r THE OMAHA DAILY BEE , VpiDNESDAY AUGUST UO , 18'Jl. ' 7 SPEOIRL NOTICES. * " nVKIlTIHKMKNTBX > U TIIKHB COLUMNB A will b lakcn until 12 H ) p in fur ihn ovanlnc nd tinlll I 10 p , m for tli * mornlniror Hunday eill- All ilTprtl oment In the < * colnmnnlrpnti a word first Insertion nnil mcents n won ) llnrosfUT , or 12 pff lln l > cr month No advertisement taken for Iris than 25 cent" for the nr.l Insertion Terms , cash In Advance Initials , flgurus symbols , etc. each count as n wurrl All advertisement * mnsl runconsocu. lively Advertisers , by re < | iii'lln n numhnrod rheck cnn hnvo Iliolr answers addressed to n num- liprcil letter In onrn nf Tin HIT. Answera so ad dressed nlll ba delivered on presentation of the chef * _ _ _ _ _ TjTtANtFlt omrKS-AIIVKIl I IHINd Foil TlfkiK J > rolnnms will bo tskcn on HIP nbovo conditions t Uio following bunlni'ss timings , who nro author- lifd In takn uppelsl notlci'ii lit tlio same rutoi as can tm bad nl Hi * inn In oflUo ! HoiiIh Oiiislm Ilranch Olllco--No 2iM N street , Uster lilork John U loll ! , Pharmacist , lllli and Mason streets H II Karnsworth I'hnrinnclst 111 * I liming utreot \V J Hiuthcs , Pharmacist , (21 N Ifth street C. K Hnltertlcld. Pharmacist 1)18 Lcnvenwortn Street. IfCRhen' Pharmacy , Sllh nnd Knrnnni HtTUATIOXH AVAXTKI ) Vorantet , etc. , trftnpnf frrt cnluinn onthtiraqf. " " " " " " " " " -THV"cV A s""llAVKir"AN "l'A8Tit" wnntn nlluiitlon limn Worlic , Atliintlolintel MI.7I 8H * -A.V AI.I. AUntJSI ) I'ltlMHIt WANTS PCS ) | tlon. Kuml workman. H A. Ilurnhnin , Western. - \TIO.V WAN1KI ) IIV rOlll'KlKNT AHITtTIO.V uti'iiottrnplipr nnrt lypnwrltpr , iioocl rofe-rcnrci irenllemiiii Address U A Wood , Loon , Iowa f AVAVi'nil aiAM'3 HKliP. _ lorinttf , fte. , tee to > > nf lirt cnltunn nn tMt ; " ! -\VAN I Kl ) , AN EXPKIHKNCHH - BVAN and shade man , Oounkcr llros , Des Molnes la MH7S23 1 > Adl'.NTS-J' . TO HO I'hll DAYCOI.I.KCTlMi J > miinll pit tiiros for iln to ri ) | > r nnd mihiruu. nntln fnctlnn giinrnntte'il nml n * l iiiilllt fre'O A Dunlin A Co M llenil nlfoe-l N'u \urk .Mf.71 . * Tj-WAMKlT ATtTIIA nit ri.AIH.VK'l I'ljAVKK J'nlio In ill Hlrounnr li'nrnliiK pliutonrnplir nlnulo ninn ptcfiTri'il 'lldilin snap for tlio rlglit pnrty > ildrc C C Hc-lclior Ili-briin Noli MijTU < r l ) WAM KlJ7SO ) I'HH.MONTH1 HAr.AIlY ANI ) J > oip nnns to sednl | rcprn-cnlntlvrr In orcry rdunty Nu oxperloitcfl nucuinnry ADllltT to ful- Inw Inslriii'tlom rriillre'l | unlr Mcnil ? cmpior- Iiiant ' unil ulninp fur full pnrtlculnM nnel tontrnct Adilrei"nrc 4tvr I < orruleanil Mfg Co , : ti Her in a 11M Worci'star Slusa B-\VASir.l-AN AC'IIVK , ItKI.IAIII.h MAX-- nnlnrjr 171) to JSO inontlily with Inert tine to rppr ii < nt In liln own section n roaponilbi o Ni'W 1 ork hciiiBC Itcfe're'liei' " Miinufncturur , luck box 1185 , uwork n-WANIIIII SAL1MMKN IN hVKHY COUNTY J 1(75 U ) per nionlli nnil expanses Oultlt , samples rtc , free Cooils sold by samples Steady position in proper pnrty No experU nco necessary Mill jiartli ularn upon npplli atlon Send tdntnps Worcester rcrruln and MnniifneturlnK eonipuny M Hermon slreet , Worccate r , Muss UJ7 -UAMKI ) MOIIKIl , HKLIAIILC : MAN THAT cnn furnish KOO < | reeommend to run stallonnry rriRlnn In mill , steady work tbn > e ir round stale wages wanted Address A II Mejeo. ( Obcrlln Kan 1,10 J. ' | ) -W'AN'lii : ) , HAHNFSSMAKIIH AT ON ( K J'WInter Job for steady man John Nahrunni ! McCooI.lunetlon , Neb Mi ! > ' 11WAM'131) A HIISI1 CLASS COOK AT IOW V J > ibtii t B-WANTII : ) , wmri : IIAIUIKII.SINCI.I : WITH iiood hnblls , f7 per week and board , Hlcudyjoh OeorKii Wllklns , Falrbnry , Neb bH7 2f > * 1 } WANIKI ) , AN ONCI5 , TXII.OII 1O DO HI ! J'pairing und prossliiff nnd ilyor , must bo Kood srorknicn. permanent situations C. A Mnrhnn , 1011 llroadwny , Counell Illiitrs M rv 0 T > WAVIKI > , ' 1WO OI ( ) ACCIDKST INSI'K J nnco poimtom for tbu city und ono for hoiitb umanaiiuresa W II lice- Mill T > WAN'lhl ) . AN At.HNP AM ) CANVAS KIt J fern Ilvo weekly pnpe'r In ovi'ry town In ? so brmkn nnd lowu , llbiirnl coniiiil Hloiii Adtlri s llxiiinlner iiKoncy. ,11 IH lltti striot , Onmliiu bJ.I 1 > -\V AN'IKl ) , HAI < KMKN O.N SAIjAUY OH COM DmlRKlon to linndlo tbu new pntenl cbenilcal Ink rrnnlnf ! pencil , tbo LriatCHt itclllnir novelty ever prodnrpd.rrnscs Ink tlioroiiitbly In two neeondi , no brnnlon of piiierW | to M ) per cent profit , ono ntft nt > finlen nmoiintetl to f I JO In t\x \ inyn ! , anolber f t2 In two liotirsVu want ono Kinonil nitent In i neb etato nnd territory lor termn and full par tlrnlnr * nililrei.i tbo Jlonroo KrunurMfif Co , La Crone \\lt W3 WANTKD HKM > . J or tfitr * . etc. , ret tn\i \ of first column nn Hits > i i/ C WANTKD DllKSS MAIvlIHS AT 10011 DODRK street f > Wolnburi ; JIM J r ' C-WAN'IIJD LADY S'lKNOIHlAPHKll N I ) typewriter , must hnvo nt least two years' prac tical busliusH cxpurlcnce Salary $1& per week to coinpetenl person Appllcallou must bo mndo In lonirlmnd Address X.I , lieu M071 27 * WANltni , WIIU'K WASHKItWOMAN , 1115 No 1'Jlh - < t. MOW J7 * * , YOUNG oFiTr7AS CHILI ) sIs / " WAM Kl ) , I.ADY A > S1S FAN F TO I.KAHN ' THH v/klndorKiirteu system TiUil Davenport bi.1 7 * ri WANPKII A GOOD OlltL FOH OKNKHA L V honsowork Mrs Haynes , iai N Oth st. WJ 2il * CU-AN I nil , A LADY SriSOHIlAlMKu"A : ! NU lypewrlter for apeclal work fnr few weeks In quire room 401 I'mloii bloek C-WAM'KI ) , ( H1IL Kill ( IIINIIUAL HOUSK X work Muni bo I.OIM ! cook Dest wakes Apply lo Dr Ilnlliy , 1'nxton blk | , M C.IIIL toil ( IKNKItAL HOUSK\\OIIIC CALL Monday or Tuesday uvonliiK between & and 7 nt lili ! Lnlirurnlu .o.'j , ' . ' , li'Olt KENT IIOUSES. 1 in nitit. eta , t'e top of rnt column nn thin ) ago. " . AT. STKAM HKAT , 'Dotmlas ncar2lthvniiulraLlndiulst,3IllSo | Uth 1 II B-HW HKNF , MODKHN 8 HOOM HOUSK and barn , 211.1 Miami SI , N K Adams MlilS is * \ nousKS AND TLATS AT OHKATLY I prices O , K Hints III Paxton block IAU B.'l- A KH ) IIKNT-IIPSFI HOOM HOUSK IN'IOWN --'lor I IIP money , nour liluli school Hent inluiid to $ .1010 UIIKKH A Hill , IIW Kiiriiiini sin el MM. ,10 I J Mill IIKST , H HOOM COlFAdK , HA'IH. Kll\ J'In Mniifurd Clrilo iholiu U room house mod- cm eo KlKiitter , llrst lloor .Nowork Lifo 6iK "IV Kill HUNT TWO \UTIHIL tOI'FAUKS J-J of b roiiina bath , fiirnncu and every moilern Ini- | iroiement only ( i'l per month , at 3uh nnd Jackson ntrtets ( U ) for lornor with barn 'llusonru Iho finest modern iotlaiii's for runt In Iho oily Fidelity 'jriiil Co , I'll ' I haniam street UII-IO l ) VOIl HUM' A MNi : HOOM HOUSK , 1811 J-'Cnsstii'et J Johnson ! ! 2liirnaiii u,2JS * JXtre'i't KLAT. LKAYL'N0ll I'll ' ' * Ml l hi \ \ toil HINF : i ANDII HOOM KTKAM HKATKD Jllala In the Clowry bulldlntis Heforenii's re qidred Huberts liild Chliaito street Mrjl 0 * i\ niit HiTr : ] 7 HOOM niwsnirn im J 'without furniture with nil modern loiucnl PIICO lull lot , larite i-hnilo trees HI IS .tith slreet Initilre | of owner , H ID , Marker bloek Mlti ; 1 mil HUNT TltDOM HOI 8K IN WALNUT -"HIM Imiulroof M M \ nil Horn , care or Max Merer llros Mlin 7 NKW MODKHN III1' F IN < I FY. 1 WO HOOM .t-'Bultis for housekeeping Also ft room Hat , nlio U3 , ld st near Lcuvouworth Apply T Ij. Van Porn. 818 S 22nd 115 Hill UKNF. (14 I'KH MO R HOOM MODKHN collutiu - with bath , , < eUI California st. 414)35 1 H . 'mill nlfu COuS Ibth 25727 * "n Hlt HINF : S-IIOOM i LAT , IIUICK , 2i J-'l.Hkonl with all modern tonvenlences II K Coif Continental block , or Must bottllnK works . _ . _ _ _ lV | | > 71 , 4 ANI ) 5 IIIMIM IIOUSKS 110 00 TO (15 01 , -l-'besl risblenco Huts In illy Mend Inv't. CoHi Hen bidldlnit MJ _ VT-H-A-F rOll UKNF OF U 110OMH. ) K1.OOII , J 'Union block ! ranita , newly papered John Ilaiiilln.VUS. 13th si. 7 ) -IV YOU WlMl TO ItKN F A HOUSK OH b lOlli : p si-ell , K Cole , Continental block 1,1)5 ) " ' 31 -Kim IIK.NT. "jo-iiboM'TibiisK CKNTIIAU.V loeiileil , iiiodorn Improtoiiienls , 71 1 N Ulh [ M " ? HOOMS. IIANUB , AWNI.MJS ANI ) 'nlt'Deos , IJJ lieorna Clouxir. call at iiore , 7UI S IClh si. _ M5I7 TV- O H II KNl'.Hl'LKMIIIINhWII HOOM HOUSK , -l-'au Douiilas street ) best loiatlon In tlio illy In qulruuf ( iloboLonn and 'Iru.l to , Jilth and Doihio sis , or A H , Uladslouo , 1310 Duunlas slrt'i I. bee 1 rOll HKNF , t-lKXIM COITAI1K , 135 N rflTl -1 'ulrmt , 110 , S-room coltai.0 , J3d und tarimiu. 112 Ul llcidA fcolby , room U Ilourd of Trade VII 1'OK Ui\T : UOOMS. r n 3ln. t f. , tee top of ittcntiunn on titt * "If 3 HOOMS I Hilt llOUSKkKKi'INl ) Trill I MAN -iJand wlfoi no chllJroni runt taken lu board 31 > Ulh Mflll _ Jf YKIIY 1'LKABANT HIONT HOOM IN IMlT Vvalefiinilly for ueiilloiiiMU , bJ5 S Wlh trool. Jll i -lOll UKMM(7iiV : KfltNlsTlKll COOL 'looms at northeast corner liitlt und Howard , Uwu around bulldlnct from II ( W to JJOOO n month _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ wu 1 \ IVIt HUNT. A J'LHASANf 80UTU KllONT JJbsy ulniluu rooDi , with evury uiudoru conviii Imp * for on * or two vtuilvuieii. W1 t rutiu > i rort uiNr Ftmxitmnn IIOOMH. f ? HOOM , I'HIVATK FAMILY. 1701 CAl'ITOb IJavo 230 8T CtiAIlt KUItdl'KAN IIOTKU COIL DodKD , will ninki ) low rules for -corns by the week or month , with or nltliontboard c > i T ? MCRLV JUHNI3I1K1) IIOOMS , Ml N. l it ' IP NKWI.Y H'lt.VWlKl ) HOOMM , MODHItS J : < coiiTcnlcncc < 7UI u 10th t. . Hat I ) . M43t > ji _ ' , ss ISTH ST 1177 I.KUU.N1SIIK1) UOOM.ft ! MONTH , I'Ol AHN'AM III r.K ) 2b KUIINISIIIJI ) UOOSIS AM ) ItOAUO. for inttt , etc. , ft to/ ) arut rndirmi nn Mxijt \ , UUOMS AM ) 1 cln i board nt ta N lutli 4Uln.1I" If NKWI.Y KHINISIIKI ) IIOOMS IN IIKSl' IlKS J Idenco locality , suitable for man and wife Ail ilrcaiVU' ' , Heo , 417 W _ lA-rUllN18HKI ) UOOMS. DAY llOAlll ) , 310 N 17th J stKct M-nX' Ij'-ItOOMS _ AND DAY HOAIll ) ( i SOU PIMtlW I- HIt KKNT. HOO.M W1I11 IIOAUII JW DOIMK I1iitnet _ _ _ _ J 1/-HOOM AN1 1IOAI11) JOI3 DOUdLAB 8THKKT JL jl8l I H * ln wo miiNimiKi ) fcouTii IIOOMS WITH L board ITJ1 Duvonport 8IJO I'nr raltt , etc. , tee tup nf I rtt tolum oit tlits ? MtKNT cni-7Ar > ' 4 f'f.KSANT"U.SUMI nlsliud rooms 1817 .North I'tli street MLI7 f ! G-4 UNHIUNISI1KI ) IlOOMS StITAIII.K ! IOH housekeeping , to small family , price 111 , ITU ? Wobitor street 2H P -Kll UK.NT 3 UOOMS TO A HMAMi FAM VJiiy , with nil conveniences for housekeeping In quIrolOU I'ltrco st ' " 'I JtOAItl > I.NG. Forrnta ttr . rcelnp i > f tint column , tin Wits -pigs n001)TAULK llOAttl ) AT 2101 DOUOl.AS ST MT y _ n-1't'I.l.MAN 1IOUSK , IIIOIOICii ) : I Oil ( OOD bpnrd nlcor roomi convonli'iices rntci nnd location It uiiinot bo oicellcd Mrs Horn rliroi > KOK UKM'-hTOIlKS AMOKKIC15S. tor tnle * , etc , arc tnii nf ' r ' rolumu nnit ( , T ToiTTlBNT" ! ! ! ! ' . J81OIIY IIHICK HinMlN < 5 , I with or without power , formerly occupied by 'Ihu llco Publishing Co .Hil l-urlinm at The build ln hat n llreproof cement bn Hniont , luinplt'to sUnm-lientliiK lUture , wntcr on nil the floors , RttS , etc Apply nt the otllro or Ilia lire UI8 I-toil HUNT Oil 1AM' MY UUIMUNO ON 1 Jones stbut 10th A llth O A Undqulst.Jlb S 15th C7U T SrOKKS I OH HKNT IN OUANI ) OI'KIIA 1 Hniisa bulldlntf I J Sutcllffo , 3U tlrst National Dank bulldlne 2i I 101IUKNT 1HK OH-ICK FOUMIIIHA' OCCU Jpled by Alexander & bnilth In thu Continental block corner room , In perfuct order , frreolund , l.oouils Co M7ft ) WAM'Ki ) TO itiaxr. Jtrrata.rtr rrf lim i /In * rodumi ort fftw m w K-SMALL 1101 SK , NhAlt CATIIOMC SCHOOL , St 1'ctor s preferred Address W6J , llee X-WAMKI ) , ' 10 KK.Sr I OH & 1UIOMKl ) COT- tnno In respii table locality Address , iilvInK prlco and location , \ \ 14 Hue 41 * ii X-WAM'lII ) AHOUr SK1TUM1IKH I ItYOOOI ) tenant nn 8 or U room detni lied hoiifo In uood liiiullt ) within 1 mlle of po totUeu dco Ilcon.JH B Tilli street . > * ) WAMKI ) 1O HK.NT IIOOSK 1 IMlMSIii : ! ) or unfurnished Appl ) to Windsor , KempVCo , 201 Now \ork Life' 3f ! AGIJXCY. / or tattf , etc. , tee In < nt nt column nn thin " " ' ' Lwu : As operulioiiso M8J4 hi * I-H K COLK HKM'AL AliKNUY , CONTINI-f ? Jtlll block h'JOHAGK. tot tiitf. etc. , tee to > nf nt column on thte tiuga -OLuTsT HKAlMCSr ANI ) IIKST ' " 'h'roilAOB IIOUBB In cltr. Williams .V. Cross , 12U Ilarney _ ( J72 M-CLKAN , DHY AND IMIIVATK UIOHACSK OF furniture" , Omaha Steve Repair \\orks , l.W U7J \V AN 1 JLD-TO JJUY' . For rates , etc. , ice top nf frit column on this pigi TV" Atm r nuYr MiT KCON ? ) HAND 1 1 store llxtiiros Address ( I , HI' , euro Kllpntrlck Koch Dry ( Joods Co , Omaha , Neb f > 33 2i * V"-\OUNO FOUND , OKNTI.H , OOOI ) LOOKING , i. ' free driving horse , 1X)0 ( ) pounds , for new do livery wnvon , no plugs wanted Oaterhoudt , IStli nnd Laas sts irfll 31 -WANTIIDTO 1IUY COUNTKIIS ANDSHKLV JInir , sultnbla for firoeery business , must bo chenp , K I unroll dIOSISthst ( jJ'i.'J' ' TVJ W A .N ' 1 K 1 ) HAY 1.OOSE Oil IIALK ; hFATK 1 > price wanted 1) Morrlll , So Ouiahn MIKK SI' AT-tUItMTOHK DOIICHl' , SOLD , blOltnl ) , i > Wells , 1111 Karnam street 071 FOU S Alti : FU 1 1.ITU RK. , etc , , are to nf lint column on thli ) ! ( / -oil SATJ ? cifKAT' A NICK'"I.OT " "OF houiehold furnlturo nt 1910 DoiiKlnsstruot , Hit VOll S\liK-I10ItSns.WAGOXS.I3TO tnrltrnu , etc , fte top nf Jtrnt cntitniii on Mu p-C.OOl ) D1IIV1VO HO1IHK HU bALK : 1'AUTY A leaving city 1'rlco , $ j5 IK ) . Address \ \ ui Kiilsor 837 South Ath , Omaha Mijli . > o * 1 > - FOH SAI.K , A IOOI ! > FAMILY IIOHSK ANI ) L ttnoplmulon , nuurly new L. nouKlaa , Nebraska ClothliiK Co Ul 1J-IOII SAI.I ! CIIKAI'-IIUCKIIOAHI ) , 1IIK.\ ( L mid hurnis ) , l i , .N Uth 7.7 a il ) * T > I OH SAI-'AMlLY CAHIUAUi : , lKK I.Mcliols viable , SUth und Lcavunworth C7o J-1'AMILY HOIlSn toil HAM5 , SINOLK DIUV i trn or carrlnpo teams Cnn furnish any kind of horsii desired Call at C I ) Woodworth .V to , or itddrois T J FlemliiK , Ciilhoiin , .Sob 077 KOII HAM : ; I ormtf. etc , tec too n < rut column on tlilt aioitSALlC-A LAHflK QUANTITY OPnOOl ) lour Icoat Sterling , Johnson count ) , Nebraska V M Uk'lty M557 S5 * Ql ( III \LK7 OVK.VINIMim TANK AND lower call at 25.U Half Howard st , M577 JV * Q-'l IIOUDUI.IIllltKI ) MAhlll K 1'UI'S , l-i0 1 > K eiitur street , Oiuiihu 57J it' toil SALK I'llKAl' . HrATlO.SAItY STIIAM oimlnn anil boiler , JU luirso power , all In nooil condition Addreii W M lloo 5..S Jl1 Q-rou SAI.K 7U ) iiKAD OF ( loot ) KKIUIK : : , wi'lfhlnu U < X ] to I lou on rniiKO at Ilenklenmn , Nub r or particulars nddress N A Hull Syrneuio , St > bor Denver Llvo btoek Loin Co , Denver , Col QrOH HAI.K Till : WOOIWOHK AMI l.r.ASi of olllcoat Mil riirnum street , ehonp Uhlsof tlin Is about IDxJU Jacob Durst 48J jil rOll SAI.K (1O01I ( ANI ) COMI'MITU HX tvrrs of meat iimrket. exeullvnt location and low lent M A lipton Lo IW7 MI.SCIM.A.M ; : < JUS. t'ni rnf ( , rtc , fee ton of rxt column on tut * K-IIAI.DNKS.S 1'OMIIVhlA Cl'IIKl ) . .SO MIS tiika about In send for de erlptl > o elrcular Ad dress Antl'lluld"box.l'VI Duveoport , la R-SI'UIMiWKLL rhMhrKHV-IINK I.X18 , l , orlK , urnvoH , flU Otllce , .So 7U1 N ICth , tel No. Sll.or any undertaker Mlloia HJM ) NIlTij-ON CLKANS t'KUM'Ooi.S VAULTS etc. OltleullbS. Uth street , 'U'lopliono 1171 Mill SIT RTIIK IIKLI. TlltSH roSTIViiY ! : CUKKS rupture Call anil * eu It nt lloom U , NV corner nor Deinglns and Uth , from .1 to ftp m H Hick uinn 5 ! ate iik'i'iil for palente'u 8.U si * 1 HAMIL10.S 1IUOS < UH I8TH81' 1 HI * 117U vliois Jobblim tnrpe > nter and brlek work , plas turliiKand palntlnu 4bi SIJ U Hl r-v-VS , t'AIU'KSTIJIl MIOI' , M\ ( .eavtiifiorth sts Kstlmittes mudu on nil eur penter work MI. .I A HO R-UOODl'AaTUIlKrOHHOUSKS. T MUllllilHI 811 K-MAbrfAlK TIIUATMK.ST , KLKlTltOTIllUl mnl baths , sculp and hair truatmont , maiilcuru and chiropodist Mrs I'osUIDV , s IJth.Wllhnull Litbio bio R-K.SUUAVl.SUIIIIUJIIAM LOSOUTH OMAHA M.'Al uJI- forrotff , tie , ttttu tof r t r Ji < mu nn tht * ini ; Q MUS NANNIKY WAIIIIKN , CLAIUVOVANf 'Irouco tpeaklnit , writing and r tlabl builnes * medium , four rear * luOma.ua , II * N K > IU. U7o CfjAIIlVOYAMS. S-AllltlVAL KXTIIAOIIDINAIIY WONOKItFUn roTflnllom ChallrniiMa the world , Mrs Dr M. aievlond trancnclalrvor nts lrolostupalmlt and lifo readers tells your Ufa from cruclloto ( train ! unite * the separated , causes ruarrlaito with the one you lovoi tells where you will -.recced and In what business best adapted for ; lias the celebrated Kityptlan breastplate for luck and to destroy bad Influences , cures. Ills Intemperance nnd all private : complalnta wllb uiassaiio baths and alcohol treat ment. Send U , lock of hair , nimn nnd daln ot birth and rceclvo nccurato llfn chart , 1 cents In stamps for circulars KIVPS Initials of ono you will marry also tihotos of same. ORIcii 1017 South llln street , llrnt lloor , hours , ra lolip.m Come ono , come nil and bo convinced of this wonderful oracle Jt7T7 St * SMUS fOHT , PALMIST ANI ) UYPHY KOilTUNII loller Tells past and future from lines of the hand tco , II 00. ladles only U3JN24th. Upstairs , fltAhHAOK. MATHS. KTC. For rn'et , etc. , tct top of Jlrtt column on Utli page . . _ .B , BIO 8. I3FH STHKKT , L lloor MUD SI7 * rjs MADA.MK SMITH , IAI S I5FH , Jt ) MUSIC , AHT AX1) IjANGUAGH. For ITI/M / , etc. , tee top nf first column on thh jxtoe. f-OMAHA KINDKIKJAHTKN KALL TKIIM commences Sept 7 Kvelyn UrlUllus,2iAM Davenpt r-Jll"H M KI.I/AIIKI'H AMSDKN OP NKW ' Vork City , vocal mudlo , Jl(5 ( McCaguo bulldlnK um ai * IIKKltK IlUVI.Nd A PIANO KXAMINK THE ' new Bcnlo Kliuball piano. A llonpe',1513 l > au lni 1171) ) JO l.OAN-KKAb KSTA1K. or rateretc. , tee Inn of i rst column < u this TIT-MOM.Y ; 10 LOAN ON OMAHA PHOPKIVFY < > i : Neb and la farms K V HliiKor , Ijl'.i harm r -MONKV TO LO IN ON OMAHA PHOPKIITY , Udelltyl rust company , 1611 Harnain M" \Y MOItTOAOi : LOANS J I ) Zmi.iH.9U N VI * W-CEM HAL LOAN ANII'IHUSF CO UIIK HLIXI 713 \\r-HHST ANI ) SKCONI ) MOIirOAIIH LOANS , 'i money hero Alexander Moore , 401 llou bulld- Ing < * ! ' \\r-GUAHANlKKI ) MOHTC.ACUS ON SAHPY > ' Tbayer , CumlnitundSlantun Co lunda for ailo by H T Clarke10 Hoard of trade i > 81 \ \ r-LOANa W M HAIlllIS , H i VV \\r-ANTHOVY LOAN ANI ) THUS F CO , 311 N Y v Life lend nt low rales for choice seoiirlly 011 Nebraska or Iowa arms , or Omaha city property U33 \ir-8 PKH CKNT KHIHT MTIK LOANS IHCII > aril C Patterson , WJ7 N Y. Life 418 W IIUILDINO LOANS TO 7 I'UIl CKNT. NO addltlonnlcbarKes forcojumtnalonorattornuy s fees W H Melkle. first Natlonul bunk bid g UM \\r-MONI3Y ON HANI ) TO LOAN ON HIIST ' niortUHEO on Oinulm city property Cbni W Kidney JI5 Omulin Nnt bivlik blilu M74.1 MON'IJY 'JO KUAN OH laTr.l.S. tor iiitn , etc. , tc ' tj j > of frit column miiti ( paae , „ . 8C4 9 3 * 5\r MO.SKTO LOAN 1IY 11 K MASIKIIS ON vboii ! > ebold cooils , plunoi , orKina horao nuilos. wiircboima rccelptM etc. , at tha lowest posilblo rates without ptibllcltf or reinovul of property llmo arranged to Milt borrower My loans uru no nrrnnued that you can make a payment nt any tlmo nnil reduce both the principal any Interent \ouwllltlndlt to your adrnntitfo to son uio If you wunt n lonu or If moro convenient call up telephone ephono 1IK1 and your builnosj eau bo urrnnnod at home Money always on hand , no delay ; no publicity , lowest raton II K Miiitera , room \Vlthncll block , 15th and Harncy xtreeta bJ > J X MOMIY TO LOAN' , TO , CO ANI ) W DAYS ON furniture * , etc. Duff ( ireen.ll SO.ContlnontuI blk XV V MON'KV ON I IJUNITUIiK IIORSKS K'lli. -iVifeystone MortKiiuu Co , rrtom 20J Sbeoly blk 693 JTUSIXKSS OHANCKSI for rate * , ilc. , * cc tnp of J rat column cm tlita T ) lIN'ia HAM Ol'KNNl 11K9T IN state , premliini iiRrlculturnl county nafo and Ilxturta fur milo. Kood butldliiK lease ebenp , owner moving far fiotitb * Dorr Hellluainn. An- eelmo. Neb ( JJSW * 1'LAMNG MILL IN TiOOD OIlDKIl , UUNN1NG constantly , no Imcumbranee , cheap W 35 , lice 4Kt S 18 * V ASMALI , CAbll OUTLAY WILI.ShCUUI. A L | > a > liiK business W. t' . U. Wllcox , lulls City. Neb ( ) 'b * Lin. IT 1-LA.NT rOll HALIJ IN - county seat town wlthlu SO miles of Omaha Two dynamos , capacity I , LiO Hi C I' lamps , ono " 0 H 1 * Vtcstluuhouao enulne , two dO II I * boilers , nil ) sell for one third cost prlco , half cash , balance unlnciim bered real estate Address W j , cnro of Ownhu llee SB ill Y-l rOH SALT5. TIIADIJ OH KXCHANUE. KB FA II 119 bed business r O box SIS M.W V-"O 1OU WAN 1' A OOI ) IIUSINKSS.HOY THK JCommerelal , thu luuillni ; hotel Ilrokcn Bow , Neb bM KOI I I Ferrate * , etc , , see top of fnt column nn this pnue. leto , at once Oster Huuilt , 13th and Caas stt * Mb7T S3 r/ TUADK.CLKAHNnilltASKA \ \ LAND MW AJOmnhu property V W Williams , 411 1'uxton blk M,7I ( > 2B * 'r/ WILL KXCIIANKK A 17,000 CLKAU KOIINF/ ' - pluee house und some cash fur Koodwoll tin provtd farm In western Iowa or custom Nebrasicu Address X. 3 , lieo onieo. Ml i Jl * y-OUOCHUlKS , ( I.C03 S10CIC IN OMAHA 1O HX AJchatmu for property and eash. Alex Moore , 4U1 lieo bulldlnic Mb7J 27 * rTO K\CHAN < ; n I lltb'FCLASS LIVKKY I1AHN A/and stock well located and doliiK BJOd buslnets In Omaha , for cattle to put on ranch Address W 07 , lleo bl 2b * y-CLKAH KAHM , ITO ACIlKb. SOUTIIWIISTKHN AJIowa , for Omaha property with small or no In cumbrnncenllaco < , Jill J J , Drown bloek , Ibth and DoiiKlus t > H Vo rfl ' 10 THAIll' 110 A0lli : * > LAND I Olt SMALL -l\nw \ library W.n > , lleo olllce. 401 fly yIK YOU iixri : AOOOII UIMIKJIITI'IANO YOU A/want to oxehnnxo for clonr lot worth fjJJ , ad dress T 21 , Ueu oltlco 137 JWANTKD TO TUADi : , NKW t UllNl t'eJUE / -Jfur u Hood alroni ; homo Address FuO , lloo y-ciioici ! KAUJIS 'to i\cn.\M.i : ton Mini /Ahundlsu. write mo W K Wulls , llurwell , Neb. .sAljK UIJ th Kh 1'or ratm , etc. , are top of Jirnt cnltunn nn LOT KAsrKtoNT , AIOVK HniiKeoni placoon S7th Bt test | 1,7UO , will soil for ( I , M ) Address X 1 , lieu uttlee bffi ! M' 1/ort WALK TUAIIK Oil HUM" KIllsT CLASS -L 8 room lioiisunnd two lots , WestSldo Address U. llo v. 1.1. Lily _ _ 511I. . * 10ll HAI.M (111 THAlli : lOllNKllltAhKA LAMH JL' vuliinblo wholesale business properly In Kansas CltMo Adilrciisowue'r , A II Cantliorn , Llniloll hotel , Bt Louis , Mo bv , M' IfOK HALK OK KXCIIANfJK I IlAVJ ! VLAIKJK 1 number of farniB , Improved and unlmprovoil In KitiisiiH Nebraska unil boutb Dakota Will make low prleos and eary terms llux 7u , trankfort , Ind FA KM Kill BALK. 80 ACHKS. NKAH best markets , m miles from town , 10 aerea mall fruit lOiUupplii Ml oilier fruit trees , wl ) | pay 'i per corn on Invostiuenl , easy terms Drawer M , ToiiKanoxlo , Kan u > 3 25 * 1 , 'OH bALiKASIliltMS : , IID.MKS Kll tWi -L it WO , 11-00 H.UHandup , Take small clour prop orly as part payment , ( i U W ullace , llrowu bloek loth ami Douulas : M I70H SALK-ON 1IASTKHMS , 3 81ONK IUMI Jdenc sj all modern Improvements ; will lake Eood city or farm property lu part payment Clarke , U board of trade MJil HOUSKS rOll SALKON KASY TU1IMS , HOUSKS for ruut Address livrmun Amurleuu Sailiua bauk. b > > ] , 'Oll hOUTIl OMAHA I'UOI'KIITIKS. I1USINIISS -1 trnckanoor reslilnnco , KH to Iho Uiitliu roul istnto dealers In South tJiimba , IM Juhniton A Co corner i'llb und N slre'OU IWI | 0IX ) | ) Al.HKHI.AMHllSAll-riJrtTKH : HI A NIC llln , Cheyennu and Ulmball counties , Nebraika lit'o H IVUT.oii | | | ] 8 Uthst Omubu yjil S II 1OHT. t'nrnittfetci ' > eetopnfflr tt liKniion Hit * wye. ' ' , HAY iioiisi ; -Jnclk-hlnit 1,100 with heavy iiiano and lull l'Iea > o report lu 1 lu. S 1Mb lelephono I 111 r > | 'J (1ST A WHIFK AM ) IIUOU.N 1'OIM'KH DOli tiirn to W H Itobblna , Vlk N. Y 1.1 to bld nnd ward Mi . * 7 * 0-T t'Alll ( iOI.I ) ItlMMKD Sl'KtvFA"LK- ( > tj ultablo reward for rcturulo 1WJ Douulm mroot SNl STUAS1 KnATHUK KIJ.NorA'l'Oll. _ or nttr * etc , "tin i < tint eo iimii mi ( Mi iijt " HKU * , [ TICKS AND iLLOWS WASH Kl ) . tMAl II ersbounbl. Mall orders promptly tilled \\ork cullud for and delivered trunk Au > oii.ai t4l'r ukMii 1'ATKNT , He , , frtlnptttftrftfolumn onthu 1JATKNT I.AWVKIia.Aptll HOLtClTOItH , O , W. -1 Hans A Co , llee htilUllf > * - , Omaha , Neb llrancli onicnal Wnshlnglon Jft C < ) nsuimllon frco. UM TJATKMT QFKIOR AJO > IHPKCIAIi WIAW1NOH JL nrcparcd by I ) . W. Snet'4 Co .Oamba. Neb. in I'ATTKIINH MUIIKI.S. for rattt , etc. , tee to > tfffflni cotumti < mtvii < n < tja. RHANDKJISON COIIHUI ISTH AND JACKSON 11 CM sZ3 * EMn llte'OllUEIl oilto ACE POR 15 YEARS AH user of TVpnWIUTnKS hnvo felt the necessity of holr being Improved Voti will IIIK ! In tlio ii P rp ' The lutust and best. Wo clnlm ; and Insnoo- tlon und trlnl prove It , "The Most Hur.iliUi In Alignment , Knslost Kilnnln , nnd .Most Hllent All typo cleaned In tun seconds rlthont sollInK the hands. Send for calnlng'to. ' The Smith Premier Tjpo Wilier Co. Ii II. MAYIIRW , Wan iRor. 1000vj I'lirn-Mii street. Uniiihu. Nob. The Original and Genuine ( WORCEOTERSHIRE ) Imr rta the moat elolldous taste and test 0 EXTBACT SOUTH , ofnl.ETTEUfrom n MEDICAL OKN. < 3UAVIIH , TLKMAN at Mad ras , to Id * brother 1'ISII , at 'nonOESlKR. liar , 1BCL HOT 4.V CUI.D "Tell LEA & PEIUIINS1 BIKATS , tlftt their naiico IB blxldy oatcemod in India , and Is In my opinion , tbo moat \VEISII- imlatable , as well na tlio moBt nhclo- ItAHKIUTS , Koine Rauco that Is mailo " ibc. Beware of Imitations ; eee that you get JLea & Perrins' ' . Signature on every bottle of Original & Genuine. JOHN PUNCAN > S g.ONS. NEW YUKK. Ctilcbciti r * KiisLUh Dluaand Ilrand. iKl Onlr Genuine. OAFC tlwari r llkblc eADio ik , Ururgiit for CAfeAMlaf t X glli A ftla f monS Brand In Ited and Void nitUllloX iboici " l'l "ill blue ribbon Tnke no olhcr.t < ft - 2 gtroul tvbtt lln : a.M.ii a ! ' rn AinnmlMi tn KlamplVfar IpartlcuUm teltlmoaltU "Itrllcr for ' .aAlemS'inletltr , bjrrilorn MnlL l iPOO rc lroonl li .Vo fafrr. , r > nileOoMudl onB < 1uiirc , told V all Ixutl Drain I'lillmd/u. I'tr WOODSY PENETRATING PLASTER. Is < JUICK. others in comparison are flow or IIKAU. If anflertDRtrr WOOD'S ' PLASTER , It I'clietrntea , Ito. IIuviii ) . C'ltren. All Druggists. IN T E WORLD WILL H r& l 9 3)RCTAIN ) A nUPTURE rRlverelief llko"Ir. i'iorce's ' Mncnetlo Klastlo Truss.1 IMiaarurrdtbouxamla I 11 you want the Ill'.bl'ncncl ioliifitaaipa torfreel'iinphl' tfto. I. > Iuantllc KlnwtlcTrui Co. . hall Frniiilnco. Col RH1LWKY TIME GRRD Icavei ICHICAOO. UUIIMNUTON AQI Arrive ) Oronhx I Depot IQtli and Mason Sis I Omnha. 4 JO p in Udcaxo Vcstlbula. . . , . . . . ! 800 a m 910 n in Chicago Express | 100 > a m 920 p m Chicago ISxpros UOO p m 1.60 p m Chicago .Vlown Ixical I 8 15 a m Leaves [ lIUULINdFON & MO. IHVr.ll Arrives Omaha , Dopol 10th and Mq on Sti Omaha Leavei K c , S F J t o II I Arrival Omahn Depol tOth ind Mnon Sti Omihi. ' 1 W n ml . .Kannas City Day Kxpross .1 655 p 34i p ml 1C C Night Kip via H. i' Tmni I C.45 a i I-oavoj I UNION PACIli1C. I Arrives Omaha. I tJnlmi | x > poyUh ( and Marcy Bis [ Omnha. " " * lOOOnmT Denver Hxprou BOO p m .215pm Overland Kljror 9 15 p ra 8 10 n m lleatrlco and tulrlleld ( ox. Sun ) . 700 p m liiOpm ] Pacldo lixpreis 11.25 a m IAJUVOI CHII AI.O , H I. & I'AUMCArrivoi | Omaha Union depot. 10th ft Marcy Sti I Onnhg. 1000 11 rufsg" " ; Alinntlo Kxpross..nlj i ! H p m _ ° _ . . . _ _ . . 40 i' > iKi > iKU > ! t > ni pm - .VestlbulB Kxprcss. . . go > < e > UJ ti 111 blQpmr | . Night lixprass . . . .r3 U 40 n m U lo p m its Denver I 40 p Ul 7Mr7 . Nelson Aceom , .M 10 1. . a ui Denver Kxprosa . 7 W a m loavoi iriHCAUO , MIL , A SF PAUL I Arrlvs Omiha | U I * , ilopot , an I M irjf S i I Omaha R.W p nil Chicago Kxprois ! . . . . I l'3i n ni 7lTa"I | I S 45 p m I envoi SIOUX ( ITI A I'AClHli I Arrival Omaha Duput 10th nnd Marry SH I Omaha. " 7lTa" Sioux City I'nsieiiKur . . . | IO JO p m 4 JO p in ! St. Paul Uxpresi . . 10 55 a ra oivoi I SIOUX i IFY A PAUU I Arrivoi m inn I Depot lUh and Wubslor Sti Omaha 5Spm | . . St Pnu' J.I nil toil . . j iiji a m Luavnj > 11ICAGO JtNOHlHWKStKIlN I Arrival Omaha J P ilnpot , 10th and Maroy Sts I Omaha. 7 Oj a in Carroll Passonuer I0.0 p m 11 U n ra . Chlc.iilo'l-iprou . . H la a m ft 00 p m VesllbulB Limited. li I ) n m l > 15 p ra . . .KaileM Hyor . . . UO ) p m 700 p m i 15 u m Lonvo I Oil lit V * SF , I.JJIi . . . vrn va Omliil5L ! dupot. 10th nil MararSti < ) III lit 410 mill St Unilsmnnon Hall ll.'li p m I.eavo i v , K AM/I VALLKY Arrive Omnha. Depot 15th ami Wabstor Sli Omaha. UutTn m Tlllack IlllfrKxlreTi 5 J ) p m I ) U ) a m ( Kx SatWyi ) | Kin ( Kx Monl 63) p m 5 10 p m . . .Lincoln raj , ( hi bun ) U to n in 6 10 p in .York A Norfolk ( Ki Sunday ) II U a m 545 p in j St r ul. tfxjrrasi 1125 n m 1 eate > iTTiT I5" , ff AT Arrivoi Omaha Depot 15th nml Webster Sts Omaha. 8 10 it m Sioux city Accommodation UUi p ra 1 00 p m Sioux City Kxutoss ( Kx Sunday ) li 40 p in & 4) p in . St. faul Llmltod 1 > Ita n in 5 IS p m llancroft I'assenKer ( Kx Sunday ) 8 15 a ra LuftTUl il ISSO UllliuPAUMO. Arrivoi Omaha. Depot 15th nnil , Woutlor Bli Omaha 10-JJ a ml tit Louls.lixpros * . I II 10 a m V 10 p ra | St. ' 1 6 10 p in Ixiavas I K t'.ST MUAd JT I Arrives Transferl Union Depot-Council IIUKri I 'I riinf ar 'JJU n ml .Kaniat City Day K7pruss I 655 p in 0 15 p ml. Kansas City Miiht Kxprois I UI5 a m i/ave7 i niit ) < rird , HI A PACTKH ! " Arrlruil Trnnfer I _ Unlin l2opotConnclIllur ] _ ( Trnnifor B.TO p"uil Nhiht KxpTeTr | T5) ) "JTiii U&5am | Atlantic Kxprosi j 5 55 p m 500 p ml \ostlbulo Limited 110 10 n m Lenve < II I Vrrlvai Fninstorl Union Depot , Council Dlufli ITrtnife 'J U n in .CblcaKO Kxprois HIM p m * 00 p m Vestlbulo Limited. V Si a in itioo p ra . . KaileruHtor 700 p m 8UO p m . Allanllo Mall . i-M a in u. p m Iowa Accommodation ( Sat onlr ) I 10 p m ' ' " " ij'iTA'iTTTSrFTiiuis" Irunifeil JJnlon Dopol , Louncll Ilium J41 p inf St Louis I'animllall Uuvei I JCIIIC'AIIO , IIUUL'N . T ranifurl Union Depot. 1 ouncll 'J 10 n m Lhknvo lliprou 1000 p ui Chicago Kipross 705 p ui . ( ruiton Ixioal Leaves I SIOUX U IT A I'AilU'l I ranter ! Unhia Hint ill 7IJ a ml tiluux tlty AcoominoiUtloii IV to 5.W p LUJ . BU I'aul Uipron , . | IOOO p 10 A Written Guarantee to SYPHILIS CUBE EVERY CASE or „ . - MONEY : REFUNDED. Our run ) U r rm n nt > nd not p tchln up. C * * treated ftvn years § b v n er si > n o > symptom Inc * fly dfserlblnffc i i fully w cut ) tresl vow ky mill , and t > [ tit * tb > s in stromr RUnranUo to cur * orrtfnnJ ill niomv. Them who prefer loeom her * for tr lm nt ran do 10 and we will p y rnllro d far * both ay and hotf I bllli whlto hero It wo full to euro. W chsflonite the world for e that our MAnlO nr.arny will not cure. Vrrllo for full particular * and petlh-tvldenrx. know that fan nrn skeptietl , Jiully so , too. as the mo t eminent phy lfl n h te nftcrtwenabiotoRlv * more t nltmfanTTttJM. In our Are yosrs1 piactlo with the MAOIO URUt IIT It bus been mo t uiRlcull to overcome Iho prrjudleos agiliut nil jk Iled specifics. Out under our strong Bus.r nlce you should not he ll t to try thli rrmiHiy. You Uke no c nc of loin * your money. We RU r- antro to euro or refund erery dollar , aud as we > have : reputation to protect , lie financial buklnicof H00 , Ovi.lt Is perfectly s f to all who will try the treat. menU ItereloforoyouhaTobeenputUnifUpanlrarlnu out yojr monfy for different ln > tmenti and altbougn youaronotyetcurednoonelio * p ld backyour mon. y. Ho natwaito anymore money unlll you try uj. Old chronic. d > ep ral < l ca > < cured In 9 to to dayi. In- Teitlnalo our financial ttandlnir , our reputation ai bu ln i me.n. Wrllous for nainn and addrri e of the < a w h TO cured who hate gl' n pornilmlon to re fer to them. It coxti ) ou only pon'nuo to dothUilt will Bare > on a world of nufferlnff from mental itraln , and If you are married what may your offspring uffcr throuRh your own neellsenc e. It your symptom * ar ore throat , roncout pihf In month , rheumotlm In bonei nnd Jnlnt , hair falling out , oruptlimi on any rartorthobodyfeelnirof ! irrnernl depmolon , pnlni in head or bonn , youliarono tlmo to wa > t . The < > who ar * constantly tallnir mercury an I potaih should dl contlnn lu Constant UBO of Ihcso ilruit < wllliurely bring > ore > and ottinff ulcen In the end. Pon't f all to wrlu. All cornwponuenea sent realcd In plain cnrcl opea , Vfo Inrlta the mo < t rigid lnretlK tlon and will do all In onr power to aid you In It. Addreii , COOK KKVEDV CO. , Umalia , ffebnuka. Offlco 13th and Tarnnin. nerond floor , cntraoee IJlliEI. AGIC E FOB MEN - , . $500 for a c IBO of Lois of Fallui ! ; Manhno-1 , Ooner.il or Nervous Debility , wealcnosa of bodyor mlnil , tha elleots of orrord or cusses lu old or young that WP ciianot euro. Wo guarnntoo evorv ouse or rofUnil ovary dollar. Five days trial tro-Umont $1 , ftju course $6 Perooptlblo bjtullti roallzjd In throodiys. By malt , siouroly pioltod from observation. OIUci onon unt > i ) n. m _ COOK REMEDY CO , OMAHA. NED. LADIES ONLY U A n I n FEMALE UEQUL A.TOU , Sifa and mnUIUCerttain otn aiy ormoney roftinded Prioobynnll $2 Soan.l ! from obiarvatlon COOK REMEDY CO. . Orrnha. Non _ HUMPHREYS' DB HUMPHREYS' SpKciyicsaruftclentincally and canifully pruparttl pnHtrliitluiia ; until for many years In private iirnctlco with IUCCCM andfororcr IhlrtyycarnuseJby thopcoplo. Kviry ainple Spo- clfto U a upcolal euro for the illscino nnnicd. Thi'Bo ijpoclllcs ( .uro without ilrncKliiKirK - Insor rwluclngtho syntrm , and nro hi fact anil deed tbodOvorolanrcmcillcBorthc World. micEi , Congi-Ktlon. Inflammation . , 'J WorniM , Wormtovcr , Worm Colic . 'Ji Crying Collc.orTcctliltiKOf Infants .M. . 2 Diarrhea , of Children or Adults . . , vf , 2a llyHonteryt Orlping.tlllious Colic. . . 'i. . a Ohalnrii lUorbun , vomiting. . . . 'j. . 2j Coualm , Cob ) , llronchltls . . , U. . j Nournlirln , Toothachelaeeachet , ncildni hen , Sick Headache. Vertigo , 2 IlyspopHlii , Dllloiifl Slomach , ti 11 HiipproHHOd or I'ulnlul Periods .Vt. . WhltitH , too 1'rofuso Periods . , 2 Croup , Cough , Dlfllcultllrrntliliif ? . ,4-i Hull 1 thruin , JryiOpehw , Emptlons. . . i ! HhoumntlHin , liheumfttlo PnlnsJ Kcvor and Auill' , i , Malaria . I'lloH , Dllnd or IJIccdlne . .All iti ( 'iilnirli , lulliicuin , OnldlnthoHcad uo \Vliooplnir < "outrh. ViolentCouKhs . .TO 21 lienrrnl llehlllH ,1 hyslenlWeakness . .TO J 7 Kldnny III. . . .no Niirtniisllnblllir 1.IIO llrlunry Wciikni'SH , ' ' ' ' Illi HcnNon o'f tL'oi'lo'urtVl'aipitatlou lIlJO Sold by Druggists , or nent postpaid on receipt of price Dn IlnMriiiiKYS'MANUAL , (141 ( pa os ) richly bound In cloth nnd ( told , mailed free. ntJMPHRBYS' MEDIOINE CO , Oor. William and John Streets , New York. S P EC i F B C S . IioDuo's Periodioil Pills. This French remedy acts directly upon tbo uonon- tlvo orKunx nnd lilies Hiipproaslnit of tbo menses ( .2 or three for $ j , and i an Lo mnIleil Bliould not bo uaoil diirliif | > rc n ino ) lobbers driiKKlsts nnd tlio public auppllod b > ( loiidmun Drug i o , Omnbi. MOORE'S For troubllnp pains In small of back USD Mooro'a Tree of Lifo. For Catarrh use Mooro'a Tree of Life. For Conatlpiition use Trcoof Lifo. The grosit lifo roinody The Tree of Ltfo. Mooro's Tree of Lifo n poiltlva care tor ICIdnay and Liver t omplilnt and all b oo Idliono Dooilt pay to suffer whan you a in lira I by utlat Woott'i Trtaof Life tuoUrait Life lloiuaJr * IflANHOOD RESTORED. "SANAT1VO" th Wondor'ul Spanish Itcmcdy , Is Bold with a Writ tern iiiarnntro toeuroallNenous DM enaea , such ascik Memor ) , ix a of Drali Power , headache , Wakefulncas , Lout Mar bood. Vrrvouineaa , Ijia ultuile. all drains and Doforo ct After Uso. . loss of power of tha Photo raphcil from life. Genorntilo Organs , lu either sex , caused by oreraxrrtlon , youthful Indcfcrotlons , or the cxccselva usn of tobacco , opium , or atlmulanU , which ultimately lend to luflrmlty. Consumption and Intanlty. I'm up In convenient furm to carry In the \c t pocket , I'rlco 31 a pactiw , or ( I for f3 With ery IS order wo Kh o twrlttun Kunrniitun to cure nr i-i-fund tha mono ) ' . Sent by mall to any address. Clrculir free , lontlou thlj pip < r Address , MADRID CHEMICAL CO , , Ilranch Offlco for U , S. A. 417 Dearborn Stiwr. miCAOO. II L , FOIl S\Li : IN OMAHA. Nhll. , U ? vlltin & Co , Cor 13th A Douzlis Rts ' \ ! tiller i''o.Oir 14th 4 UnuKluStl. * t > tnairfii'n . ( oiineil Illufr * U UNION DEPOT HOTEL. Corner llth and Mason Streets. Half block won of Union I'nclllauiidll fc M Depots NQ.W bulldlnv , new furnlturo every tiling llrst class , coolest location In Omalii vloiv of ontlro surrounding country , uas hith electric ivdl bolls eto llatis ft tO and ? l 91 IJvory line of Mblo nn I niutor car * , pass wll'iln ono bloek oxejpi Sliurmin Avenita nnd lluuicoin I'ark line 4 blocki uwny ami you cm transfer lo Iboso If you wish ( Voiiorr/iorff. Vleetaurii.riir ii/i ii i ciirod In Sdnys Ijy ttio 1'ranoh Komody cu- tlllud Uio KINO II.dtsiolvin nsnlnst und \t \ absorbud Into tuo itillaniod p irts. Will rotund inanoy If It ilons not ctuo nr oiuses strict nro , Uaiiiloniuii , huro Is n rell.ililu urtlclaM i nuoknvo or 2 for li | ) or innll prop ltd. Mo- Curinlulc & Lund , Onmlm Illlillllll' , ' I'CI'lllltK. TUo following parmlts were issued by the superintendent of buildings yemcreluy : 10 / Armstrong , I Story frainu dwnllln ; , Twwi'nly-L'lKlilli mid V'ulLS stirtits . . 1,003 Mury Kllny , 1 story fr.itnu rntt.ipei , Twuntjlui'ond and .Mundurson MliouU l.orfl Paiiiu 1,001 Pour minor iiurintla 710 Total U.710 mto\v.\iu ; , HAUL Koiiilnury lor Young Indies , Oiniilui , Nob. Rov. Robert Doherty , S. T. D. , Full torin begins Soptoinbor 1(1. ( The complotliifj of the Houth wiiif , ' mukos iiccoiiunodiitlon for 10 boHnllug scholuis uililltlonnl , I'or catulogui ) nnd nnrtfculiird upjly to the motor. Tha following marriage llcaiuus woroUiuod by Jud o Sbtolels ytutordiiy , NHIHO nnd uddrosi. Ago tW II , Foster , Uiiiului ! M I .Mtirtlm 11. llaxluy , Onmliix . . . "J I Jnlin llalluv , Umuliii"J 1 MlBulu V. hall , Omaha Iti RAILWAY WORKERS ORGANIZE Corporation Einplojos Dooldo to Tnko a Hand in Politiwl AfFaira. OPPOSE RADICM KATE REDUCTIONS. An Onmlm. Imw l lfin llai nti l xporl- unco Wltti n HOKUM MitulHtrnto of the County Irrliind. f * At ft moctlnp of railway omiitoyos Monday n\dhi \ In tuo N'ortlnvoUcru local irolKtit odlco at the \Vobstor strcot ilopot them wiu fornioil nn asjoclntlon which ! > ilostlnuel to plnv an Important part lu the polltloi of this stiito Tuo otxanizutloti It to bo known nt the Omnlm Hallway Cmployoi' club , nnil Is a branch of an association of railway omployoj ulilch Is bclnu'Tormoil all over the \vostorn part of the United S > tatot. The objects of the oixiiiii/iittcm ara statoJ In the following preamble to the constltu * tlon. tlon."Tho "Tho highest court In sover.il of the states has decided thut the ruilroud commlttslon may make1 , itccorellnp ; to the prosunt law * , any rate they please for the itiilroadsliottipr It pays for the service or not. A mnjorltvo'f the legal voters make the commission The rail- ro.ul omployus are voters nnd hnvo the rifht to lit'Iii to make the rates.Vo are entitled to a fair day's wngi > s for a fair du > ' work , and uo cannot get , or expect It , unless the roads set a fair price for services rendered. The tendency of Into is towards n heavy re duction In rates. Those who make such de mands of the roads do not stop to consider the vast army of omplcnos and their families \\lionrotiireetlv dependent upon the earn- liifcs of the road which omplovs them This condition has assumed such propoitlons , that our lallways nro getting neither fair nor liv ing prices , nnd , as a result , their cmploMis cannot got f.uragcs or steady employment. In union among ourscUcs wo snail llnd sttongth to protect our interests , and uo shall llnd it In no other way Wo , the rail road omplo > os in the United Status and tetri- torlcs , ngroo to form an association to protect our Interests , and our social and intellectual Improvement , und to prevent bynll legitimate and hunor.ibla moans any hostile action from the legislatures , the commissions and the courts , one ! invit-j the c.ttnest co-operation of nil railro.tu employes in America for these purposes " The association originated In Minneapolis , whoio the seat of go\eminent Is located for the present. Local clubs ate being rapidlv fanned in Minnesota , Iowa , Nebraska and Kansas , nnd n meeting of delegates will beheld held in the near future for the purpose of electing national oil leers and a national exec utive board. All the Omaba roads woto ronro'ented at the meeting Monday uight , at which the organisation of the local clubiis completed. The following oDlcors were electedV W Conkllng of the Union Pacltlo shops , president ; D. L. Sturgis - gis , contracting ftcigtit agent of the North western , vice president ; F. C. McMullen , chief clerk In the general manager's ollico of the Clktiorn , secretary. 'Iho election of treasurer nnd an executive board of three was dcforicd until the next meeting , which will bo held September 7 , nt u pluco to bo announced A committee was appointed to select a hall for holding the next mooting nnd a larco number of the railway employes nro expected to take pntt. As eon ns the Omaha club is fullv organ ized the railway mon tnroughout the state will bo organi/od into local clubs Ono of the prime movers in the organiza tion of the Omaha club stated that there are about twenty thousand railroad men in this state and that a ttioiough organization of these men meant 40,000 votes. JIK ACCIOI'Tni ) TIII3 PKI3. Onmlin AttornciH liilkcil l > y n JMiiUlstriito in Iroliitul. United States Attorney Halter has sprung another international question which concerns - corns people In Omaha nnd the city of Sllgo , Ireland , and Is now in the hands of the at torney general , the secretary of state , the consul at Dublin and the mayor of Stigo. Tim histoiy of the case isbtiof. It appears that the law IIrm of Kennedy , Loained & liarnard bad occasion to send a deed to the city of Slice , Iieland , to bo properly acknowl edged. They were Informed by some means that n man named Tiguo , lesialng in Sligo , was a magistiaui or court clerk , or some thing of the sort , by which cdlto ho was clothed with the proper legal millionty to execute titles , otc , The document uas mailed to Tiguo , at all events , nnd with It wont something like S" > 0 to pay for the ser vices of the ofllcial who should liiwo the dcod properly acknowledged. In a few weeks the document loturncd to the law firm nnd ap peal ed to have been legally nnd propmly no- out soon auor it i cached us uos- tlnation the law , ors loained that Tiguo had LHJOII deposed from ofllco in lor to the tlmo when ho ox ecu ted tbo deed. The document was , therefore , absolutely worthless and the uork had to bo nil dnno over. Cut the discovery th.it Tlguo was a fraud did not iQiuin the $ . " > ( ) fee winch ho had so chcoifullv accepted as pay In full for bis alleged olllcial soi vice's. The attoinovs made complnlnt to Air. linker , ho carried the case to the attornuy general , the attorney general drew the atten tion ot thosociotarv of state to It , nnil Mr Blolno rofurred it to the consul at Dublin. Tlio consul called the attention of thonia > or of bllgo to the offense , anil Mr. Tigun Is now , no doubt , being prosecuted for his criminal act In assuming an oQlco which ho had no right to assumi1 , for the purpose of defraud ing Innoeont parties. Mr. Baker hi'd a letter from the attorney general the other tlay , stating that the case hnu reached the mayor of Sligo and prosecu tion would undoubtedly be Instituted. T'IC Oci man I.tiiporoi' at tlio WimlHor Stuto lliuiiiiet. | The London World of .Inly 15 , 1801 , has this to sav in regard to the state lmniuet [ at Windsor , which was given lu honor of the Cinrman cmpomr The state banquet at Windsor was admir ably solved and the menu had wisnlv been leducctl to reasonable pioportions. The era- poror appeared most to enjoy the bisque d'ccrovlBsesaux quenellestho Imunchof voul- 8onthe roast bent and tlioclmrlottorussoaux frnlsos. Ills majesty drank Hlilno wlno nt dinner and Apolllmirls waturand afterwards ho took a bumpur of the quoon's famous Madelia , llnlshing ut > with a glass of Tokay , like tils grandfather , the pilnco consort , who always concluded hU dinner with Tokay , of which her nujosty possesses u unique collar , ( riuitl H i try Inr. > Oni itm. On und nftoi * July .tO , 1SD1 , the Chi- ciifjo , Milwaukee & St. I'uul [ { tilhviiy company will run nil of Its trains In anil out of the union duput , Oni ilnu No inoro aniio/uiuo ; caused by triinsforrlnjr and Hwitolilnj , ' ut Council lilutra. bolld vcstlbiilcd triilns , coiiKlHtln < r of now I'nlnuo sleeping CIUH , fi-oo piirlor chair cars , oloirunt cfmohoa , iiiul the llnost ( liniiir ( curs In the world , nil heated by Btouin and lighted throughout by oloc- trlo lights. The nou ovonliiK OK pros' ) with "oloutrlo lights In every berth" now leaves Ointilia dully nt (1.20 ( p. in. arriving nt Chicago at Oi.'iO n. in. In tlmo for nil eastern connections Sot'iirc tickoU.nnd slooplnf , ' car berths at 1501 Farnuin struct ( liarlioi * bloult ) , J. K. 1'uics.TON , I'1. A. NASH , C , Puss. Ayt , Uen , A't ( o Out ol' lliiriii'H Way. nmnm rioveo and Austin Campbell , 13 and 0 ycnnt old rospoctlvoly , hud a hearing In po- lieo court vo-iionlny afturnoon , The UOVOQ girl Is the child charged a few days ago with npreadliiK a loathsome dlsoaio among a half do/on boys ranging In ago from tt to 111 years. The little bovi told tholr uwful story to the court nnd said that they had boon led Into trouble by the Campbell youngster. Judge IleUley hold toth to the district court in tlio sum of $100 on the charge of Inconoifl- blllty. Wall , Hnrah , what have you boon doing to make you look so youngl Oh , nothing much , only been using Hall'a H lr Uouuwer to restore - store tuo color of my hair. vj.iM o * THK .v NcIiriiHkn. The Saunders county fair will bo hold from September SRJ to ST > . MIN. Moberly of Thodford Is ukoly to lo a a linger from the blto of a tarantula. P , II. Hcchtof Lushton cut 'JI ( ) ncrns of grain this season with ono hinder , and no wants to know who cnn beat It. 1'icd Wonver of Sehujlor wou $10 on a horse iaci > nt O.U'ld Cltr , but the money was stolen by a inoiut thlof the same night. Phil Klinfcr of Tokatiinh was nrrestud and fined $ J. > nml costs for whipping his 4-yonr- old child. Not being nblo to pay his line ha was committed to Jail. The Kalrmont crenmery romjiany has four creameries in openitlou In thli state and pays out fif)0tXXi per nnntim. The ono nt Tobias ox pi nils fiHX ) per month. The Nlobrntn I'louoor will bo eighteen years old next week It was the lltst non - paper In Kiuix etnmtv nnd IMItur Fry ha * mndo It a poi\or for good In lu territory. A special election will bo hold Soptomlrar 10 In Unkotn county for the purpose of voting upon n proposition to rolocnto the county neat , Jackson , Homer , Htibbaul , South Sioux City nnd Dakota City Will bo the places voted for. H. I ) Cntnp of Clcnovn has snscml himself Into helpless p-iralysls. Whllo stnndlnir on the street talking to u frlontl the other day ho stopped to snce/o and then fell to the ground romplotolv paralyod. Ho is In u piucarlotis condition. Tlio surveyors of the OuUith t Peoria tail- road nro now woricing botwron Loxlngton and Stockvltlo. Tnoy are working on u line which will cross the 1J A , M at or near Pur- num. Delegations from btockvlllo nnd Cul- bcitson have visited the eamp A -'yo.ir-old son of Itussolt Hilggs of Hooper was bitten on the forehcnd by a rat tlesnake , and It was only nv the most horolo ofTorts that his llfn was sated. The snake was Killed anil measured thieu foot three Inches nnd was nearly as large as a mans wrist. It had seven or eight rattle * . John Stanckof North lieml Iltnd romplalnt against .lohn Plater for lariating his cow on the streets In violation of the city ordlnnnco , and the jutlgo lined him f i and eosts Plater then tiled complaint ngalnst Stanee'k on the sntno ground nnd the Judge solved him the same way. The costs in each cose , with tun line , amounted tof.t * ) > T > . loua. Coining has Just completed n canning fac tory. Several herds of cattle In Mnhaska county nro affected with the inontn disease. Tbo Mason City races occur October 0 , 7 and S The purses airgregato fl.-OO. J. ( . ! . Uravos of Cedar Haplds had n red bird die the other dny that was "I years old. Th3 annual reunion of thn old settlers of Greene county will bo hold ut JolTcrson September 10 Annie Patterson , a 15-jear-old Norwegian gill of KeoknK , is about to go insane fiom too muchtlrlnk Portv bushels of wheat poracto Is the best jicld yet reported In Honton county It was winter wheat. S Uowors of IJiooklvn fell nnd struck his head on a wagon wheel , nnd since his lower limbs uuil niirs have been piraly/ed C C. Dakic hns the largest npplo orchard in Hamilton county and will hut vest , about Iho hundreu bushels of excellent fruit this jear. Two Duhuqun contlomon waded across the Mississippi river ntn point four miles below Dubuquo. The deepest water they found was loss than four feet. Piancls , the a-\ oar old son of J. P , Mo- U ruth of Keouuk , within n short tlmo has fallen from a hammock twice und had his collar bone Inokoti both limes. Oskaloosa hns a thrashing machine haunted by spooks , which put out the tlio in the en- glno nnd abstracted tools ftom the work box , which four men woto watching. An old man with but ono log tried to soil lead pencils on tlio streets of Cedar Pulls , and because he couldn't make sales enough to paya $ . " > line for peddling ho was thrown Into Jail. A young child of CtOorgoStralton , of ijiirlv , had a nnriow escape fiom being choked to death bv getting n tin whistle lodged in Its tluo.it. Physicians succeeded lu gutting the whlsllo Into the child's stomach. Hov. George M. Wood of Ulldden was bitten - ton by n venomous stiuko about live weeks since and at ono tlmo was supposed ho hud couttol of the poison , but It 1ms since bioken out into blood poison , all thtouch the system , nml ho is sulTeting intense piln nnd coullned to his bod. Pears nro entertained of hlsio- covcry. I'rouuri ) It IJetort ; I a ivln. * Homo. Dr. M. J. DavU Is n piomincnt physician nf Low is , Cass county , Iowa , and has been ne- thely engaged In the practice of medicine nt that place for the past thli ty-llvo yoais. On the -dtli of last May , while in Dus Molnes , en route to Chicago , ho was suddenly taken with an attack of dlnulHva. Having sold Clitun- boilaln's Colic , Cholera and Diaiihtua Homo- dy for the past seventeen years , and knowing Its icliabtlity , hopiocuicd n ! i.ri cunt bottle , two doses of which completely cilted hlni. A MAN. Now Wo Are with You. Tlio Chicago , Rook Island Ac Pnclflo railway nro now runniiifr all Ita trains In and out of Union Depot , Omaha , Trains will leave us followm Kaut Bound Day express , 10:00 : a.m. ; vcatibnled limited , ! ( ) . ) p.m. ; Atlatilio express , (1:10 ( : p.m. Art Iviny at 0 : 10 a.m. , lli:0"i : p.m. ana (1:115 ( : p. m Departing , West linn nil Don vet * VOH- tibulod limited , 112:15 : p m. ; Nolnon ao- uommodation , 1:10 : p.m. ; Denver express , 7.03 i > .m. Arriving at ! tlO : p.m. , 10:15 : luin. and 7:30 : a m. Those tr.itns are vestlbtiled and It IH an indisputable ) fact that the ( lining car Horvico of tlio "Oro.it Hock Island" IH second to none In the rotmtry. For rates and Mooplnff car borths' to all ] ) olnts east or west , cnll at city ollico of the "Kock iBlnnd Uouto , " 10th and Farnani aticots. JOHN ScitASTiAX , G. T. and P. A. J. L. Du HKVor.si : , CJoiioral A ont. run on record August 31 , JIblU : John f'hrlstmi nnd wlfoto .litnu Plukiiril , lot II , block II , lsaiie > ft holiIuuN mid $ 3,000 II ( I t'lark tn Mary MtCoid.loi IH.blockl , tiV R loisoy nt ill to I'ri'sliytnrlan ( lurch of Vnlluy , lot 1 , blnuk 3. (113 Maine's 1st add to Yiillny r > I1 I I , Do IK and wifn to Kntii U'llurn lot M Supl pi u to I .ilrmnnnl I'l ice I.'U ' ) I' I' fCmursou and wlfo to N S llrciwn n ,10 fuutof w latent , lutSh , Mlllaid X O'a add . . . ' , ' ,1)1 ) It M d.ililriH ot nl to I'ulur ( ookrull , loin 7 and H , block ,11 , himtli Omaha. . 1,500 11 II Mnlfnrd and wlfo to Tlioimw Cough- Ian. lot" , block I I'ujio I'lovo. . . 1,100 Jniiu 1'lekn.idut il to John Chrlstim , H'I m'11 ltfM ! > ru > . In West Alhrluht J II gulnn mid wlfu to W 1' Qiilnu , u Y , . nw. iT-IVII J , ,00 W I'Ulioiilos toN M Hnhbard. lot 1. , bloi'U 1. IIIIIMIIU I'ark David Hi IM | anil wlfo tnnaino. lots II and II , blooli I , Nihm 5.0 0 A IU lehtmniun mil ulfn to A .1 Klor- nan. lot I.1 , bloek 11 , llrown 1 * u k . . I.SOO guir CLAIM iifcns. ,1 M llomlro mid liunb.ind to ( I I' Davis company , lot I. ' , Motter'swnlidlv. . 1,000 H K Maxwoil nnd wlfo ION inn' , w ! i. lots T anil H , lilonk .1 , Cunlr tl I'ark ' . ( X ) A I Mjhrtd It M ( lldduns , nndlv ' , , lots T nnd H , block .11 , and lotli , Inuuk 4 , Vmtli Omaha Martin Unlnn and wlfo to.l II Qtilnn , o ' . . nw , IT-n-ll 1 J H Qnlnii and wlfu to Martin gumii , w 1I ' ' , , nw , H imu . . . I II D Iti'od and wlfii to Cuntril Invest- niDiit loino iny , n I. ) fi'ol , lot It , sub- illvof lot 0'l'apllol ndd . 1 Iluailo A \ \ IIBH to W It lloinan , o 'M' toot , lot IT > > , Mlllurd , V C'n 59 Total amuunl nf trnnnfori. . . I . ' 8.8.M Do Witt's Llttlo Karly Kisors , best pill. The prospects for the coming Oinahii fair and racoH nroinlooB to vcllpsu any former fair hula In Omaha. The ontrlus BO far nro largely Ino.xcobH of any former your. The iiianiitforrt hnvo every iiHsur- anco that all rauoti will bo well filled und of uuperlor hortto. The Btoult , uxrlcuN tin nl and lion.I departments will bo the bout over ahowu. Do not fail to attend. Coiiucenuliif , ' Ati'OHt ( 31 nnd continuing live days. Ad ( Irons nil communications to John Utiumor , souretnry/Jinuhu , Neb ,