Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 27, 1891, Page 5, Image 5

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JElgbt Hundred Dollar Roll Successfully
Sneaked from a Pnllnun Oar Pasiongor.
And When Ills Wive * Found It Out
They Helped ( he I'nlloo Trying
to 1'ntcti Up Dtiinoorntlo
Peace til ( Jhluii ( : < > <
CHIOAOO Btmiuu op TUB BKE , )
II. B. Wcston , of Fargo , S. U. , claims that
whllo on n sleeping car on the Chicago , Mil-
vraukaa St St. Paul railway , which no
boarded nt Uubuquo , la. , for the purpose of
proceeding to Cincinnati , fSOO of his money
disappeared wbllo ho was asleep In
his berth. Upon the arrival of the
train In Chicago , John Cooper , the
porter , was arrested. It was found
that at Savannah , 111. , Cooper had mailed n
largo newspaper package , which was traced
to bli wife , Mrs. Edlo Cooper , at No.TO
State street. This pack.iga is supposed to
bare contained the stolen money. In tbo
course of tholr Investigations the ofllcor.i
claimed to have found that ( Joopor was the
possessor of two wives , No. - being located
nt No. 2110 Armour avunuo , each of whom
was Ignorant of the other's ' cxistonco. When
informed of the facts each hastened to ivo
the police all the information In their power.
Cooper was hold to the criminal court in
$2,000 bonds.
The report that the two warring wings of
the dornocrncy in Chicago had settled their
dlfforoncos appears to have been premature.
Harmony bos by no moans bean restored and
there Is ovoa talk of the Harrison men
Joining the republicans. The Harrison-
itos were last June greatly strength
ened by the decisive victory at the
Judicial election nnd would gain
more prestige by un important victory this
/all anu would bo In a position to dictate
terms to the humbled Cregorltcs. However ,
Adolf ICraus ana others think that tbo war
has been carried far enough und that any
refusal to join with the Into enemy , now that
It Is contrite nnd humble , would amount to a
withdrawn ! from the democratic party. A
special meeting of the Harrison pcop'lo to
consider the subject will be held at the Grand
Faclllo tonight.
The press and urlntlng committee of the
world's fair has adopted a resolution asking
the grounds and building committee to re
serve n space of 8,000 square foot for a news
paper building on the exposition grounds.
This building is intended for the use of
editors who may visit the exposition and for
the accommodation of the newspapers of Chi
cago.Henri P. Omagcd of Monte Carlo , laid
before tbo ways and means committee a prop
osition to reproduce the famous resort with
nil Its dazzling attractions for the world's
fair , but in spite of tbo proposed purchase of
91.000,000 In stock , and the prospect of an
other million from the ruKe off , it was do-
ANOTIinit 1IAI.V riiOmiCKK.
A Chicago geclus named Uathman has a
plan for producing rain by ihouso of carbonic
mold gas. His plan U to explode cylindrical
hells filled with the g.v at a distance of
four to five thousand feet above the earth.
The throwing off of such a tremendous
amount of carbolic ncla gns at the lowest pos-
aiblo degree of temperature would produce a
very largo oloud , says Gathtnan. Being
heavier than the surrounding air it would
descend , at the snmo time enlarging and
accumulating moisture. This would continue
until the cloua became so heavy that precipi
tation would rasult aud a gladsome shower
would follow.
FOUOIIT A num. .
News reaches Chicago via Milwaukee that
K duel took place there nbout two weeks ago
between two men named Dr. Leo and Lieu
tenant Falrchild. The encounter is said to
liavo boon the result of a quarrel when both
Eontlomou were honied with wine , and lo
have lauon place in the doclor's house. Both
were slightly wounded , one in the arm and
the other la the breast.
The directors of the Masonic temple have
been offered $500,000 for u ten-yoar lease of
the Casino In Now York. There will bo
about sixty thousand square foot of space in
the roof when completed. Alderman Ilaynes ,
It is said , will introduce a resolution at the
next meeting of the council lo allow the
snayor and comptroller no salaries for the
tlmo d'ulng which they have been absent on
ttolr summer vacation.
A Milwaukee avenue grip car. heavily
loaded with pastongors , broke loose from Iho
cable yesterday and dashed into the Wash
ington street tunnel at the rale of forty miles
an hour. A scoio of people were bruised up ,
but nobody was hurt seriously.
Some creditors have refused to Join In Iho
C5 per cent settlement in thu S. A. Konn
Co. voluntary assignment case. It was so
announced by a motion for a receiver loday
for the entire assets , amounting to $500,000.
It is alleged that there Is n conspiracy be
tween Konn , Jacobs nnd Warren lo defraud
tbo crodllnrs who object to Join in the settle-
Jnont , Kx-Govornor Hamilton , representing
the complainant , said thu county court bad
exceeded its power In authorizing the sale ,
that the property was being wasted nnd
squandered to the detriment of unsecured
creditors , nnd thai something ought to bo
done to prevent a disposal of the property.
U'ho motion went ever until September m.
When the Pacific Short Line Is to bo put
Up at auction next Tuesday by tbo order of
the United Stales circuit court it is expected
that Ihoro will bo many biduor * In Iho Hold
nnd that the bidding will be keen nnd ani
mated from Iho outset. Among the more
prominent , it Is understood , will bo the Chicago
cage & Northwestern , the Milwaukee , fc St.
1'aul , the Illinois Central and syndicates
among the original bondholders. There is
little likelihood that the road will bo allowed
to go for n song. Should the Northwestern
bo tbo purchaser It might ultimately com
plete It to Option nnd extend It from that
place to some suitable point on the I'acllio
coast. The Illinois Central wants It to give
It a transmlssourl line and access to the
Jllaok Hills territory. The Milwaukee & St.
foul covets it on account cf the traOlo It can
give any road in control of It.
The following western people are In the
elty :
At the Tromont Mrs , D. Joel , Mrs. K.
Davis , I * F. Weeks. Mrs. G. Kussell ,
Omaha ; Mr. and Airs. Philip Grill , Ogden ,
At tha Auditorium Mr. and Mrs. W. U.
Douglas , Cedar Kaplds , la.
At the Wellington 1K. . Burroll , Doa
Molnes. la ,
At the Palmer G. C. tligham , Grand
Forks ; J. M. Motcalf , W , P. Swaux , K. U.
Ballou , Omahu ; Henry E. Bailey. Hapid
City. S. D. ; Hon. C.V. . Hubbard , Sioux
Palls , S. D.
At tbo Grand Pacific A. C. Putnam ,
Chadron ; Charles Wheatou , Lincoln : J. G.
LumborU , S. W. Cray , Omaha ; K. K. Mul-
cahey , Sioux City , Iiv.
Joseph U. Lehinor of Omaha passed
through Chicago today on route to Cincin
J. S. ICnoro , trnftlo manager for the Cudahy
Packing company of South Omaha , is at the
I'lcrro Wlbaux , tbo biff Montana cattle
nan , U at the Utohellou. P. A.
Don't Fool Well ,
And yet you are not sick enough to consult a
doctor , or. you refrain from so doing for fonr
you will alarm yourself ami frlonds wo will
tell you Juitwlmt you need. U Is Hood's
Bannparllla , which will lift you out of that
uncertain , uncomfortable , dangerous condi
tion , Into a state of good health , coundonco
and cheerfulness. You've no idea bow potent
this peculiar medicine is iu aisos like yours
Injured In a llnnnwuy.
The 5-year-old son of M , V. Gannon wa
thrown from u buggy yoatorday morning and
uatalned a broken arm.
Mils Ada Gannon , who wai driving tha
fcona , left the little fellow in the carriage
nml want. Into the Donclns County I3nnk
block nt HUtoontti nntl Doiltfo streets. When
she return cm the bond anil cnrrlauo hixtl dH-
npiwnred nnd the clilld WM lying on the
psvoinnnl , The HOMO look fright at a paw.
Ing motor train.
Noitroi.K , Nob. , AUR , 3(1. ( To the Editor
of TUB HKR : At tbo mootlnp of the SUto
Hoard of Transportation hold at the I'tiuUlo
hotel .voitordnv , there WAI n vor.r full ronro-
dentation of the builtxm IntirotU of Nor
folk nnd of the towns In IU vicinity , The
buslnou mnn nffoctod directly oy rallrond
rates displayed prcat in tlio meeting.
From the sUtomonts of the UUMIIOJS tnon
who have for n number of year * done busl *
ness In this section of the country It clearly
appeared that there has been n Vnr.r marked
docronio , nggrcKiUlnK nbout - . " > par cent In
nil froltrht rates Into nnd out of this section.
Kspcolally Is this notlccablo on the particular
products of the state , rnln and llvo stock ,
on which reductions to the above extent hayo
boon made to the eastern markets at Hi.
Louis nnd Chicago during the past llvo
Tno only complaint oresentoa by nny busi
ness man was that of Mr , Johnson , dealer In
furniture , who Insisted that the rates made
upon his line of ( foods nt Norfolk were not
such ns to minblo him to distribute In toirl-
torv which ho thought ho ought to bo nblo to
reach as against eastern competitors , particu
larly nt uch points ns l-'rctnont , Lincoln ,
Missouri river nnd cast , thereof. The
railroads , In nu.iwor to his complaint ,
showed that dlstnnco was not by nny moans
the only factor to bo considered in the prepar
ation of tnrlfts , nnd admitted that the effect
of the Interstate law was naturally to make
Norfolk rates the maximum nt all points
east , and the same principle was equally true
at points on the Crelghton branch of the KlK-
horn nnd the innln line to O'Neill , resulting
In Vonliijreo nnd O'Neill rates being
tno maximum nt points butwonn those
places and Norfolk , und the rates at
tboso two points xvcro controlled
largely by circumstances beyond the
power of thn IClkhorn road to control. The
railroads evinced n disposition to treat all
business Interests fairly nnd saomod willing
to confer with Mr. Johnson with a vlow to
making such changes In the tariffs as circum-
stnnces will permit.
Mr. Uaroorry , a farmer , Insisted that rales
upon farmers' products were entirely too
high und that they resulted In lower prices
being received by the farmer. Ho made some
very happy hits in presenting his side of the
matter and seemed to bo n fair-minded man
who would fairly consider the question In all
its bcarincs. It was shown by the sworn
statements ns to the results of business opera
tions In Nebraska as to tbo On.nlm & Repub
lican Valley Hallway company , comprising
about 410 miles of roiul , running through the
counties of Saunders. Lancaster , Gupo , But
ler , I'olit , I'latto , Boone , Madison , Hall ,
Howard , Shor'inan and Valley , that
for the past two years and n
half ending Juno HO , 1S1H , which period
includes the handling of the crops of 1880
and IS'JO , this road did not pay operating
expenses nnd taxes , saving nothing whatever
about interest on the fund used in the con
struction thereof. The Kansas City & Omaha
KMIroad company makes an equally bnd
showing for the sixmo period of time. It has
103 miles of road running through n'splendid
ngricultural country. The St. Joseph &
Grand Island Hnilroad company , with about
1C ! ) miles of road , shows that during tno sanio
period it is something llko f-'OO.OOU bohiud In
the payment , of its taxes , operating expenses
nnd the interest upon its bonded -loot. It is
romarkublo that these results should follow ,
but it was claimed by the railroads that
a Nubraski railroad operating between points
in this state nnd handling and carrying No-
nrasKa products and Nebraska business can
not stand nlono under the present tariffs , and
that If they depended upon themselves they
certainly could not bo operated. Those lines
of road above named are all operated by the
Union Piicltic Hallway company , which
stands behind their losses ; it oelng shown
that it was nblo to do so by reason of Irafllo
handled by It from and to sources entirely
outside of 'Nebraska. The Nebraska busi
ness of the Union Pacific Hallway company
shows the snmo startling results ; that Is to
say , that the entire through and local busi
ness of the Union Pnclllo railroad In Ne
braska done for that period upon the present
rates was unronuinorntivo.
It was stated that the Burlington system
had n similar experience during tbo same
period. The Elkhorn and Northwestern sys
tems in like manner showed a corresponding
condition of affairs.
It is n startling situation which confronts
the people and the railroads which , \vo fear ,
will have a tendency to runner discourage
eastern capital from coming into this coun
try , and any ono who has had experience dur
ing the last year in trying to negotiate bonds
and securities in the east knows how difllcult
it has been to induce investors to put any
money Into this state for any purpose. It li
to bo hoped that ns the result of the various
meetings held by the board at Lincoln , Kear
ney and Norfolk that a most careful and diU-
gent inquiry will bo made into the tnlo situa
tion , for it is not believed that the people of
this state really wish anything unfair at the
hands of the railroads ; on the contrary wo
believe they wish them to enjoy a reasonable
return upon their Investment the snmo as is
accorded any other business. P.
Clinmborlnin'8 Colic , Cholera and
Uiarrlicua Ilcinecly
Is famous throughout the United States for
its prompt euros of diarrhoea , dysenterycolio
and cholera morbus. It is pleasant to take
nnd can always bo depended upon both for
children and adults. 25 and 50 cant bottles
for sale by druggists.
H County Can Itniso Sugar
Ilcoltt < ) ! ' rino Quality.
Mr. A. W. Fullrled , who owns a small farm
ono mile west of Uuudoo Place , seems to
have answered the question as to whether
the soil in the vicinity of Omaha is suitable
for the cultivation of the sugar beet , and bo
has answered It In a no less practical way
than that of raising a small field of the vege
tables in question.
Mr. Funded took a HUE reporter out yes
terday to view his crou of suger boots. Ho
has about ono and a quarter acres now al
most fully grown. The boots appear to bo of
good size nnd quality , although the rows are
rather too close together to produce the verv
best results. Several beets worn pulled up that
weighed from half u pound to a pound nflor
the tops were cut off. The vegetables will
grow for some weeks yet und Mr fullriod
thinks that ho will harvest about forty tons
of beets from the Mold.
" 1 may ship the beats to Norfolk or Grand
Islund , " said Mr. Pullrlod , "but if I do not
got a pretty goou pricu for thorn I shall food
them to my cows. They are worth to a ton
for cow or hog fodder.
Mr. Fiillriod has kept an accurate account
of the nxpcnso of planting and cultivating
tlio vegetables und ho estimates that bv
the tlmo the Hold has boon harvested It will
have cost him in all about &V ) , in addition to
the In to rest und taxes on the land.
"If those boeu turn out as I think thov
will , " said Mr. t'ullriod , " 1 believe it will
pay to ralsu them on land that U worth $1,000
per acre. If I cot forty or even thirty tons
from my fluid , und they could be sold at 5 u
ton , you can see that there is qutto
a pro lit in the crop. With improved
machinery ami going regularly into
the business , a largo Hold could
bo planted and cultivated at less expense ,
proportionately , than the small Hold 1 have
The Douglas County Agricultural society
has offered tlvo prizea for the best aero of
sugar beats raised in this county , and Mr ,
Fullrlcd will enter his Hold la the contest.
Mr. E. StoddnrJ , who lives ftvo miles west of
the city , has a Hold of three acres that will
also eonio Into tbo competition. The tint
prize is 1100 , second prize , $75 : third prize ,
(00 , aud fourth prlio , * .W.
Dr. Blrnoy , day favor ana catarrh. B bids
Clnrk \ \ ooilinim'H AVI 11.
The petition to probate the will of the late
Clark Woodman was tiled in the office ot the
probate ] udgo by the wife of the deceased
yesterday ufloruoon. The hearing has boon
sot for September JO , and the personal prop
erty is osllmntoil nt f 110,000. The heirs and
parties interested nro Sarah A. Woodman ,
Danlul W. Wpodmnu of Omaha , Helen A.
Klohorty of Arlington , Nob. , and Charles M.
Woodman of Colorado.
Some people are constantly troubled with
bolls no sooner does ono heal than another
makes Its appoarnnca. A thorough course of
Ayer's Snrunimrltla , the best of blood purl-
tiers , effectually puts an end to thli iinuoy-
anoa. Wo recommend a trial.
8tat3 Grand Lodga of Owd Templari in
Annual Session.
Scene * nt the Illiin Orns § I'nlnoo
South Omnlin'H Day Celebrated
With Ornit Ceremony
Oilier General > oe : .
DM Moists , la. , Aug. 2rt.--Spoclnl [ Tolo-
grAmtoTiiE BEE. ; The thirty-seventh an
nual Dossion of the grand lodge of lownUood
Templars began this morning with nbout
two hundred delegates present , Tbo grand
ledge degree was conferred upnn 11)0 ) new
members. ( Jrand Chief Tumolar Hutchlns
In his annual address said , among other
things , that , "With many of the municipal
nnd county ofllcers openly opposed to both
the principal nnd practice of prohibition , en
couraged perch an co by those still higher in
authority , lavishly supplied with ample
means pouring Into its lap from the lowest
elements of society in and out of
lown , wo certainly nro facing a
dangerous fen nnd treading upon dangerous
ground. No form of cunning deceit will
escape the use of this enemy In our next
battle. No money will bo spared by them.
No corrupt means of carrying their sldo to
victory will deter them from its use. Ho-
member it Is the liquor trnfllc that arrays
Itself against us nnd with tttut traftlu belongs
at its comcomltants all that Is debasing , cor
rupting and vicious. Such Is thu enemy
fjood Tomplary confronts today in lown. "
The report of Grand Secretary Perkins
showed 11,01' ) ! ) members In good standing , a
net increase during the year of 1191. Sovonty-
two now lodges were organl/od , seventeen
reorganized nnd seventeen revived. The re
ceipts daring the year were ? S,40S.Go nnd the
disbursements $1. 7 loss.
Sixty-five now Juvenllo temples were or
ganized and ton revived. Working commit
tees were appointed and secret work done
this nftornoon. Public meetings were held
this evening. _
Ilnin Interfered at the I'nlnuo.
CUESTONIn. . , Aug. 20. [ Special Telegram -
gram to Tu K BEB. ! This has been a dark
day for the Blue Grass palaco. A steady
fall of rain started early in the morning nnd
continued until evening. The attendance ,
however , was very fair , It being South
Omaha's day at the palace. Nine train loads
of excursionists came in today , the largest
bclnjr from South Omaha. Southwest Iowa
llremen were also hero , but owing to the
mud nnd rain no contests were tiold.
The city has been crowded all day , owing
to the bad weather , nnd the speed ring has
ooen n dead letter. Tomorrow will bo Decatur -
catur and Montgomery counties day nl the
pnlaco and will also bo a good day on the
race counto , the premiums running to 2,000.
Burlington Suspect Arrested.
BtniMNOTox , la. , Aug. 20. [ Special Tele
gram to THE BKK.J George Knmsoy , an em-
ployoof Guest's music house of Burlington ,
Is under arrest charged with defalcations
extending over a period of years. He was
once dotcctod in a defalcation amounting to
$1,000 , but on account of his employers the
offense was overlooked. Hamsey's alleged de
falcations are not estimated , but are said to
be oxtonslve. _
HcrloiiH Flro nt Koiidn.
Four DODOE , la. , Aug. 20. [ Special Tele
gram to THIS BKK. ] The business portion of
the little town of Fonda was almost entirely
destroyed by Uro last night. The flro orig
inated In Ballard's ' drug storo. The total
loss will amount to $00,000. The heaviest
losses are J. B. Ballard , f 1,500 ; M S. Patter
son , $1,900 ; K M. Conwny , 10,000. The
origin of the lira is a mystery.
Sunk In the
BuiaixoTON , la. , Aug. 20. [ Special Tele
gram to Tun BEE. ] News has boon received
hero of the sinking of the government boat
Vixen nt Keithshurg , III. On account of the
low water she snagged herself on some old
bridco piling at that place nt 5 o'clock this
evening and sank at onco. No ono was
Injured. _
Senator llarlnn Improving.
MOUNT PLEASANT , In. , Aug. 20. [ Special
Telegram to TUB BKK. ] Ex-Sonator Harlan's
condition is much Improved today and bo will
bo about as usual in a day or two.
Thirty years ago Isaao Cook started the
celebrated Imperial Champagne. They now
make 10,000 boitlos a day. It's extra dry.
Seminary for Younu Ladles , Omaha ,
Nel > .
Rov. Robert Doherty , S. T. D.
Pull term begins September 1C.
-Tho completing of the south wing
niukos accommodation for 40 boarding
scholars additional.
For catalogue and particulars wpply to
the rector.
His Selection Promises lo Smash the
Democrat iu < ' < > iiil > iiie.
The light over the confirmation of a man
to sit ns n third on the Board of Public
Works , has turned out to bo a battle of the
giants Tuesday night the contending forces
In the city council surged buck anil forth and
the names of John B. Furay nnd W. A. L.
Gibbon \\oro passed around llko a couple of
foot balls until they vvoro safely klcko'd Into
the hands pf the commltloo on paving , curbIng -
Ing nnd guttciinp. 'llio worn of this coin-
mlttco is looked after by Messrs. Donnelly ,
Moroarty and Elsassor.
This committee has a deep laid nnd cold
blooded scheme that was divulged yesterday
morning. At the meeting next Tuesday night
most of the democrats who went Into the
caucus that was hold in the witio room of a
Fourteenth struct saloon last January will
try und whip the dissatisfied democrats into
lino. Thuy will ply the party lash und insist
that uU of the ten democrats shall stand by
the mayor nnd vote for the confirmation o'f
W. A. L. Gibbon.
If this whipping process can be accomp
lished successfully. Councilman Morearty
will report back the name of Gibbon nnd
recommend that his appointment bo con
firmed. This action will not bo taken until
after n count of noses has been mado. Should
the committee discover thai enough of thu
democrats will not stay for the purpose of
carrying the nomlnntion.Glbbon's name will
DO buried in the pocket of the chairman und
Furny's name will ho roportoi back. In this
event , the commilteo und the Gibbon demo
crats will Join force * with the republicans
and confirm Furay.
Mr. Moroarty of the committee , speaks In
very uncomplimentary terms of President
Lowry and the other democrats who voted
against Gibbon's confirmation Tuesday nlgnt.
Ho states that tboy allow tholr hatred to run
uwuy with their judgment and democratic
principles. They halo Mayor Gushing and
his Htylo of democracy and to slap
him In thu face would be perfectly
willing to sucrlllco thu domocrnttu party ,
body , boots and brooches. Ilu states that because -
cause they oppose the mayor they would bo
willing to disrupt nnd sell tholr parly for a
moss of the thlnoat pottayo known to the
The republicans in the council , with the
exception of Mr. Brunor , know what Is com
ing and are urging both factions Of the dumo-
cratio side of the house to knock off the chip
that reposes upon Mayor Cushlng's shoulder.
Wnilo they are doing this urging tboy nro
having considerable fun and are Industri
ously pounding thu wedge Into the split In
the democratic ranks.
Kiirny Slay Stick.
Mayor Cushlng li In high glee aud bo
chuckles to himself when ho thinks of tbo
action taken by tbo council In reconsidering
the vote by which John B. Furay was ap
pointed to succeed himself us a member of
the board of public works.
Tbo mayor opines that ho bas the laugh on
his democratic friends lu the council and
thai thuy will roallza the error that they
mode. Ho hold * to tbo ido * that wuon an
nppolntrnont nas been < ? prflrmoJ that that
sutllrs It for nil tlmo Id comu. or nt Iciut
until the nppolnlco hnW Hicn removed by the
mnvor , or until charge nave boon preferred
nnd stislnlnod against him.
The tnavor wilt tnkclo6 > nl ndvlco upon this
question ana If bis pdiltlon Is right ho ivtll
make the domocrnts sryollovr Furay.
Constipation poisonV tno blood ; DaWIlt' *
Little Early Itt.surs ciira conslloalloti. Tbo
cause removed , thu OUiinso U gone.
If you wnnt n dollotons cup of cofTcobo
sure nnd buy the J.W. _ W. brand of
jtxvti and inuclm.
LAHOIl'.t MW hAlV.
Argument * In n Test Cnun Will I\c
Heart ! Next Tuesday.
The long tnlkrd of labor case of Lowe
ngalnst the Hues Printing company has at
last boon sot for bearing ,
The case will bo called before Judge * U'ako-
loy , Doauoaud Davis la Tnc BEB building
next Tuesday mornlnc.
The proprfotora of tha Heoso Prlntlni ; com
pany nro chnrcod with hnvltiff violated the
eight hour law In this , that they compelled
L.OWO to work morn than eight hours during
ono day. The case U for the purpose ot testIng -
Ing the constitutionality of the law. The
prosecution will bo represented by Mahonov ,
Mlnnchnn and Smytho. Ambrose ft Dufllo
will appear for Iho Koos peoplo. John L.
\VobslerwlllalsomaKoatiargumont In behalf -
half of the Omaha & Grant Smelter com
pany _
Starch grows sticky complnxlon powders
have a vulgar glare. Pozonl's ' is Iho only
complexion powder tit for uso.
Committees ntVnrk Arrangl'iff n
Klnborato Programme.
Ono week from next Monday Is Labor day ,
nnd the Central Labor union Is making proi > -
parallons lo properly cclcbrato the occasion.
A commllteo 1ms bt'on nppolntod lu visit
tno various commercial institutions and busi
ness houses and solicit subscriptions. This
committee consists of Harry E. Easton , presi
dent of the Central Labor union , J. M.
Kinney , J. M. Young and Julius Moyer.
Tkoso gentlemen have visited a number of
business bouses nnd banks and bavo mot
with Haltering success.
The details of the day's doings have not
bocn arranged but will bo announced early
next week.
A very small pill , out a very good ono
DeWitt's Lltllo Early Risers.
Number of VessolH Wrecked nnd Sev
eral liiVL'N Ij08t.
LOSDO.V , Aug. ili. ! Tast night the steam
pinnace belonging to a British war vessel nt
Portsmouth was swamped iu a gala aud four
seamen were drowned. The gale on shore
swepl down telegraph nnd telephone wires
and poles , unrooted trcos nnd unroofed
houses. Dispatches from various parts of
tno coast announce numerous wrecks. He-
ports from all parts of Ireland Indicate thai
crops were badly damaged by Iho gale.
The French Hoot sailed from Portsmouth
DoWilfs Litllo Early , [ Users ; only pil ) lo
euro sick headache and regulate Iho bi' , < oU
For booth nrivilojjes civil on or address -
dross A. II. BrigRfc-rN : E. cor. 14th und
Farnum streets , Oinnh'n , Nob.
< *
IJpiitcnnnt I'erHlinir Accepted.
Atarocont meoling'of'the university regents -
gents tno appointment of Lieutenant Pew-
ling of the Sixlh United'Stales cavalry as
milllnry Inslructor for-the university was ac
cepted and approved. The board has offi
cially notified .he secretary of war.
Blood Will Flow Freely.
Momi.K , Ala. , Aug. 2iJ. The sheriff and a
posse of ilfty heavily armed men have lofl
Dlandon Springs to capture the notorious
outlaw , Sltnms nnd his gang. There will bo
trouble when the two parties meet.
Howe scales , Irucks , cotlco mllls car-
starters , Ilarrisor. conveyor. Catalogues of
Bordcn & Sellock Co. , agents , Chicago 111
AVrcclccd by n Hurricane.
PAIIIS , Aug. 20. News has boon received
of a hurricane in Senegal in which an Italian
steamer and two cutters were wrecked at
Kuflsquo and eighteen persons drowned.
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup for Chil
dren Teething cures wind colic , diarrhoea ,
otc. 25 cents a bottle.
PKllSOXAL I'.llt.iGltAl'IIS.
U. M. Allen of Amos is at the Millard.
N. Fenlon of David City is at tbo Millard.
A. L. Blxloy or Columbus Is at the Casey.
M. A. Wells of Uavld City is nl Iho Casey.
Miss M. Bowen of Wakoflold is at the Del-
John Jackson of Beatrice Is nt tbo Del-
Miss Belle Rogers of Lincoln la at tbo Mil
J. M. Marsh of Grand Island is nt the
J. E. Baldwin ot Grand Islund Is at the
H. Slmouson of Hastings is a guest at tbo
J. L. Baker of West Point is a guest at
the Murray.
Oliver Smith and II. B. Scboldor of Fro-
inont are al Iho Murray.
Prof. C. D. H.ikostrnw of .Nebraska City is
n guesl nl the Millard.
E. G. Davidson , traveling passenger agent
o fthc Erie road , is in the city.
Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Albright nnd daughter
of Fort Madison , In. , are at the Murray. '
Mrs. J. E. Waters returned Wednesday
from un extended visit to relatives in Norfolk.
II. D. Watson of Kearney and C. M. Clapp ,
n loading capitalist of Bintjhtunpton , N. Y. ,
are nt the Pax ton.
Clay Lambert , well known In western
theatrical circles , is in tno cily as advance
man for John Dillon ,
C. G. Itvan of Grand Island , counly attor
ney of Hall counly , is in the ' city on business.
Ho is an old classmate of'City Prosecutor
Mrs. It. II. Davles , the milliner , Is in Notv
York city visiting her grandmother and
mint , the former having reached the rlpo old
ago of U ! ) years and Is still bright and active.
Nat Brown has gona to Creston to atlend
Iho racns now In progress ihorc , nnd lo work
among the horsemen In iha Interest of Iho
coining mcellut' at tho'Omana and Council
Bluffs Driving pant. ' '
J . W. Hitchcock , ge'nernl neont of the Pas-
scnuor department ot the Union Pacific nt Francisco , is In tha city in conference
with General Passenger Agent Loinnx on
business pertaining AQJ fho San Francisco
oftlcc. IIo will return \ pho \ coast today.
DoWltt's Liltlo Ear/'Risers. ) ; Goitllttlo
pill ever mado. Cure''constipation every
time. None equal. Una thorn now.
Vanilla - \ Of Portact purity.
- or eroat etrongth.
Almond Eoonomy'nth ' ° i''U3o
Rose etc.rj Flavor ns delicately
and dellolously ao the frooh Trult.
Advertising alone , no mutter haw excellent ,
Cannot build up a Inrco triulo , or mnko n house great.
Yet vital itniMirtanco hinges upon advertising ,
For very few concerns have ever reached colosenA proportions ,
Without liberal and intelligent advertising ,
And when it is backed up with
Variety , Style ,
Quality , Price.
Public confidence is at once assured.
Our Sack and
Cutaway Suits
fn Always Of $10
End less Correct Splendid or
Como in light nnd medium weight ,
For street or business wear ,
An absolutely perfect lit ,
And will hold their shape nnd wcnr you until next ( all.
You can buy
Some of our best
$13.5O and $15
Suits for
Our handsome ,
dressy $18 and
$20 Suits will
go for
We are now receiving a new line
of hats , in the latest fall shapes *
and shades , and are able to offer f
you the best $2 or $3 hat in this
western country.
Our fnll and winter goods will soon nrriva
And our present stock must bo reduced.
Relieifole Olottiiers ,
Southwest Corner 15th and Douglas Street.
The Cheapest and Best Medicine for Family Use in the World.
Instantly stops the most excruciating p las ; noror ( .ills lo t'lvo emo lo the surrercr ; n foir nppllciMlons
act llko nmnlc , caunlnK the pain to Icutnntly atop.
A Cure for all Bowel Complaints.
Intcrnntlr tnkcm In rtosoi of from thlrly to sixty drops In half n tumUlor of water wilt euro In a fair mtn-
ulos Crumps , Spnnms. Hour Btiimnch , Colic , Klntulonce , Heartburn , I.nliKiior , Knlntlng Spoils , CIIOI.BltA
MOIUIU3 , DIAKIUIOHADVaKNl'KllV , Sick Hoa.Ucho , Naiuoi , Vo in I tin ? , Norrouinojl , dloeplasjna 11
Mularlarand nil Internal pnlm arising fromcluuigo of dlot or wolor or otbor causes.
50 Cents a Hot tie. Sold by Druggists.
= s = Oinaha's Popular Theater
| Marvelous Hit and | To-night.
Garrow Opera Company
Ollliort ti Siilllvini'B Grnututt Bucuuss.
Tlio MlknAo of Mil. JHSSE JKNK1NS
NaiiUl-l'oo this BOP , itlsgiilHci ! ns a wiuulcrlns mlmtrel , and In love
with Yum Viini ) -
Ifo-Ko ( Uml Hlph i\feutloiiornf : Tlllpu )
I'cioli-lliih ( Uird Hl li Everything isu : ) . . . .Mil. JOIIN E. r.llANI )
Plsh-Tiish ( a Nohlu Uml ) Ml. II. S . IJI-TKU
Noo-H.inttlio uinhrrlln hi-tror ) Mil. UOIIT. STAN'I.KV
iViS nT ' IW . * ' - ] . : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : . : " "ii 'ft Wi-AHS'g ff
I'ui'D-lloo. f r Ko-Ko ) | MISS JOhKI'HINK 8TANTON
Kiitlslia dm olilorly lady , lu love with Nankl-I'no ) Mlt-STILMi : UIXON
40 : Chorus of Forty Voices fr"
PRICES 25c , 35c and 50c
BY RUQUHSr Saturday Matinee , Ladies' and Children's Day ,
BolTLemian Girl.
Seats mny 130 ordot'od by mall or telephone.
Four NlKlita with Bunilay anil Wurtnusdny
Mull net's , eointiioiicliij ;
Ot tlin ( Iroat Coiuudy Jiovolty
Ole Olson.
prli'OR of iicliiil.sslon ,
B'ltKiaTT 1 1 K A'lMSIt.
ThKTIiurHilay KvunluK , AiiK'imt tli.
The GolclBn Companij
Tlio l-Aet Coiuudy.
Clmn < aof plar oUlilly 1'upuUr prioj * . ilatlueo
'i ' uo
d Va. m
Thursday , Aug. 27.
Wllionuu ( or tubular seniioii ul l p. m.
Saturday , Aug. 29
Numerous New Attractions.
Wishes to plvi ) n few reasons why ho Is workIng -
Ing such wonderful cures n hern other doctors
China has about half the population ( if the
Rloho. Thov liavo been priintlolni ; nnd per <
fct'llntf ini'iik'liH ) nviir 4,11)0 ) YKAHS. Cluing
NiniK ( M > O Ilnuy. llrlt ) dlsrovtirod seventy
two poNimi anil their anthliitcs 'J.4.V1 yearn before -
fore Christ , anil Marco Coin , who brought the
Cainplnl , one of the first Kuroponns who en
tered C'liltm. siy"Tlmlr : : phyili'lntis liavn n
thorough kmmloJK" "f tint nature of liorlis
and nn admirable skill In dlnirnostiiK by the
pulsu. " ( Si'O Wlllnrd's MlJdlu Kiniilro. )
It U well known that cuiipo\v < l < > r , steam ami
electricity untold In China , and that the Chi
nese wore printing thnlr ( li'ilo.ite liool.a 1)09
yuan bpfuru ( lul UMihor * wus born.
Hut u was lo incdlclun thu Chltu'so envo
thi'lr attention , anil when the emperor Ohln
\VtitiRotdorodall the books tn bo Imrncil ho
exciiptud thu incilli'al vrorks and It was only
by tin ; inorcst accident that the great \ \ < > rl >
of ( "ontnehis himself "ere saved , he having
placet ! a sot of hN works In thu riirnor-Htono
of his topulence , which wus found -CM > ) years
The celebrated Dr. Holison stat s that one
of HID ClilneMdispensatories gives UI'J
IIKKUAL Kr.MKDIKS alone. Canyon Homier
ihi'n itl thu dnctor'ri .HIIUCOIS ?
TlioCiuieiiHliin physlclaim all 1110 the very
lame Komrillt's and when you change doctors.
In your dlHUDpoliitmrnt ; uul disgust , 5' " "
merely elmnL'o fiees uml assertions but not
ino.lU'lucs. When un American doctor dis
covers a now retnody all the other uoetor.H
know about It Immediately. Now , you Unovr
the Chinese Doctor romi's from un almost nil-
Known country , contalnlnt ; nearly half of the
people of the norld , whom all the mrilli'lni'rt
aru entirely different , and Dr.0. Uoo Woollen
a rouanl of J-Mlux ) to anyone uhn can dupli
cate any one of his Chinese Medicines , Do you
now compii'lii'lul that after Klvlrig up nil
hope of being cured by your doctors- , that In
Inking the ChineDoctor's Krmuihes.MM ) In
niimhor nnd absolutely unknown outside of
China , that ho has u wonderful ailvanta''o
ever all other physicians. Ills now riimi'dlca
have never liefore entered your blood and nut
on It as If by ma lc. miring the disease and
rendering the coiniiUulon clear as a child's.
I nm C3 years of ave and ha\o milTori'd Inde
scribable acoiiv fiom asthma fur many years.
I could not sleep and had lo sll up all nluht In
u chair. [ tried doctor after doctoi
hut without help , and thought some nlKht I
would choke to death. As u lust hope I tried
Jir. U. ( > eo Wo. the Chinese doctor , and was
lolloved Instantly. In n Minrl time I was
cured and have never since been troubled. I
IIHMI reason to blebs Dr. C. OIM > Wo. MUH. 1' .
U. IIIKSII.-'lth St. , but. J & It. South Omaha ,
In order to convince the public ( hat Dr. U.
Gee Wo can cure any dlsr-isp. ho inuki's tha
follownu oll'er : A Gl'AKANTKK ' to return
the money If after a fair trial Dm patient N
In liny wav dlssutlaflud with tieatmcnt. D1L
( ) . OKK WC ) , 10th nnd California Streets. Of-
lc ! < > Imnr.s , U n. in. till 0 p. in. Call .Sunday If
you wish.
N. U. The Doctor has ready prepared the
following I'lu'ht remedies : Hlooil , Female
Weakness , Rheumatism , IndlKOstlon , Lost
Manhood. Sick Headache , Catarrh , and Kid-
iiuvaml MvorMedluliuI'rlrn M.m ,
Call or wrlto forqiicstlon blank and book.
Dr. O. Qrso Wo , lOth and California.
Nerve Itonn * ruro nil .Httriinl wonkmn * In ulthor
flux , nftlnu on nervm , brnlns.HOtuiil nrunii1 * An o-
l.tnt. criiB for liiiiwtcncjr , nltlitly uniHilona lust
memory , I ml clienm * . nrerolun to KOcloty. Jl box ,
puntimld. Hlx iMHi't f > NKIIVK IIUAN CO. . lluf-
Inlii , N V. Sulcl by ( lUOdmnn Druit Co. , 1110 Karnnni
. . .
Ut . ( .
Ooldi in Uu
by ont appifca *
tion ;
in very thort
timt ;
E&y Fivir
from thrtttofirt
diyi ,
50o p r CotUi.
i'lio Best Wll On Eartlit
Dr. Ilnbb'H Lltllo
Vt-Kolnlilo IMIIh ncl
7 t promptly na
the L.1VHH , Will.
- '
lr < iv rM nnd 4'oltlH ,
clmniBlugthu syotem tlior-
ouglily anil tlioy cura
linbltual oonntlpnlliin.
'J'Jiey uro Runnr contod ,
du cat | ; rlpo , very
nimill , ciany to tnko , ODD
pill u iloBo , and ara
nurnly vr ctiblo. 43 pllln In mrh vlnl. I'nr-
'act illuoBtlou fnllo n tliolr UMJ. Tln-y AII.SO.
mil uro Itcroniiiu'iiduil I ) ) ' Iiouillnc l'liy
lIciuilN. I'orBiiloby ilniKll t or haul byuiuU.
6 tenti a Tlnl or 0 for $1.00. Aildroji
IIUBirS JlEUICIA'i : CO. , Propg.
'an Francisco , Cat. Chicago , ttt.
Kiihn .V I'u , Cur l Mil nnd DoiiEliia HI' .
.1 A Fiillur , V Cii Cor llth niid I > < IIIRIIH | Mti.
A I ) Koiior , V Cii. Council IHulTii la
CuriM.T lllh nnil Mn on Strom : Ilulf lilnck well oC
l.'nlou raullluiuiil II A. M. Di'noH.
Nnw biillillnu. new furultiirn , nvorjr Ililnir flr l
cloHK , I > IIIIH | > I liK-.itloii In I ) nuhtiliiw of outlrii
KiirroniKliiu ciMintry , Kin. bnthulnutrluiMll t > ell uta
lUlcn. fl.UI itinl tl Ut. Kvnrr llnu of n iblu un I mul-ir
cir < * , p I M with In onu block , < MQ tpt Iicnn i i A von u a
nnil Il.itiAco'ii Park llnu. 4 blnokf ttuuiid you uia
Iramfur tu these If you wlili.
All tlio lAtent
Improvement * .
Itrcmcluuy & 4l St. , NV\v V irk.
Illinnlc Mllltarv Urarfpmv V1"rltu" , I'xrv , in.
IIIIIIUI9 lillllldll AtiuUCllIJi Tliuiuuith inr | > amtliili
foi CullrtfuorltiifincM. KurfatAloifUiinpply torrlncliiaU
' ) , Ilooriltnir K * '
yMoraiinl'a yniinn I.n'llon. I'or ILji
camluuua nUitres * O. Til AY Hit. U. .
* lorfisuU'urlclll.or 216 Utuiu
I Ikvt liifitructloa In nil ilrinrt-
9lnrntii ( .f HilklrotBliHly , flu.
Arl. Klo. min.ttt n < liuii' lul
7itar Aildnu K. K.DUI.LAllD.HuH. Jwkhoiivlllu MO. , liL " fi
B BJ1LLKIIH bucrlnlendnl
'm r
* w aM