebron , O. A. Ash- brook , com. ; D. T. Scovlllo , .adj. ; B. F. Young , qm. W. A. Webb post No. 18 , Fairmont , C. E. Wells , com. ; C. B. Thompson , adj. ; L. H. Smiley , qm. E. M. Stanton post No. 20 , Hisinp , A. Kob- orls , com.M. . V. Hill , adj. ; T. A. Koby , qm. Wadsworth post No. 21 , Syracuse , Willlutn Powell , com. ; J. F. Dlonor. adj. ; Jumes Ilnlt , qtn. Wilson Post , No. 22 , Geneva , H. Sheldon , com. ; E. O. Lommoti , adj. ; M. V. Kinir. qm. Buford post No. 2l ! , Central City , Henry Wilson , com. ; David Lear , adj. ; W. A. Porter , qm. J. F. Uoytiolds post No. 20 , Osceola , H. W. Kemuird , com. ; Gorge Group , adj. ; P. McCray. qm. Thorn Dun ; post No. 2" , Clarks , S. C. Evaus , com. ; . T. L. Dixon , ndj. ; S. Bcattv , qm. ' Ells'vvorth post No. 29 , Silver Creek , C. H , Clark , com. , L. H. Turk , adj. ; W. F. Yoe- rann , qm. Kane post No. 30 , Raymond , Jacob Plank , com. ; D. Talturo , adj ; C. S. Cadwalla- dor , qm. Uob McCooK post No. ai , Ashland , S. B. Ilnll , com. ; W. W. Cratio , adj. ; S. B. Bryan , qm. James" Snields post No. m , Grufton , C. M. Burnett , corn. ; T. E. Moon , adj. ; C. E. Miles , qm. Sheridan post No. 31 , Sohuylor , J. W. SeliulU , com. ; U. C. Cannon , adj. ; Charles Bradford , qm. Mitchell post No. 118 , WavcrlyVtHlnm Mocroft , com. ; It. S. Cooley , Adj. ; 11. Car- pont r , qm. E. Loiinox post No. a'J. Holt , S. D. Orcutt , com. ; Churlo * Potts , adj. ; I. J. Burlcsou , qm. qm.Dick Yates poit Mo , 41 , WacoII. S. Burcn , com. IClt Cnrsou post No. 42 , Albion. W. A. Hos- ford , com. ; Churlps Uiluy , uaj. ; E. F. Fnr- mar , qm. Gee C. Alvor post No. 43 , Fa'.rlleld , , f , M. Farley , com. : John C. Hedijo , adj. ; Goer o W. Avery , qm. Xuch Chandler post No. 44 , Aurora , D. A. Hcovelle , corn , ; J , . Cassoll , udj. ; J. W. Kllerton , qui. Heckathorno post No. 47 , Tecumseh , M. Shoughuussey , com. ; A. H. Cumpstoti , ad ] . ; A. W. Btillum , qm. PoitorpostNo , 4S , balom , S. P. Willis , com. ; J. Vuudwvoort , adj. ; G , A , Slayton , qm. qm.Low Wallnco post No. 59 , Htibboll , W. A. Coulter , com. ; L. Wells , adj , ; Hurvoy Ford , qm. qm.Harkor post No. 51 , Wllhor , S. G. Van Moler , com. ; S. D , Davis , adj. ; H. E. Christy , qm. John A. Dlx post No. r , ' . ' , Blair , A. H. Parish , co . ; George , P. Do Temple , adj. ; J. W. Kenny , qm. G. W. Gulp post No. 53 , Nonmha , H. O. Mitnck , com. : S. Gilbert , adj. ; Walter Hud- lock , qm. Munsllolil post No. 51 , Palmyra , H. O. Mo- Curt , com. ; W. J. MuDousal , adj. ; C. M. McGrcw , qtn. . DnhlKi'ou post No. 55 , Papllllou , , T , J , Lutz , com. ; L. Lelzour , adj. ; W. A. Bell , qju. Wiuslow po t No. 50 , Mllford , J. C. Denis , toi. , com. ; J , J. Tatter8onadJ. , ; E. P.Brown , qm. Lombard post No , 57 , North Loup , H. ThortiKate , com. ; George II. Uood , adj. ; W. II. Kood , qtn. J. A. Mower post No. 5P , Strorasburg , H. U , Castor , com. ; W , C. Bartholomew , adj. ; J. B. Day , qm. Hichardson post No. 00 , Harvard , O. W. Birmingham , com. { W. G. wllloi whby , odj. j J. A. Uuppor , qui. Lnfaycttopost No , 01 , Weening Water , A. P. Woodward , coin. ; U. W , Norton , ail ) . ; S. W. Orion , qm. Old Abe post No , ( ill , Superior. G * E.-AU- ttuis , com. ; W. Foster , adj. ; H , W. Hopper , qm. qm.A. . J. Smith post No. 05 , Donlpban , D M. Morris , com. ; O , B , t'ostor-adj. ; M. K. Marsh , qm , Wm. Mix post No. 50 , J. P. Qritutcad , com. ; E. P. Tinker , ndj. ; J. 1C. Footy , qm. Cnpt. Mead post No , 07 , Lout ; Pine , A , M , Lottiimn , com. ; D , D. Walker , adj. ; H. W. Bluko , urn , S. A. Douglas post No. 09 , North Platte , Charles P. Dick , com. ; Charlo P. Davis , ad ) , ; J. F , SchnmUried , qm. Star post No. 71BrownlleldW.CbrIsbolm , com. ; G , H , Wasbburn , adj. ; K. Tuttlo. qm. JJondloxist \ No. Ti , Hardy , O. C.finm - inoml , com. ; A. L. Skcolsadj.j C , T.For- shu , qui. Farnsworth post No. 73 , Ulysses , Georpo Mlllor , com. ; W. H. Stone , ndj , ; S. Stroman , qm. Exeter post No. 7(3 ( , Exeter , N. Babcook , com. ; William KSifcdcU , adj. ; C. A. Songster - tor , i ) in. RiCc Burnsldo poslUtfo. 79 , Blnden , "W. M. Lowls , com. : Aiirfrt Wan tie , ad ] . ; J. R , Horn , qm , a Hoary post No. 81. Junlatn , D. V , Stevens - ons , com. ; A. W. McCnrty , ndj. ; J. Burwoll , qm. Kilpatrlckpor No. 82 , Oakdato , A. T. Rowo.com. ; W..T. Corn well , adj. ; B. F. Dlbbol , qm. JV Veteran post Nj4 , Falls City , M. B , Sim- antou , com. ; E. JjSrOlluos , adj. ; J. Messier , qm. S * Elliott post KO./ & , Davenport U. E. Slaw- sou , com. ; J , N , uHid.cy , adj. ; E. Randall , qm. qm.S. . A. Curtis Notsfl , DoWltt , .lamos Bin- tcr , com. ; W. H. Staloy , adj. ; L. W. Kclloy , qtn , J. A , Andrew post No. 00 , Wnhoo , Goorco Ormo , com. ; Otto Stoeu , adj. ; E. E. Lyle , qm. Cameron post No. 9.J , Cairo , Gilbert Htird , com. ; A. i' . DuOluld , nuj , ; L. . Houghton , qm , Ingratn post Wo. 9J , Pnwnoo City. Edgar Wood , cdm. ; C. H. Hare , udj. : B , H. Fulor , qm. qm.Noble i Graves post No. 97 , Brndslmw , O. A. Stuobs , com. ; J. Fouutalu , adj. ; J. 11. Til- den , qm. C. C. Wnshburn post No. 93 , Broken Bow , A. W. Gundy , com. Sill post No. 99 , Sterling , George W. Iilon. com. ; V..ink , adj. , L. U. Smith , qm. Sgt. Cox , post No. 100 , Adams , T. E. Hlb- bert , com. j R. A. Huwzon , adj. ; G , W. Camp bell , qm. J. B. WynitiD , post No , 101 , Firth , Joe Doming , com. ; C. Fllcltingcr , udj. ; C. M. WIttstruck , qm Cummiiis ) post No. 102 , Shelby , George B Darlington , B. F. L. Currle. udj. T. W. Blnkc , qm. Roberts post No. 104 , Tulmndge , P. Urown , com. ; C. M. Shaw. adj. ; W. C. Cathcart , qm. Klrkwood post No. 100. Sptluglluld , H , G. Hoyt , com. ; P. Depow , adj. ; N. T. Branson , qm. qm.Coats post No. 107 , Dorchester , J. H. Foas- It'r. ' com. ; D. D. Linn , ndj. ; C. C. Gregory , qmM.uhovsou past No. 109. Norfolk , H. C. Malrull , com. ; W U. Wldaman , adj. ; W. Oroeorv , qm. Sul. Glover , post No. Ill , Iloldrogo , H. M. King , com. ; E. M. Begtol , adj. ; Silas Latta , qm. qm.Reno post No. 112. Lexington , H. A. Tur- Ion , com. ; S. C. Mullenadj. ; Lane Klce , qm. Coleinun past No. liri.Wyuiore , John Cr.iw' ford , com. ; J. P > sko , adj. ; H. Davis , qm. Boomer post No. 11H , Tekamah , A. P. Mason , com. ; B. F. Pugh , ad ) , ; E. P. Wor cester , qui. G. Granger post No. 119 , Dccatur , George W. White , com. - Col. Cftift , post No. 121. Bralnard , J. T. McKuight , com. ; S. M. Truax , adj. ; B. F. Showalter , qm Suiloh peat No. 121. Loup City , Ellas Brewer , com. ; W. H. Conger , adj. . W. T. Owen , qm. Lander post No. 123 , Niobrara , D. W. Kcl- so , com. ; W. H. Strain , adj. ; C. F. Monroe , qm. Lookout Mountain post No. 127 , Friend , H. J. Justice , com. ; W. Browii , adj. ; Hv Apple- gate , qm. Finulcum post No. 129 , Wistior , J. L. Rowcy , com. , J. W. LufTcrty , adj. ; Fred Marx , qm. Stephenson post No. 1K2 , Gresham , E. A. Wemplo.com. ; H. H. Mlllor , adj. ; H. C. Latnphcre , qm. < ' Upton post No. 133 , Hooper , JolmT. Heine , coin.T. ; W. Lymau , adj. ; W. C. Heckor , qtn. Franklin post No. 130 , Franklin , J. L. Thompson , com. : A. C. Hart , adfJ. ] ; O. Wagner , qm. T ] Major Kcpuun post No. 137 , Beaver ing , H. S. Nichols , com. ; E. Atwater , adj. ; A. A. Myers , qm. T. O. Howe post No. 13S'Guide Koclr , G. B. Augheroauch , coin. ; G. W. Hagan , adj. ; J. A. Bliloy , qm. Slocura post No. 141 , Endlcott , C. E. Sut- tcrllcld , com. ; J. W Carmony , adj. ; F D. Garnsey , qm. a Putnam post No < . ! 42 , Marquette , J. Buf- flngion , com. ; H. Qawley , qm. S. P. Chase pos.t No. 143 , Madison , Claus Young , com. ; A. R. Frazor , ad ] . ; J. W. Rickey , qm. P. Brownlo.W post Tfo. 144. .Chester , S. G. Thompson , com. ; J. R..Fraiim , adj. ; Wra. Brasstleld , qm. Reserve post No. 143 , Odell , Joe Brookes , com. ; G. F. Little , adj. ; H. Rice , qm. Mission Rtdgo post No. 149 , Groouwood , I. A. Tinkhum , com. ; E. C. Colman , adj. ; P. S. Galley , qm. Memorial post No. 151 , Shleltloy , John Guslis , com. ; Wrn. Smithson , adj. ; A. Tay lor , am. Heron post No. 152 , AyrGco.Mooro , com. ; M , B. Footo. adj. ; W. W. Philler , qm. Indiauolix post No. 154 , Indiuuola , E. S. Illll , rom. : G. W. Curfroan , ndj. ; C. D. Cra mer , qm. Matthias post No. 155 , Kcnnosaw , E. P. Gillclte , com. ; B. F. Schlogol , adj. ; T. A , Tomploton , qm. Vulloy post No. 150 , Minden , J. Wilson , coin. ; E. Huck , adj. ; B. F. Dreher , qm. W. F. Herry post No. 159 , Liberty , J. E. Doyh > , com. ; G. Doyle , adj. ; A. Mdnloiqm. . J. H. Frees post No. 10,1 , Beaver City , J. T. Sumnoy. com. ; L. Kinsman , adj. : T. N. Hlnson , qm. Volunteer post No. 104. Dawson , W , G. Hummel , com. ; E. W. Busor. adj. ; S. C. Barlow , qm. J. H. Gere post No. 103. Table Rock. J. L. Fisher , com. ; B. R. Parrish , adj. ; C. H. Morris , qm. Frego post No. ICO. Rulo. A. T. Shaffor , com. ; H. J. Me Wain , adj. ; J. M. Davis , qm. E. O. C. Ord post No. 108. Carlton. R. W. Quaokonqusb , com. ; C , P. Wiley , adj. ; W. R. Muuy , qm. A , L. Masou post No. 109 , Crab Orchard. J. A. Gray , com , ; W. S. Stone , adj. ; F. Kit- Hold , qm. Molioath post No. 170. Dakota City , W. R. Klnkcnd , com. ; T. J. King , adj. ; D. E. Knapp , qm. AinsworUi post No. 171 , Ainswortb , L. T. Coldron , com. ; C. F. Burner , udj. ; S. G. Chancy , qm. W. A. Butler post No. 172 , Burcliard , C. F. Nve , com. ; S. A. Isa.ic , adj ; D. W. Schuffcr , qm , post No. 174. M. H. McCurdy , com. ; G , M. Stroal , adj. : H. Pundan. qm. Bolmout post No. 17(1 ( , Wakolleld. A. D. Allen , com. ; J. M. Bclkuop , adj. ; C. E. Hun ter , qm. . . Ossowatonuo post No. 179 ; Hurtlngton , W. H. Stophoiison , com. Stcadman post No. ISO , Aluslov , O. M. Gusuinu , com. ; B. Westou , adj. ; H. H. Clay , qm. qm.Gov. . Harvov post No. 182 , Tllden , S. W. Dend , com. ; John Crook , mil. ; J. A. Do Wolf , , qm. qm.O. . R. Weaver post No. 185 , Emerson Joshua Leonard , qm. Cambridge post No. 187 , Cambridge , S. B. Rowe , D. W , Horton. ad ] . ; W. H. Thomas , qm. qm.J. . W. Moorhouso post No. 1SS , Tobias. L H , Miunau , com. ; McCnjedy , udj. ; W. L Miller , < | tn. Garrison post No. 189 , Fletcher , E. Harbor , com. ; E. Mundorf'ndl , ; P , J. Gossard. qm. Kendall post No. I'M Stauton , Sainuol Ghor , com. ; John A. Ehrlinrdt , adj. ; John Ebarly , qm. ' 8 ° ( Jon. Augur post No. 192 , Ewing , F , Van Orsnll , com. ; G. W. Johnston , adj , ; John Woods , qm. Lauman post No. 193. Plalnvlow , John Bums , com. ; G. _ D _ . Robinson , adj. ; II. S. Stone , qm. G. W , Sweet post No. 193. Sargont , R. W. Fulton , qm , , , . Excelsior post Kb ? 190 , Arnold , A. H. Need- hum , com. ; W. jWc Frazlor , adj. ; W. H. Thompson , qm. " Stuley post No. 109 , Swantou , J. J. Thomp son , com. ; H , C. UoVeh , ndj. Strain post No. t > 01 , Plymouth , J. M. El- wood , com. ; WnOWolsoy , ndj , ; T. J. Clark , qtn. * - ' A. A. Plumb peat No. 21. WlUonvllle , M. McDonald , com. ; 'F. Moore , adj. ; J. W , Ebv , qm. Lindsay post No. 205 , Cozad , J. F. Oman , com. ; Chas. Wake , adj. ; J. Wallrlng , iim. Mulligan post No. 209 , Western , U. All- press , com. ; Wm , Bench , adj , ; H , Lowell- ing , qui. J. M. Thayer post No. 215 , Ogallala , C. H. Brown , com. ; R. H. Austlu , adj. ; Thos. Blackburn , qm. Gould post No. 210 , Republican City , T. Duncan , com. ; J , D. Smith , adj. ; D , 1C , Williams , qm. Gen , Edwards post No. 217 , Bonklenian , Jaroos B. Wndo , com. ; J. D. Woods , adj. ; J. R. King , qm. Cortuth peat No. 219 , Strntton , P. Now- comb , com. ; T. E. Wellmau , adj. Cedar Mountain post No. 220 , Ravenna , B. F. Bnrkhurst. com. ; R. A. Reynolds , adj. ; \V. B. Lamb , iin. | CtcarwaUr post No. 223 , Clearwater , Neb. , J. II. Smith , com. ; C. E. Homcnwny , aJJ. ; K. A. Slmul , qm. Hny SpritiR * iw.it No. 833. Hay Springs. Nob. , J. M. Wntertnnn , com. ) ThomasKearii , ndj. ; L. Tubbs , qm. A. Donn post No. 82rt. Gandv. John Dourto , com. ; J , A. Kuiikel , ndj. : N. Tabllngor. qm. Lonnltigton post No. 227 , Chndron , T. F. 1'owors , com. ; W. H. McMIHon , ndj. ; B. Hosa , qm , K. Jowott iM ) t No. 228 , Armndn , John L. Able , com , ; O. O. Mussor , ndj. ; B. F. Pcnsc , qm. Newport post No. 2'J9. Newport , Nob. , H. T. Weaver , com. ; G. C. Hornby , adj. : C. W. Harrington , 11111 , 1' . A. Porter post No. ! J30 , Peorla , J. A. Lindsay , com. ) D. J , ICatinnor , tidj. ; J. L. Chirk , ( { m , Gettysburg post No. 233 , 'fronton , H. P. Siuitli , com. ; S. H. Lawrence , adj. ; J. W , Rogers , qm. ( Inticock post No. 2.14 , Willow Springs , S. L. Hoasattor , com. ; William Kustor , adj. ; H. McCllstuini , qm. T. T. Dow post No. 2n ; , Arcadia , O. D. Cratio , com. ; E , Hill , adj. ; A. Friulon- bun , ' , qm. Mason City post No. 237 , Mason City , Nob. , H. T. ColTmati , com. ; . ) . M. Bay , adj. ; John Schultz , qm. .1. A. Gordon post No. 2:19. : Clay Center , John M. Jotios , com. ; G. M. Churchill , adj. ; J. .1. Miller , qm. General ln ) * u post No. 240 , Bartlett , W. II. Ituus. com. ; L. F. Miller , udj. ; A. A. Waters , qm. O'Unou post NO. 211 , Tdrnor. M. B. Slo- cum , com. ; J. T. Young , adj. ; I' . Gtvo- ley , qm. C. A. Arthur post No , 212 , Lawrence , T. C. Lulrd , com. ; J. M. Young , adj. ; J. O'RIlcy , qm. Campbell post No. 243 , Campbell , Nob. , W. T. McCord , com. ; L. S. iMlllor. udj. ; A. S.coti , qm. J.V , McLano post No. 241 , Farimtn , H. G. Hicks , com. ; G. Luwcombor , qm. ; N. L. Moore , udj. Mckajack post No. 2in , Dillcr , J. U. Henrys , com. ; D. H. Kelley , adj. ; James Condon , qm. Emonck post No. 240 , Emurick , Nob. Goodlmm post No. 247 , Chambers , L. G. Lambert , com. ; T. V. Norollc , adj. ; S. F. Chattortou , qm. Colonel Glllcsplo post No. 219 , Norden , Henry Ruzoy , com. ; William Palmer , adj. ; J. K. Jelly , qm. Hcintzleman post No. 250 , Stockvillo , Frontier. W. II. Wilmoth.com. ; J. M. Noyos , adj. ; J. M. Hunter , tin. | Coburn post No. 251 , Louie , S. Beavers , com. ; H. llodgkins , adj. ; D. Moler , qtn. Vicksbtirg post No. 252 , Strang , C. P. King , com. ; "W. A. Simms , adj. ; E. G. Bcors , qui. Huokotts post No. 2M , Arborvlllo , J. V. Kingston , coin. ; P. J. Kuck , adj. : Charles Young , qtn. Putnam post No. 255 , Grant , M. B. Hull , com. G. P. Alfred , qm. ; W. Prmsle , ndj. Rico post No. 250 , Alenin , Charles Foote , com. ; A. Sunnier , ndj ; S. H. Reed , qm. R. B. Meroor post No. 257 , Brewster , Jj. B. Hnrriscom. , ; Charles Steward , adj. ; Tnomus Crosby , qm. ,1,11m post No. 200 , Carrico , J. 1C. Paxtoo , com. ; G. M. Potter , adj. ; J , Parkinson , qui. Uoblnson post No. L'Ol , Crawford , ABlood , jr. . com. Myrtle post No. 203 , ICiugston , H. C. Mtixom , com. ; W. U. Phillips , adj. ; M. H. Dean , qra. Hayes post No. 2(14 ( , Cnllaway , II. 1C. Vincontjcom , ; P.Wymoroadj. ; M. Zoonyqm. Norton post No. 200 , Daykln , T. J. Dokalb , com. ; S. B. Carpenter , adj. ; J. Llghtbody , qm. qm.T. . F. Mcngbor post Nn. 207Grcoloy Center , E. P. Connor , com. ; C. H. Smith , adj. ; li. J. Fleck , qm. H. B. Hull post No. 209 , Palisade , T. J. Cooper , coin. Llttlo Phil post No. 270 , Elias Hnnna.com. ; J. A. Lawrence , adj ; C. H. ilalstoad , qm. J. W. Vance post No 272 , Battle Creek , W. A. Barnes , com. ; T. Curus , adj. ; J. Sheets , qm. qm.Corbet post. No. 273 , Leigh , W. Fussolman , com. ; V. W. Graves , ndj. ; F. J. Smith , qm. Critiradou peat No. 271 , Wostcott , John Ewiug , com. : R. R. Bangs , adj. ; E. L. Sim ons , qm. Meredith post No. 270 , Petersburg , Charles ICimioy , com. ; J. B. Barnes , adj. ; F. A. Gar- ber , qm. Wallace post No. 277 , Fillov. Drury post No. 278 , Ponder. J. G. Downs , com. ; W. F. Kutusoy.adj. ; W. E. Dixon.qm. Colonel Jewel post No. 271) ) , Barada , W. S. McGowan , com. ; M. Branuon , adj. ; U. M. Williamson , qm. Hurlbut post No. BSO , Madrid , J. KIgoris. com. ; H. A. Sturdovunt , adj. ; J. Sims , qm. Harrison post No. 28i : , Trumbull , O. D. Rhodes , com. ; W. P. Campbell , qm. Oglesby post No. 2S4 , Huntley , A. N Sbu- mard , com. ; S. Smith , adj. ; , T , J. D. St-ick , qm. qm.Sackott post No. 2S5Haittlor , W. A.Brown , com. ; .1. Drummond , adj. ; D. Stonecypher , qm. qm.Proiser post No. 2SO , Presser , Neb. , J. A. Watring , com < ; S. C. Munroo , adj. ; M. W. Knapp , qm. Tanner post No. 237 , Curtis. J. S. Duffy , com. ; F. McCord. adj. ; T. Nol- son. qra. Eagle peat No. IMS , Entile , Nob. , C. D. Richardson , com. ; G. 8. Boiford , adj. : G.M. Beach , qm. Gen. Wlllcck post No. 239 , Palmer , , f. G. Davis , com. Oak post No. 290 , Oak , Nob. , Geo. W. Joy , com. ; A. C. Kituball , adj. ; W. J. Dud- lev , qm. Stafford post No. 291 , Bnssott. J. B. Dnvls post No. 2U ! , Crate , W. L. Ire land , com. ; .1. Bayer , adj. : A. Strutaorsqm. Boomer post No. 294 , Boomer , Nob. Cheney post No. 295 , Cheney , Nob. , J. D. Woods , com. ; T. G. Hawkius , ndj. ; Gco. Mngoo , am. Jamas Laird peat No. 290 , Hartley , J. E. Hathorn , com. ; T. M. Sexton , adj. ; W. C. Lathrop , qm. Cnpt. Ko/s , Lebanon post , No. 297 , A , C. Bartholomew , com. F. M. Graham post No 293 , Datibury , C. M. Woods , com. ; J. F. Boyer , adj. ; S. W. Stitoeoboner , qm. Smith Gavltt post No. 290 , Kearney , J. W. Tottersuian , com. : A. / . Snow , adj. ; C. Wei- lough by , qm. .Tamos lioru post No. 300 , Florence , J. F. Uunson , com. ; W. Green , adj. ; John Smith , qm. Champion Post No. 301 , Champion , Nob. , John A. Turo , com. ; W. C. Sheldon , adj. ; MUo Marsh , qm. Martin Stovvull Post No. 30J , Peru , W. E. Majors , com. ; W. W. .Mndris , adj. ; F. L. 1'routy. qm. Sioloy Post No. 303 , Mavwood. John Drh- kell , com. ; Ira Wood , adj. ; J. H. Ron- yan , qm. Hatch Post No. 301 , Whiting , H. G. Can- fluid , com. ; G. B. Chase , ndj. ; A. Wood ward , qm. George Wcolts Post No. 305 , Hnrrisburg , L. C. DoConros , com. : David Combs , qm. C. W , Hayiis Post No. 300 , Lushton , Jas per Culver , com. ; W. A. TUomas , adj. ; S. J. Wnifiior , qm. Bwrxvyn Post No. 307 , Birwyn , Neb , ; J. N , Atkinson , com. ; Robert Buckner , qui. Bon Thompson Post No. 309 , Bro-wnvlllo , Gnttliobo , Muhle , com. ; M. B , U. True , adj. ; W. i1. Xook. qm. Jerry Sulllvuu Post No. 312 , Hlckman , R. V. Franklin , com. ; V. H. Dimlok , adj. ; J , C. Hartz , qm , Euiurlck Post No. 313 , Nowmnn'H Grove. Rufus Pryor , com. ; J. H , SwIUlor , udj , ; G , W. Wltehor , qm. Joan Brynur post No. 117 , Sitmiier , S. KloiTman , com. ; J. K. timltli , ' adj. ; J. Mil- house , qm , Uossard post No. 315 , Herman , J. H. Meade , com , : W. S. Rlohnrds , ndj. ; E. Trip- lor , qm. A. H. Terry post No. 810 , Nellgh , H. B. Hauler , com. ; T. W. Damns , udj. ; A , Clair , qm. Orchard post No. 317 , Orchard , Nob.Jacob Wart , com. ; J , Aloxnndor.udj. i H , H , Knapp , qm. qm.Bolituup post No. 318. University Place , W. G. Pittmnti , com. ; J. A , Allooy , adj. : B. F. Boswortb , qtn. Morrow Post No. 319 , Ovorton , Roes Roe , com. ; R. McMiim.adJ. ; J , A. Parker , qm , Stlnohopo poet No. 320 , Caiharino , U. M. Christian , com. ; E. Ulslnh'or.ad ] , ; W.Dlnnol , qm. qm.Gen. . Dayton post No. t)2l ) , Alllonco , L. C. DoComiress , com. ; Smith TuUlo.ndJ. ; Albert Wilkor , qm. Ollidr Department Qfllcora. South Dakota C. S. Palmar , com. ; James H. Hoyt , Aberdeen , S. V , CJ , ; Cliarlo * E. Huston , Armour , J. v" . O , ; T , M. Shanafolt , ' Huron , ohapluln ; A. S. Btownrt.ilotSprlnt's. medical director. Council of adiiilnUtratlon : M. J. Wolloy , Vanuton ; D.V. . Diggs , Mill- bank ; Frunk i.tllubrldKO , 1'iorro ; S. H. JumperAbcrdcou ; C. G , Prutt , Parker. Personal stuff : W. D. Stitos , A. A , G. , An drew Bovorldgc , A. Q. M. G'l ' , Sioux Falls ; A. G. ICullam , Judgu advocate , Chambarlalii ; J. E. Hufftnau , chief mustering olUcor , Huron ; W. H. VnnSlyKO , nsst. Inspector gcnornl , Sioux Falls. Iowa Mnion P. Milts , CodurRnplds.Com , ; O. L. French , Locnti , S. V. C. ; E. B. MM ser , Hnrtl y. J. V. C , ; C. L. Longloy , Cedar .Uatilds , A. A. O. ; R. L. Chase , Don Molnos , A.Q. M. O. : J. B. Grlftln , Mnrlon , Inspector ! \V. 11. Rcdmnn , Montcziimo. jndgo advocate ; A. U. McCormlok , Chariton , chief mustering oftlco'r ; W. H. Jones , Forest City , medical director ; J. C , Mnccu , MnrBbnUtown , chnp lain. O'KU. SoCncH of the Auntint Hoiinlons of Nobrnskn hns long enjoyed the distinction of being a soldier state. She has'nlso been f tuned for the number of her county und. ( Its trtct soldier reunions , but she 1ms mosl been distinguished for the magnitude nnd success of the great dop.irtmoutal reunions which hnvo annually signalized the Introduction of the Grand Army of the Republic Into tills state. The Hirst reunion of this department wns .hold In Wtirron's ijrovo , near Dnvld City , In Butler county. It was followed by annual gatherings nt Central City , Lincoln , Grand Inland , Hastings , Beatrice , Fremont , Onuhn and Kenrnoy. Those reunions were commanded by the respective departmental commanders whoso numes appear clsowhoro In connection with the history uf the order. For the third time , the reunion this year takes place at Grand Inland. There is little doubt that it will bo tin unquallllod success. No management over devoted so much atten tion to dotnlls. and ut no time in the history of the state could tbo old soldlors como together with greater prospects of n week of pleasure nnd the certainty of n harvest which will bring to them and the state , prosperity , plenty and peaco. Thu Iteiinlon Grounds. The reunion grounds lie one mile north of the city of Grand Island. They nre reached by the street cars and carryalls and hacks. On the llrst mentioned , the fnro ono wuv will bo only 5 cents. On carryalls , no more than 10 cents one way will be nllowod to bo charged , whllo in vehicles which will accom modate no more than lour people , the maxi mum rale of 25 cents will bo permitted. The c.imp will cover n level plain fenced on nil sides and dotted with wells which will nlford an abundant supply of pure , fresh wntor. Outside the fence , will bo the camp for the .militia and another suparato camp will bo supplied for tbo bands of which n large nUmber - bor will bo nreaont. Two thotibnnd tents will bo required to accommodate the veterans and a dozen largo restaurants have already been erected to supply them with meals. The mam entrance will be opposite a street leading north from Grand Islnnd. The avenue extending from it nnd running north ward through the camp has been called after the martyred Lincoln. Immediately Inside the entrance is Sheridan avenue , oil the south side of which and east of Lincoln avenue are located the departmental bend- quarters , the newspaper tents nnd two largo grand stands , west of Lincoln on Sheridan avenue extend two long lines of booths. Heroes' Names. North of Sheridan avenue , running like It , east and west , are Grant , Portor. and Han cock avenues , while crossing thorn at right angles nro the following streets , nil named after heroes of the lute war : Rosocrnns , McClellnn , Meade , Custer , Koarnov ' , Hooker , Burnsido , Mr.Pherson , Crook , Morrow , Slocum , Hnrtranft , Gnrlleld , Hovoy , Logan , Farrngut , Thnvor , Lyon nnd Palmer. Tlio management of tie reunion has boon in the hands of the followimr gontlomcn : Reunion Committee S. 1' . Aloblov , chair man ; C. F. Bentley , G. P. Dean , F. D. Moore , Brad P. Cook , George H. Caldwell , H. Harrison , George F. Ryan , A. Alice , J. R. Moughor , Joseph Teeter , and John M. Thayor. Commttleo on Speakers Tcoler , Thayer , Moore , Bentley and Alice. Commlttoo on Bands Teeter , Alleo , Dean , Ryan nnu Mongher. Committee on ProgrammeEntire commit tee. Committee on Printing and Advertising Dean , Mengher , Caldwell , Alloo and Hnr- rison. Cotnmttto on Grounds Moore , Bentley , Caldwell , Harrison and liyan. Harry Harrison is quartermaster nnd S. P. Mobley , chairman. Boih have boon untiring in the performance of the work which has devolved upon them. The I'roRrnmiiio. The programme outlined for the reunion Is as follows : Monday , Aug. 81. 2 p. m. , drill by Captain Murdoch's battery ; 3 p. m. , turnine over of Camp Sherman by the reunion committee to the department commander ; 5 p. m. , dross parr.de by two regiments Nebraska Nntionnl guards ; 7 p. m. , campflrtu at the two grand stands. Tuesday , Sept. 1. 9 n. in. , guard mount by Nebraska National guards ; < Jao : a. m. , moot ing of state organizations ol veterans at their respective headquarters ; lOa. in , , regimental drill by the two regiments of the Nebraska National guards ; 'J p , m. , battery drill by Captain Murdock's battery ; [ I p. m. . mooting of state organizations of veterans , Women's Relief Corps.Sons nnd Daughters of Veterans : 4 p. ID. , competitive contest for n pri/.o by drum corps ; 5 p. m , , dross | > a nut o by Nebras ka National guards ; 7:110 : p. m. , memorial ox- orcUes in honor of tbo memory of General Henry A. Morrow ; addresses by Senator Mnndorson , Governor Tbayor and Colonel W. C. Henry , General A , V. Cole presiding at thu meeting which will bo held nt the granu stand in front of the amphitheater. sVcdnosday , September 2 , 11.80 a. m. Grand parade in camp by national guards , veterans by state orgaiii/.ntionis , Sons of Vet erans , Wom'iti's ' Relief Corps and Daughters of Votoraus , 2 p. m. Competitive drill for prUo bnnnor , by companies of national guards. 7:30 : p. m , Address by General Russell A. Algor of Michigan , followed by other prominent spcnkors , Governor John M. Thayer presiding at. thu muotlng , Thursday , September U , 9 n. m. Grand general parade of the entire cnmp through the city. 1 :30 : p. in. Competitive drill by the Sons of Veterans for hnnsomo pri/o ban- no r. 3 p. m. Election of officers byslato or ganizations. 5 p. m. Grand general review of entire camp by Governor Ttiuyor , iho na tional Kunrds , the veterans , the Sons of Vet- oramt. Daughters of Veterans mid Wo mon 'M Relief Corps boltic In lino. 7:30 : p. m. Ad dresses by Senator Paddock , Congressman Ko.ii nnd MclCulghan , Colonel Clough of Ynuklon , Commandant Lucus of South Da kota Soldiers' ' Horns , und other prominent pcukers , at tbo three grand attinds. Friday , Woptcmber 4 , U a. in. Mooting of state organisations ; 1 p. in. , grand cornet band contest for cash prize of 9150 ; 4. p. m. grand shum bnltlo In which the entire force of the national guards nnd nil armed vetor- mis and Sons ot Voloraus will bo ungagod ; 7lOp. : ! m. , "Cannon concert" by uuttonos with "Musketry uuorus" by National guards and Sons of Veterans ; 8:30 : p. m. , grand clos ing catnpllros by hoTvy and light artillery. A frce-for-ull general engagement all along tbo line under the direction of a competent commander , Saturday. Soptumbor 5. Grand fnrowoll salute by mussed butteries. Breaking up of camp. Good-byo. Purling grip. Como again. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ AWAIT INCJ 'INAIj MUHTI3U. How NehrnHktt Provides for Her Kcoblo ami I'YIotnllu.ss Solilioivi. About a tulle frccn Camp Uhormnn at Grand Island , where thu great reunion of the soldiers of Nobrasua is to be hold this year , stand * the homo which tlio slata has provided for Ha aged and fo > > blo vctorani , The Institution will be n source of interest to the thousands of veterans of tlio reunion , and the proximity of the latter will unable many of Its Inmates to again moot hundreds ot comrades whom perhaps they have uot greeted mnco they were i mis to rod out of ser vice. vice.Tho Homo was established by thu legisla ture of Nebraska In 18S7 , It was In ton dot ! to furnish rofugc and suoslstoiico to honorably discharged boldlerti , sailors und marines , and aKo hospital nur oswho served In the United States army and navy , or hospitals during thu war of the rebellion , who have resided m the state for two yearn prior to making appli cation /or admission , nnd who have tx-como dlsatUod by reason of BUCU service , old ugu nr otherwise , from earning a livelihood , and would otherwise bo tlepeudout an pubtio or prlvnta charities. 1 1 also furulslio.i a uomu to tlio w > l'C3 ot BUCU soldiers , sallow or marines , who have nttftlnod to the ago of 11 fly years , and thu widows of soldiers , sailors , or marine. ' , who died whllb In the sorvlca ot the United Stato.i , mid the widows of such spldlor * , sailors or marines wild were honorably discharged /rom such servlc.0 and huvo since boon nuiHtcrud out by death. The inamiecmcni uf the homo Under the law Is vested In live advisory board of flvo members , comprising thrco honorably discharged volunteer sol * dlors of tlio V , S , nnny nnd two of whom pfij otlhor wives , sisleM , or daughters of honor ably discharged soldiers , sailors , or marines and members of the Woman's Hellof corps of this slate. Thoncllvo superintendent of tha homo is plncod in the hands of n commAiulmit who must bo an ox-union soldier of the war of the rebellion ; an adjutant , n iitturturmaslcr , n surgeon , hospital steward and matron. Inmates nro expected nt nil times to con duct themselves In a contleiunnly miiutior , Violation of thcso requirements Is punished lu the llrst case by reprimand , noxtbyim * \'l prlsonment In the guard house und unnllv by expulsion. They are nltlred In dnrkbluo uniforms wlUi brass tuitions , bearing the In- slgnlii of thu home. They nro divided into xquuds and In charge ot an ofllccr selected from their number by ttio commandant. Inmates - mates who rccolvo pensions must turn the same over to the commandant for the bouollt of the homo , the advisory board nllowlug them Ruch A fraction thereof ns they may deem advisable for thnlr own use. Soldiers who nro able to inako their own liv ing may , nt Hie discretion of iho advisory board , bo discharged from the homo. The homo Is n brick slruuturuour stories lu height , supplied with every convenience which may contribute lo the comfort of the veterans. Trio corners nro decorated with battlements stiggesilvo of n mldhuvulcnstlu. Connected wllh the homo Is n number of cotlugus which otinblo the miinauomuiit to carry out tbo provision of the law caring /or the soldiers' wives and widows and children , tlio last mentioned under llfloon voars of ago. Thncostof mnintiuning each member of the homo per your Is $215.52 , of which amount 5100 is furnished by thu toueral gov ernment. The money appropriated by the loglslnturo for the homo ( s us follows : In lss7 , t'iO.OOO ; ISM ) . $110,000 ; 1SIU. fi,000 : ; total , &MIUUO. : Of this amount , fiOO.OOO has boon used /or permanent Improvements consisting of build- lugs and machinery whereby the proper heating nnd work tuny bo performed. There nro on the grounds , nt this tlino , thirty-nlno bond of cattle , seven , head of horses and colts , 100 line hogs nnd over 400 chickens and ducks. One hundred and sixty acres nra now un der cultivation. At least 2f > 00 bushels of oats and fully lhat much corn will bo pro duced on the homo farm condition.'l nothing of ton acres of vegetables of all kinds which will do much lo aid and support its members. < Vt least 100 tons of hay will bo gathered on the land boloniiliig to ibo homo also W'inty-lh'o tons of mlllot during the prasont season. A now hospital Is being eroded at a cost of f3,000 for the accOmodutiou of dis abled comrades. Great Improvement has boon made on the grounds during the summer by laying out and properly eroding convenient walks und drives for the convenience of the members and the visiting public , and much more will /allow in the year of 189. ! , by Botlnig out shade trees , llowors and shrubbery of all kinds to bo.iutlfy the adjacent grounds. This work could not bo douo before on account of the ground not being 111 propnr condltlot Withn favorable season next year it is iti tended to inudo auch chnngos us will please l all the lovers of the homo. The ground connected with the homo com prises 040 acres , nnd was donated to the state by the enterprising citizens of Graud Island. The last report showed that 232 inmntca had been admitted slnca the opening ol the liomo , of whom only sixteen have died. The advisory board comprise- . W. Liver- lughouse , president ; Lane A. Bates , secre tary Holoti E. Cook , E. E. Howard , C. J. Dllworlh. T'uo resident ofllcors nre : W. C. Honrr , commandant ; William H. Wesley , adjutant ; N , H. HurFord , quartermaster ; John Janus , surgeon ; M. K. Hurford , matron. The commandant has boon connected with the homo for more than two years past and has succeeded in gaining the affection of his charges and In gotllng. the 'homo Into a lint class and praiseworthy condition. Till ! The following is a list of soldiers who have boon admitted to ino homo slnoa ft was opened : Adam C. Ash , 151st Ind. ; Jonathan W. Adnoy , 31st Wla. ; Josopn AuamsAth N. 'J. ; Joseph Adams , 41st Mass. ; Alex Boyd , 45tli 111. ; Thomas B. Burckor , 50th Pa. ; Ezra M. Bedoll , 147th N. Y. ; Orange Ball , Oth Ohio Cftv. ; David Beotb , 3'Jd Iowa ; Stephen A. , Blood , 18th N. H. ; John Brodorick , lB2nd N. Y. M. : J. C. Bnllou , 2d Iowa ; John Barrel Mystic , U. S. N. ; William Bennett , Btt Mich. ; Isaac Brackin , LM 1ml. Cnv. : Miclino , ' Bowun. Dth Conn. ; James Barker , 4th Iow ; Julian Belles , 13th N. Y. ; Adam P. Baum , 110th Ind. ; Win. O. Bokeo , 41st WIs. ; Amo- . icus Bend82nd lown ; Win. Cook , 181st N , Y. ; Jas. Clark , 10th Mich. Cav. ; Fred Col. Up , Olst 111. ; Chas. J. Chambin-llu. SJ-HU III. ; BouJ. CumpboU. 2Sth WIs. ; D. C. Custard , 5th and ( iltti ) Ohio ; Jno. Cuvaunugh , 2nd Kansas cuv. ; Perry E. Carleton , 101th N. Y. , * " and 8th N. Y. H. A. ; Jno Churchill , H9th 111. ; Jus. A. Coolt , 25th Mien. ; O. P. Duncan , 40th 111. : Jno. Cart. Sd'Mloh. ; Jno. A. Dennis , 25th Iowa ; Jno. Dolan , 23d III. ; Daniel Do Baun , Oth Ind. Cav. ; Geo. Ditzol , 1st Mich. ; Waller Dimick , 1st N. Y. , Vol. Cav. ; Jas. C. Duly , Ut Bat. M. M. Jirlg. ; Daniel Etter , 4Hth lown ; Fmnlt Evans. 3d lown ; Thos. O. Ellis , iid Nob. Cav.- , Jos. Kycrloy. 3d Ohio Cav. ; Geo. French , 117th 111. ; Fritz Feriischild , 2d N. Y. Pro ! Cav. ; wni. 1C. Frvo , lith Vet. Res. ; Chas. D. Fitch , 9ith 111. ; Chas. B. Fish , Oth Mich and lllth Pa. ; Jus. O. Foster , 1st Neb. cuv , : Jas , O. Foster , 1st Neb. cav. ; Jos. E. Furgeson , 10th 111. ; Daniel Foley , 13th U. B. ; Wm. P. Fouts , 5Ui lown vut. cnv , ; Domlniu Fodoror , 5th WIs. ; Win. Fox , 1st W. Va. M. Inf. ; Michael Gal- vln , 2d Now York L. A. ; Henry Gardiner , 3d 111. cav. ; H. S. Garner , 91th and limb N , Y , ; Jno. F. Grafo , 4iHh lown ; Geo. W. Gates , 4th Ohio cuv. ; Thomas Gucnin , 10th und 17th I1L cav. ; Alfred A. Glass , 10th W. Va. ; G. W. Harp- stor , 3d Pa. Pro. Cav. ; L. E. A. Hughes , 21st N. Y. Cav. ; W. Hoover , 70th Ind. ; Jno. M. Hoov , 1st Neb , Cav , ; George Humor , Ud Nob. Cav. : Put Hastings , tilth N. Y. ; Chas. G. Hoborg , 29th Mich. ; Thos. HIckon , 4ih Mo. Guv. ; F. J. Hnlght , st Nob. Cav. ; Jas , Harrigan , 5th Iowa ; John Helling , 1st Nab. Cav. ; G , HnsholT , ! ld Ohio Ind. Cav. ; Ralph D. Hill , 1st Colo. Cav. ; Joslah A. Harris , IL'Ud Ind. ; A. J. Hamilton , 07th Ohio : Willis E.Hull,94thlll , ; Chas. Hilborts,20thO , L.A. ; Jno. JiiKCho , 25lh Mo. cav. ; Win. H. Ido , 93th 111. ; Oliver Johns , 1st Pa. res. corps ; Jas. Juuksou , Oth Pu. cav , ; Swon Johnson , G. B. No. 20 , U. B. A. ; Ell Jay , 5th 111. pav. ; Peter Kelloyi7Ui N. Y. ; A. FKingU.S. . marines ; C.KonUnlUUth III. ; JKourlokaOUi , N. Y. ll. A. ; Jas. Kuypers , 7th Iowa cnv. ; Thos , M. Lano. 12th Pa. cuv. ; Joel T. Latham , Oth Mo. S. M , cav. ; Wm. Lamptmor , 13th Mo. cay. ; Wm. Lumphuer , 28th Iowa ; Chas. Lockwood , 47th III. ; Thos. Lynch , 13th Vt. ; Jos. Lloyd , 8th Ohior" Jno. Lyons , 10thIiid , ; Jno. Larson , 2Ut III , ; James Murle , Nob. . Puwnco scouts ; David Morgan , 140 lud , ; Alexander McKoo. nth Pa , Res. Cor. ; George Madden , 83d li. Y , ; P , F. McCann , inth ftio ; Peter Meyer , 15th N. Y. H. ; Robert MulClnnoy , 17th Nt Y. ; Franz Mouha , 15th N. Y , H. A. ; H. II Martin , 7th III , Cav. ; George Ml/.en , 42(1VU. . ; .fames McClurg , tttd O , ; Abraham Miller , itdMlnn. ; John W. Mgyer , 17th III ; John W , Meyer , bilih III. ; William Morris , 113th III , ; William H. Mngo < 5 , 77lh III. ; Joseph Mann , 1st Cnla. Vet. ; 8. McGowau , 10 lb N , Y. ; Thomas 8. Owuns. 1st Nob. Cay , ; Patrick O'Noll , 10th Mo. ; Iwio Ogden , Ifloth OhloN. G. ; Win. O'Brien , llth Mo. ; Cuiw. Oborno , 8th N. V. Cav , ; Jos. Parish , 7th N. Y. ; N. A. Phllloo , 120th lit. ; Stimuol E. Pearl , lllth WIs. ; Marshall Pitrkor , fi7h ( Mass. ; Win. Post , 43iJ Ind. , Juo. W. Penny , SU Kuu. Cav. ; Pat Purrym.m , 12lu N. Y , ; Put Perrynmn. Oth N. Y. Ind. L. A , ; Mlchaol G.PHoit. 17th Iowa ; Itiuuc Robluuou , load Jll. ; Ttiuo. Riulmrz , bill Iowa ; Jos , L. Kl-or , 1st N J , ; D. Sutherland , 30th III. ; Louh Stan- tor , IBIth III , ; Samuel Stephens , 77t'i 111 , ; Yochlm Sottimun , Oth Ind , L.A , ; Thomas Smith , 15th Me. ; ObadUh ritotlor , ti'Jtb Ind. : Louis Sehnoldor , M WIs ; It. R. Sawyer , ad Iowa Cav. ; II. A. Kwa/uy , i-'Jd Iowa ; Wm. Bun born , tut * Mich , ; Hugh Htnltb , 87th Ind. ; J. C. Klrulmn , I I''d pa. ; Robt. bhurtz , 21st Pu. Cav. , Oth Iowa ; H. G. D.iqulro , inth Mich. ; O. W. Stewart , 15th III , ; A boor Stout. 7th Ohlp L. A. ; David H. Stout , 7th Ind. ; Sylvester M. Knoll. 12th Titun. Cav. ; William R , Shuto , 1st U. H. sharp shooters ; Jeremiah Sams , 13th Kun.t Sylvujms A , Khelluy , 1st Win. Cav. ; Jumos A. Snyder , 7th Wl , ; Win.hn'V 1'lmrlow , 14th Wis. , 42d W i. ; hn'V rainier , Ifrlth Pa. ; John G. Tuttle , , s. rum