THE OMAHA DAILY BEIfr FRIDAY , AUGUST 28 , 1891. WAS EASY FOR KANSAS CITY , Yesterday's Game Wont to tha Visitors Just Llko Finding Ono. HART WAS WILD AND PEARS WAS NOT. Denver Checked the Sioux City Outfit , ChloaKO ! and Boston IncrcnHO Their Ilcunectlvo Other GntncH. Kansas City , 11 ; Omaha , n. Denver , 0 ; Sioux City , 5. Omaha signalized the return homo yester day afternoon by a dull nnd lifeless gamo. Of course she ' .vas defeated. Hart , whom Manager Lcadloy fished out of the Duluth xvrcck , bcgnn the twirling for the Lnmbs. Ho wns both vulnerable nud wild , and at the end ot tbo fifth Inning , by which tlmo the Cowboys tind piled up nine runs , ho retired In fnvor of McNnbb Peter McNnbb , originally from Toxns , but moro recently from Denver. Peter wns u slight Improvement ever his prcdcccs or , ns the Kansas Cltys were only nblo to touch him for three singles nnd two rufis , yet ho enmo within one of presenting them with ns mnny bases on balls us Hart had. had.In In the third Inning , owing to nn Injury sus- tnlnod In Sioux City , Pop Smith gave wny to Frank Day , who did all tboro wns for him to do In n creditable way. The notnblo playing on tbo Omaha Sldo wns dona by McOlonc , who put up n magnificent nrtlcln of ball from stnrt to finish , nnd deported - ported himself generally like n man who wns out to win. Following McOlonc , in point of merit , came Dungan , McClollnii und Fields. For the Cow boys every man was on his mettle with the exception cf Jack Pickott , who was quite erratic in his lacing 'em across , but , ns ho said , It always requires Just so mnny errors to add zest to the gamu. Old Hick Carpenter was as frisky ns a colt , und Pears pitched n tn as tori } gamo. Of con rso Gaff noy's utnptilng was clean and satisfactory. Tbo cranks of Omaha , however , cnn mnko up their minds thnt they have scon about the last professional ball of the season on thu homo grounds. These four games with Kan sas City will in nil probability end tbo ex citement. After that , If tbo association con tinues , It will bo by reason of some miracle yet undreamed of. The Cowboys play hero ngaln this afternoon nnd tomorrow and Sun day , then comes thu fireworks. The score : OMAHA. McNubb , p Total 3 4 3 0 27 10 3 KAN8AH CITV. Total : i7 II 10 0 1 27 11 5 SCOIIK IIV IN1NOS. Omaha 2 0000001 0 3 KansasOlty 0 0-11 SOMMAIIV. Earned runs : Kansas City , 3. Two-base hits ; .Hoover , 1. Double plays : Dungan to McClono to 1'lulds. Huso on bulls : UIT Hart , d ; off ftluNabh. 4 ; olT Tears , a. lilt by pitcher : Hyllart. 1. Struck out : By Hart , II ; by Mc- Nubb. 1 ; by Pears. 3. Wild pitches : Hy Hurt , lby MuNnbb. 1 , I'afscd balls : llv Kiolds , l. Time of game : Two hours. Umpire : GnfT- n oy. Crnzy Throwing. Sioux CITY , In. , Aug. 27. Sioux City lost today's game by crazy throwing. Score : SU.MMAIIV. Knrnoil runs : Slom City , 1 ; Denver , 2. TITO- hn hits : ( I'llrlun , Nlcliolxun. Thruu bnna lilU : Jleiurr. Stolen bnncn : bluux City. 2 ; Uonvur , 2. lioublu playa : Nlchol < um to ycliclbeck ; llonrtl to Toheau. bn.ii on linlls : hloux City , 3 ; I > cn- vur , U. lilt by pllcheil bull : Elirot , 1. Struck out : lljr Khrot , 2i by Ui-mii'ily , fi. l > aii > pil balls : Knrle. 3. Wllrt pllchi'i : Kcnnody , 1 ; Khrut. 1. Tlmo : Ono liour niul furty-tlvu luliiutcn. Uniplro : Knight. Tlnclo AnsnTook Anotlicr Stop Toward the Pennant Yontorilay. CniCAfio , III. , Aug.27. Ilutcblnson pitched nu excellent game today , except in tbo eighth when tbo Quakers made tholr ono run , which was forced by the gift of three bases on bulls , Moyoys' sncond base play nud Wll- mot's batting were the foatuits of the gamo. Score : Chicago n I'liflndnllihla 0000000 1 0 1 HUH : thlnigo. ; 13 ; I'hlladnlphla , I , Errors : ChlciiKO. 2t Philadelphia/.1 , llallcrlus : lluteh- Inson nnd Klttrcdeo ; Eitpur and U.omontb. Earned rims : ChleiiRO , it. KtXO KKI.1.Y .SHOWS Ul1 WITH Till ! I.HAOU13. CI.KVKI.ANMI , O. . Aug. 27. Kelly played his Ilrst game with the Itoston longuo team this afternoon nnd rnught fairly well. Uouttln wns rcspoiiHlblo for Clovclnnd's ' defeat , pitchIng - Ing good and bed in turns. In tlm ninth inning Boston scored ono run nnd Cleveland followed with four , making six hits olT CUrkson , when rnln fell nnd put a stop to the gamo. Score : Cleveland 0 0000 SOO 2 lioston u i n o n a o 3 12 Hits : Olovalaml.Stltnston , U , Errors : Ulero. land , 3 ; lioston , 4. Butteries : lloaUIn and /.linmer : Ular ) < < > im und Kelly. Turned runt ; lioston. „ ' . JQX.MIS JUM1T1) O > f THK fll.VNTS. Pirrsmiitd , Pn. , Aug. 27.Tho JMttsburg club won today by excellent playing. Score : I'lttsburi ; 7 Now York 0 0000 l 000 l lilts : IMttshurg , 111 : Now York , a. Errors' IMttsburg , 2j Now York , 1. Earned runs : I'lttsbur. . 4. Ilntlorles : Kfns and Miller Ilurr and Ituckley , OI.ADIATOU I'tTE Dm Till' IlKST. CINCINNATI , O.'Aug. 27. Clnclnimtl won easily from Uroolilyn today. Terry wns bit hard and often nud Gladiator Browning in- creosod hl average by four lilts , Srora ; Olnclnnntl. . . , 3 10 llrooklyn U 00002 I 0 Q 3 III | : Clnclnimtl. U ; llrooklyn , ft. Errors : rilnelnnntl. I : llrooklyn , 4. llailerles : lihlnes nnd llnrrlnKloni Terry and Dally , Earnud runs : Ulnulnnatl , ft | llrooklyn , I. . ( .V/if < lU.I.Y.IMti rtootoit ContlniicH to Win Oiinins She Doonn't Need. BOSTO.V , Mass. , Aug. 27. Boston made It throe straights today with Milwaukee ) , Kel ler pitched for thu visitors. Ho bothered the homo team considerably , but ha wns wild , while Haddock pitched perfectly. Score : Hnston , 0 10033 S 8 Milwaukee 1 0 0 U 1 0 0 2 Win : lloitou , 10) ) Milwaukee , i. Error- : noilon. li Milwaukee , . Rnttorlc : Ilnddock nnd Murphy : Keller and Urlm. Karnod rum ! Hoitoti , l : Milwaukee , 2. KITBIJOUO Sl.l'nOF.I ) AOA1K. WA IIISOTON , D. C. , Auff. 27. Washington and St. Louis both slugged the bull hnrd today In the ilrst four Innings , scoring eight run oacb , the gnmo remaining n tie nt the end of the fifth Inning on ndcount of dnrk- ncss , though St , Louis bad scored two runs in the lost of the llfth. Uavls gnvo the visit- on the game nccordlng to rule 23 of the regulations. Score : Washlngtoi . 0 1 2 S 08 St. Louis . . . 0 4400 8 lilts : Wnshlmtton , 7 ; St. LouK 9. Errors : Washlncton , r > ; at. I.oiiN , II. ilntterlcs : Eltcl- jnrg and Mcdnlre ; McOIII , He tiger. Darling. Earned runs : Washington , U Hu Ixmls , 3. COI.U.MI1US ALMOST SHUT OUT. nu.TiMOfiE , Md. , Aug. 27. The Bnltlmoros batted Uastrlrbt hard nt opportune tlmns today , nnd won the game from Columbus. The visitors came near being shut out , but managed to got in two runs by butting streak. Scores lUltlrunro . 1 1 1 0 0 1 C 1 1-11 Columbus . 0 OOOOU002-2 lilts : : Columbus , 8. Errors : Il.iltlmorc. : . ' ! Columbus , \ llnttorles : Mai1 den nnd Itohlnson ; ( J.istrltrht and DonOlut . Earned ruin : Itftltlinore , 1 : Columbus , I. IOUIAVII.I.R WISH ANOT11K1I. I'lill.MiKl.l'iliA , I'o. , Aug. 27. Tno Athlet ics were defeated by Loulsvlllo todny before 11,500 people through Inability to bit Meokln when men were on bases. Score : Athletics . 0 0 2 Loulsvlllo . 3 lilts : Athletics. 7 ; Louisville. 8. Errori : Athletics Si Louisville , I. llaltorlos : llow- mnn and Cross ; Mcukln nnd Uyan. Earned runs : Louisville , 2. Fall of ttio Deserters. Hard lines hnvo fallen lo the swoll-hondod players who deserted Omaha In her time of need. The only ones loft in active work on the field today nro Griflln , McAuloy , Twltcholl and Sutcllffo , nnd McAuloy Is in n prime condition to bo Hreil. Clarke failed utterly nt Columbus and Is now pressing brick nt his home In Oswego , N. Y. Shan non Is feigning sickness simply because ho can't stand tno roan tings of the Washington pross. Monday Jimmy Donnelly , whom Omahans considered the finest third base man on earth , was lot out by Columbus for Inferior work. Twltcholl is doing ordinary work , nnd Hnllignn , for whom Cincinnati paid tbo now Oninha club $1,100 , is cntchlnir It right nnd loft , as tha following from the Times-Star attests : Mr. Jocko Ilnlllgan , whom the Kods lassoed outof thu wild , wlurd west , did moro to send I'lttsburg hniuo with their chests swelled out than any eltl/on ou the .Smoky City tolls , Ho made a corecnus mlsjlidiro on Thursday which wascntcied on tbo ledger as n triple forShu- gart , nud Saturday afternoon , whlln playing In thu fluid with a glove as nlu ns a flour Hack , no mnnnucd to fumble ami juggle hits enough to give I'lttshnrc a ntco ualr of runs. That has been the limit of thu I'unnsvlvanlans' scoring during their late sojourn , but on three consrctitlvu occasions the Herts did not have enough to order up thu dunce. Ancut Donnelly tbo Columbus Journal says : Donnelly , the Omaha crack third baseman , didn't last long hare and Tlm O'Hourko has been piel.ed outof the wreck at Duluth nnu Installed at third base. He took no llttlo Dart In tl.o two overthrows of St. Louis , scoring two of thu llvo runs on Saturday and making three of tin- nine hits off JMeGlll yesterday. "Tacks" Curtis os glvon his release by Cincinnati to make room for Hnllignn , and Cincinnati will regret the change. Curtis has caught onwitb the Washing tons. .1310X0 TIIX AM.ITKlftt ! > . Omaha and I'apllliou Lawyers AVI1I Try Another Game. Today. The second game of tbo series between the Omaha nnd Snrpy county lawyers will bo played nt Nonpareil parlt , Fifteenth nnd Vin- ton streets this afternoon , the battle opening at 3 p. m. sharp. Pnpllllon Is ou this occasion the guest of Omaha. When the two teams mot last Omaha lost owlnc to the absence of live of the regular team. This tlmo , wbllo snying very little , thov nre sawing wood with n determined eye and trouble may bo looked for. Everybody Is ir-wltod to attend free , provided they "pull" foi the home team. Hero is n list of the Oimihos with their positions : Shields , second base ; Grossman , Ilrst bnso ; Goss , middle ; Gilmore , loft Hold ; Crndlo , third bnso ; Smith , pitcher ; Woods , short stop ; Lunt , right Hold ; Quintan , catcher. At the Albright Grounds. . An interesting gnmo of ball will bo played next Sunday between the Albright and South Omnhn Maroons , on tbo Albright grounds , for the chnmplonshlp of South Omaha. Gnmo called nt 2 p. in. The posi tions nrri us follows : Alhrlcht Position Maroons bhorty . Catch . Williams Mullen , K . Pitch . Ford Thompson . First . Condon Oalvin . Second . Dee WaEiior . Shortstop . Dunn D.ivU . Third . O'Neill Lyni'h . Ulght . SolUer Holding . Center . McOurk Mullen , L . . Lcrt > . Nltchlo Orchards Will Tour. The S. A. Orchards base ball club , under the management of Prank Barker , will leave September 1 on a tbreo weeks' trip through Nebraska und Iowa. Bnrkor snys ho will take the strongest team that can begotten gotten together lu Omano. He will have the following crack Omaha amaturos : Cnmlln , Lncoy , .lollon , Bradford , Mnhonoy , Kelley , Dolnn , Bowles , AhlquUt , Wltrmnn nnd Hurley. Quito n team of Holders nnd hit- tors. Thov will stop nt Hastings , Beatrice , Lincoln. Blair , Springfield , Weeping Wntor , nnd Missouri Vnlloy , nnd still have a few ' antes. Very Close Gnmo. HAT Si'itixns , Nob. , Aug. 27. | SpccInl Telegram to Tins BUI : . ] Huy Springs und Huslivllle crossed bnts today in the prettiest game of ttio sitauou. Score by innings : Uushvlllu . 1 4 Hay Springs . X liltsDltuslivllle : , 0 ; Hay SprliiKs. 10. Double plavs : lluv Sprlm ? ? . I , Itattorli-s : It. Camn- boll and Alexander ; liry.son and Harper. St'irH Want a ( me. The Sixteenth street Stars would like to hoar from the Fort Omnhn Juniors or any other nine under 12 years. U'o would like to play the Fort Omaha Juniors Sunday mornIng - Ing , AmrustHO. nt 'J or 10 n. m. Plonso an swer before Sunday nnd state whore your grounds nre. Address WHHo ICohl , captain , 12111 South Sixteenth atrcut. GriHwold Soalpi'd Creston. CKF.HTOX , In. , Aug. 27. [ Speclnl Telegrnm to Tin : BEB. ] A good game of ball was played here today between the Creston and Griswold clubs. Score , f ) to 7 in fnvor of Griswold. Batteries ( Iriswold , Powers and Clark , Creston , Franklin and Sawors. l > 'nst Swimming. NVACIC , N. Y. , Aug. 27. The swimming match today for the national amateur coam- plonshlp , was won by W. C. Johnson of the Manhattan athletic club , 100 yards , Time : 1 : lOU-5. J. \Vhlttomoro of St. Louis won tbo mile race In ' M ; 115. . Will Start Kd Kosowutnr. Mr. K. G. Solomon and I'lullp P. Morgen have gone to the Independence , la. , races , whcro they will start tbo noted pacer 13d Hosowntor ( rci-ord 'JiUtyf ) In tho2:17 : puce Saturday. , lloatrluo Hem ohtnwa. BukTiuciNob. . , Aug. 27 , [ Special Tele gram to Tins Biu. : ] The Beatrice and Ohiowa clubi played ball hero this morning. Beatrice was tno winner by a score of U toU. Sunn of Veterans. MIXSEAI-OMS , Minn. . Aug. 27. Tno Sons of Veterans1 national encninumont today elected Barlow S. Weeks of Now York com- uiandor-ln-chlof. The next nations ! encamp ment will bo held at Helena , Mont. Ortiaiilcuil a TrtiHt. Nmv YOIIK , Aug. 27. Load trust was or ganized today without opposition. The capital stock was reductxl two-lhtiiU. NANCY IS A GREAT OLD GIRL , Wonderful Kentucky Man ) SnsUlns Her Reputation and Her Backers. TROTTED THREE LIGHTNING HEATS Hey Wlllcrs Pnocil Three I'lionomonnl ftlHcs ChnrtcrUnk Itnucn Also Hx- K Hermits oT Yoster- dny's Turf Kvcnts. uscR , In. , Aug. 27 , Every day ol the grout rnco mooting \\M \ \ scotnod n red letter - tor day , but this , the gala day , called from nil points nn attendance of about ! )0HX ) , ( ) . The 5-yonr-old rnco was the center of attraction. It has boon citlmatod that over J500,00fl changed bauds ou tno result ot this race alone. Tno first rnco called was the unfinished Us' * ) class pacd. Forest Wllkos , who finished In the roar last night , paced out and won everything today In the remarkably low time of 3:18. : The best tlmo stands to his credit. At 2 o'clock the great 5-yoar-olds nn- peurcd. Nancy Hanks struck out from the ilrst for the prize and trotted it even with Allcrton to tno lint half. She than gained slowly but porcoptlbly , and at iho third quarter claimed n length. A break for Allor- ton in the homo stretch gnvo that heut to Nancy. An appreciative crowu demonstrated Its feelings in mnnlaclal shouts and yells when the tune , 2:12 , was announced. The second neat wns but a repetition of the first , with the tlmo u naif second slower. In the third heat Allcrton hud the ndvan- tago of a half length , but broico badly on the down btretch and Margaret S trotted n speedy quarter bore , but was compelled to resign the second nlaco to Allorton at the half. On the horns stretch Allerton was safely steered over the breaking ground , but lost tlmo in the effort mid Nuncy wan the heat and rnco by three lengths , ngaln. in tbo wonderful tltno of 2:12 : , the thrco fnstcsthonts over trotted in n raco. Tno quarters were The freo-for-ull pacing for $2.0uO brought out u Hold of great onos. Hey Wllkcs won in straight heats , but was hard pushed by Guy In the Ilrst beat. The next two ho had nil by himself and covered himself with glorv by pacing the three fastest heats ever paced In a mile ran by n stallion , und in the second bent ho mndo equal tlmo with the fastest bent , 2:1 : IK. lu the 4-yonr-olcl stnko for $3,000 Margaret M. was the favorite and IlnUored the talent by talcing two boats , the second ono in 2:19 : , but after this performance she gave them the drop and Constantine carried off ilrst money. Summaries : 2:21 : class pnco , * IMO : Forest Wllkos first Storm scconil , fedora tlilnl. Otto \V. fourth , Miixoy fifth , Wllkiis sixth , liluu llol ) suvonth. Nellie 1) ) . nnd See Saw drawn. Hoi Millar dis tanced. Tlmu : UI7. 2lf : 5 , 2ir > U. at.T : , 2lG'f. : M.ODO , 5-year-olds : Nanuy Hanks first , Alior- ton second , Margaret S. third. Tlmo : 2:12 , Free for all race : Roy Wllkcs first. On ? soe- onrt , Dallas third. Major Wondorfoiirtli.lJudd Dnble flftli , L. 0. Lees sixth. Timor 2:12. : 2:11 : . $ : > , 'uOO stake for 4-yoar-olds : Constantine flist , Margaret M. second , Lady Hello third , Hullo Archer fourth , Swannock llfth , Mc Gregor Wllkos sixth TrafTord and Vatican were drawn after the second boat. Thno : Illuming in the Haiti. SAUATOOA , N. Y. , Aug 27. This day at thoraces races will bo remembered with n vengeance by all who were unfortuhato enough to bo present. Early'this morning a heavy rnln storm sot in. The rain came down in tor rents. It rained without n single inter mission until tbo horses wont to the post for tlm first raco. A dcnso mist then set in , wnich gradually settled down Into a heavy fop.Klist Klist race , llvo furlongs. Six- starters : In the strotcliainr.ost. . lOi (9 ( to 1) ) , drew away from Denial , ll.'i (5 ( to 1) , who had led nil thu way , and won , Ilongal second , jTho.Queun. 110 (10 ( to 1) . third , Tlmo : 105. . Second race , ono jnllo , live , . starters. The race was but llttlo better than a match between - tweon Hello of Orange , iXi ( (2 ( to I ) , and Mabel Ulonn. 108(7 ( to 5) ) . Tim pair swuii'j Into the stretch nook and nock. They raced without change to within half a furlong of the finish Ino. Mabel then drew awav ml won qutto asllr by a length and a half. Hello of Ornngo beutlnit Santa Anna , lOi ( . " > to 1) ) for , .the. place. Tlmo : 1:40. : ' Third rnco , Saratoga cup. two miles , thrco starters. India UubLer , 1U7 (10 ( to 1) ) . acted as pcncemakor until they entered the homestretch stretch for the second and last tlmo. Los Angles. 121(2 ( to 5) ) , then moved up , and al though India Itubbor responded -gamely to urgent appeals , Los Angeles drew away with out an elTort and won as she pleased. India Knbbor beat Vulleru , 107712 toO ) , for the place. Tlmo : 4WVi. : 1'ourth race , inllo and three-sixteenths. Kour starters : 1'ossora. 118(0 ( to 10) ) . won as ho pleased by four lonzths. Oarroll , 105 (3 ( to 5) ) , whipped out. boat Hod Kollow , HO ( lito 1) ) , for the place. Tlmo : 2:074. : ! Fifth race , seven furlongs. Eight starters : Post Odds , U7 (7 ( to 1) ) , drew uway in the strotoh and won by thrco lengths from Hnlvlnl. 11,1 (3 ( to 5) ) . who cnmo with a Krcat rush and beat the Appollo , mi (12 ( tel ) , for place. Tlmo : 1:33. : Moninonth Meeting Closed. Moiiius PAIIK , N. Y. , Aug. 27. This was the close of the summer meeting of the Mon- mnuth Park association. First race , six furlongs. Fourstarters : After a good finish St. John , 100 (8 ( to I ) , won from Helen Hose. ICO (15 ( to 1) ) . who beat SlelDiior. lib ( U to . ' ) ) , for the plane. Tlmo : 1:13 . Second nice , the Oarteret handle -p , six fur- lonps. Fourteen starters : When they came in sljiht unit turned In to the stretch ft. Florlan , 1215(12 ( tnfl ) , was lending. Alon/.o , 118 ( la tor ) . KlngC'iidmiis , ion (20 ( to 1) ) , Lamplighter. 112 (12 to 1) ) . anil Mlml colt , 109 ( ! ' . ' to G ) , next. The front ranks wcro hut very llttlo dimmed until tno last quarter , whore Mlml took third po sition and Lamplighter noxt. At thoquarttir HI riorlan wis : beaten and I'lukcrlni ; brought Patrimony colt through the bunch with a timnundous burst of speed , and not the second position at tno eolith polo , and In a line flni ° h with LamplMhtur , won. Lamplighter was seeoud. Alonzo third. Tlmo : 1:14. : Third raeo , thu Joiscy handicap , inllo and a quarter. .Seven Htartors : San J nun , 120(7 ( tn 2) ) . went through the hunch In the stretch and won fiom Plcknlckur. 131 (8 ( to 5) ) , Teirlllor. Ill ) ( in to 1) ) . third. Tlmu : 2:01) : ) . Fourth race , Handicap sweepstakes at $20 each with il.OOil added , six furlongs. In n driving llnlsh I'rathor. 07 (7 to 1) ) , won from I'ligan , loan to 1) ) , a length before Iilzzlc.UJ (1.1 ( toll. Time : 1:41. Fifth race , ono mlle and a quarter. Thrco starters ; llmmmla , 113 (0 ( toO ) . Klot , 109 (4 ( to I ) . Stockton , 121 ( III to.'i ) . llurtnnila overhauled Hint at the lust quarter and beat him. Klot heat Stockton for the place. Tlmu : 2:07. : Sixth raco. seven furlongs. Klcht starters : ' Won by Slrorco. IW (4 ( to It , I'o.irl tot , 97 (7 ( toft ) , .second , Itoqneforto , 101 (8 ( tel ) , third. Tlmo : Great Trotting at Hartford. IUiiTTOKi > , Conn. , Aug. 27. In splto of the threatening weather fully 7,000 , people wont out to Charter Oak park today to see the races. Before 1 o'clock the two races brought over from tno day before were finished , The $10,000 stake f oi-2 : SO trotters wns won by Nightingale. Llttlo Albert wns quite lame and mlcht have been shut out if C Jeers , who drove Nightingale , had wanted to do It , The tlmo was 2:2. : " > jf. Fred Wllkos won the un finished 2 :2. : i trotting. It was a very easy tioat for him. Tom Carpenter was second , Captain Lyons third , Lluhtning fourth , Uomonn fifth , Onphno sixth and Michael O'Huru seventh , Vor some reason Diamond was the favorite In t tie 2 : 17 trotting rnco , but several horses In the race were bettor than ho. Six heats were necessary to decide It , and Richardson finally won it. Frank Dortuh , the fnvorito , won the pacing race , tbo Insurance stnka of 82,000 , for 2JO : ! pacors. It is generally bo- Moved that ho could hava won In strnmht heats had ho noon sent tn win nt first. The J:2I : class was started , The suinmure | ? fol , low : 2:1" : class , trotting , purse UO.V ) . .1 , U. Klch- urdHon first , Walter Kaceond , Diamond third , Juan Vnljean fourth. Host time : 2:20i : ( , Inanranco atukos * ltO ) , 2:2) : nUsn , pacora. l'ruiil < Dorth Ilrst , Lady tihortilan second , Thlstlo third , Chosterflold fourth , Surpass llftli. Illancho sixth , Sulandln suventji , llent tlmo ; 2:21U. : _ Grnnt Hturt nt Ilontrluo. DBATIIIUC , Neb. , Aug , 27 , [ Special Telegram - gram to TUB llmc.J Tbo first day's races nt Linden Tree park were a big success , bath In sport and attendance. The track was In su perb condition and the weather was perfect First race , 2-yvar-old clust. with seven en tries. Kiitriuico fun ill ! 8ouuty adds (100. Kostonon , ownntl liy F. U lleinol of liobron , won In two ntruhht hoitts. Sylvia ( ( .second , CountvM third , Ida Karl fourth. Kansns llui- tell flftli , Itobol , Medium , Jr. . and Drydondli- tunoed. Tlmo : 2M : , 2H : ) ( . J3U ; cluu , four cattle * . Almoa Abordcuu , owned by A. 8. jtalladny of Krlond , won Ir three strnlKht 'WrUi. Ohnrllo llnroh scoond Sir Alhln third , Itbfxol Medium fourth , Tlmo sff. : : 3:32 : , anu. : : 1 1 d Thrco mlnutiuiUass. purse KWO , thirteen on- trips. Hhndomcivw'ned by A. J < Ilnll of He at r Ice , won In tlinu ) straight heati , Ouolph jr. , second , Hjtllii. Theme third , Alrranl fourth , Hurry K nfth. Consul Chlof sixth Dunrtr nevi iitii. tlcoK olRhth. Dlolc Tlld n ninth. Lady llnUnr tenth , Wllllo L. McCartj und \Vnnt I'otut iltilancod. Time : 2UJ , Si-'WCr 2.T7 : , ujui Itnnnlni ? r.ic ( > /.linlf ; mite , . $7bo t two In thjjjo. Six entries : Con Kinney - noy won. O. 0. TiloUer second. Tlmo : 52i ! Tnokcr took tnuUcobnd heat. The entries , iwpro Con Kin noy , A. C. Tucker , Trick plu Foster , Uolo M and Odessa. , , _ Close FJnlslics ut Crostou. CIIKSTOX , In. , Aug. 37. iSpoclal Telegram to TUB UKK..T Today's races were of exciting nnturn , close finishes being the order , Summaries : First race , trotting , .1(00 ( olnsi , &V)0. ) Ivlca . . . Ashman . 212 : Jumps 1' . . . 4 a 3 . ' \Vllkos \ ( Jhlof . , . a 4 4 J Tlmn : 2:32 : } , 2:29. : 3XI : , 2a2'4- : Second race , trotting , 2W : : class , pur io)0. Ituppy May . Dandy II. . . . 1 3 a 4 AJiiKnrliinil. . . . " . a 2 2 S Wulihinnn. . . . . . 444 ; Tlmo : Va.-iM. : 2:30' : , 2a7K.2:3 : : . . Third race , trotting , 2:3 : < i olass , guaranteed mi rso $1.000. Sprauuo Hrlglit . , . 1 1 1 Hood Tlmo . 2 3 2 .Toili I ) . 3 3 dls Carrie . t . dls Tlmo : :32 : : SH. 2a2i. : ! Fourth race , running , half mlle and repeat. Jnek White . I I Klllo O . 3 S Wild Pat . , . 2 3 Thro : 51 ! * , 52. _ and Item Day nt Ilonnc. BOONK , In. , Aug. 27. [ Special Telegram to Tnr. Dr.E. ] There wns n big crowd nt the laitdny of fair today' and the record of the track was low rnd four seconds , down lo2C3. : In the 2:25 : class , thrco horses started : Golden den Wing , II. J. .Morse , Oiintap , la. ; Tocsin , A. , f. Kiillor. Storm Lake ; Ollngur , Jr. , 0. 11. Cooke , Hoono. The race resulted : Golden Wing . 1 a 1 2 1 Tocsin . 2 1212 Cllngor , Jr . DIs. Time : 2:2 : $ , 2:2SK. : 2:23 : , 2:5155. : in the 2:115 : class Dlllards Alexander ( J. II. Jones Auduhou ) , Norway ( J. D. Veamans. Slonx City ) , 1'aul L'lnkham ( W. U. Ncedham , Hoono ) ? started : IHHarJs Alexander . 1 1 1 Norway . 2 2 2 raul Hnkhnm . 3 3 3 Tlmu : 2:4 : M. 2r : : > ! j , 2r : > H. Gray Tom won the 2)0 trot. Host tlmo : 2:35. H. C. Wheeler , the republican candidate for governor , wns on the grounds and made many acquaintances and friends. IMnJor HunUliiH' KUCO.H. CHICAGO , 111. , Aug. 27. Oarflold park ; track deep in mud. Results : First race , thlrtoon-slxteonths of a mile. ban Snba won , Drift second , Ono Dlmo third. Time : 1:34W. : Second race , mlle aim sixteenth. Osborno won. Anna Hauu socond. Sunnybronk third. Time : 2:03. : Third race , one mile. Gunwad won , Al- phonse second , Alary Sue third , Tlmo : I"il34. : Fourth race , thrco-quatters of u mllo. Lake Hreezo won. Tom Elliott second. Uay S third. Tlmo : lull. Fifth race , nine-sixteenths of n mile , lioll- var Hucknor won. Stinsliino Whisky second , Aimero third. TfuH , ) : . . 1OJ. : Sixth race , nlni5slxtqenths of a mile. Do- celt won. Mlssenr oijond. Caulnkshank third. Tlmo : l:0j : . ' " Colonel torriiran'H Iltccs. : CHICAOO , 111. , Aagt'27. ' Hawthorne results : First rnco , halfllo : Engarfta won. Free dom second , Montfc'llilr third. Tlmo : Hi. Second race , thrdc-'quartcrs of a mile : lilval won , Prince Henry sucond , Fred Tarn I third. Time : 1:22. : CS ( Third race , mild undone-sixteenth : Po'o- ' mus won , HrooSnviyoU second , Kthlo third. Tlmo : 1:59 : , " Fourth raco. " mlle and one-sixteenth : Ithnlnl won , Crini-j second , Llttlo Sciasors thlr.l. Tlmo : 2TK'fl : ' Fifth race , sc 6n'furlongs ) : Uouser won , Gilford second , Ithaca third , Tlmo : 1:33& : 'Jioii'tio 1'iitiirity. NBW fouK , A\1 \ * 27. His Highness and Merry Monarch * , tJifrom the stable of D. Gideon , were givooUielr preparation for the FuttirityTcthis mtoilngBothicolts : had up 116 pouiids and covoroa six furlongs in 1 : OSJv They pulled up jiulto frosn at the finish , They will bo taken from Morris park tomor row to Shoopshcad Bay. McLuughlln will ride. His Highness and Marty Bergen will have the mount on'Mcrry Monarch. Crowd lit Ijcxington. LEXIXOTOX , Ky. , Aug. 27. Twcnty-flvo thousand people attended the Lexington fair today. The day was perfect , track fast. First race. Association stake t or 4-y ear-olds : Collnwood first , I'at Maybe second , Stella Hnlmont tnlrd , Courier fourth Iti.-st tlmo : 22 ° 22Se'cond race , 2:19 : olass , purse $1,000 : Xollio W Ilrst , AiiKellas-ccond.'Hermuda third. Heady Hey was distanced In the third hoat. Host time : 2:19. : - HKIISKLF .IAV > Betrayed and Deserted a Young "Woman Hides Her Shnino in Dnuth. Plin.AlBLi'iiiA , Pa. , Aug. 27. Llzzto Wil son , 82 years old , poisoned herself and cnild today. The child' was 1 year old and , ac cording to tbo mothers' statement , was born out of wedlock. Both are dead. The young woman had threatened to take her own and llttlo glri'a life because Kant/ , the father of her child , had refused to marry 'her ns ho promised. She saw him again last evening and requested him to marry her , but ho pos itively refused. She then concluded to take bar own and the child's life. Fighting for JVilllons. BUTTK Mont. , Auc. 27. In the Davis will case today W. S. Hussell of Eldon , In. , who has known Jaraoa a. Eddy for nine years , and who got letters from him , could not see the least resemblance between the writing of the will and Eddy's. E. Dickorson of Springfield , Mass. , n paper manufacturer , said the will was written on cylinder paper , and that no heat had been applied to it. M. U. Ewoll of South Evansville , 111. , lawyer and mlcroscopist , could discover no ovl- donco of carbonizing of the will , and testified also that the will was written before it was wotted. \Vei\tIierlu Kuropo. LONDON , Aug. 27. Hain continued in tor- routs today in the midland nnd southern counties , but ceased at night full. Farmers have now lost nil hopes of n harvest. PAUIS , Aug. 27. The wind blow n hurri cane nt Boulogne today. Thirty houses were unroofed. _ _ Sliprinnn on tlio Stump. PAUI.TIINO , O. , Vlf ! ,3T. Senator Sherman made his opening speech of the campaign today before 0,000 pbbple. X. D. Soars ol Proinont is nt the Oollono. Prt'd WhittomofVif Loug Pine is nt the Dellono. ' ; } ' ' A. B. Edor of Pawnee City is nt tbo Mlllnrd. Ol ( , ' W. T. S. NoIIgh of W ° st P it is stopping nt the Dollonc. _ , John Mnttos nnrti'Kobert Greeblo of No- braskn City are gtmts at the Dellono. Colonel C. L. HixA'or nnd Jnmos Hnssott of P.ipllllon are Btoiftilng at the Millard. MM. J. E. Wuldrs returned Wednesday from an oxtondediyUUto relatives in Norfolk. H. D. Wntson p jj.Koarnoy nna C. M , Clanp , a leading capitalist of BInghampton , N. V. , nro ut the Pax ton. Uov. Asa Lcard T.n. , and family returned to this citv yesterday from n visit of several wciiks at Springlluld , III , Mrs. Cummlngs , matron nt the city Jail , reported again for duty yesterday nftcr an illness of several days. David Klrkwood started for Now York yesterday afternoon , nnd will sail on Satur day on the Ancnorln for Qlnsgow. Mrs. H. M. Caldwell , Mr . J. S. Bush nnd S. II , Caldwell wcro nmon ? tno possonircri ou the Burlington ( Iyer for Corning , N , Y. , yesterday. Mrs. Sarah McCloary nnd MUs Cixrrlo Mo Clearv , aunt nnd cousin of Mrv Bralnnrd , nro visiting Mr. nnd Mn. P. C. Bralnnrd at the Paxtou. Mr * . L.H.Townor spent Monday > nd Tues- any in the city , stopping with Dr. ( Japan , whlln probating thu will of her late husband , Hon. U. U. Townur. She went to Hustings yesterday morning nnd will loturu tbo latter part of the wouk. TIIREETIIOUSAND MILES AWAH Charley Mitoholl Gels Out wltb a Big Tali Fight to Oorbott. CHANCE FOR THE CALIFORNIA WONDER Ritlier-ln-lmw I'ony Atooro Will l-'ur- iilsh the C'nwli Tot * Charley , \Vlio IM Cra/.y Tor u Go with -Jim. lrojvrf0AMM/h/ ) ) * f/nnlon LONDON , Aug. 27. [ Now York Hornlil Cable- Special to TUB BRB. ] Through the Herald Charley Mitchell formally takes ur Jim Cornell's challenge to fight for $23,000 r side. Ho Is ready to deposit the mono } furnished by Fnthor-ln-Law Pony Moore ns soon ns Corbett ' ( by cable ) announces hU nc coptnnco , In addition Mitchell authorize- mo to say that ho has nn Kngllsh Irlond will Ing to hack him for f 100,00 * ) ngnlnst Corbott It must bo a fight to njlnhh. Corbott can dccido whether the light Is to bo in Amcrlcu or England. If In America , Mitchell wants to name the exact location. If in England Corbett can name the location. Pony Moore says ha will post up as much money ns Cor- bolt likes , 'if the light comes oft In America Mitchnll'a deposit will bo forwnrdct through the London ofilco of the Herald am Cornell's money will bo doposllcd at tin Now York ofllco. If In England , the Sport ing Lifo or the London odillon of iho HcrnU is to bo slnko holder. The fight can bo witn bare knuckles or small gloves , but Mltchol ! prefers knuckles. Mitchell says DP wants to fight for money nnd for an honest reputation , not for the cheers of tbo crowd nt the ring sldo. If Cor- bell agrees to the Idea ho Is willing to fight in private , with nobody present butttio press reorosontntivcs and say llvo inon on each sldo , to bo named by bimsolf nnd Corbott. The main thing is that Mitchell wnnts to avoid tbo usunl controversies and boliavos Corbott does. Mitchell thinks the fight should coma off wltnin three months from the tlmo the stnkes nre deposited. Mitchell's ' friends bellovo the more decisive light can bo had if It is held In private. Then they can got rid of nil talk about either the light or the crowd swerving the referee. On the other hnnd , if Corbott wants his crowd present Mitchell will not object. Tno thing is to have the money put up nt once und get to business. A telegram from Corbott addressed to the London editor of the Herald accepting Mitch ell's offer will ut once bo followed by Mitch- oil's deposit. _ Ot'Klt Till : XKT. Doano nnd Onion Win the State Chunip'oiiHliip for Doulilon. The interest in the annual tournament of the .Nebraska StatoTonnis association , which closed last night , centered In the finals which were played yesterday between Messrs. Doanc and Uuiou , and Morrow and Osgood. The tournament has been tbo most success ful in the history of tbo association , and tlm courts have boon surrounded dally by largo numbers of tennis enthusiasts , not only from this city but from Lincoln , Crcto and Hast ings. The playing of the preliminaries on Tuesday demonstrated that Messrs. Doano ' and Ou'iou were pretty suio to bo in nt the finals. Their playing was marked by steadi ness and brilliancy , und the Hastings and Crete teams were comparatively easy victims. At the close of the second d.iy'a playing the contest had been narrowed down to Donne-Guiou and Morrow-Osgood. Yester day the tlnuls between these two teams were played , in the preaoneoof a largo assemblage. The cahies were beyond question the most o.xcitinir nnd interesting over played by ama teurs In the state. Tno game wai called at 10:05 : n. m. und it was not until : ) p. m. that the odlciul scorer announced tbo result that gave to Messrs. Do.ino nnd Guiou the cham pionship of Nebraska. .Morrow and Osgood won the ilrst soby n score of 0 I. The second sot was a long and exciting ono , twelve camoj being played UP- toro Doano nnd Gutou wcro victorious. After the second sot Morrow und Osgood were not In il to any appreciable extent , al though both played brilliant games. Ospood's lobbing nnd Morrow's ' bril liant half volleys word features of of the contest. Messrs. Doano nnd Uuiou playeil steadily and suroly. They hold the championship of Nebraska by reason of hard , earnest worlr. aud Iho team that wrests it from them will Have to bo moro than ordi narily a good one. Tno following is the score by pnmes : First sot D. nude . 0 001000-1 M.andO . 1 1 1 0 ; 1 I G Second set II. and G . 0 7 M. and 0 . 1 5 Third sot I ) . iindQ . 1 101 6 M.andO . 0 0100010 2 Fourth .set D. undo . 1 0 M.andO . . . . 0010-2 and Iliintin toii Win. T , U. I. , Aug. 27. The weather looked anything but promising , but by 11 o'clock tbo conditions were favorable enough to rcako the committee of arrangements to decide to nold Iho tennis mntch for the championship in doublea bctwjcn Iloburt nnd Hail , who won the honors last year , nnd Campbell nnd Huntington , who won the iill-romors last week by defeating Chase and Ityorson , the western champions. Campbell und Hunting-ton outplayed their opponents in superior team work in the first set , placing many balls between the oppo nents. Hoburt made many long dm-es which seemed to bother Campbell and Kuntington. In net play tbo Inttor loam lull the advantage of Ho'mrt ' and Hall , wno lobbed considerably but with littlu effect. Campbell nnd llunlington took the first sot. ( W. Hob.irt nnd Hnll played better In the second end .iot after iho si-oro wasI to 1 against them. Huntlngton plnycd r.ithor poorly for bis side , nnd Hall did not help his partner very much. Hobart mudo some beautiful drives , ns in the previous sot , nearly all of ' .vblch Campbell and Huntlngton found diffi cult in placing well , while bis serving scored : iim several IICOH , Campbell nnd Huntlngton won the set , 0-1. The third sot wns uninteresting and wns prolonged to fourteen games. Campbell iilaycd well , nt times making some very : > r < Hty drives and places , \vhUo Huntlngton returned many ImckhnmleU drives across the court. Hall lobbed well , but not nlwuys nu- niratolv , but Hobart S'-emod ' uimblo to play lis luwfords with much advantaqo. Cnrap- jell and HuntliiBton took this sot , S-0 , giving them the mutch nnd the championship In doubles , _ .S.U/TII 7.o.rr. Ijntfihnw of Ijliiooln OUIHIOOIM ! ihu South Oiimhti Alan at Grand iHlanil. OIIAND ISI.ANP , Nob. , Aug. 27. ( Special Telegram to Tun BKU.J Seine very good shooting was done nt Uio tournament today. An Individual match wns shot between Smith ot South Omaha and Latshaw ot Lin coln , fifty llvo birds oich : , for n purse of ? IO < ) , whlcli was easily won by Latshnw , no male- ng H to Smith's 37. I'iio other events today wcro ni follows ; Eleventh event , ton single hluoroclti , fl entrance : Notluvny. first ; Crnblll , Porter- leld , llavwood , Ijntshawand Nicolnl second ; Icok , Elliott nnd Sanford third ; Holcomb , [ larruon. Pnrmnlee , Stouffer , Sedan , Mluh- Ing nnd Smith fourth. Twelfth ovcnttwenty single bluerocks$2.JO ! entrance : Portorllold nnd I'armaleo , first ; Lntsbnw , Sedan and Elliott , second ; Hay- wood. pjtoulTcr ana Crnblll , third ; Harri son , fourth. Thirteenth event , ten llvo birds , tS en- trance. $20 added : Crnoill and Smith , first ; Parmalco. Buboholder , Nlcolul , Pnrtor- leld , Hey wood , Latshuw nnd Sudan , second ; Mlchllng. Pleok , HarrUmi , Nothway , Stouf. 'crand Bray , third ; Nason and Holcouio , 'nurth. Fourteenth event , twenty-live slnglo hluo rocks , $ J entrance , 111) added : Elliott , first ; Nothwny , Pnrmnlco nnd Sedan second Brny , third ; Lntslmw , fourth. A number of the partlo < pants have axrol lent records ns crack shots , nnd tunny visl tor were attracted to the { rounds to wltnos the snooting. ltiU.\lt.H \ 1 > t-l > Tt.ttKS. Suit for $ IOOOUOO GrowltiK Out o tlm I'anuiiiH Kiiinm flllno Sale. NEW YOIIK AUB. 27. Judge Patterson li the supreme court chnmboM , honrd nrgu menls today tipan the motion of .lames K Lyon to strlko out certain nltogod liTclovnn ullcgntloiM In iho answer of dofondnnt In his Lyons , suit against Senator William Stownr of Nevada for 1,000,000 damages. The Mil grew out of complications in mining trans actions In which Senator Stewnrt ncto.1 iv counsel for the plaintiff. Among the nllog.t tlons objected to by the plnlntllT Is thnt o blackmail. Judge i'attorson roiorvod hU decision. tn hU complaint on the suit ngnlntt Sen ntor Stownrt , Lyon nllegcs thnt Stownrt whllo acting us nis attorney In 1870 nnd 1871 conspired with Tronor W. Pnrk of Vormon nnd others to doprlvo him of his inlinn ) rights. Ho says thnt Stownrt realized nuom JJ.OCO.OOO und no received only f200,0)0 ( ) foi his claim. Lyon stntos that ho owned ttu Moultcr uiul St. Louis mines In 1870. Pcopli claiming to own the Emmn mlno adjolnliu oncroncnod on nls property. Tronor W Pnrk und H. Houry Baxter , worn tno equal owners of hnlf of the Emma mlno. Lyoi brought suit iignlnst the Km ma Mining com pany , which was then incorporated In Now York , for damages nnd opposed the nppllca tlon of the Km ma Mining company for n nun Ing grunt. The case was re ferred to Benjamin B. Curtis of Hoston. It is nt this point that Lyon claims Stewart' ? actions wcro not such in nn attorney shoulc bo guilty .il in his dealings with n client Stewart led him to bollovo , ho pavs , thai Curtis was engaged ou the Alabama claims at Uonovn nnd would not bo nblo to give nt- ton lion to the case fora long timo. Hccnusc of such representations Lyon ngrcd to soil bis rignts in his mines for SMO.OiX ) nnd with drew hU protest ntrulnst Iho mining granl nskod for by the Emma Mining company. Subscduently Lyou heard that Curtis had nothing to do with the Alabama claims. Pnyment of the WOO.OOO wns de ferred , nnd Lyon wns finally induced to Join with Pnrk nnd others in n scheme to form nn English company nnd dispose of the minus on Iho London market. Stownrt was employed by L3-on to go to London in connection with the matter , Lyou alleges that ho found that Stewart and Pnrk conspired with Bixtor in London to defraud him of his Interests , and that bv false representations Slownrt induced him ( Lyon ) to sell out to Park for $ . ' 0 < > ,00l ) , of which amount ho paid ? . )0,000 to Stewart and C. .1. tlillyoi1 as counsel. Tbo mines were sold in London for Sii.fiUO.OOO. It is alleged by Lyon thnt Stewart and Pnrk bud entered into n private agreement while Stownrt wns bin counsel , and thnt Mr. Stewart received $125,000 from the Emma Mining company , whilu Stewart received 51,000,000 out of tin- London salo. Senator Stewart denies all the allegations of fraud nud conspiracy and charges Lyon wltb bhu'kmail. Ho says Lyon lost all bis money speculat ing and then came to him Stewart ) and threatened suit. Stewart regarded this ns blackmail and said s"1 , ut. thu same time ho asked Lj'on bow much ho wnntod. Lvoi : took $ ' )0,00. ) and "signol n release of all clain * against Stownrt or Park. The I'arlt Place DIS i.stcr to ho In vest 1 :1 : toil Alter math. NKW YOII : > , Aug. 27. Coroner Hnnloy im- panneled a Jury today to investigate the Park Place disaster. Coroner Hnnloy gathered his Jury together shortly after ; l o'clock this afternoon nnd escorted them to the scone of the calamity , where a cursory examination wns mado. The Jury was composed of architects , a printer , u pressman , chemists , a machinist and n builder. The jurors nscendoa the dismantled build ing adjoining thu ruins and through the openings on tbo second lldor viewed the rem- mnls of the wrecked building1. Tlmy found thnt the beams had boon hold by arches which remain imbedded lu tbo walls and that the mortar clinging to the bricks wns of good quality. Of rourso tnoy would express no opinion regarding the wrecked building. The jury then dispersed to moat again at 10 " o'clock next Tuesday morning in"tbo rooms of the genond sessions , where tbo inquest will bo hold. Over $0,200 has been subscribed in two davs for the families of the ( lend. George L. Montague , comptroller of the Mount Hope Cemetery association , hns writ ten to the mayor offering , in behalf of the association , to donate a burial plot for thu interment ot the unknown dead , and also to erect a suitable monument free ol clmrjro. Lawrence T. Borgnr. of 217 Mercer street , this city , the pressman who hai ligured among the mtssint' since the date of the Park Place , Now Yorlt , disaster , re turned to his homo today from Boston , nftor an unsuccessful hearth for work. Btrgcr says ho * ont to Now York on Saturday , wboii he learned thnt pressmen wcro ncudocl in Boston. Ho went thcro nt once and thoughtlessly neglected to notify his wifo. FUrJ.O 'lN < ! 'J'JIK Fur ncnrin < ; ScalH Will Soon Ileuome IC\tinct In Alaskan Water' . SVN FIUNCISCO , Cal. , Aug , 27. The Chrnn- clo's Ounalaska advices note the departure of the United States commissioners from Alaska waters nnd state the British commis sioners before leaving Intended to visit the Islands north of Pribyloff group , their object being to ascertain ns nearly as possible the the rancro of the fur seal In Behring sen. Advices state thnt the pDisUtonco with which thi ) English commission s seeking information leads to thu jcliof that nn effort will bo in.ulo . a break do < vn the theory ndvancod by Amer- cim authorities that the Pribyloff group is .ho homo of the seal and that the animal be- ongs moro to the land than to 1 bo sea. A 1st of sixty-one vessels and their catch up to Aucust 10'U glvon. The number of seals caught wn.s ; i7UOO. Twenty-tour British nud olgnt American vessels had not been boa-lod ip to that tune , nud their catch could not bo tscci'talned. The correspondent says thnt sealers coucouo thi" . number does not repre sent moro than 02 per cent of the total nuni- > or of seals destroyed up to .date this .season. inr.i > TO .i.v. 'jotlery Men Ijoarn They Cannot Vio- tali * iho Imw with Impunity. Nr.wOui.mNi , Lu , , Aug. 27. Paul Conrad , ire-ildcut , and n number of ofllcuw and om- iloyes of the Louisiana State Lottery com- uny , today appeared before United Slntos JommUsionor Wright to answer nn affidavit made by Postofilco Inspector Alaynurd bo- ere Commissioner Hart of Auitln , Tox. , charging him with violating the nutl-luitory lostnl law , passed by the Inst congress. Ho ivorrod that these gentlemen deposited , or caused to bo deposited , In thu New Orleans K tol1lfo nmt In Iho Auilin poatolllro n rlr- mlar containing thu revised report of the tale supreme court on the lottery revenue cnso. Tiio lottery men wnru held in Ki'JOuach ' o niuwor thu charge. ' rii/nt Simiutvlipru , In DoMilati- , Wind Swept Sji.DC , I hell * f-plrilH llniilil. HiiiiOtK , Mich , , Aug. 27.-Jnmoi Bums and n woman , who was known in his daugb- or Alice , were found dead in tholr homo nst night , nine nnlci from hero. Thu body of Burns was found upon the bed nnd across bat of thu womii'i. Death hail resulted from trcngulatlon. Both cornea wuro lu nn ad- anced btatoof decompojitlon. It is believed Jurim dlod from natural cunse , whlto tlio vonmn killed hursulf for griof. They wcio : i ttango couplo. No olio knows whonca they came or anything of their history. SteniiiHhlp Arrivals. At Biiltlmoro Michigan , from London. At London- Sighted , Egvptinn Monarch , rom Now York ; Elbe , from Now Vork , Vugusta Vlctorl.i , from Now Yorlc. At Now York-California , from Hamburg ; 'erslan Monarob , from London. At Nrw York , Steamer Britannic , from Liverpool. CONSIDERING CANDIDATES , Many Democrats Socking the lutorstito Commission Vaoiuoj , LIKELY TO GO TO AN ALABAMA MAN , I'U-Attornoy Oencrnl Oarlnnd Not Avorsod to AuiicptltiK tilttlo Work nnd Fair Compen sation Attached. \ \9inxoTON BUIIIUU or Tim BKR , ) Mil FOUHTI'.IIXTII STIIBr.T , > WASliiNdTtis , 1) . C. , Aug 27. I Among the candidate * for the vncnnt plnco on the Intorstnto commission It Is bollovod thnt ox-Attornny General ( Jnrlaml , ox-Scun- torMaxioof Texas and Cougrojmnn Her bert of Alubamn will bo considered for the place. Ex-Attorney Gnrlnnd has n residence In Washington where ho Is attor ney for n Inrgo railroad corporation. The up- nolntco will necessarily hnvo to bo n demo crat. If the president follows out the Idon which souio of the politicians think ought to bo adhered to , by appointing nn Alabama man to succeed Ucnornl Bragg , who wns from Alabama , His thought that Judge Morrill. Inw partner ol Senator I'ugh , mny bo named. It wns reported in n mornlnir paper that Sun- ntor I'ugh hnd recommended Colonel Shorter of Alabama , Imt this U indignantly denied by thu senator. The position Is a very dosir- ublo one. has loss work nnd moro salary at tached thnn unv United States senatorship nnd is fnlrly endowed witn dignity. III'.UKNT AHMV IIRIIKK4. Tlio following army' orders wore Issued todny : The nctlng socrotnry of war , having do- elded that tlio contract entered Into by tlio United States with John Sheehnn for the construction of n gymnasium building at the United Stntos Mllltnrv nendomy nt West I'Oiut , N. Y. , has been forfeited , directs thnt n board , to consist of I'rof. James Morcur , United States Military ncadomy , Captain ' " Ocorgo McDurbv of tno' corps of" engineers , 1 First Lieutenant H. I , Hodges of the corpi of engineers , will convene ut the United Stntes academy September 1 , Ib91 , or ns soon ns practicable , for the purpose of making n full Invuntory of nil materials on hand furnished by the contractors applicable thereto nnd declnro thu fair market vniuo thereof including n reasonable margin of proltt upon so much of the work as bns been satisfactorily com pleted. The board will permit John Sheehan to attend during such examination In | > erson or by counsel and submit such evidence as the board may deem proper. Leave of absence for thrco months , to tuka effect on or nbout September 5 , 18511 , Is grunted Major Valery Howard , surgeon. Leave of absence for three months , to tnko effect ou the completion of iho sale of ccrtnln public property for which ho is accountable , is granted Second Lieutenant William H. Wllhelm , Tenth infantry. The following . transfers of lieutenants of the Fifth nrtillery 4 for tbo course of instruction nro nnnounccd : First Lieutenant Luigt Lomin , from bnttery M to Unlit bnttery ! ' ; First Lioutonnnt David D. Johnson , from light battery F to battery M ; First Lieutenant Edward T. Brown , from battery L to light bnttery D ; First Lioutou- nnt Gcorgo E. Sago , from llgiit bnttery D to battery L. P. S. H. Not Knuonraj'lii ) ; . WASIIINOTOV , D. C. , Aug. 27. Congress at . its last session appropriated $10,000,000 for the purpose of making the experiment of extend ing the frco delivery to snmll towns. From a comparison with tiio gross receipts of these oflicoi for the last two quarters of last year it is found that tbo gross receipts of eight of the unices not only have not increased , but have fallen olT. Tbo result of the experiment is not , therefore , altogether encouraging. Imminent Geolonists. WASHINGTON' , D. C. Aug. 27. The general subject of discussion nt today's 'sessions of the International congress of geologists was tbo glacial formations of the plloccnu period or that following Iho tertiary period , Immedi ately prncudliur man. HAS THIS I'HOl-Klt JtTXG. Maryland Uopul > liiniis an Unit The. Ki ht Kind nCn Platform. * OCKAJJ CITV , Md. , Aug . 27. The Mnrylnud republican state convention was called to order today by Chairman Hodgcson. In his speech ho said that harmony among the lead ers would bo essential to the success of the party In the state. At the afternoon session temporary ofilcoVs' were mudo the permanent ollloors of the con vention , with the addition of J. E. Webb ( colored ) of Bnltimoro , ns second assistant < : * . < . - socrotnry. A vice president was chosen for each con gressional district. The committed on resolutions reported a platform thnt endorses thu Fifty-first con gress nnd rc-aOlrms allegiance to the national platform of 1SSS ; commends the ublo nnd " " pure administration of Mr. Harrison and the brilliant diplomacy of the department of state ; condemns cheap silver dollars , that cheat labor of its wages and the farmer of valuoi ; charges the state domocruoy with the plunder of the state treusury ; denounces tlio stiito registration law nnd demands Its repeal , us also tlio vicious pay cortlllcaton , which the present law compels mechanics , wnrklnt : outside tlio state , to buy or lese their votes ; demands assessment nnd taxa tion of mortgages nt tbo plauo where ttio property is ; urges the purification of pri mary ok-ctlous ; opposes the leasing of oyster grounds ; adopts as thu party emblem the profile head nud bust of Abrnhnm Lincoln und favors the adoption of such treaty ur- rangmnentH by the government , with coun tries to which wo export our tobacco crop , C us will scciiro the abolition or material re Cfc duction of foreign import ditt es nnd other 0 governmental exactions upon the name. Thu nlutlorm adopted , nominations pro 0I ceeded"und , the iiamc.i of Hurry M. Clabaugh I of Carroll uounlv and Colonel William U. r Vannort of Kent county were presented. The president of the convention , ex-Con roismnn McComas , vncatcd the chair and withdrew the name of Mr. Clubaui/li , ns that gentleman hnd charged him to do In the presence of op position to his unanimous nomination. Colonel Vnunort was then unanimously nominated for governor and three cheer * were given fur Mr. Clabaugh. Thu other nominations are : . _ _ Comptroller Captain J. McDonald , Attorney ( loncrnl Ooorgo M. Sh.try. Clerk of thu Court of Appeals Enoch U. Aboil. hlilitiilnir CaiiHi'H a Kalat I'anlo. ViiiXNt , Aug. 27. A terrible thunuorsU rm swept over tbo Trlosto district yoitorday , Busing several fatalities. Lightning struck u : hiireh at Quails on ttio luillni frontier , tvhilo thu building was crowded with wo- nen. A tearful panic followed. Thrcu wo- iioii were killed hy lightning. As a Rule , His best nut to attempt to leincily cnstlvo- ncss by thu into of .saline or ill as He puign- tivi'i. When fvefttlinrllo medloliu' ' Is wi'duil , the must iff , ipt and heneilcl.u It Ajor's Tills. Tins' client H to restnru the rugiiiar action of .lie bowelHlthuiit weakening them. lIcliigHiicar-ci.nted , IticKu I'llh rel.ilu tlii'lr medicinal vlilues fur n long time , and nre easy to lake. " I can recommend Aycr's 1'IIM ahovo all others , having long proved Iliclr vatui ) as a cathartic f or nijrat'lf and family. " J. T , lleas , Lultlmllle , l'.i , " In 1853 , hy the advlctt of n friend , I ticcan tno nsoof Ayu'r's 1'llls ns n remedy ( or hit- loiisiiess , constipation , hich lever * , and voids. They served mo bolter than any. thing I had previously liIvdand I have usud them In atucl.j ol that soil ever sinco. " II. W. llerJh. JuiHonb , Ark. ' * * Ayer's Pills , s IV l ; J1U. J. O. AYEU & CO. , Lowell , Mn.38 , Sold by all Dealers lu Mcdicluea. \ ,