Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 22, 1891, Page 2, Image 2

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George Toabcau Tired by Denver Eccauso
IIo Would Drink Liquor ,
JjInuotn'H IMayni-H Commence Stilt for
'HalnrlcH I'nHt nntl Ii'iilui-o1 Xn-
tlonnl nnd Aniorlo.iii ( i
Colo. , Aug. 21.-Special ( Telegram -
gram to Tin : Hin. : ] A sensation was caused
in baseball circles hero this evening by the
nmiouncemcnt that Ocorgo Teboau had been
lot outof tlio Denver team nnd McOarr ap
pointed captnln ,
The reason alleged Is thntTobeau had been
reporting members of tbo club for drinking
and had them lined , when ho himself was as
guilty ns the rest of them.
\\lll SlK' till'Hllllll'll'H
LISCOI.X , Nob. , Aug. 21. ( Special Tele
gram toTiin HKK.J The members of the late
Lincoln baseball club have left for their vari
ous homos , but before leaving they decided
to commence suit against Hanker Charley
Wosher nnd C.V. . Little of the street rail-
wnv company for not only buck salaries , but
also their salaries until the end of the season.
A fi.lliM I/7S.
Now York , I'ittHlmrK nnd
\Von In Yostcrilny's ( Junes.
I'lili.ADKl.i'MlA , Aug. 21. Score :
I'hllndolphla . 0 0 1
Kuw Vork . 1 0 0 1 U 0 0 I 0 3
Hits : Philadelphia. 8 ; Now York. ft. Krrors :
1 'hlliKlelphhi. ' Us Now York , 1. Iliittiirlus :
( lloason and Cli'inunts ; J. Kwlng and lincxley.
Ktirncd runs : I'lillndtlphla , I.
CINCINNATI , O. , Aug. 21. Score ;
Cincinnati 0 00000000 0
I'lttsuurw 0 * -2
lilts : Cincinnati. 5 ; I'lttsburj. . 10. Errors :
Cincinnati. ' . ' : I'lttsiinrit. ! > llatlorlcs : .Mullano
nnd llarrliiutoii ; Unlvlri and .Miller. Karned
runs : 1'lttHliiirK , 1.
CniCAno , Aug. 21. Score :
ChluaEo 3 00 f. 00000-7
Cleveland 0 0 102 0000 3
lilts : Chicago. 12 : Clovohind. H. Krrors :
C lilcuRO , 4 ; ( 'luvelnnd. 't. ( latteries : Hiilcliln-
< > n and KlttriMlgu ; Uet/eln and /liniiiur.
Karnod rnn.s : UhlctiKO .
UIIOOKI.V.V , Aug. 21. Score :
llrooklyn 1 0000 - > flS
lloston n oooo 0 I t
lilts : llrooklyn , 10 ; lloston , n. Krrors :
Jlrooldyn , II ; lloston. 4. llntterlos : Ilein-
inltiR mid Ivlnslow ; ( Jlarli.'on nnd Uanzell.
Karned runs : llioolilyn , 8 ; llostoa. I.
Hayed. Won. Lost. I'or Rt.
Dhleapo 100 (11 ( .a .010
IloKlnn 1K5 flfi 40
ISew York- 01 51 : w
riillndoluhlu 07 51
llrooklyn 05 47 48 .4115
Cleveland 10 , ) 48 51 AW
Cincinnati U ! ) : w 0. )
I'lltsuurK 99 DO a ; i .ISSUVltt TIO.Y.
Ft. Louis anil Washington ICneh Moved !
Up 11 I'CK *
ST. Lotus , Mo. , Aug. 21. Score :
St. Louis : t ooooiono 4
c'oiiiinbu.s o 2
Hits : Ht. Lou's , (1 ( ; OolimiDiis. fi. Krrors :
SI. Louis , I ; Columbus a llallerlvs : McCitll
and Darlln : OnstrlBlit and Doiiohuo. Karnod
ri.ns : St. Lnulii. 1 ; Columbus , 1.
Bu.TiMoni : , Md. , Aug 21. ( lame called
after sixtli inning on account of rain. Score :
llnltlinore : i o o o o 0 It
Washington 2 0 ! I 0 1 1 7
lilts : liiiltlii'ore. 4 ; Wellington , it. Krrors :
Itiiltiinore , II ; Washington , 7. Itntti'rius :
Ilealy ai.d Itoblnson : Carsi-y and Sutclilfo.
Karned runs : NViiHhliiRtou , 4.
BOSTOX , Mass. . Aug. 21. Score :
Iloston 0 0100035 2-11
Alhlulles 2 00000002 4
Illls : Boston. Ill ; AthlotlcB. 10. Krrors : llos
ton , 0 : AthltilicH , 4. Hafturlcs : O'llrlon and
IColly ; Sanders and Mllllgnn. Earned runs :
lloslon , 1.
American AH.iot.'intion
Haved. Won. i.ojt. I'or Ct.
lloston toil 71 .CS9
St. Louis 100 ( IS . &I2
Ilaltlmoro 1)9 ) 51K 45 .B42
Athlollcs 100 K ! 48
Coliimtius tot 40 65 ! 47I
Milwaukee 100 4I ! 57 .4:10 :
Loulsvllln 1011 . ' 17 IK ) .1149
Washington 03
HllnolK-Iowi .
At Ottawa Ottawa , 7 ; Cedar Knpids , 2.
At Ottumwu Ottumwii , III ; Joliet , 8.
Tlic I'ni-k .Innloi'H A\'in.
Ttio Nonpareil Juniors met tlio Park Juniors
yesterday afternoon nnd surrendered a ball ,
nfter a close and exciting game. The score :
Two men out when winning run wns mado.
NI-OIII : nv iNXIXfirt.
Nonpareils Junlori 3 2300013 4 IS
1'nrk JunloiH 1 3 5 1 3 0 0 > t yi
ttniiii I'nrned : I'nrkN. 8 ; Nonpnri'lK . llnao on
tinllm Oil 1 > . riynn , fi ; Wlcclns , t : llnrrctt , I. Hit
by liltclivr : lly WlKKlnx. Struck out : lly Kljrnn , 4 ;
WlMth , ! l ; llnuiitt. 4 Wild pltclii'ii : Hiirrelt. Two
IIHKO lilts : Wlllliiini , Wi'lcli , WlKKlns , Tlllntson ,
.loliiiion. rn > eil liiilln : lly .Mori IMIII , ! i : Wluulna.Hi
Ilurrutt. 1. lloiihlii iiliiys ; Wolt-li to 'I'lllulNiin , 2.
Tlmo : Two lioiiiKnnil u-n iiilnulcs. Umpire : lave
bnuiialmu nf tlio .Noiiimrelli.
Xit'p ( iiuno nt lionii-ico.
BBAtitic-i : , Neb. , Aug. 21. | Kpcclal Tele-
pram to Tin : BKK. ] A very nli-u llltlo game
of ball was nlayod hotwecn the Beatrice mid
Hastings clubs this afternoon , in tlio face of
n threatening storm. A big crowd of suec-
tators saw tlio sport , Hastings contributing
some ilflpfln ortwonty of her sporting popula
tion to give their club encouragement. Henry
and Parks were accredited ns pitcher una
catcher , respectively , for Beatrice , but their
striking resemblance to O'iDay and Wilson
of Lincoln led many to bollevo that they were
identical. Uoh.'or , pitcher , and Abbott ,
catcher , formed Iho battery for the visitors.
The gnmu was a line ouo throughout. The
score :
llcatrloo 2 1 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 4
llnsthr.-H U U
Umpire : White.
Sunday nt Nonptirliil Park.
The S. A. Orchards nnd Nontiarlols will
play Sunday , August2Jt , lorn jiursb of $30
nnd gate receipts nt Nonparlol park , tVtoonth
and VInton. The Orchards claim they will
wlpo thu dust with the champions ns they
have the strongest batturv for Sunday , It
will bo a good game , following Is the bat
ting order ;
Nonpareils. 1'oslttons. Orchards.
J. Ainhunoy Third l' isons
Hliunaliuii Short stop , Milsoa
.IfJIen. . . . , I'ltehur Union
Lacy Oiitchor , , . . .0ulllnn
Hrudford Middle . . . .lii'iinNt.
Jlorloaty Klsht Smith
MoAullli . . . . .bocimil 11. llowlc.i
Mshonoy l.t-ft W. Howies
I'lynn Vlrst Klvppnur
Very tno-SIli- l.
Lour CITV , Nob. , Aug. 81.-- [ Special to Tun
HUB. ] In tbo i imu of bniobull belwoen
the North Loup and Loup City clubs plnyed
bore today , Loup City had everything her
own way us the score will testify. Thu fea
tures ot the guniu were the battery work of
Millar and Kossltur aud ruunlnir catches of
Bacon nnd Dcpow. The score wnus
i.oni > city 10 4 i a q o a i 2 si
North Uiup 0
lluim earned j LoupOlty. U. llano hits ; Loup
Olty. 20i North loni > , 3. htrook out : lly Alel-
lor. 8 ; Miiyu , 1 ; Temple , 4. llattorlfs : I'or
Loup Olty , Muller and Itcwiltcrj North I < ui ) ,
Mayo , Toiiiplii nnd iluva Uiiiplrt-si IlrlK'H
ana Tompln. Tlmo of gurnet Tivohouri and
Uftoou iiilniito.s.
Ilr rllnutuiiB Struck u
Nob. , Aug. 31 , | SHjclal ( Telegram -
gram toTiiK BKK. | Tuu Plaits mouth Bur-
llngtnns learned today that CUadron could
pl y ball , und but ouo tunUig was needed.
Chndron took two runs In the first Inning nnd
resigned tbo bat to Mr. Dakar , who found n
homo run , which saved the Burlington * from
shut out. After the llrst Inning It wns one.
two three for both sides until the fifth , when
Chndron mndo three moro runs. It was n
beautiful gatna nntl Chndron Is proud to have
defeated Iho champions of Nebraska oven
onco. Bnker nnd Mniipln of the Burllngtons
nnd Williams and Bittlnger of Uio homo nli-.u
deserve special mention. Scorer
C'linilron . 2 0 0 0 . ' 1 0 0 0 0-fl
I'laltsmoiitli . 100000000-1
Htrm-k out : llyVllllains. . 4 ; I'orrlno , A Kr-
rnrs : ( Miadron , ' . ' , I'liittsiuouth , 4. Homo runs :
Pliitlstmmtli , I. Itattorlrs : Williams and Hll-
, I'orrlno and Urulglilon.
Not to Illume.
Unxiv.t , Neb. , Aug. 21. [ Special Telegram
to Tin : BKK. I-- Your correspondent from
Fnlrtnount , Is laboring under n delusion In re
porting the gnmo of ball nt that place yester
day ns being between Olilowa and ( Jonovn ,
when Geneva was not there playing ball ,
The game was hotwecn Olilowa and the Hay
makers , n club In tbo country north of
Uenovn. ( .Icneva don't want any credit for
that game. _ .
Unln KtopptMl the Vun.
ThoMonuincntals and Mason Clippers met
yesterday nftornoon , but the gnmo was
stopped by rain nftor four Inning hwl been
plnvcd , with thn score standing 8 to1 In favor
of tbo Monumontnls. Batteries : Thompson
and Coy ; Knodo nnd Abbott. Umpire : Coy.
Are You Thci-c Athli-tlos ?
OMAHA , Aug. 'Jl. To the Sporting Editor
of TincBnE : Tlio Eighteenth Street Stars
horahy accept the challenge promulgated by
the Athletics , nnd will play them Sunday nt
'J p. 111. , at the Syndicate park grounds.
Sl'Hl'llt H1XU.
Trotting at Chicago.
CIIICAOO , Aug. SI. The track was good
today nt Washington mirk. The attendance
wns S,50 ( ) . Tlio race of the day was looked
for in Iho 2ii : : trotting match between Mc-
Uocl , Alvin and Homestako for n purse of
f2,0'JO. ' It was a good race , but McIJocl was
not himself and much of ttio interest sub
sided after the first heat which Homcstako
won by two lengths.
2:21 : class , unllnlshod , pacing. First division :
Jack Shell , Alovimlrr Unman soooml.
( test time : - : ( . { . Secnnil division : Amurlean
Hey first. Otto second. Host llnn > : 'Jslll'i.
UIU : eliiss. tiottiiiK ! IVdrn . Clara
Willie.soi nnd , Kllio third. Itest time : : J'JHi. :
Coliimbiu .stakes , trotting , two-vi'ar-olds :
Vassaltlrst , \\est NVIlUos sticond. llvst time-
U'ii : : : ! .
iU1i : class , trnttlns ( iiiitlnlslied ) : llonrst
Oi'orgi' , Allno and I'lck I'unni.i Hod for llrst
plnue. Host llmo : U:141i. :
! ! : l'l class , trolling : Homestako first , Mc-
Doel second , Alvin third. Ili-st tlinii : aIS5f. :
L':4U : class , trotting : I'lit Downing Kdlth
Sliruguu second , Tom I'n.'h tliir.l. licit lime :
1IS. ! :
The unflnishod inatcli between Nancy
Hanks and Margaret b. was wound up today
by sending Nancy over the course with a
running horse against time , her competitor
having withurnwn yesterday. Hanks cumo
under the wire at oxncllv-hur former record ,
Hoatrice'H I'oniins nicer.
BKATHIUI : , Nob. , Aug. 'Jl.- [ Special to Tun
Bun. ] The Beatrice Driving association
races will take plnco at Linden Trco park
August 20 , " 7 nnd 28. The entries which
closed Wednesday evening comprise many
of the best flyers in the state. The improve
ment of tire Linden Tree park grounds is
now complete , having been of n most cx-
tonsivo nature. The now amphitheater is
capable of seating 2,01)0 ) persons comfortably.
The stalls are easily accessible to the track.
The track is ono of the best half mtlo tracks
in the west.
The association has provided for $3,000 in
purses. All races to be in harness , and to
bo milo heats , best thrro in llvo , unless
otherwise ordered or agreed upon. One-
year-old races will be half mlle boats , two in
three. Two-year-old races will be mile heats ,
two in three. In stake races the distance
will bo 2UO yards.
I'lcasant Wcatlicr nt
SAiutooA , N. Y. , Aug. HI. Weather pleas
ant , track fast.
Tlrst rncij. seven furlongs. Ten slarters :
Inferno , 114 ( I to 1) ) , won. Dr. Hushroaok. 107 (5 (
to I' ) , second. Lord Harry , ] ir > (9 ( to % third.
Time : llajVi. :
Second race , four and a half furlongs. Four
teen starters : Foreigner. I18ito ( ( I ) , won. Hon-
iililiur ! > . ! 0 : > < 4 to 1) ) , secwnd , Uiillonadu , til' .
( Ill to 1) ) . third. Time : 0.
Tiilid race , ono mllo. I'lvo slurlcrs : Kaelnc.
100 (7 ( to 10) ) . won. Tanner OJ ( S to 1) ) , second ,
Liidy I'ulsifiMKiO ! ) ( : to I ) , third. Time : l:4i :
Konrth race , llvo furlongs. Klold divided to
inalio two ruees. First half nine .starters :
Orinoco. Ml ( C lo 1) ) , won. Ladv Undo. 10.5 If. to
1) ) , fecimil. Gratitude , H'.1 ( . > to 1) ) , third. Time :
ItO.'l. Si-ooml half , nlnu starters : WoodbJtin ,
111 ( T lo 1) ) . won. lli'iigal. 1U7 ( t > to 1) ) , Hocoml ,
KltiK Mack. 1U5 (7 ( to S ) third. Time : 1K1. :
Third nice , six furlont's. Twelve slartori :
CiMilanr. ( S to I ) , won , Lin--iy , ( r > to l ) , second ,
llnstueil , ( toft ) , third. Time : 1:111. :
Trotting at Haniuilon larr. !
Si'itixiii'iLLii , Mass. , Auir. SI. The closing
day of tlio grand races at Hampden pant was
eventful for the two fast heals made by Hal
Pointer in the frco-for-all p.ieing class. The
wonderful gelding made thu first heat in
2 : li-J ( ) , the second in 2:14 : and the third in
2:10 : .
3:17 : cliisf , trotting : Hnnrlntta won , Walter
I' , second. J. II. Klcliiirdson third. Host time :
2:18'.i. :
Krco-for-all jmco : Hal I'olnlcr won , Yolo
Maid second , Johnston third. Host time. :
2:1UV4. :
Sprlnglluld stuKos , 2:2S : clns.s , ( iiollnlshcd ) :
Happy line and Funny Wllcox tied for llrst
ilaci' ) . Martin Wlllccs third , Frank F fourth ,
i'rodlgal lifth , Hush sixth. Host , time : 2lb'/i. :
ZUnjor JliinkiiiH' llaor.s.
CIIICAOO , Aug 31. Gnrilold park results :
OIID inllu. I'rlnco won , .loo WooliiKin second
end , Ynttull third. Tlnii : : li.'il'i.
Alilo and seventy yards. Mary Puo won ,
Marie 1C second , Uobln Mood third. Tlnie :
JiM.Hlx fiirlonas. Fnrlno won , Lena Frey sec
ond. > ! lm Mm phy Ihlrd. Tlmo : l-0i. !
Mlle and tine-DlKhlh , hiindleap. I'd ( toll
won. I.oiis'ltuht second , ttoaumont third ,
Tlmo : a:0l. :
Five furlongs. Magglu l.obns won , Jolinry
uroi'tior socnnd , OorlniiK third. Time : lUi. :
Uno mile. Ills : Tlirco won. Alplionso second ,
Marchma third. Tlmo : ltii'.i. : '
Colonel Corrig n'.s
CIIICADO , Aug. 21. Havvthorno results :
Four furlongs : Jennlo S won. Townscnd
ficcoml , Miintuliilr third. Time : r.l ,
Six I'onoims : Tom Karl won , Kthol second ,
Fri'd Tu nil third. Time : Iv.tiii.
.Mllo and ono furlong , hiuicllaaii : KH won ,
Lillian Lindsay second , Hllvor Lake third.
Tlmo : la :
Mile : Insoloncowon .Silverado second , At
lanta third. Time : lli- : : ! , .
Mile and suvunty yards : Falorna won. Low
Carllhlo second , 1'omfrut third , Tlmo : 1 : : > 5.
nt lnliiine. ) ]
Du * UQUI : , la. , Aug. 21. Track heavy.
! ! : l'8 trut : O'lnvton Kdsoll won. Jacksonlan
second , Ayrs I'dlsianued. Host , tlmui0. ; .
Fri'u-for-ull trot : Hilly llovurly won , Al-
cryim sui'ond , Nellie V third. Host than :
a-JHi. :
Twu-yoar-uM stake : SValkox-er for Hornuula
I'.xhlliltlou heat In 2:1)1. : ) Special two-yoar-
olils : Kopunler llrst , IvnlKhtniont tocono. Host
tlino : Uiift.
KuoolsN Out Aiulm-Hon ,
HAHTIMI.S , Nob. , Aug. SI. [ Spoolal Tclo-
prnm lo TIIK BKK.J Anderson of lioldrogo
and Augustine , the Hastings light weight ,
pugilists , fought seven rounds hero last night
for the championship of the stnto. Up to
the seventh round Anderson was aggressive
and Auinmtlno skillfully defended himself ,
In the seventh tbo man dealt the Holdregu
pug a torritlo cut under thu loft oar , knocx-
liij ; Anderson out. The light was awatdcd
to Augustine. This was their third mooting.
T\vo OiilUnrnln l < 'ltlitM.
S.\s FUAXCISCO , Gal. , Aug. 21. Danny
Hopkins , n nliiotcon-ycar-old bantam weight ,
defeated Walter Cathcarl , a forty-year-old
bantam of London in three rounds nt the Pa-
cillo athletic club , for u of 300.
Max Funncr , Known ai thu Terrible Swede ,
was knocked out In olghtuun rounds by Con
Uoydun , formerly of Australia , In a tiiiUu
light for a purse of f 1,000. The fight was
one of the hardest ever seen In San Francisco.
Hot TImeH In the Strip.
AIIKANSAS CITV , Ark. , Aug. SI. Yesterday
was the hottest day for yean , the thermome
ter standing 100 In the shade. O , Howard
wns fatully tuualruck nnd so vent I others
ovorcotnu by thu heat. In thu Churokou strip
Iiii-go uumbon ot cuttlu are dyini ; ( rota snn-
I > 1 AT
V/lmt / Outsiders Think of the Nobraika Indo-
psndonts' Ideis.
JI'iHt Contrail lot ory Proposition ! * iCvcr
rllptl Up hi Out ! DouuiiiRiit Cal-
ctilatoil to lloniillt Onu ClnHS
ol' IntllvliImilH.
CHICAGO BtTittiAi ? or Tun Bin : , I
Cnicvuo , Auir. 21. f
Commenting on the platform adopted by
tin ) Nebraska Indotwmlonts , the Tribune ) tula
morning says : "It Is questionable whether ,
iw innny absurd and contradictory proposi
tions ever wore piled uu In otio document.
Tree und utillmltod coinage of silver' Is in
sisted on so Unit debtors niny got rid of tbo
imyincnt of u quarter of what they ewe nnd
yet hold on to lunU or goods. In tbo anmo
breath the demand Is made that tbo govern
ment stmll maito loans to private individuals
and that it shall Issue sbinplustors by the
million , taking farms nnd crops us security.
With tbo nld of that scrip debtors
could swindle their creditors out of
ail they ewe them t > y going through the form
of paying them oil with tills worthless trash ,
and would retain the possession of tbo mort
gaged lands or goods. Hut since the povcrn-
inctit is to issue money whii'li Is wotth noth
ing , why demand the coinage of silver which
will bo worth something ! And if c rod I tors
are to bo swindled out of all that is duo them ,
why make arrunpumoiits also for cheating
them out of a iiuartorl in spitoof its enor
mous pension appropriations , congress is
denounced for its failure to provide for old
soldiers nnd a demand is made for
service pensions and udditiomd legislation
for the soldiers. But If the monetary system
of thocounlry is upset us the result of Hooding
the United States with irredeemable shinplasters -
plasters , it will make no dllTeronco what is
done for the soldiers. Should each one bo
given a service pension of $10,000 a year , it
would ( to him no peed , for the money would
be worth nothing. Eight dollars in real
money would bo infinitely better. "
Thomas Iligglns , William Dalton , George
Washington and John Ani'orson are lodgwd
In the central station charged with con
spiracy and an nttmopt nt blackmail in
connection with Siegol , Cooper & Co.'s lire.
The men , it is charged , entered Into un IIRI-OO-
ment to expose the person who sot tire to
Slogel , Cooper & Co.'s building , provided' a
certain amount of money would bo paid
them. They agreed among themselves to
accuse Charles I1"1. Wise , u lloor walker , and
Isaac Voim , who was at ono time a member
of the firm , of arson. The plan was to go to
the insurance companies and uropoio that on
payment of $2,000 they would disclose
tin ) parties who had set the building on
lire. They made the proposition to ! \ com
pany , but the suspicions of the latter wore
aroused und detectives were put on the case
who sucseedcd in unearthing the conspiracy.
Imprisoned in a gold mine in the rocky
fastnesses of Central America that is tbo
thrilling fate that lias overtaken Tascott , the
ubiquitous Willie Toicott of Snell murder
notoriety. This is the substance of a weird
story told oy 13. A. Whltesott , who writes
from the hospital for the insane at Tuscaloosa -
loosa , Ala. , to the .Bontlcld dcteotivo agency
of tnis city.
Some weeks ago Ur. Widdecome of Melville ,
a village near \Vaukegan \ , was presented by a
friend with a pair of live rattlesnakes , which
he kept in n glass jar. Wednesday night
about 11 o'clock the doctor went to bis oftlce ,
accompanied by his eighteen-year-old daugh
ter Nellie , with whom ho hal been visiting
friends. While they wro there a largo owl
llew in through the transom , upsetting and
breaking the jar nnd liberating the snakes ,
ono of which bit the girl in tbo log , killing
her in n short time.
Just as the great li o'clock army wns pour
ing northward over the Wells street bridge
last evening a middlc-ngcd man mounted the
rail of the north abutment , . and uftor
looking around made a bold phi n go
Into tbo river. Efforts were made to rescue
the man , but failed to meet with his cooperation
tion , nnd when ho was at last dracged out of
the water ho was so far gone that ho died in
a short timo.
Warren F. Lcland , proprietor of the Leland -
land hotel , was assaulted by a vicious Cuban
negro named . .lamewnom ho. had dis
charged yesterday , unit so badly beaten that
ho will bb coiilinod to his room for several
A local paper says : Lieutenant Michael
Giltrudo. of tun United States ixrmy , sta
tioned nt Fort Sheridan , is missing under
circumstances which point strongly to foul
play. Lieutenant Giltrudo lias been olt duly
on ix furlough for several weeks. His wife
is visiting In Wisconsin , and during her rtb-
sonco he lias been stopping with his brother-
in-law , Olllcer Van Blount. Uiltrudc was
last seen Saturday afternoon.
Stops toward the formation of a national
nsAOCIntion of amateur electricians word
taken at the Grand Pacific last night , an or
ganization meeting being hold By the parent
body of the American society of amateur
olootricians. O , 10. Cozzcns presided nnd n
constitution nnd by-laws was adopted.
Nearly sixty members wore enrolled with
every indication that this number 'will
shorily bo increased to 500. Applications for
lot-ill chnrtcis were received from Atlanta ,
Ga. , and Toronto , Canada. The society pro
poses encouraging the study of olcctriclly
amony young men who propose malting it a
profession and those who are merely interes
ted in such studies. Arrangements have
already iK'cn made for an exhibition of me
chanical contrivances by the nmatour electri
cians at the world's fair.
The following woilorn people are in too
city :
At the Auditorium frank Klopotkl , Great
Falls , Mont. ; Mr. nnd Mrs. Uawson , Miles
City ; .1. C. Snarp , Omaha ; Mr. and Mrs.
Jmiics T. Peavey , Sioux City , la ,
At the Leland A.V. . Clawcy , Dos
Mollies , In.
At the Wellington E. L. Dougherty , D.
E. ICrlchbnch , Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Martin ,
Dos Moinus , la.
At the Palmer Mr. and Mrs. James Casey ,
Omaha ; Mrs. D. F. Lowroy , Lincoln.
At the Grand I'aciilo-J. C. Broeksmlt ,
Cedar Uapids , In. ; Arthur S. Potter , John
A. McShaiu1 , Omaha ; Charles O. Whedon ,
Lincoln ; John F. Cowan , , f. \Villcomo ,
W. H. 15. Jacobs , Paul C. Kdmunds , Sioux
City , la- F. A.
JtUX'b JtKt'/KH' OF TltK WKKK.
lltiilncss ItnuelvliiKH Honlthy Impetus
\Vil l Speculation the K.xu-opllon.
Nr.w YOKK , Aug. 21. U. G. Dun & Co.'s
\VeoklyHovlowofTradowlU sny : During
tbo past week attention has bron absorbed by
croat excitement In grain. Russian orders
prohibiting exports of rye were taken as
oftlciul continuation of the worst reports re
garding the harvest in that country.
The price hero was suddenly advanced
so far r.s to stop exports mid than rapidly re-
cocdcd , closing at tl.l I > J , or O ) . , ' cents above
last week's quotations. . There Is little room
to ( ionbt tlint the foreign demand will ho
greater than over if prices hero are not ao
advanced as to cheek U. It is in the highest
degree important that tbo guldea oppor
tunity should not be lost through such a rUe
In prices us would curtail foreign consump
The general business of tbo country does
well , with gradual improvementin nearly till
brunches , based on actual Increased demand
from fill-mint ' , states. It may ho doubted
whether there has over boon u more cautious
and conservative foellog prevalent at a time
when the prospect of a large trudo was
brighter , nnu In scarcely any brunch Is there
scon n disposition to vcntnro upon large
speculative purchase * . Stocks of goods car
ried over huvo been larger for years und deal-
em are udmonuaod by failures and tlii'ro Is
to general a disposition to purchase only
what it ii cortalu coukunidri will
that many tp rrs appear hesitating and
'almost ' dull. Vet the volume of business Is
; probably asarpp \ as ever before at inldswn-
liner. Collections , are not generally good. It
i Is well nljio tlmt'lh speculative markets ox-
i in grnrwilfhoro ts little excitement ,
Whllo corn ndtfcucod H'-s ' cents , oats declined
7 cents , aniji rpttoii , with pro pocts of n
largo crop.declined M , cent , colTco
10 cents per 100 pounds nnd petroleum -
troloum ! J crifltsf while pork nlso fell M
cents per bnriMI/Avltli lard n shade stronger.
It is u surprising fust that the great lion
industry doenjnot yet meet the sot buck
Which ttio enormous production threatens.
The proiltictlon'o'f ' domestic Iron nlono is nt
the rate of MliTJmftiids for every Inhabitant of
the country and fjirin excossof tlio coiisiim | > -
tlon of nil Irqii.jidomesUo and foreign , yet
prices do notjailj
The coal movement Is larcor. The market
for wool continues more active , Boston sales
reaching 4.I8,000 pounds lor the week nnd
the shipments being very largo from Chicago ,
though the trade here Is quiet for domestic ,
but better for lorclgn wool.
The stock market hud received an Improve
ment In tone , but there is no sign of specula
tive madness , nnd , while prices are higher ,
sabs are not largo. The monov market lias
continued undisturbed , notwithstanding u
largo movement the Interior for grain nnd
apprehensions of the future do not omharass
legitimate business , but has put a wholesome
check upon speculative excitement.
The treasury has put out 81,700,000 moro
than it has taken In during the week and the
failure to obtain for extension n large part of
the -\Vt \ per cent bonds scorns likely to oblige
the treasury to disburse largo slims for ttio
remaining bonds September I.
Monov is In brisk demand at northwestern
points , but easy for legitimate business nt
The business failures during tlio last seven
days number UK ) , as compared with n total of
227 for last week. For the corresponding
week of last year the figures were 1UJ.
WITH jinroiirjuts.
Cavalrymen 1'cppurlnK HIllioiicttH
with fclx-Sliootcrs.
Bni.t.nvuE , Nob. , Aug. 21. [ Spocinl Telegram -
gram to TUB Bnt.l Today the revolver
practice began , men fired dismounted nnd ,
despite the rain and disagreeable surround
ings , made fairly good scores. The totals for
the day are :
Naino. rank , troop and roRlmcnt. Acgrogato ,
M. H. Mitchell , Corpl. 1C. blxth 8 ! )
.1. J. I'ershlne. and U. Sixth S'.l '
A. linker. I'rlv. O. Sixth ft ! )
\V. Davis , Corpl. O. Ninth 87
H. H. Thomas. I'rlv. A. Mull 8ft
C. Scott. Tptro. K , Sixth Hi
M. It. Kwnnson , Hurst. 1) ) . Sixth 8J
S. Adams , Sargt. K. Fourth Hi
K. Wnrrun. L'orjjl. It , Fourth 811
\V. Mason , I'rlv. It , Ninth HI
A. Dray , U'nd Kt. Sixth ID
M. Tcler , Corpl. I > . Ninth 7l >
1' . A. Ilottensx'nd LI. Ninth 78
.r. Oliver , Sur t. K , Sixth 77
.1. Price. Sergt. K. Ninth 73
A. Drew , Su t. 11 , Ninth 711
O. SchultI'rlv. . A. Sixth 7:1 :
O. .Strolumotz , I i gt A. Kl-Ht 71
A. W.Strothur , 1'nv. K , Ninth 71
.1. J. McCarthy , I'rlv. O. Sixth r-'l
H K. Uolilun , saddler , K , Nlntl
V. Sniil , Corpl. II , Sixth 57
W. Harris , I'rlv. I , l.'onrtl . " >
H. L. IMmomlson , Corpl. 1 , Ninth 52
W. O.Carroll Tptro. II. Sixth 41
K. Xcpekowskl. 1'riv. II. Klghth o7
The performance of the men chosen as' a
team to represent the department in ttio
army competition tjas boon tabulated. The
tolal of points scicnjed oy tbo first ton men
was .1,247 , agaiu'st 4,843 for the llrst ten men
in iS'M ' , a. gam Ot4i)5 ; ) points. Tbo table is ;
o >
' . (
- - L
NAME AM ) HAMv. P * f
* .
A. Cray. 2d I.t. . ( ! tU.i ,
W. O. Carroll , Tptr. . II , litli.
M. I , . Mitchell , Cpli , K , tali. .
S. 11. ThuiiuiB. l'vfcclitli. . .
'li. II. Hwiumon"St.'lltiiV. ! JO
V. WarriMi , Cpl , Il4th
W. Mason , I'vt. . II , ' . 'th '
J. Oliver. Sut. , K.Uth i.
1' . A. Heltons , 2ml U. . Uth. .
A. ( iray , 2.1 I.t..l'al . . ! „ , , . .
J. V. Juckson , .MBI..U ith. . .
\V. O. Carroll ; Tptr.-11 , c.tli' .
M. ] , . Mltulicll , fpln K , .III. . , fii.v
8.11 , Tlioinnn. I'vt. . A.-tti. . 1 1 .123
A7KiTlsur. Illk. , H. Glh..j 3d715n | | 2&i ; | tnl .W ) | 1
J. H.Kurr. Capt.itli..i ( | illlj Oa | 2"l : | lli | MJ | 2
( leneral Brooke and all the members of his
staff will attend the closing scones in the
cavalry competition at tlio Bella vuo ran go
Saturday. A special train will leave the
union depot at I o'clock and return at 0 in
the evening. All who wish to go are wel
come to take advantage of this train. The
final com pot i tit ion and distribution of prizes
will bo intensely Interesting.
itji no.ins i.\
Reduction in Salt Kates by the I ako
Slioro the .Source.
Cniesoo , Aug. 21. A fight has broken out
among the roads cast of Chicago over salt
rates. Yesterday the LaUo Shore put into
effect n reduced rate on Hint commodity from
Cleveland to Chicago. The now rate is ? l
per ton or 15 cents per barrel , a drop of fi
cents per barrel below the rate heretofore in
Although tlwLakoShoro complied with the
law in issuing its reduced tariff , it did jiot
give the usual ton days notice to its com
petitors. Tlio Michigan Central , thoChia.go. .
& Grand Trunk and the Flint & Pore Mar-
quctiu roads have given notice that they will
meet Iho rale taking effect August - . " > .
The Chicago , St. Paul , Minneapolis &
Oniahn road 1ms escaped tlio payment of n
line by appealing from n decision recently
rendered by Chairman Finloy of the Western
Passenger association. The company was
accused by the Chicago , Milwaukee & St.
Paul of doing a brokerage business by selling
tlcKets at cut rates.
Chairman Finloy decided that the charge
was well founded. An appeal to arbitration
has resulted In a reversal of this decision.
The board of arbitration was composed of
\V. E. .Davis of tlio Chicago & Grand Trunk ,
C. S. Fees of the Northern Pacitlo and F. I.
Whitney of tlio Great JNorthcrn.
The statement of the Illinois Central for
the month of July shows nn increase of
SllHi.aill. It is explained that the operating
expenses include largo outlays for repairing
the damages on the Dubiiquo & Sioux City
road caused hy floods in the neighborhood of
Cherokee , la. , and elsewhere in Iowa.
What n Moilio-.list Missionary
NKW YOIIK , Aug. 21. Tbo Methodist
Episcopal missionary society has received a
letter from the Methodist Episcopal mission
at Wuhu , China'ifatod ' May I'J , giving de
tails ot the nntt-rMs dnnry riot at that placo.
The letter states { fiat the riots were caused
by two nuns golili * about the atrcots unnolnt-
children with hojy jfvaior. ThU aroused Iho
suspicions of the * people , and ibo ICe Lee
Huni , a secret soday , pasted placards , in-
citing' the pcoplUl to rise nnd doitrov Iho
Catbolio mission , iv day or two afterward
an atlack wan mildQ on the mission.
Thu theory toot'tho priesthood had mur
dered children and taken out theiroyou.
Finding the grave or some priest who had died
some time before ; .ttfyy exhumed the bodies
and broke open tl0 | 'Aolllns o.xpoctitig to lind
money buried wiUliUicm. Being disappointed
in this thov scattered the bodied nnd grave
clothes nbout tbqf,1 grounds. They then
searched aoiuo Vi iUs with the idea ol
finding thn bodkiaf Chinese children said
to bo missing , bnt nil the furnishings
of the buildings wJro torn down nnd piled
about at different points. On those piles of
dolins oil was poured and u light applied ,
with the result that everything was soon in u
The writer then details the circumstances
of the HIpht of the foreigners to places of
sutoty and Iho arrival of Kiigllju aud French
yun boats.
, *
I in I ; D 10 flu Mi-ko | SprnnlinK >
FIXDI..IV , O. , Aug , 21. I'hu strike on the
Lalio Erlo tit Western railway is extending
and unless some to run are soon mjreud on
tbo entire line will bo blocked. Tbo main
shops of the road ut Lima nro shut down
owing to the strike. ThU throw * UUU moro
mun out of work.
For booth privileges cull on or nil-
dross A. II. Dt-iKjj * * . N. K. cor. Hth und
Furnuui btroots , Unuiliu , Nub ,
Firemen and GonlueavcH Attempt to Cap-
turj the Steamer Obdam.
Cnptnlu PnlciM-'H HIT.very ITjMCt Tlinlr
I'lniis-Thc lUnu'lcudciUlllcil
Illlll HIM I'olloU ll'H
NEW YOIIK , Aug. 21. Captain Ilakcr , who
Is commander of the Noihorlnml line .steam
ship Obdum , will never lorget the lust trip of
that craft to Rotterdam. The vessel reached
this port late yesterday nnd went to her pier
this morning.
As soon as the captain got ashore this
morning ho wont to the olllco of the agent ,
W. II. Van Den Torn , on South William
street , nnd Informed him that there was an
attempt nt mutiny on the trip homo , and
that ono of the ring leaders had paid
tbo penalty of his insubordination with his
According to the story of Captain Dakar ,
the outbreak on board the vessel was tlio re
sult of u plot to take possession of the ship.
The Obdam loft this port on July 18 for Rot
terdam. She had on board upward of tbroo
hundred cabin and steerage passengers.
The craft wns forty-eight hours out from
port when the liramen and stokers mutinied
nnd nut out the tires. Captain Dakar bur
ried bolow. IIo found twenty of the tircmcn
and coal passers bunched together alongside
the furnaces. They had drawn the llro and
the vessel was simply holding her head to tbo
wind with the aid of n few sails.
"Wnnt Is tbo matter with you fellows ! "
said the captain.
A general howl from tlio men wns ttio an
"I'll tell you what the matter is , " said
Peter Duson , who appeared as the ring
leader. "Wo have grown tired of this life
and wo intend to run the endues to suit our
selves. That's what's the matter. "
"Is that the expression of yourself , " in
quired Captain linker , "or are you acting as
spokesman for the others ? "
"I don't care wlnu tno other fellows do , "
said Duson. "I'm have
going to a good time
or know why. "
"All right. " said the cantaln , "you can ac
complish your purpose when you do away
with mo. "
"If that is so I'll do it now , " said Dusen ,
and picking up a huge iron pick ho sprang at
the captain.
Tlio latter drew back , pulled n navy re
volver from his pocket , aimed it at Duson
and lired. The man fell nt the captain's feet
with an oath. Ttio ball had entered his loft ,
breast nnd two hours b'ter ho died.
Tlio quickness and determination of the
captain filled the remainder of tlio mutineers
with alarm and they lied in every direction
about the furnace room.
The body of Duscn was hurled at sea.
Papers in hi.s bag showed him to have been
a leading socialist and anything but a coed
The killing of this man quelled the mutiny.
The tires wore relighted and the vessel pro
ceeded on her way , reaching Rotterdam with
out further incident. At Rotterdam Captain
Hakor had nil hands arrested. Then lie gave
himself up on the chnrgo of murder. IIo was
placed under ? ll,000 ) bonds to appear for trial
on the return of the vessel to port next
During the trouble tbo HOO passengers who
wore on board the vessel were greatly ex
cited. All expected that the mutineers would
got possession of the craft. The matter will
bo fully settled on the return of the ciaft to
tbo other side.
In the congress of socialists today Mr.
Spoul of the English Firemen's and Seamen's
union made a .speech , in which ho said that a
few weeks ago the captain of a steamer run
ning between Now York and Rotterdam per
petrated an act of gross cruelty. IIo badly
fed the crow until ono of the firemen got so
ill that he told the captain no was unable to
work. The captain ordered him to resume
work nnd ttien drew n revolver and shot him
Three hundred passengers sigmid n petition
for the captain's arrest but the accused cap
tain wns so inlluentlal that the Dutch gov
ernment refused to punish him , and hois HOW
commanding a vessel returning to New York
and perhaps murdering cnothor man. [ Up
roarious cries of "Shame. " ]
The rosorvqd scuts for tlio opening at
the Grand Sunday night are on sale to
day at the box olllco.
ClaudliiN Vulclcs Drowning Kocnll.4 Ills
I'coullnr Matrimonial KxporiiiiiooH.
NKW YOIIK , Aug. 21. Claudius Francisco
Vuldos , proprietor of the cigar store at Duf-
fold and Fulton streets , Brooklyn , was
drowned while balhine at Fur Rockawny
yesterday afternoon. IIo was visiting his
friend , Senor Carlos Puento , who Is stopping
at the Sea View terrace. Exactly how ho
came to hi.s death is a mystery. It is sup
posed bo wns seized with cramp. His body
was found floating face up with the arms
folded across the breast.
Mr. Valdos had n checkered matrimonial
career. IIo was n slight , but handsome man ,
about fifty years old. IIo wns nn active
member of Dr. Talmago's church. When
funds wore needed for any purpose by the
pyrotechnic divine , Mr. Valdos gave gener
ously. Ills \vifo , too , was popular with the
congregation. She had n handsome fnco , a
sweet volca and an amiable disposition. She
had numerous admirers , among whom wns
Herman A. Boohno , who was proprietor of
a tailor shop , lioehno had a lucrative busi
ness , being patroui/.od bv ttio most prosper
ous young men of the city. Ho had a wife
and two children. Ho bccamo infatuated
with Mrs. Valdos.
In the summer of 1SSI , Mr. Talmago's con
gregation and Brooklyn society worn shocked
by the news of the elopement of Dohnu and
Mrs. Valdos. The couple had laid tneir
plans well and were far on their way to the
west before their departure became known.
Boohno's wlfo was self-reliant and she de
termined to conduct her husband's ' business.
The foreman of the shop , n young man
named Kropps , was placed in charge of the
business by her. A year after her husband's
elopement , Mrs. Boobno obtained n divorce
and married Krcpps.
Bouhno and Mrs Vnldcs had meanwhile
settled in Louisville. , whoroBoohno assumed
the nnmo of Albert Wostlill nnd wont into
business. V/hon ho loft Brooklyn ho had a
life insurance policy for $10,000 , payable to
his wife. He sent this to her and gave her
nis shop and all his pronortv in Brooklyn.
Valdcs obtained r. divorce from Mrs. Vnldes ,
and when tbo couple in Louisville learned
that their former partners had legally given
them up , they were married nnd wont to Chicago
cage , where n child was born to thum.
Mr. Valdcs married Mr > . Hoam.w in lh > 7.
bho wns a teacher in the school attached to
Dr. Talmajjo's tabernacle , and had known
Mr. Values nnd his former v/ifo for years.
By his llrst wile Vnldos had n son nnd a
daughter , and It Is said they wore the cause
of trouble between Vnldos nnd his second
wlfo , In tbo latter part of last year she left
him nnd wont to llvo with nor parents. She
got n divorce , alloslng that Valdos had
treated her cruelly. She dlea lost March.
In December , 1MW. the llrU Mrs. Vuldos
returned to Brooklyn , bho said that Boehne ,
who had eloped with her , had become Inaano
In Chicago. Ho becnice HO violent , she said ,
that she was obliged to have him placed in
an asylum nt Kankakce , III. In the early
part of this year Mrs. WoitHIl and Mr.
Valdes saw n deal of each other , and
they finally were married again nnd wont to
llvo with their two children.
Itochno died in the asylum at Kunhakeo
about two month * ago. Ills former wlfo , now
Mrs. ICroppa , hud tbo body brought here and
burled in Evergreen comolury.
J. W. W. nioclm nnd juvn comes
imckud In 1 , li und ! < pound cnrloons , und
the flavor and aroma is retained.
Don't Know AnytliliiK < 1 limit It.
br. Lot-is , Aug. 21. The report that the
Aiihuusur-llUMjh brewing company hat
been sold to nti EnglUh syndicate Is , .so far
ns knoxvn , u lit run , Mr. Hunch was Inter
viewed last night ami so far as ho know no
Riilo had been mndo nor had uny negotiation
for the property boon made so far ns he
unow. Ills father l.s in Kuropo.
1TH WOinC 'OV1-JH.
Colored Mnminlu Grand lioil c Closes
its ScsHlon rri/.o Drill.
The most worshipful grand lodge of .Mis-
sourt and Masonic JurMlrtlon completed its
labors yentcrduy. During the wenk this bed >
tins been In ac.ulon In Oniahn nnd nil arc Jubl
hint over their entertainment and receptloi
among ttio friends and fraternity. The gram
lodge reconvened nitiii. in. yesterday nnd re
sumed the Hnnl cnll of committees. Severn
rosol.itlons were offered and considered.
The remaining time was occupied In obscrv
ing thi < quarto-conlcnlal celebration of tin
organization of tnu grand lodge In Missouri
Addresses were inndn bv Prdf. J. Jl. Jenkins
of Independence , Prof. . 'I. Wiwlev Daniel o
Kansas City , 1'rof. W. VV. Yates of Kansas
_ _ _
Drilling Tor a I'rl/.o.
Four-thirty o.clocn was the limn sol for tlio
prize drill ntthu Coliseum , but the rain prevented
vented the carrying out of the programme
A crowd of : i hundred or so collected , bu
after waiting half an hour dispersed to ruturi
again in the evening.
Bv 0 o'clock fully two thousand eel
ored people had gathered in the hall
and were anxiously waiting for the oxhibl
tlon drill. There was a litllo trouble in get
ting tlio hull properly lighted , but after that
everything passed oft smoothly.
Atl0tho ! : : ! bugler of the 'iCxcelsior band
sounded the .issombly and ivanhoe command-
ery of St. Joseph beat to quarters and prepared -
pared for drill.
The Ivanhoes were dressed in black
suits , white Aashos .and white ever gaiten.
They put up a line drill nnd were
loudly applauded. The manual of
arms with the snbro was gene through
with , ns welt ns n lot of fancy movements
not In Upton's tactics. In tlio wheels , botn
right nnd loft , nnd In the oblique movements
the company stiowcd evidence of lack of
drill or lack of Interest. However , It .showed
several very pretty movements for which it
received the npnlauso of the on tire house.
Eureka commandcry of Hannibal , Mo. ,
next fell In In nnswer to the assembly , nm
presented a line appearance. It were pure
white leggings , white sashes and white os
trich plumes waving ever their black
ehapenus. u'hen Commander Sir Knight
I'cllln ordered n company Iront and n march.
the audience fairly went wild. The men
marched in perfect time and their "carry
arms" was as near the regulation style as Is
possible for civilians to ntlain. Captain
i'ollon seemed to have a falling for oblique
marches and gave ttio order for the right anil
loft frequently. The men marched .splen
didly on this line nnd won a great dual of
deserved applause.
the assembly nnd both eommnmlrios pre
sented n company front before the grand
stand. Commanders Jones and 1'ellln , had
tossed n coin for the right of the line and
Pellin won. They went through a drill to
gether before the ollicers of the grand com-
mandery , and tlio prize ot $100 was divided.
Each commandcry received ? 50.
At the conclusion of the drill dancing was
ongacod in until a late hour , and supper was
served by the ladies. All loft the great hall
well pleased with the closing services of tbo
grand lodge.
Castillo , n Colorado Haiiilll , Killotl liy
u { licrilf'H I'OKSC.
W.u.KxnuiKJ , Colo. , Aug. 21. The famous
bandit , Castillo , was shot nnd killed this
morning at Ito'elocit on Halo Duro crook , this
county. Deputy Sheriffs Wilson and Yokom
of I'nrk county , nnd Deputy Sheriff Tom
Brewer of this county and three others , sur
rounded him , and ho refused to surrender.
llo is wanted in Park county for the murder
of two Swedes. The light lasted for three
hours. The bandit w s well armed
and hud a largo supply of am
munition. Every opportunity wns given
him to surrender , but his -Jinal answer
was a shot from his revolver. Deputies
Yokom and Wilson are both eood shots , but
the bandit wns BO protected by rocks and
trees that it was three hours after the first
shot was lired before any of the ofllccrs' bul
lets took oft'ect , although many of them
grazed ills body whenever it , wns exposed.
Castillo fought'do.sperately , and , although no
was subjected to attack from six quarters , ho
fired rapidly and with such accurate aim
that it was impossible to close in on him.
The canyon is infested with other notorious
nnd desperate- characters , members of Cas
tillo's band , who will cither bo captured or
meet with the fate of their loader.
Oaves an
TOPBKA , Kan. , Aug. 21. A petition , signed
by n largo number oi citizens of Stevens
county , has been received byOovornor Hum
phrey , asking him to cause and investigation
into the financial affairs of the county , The
petition sets forth the fact that the indebted
ness of the counly is fT..OOO. one-half of
which was incurred in a fraudulent way by
ttio county officers. The petition also claims
tliat the county ollicers hove conspired to
loot and nro now looting the treasury by
paying themselves illegal allowances ami
It tills robbing 0011111100" , the petition says ,
tlio citizens of the county will no driven from
their lands by oxhortiltnnt taxes.
The governor is asked to investigate the
county alToirs and see that the proper pun
ishment is meted out to ttio ollicials.
Farmers' .Mliani'O Split.
DALLAS , Tex. , Aug. 21. The split between
the factions of ttio farmers' alliance on tlio
subtrcnsur } scheme is growing wider , and it
Ims boon excluded from the convention now
in session.
The f'lty of Chlcat-o from Liverpool and
Knldn from Itri'inen arrived nt New Vorl ; .
The mi'otliis "f'litfoJattM fniin this various
coiiiiiniclil ) oruMin/'illoni of tinrunnels' ulll-
aiu'o at TopeKa , 1C'in , iiiljoiirnnil tonluht ,
ImvliiK transacted puirtlcally no business.
London MiuHimi Mmnu'hal -
Tin' uarroipon-
dent kMins from I'okln that the dhpiilo be
tween the foreign represent , i lives and tlui
clilneso Kovoriinienl lias taken a favorable
Acting Peeretary Chandler says the plan of
thooiiltln men ami ChornUees for Ilin iMmpo-
rnry transfer ownership of entile would hn 10-
.rnrilod as mi ovnslon of the pruMilonl's ordyr
and nut bu pcimlttoil.
Mrs , llnmphuwivrli' . tlio wlfo of ono of I In )
nio-.t prosputnus K-slilents of llclvelhi , Vu. ,
during , i tit of temporary Insanity drowned
a liuhe , brained a iliren-year-old child anil
vainly utloinpted snliildo.
\Vlllliiiu D. Holl/niortli , tin ) famous Imttlo-
llol'd iiuliln , ox-dlrm'tor of the ( ii-ttysbnr,1
Itatltelluld Memorial asvuliitlon and soperln-
Uindenl of HID soldiers' national cemuliiry ,
lied today from paralysis.
The day at Triives bus lieim marked by ron-
tlniious prncossloim of piltrrluis passing ; Into
Iho euthedr.'il to MHI lliu holy Oalliollo
li.ipers ur O pilgrims not to firlnir lolles from
Lhti cathedral , n Ihev ridlvulo the coat.
A terrific ) Ktoriu IH niKliiK In Hi" KiiKllsh
clmnnel. The sea lias ruiitly iuiiuij. | < > < l MID
public square nt llavro anil tliu ! rise.ill
: > nlhs linvi ) lioi'ii washed away. A bark Inn
anil four of her erow
iii'i-ii wruol.uil lit Yport
drowned. rZD
The gruntt'U achievement ovur nrrcin- ,
pll.lii-d In rllloaliootln- this country was
Hie hUlriulsh run of C.iptuln Itohert II. Allfen.
InsiR-utor of rlllu i.rniMlua of the M.xth Iii-
rnntrv. Illinois national Kiiards. ut the stitto
rlllo rnniie of Illinois today.
( iuureo llHinllion' ami liN wlfu of I run ton
O. . cnl visltliu this iiftiirnoon leaving thulr
throe ehllan-u. Kiion reluriiirr ; the parents
found the llirco Ililli- onus conlliiod m an old
loot chest rt-horo they had died frotii hiiiroi-u-
Lloii A iitli-k fnotencd In the staples of thu
ohesl iii'l.eatos ' murder.
The l.ukti l'rliihlrluop : ' 'OiitsiioMOWiliiiM's |
tonlulit. No trains vvoiu moved today ill l.a-
NiyeUe ami none of III" Htrllcers olTere.i . to re
turn to work. 'I he frelvrht hnuso hero was
eluded , il noon , No v olen-'O Is .intaulpiili-d.
I'lisienijer tr.-ilns ani still running bin no
oilier lUipnrtinunls am opuralln ? .
Thu Texas stntii i lllunce at Dallns tod'iy '
ratllled uvory plunk In the Ocalu platform by
it iiiiiinlnioiis vote. Kleetlon of ollU'ers re-
sulti ) I In thu ro-oluotlon of \\ai \ > Jonin pres'-
donl nnd the undorsoiiiunlof his adiulinstr.i-
tlon. All nnil-kiilitrensnry all nnon inini now
IHIIO liavo biiun rufusuil lliu prlvllou-o of the
llooi-iini ) bavucnllud a muutliiK of tlielrimn.
A nrlVAlo leltur has bum rni-ulvi'd from Aut-
Inir t-i-cri-t.iry of the Interior Chandler ninllng
th it HID Indian hind * In Indian Territory ,
pliichu-tuil during llli ) piisl Vour by lliu un v-
ornnienl. will bo oiniiil | lo Hi > ttloiiiunt Uy a
D luniiitli'ii by pruslilonl oi > t > | ) iiii' < > r
In The fi.ntuiilH of ihli letter Imvu iiuuu luiido
uulilt' . ninl tin- refill IK a rush IH iiuuii !
I mule lo tlio hiinlun of thu liin H liy tl.oso who
iin > .MI.MIIII. toAiiuiii-f ail. iuilu euu > luuallom
( ruin nhluh to luiiUu ihu rush ,
OLIli Will Soon Know Whothcr Balmacoda
or the Robah Will Hulo.
Ton TliiuiNnml liisiupnt Holilli'fs
liimtlril Met\VOIMI VlilpniMlMO mill
Itiuh lo tin * Stir-
'tho Proslilont.
New YOUR , AUR. 21.A Vnlpurinso , Chlll , '
special says : The insuruonl urniy olTectod n
liindlni , ' this nun Hint ; nl ( Julntvro bay , onlv
twenty miles north ot this city. According
to the lowest estimate u nunibur * s,0H ) moil.
It would bo nonror the exact tljjuro to say
10,000 men. They wore hrouKht down from
Cnldera on transports towoJ by throetugi
and four wawlilpj. The point of landing is
nbout liftccn mlles from Santiago , where
Halmnccda's ' forces to the number of 10,000
have been .stationed , ijulnloro bay Is the entrance -
trance to tlio fertile valley and is In ix duvet
line with Santaluo and Valparaiso.
Ilalmacoda has for some time anticipated
tbo movements on the south on the part of
his foes , but ho believed that Coiiulmbo
would bo the first place nttaciicd. It now
appears that the hovering of the Insur
gent licet In thu neighborhood ot Coquimbo
bay wns only n scheme to deceive Dainin-
ceda. Uy coming so hit-south the instii-ironus
leave the largo force of rialninceillsrs nlCo-
qlinbo , many miles north of thorn , and helpless -
loss to render any nld to the government '
army in this neighborhood.
The landing at Qulntero bay was , thoro-
lore , a complete surprise to the president ,
but ns soon as ho heard of the news ho acted
promptly. By his command a large force
was sent north lo meet the enemy.
Admiral llrown , from Ids flagship , the San
Francisco , saw the landing of the insurgents.
They are all well armed and enthusiastic.
Tno United States warship Haltimoro Is in
this harbor. The Ksinornhln , commanded bv
Sllvti I'alana , is Just outsldo the harbor. It
is oxpocled Unit she will bo Joined at once by
the other insurgent war vovsels Irom tjuln-
torobay. It looks as it , in conjunction with
the advance of the land forces upon this city ,
the lleot will oiicn llro upon i he forts that ,
defend this harbor. Valparaiso bay is
slrongly fortified. The forts mount forty
iruns , among which are n 10-Inch mu//lo-
loader , cloven Much and 0-inch breech
loaders , and llvo Ivrupi ) guns of 21-cuntlmo-
Ire calibre. The remainder are ilOU-poumlurs.
Most of those guns are masked and offer a
very small target for ships to llro at. Thu
gunners , are all sullied men , who huvo had
a great deal of practice. They know the dis
tances across the bay , as they have a run go
Under. The insurgent. Heel has altogether
some nineteen guns , including 10-inch , S-inch
and ( i-inoli breechloaders ,
So far it Is quiet there. It looks ns If the
most important campaign of the present waxx
is about to bo fought. Until the present ,
time it lias been nearly altogather a b.ittlu of
words. Now a Hnrro light is imminent. On
its result depends , in all likelihood , thu com
plete overthrow of Halmnccda or of htri
opponents. The rout of the piv.idont'.s
forces would undoubtedly bo quicxlv fol
lowed by the capture ot both Valparaiso und
Santiago by Iho victorious army of the In-
Tlio Grand oporii house reserved soxtcv :
: ire on biilo for tlio Holiouiian Girl.
New Two-iind-a-llall-IN-.r-Cent
lli'ln 'Spi'oillly Take n.
W.xMitxtiTos , Auir. 21 The nmiunt of I'-j
per cent bonds continued at 2 per cent today
is S > 0,171 ,2f l ) . There are ubout.00,000 : ! ( ) ' ;
] ior cents still held by nalional banks that
will undoubtedly bo presented for continu
ance. The treasury cash Dillanco todn.v Is
stated at Sir'i.ilI-jHS ( , of which $ lliWO,0)b ( ) is
on do DOS it with national banks and fl'.I.OtX- ' )
000 is in subitdlorv coin. Uxeluxlvo of these
two items and of Iho 1100,000,1)00 ) "gold ro-
servo. " there is therefore now in the treas
ury nearly S-j,000UO ( ) ( ) , showing a very largo
increase during the hut month.
Since July 1 lliero has been an increa > of
$ . 1,000,000 in national bank clroulalion , nnd
it is understood that a number of the bmi : < s
nro preparing lo lake out additional circula
_ _
I'eorla Mrllccrs Tlmxiton ItluotlHlictl
Ti-oiitilc Atitl < : ipit : < > l.
PEOIIIA , III. , Aug. 21. Practically tf > s- ' '
cliango has taken place in the strlko toilny.
Owing to an error in telegraphing the men
who were to take the .strikers' nlacos did not
como , but will arrive tonight or tomorrow.
The strikers have boon driven from olT the
yards ol Ihe 1'ooria and I'okin union depot
ijv iloputv shorllTs. The strikers say thov
will shoot the llrst man who couples n ear
1' ho Toledo , 1'uoria ft Western made ui
through frc-lcht at Hilton this moraing a.i
sent It down through the yards , but it was
not molested as the train was not made up
lore. The situation is growing dc.sporntn lor
jusinoss men of Peoria and some dcuidod
ictlon is demanded. Ollicials way the oars
will move tomorrow if tlio now men arrive.
S. H. I'atton , demist , removed to l > co
juildhitf. Oponovonliitfstill 70. : ! ! TolfrfJ.
l''io : in tin : 1'Jittern shop.
Uox 71 rang in about 11 o'clock last night
inn railed th llro dopartmimt to Paxton &
Viorling's iron works nt Twcntiulh and
'iurro streets. The pattern room was
'ound to bo on llro and the "Hig
" our" of No. ! l chemical got in
ts work In Ri-put Hhapo. Tiio loss
was smnll anJ the lire was set oy an over-
loatoil oven. It was pretty hot for the
cliemloul boys for nwlulo and they came out
if thii room all covcied with soot and smoko.
Kire Heportor liu-ard brought Mr. I'nxton
o the sii'ono and ho ave ( , tiief Hultor valua-
ilo Information in regard to the location of
leers , windows , Htnlrwnps , etc. Hut for the
irnmpt rc.sponding of the department tliero
voulJ have been n great lire.
Dropped Into llio Klver.
KAN-HAS Crrv , Mo. , Aug. 21. Ono thousand
feut of tlio track of the main line of IhoV : -
i.isn , paralleling the Missouri river nt Uun-
Inlnh , fell Into the river last night. The river
lad undermined Ihogr.idn. The Wnlmh \ -
islng the Santa Ko traulis and will I'o oblig. < 1
o do BO until the iluinago is icpuliod , which
vill H'ljulrosoniii Uiuc
Is more especially ttian any other a hereditary
disease , anil for this hlmplo reasons Ailslni ?
from linpuro and Ini.illl'-leiit ' Mood , thu dli-
naso locates Itsulf In thu lymphatics , which
nro comp'Hcil of whit" tlsiuui i theio \ * a
period of fusliil llf' ) wl'en ' thu wlmlo hoily c-on-
slsts " ' wl'lt" ' llssties , and
( hercfoio thn unborn chllil H
especially susefptihlo to this
ilu-iulfiil dlicaie. lint tlivia
fllla Uajiotcntrcincily for snof-
nl.i , whether hereditary or ncipilred. It M
llood'.H Sarsaparllla , whluli oxpcb every trtro ;
of thu dlii-liiu and gives to Ihu lilmwl the
ijuallty and color of hualth. del ll.m.l'jj.
" When my hey was tw o > ears " p nl ro | y
old ho was attacked mid i' ' -
fcrcil n long Hum with scrofula CUfOd
sorus. Thu phy.slclaiiatlciiBlh _ _ R _ , ,
tolil 111 to Klvo him Jliiod's HarTviy UOy
saparllla , which wo ilnl. Two bottles cnwl
him. Hull now 1 o years old and hi : not had
any sign o ( suinfula since. Wo recommend
Jlooil'.s.Sarsaparlllatoall our frlciuU. " Miw.
J ! . C. Cl.irt-KK , H Klililer St. , Cluveluiul , O.
Hood's Sarsapanlla
by U. I. JliXJIl A CO. . Ai > attivcurlRi , I.4iwril , fl.'iit
JOO Doses Ono Dollar