THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : WEDNESDAY , AUGUST 20 , 1801. THE OMAHA BEE. COUNCIL BLUFFS. OFFICE : - NO. 12 PRAHL STRKET. * kteli\cred ) by Carrier In any part of the City. II W. TII.TON. - MASAOntl. ' ltoslnp s Ofllco. . . No. 4 | N1nt ( Etor. , | | . ; No. a , M/.vr/o.v. N. Y. I' . Co. Council Bluffs Lumber Co. , roal. Craft'B chattrl loans , COl Sapp blocic. WnntcdA girl for general house went at 610 Bluff street. it vou want \vator In your ynril or house co to' Blxb.v's , ! jf)2 ) Morrlnm block. Molvln MclClnloy and Eva Kstos. both of Dnlli , In. , wore tnnrrlod yesterday Tllturnoon by Justice Cones. Kncampmont No 8 , Union Vuteran Lotion , moots this evening at Knights of Pythias hall A punctual attendance is rrtqueUo'l. ' as business of Importance (3 ( to bo transacted. The Woman's Relief corp * has n basket park thin afternoon. All old soldlcr % their families and frlomls nro Invited. Thoic will bo dancing In Iho even ing. Spcrlnl meeting of Exralslor lodge No. 259 , Ancient , Free mid Accepted Masons , this evening for worn In the Unit dcgroo. VisitIng - Ing brethren nro cordially Invltod. By order of the \V M. The Dos Molncs confuronco , embracing n" thd Muthodist churches in southwestern lown , will moot at Ues Moitins Hepteinoer 13. W W C niios has boon nppolntod dologatu from the I- nth nvonuo church of this city. Mrs. Mnry Acton died yesterday morning nt fi o'clock of conauniption , nt thu ago of ! 2."i venrs Tim funeral will occur this afternoon at 2 o'clock from the rotluonco of the bus- bnnd of the deceased , K. L. Acton , ao'.l North Scventn street. The Young Men's Christian Association hall club played two irames yesterday after noon , winning both. The first was with Vlnco Brown's nine , the score bolus ! W to1. . The second was with the Strootsvlllo club , and the score was 19 to 7. There will ho a special mooting of liar mony chapter No. 'J. > , Order of the Haitorn Star , tomorrow evening at 8 o'clock In .Ma sonic hall. All members requested to bo present for business of Importance. By order of the worthy matron. Clark I'ottltsuod the three Lawless broth ers yesterday afternoon for $1S for wages due. An attachment was levied upon ull the tools which the Lawless brothers are using In their work on the Indian creek extension , and the property was seized by Constable Evans. Gcorpe , the 7 months old son of Mr. and Mill. George Clay , died yesterday of cholera infantum The funeral will take place this afternoon at ! i o'clock from the residence In Hardin township. The funeral of thu twin Bister of the dead child took place yesterday morning at 10 o'clock. A. V. McFnrlnnd wns married last evening to Miss Hattlo J. Brgg of Macon , Ca. ! , at the residence of J. C. DoIInvon , Ilev. MclC. Stewart ofllclaliiig. Thu groom Is a wall known clerk In the Union Pacillc transler ofllcos and has a host of friends who will extend congratulations. The theatrical seison will open on the even ing of September 5 , when I'attl Kosa will appear - pear at the Broadway theater in her now play , "Dolly Vtxrdin , " supported by a strong company. From now on the plnys are all selected by the present management , and lomo theatrical treats may bo looked for. At the board of trade rooms In tha Mor- rlam blocic tomorrow , Thursday , evening there will bo a free lecture by I'rof. .1. E. Komsburg. Subject , "Kiil o Claims. " A literary treat Is promised , and those who de light In freu thought and free speech will llnd their views expressed clearly and at tractively. Fred Mowery and Joe Scott had n hearing yostonlay morning In .lustico Hammer's court on the charge of seining In Laka Man- awa a week ago last Monday morning. All the evidence on the sldo of the state was heard , after which a continuance was granted until such a ttmo n will suit the attorneys for the defendants. All the members of the Twenty-ninth lown Infantry who llvo in Council 11 luffs started for Glenwoort yesterday morning to attend the annual reunion of the regiment. Thu party marched to the depot accompanied by \Vnll McFaddon's drum corps. Among those who went beside * the old soldiers wore Mrs. Joscoh Lynian , .1. J. Bollu , Sam Johnson and Frank Sherrltt of this city. An attachment was levied from district court yesterdav afternoon upon lot ( ! , block li ! , Bavllss & Palmer's addition , belonging to S. IS. Henry , a young attorney who loft the city a short time ago , leaving a number of unsettled bills behind him. Cramer Bros , of Missouri Valley are the plaintiffs In the pres ent case , and they ask a Judgment of Kit ) fern n suit of clothing which Henry bought of i hero before his departure. Information Free. Do yon know that any old sere or cut > bo absolutely cured by the intelligent use of Hallcr's Barbed Wire Liniment. Bo merci ful to your and try It. j .f/ A , I'Ait.iait.ti'iw. Mrs. U. D. Pickering and daughter Josslo ofOnrdcn Cltv , Kan. , are vlsltlnp Mrs. a. A. Pierce , 720 First nvonuo. Mrs. II. L. bhcphord returned 'ast ovrn- itiR from thvoo months' visit to Seattle , Wash. Miss Mary Duncan has returned from Salt Lalco City , where she has been visiting Miss Jcnulo wnrd for ( ho past month. Marshal J. L. Tomploton rotuvnod yester day afternoon from a trip to Detroit , Now York and other eastern cities. Dr. H. A. WooJbury returned yesterday neon from a trip to Idaho In company with Dr. Webster of Omaha. They have traveled over six hundred miles on horseback in ttio last two months. A. \ \Voodbury. . who has boon vlsdtlne his brother , Dr. E. I. Woodlmry , for the past wcoU , returned to his homo in Springfield , O. , today. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Dovino loft vostoninv for Jacksonville , 111. , where Mrs. Dovino will visit relatives. Mr. Dovino will go farther cast on a business trip. Mrs. .ludgo Clinton's fatlior U quite ser iously 111 nt his daughter's homo. Mrs. J. IJ. Atkins , accompanied by Master Tommy Laoy , , lott last evonlnpr for ( Jroston to visit the palace. Mr \Vhltolnw , the Junior member of the big Iloston store linn , left last evening for n three weeks' business trip In the oast. Harry U'ntklns of Mount Vernon , O. , an old friend ofV. . R Snpp , Jr. , U nt the Grand , and will visit in the city n few days thu guest OfHir. Sapp. O. 13. Heswluk , Wall McFaddon and Wndo Honor will leave next Tuesday for Grand Inland , to attend tha istnta reunion of thu Grand Armv of the Hepubllc. Misses Colin and Mary Hughes have re turned from a vhlt of two weeks nt , Col fax. accompanied by the Misses ICnvniwuh , of DCS Molnos , who will visit them for a wuok. Tlio ImtcHl Conundrum Wtiv Is Ilnllur's S.iwapirilla and Burdock Hko the most popular .soap of the day. llei-aiiso they both cloiuso tlio sliln mid leave It both soft and vulvoty. Now Kiilsunpul Church. A now Episcopal church has boon formed , the articles of Incorporation having been filed yestordny. The mime is Grnca Pro testant Episcopal church. Tuo members so far nro M follows ! Mr * . M. A. Klngsbury , 11. Jnckson , A. Lelpold , John S. Grotzer. A. Ik-no , Mrs. S. P. Ilnrrli. H. H. Hnrrls , Fan- nloSwiro , Mnry 1C , Huiiynn , II. J , Adams , K R Klngsbury. J. O. Anderson , Anna S. Anderson , Cora E. M. Kray , Auiolln L. Giotzgorund Mrs. J. O. Ilryunt. Gosjler'sMaRlolioadacno Wafers. Cures nl uuadaches In 'Jo mlnutos. At all drujfl ats Now full goods , finest line in the city , JtiBt rocolvetl ut Uoltor's tlio tailor's , U1U Uroiidwtiy. Drs. Woodoury , dentists , 30 Ponrl BtrcQt. next to Griuul hotol. Telephone Ji3. High prado work u spooiulty. NEWS FROM COUNCIL BLUFFS , Baldwin Block Narrowly Escapsa Being Burned to the Ground , ONE MAN VERY SEVERELY INJURED , By the Finnic * Confined Entirely to the Olllucs on the Sixth Floor Department Service Not Itculi-cil. | . Wright & Baldwin had intended to move Into their new quarters in tbo Baldwin block today , but they have changed their inlnda and will not move In until sonio time In ttio future. The cause of their chnngo was a little blaze that look place In the top story of the block yesterday afternoon. Harry Lenox , a painter , was nt work reeking a bowlful ol the wax llnish with which the floor was being covered , with the aid of a gasoline steve , In some way the stuff became Ignited and convnoncod to burn furiously. Ho picked It up In his hands and sot It on the Iloor , while 1'nlllp Loo. the Janitor , ran for some water. Tbo bla/o was soon extin guished without the aid of the tire depart ment , although thu companies were on the ground soon after the alarm was sent In. Lenox's right Hand and arm wore badly burned and Leo had ono stdo of his head and fnco scorched. Neither of them were seri ously Injured. The damage done by the llamos was con fined entirely to the otllccs on the slvth Iloor. A largo liolo was burned In the Iloor , the casement of ono of the largo folding doors was almost entirely mined and the walls were so charred and blackened by the smoke that It will bo nccessnrv to renovate the whole room. The damage Is estimated at about SIM ) . After the ( Ire department arrived on the scene and found out that their services would not bo needed they got out the "ele phant" truck and proceeded to make an ex periment , to son whether it would bo of any use should a largo brick block over catch lire. The men wore a trlllo green In managing it , but It was dually put In place and a man was sent up thu ladder to the fifth Iloor. Whether the chief of the department caiiio to the con clusion that the experiment was a success Is not known , but It amused a large crowd of sDcoUtors , anyway. ONLY F1VK IJIVS MORE. Tlic Orcnt Hr-ven-dny Blanket Snle nt the Itostnn Store Cloning AiiKiinl 20. The crcat scvon-dny sale is now in progress at the Boston store. You will not during the winter have a chance to get blankets at such prices as those. It's ( jotting cool , so you better take ad vantage of this sale and buy your blankets now while ymi can get them at half price. Just glance over those liguros : 100 pair 10-4 gray blankets , 90c ; worth SI. 25. 100 pair 10-4 gray blankets , $1.10 ; worth $ l.oO. 100 pair gray blankets , extra heavy , $1.2.r ; worth .iil.Vo. 76 pair 10-1 grav blankets , extra super $2.7o ; worth 8 .75" 50 pair 10-4 gray blankets , all wool , $3.75 : worth $5.00 WHITE BLANKETS. 11-4 extra large blankets , Mi.25 , worth $ . ' { 75. 125 pair 10-4 all wool , $3.25. warranted. 125 pair 11-4 all wool , $1.7o , worth $0.00. 125 pair 11-4 all wool , $5.00 , worth $0.50. 20 pair 12-4 California till wool , $10.50 , worth 815.00. RED ALL WOOL BLANKETS. 10-4 all wool red , $3.25 , worth $1.25. 10-4 all wool red. $4.00 , worth $5.25. 11-4 all wool red , $4.75 , worth $0.50. 12-1 all wool red. $7.00 , worth $8.50. ALL , OUR COMFORTERS AT COST DURING THIS SALE. BOSTON STORE , FCmTHEKINGIIAMWHITKLAAV&CO. Council Bluffs , la. Removal salo. Bargains in shoes. L. Kitinohan has removed from 323 Broad way to No. 11 Pearl street. "Will Break I he Assignment. The Elscman assignment bobbed to the front again yesterday in the shape of a suit commenced in the district , court , in which tbo plaintiffs were nearly as numerous as the names In a city directory , and the defendants Henry Eiaoman , Utco , Sttx & Co. , Stlx , Krause & Co. and Officer & Pusoy. The petition , which Is very voluminous , states that Judgments were secured in the surperlor court last Annl against Henry Klseman & Co. by the following parties and'for the following amounts : Arnold , Constable & Co. , S'JW17.i7 : ; Oppenhchn , Collin , & Co. , $ oos.50 ; SwlUor & Schussel , # . ' 03. ' . ) . " ) ; II. Blankenburg & Co. , $ tSSr.-W ; L. Hellprln & Co. , ? luy > ; Kavo 4Sc ICInstcln , $ ! iS4 ; Stelnor , Ifahn & Co. , MHO ; David Adler & Sons Clothing company , $ ' > < & ; L. Koch & Co. , $ .177 ; Mills & Glob , $4,11 ! ) : A. E. Burklmrdt & Co. , S'J.iiOO ' ; Carter & Co. , ? : > 0.tS ; Simmons , Mit.cno.teCo.$1,405.10 . ; A. lilllnger & Co. , fl.lO'J..1.Young ; & Kuthorford , > S3.IU ! ; Oreon , .Tovco & Co. , is-.OU ; Welst Bros. , ? : r > 7.r > 0 ; Wurzburgor , Goldsmith & Co. , $1,0111.50 ; Briclcnor Woolen Mills company , Mt..35 : ! ; the Lamb Knit Co. , J',18l.bO ; Jacob Adler & Co. , $ ln3.SO ! ; L. X.ecUel , $133. The names ol the- above parties arc the names of the plaintiffs in the case. case.Tho whole story of the assignment of the firm of Klsoman & Co. is then gone over In detail , with exhibits of the various mort gages and trust deeds that prodeded the as signment , and the assignment itself. It Is alleged that the mortgage ] and the assign ment were fraudulent and executed for the oxpiess purpose of giving the preference to the Jlnns of Ulco. Stlx & Co. , Stlx , Krause A : Co. , and Ofllcer & 1'usey , who are made co- defendants. The plaintiffs allege that the Elsomans are in reality the owners of tbo stock and fix tures of the clothing store of which L. Ot- tcnholmor Is the nominal owner , at 414 Broadway , and that Ottonholmer holds it for the purpose of concealing It from the creditors of the firm. They further claim that S. I1. MacCannoll , the assignee of thn bankrupt firm , knows thu purpose of thu assignment and thu chattel mortgages and knows that the Elsomnns are the real owners of Ottunhulmor's store , but that he refuses to take stops to sot aside the mortgages or the assignment. The petition al leges that pc rNOtial property to the amount of $71.000 was sold and paid over to Macl'nnnell and li now held by him on account of notices ot garnishment. On these grounds the plaintiffs ask that the mortgages and the ussignment bo sot aside , and that Ottcnhelinor's place bo declared to belong to HUcman & Co. . and that It bo placed In the hands of the creditors : that the monov In the hands of the assl > : iioo may be declared subject to the Hens of the plaintiffs , and that all the property may bo sold and thu proceeds turned Into court for thu benollt of the creditors , Use Hallcr's Uorman Pills , the great co n situation and liver regulator. Buy your furniture , carpets , stoves and lioiiiuhold goods of Maiulul < b Klein , Council BlulTs. Prices very low , freight prepaid to your city. The C. M. & St. P. ticket olllco has boon removed from 500 Broadway Into the elegant now quarters in the now Baldwin block , 5 Pearl street , Touoheil for $ in. Sullivan & Barton , who keep a saloon at thu Junction of Main and I'oarl street , bad their till tapped last ovontng , to the tune of ? 15. Mr. Barton was sitting within three feet of the money drawer at the time , and toparatod from It by only a thin board parti- llou , but the tnlot tuatiagud to yet uway with It without detection , Mr. Sullivan icomi to have hard luck In meeting with burglar * . It Is less than two weeks since the Ogden house bar , of which ho was proprietor at the time , was visited by burglars and robbed of nearly everything it contained. A very small pill , out a very good ono DoWltt's Llttlo Earlv Risers. Suit * made to order , and cloth tig cleaned , dyed and repaired nt hall rules , frank Peterson , 2311 South Oth street. Union Park races , Omaha and Coun cil BlulTs. September 8-11 , $0,500 ; Oc tober 20-22 , $1,000. For programme1 ? address Nat Brown , Merchants hotel , Omaha. Thought Them Guilty. Judge McOco put In his whole tlmo yester day , with a half hour taUon out for dining purposes , In hearing the case of William Joffrlos , Fred Harter , Prank Brady rind John Laubrr , who raised tbo disturbance at the Danish' picnic at Big Lake last Sunday afternoon. The room was crowded with wit nesses who had been subpocnad to toll what they know about the affair. The attorneys for the defense tried to .show that there was no real evidence to show that their clients had done damage thomsclvoi , but the weight of the evidence was overwhelmingly against them. At the conclusion the court assessed a line of $50 and cons against each of the fellows , and fixed tholr appeal bond nt f 100. They wore unnblo 10 pay their flnos , and were sent to the county Jail to board them out. . Constipation poisons tno blood ; Do Witt's Llttlo Karly Risers cure constipation. The cause removed , the disease Is gone. Pianos , organs , C. B. Muslo Co. , 639 Broadway. Urs. Stewart ft Patty , veterinary siti- gcons , 45 Fourth street , Ciunjil BlulT lie Drew a Gun. A scrap look place yesterday afternoon In Dave McAdams saloon near the corner of Broadway and Eighth street , between Bob Hondrlcks , the city marshal of Mauawa , and Bob Martls , a well Known tnan about town. They are built on the sa-no mould and each weighs in the neighborhood of)0 ) pounds , so it was a battle of giants as long as It lasted. Some terrific blows wore struck , and nt last Martis drew a gun on Hondrlcks. A bystander knocked It from his hand and several more slozod htm. or ho would have made short work of the Manawa marshal There were no arrests. Starch grows sticky complexion powders have a vulgar glare. 1'omml's la the only complexion powder tit for use. Picnic at Manhattan boaoh. Round trip tickets from Omaha , including boat ride , 50c ; on sale at news stands at Millard - lard and Murray hotels. Swanson music company , 335 Broad way. _ _ _ _ Stole the Bunk. "Suspender JncK , " a well known sporting tnan , has disappeared , and a number of other sports are anxiously looking for him. Ho was officiating as cashier for a poker game yesterday when ho suddenly disappeared. Nothing was thought of it for a few min utes , as It was thought ho would bo bacl : soon , but tlmo passed by and he was still a the ml .sing. An Investigation showed that he had taken with him something over SJr > , which had been paid in by the players for chips. The men who lost the money ro.illzo that thev cannot complain to the po lice without ma'king their own shortcomings known , and an effort is being made by them to locate their faithless ally without assist ance from the police. Few children can bo induced to take physic without a struggle , and no wnndcr most drugs arc extremely nauseating. Ayer's Pills , on the contrary , being sugar-coated , are easi ly swallowed by thu little ones , and arc , there fore , the favorite family medicine. ntnrricd in Secret , Albert Otto , who liyos with his parents on Benton street , was married last July to Miss Kittle Bock of this city. The ceremony was kept a profound secret , the couple going to Fremont , Oob. , to have It performed , as their parents had opposed tbo match. Otto took a trip a short time ago to Indiana. When ho returned homo ho neglected to remove the letters ho had received from his wlfn during his absence from his coat pocket and they worn found by his mother by chance. An explanation was asked for , when the whole romance became known. DoWltt's Llttlo Early losers ; only pil ) to euro sick headache and regulate thu bezels Looking for Burglars. Dr. W. L. Patton was annoyed last even ing by the actions of a couple of men who lie thought were trying to burglarizing his place on North Main street. Ho saw them loafing about his back yard twlco during the course of the evening , and the last tune notified Ofllcor Wells Just after they left. The ofllcer put chase and overhauled them at the corner of Broadway and Bryant street. They were taken to the pjllco fetation , where they gave their names as .lames Morris and George Marlon. They were slated with being sus picious characters. 'A stitch in tlmo saves nine , " and If you take Hood's Sarsaparilla now it may save mouths of future possible sickness. A MODISh OKKIOI3 BUILDING. How the New S.lui art Block Looks Since ItH Transformation and the IliiHy I'ooplo Who Iiiiuihit It. For the past throe months workmen have boon engaged in remodeling the Shugart block , ono of the most oroinl- nent and imposing buildings in the city. It was built about eight years ago , largely for commercial purposes , with the upper stories devoted to largo apartments and halls , hut before the era of modern conveniences. It was ono of the best blocks in the city to cominonco with , and last spring Mr. E. L. Shugart decided to add every Improvement that could bo suggested or required. The work of remodeling was begun at the top , and the transformation was contin ued to the basement The work has been finished and the result is one of thn finest commercial and olllco buildings in the west. The blocic could not bo bettor situated , having a frontage on throe of the host streets In the city , Main , Pearl and First avenue , on the opposite corner from the Grand hotel and facing that pride of the city and envy of all other cities , Bayliss park. The changes in cluded the cutting up of the largo hull on the fourth Iloor formerly used by the Iowa business college , the remodeling of the olllces on the lower llooru and the addition of a rapid passenger elevator at the Pearl street entrance. In addition to those improvements are all the mod ern conveniences , steam heat , water , gas , electric lights , baths , lavatories , closets , etc. All the ofllcce , or a majority of them , are on suite. Each Iloor is provided with a douhlo vault , there being seven vaults altogether , giving each tenant the use of a burglar and lire proof ro- coptac o for his valuables. The exten sive frontage gives ovoryollico and suite outside windows with street views and plenty of air and sunshine. All the windows aropiotocted with hard wood inside blinds. There are few small olli- ccs in the building , but all of them are airy and comfortable. Unllko many olllco buildings , where what bhould have been simply a four-t > tory utrncturo is di vided into six or seven Hears , the ceilings in the Shugart building are twelve and fourteen foot hii'h. The halls are all wide and wull lighted with skylights that carry the bimshtno down to the second Iloor. The wall or- npmontation is rich and modest , and tno woodwork is handsomely carved uud moulded. The iipnrtmontB-nre BO coti' vonlont and desirable tlii t > rAll but four have been taken by busljldM and profos' slonal men on long loaac and the ro inalnlng ones will not bv.icaut ) ) , long , The block has two ontra c g , the clova tor on Pearl street nndin broad , easy stairway on Main street.- Adjoining the elevator"'And ' opposite the Grand notol on tho.'prttund ' Iloor Is the commodious suite otoffices , occupied by Day < fe Hess. F. J. Day , } s ono of the pioneer real eatnto brokers of the city , and a short tinio ago ho widened the scope of his business byforuung a part' norshlp with Mr. J. P. Ifcss , a name familiar to all old residents of western Iowa , and stocks , bonds , securities , etc. , are now handled. They have olcganl quarters , and tholr business is as per inanont as tholr location. There is nt firm in the weht that stands in closoi touch with eastern capital or whose business covers a wider territory. Occupying otllccs in the same apartments monts is the Manawa Ice company , r ho.ilthy organization that has growr into adult proportions In the last season. . It , is the only company in the Twir Cities that handles lake Ice , the cloarosl and purest crystal to bo obtained any' whore. During the past season five wncrons have been insulllcient to fill the orders of their Council BlulTs customers. Every pound of the thousands of ton < packed last winter will bo sold at retail this summer. They control the Lake Manawa harvest , and next winter thn\ will pack for the wholesale and retail trade. A prominent sutto of olllces located ir the basement on the Pearl street fronl has be'on leased by Edward Wright , the stenographer and typewriter. Mr. Wright is devoting his time to legal stenographic and short hand work , and the prominence of the location has boon a disadvantage to him during the suni' mcr , and ho lias found that ho could dc his work bettor at his residence. Since the changes were made the olllco is much pleasanter and more convenient than over , and ho has made up ill i mind to bub-lease it if ho can do eo in the next few weeks. It has a south and west front , all conveniences , and largo bank vault , and is 0110 of tho'iinost olllcos in the building. The lower floor on the M-iin street and First avenue is occupied by the Cit izen's State bank , ono of the most prom inent , banking houses in the city , and the strongest financial Institution in northwestern Iowa. It was established in 18S2 , and has grown with the most remarkable vigor from the start. At the present tune the deposits roach al most ono million dollars , and the total resources and liabilities round up al most ono and a quarter millions. The bank's location is very pleasant , al though the quarters are rather too small for the great volume of business transacted. The conveniences are all modern , and the vault is ouool the larg est and safest in the weSt , It is a borne- what romarkoblo fact that n larger num ber of young men make the Citizens' their depository than any other bank in the city , and a larger number of coun try banks do their business through it than through any other financial insti tution in the western part of the state. The Council Bluffs Insurance company occupies a linoly situated suite of apart ments on the second floor , and their rcoms are filled with the desks of as busy a sot of clerks and employes as there are in the city. The front room facing the park on Pearl street and First avenue corner is the private olllco of President A. T. Flickinger , and ad joining are the olllcas of Flickinger Brothers , attorneys for the company. The largo central room with half a dozen windows opening on the main work room of the company , and at the largest desk near the center of the row sits Secretary J. Q. Anderson , who is perhaps the hardest worker in the entire - tire building. The company is ono of the strongest in the stato. and none stands so high in the estimation of the public. It is ono of the institutions that Council BlulTs is particularly proud of. It has made a record for prompt and honor able settlement of losses that places it at the front and has created the conviction that every just loss will bo paid to the last penny , and without annoying delay. There record of business transacted during the first half of the present year bhows very satisfactory results and is the strongest proof of the popularity of the company. Premiums written up to Juno 31 , 1891 , amount to $29,011.07 , and the losses paid from January to Juno were $ .5,090.17. When it is recollected that the greater part of this business coinos from people in and around Council Bluffs where the company is host known it affords the strongest pos sible evidence of the solid popularity of the company. Rooms 20(5-7-8-9 ( on the southeast cor ner on the second floor form the olllces of Attorneys Sims & Saundors. They are pleasantly situated overlooking Main street and First avonno and comprise as finely arranged law ofllco as there is in the city. The front room on Main street is the private ollico of Mr. Sims and ad joining it is that of Mr. Saundors. Both of thebo apartments are very cozy and contain the general library of the firm and the private books of the members. Their library is ono of the largest in the city. The oilier rooms are the work shops of the employes of the firm , W. E. Bainbridge , who has charge of the col lections , and II. E. Beach , stenographer. The furniture in all the rooms is modest and rich and the carpets are heavy and luxuriant. Occupying cosy apartments on the eoe- end Iloor , Dr. M. II. Chamberlain , the well known eye and oar specialist-meets his patients during olflco hours. IIo is a ploiibant , cultured gentleman , and his reputation as a specialist in the treat ment of eye and oar diseases is second to none in the west , and ho can refer to a larger number of delicate surgical operations - orations that have recited in saving vision or restoring ho.iring than any other surgeon In the stato. Throe after- nootib oaeh week ho ty called to Omaha us consulting surgeon , SVlth Dr. Allen , the Nebraska specialist , in the Hamgo block. On the top floor in the southwest cor ner of the block are a number of the fin est olllces in the blocic. The front room of the suite with wirtlt ( ) < vs facing the west and t-outh and ojlp'o'siio the Grand hotel and looking over -the tops of the ticos in the p4rk , is occupied by lion. John Y. Stone , attornoytgeneral of Iowa. The apartment ib olugiiully furnlihod. and is ttio comfortably , uhldlng place of t ! busy man. The t'olonol Stone's private olllco ib the first one Unit strikes your eye as you htop from the elevator , and there is bomotnlng in the btylo of the lettering on the ground glass that suggests an invitation to come in if you have any business with the busy attor ney general of Iowa , but to btny out if you haven't. There Is not , however , a more genial man in the world than Colonel Stone. IIo has chobon Council UlulTb for his head- quartern on account of the number of railroads that center hero. The Mate furnishes him an olllco at Dos Moineu , WHAT WE SEEK , W SHALL FIND , Look for tlio ( lunuino CnrLsbud Spru- del Suit iind you will llnd it In every ropulublo drup htoro. It is tlio boat re medy forcoi > ntlputiondyspopsiu. and nil slonmchio and liver diseubus. 13o buro to buy only the genuine. but for the purpose of fiicllitiitliip his business with the rnllroiuls ho chooses to provide nn olllco nt his own expense hero. Tlio other npnrtmonts of the suite nro Oovoted 10 the use of the liur firm of Stone & Dawson. The junior member , Mr. T. C. Dawson , is ono of the brightest younp irton In the state. Ho is n gnmuuta of Ilnrvtvrd nnd 1ms com pleted n course in the Clncintmtl litw school. As a Mulshing touch to his edu cation ho hus spoilt n your nnd a half in newspaper work in the olllco of the Dos Moincs Register , nnd onRnjros in his chosen profession In Council UlulTs with the brightest possible prospects. Tlio proat intot'tttnto boundary case involving the jurisdiction of Cut-off islttnd tins been consigned lo him as referee. The now llrtn will bo ono of the strongest In the city. In n cozy apartment , with silken cur tains ut the windows and across the hall from Colonel Stone's of fices , the Commercial Pilgrims of America have tholr supreme council of the world. Tlio headquarters comprise the general olllcos of the asso ciation and the ollico of Supreme Secre tary A. W. Johnson. Across the wide hallway and at the elevator landing are the doors loading Into the Royal Arca num hall , the most beautiful hall In the stale , and it is here that the Commer cial Pilgrims hold their meetings. In addition to this a handsome room is lilted uj ) ns a parlor , which is open day and night for the bonolit of the members The founding of the order was an inspi ration and its growth has been one of marvels of the ago. No order was over founded upon grander or moro enduring principles , and it is certain to become ono of the leading s-ecrot orders of the times. Tlio supreme headquarters are perpetually fixed at Council UlulTs , and the present apartments in the fine Shugart block will bo visitud by travel ers from all parts of the laud. Taken from tlio Ivisetnent to the roof the Shugart blocic is a model olllco structure , and a bettor pleased lot of tenants cannot bo found than those who are there. PAIlKKIl IsiOAPHI ) . Unite Who Aliussil Mix Family Kvadcs tlio Olllcci-s. About 11 o'clock last night a telephone messagu from -t'J.'t North Fifteenth street to police headquartora iislcod for no olllcor. The wagon was sent and It wns found tlmt Sam Parker , n worthless man and a hard drinker , had boon raising n family row. Parker wont homo with a little nuro than his usual Jag and started to abuse his wife. Ho threaten oil to kill her , but changed his mind and at tempted to brain ono of his children with a hammer. The mother prevented this and scut the message asking for police protec tion. tion.Before Before the wagon arrived Parker skipped and could not ho found. Xono of the family were injured by the brutal husband nnd father , nut all wore badly scored. Cnllgraph writing machine is the best for manitolding and lor spoed. the Plans. CHICAGO , III. , Aug. 25. Changes were made today In the plans of the manufactur ers' buildings of the World's fair , which adds ton acres to the door space of the building and gives it forty acres uvnilablo for exhibit and avenues , making tlio Inmost exposition b'llldlni ! evpr constructed. M. Eiffels' proposition to erect a tower at the exposition was definitely rejected tins afternoon. An American company headed by W. E. link1 , it is snld , submitted a moro acceptable plan , For Schlltz beer apply to R , R. Grotto lU.'Ul\irna.n. ! SliepliardVns Pined. Jack Shephard , ouo of the proprietors of the Occidental hotel , was lined $ " > and costs In poll co court yesterday afternoon for keep ing a disorderly houso. His partner , Valentino tine , arrest oil on the saino charge , was dis charged. Excelsior Springs Co.'s Soterlan Ginger Alo. Hurt by a. teei % . Down at South Omaan last nlcht P. W. Lauer. n stockman , was run down by n. wild steer. In attempting to dodga the animal Lnucr ran against a post and was severely hurt. DeWltt's Little Early Risers. Gostllttln pill ever made. Cure constipation every timo. None equal. Use them now. Itciits tlinVlfo. . George Murkhun , who lives at 1019 South Fourteenth street , was arroitod last night on complaint of his wife. It is alleged that ho habitually beats and abuses her. Small In size , great in results : UoWltt's Llttlo Early Uisors. Best pill for constipa tion , bott for ickhDUuj'.u , bjit for soar stomach. THAT 31 ANA U1 A .MKAh , Another Chapter 011 die Uoyal Ai-c.-i- IHIMI'H Unpleasant iOvpi > riciuc. OMUU , Aug. 21. To the Editor ot Tut : BHK : Wo would Hko to correct the Impres sion a disinterested partv would have after reading an nrtlclo In the World-Herald issue of August 20 , nnd the article signed in the Council Bluffs column of your morning issue of this date rogardlng the treatment of Omaha people nt Lake Manawa Wednesday evening , August 19. Arrangements were made with Colonel Hood In which ho agreed to have his motor train in roadlnoss for us at Broadway , Coun cil Bluffs. This ho did not do , compelling the party to suffer a long and tedious delay. Ho also agreed to furnish us the largo boat id order to take the entire party to Manhat tan In ono trip Immediately upon tbo nirlvnl of the motor train from Council Bin IT a This ho did not do. Upon nrrlval ut Mannwn we found the boat "dead" and ho tried to ox- TO RID THE HUMAN BODY OP Tlio Poison of Disease IS TO KOHCE IT OUT TII11OU01I Till : SKIN. always docs this effectually. It treats the disease instead of the symptoms , and re- inOvcs the cause , thereby muking a cure. lire. E. J. ROWELL , No. 11 Qulncy St. , Mfdford , AInte. , eays ( hut her mother hna Inon curcil of Scrofula , by ihc use of four liottlo of C. a. af after Imlng liail muck other treatment , null 1 cliiff reduced to < ] Ultu a low condition of l.calth , ua itu > thought flu ; C'liild not lite. Ttuititc on lilood and .Skin ll ) i'n < c > i muicil ! free. BWUTBl'ECiriCCO. ' Drawer 3. Atlanta , Ga. ST. FRANCIS ACADEMY HIlAUDI.Mi AM ) DAY SCIDOL. FIFTtI AVENUE AN J S iVENTH ST. ( ' . in bo roauhoj from itnv of the dop. ti .m motor. Condiioleilliy the SNti > rsuf I'liuriiy. II V. .M TIJHMS I'ur I an 1 tiiltiun.' n ' ull liianohusof a tlnisht'd o Ino.itloii fin > o < ini ; ladles , t' " > for susilon nt live niunth > . i 'Un- inenuliu tlrst Muniluy in SuiilCMnln'r .uiil Tub- rnary ruspuotlvt > ly. fur fuitlior ' SIolT.U M'lT.UIolt. fa't , I'rauuls Academy , Cunuull lllullb , la. plain : "Tho engineer wnn sick. " Ho could hrtvo csslly obtained another ono mid ihould have dona to In order to fulfill bis purl of the contract. The result was the evening's en joyment nt MtnhnttAii was a total failure. Hood nho agreed to furnish ccrlniu refreshments - monts for n certain price , agreeing to sonro them in itrictly first class st.rlo. Ho also stated to the committee thnt ho could accom modate eighty people In one dining room nnd forty In another. U'lion n pdrtlon of the pnrty ( only what could till tables ) MU down to supper , It was found thnt bo hnd not oven begun to propnro for them. Sa.ulwlohui were not made nnd when made nnd served after fifteen to twenty minutes waiting , they were not lit to ont. Likewise thu rest of the refreshments. They had but thro. ) waiters , who were Inexjiorlcm'ed nnd tumble to Imn- dlo moru than ton to llfteon pooplo. So mnnv were dlssntlslleu ttint. they got up nnd loft without eating n thine. In regard to collecting tickets , this agree ment wns mutual , notwithstanding Mr. Heed's statement to the contrary. ' Of coiirso , the committee did' not feel like paying for something they did not gut , nnd is the man did not live up to his contract , ho wns not logallv ontltlud to It. Ho was approached preached six or seven illftVrout times , but would not listen to an arbitration. Uo then secretly connived with the mauler mechanic , engineer nnd conductor in rogtml to holding the train. One of their men secretly - crotly wont through the train nnd told the Council DlulT.s people to walk up two or throe blocks and got on the train thnt would nr- rlvo shortly , ns the twin they were on would bo hold. In the meantime thov represented to us that the train would lu.ivo Immediately upon the nrrlvnl of thu other one from Coun cil Bluff * . As soon as the train wo supposed wo were being held for arrived , the engine stturned up and blow the whistle , endeavor ing to make us bellevo they would lo.ivc , and while this commotion was going on thu other train pulled out for Council Bluffs. Mr , Heed then sent n man to Inform us that the train had been held mid unless wo caiiio to liU terms wo would hnvo to walk A largo number of Omiiha people who were not wltn the special party , of course , became In dignant nnd gave Mr. Hoed to understand he must run his train , and gave him two min utes to decidd. Ho then ordered the train to proceed. Every effort was made to compromise with Mr. Heed , but In ) acted In such an uulilTorout manner it was Impossible to got , iuy satisfnc- tioi whatever. The result was ho received no p.iy for his would-be supper that dis gusted all who attempted to satisfy their hunger. Mr. Heed and his assistant did not spend five minutes olthor In dining room or kitchen while refreshments were bolng served , not withstanding ho says ho put himself In the harness. Colonel Kocd did nothing toward obtaining a settlement , us the writer states In the artl clos In his defense , but the last time ho was approached ho wanted settlement for twen ty-llvo moro people than actual count. The fact of the matter was ho considered the party nt bis meruy nnd thought ho could "bulldoze" the committee Into oayinc for something they did not got , inasmuch as ho controlled the transportation to Council Bluffs. HOIAI. Am IMMH. With His Thumb , A boy Is said to lime saved the .Nctlicrlan ls from Inundation. Multitudes IKUO been sa\cd finm the Invasion of disease by a bottle of Aci'3 H.ii3i.iillla. | ) Tins mcdluino Imparts tone to the sjH'in and .sticngtlicna evciy nruaii and llhie of tlii > body. "I \\n\a \ \ taken a great deal of medicine , but nothing has done me so much good as Ayei's S.irsapaillla. I uxpeilenced Its bene ficial effects before I hail quite finished ono bottle , ami I can ftccly testify that It Is the best blood medicine I know of. " I , . W. Ward , sr. , Woodland , Texas. "Confined to nil nfllee , as I am , from ono year's end to another , with little or no out door exercise , I find great help In Ayer's S.uvijnrllla , which I ha > e used for several > i - ind am a. present using , with excel lent tiMitlts. It enables me to keep always at my post , enjoying the best of health. " II. C. Il.iilies , Maiden , Mass. Ayer's Sarsaparilla 1'IIKI'ARKI ) IIY DR. J. O. AYER & CO. , Lowell , Ma.-u. Bold by Uructiloti. $ ldlx$3. Worth $5 a bottle. SPECIAL NOTICES. COUNCIL BLUFFS. AOljHAK fl.OOii Iowa faun to oxcnunKo for OiiKilm resUloiu'o.llliissiiinysiuiill on- ounibranco. Johnston & Van I'atten Counell GOOD p ivInB d.ilry for H.ilo at a irreat bur- Kiiln If t.ikon lit on o. lniiiliu | of Jolin- fen & Van I'.ilten , Kvorelt blocic. \\7AVi'ni > lo Trade F'lru-niom honso. full ' > lot In Omaha for house and lot In Counull Bluffs. I ) , llrotvn , 1'IL' Ilio.ulnay. "MjAIKVOVANT.inii syehomulile , or ehnr- C ' nctcr readings : also diagnosis of disease nond loclc of hair for readings by letter. Knn- i-ays uud evenings. Mrs R Hooper , Hi ! Ave nue EX near corner l" > th street , Counull Iiluirs > . Terms , fljo and tl.O ) . _ ' - In flvo-aero MAGNMl'MCKNTai-rouropoity tracts located -'i miles from postolllco , forsalo on roasnnulilo terms i-omc line resi dence property for rent by D.iy & Hess. "KJAOK.-A.IjS ) or Hunt Oardaa land , wlti JU houiui , Uf J. U. Uloo. U < Uam it. , OouaoU Bluffi Dreadful Skin Disease. Aflllcts n \ \ cKnnnn \ \ Mcrrlmnt. Kch- Ing and Ittirnlng Tcrrllilo. Hoctora anil nil ItcmciUo.s Fall. Tries Cntlrnrn. H-lli'TCil by ( ho I'lrst Application nml Entirely Cnrt > il In FUo Atinnt plihlnon month * nta n numll M" < ? k l > - prnro.l . on mjr iuiKK < It rox'mMpil n null vnlc It bo- cniui lu r. nml 1 runinlloil n | > li > l inn who pro. lion 11 1 nil It | iv > ilnil nr mnnlo lillvmr to nuidiro- fonihlc 1 moMHjr. I niM'lli'it IMI ointment , tint It iprriul nntll nt Ian II riirpriM nlniiml nijr cnllrii Mr milTorlni ; wm mniipthlng ti'rrllilo hnrnlnx nlirt llcli- Inn < ! > n nllin cvmiminUr mull It ln'onmn iilmuit 1111- rmtur.tnla I viltcrr.l . torturiM otiircinllr nl nlitht , niul for two ni.Miiln I wa < t'omiiolleil to ilocp with ulirai on , I i rmiuMlp < porntt' t muiM Imvi'tflrou nntthlnitto lu ii'llotml of lliu Itrtilnit "unimtlon. I trlpil a milliner of rnitioillix ntihntit nnr rcllof. I WM wini'dtiM to Irr rinri'Hihl I ill < l. nn.l lo nip Krcnt virirlM\ | I vrn riMliiTiM flor tlif tlrst up- pllrntinn I u.o.l [ ii.M'i Tin Id ti in I MoAl'nmt e'crui'iiA Iti-iMvrNr iiooonlliiK to Olrnollon * for nlioiit four nr llvo wiv > k wh n I win iMillrnly ourcJ. lint " n r.'lior It n < to mo ntior thu muTorlnv I wont Ihrmiuh tntnimt npiMk nllli too iniirli fnvor lor ( lii ' ( riirrin Hi MKIIICM. ' nn.l I would roo.mi- mcnil It IK nil tlio.i' H ho nro mirroring from the itm * illianio tint I linre MiitnriM JOHN T Mf.t.ODV , of Mci.onv Iliionmt * Wrnndutte. Mich. Cuticura Resolvent Tlio ni' t blood mill skin purifier uud crunti'it orliiiinor rein IMI IIM. Intcnuilly .to oloain:1 : the lilund of nil Impurities , ami tlnm remove tlin i niisoi. nml ( fTU L IIA. tin' slJn euro , nml Ci'Tii ITIIMIU > . tin t\nulsiti ) Mkln bimutlflor , t'Mctimlly ilooli'iir tlipiiUlu nml * Milti mid ro- iloro the lui 1 1 1 , oillti nvi'rv inoolciof iixonlz- In i ; . Itrlilnt : . burning , truly , uud pimply itls- usiM'sof the skin , Honlp. mid hlood. Sold every < < horn I'l Ico. ( . 'n ictrn \ , Mo. i Si * i * S o ; lth < nl.UN r , f I. Prop iroil liv tint 1'OTlKll HiiroM > ClU'MlrM , ( 'OIII'OH\TION ll.lMOII. . C'f'M'iid ' for "How to i' uro SKIn Duo isi't. " Cl P.IKI" . " > ' llluilratlon * . nml 10 1 UHllmiinl.its. IM.KS , lilni'U ho id . ted , lunch , chapped mi lolly skill I'm od l > y I'fTieuid MM' ) . I CAN'T BREATHE , riioit I'uliis foroni'ss , \ \ iiUMO < ii , ' ' " ' CoUKh. Asthma I1 onrlsv , Inllamtniitlnn uri n \ r.n IN IIMJ MIM TKliy the e rin mi\ I'LSTKII. . N.itll llrf lll.O It fill WtMU lllllRS COUNCIL BLUFFS STEAM DYE WORKS , All klmlH of Hyolii'iinl ( Cioanlns donu l th hlKbiM M > leof thu art. 1'adoil mid etui nod fabrics imidr to took as good ns MOW lied fcutliori eluaiicd tiy stoniu In Ilist-ch s IIIIIH- uor. Work luomiJtly domtitiid ilollvuroil In all parts of the country. S"iid for prlcit list. C. A. MAfllAN. - - PKOI'UIKTUlt. 10ii ; llroiulwuy. Nour Norllnvos oni Dunot , ' III.UFM. I ( ) A. CITIZENS STATE BANK Ol Council Bluffs. CAPITAL STOCK . $150,000 SURPLUS AND PROFITS . 70,000 TOTAL CAPITAL AND SURPLUS . $225,00(1 ( niUKCroiis-I. A Mlllor. lO. . ( llonsan. li It , Hhumirl , I" I. . II rt. .1. I ) . KdniuniUon. TharlcS U Iliiiiiian , Truns.u't general linnkliiK lmnl- nesM , I.nrsost capital ami surplus of uny biuilt In Southwestern Iowa. INTc-REST ON TIME DEPOSITS. FIRSTS ATIOKAL BAM OF COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. Paid Up Cnn'tal . $100,000 Olilun orRiuilrcil hunk III the city. Foreign and domestic uxi'hnnKO unit Ideal scrurltloi. Kspeclnl ntli'iitlon p.U.I Hi collccllim" . Acoiiunti of InillvlJ- nuH bnnkH. bnnkt'rft and corporations loltcltud. Corri'Hpomient tnvltoit. GKO. 1' . SANKIUI ) . 1'runlilcnt. A. W HIIIK.MAN , Cnihler. A. T. KICK , . Cnshlcr. r * \ n TTP i T'Txir * PT/MTI O GASHEAIINGSIOVES , NO ASHES. NO SMOKE Just the tiling for bath rooms , bed iooniHeto. ( Jill and sen our largo ussoi tiuent , C. B. Gas and Klcctric Light Co. , gll I'uurl and aiO Main Htroou _ THE GRAND Council Bluffs , la. THIS ELEGANTLY APPOINTED HOTEL IS NOW OPKN. N. A. TAYLOR , Manager. TWIN CITY STEAM DYE WORKS , O A. &o iueJ-nck , Proprietor , Oifluos OJl Drondway , Council Bluffs and 13U1 Fai-nam St. , Omaha. Dye , clean and roflnldh floods of every deaorlption. Packages received at either office or at the Works , Cor. A-ve. A and Olh St. Council Bluffs. Send for price list. MurohuntH who Intvo nhiip-worn or welled fatjfici of tuiy oliaruotor can htiVQ tlioin rrd.vod nml llnhhod uiiul | to now. HKU l-'KATHKUS UKNOVATKD AND Cf.KANKIJ HY STHAM , with tlio and most approved iuuchinoryuloat ut loss coat thuii you uvor [ aid boforo.