THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : 1UESDAY , AUGUST 25 , 1801. OMAHA LEADING THE RACE , Yeatorday's ' Oamo Gnvo the Lambs an Eyelash Hold on First. SOUX CITY BEATEN IN A FINE GAME. J'leldH' Thrcc-HnKKor Did the Iluisl- niiflu Denver Took thn Third. from KanmiH City Other Gniucf ) . Omaha , fi ; Sioux City , 3. Denver , 7 ; Kansas City , 5. Sioux CITT , la. , A up. 24. [ Special Tele gram to TIIK BKE. | ThoIIuskcrs again wont aown today before the stalwart Oinahas Tii * homo team had vowt-d revenge for yes terdny's experience , and betting was frco that the green onrth would Ira duly moppcc with the rlsltors.and a strenuous effort was j.We for that purpose. Billy Hart went Into the box and ho emptied his vlnocnr barrel In his effort to win. For flvo Innings fate scomod against the visitors. In the second Inning the homo team pol two tallies. Shlobcck got the llrst on Fields' bad throw and Hole second , lOirrl'o got to llrst base on bulls nnd both advanced on S'.raujs' sacrifice , nnd scored on Morrlssoy's smj'lo. in the fifth Inning Hart , got n base on balls , the fourth ball going wild and letting him to Bi'cond , and Swartwood brought him In with a pretty hit. So far thn visitors Were unable to seoro. In the second Inning Dungan and Flanagan got as far ns second and third bases , but by a close play the third man was cut off at first b.tso. In the fifth inning they got Stein as far ns third base , but no further. It wai In the sixth inning , after a good dcnl of hard luck that the tables were suO- dculy turned. McGlouo cot a base on balls , but was crowded ofT nt second by Dungan. McClellan hit n flno ono to right Held and than Flannngan getting a base on balls the buses were full. Thorcopon Shields knocked n throo-baggor. It was a long , high fly nnd nltliough Swnrtwood got under It and claimed It got In the sun , the material fact remains that ho did not save the liy , and the baios were cleared. Fields scored on Walsh's sacrifice. In the very next inning the visitors contin ued to be gluttons. Alter Wright fouled out Day got a single and stele second. McGlono got a single and Dungan flow out. Dny and iMi-Glone stele ahead and scored on McClcl" Inn's pop-up , which Nicholson muffed. All this time and till the end of the game the Huskers were knitting their brows and passing resolutions , but they could not hit the ball or despatch any business whatever. Luck forsook them. They were no longer lu It. . Score : SIOUX CITV. Totals .11 a 5 ! 4 1.1 1 BCOltK IIV INNINHS. Bioiix City . 0 8 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 3 Omaha . * 0 susiMAltr. f . - I'-nrnod run : Onmlia. 1. Three-base hit : \ Holds. Sncrlflcn lilts : Sioux Ultjr. ! I ; Oiniiha. 4. on bulls : Sloiu C'lty , 2 ; Omah.-i , B. Struck out : Ily llnrt , 2 ; by Stein , ( I. Time : Una hour anil thirty minutes. Umpire : Knight. It Tin-no Straight. DENVER , Colo. , Aug. 24. Denver and Kan sas City played twelve innings today before IJo'nvor won the gamo. The features were Founder's stop of n red hot liner and Board's work at short. Score : UBNVEll. KANSAS CITY. All iDPn A t. AII III l-O A V. Ilnrno , If U g 3 0 U , 2b.ft O'Connor , cf..ll 2011) ) Kntz. er 4 1 2 U 1 Tphonti , Hi.I .1 i ; 1 u Cninon , cf..2 o 0 00 I ! 0211 ricVett. s..B 1 1 0 Mcrrlck , Zb. . . 0 7 I Smith. If S 1 1 00 .M.Knrr.1b..4 dtonrna , lb..4 'i 1:1 : 0 0 . O. rf..8 1 210 Uoovur , rf.,1 3200 V 11.1011. u 1 0000 L'orpontur , ab..5 llrpimiin,0. . . . & t 3 i 0 Wllaon , c ( i I I 0 0 > 'ournlor , | > . . .t lloacli , p 4 2010 va'olnl 4T 15 'MSI I ! Tolal II lisii 13 i SCO'llK IIV I.VM.vnrf. Denver. . f 2 7 JinliBiia Citjr 0 0 5 StT.MMAIlV. Knrnort runn : llonvcr , fl : Knnsni City. R. Two- linty lilts : OToiinor. 1'lqkult , Stcnrna , TO'JL-HU , Jtrl.arr , Hums. 'J'lireq-bufu lilts : ilninilnc. Homo ri.ns : Htcarni , Tclioilu. Btolun Imven : O'Connor , Muiiiiln . Donlilo i > Iny : .Mvliiirr , Werrlck nnil Ti'ljoauj Wcrrlck nnd Tobiiauj Kourntrr nnd V , ' " ? " ' l'lf"tln o OH. Ipiills : OH Fuurnlor , 0 : Hnkcli,2. lilt liy pltolieil ball : aprnnuc.DHIruclc out ! Ily Fournli-r. 3 ; Itoncli. 0. l-ins.-il bulls : HlPiiimn , 1. Wild iiltolum : Foiirnler , lHuch ; , 1. 'Unto : Two houra nnd thirty mlniiloii. Unuilro : Oollncy. Western 1'lnvud WotL 'Lost. Pur Ct. Oirinhn . 1)1 ) 18 43 .ft'7 HlolixCJIty . 1U1 Kl 48 "va.- , KnneiisClty . 11U M fil goa Denver . ICO 44 6tt AiO O3llll.t'H I'JtOSl'JSCTti. Clint About the < lii ! > nnd the Outlook lor tlio SOIIHOII. The Western association Is now hard at work on a four club basis , and will undoubt edly finish tbo season In this form. The Omaha's will return Thursday morning from Sioux City , and In the afternoon meet the Kansas CUys lu thu of a series of four gumes the 2Tth , 2.Slh , 2'Jth and Both. On September 1 , 2 , ! 1 nnd1 Denver will bo hbro niid on the 6th , Oth , Tth and 8th the Sioux I'ltys. Until Saturday Manager Leadloy was the next thing without pitchers , but now has McNnbb , Hart and Stein , nnd ho considers the team as strong ns any In thn association. Until recently the boys have been hitting well , nnd It was only poor work in the box that lost them so many games. In the last two games , however , the twirling tins been superb , and there Is but little doubt but what the Lambs will quickly pick UP lu their stick work again. Anyway It is safe to gunrantco good hall , nnd the public , who nro iiioro or loss Interested lu the club's fortunes for another year , will likely strain a point In giving It good support for the balnnco of the M'uson. In Manager Leadloy Omaha 1ms n manager sho. can feel proud of. Ho is nn educntod , cultured nontlemnn , and ranks high In the estimation of the base ball world. Another season and as tlnb base ball as has ever been softn In ' .his city will bo forthcom ing under his competent management. David In Slle.nt. ' LINCOLN , . Nob. , Aug. 21 , [ Special Tele gram to TUB UIK. : ] Dave Howe Is back In Lincoln , having failed tocatchon to the man agerial position of the .Minneapolis ball team. Dave claims ho can account for all tha money received by him except > 00. As to the fata of tbotSOOO D.IVO Is reilcqut. The Lincoln iinrohauts ; who have loaned him thousands of dollar * are onxlqus to know It they are to Ua , palO tha money duo thorn , but L'avo has tiothlua to say , Vloktry IMtolH'il Another Winulnjj Onino 1'or Unolo An on. CHICAGO , III. , Aug. 31. Vlokory pitched lils'second game for the coming champion * today , and allowed the Hflilegrooms but flvo bits. He was wild , and gave seven bases ou balU , but allowed none of them to RCoro. Cahithera also pitched a good game , but the Chicaicos. inado their hlu Juit- when needed ami earned three of tbolr four runt. Hyan's throw from center , cutting off Foutr. t the plate , was the featuroiof tbo game. Bcorot ( Jhlcnco . 1 4 Ilroukijrn . u o 0 0 0 0 J 0 0 I tilts : ChlciiRO. 10 : llrooklyn. D. Error * ) Clilcnco , 4 ; llrooklyn. 2. Ilattcrles : Vlckery nnd f-chrlTcn Oiiruthorsniid Klnslow. Earned runs : Oilcano , 3 , l.fCK AMI 1UJ.V 8AVKt > TUB OIAXT8. CISCINSATI , O. , Aug. 21. Cincinnati hit Hwlng hard enough to win any ordinary gamu , but Now York came in with three hits In the seventh that scored two runs and won the gamo. In the first half of the ninth Cincinnati tied the icoro , but rain set In and after the proscribed bolt hour the game Was called. Secret Cincinnati . 1 2 New York . U 0 0 1 0 0 ' . ' 0 3 lilts : ; Now York .1 Errors : Cincinnati. ( i ; riltfthur . I. . Kurnt-d runs : t'ln- c iinatl,2 ; Now York. 2. Jlattprle * : Hhities ml llarrliiKton ; KwliiK nnd Itnckley. liniKBTT IS TIIK NATIONAL Ci.nvr.t.ANi ) , O. , Aug. 24. Good bnttlne and plenty of U by the Phillies won thogamo today. Ofrubor was taken out of the box nnd Voting substituted , but the latter was hit , lust as hard. Cleveland could not hit Kspor with men on bases. Iliu-katt made a good Impression t > y flno playing. Score : Cleveland . o a .S I'lilladolphla . 1 0244100 * -3 ! lilts : Clovaland , 7 ; Philadelphia , IT. Errors : Cleveland , 1 ; I'hlliulolplilu. a. llatti-rles : ( irn- lior. YoutiR and /Dnmcr ; Espcr and Cloments. Kariiud runs : Cleveland , 1 : I'lilladolphla , 6. TOOK t.inKllTIIM WITH KID. I'lTTsnimii , Pn. , Autr. 21. The homo team won a well played pnmo today by superior fielding and timely hitting. Score : PlUstinri ; . 00002200 2 B Motion . 0 0 'I lilts : Plttsbnri ; , 7 : Iloilon , ! " > . Errors : I'llls- bnrg. I ; llo-iloii , 4. Iviirncd runs : I'lttslmrx. 4 ; Itoston , - . ' . llMtterli's ; lluldwln and .Mllk-r : Nichols and flnnzull. National l < caitut Stiniliiii ; . I'la.veJ. Won. fx > st. Tor Ot. Clilcnpo . 10-J ftlW Hi ) Itoston . 1)3 ) W 41an AS ! New York . oa fi4 an Ml I'hilatlolulila. . . . . . IO 5:1 : ta llnioklyn . 07 47 soM Clovolnnd . 1IC 40 M Cincinnati . 101 02 I'lttsburjt . 101 63 AMKIllGAX ANHOUI.IT1OX. Booton Takes Another Htep Awny from thn Other TcaniH. DOSTON , Mass. , Aug. St. Mlko Sullivan was a trifle steader than on Saturda3- , but his support was n llttlo off , and as tfaddock re ceived perfect backing the Reds won. Score : lloston . 1 0-6 Alhlutlcs . 2 U lilts : Huston , Si At.hlctlc * . a Errors : IIo < ton , 0 ; Atlili'ilcs , : i. lliitterios : Ilitddoekand iMnrphy ; Sullivan and iMIHUan. Earned runs : llasioii , ' . ' ; Athletics : ! . SHUT OUT THE SHANNONS. BAI.TIMOIIR , Md. , Aug. 2-1. The Haltlmoros changed their luck today and defeated Wash ington by a score of 1U to 0. Score : Haltlinore . 0 8020 3-13 Washington . 0 00000 0 lilts : Baltimore. II : Washington. II. Errora : Italllinore , \Vashtnginii 1 ; , X Itatti-rics : Madden ui.d 1'olilnson : Duke nnd McUulre. Earned runs : Italtimoro , 2. American A.ssou-iition titurllni ; I'lnyO'l. Won. i.osu I'or Ct. noston. . . . . .ll 7t : St. 1-ouls . 108 (13 ( 40 Italtimoro . 101 55 45 .B45 Athlotlcs . 102 ! i2 50 AW Columbus . 10G 51 55 .476 .MHwiuikoo . 100 43 57 Loulivllle . 108 117 C9 Washington . 100 34 CO .340 A3IOXU AMATKURti. DliniioiKlH Didn't Two hundred nnd fifty people watched the Diamonds and Models play nlno innings for $2."i n side nnd thn gftto receipts. If tbo score Is to bo rolled on the Diamonds were out of their sot , for they didn'tshino with anything lllte lustra in the gamo. This is the tally- sheet : Sl'MMAUV. Two-bniahlta : llnrdln. Oliver , Illnkel. Unne on bulls : Oil CuniniliicH , Ii ; I.lnd.iny , 7. lilt by pitcher : Ily I'lmlnuy , 2. Struck out : Jly Cuiniiilnirn , 8 ; l.lnd- nny , 10. Wild pitches ; Lindsay , l > . I'nssud bulln : Crosby , lj Krnnk , 3. Tflno : Ono hour and forty minutes. Umpire : ( JeorRoOllTcr. Hoodooed the Hoodoo * . The Williams street Stars and Hoodos crossed bats nt the former's grounds. The Hoodos wore outplayed at every point. The features of the ( jamo were tno hatting and work Of Krebs ; behind the bat and the homo run of Honza : SC011K 11V I.NNINOS , Stnrx 3 II 0 3 2 0 9 0 0-22 looilos r. . . . 0 0-i RUMMAllr. Knrnnd runs : Stars , 12 ; Ilooilo , 3. Twn-bnio ilt.n : Xaylc , Vomnclin. Tlreo-tmtu ( lilts : Krcbs. ( omo runs : Krubs , 3 : Honzn , toinnicrB. stolen bneoa : ritnra , 10 ; llooito. 6. Hnse on bulls : Illlsor , : llon < n,2 : Ut-ilul , 3 , Hit by l > ltthi > r : llusor. 2 : ti-iteli. ; Htrdckodt : Ilmor , 10 : Uonz.i. Hcdol.i : . tuns United In : Krolu , 6 ; /Tie , 'J. Tliuo : One loiirnna tblrty minutes. Umplro : Ituuion. The game between the Elirhteoath street Stars nnd Labyrinth Juniors yesterday resulted - sultod ns follows : HL'.MJIAIIV. I'arnoil runn : Stars , 12 ; Labyrinth , K. Tire bnso ills : Wlrtli , llnrt uilil llona. lloiiin run : Whlpiilt- . Kmble plays : Hart tu Cruluy to Kir mi. Huso on lallBiitl : l.ynmn , ! | ; Wnllur , 4. lilt by pitcher : liy .yman. Struck , out : Ily l.yninti. .i ; Wnlli-r , 7. Wild iltrbri : Ily Wnllur , 2. ] 'is eil Imlls : Ily Wlrth I ; by irubnin , 2 , Tlmo of linme : One hour nud forty- seven uilniitt-s. Umpire : l.vailer. The \VcKt UiiinliaH Win. Tha West Oinahas won a good game from , ho monitors yesterday nftornoon. Thoscoro : TolaU . . .37 19 27 lit 6 Totals 11 3 0 SO v IIV IN.NINIIS. Monitors 2 03000050-8 West Omubn 0 3 I I 2 < U 1 1-ld HUM MA IIV. HUM cnriifil : Went Omnhn. 1) : Mnnltorn , I. Haies on bulls : UIT Vulu , 5 ; r'nl , 2 ; Jellt-n , 4 , lilt by plti-hc-r : Ily Yulu-J ; by Knl. 0 ; by Jiillon.O. Struck uut : Ily Yule. 15 : by fat. 3 ; by .lellun , 3. Wild pilches : y Yule , H ; by Vat. U ; by .lullon , 2. Two- base hltl : Mc'ulllln Tnreu-bnto hits : Vlilo. llnss balls ; lly ( jralmm , 2 ; by Hi'lord. 3. Time of mime ; Two hounmnd tnunty minute * . Umplru : Kcllyon. s nilutl In n How. NBWMIX GHOVK. Isoh. , Auj. 21. [ Special to TUB XJKF.J An Interesting garao of base ball was well under progress here yesterday between the married men and Clippers of this place , but It resulted in u row. The score at the third Inning standing 0 to4 In favor of the married men. Didn't IMny but Will. QM.UU , AUR , St. To the Sporting Editor ot TIIR OCR.Wo uotlco In the Susn.vr HEK th t the Collins Gun company defeated the Western Tinware Manufacturing company. \Vo wish to * uy that our club did not play ball Saturday , nnd knew nothing about the gnmo. If the Collins Gun club wishes to play us , It can have n game far fun , marble or chnllc. WEJVTF.HX TINWAIIB MA > crACTum : o COM PANT. 'J tin TormontH Ijooklnir Tor Trouble- The TorraonU would HKO to hear from the captain of the Hnrtwells or from any clul from 10 to 18 years of niro , Address T Mnohal , 1707 South Fourteenth street. 'iiil > KINU. nt. lltitiiilirlnfl. ) The races nt Humphrlos driving park Humphries , Neb. , last week were a success In ovary particular. Summaries of the dlf ferout events are subjoined : Knrinors' trottiiiK race , best .1 In . * > heats : .lack l 1 .Maud McO 2 ' . ' a Ncbrastfn Husy 3 3 3 Tlmo : 3:10 : , ; iii : : < { and : iK. : I'reu-for-all , trotting nnd pacing , 2 ln,1 : I'robublllty . . 3 1 ItolxlnMafd 1 l : Edward II 233 Time : 2:4t4 : : ! , 2IWJ : ! and 2t2Ut { . Itiinnlns , ono-Qtiartor mile dash : OlltKiliso. ! 1 Itlllytho Kid : Hlmu : 2 , " > V4 xocond.s. Hiinnln ; , ' , farmers' horses , one-half mlle : Katie 1 1 NIB 2 2 Holly 11 I ( test time : Kl'.J ooeonds. Uiinnlni ; , free-for-all , one-half mlle ; honts Rod Mosul 1 II Dan llanoy 512 I.lltlo .loo 2 a : Jndcu Ij 4 D 4 Gold Dollar , 5 4 B Time : 01 , K'M. ' ; . Day at Harnlo n. SMIATOOA , N. Y. , Aug. ! )4. ) Today Is the llfth extra day of the second meeting of the races horo. The track was lumpy. r'list raco. for 2-yoar-oUK live and ono-hnlf fnrlniiKS. tun starters. Thu raeii tothcHtreteh was between tlnelo Him , 104 ( 'JO to 1) ) , anil Altnii colt , 101 (10 ( to 1) ) . lloth , however , wt-ro shut out by half a loneth in the finish by John \Vlnkln.lOK2tol ) , ITncio Sim.ocond , Alma colt third. Tlmo : 1:11. Second race , for 11-year-olds and upwards , ( me mlle , seven starters : llullwood , 112 (8 ( to ! i > , won eanlly In IrlMi , Lore ! Harry , 111 (1 ( to 1) ) , second , O'nssliiR. 11' ' , (5 ( to 1) ) , third. Third race , for . ' 1-year-olds nnd upward , six ftirloncs. Ten starters : Ijiuly I'ul.slfcr , 103 ( ! to II. lud all the way and won In llfii. : ( Ital- irownn , IDS ( u to fi ) , second , Lyceum , lOd 13 to 1) ) , third. Fourth race , for n-year-old ? and upward , IIvi ) and one-half furlongs. Nine .starters : Worth , 126 (3 ( to 1) ) . won In a line fin Mi , Koss II. , Il'.i ' ( : i to 1) ) , second , Hello of Orange , 118 ( oven ) , third. Time : lia 1-lftliraco. Kiivon fiirlonKH. Elsht starters : Salvlnl , ll K ! to 2) ) , won In n cantor In 1:31. : Oentanr. 118 (8 ( to fi ) . second , U. K. Wood , 118(15 ( to 1) ) , third. Great Hue-Ins ' Indcpcndnnuc. Ixnr.i'nxncxcG , la. . Aug. 24. The struggle for the ? 0,000 hung up In purses and stakes by the Indcpondonca Driving Park associa tion began today under favorable clrcum- stnnccs. The track was In its best form. The weather was good , and the 3,000 people in attendance witnessed a great afternoon of sport. With the exception of the yearling stake , every heat was gene In less than 2:20. : The State band of IJos Moines , Iowa's pride , nud the ICopf baud of Sioux City entertained the crowd between heitta. It was a Dad day for the talent. In no rare were they nblo to pick tha winner. Summaries : The Yonrllns stakes. $ , - > .OCO : Mnrgrnvn won , WiHtfnl second , Winchester third , Klloro fourth. Host time : 2:411. : 2'JI : trot , pnrso JI.WIU : Honest George won , Ileinont cecoml.Tosca thlid , Mattlo II fourth , lioattlmu : 2"I7. : ICdna , by Dictator Chief , to boat 2:30 : , wont In 2:21. : Ineast , to boat 2:18. : wont In 2:17. : ICoyWllkes , to boat 2u8i : ! , paced lu 2:10.1 , Trotting t Crcston. CHBBTOX , Id. , Aug. 2-1. fSpcclal TolO- grum to THE BnE.J Thu races today were very exciting. Summary : I'lrst rftOf. trottlnu. 2:29 : class , DlirsO J500. Carrie was favorite In thu mutimls and WU.'i easily , though Lnolla trottud u , very fast heat and seenren u rueord of 23'j. ! ? . Stiiiiinary : U rrle Luellu 2 2 1 2 Orion dr. Time : 2:42 : , 2t7'4 : : , 2ai'.i : , 2US ; . Second ruco , trotting , 2U ) class , purse , S.iOO. Artlslan Ill D.'ineur 244 Joo. . . 4 2 't Sarah Gllblrd 3 2 3 Tlmo : 2si : : ) $ , 2iO. : : 2iOi. : : ! Major llankiiiH' Uncos. CHICAGO , III. , Aug. 24. Garfleld park re sults : I'lrst race , three-fourths of a mlle : Hob McUart won , Hornvu Luland secona , Bill Nye third. Time : l--3 : , becond rnco. mlle and fifty yards : Hlue llnnnor won , Joe Woolimm second , Unlucky third. Time : 1X'H. : ' Third rniJo , tliruc-iiuartora of a mlle : Nora O won. Crab Cider second , Governor Koss third. Time : 1:24. : . Kourtli race , oilo mlle : Deelared oh" . Fifth race , llve-t-lphtlis of a mllo. Covorton won , TllHu S , second , liovoinor 1'nrter third. Time : 1:08U- : Sixth race , one mlle and seventy yards. Ora won , Marie K. second , Arnndel third. Time : Colonel Corrlfjnn HcstH , CHICAOO , Aug. 24. Today's races at Haw thorne were postponed on account of the heavy condition of the track. .S OP Sl'UltT. Ilobnrt Will Moot Hovey. Nnwl-oiiT , It. I. , Ahg. ! 34. This morning Clarence Ilobnrt and Y. G. Hull played a match in the soml-linal round tournament to see who should hnvo the right to contest apaint liovey tomorrow for all comors. Ho- bart's gnino rcsemtiled much the style of play used by Gcorgo Kerr , the Irish profes sional , two years iirfo , He won three succes sive sols , his playing in the third being the over soon by an amateur at Newport. Wyoming Firemen. Hot-ic SPIUNOS , Wye. , Aug. 24. [ Special Telegram to Tun BIE. ] The State Firemen's tournament was hold here today. In the 500- foot race Cheyenne came tlrst in 37 seconds , and Hawltns was nccond. In the afternoon rnco Unwllns was llrst and Cheyenne second. ' There wore SSOO in prizes. A 'banquet was given tonight nnd the association meetings will bo hold tomorrow. it'ii.r. iiKTiritx Tin : Ono DcolHlon of tlio I'ostmnster Gen cral That Will Moot with Approval. CHICAGO , 111. , Auir. 24 , Postmaster Sexton of this city will return to the senders all money orders nnd roistered loiters mi- dressed to the National Capital Saving Uutldlng and Loan association that has boon received since that concern's affairs were found to bo In such bad shape. The receiver tried hard to obtain nn order from the court giving him possession of such loiters , but failed. Mr. Sexton sent to Washington for Instruction as to what was to bo done with the letters and the postmaster general directed him to return money orders nnd registered mnll lo the senders , but to allow regular letters to pursue their ordinary course. This decision was received this morning and Mr. Sox ton proceeded at once to return the letters. There nro letters from all parts of the country to stop registered packages and money orders. Westerners In Now York. NEW YOIIK , Aug. 24. [ Special to TUB BKK.J Mr. L. Meyer of Lincoln , Nob. , is at the liolvldoro houso. J. lDnrr iiiul MM. S. Hichnrds of Lin coln , Nob. , are at the M urray Hill hotel and St. Stephen hotel respectively. Mr. H. U. Murldllh , Sioux City , is at the International hotel. K. U. .Meredith , Sioux Falls , Is at the Aster houso. Mr. W. H. MeConvllle , Atlantic , Is at the Cosmopolitan hotel. Mr. A. T. Hector o ! Omaha is at the Con tinental hotel. William J. Welch nnd wlfo , Iowa City , nro nt the Astor house. Among the arrivals of American tourists from Europe nroj Mr. Matthew Uiolonborg of Charlotte , la. , who was ou the Fulda of the North Gorman-Lloyd company. Approved the flnretlf-n. CIIICAQO , III. . Aug. 24 , Judge Dlodgett entered an order this morning qualifying the American Surety company of Now York ns bhrctlcs on the fc-VW.OOO required from Adolpti HosowUch n receiver of the United States Uolllng Stock 'company , which suipondud Ust fall. 'WILL ' BE A GREAf OCCASION , Muob Interest Hanlfostod in the Grand Island Reunion. ACTIVITY THROUGHOUT THE STATE. Twrntjr-Tlireo ItnntlH of Music Already KtiKn od and Mora Will He Added - IJt'Toro the Flnul ArrniiKO- ments arc Completed. GII.VMI IM.\NI > , Neb. , Aug. 21. fSpocIal Telegram to Tin : Bnr. . ] General Cole Is In the city today , arranging national guard matters. Department Commander Teeter Is also In the city attending to rcui.lon details. An additional car load of touts ordered- from Chicago Friday night arrived this morning. Fifty flno uniforms for company A , Second regiment , Nebraska National guards , were roshlppod to Kearney today by .special request - quest to enable said company to como down to the reunion rigged out In their best. The work of putting up tents and booths has been rushed today with nil possible speed and a splendid showing has been made. Ap plications for booth privilege * and for quar ters In camp continue to como In lively and the whole state appears to bo enthused. The cornet bands applying and already se lected by the committee number twenty- throe , with un aqgregato membership of 400. They nro as follows : Wood Kivor , Mad ison , Gibbon , Ohlown , Schuylor , Alexandria , Western , ICeuesaw , Pawnee City , Bellwood , Lexington , Lincoln , \Vahoo , Genoa , Kearney , Midway Boys' and Industrial school , David City , Lushton , Alusloy , Eagar , Ashland and Waterloo. In addition to thoje there will bo two regimental bands with the Nebraska National guards. Captain Culver of Milford is In the City to night reshipplng uniforms and equipments for his troop of cavalry. Everything Is moving along niooly and systematically in nil lines and all are now convinced that the greatest crowd over wit nessed In Nebraska will bo soon at the Grand Island reunion this year. Knox County Teachers. CIIEIOUTON , Nob. , Aug. Ut. ( Special to Tim BRIS. ] The ICnocounty touchers Insti tute opened here today for a two week's ses sion with about sixty teachers In attendance. The number will bo Increased tomorrow to about 100. Superintendent McCllntock has secured the snrvlees of Prof. J. H. Shoup of Sioux City , superintendent of schools In Woodbury county , Iowa , ns conductor. This makes the sixth institute which Prof. Shoup has had lu charge this year. Ho will Do as sisted by Superintendent McClintock and Prof. It. LI. Hoff , principal of the Croighton graded schools. State Superintendent Goudy and Prof. Knkostrnw will both deliver lectures - turos before the Institute. Youthful HASTINGS , Neb. , Aug. 24. [ Special Tele gram to TIIK Bun. ] Yesterday afternoon between 4 : UO and fl o'clock the house of .Tor- oino Crowley , on Bellevue avouuo and Second end , was entered by burglars while the fam ily was absent. They galnod an cntranco by breaking In a wire screen and a win dow. The thieves were frightened oft by the return of the family , taking with them u gold watoh with diamonds , a flno ladies watch chain , bronst and hat pin , a quantity of silverware and a small amount of monoy. The descriptions of the thieves are well known. Ono was a lad about 14 years old tbo other slightly , elder had his right lee out on below the knoo. They were traced to Grand Island. County K , NOD. , Aug. 24. [ Special Tele gram to Tn BKE.J The city is thronged With delegates tohSsJi * to the Gage county republican convention , tviiU"0 assembles In this city tomorrd'vr. Tno utmost .Inn5rit is manifested and' lively tlmo fs predicted for the meeting of the republican The principal fight scorns to center on the nomina tion for treasurer. The present incunuVpnts of all the county ofllces nro candidates for\ve- nomtnation and a maorlty ) of them hall frotv1 Beatrice. It is impossible to predict ' any In telligible result otlmr than one'of tliolivilioit conventions over hold in the county. Omaha Girl In Trouble. LINCOLNNob. . , Aug. 21. [ Special Telo- ? ram toTnnBEE.1 About a week ago two lioys giving the names of Jack Davis and Jack Jones were arrested on suspicion of being bank burglars. Tonight it was acci dentally learned that Jack Jones was a girl of 17 named Lonnio Jones who was masquerading In metis clothes. She ad mitted that she had gone to the bad and said ; hnt recently slio had been living at Thir teenth and Jackson street , Omaha. She is qulto an attractive appearing girl. New Xclu-ntku Brink. NKWMAN GUOVE , Nob. , Auer. 24. [ Special Telegram to Tin : Bui : . ] The Citizens' State bank of Newman's Grove was organized Sat urday. The folio wing officers were elected : resident , C. A. Knndall ; vice president , IbhnHoss ; cashier. II. A. Smith ; board of directors , John Hess , H , A , Smith , C. A. Randall , G. W. Randall , George C. Johnson , H. A. McDonald , William Cargen , M. D. , lohn Blomquest , Z. If. Donne , Christian 3eek and W. II. Head. The bank opens for justness September 1. Valley County' * Oni ) , Neb. , Au ? . 21. [ Special to TIIK Bui ! . ) The Valley County Teachers' Insti- ute closed a two weeks session today. In point of numbers and Interest manifested it surpasses all former ineotinirs. County Superintendent Stephen A. Parks , who con ducted It , was the recipient of n very pluas- ant .surprise In the shape of a gold headed oano presented by the teachers. Tjcft in th Imrch. VAU-AIUISO , Nob. , Aug. 21. ( Spoclal to TIIK BEK.J Sherman Pierce came hero two nonths ago and took charge of the Arcade lotol , and after running It Just as lone as ho ould without paying any bills loft last Wednesday , leaving his wife to carry on the mslncss as long as the supplies hold out , hd on Friday morning she gava up and loft ou the noon train. Ord Hunk Change. OIID , Nob. , Aug. 2t. [ Special to TUB 1KB. I The Ord National bank has roslgnod ts national charter and will hereafter bo run as n state institution. It will bo known as ho Ord State bank. Its capital stock Is 50,000. The nulcors are : Fred L.Harris , n-oildont : John G. Sharpo. vice president ; ohn F. Bnrrnn , Jr. , cashier ; John Conrad , assistant cashier , Work of Amateurs. GHNRVA , Nob. , Aug. 24. [ Special Telegram o TUB BKI : . ] Tbo store of F. A. Koolor was entered last night and ono dozen pockot- knlves and some decks of cards stolon. It vas the work oi amateurs. They offoctoa an entrance by breaking a window In the roar of ho store and loft by the back door , which hey loft open. This Is the llrst burglary for omo years. _ Another Kcciloy iMHtltiuo AiiMsnTox , Nob. , Aug. 21.JSpocial Telegram gram to Tun BKI : . ! A company was Incor- loratod here today with a paid up capital of 2 : > ,000 to establish a Keoloy instltuto. The ocatlon Is not decided on , but George H. Jowoll and S. G. Glover will In a few days go to Wyoming to niako a selection of a town on some of the principal railroads lu the stato. _ I'ropnrlnt ; for n Itnuiilon. VAI.I'AIUISO , Nob. , Aug. at. ( Special to TUB BKB.J The old soldiers are preparing to hold a reunion at this place soon. The alliance and ICuluhta of Labor are ; olng to have a plcnlo bore on Tuesday Aug. Ti'h. McKoighan , Dech and Chamberlain are ) lllod as speakers. Hoalrluo IiulupniidcntB. HEATIUCK , Nob. , Aug. -Spoclal [ Tola- gram to TUB BBK.J The independent ju- ulcml convention for this district will bo held In Ihls city tomorrow. A big grist of dele gates are nlroftdy present and am the order of the day. TcininrntiUjVorkern | Meet. Ltxcot , * , Nob. , Auu. ' .M. ( Special Tele gram to Tiir. BKE.J The Women's Christian Temperance union of North Lincoln gave a railway social at Kcd Ribbon hall tonight at which 300 of the railway men and thcl friends gathered to listen to the oxcollon musical programme and discuss the refresh incuts which were served by the ladles. The feature of the ovonlng was a pleasing nddrcs by Mrs. C. M. Woodward , national osslstan superintendent ot. the railroad work for th Women's Christian 'iVmpornnco union Stops were taken to form n Railway Temper nuco association under the direction of th Women's Christian Temperance union. Cedar Valley' * Sunday School * . CEHAII RAPIDS Nob. , Aug. U4. [ Spccia Toloeram toTiiB BKK. | The Cedar vnlloy Sunday school convention held Its elovontl annual session at the Methodist Kplscopa ohnrch yesterday. It was largely attended and a grand sue cess In ovcry respect. Rev. D. K. Tindall o Central City gnvo a very interesting locum lu the evening upon his travels lu Palestine jri.vr Titwitu iff nn : T Ijlmvs Acnlii ItcHnrtlnj ; to SchrniCH to Down Flnloy. CIUCAOO , 111. , Aug. 21. The Indiana Illinois & Iowa road has rrmclo appllcatlot for memborshlp In the Western Freight association. Ordinarily this would not bo remarked as a circumstance worthy of special mention , slnco Uii line In question Is simply a short link forming a connection bo- twecn certain eastern and western roads But considering the stir that was recently occasioned by the alleged manipulation o through rates via this connecting link , a peculiar significance Is given to the ovont. A few months ago s'omo of tbo Chicago lines began to protest that rates were no Doing maintained by certain of their com petltors. The reason glvon was that the great bulk of through freight between the Missouri river mid eastern points was being diverted to the Pcorin route , via the Indiana Illinois k Iowa road. The latter line , boinj in a position to exact a division of the through rate both from Its eastern and Its western connections , was found to bo receiv ing at least double pay for the sorvlco It performed. The complaint WAS thai It used u portion of this money to inlluence shippers , thereby securing busi ness by the manipulation of rates. Not be ing a member of any association It was not subject to the rules and regulations that govern other roads , but Chairman Mldgloy issued nn order to the wcstarn connection of the Indiana , Illinois it Iowa directing them to cancel thnlr joint tariffs with that line on Missouri river trallic. The roads chiefly affected by this ordiT were tbo Burlington and tlio Atliison. Both refused to obey It. An appeal was taken to the board of commissioners of the Western Traf- llc association of which those companies are members , and the question was partially considered at the mooting of August 11. It U to como lip for final action at the next mooting of the commisiloners , September 4 , and th ore has boon no qnoniou up to this time as to what the decision will bo. The question to bo decided is what divisions shall Do mada wltti roads not members of the Western Freight association in cases where such divisions are not within the jurisdiction of the joint commission. Foreseeing the out come of this agitation , the Indiana , Iowa & Illinois has taken steps to become a member of the association and so avoid the threatened punishment. There is liltlo doubt that It has benn advised to do this by tlio Bur lington and Atchison and perhaps by the Chicago & Alton , tuoso being the three roads interested. I'O'TI'OXKD ACTION' . The joint con ) ink too of Urn Trunk Line and Central TrafllcA associations has issued a cir cular announcing that tlio reductions in the east and west-bound freight rates , previously authorized on account of tlio change atGranil Rapids , will not _ become effective September 1 , the data originally announced. The ma jority of the Michigan lines , however , have already issued their tariffs , to go Into effect oil that date ana will probably not consent to the dolny. Chairman Blnnchard bos called a meeting of the intnrestea lines for tomorrow. KASTllOt'NI ) Slllt'MKNm Eastbound shipments of freight by roll last week-amounted to 45,111 tons , against 45.850 tons for the week previous and 0 } , : n for the same period last year. The lake lines carried liS.lOi ) tons against. 12,200 for the proceeding wovk. The" shipments of flour , grain and provxMons from Chicago to the suaboard by the lines IN the Central Traffic association aggre gated L'd , 0 tons , aealnst 18,100 for the pre ceding woyk , an increase of 1,878 tons , and sylvanla lines 2J ( . "or cent , Chicago & Grand Trunk 23 per cent.atid the Baltimore & Ohio 0 per cOnt. Hushing th.o Hnte War. Cnr , Mo. , Aug. 2.4. The Trans- missouri association todi v Issued n circular authorizing the lines to meet the ono faro rates put in by the MomphU line to Kansas City , St. Louis and Chicago. The Memphis niot the rates of the Frisco .Saturday ana applied the one faro rate botCi ways Into Kansas City. Tlio St. Louis livios mot the rate at once and the Transmissouri associa tion now gives the lines authority to soil from the Southeastern territory to tlio points named. The lines will soil through Chicago from the competitive territory and fcbo rate practically puts in effect the excur sion rutos east bound as asked for and ro- fused. Tlio territory is limited at present , but there Is every Indication that it will bo oxtondod. The llrst excursion begins to morrow. IN HUM ) niSFIAKtlK. Outlaw HlniH of Alaliainu Dodos the W ! n Ii United StitcH. WASHINGTON , D. C. , Aug. 21. A telegram has boon received at the Department of Jus- tleu from United States Marshal Walker of the southern district of Alabama , giving some mcagor details of the arrest and subsequent - quent rescue of the outlaw Bob buns , known as the "Alabama outlaw. " Saturday night the marshal reported that Sim * , who had been running an Illicit still , dcllos both the federal and stata authorities. Ho lives on the border between Alabama and Mississippi and has friends on both sides of the line. Judge Tuft , not clearly understanding the nature of the exact olYonse committed by Sims , telegraphed today to the marshal , ask- lug him If he hold a legal warrant and for what crime. Ho is awaiting a reply b'eforo taking any steps , ns ho wishes to bo sure whether the expense of onramziiig n posse , which Is considerable , would bo justified by tbo circumstance * . IN IIAlCIt hlXKti. IlohcrtH , Ilio .SiiMpootml ( 'oliiiiiliin ( irovp Murderer , In DfiiiKcr , OTTAWA b. , Aug. 21. James Roberts , the suspected Columbus Grove bank robber and murderer , was lodged In jail bore today. People have boon coming Into town all day and tonight there Is a big crowd on hand. No domonstriitlon has been made as yet , but It Is gcnorully behoved that an atttmipt to lyncli thn prlttonor will bo made before morning. Sheriff Williamson hns barricaded the jull and trebled the guards. Thu local military company box been ordered to hold Itself lu roadinoift for a call to supnrest mob violence. The aspoui of affair * Is threatening and them may bo bloody work before the morning. IKHtrnutlyn Storm. LAS ( AnTEii , Pa. , Aug. SH. night's storm In northern Lancaster county was tlio lieavioit In thlltv years. Some bridges , a number of Dulldlngs , sheds , fences and rail road tracks were washed away and many cattle drowned. . . ! . --As it-suit of Hiuniso , P.i. , Aug. ! - - a last night's storm no trains are running toaay on the Reading railroad between It'jadlng nuu Lebanon. CulvorU and truck wotti washed out at a litimtnxl of places. Tno Suhuylklll nver was nine fuot nbovo low water mark ut 12 o'clock lust night. At 7 a. m , the water had fallen to ftovea feut , ami at 0 o'clocK It wai atili live and ono-half fiot abova low watur murk. Consternation reigned supreme at thu Uowiimu Uyungolloal ramp meeting uoar Mohnvlllo , this county. Llirhtnlng struck n number of trees mid omo of thorn In falling onmo dangerously near crashing upon the fonts. A regular stream' of water rushed throuch the woods and earned away bedding and furniture , Bishops Bowman and Kshor of Chicago , who were present , said In all their experiences they hnvo never witnessed such n storm at a cnmn meeting. At tlio Philadelphia & Reading station thlt afternoon It was learned that the track be tween Robionln and the wreck nt the cul vert , west \Vornorsvlllo , bos boon tempo rarily repaired , but uo trains were permitted to lonvo Reading for the scene of the wreck , except the workmen's train. The passenger trains bound west are being held at the ta- lion in this city. The washout whore the freight train plunged Into the culvert Is 700 feet long nnd very doop. Several hundred passengers were compelled to spend the night In the train near the wreck. In this city one-fourth of the streets were under water. Hundreds of collars were filled , sewers were choired up. nnd In many houses thn flood reached the tint tloors. a.t ) ' / : / > nv VIIAXCK. DnrliiK Attempt , to Wreck and lob ! n 'Ira I n. MEMPHIS , Tonn. , Aug. 24. A daring attempt was made to wreck a train on the main line of the Illinois Central road yester day. Had the northern bound accommoda tion train from Water Valley to Grand Junc tion been going ton mllus nn hour faster there would have boon an awful disaster. About snven miles north of Holly Springs , ' carpenters were repairing u bridge. As the north-bound train como In sight of the brldgo the engineer noticed that ono rail scorned to bo unduly elevated. Ho quickly applied the nlr brakes , and reversed his engine. It was well ho did. As the engine went on the brldgo it was discovered that a plcco of iron , known as a stirrup among bridgomen , had been securely fastened to tlio rail nnd would have thrown any train from the track. Luckily only the front trucks of the engine loft thu rails. Word was soon sent along the road , and soon after a posse of men , with M. L. Brewer of Holly Springs at their head , went in pur suit of the perpetrators of the deed. In the excitement of the narrow escape from being thrown with his train from the brldgo into the water below , the engineer noticed two n cirrous sneaking away through thu bushes. Suspicion wa ; directed toward them. The posse heard of the negroes belnir seen in the vicinity and an accurate descrip tion was securca of both. After a chase of several hours Mr. Brewer caught the two negroes. They gave their names us Will Frost and Will McDowell. Tuoy were separated by tbo posse , and each sniii enough to implicate the other. They were confronted by witnesses and confessed to bnvitiir dnno the deed. Froit said Mc Dowell had n largo axe , which ho Intended to for breaking open coaches in case of a wreck Tbo negroes were taken to Holly Springs and jailed. Both have the reputation of licing hum characters nnd it is thought that they intended to wrccK the tralu for the pur- poio of robbery. J.KT TIIK JIlfUTK Htill Keenlnji Almy's Name Iloforo the Public. HANOVEH , N. H. , Aug. 24. Miss .Toannotto Thomas , n relative of Prof. Potteo , whoso connection with the Almy case has often boon referred to , tells a story of a midnight visit received from the murderer July 15 , two days before the murdur of Christie Warden. This night Miss Thomas slept in the room usually occupied by Christie Warden when she stayed at the house of Prof. Puttee. She was aroused in her sloop by a nojso In the room , when she sat up and asuod who was thero. Her throat was instantly grasped by a hand and a volno whispered : "Keep still ; I'll not Injure you. " The Intruder then asked her If this was not Christie Warden's room , and where Christie was. Miss Thomas told him Christie had loft'tho house In thenfternooii. Ilodomandcd to know Miss Thomas' Identity nnd then said to liar : "I am the lover of Christie Warden. Her parents and sisters oppose my suit and 1 can not see her nt homo. " He then said to her : "Don't ever mention this night's ' work to her or anybody. You see how it Is. If It were known that any man Had entered her chamber at night her repu tation would bo blasted forever. You would not want to have that occur , now would you I" ho asked with a sarcastic lltugh. Ho then pressed u pistol against her breast and made her swear never to betray him. Ho then said ho had boon in the room before , and asked If the door was fastened. Mias Thomas know by this that ho was lying , as the door has no fastening on it. lie then torr-ed an object into her hand which proved to boa41-calt- bro revolver cartridge. Ho told her to guard it cnrefnllv nml let it. nlwnvN ho n rnmlnilnr of her oath , for if she over breathed u syllable of this affair ho would kill hor. The in'truder then departed. Miss Thomas' story confirms a theory that had long obtained among thosa interested in tlin case , but was withheld from the public. Almy was wildly jealous of Prof. Pattco. nnd this jealousy was Of tbo most cruel and un just suspicion born , involving thi ) professor and Miss Warden. Tills undoubtedly nc- ooutits for the midnight viilt to Pntteo's louse , where the murderer hoped to find sub stantial proof of his suspicions nnd went irmed with his two revolvers prepared to (111 ( both suspected persons. Labor TrouhlcH. MUNCIE , Ind. , Aug. 24. General Manager Iradbury'rt ' order for thu striking trainmen on the Lake Erm Western to go to worker or bo discharged did not hnvo the desired effect and the company has discharged the npn and is ndvortising for others. A com- nittco representing the strikers came to iluuciO for the purpose of inducing thu Fort Wayne branch of the road to join the strike md thereby Uo up thu whole svstuin , LUHYITTI : : ' , Ind. , Aug. 21. Thu ofllcials of he Lake Krlo it Western rnllroad Imvomadu i move and they scorn confident that it will > rovi < decisive'I wo deputy United States narshnls have arrived hero and served imnilt Lynch and John Coopers , two of thu trikurs , with n noticu tn appear before tlio Cilunii court at Indianapolis tlio first Mon- lav in October to nn.nvor an order rostrnln- ng thorn fnnn Intm'iorring In any way with lib company's business. Jobu I1' . MuIIugh ins bceii retained to defend the inun and llio n.Utcr will bo argued at Indianapolis VcdiiHscJnv. An effort to servo no'lco ' on thor strikers was uimiccosfiil. ( ioncrnl Manager liradbury , Genoial Superintendent ill ) , Mn.siPr of Transportation Hull , General Solicitor llnydan and United States Marshal Dnnlnp arrived in llio city last night. No ttumptK hnvo yet been uvula to move freight. III S ST. Lori * , Mo. , Aug. 21. Tim National Irowors' union met again today. The morn- ng session was taken up by the consldora- Ion of recommendations to clmngti the con- tltutlon , Beyond changes to fuellitnto outlno business tlio principal amendment vas peimittlug the change of national leudiiiiarturs which nro now in Jew Yoric. A moro central locn- lon la desired. Thn matter was aid ever . A number of reports were rend iv delegates. The matter of the Anhuusor- iuscli boycott will bo taken up Wednesday r Thursday , The next most important min or to bo uctud upon Is that of consolidation vttf thu Brewers' union of tlio Pncillc Kiasi , which numbers MKI men. The latter ou not affiliate with the National union , IK ! stops will bu tanon to bring It Into the old. _ Ki-hooner AHliora MOSTIIIAI : , Aug.M. . News has boon re ceived heru from the llghthouso nt West Point that the schooner lillon nnd Mary wont nshoro In a dense fog before daylight yo.stnr- ilnv morning on Inland Antlcontt. The schooner , besides a crew of seven on board , had uKty passengers , moitly women and children. The only bout was sinnshod , ami if the throat on od storm breaks probably allen on board will perish. Later dlsputclini say the ICIlon nnd Mary came oI ( all right at nigh tldo and her passenger - - songer * lauded * afa. Charged with l'orry. . Ru IIVONII , Vo. , Au . 21W. . F. a prominent real enlatu dealer , La been riBtud charged with foruory. IOWA PEOPLE DELIGHTED , Crowds at Croaton's Dluo Grass Palace Oon- tlnuos to Increase. VISITORS ENTERTAINED BY ORATORS/ ' Key Jfotu of llio Ai > | irrmuhlnc H Ate Cniii | > nin | Hoitnilinl liy u llcpnl- llcnn Wliool Horse Todny'a lnUirt > Hlii ( ; CiinsioN , In. , Aug. 21. [ Spoclal Teicgram to Tun Hr.K.j Yesterday was n great dixy- at the Blue Grass palace , Uov. Lyn.ftti I. Abbott of the Plymouth churoh of Brooklyn , . holding the pulpit nt the auditorium and holding a crowd of thousands spellbound by his peerless losio. Today thu big exposition 1ms proved n grand success. Thousands of Visitors como In from nil directions on the excursion trains. It Is the largest crowd that has boon In attendance. This wn * republican day In tno auditorium and lion. 11. O. Hoar of Michigan was thu nrntor of oho occasion. Ho spoke for nearly two hours , fully covering the subject of the tariff , reviewing the silver legislation , touoh- Ibg on local Issues as regards thn republican stand on tcmpcmnco and making an able , honest nun clean argument lor his position and thu stand of tlio republican pary. Ho Is a most pleasing speaker , an clo- iiuont orator nnd n statesman. Ho sounded the koyiluto for the coming campaign. Ills remarks were Interspersed with n fund of mi- ocdotos , which kept hl.4 ntidlonco In good nnmor , nnd It U conceded that the effort was a splendid and nblo ono. Tomorrow will bo educational day at the palace , prominent educators from all parts of the state being oxpooted , Tomorrow Is nlso the second day of the county fair , and some very good races are booked. Sirs. MiicotM'H l-'nther III. Bnii.iNfiTON , la. , Aug. 2-1. [ Special Tele gram to THE Bun. ] Word was brouuMit to this city this eveningthatox-Sonatorllarlan , father of Mrs. Kobort T. Lincoln , wife of the United States minister to Knglam ) , was taken suddenly and seriously ill this attorn oon. by the Curs. Dis : MOIXRO , la. , Aug. 31. ( Special Tclo- gram to TUB BKK. ] Harry Smith , ngud II years , was run over by the cars In the DM Molnes Union yards this afternoon oad Killed , his hold being severed from his oouy. Ho was playing about tlio freight curs. SOUTH OMAHA'S COUNCIL. Some More I'nvinu Contracted for With ilii h Murpliy. The South Omaha city council mot In adJourned - Journod session at Blum's hall last evening. The finance committed reported favorably on 140.29 bills , which were allowed. The now tire house In the Third ward accepted and a warrrut was ordered Issued to Contractor Burnoss for $300 on the llro and water fund. The lieouHO committee was given further tlmo to report on the petition to license llin- eront vendors of fruit $ . " > per day. Several ordinances and petitions rotating to grading atid paving were referred. David Loosener lilod a complaint against Ofllcors Kcimlon and Hanson for stopping a private datico at Gcrmnna ! hall Sunday. Txo ] " complaint was referred to the niavor. " John Daughorty offered to rent the council four rooms and u store room on the ground lloor at Twenty-fourth ai-d Q streets at a nominal rout for city olllco and Jail purposes. The bond and contract of Hugh Murphy for paving In district No. were approved. Bids for the paving of Twenty-sixth street from L to Q streets were opened as follows : Hugh Murnby , Colorado wluto sandstone , SJ.OI X per superficial square yard ; red Col orado sandstone , * i.0t Ji per superficial square yard ; curbing , ( > \ % coiita per lineal foot. C. D. Woodworth , white Colof-rtUo sandstone , jjyOJ par superficial sauaro yard ; rod Col orado sandstone , SJ.OU ; curbing , OS cents per lineal foot. The contract was awarded to Hugh Mur phy. : For the paving of Twonty-llfth street , from L toM stl-eots , and from O to Q streets , bids were as follows : Hugh Mui-phv , whlto Col orado sand stone , J2.0I 9-10 per superficial square yard ; rod Colorado sandstone , & .01 0-10 ; curbing , Oljtf cents. C. D. Wood- worth , Colorado sandstone , $2.03 ; curbiug , ( i2 ! cents. The contract was awarded to Huph Mur phy.Tho The potitlon to have the grade on Twenty- first street changed , was rend. Quito a dfs- mission was brought out in regard to the mat , . tor. Bruno Btrathman spolto In bohaVf of the petition and Philip ICorn the reinor.slrat ors. The matter was laic ) over for one week. For laying sidewalks for the ensuing year the contvnot wus awarded to t < \ H. Grilllth at the following prices : Four fcot wide , 20 cents ; six feet , 2'J cents ; eight foot , ! J5 oonts ; ten feet , 40 cents ; twelve feet , f > 7 cents ; fourteen feet , no cents. A warrant was ordered drawn In favor of David Anderson for $100 , being the amount' assigned him by Oliver Davis , who graded " * * > - Twenty-second street from 1C to Y streets. A warrant was ordered drawn In favor of Attorney K. G. Fari.sworth : for ? J. " > 0. ns com pensation for sorvlcL.i In the Gilcurist damage - ago suit. Ordinance No. 00. ) , ordering ( J street from Twenty-fourth tr > the ciist end of the vladuot paved with vitrified brick , was passed. Frank Kpp * stele Ufrnm Rosa n waitress at tbo Monitor chop house , last night. Tlio young man was arrested and charged with larceny. Conductor Lavln of the avenue line had a little trouble with Captain O'Mal- loy last night near Fortieth and Hamilton streets. O'Mwlloy struck the motor man n cnnplo of tiinenaml Instead of continuing his riilo on the cur was carted to the police sta tion and clmryoil with fighting. Lavln re ceived only a bmi.sii or two and Is not hurt. Tlitn-u wan a llttlo fight In Minnlo Fair- child's resort on Ninth street about 1 1 o'clock ' last nicht botwi-en a couple of well known men-nbout-town Neither were Injured to any extent. Both gnvo assumed namu when ui rusted. _ _ _ Will .Make a Kaviiraliln Iti-port. TIIWKA , KIIII. , Aug. 21 , The committco appointed by thu allliuico commercial con vention to investigate the buhninu for estab lishing cn [ > i > urativu .store * throughout the Mulct under ono general manntiunmiit.hni" dorldud tc report favorably tu the convention which will meet In Siilinn October 20 , tha day before the alliance state convention. Cinlu I'.iHliu In AIVI < ; : > . , BKI.'SSII.H , Aug. 21. A communication hat ixicn icceivod hero from Stanley Falls , Indi cating that Kmln Pnshn was successful in Ins operations In Africa. lOmln roncouplixt all the old stations in the K'lUUtorlul ' province , and scums to have completely cowed the dervishes. With His Thumb , A'boy in siud to have saved Mm NnlhcrlnniU Jrom Iniiiiilalloii. Miillltiiili.s ! havu bei-n taveil from tlio Invasion of illsnaso by a fiottlo of Ayci-'a Karxitparilla. Tlil.s innil linpaits lone to the system anil st every onjan and libttt of lli | lioily. ' I havn taken a reut deal of medicine , hut notliliiK Ims > Mne mu so inni.'li good .HI Ayr's Kar.saparllla. I experlcnceil Its lieno- flclal eifoets before I hail qnlle iliuslicil out bottle , and I can freely testify that It Is the best blood ineillclno I know of. " I. . W. Ward , sr. , Woo'lland ' , Texas. "Conflia-il to an oflU-e , us I am , from ona yrnr'.s end lo another , with llttlo or no o-it- door exeichu , I find great help l Ayt-r'a Karsnparllln , uhlch I have nsc-il lor several yi-nr.i , and am at present nshiK , with excel lent results. It enables mu to ! < i-cp nlwayj at my post , enjoying thn bc t of health. " JI. C. Hitmen , Maiden , Mftsi. Ayei-'s Sarsaparilia I'KKI'AIICI ) IIY DH. J. O. AYUIl & CO. , Lowell , M . - . ttuldiylriiKt ( ( t . $1ilx ti. WorthS buttle.