Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 20, 1891, Page 3, Image 3

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Delivered by Carrier In any part of thoClty.
T15M-i'llONiS :
J3ustnCK Onicc , No. 13.
Nil-lit Editor. Ko. 2.1.
.Ml.\0lt Mf.ffllUX.
N. Y. P. to.
Council DUifTs r.umbrrCo. , coal.
f'rnft'8 chattel loans , SO-t Snpp blooK.
Wanted A troo-1 girl for general hoiisc-
workatOK ) muff street.
If yon want water in your yard or house
go to Hlxby's , ! KU Morrlam block.
Regular meeting of llannonv chapter ,
Order of the K istorn Star , tins evening.
M. Wall was arrested yesterday charged
\vltti having stolen a and vest from Musi
Wise ,
Uegular meeting ol Unity Guild with Mrs
Wnltrr Young , South First stieet , tomorrow
at ! . : ) o'clock.
F S. Ciildwell was llnoil * 20.TO in police
court yesterday morning for drunkenness
and duturbtns Ilia peace by lighting on
I ( road way ,
The funeral of N'ellio Olive Kasniusson will
occur this afternoon ntUi : : ( ) o'clock from tht
HID resldcnco , 71 ! ) South Highth street. In
terment will bo in F.ilrvlow comotcry.
ThoKonsof Vc-trrnni gave tholr first hnl
since the organization of tint camp In this
city In the Urntul Army hall lust ovcnlng. A
pood-sl7c'd crowd was present , and the dam-
Ing was highly enjoyed.
The entertainment which was to have been
given Tuesday evening In the Iitirean Bap
tist church , under the auspices of the Borunn
literary and Social circle , was postponed on
-t'oountof the nun until this evening.
Kromont West commenced a suit in the
district court yesterday ngainst .1. 1' . & .1.
N. Cnsiidy to recover fcii ; ( ) damages which lie
suffered 1 > V being kept out of the possession
of eighty acres of land In I'ottuwattamio
Little Miss Mub. " as played by the
Spoonur comedy company last night , was
one of the richest iro.its Council Bluffs
theater goers have bad for a long time. All
the members of thu company carried their
parts well and Little Cecil bore off n largo
bhnrc of the honors of the ovcnlng. This
evening the name company will present
"Chip , "
A meeting will bo held this ovonlntr at the
Trinity Methodist church for the purpose of
hearing the annual report of the trustees.
The year has been ono of L' prosperity
for the church and there will no doubt bo a
largo audience present to hear of thu advance
that has neon made. Ice cream and cake will
bo.scrved by way of refreshments and there
will bo no charge. All uro invited to bo pres
Chief Cary has received a letter from ox-
Ofllccr ftoye.s , who wanis to bo reinstated to
his old place on the police force. His letter
Is rather threatening In tone , and among
other things ho says that if his request is not
heeded at once ho will go before the city
council and have Gary's ' salary reduced from
$100 to $60 per mouth. The matter will prob
ably bo called up Tor an examination at thu
next council meeting.
James Manor denies stoutly the charge of
nssaulllng and robbing voung IXirroll. Ho
says that ho started with Uarroll and an
other young man for a good time In Omaha.
On the motor he and Oarroll got to quarrel
ing about a woman. Dan ell pulled n re
volver , wtilcli his friend knocked out of his
hand , and that is all there wus of the row.
There was no robbery or anything bordering
on It and ho thinks the charge will probably
be dismissed.
Sam Glover had a hearing yesterday mornIng -
Ing in Justice Swearingcn's court on the
charge of having robbed thn residence of
Cal Sliafcr. Evidence was introduced to
show Unit ho had occn scon banging around
the house iluring the day , ana the stolen
goods which were found on him when ar
rested were roudlly identified oy the owner.
Ho wits hold to await the action of thu grand
jury and his bail was llxed ntSttOI , in default
of which ho was seat to tha county jail.
A lawn fete was given last evening on thu
lawn of E. M. Hunker , at the foot of Willow
nvcnuo , In the Interests of the Young Men's
Christian association. The weather was nil
that could bo desired , and a largo crowd as
sembled to enjoy the festivities. The lawn
was beautifully dccoratrd with Japineso
lanterns , and little tables wore scattered
around where thu eucsts could cat Ice cream
and cako. The affair was n great success ,
and quito a largo .sum was roall/.cd as the re
John Grant , the engineer at the Ogden
bouse , got Into a quarrcll with a bell boy at
the same establishment yesterday. The bell
boy , who is about three feet high , throw n
cuspidor at Grant , and the latter , who tips
the beam easily at 200 , made up his mind
that something desperate must bo done in
order to prevent bis blood from being shed
nn the marble lloor of the hotel in a red , rod
pool. Ho accordingly struck the little fellow
n tcrrifio blow , as ho says , from motives of
self defense. An Information was lllod in
superior court and Grant was arrested. Ho
will have a bearing this morning.
Go mid Hear Al > lott.
'Next Suiulny , August 23 , Rov. Lyinun
Abbott , of Urooklyu , the successor of
Jlonry Ward Ueoehor , will preach lit
the IJluo frnms palace , at C'roston , In.
I ! thcro arc twonty-llvo or inoro people
in Council IMulTa who would like to hoar
this celebrated orator , iirranifomoiits
can bo nmdo to run a Hpooial train to
C'rostou , the trnin to leave Council
JilulYs at ( > o'clock a. in , , and returning
will arrive in Counull Blulls at 10:10 : p.
in. Names of these who intend to go
hhould bo loft at my olllco not later than
Friday the 21. Ono faro for the round
trip. O. M. nilOWN ,
Ticket Agent C. H. & Q. railway.
j / ; / . .so.v.ii > .in.iii.n'iis.
Matt Stoadman of the United States secret
service Is In the city.
Uov. S. Alexander Is confined to his bed by
a sovcro attack of nervous prostration ,
Lewis Miles of Corvdon is In the city on
business connected with the federal court.
T. C. Oawson has been admitted to part
nership with Attorney General John Y.
Miss Laura Joseph of Sallda , Colo. , and
Mrs.Vhitohoad of Grand Junction , Colo. ,
nro In the city visiting their father , II. J ,
Colonel John Fox has gone to Kansas ,
where ho will visit friends. Ho will Install
officers for Encampment No. 'Jl , Union Vet
eran Legion , at Salltm.
" "John T. Hazon , a prominent citizen of
Avoca and a prominent candidate for the
nomination for shorlfl on the democratic
ticket , was in the city yesterday.
Colonel J. J. Stoadman loaves today for
Kodllcld. where he will address the Associa
tion of veterans of that place. Tomorrow ho
goes to Nevada to address the Association of
Veterans of Story county.
I'lano" , organs , C. 13. Muslo Co. , 530
A Sensational Novelty Halo Prepared
liy the HoHton Store , Coiinull ItluiVr * .
The romarlmblo tmlo of blankets ami
comforters starts on Saturday , August
21' , and it will afford the opportunity of
the year for jieoplo to mtUco prollta'bto
investments in all grades of bed cloth
ing. All blankets and comforters at
nettml cost for seven days. The stock of
thoeo goods is the largest ever brought
to tlio Missouri river valley. Ono loti
consists of the entire spring output of
ono of the largest woolen nulls in Iowa
and the others comprise the best Cal
ifornia and Now York mills goods.
Boston Store , Council Bluffs.
IliiNli lol ) I'mitiiijj
Or regular work for Omaha , or Council
Bluffs parties , or anyone oli-o , done
promptly and properly at Pryors * Boo
job ollk-o , 12 Pearl btroot , Council Bluffs ,
Prloos arc always as low as Is consistent
with good work ,
Swnnfcon music company , 335 Broad-
Sensational Trial In Which a Suppwed
Preacher Plays a Pare.
Kto\-y ofa Ituucnt UcllijIoiiM DlHttirl ) *
nnuc null the llaninnlnj ; DUulos-
tifOH Hi-HtlltliiK I'roui tlio
Sntn Stinnklcn was bfforo Justice Swcnr
Inpun ycstcrdny afternoon for a trial on the
charu-u of dlstiirbliic n religious meeting
The trial li\stod nit the nftornoon until after
0 o'clock , and then It was not completed , the
stnto having several moro witnesses to pro
A number of witnesses testified , most o
them bulnc conin > ctod with the Holiness nils
slon on North ICIk'hth street , which had some
notoriety n few weeks n o on account of cer-
tiiin-rninors to the effect Unit the founder o
the mission did not trout his lady members
In tlio way tnat the strict rules of otlqnetto
demanded. Among the witnesses wni n
lent , thin man in his shirt sleeves , who
pleaded pi Illy to being the chluf cxhortor o
the mission.
Ho told the story of the disturbance last
Sunday night , maniiiB Shanklan the malt
offender. U'hon .fudfjo Aylosworth , the at
torney for the defense , got hold of him for a
cross examination , no succcedod in ( jotting
some very damaslnp admissions out of him.
llo found that the tall thin exhorter had run
away from his wife and family In Michigan
several yours ago and tmd not heard any
thing from thorn .since.
Tlio attorney , by means of n number ol
questions , elicited tlio fact that the exhorter
had spent the most of his time for the last
tow years in going about the country in reg
ulation tramp style , and ho traced him from
Michigan to San Francisco and from Hurtling
sea to Crescent City with frighful rapidity.
When supper time cumo a continuance * was
taken until tomorrow.
llonltli null Coldix.
Hound trip tickets to Colfax Springs
and return only $7.1)0. ) A. T. Ehvoll ,
ticket ngont Chicago & Uouk Island
U'y , No. 10 I'curl btrcot.
Drs. Woortoury , dentists , 30 Pearl
street , no.\t to Grand hotel. Telephone
M5. lilyli L'rado work u specialty !
Pionic at Manhattan beach. Round
trip tickets from Omaha , including boat
ride , Mc ) ; on sale at news stands at Millard -
lard and Murray hotels.
C. M. U. A. IlniKpict.
The Catholic Mutual Benevolent associa
tion hold n banquet last ovonlng in Hughes'
hall which was larguly attended. The ban
quet occupied the llrst part of the evening
and was followed by the intellectual part of
the feast. George F. Hughes ofliciated as
toastmaster In a very acceptable manner.
The following toasts wuvc responded to , the
speaker in each instance being greeted with
hearty nnplauso : "Our Country , " J. J.
Shea ; "Social Intercourse , " Kev. Futner
O'ltourko "Our Common " .
; Humanity , .ludgo
W. I. Smith ; "What is There Lett
for Mo to Sayi" J. M. Oulvin.
Tlio toasts were generously interspersed
with mu.ic furnished by Mrs. tieorge
P. Hughes , Miss TudliVlckliain , Miss
Jcnnio Keating , J. Tholl , George F. Hughes ,
and K. A. Inijoldsby. Tli" accompanists
wcio I'rof. Sims , Mrs. George F Hughes
and Miss Liio Tholl. T. U. Hughes dc-
llvnred a recitation entitled "Tho Old Man
Goes to Town , " In a very talcing way. A ftor
the programme the lloor was cleared and
dancing was indulecd in.
The weather was warm , but the dancers
did not let that fact intcrforo with their
enjoyment , nnJ the music of the harp and
the tripping or the fcot did not cease until a
Into hour. All In nil , the affair was a decided
success , and these who arranged it are deserving -
serving of great credit.
Water from the Milwaukee artesian
well , for drinking purposes , delivered
every morning to private families at a
nominal rate. Address , Water , 13KH
Miss Ella Ragsdaio IIHB leased the
building at oil" Broadway and will soon
open handsome millinery parlors.
Now l.cunl I'olnt.
Justice Cones has unearthed n now legal
point which will probably awaken some in
terest In certain quarters. The case of J. H.
Vcrnon against J. M. Shoa , In which the
plaintiff seeks to recover $75 rent from the
defendant by means of a landlord's ' writ of
attachment , vas begun In his court several
days ago but Shea wanted a change of von tie
on the ground that the court was prejudiced.
The necessary allidavit was lllod forth
with and Shea claimed his right. Jus
tice Cones , however , refused to grant
the continuance until the fee of
fiO cents was deposited with him In advance.
Shea refused to pay , und left the oftlco.
When the time came which had been sot for
the trial of the case. Shea was not there , and
the Justice wont on and heard the evidence
and rendered a Judgment against him upon a
default for the whole amount asked for.
Cones looks for a largo spot of blood on the
moon as soon as Shoa cots around to do the
decorative work , and it is probable the dis
trict court will bo called upon to render a
decision on the merits of the c.iso.
Removal sale. Bargain s in Shoos. L.
Kinnohau will remove from UUj Broad
way to No. 11 Pearl street.
Tno Y. M. C. A. lawn social will bo
given tonight as the rain prevented last
night. Remember the plueo , 810 Third
Aliilvnnoy in
The trial of Isaac Mulvanoy on the charge
of making a criminal assault on his daughter ,
was tried In Justice Hummer's court yester
day afternoon. The daughter. Blanch Mul-
vanoy , was put upoi : the stand and tostlllod
that her father hud never mistreated her In
any wav. riho also signed her name In order
that her autograph might bo compared with
the signature of the letter which hud been
sent to her sister , Eva Helllleld , and
in which the accusations ivuru lint
made aialnst her father. The sig
natures bore but little resemblance to each
other , and Attorney Organ , after hearing her
story , ordered the case dismissed. He also
requested that the court tux up iho costs of
the case to the man Armstrong , who had
brcn Instrumental In bringing thu cnsu into
court. Thu case wus accord I nt'lv dismissed
and the costs taxed upa > \ asked. It Is stated
that some charitably disposed people are not
satisfied with the turn affairs have tuucm ,
and will endeavor to h.ivo the girl sent to the
reform school.
CIinutiuiiiu |
Instructive and entertaining for young
and old. Address Homo Kntortainment
company , 1- Pear street , Council BltilTs.
liny your furniture , carpets , stoves
and household goods of Mandul & Klein ,
Council Blutls. Prices very low ; freight
prop.ild to your uity ,
O (1 Settler * ' I'lunlc.
Today is the day sot for the nlcnlc ' of the
old settlers of Pottawuttatnlo , Mills and
Fremont counties in Falrmonnt park , and If
the weather remains favorable , a most on-
The liinprcss lilizabetli of Austria ,
Several ypiir * so , utter a severe spell of ulck-
nevuis ltd\l ud by her honso phyKluliins lo
use Jnlnnn llolVs Mult Kuraet to rebuild her
wouU'niMl o iistltntlon , It acted o admirably
that In appreciation Juhaim Moll received thu
Ordvrof iho Uoldon Cross of Merit. There Is
nothing "just us good when yon van obtain the
iruiiulno article uhk-h must have thesluimturo
o ( "Juhuun lloil" ou the neck of e\ory bottle.
Tulco no inUor.
Joyablo time may bo looked for. The old
settlers with their fit mi lies will arrive this
morning , and largo delegations will bo pros
cut ftom all the towns li > the three counties
Special motor trains will carry the guoits to
the park. Thq program will bo carried out
to the letter , as already advertised In
TUB HEK , with the exception of thu oration
of the day , which wus to have been dcllvcroi
byC. M. Harl.
Owing to the death of Mr < . Oblnicr ! , Mr
Harl will not bo able to no present , but his
oration will bo read. All the other features
of the programme will bo carried out us an
nounccd. Mayor Macrae delivering the ad
dress of welcome and President \V , M.
Brooks of Tabor college the rciponsc. t\i
noon there will bo a b.isket dinner In the
mirK , utter which there will bo touits and n
general good time.
To \ \ h-iin It Mny Conrorn.
Notice is hereby given that music , ice
cream and cake will be enjoyed by the o
who attend the Voung Men's Christian
association lawn social tonight at the
homo of li M. Bunker , 810 aril avenue.
Drs. Stewart & Patty , veterinary sur
geons , 4o Fourth Htreot , Council BlulTs.
The storm of Tuesday afternoon and even
ing was the cnuso of considerable damage In
different places. It wus nccompit.ied by a
brilliant display of electricity , several Iliuhos
of which struck In and around Council
Bluffs. The boat house of the Council Bluffs
Uowlng association was struck. Ono of the
heavy eight-inch timbers which supported
the dock In front of the house ,
was broken squarely off In the mid
dle. No further diimago wus done
about the boot house , but the residence ofV. .
H. Beck , which stands not far nwav , wus
shaken so that several panes of glass wore
The waters of Indian creek undermined
the bridge on North Main street , taking out
n large quantity of earth und rendering the
structure unsafe. Repairs will have to bo
inndo Immediately , it is said , in order to pre
vent the bridge from being carried away
bodily at the next onslaught.
An Awl'ul 10\nnilc. |
An advertising clock at the corner of
Broadway and I'earl street Is a melancholy
monument to the folly of trying
to advertise one's business bv fake
methods. Several weeks ago n
smooth-tongued Individual made the
rounds of the various business houses and
induced a number of proprietors to toke out
n curd six inches square , for which they
wore to p.iy $15 or $ JO. The cards , with the
advertisements of the diffeicnt houses ,
wore uriungcd alter the style of n
panorama , in which the adver
tising cards were sopurutod by ullegcd photo
graphs of views of vurious parts of the uni
verse. The ilrst day one of the lenses
through which the panorama was supposed
to be looked ut was broken in by some young
ster whoso enthusiasm exceeded his good
sense. The next day ono of tlio lower panels
was kicked out by some ono who wanted to
sco how the thing walked. A day or two
nco another panel was kicked out in
order to let the August breezes play at will
through the recesses of the fake , and now It
stands on the corner , looked at by few and
admired by none , while the names of the ad
vertisers look down on the passer-by as a
standing admonition to them to conlino their
advertising patronage to the columns of the
newspapers. _
7 Day ( old Wcatlicr Sule.
The great blanket and comforter sale
at the Boston Store commences Satur
day , August 22. Having purchased
from ono of the largest eastern manu
facturers for spot cash an enormous
stock of the above , wo will put the same
on sale Saturday , August 22 , at ictaal
cost , which means a saving of from . " 0 to
oO per cent Now is the time to lay in
your winter supply.
Boston Store , Council Bluffs , la.
Dentil of 31 rs.
Mrs. Louisa Ohlingor died yesterday morn
ing at 12 o'clock at her residence , COS First
avenue , at the ago of ilfty-nine years , after
an illness of several months. She was born
in Germantown , Montgomery county , O ,
and was married to VV , H. Oblingcr in 1841) )
at Dayton , O. In IbGO they came to this
city , where thov have made their homo ever
since. Mr. Oblinger and three children ,
Mrs. E. M. McCiine. Mrs. C. M. Hnrl ami
and Mrs. I. M. Tro.v nor , Still survive her.
The funeral will take 'place this afternoon
at 1 o'clock from the residence. The services
will bo conducted by Hov. T. J. Muckay , the
deceased having been for many years a member -
ber of St. Paul's church , ol which ho was
The C. M. & St. P. ticket oflleo has
been removed from -50(5 ( Broadway into
tlio elegant now quarters in the now
Baldwin block , 5 Pearl street.
After More huukers.
Chief Cary has received a letter from the
chief of police of St. Cloud , Minn. , stating
that F. W" . Jewell , the somewhat notorious
ox-manager of the Grand hotel of this city ,
is about to begin another star engagement at
that city. Ho will open the West hotel Sep
tember 1 , and hu will be manager. Tlio In
formation will bo hailed with delight by
many creditors in Council BlnlTs who have
been ongcrly awaiting some news us to his
"Of all the sad words of tongue or pen
the saddest are tlioso , it might have
boon. " So sang the the pool and so
sing the committees who arrantrod for a
lawn social for last night at Mr. R M.
Bunkor'h ; but tonight coino and see how
nicely they will servo you with ice
cream , c.ike , etc.
1'lunlu at
The members of tno Uoyal Arcanum of
Omaha came ever yesterday afternoon lor u
picnic at Manuwa. There wore l'- ! . " > of tnem ,
and they came on a motor train of three cars.
They proceeded directly to the lake , where
they put In the curly hours of the evening In
rowing und boating. They then sut down tea
a bountiful supper In the dining room , alter
which dancing wus " the order of tha evening
until 11 o'clock. They returned to Omttha
about midnight , after having upont u most
enjoyable evening.
Union Park races , Omaha and Coun
cil Bluffs , September 8 H , .10,500 ; Oc
tober 20-22 , * 1,000. For programmes
address Nut Brown , Merchants hotel.
Doutorx InterlVro With a Cyprlan'n
DcMiro to DII- .
Another fallen woman tried to reach thu
pearly gutos hut night via the morphine
route. Addio Mullen , who lives ut bib Uodgo
street , received n letter flora her
urothitr in Colorado stating that ho was dying
and asking for money. This the woman did
not have , und It made her so despondent that
she took u largo dose of morphine.
She wus found later by u couple of friends ly
ing on her bed und scarcely breathing. A do'o-
torva * summoned and u stomach pump
applied. Friends cared for the unfortunate
and at midnight she was being walked up
and down DJd.-o street to keep her awake.
The woman will live.
Woe ot a \ \ leiior 'Man ,
A wlenorwurat man of Fourteenth street ,
near Uodgo , had n little tire all by his lonely
about midnight. Ho was trying 10 turn on
more lluld In his gasoline lamp und the
whole thing exploded. Wieners inul broud
were thrown all over the street by the
ihock , und the vender received quite u severe
Dura on his loft hand , besides having his
moustache und eyebrows singed .iff. Besides
the total wrecking of the 'outnt and the
alight burns no damuiro was done.
Took UH | Hull.
Nora Huwklns and Mllllo Owens , two fast
women , rolled a drunk in a Capitol avenue
saloon last evening and secured $ U5.
'olin ' Maber was the drunk and when ha
labored up ho iiiUsoa his roll. Ho reported
bo matter to the police uua thU morning
Sergeant Vr'halen arrested too wotaou.
Iowa Boys Turn to C i'3 and Murdoi
Their First Victim.
r . '
T < M-rlble Uunl MI'o Drauii InVhlol
the 1'rliiclpalH nrc'.KInucit He-
liinil Iron Bars Ilol'oro
Their Weapon Drys.
fa. , Aug. 10. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : BIK. : I Yesterday afternoon
two boys , aged eleven ami ilfteon respec
tively , armed themselves with a revolver and
knife and started out to play the part of ties-
Dcradooi. When about two and u half nillei
from town they saw n 'run by the name of
Murshlth a team coming to the city.
Taoy turned toward town and asking
permission to ride , got into the wagon. After
riding u short distance ono of the boys asked
Mr. Marsh It his team would run if ho should
lire n re\olver , to which Mr. Marsh said It
The boy then got up and stabbed Marsh In
the back with a large butcher knife , indicting
a serious If not fatal wound. The boys wore
promptly arrested and lodged in jail und will
huve their preliminary exnminat'oi < as eon
as the wounded man's condition Is deter
mined. _
Tni'lfT lliMeiimlon In lou'n.
l.rvui" , la. , Aug. -j'SpecIui Telegram
to THE BIK.-HOII. : ] Uoswoll G. Herr of
Michigan delivered n rousing two hours'
spdcch hero tonight to n largo audience of
both parties. Ho took ns his theme the
difference between the two leading parties on
the tarilT , showing how the democratic
theory of free trade adds to the cost ot the
necessaries of life by having a tariff on
articles which can't bo produced In this
country which tariff must of necessary bo
udded to the tlio cost price of the article ; how
the republican theory of protective
duty cheapens such articles by building
up homo manufactories and home
competition. He took ns an Illustration of
tlio ropubli"nn theory such articles us salt ,
hardware , woolen goods , etc. , showing how
the Increase in tariff builds up homo manu
factories and Increasing home competition
the price to iho comsumors. Ho referred
with words of praise to the McKinley bill.
and asked nnv democrat present to name u
single article that the tariff under this bill
has raised the price. No answer wus forth
coming. Ho paid n glowinq tribute to Iowa
and her crou reports , and advised the people
ple to support n man for chief magistrate
of the state who will at least tell
the truth about the state when away from
homo instead ot drawing on visionary statis
tics to slander the best state in the union.
This was ono reason why ho liked the rouub-
licun party. It was for our own country , our
own state ! our own honor llrst and whatever
are had good advice give to the other follows
give it afterwards.
KcnHMtion in Co lur Kupldn.
Cr.nxH RUMIH , la. , Aug. 19. [ Special Tele
gram to THE BIE. : ] The bogus delegates to
the colored anti-prohibition convention hold
hero yesterday who wore ousted from the
meeting , held a seperato meeting last night.
At this meeting a letter was read by Colonel
A. A. Jones of Osknloosa froni a friend in
I'roviuoncc , II. I. , which , pretended to show
up the record of C. H. J. Taylor , while ho
wus United Stutes minister to Liberia. It
alleged immoral practices upon defenseless
colored gins ; that ho departed from Liberia
leaving board hills unpaid , etc. The same
appeared in thu daily Republican of this city
this morning.
Mr. Taylor immediately took action and
s A'oro out n warrant charging Mr. Jones ith
libel. Ho also took steps to bring suit against
the Republican for fi , 500 durauges , but" it is
understood this .suit will bo dronpcd , the Re
publican agreeing to make n retraction. Mr.
Taylor of Kansas City addressed the dele
gates to the mill-prohibition convention lust
night. It has created quito a senation.
Militiamen In Clover.
ISDIAXOI.A , la. , Aug. 19. ( Special Tele
gram to Tun BIE.J : To say that this years
camp of the "Old Third" nt Camp Hender
son so called after Hon. B. P. Henderson of
this place is a pronounced success is stating
it inlldlv. The men of the various companies
are thoroughly enjoying themselves and ac
quiring a prodigious amount of instruction at
the sumo time.
Tomorrow is Governor's day and his excel
lency the governor , General Greene , Captain
Hum and a largo number of staff oftlccrs will
bo in attendance to witness the review and
parade. General H. II. Wright , brigade
commander ot Contorvillo was expected to
arrive today.
IiilMiniuii Work of Tr.impM.
MAIII JOO , la. , Aug. 10. [ Special Telegram
to TUB Bii.l : : When freight train ui : , west
bound , pulled In here late lust night , yells
for help came from an empty box cur. The
tiulnmon found within a nearly naked ,
bruised and bleeding Swede , who told of In-
liumun treatment nt the hands of three
tramps while coming from lowu City. They
lind stripped him of clothing , watch and W
in money. His oars had been bitten through
und parts of his head and body wore bruised
und bleeding where the trainns had beaten
him with the butt of a revolver.
rir.ikcnuin Killed at Iloonti.
BOOM : , la. . Aue. 1 ! ) . [ Special Telegram to
Till : Bur. . ] Ed I'helun , u Chicago & North
western br.ikoman , was run ever by the curs
while switching at Gilbert , in Story county ,
tliN morning , crushing his log. Ho wus
brought to his homo here and died this after
Swltclimim Instantly Killed.
MISSOUICI VIMKI , la , , Aug. 10. [ Special
Telegram to Tut ! BIE. : ] Lewis Herrick , a
switchman , fell from a moving engine today
and was instantly crushed to df-uth Ho was
subject to heart trouble , which probably wus
the cause of his lull. Ho leaves a wile und
tnrec children.
ItLOOlt OX Till ; JlUO.f.
Diirorcncc oT Opinion 'Hint In ICxcltlnt ;
IliiHsott and Ainswortli.
B \ssnrT , Nob. . Aug. 19. | Speclul to TUB
Bnu.j There Is at the present time "bor-lud"
all ever the face of fair Luna whenever she
comes In the vicinity of either Bossctt or
Ainsworth , und the Cittido thereof is all on
the account of some difference of opinion us
10 which of the two towns possesses within
its limits the bust bnso ball club. Last Fri
day morning the Ainswortli nine arrived in
Hassett lo show our willow busters how the
little game Is played , and , If possible , curry
our scalp back to their native lulr without
even allowing the Diiott : nine the blessed
lirivllogo of dying on third base. But the
[ ates had decreed ditTuiunt. At the end of
the fourth Inning the score stood . ! und - ,
with u good show for Iassctt } to take the
end. '
At this Important moment u little contro
versy arose in regard to'li ' foul hit , and the
matter wus argurd nt length In n kind of
n four-sided urgiiment. Huch of thu
clubs had Us own indivjduul Idea of just
jew It wus , the umpire hud his , and the spec-
tutors wore very loud , It ) proclaiming their
opinions , und the coiiiicquonco wus that the
game stopped at that point and Ainsworth
returned homo , out not satistlcd.
They immediately pluceil a good sUed chip ,
valued at about &MJ , on their .shoulder and
tared Bussctt to knock It oil. Bassott , note
o bo outuono , did not stop at u little chip ,
jut took thu whole block of wojd , suld to bo
wo'th $100 , and placed It in a very eon-
Whm n < iby wa ? tick , we gate her Coatorfo ,
When jlie.wna n tlillj , ho crlwl for Castorto ,
Whf n khe bocnme Miss , tliu tlung to CoctorU ,
Wfeoa tlu > had Cluklrvu , iho avd Uium Ctutoris ,
To the Citizens of Omaha and
Vicinitv :
Dr. I' , floe \Vo Is n riwil'ir cradn itn of
medicine from China , havlnt : t'll.i'ti u thor-
muh course of stu ly , exli'iidln o\er uluht
Triirs. In soimtof the best Clnnoio eollo.'os.
IliMilVrrs n H smvlt'ps to all tluisu stiiTorlnit
fiotn dlsD.isi'sof any kind , und feels confident
that In ovcry casn lie undertakes ho can doyen
yon uDixi.
Most of tno Ingredient * he uses in hs | reme
dies tint Dolatilual siihatuncos from China ,
many of tlicni iinNnunn outside of that eoun-
ry .
lie charges not bin ; f or nx-j initiation , consul-
tiitlon or mlvli'f.m \ can call and hu\o > i
frk-ndiy uliat with nlin. and ho will fraiilily
stiitu what he can dn for you. Ills consulta
tions and L'oMiiiiunlcMlinns oonilnriril In the
utiiosl prlviey and strictest confidence.
Ills remedies ate t-iisy to tnkouml perfectly
harinicHs. The most of tliom net on thu Moo I ,
nnnfyliu It and uostioyliiR thu ink-robes 01
I'd Imps you are snirorlii'j fiom some ills-
e IM > of ion'st.imlln'anil have tried almost
every u'lnedy known without HIICCCSS Would
It not lie HOII to try thu Chlneso moilo ot
I ttcatinciit now , or at any ralo tall and let
| Dr. C. UcoVo \ examine the ease and toll yon
u lmt tin cm do ?
Mr C Oeo Wo hastlionsiindsof testimonials
In his possession , unionx watch aie the fol
io win L' :
II. H. YOUNO. 27ir > North Tucntv-fniirth
stieut , Omaha. Cured so\cro cold anil run-
. Idly developing consumption : was tola could
ot last HIV in onths : cured wholly with Chl-
CM' reined IPS
MUM. II. IjlJtli : . 1.WJ riftli street -SnlTcrod
with sleU headache and 'general debility ; hud
rled all kinds ot mudlelnus and do.'tors. Now
obnst and hraliny.
M. V. VAN WORM Kit. 1717 Third street.
Council ItlntTs.-liencial debility and pain In
chest ; few \\COKH treatment ; never full unttor
than utprcsent ,
SI US. K ti. Uion. South Umaha. ( Albright ) .
After trvinir other remedies for uluht years
send Dr. Gee Wo's treatment ; now completely
JOHN II. 1IAMMCTT. South Omaha * ( West
Alnrigh'Heart ) disease and iialu In chest ;
short course of treatment ; now almost cured.
Mils W , A. NIOHOLhON. 111 ? Klgliteunlli
street. Hlieninatlsm , then liemmorraKo of
the iuhis ami finally heart dlscasu ; cnmtilctu
wreck ; went to Kuropeand tried everything ;
now cntlrol v cured bv Or. Quo \V'o.
MRS. J. E YATKS. aiV ) Q struct. South
Omulm. Pcmalo wcalni"-s and sick head
ache ; could ct-t tin relief till Dr. ( Ji > o Wo cured
inc. Will gladly recommend him for these
Kor the benefit of these who cannot see the
doctor ho h is pictured thu follonln. eight
icmedlcK for iho most uruvalent disease's ;
These troubles can easily bo dlacnosed atvl
tlm proper remedies proonicd. I'or all otiuir
tronnles write , enuloslii'4 st imp for question
blank and book , as the doctor uses a
remedy for each disease.
519' , North 16th Streit ,
Office Hours from 9 Q. m. to 9 p
m. , Every Day.
spicuous position at thu butt of their loft car
and said "Wo will go you ono bettor. "
Whereupon the managers of the two nines
commenced a lengthy correspondence with
each other , which in time promises to bear
fruit , and In nil probability n match game
will bo urranged for the near future , and pos
sibly n scries of three games , ono at Bassett ,
ono ut Ainsworth and ono nt some other
point not yet named. The people of the two
towns will no doubt see some very flue ball
playing , ns both clubs are among thu best
amateurs In the northwest , and each seems
determined to win.
Cause ( ) T tin : Huaiitil'iil Ron Fire on
the iHlaud Lust Night.
Ono of the Crystal Ice company's largo
house * on Cut-Olt Island wus discovered on
lire about 0-tO : o'clock last night and was
totally destroyed. Loss about. ? ! , 500 A call
was sent In for the lire department and Chief
Sailor Hunt out u couple of chemical engies , u
hose wagon and truck. By tlio time the ap
paratus reached the scone the lire wus beyond
control and all hope of saving the building
was glvoiuip , The sun baked walls and dry
sawdust packing made a great bhuo for twenty
minutes or so , which could bo seen all over
the city.
The department devoted most of its time
to saving the surrounding building. For
tunately there was not , much of a wind or
the Humes would huve spread and cntullod u
houvier loss.
The building wus Insured.
Detroit Drummer Thrown a Light on
the Suli.fcet.
"I struck a { Trent simp fishing up at
Pcowtiukeo , Wla. , n few woolen iiyo , "
said n drummer nt the Grand I'adlie
nf lor hovorul liirgcyibnorinally duvulopod
Huh stories Imvo boon HWiillowed by the
little colorio that surrounded him'buys
a Chlenjjo Mall roportor. "A friend of
mlno who works for an electrical uon-
Htruutlon company at Mllwiiulcoo has in-
vt-iitod a submarine oleotrio li ht and
wo wont up lo I'owaukco to try it. It
worked lilco a charm. CJroutust HIICUO'-S
imntflnuble. In fairly clear water It Is
possible to H ht up the bottom of the
la Ice for quito u dibtuiu.'o. lina ino
H < , rhtlii a big bonllro on the bottom of
the hike and llhhilitf by the ll'ht ( of itl
That' * about what it is like. Tlio whole
operation ih no almplo that it IH queer
that it was not thought of lout , ' n o.
"A htrnng battury is carried in the
Htern of the boat. The craft is towed
out to the tlhhlut , ' ground and anchored
securely. The submarine lump is
lowered ever tlio side ol tlio boat and u
push upon a button docs the rent. A
wlillo light nolow rondorn all objoets
within a radius of twenty foot of it
plainly visible. Then the sport hogiiiH
in oarnobt. The Hsh are attracted bv
the light and swim toward it to investi
gate the unusual phenomenon that had
startled them. Somewhat timid at llrst ,
Ihoy soon grow bolder and swarm about
the lamp. II is iho easiest thing in tlio
world then to urop u hook right under
the biggest follow In the lot a jerk and
ho in yours. No polo is necessary ; a
reel is useless ; no ball is tifcod nothing
hut a line und u naked honk. It reouirea
no skill to miilio u line catch , and it's
rare sport.
"Lust week I spoilt n couple of nights
on the lake pulling out bass nothing
but Dabs you know , because by this now
Hchomo a man can pick and choose his
llsh before ho catches them. lie isn't
obliged to waste any time In nulling out
porch and bluogllls when he's angling
for buss , you BOO , and ho dousn't disturb
IfyotLwishtb mate dote as white as tie sun
And finish your v/oric / as sorol as begun
6ANTA GLAUS SOAP is fettling tfiat Will do it ,
/hid / having once iW 1 < jfit it - ' will rue it.
SAIi-C releh pedigree IlKhl Hrah-
iras for fl.uo cnch ; score Ill's to Wi line
birds. Also Incubator and bicodcr. L'ood ah
new ; very cheap It taUun ut once. Addiessor
call on V. S. Snick. JMI3 A\oalio 1) , or John
WANTED Aliinee , tailor to dn repairing
anil prcxslnir , mid dyer. Must ue wood
workmen. IVmrmcnt situations. C. A.
Muclian. lOia llroaday , Council lUnlK
GOOD | i ivliiu dairy for Milo at a croat bar
gain It taken ut on o. Inquire of John
son k Van I'litton , Kvurutt block.
VYTANTED to Tnido-nvo-rooin house , full
i lot In Omaha forhonsv and lot In Council
BlnlTb. IJ. Drown. I U. ! Broadway.
OljAIUVOYANT and sychometrle. or char
acter readings ; also diagnosis or dlst-abo.
ncnd loclc of hair ( or ruadlntrs by lottur. Snii-
fcays and evenings. MrH R lloopur. 14iJ Avo-
diio E , nnar corner 15th btroot. Council 11 hi II A
Terms , f > Jo and 11.03.
MACXII'MORNTii-rooropcrty In Hvc-aoro
tracts located ! " miles from postolllco ,
for saloon reasonable terms fc'omii line rosl-
acnco property for rout by Day A Hess.
POK3A.LR or Kaut 3ird9a l aO- with
houiai , Dr J. U. Uloa. 1IJUla ) it. , OouaaU
Council Bluffs , la.
This Elegantly Appointed Hotel
Is Now Open.
N. A. Taylor , Manager
the little bass either. Great invention ,
isn't it ? "
The silence for a moment was pain
fully oppressive , hut it was broken at
length by Chief Clerk Paul Gores , who
inquired In n low , melancholy voice , llko
the notes of a wounded clay pigeon ,
"when did you do all IhisV"
"Tuesday and Wednesday nights of
last week. "
"At I'cowaukcoV"
"At 1'eowauKoe. "
"That accounts for it thon. I was fish
ing nt Peowaukeo myholf last Thursday.
Caught a good string of bass and had
very fair luck , but until this minute I
haven't been able to figure out how it
happened that every blamed one of 'oin
wore a pair of blue goggles. "
And life coterie immc'dlately ad
journed for internal improvements.
A Great Tlllrrol'tho Soil.
Darwin used to bay lhat the most pow
erful worker wo know of Is the earth
worm. Without the earthworm wo
could not live. Earthworms muko the
soil fertile. According to Darwin's cal
culations each particle of the earth , to a
depth of two feet , is brought up to the
surface at least once every hundred
years. Hut this estimate ih lee low. It
has been recently calculated that this
renovation of the boil takes piaco every
twonty-boven years. There uro from ono
hundred and lifty lo two hundred worms
In each square yard of earth , ten Inches
In length. _
I'nr the I'ole.
The Norwegian national assembly has
granted Dr. l-YIdtjof Nani-on $ .y > .OUO to-
wnrd liis polar expedition , and thirleen
Norwegians in tholr private eapacily ,
have given the intrepid ice wanderer
$ : i ( , nou moro. If his shipis smashed Dr.
Nanson will bo prepared at once to move
out and camp on an ice Hue.
Antiquity til' tlio
An English naturalist has discovered
proofs that the bedbug was quito com
mon in the armies of the world nt leant
ono hundred and twenty years before
the Christian era. and that he was over
a boa rover , as the Meets of that day had
their timbers slocked wilh thin breed of
nocturnal prowlers.
I'ofdttvcly cured
' tllCbU I.IUlO IMIlH.
They also relieve Dla-l
tress from Dyspepsia , In-l
ITTLE diKChtlon and Tno llairty"
KatlDK' . A perfect rcm-
ecJ > for PUzlnew , Nausea , !
DronBlnesa , Had Taster
In the Mouth , coated I
Tongue , I'aln In tlio Sldo.B
TOUI'JI ) I.1VKK , They !
regulate tbe Bowels. I'urcly Vegetable.
First--National--Bank : :
1'nld U | ) Capital , . . . . $101),09 ) ! >
OMosl orji.inlzuil tunic In the city. I'oroljfii und
dninoitlo inch itik'O mil Icml iL'C.irltUi ! S < | 3lk
nlUmllon p.iUI to uJlliio.Uiiii. ADOJ mti of Intuit
ual a.tmkt Innkers in.lcjriuritlj.ii ulliltjl. Jj.
runpoiulncn tnvllud
UUO I' . SANKOKI ) . I'rotlitont.
A.V. . IIIIJKMA.V , Cnihlor
A. T. U1UIJ. AinlUiv"imir
Millie , ? Cnnnilnrt' Attorneys at law , 1'rao-
O1III3 O. OilUllian tire In the sUto an I
federal con its. KDJUIS .1 , 4 and 3 Shn art
Ilfiiu block , Council Itlull . IIL
HT Til HllhOfQ Attorney at Law , No. I ! }
. J. VIltUIIMLIO , I'u.irl streut , ever llnsh-
nell's .store. Telephone No.VI. . llnslness
liociib. bu. m , to Up , in , Council Itlults , la.
Of Council Bluffs.
S I. A. Mlllor , V. O Qloasoti , R fj ,
Shuvnrt B. E. Hart. J U Edrminilscm , Oliiulo *
1C. Uannnn. Tr.uisiot uaakttu bun-
ne . l..aroit capltit and urnlm ut u
Lankln Monthwdrftorn I JIT a.
INThRESroN TlMi DEP03' ' T5.
They MiiHl Go at Cost
There Is no use of your endeavor n ! ? to ROfc
along and oconoml/o by doing without a re
frigerator. Health and comfort cannot bu
maintained In the hot summer weather und
food properly pieservud without semi ) moans
of presetvlnt : a cool , dry atmosplmro. The
now Unnrnsoy rofrlL'crutor Is I ho world boater
In ovcry essential point , and from this time-
on wo propo- to put them Into your Inmarsat
absolute cost. Tn H Is a bonu fide offer that
it whl pay yon to Investigate.
Window HurceiiH am ! Doorw
Goat the same price until our pri-Miut luriso
stock is oxhanste'l. ' Thl ° Is your oppoi tunlty
to provide your homiss with these necessary
All modnrn little labor-Ravin : anil comfort-
proiluclni : novoltles In the hardwaio line for
Miimnor use will bo disposed of In the same
& Stm , No. I 1 Alain ulroot ,
Council HIiiflH.
Galvanized Iron Cornice Works ,
It GIIAUI , A BO.V , l'UOI"3.
1O15 and 1O17 BroncUvnij.
( Jan bo reached fiom any of the depots on
Conducted by thoHlstrrnof Charity , II. V. M.
TKH.MH I'or board anil tuition , oiiihrucliiK
all hr.inchos of a fliilshiul education foryonni ;
ladles , f7.rj for he-.son of live montliH. com
mencing llrst Monday In Scplomhor und Neb
iliary , respectively. For f nither particular *
bt. Krancls Academy , Council IHnllH , in.
Gas Heating Stoves.
* No AsiiKSl No SM
Just thu thln for bath rooms , lied rnnins , oti
Call and sue our lir : o assortment.
C. B. Gas nn'l Elojtrls Llj'it Co.
VII I'c irl and ' . ' 10 Main HlreuU
Over C II , Iufiuoiiiii | , t Co'8 Jt'wclry Store ,
Lake Manawa Hotel ,
Attractions I'lnn Plshlnv , Hoatutx , Hath-
Inc an I i\eulliint : Wulur
Only flftcun minutes rldo frmn Con neil
llluffN. Motor trains ovury halt hour , dlr11' * '
to centers of Council IllnlU ami Um.ih.i. j
MoHt dtillchlful und uccobslb.u pluul /
plcnlo uurtlei. /