Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 27, 1891, Page 3, Image 3

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Delivered by Onrrlor In nnj part of tin ) City.
Ofllco . No. 4
Tl.I.hl *
Editor . No. !
anxon .v.vr/o.v.
N. y. P. LO.
Council muffs Lumber Co. , coal.
Craft's chattel loans , 204 Kapp block.
Wanted A girl for general housework t
010 Hluff street.
If you want water in your yard or houio
CO to IJIxby's , HO1 ' Morrlam block.
The Presbyterian Sunday school will pic-
nln at Palrtnount park a week from today.
The Grsco Kplscopal church will erect an
etllflco at the east corner of Plorco nnd Union
The Sunday school of the Hroadway Meth
odist church will have u plcnlo today at
J J. O'Hearn , Thomas Planngan nnd C. N.
Gnhn were tined for drunkenness In police
court yesterday morning.
The Married Ladles' Social society will
moot this afternoon nt 'J o'clock ut the resi
dence of Mrs. Drew , liiKJ Mynstor street.
The C. Y. L. S. social nt Hughes' hull ,
which was advertised for Thursday evening ,
lias been postponed until Friday evening ,
Sept. 5.
St. John's English Lutheran chu rch unites
with the Kercntzo Memorial Lutheran
church of Omaha In n plcnlo today nt Pair-
mount park.
Tlicro will bo n mtislcnlo this evening nt
the Trinity Methodist church , corner Fourth
street anil Ninth avenue. After the close of
the programme there will bo a melon ftoclnl.
An announcement Ins been received of the
mnrringu of Miss Mary A. Barhytoof tills
city to George A. Bridge of Denver , where
the ceremony was performed a few days r.go.
C'ards lire out announcing the marrlago of
Miss liurbiira Anderson to Mr. C. E. 1'ucUer ,
which will tnko plnco nt the residence of Mr.
J E. Anderson , 10J ? Avenue B , nt b o'clock
thU evening.
Joe Wilson filed nn information In superior
court yesterday charging n man mimed Kir-
ley with disturbing the peace. IJoth rmrtlc ?
live In the south part of the citv nnd the In
formation Is the result of a light between
The trlaV of Joe Scott and Prod Mowery
on the charge of seining In Lake Manawa
was completed In Justice Hammer's court
yesterday morning , eiich defendant being
lined $10 nnd costs at the conclusion of the
The old building that stood at the corner of
Broadway ami llrynnt streets bus been re
moved , and already the workmen are dig
ging a collar. In the course of a few days
work will bo commenced on the brick foun
dation of tbo structure.
Thomas Buckner and Georco Olllver , two
gentlemen of color , who have done time In
the city jail before for various offences , were
arrested yesterday morning 03' Oftleer Doyle
on suspicion of being the men who robbed
Sullivan & Barton's money drawer nignt before -
fore last. They were seen hanging about the
plnco about the tlmo the robbery was com
mitted , and there is u strong suspicion that
they are the guilty parties.
A pleasing entertainment was given Tues
day evening at the ctiurcn
pnrlors In the shape of u social under the aus-
plcos of tbo young ladles of the congregation.
Ono of the attractive features of the pro
gramme of the evening was a series of tab
leaux , which wcro arranged by the Misses
Ida Wallace and Helen Spooiior. Itofrcsh-
incntsero served and the evening was
spent most onjoyiioly by all present.
.Tamos Motris nnd GoorgoMorton will have
a trial In police court this morning on the
charge of being suspicious characters. They
claim to bo printers , nnd say they were in
search of a place of questionable repute next
door to Dr. Patton's place , where they were
suspected of being burglars , and struck
Pulton's house by mistake. Tnoy claim Ihey
will ho able to show what kind of people they
ore when the ) have a chance. In the menu-
time they nro lying in jail.
J. G. Xlmmor of Ida Grove met with n
narrow oscupo night bcfoio last while trying
to board n moving train as it was passing
IJroadway on the Northwestern tracks. As
ho grasped the platform ho stumbled unci
fell , striking his head on a stone and receiv
ing n sovcrc cut on bis forohcnd. HU feet
were swung around so that they lay across
the track , and in another instant ttio wheels
would have passed ever them had not tbo
truck caught bis clothing and thrown his
limbs off the track Iti the nick of timo. Ho
was taken to a hotel for the night , and loft
for homoycsteiday morning.
The Dodge Light guards at a meeting held
Tuosuay night decided to enter into a con
tract with Captain Scharit of Omaha by the
terms of which ho shall act as drill master
, for the coming year. If It were not for the
nrmy regulation that the captain must bo a
resident or the state where ho holds oftlco
for six months previous to his election , ho
would have ooon tendered the nositlon nt
once , but the present contract will msuro the
boys the services of one of the host drill
masters in the west , nnd as soon as ho has
Mulshed the required six months' residence
In Iowa ho will bo elected to the captaincy.
Plcnlo at Manhattan boach. Hound
trip tickets from Omaha , including boat
ride , 50c ; on sale at news stands at Millard -
lard and Murray hotels.
Grenl AttraotloiiH nt Mnnnwa.
Saturday and Sunday. Extraordinary
engagement of Texas Hill , the cowboy
pianist and vocalist. Also Buckskin
Bill , the renowned iron skulled man ,
possessor of a triple skulL
Removal Halo. Bargains in shoes. L.
Kinnehan has removed from 323 Broad
way to No. 11 Pearl street.
i'iitt > o.\.iL I'.iH.Kiii.trns.
Phil Armour was In the city.
GcflrgoV. . Camp has gone to Wisconsin on
a shooting expedition.
P. W. Hall nnd wlfo leave today for a ton
days' visit to Denver.
Lewis Hammer nnd wlfn have returned
from a two months' trip through the west.
John N. Baldwin has returned from Chl-
cngo , where ho has been for tbo past four
Miss L. S. Swan left yesterday for Pierre ,
S. I ) . , near which place she Is to teach In one
of the Indian schools ,
C. E. Dodge , assistant cashier In the Union
Pacific ( rolL'ht ofllco , has gene to Fiivotto-
vlllo. Ark. , for n brief visit.
Mrs. E. P. Adams of Ottumwu and Mrs. J.
I.oy of Monlovlstn , Colo. , nro In the city tbo
guests of their sister , Mrs. L. Dickinson.
Mrs. Hewitt of Dos Molnni , who has been
visiting her daughters , Mr. Keith and Mrs
Wostervolt of Sioux City , Is spending n few
days with her old friends In Council BlutTs.
The Bureau temple will give nn en
tertainment at Hughes' hall on the ovon-
IngH of August 27. 28 and 20. Admis
sion 25 cents. Matlnoo Saturday. Ad
mission 10 coiitH. Meals will bo' served
nt Braekett's old stand. 238 Broadway.
Proceeds for the bonellt of the Chris
tian Homo. "Tho Fairies' Revel" anil
the 'Buttorlly'a Carnival , " consist of
forty-eight children , roirosontlncr fair
ies , butterflies , frogs , gnomes , hunters ,
Prince Oberon and his guards ; Moth ,
thoMillor ; Ugllo , the ogre , Puck , the
jester. Those donating refreshment
will pleabu bend Hume to 238 Broadway ,
The C. M. & St. P. ticket oillco has
been removed from 500 Broadway into
the elegant now quarters in the now
Baldwin block , 5 Pearl stroot.
Suits made to order , and cloth ng
cleaned , dyed and repaired at hall rates.
Prank Peterson , 2311 South Uth street.
DTP. Stewart & Patty , veterinary snr
goon * , 45 Fourth street , Council UlulT
Union Park races , Omaha , mid Conn-
oil BlnirH , September 8-11 , $0,500 ; Oc
tober 20-22 , $1,000. For programmes
mldi-oss Nut Brown , MorehuuU hotel.
Omaha ,
Etaport of the Flnauce Committee of tbo
Bckool Board Given Out.
Imr o Surplus In tile Tcnclicrn'I'mul
I'liui to Swell the HulldliiK
with no Uxtrn
TUe annual report of the finance commit
tee or the school board has beoti handed to
the printers , together with all the reports of
tiio other committees , nnd the whole will bo
united In hook form and circulated gratis
after a while for the perusal of tbo tax payers
who are anxious to see what the board lias
been doing for the past year. The report lu
detail Is as follows :
CniilliiRcnl I'lliiil
Cash ( in ham ! August 15 ,
ISUJ . V . * D.IUT.01
Ki'colved from county
treasurer . ! O,3i4.t3
lieuulved tuition from non-
resldmit scholars . 114 21
Ki'ucUed from HUhsehool
commencement . 0,60 J 3Rttl.83
Expenditures . 'JSttfftM
Cash on hitnd August 15 ,
INUI . t
School llunso Putid
Cash on hand Aiuust 1,1.
IMJJ . I 7,001.71
Kuculvrd froln county
treasurer. . I0'llf > .0 ! )
UoculvcfromBiiluot bonds 13,000.00-8 SMS1 ) !
I.xucndltuios . 7.Ul.a ) )
Cash on liiinil August 15 ,
Ih'JI ' . ? . I .r.,070.02
Teachers' I'nnd
Cimh on lianil August 1" > .
Ir'.fl . I S , nOl.65
Koi'olvod from county
Measurer. . 47.41S.78
Received from state ap-
liroprlatlou . al.w.B7i'M3.a9 :
i\tiumlltuics : .
Cash on Maud August 15 ,
1MII . $ 3l.7ffl.6S
The total bonded indootcdncss of the dis
trict is $110,000. Thu bonus bear Interest nt
5 nnd 0 per cent and are payable nt the op
tion of the school board.
Ono nectiliarity of the flnnnchil affairs of
the hoaid Is thalthoro has boon a surplus in
the touchers' fund of not less thun $ ,10,000 all
during the past year. This fact Is called at
tention to by Chairman Hunter in connection
with his report , and the recommendation Is
made that in the future the assessments bo
reduced . ' 10 per cent nnd a Ilka added
to the building fund to bo used lu liquidating
the bonded indebtedness as fnst as possible.
Tills , ho says , will not Increase the burdens
of taxation , but will reduce the teachers'
fund about $ I'J,500 , leaving on hand ? lf > , UOO
over and aliovo nil necessities. When the
proceeds are applied to the payment of the
bonds as suggested , it will make a saving to
the district of about 7. > ( ) per year.
Phinoi , organ ? , C. B. Music Co. , 539
Drs. Wood bury , dentists , 30 Pearl
street , next to Grand hotel. Telephone
145. Ilitfh irratio work a specialty
WHAT oxio" cow nil ) .
Spoiled 11 Lot of DotncHtiu Unity nnd
I'itt ( iipld to l-'Ilalit.
An exciting time was had yesterday morn
ing In the court of Justice Swenringen , who
was hearing tbo trial of the case of Mary
Peterson against Charles Thyrkoll , in which
the plaintiff was seeking to got possession of
a cow which she claimed was hers , but which
was In possession of her brother , the defend
ant in the case. J. G. P. Peterson was mar
ried to the plaintiff only a few weeks ago ,
and ho was really reponstble for the bringing
of the suit , his wife being contended to Icnvo
her cow in the hands of her brother.
Mrs. Peterson was put upon the stand , and
after she had instilled she went across the
room nnd commenced to talk to her father
nnd brother. Her testimony had npparontly
not suited her liege lord , for Peterson rushed
across the room , seized his bride by the arm
and pulled her down stairs after bun In spite
of the efforts of the male relatives of the
woman , assisted by some of the by-slanders ,
to prevent him from doing her any Injury.
At the same time ho proclaimed lu a loud
tone of voice that the father and brother
were trying to win tils wife nwny from him ,
and ho didn't propose to stand it. At the
foot of the stairs the brother of the plaintiff
mot him and some angry words wore ex
changed , which seemed likely to result in a
light. During the ( juurrol Mrs. Peterson
ran up stairs , her husband shouting to her as
she disappeared behind the door of the Jus
tice shop that Ho was going home nnd she
need not inlnd about following tim , as ho
bad had enough of nor.
The transaction mid Its romantic ending
attracted n largo crowd , which was evidently
anxious to .sco a light. At the conclusion o"f
the trial Mrs. Peterson was given possession
of the cow.
Buy your furniture , carpets , stoves
and household goods of Mandol & Klein ,
Council BlutTs. Prices very low freight
prepaid to your city. .
Swanson music company , 335 Broad
way. _
Program nut of the Reunion.
The committee- arrangements for the
reunion of old soldiers to be held at Oak
land , September 1(1 ( and 17 , has boon at work
making out the programme of exercises and It
has at last been completed. The exorcises of
the first day will open with roll call nt 5 p.
m. In the evening at 7:30 : there will bo a
cnmpllro led by General B. A. Conslguoy.
An address of welcome will bo delivered by
Mayor T. J. Hartwoll of Oakland and a response -
sponso by Dr. V. S. Thomas of this city.
Speeches will bo delivered oy Judge Walter
I. Smith and Colonel J. J. Stondmnn of
Council Blurts , Hon. B. P. Ulayton of Mace
donia , Hon. L. T. Gonung of Hastings , Hon.
Prank Sblnn of Carson , and Itov. Jacobs of
Promont county.
On the second day there will bo n salutoof
one gun nt sunrise , followed by the break
fast call at 7 o'clock. At 10 o'clock there
will be a grand parade , under the command
of Comrade Confer of Avoca , with I. G , Kln-
noy of Carson ohlof of staff. The parade
will include old veterans , Sons of Veterans ,
D.uightcra of Veterans , Woman's Hellof
Corps , Drum Crops , mayor nnd council and
civic societies. At It o'clock there will bo
speeches by It. C. Hubbard and Joseph 11.
Heed of this city , and Generals Brook nnd
Sheridan of the United States army.
G. W. Crofts of Council Bluffs will
rend n poem. At U \ p. m. a
business meeting will bo hold at which the
place of holding the next reunion will bo de
cided upon , and the oftlccra for the following
year will uo elected. At 4 o'clock there will
bo a reception under the uubpicos of the
Woman's Relief Corps hold at the Odd Pel-
lows * hall. A ilrms parade will take place at
fi p. m.
lu the evening William Lyman of Oakland
will lend a cam 11 re , at which speeches will bo
made by Captain It W. Hlght , Major King
and J. 1C. Cooper of Council UlulTs , Prank
Weeks of Carson , Sylvester Dye of Mace
donia , Mrs. 1C. S. Plimpton of Danlson , Aunt
Hooky Young of Dos Moluos , and Prof. W.
C. Davis of Avoca , Music will bo furnished
by the baud and a quartet ,
Now full goods , llnest line in the city ,
iiiHt received tit Holler's the tailor's , 310
Over ft Hoy.
Paul Giles was nrrcstod yesterday on nn
Information tiled In Justice Hammer's court
charging him with committing an assault
and battery on KUzabotu Hlueklmrn , who l
plaintiff in the suit for tbo possession of her
child alluded to a day or two ngo. The of
fence Is alleged to have been committed last
Sunday , and seems to have been the result of
a family row which took place at the Gllei
residence east of the city. Mrs , Blackburn
nnd her husband went to Giles' house
nnd tried to got possession or the boy ,
whereupon Giles uud a woman named Lucy
Evans , who live at tbo bouse , tried to prevent -
vent them from taking him away , lu tbo
mclco the Kvans woman was hurt and she
laid It to Hlnckburn , for whom she bad n
warrant Issued yesterday In Justice Cones'
court. Blackburn had a trial yesterday on
Lho charge of nunult and battery nnd was
fined K and cost' by the court. The trlnl
was witnessed by something overtwenty-llvo
colored people , who npparontly took the live
liest Interest In it.
Will Meet More.
The HIuffs delegation to the reunion of the
Twenty-ninth Iowa infantry at Glonwood returned -
turned homo last evening. About 125 votor-
nils wore In nttondance , but n largo number
of outsiders wcro there. Yesterday's festiv
ities were nipped In the bud by a heavy
rain storm that foil continuously from early
In the morning until I p. m. It was the In
tention of the soldiers to have n big demon
stration yesterday , but It was found Impossi
ble. The only thing of any note was the
buslncM session , nt which Captain K M.
Beyers of Glen wood was appointed colonel of
the regiment for the coming year. It was
decided to hold the next reunion In Council
Bluffs a year from tbo present tlmo.
The Great Scven-ilny Hlnnkct Snlc nt
the Ilostou Store Closing August " ( > .
The great seven-day sale is now In
progress at the Boston store. You will
not during the winter have a chance to
got blankets at such prices us thono.
It's getting cool , so yon better take ad-
vantngo of this sale nnd buy your
blankets now while you can got thorn at
half price. Just glance over those
figures :
100 pair 10-J gray blankets , ! )0c ) : worth
$ l.ij. !
100 pair 10-1 gray blankets , SI. 10 ;
worth $1.50.
100 pair gray blankets , extra heavy ,
$1.25 ; worth $1.75.
75 pair 10-4 grav blankets , extra super
$2.75 ; worth $3.75"
50 pair 10-1 gray blankets , all wool ,
$3.75 ; worth $5.00
11-1 extra largo blankets , $3.25 , worth
O'l * - "
$ > . l < > .
125 pair 10-1 all wool , $3.25. warranted.
125 pair 11--1 all wool , $1.75 , worth
125 pair 11-4 all wool , $5.00 , worth
20 pair 12-4 California all wool , $10.50 ,
worth $15.00.
10-4 all wool red , $3.25 , Worth $4.25.
10-4 all wool red. $1.00 , worth $5.25.
11-4 all wool red , $1.75 , worth $0.50.
12-4 all wool red. $7.00 , worth $8.50.
Council BlulTs , In.
Ijiurlrd on MlH Head.
The carelessness of the average sma'l ' boy
In Jumping on and oft motor trains while in
motion is made the subject of remark every
month or two , when some now victim to his
own * recklessness comes to light. Eddie
Conley , a boy living with his parents on
Vine street. Is the latest. Tuesday evening
ho was playing with some other boys of his
own age , jumping on and off the trains , when
ho made a misstep and was thrown to the
ground with tcrrillc force , landing on his
head on the hard pavement of the street.
Ho was picked up and carried homo uncon
scious , where a physician was summoned to
attend him. Ho finally came out nil right ,
hut with a sere head that will remind him
for some days of the foolishness of trying to
ride on the motor without paying.
After Money.
P. W. Hildltch , the expert accountant ,
loaves next Sunday for a six months' trip
through Europe. During his absence ho will
visit London , Liverpool and Birmingham ,
England , besides a number of cities on the
continent. The object of his journey Is to
make arrangements for the securing of $500-
000 which ho will bring back with him nnd
invest in an enterprise the nature of which
ho has not yet made public. At all events
bo states that it is an enterprise in which all
the citizens will bo deeply interested , and
which will do much for the city In general.
Mnn.-iwa'H Mineral Water.
The artesian well at Lake Manawa is
attracting a good deal of attention and
many remarkable cures are reported as
having1 boon made by the use of its
waters. Last spring the well was sunk
to a depth of 185 feet , and a handsome
pavilion built around it. The well was
originally sunk in 18SO , when the hotel
was being built. Its strong mineral
qualities were at once discovered and a
quantity of the water was sent to Prof.
August Bode of Milwaukee , with the
following result :
Sulphate of iron , C.9.
Sulphate of magnesium , 4.5.
Phosphate of magnesium , 3.8.
Chalybeate , 3.4.
bulphato of sodium , 3.G.
Chloride of sodium , a trace.
Reaction Slightly alkaline.
In a note accompanying the analysis
Prof. Bode says : "Tho mineral proper-
tics of the water aio remarkable us
being almost identically the same as the
famous Wnukosha springs.
Trouble Which the 1'rrsonal
I'coplo Have oif Hand.
The Douglas County Personal Itlghts
league Is still In the ring. The idea ontor-
tulno'l by some pcoplo that the defeat of pro
hibition ended the occupation of the Personal
Rights league was shown last night to have
been entirely erroneous. About sixty mem
bers of the Douglas County league mot at
Gormania hall and proceeded to form n per
manent organization by the adoption of a
constitution and bylaws.
All Gorman speaking citizens may bacomo
members of the organization. The intention
is to have the orgai nation made permanent
all over the state , so that in case the prohibi
tion ghost should again show its head a do-
clslvo attaclc can bo made by those who as
sisted so energetically and efllolently In de
feating the amendment last year.
There was a lively discussion last night In
the league when some of the members wanted
to vote some of the funds now in the treas
ury to assist In bearing the expenses of the
Gorman day demonstration.
President Lund was stoutly opposed to the
idea of using the funds for that purpose.
Ho held that the funds had boon largely con
tributed by people who were not Germans
and they understood when they contributed
the funds that the money was to bo used In
the nntt-prohlbltion campaign. Ho thought ,
therefore , that it would not bo right for the
league to divert the funds to some other uso.
Other members of the leueuu said that the
prohibition tight was ever , there was a fund
of about * 7,000 In the treasury and they did
not believe that anybody who had con
tributed to the league would feel olTondcd If
some of the money should bo used to defray
the expenses of Gorman day. Some of the
members hinted that the funds wcro being
kept for the fall qampiilgn and If that was
the Intention of the democrats In the league
who objected to using the funds for Gorman
day , there would bo several different
varieties of inuslo Moating through the at
mosphere about the tlmo the attempt was
made to use the funds In n local , political
campaign ,
After discussing the matter for some tune
II was ( bully decided not to use the funds for
Gorman day.
The league will meat acaln on tbo first
Wednesday In September ,
UBO Mailer's Gorman Pills , the great co n
stlpation and liver regulator.
Deputy Grclio I'linnilng the Oiunva
Hurulai'H Krlfiillt'HHly.
The arrest of the Kelley family nt the Chicago
cage , St. Paul , Minneapolis & Omaha depot
yesterday by Deputy Sheriff Grebe has been
followed by several other arrests under
fortunate circumstances , Deputy Grebe and
Sheriff Kittle of Onawn took IColloy to the
latter plnco last nigtU uud placed him lu ] all.
-For the Treatment of all Chronic and Surgi
cal Diseases ,
Perfectly equipped -with every facility , apparatus and remedy
for the successful treatment of every form of disease requir
ing medical or surgical treatment.
and best hospital accommodations in the west. Board and at
tendance at reasonable rates. The business of the Omaha
Medical and Surgical Institute , formerly conducted at 9th
and Harney streets , by the late Dr. J. W. McMenamy , has
been removed across the river to 26th street and Broadway
Council Bluffs , la. , where every case and any and all con
tracts , old or new , are receiving prompt and skillful attention
"We refer by permission to patients we have cured.
Write for circular on Deformities and Braces , Trusses , Club Feet , Curvature of the Spine , Piles , Tumors , Cancer , Ca-
arrhBronchitis , Inhalation , Electricity , Paralysis , Epilepsy , Kidney , Bladder , Eye , Ear , Skin and B oocl , and all surgical
Deformities of the HUrnan Body , Brace Dept ,
riW S , TRUSSES , and all manner f surgical appliances , nvi'iufiveturo'l to order mitl n lit cimriiMtood. The dnpartmonl in uniloi- the char-'o of ,1. 1 * . Webber
bor , who was . Dr. Mc.Moiiainy'a brace maker for yours , ami who is unreservedly rooommoiidod by the medical profession us boin Ui0 beat bniuoitiiikor lu th
United States.
In this department we are especially successful. Our
claims for superiority over all others are based upon
the fact that this is the only medical establishment
manufacturing surgical braces and appliances for
each individual case , We have three skilled instru
ment makers in our employ , with improved machine
ry , and have all the latest inventions , as well as our
own patents and improvements , the result of twenty
year's experience.
144 PAGE BOOK , Illustrated ,
Sent Free to any Address
blood discus ?
to visit
26th and Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa.
The scone of the robbery of which Kelley is
suspected is the town of Wultlng , about ten
miles distant from Onawa.
Yesterday morning Deputy Grebe went to
Decatur , in this state , and secured a warrant
for the arrest of Albert Iloss and an
other authorizing the search of his house.
Iloss was found at worlt In a brick yard.
WUen his house was searched four suits of
now clothiiif , ' , a valise and u case of plug to
bacco wcro found. Ho was jailed at Oiawa.
In Whiting , a man named N. J. Holtz-
lander , who runs a hotel at that place was
ulso arrested on suspicion of being Impli
cated in the robbery.
The trial of the accused ones will bo held
on next Saturday afternoon at Onawn.
Gosaler's Magic Headacno Wafers. Cure-sal
headaches In SO minutes. At all drugjists
Secretary Husk's Weather De-part-
inent isMakinj * Its Work Sure.
Senator Mandorson is putting forth con
siderable olTort to secure the location of n
local forecast station at Oinnha. He believes
that Omaha Is nn excellent climatic point
and that the location of such nn ofllco hero
will bo advantageous to a very largo scone
of agricultural country deeply interested in
the very best weather bureau service that
can bo furnished.
Ho received the following encouraging
loiter upon the subject , yesterday :
DKi'AimiKNT OK ArmicurTiniE , WASIIINO-
TON , I ) , U , , Aim. Si Hon. Charles V. Maiider-
hon. United states Senator , Washington , 1) . O.
DoarHIr : Your letter of the" ill instant Is
lit I mud In to the Oitabllshment of a
local forecast station at Omaha.
I have referred your letter to the Woatlmr
hnrean for consideration. The policy of con-
Kress In turning over the Weather bureau
branch of the signal office to this department
was , nodiuil > t , Inteneli'd toonli.inuo tin iisaful-
nuss to the agricultural Interests of tliocoun
try , nnd It Is the olijeut mill niirposu of this
department to attain , as far as possible , Unit
dcMred result.
Wo are now carefully studying this question
of the location of tlio forecast stations. Ap
plications have lieon coinlni ; In doslrlne that
they hhonld ho iilaeed ut various points In the
district west of thu Missouri , on behalf of
wnleh you write , and of course It U necessary
for the Woathur bureau to consider earofullv
where the lorvlco can be bi st promotud. His
Important to place some of them at least at
what might bo considered climatic points , and
the location of these points rciiilros | much
consldurutlon Only n portion of the local
forecasters have been appointed or the sta
tions dfhlKiiatcd , ami wo are proceeding
Hlowly so as to malm no mistakes In the mat
ter. On the IHth Instant wo locolvcd a tele
gram from Mr. W. N. Nason , scurotary of the
Omaha Hoard of Trade , upon the bune ; suli-
Jcet.Vo have written to him and referred
Ills mvsmiKO to llin Weather bureau.
Wo appreciate the situation , as yon have so
admirably Hinted It , and I can assure you
that the Weather bureau wjll Klvo the subject
ourcful and thoughtful consideration. .
EDWIN WH.I.ITM , Assistant Secretary.
For some tlmo past JJio Hamilton Bros,1
meat marltot has Uopt/ fawn in u wire cage
in front of their .store , 'it lias been the cus
tom to turn the animal loosu in the sioro
room at night time. About 4 o'clock last
night the fawn was frightened by the house
watch dog nnd nmdo a brealr for liberty.
After racing aiound the room a couple of
time it Jumped through ouu of the plato glass
' SPECIFIC Is n remedy which
SWIFT'S advance of medical science ,
as U hns been expelling Mlcrobl from the
blood , and curing the worst diseases for
GO y em s , and It is only recently that the
medical world have concluded that
to euro disease is to force out ( ho bnccilli
Never Fails to do this ,
. \V. C. CuriTls Killtor of the
MicklriihnrirNeufi , at llojcltini. Vs. ,
ID ) Unit Iiu has licvn cntln ly rvllev *
r _ _ _ _ _ _ cil from an ahct > ulilch formed lu
fiU throat. aTl ranged Intcnto piln. ulnuwt clioUni ;
him. Iiu C'lUlil not tutilluw lolul food , unit uat In
a most painful condition , lleut * Hint ho took only
tliuu Lottlie , olid ttut U 1'IIcclt.J a lorupivtu cure.
Treatlie on Uluod and Skin mutates mailed free.
En\ur 3 , AtluiU , QA.
windows of the door and escaped Into the
The shatter of Klass attrnctsd the attention
of several policemen and n half dozen ninht
workers homeward bound.
The animal , all covered with blood , darted
up Dodge street , but was caught near Seven
teenth street.
Officer 'W ulker carried the fawn back to
the store and placed it In Its cage.
The Latest Conundrum.
Wnv ! s Haller's S.irsapanlla and Burdock
like the most popular soap of the day.
Because they both cleanse the skin and
leave It both soft and velvety.
"The Little Duehos.s , " William's success
ful comedy In five acts , was presented at the
Fanmm last ovoninp ; to a good houso. Mar
tin GolUon played Harry Graham In a manly ,
captivating manner. Evan Harries essayed
the villain , Sir Leslie Gordon , doing some
clover work. Harry Robinson nmdo a humor
ous Old Peter and won ttio audience by his
Broteaquo acting. John K. Mills played John
Hlnsworth , an unscrupulous lawyer , but his
acting lacked evenness and spirit.
Miss Emma Butler made a hit as Laura ,
the little duchess , and Miss Millie Stevens
looked regal and acted well as the duchess of
Ireland. Miss Carrie Graham did some very
clover work and looked pretty as Helen
Another largo audience witnessed the
"Bohemian Girl" at the Grand last evening.
Tonight there will bo a change of bill , and
the "Mikado" will bo produced. Charlie
Drew , Jesse Jonkina , John Brand , Harry
Hallam , Laura Clements and Lilly Swain
will appear as the principals In parts in
which they have mado" hit all through the
oast. The scenery , stage settings and cos
tumes will bo very fine. Liaturday afternoon
has been sot . ldo as ladles' day , and n
special matinee will bo given for them nnd
the little ones , The "Bohemian Girl" will
bo reproduced.
T. . ism mil Ta r.s c. t s K nximn.
St. Paul's llix hand Steal Finally
ST. PAUL , Minn. , Aug. 20. The great Lam-
bert-Steos land case , involving $ : > 00,000 worth
of real estate In the heart ot St. Paul , which
has been In the Minnesota courts for ton
years , has been decided by the supreme
court , which awarded the property to Wash
ington M. Sloes. Tbo piece of land involved
is ! it0 ! acres along Lake Phalon. Tullmadgo
Lambert , who is defeated in the suit , is a
young man of Washington city. The facts
are unusual. In IblO Amlrow Boll Patter
son , an GpUcop.illan clergyman , came to St.
Paul with a number of land warrants which
ho gave to David Lambert , a lawyer , to lo
cate for him on government lands. Lambert
proceeded to locate the warrants In his own
name , Within a week tlioroaftor ho died.
The administratrix of his estate , his mother ,
petitioned the probate court and attempted
to transfer the land to Patterson , and never
claimed It as a part of the estate of David
Lambert. About nineteen years ago the
property came into the hands ot Washington
M. Steos , who lived on the land for more
than nineteen years , when Tallmadgo Lam
bert brought Hiilt to recover the property ,
claiming that the probate proceedings won *
void. The district court t > Q held. Stccs ap
pealed to the supreme court , which hns now
reversed the dbcislon of the lower [ court and
holds that the testimony is suflk-ient to treat
Lambert as a trusted for Steoi without con
slderatlon of the validity of the prnbato pro
ceedings and that Stoos is entitled to the
property. The decision U Until.
iifMonv nuin in jTsMiuo.
Two I'oorln rollconuin and n Woman
Tcrrl'.ily Cut.
PKOIIIA , III. , Aug. 21 ! . A street fight oc
curred hero lii'st evening in which two police
men and a woman were toiribly cut by an In
furiated negro. Tho. negro , Frank Horrv , Is
a notorious character who has been drUon
out of the city sevral times and is guiltv ot
many crimes , among them murder , lie
qu.U'reled with a negro woman In a low negro
dvo | ana tried to cut her throat. She es
caped and ran into the onio of Matthew
Hcnnoberry , the wholesale llijuor dealer.
Berry followed her In and threw her down.
Ho drew her hoed across lug knee to cut her
throat wliea Mr. Houueborry Interfered.
GOOD p lylnc dairy for calo at a ( ' har-
culii If taken nt on e. Inquire of John-
soil A Van 1'ntten , Mverott liloolc.
WAVl'LI ) lo TradeFiveroom house , full
lot In Omaha for house and lot In Council
IllulTs. I ) , llrortii. rua llroadway.
CtjAIHVOVANTaiid sycliomotrlo , or char-
nctcrreadings ; also diagnosis of disease ,
nend lock of lialr for readings by letter. Hnn-
fays nnd avoii.ngs. Mrs E. lloopor. 14'iJ Avu-
duo E , near corner 15th btreot , Coiuioll UlulT-i.
Terms , .5'Jo ' and SI.OJ.
MAON'IKIOENT aero property In five-aero
tracts located ii'i ' miles from postolllco.
for sale on reasonable terms Some line resi
dence property for rent by Day & I
PPK3A.L.B or Kant 3ardea land. nltU
houist , Uf J. U. Ulo * . IOJ Mala it. . OounaU
They MiiHt Go nt Cost
There Is no use of your to Rot
alonK and economize by dolni ; without a ro-
frlKorutor. Health und comfort uaiinot bo
maintained In the hot summer weather and
food properly preserved without some moans
of preserving a cool , dry atmosphere. The
now liiioriisoy refrigerator Is the world buator
In every essential point , and from this tlmo
on wo propose to put tbom Into your housesat
absolute cost. This Is u bona lido olTor that
It whl pay you to Investigate.
Window SoreeiiH and Doorn
Go at the same prtco until our present larso
stoeli is exhausted. This N your opportunity
to provide your homo * with those necessary
All modern little labor savin ; am ) comfort-
prodiioliiK novelties In the hardware , line for
summer Uho will be disposed of In the sumo
* Sun , No. 11 Slain Htrect ,
Council lllullH.
Special attention s'vou ' to liloctrio
Dull.s , Burglar Alarms , Anuounchilurs
mill Incandescent Wiring.
The negro chased him back Into his private
oillco and again seized the woman und drove
a knlfo into her bronst.
.In it then O Ulcers Sloan und Campbell on-
torcd. Sloan tried to shoot the desperate
man , but the latter cut the ofllecr'.s face open
in a shocking way. Campbell was cut from
tbo base of the oar to the forehead , The
negro got out and run two blocks , waving tils
bloody knife and threatening the lives of all
whom no met. OOlcor Slovor Intercepted
him anil knocked him down and before ho
coula rise the patrol wagon was driven over
him. The only surloui wound the negro received -
coivod was n cut ever the eve where ono of
the patrol horses stopped on him. All of his
victims are in a serious condition.
lUvoi * Itnmpnnt.
PI.IP.UIMINK , La. , Aug. ! M. The cave in
the hank of the Mississippi river below this
ulaco has reached an alarming proportion. It
is mm- over 1.000 feet long anil about 1100 feet
wide. It has tiikon of 1100 feet of levee , half
of the public road and also part of liio old
embankment that was used by the Union sol
diers u % u fortdurlnt ; the war.
I ' 'I re Record.
nitAMi Hii'ins , Mich. , Aug. CO. - ThoVor -
dons Furniture company's factory , In the
houthwcstern section of the city , took Ilio
this evening and wus totally destroyed , with
the exception of the engine boubo. The II ro
orlglnaied in some oxcclstor on the second
lloor. The loss Is fTO.IXH ) . chiefly furniture In
stock ; Insurance , fl.l.lHK ) .
I'onltlvoly cured
tluiio Little Pills.
CARTER' : They also relieve Dla-l
tress from Ujspcpsla , In-l
ITTLE digestion and Too Hearty *
Eating. A perfect rum- ,
ccly for Dlz4nchS , Nausea , i
o slnuhu , lluu Taste I
In the Mouth , Coaled ?
Touguo , 1'uln In thoBldo.R
TOIU'II ) UVEH. Tliey |
regulate the Bowels. I'urcly Vegetable.
OI Council Bluffs.
niitKCTOits-I. A. Miller. K. O. Olciison. E. U
MiiiL'art , M K. U rt , . ) . I ) , Kdiniiiidsnii. Uliarlei
K. Itanium. Transact general Inmklng tnuU
ness. I.iirsi'st capital and surplus of any bank
Inbotithwuslern Iowa.
Can be reached from any of the depots on
Conducted by the Sisters of CMiurlty , II. V. SI.
THIIMS I'or board and tuition , nmbrucliiK
all branches of a Mulshed education fnryounii
ladles , $ ? . ' > for session ot live months , com
mencing llrst Monday In September und Feb
ruary , respectively. For further particular
St. Krancl.s Academy , Council llluirs , Iiu
I'nid U Cuptill ! $100,000
< ) lilo < t nrKnnl70 < l ImnU In DID city r'orulKn nnd
ildineillc exclninco iiml local nronrltlm. Kippclnl
ntliMitlon pihl In colU'Ctlimi. Account * of ImllvUl-
mils , banks. Imnlfuri nnd corporation * aoHcltotl.
Corri'sponilenrii luvltuil ,
( JICO. 1 * . SAM OKI ) , I'ri-Hlilunt.
A. W. 11IKKMAN. CnMilor.
A. T. KICK , Aaxlntnnl Cnihlor.
Just the thing for hath robmx. bed rooms , eto
( Jill and see our largo assortment.
C. B. Gas and lilcctric Light Co. ,
211 I'uarl and 210 Main Htieet.
Over 0. II. .lucijuoniln & Co.'s Jewelry Storo.
mins itiitnilf < > r < : Alnr0ys | | | " * ' | IW' i'ruc-
tluo In the suto ami
federal courts. Koiim .1 , I and A bhniurO
lluno block , Council lliulTd , l.i
HI Ph'imllfTC Attorney nt Law , No. ID
, J , UlalllUUb , i.ulri , Htruet. ever llush-i
ne 1 I'd store. Telephone No. U'VL llnnlnus'1
hours , da. m. to Up. m. Council limits , la.
Galvanized Iron Cornice Works ,
It. ailAllI , X BO.V. I'ltUP'S
IQlfj nnd 1O17 Broaclwaij.
Kilhtmtoi fiirnlihuil nn till klnil , i.f < , Mvarii e < l
I run C.irnli-o W > itk. I run Kooflnit , Htura FrunH unit
Copper Wurk. Artlitlu vmrk it Hpurlalty I'orros *
poiiituiu'unitliclloil Irum IHJIIIIH iJOJ iiitliji frum Couu
ell Mhi111 unit Omulm.
Council Bluffs , lu.
N. A. TAYLOR.Manager