THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. ko TWENTY-FIRST YEAH. OMAHA , MONDAY MOKNIN.Q , ' , AUGUST 241801. . NUMBER 07 , AWFUL AND SAD THE SCENES , Scorching for Victims Among the Ruins of the New York Wreck , UNCOVERING THE GHASTLY SEPULCHER , Gcvonlecn Hodlen Ho Par Hrejot ired Many Moro I'ntnnulril In the Dobi In Incidents of the Search. Nnw YOUK , Au ? . 20. When It was 2 o'clock this morning the newspapers wont to pi-ess with the details of the torrlblo explosion calamity In Park Place , and the story of the searching for the dead was cutoff at that hour. But thcro came no iinatctnent then In the sjs- tcmatlo nnd ceaseless work of the llromen. The tugging and delving nnd hoisting went forward tliolossly hour after hour among tbo blackened timbers and the tumbled stones nnd brick. Occasionally there came a break In the work , when sllonco fell and men were bushed , nnd ono moro of the lost wint away , smoke begrimmed nnd scorched , to the ut'1 An c'octr'u ' ' nrc lamP l'al ( uco" rkled to a post across the street iiom tbo ruins and with Its whlto glaring ojo stared nil night ever the worklngmon , nnd Into the Mac k yawning chasm where yesterday n building was , and In which people ple worked and laughed with no thought of the horror to como Two small tank lamps or toiches had boon brought and placed close up by tbo edge of tbo ruins , and nil nlcht their plumes of ruddy llamo IlaroJ fortb aud lighted up the black chasm with an Inferno tint. And ull the whllo thoio was a constant dnsnlng of water from the two hose lines upon the wiockago. Sovcnty-Ilvo Italians had boon placed among the ruins to assist the llromen. Weary , Willing Searchers Two lines of men were formed from the /otal pit to the street , and clobils was passed out nnd along to swell the heap that had been the front wall of tbo wrecked building before It bellied forth nnd fell Into the street , nnd all night the refuse was carried along nnd added to It until when the dawn came tbo plluhad reached up awning hUh. \ \ bllo the newspaper presses two or thieo | Wocks away wine clanging at 2 o'clock , soud- I ) - jfogout tbo pilnted stoilos of the disaster , black masses of silent people were yet nt the scene of tbo wreck against the lows of po licemen who constituted tbo llro linos. There was Httlo nolso. Two engines , each a block away , had settled to their work and their black throats coughed less vlolenllj but ceaselessly. And by nnd by tbo news boys from Piinting House Square came pat tering their font along tbo street ; , and cilled ith subdued voices , "Extra 1 All about the explosion , " while pi-oplo bought from the hoi s so as to road what the men wearing bidgcs and inside tlio flio lines had done through the night. Lint ol' the Do ill Kecoveied. Tbo complete list of the identitlod dead up to 10 o'clock tonight is as follows : l. COI.n , 40 yoirs old , of Mudl- street. IlrooUyn , employe of Luther .V Mnas JOHN ailll:3f ! : ) . yo rs old , 2J7 Greenwich ANN linAONKV , 0 years old , 05 Turk Place. MlUIIAKh SLA.TTr.KY , OS Vears old , KlKlity-nlntli street and Park uvonmi. A. 11. IT niUhUN , son of n-sianrant proprie tor. 21 ) ears old. SM Third ueniii1. . ( ii : < JlGi ! ; INiw : , n jears old , IWJ Wnll- atxiut street , llro'iklyn ( SUVTAVClUllTIUl , 31u Wasblngt ntrcu t , llohoUun JA ( Oil linunrUIOH , ISS Kast Tenth stro OITO WA1.SUK , il ! years old , of 18 IJ i ii : > ; htli slroc't. ClIAUhl.S linmTNKK , 15 joars old , 1 I'hsnx street. I'ltANK 11 AOII.KI years old , I'M First street. Late tonight identifications were made ns follows. < VIIRAIIAM DEItSOUIPOICI , 17 years old.UI Dnlhliuy street. > v oUsrAVi : fal'niNnU.Byoura oIcl.Sll East C\u lluhdrea nnd 'seventeenth street. This makes thirteen idontlllod out of sov- Four bodies are still iu tbo morgue unldon- tilied. I Besides these there are a nuinbor of un- itlontltlod bodies nt tbo morguo. There wore still llvo bodies there tonight waiting to bo Id ii tilled. Thov wore those of nnun ub out ftvp foot , llvo Inches , 2 cants In ono of the -ftouson pocket. Body of u man burned be yond recognition. Body of a man about ! i ( ) 3 ears old , dicssod in workmen's nanis and checked shirt. Body of u young man horri bly burned. Bodvof n young man about ID years old , clad In dark trowsors and lawn tennis ubirt. Awaiting Her LOVOF'H Ilody. In a doorway within the police lines and close ov the ruin sat n woman n young woman whoso cheeks woio scalded witb tears. With folded aims , ono hand clutch ing n wet handkorchlof she sat upon a chair nOVidod for her , her head bent forwanl nnd iero > os constantly following the working men. The lleht of the Jlarlng torches glis tened upon bor bloodshot , pitiful oyos. Be side her upon an lion stop sat a man who had accompanied the woman. Aud so , all night they bad boon watching , waiting , hoping , yet dreading to see the discovery of her future 'husband's body , who was buried under the debris. She spoke seldom onlv waited dumbly to see the body of her lover , ns she was the nfllaiiced b'rido of joung man Peterson , whoso father owned the restaurant whoiomany nro believed to have been killed whllo at lunch At2 o'clock In the morning n group of Ilremon ccnsod their worlc , a body had boon found near the spot whore the lad was found dead about 10 o'clock. The body was that of a young man about UO years old. It was tcrriblv burnod. No ono there .knew him. The lomalnes wera placed in tbo dead wagon that stood con stantly near. .Thoii again wont on the work , tbo ( Iranian w Ith tripos nnd pulleys dislodging and hauling uway the embers from the pit of death. There were the Italians In double Unas , as cariiors working stolidly In the Inferno glow of the torcbai. There came , tlnallv , a touch of gray light tllttorlng through tbo morning mists. Seine had gene homo to sleep. The crow ds behind tbo policeman wora much re duced , but tbo work went on , and on , and on. The sllont llancoof the dead man in the ruins was waiting as the dawn broke , and her strained and pitiful face was ghastly in the rooming light. Day dawned , tbo ruddy flames of breaking day Illumnod the on&toin sky , but still tbo torches were maintained. In All Tliiilr MuiiKlod GlinstllnnbM , At , 5:10 : o'clock another body , thnt of a man about llvo loci live Inches tall , was taken out. In the pockets of tbo trousers was found 2 cents. At II')0 ! ) o'clock tbo body of a young man , apparently nbout U ) > oars old , was found , It was clad in darK trousers and a tennis shirt. At ! ) o'clock and thlrtv minutes u came in the woik. Ttiroo or four Ihoincn were bending nnd busy handed. Tbo Italians pause to look. Thou nether tiro- moa gathered around and the woman started forwanl as fast ns she could run. But her companion stayed her nnd wont to look at thouciul. Soon ho returned to the waiting gill and led her by the arm. Instlnclvotl ) she know tbo vigil was ended. Her quest was over. Her lost hud boon found. But ho had no word for her and she was not ixmnittcd then to see the dreadful work of the wreck age upon him. The man who was lifted out from among the bricks and timbers was the girl's lover , W years of ago , of bX ! Third avenue , the son qiXho man who kept tbo restaurant on tbo .fiwunil lloor. This made fourteen bodies that had been recovered. And thus us the night w ord on the worlc - - - - - The crowdt grow greatly. The police lines were strengthened ; hucksters occupied the cdpo of thn throng for trade , nnd peanut nnd lemonade venders came and netup their stalls whorothoy might rrnp profit from the clroumstanc" of n disaster crowd. At 10 . .T > o'clock two moro bodies were dis covered In the debits. The first removed was that of a man about 80 jears old. The nccond , also that of n man , WAS burned be yond recognition , the flesh being In shreds nnd thn Intestines bung over the spine as tbn body was carried to n toflln , As the evening came on heavy clouds called over head nnd shut down on all sides 'ho horizon with a downpour of rain , The fire men nnd others withdrew from the work The polko were loft to watch from the doorway - way * , the crowds were scattered and the dis mantled blackened pit was left alone with its spcrot burled beneath. Still Hurled.HiMicntli ttio ( lultiH. The opinion prevails tonight that less than half the bodies Imvo so far boon recovered from the wreck nnd It Is thought th it not less than fifty people were killed In the dis aster Moans will bo provided In the morning to remove the boavv Iron girders nnd machin ery which must bo talton from the ruined buildinir before ttio men can make any of- factual ptngrcss in clearing nwav tbo dobrls There Is no doubt but that a largo number of persons now reported missing will bo found In an unrecognl/nblo state In the mass of brick and mortar. The total niimbor of bodies tikoji from the ruins up to the time the men stopped work tonight Is sovontoon. The number Idontlllod Is eleven. Klro llcuord. Lot'isviMK , ICy. , Aug. 21. At Canoyvillo , Ky. , early this morning llro destroyed prop erty worth $20,000 , including Hnrnod Bros. ' store , H. M. Daniel's store , Borneo's hotel , Dowoos" saloon and savoial residences. The heaviest loss Is Harnod Bros. , $ ( ! . , " 00 , fully insured , other losses less than half insuicd. T.OOKl.i'Olt HOMKS. Scenes oil the Itordcrw ol the Cherokee - okoo Mrlp GuTiiniE , Okl. , Aug. 2)1 ) Hocont Informa tion concerning the opening of Indian lands has caused an Influx of pcopla hero that Is surprising. The boomers are arriving with wagons of every description ho ideo : for tbo Iowa and Sao and Vex reservations. When the president's proclamation Is Issued throw ing tbo lauds open to settlement there will be a scramble almost oqtial to that which took place on tbo opening of Oklahoma. Cvery conceivable specimen of humanity has put in an appealanco , the gambler and tbo mlssionuiy elbow caeh other , equally anxious to bo among the first when the order for the Invasion is pro- cluimod. Some have gene so far as to build Hat boats with which to cross the streams. Others have houses on wheels which they Imvo stocked with provisions ready to move atn moment's iiotlro. On n line which ex tends from CImarron to the South Canadian , a distance of sixty miles or more , are encamped thousands of homeless people awaiting the presidents' proclamation. The southern negro , the northern white and the roil Indian mix under the United States iii > * > jal's surveilatieo unconcernedly , but when tbo order to move is given tboro will bo unquestionably much trouble. It looks now ns If tbo race will not bo to tbo swiftest but to the stiongost , so far as getting theio is con cerned. A gtcat deal of importance is at tached to information from Washington that us much as ten dajs' notice will bo given prior to sottlnmont. This will only add to the excitement of tbo occasion , as it will causa numbers of people to congregate on the bolder to engage in the race for a home stead or a town. lot. Ono of the most ridiculous and amusing street scenes today was n man with bis family and his all loaded in a wagon with six jolco of catlle in front. In front was a team of milch cows. Next to them were two stcois , and then a pair of bulls hitched ur.arr a yoke tugged incessantly at the load. Xot a \ \ heel 'I urnlii on the Ij.iko Ki to & Western Road. PiTTsiiuiio , Pa , Aug. S3. A special from Kindlay , O. , says : Tbo stiiko on the Lrko Krlo & Western is as tight as over aud not a w heel on a freight car on any ono of the divisions has turned since last.Monday night. Yesterday , by order of General Manager Bradbury , all the clerks in tbo freight houses along tbo line were laid off , thcro bcinir no work for thorn nt nnv noiut. As vet no moio has been made In the way of sending outer or iccolving freight. A dispatch from Lima , O. , loports the situation there unchanged Whlnkuy Man in T'rouLlu. Lorisvi i i.i' , Ky. , Aug. X ! . Six suits were brought by the federal government for the condemnation dt 200 bairel * of whisky for fraudulent entry. Hartley , Johnson & Co. , W. O. Coldowoy , the Louisville Public ware house , David Bartloy and Darwin Johuson , are maUo defendants. It Is rocltod that the whisky was originally Invoiced iu the Scum Bucket county , and w bisky shipped to Bermuda and thence 10- linpoilcd into tbo United Status by N. Hot- hoimer. The original Invoice was"used. It is chuiged that this invoice on which Joel B. l rhardt , the collector of customs nt Now York , allowed the whisky to eutor the United States was fraudulent , inasmuch as the whisky had boon tampered with , either at Bermuda or while being transpoitod be tween Bormudn nnd the United Stales By this means the wblskv parsed tluotigh the custom house by being taxed much loss than it should have boon. Murdered Ills Uncle. " , In , Aug. 2J. [ Special Telogiam to Tin : -HUE. ] This morning at 4 o'clock Clmer Teirolt shot and Instantly killed his undo , William Burkooight miles east of this place. Burko's father died Friday last an J some neighbors who wore sitting up with the remains were talking and tolling stories when Torrill became cxcitod and going to the room wucro Burke was sleeping , pulled n llS-cali- bro Smith & Wesson revolver and tired , the ball striking Burke over the light temple , penetrating the bruin nnd causing instant death. Temporary insanity Is supposed to bo the cause for the deed. Buiko leaves a wife and two culldion. Indiana. IsnuN'vroLis , Ind. , Aug. 2.I. It has boon ruining In nearly all parts of Indiana steadily for tbo past sixty hours an almost constant down-pour , unaccompanied by wind. In t hls Immodlato vicinity corn had boon In good condition , bill In other sections noticeably In tbo western nnd southwestern sections thcro bad been considerable damage from drouth Howovertho soaking the ground has rooeUod will insure n good crop o\on in dlotricts affected by drouth In case choie are no catly frosts. Set In Motion , UPNVIMI , Colo. , Auff , 2J. The machinery of ono of the largest and most complete paper mills In tno world was sot la motion in this city at 4 o'clock joitcrday afternoon. Tbo cnromony attending the grand opening was impressive I'lio leading business men and olllciuls of the state were In attendance , CumilusT Canadians. TOIIONTO , Ont. , Au ? . 2. ) . What promise * to DO n scandal of largo proportions his been unearthed by tbn Mall In connection witb tbobuibor works which Lave been In prog ress hero lor over two yours. Seilous tjoodlo charges uro made. NoNI NI > , O. , Aug. 23. A special from Now Washington , O. , where- the Columbus Uro\o banlc robber and murderer Is In Jail , says that ov erytblnp was qulot at U o'clock aud that uu fours of lynching are eutortaluad , NEBRASKA AND IOWA FROSTS Severest Cold Wave Ever Known During the Month of August , CROPS NOT GENERALLY DAMAGED , Sudden Change In the TcMiinoraturo More 1'ronotiuccd Thioiighont tlio Uplands Much Garden Truck JJcHtroied In Mnuy Places. Fnr.MONT , Nob. , Aug. 2.1. [ Special to THE BEP.J The cold wave which has prevailed In this section yesterday and today has oroated a good deal of anxiety among the farmers as to the fate of the corn crop At sunrise this morning a slight frost was dlsccrnablo along the Platte valley , though there was not enough of It to do any damairo. The ther mometer before daylight registered but 31 degrees abovn roro. On tbo uplands the temperature wa about two degrees higher , observations at I o'clock this morning show ing 33 degrees nbovo zero. At noon today tbo temperature was ( ' > ' nbovo. KHtlintto oT the Dnnumn. MINNEU-OIIM , Minn. , Aug. SJ.-Tho Trib une tonight has received a special covering Minnesota , North nnd South Dakota , Wis consin and western Iowa. In the districts pirticularly covered in the wheat Holds of Minnesota , South and North Dakota the reports nro most oncouraglng.Ori orally speaking very light damage has bean done to wheat. Whcro thorchas boon any it was scattered and only to late sown wheat , the eaily sown being out of the way. Taken altogether , the damage Is not enough to make anv difference in tbo si/o of the crop or grade ofthocialn. What is still moio encourag ing , a warm wnvo Is following the late cold visitor , and further dmmgo Is not probable. At Jamestown , N. D , i\t ( i o'clock tbo thermometer registered 70 above , and at Mayille , N. D. , 72. What damage was done was mainly to corn and garden truck and this damage is confined to scattered sections. The points In North Dakota reported damaged are Oakcs , wboro late wheat was seriously Injuied and corn almost destroyed ; Lldgo- wood , wheat and oats were Injureu 5 per cent ; Grnndin , one-third of the wheat in jured , and Mnndan corn slightly Injured. In South Dakota serious damage to corn and late wheat and ( lax was done nt Aberdeen , Chambcrlalo and Andover ; at Watcrtou corn suffered. CJiand Fork , MilneDevil's Lake , James town , Hillsboro , nnd a host of other South Dakota points , report no damage to wheat or other grain. A Huron , S. D , dispatch says no damage was done in the Jim river valley. In Minnesota no damage to speak of was done and from all points rising temperature is reported tonight. There was no frost at Winnipeg nnd no reports of damage have been received at that point. In southwestern Iowa the thermometer reclstoied almost to froc7lng , but a fog pre vented fiost and now the temperature Is rising. Ftost is feared in parts of Wisconsin wboro tbo totmcco and cianberry crops alone could bo injured , all the others being safely out of the \vay. FroHlH in low.i. Bum I.VOTOV , la. , Aug. SJ. [ Special Tele gram to Tun BEB.J The most phenomenal cold wave for yoors is prevailing over south west Iowa at present. It came unexpected and late garden truck had n narrow cscapo. The mercury fell fiom 70 dogioos in the shade to 35 in less than twenty-four hours and nothing but cloudy weather and heavy winds prevented killing frosts. Corn In this section Is so far advanced , however , that tbo cold will have little effect on it. The crops In southwestern Iowa and ad joining portion of Illinois and ( Missouri nro perfectly immense nnd there Is nothing but long continued rains or an early freeze that can injure it. Farmers are not apprehensive of either. The mercury now is about 40 nbovo zero. Slight at Itentrlco. BiHTiitcp , Nob. , Aug 23. [ Special Tele gram to TUB BEK.I A licht frost prevailed bora last night. No damage was done to crops of any kind as far as can bo learned up to this evening. Tbo frost was almost wholly confined to the uplands and was very slight. Garden Truck Damaged. KruiSKV , Neb , Aug. 23. [ Special Tele gram to THE BIT. I A light frost fell in this vicinity last night which injured garden tiuck in several places along the Wood rlvor valley. It Is exceptionally cool this evening. A heavy fiost is oxpoctcd in the morning. - J' Vii Influential French Paper on the AMsIt , PoiirsMOUTir , Aug. 23. Tbo visiting Frenchmen and entertainer * passed n com paratively otilot day. Numbers of tbo French naval onlcors wltnojsed the military review b > the duke of Connaught and in spected the dock yaids and various other places of interest , wbllo others visited London. Last evening the Froaeh and Englisn n ivnl ofticors , tbo duke of Connaugh nnd M. Wnil- dington , the French ambassador , were pres ent at the banquet given by tbo maor. i'ho custoniniy toasts were responded to , P\m , Aug , 2. ! . Lo Tempos remarks tbo absence of Lord Salisbury from Poitsmoutb , which Is icgaided us signl'lcant whoiv bis position as secretary ot state of foreign affairs is considered. Le Tempos draws from the fact the conclusion that "ICnglrviul de sires to ho Independent nnd neutral , but equally friendly with Germany and franco. " .munition In ItiiNslu. | ropi/rfo/it / 1S)1 titi .lani'j nnnto'tinuiM 1 PAKIS , Aug. 23 [ Now Yorlc Herald Cable Special to Tin : BBB | Moisrs. Waller & Co. , have rccolvcd the following dispatch from their Russian agents : "Tho morning papers state that there's no fear of there being - ing any prohibition of the export of wheat from liussla nor will tboro oven bo a tax on the exportation. There may , perhaps bo n question In ollleial circles of the prohibi tion ngalnH wheat containing ever a certain proportion of rye leaving the country. " LIKK A rtKsu Illn Father the Victim of n V ury. Aug. 23. A voung man named Bawon , of American extraction , murdered his father today under horrible circumstances. Tbo young man became engaged In a quarrel with his father and pulling out a bowlo knlfo , made a furious attack upon the old man , ripping open bis abdomen and stabbing him in various other places , Ilo cmtlnuod his tlondtsh work even after the old man had fallen und ha finally despatched him by cut ting hU throat. Bacon was arrested and ho refuses to give his motive for tbo deed , n Picnic. LiMt , O , , Aug. 23. The people of Colum bus Orovooiooutenrmi3so last night to meet tbo north-bound train on the Cincin nati , Hamilton & Dayton railroad on whtrb It was expected that James Uooorts , arrested for the Columbus Urovo murder and robbery would bo a passenger. Threats of lynching were freely made , but Koboru did not ar- rlvo. The prisoner's futbor bay * ho will prove an alibi for bis ton. Governor CampucIl'H Condition. COI.L-MUUS , O. , Aug. 23. The condition of Governor Campbell remains about the satna as it has been for the past tbrco days. Ho U nblo to bo about bis room but-not able toga on tbo streets or attend to business of any character. Ills thought the slowprogress matin in Improvement will rtolav his departure for the cast at least until tbo middle of the wcqk. \rr..t \ i HHCKOAXT. For Omaha and Vicinity Fair , warmer. For Missouri , Arkansas and Kansas ( ton- crally fair wcathorj warmbr and fair Tues day.For For Iowa , Minnesota , Nobraskn , North nnd South Dakota Generally fair ; wnrmor southerly winds. For Colorado Southerly winds ; warmer ; fair weather. WtsntsoTOv , D. C. , Aug. 2.5. The shallow nroa of low pressure Saturday night , over lying the country from the lower St. Lawrence - ronco southwest to tbo Mississippi , de veloped Sunday Into a decided slotm , central over tbo mountains of Maryland and the Vir ginias. Its Influence has continued the southerly winds and high temperature on the Atlantic coast states and the northcast- erlr winds on the Inkos. The accompanying rains hnvo nearly reached ttio coast and oxtand west to Lake Mlchlsan and south to Georgia. Those rains hnvo been heavy In localities , especially from southeast Ohio to northern Georgia nnd thence to Pennsyl vania. This storm development should move northeastward ever Now England Monday , nnd will probably bring considerable rain ever tbo Atlantic stales north of Georgia. As It moves toward the ocean tbo cool wnvo behind that hns boon pushing its way from the west , with Its front nearly to the Appa lachian chain , to the coast , will cause marked changes ot toapornturo and heavy rains Monday and iiorthwost winds , espe cially in the middle Atlantic. The weather should bo clear by Monday night In the Atlantic states oxccnt ever Michigan. Clearing weather prevails in the gulf and Tennessee thence to Wisconsin and west of the Mississippi rlvor. Another dcop storm area has developed northwest of Da kota and will cause a general rlso In temper ature Monday and for several days after wards In the dlstilots west. rouani. Tuo Millionaires Engage tun Personal Encounter. KAVSAS Citr , Mo. , Aug. 2J , The rotunda of the Coates bouso was tbo scene today of a Tsensational personal encounter between J. E. Mclroy and T. H. Swopo , two millionaire capitalists of this place. Mr. Mclroy and Mr. Swobo hod had a misunderstand ing concerning an investment. Today Mr. Mclroy was conversing with n friend in the Coatcs house rotunda , when Mr. Swopo stopped up to the latter nnd told him that Mr. Mclroy was a "thlof , ' a liar , and villUn. " Mr. Mclroy thereupon felled Mr. Swopo to the door by a blow , on tbo head with his walking stick. After Mr. Swopo arose ho drew his revolver. . Mr. Mclroy followed suit and the inon were about to open flro on ono auother'\ylioii they were ' parted. 'i ' KILT.r.I ) lllti Ji'OItJtEJt Texas Men Quarrel ami Ono is Fatally Shot. Four WOUTII , Tex , Avp. 23 , In tbo corridors riders of the Pickwtclr notel this afternoon Lou Campbell , a Fort"Vorh \ commission man , shot A. Dallybono , a Sbrevecort cotton buyer , three times , two millets , entering tbo abdomen. The wounds proved fatal. Pally- bone died tonight , Tbo third T > ullot bit n rib , glnncod nnd hit Sandy RIoo , a bystander , in the arm. Campbell will ifiako no state ment further than to say the , _ in , self defense. The men had.bociipartners in business nt Shreveport , La. , tt year or two ago , and the trouble grovrTnuirpf their busi ness disagreements. Campbell has made many friends during his res Wen eo here. iir.LD vi' _ r XKaiioEs. Henry Joel , of Memphis , Itonbcd and Mortally Wounded. MLMPIIIS , Tonn. , Aug. 2J. A band of armed negroes entered the grocery store of rfonry Joel , four miles cast of Memphis , as ho was about to close last night , and after robbing him of all the money he had about his person , told him to open tbo safe , point Ing pistols to his head. Joel tried to open it but in his excitement could not doit. The negroes wont out the back door and ran up the lallioad track. They siiot Joel twice , tbo Jlrst shot passed through tbo loft arm and lodged In his back. The other bull entered Joel's loft side making n wound f - . no clue to the poipetrators of.lho deed. An Insiino M"nii at Columbus , O. , At- tcinptH Wholesale Murder. COM.MIIUS , O. . Aug. 2.1 ! , Ohirlos King , a mild mannered patient at the Insane asylum , secured permission to visit his mother , Mrs. Hattie King , at Circlovlilo , nnd today whllo she was pioparlng n , slipped up behind her and shot her through the body , killing her instantly. Ho then tried to shoot an mint , Mrs. Davenport , but failed In his pur pose Ho labored under tbo delusion that hU mother hud caused his Incarceration In the asylum. Stolen Money HoliindQCl/Altor / riftcon Yours Have Hlilntiod. KVNSVS CITV , Mo. , Aug. ' 23. Traveling Passenger Agent Baxter of the Chicago , Uurliugton & Quinoy railroad , today received in his mall 5(10 ( , which had been stolen fiom him at Uu tlmo n Builingtoi train was hold up nnd robbed bv frontier bandits fifteen years azo. Yesterday a poorly dressed man walked into tbo Hurllngton ofllco at St. Jos- opn and made Inquiry for Mr. Baxter , Being told that Mr Baxter's hoadqunrtors woio in Kansas City the man explained that ho was ono of the bandits who robbed the train lif teen veins ago and handed the cleric ? l ! ( ) In an otivofope , asking him to forward It to Baxter. Ho tucn disappeared and has not been seen since. His Identity is a mystery. WcHtorn IVopIo in CHICAGO , 111. , Aug. 21. [ Special Telegram to TUB Bir. ] Sunday arrivals In Chicago from the west are as follows ; At the Grand Pacific P. U. Lawrence and wlfo , J. O. Wilson nna son , ,9 > naha ; U. H , Nutting , Duvcnport , la. : J. lJBoogo , Slonx City , la. ; W. U Broughton.i pubuquo , la. ; L. H. Korty , Omaha. At the Palmer J. W. Yeast , ; Fort Madi son , la. ; J. K. Day , Jr. , Dos Alpines , la ; D. Mubonoy , Omaha , At the Wellington Samuel Baldauf , Iowa ; W. D , Wood , Salt Lake , Utuli ; Edward F. Phllbrook , Sioux City , la. At the Ulchollou Mls Virginia Lewis , Uubuque , In. At tbo Auditorium W. F McMillan , Omaha ; John L. Webster , - Omaha ; Mis. Joseph Marks and daughter , Sioux City , la. ; F. O. Grabb ) , K. M. Glmoruu | Omaha : Mr and Mrs. O. L , Schuylor. Clinton , la ; N S. Ellsworth. Oos Molncs , { a. ; M. II. Simpson , wife and daughter. Iowa City , la. , U. Ilinko , Omaha. At tbo Fremont W. O. Corbus , Salt Lake , Utah ; T O. Bogort , Scotland , S. D ; o.V. . Morriman , Marshulltown , Iu ; Chinloi Arm- knccbt , Burlington , la. ; J , H. Vincent , H T. Malone , Salt Lake City. DoniONtlu TronlIo9 Unuiu Sululdr. MrsnoMiTr , In. , Aug. 2J. [ Special Tele gram to TIIK BbP.JLou CltnUlngttieard , a ( armor living near hero , too If a dose of car- Dolto ncld th ! evening , living within twenty minutes. Domestic trouble U o-isignod as tbo causo. Ho leaves ayjfo and several small children In poor clrcumitanccs. Uy nMK Majority , Va. , Aug. 23. After the most exciting and vituperative camoalgn ever known hero llcotuo was earned by a majority. HE MAY BE PROMOTED NOW , Wounded Knee Here May Possibly Scouro Deserved Recognition. FAVORED BY THE ADMINISTRATION , General Foi-iythe lias J'roHpcutN ol'Snuo General Kant/ Likes nnd Ils- liken In the Military Service. WASIIIVOTOSBuiiiut ; or Tun Bur , 1 SM Fouiin.KVTU SniKKr , > WASHINGTON. D. C. , Aug 2J. ) Within the next six weeks Brigadier ( ten- oral A. V , ICnntz will coupon the retired list , nnd the milking colonels in the aitlllory , cav alry aud infantry aims of the military service who stand any chance whatever forptomo- tion nro beginning to move upon the outposts of the wnlto houso. Whan General Ivuntz , who Is to bo retired , was promoted about a year ago his chief and most formidable op ponent was Colonel James W. Forsytho of the Sovcuth cavalry , who had Just had a very extensive row w Ith General Miles. It Is the general belief here that this un pleasantness had moro to ilo with Foisytho's failure to secure the promotion than any other cause. The administration of tbo War department , while not disposed to bo paitic- ularly friendly with Oonoial Miles , did not dcslro to put a personal nffrout upon him , such as tbo promotion of Colonel Forsj the would have been considered. Today Colonel Forsjtbols the only cavalry ofllcer talked of In connection with the pro motion , nna vorv strong effoits will bo made In his behalf. But the artillerv olllcors Imvo long thought that they should bo locognl/od by the promotion of ono of their number to the grade of a general ofllcor. The ranking artillery olllcor Is Colonel Loomls Langdon , now stationed nt Fort Hamilton in Now York harbor. Lancdon is n popular ollicer hero who has an excellent rocoid and a powoi ful backing If the artil lery is recognized ho will suioly secure the star. M-.nmSKA citors. The monthly ciop report Just Issued has the following concerning tbo condition of the crop In Nobinska bv counties : Douglas Backward fiorn too much rain and Itijuied b-ully In places by severe stoims. Hajes Weedy owing to continued wet weather. Johnson -Coming out fast and whcro prop- orlv cultivated will yield well. Saunders Fully three weeks late and will amount to nothing on tbo low lands except ing for foddor. ( Jospor Late owing to cold weather , but growing rapidly. Jefferson Promises to bo unusually good. Kearney Late , but piomises line yield. Saline Backw aids. Wayne L ito. Antelope Late , but growing rapldlv. Blaine Tnjuicd bv bail , but a luigo eiop. Butler Backward Ouster Late and weedy. Logan Retarded uy rain. Nuckolls Injured bv rain. Stanton Late but doing well. Cass Late , small nna spotted , the roots Infested with lice or something that sucks sap iixon ) Late and If frost tomes crop will bo poor. Frontier Late and tndly choked by weeds. Hamilton Late but good. Nanco Late but fair crop. Pintto Doing well but very uneven. Yoik Poor stand and weedy. Boone Late but in line condition. Clay Two weeks later than usual and weather too cold for n good crop Colfax Baokw ird. Lancaster Very backward , e/en with most favorable weather u ill not have half a crop. Madison Very uneven and very late. Noniaha Late but looks well , Howard Late and damaged by rain. Sherman Late but doing well. Dodge Very backwaid. Hitchcock Late but in line condition nnd growing well. Knox Ten days late. Burt Late ; worms doing much damage to the loot. Snipy Late and may not mature.P. P. S. H. : ! ' si'ieuxa HIM ur. Clti/eii.s ol Shelhyvllle , Ind. , Lynch n Cowardly Murderer. Snrunvii.Lr , Ind. , Aug. 2J. Don Bruce , city marshal , was shot and fatally woundou by Charles Hawkins , n desperado , who was lynched by n mob n few hours later Hawkins was in a quarrel , when Bruce cnmo upon the scene and requested him to cease his disturbance. Hawkins then reached fo r his revolver and with nil o.itn tired three shots in succession nt Bruce , each bullet taking effect , Hawkins ilrcd twice inor.o , but missed , and started to run , witb Bruce fol lowing. When about 150 foot from the place of the shooting Bruce caught Hawkins , placed him under arrest and immediately toll. Ilo was removed to his residence. At H o'clock Bruce was vomiting blood nnd his case was considered hopeless. At 12 o'clock tonight a mob of 500 collected In the court house vard and proceeded to the Jail without n word. The sheriff demanded to know who was thoro. Ono of the mob said ho was n deputy marshal and said ho hud a prisoner. The sheriff then opened tbo door , when tbo men 'entered the parlor and soirod him by the tnroat. Ho was then tied hand nnd foot and a handkerchief was stuffed into his mouth. Ono of the mob secuied the keys of the jail nnd the bnriod doors were thiown open and guards placed at tbo ontiunco to keep back tbe ether prisoners. Hawkins was in a roar tell , nnd when tbo mob reached that portion of the Jail ho fell upon his fauo. placed his hands ever bis eyes and said : "Please let mo piay. " The committee did not wait , but proceeded to tlo his hands and adjust a noose about bis neck. In a moment six men came rushing out of the Jail , pulling their victim by the neck and drugging him on the ground Twenty foot from the jail door ntioo was found and tbo rope was thrown ever a limb and a second later Hawkins was suspended in midair. Eight shots were then fired in his body and the dreadful work was ovor. The mob Immediately dispoiacu and In llvo minutes every thing on tbo street was as quiet as a graveyard. At the hour of hanging Bruce was re ported as dying. It is bald that Hawkins deed was premedi tated. A week ngo tbo marshal at rested Hawkins' 12-yoar-old sun who had thiown stones through some Plato-glass windows , nnd Hawkins Donated that ho had como to tbo city prepared to get oven with Brnco. Ho bad sought troublti with several persons , but ull were afraid of him His father and son were loft in j ill unmolested by the mob , although each participated in the cowatdly shootine of the cltv marshal After Haw kins bad emptied hU revolver , which ho had boriowod for the occasion , bis son stopped up and banded him another well loaded , but of ( bis bo was disarmed by other ofllteis The father of the assassin , an old man , came up as the marshal started to fall , and going up to ttio dying man drew a club and was about to Atrlko him when a bystander caught htm. Tno mob , DOW over , lot him go on ac count of his ago und tbo boy on account of bis youth. Dm coroner , Clarence liruco , a brother of tbo marbhal , wus called to the south part of the county to bold an Inquest , and tomorrow will bold an Inquest on tbo body of his broth er's assassin , und will most likely bo depended - ponded upon to Investigate tbo cause of bis urothor'a death. The aaiatslo leaves a wlfo ana fatally who nro In almost destitute clrcumstuticos. The body was loft bunging in the court house yard. The oxcltomcnt ever the ahootlng of City Marshal Bruce and the lynching of Hawkins last night ruled nil oay long as high ns It did last night. Hawkins' body was cut down at 10 o'clock ana taken to the undertaker's. Mnrsnnl Bruce continue * alive , but Is hover ing between llfo and death. Ho will hardly recover. Tnoro Is a qulot fooling here tint Hawkins was a dangcious desperado and that ho bid probably mot his deserts Bruce was a kind beat ted man. in.uonr it irri.n it.iauta. ICOH\O | | l iiKii euieut In I'rn ; ro N In Chill nt Ij'iHt AcooiintH. Nrw YOUK , Aug 21. Tbo Herald this momlng has the following : ' A bloody battle was fiercely fought by tbo Chilian troops. Balnmccda's soldiers vainly opposed the crossing of the Acon cagua , and After a desperate light , In which 11,000 , were killed and wotiniloil , were forced to fall back. "Tho land forces were aided by the war ships , and under the cover of tbo cruiser's guns the insurgent army was able to force n passage of the rlvor and then drove the enemy before It liftoon miles In the south. ' 'I housands of citizens of Valpurlso looked on while the engagement which will decide the fate of tbo republic of Chili was being waged. Balnuiccda led his men In porson. Defeat moans ruin to cither party , and the full strength of both Is being exerted. Foreign naval vessels will protect their citizens. Gross Ij\ulinn > cs ol'tho Country UH He- ported by the ItiiukM. BOSTONMass. . , Aug. 2.1 The following Is copied from the dispatches to the Post , from the managers of the dealing house in the cities named , shows the gross exchanges for last week , with latos per cent of incieaso or decrease as against the amounts for the con expanding week In IS * ) : OulalUo of .New York . tKMSl Hi. . 21 .Not Inclmluil In totiiN ' 1 lilrt > * ono cltloH < Ii Lroiibod tmnt ) ulno oltlc In cruiiHul In romp nlcm with ( li prrUiiUM nivk Ihotolpl Gichniii:04 nhyw nn Increase oiJNOIMUS ur 104 per ( out ( hilcldc New Inrk lliuu.xi.liiuit.LS IncrciiBifl % JltHitI,45t or d 1 per cent Tvitiiui.K.\ I.MI anon 1:111 , . luoncli Wlno firoworH Unnucosarlly ' 1 lotitillni ; 'I hciiiHcUpH. PAIMI , Aug. 2J The agitation of young Lamnro , the educated lad of 1'J ' , who is lead ing the tuibblent wino grower' iu the cluim- pagno districts , is the outcome of endeavois upon tbo part of tno largo wino companies to unite the small vinoyaids with the object of localizing and stamping out phylloxera Tbo small vineyards owner * stoutly oppose tills project , which they suppose Is aimed to rcduc o the j oomanry of tbo distiict to mere factory hands. Thoio Is no doubt that thoio nrosomo grounds for their suspicions , but at the &amo time there is no doubt that ph } llox- eta bus mrulo Its npiieaiancos and that It Is likely to spread rapidly M Lamnro has secured unor.nuus inlluonco to back him up in his agitation , but it is almost impossible for tbo movement be is at tbo head of to sue coed , as cbnmpagno roqulies sncli a large amount of capital for its successful produc tion. Apart from the Invasion of pliloxcra ) tbo Fiench vintage jnutlllos the gloomy predic tions made 111 regard to the present ctop of grnpos Up to the piosont the only vino- viittls which piomiscell are those os the Boideaux ration. In l-.ii Ulrondo and An diau departments ttio vlnc\arils have bcun ravaged by mlldow and by black-rot , thiee courses of Milplmtci having failed toariest the pi ogress of tlieso diseases. Tbo negli gence of the grape grower ? has caused the mildew to become as damaging us it has , A resident of tbodepaitmontof LiiUirondo has written a letter for publluition , in which bo asserts that the vineyard keepers have shown themselves caioloss In their euro of the vlnojards Wbeiovor the piocautlons of science Imvo been pioporly nnd oppoitunely observed the \ lues aio healthy and promise an abundant crop. Tboro lira sfgns of mildew In the depait mont of Los Benches dli Hhone , but In Al geria thcrvinos nro well advanced ' 1 hov are not scoichod and have not boon Injured by locusts. In Tunis a good vintage Is untlcipitod , the harvest there being estimated at 11X1,000 hec tolitres. Phxollxora his been variously present In the vineyards of Spiln , Portugal and Italy Young Loin are , ns ulieady cabled , bus written a pamphlet and has started a wcoKly panor , La Revolution Champonolso , to advo cata his vlows and to Incllo the peasants to rcup the prollt of their \\ork Instead of allow ing the merchants to do so. A Nun Linn. DRTUOIT , Mich , , Aug. 21. James F. Joy reports from London , Kng , with the Ilngliaii holders of Wnbush bonds and Blocks re sulted favorable to tbo proposed buildinpof n now line between .Votitpullor , O , and Chicago cage , and tbo line will probably bo con- stiuctod at OIKVJ. This will give a new through line from Detroit to Chlc.igo via the Butler branch ot the Wnbish , which will bo 110 miles .shorter tian | any other route 1'iom Montpellor tbo now line will run ucst to the Indiana state line About twonu llvo mlloi of giading Is already dona on thn Montpollor end of tbo line and U\ only mlloi of rails laid on the Cbluugo end. OVER MILLIONS , S lo for the Property of Old Marj \Z- \ Ann Drake Soannu , CLA MADE BY THE CONTESTANTS , i ImtrUnrc Drnko ClmruodVKli nil of Crime -Host ol' DoltMid * nuts and Sarin ol' 1'Iiilntliri. Nr Yoiiif , Aug. 21. Cnn Lawronca Drake hold tlio $0,000,000 property loft him by his distant Ulimvoiuin , Mury Ann Drake Seaman , or will the other heirs bo itblo to \\icstltfronihlml It Is 11 buttlo of the giants. Twenty millions against siv. Ono bundled nnd foitj-threo plaliullTs ngnlnat ItU dofoiuliints. livery traveler on the I Unison Itlvor rail- rend hns feon the gioat iniirolo house stand- Inu sentinel on the heights nbovo Kenwood as the train pulled Into Klngsbildgo Station. The nrosont possessor nnd ocrupmlof the house , Lnwronco Umlto , holds n nowly-quca. tlonod title to It. Hols accused of having got possession wiongfnlly , by direct and uniluo Influence , by forger > poilmps , by sub ornation nnd bilborv--o\on blacker crimes mo hinted lit In connection ulth the $ < 1,000- 000. ' 'Lawrence Dralto claims to Imvo beiMi the second cousin of Mrs Seainnn , " saut ono of tbo contesting hoiis todaj "Why , his grandfather's mother was only n half great- grandaunt to him. Benjamin Dialto was the great-grand father of Linionco nnd the grandfather of i\Iuiy Ann Seaman. By his Hist wlfo ho bad tlueo children , she was the third ono of them By his second \\lfo ho had thirteen , and L.nuonconsthogiand - son of ono of these Tlicro aio several heirs moro closely inlated by blooa , t'o saj nothing of a biotbor-in-law" Mrs. Seaman , like Mr * Hetty ( irecn , uns that mm n\Is , a business woman. Her mother bofoio her. Mis Maiy Mo.vor , who lived to bo (10 ( , by shrewd Investment h.ul turned a moduiato foituno into a large one , aim Mary Ann sin sued the same course. Slio had boon n noted beauty In her > outh. bbo was pioud of her descent from the famous ndmiial , Sir Fronds Drake. She man led John 1' . Shoaman at the ago of 'M , but never peimlttod him to touch her foituno. Ho died In 167:3. : Mis. Seaman often saui she would never make a will , but would let her pioporty bo divided according to law. This is ono of the legs on which the clureo of folgory will be asked to .stand. Killed ulth ii Itod ol' IIMII. It may not hnvo boon stiango , but It looked so , thai shortly after the death of her hus band the old ladv , now over 70 j cars of rxgo , became a sealed book to the- neatest of her kin. Relatives whom she lovd were denied admittance to her picsonco. They say that her mind was studiously poi soned against them by tbo intripui'u who were seeking to gain possession of nor vast fortune Lawicnco Drake was installed In tbo great bouso as rlKht-band , and it U said that ho ruled things tuoroitii a rod of iron. Ho was king. Ills will was law and ttio old ladv obojod it. Tbo nmrolo palnco was apilson , say the contesting hens , or lather nn asylum for the insane. Tbov ate going to show It all , thov say the life in the nuublo piison aud Homo of It will bo appalling. Thov will not foreshadow the evidence , for they do not wish to put am munition in the hands'of the adversary. Some witnesses , they say , Imvo boon told to keep beyond the teach of summonses. That Mrs. Seaman's mind began to fall bor In her widowhood , anil that she lin.illv became mentally incapacitated , the plnintllls In the present suit will trv to-cstablish bv volumln ous testimony. In lbt : she fell elf n gang way at H.irlom bildgo and was neatly drowned. She smilingly said when In ought nshoio : "Why , I could have sailed aiouml for yenis without any harm " She consented after n time to rcwnid the sailor v , no bad res cued her and gava him 25 cents. In course of tijnc , it Is nllegod , she began to hat her the delusion that Lauienco Dialto owned the marble puson and that It was through his goodnois of heart that she was permitted to live there She spent hours dusting Imaginary dust off the fiiinituto. Than she would toss gold pieces Into tbo air and leave them on the carpels. When callers came she would Introduce them to ttio coins as If they weto living beings. Mrs. bcnnmn was always voiy fond of dogs. Whenever one of thorn dicil she would bnvo a bandbomo monument erected to Its memory. There were times uhon she would startla those about her by unexpected bursts of shrewdness "Yos , I know Lawir-nco Drake gives ma line " she said "but ho piesonts , once , buys them with mj money. " Willed tlio Properly to Drako. Hut when she died in 187S thioo-fouiths of horpropoitv was willed to Lauienco Diako. ' Tho'xull was contested bofoio SuiiogntoCal- vln on the ground of undue inllucnce , but Dually went to pi abate The charge of foigory i\as not then raised. Tlio case was never np- pealcd. There was not much money spent In this contest , as the wealthy lolatlous would not go Into the light , but In the fuco of the now evidence the ) nave oignni/od for n big light , and It Is said that the. ) leptosoni uu aggiegatoof $20,000,000. home singular mishaps and fatalities nava attended the plaiutitls In the piosont case. I'lio mosthtnitllng was the niuulor of Law yer Townsend last November by being pushed olT tbo palisades , almost opposite the inaiblo pilaco. Mr Townsend was a Kinsman of Mr. Seaman's. Ho had lust been poniindod to Join In the light for whichIt is snld. ho had In his possession Impoi taut evidence Siinco Town- semi's death sovcinl of the leading con testants have received tbieateniim letters , and Lixwjor Ueorgo W. Wilson , attorney for the contestants , got nn anonymous postal card not long ace bearing the message : " 1'ako care vou iion't follow Townsund. " Mr. WINon says ho Is not afraid The casa Is piomhcd for lilul In the near futuie. 7/s /iM.M.'s nis.ii'i-iuiirtn. OSHPCMIH I'm ( Ion ol'iin Ohio Mun Grad ually AliHoibod liy HH | Itlood. Si'itisToi'iii.i > , O. , Aug. SI , A myntorlous case of n man's bone structure gradually crumbling away Is attiactlng the attention of the medical fiatornity hero. William ( irccn , n farm band living near the rlty , became - came Incapacitated fromhaid work III teen years ago t > y mvMoriotis disease In which the bonus nro gindunlly dlsipponrlti" and are being nbioi bed by tbo blood A portion of thostuiU above the oa Is gene , lo ivlnu no protection for n space of thioo Inches la ulametor Another largo portion of bona has dlsap- poured from tbo top of the skull und a tumor bus formed tlioio Jho breast bone Is also giadimliy crumbling away. 'J'wo ofOlroon't spinal voitobrii1 luivo also gone , leaving the spinal cord unprotected by anything hut tbo skin , and as u consequonro tbo man U com pelled to llo on bis stomach all the tv bllo. Ho uroko his log last winter ami the lionn has not knit yet and physicians say It never will. t'.IM' AHIHHtK. Nil rum KHUIIJIO of a Now Voile Ynuhl- IDK I'iii'ij. Muiqi , Mich. , Aug 23 Tno Bralnard party , from Now York on yachts , were driven ashore ThursUav night , fortunately striking Chapel beach A man got through the woods to Munlsbln at 2 o'clock yenorJay und reported the whelo party , thitn womea und four men , on the beacb wfthuut food. A heavy ea makes it Impossible foi the boats to venture nlimg that shoio and piovliiout were sent b > guides thiough the woods last night.