Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 26, 1891, Page 8, Image 8

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    " - - j ii ii i mN m w v OTm.mH > ii 'H '
_ _ _
Danger Wliioh Threatens People Who R'tlo '
on Chicago Gable Oars.
Kim-l MiilcoB n Proposition to HIP
Wotlil'n l''nlv Mnti.iKcrrt and
: TnriiH In an liluil
Gulden City Ntvvn.
CIIICAOO Btnu'AU orTnn HBP , t
( ; IIICAIO , 111. , Auc. ' ! " > . f
There la danger of n cnvo-in nt both the
Lnvillo struct anil Washington sti oot tun
nels , through which thu cable cars p.m con-
ilantly eighteen hours out of .tho twenty-
four. 'Ihovvet nnd dripping walls of both
tunnels , especially that nt Washington street ,
have excited much comment among the
patrons of the two cnhlo ssteins. . Commis
sioner Aldtich has nottlled the struct car
companies of the situation and has directed
that something must bo done at onco.
Kll'lr.l'a TOWMl I'llol O11TION.
Tno world's fair commission received
a plan fiom Mr. IMol of Pans for building
n lower at tlio world's fair hero It is said
to bo doubtful whether Eiffel's proposition
will heln the director ! out What they
wanted is a design fora tower with tnonoy
back of It Elltol doosn't exactly propose to
furnish ttio funds. Ho tolls them ho will
comoovei and build the tovvor , furnishing
the material , for so much monov. The ap
proximate estimate Is 11.250,01)0. ) Today the
proposition will bo submitted to the ways nnd
means committee , which has jurisdiction
over all matters pertaining to towurs.
A vvioMtso miA.
C. L Staub of ChovonnoVjo , sends the
exposition management a design for a tower
1,500 feet high , to bo made of great trees or
loits placed one upon another , with a log
cabin on top , w tilth ho sa > s "will bo neces
sary ns a shelter against atorm and rain and
as a rofieshmcnt place. "
nvmios's insaiso oAitnrss
The hanging gardens of Habv Urn is the
name given by llernatd Jncoby to u novel
structure which ho vvoalu like to erect in the
woild's fair grounds The plans arc for two
stool and glass building i , 150 feet long , 50
feet wiito and 50 feet high , to he arranged on
cables botvveoti steel columns , onu to oo sus
pended in the air whllu tlio other is on the
ground , the weight of ono to balance the
ether Tun originator of thu plan estimates
the cost at ? T,00,000.
Building material for the Imitation
battle ship Illinois Is nirlvinc ; on the grounds
Alre.idy the gigantic dimensions of this
monarch me outlined.
Thirty cars of iiiatciial for the administra
tion and transpottation of buildings arrivud
at tbo giound jestoidav.
Members of the grounds and btilUlincs
committee sav the loop system of teimiuals
has not been abandoned. Chiot I3uinham
wns simply instructed to submit plans for
the "stub end" system and that action did
not necessarily Iniplv that his plane would
bo adopted. 'Iho "stub end" sjstem would
effect a saving of from $400,000 to $500 1)00 )
nnd It may in the end bo adopted , but it has
not been j ot.
Chief McClaughroy received today a
marked copj of the Paris rig.uo of August
5 , containing an editorial comment on his
efforts to introduce In the jolico dcpirtmcnt
thu Ucrtlllion svstom of identyfjing crimi
nals. The information for the uiliclo , which
was highly complimentary , was obtained
chiully Uom Ferdinand W. Peek , now abroad
with the European commissioners of the
world's fair.
Robert McConnick , secretary of the
Ameilcan legation in London and world's
fair commissioner for England , says that it
is now only n question of details so fur as
England's partlcipatiou in the big show
goes. "I know nothing dclinito that's
been done in rcgaul to prt'oaring exhib
its , " said McCormlck to the Evening News
ropoi tor this morning. "Very soon after oui
delegation loft London , Sir Henry Wood
went on his vacation. Ho will return and
sail for America next month. Nothing in
llio wav of preparing exhibits will bo done
until ho IQ turn s fruin Chicago. 1'ho object
of his visit hero will bo simply to look ovct
the gtoumls , examine plans , space that will
bo available for exhibitions and in ccueral to
look over the atiangomonts so that ho can
make a report of his personal Investigations.
Then EtiKllMi exhibitors will coat auango-
incut for ihoir displays. "
Estimates Hint Chicago would receive
15,100,000 bushels of corn in September glad
dened the hearts of the lake vessel men
today. Corn has been going lot ward ns r.ip-
idly us It could bo gathered into cargoes and
the piospect of an immense business Is most
nssuiing to profits on lloatlnt ; property.
Today's receipts ot .2,000 cars ot grain were
most promising for a big business by lake
Ch'irteiingossols was voiy hca\y and
capacity for not less than 1,000,000 bushels of
vessel loom was placed. Wheat bus moved
freely for the llrst time since tbo panic In
prices. Vessel men secured ' 4 cents for ail
boats thov had to olTor. Tomorrow u strong
olToit will bo made to re-establish thoi ) cent
rate , the goal of the marine Interest.
KTKOHTS or wiimi.vr.v.
"Whiolmen ere already warmly discussing
the propriety of making the season of the
world's ' fair in ib'J.l a memorable ono for
cjcllnc During tno summer months that
year Chicago will ho the center of the world
und various conventions of vailous soils will
bo hold hmo for the double puiposo of tran
suding annual business and seeing the
Columbian exposition A committee has
boon foimcd and is now at woik on the pro-
llmimiiv arrangements whereby wheelmen
from every nation will bo brought hither to
participate in tbo monster meeting. The
associated cj cling clnbi of the city have
taken up the qunstlon and already the pro
gtammo has grown to extensive pioportlons
Ttio committee that has cimno ; of the ar
rangements expects to rnlsoa fund of $ .10,000
Of this sum , oni'-half will go towards moot
ing expenses and providing for the comfoits
of visitors The remaining $15,000 , will bo
spout In the puichaso or prl/es to bo dis
tributed among the winner : , of the racing
The following western pcoplo are In the
cltv :
At the Lolnnd C. C. Boldon , Omaha.
At the Auditorium -William IJ. Bettcn-
dorf , Davenport. la ; Peter Klnuer. F , Heir ,
Uubuciuo , la.N. . 1 > . Fell , Omaha.
At the Wellington L. M. Martin , Dos
Moltios , la.
At the Grand Pacific Mrs. Slonnnko ,
Newton ; E. U Nnglo , H. D. Boogo , jr. , E
II , Slono , SIOUN City , la.
At the Tromont Mrs. II. C. Moses ,
Omaha , GcoigoN. Cobb , Sioux City , lu.
Very Mtioli ApprtxJIntoil.
Mr G. F Crandall , city salesman for the
Kichardson Drug Co. . rolatcs the following
incident : "Ono evening last May , on re
turning homo , I loirnod that a young lady
omplo ) ed by a neighbor was sufforintr with
griping pains und cholera morbus , and had
been in bed nil day. I thought of Chamber-
luln'6 Colic , Cholera and iDlurrbcua Hemody ,
but had only ono teaspjonfu ) In the house. 1
prepared that one dose and sent it to her , and
in twenty-five minutes she was vUltluir lu
our homo , free from palu and profuse wrtti
thanks for favoring her with the means of
roller. "
For booth privileges cnll on or nil-
dross A. II. Brlffgti , N. E. cor. 1 Ith tuid
Furnntu atroots , Giimliu , Nob.
Oitcnliii ; of the New IJoj it.
"Alabama , " Augustus Thomas' successful
American drama , which will bo presented by
the A. M. Palmer company for the opening
attraction of Boyd's now theater on Thurs
day evening of next week , tells n story of
southern life , American lu theme , in treat
ment , In character and location. It Is simply
niul poetically told , und will have the idyllic
framing of vines , mosses and tropro vegta-
tlon. "Alabama" U a beautiful picture of the
moat itrllilng types of southern life , and
tbo murmurs ana cuitom * ot a
very extraordinary pcoplo. The company
that will present ' 'Alabama" is ono of the
ilnrst in America nnd has boon selected with
a view to special adaptability to the parttt.
The local management has decided to ndnero
to the following seato of prices for the open
ing night : Scats on the first floor , $2 each ;
scats In the first three rows of the balcony ,
fJ. remainder of seats in balcony , $1.60 each ;
ilrst floor boxrs , 115 each ; balcony boxes , $10
each ; gallery , f > 0 cents The sale of seats for
the entire engagement opens at the box ofllco
of the new theater at 0 o'clock oil Monday
morning next.
I'nrontN HeiiilTlilt.
July and August are anxious months for
mothers who carefully wittch over their llttlo
ones Hot days and frequent changes of
temperature are liable to produce cholera
morbus. How satisfactory it should bo for
parnntstoknow that Halter's Puin Par.ilyzcr
is both a pleasant and effective remedy for
all summer complaints. It soothes and re
lieves all piln and griping and always effects
a complete cuic.
Suit for S.'JOOOO Coniincnucil A nliiHt
Clni k U ooiliiuiti'H Instate.
The developments of yesterday Indicate
that the financial affairs of the late Clark
Woodman were not In the boat of shape at
the time of his death.
Tnis morning Cowan & McIIiigh , nttoinojs
for the United States National bink ,
brought suit against the Woodman & Hitchio
company to iecovor W0.003 on some promis
sory notes executed last fall and long east
duo. llio notes were executed by Clark
Woodman , president of the company and
were unsecuicd.
At the time of tiling the petition In tno dis
trict court , the new elevator on North Seven
teenth street was attached and is now in the
hands of the sheriff.
H Is understood that other suits for largo
amounts will bo brought in a day or two
The suits in no wlso effect the oil mill or the
old elevator , as they are both owned by tbo
Linseed Oil trust.
Mr Woodman's will was filed in the prelate
late court yesterday.
The will is a very brief ono It was executed -
cutod August y , Ib'Jl , and was witnessed by
Oeorgo B Lake and II. E. Maxwell It sim
ply piovldes that nil of his debts bo paid and
that all of bis remaining proper tj' , real and
personal , bo bequeathed to his wifo.
Some people are constantly troubled with
boils no sooner does ono heal than another
makes Its appearance. A thoiougb course of
Ajci's ' barsapanllu , the Best of blood puri-
ilcrs , effcctuidlv puts an end to this annoy
ance. Wo recommend a trial.
UP ON ruuMi
Connollmcn Hoar all About VariouH
Sstjlosln Vault Fixtures.
It Is ( inito evident that fourteen of the
members of the council do not know as much
about vault lixturcs as they thought they did ,
though they have spent n great portion of the
day in looking at pigeon holes , racks , shelves ,
slldos and other things of a like nature.
At 9 o'clock accompanied by City Treasurer
Hush , Deputy Comptroller Coulter aud City
Clerk Giavos the city lawmakers wended
their way to the third floor of the Paxton
hotel , where the Ofllco Specialty comnany
had lu samples on exhibition. An
agent of the company , Mr. Dixou ,
welcomed the gentlemen and after
passing around the Cigars commencca
explaining the catching quality of his goods
and the bad qualities of the goods put up by
the Fonton Manufacturing company. This
took two hours and all of the time ho argued
that uhllo his bid was higher , it wascho ipor ,
owing to the superior quality of the goous ho
proposed to fuinish. His iiles were the best
known to the trade and oveisl ed those of the
other ompanj by a majoiity that was our
of sight. The steel of which they
woi o constructed wns four guanos heavier
und 1,000 of his Iiles had u capacity equal to
1200 ! of those made by tno Fonton company.
Ho proposed to furnish the city moio for the
same money than any other company on
After this Mr. Dixon began n tirade upon
the goods offeicd by his competitor and ended
up by stating that if the councilnion would
go through the schedules they would find his
bid the lowest.
The ofllccis ho said bad not been consulted
as the wants of their otllcos and the othci
concern had not dared to fuimsh a tabulated
statement of the cost of the various articles
that it pioposcd to put into the now city hull
The reason was that the company did not
pioposo to furnish the quantity of woik that
it bid upon. Cigars were handed
around once moio and then Mr.
Spucht offered the suggestion that the coun
cil should see the ether samploj.
Mr. Tuttle throw out the suggestlan that
most of the councilnion had scon all of the
samples of both companies and that it would
bo a good plan for both agents to moot the
council and have them explain the meats of
their goods and what thev proposed to sup
Agent Dlxon was agtecable to such a plan ,
but before consenting to such a move
ho would want to know Just what
articles the city would expect fur
nished. Ho said City Treasurer Hush
had not been consulted wiih refoionco to the
furnishing of the vaults in hie ollico and
would like to hear fiom him Then Mr.
Dlxon talked steel , rolled and pickled stool ,
while the councilnion looked wise and stated
that they understood the terras.
After that they all talked while the agent
explained that ho pioposod to use cold rolled
steel , which was much moro expensive than
the plculod variety and would gi\o hotter
satisfaction Ho thought the city olllclals
woulu bo pleased with his ontlit.
The councllmcn told Mr. Uixon that thny
would see him latei and then thejournojed
to the second floor of the Millard hotelwhore
Messrs. Thompson and McNutt of the Fen
ton had their uoods roadv for councilmitnlo
inspection. Mr Thompson bioko the ice by
un Ing that unlike some competitors ho did
not have gold and silver plated samples to
cast around the county to look nt. His
samples were goods that were for actual use
They were going to 1'oxas to bo placed in the
vaults In the state bouse at Austin Upon the
conclusion of this statement Mr Thompson
told the councilnion about the tolled and the
pickled steel His goods wore from the
pickled astlclo that always cost more than
cold lolled.
Mr. Davis took Issue on the stool question
and argued the pioKled stool was not al
ways bettor than the cold rolled.
Citv Treasurer Hush was called to the front.
Ho did not feel like giving an opinion on w hat
should bo put into the treasurer's oftlco in
the now city hall , as ho oxpcctod to bo a
private citizen bttfoto the ofilco would bo
lurnlshod. Ho had been annoyed by some of
his subordinates having taken an active part
in suggesting what should and what should
not go in to the ollico. Mr Hush stated that both
of the agents hud seen him and received
some suggestions in regard to the plans.
Deputy Comptroller Coulter had inado
sketches for the Onico Specialty company ,
but had not seen the agent of the Fcnton
company , consequently his plans did not
coincide with the ideas of the deputy.
Mr. Sirccht denounced thu talk as a
aonc und dunce aud thought that it should
and at ono , as the pcoplo did not want any
foolishness about the matter. If the company
that submitted the lower hid would furnish
all of the articles , and if they were as good
as those old upon by thoothor company , there
could ho no lonson for not awarding the
contract as soon as a good and sufllclout bond
was presented.
The agent again started In to prove that
hs ! goods were superior both In quality and
finish and thoii council adjourned , agreeing
that It would be a dlftlcult matter to dotor-
nilno what to do in the promises.
A Conscientious IMItnr.
Wo advertise nt present for a firm whoso
preparations have proven to bo all they claim
in our own family , Wo refer to Chamber-
Iain's Colic , Cholom and Dlarrhu a Uoraadv.
Wo can stand tin far this urcdlciiio because
wo huvo tested It. This is not an advertise
ment for the medicine , it Is simply our testi
mony regarding It after a fulr trial. Iloutz-
dale ( Pa. ) , Observer.
Dutlor will bo nt tlio Oiunha fair anil
rncos und will fha dully exhibitions of
olmriot , luiidlo iuul uinbtulliv races ,
which ciinnot fall to iilouso these who
nUond. lo ) not full to witness Hutlor'a
performance during the fulr , commenc
ing August 31 and coutluulng live duys.
Excursionists to Oreaton Start Forth in a
Gorgeously Decorated Equipage.
Another Comimrlmin of Stock Markets
Two Criminals Sent to .frill
Notcfl n ml I'erNoimln or
General Interest.
The special train to the Uluo Grass palace
ntCiciton , In. , from this city , which Is to
leave the B. it M. depot at U'80 o'clock this
motning , Is n daisy and will advertise the
Mnulo City as it hai never before been ad
vertised. Four cars were elaborately decor
utcd for the occasion and ai many moio cur *
will bo attached as may bo necessary at
Pho first car Is for the commls'lon men ,
and is wrapped In bnntlni , ' and trimmed up
with llthoRrnphs , stcol engravings and colored
advertising cards , and Is a regular panorama
rama The following car Is for the Live
ritock exchange On each side Is a long
banner , extending from end to end of the
car , drintcd In largo and legible letters.
"Livestock Uxcliango , Union Stock Yard * ,
bouth Omaha " Bunting , ( lags and emblems
In profusion almost cover the car from eave
to the truck. Then comes the city car , a
regular muss of decorations. In big colored
letters on banners covering the outiro sides
of the car are the wotds : "South Omaha ,
the Alnglo City of the West. The Most
Wonderful City of Its Ago In the World.
Population 1SS" , 100 , Ono Church , Ono
School. Population 1S9J , 15,000 , TwoHo
Churches , Fifteen Schools '
LasicomesthoG.H. Hammond company
rar , and it is a moJol of ologmico and ex
travagant decorations On ono side of the
car a tiugo banner , covering the lower half of
the car from end to end , in artis
tic loitering , is the follow iuir. "Tho G
H Hammond Compan ; The I'ioncor Pack
ets , of South Omaha , Packers and General
Provision Doaleis. Urtabllshcd IbliU. "
Pi ramlds of laid cans woio plucod on top ol
the car , tows of canvaied hams nnd bacon
woio woven in nmong festoons and wtcuthcs
of buuting and decorations till it resembled u
cornucopia. Samples of all kinds of moats
nnd lards wore hung iti low * or plied in lay
ers along or on the car , where ever good tiso
could suggest or an\ thing additional would
add to the nppcautnco or iiUructivenebs of
the display.
An bundled members of the LUo Stock ex
change , scvcntj-flvo citi/ons , including the
mayor and city council and press toprcsonta-
trvob , were of tlio delegation.
Concerning Olmlnals.
Mort Mooty , the man whose covetous ojo
settled on Councilman rredouck Bowloi's
team .Monday night , was tried before Judge
King , and on conviuiion was liued $10 nnd
costs On default in paj inont ho was sent , to
the countv juil.
Joseph Miller , alias Joseph Uhl , said by
the policeto bo an all around crook , who was
arrested Sunday night charged with toDbing
the till in Fiunk Helen's saloon , Twenty-
four th and K streets , and who , with an
unknown companion , is supposed to have sot
Councilman Patrick iowlo\'s barn on llio in
older ti commit tno robuorv , wns given a
hearing by Judge King , nnd was bound over
to the district court In ? l,000 bail , i nu in de
fault was committed to the ( ounty jarl.
Aiintlior ImiilioiiH C omimi'lwoii.
Ora Huloy , ono of the Wyoming cattle
kings , had bunches of cattle on market at
Kansas City and South Omaha jcsterdav.
His hooves at Kansas City averaged Ii7. , ! )
pounds and were sold at S.- ° > - Fifty-six of
Ins cuttle at South Omaha , averaging 1,2.1'J
pounds , sold lit tJ SO , and oighty-three , ay.
eraeing 1BJ7 ( pounds , sold at W 17JJ.
Stockmen who have good stocK and want
to sell at , the highest pares should ship to
South Otnulm
Society Hleution.
At the Young People's Society of Christian
Endeavor of the First Piosbvteiinn church ,
ofllcers as follows w ere elected for the fol
lowing term of six months : M. G Zerbo ,
president ; Arthur Copcland , vice-president ;
Miss Fannie Sage , secretary : Mrs. H. 1C
Nluuiln , assistant secretary ; Peter G. Copeland -
land , tiensuier.
The society is in a flourishing condition and
is the moans of ilointr much good.
Hold Ui ) Uist Night.
Late Monday night a strange man , whoso
name could notboascaitaincd , was sot on near
Eighteenth and Wyman streets and searched
for valuables. Ills cries and protestations of
hnviig nothing attracted the attention of
neighbors , but not In time to help him nor in
time to catch the high wav men Nothing of
vnluo was taken. The pcrpolratois escaped
and the victim refused to muko public his
AVI11 Turn Out Ijinor I ) ly.
Mossrs. J. M. Klnnoy and Harry Eaton
were in the city arranging for a representa
tion from South Omaha on LtborDay. The
committee mot a welcome reception and ro-
colved much encouragement and liberal con
tributions. An ox and considerable money
weioreceived. Manager W. N. Babcock as
sured them ttiat the Stockyards Cowboy
Brigade would turn out in full foice.
School Notice.
Superintendent A A , Munroowlll bo in the
high school building every day fiom 9 a. m.
till " > p m till the opening of the city schools ,
Monday , Scptombor T.
Notes Alnvit tlio City.
Ex-Marshal Jirinos P. Maloney is on the
sicU list.
Miss Mjrtlo Wells is visiting friends near
Murvsvlllo , Mo.
EdwaidC Prlc * , of Swift & Co. , has ro-
tutnod from Chicago
Citron's AllHnco No , 1 , will meet In K. P.
hull , McGiinis ] block , this evening ,
St. Agnes' parochial school will open for
the fall toim Monday , September 7 ,
J. II Durbln brought in n train of nlno
carloads of cattle from Caspar , Wyo.
O , C. Morton , of the Denver Daily Live
Stocit Hoconl , was a welcome visitor.
Miss Jessie Carpenter , who has been visit
ing relatives In Wayne , has returned.
Miss Ida Dunham of Carson , la , is the
guest of Mr. und Mrs Geoigo F Riser.
P. O Blower of Soda Springs , Idaho , had
thiitcen car loads of cattle on the market.
Patrick J Hoillhy tins arrived fiom Chicago
cage and will make his homo in Squth Omaha.
The American Live Stock Commission
company will quit business and close its of-
11 co at the Kxchango on the last of this
month ,
A daughter has boon born to Mr. and Mrs.
Joseph Chanoy , TwontT-sovontU und L
John M O'lloirno ' of Cheyenne , formerly
of the StocK } ards railroad , is a welcoino
Miss Mattie Wollbrook of Chicago , who Is
visiting her brother William B , .
very sick.
John Stiode and W. C. Young came in
from Shoshone , Idaho , with thirteen car
loads of cattlo.
Fred Post has returned from Scrihnor and
after a visit hero will goto Madison , \\is. ,
w hero ho will losldo.
Mrs Foxworthy , wife of Judco Charlu ) S.
Foxwoity , of Lincoln , U visiting her parents
Mr und Mrs C. M. Hun.t. .v. -f
Two car loads of nsptmltum for Che Tvvon-
tj-fourth stieet paving have been received
from Callforiila o\er the B iV : M , _
Misses r.iz/io and Anna Wolij whohavft
boon Mr. and Mis , lilchard M. Carpenter
near Bcllcvue , have returned home.
Superintendent A A Munroe and hi Ido
huvo returned from the oist and are receiv
ing congratulations from mimy filcmlj' ,
Uhior Alarloii Boles , pastor of the Fiist
Christian church , has gone to Kalilluld to
attend the State Missionary society conven
The Judicial convention of the Peoples In
dependent partv , for the counties of Douglas ,
Burt , Washington and Sarpv , will meet but-
urdoy thu iiVlb , at 1 o'clock , in the Inde
pendent headquarter-If hlrtconth and Doug-
Ins streets. Omaha , to nomlt.ato ilvo candi
dates lor district Judgos.
Benjamin Alexander of the Omaha pack
ing force , received ai gainful wo'inJ on the
left wrist by being ! caught with n hog
Mrs. Mitchell , wlfojof Hon. Frank Mitch
ell , ono of the InadlnK.citlzons and uolHIclaus
of Snragiic , is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. U
M Hunt.
Mrs. Persons , wife of Frank Persons , and
daughter Kittle , accompanied by Miss Per
sons' sister , Miss Sula Smith , have returned
from Dlxon , III.
Mr J. U. ShoiipardJ manager of | the Pari
Co operative Alcrcantllo Institution , Paris ,
IdAlio , s ys that for colic produced by change
of drinking water , Chamberlain's Colic ,
Cholera and Ularrhiua Remedy Is without an
equal. It is quick and oflcctunl nnd loaves
no bad results.
A Ireo rhlo to Oiniihn. If jou pur
chase n ptiuio of Ilaytlon Him , Onmlm ,
jou will bo entitled to free transporta
tion to Onmlm und return. This tip-
plies to nny tllbtanco within 800 tnllos of
city. Write for purllculitrd.
Ho Given nn Intimate of n Supreme
Court Candidate.
"No , sir , I do not eire to suggest the name
of a man suitable for the nomination on tub
republican tlcuot for associate Justice of the
supreme court , " said Senator Mnnderson
yesterday in answer to a luosllon from a
Bni reporter , "because I have always looked
upon It as being entirely out of place for a
mini lllling such a federal oHIco as that which
I now hold to ineddlo with the matter of
nominations wlthir. ' the ranks of his own
part } . 1 wish to represent no particular
faction or whip of the republican part } ,
but slmily kcop my hands off
until the nominations aio inado
und then do all 1 can for the ticket nominat
ed. There ute plenty of good men in the
party who would nil" the position on the supreme -
promo bencti with honor and iredit to thorn-
ic'lvos nnd the state What the convention
should do is simply to select u thorough , ca
pable law v or , whoso reputation for honesty
and integrity will merit the confidence nf the
people And as I have said before , tlio man
selected should bo free from nnv suspicion or
taint or corpoi.ition ulllliutions that would
militate against him In the estimation ot the
pcoplo. If these points uio caiotuilv hooded
I sec no reason why the republican p-rrtv
should not elect the men thev nominate this
fall "
"Do the qualifications you have just men
tioned point oti I nny weakness in the present
supreme Jmiiciniy , when applied to the gen
tlemen who now omipj the highest judiciul
position in Nebraska I"
"I had no such thought in mind vvtion I
mentioned the qualifications that I believed
to bo necessary lor the party nominee My
icmaiks were made as a general application ,
and I don't oo how any sonslblo man can sec
it differently. We certainly want a thoiough
lawyer and an honest man , and we want him
free from the entangling influence of coi nor-
ate power. If there is a mun in Nebraska
who thinks differently hn is certainly not
familiar with the present status of political
fooling in this state. "
"Do v ou expect to do some active work in
the Nebraska campaign this fall" '
" 1 shall bo hero to assist n part of the time ,
but this is not the year for the burning of
red lights and the putting foith of that ex-
tiaoidinniy amount of effort that character
izes the Uitinl musidential campaign. Wo
have to elect u member of the supreme court
and two rogcntb of the state unlvoinlty ,
Thov should bo elected on personal merit
and bv the calm , thoughtful voice of the pee
ple. There is no neccsbity for a long and bit-
lor campaign. "
"What is your opinion of the indications in
Ohio ? "
"I bollovo that Major McICinloy will ho
elected. The light will bo
vvirged with tremendous foico along
legislative lines by. tire democrats in order to
defeat , if possible , Senator Shot man. I hope
the democrats will tail In trie attempt It
would bo a gieat lussdd the ontiroi nation to
have Senator Sherman defeated next winter.
I consider him the most useful man In the
puollo service today in this country. His
long j ears of experience , coupled with his
wonderful courage as u public servant , make
him n most valuable mun in the senate. Scn-
ntoi Sherman possesses the courage of his
convictions to a degree surpassing almost
any other m in I have over known. The
country cannot uftord to retlio such n man to
pilvnto lilo , and I hope to sco bim returned
to the senate. "
Cure lor the Drink Ilunit.
The John Holiday Unmedy company , of
Buihngton. la , nuuantcos to euro the diink
habit and d > psomnnia. Homo treatment.
Remedy sure. Ingredients harmless Per
bottle , postpaid , with full directions , ? J 50.
No testimonials published , nnd coriespond-
once kept inviolate. Wo have used our own
J. J. Johiibon & Co. will remove their
coal ollico on Sept , 1 to 220 S. loth street
Tat : SICUNIvunic. .
Douglas County Teachers Getting
Deeper Into Institute Work.
The County Teacher's institute is grinding
way this week on pretty much the same pio-
grammo as that followed through the open
ing week.
Prof IjOngan in his work on civ 11 govern
ment took up the national nnd state Judicaiy ,
outlining the system and dollnlug the Juris
diction of each couit.
Miss Webster' is doing good work in
United States history and in her last lecture
coveted the period of the French and Indian
wars , clearly omphasi/Ing all the Impoitant
facts and dates.
Henry Uby , Jr. , ono of the most successful
of the county teachers , conducted the class
in physiology , taking "circulation" for his
topic. The discussion wns emphatic and the
inteiest di&plnjcd was an eloquent testimon
ial to the fact that Mr. Eby deserved his rep
A largo section of the Institute consists of
South Omaha teachers whoaionot compelled
to nttomi. A laiga poitlon of them are pres
ent , how over , und taking an active part in
the urocecdings.
DoWltt's Llttlo brrlv Risers ; boU llttlo
pills , fordjspopsia , sour stomach , bad breath.
He\cmio OfllccH lo he Itemoved fiom
tlio I'ostolllco Building.
Captain William' Sommorvillc , special
agent of the United-States revenue ollico , ar
rived In Omaha j csumlay to look up u location
for the revenue oilloo now occupying a part
of tlio bccond lloor Inline postonlco building.
Thoofuclfls at Washington have finally de
cided to mnko mom room for the postofllco
department , nnd thtrevoiuioolicu [ will bo
removed from thai government building.
Captain Sommorv'illo Inspected suites of
rooms in the now MnCaupuo block und other
locations otferod with a vlovv of making u
recommendation to tbo department ,
Captain bomincrvillo has econ in tbo em
ploy ot the government in various capacities
in the revenue offlco for twenty-six yours
and U ono of the must thoroughly competent
men In the soivlco. Ho Is an old acquain
tance of Mr Mr. John Peters of the revenue
ofllco , having boouf ih the army as n member
of the same company with Mr. Petrrs
The revenue ofttu > will probably bo re
moved fiom the ) iost ofllco building within a
few wcous , or as soon as Captain hommor-
ville has forw aided his report to Washing-
DoWitt's Llttlo Uany tenors for the liver.
Thousands Take Advantage of the First of
the Harvest Excursions.
Generally Hellcved Tliit Nuinoroiio
Western Ilnen Are IMnoiilR Imrjo
Illookn ol' 'liulcctH lu the
Ilumla ol' UiokerH.
Cnicvoo , 111. , Aug. 25. The western roads
did u big p-rssonger business today , but it is
doubtful If any of thorn will bo able to show
corresponding results In rovenuo. It was
the llrst of the hai vest and homc-seekeis ex
cursions , nnd all the west bound trains were
crowded with people taking advantage of the
low rales to roach distant points In the north
west nnd southwest It is evident that the
ticket binkors In Chicago , Kansas City ,
Omaha , St. Louis and Si Paul will reap the
highest benefits from this llrst exclusion In
this city thov announced ono way rates ns
follows To Denver , f'JO , Kansas Cllv , ? o i > 0-
Omaha , 410 , nnd St. Paul. t .
Of course the man bu.ving to anj of these
points at the rate named was required to
purchase of the btokor u lound trlu excursion
ticket , but ho also received an older that
enabled him on i caching his destination to go
to n broker and soil the return portion for an
amount sufllclont to reduce his actual outa ! >
to the Ilgures quoled above. The scalpers at
each end of the line aio thus enabled to make
f 1 or S.J out of the deal and the purchaser
saves from $ ) lo > on llio regular ono way
fnro. The reltun poitionsuio good lor thirty
days from ditto of sale , nnd ns there w 111 bo
moio of tncso excursions , September
lu and ! 20 , tnoio is ovei > occasion
to expect that western piasonger
rates will bo badly demorali/cd from this
time forward until November 1 It Is not in
reason to suppo'-o that the btokois could bo
bo plentifully supplied with these tlckotb if
they weio not furnished bv the railroads
themselves If any of the nillroads are play
ing this game , and the indications are thai
nearly nil of them arc , they will no doubt
follow It up bj ctippljing broker > at western
points with return portions ot tickets that
have never boon sold foi tbo gouirf passage.
Ml LrlNQ Till' SOO ItVTES.
The low summer toutisU , ' rates adopted by
the See mo to bo mot by all tbo western
toads that como in competition with it
Authority 1ms been given bj Chairman I'ln-
loy in an oulor issued today. The order hab
been nnticipited by the Wisconsin Central ,
which mot the boo liuo'b rate some time ago
An Indiana Railroad Willing to Have
Its Assessment IneieuNed.
ISUUNAIOIIS , Ind. , Aug. 25. The state
commissioners continue to hoar pleas from
railioad lopiosontativob begging lor a reduc
tion of assessment. There is ono exception ,
how over , ox-United States Marshal Hawkins
appealed foi the Chicago .Sc vv'ost Michigan.
He said that horould hardly expect the boind
to lower the assessment , not would ho feel
aggucved if It should bo moderately in
creased lie stated that as the farm prop
erty through which the road i tins has been
increased in value , the compiny could not
expect the board to piss its piopcrty without
bomo advnnco on the former nppiuiscd value
The board was evident ! ) much surprised
at tnis statement , as it is the first of the kind
that has been made duiing the inqulij.
bupountendent Mooie of the Indiana Mid
land made such a poverty stricken showinir
that the attorney general said to him :
"U'hv don't trade it
you off fora paving
road if it is so bad ! "
"Well , " replied the superintendent , after
a pause , "tho road does not belong to mo ,
and I have no authority to trade it , but I
have been thinning that I would like to tiado
my position for a good state ollico it l can
find one. "
The commission said nothing , but the
smile upon their faces indicated that thoj
thought the "horso" was on the attornoi
goner al.
A Irii < ; } { ist Surprised.
You may bo interested in knowing that wo
are entirely out of Chamberlain's Colic ,
Cholera aud Dinnhcua Remedy and want
moie , ns per inclosed order for six do/on
The demand for It surprises mo greatly. We
have never sold a remedy that gave such
univeianl satisfaction. Sincoielv yours , J.
G. Bono , Dunmoio , Pa. The above ! b from a
recent letter to Chamberlain & Co. , Dos
Molnos , la. 25 and 50 cent bottles forxalo bv
Deputy SliciiiTGiclH' Emln the Com he
of an Iowa Tliiel'
Deputy Sheriff Lou Giebo made a very
clever catch \estoiday afternoon.
Last Friday night a general store at Whit
ney , lu , was burglarucd and somofbUO or
f'JOO ' of silkb , dry goods and Jewell" )
carried away. The sheiitt of Mo
nona county at once notified Sheriff
Boyd nnd the cnso was tui nod over to Dep
uty Giobo , who wont to work upon what
clues ho could obtain. A few davs ago ho
was informed that the goous had been sent
to Omaha. Grebe since that time lus made
ttio freight depot of the Chicago , bt. Pant ,
Minneapolis & Omaha railroad his head-
quartois. Last evening ho was rewarded toi
his vigilance by seeing a man named Dailov
call and claim to ho the owner of two largo
trunks and flvo boxes.
The man was at once placed under "ariest
nnd locked in the county jail. There ho
broke down and confessed his guilt. In
company vvltha pal the stoi owns robbed , the
goods hauled to Decatur , Nob. , and horn
there shipped to this cltv If not caught ,
Dalloy intended going to Qaanuh , Tex ,
wheio ho would have opened astoioand
stocked it with the stolen plunder
After making the confession Dailov staled
that his wife was In South Omaha Thilhoi
Grebe Jouinevcd and Inund the woman and
tlueo childien reglstoied at the Benson
house. Upon being Informed of her luis
band's arrest Mis , Dalley disgorged a gold
watch and several rings all of which woio
Dalley had lived at Whiting for moro than
eighteen > enis and was consideiod ono of the
most honotablo citizens in Monona county
Last night ho gave the name of his p iftnor
and Deputy Grebe at once started for Dakota
Cit ) to make the airost.
A Woman's I'reforonc'o.
Mrs , L S llinton.of Grahainvillo , Florida ,
says she profois Chamberlain's Colic , Choloia
und Diarrhma Remedy to any other modiclno
In the world , having used it for two yeais
and In some very bad cases and always with
poifect success. This remedy has gained a
wide reputation and is undoubted/ ! medi
cine of great worth and merit. 23 and fX ) cent
bottles for sulo liv drugglslH.
: . //IN. .
.Vii'fcti < > / li'c ( met in IIM mi ler tlin titu l , fifty
cttitf , 'IH'I ' < uWmint ( ( ( Kite ten icnt' .
ANIIMf-tlN' Iuretta Ai dmson , ujoii lu
months d niKhlur of Mr und Mrs M I' . An-
tler-on. dilimiro , died Moml ty , und will bo
biiiiellntit Mary's ci-iiiutoi ) today.
rsOWNKS-Mri Aublo i : . u d JS jcirs. of
cun4iiinitiiiii | on Mund ij uvunliii , ' Anu'nst
> 4 , ut S o el iok I'linural survuosVo \ I HUM ! iy
iittinnuun Auuust . * fl at 'o'elnuK. Remains
lll no tuUcn in I'apllllon for Interment
'Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard ,
When We Have a Sale ,
Tliat Is , a Special Sale ,
we have something to sell that it is worth
your while to at least look into when you i
are in the vicinity of our store.
This is a special sale of Suits which are <
light and medium in weight. They are in
Sacks and Cutaways , styles and fabrics that
are always correct , for business and street
wear. Our object in making these extreme
ly low prices is to not carry them over , as
we require every inch of room for our large
stock of fall and winter wear which will
begin to arrive shortly. ( We anticipate an
unusually large fall trade and are prepar
ing for it. )
You can have our handsome , dressy $18.OO
and $2O.OO Suits. We guarantee an abso
lutely perfect fit , and these Suits will hold
their shape and wear you all this fall and
next summer as well.
You can get our $15.OO and $13.5O Suits in
fabrics , color and cut to please you.
Continues a few clays more. At $3.8O and
$4.OO the Pants are going rapidly. They
should , for they are actually worth nearly
double the money.
All over the store we have a corresponding -
ing reduction.
Our Windows Arc Our Bulletins Watch Them
Rolinfolo Glotliiors ,
Southwest Corner 15th and Douglas Street.
1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb.
Mnny years' oxpprlonco- rcirulir uradunlc In mnJlclno in dlplomnn show Is mill treating with th (
BrontoalBiiccoss nil Nervous Chronic nnd I'rlvutu Ulii-ise A ponninont euro Kiinrnntaod for Cnturr *
bpornnitorrliotn , l.oat Msnhooil , Somlnaloaknoii NU'lit IV > iei , Impotem r. Syphilis Stricture and K 11
dlscnsi'sof Hie Illoo I , Skin nnil Urlrmry Orunni N II 1 Kiiirnnteo f OJ for every CRSU I undertake nnrt f ll
to euro Consultation freu Hook ( Mysteries Of 1,1ft ) sum frco Oilloa hour -l ) n in to 8 p m Bundaf
10 n in tol.'m bond stamp for reply.
Plmploa on the Face |
Breaking Ont | j
Skin Troubles | ;
Little Sores l HotBkinj :
Bolls | Blotches | |
OoU Sores | Bad Breath ) ;
Sere Month or Lips | j
Ifjoll nnlKr ( rum ony of ;
time > } iiiploiu > , t KC .
PAI.n IIY KtlHN 4. TO Oimilia.
A ( il.MlM' ! MlCKUIir KII.U.H N KIIU s | , | ; | ( M
hit \l > l ( A UUi ( . 'urns nil illscKOi limnmi It kills
the niliriiliu or ircrni 1'ut tip nnd riilnllccl in ti M
ninl $ i sl/os tl ) latu r 2' ' . . Millon" . 8 'iit mi ) when
lirtpulil nn lecolpt of PlUo ol ( , O I ) VVi hsno u
t.u irnnli o to ( inn 1 hn public triulo nnil jubbno
Mippllul l > y tlio duo Ilium DriiK < u , Mi' urmlck , V
I und Oninliu I A Mi'li linr llonnnl M\ort ninl
1' I "oyknui S mill Uinnlm , A 1) losliriind VI
I' I Ills luiiiicll Illutli
: DOCTOR Theao ( i rlimtid KNUI.IMI.
1'IIU are a I'onii iPnrw f or H Ic t ;
iftom's llru < lu < lir , Illllou iu * , anil !
Ciinnlliiulli.n. Hiniill , [ ilciu S
i PUBE unt Anil u fuTorllrllh ilK * *
liullii Sold In t niflinit for U ;
I iJ , In tmerlca for > " < . Oil ;
Hum from yuur Druirtlfls , or ;
enil to n. II I'OOKMl i ( O , ;
i P31LS. IT , il lni ! l T , ew Vork. 5
Tor b-iliiby KUIIN .V CO Omaha
, end
bild l > y ill
diaUra Hit t aluaiillful
t'tltunf llmrk and canU
ecntl'i Miy one addref t f
u i , nun s * ( t'
ffiK. i'nlladoli I
DOCTOR , : - :
Slxlicn \ na Kximluncu in ttiu lr. iliuanl of tl
[ U1M1I < t
kl" IH > uu u < oliil l-Hiiiiilu DHUII 11 1 iiditl Iroi
2l lonly l > i Mt , ru > v a viiLi' > ! > > n Ilic tn.iiuiu ul
of Pnvittti Dui i tt l > it uuvur u < uu ti'iunlte t It" u.
m ! ' ircutuin mitt : 'Irintuuut tiy urru p udou
OIU v , Jl and Farm n St * , Omaha , N > t >
liutrauvv vu tlllitti urvol
'Jlilscducsaiiy r.\cnlU' ( . August SGth
The Golden Company
Tlio now siiccis-ful oonii'dy.
The Little Duchess
riuiiiKniif piny nUIHIy 1'opulir urlcos. ilhtlnoO
\V'cdiii ) dr.j and Biiturdii )
Omaha vs. Kan Cily.
Thursday , Aug. 27.
GAME AT 1 1' . M.
A The
Wonderful Cast.
Giand Chorus of-10-
Beautiful Scenciy n J u > {
\ \ \ | Jn
Magnilicent Cost'nis d tU.
Reserved Scats , 25c , 35c and 50c ,
Other Operas in Preparation *
Matinee ; Satuulay Only.
Till Ks , U AUO 2T , WTTKADO. .
dllliirt iSsulllvmrH J.fiAXiXX \ /
{ mentions ;
'Icutii will.nut . iilu.ii > , loniuvnhlo bride *
H rU I'i I'll rod I , mm i rn's uittnt. " Np
ilr , .uilurf iU n nf , Ijlto unyllilnn you
hun tiuili ri'inaiii HIM .luht inn thiriK toe
ii n sum luivvcn nn I pin/ilohnmkorn | , i'rloa
u i uu i IK u tliiiii niMn r ii'iituii ' , wltlilii rcaoll
of nil Ur llulli-y Hvntul liu * tlit nol rlKhi
to ii uiitt .mil lJuuviiif < oituty UOIuu , ttiirA
llur I'tituu Wouk , Uiuttli * .