THE OMAHA DAILY BEE , V fetJSTESPAY. AUGUST 20 , 1891. THE SPECULATIVE MARKETS , Trade on 'Ohango ' Treated to a Sensational Surprise. WHEAT AND COM FLUCTUATED WILDLY. BtrcniUli In Cercnls vviti nt Tlmos Re- iinu'knlilc , the Highest Prloo-i of the Diiy HoliiK Altnlneil Near tlic Close. CIIICAOO. Ill .Aui ? 25. Thotradowns treated to a surprise on'ehanso toilay. Tlio Indica tions at tliu slnrl wore for ft continuation of the weakness and dodlno of Monday , but fn less limn an hour after the opening the Indi cations had boon lost slight of and the mar kets , which were soft early , became wlckud nnil strong before tlio close. Dceenibor wheat at ono tlino was down to tl.OPi , sold up to 11.00 and closed at tlM'l , tlio rlso being duo to sensational now * from Russia and ho.ivy cloariincoa. Corn was whlpsawod by the clln.uo and tlio illicit sellers who took iidvnntuiro of the enormous receipts to sell freely were forced to cover In a way wnleh sent prices up 4c or.lo AMI jump. Soptmnborsold elf lit BOJic , went toC5o and closed ntOIVfc , and October sold at tO'dO to00140 mid close 1 atbUc , The other mar kets were quiet ind fairly steady. Wheat scorned incline ! to wo unoss today mid was controlled mainly by loc il hent iinent Gables reproionlcil foreign markets as strong. I.lveroool being nuutud * i to Id higher and thu still had many of the olo- inuntsof strength. The MnrU l.ano Kxpress reported weather ) In I.nglaml niul I mice , with serious iliitnuKa to amps with rust and jnlldow spreading and Hour Js Cd higher thin a xvuek ago Hut the big receipts at the primary nrirkots In this I'ouritrv , present -mil prospective , and the weakness displayed In the iloiiii * tlc nmr- ket , with udvlees fiom tlio northwest th it the frost itnimuu Ind been very light , imido thu professionals boArlsh. , ind there as lib- pral seliliu , under wlileli Doeembi'r wheat , after soiling up to * in4'j eanv. broke to U.UI'i thu real stitin.'tli of the legiti mate sltintlon hu.'iin to attract attention , and tin ro was a r.illy of a cent , with sales back to tl OP . then broKe to IIU \ baek to II.11114 and $1 ill , The wheat on p issugo increased tint JIl.'OJ ' bus-hols for the week notwlthst im'log the enormous export clear ances fiom this country New York cleared LOi.OOO wliunt I'hlladolphla 41.000. llalt'moiu ' , nei ordlng to private ndv lees. 'J.iS.010. The strength In wheat at times was re- inurkublo , the highest prices of the day being iniido ton minutes liofoio the close which wast very eve tin ? 1'rlces shot up no n.y'c In a few minutes when December old at 11.00 .mil closed JlT \ \ or le over lust night , riiocmso of the Hurry wan the statement of a Russian wheat exports country Mould have to p ly a Dig duty. Com led all the othorplts In speculative nervousness and the rapidity and sharpness nf the lluetuallona made tno trulo t-rn/y. Tl > o big receipts 1,111 cars stirted the jnarUot decidedly lower th a morning and the firm sale of September were at ul'ic to tile , October at Wl'io to.'iTUc , mid for a time there was plenty for sale utthos'j tlKuros but every thing was rapidly absorbed and when the selling como to a halt prices rjulckly started up. ' 1 hen the early aborts sellers tojk alarm anil began to buy hack what I her had BO freuly Hold , but It W.IH hardly to bo had and the se-irclty ID nil o the shorts frantic to get It. anil the price was itilcl.Iy | bid up toul'icund with an occasional transaction .it ( To. At this point the lon.'S bcii.iu to lot go some of their o.ii ly purchases and there was a quick but Irregular drop to ( U'So ' for September and to f > 77nO for October. There Is evident manipula tion by thu clique , their broker- , seem to buy freely on all ( lopiosslous , but when thu short Belli rs gut on the run they will only soil at high prices In this way the short sellt'ts weio milked without remorse. About noon there was another nervous rally and September went to and closed at Ode anil Uctobei at l > Uc. Outs wcie quiet and generally easy ; f-op- tiiiubur opened at J\c. sola to Ul'aO and olT to lHVo ! und closed at : W"iC. May sold at : U , to il4'nc nndit : > 4C Kyo sold atOJ tolMc for bep- ti inber. The receipts were 4 V-00. 1'ork wasUlot | and fairly steady ; Cudahy and Armoui were free selloiHof both pork .ind lard whllo Wright bought pork and laid. Oc tober pork sold at SH'.Wi to $10. Hand at 12 cVclock wiiH about Jin. 15. boptemhor pork sold at S'J.'K ' ) to JIO.OJ',4. ' Lard lold at (0 UJ for October and rltisltlGntoililfi ! ' , . The wheat lecelpts at the cloven points tod.iy were 2,0711,101 bushels : shipments. 1,44.- 000 bushels. Corn receipts. I'Jl.uOO ' bushels ; BhlpinontB. 253.0)0 ) bushels The estimited re ceipts for tomoriow : Wheat , 000 c.irs ; corn , 6SII car : oata , J40 c.irs The lean iig futurrs ranged as follows : Aiuruat . . 1 Ul | { t I 01 Jl 0.1 J 1 OIK bcpteiuticr. 1 OIV. ! . S. Ii uMiilior Ut , Coirs.So 2 - September. . (3bl tt totior. . . 67 W'l W ) OATS-No 2 67SOUS AllKllit . . SOUS 30-H September. . May 84 JIJll JUPH I'OIIK 57'J S-eptenibor , . .000 10 25 nro 10 20 < ttolitr. , . 10 li > i 10 40 10 05 10 , January . 12 10 12 95 U 40 12 8i fpiteiiil | > er. tro r , 40 October . . , i > MI 1,1,0 Ii AO .luniiar ) o M > SHOUT Hll.s heptoniber. . (1 ( 10 0 45 DM ) Mi tuber . . . 6 TO c , w C70 . 'iiiuuir ) . . . b 75 ( i 57' ' < i ; 75 t'ash iiuotations were us follows : I'LIIUU Unchanged. WIIKAT No. 2 minus wheat , $ l.04a ; No. 2 spring whoat. . © % No. Jiud , $ l.04 > il.041I. t 'oltN No. 2 , Kin. DAIS No. : ' , .IJ'io ; No.2 white , 3.V3.'U c ! No. 0 whlto , Illic.iHio. itv i : No. 2. 03c. IIAIILKY o. 2 , C5iGo ; No. 3 , 5i3'Jo , f. o. \J ; No. 4 , 41'i7. KL\XSKIII-NO. 1. J1.081 } . TIMOTHY frhKii Prlmu. * l.30t.'ll. VOIIK Moss pork , per bartul. * | 0.17'il0.20 , Lard , per cut. , H47' ' : shott tlbs sldos ( loose ) . R.WJiadOO ; dry salted shoulders ( bo\od ) , J0.20 Qn.25 ; short clear sldos ( boxu/l ) , K.2VQ750 , WIIISKKV Dlstlllois1 tlnlshcd goods , per gal , H.18 , HtloAlis ITnelinngod ; cut loaf. .VS'i' c. On the produce oxchanco today the butter nmrkot was unchanged ; fattoy crqamory , l.'Oilo ; dairy , 14'iiSlHc. Kggs , 13e. Now Vorlc Markets. Nnvv YOIIK , Aug. 25. 1'wiun Hocolpts , 20.XOD p-iokiiges ; oxportu , 5.012 Illinois , 5,700 sucks ; lrreiuliir and iiulot , closing steadlor ; sales , 20.1,110 barrels. t'oiiN MKAL rirm nnd moderately active ; yellow western , J-l IlKiCI.Oi ) . WIIKAT Hecelpts. ( MS.scO bushels ; oxilorts , B'H.M4 ' ) bushels ; Kales. J G72.0UO biishnls of fu tures. 244,010 bushels of spot. Hpot niirkot unsettled und moderately active , closing ntrnii'-'or with options. No. 2 , rod Jl.lDM Ul ll' In ulovator ; fl.llil.l'J3i nlloat ; tl.llil.l4 f. o. b ; No. a led , Jl 07U © l.Oh ; ungraded red , H.071iWt.l411 ; No. 1 north ern , to arrive , Jl.lhli ; No. 1 hard , lo arilvc , tl ' 1 , Options opened ig ® JiU lo\\er ; further decllnofit * iu on the ontlncnt selling and weak advlcox tlioncu , cdviincod I sc4 ! lc , and closed llrm at Jic yesterday on a report that llussia would Imnoso an nxport du-y ; trailing was ilaek until the oloc. . when a fait decree of HO- tlvltrsetln No 2 rod AiiKust , * l iO'ifai.ini , tlOHlnvr , ll.ll'i ; September , fl.UI < 4 < i61.l2t , ; closlni ; . * l I' " , ; Ootobur , il.ll > @l.l' " , , ulos- IMK. N.l' . " , ; November , JI.K'Mt.1 14. elosliiK , n Hi Decembot. JI.l i\ttl Ir > elosliiK. 41.15 ; Jtinuary. closing , I.IO3 , ! May , * l.l7V ffil.lO4. clusliu. Jl 10S U\K was Mild Into yesterday at ll.os for western i today the market Is nuak at Jl.ul ) , o , ' OIIIIN UccelpU , Kl.XMbushels ; exports , 11,70.1 ba < luils ; sales. IC.Kl.OOO bushels ot futures andW.UK ) buihelsof spot. Spot market opened weaker , closed strongerdull ; No. 2 white , 7Go , Options opened unehimired to * io lower with wheat , tlMiuced IGllJJu and closed flrm at 146 Pieovir j esterdny on reports of frosts In the ncrthwost ; AiiKust , 74H 7Uc , alosliiK 7ilo ; Sep tember. 70' < di7ve , closing 72o ; Ootobur , b7itUlV4i % closliiK lU'i"J December , 00'iU2o , cl January. WVjicOc , elobln ? , BJO ; Muy. clOhliiK. A7e , OATh Hl'COlpts , IRI.COObusholHi OXpOrtBiO,5J ( buhhels ; sales , : ii4)ooo ) bushels ot futures and 14WKi ! bushels of spot. Hpot niarkul fairly ac tive , stunner. Oitlonit | hUher. strong , fairly notlvo ; AiiRMHt. ; iH % < tt.l7e , cloaliiK J'Vo ; t-i'i- | toniDer , SliliW-rT'.e. eloslnc ; t7'ic ; October , 'WS fMtV' , cloilnit : i7' c ; December , : t7JiCi No. 2 white. September , Iti ift.i'.i'io ; spot No. 2 white , : ; mixed western. ; tVjo.sio ; whlto westetn , lldiWo : Nix''Uhlcuso. J .w c. IIY rirmnnd auliit. llors Dull and weak , bl'iiAit Itaw , dull , steady : reHned , quiet , I'asyi coufootiouuri.1 A , 4 3-16ui powdered , 4 li-tfocube ; * , 47-lOc. Moi Ab8E8- Now Orleans , steady , qulut. HltK I'alr demand i llrm. fimoNbEKti OIL Dull 1'KTltoi Bt -Opened steady and after the llr t vulus lnH-amu dull and remained HO until the close , reniisylwiulu oil , t-entembcr op tions 10,1X0 8iUc ! oponlni : , Ol'io ; hlylieat , C4 , u ; lowest , lll'io ; olosliic.UISo. roriKK Opthuu opoutd steady 6 poliiU -p to 10 poiuuduHu ; closed vtuudr 6 down to 5 point * tin : gain. 1C.003 bags , In- olildlnu Atik'iist , jm.W tltv7 , " ) ! Soptomber. triWllS-OI ; October. IIVloai5.1B ! November , H4.r.Ttl4.)0 ) ; Uoccmbor. 113.81 : Janitiry , ItXtSt March. tl.l.20j spot Ktoqulet , easy | fair c.trgocs , 100 ! No. 7. 17c , TALLOW Qulot. HoKlN-Steady : nulut- TUItt'F.VTI.NB StOdllVt . . Kdfis-Htondy : wcttorn. IC'i'ttlSci rocclot * . P.IUO picknitcs. \V , or/ Steady ami rjulnt ! clonipstlo fleoeo 3MMo ; pulled , JSftMVoj Tuxani. 17a2l < ? . I'ntiR Dntli old mess. llooOTJin.7."i ; now moss , f It.SOftlS not extra prime , J10.2' 5J10.75 , OUT MEATH-rirm and iitilet , MUIDLESI'l nn and dull. . ' L.AIID Opened weak and closed flrmtwestnrn steam , fci. 774 bldisnlcq. l.fiOO tierces ntH77'i Cin 81 ; options sale . 7.MO tloroes ; yoptombur , ta 74 0 80 , aloslnff. 11 83 bid ! October , eloslnir , MNJbld ; November. * 3U7 ; December. ! ? .U4tfJ 7.0" , closlni 17.03 bids January , $7.107.25 , olosInK < r.8 ! bid. , Iti'TTKU Qnlet , anil stronir ! western dairy , I2ai7c ; western ereamery , IMt.lHo : HlRlns , o ; rro.imorv , l K Quiet , firm ; western , CU7liei part sUtm. . 'I'ilJDVc. I'm lHov-IiiII ) : American , flBOoai" . ' ! . ' ' . , Coi'i'Eit t'lrm ; Lake , August , ll.-J ; Lake , Stpleiubor. HJ.'i'i IBAP-Iilll ) ; domestic , fl 4V TIN Stonily ; straits , t20 00. Oily Slnrfects. DtTV. MO , AllR. 25. I''LOUIl-l and unnhniued. Wni.'AT--to.idy ; No. 2 hard. rash. Sflobla : August , IKc ) bid ; No. 2 red , cash. Ole bid. Coitv stonily , No. 2. c.iah , ni'io bid ! Ait- gust , 5P e bid OATS-I.owcr ; No 2. cash , ' . Ue ' > l < l ! August , 2ri/p bid. II A v I'lrm , iim-hnnfed : timothy , 1300 ; fancy pr.tlrlo , W.OO ; wood to choice , $100 ® ( * Oft. Oft.HUTrfcii ririn , unph.unoil ; croimcry , 15 ® IBc , dnlrv , loaiV' : store packed , liUc. Knos I'lrm , at H'U1. ' Put ) VISIONS ht cad v. iini'liinttPfl. WooL-Hte.ulv , uiicliani'd ; Missouri un washed. hnixy. IMll'ic : IlKht line , 17IUc ; medium , 2JP,2.V : Iv.insas and Nebraska , heiny line IIIII'M' ; lleht fine. 1 ( ttl-'ct tub naslied. i-hoicc , .r2 ' 1o ; medium , 'JOJ.'e : dln.'V and low 'Jr Jic. llEOLti'Hheit , IIU.IOO ; corn , MOOjoits , IR.fKW. Hiiti'MtNTS Wheat , 32.SX ) ; corn , Ifl.OOJ ; oats , lo.ioa TjlvM'iool | ni. Aui ; . 2" > WHR4T Pirni ; do- mnnii ImprovliiK ! holders offer sparlutrly ; t'allfoiula No I. Os 2'4,18'Js .Id pei cental. Receipts of wheat lorthn p ist three days were 111 , ooo cent. iK Ine uilliu Mi.O'Klmericin. . ( Joitv Slcndv and ill m.ind poor ; mixed western , fis 4'id per Luntul Uecolpts of American com for the past three ilays 10,000 cent ils. llri-p Hxtra India mesa. fihij.3l ( id per tierce. I'oitit-l'ilmo mesa western , fisJd yet barrel ; common , 4s I 'Sd pcruwt I'EAS-Canatllan , fis Oil per cental. St. Lo ils 'Mnrlci-ts Sr f.oL'if ) . Mo. . Air. . 25 WIIPAT StronR : iM'h. J .OJ ; September , 11.00' , bid ; December , ll.i 1U Conv I'lrm : cash. .Me : "optombor , W c. ( )4Ta tto.uly ; cash , 2'o ) ; September , 2J'i e bid. bid.I'OHK n.isv at f 1 1.40. I/\HD Lower at Jfi l'"t. WMISKEV-J1.1S. _ Miii'icnpolis U'licat Jlurkot. MlNNF.Aroi.l3 , Minn . AUT. 25. WHEAT Slow ; olTerlnKS. now fr o ; old , few crs In sliht , Keeolpts. l"iO cms ; shipments , l. ) " > ears. Close : No. 1 h.vrd , on trai-k. Jl.Oi : No. 1 north ern. August. U7e ; on ti.ick , 'Jocail.O.l ; No. northern , on tr.ick , Clnolniinii Markets. CINCINNATI. O , , Aiu. 2" > WHEAT Strong ; No 2 red. Jl 01. Onus Nominal : No 2 , inlvod. Kia 0\rs-Sle.uly : No. 2 mixed. WlllbKEV $1.18. Milwaukee Grain Alnrkrt. Mu.WAUKKh. WIs . Auir. 21. WHBAT ririn ; No 2 spi IIIK , i ) ish. SI 00 ; boptoniber , ll.Olii. Coitv Stu.ulv No I. cash , bl'Jc. OATs-btoady ; No. 2 white , : i4c. Toledo ( Jruin Market. TOLKDO , O. , AUK 25 WiiKAr firm ; cash , $1.04. COIIN Uo.vly ; cash , fiTi'ic. OATS Quiet : cash , die .i.vo NEW VOIIK , Aus. S'i ' The stock market was airaln active .ind stronR today , the same tub- boru strength with n moderate divreo of ac tivity ainoiiK the lending stocks was shown , and while the net Improvement outsldo of a few shares which received special support are smafl the advance touched all portions of the list , notwithstanding the re.illz.itlons on the strons stocks of yesterday. The Idol of a fuithor reaction In the market seems to have been ulven up for the present , anJ only n serious damiiKO to the ciops which every day grows more and more unlikely to happen or a serious stringency lu money which may be In the future but no apprehension of which dls- ttu bs ho'ders ot secui Itlos now. The European shot ts arc said bv those In a position to know to be covering .ind there undoubtedly heavy buying for foreign account In the curly ti.idlni ; this muriiln , ' , helping mntorlnlly to uviko the strong opon- Inu' and further aUvances of the forenoon. Thu buyers of Not them 1'acillo prefericd , Hock Island and some other stocks yesterday were Inclined to reall/o on tin ) prollts accrued but even these stocks nftorwnrd felt the HtlmuliiB of the continued und sto.idy demand for stocks which has grown lipun the last week and has been the great factor In pi eventing any material reaction , oven when the street wns almost unanimously asking for It. Tor the last tno davs there lias been less a professlonul look about the dealings than for a long time , and the buying Is consldeitd excellent , while many of the sold-out bulls who were looking and woiklug for a re lotion last week hiiroconcluded to get aboard at the higher level and with the tide. The opening gains this morning ex tended to H percent , nnd while In the subse quent dealings St. 1'aul & . Atcblson was rather unduly prominent In the tr.ulln : they did not make any mnterl il advance more th in the rest of the list until late In the day , when the Utter smirtod upward , notwithstanding a rumor of a heavy lloatlng debt. Tbo grangers In fact were given rather a secondary position In the mnikut as far aa strength Is con cerned , and their place was liken by tlio Trunk line slocks among which thu Vandur- bllis were , of course , most prominent. A deal of thu buying of these stocks was ere I- Ited to foielsru operatois , and the fact that they have boon reached In the upward move ment gave imiowed confidence to the buying as giving a more substantial tippe.iranco to the speculation. Thuro wore several marked advances among thu Initiative shares , and Bruins In Kio Grande Western stocks , the Chesapeake < & , Ohio and ( rent Northern preferred were especially prominent. The aiUnnco continued almost w Ithout Interruption throughout the day , al though there was no sharp upward movement nnd no lack of effort to pro > ent It. The only reliction of note occurred in the last hour , but the market at the eljsu was again actho and stioug at the highest prices of the day , The list U almost Invaii- nbly higher ami Lnckawanna and t'luvulaud , Columbus , Chicago & St. l.ouls are up IH per cent oaeh ; Oanada Southern nnd Tennes see Coal each l'i per cent ; Lake Shore , 2 per cent ; Louisville & Nashvhlo and HnrltiiKtoti each 1'4 per contain ! Atcblson 1 percent. The uctlvlty In railroad bonds was again most murkod and the transactions of the day footed uufJ.4SI.OUO , of which the Atchlson In comes contributed iM'.OOO , the fours J1IO.CK.O ; Texas I'uclllu seconds. $13(1,1.00. ( The market was decidedly strong anil whllo the Important gains weio fnw the whole list Is materially higher tonight. All thu active. Issues closed mntorlnlly nlgher nnd In many ot the others marked gains were made. Government bonds have been dull and firm. Statu bonds have boon entirely neglected. Thu follow Ing are the closing ouotntlons for the Icndlni ; stocks ou the Now > ork stock exchange - change today : Thu total lali-a of stocks today wure 263,625 K shares. Including ! AtohUon , 43.835 ! Southern , 4,1H ( ) : ChluaKO Oas , C.8IO ) , uolawnro , I.aokawanna .t Western , 1A.70.1 ! Krlo , lliK ( > \ Lalo Shore , 01,70' , : Loubvlllo ft Nashville. HAW ; Missouri Pacific. 7.IC5 : Northwosturn , JI.S20I Nortliorn I'acllle preferred , ll,6Wt ( Uoml- Ing , R.SIO ! Klchmond & West Point , 0,718 ! St. I'aul , 2l83i Union I'actnc , 12.800. Fliinnclnl Uovlovv. Nn\r VOIIK , Aug. 2.1 The Post says ! Study of the Lake Shore railroad's ( { Uiirturly st itc- meiit scorns to have convinced Invustors that , notwtthstandttig the decrease for the half year completed as coniD.trod with the same a year ago , the road showing makes a con tinued G per cent annual dividend certain for the future If. with the half of tlio year to como , It would ho Impossible to add 1 per cent. Hollcctlons of this k nd nn doubt gave the slock Its conspicuous strength today. The now dlreotloiH In which tl.o mxrkot extended seemed , to bo generally speaking , the result of asympathv , with the persistent strength which the general market showed and which today's scarcity of stock seeking , emphasized at any tlmo yet. 1 ho rlso In the Coalers vras nodoubt duo to this Inlluonco. New York Alniior Market , NEW YOIIK. Aug 25 MONBYON OALL-Easy , ranging from 2'4 to. ) per rent ; last loan 2ii per cent ! closed offered nt W percent , I'IIIMK MEHCANIILF. I'Ai'uit-jSjaiVi percent. SThiti.iNO r.xctiANOiQuiet : mid heavy at tt.HJ't for sixty-nay bills and HM'i for de mand. . The following were the cloiln ? prices on bonds : NotCH. Nt wOitic\N4 , L-i. , Aug. 25 Olearlnss , II- 075 , ,97. NKW YOIIK. AUK. 2" Hunk clourlius toilay , IIOI.280.42J ; haltmcos. f5,07707 HAI.TIMOIII : . Mil. , AUR. 2" . Hunk cloarlncs tod.iy , $ . ' ,09JOI1 ; I ) ilances , Jlfll.Ui Hate , b per cent. l'miAi > iri'HU. : I'ri , An ? . 2' . 11 inlc eleirln s today. f'ru0.794i ' ) balances. * lJJOSI' ; < . Money , 4 per cent. HOSTON , M.iss , Aus 25. Kate for money , 4 per cent : call loans , 5i ( per cent ; time lo ins , 55's percent. Mi.Mi'MiH , Tonii. , AUK25 Now York e\- chaiiKO selling at * l 0 premium. Ulourlnjrs Jil.ITO ; bil.incos , $ > 7,110 , ST. Louis Mo. , Aui ? . 25 Cloarlims. $1,093,071 ; balances , ! f"lO,4IS. i\i'han ; e ou Now York BOo bid discount. Money ( /as per cent. IlimON , Mas ? . . Au . 23 HinU. olearlnRS , tll.SJi ) , ill ; biilanccs , $ IOJO,4H ( H ito for money. 4 per cent Uxchango on New Yorlc , 17 to 20o discount perI.OOO. CuiCAfio , III , , AUK. 25 Money easy. New York e\ch UIKO lower at dOe discount Hank clearings , $14.UJ2,000. Sterling exchange dull ; il\ty day bills , SO 84V' ! domum ! . 11.87. RoHton Stock Market. HOSTON , Muss , Auir. 2V The following were thecloslni : prices on stocks In the the lloston stock market today : London Stock Murker. LOVPON. Aug. M. The following were the London stock quotations u osliu at 4 p. m. : Consols money. . . 'b 1.1 HI Illinois Central I,4 ' Consols , account . 'Jj 1111 , Mcxjian onllnary. . JIMi U S 4a ll'WM Paul common . . . C > K U y 4 I0 6N | V Central . .lO,1 N. V P &O . . . . JIW Pennsylvania MH Canadian Paclllc . . . filiJi lleaillnx ! ( ; ' ( Krlo 2IHi Mexican Ccn new Is. 744 ! LVEit isa-lfid per ounce , t y pci cent. Hate for short and three months. 13 < J per ocnt. German ISiiulc Stutcincnt. HISIILIN , Aug. 25. The statement of the Im perial llaiik of Germany shows an Increase lu specie or 17.JOU.OOJ Marks. Bank of Kiiirluml Ilulllon. I.ONnoN , Aug. 2" Amount of bullion with drawn from the Hank of Enzland on balance to Jay wtib i'16,03. ) . 1'arlH Kcntcfl , I'iiua , Aug. 25 Thito per cent rentes 05f 4 H" for the account. Denver Sliiuiiir stooks. nENVEit , Cole , Aug. 25. Iluslnoss good with sales at 47.1UO. Quotations on the Mining ex change today closed as follows : Bin Frnncisoo Mining Quotations. SAN KitANrisco. Cal. , Aiu. 25. The ofllclal oloslug quotitlons for mining stocks ted ly were as follows : Now York Mining Quot UIOIIH. NEW YOIIK , Aiu. 25. The closing mining stock quotations are as follows : It' Htou Wool Market. HosTON , Mass. , Aup , 2 Thu demand for wool continues and some largo sales are re ported. The volume of business U good Ohio ilccces have been selling at 2 'o ' for X. nud lit : ilCt-Cc for XX and XXX and above ; Michigan Xat27c. Combing and X delaine fleeces are steady and In demand at previous prices. Territory , Texas and Cillfornla wools aru Rolling mostly at l > e for ulcan and tine ; tiTtc-VSo for linn medium , nnd MftVie tor meiilum Un washed combing wools are In steady dumaim at 25tft ( lo for one-quarter nnd 27@"K ) for threti-olgliths. I'ulled woo's ' are steady at .1013470. as to quality , for supers , and 2.MU'o for extras. Australian llrm. Carpet quiet , Now York Dry Go ills Market. Nrw YOIIK. Aug. 2.1.DamiiiulH for dry- goods showed an Improvement as regards tmnspoi tatlons ou the spot , und uiall orders were larger than In some time. There Is less activity tit both llrst and second haniU than bumna to bo expected. 1'rlces are stonily. Iltiviuui .x arlcotH. IlAX'AVA. Aug. 25. bl'AMSIl GOLll J2.30 ® IK Quiet on thji United States ; short sUlii U'iiblo per cent , on Ioudou20 > 4 per cent piemliim. " u ( Julot , nothing dono. Foreign Oil At uricet. . Aug. 25 , l'EriioLiuM-l57-lflf paid and sellers. liONDON , Aug. 25. TUIII'EMINB Sl'lltlTB 2S 'Jd pet owt. Trillion * ' Talk. ST. Louts , Mo. , Aug. 25 , Lansonbors Hroth- crs to C'ockrell llrothors : The foUouliu Is the ruugu ot prlcos on the loading options today ; 'V | Open. I HlKh I Low. | CloaB ires'y. \\iiEAr Dim II 05 < ( tl 01 , ' { n 05M H 03K Cons bept . . . . KH 17 OATH bept . . . . ? J'4 UlllCAdC , 111. , Auif. 25. r. O l.mun A. Co to Itryiin L'oninilhsUin comimnyVheat : opened with IlKht otlorliiK' * t I.U4 4 fpr Docpinocr , KiUl up to JI.OIS niul down ufijln to tl.OJS , Tim Inlying from this point was inoru uwont nnil tlio prk'o eruduully ndvanceil until It ruuahoU llrOJ. 1 l.o clo o Is 11.05. The foreign uclvlooM tire conlllcttnir. Uur owu are iloclJ- cilly uuk , although the weather IH weuk and dulaylne harvu- . Should thin cotitliiuu it uiUNt lirlnK now buying orders , und with them higher yrlooi. There U u rumor bore thut to put p p nn export duty of 7s Btul ed on wheat.Vuuut no contldonco In thli nor do wo sou It ciliKea tlio ultuntlon In the near future \Vn- > ) \c hoard luithlng but f.unlnc on the rontlnenlifor the lust 4 months unil If It H halt nn had us represented our whont N low onoilKh. - ho cnsh ( loin nnd hero Is only by olevntor rojr > Mile ; shlpporn tnko none nt it hocnuso they cnnnot nmko antes at the advance. Wo oxjiert to BOO this market Inlluoticcd uioro by cuhloiadvlcpH than on our home doninnd and supply , llio northwest tiiovciucnt U dlsnppojiitfriely siuntli until It Incronsoa our ninrket will bo nervous nnd thu tendency iipunnl. Uornvls nellronnil tit times excited. Hoptonibor lliiotiiBted from 0. ' > c to OO'ic , October opened utWHJo , sold tip to VJo , nnd closed nt 0 c. 'Micro Is no ehutiKo Irt the sltitiitlon Ontt fiilrlyarrtlvc : this Rrnln looks cheap A much better /relltii ; In provisions with eonsldcrahlc outside buy lug and p tckora olTi'rltiK sparingly. ritit'Afio , III. . Ail ? . 25. Swartz , Utipee A Me- CornilcW to V C' ' . SwartC'o.t Weather bu- re-til rauortod thut the northwest hud been vlsllod wlthnulto a heavy frost arid nnwsfrotn thatsoottoii finite ited some damage hud been done wheat. The lomllt was a ilrmur fooling at the opening of the mnrkot. It broke HOIIIO- what on haininorliiR by our local bo irs but soon rouutnod Its llrmncis and diitlni ; the lat ter purl ot the session was both actlvo nnd strong , t'otitlnentnl cables Inclined to weak ness. Itorlln showing a decline ot ,1 murks In futures and Paris bolng 'Bo lower on wheat ruin 50c on Hour , the IJnltiMl Kingdom , honover. was strong , and Liverpool wns quoted Id ItlRliur on very bad wo.ithor for Iiiirvost , A oablo was reootvod HtHtlug that Htiisla , althoilih not prohibiting the export of wheat , would pliice n tux ciiual to 224c per bushel on all exports. The result of this news was an nctlvomail < et w th heavy htiyln r by shorts who had sold so freely dur ing the early part of the session Modernto nxuorts reported from Atlantic scaboiirds Itooelpts at cloven primary .points. 2.07D.OIOshipments , 1,4 1 . ' ,000. Although IIvas snld lust after thu close that sales wore mndo as liluh us JI.IK)1 ; . frost Is again predicted for tmiltflit and If Itthould do any consldor.iblo damazo It would creiita omo excitement hero tomorrow. Hecelpts of corn were l.lll cars. being 200 over the ostlm.itt'H. wlileli gnvo corn beats conlldiMico In selltiu bcptnmlipr In splto of the fact of heavy floats Thu break WIIH mot bv ho.ivy buying ou thu p-ut of the New York contingent , causing shorts to sor.imblo to cover. October pirtleluitcd In thu strcimth but M ty closed nt about last night's prlco , Hecelpts for to morrow are only ! > * " > cnrs , inui'h less th in wns exuccted , I'rost predictions ton ght may af fect the maikot again tomoi row. Onts ntvo been ( Inn throughout thu d.iv , del-lining but very little , even when com broito. I'rovlnlons were wont early , but the do line met goo I buying by shorts which , aided by thi'4tiength In com nnd frost news , g.ivo us before the closu ash.irp lo.ictlon. The mnrkot seem intrinsically trinsic-ally heavy. although the future of the com crop must affect It seriously und lu the oventof damage must udv.tnco prices of pro- VlblOIIS. NLVV VOIIK. Ann. 25 ICrnnott , Hopkins & Co. toS. A. MuWhortcr : The market today h is been strong from the opening to the cluso and show H signs of growth , A greater variety of stocks are being tr.ulcd In tr.ins.ictloiis au- purontlv ot n most substantial nature , the buj lug being less of u speculatlvo character for the purpose of reselling than of an In vestment nituro. A feature of the market has l.eoii the evident scarcity of Blocks. The loc it stocks have been notable to ituros sec ondly only to the group of Vanderbllt stocks which continued upw.ird. London came strong for American stocks and London orders vvcro In at the opening to buy round lots and the cAcuutlni ; of these orders helped to give the market Its early send-off. Union I'aclflo has not responded with the roit of the list. The fact Is discredited hy the street. Leaders have taken profits today , but others have stopped and taken stocks off of their bauds ' ami these purchasers , together with the In vestment buying , have carried the m.irkot unw.ird. Money has boon In good supply at 3 per tout on call ClllC4lO , 1 1. , Aug. 25. Kcnnett , Hopkins & Co. to H. A. MeWhorturHoom tradois meroa the wheat m.irkot nearly all day , their olTorlngs going Into strong hands nppaicntly until shortly before the close they succeeded In holdliiLDcLoml or below JI.UI',4. Closing cables reported w prices In l.nglnml , some engagements having been uudo at New Yoilc.bcalpers undertook to cover with the usuiiL result that the mar ket Immcd atcly advanced I'/ic and closed ne irly nt the top. With a continuance of weiithct abroad which .the Mark Ijtino Kx- damage , stronger foreign markets and liberal - oral export purchas'es * are to be expected. Hepotts concerning frost * In the northwest are conflicting , but It seems sure some damage has been done. Kccclptsnt primary markets continue laigc , but that thov are not In excess of the demand Js ov Ideiiccd by the premium paid for cash over September. The situation abroad not only shows no Improve ment. but Is growing rnpterlally worno. Largo ( | iinntlticb of wheat are bulnir quintlv bought In this market on bro.ikH and It Is bulluved much of It Is on foreign account. Thnlocjil crowd stick persistently to the short hide and It looks as If the market was getting Into shape for another at no distant dav unless the foiotgu situation should soon and docldcdlv Improve. Although the United States Increased exports of and Hour between 2.00,1,000 and 30) ) > ,0)0 ) last wcolc us compared nlth thu picvlous week , the amount ou ocean passage Increase I but 344.000 , Khow- ing that exports from other countries are dropping olT. Foreign expectations are cen tered on America and when this ts fully real ized on this sldo of the water , turning specu lation as stroncly to bulls us it now leans to the bear side. wo expect to see voiy much higher pncus. December wheat hus sold at JI.iT on cuib. In corn and oats on a weak opening the hoptum her clique had broKcis In the pit appircntly with buying orders for com. losultlng In a quick rally of about 2c. It was bolluvod thut with the weakness In wheat and enormous ic- Lolpts of corn this advance could not bo hold , and room traders made efforts to raid the mnrkcU but with only temporary success. Near the close , when otlior markets turned so stroiif , all decline In coin was recovered , an additional effected nnd about the best nilccs of the day current at the clos3. Mostoftho advance , of course. Is duo to a natural reaction on cover ing by shorts , who saw peed prollts In sight , but thocllquo took the market In bund when the local traders tried to sendltolT again. Tim itilly may continue for a day or two longer , but the general tendency of corn ought to bo downward under tlio existing con ditions. Oats rallied with corn at the oloso after u rather heavy opening. Provisions showed a strong undertone and acted as If on the way to bolter prices bofoio long. O.U.17/.I M.UtKUfS. O \MIIA. Aug. 2 > . OATTLT. Ofllclal receipts of cuttle 2fiViiis compared with 2.4IB yesterday and 2,118 Tues day of hist week , The market was active on ever > thing , llrm to stronger on the best , and steady on ether grades of beeveB , and slioug on butcher stoCK and feodeis. A bunch of natlvo beef cattla sold at $ > ,00. lloas Olllclal receipts of hoga 4 , < CT , ns compared with ( ill yesterdtty and M77 Tues day of last wcok. The market was llrm ou lUht ant ) 5o lower on other irradosof hogs. The general maikotiis ll ) to 20o lower than Saturday. The range of the prices paid was H cr/rfS. ! 5. the bulk soiling at 81 70@5,0Light , J4 K54C5.C5 : heavy. f4.G5QUn ; inlxtid , $470ft4l)0. ) The nvcrago of the prices p ild was $4,80 , us compiled with $1 77VJ ycstoidiiy atut $5.0J Tuesday of last week. SllH' I' Oltlclal rccolp'ts of sheep 2iU" : as compared with ( HO yostord ly and I''J Tiiusday of last weak. The market was unchanged. Natives. JJ 504 7 > ; westems. I..25@I,75 ; oed CO to 70-lbs Iambs , * 4 Oixari.75. ItPCOljltB tllHl DiHplHltioil oftOOlC. . Onielnl receipts and dtspoiltlon of stock as shown by the booktof the Union stockyards comp uiv for thu tvrontv-fonr houts ondlng at 5 o'clock , p. m. , August 25 , ISJli ItKOKU'TS. S.i I us. MILKEIIS AND BPIIlNatlUS. 1 cow and calf , 9500 1 cow aud calf 2900 Icownndcnlf . MOO 1 cow mid calf ui 00 WKSTKIIN cArn.K. No. Av , Pr. J. It. Sample , OSfocdcrs 1037 2 35 Wnrtmnnot I * 8. Co. Chicago Iji\o Htoulc .Mnrkots. OIIICAOO. III. . Ail ) ; . 2T > [ Telo.'rarii to THE HBI : . ] u\Tric Thoclonmnd la fair and priecH areagaln lather on the upturn than 01 herw Iso on need natUo steers and Tuxans whllo r uu'i'fis sold a sh.ulo lower under the run of 4ot/J-today and the sumo number jes- torclay. Native cons and heifers also sold Me ulv to strong and oven cannois were re ported sto.idy nt the current low prices. Taken all In all the trade was actho and prices satisfactory us prices are uoln , ? nti . adas. ttotUerb and feeders \\oro in fair demand. Light steers are looking eheaii con- sldorhiK the outlook for fodder and feeding. The trade wi 119 n aln slow , and cnHos were also lower nnd fully . " > o to lOo oT on llisht and mixed , the market closing w oak and a larce number left unsold , Hough and common t > old at M.7r > ® 4 M ; jiaekers nnd ml\ei' , $4 h © 4 " )7'i ) ; prime heavy and butcher weights f."iOU"i ! J5. u fe at * " ) . . )0V40 ) : prime light , 8" > .j-ii5.05 ( : ( ? r msers JI.OO1.7. > , The 1'ost says : CATTLE Receipts. 8,003 : Bhlpmcnts.fiid ; market falrlv active , but lireKUlar ; top prices for natives , $5 OJ1 ? : ioj no urlino or extra steers on sale ; others. * J 00 ® l.75 : TexiuiH , JJ.105W. 15 ; stackers. tJ.W&.l.'X ; r.nuers , JJ..T > ® 4 80 ; native cows , $1.40 ® . ! 00. lions HeculptH , 12,000 ; shipments , 7,003 ; m nket slow and loner ; rough nnd common , J.t.7V 4.J ; pacLois and ml\ed. $4SO < a4' 7H ; prime heavy and butchers' weights , $ . " > .uO(3i'Jj ; prime light. l' > riO5.rir > . bllKCl' Hocolptfl. 7,000 ; shipments , S O ; m irkct fairly iictlvo unil steady ; owes. SIOO ® 450 ; wethers. f 0'iO'i ; ml\ed , JIIOOS4.80 ; westerns J-WOS1 . .0 ; lambs. Jl OOSJ.OJ. New York Lilvo Slock Market. NEW VOIIK , Aim. 25 HKKMSS Ilocolnts , 4H head , all forovportorsandslaUKhturersi no tradint : . feellnp Him ; native steers , t.i.GO@l > 15 uoillOO pounds ; To.vans and Colorado , tJ.45 ® 4 GO ; bulls and eows. $1 t KSJ.W. DitE KEU liEEi Dull at filj9o per pound. Shipments tomorrow , SOJO quarters of beef. CALVES Receipts , 400 head ; market steady ; veals , js 50uts.ou per 100 iioundb ; grussers , $203 ® 2."J ( ; wesierns , $ J.a7'J ' < ii. > .llO. SIIEEIKecelpts , 1,06.1 hind ; mnrkot firm ; sheep , Jl OOS,5.1r per 100 pounds ; lambs , $1 tiO ® 080 ; dics cd muttons steady at 7' { < iiOc per pound ; itiosaod lambs , linn tit Si4ilOo ! per pound. lions Kecelpts. n,80 1 head , Ine'iidln ? 4 cars for sale ; market Btcadj ; fJUS'.bU ) per 100 pounds. City TJIVO Stock KANSAS CmMo , AUK. ? 5 CATTLE Uo- coliits , 7.SOO ; shipments , 7,17i ) ; sto.idy ; steers , $ ,1000 85 ; cows , J1.'J. > 3J.OO ; stockers and feed- o is. * . ' .HO ® 1.50. Hods Keeolpts , 7Ki1 : shipments , l.MO. Mar ket for best , lower ; others lOf&rie lower ; bulk , 00-- ; all Rrades , WiOVJ-i. SIIISLP ICocolpts , ' , hUJ ; hhlpmontii , C70 ; mar.- Kct steady. St. IioiilH Ijlvo .stock Mnrlcct. ST. I.ouis , Mo , Aue. 2. " > . CITLU Kocolpts , a.Kifl ; shipments ) ; mnrkut strong ; lair to choice natives $ iSO"i.GO ; TOMIIIS and In- dtans. $ , ' .40 ® I US. lloil'i Hecelpts , 4,1100 : sli'pments ' , fiud ; mar ket lower ; ho ivy. tl.,1 ® "i.40 ; mixed , $1.60\JO ; llKht , ' o.ui/r.i u /s.i i.i : j Frc-sli I'rultH. CANTALOUPE- ? Per iloz. . Jl.L'3. I'LUMh Ciillfornla. Jl.flO. ClIUlHS Homo groHii. h-lb. baskets , 43Mc. AriT.i s I'er bbl. , J..oi.VJ5. , I'EAIIS California Itnrtlett , $2.00-22.25 , OIIASCIEH Uodl , 511.00. WACKIIMELONS Sh pplns stock , 1518c. I.kMONh I'UI box. ibllO. UANA.NAS 1'or buneh , W.OOiSO for good shipping stock I'bACliiss The supply Isiiulto largo nnd the ( ] iihllty Improved C'allfornln Orawfnrds , sin gle untjo lots , $ l."i ; live CIIHU lots , $1.15 , C < knntry I'roiluco. POULTHV There Is not much dlfTeronco In prlco between the best old fowls and spring thickens both going at II.UOQI 23. Cho'co ' dairy butter IH scarce and Mills icadlly at UIOc , butsomo of the coun try butter Is not good enough for the ictall trade and goes lo tlio puckers a s bollliiK largely nil i'/4c. The following ( imitations represent the prices nt which choice stock IK billed out on ordora unless otherwise hlated : ToMAiiiEs-l'er bushel , $1,00. OAUIIAH ( Home mown , le per Ib. TKhvr Hi BTS I'er bushel , We. HKANS Nn > j , t. ' VXiW.W pel bushel. ONIONH Homo grown. 7.V ) per bushel , I'oiAroiis ifiuvvurs are supplying the demand almost exclusively. K < < l > t Open A tor Chief Seavoy yostonlny ordered tbo nr- cst of thi license of the Windsor hotel s.i- loon for vlolntlnt , ' the midnight closing clause. It was reported that the plneu was open at 1 o'clock ycstorduv luornlni ; nud the bartender rcfubcu to obny the order of the patrolman on the bent to closeup. . Dr. Birtioy , liny ( over unu catarrh , D bldi ; Tiillmt UotlriMl. J. C. Tulbot , the smooth young man whoso Hmoothnoss ot him Into trouble hero , boaiiled a Union Paclllo outgoum train yesterday - torday morning nnd loft for Denver. His [ mrtner , Burnum , did not put lu an appout- auco. JOHN A MlSlUNE. MIANK U OOSIIUS McShane & Condon , INVIiSTMENr BAXKHRS , 300 S. 13th St. , First National B < mf BulU Ing , Omaha , Neb. * Deal In ttoclti , bond , ourltloi. oonmerenl p > per. uto. Nu ollme lo n < on Imprurul Oiutii rev eiutu. Hliott llmo louai oa b Dk ituck , ur uh j > proT il collateral i curlt > DAGS TWINES. Bemis Omaha Bag Oo. Importer and Mtnufac- turern. Klour * rki llnrhpi and Twine. A. H , Porri o & Oo. M , 0 , Daxon , \t \ < K DotlRO Street. Illcrclc' toM on raonthlr pirmcnt * . Bond for our cut and | itkos li'OTS Karnnni it. , Omnh HOOK Aokerman Brothers & Heinlzo , ITIntors , blndors , elootrol pem , blank book nmnu- fuotttrcri 1110 Ilownnl ureol , Omaha HOOTS AXI ) SI10KS Ohas. A. Coo&Oo. KirkondallJoncs&Oo , Manufacturers and .lub Wliolo'ilcManufflrtiir'rt bers. Aucnn for llotton tliiti- bvr "lioo 0 > III ) . ' , 1101 , HWIIovnuilMrect. nnil 1101 , llarnpjr itrvct. Williams , Van AorW. . V. Morss & Oo. , C1G A IIS. West & Pritsoher , Manufactures fine clears , Jobbers of leaf tabacco. 1011 i-Mrnun Streot. COAL , COKE , ETC. Eagle Oornico Works , | F , Enomping , .MiuiiifMcliiroia ot ' C ilr mlfd Iron cornlcoi , Onlvanlzcd IroniornUc Dormer nlndow > . . tloor Window cips , niL'talllo onp , tlnlitn etc 'I In fkylli-liti , etc 111U und , Iron nnd M-ito roofer 1113 Dodho bt. ' It Kiirnnin St. CEMENT AND LIME. J , J , Jolmsou & Oo , , Oady & Gray , 2188 11th Street , Llrue , ccmnnt , etc , etc , Omnlit , Neh. Cor 'ith and DoiiKlis Sti DRY GOODS. M , E. Smith & Oo , , Kilpatrick-Kooh Dry Dry peed * , notion * , fur- Goods Oo. , nry Hood v notion' , Bents' furnlihlni ; u < ndi Corner llth and Howard cor. llth and Howard Sts ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. "Wolf Electrical Oo. DKTUOIT UTOM ATIC Electric Motors Illustrated c italoguo and Dyainos CataloRtio free rroo It A Klnncyien'l 1014 CapltoJ Avenue At ( ! 8.U IN V.Llfe llldit FARM MACHINERY , ETC. Parlin , Orondorff & T. G. Northwnll , Martin Oo , , ( icneral ircnern axcnt Corner Tonea and Dili Stj. bk inilln flow Co , Omaha , Neb , 11 I'l-1151 Sherman Avc FLOUR. FURNITURE AND CARPETS. Dewey & Stone Pur- Beebo & Runyan Fur iiituro Oo. , niture Co. huccoasoiH to C. A Meebo Furniture and iariet | > , \ Co , lllj-111'J l.irnum street ( iraco and 1 Ith Stn Omalia GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS. Schuo der & Loomis , J. T. Robinson Notion Oo. Jobbers and Importers of Cents fiirnlnliliiv good' notions and furnishing lu t K ooIdi ited brand goods , lluckskln u\eralls , punts , ( thirls , ( ontH etc 1111 Howard Sheet. Lor Uth and Howard sta GLASS , PAINT , OIL AND DRUGS. Keunard Glass and J. A. Fuller & Co. , Paint Oo , , 1403 Douelai Street , 031412 llarney Street Omaha , Neb. Omaha. William Ouramings , Blnko , Bruce & Oo , dl7and01U South lllth bt Wi-0j ) ! ! I a ivenworth . Omaha , Neb. Omaha , Neb GROCERIES G UNl'OYDER \ , \ lZH. \ \ . Olark. ( len I Western Auent of Dupont'n Sporting dun powder Atltu liUh oxplo- hu hltittlin : c.ipi rusai IJItf llariiuyitrcot GRAIN AND Bryan Commission Oo 8. A. McWhorter llrokerii , urnln , proTltlon .112 Ut Sat I It-ink Mick end > tut hi N V I.lfo ura I'rlvato nlrei , tn I II V 1'rlvatowlro Clil- New \iirk I hli nun anil iaco , Ft Ijul und hi Loiiln ( iifli > : nil n New Vork bonulit fur all niarkttii Cookrell Bros F. 0. Swartz & Co. , Ilrokeri I'rlvnto wlre llrokert drain I'roTlnloini to Sew Yfirk rtilruuu A. on rmato who In st ht LIIUK Hpeclul iitlt'ii I nila and Chic iiro onico tltiu utrun to track btdt In l t Nat I Hank Omaha uovrala Ut Nut I linuk , Kxctmnite bid ll , U HARDWARE. Rector dcWilholmy Co Cor loth and JncmonSH Omiha //'OiY , WORKS. Paxton & Viorliiiff Omnha Safe & Iron Iron Works , Works , ntut c.nt Iron work , oiialiM" . Mnnuf t > fit nnit tumUr br s work , aonorni proof nfoi , Tnults , jntl foiindrr. nmcliliio niul nork , Iron ihullori nud Mnckinihli wor . U 1' tire ojcixprt o An * Itr mirt ! 7th Hi ilrvon , llth A Jsclnon H Max Meyer & Bro Oo A , Hospe , Jr. , M'f ir Jeweler" , de-ilors In I'l inoi Or ' nni , Artist ! miihlciil ln truinonti , etc Materials , Kto , rnrniim und IIth , 1811 DoiuilM Street. OYSTERS. Platt & Co. , Oystcri , Fish ind iclery , 111) ) South lOtli 8t Oonsjlidated Tank Line Oo , Uetlncd nnd lubrlcatliijt ultK uxlo Krea < u , etc U II Until , MnnaKer P KO I ) UCE , ( 'O M MISSION. Ribhel & Smith , Sohroetlor & Oo. , Dealers In country prod- C.i'h buyers buttrr an I IRC , trults , vetietiiblia , ow , and lioiiorul coiu- etc uilf > liin inurtlinnts iar ) lto nrd 4.'l&oiith Mill Street. Eobort Purvis , E. B. Branch 4 ; Oo. ( IVIT llnwnid Stteot. I'rodute , frulti of all \\rltufor prkei on liut- ler CKSS poulti ) , iinJ klndt , oyiilori , 1 ith nnd Jlnrney streets. Kirsohbraun & Sous , Jas , A. Olark 4j Oo , Uutter , cheese , CKKI Iluttcr , enrict and poultry poultry and Borne. oward Street Wisiiuth Uth Street. Bates & Oo. , Williams & Gross , Country produce , fruits , vc < table * Krocers' "pe- I'roduoo and fruits. Uultlei tcan , nplui , etc. IIT-I1J b 11 tli St. 1314 Uarnay atroot. I. Bnndazzo & Son , 211 s I.'thbtreot ForuttinA DouioBtlcl1 rults 1 lurlil iOrunuQimtltilclly trnlt" Ilr.incli bousu 7 N I'elcri'-t.Now Orleans 1'Al'ER. GOODS Carpenter Paper Oo , , Omaha Eubber Oo , , Cnrry a full tttoclc of Munntnctiiren nnd job- prlntlnir , wr.ipplnt ; and born all kinds mbber wiltlnK pupcr , card pa ROD IH per etc 1 'M I-arnam Street. SEEDS. Emerson Seed Oo , Seed urowcrn , donlers In Knrdcn , Kras9 , tfruln and trco Beed" 421-421 South IStli. S'lO\rE& \ James Hughes , btuvoi repairs of all klndj CookH and Ileuti ra for anlc. C07 S nth Street SAHir , noons , M. A. Di brow & Oo , Bohn Sash & Do.or Go Manufiiptureri of sa li , M-inulacturornof mould- doori lillndH and IIDJH , blind" , doors , etc. mouldnc llnincli nf Olllce tinUth nnd Unrd Stx Itooiu l.'l lice Iliilldliu .S'IE.\M \ A XI ) } VA TEH SUJ'l'J.IES U. S. WindEigino& A. L. Strang & Sons , Pump Oo , , 1002-1004 rnrnaiu Htri'Ot. llnlllilay Wind Mllln I'lbnmt 'i--UJcini MtrcMit Omaha Neb t > ( 1I05B , iittliiKiimniit'r SI'ICES. TEA , COFFEE , Consolidated. Coffee Company , 1414 and 1411 , Harnoy fit , Om ilia , Nell TO YS. n ILLI Anns. H. Hardy Oo. , TheBmnswiok- To > , dolls , alb n inn , Bnlke-Oollender Oo. , fancy goods , liousofur llllllird nicrcbandlie clilld- llxtnrio , nl'hlriu piods , Snlnon lon't rarrliu ! " " 407 , WJ S 10th Htruot , I.UVHirnuui Street. Oinab * SOUTH OMAHA. o5T LIMITED UNIO r , STOCK YARDS - A. D. Boyer & Oo , , Hunter & Orcon , B OJ Uti.luuuo lliilMlniC , , ,0 HiUmnKC llulkllng , l-oiitli Oinidia South Oinitha. \e\t UftCiu * f mwiy t r all Hi 1 uniialuir' ilMthmgfn and prlvMoilliii'JkMul" , " ' . cerialu curi' tur til * iltb 11- tntinv wuaknen peculiar to "inijn. . . . , O..U b. J l re . . ' 1" > > Bn'l1feeIi".Btt nmiumdiof It to Co In rei HtOHfMirii l | urTrrur TONERMOOtC tun'tl. Nol'l liv nrnprclil- I'KIl K 01.0V. JOSEPH GILLOTT'S ' STEEL GOLD MEDAL , PARIS FXPOSITIOH , 1889. THE MOST PERFECT OF PENS. WAITED Total l u ii of CITIK8 , COUNTIES , SCHOOL DISTRICTS. V/ATER u' & CO PAIlYBanker , < ; [ i.W.HflnniS , . 101-105 OoorUom 8tr et , CHICAGO IS We' ' ! Street , MEW YOHK , 70 6Uta Bt- BOSTON *