Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 19, 1891, Page 6, Image 7

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Excitement of the Three Preceding Days
Gradually Subsiding.
Trntlc Dmnlcil of HoiiHntlonnl MOVOH
by tht ! Kccrnt Itnpld CtinnucH
Many I'crHoiiN Attend the Onl-
Jury Overlooking tlio I'll.
o , Atip. IP Tlioiuullcnco In tlm pub
lic unllory ovorlnoklh tlio li-ndlng pits wntns
ovurllowliiB us on nny of tlio thrt-o iirccoodiiic
( lny of thr'oxollPinciit , but tlio iicrfnrmnnco
they atiMid to olisurvo lacl < cil tlio nlisortihiK
fonturosof Intcri'st which noruultnuMCil on
Haturil.iy nnd Moiul iy. Tlio clo o of tin1
miirkut yesterday . t Jl.oi : for Duccmliornhciit
loft It ilcniidcd of sciisiitldiinl fonturos whloh
tlio oxcitonirnt Imd uildcil to u until rally
trout ; entidltlon of nlTulrs. Tlio forolzn nmr-
kot Inul lost a ( tro it do il of yesterday's bmijr-
nncy , und lll < o tlio tnulo , Hpno.irod to cruvo u
Tlio prlnclpit lluctimtloiis In up to ulioilt ton inliiiito4 bufnro tlio
close wcro us follows : Opened at from JIHI
to $1.01'4. then sold nt * 1 0. { I.Oi. il ' 8W. (1.0.1.
ll.02 . Jl.Ot'i. tIM'i. II OIM , JI.OIJJ. Jl iflij. The
hlclii.'st point of the-dny wns ronrhod nhout II
o'ulooU will' u Has { I Ol'i und wns enti c > d li\ u
dispatch wlileli loportfd that Unsslalind In-
cluili'il wheat In tliooidorpriililhltlnxi'Xporm.
Tlio truth of Iho rnport WHH iiiuoli ilouiiteil ,
howutur , us thu hnard had not toi'i'l\eii niiy
nuch IIOHH 'I hero wns a slioi t lived spurt
from tO'J't \ ' toJI.l.l'n nlitiiit ton inliiiittn from
tlio olosu hnl It liefiuno liea\y aKiiln nnd
droppi d to $1 i-'i ' at 1 15 p in
llcci'iiiber prlvllcv" ' * for \\'cilin > - < ( lny WITH
quoted tiround U'l'ie and } 1 07 Tlio corn innr-
kelactedery siiil.buinly all day. Itvas
JiiinpInK ui | nnd iloun imjitly hiituei'ii luc and
Me , with jirkts atftikl'ir' ( ( ' for i-upteipbor
This fnttiii oponul aionnd ul'Be ' , with siilen at
fi-iifirhlUt at tin' siinn time Tin1 price touehi'd
, ' ? and io > o to ikl'jo ' In short order Then it
Mild dl'io ' up and then went to ( > .Vte a third
tlmo hrfoio I o'clock. AiiKiistsold mostly be
tween C.V' nnd ( iii'ii1. There wns less nut Ion In
the late futures. Whlto & , Co and Hutchison
were the liwdliiK buyers early followed hy
shorts 'I he prospi'oll of a suce/e ( | In f-op-
teniber corn c-onllnnes and makes shorts
KcllltiK for any loiuUh of time out of the
Mill-it Inn. C'orn been mr\ cry buoyant tlm Inst
half hour and reached tlio best prlto of the
day. Aiieust was iiuotod at fiT-Vc at the close ,
f-opln > her sold at rfi'dc ' anil closed L"o ox < r
last nlulit Octoher ranucd fiuin .17'it1 ' .mil
Irli'ic ' Soptemher c'oru weld at l'JJiO callsdT'iO. '
Oats closed from lie to le viiklur after oxperl-
ruclni ; a tuodor.itcly uutUo day. Tlio trade
UUM of a M' ittei IIIK chnr.ieter. Aiiunstopened
at-Ik1 , dec Ined toc , and oloaod nt"si4e. < uu-
teniber sold from'Ji'jc ' down to "S'ie. closlne
nt - 'iO.vhllo May started at .C'iO , advani-cd
to 'B'iC. wi'.iUened to.t-'e , and closed iit.U'ii' ' .
A break of OQ'e occurred lu
rye I'orelK'iors ' bought a moderate
amount of cash Kraln. and at the R'IIIHI tlmo
holu bcptembei freely , 'I hey nlno did eoiishl-
cr.iblo sellliiL' . AiiBUHt sold at ! i7i&I.Uii and
cloned at'lliiic : Soptemhei sold at IlV-Cftfl.dO
nnd clo od at'A' 'nx1 : Octohlor closed about ic
nndei ' cplomher ; No. " fold at'JijcStl.OU. The
mm ket wis active and oxclttd
The trade In provisions wns f.ilrly lively to
day. In pork prices HnctiiatLd consider ibly.
Opening sales were " 41t.'ic decllno followed by
n fin ther reduction of ! "ic. Atllie reduction
the demand Improved and prices advanced
I-- ! ® i-V. latoi tlio prlcoa settled b.ick 10i IJ'ic '
and closed ( jiilet.
I. ud , the demand was fair and tlio trulliiir
IlKht. Prices opened ' ' ® . " lower , but rallied
iiRiilu nnd clostd at outside llgtires steady.
Hhort rlliB wcio fnlrly active 1'ilces ruled
2 ® .r > o lovvoi nt the openlni ; but quickly rnl-
liLd iiKaln. Toward t ho cio'-o prices settled
down In moHum figures but advanced again.
Thd m irkol closed firm ,
The lending fulurcs ranged as follows :
Cash iuolatlons | vveroas follows :
ri.tiuu llnchaiued.
WllKAT No. 2 sprliu wheat , tl.n2.021i | !
No. ,1 HprhiK , UlttOUJi No. 2 rod , $1.01.
CoUN-No. 2 , ( > " \e.
OATS No 2 , 2S'1c ; No. 2 white. 8232io ! ; No.
3 whlto , 30i0 : c.
IMK-No.2. WMc.
HAIII.I- - No. S , nominal ; No. 3 , 4SKe ? , fob ;
No. 4 , We , f. o 1) .
l''i.Axshri > No. I. ? l.0" > .
TlMin n v . " ! i > 1't line. $1.2 /JI.21) .
1'oitK Mess pork , pet burrel. * 1 . 1- " ; . Tard.
tier cwt. , JtC7'4 ' ; short rlhs Hides ( loose ) . * .10 ®
tllTi ; dry snlt'il shonldors ( Imvcil ) , td.203C.2S :
short shins ( hoxo'l ) , 7.2M7.3. ( > .
WIIISKV Ulstlllerh' finished Roods , per gal ,
* I8
Cut loaf , unohun nd.
New York Starkcts.
NKW YOUK , AIIK , 18. ri.oint Itccolnts , 2H.180
picKiiKcs ; uxpntts , 7,1-1 barrels : .WD.401 sacks ;
marki't liri'Kular and less ilcnnnd. Sales ,
' . ' . ' .OOU barrels. IXIH extias. J.1. ? ' I.M ; fnlr to
fancy. W.MKlS\a-i ; Minnesota clear , J4 WMW In :
Minnesota patents. tl.lXlGOO ; n Inter wheat ,
low Kiadcs t.l'rxBJ.'iO ; patents , Jl TVitiM ;
utr lights , * lViW.40j rye mixtures , JI.MJM 10.
OOIINMIJM/ Dull ; jollou western , W 4ilfcl ( IK ) .
\\IIKAT Kecolpts. S'.M.IUJ bushels ; exports ,
8WUU bushelH ; sale11021,000 hushols of fu
tures ; market lower , unsettled ; No S roil ,
( I.IO.In cluMitoi : < l.l.'iH.l."i'1 , alloif fl.ll-'U ®
l.Kil , f. o. b ; No. II red , II 07 ; nn rudod red ,
f l.o'ij ; No , 1 northern to urrh o , ll.lil : No. 1
hard to arrive. H.'JlOI.'Hi : No. U Chlcaio : ,
1.I.V4I No. S Milwaukee , * I.KIM1 * 4 > 4. Op
tions , vigorous speculation has KOIIO out from
the market. On reall/lni ; prlicixiponoil V c
louer , afterward on forolKU advices of
bad weather and dcmnnd , iiulcUened ,
which sent prices up 9i < < ilTio ; follimliu
this cnmu a break of I'llr 'ue ' on now buy-
Inttoidors , dull condition of oxpoit tiadln
nnd sollliiR of continent riocount ; a reaction
of ' .iK' + c and the close steady at 1'iC under
yesterday , No. ! ! . red , fl.ii' ' closlni : $1.10 ;
r-optombtr , ( I.UOT-in ® ! 11V oloslii ) : . it.10 ; Oo-
tohor. II.1121,11-1 , closing. tl.WS ; November ,
ll.iu > ® , * , closing $1 H'i ; Dccomhor. $1 li'i
Cf.l.l.lU , closing , * I.I''U ; .laiiuiiry. i I.I vttl Il'a ' ,
olosbiK. ll.l.l i ; I'obrunry. $1 U'n'iJI.IHi. elos-
Inc. I.1I34 | ! May , ( l.l.VtO * ITSi. closing , il.ld'g.
K\t : Western , Sontombcr delivery ooonod
with sales at tl.l'r l.iiOjJ ; dooil depressed at
( , ( ) ® , ( thiouKh a lar ii break at the
went on the foreign situations ; sales. 4U loads
CoiiN Ue'celp'ts S.t.0'5 bnshols ; e\ports , I7.40S
busliels ; Hiilos , l.hlO.lWl huHhuls of futures and
01,0(0 ( bushels of apot. i-pot
Irregular curly , mron er olosinir , e my and
iliilot ; No. L' . NKiiSlo | n olevatoi ; Mffis.'o alloit ;
niiLTiuliMl nilM'd. ? KJM.'e ; No , \\lillo , TlfKslu.
Outlons advanced Kitl'to. lostltand rallied at
I'tWii1 closlnk' at HOl'iO
, stonily over jcstor-
day throiii : ! ) manipulation nt the \u > st nnd
lluhlor rcielpts : Auunst , Ti T'ic. closlm ; ,
Tiljc ; September , TJ'fii414C , eloslnc. ? 4' c ;
Uetouur. UkCOo ( , oloshu , Tie ; November. tv > o ,
elosliiK , II-SD ; Dcccmbor. uJSbJc. closing , tUo ;
May. IMl > 4tliio. : ; cumins. Me.
UATb Itcci'lpts , 107.00(1 bushels ; exports.
60OtiO ; sales , Is.lUO tmshols of futuies nnd
IH',0 0 bushels of spot , bpol market uii'-ot-
tled , lo er on mixed ; ijulet. Options ( lull ,
loner nnd weak ; AIIHUM. ; il"it"i' ( , closlni ; .
i4Su ! ; r-eptombcr , ni tQ lt c , closlni ; , Ill'iiis
iVi ; Ocloher , closing. .I4ltc ; No , ' - ' white ,
4lo ; No. 1,4Uc ; No 1 white , 4 e ; mixed western ,
lUullTcjhllo n CM tern , Jt < J5Jo ; No. ' 'UhlcaKO ,
IAV ! Qulot. firm.
P HOPS Qulot. oiisyi state common to choice ,
154Cll > c ; Taclllc const , IKTUlHiC ,
t'oi'Ki.K Dptlons opened llrm ; S(0 ( points
up , closed hteail ) MM I points up ; Hales. ftl.VK )
baiH , Incliidlni ; AiiKiist , till V luM ; huiHom-
ber , JlO.UWiCItl.'S ' ; ik'tolicr , JHUHMHtUO ; Novem
ber , ( U.'AXiDK..t ; December , fl.UJitUM ;
March. fUVmUUVJ ; Spot Hlodull , steady ; fair
carKOUs , luo : .Nd. 7 , ITdMT'si' !
MHlAit Ituw , llrmer. iiilet | , IteQncd , llrmer ,
iiioru domiind ; olT A , 41tlliO.
Moi.Ahrtts Nuu Orleans , ( nilct , steady.
HICK I'lrm , iiilet | ,
UOITON Si.v.ii Un < rirm ,
TAI.I.\\ ) < Kenily and ijulut.
HOMN Qulot , bteady.
Tiwi'WiTiM ! Dull iiiul ( > niiyt3litlitir. |
UiKH ( 'iiiel , steady ; wcatcin , it/tflio ; re *
celntH , n,7 l iiai'kiiKC * .
Wool. Moaily , quiet ; domontlo fleece , 30 ®
: < 7c ; pulled , iHtHc ; Texus , I'iC.'Ic.
I'OIIK Dull , steady ; old mess. IIOOOiaii\7T ;
new incbs , tll.JOiSI..i'Oi ' extra prime , tlo. ' O
IAHI > StroiiECr. ( inlet ; western steam. Jit.001
lulcu , < ,000 ul (0.b7)iUu.0J ) | > ale , UViO tlorceii ,
Poiitcmbor. ( OfiOhlitt October , tfl.01 , cloolnn nt
Oioibhl ; Di-comber , (7.20 bid ; Jnniiiiry. * 7.TO
closing nt (7.C : ) bid.
CUT MEATK ( julot , onulor.
.Miiiiii.i-R-Plrin , riulct ; nliortulcnr , Scptom-
Dor , | ( ! 00.
( H'TTrii'-ruIr ilcninnd , llrmnr : western
ilalry. l.'JM6c ; western ctcamory , lfiKc !
western factory , tV'ilU'U KlRlns. ai'idz.'c '
t'llEFsE ralrly active , firm ; western , 7'o ;
p'irl skims , GUc.
I'H ) Iito.v-Qulct and tinohniiKCil ; Mexican ,
roi'i-rn stpurtyt lake , AiiRitsl. tl..OO ; lake ,
PcnlnmbiT. JI2.0) ) .
I.Kiiiia'Jy ; domestic. JI.I7SS.
Tl.v-l'lrm ; btraltn , > JO.gQ.
KIUIHIIH City Markets.
KANSAS CITV , Mo. . AIIJ ? . 18.VIIKT Lowcrj
No 2 hard , cash , Hl'io : Ausnst , inc ; Hoptem-
ber. We bid ; No. 2 red.,0.lo bid ; AiiRiut ,
iri',50 bid ; .S-ptembcr. Ulc bid.
Con vActlvo nnd hl-'lier ; cnsli. S5OUe !
August. , r. > c bid ; September. r > l'c.
OATS ( Jiilot and lower ; No 2. einli. 2CJiC
bid ; AtiKust.2lUcbld ( ; Soptctnlior. 2Cobld.
llMTTUt I'lrm and unchinur < l.
i : < W8 rirm , and In drmand at lie.
lUv HlKhiTi fancy ptnlrlc , Jii.OO ; peed to
choice. tlonis.\
I'l otlii Dull , trndu practically tit a stand
l'uovtsioN UnchniiRO 1.
Wool , intend v
HKCBIITS Wheat , M.400 ; corn , 4,100 ; o.ils ,
1'f'O '
Snii'MK.NTS Wheat , 23.0CO ; corn , 5,40) ) ; oats
rxw. ( _
Iilvurpool Mnrkctn.
r.ivp.iipoou AIIR. 17 WHEAT ' tpiuly : do-
ma nil Improving : holders olfiT moder.itely ;
red. western , sprlilir , 8s 7'dl'S ' } 8'4 ' < l per I'IMI-
tiil : Kniisns winter , bard. Ss Pdwss Od. Ito-
cidpts of wlicnt for past three da > s , 3C8.000
centals Incliidlni ! I II U' i Amerlcnn.
U IK > * te idy ; demnml f.ilr ; mlxpil west
ern. ( , s 24il per cenlnl. Ifccclptsof American
corn for p ist three davs were W.OOO centals
I'liFFSK American llncst.wliltu und colored ,
4"sCd per civ t.
Mlii'icapollH U'hoat Market.
Mts.sLAi'oi.ts. Minn . Ait18. . WIIBAT
t'nhh whe it very dull for poor lots Prices
il'ifiilc ' lower , but relatively better sustained
than futures. Very little old wheat sold.
Hocelpts , 'io cars ; shipments. Meats. Close :
No 1 Iinnl. on track , or'5al.04'i ' : No. 1
northern. AilRiist. Ml ; on tr.ick. j '
No. 2 northcin , on track ,
.SI. Ijoals 'Markct-J.
f-T. I.OfiH. Mo. Auir. HIIFAT Lower ;
cash. ICi4 ) ; December. * ' , OJ' { .
I'oitN Dull : cnsh , die ; S'ptombor. Me.
O\TS NcRlectod ; No. 2 cash , 2w ! ; beptcm-
bor , 2.s' c' .
Cliiciiiniui 'Marlc < 't .
CINCIVVATI. O , Auir. 18. WHEAT H.islcr ;
No. 2 red. ' ) s' ' 4
C'niiN fettoiiR ; No 2 , mlxod. n4'Jc. '
OAM btondy ! No 2 mixed , Jl'jC. '
Mllvvaukoe Grain Market.
Mti.vvAtrKKK. WIs . Ans 18. WIII.AT I'lrm ;
No. Jsurliii : . eish.S1.00@l 02.
CdltN Steady ; No .1. cash. M'Jc
OATS-Qulet : No. v , white. .rJ'Se. '
Toledo drain Market.
Tni.cno , O. Auir 19. WHEAT Lower : cash
and August , ? 1 rj'i '
CORN Steuly ; cash , ( Toe.
OATH Quiet ; cash , 'llc
Itorlln Grain Kovlovv.
tliitr.iv. AUR. 18. The North Get man Oa-
zetto today s.ivs tint the present situation of
foreign markits ahows the economic nnd po
litical Import inco of a highly developed na
tional husbandry , mnkliiir the fntheilnnd In
dependent of foreign countries , and proves tlio
neie-slty for leform in the Rrain trades so as
to enable It , to mote oas Iy supply Uermany
with additional brcndstulls.
Nrw YOIIK , Aup. 18. The stocK market
today was nRnln nctlvo and stronR with an
nnmlst.ik.ihlo broidenliiR tendency and ma
terially hlRlier llRiires were reached In ovoty-
thliiK on the list , and this In the face of heavy
roall/atlons and tbocfTorts of the bears pre
vented any further ndv.nice In prices. There
Is.ilnipu parly who alteady think that the
rise has altlined biilllclently largo piopor-
tlons and that many stocks have been ad
vanced too rapidly and therefore favor a re
action , but then the now buying In the mnr-
Ket Is of biich apnlnH the
scllliiR to reall7e. that of bear * and of the
outslclo ccnteis , Including London , the market
bttll advances. Today at least there uppcnrs
to bo InrRO buying orders and the upward
movement made steady pi ogress. The rela
tive impoit.inco nt present of the Union 1'n-
clllc iitlnlrs was seen In the steadily diminish
ing volumuof business In the stock , although
the shnrcs weie sluivNh and foverlsh ,
Atchlsou was ngaln the leader In point of
ncttvitv. while LonlsvllleX Nashville still led
the iipw.ird movement , closely followed hy
Hock Ixlnnd. The western operators conllncd
theinsolv es entirely to the wi stern stocks and
tlio Interest In thu movement of giaimers was
greater than that III any other group of stocks ,
and while everything snared In the ienerul
ndvanco the important movements wera con-
lined to those stocks. There were a very few
shares advanced. Among the low priced spe
cialties Hullalo. Rochester & I'ltlsbnr4 and
1'lttsburg A. Western preferred were most con
spicuous , but the Industrials were neglected
with the exception of Chicago Gas , which In
he o my ti idu was strong.
Tlio news from the meetlnc of the dltcctors
and ciunltors of tlie Union I'aellio was roas-
sui Ing , and w bile tliat stock fnlli d to nd vnnce
until Into In the day prices ciept up from one
to two pet cent , with shnip gains In a few
lo\v \ pi Iced share" . After the announcement
ot the arrangement ngrecd upon by which
the Moating dot t of the Union 1'aclflc is to betaken
taken care of there was a Milling movement In
that stock which wiped out all of Its advance ,
and loiilUtitlons in tlio general list lice i mo
moie ahundnnt and prices yielded along the
line , the lust hour belli j mm ked hy a steady
though slow decline. Tills downward move
ment which was helped by the etlorts of tlio
traders to lirhu ulioilt a ro ictlon wassullIC
clout In iniiiiv eases to entirely wipe out the
early gains and many of the actlvo stojks
actually eloped lower last ovunliu' .
Tlio trndo In ralliond bonds wns again most
gratifying , the largest temper of the market
remained decidedly s.roii.tluoughoni. . n
sympathy with the Into decline In stocks
lielng sliown. 'I ho actlvo bonds aio almost
Inv.iilably higher and many gains
\veio made ( Uulirtlio da > 's tiansactlons.
llurlmgtim rose 3'4 per cent. Western , Now
Ymk \ . I'cnnsylvnnla2 ptr cent.
( iovernmenl Lends have been dull and
I btato hoi.ds li.ivo been entirely neglected.
The follow Ing are tlio closing limitations for
Iho loading stocks on the Now \orkstock exchange -
change today :
AtchlHOn .11.hi .Northweiitern IUS ) {
Aitums Kipress , . . .I4'i .Northwestern , prof 111
Alton , Terre llnuto 7 N VCentral 101
ilo preferred . . 1J N Y. , tide A M I. . . ! . " {
Anirrlciin Kipross lit ! ilo profeitett . . . liii
llur C. U. A N. . . 21 , Ohio MlHsUalppl. . . . PJ
Camilla I'ncltlc . . . .8.1 ilo preferreil . . 84
Canniln southern . . ftO's ' Ontario \Vcntern. . . lii
Centrnl I'ncltlc ' "I-M ( > uton Improvcm't. 21
Chen. A Ohio . . . Uif Orcitim Nnv 14
ilo Ut preferrc'il . V-'H tlroKOn Trans ll f
iloM preferred. "s'n ' I'ncltlc .Mull IH ,
( liU'iifd A Alton , U7 I'eorln. Doe A Krnns IDlt
C 11 AQ . . . . WJU I'lttsbnrir U7'u '
C C.O A St. 1. . 114 hi I'nllmnn I'ahica . . ,184
Delannru Alluilson MS Koaillni ; suit
Del. , I. AW . . . loliX Itock iMlnnit 711 1
Den A U Ii. prof'U ht I. AS I1 l tp'f'il. . 70
KnHt TomiOHseo . . 6 4 M I'niil i (
do 1st preferreil 4i , ilo preferreil . . 11 IH
ilo iml proferruil M I'nnl.Mln A.Mnn 107
Krlo 21 ht I'linlA Omnhn . . . si > ' |
ilo preferreil . . . filiyl ilo prcferrmt . . . . hi
tortvVn > no . in iTenn Coal A Iron ri'i
Chi A Knit III . . . l > Mu liixiin I'nilllc 1JI (
Hocking Valley . To I A ( I font ptil 't
lloin ton A Texas t ! I'nlon I'ncltlc .I'H
Illinois Centrnl HI U b HxpretH . . . . M
HI I'.iill A lliilnth . ' Wubtiklit ! I. A 1'ac JIM ;
KniimiH A 'leins I4)j ilo prufurreil 2lij
l.nko hllo A West . ll'i\Vells ' ( Kiiruo l.xp . .118
ilo M > i\Ve | torn Union HIM
I.nkoShoru . . . . HIV Am Cotton ( Ml 21
Loiil-vlllo A Naalir . 11' ( Coloriulo Coil t.'H
l.oulmllki , v .V A . . LO'fc llomestiikc. II
.MeinphlsAlluir . 14 IrollMher 1011
.xtlchlk'an Central IL' Ontario 37
MILLS AW . . .71 gulckslUer 5
ito preferreil . . . .IIHI do profcrreil S'l '
Mill A M I < & Sum s
ilc preferroil . . . 10 Milliter a )
Mltsonrl I'aclllc . . . Hi ? , Klch A W I1. Tor . . . Ul
.Mobllo A Ohio . .4. I \ \ liu'iiiiBln Central 1'J
.NiislnllliiOliiUl t-0 lOroat Northernpfil . bU
N J Central 11.'l | Clilrairu Una 4hK
Norfolk A West pfit 4U'jl ' | eailTriikt 16 > (
Northern I'aclllc . SPBiMik'nr Trust T'.HU
ilo proferreil . . . l.Miil'-oiithorii 1'aclllo . , Mfll
U. I' . Denver Adnlf Ibt , Oreuon h I. A U N 24S
Tin ) total Hales of stock today wore y.'d.
Hharci , Incliidlni ; : Atchlxon. 4J.170 ; C'lilca
, HVi" > > ; Delaware. I.aeUuwanna A
\\Vstorn. \ II.U1S ; Krlo , 0'jii ) ; I.ouUvllle & Nasli-
\llle , JI.Tri ; .MihMiutl I'aolltc , IVMU ; North-
< nn 1'atlllu prDforrod , HIM : Jtlohmond > t
West I'olnt 4'jru St. i'aul , 41,0:0 ; Union
1'uclllo , iti.'TOostorii ; \ \ Union.
Not os.
1C tNSAs CITV , Mo. , AUK IS.-Cleutlngs today
were l.w7."JO. :
NKXV YOUK , AHR. IK-Ilank clourlnss , today
V ) -
CINCINNATI. O , Auc. 18 , Money. 4Hft1 nor
rout ; exchange , &Uo discount ; clearing * . ! , -
Al , ? 5J.
rillt.AlEl.i'lllAUB. ) . l8-Cloarlns today.
ftlivl.4.lii : and balances , JUU.M.J. Money , 4
| icr cent ,
ItAi.TiMoltE. Mil. . Au ? . 18. Hunk olearliiKS
today Wcro,5 ' , lMij bulaiicc , * a7\hJt. ( Hate ,
o per cent.
UO&TON , Mnss. . AUK , IB. ClcarlnRS homo
lialanccs , ( I.Mit < .i > ts3 ; rate , 4 per cent ; call loans ,
KCO percent ; tlmo loiu : , l > it ? per cent.
HosTON , MUM. . Aug. 16. Hunk clearings
today , 118,601,121) ) balances , l,50bK > 5 | ruto ( or
monoy. 4 per cent ! exchange on New York
17a per $ IWO discount.
CiitrAOo. AUR. in Hank clearing * . fl&IM- )
POO ! Now York cYchnnitc , 53 | > cr cent dlRconnt ;
rlliiR cxchaneo dull nnd weak ; CO day bills ,
money steady , 0 percent.
New York Money Market.
Nr.\rYoitK.AuR 1ft. Mosr.voi CAM , Easy ,
riiiizlnir from JM per cent : , last loan 2'4 '
per rent ; closing ollercd nt 2' { per cent.
I'lttviK MKIICA.NTII.K 1'Ai'EU-A1 percent.
STMIM.NII KxoilANOiQuiet : und weak ;
tW\'t \ for sixty-day bills nnd JI.65U for do *
m n nil.
Iho following were the closing prices on
bonds :
U t * Is rcjilitcroit. .IH.lflM K AT ( Jon'H * . . ? rt <
U -1 4 , coupon * . IIMflM K A I' dim I 3s 4I <
U 9 4H.ii rok-lnlercd IU ) ' Mutual I'nlon fi . . . 101
4' ' . . U > 'f V J Cent Int Cert HUH
I'noltlclii of' V . . .110 Northern 1'nc lets .116
IxjuMana iitnnip 4 * SI ilo Jils . .111Ml
Toiineco N fe Cs lOA .Vorthwo t consols Ml
Do 8 * w ito ilpbenlnrcS * . 1087
rte Is l'Jii''t I , A I .M tlenfrt 87
Canaila ontlicrn2il W iHt I. A S K ( ion M 101m
Central I'acltlc Istii IDCi , " ! I'aiil oonols m
1) A It ( I lulu . . .lU'll-'l ' l > , C A I' 11-
ilo Is 74 i I'nlon I'nclllc I'll" .
Krh-gils . | > l' < l Went Shore
Boston Ktook Market.
HOSTOV , Mass , Auir. 18 The following were
theclosln ; prices on tlio lloston stock market :
Ijoluloii Stoi-k Market.
I.OMiov. Aus. Is The followliiK were the
London stock notations c oilnu aH p m :
( < MiMolri money 10.1
Connoln , account HllnolKContrnl '
U i 4 Xlexlcnn unllmr ) .11
t' 4 ! < * . . lir.ii. . "t I'niil common . tfi | <
N V 1' AO llrstB .l-'ln N V Contrnl .HII
Cnnnillnn 1'nclllc . . Sti Pennsylvania . . . . . SI'l
llAK"irVKii CiVlM per ounce .
JIiNB ' } percent K lie of discount In the
open market foi both shut t and six months'
bills , l , < aij. nor cent.
German Hunk Statement.
III.Hi.IN , Auir. I The st itement of the Im
perial Hank of Oeriimny shoUh an Incicase In
specie of S.UoJ.OOO marks
I'.iriH Kuntos.
I'Aina , A up. 18 Three per cent rentes C5f
30c for the account.
Denver Mining Mtockn.
DKNVfn , Cole , Auc. Ifi. There was pome
peed business In stocks today. Total sales ,
h.tli. ( ) The following ate the closlug quotu-
tlonsof the Mining uxolui
Havana . '
Ann. 18. bi'ANisu GeM > } J.40a
2.401 .
KxciiANOE Quiet ; on J.ondon 2'4 per cent
EuMii Dull. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
lr < irciK Oil Market.
59 d per gallon.
LI.V-KUI On. SOsT'id ' per ovvt.
Itntik < > l * Kn < ; laiil Itiilllon.
IjOMiov. Au . IS Amount of bullion with
drawn from the ItanU of Kn lund on bal
ance toduy , JUIM'.Oio. '
Traders' Talk.
Sr. I.oui . AIIJ. 18. I.niiKenbore llrother-
Cockrell Ktothers : Tlio following was the
rnnuu on the lu.ulln. ' options at tuts point
today :
| Open I Illuh | Low | < 'lo < e TVes'y
OIIICAOO , Aug. 18. P. O. Logan X Uo , to
llryan Commission Co. : The wheat market
today his been fairly sto idy. Decomhor
opening at 10. ' , selling up to lOPJ. and closing
it 102V Kngllhh and continental cables all
We think tlio prluo too hUh with tlio near approach
preach of xptlng wheat being marketed.
About 4 o.ioo lnit chartered. Corn ac
tive. Bi > | itomlur ) opened at in > 4 and closed at
Ji Thoio Is coiiHldorable talk of manlpul.itlon
n SipU'mhcr , Wo cannot oonllrm this , but IIH
t mattei of prudence wo think It ndvlnablo to
cover all short contracts In September. Thu
oat situation Is without a foil lire. Trading
. I'nirlslons steady Tlio
Ight. prlncipil liuy-
tu bus been by p-ickeii , and the selling by
tlrid hohleiK
CilU'AdO , Aug. 18. Ivoiinett , HupkliM.t Co.
M s A MeWhortcr : Koports of rosollln by
roietgners nnd loner markets aluo id have
neon the prliielpal polntb of Interest. Kuni-
10 in speculator ! ) appealed to have loaded
tliolr lung lines and perhaps short for a turn
if not M ) much foi a bulllhh tendency can bo
ooM'il ( or from that Hide until these Hhort
salon have been covered , The in irket Is n tr-
rowln- and wider lluetu it'on will ioiiltehb | ) !
jo the exception for awlillo. Lo 'al tradom as
a rule believe In unterlally lower
pi cos und are again working on tlio
short side , but are keeping close. Thu
export business has been rather dull and
caidoM state Importer * abrond hold olT. Corn
lias been conspicuously Htiong , Now Votk
starting tlm upward movement by sharply
advancing the September option on the 10-
purted foiulgn buying. Thu ellijiio contlnueu
lo work tno market , and possibly thu faniioiB1
tUlnncoma ) b'jlmimi tuned loissuesomuhoui-
baok-your-corn lltoraturo. Such a movu
would doubtless bo more. ulTectlvo than In
wheat. U would bo easy to put corn to 71c or
fl.OJ U farmers should refusu to p lit with
what they hold ot the old crop , but It IH Im-
probablu that they could ho Induced to c irry
nit such hchenus Uits nhovr no utrenglh ,
I'lovhdomi Imvo rallied oncovorlng by shorts ,
but looks Ilku a sale on good rallies.
OIIKMIIO , An ? . 18.-Schwartz , Dupcu > V Mo-
Cormlck to r. t' , K'hwurtz If Co :
today was much quieter , thu result of the severe -
voro Ilijuldatlon both ways .Slondny. Jiutoid
ofiirnuo of lOc fluctuation today's wore
within a range of Jo. There were moments of
strength , hut the Inclination wnu downward.
I'ho moineutary ktrengtb ronultoU from
ho receipt of nilvatu cables from
i.omlou declaring that It was re
ported Kussla would also prohibit the
oxportntloti of The report U not eon *
xldercd credible n l Its orfoet was soon pone
ThooniclalC9tlmaru 4)rthQshortnR lti the lius
rye crop was mntic tinlny S3iooi\W)0 ) built
els , compared with Hist jonr. That. liowovtT ,
would leave n rye crop of over bush
els. Tlioahnrtimoljilusl ahoilt double the
nminl export" . CanTos today all clotcil at n
dculllu * . Indlcntlnl/'that ' the oxcltomenl Is
| abating abroad nil wnJi im here. Those.tboin
! clearances wet o good ViO.OOJ bushels In whoa
I alone. ItutMiry little , now export business Is
' now doing. There woiu twenty oars of new
l w lion there. Ne\t vvukK will nil oiintedly xei
tint biRlnnliigof tlw , rilnh. The decieasn o
tlio wheat-on-pnssnpu llsures UuO.IHO bushels
was without Inlliioiico Thu trade , compared -
pared with the wild xcenos of recent days
looked small. Tlicru-iraxsomc indication that
foreigners worn lmyn\ij \ wheat moderately ( it
this break. There was more Indication o
manipulation In bcptcinhcr corn than on any
daysofar. Iluyliu orders wore apnatcntly
Kent from Now York by lltitchlnson. The
weather continues splendid. Today's receipts
were 073 cars and the estimate for Wednesday
only 'HI. ' There continues some Inllmatloi
that the foreigners will to u degree substitute
corn for rye wherever possible. Cudnliy cov
creil coii'fderablo pork today Dint nnd tht
advance In corn brouula about a little ad
vance. .Manufacturers , however , were free
fellers of rlbx nnd lard The bog receipts
were only I..IXW. and tno estimates for
Wednesday only i.yoo.
bourn o.ti i/M MAintrrs.
OMAHA. Aug. 19.
CATTl.n Odleial receipts of cattle 2'K
ns comp.irod with 2.X07 ycstcrdnr and ll.V !
Tuesday of lust week. The market was ahout
steady on the hu"t beeves , weak and Inner on
others , llutchut stock dull and r lUo lower
on everything. IVodeis weto In Inrgu supply
und small denrind at prices L'VaiOo lower than
a week ntto. Three-fourths of the olTcrlngs
weio range cattle.
1'aticy l.ttJ-lli to ICOO-lb steers. * " > 10 ® " ' 51 ;
prime foj-lb to 117'i-lh stour-i. it Vl ' . ! ) ; tsooj
to oliolco llVJ-lli to IIV-1I ) steers. tlSriMTi ;
buteliors' steers , lO'ii-lh to lK)0-lb ) , .l 7'i(6
4.W ; fair P-ll ) ) to 1IV1-II ) sloor < . * ISVilll ) ;
common 03-tb to ISJDIhstors tiH igll 10 , fair
togood coirs , il OOdMli ; good to choice rows ,
' f.iucyeows ( JuOrtl.n ; liolfers t'O )
® J . " . : ye irllns t ! DiTi.oO ) ; fee lers. t. 2J3 > S "i
itockcrs. ( i7'i lei ; c innois , Jl.OJif&'Ol ; liuils ,
t\.SVib\M. \ \ oxen , W.r.'ai. " ) : sti-s J5)ift..7.'i ! ) ;
calves , Jl."i > 3" > 0 ; wi torn corn food steers.
$ l.7Vi4"i.ri : western steers , t t.r > J5l " > J ; western
cows I.OO .i.V ) .
llons-Otllulnl recoluti of hogi . ' 1,177 as
compircd with r-'lt ' jesterday nnd ! ) Tues-
dav of Inst week. Tlio market opened
active , ind .VtflOc higher on the best hogs ,
about steady on common Themaikct closed
easier with several loads unsold There was
a good uhlpplng demahd , the quality of. thu
hogs was better and almost everything was
mori'or less sorltd Prices ranged fiom $4 7r >
® S25 Mght. IPHrtW.33 ; heavy J4.7S3S.IO ;
mixed. tl'Kir > ( ir >
SllUKP Olllclal receipts of sheep 52 < ) . as
compared with noneyestordny and 23 Tuesday
of last week. The market was easier , thu demand
mand enl > fnlr. Natives , JJOJ4 SO ; westerns ,
RoocljitH and Disposition of Stoutc.
Olllclal receipts and disposition of stook as
shown by the books of tin- Union stockyards
compiny for tlio tnoiitv-four hours ending at
5 o'clock , p. m. , Aiunst IS , InJl :
2 1435 2 15
No. Av. I'r.
H. Trwln-
OJiows . 014 1105
John blunt
40 cows . 875 1 0"i
68 cows . < J1J | 1 03
StrowbrldgoA Andrews
2 cows . 1103 2 TO
1 feeder . 1000 S UO
II. I.1. Corlott
71 cows . SDO 100
3'i cows . S.O 1 4"i
1 feeder . 4'0 250
1 feeder . 400 275
Ueader llrothcrs
1 . 1420 200
1 steer . 1IK ! ) 3.13
2'ibtiors . nut 335
Meteors . u.v > 333
53 hteers . IIIW 330
nOhtcors . 111)1 ) 330
20 steers , tallliiRR . 1JOJ 2 55
T. Ashton
23cmvs . 070 100
lM. . bmlth-
7cows . 1001 200
IScovvs . 008 200
Llvo StocU .MarkiitH.
OIIICAOO , Aug. IS. [ Sponlal Telegram to TUB
lCE.1 Anoxamln.itlou of today's sales of ent-
lu will full to disclose uny liiiportant change
uvuluci. Ttiuquotutloua foruatlvca wcro ll.:3
Inferior to extra cow , and J."sOHM.2J (
for common to fancy xtecr * . Outside
( ( notations not rciiclird In any In-
ptnucc , nor wns there much tr.idlng In
the close vicinity of insldn Utrtiro- . There
were only nlmut 15.00J tmtl\osnf all kinds nnd
the bulk of them were taken at JIWX 2.50 for
COH and at H7.KiJ.Ui for steers Uood to
choice COM tire u sluulo lilRhor than at the
clixoof lust week ,
Itnticc cntlln were fully iteadv. There were
'Ul U westerns \\lilch sold on a LmsU
of t'toai75 , and S.500 Trxntis , for
wh en theto wore buvors at 11.50
< r2 15 for cows anil ut JJ,2. ill.lO for steers.
Tlicro wan hut little life In the demand from
nny class of hiiyerN and the mrmll supply of
stook In the viinls proved iiinulc. Vunl cul\es
\\fta In dainanil ut il.WHl\Q > .
The IHIK market was strong for fair
to best Krailcs nnd common sorts
: i\eriBcd fully steady , Mttlo plus ,
of which ninny nirhctl yesterday
and tinliiy. fared bndly. > ohodv nppcnrud
to Imvo liny ti o for them , nnd prlns liu\o
taken nere fall of iVIt'Hio per lou llu They
mill to a limited extent around fl.'W. ' Cholco
lioaxy lio.-s touched $1(11 ( nnd ono load of
funcv Sti > jib hess found buyers nt { 5 75. Choice
medium welnhtssold at JlWfl,170 ( nnd fancy'
Unlit were quoted at i Hi ( < iVi W The pro\iill-
IIIK pi Ices. ImwoMT , wotu < . " > . IMiVTi l. I'oor
stnllsolil at .7.Vii' , iiu. nnd culls wore quoted
at ? . ' .WKtt 50. 'I he market elo-od weak ,
The Kveiilng.lournnl tepotls : CATTI.V Ie- !
relpts. 7,000 ; shipments , .i.tKili ; market slow ;
steady lopprlecs fornallves.f.VtXXIi.\Soothers ; ,
( I.SViM M : common , t .1041 * t.75 ; MIICO steers ,
J.liW4.21 ; l'evaii . JJ.VViiJ.3j ; stockers. } . ' .2.1
3 il ; COWK. l 4 2.f.i.
lions KocelptK , 12,000 ; slilpinenU , n,000 ;
nnrkct fairly active , opening n slnulu strong
er , cloxed easy ; toiigli and common , $1 4VR
4.'K ) ; ml > ed and packers , f.lorcrt'i 40 ; hutelurs'
welghtR , t't tOffiMM ; prime light , J1.0i5 85 ;
biin.l1 Keeelpts. fi,000 : slilpmi'iils. 2,000 ;
mniket active ; sheep steady. Iambs higher ;
inlxi'd and wethers. JI7i ( < 6.l21 : western" ,
Jl 1531.25 ; feeders. &l 71 : lambs , } , l.lJtt.1 ) 50.
NPU York MVP Stork Mnrkpt.
Nuw VOIIK , Auir H. HI.UVKS Hocelpts , IPO
bond , all for slaughterois ; no tiado , feeling
weak ; diessod hoof sto.idy at 7f'itc ( ' ) per
pound ; shipments tomorrow , 1 IJ beeves and
2.lni iiuaileisof beef.
CAI.VM Itecelpls , 30 be id ; market slow ;
ve.ils , tomi&bW , per 1W ) pounds ; buttermilks ,
fj.i o ® 1 00.
Mini' : Iteeelpts. 4.017 head ; market dull ;
W > Ct4U ( per 100 pounds ; lambs. H7.V300I :
dros-ed muttons , Nft'l'S per pound ; dressed
lit nibs we ik at S"rt < ; | c.
llons Itocolpts. .Iifl4. ( Including tno cars for
sale ; maikct slow ; $ )0 < T4" > M per 110 pounds.
City MVP Stook Mnrlcpt4.
KANSAS CITV. Mo. Aug. 18 CATrr.r. Ke-
colnts , 7,4U ( ; .bliimuiits , ) .20) ) . Thu in irKut
was dull , weak to lower throughout. Mcers ,
if,1.0mii..7ii ; cows and heifers , tl,3."i < a'illO ;
stockeiaand feeders J..VW5I.OO.
Hods Kecelpts , ti,0)i ) ; shipments , 100. Light
hogs steady to r > c lower ; heavy hogs 1 fcl'io
lower thin Saturday ; bulk , t4.b.V35.1.r > ; all
glades , } l IOVJ'i.
8iiKi f Kecolpts , 1,700 ; shipments , ; ,00.
Market stc.idy.
_ _
St. IiOiilH Ijivo Stock 'Market.
ST. Lotus. Mo. Auc. IS. CtTrr.E Kecelpts.
5.100 ; slilpmcnts. [ DO ; market Hteadv ; fair
to choice natives , ILOOftlS1) ) ; Texans and In
dians , Ji.20i2.L50 ; dinners. tl.i,5.2.1
Hods Hecelpts , y'itK ) ; Rhlpments , 1,000 ; mar
ket strong ; heavy. J1.4vJ.50 ; mixed , < 500 ®
540 ; light , J5 305.45.
O.iitntry I'rotlituc.
Kao > Huik of the sales , l.l'jc. '
llUTTLit Choice dairy butter Is scarce and
sells lendllyat l.ittll.c , but thu bulk of the
country butter Is not good enough for thu ru-
lail trndu and goes to tlio puckers at U'iC. '
Pour.Titv Spring chickens , small , jl.7. > @ . . > .25 ;
good , W.lOQ.too : fancy , $100.12.1 Old fowls
do not sell quite so rcadllv , springs taklug
their place to extent , and thu best
old lions do not go much above ilOJ.
Ai'i'l.ES Per bbl..0 < Ka2.23.
PLUMS ( . ' iltfornla. $ ! . ' 'tftl.51.
PhAlis-Callfomln llartlett , W03Q2.25.
OnNms : Ilodl , $ ii 00.
W vn UMMI.ONB i-hlpplns stocK , ISSlSo.
C\MAi.ocM'l Perorate , Jl/5.
LEMONS -Per box , f'i ' 00.
HA.SA.NXS Per bunch. $ 'OD2.50 for good
shipping stock.
liitAi'hs Southern , 41e per ( Mb basUet.
I't.ICIILS The supply Is qnlto I.uie and the
( | uallty iiiiimne'l. California ( jiaufoids ,
single case lots. tl.5 ! ; fUo uiso lots , $1.25.
The follow In ? quotatlonsroprosont the prices
at which choice stock is billed out on ordcis
unless othoi u Ise stated :
foMATOi s Per bushel $1.21 ,
NtW Hhbrh Per bushel , iiOc.
Hi A.NS N.ixy , iJ. ! > OK2 M ncr bushel.
C'AiuiAniHomo grown. I'ic per II ) .
ONIONS Homo grown 73c per busliol.
Poi ATiHb Local KranoiH are supplying the
demand almost oxclushely.
Omaha milling company. Itellanco.
Patent * ? -.SO ; Invincible Patent. $2.70 ; Lone
Htnr , HupcrlatUe , J-.40 ; bnowll.iko. tJ.OJ ;
I'uncv Family , $ UU.
It. T. Daxls milling company. Illch Patent ,
No. 1 and Cream , iJM ; Illuol ) . full p itont ,
$ . > 41 ; llnwUoyc , half patent , WSlj Special
Koyal. Patent iNo. U , * . ' .8J ; Minnesota patent-
J..l.l ; Kansas Hard Wlitnt , patent , 4J.'l ; No
biaskn Spring Wheat , n itent. 42.4J.
y. V. Oilman's Gold Modal , < -.7 ! ( ) ; Snow White
$210 : 1-iiowllako. .MO : low grade , $1 Hi ; Queen
of the P.intiy , $ . ' .71 ; Minnesota biiporlutle ,
$ . ' .70 ; man. $11.00 ; chopped food , $ . ! l.Ki. (
I. . L. Welch A. Co. . Host , fj.7i ; Crown Pilnce ,
fM ; Minnesota Chief , W il ; Splendid I'amlly ,
$2.10 ; itialKlit , 41.50.
Cm rents orCoinnicrco.
n.\\\ \ I Cole has mo\ed his \\bolcsalo oyster
bus'ncss to 310 bouth Tenth street.
Hubert Purvis , produce commission , has
imnuil from Howard aticet to I21U llarnoy
A Alliiihtcr'H Opinion.
Mr. Jacob Connor , a Gpiinnn Baptist min
ister at Uoyur's Ford , Montgomery county ,
Pa. , snjs : I have iticd Cliambctlain's Colic.
Cliolora und IJIarrlinia Hemcdyfor dlirilKiM ,
colic and cratnp in the stomach. I Imvo never
used any tncdicino with bettor or moro satlh-
factorv results. I consider It ono of the best
over used iu our family. For sale oy drug-
Tlie Cereal Sltiiaiion at the Vui-IotiH
BKUI.IV , Aug. 18. The Rraiu market
opened excited and lower this morning. Au
gust rye opened ut a dec-lino of 10 marks SO
pfcnnlcs ; September mid October declined 8
tnatks 50 pfennigs. August opened 0
m.uks loivor and September and October 5
marks SO pfennigs lower. Tno decline was
caused chiefly hy the news of the goorn -
inout'B action In ordering the substitution of
wheat meal for oo In malting bread for the
army. There is a growing belief that the sit
uation Is oxairgoratod and that the recent ml-
VOIK o In prices Is not warranted by the facts
In the case.
Lo\i ov , Aug. 18. The Times today refers
to the encouraging prospects ahead lor 13n-
gllsh farmers , saying If given good woatuur
for the fottnlght the wheat ctop of Great
Dtitaln will bo a good avoraso ono.
CIUIAOO , Aug. 18. The feolliic In the
wheat and corn pits was quieter this
morning. Foreign markets being lower
caused n uulotncss hero. December wheat ,
which dosed at $1 0,3 yesterday sta.ted ut
that ptico , fluctuated both wav . within a
rniihO of l c At the end of the llrst naif
hour It was quoted at $1.0 J4jf. Corn opened - o
lower and fluctuated uithln a nnriow range.
Soptomhcr rie , which closed yoatorday at
10i , ollotcd this morning ut 'd. '
Sr. I'lTCiisiiuito , Aug. IS. It Is Known
that tiio Imperial ukase prohibiting the ex
portation of rye was not only ut Hist opposed
by the czar , but it was also mot by opposition
In other quarters. At llrst U took lu sovorul
other urticlo * , but the cvir coiiioutol to It
only us Issued rostrictlng rye The state
ment that the moasuto Isu political ouols ab
solutely unttuo ,
ST I'l-ri.iisiit'iui , Aug. lh The Kussian
fro\ernmeut Is makingan oxhausilya Inquiry
into tun stock ofhcat In the country , the
prices demanded , ano the facilities for traiib-
portation of wheat , the mcusutos for the
lellof of tlio distresbcii district , Including the
building of canals , rallronds , the paving of
.snoots , and the planting of finest * .
llnu IN , Aug. 18. Ttio North Herman Ga-
7Ctto says the present situation of the corn
market shows the oconomio and politic il liu-
poitancoofa highlv developed national hus
bandry , niakinc the Fatherland independent
of foreign countries , nnd proves the necessity
for reform In the grain trade so us to onuhlo
It to moiu easily sutiply Germany with addi
tional bioaajtuffr.
ions A MiSiiAse. niAMiC cusimx
McShane & Condon ,
300 S. lath fit. , First National U.iult Uaiia
Ing , Omaha , Neb.
IH'al la lock * , buml , leaiirlllai coininorclul pa
per. eta Nu otlala lomi on liuirurnl Onitiirii %
tato. Hhort tlinuloun ou bAUk ituci , gr g 111
pyrur * il colUloral iscurlti
Omaha Tent & Awn
ing Oo. ,
Klne , lininmocks oil nnd
rubber olothlim S-nil for
iir. Ill ) tarnmn
Bemis Omaha Ba Oo.
linporler nn I Mn-uifnc-
Hirer *
Klonr nrkn llurlap nnd
A. II. Perrio & Co. M. 0. Daxon.
110(1 ( Do Ik-o Stro 't. lllcycle i < old on nioiillily
Blind for our cat lUvno
nnd prices IftlT Knrnam t , Oninh
? r. i TIONEUS
Ackerman Brothers & Ilointzo ,
1'rlntcri , blndors elcclrotfper * , blnkboo * mnnu-
fnct to
1110 Howard trci't , Oinihi
Ohas , A. Coo&C'o. ' KirkemlnllJoues&Uo ,
M\nufacliir'r < and .lob Wl i lo nli > Vnniifiictiir rs
bi ri Aci-nn for llo 'on Huh
her ' hue 0 > I In ! IIOi
1100 Hnwnrd slroot. nnd 111) ) ) llnrnvatreoi
Williams , Van Acr- W. V. Morse & Co. ,
nam & Harto hoe Ki tiny Cor. er llth
mnl liiMiul-ii > t < Dninlin
1212 Ilnrnor street Merclnuti Intllod to
Onin A N'eU mil nn I oxituine
John L. Wilkie , Louis Heller ,
Onmhn pi | crtiov f.iclo-y llulelion nnd P.ic1 > or .
1117-tll'J ' Doiulas Tool * and upp IOH lleef
Orili'M IllU-d Inn nml lllOJ enIn.-
promptly 11 Hi Ills In'k on utrecl.
W. T. Seaman ,
Ora-ilm's Lnrt'ot Variety
Omiha Carpet Oo. , Gilmore & Euhl ,
Cornels , oil ' eloths ni it- Mnnnf tcture s nnd
thiKi , ciir'nln t-ood-.elc \Miiile < nlo Cloth'etD ' ,
1511 Dounlas ftiojt HUM Hnrney ( < treeU
West & Fritscher ,
Mnnufncturcs ilnccluirs.
jobhern of Icif tnbieeo.
1011 I'nrnini Street.
A. D , Boor As Co. , Hunter 4 Qrco-i ,
M-W UiclmnEO MulUIIng , JO iichnnKO : llullillntf ,
Honth Omnlm South Oinnlm.
k Chlch > * tr' > KiillUh IlUnoad lll n
Origins ! Nit Oulr Ul-nnlne. *
IIIUI'I.I f r nitkuliri Ktiflllk . HI * //l >
nmStlrmi .ulll
In llnl > I OiW \
[ boiti M > lt4 > lia tlu > rlttoa 'lAlil )
nu olhcr. Aft < i i 'oui itil
II" . i . . .4 ( inllnHsiu * il > Il > |
In . rt ' ' '
ii.nil rtpVJ'j' VJ , , , „ „ ' .t rrlurM
VJJ u # H B l > y vr DIBTniCTS. WATER
C'orri-'l ond-n c "ullcitid
104.105 Dearborn Blreot , CMICAQO ,
W9'l Streot. NEW YOUK-
70 Mata SIUObTOH - ,
lllllllllU tvnt Kniluulr op ilt * pri-.irlljeil br
uuuu l n ( , reiiular pUrilclnm for Ilia euro o
( Juiiorrliucn nnil ill cliorii ) from tlm urlnnrr or nun
lutiuiitDU r k.uU ( | ili U.W ptr tux. Alluiug.UI