Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 19, 1891, Page 6, Image 6

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Eioltcmcnt of the Three Preceding Day
Gradually Subsiding.
Trndc Denuded of Sensational Moves
by the llccent Itnpld Clmr.KCH
rcrnotiH Attend the Gal
lery Overlooking the I'll.
OIIICAOO , Aug. IP. The audience In tlio pub
lie gallery overlooking tlio trading pits was n
overflowing as on nny of tlio tlirco proceeding
days of tht ; excitement , but the performance
they stood to observe lacked the absorbing
features of Interest which worn wltnuwcd or
Baturdiiy nnd Mouthy. Tlio cloo of tin
market yesterday . t Jl.0.1 for December wlicnt
left It ilcnudcd f sensational features whlcl
the excitement hud added to n naturally
ilrnng condition of nlTulrs. The foreign mar
ket hud loU a doril of yesterday's boiry-
nncy. und like the trade , appeared to crave i
rest.Tho principal fluctuations In
wheat tip lo about tun minutes before tin ,
close WITO as follows : Opened at from III !
toSl.omj. then sold at tl.fU. * l.i2 . II.KI
H.02'il.lM'i. } . fl. < K > $ . ll.ttl'1 ' , JI.OIM. Jl.ciS'i. ' Tht
oint of the day was reached ahdilt II
o'clock wli li was ( l.0hi iintl WHS cntiKeil by a
dispatch whlrh reported that Hussla had In-
eluded wheat In thu ordiir prohibiting exports.
Thu truth of thu report WUH much dountod ,
. however , as tin ) board had not welveii any
MU'li IIOWH. Then ) wns a shoit lived fpurt
from tl.U2'i ' totl.'l ( ' ? about ten minutes frotii
the close I'lit ' It became heavy again and
ilroppi'd to Jl.i.2'i ' at 1.15 p. in.
December privileges for Wednesday wern
uunlcd n round Wji : and II 0" . The corn mar
ket noted very stubbornly all day. It was
jumping np nnd down mo-tly between ( ' . " ' and
file , with prices at WXft'SI'ii- ' ' fur N'ptcri'bor.
This Inline opclird around r-'l'.o , with sales at
KKlKP + v t the same time. The prlei ; touched
62 Me and rose to lU'ie ' In short order. Then It
Mild ( ill'ic ' up and then went to fVi > to a third
time before I o'eloek. August sold mostly be
tween G.V and Win. There was lest netlon In
the late futures.Vhlre A. Lo. and Hutchison
wore tin- leading buyers , early followed by
short * . The prnspcot.i of a wiuee/e In Sep
tember corn continues and makes shorts
( .oiling fur any length of time out of the
( liU'Hilcni. Corn beciiine very buoyant the last
half hour and reached the best price of the
day. August was fiuoted at (17 ( " c at the Close.
SeplP > her sold at f6' ' c and closed -Ue over
liiHt night. Octolier ranged from 57 4 e and
ixiiic. September fern Mild nl ( ,2c. ( cnlli fi7ic. !
Oats closed from lie to If easier lifter experi
encing a moderately active day. The trade.
was of a M : .tli-rlng character. Augustopuncd
at .He , dcC'Incd to'1-c , and cloacd nf.'s"4c " Sep-
ternber sold from Kl'jo ' down to 2HVic. closing
nt : H'iO. while May Marled at .tt' + K. advanced
to .Kiii * , noakcncd to.f-'e , and closed iitE'ji' : ! ' .
A break of Gfii'p occurred In
rye. I'orolgnors bought a moderate
umonnlof cash grain , nnd at the same time
hold September freely. They also did consid
erable selllir. . AtiKiiHtxnld at Wc&'l.uo ' arut
cloned at ' .Hiljc : September sold at UV&il.OO
and closed atH'iiii'.K'io : Octobtur closed about. . 'C '
under September ; No. S until atOiicfl.OI. ( The
market wns active and excited.
The trade In provisions wns fairly lively to
day. In pork prices fluctuated con"ld nbly.
Opening sales woro2iTcC ! ! ileellnn followed by
a further reduction of 2'ic. ' At the reduction
the demand Improved and prices advanced
.I'J'/i ' ® Ac. later the prices settled back 10' < 4l2ic !
and closed ( fillet.
Laid , the demand was fair and the tradlnir
llRlit. I'rleCH opened 2iQ.V ! ) lower , but rallied
again and closed at outside figures steady.
Short rllm wuro fairly active. 1'rlces ruled
SHti-'io lowoiat the opening but iinekly | ral
lied acaln. Toward the close prices settled
down to moitliim ll ures but advanced again.
The m.irket closed firm.
The loauliiK futures ranRcd us follows :
Cash iinolatlons wore as follows :
' .
WIIKAT No. 2 Mirmz wheat , $1.02ffll.02i ! ;
No. II HiirlnB wheat , W&'Mn No. 2 rod , $1.01.
COIINNo. . 2 , UT'jc.
OATS No. 2 , 2S'io ; No. 2 white. 32GJoi : ! No.
a white , : toiOic. ; !
IlYK No. 2. ITjJic.
HAHI.KV No. 2. nominal ; No. II , 4SffiG2c , fob ;
No. 4 , Klc. f. o. b.
TIMIITIIV SKKD I'rlrne. ? l.2il.25. :
I'OIIK JIcss nork , per barrel. $ I0.12 ! { . Lard.
per owt. , t&STlii short ribs Hides ( loose ) . t'AWb
il-IUi ; i\ry \ salt'd NhouldorK ( boxed ) , JtJ,20JlC.J5 ! :
short clnnr olilim ( boxed ) , J7.2ICiJ7.25.
WrrisKV Distillers' llnlshed Roods , per gal. ,
f 118 *
SuoAitK Cut loaf , unchanged.
On the produce exchange today the butter
iiiurkut was linn ; fancy dreamery. 2J < a2.'o ;
line western , l7 M8ie ! ; flno dairy I4t0c. Kggs ,
Now Yorlc Slarkots.
NKW VOIIK , AIIB. 18. I'l.ouu Ilccelnts , 2H.18U
vackiiKi's : uxportN , 7l l barrolK ! : isii.4lJI sacks ;
market Irregular and let , * di'inand. Sales ,
2-,000 barrels. Low extras. } 3.7.Vt6I..V ; fair to
fancy. H l5..H : IMInnesnta clear. } 4, :
Minnesota palcnts. tl.HHSO-OO ; winter wheat ,
low Kraili'H. 1.7504,50 ! patents , ft.T5fi5.Sij ;
Btr.ilnhlH , fl.7Mt.5.40 ! ; rye inlxtiiri's. * l.5IJt5.ia.
OOHN.MI.AI. Hull ; yellow weHtorn , W.4Ha4.K ! ( ) .
WIIKAT KucolptH. .V.'tWOJ bushels ; exports ,
' 'W.I'.M ' bushels ; snloi , il. . .l,000 hushols of fu-
tiiros ; niarkel lower unsettled ; No. 2 red ,
tl.IO.ln elevator ; Jl.rj''itl.l5S alloat ; Jl.rJ\ii
1.111V f. o. bi No. 3 red , 41.07 ; unsradod red.
fl.U5 < X ; No. 1 northern to arrive , fl.lli ; No. 1
hard to arrive. tl.'lIil.2Hi ( ; No. 2 Chlcairo ,
tt.15 ; No. 2 Milwaukee , ll.lIIViftl.'I'i. Op
tions , vluoroiis speuultitlon has cone out from
the inarket. On roall/.lni : prlcei. opened liTi c
lower , afterward on forolKii a J vices of
tiad weather and demand , iiulckoned ,
which sent jirlees up 3i(31'io ( ; follovvln. ;
this caiuu a break of li'ir'"HC ' on now buy-
Irix ordont. dull condition of export trading
nnd KOIIIIIK of continent aci'ounc. ; a reaction
of liti'lc and the close Kteady at lBc ! under
yesterday. No. 2. red , tl.i.lK& closlii ! : JI.10 ;
Poplenibcr , tl.U07-lfil.lli. oloslnir. * I.IO ; Oo-
tobor. * l.n > aiU i. closing , tl.lOH ; Novoinber ,
ri.ltl > iiai.ll > i , closlni ! fl.Hli ; Doc-ember. Jl.ll',1 '
_ . _ . _ . delivery _ . _ . .
with sales at fl.COiJl.crilj ; eloscit depressed at
Jl.OI'.CiOl.iU'a throiiKh a lar n break at the
west on the forolKu situations ; Htilcs , 40 loads
ut * . .O.V4 < au > mi.
COIINItecolpts , 25,0.5 bushels ; exports , 17.40S
bushels ; sales , l.blO.oai husbelsof futures and
( II , WO bushels of spot. r-pot nuilket
Irrt'Kiilnr early , mronser closlnir. easy and
iinlot ; No. 2 , tiUd'tSlu In elevator ; MIQ.s2o alKut ;
nnitraded rnl.\ed. 7Kl ( < 2c ; No , 2 white , TIKaslo.
Uutlons advanced l5UVi. lost It and milled at
I'tCM'nC , closing steady at KBI'nO over yester
day throiiKh inanlpulatlon at the west and
llu-litor receipts ; Anuust , 7iXii.7ltC. closing ,
77)ic ) ; Heptcniber. W374i4c , cloilni ; , 7tL c ;
October , I4i7tk' . oloMii ; : , 7le ; Novoinber , Oo ,
olosliiK , ( Wo ; Oeccnibor. iKSfflc. clotlns. t 3o ;
May. WHittiKIo. elosltr. . A7c.
OATS Uecelptm lO'.OOtl bushels ; exports ,
t > ! ) .OVO ; sales , IKIOO misht'ls of futures anil
II . ' ,111,0 bushels ( if spot. Siit | market unset
tled , lower on mixed ; quiet. Options dull ,
lower nnd weak ; August. JII'iCl V' , elinlnr.
U4So ; Septoniber , Ill ii tl'ie , ulosltii , ' , 3l > 4 < i&
35o ; October , closing. : ui.e ; No. 2 white ,
43o ; No. 1 , 4tie ; No. 1 while. 4'o ; nilxeil western ,
XUA.ITct white wcatern , awaS'Jo ; No. 2 Ohlcak'O ,
ail 1 1 ® : io.
llAV-gulot , Ilrrn.
P lloi'S Qulul. enays stnto cnnimon tocholco ,
IMtlUc ; 1'aellli ! const , U1UC. )
L'urFKK Options opened llr MI : . ' 3IO points
up , closed Ntoiuly friiv'l points up ; sales , fil,5uo
lmiK , Iliclildlni ; August , tlU.MXTcltl.Vi ; rieptem-
ber , JKLOWiiin. (5 ( ; Ouluber , flH.VUutlU.IUt Novem
ber , HI.-XV.il4.25 ; December , flU.CiaiLM : ;
March. lll'.VttllU''i ; Spot Ulo , thill , steady ; fulr
carKiun , I IK ) i No. 7 , I'dtl"- ! !
f iKlAir Haw , llrmer. niilet. IlefJucil , llrruer ,
inoro ilornand ; elf A , 4Ic Uo.
MmMnr.s Now Orleans ijulot , steady ,
COTTON SXKU uiir-Klrnr ,
TALLOW SHi'ady und irulet.
Itosi.s Quiet , sletiily ,
TUHl'KNTINK Ullll 1111(1 PHSy ; 31 fJ.WiC.
l'disiilet ; ( ! , Bteudyt weitorn. H/i l7ci ro-
culiilH , 6,7 .
Wool , Steady , iirlet | ; domostlo llceco , .tOQ
87ct p tilled , .H&llu ; Toxus. 174f.'le.
I'OIIKDull , Htt'tidy ; old nioxs , J10X ) li\75 :
now mess , tll.&oai-.W ) ; extra prune ,
jo. 75.
IiAiiu SlroiiRcr , iiilot ] | westoru stonm , liLOOt
iulc . 4.000 ul < 0.b7Ji < iiauj | n-ilen , U.VOO tlurcoit ,
Pcptcrnbcr. tfi.SOblil ; Octobrr , J6.0J , clonlnz n
tt.'JU hlil ) Pi-comber. t.20 bldt Jniiunry. K-30
cln lnir at t.35bld.
CUT .MEATtj-CjuIot , cnslor.
.Mltiiil.KS-ririii , nulct ; , Ecptotn-
bo r. * .CW.
Ili.''alr rlurnnnd. flrrncr : wc-tcrn
dnlry. lMJ:5cs : wc-ntern creamery. NVSWc
western factory , 12 14'4 ! Klglt" . SU'iftWo. '
Cnr.Kir. Kiilrly active , flrrnj western , T'o '
part sklmi , fl' < c.
I'to tito.v Qtilot and unchanged ; Mexican
. .
Coi'i'Kii PtPiirtyj lake , AtiRilst. tl..03t lake
September. JI2.0J.
LKtD-Stoa'Jyt doniPttlc. JI.ITli ,
TIN l-'lrmj straits , J20.20.
KIIIIHIIH City Murk off.
KASHAS CITV. Mo. . Auj { . IP. WIIK\T Lower
No. 2 hard , cash , ici'.ic ; AiisuHt , tile ; Hoptcni
bor. We hid ; No. 2 red , cn hU.lo bid ! August
Celtic hid ; September , Klc bid.
COIIN Active nnd hl'-'linr ; caul ) . MiJTiSOUo
AiiRiist , . ' , . ' > hid ; Soptcrnbor , M ? c.
OATH Qiilot and lower ; No. 2. cmh. 2fi ; c
bid ; Aueust. 20 < jo bid ; September. 2Cc bid.
Itr.' Klrm and unchariKi'd.
DdtlH I'lrin. nnd In demand ut lie.
llAV lllBher : fancy pralrlc , S.00 ! | Rood to
I'r.orju Dull , practically nt a stand
\Vonr , Steadv.
ItECKIi'T.s Wheat , 53,400 ; corn , 4,100 ; Oats ,
Wheat , 23.0CO ; corn , 5,40) ) ; oats
Ilvoriiil | .Markets.
r , AIIB. 17. Wiir.tT Steady ; dn-
rnnnd Itnprovln. . ' ; holders olfer moderately
rt'il. western , sprlnir , Ss 7'5'1W. ' 'irt per cen
tal ; Kansns winter , hard , "s 8dri' > s Ud. Ito-
cnlitof | wheat for past three days , ! 1CS,000
centals Including l.'ll.noo Arnerlcnn.
Colix Steady ; demand fair ; mixed wcit-
ern. ( Is 2'id porcenUl. Itccclptsof American
corn for past thrno davs were IWJOO centals.
CIIKKSK American llncst.whlte and colored.
45s Gd pcrcvvt.
iNNKAi' Minn. . Aii-r. IS. WIIKAT
Jiifcli wheat very dull for poor lots. Trices
3'ilc ' lower , but relatively better sustained
than futures. Very little old wheat sold. cars ; shipments 50 cars. Close :
No. I hard , on track. or'ififl.Ot'i ' ; No. 1
northern. August. I'll ' ; on track. 1) ( iSiLC-Si ;
No , 2 northern , on track , lt-i9Sc.
Si. Ijo.rls .Market * .
ST. Louts. Mo. . Auc. I. " . WHEAT Lower ;
cash. ICJ'i ; December. i'.0- .
Colt.v Dull ; cash , file ; Hoplombor. 59e.
OATS Ncgluctud ; No. 2 cash , 2Uc ; iieptcm-
ber. 2s'jC.
l'oiK-tlO.)5. ( )
LAUH-W20. . „ .
Clriolrinatl Market * * .
CINCINNATI. O. , Ausr. 16. WHEAT Disler ;
No. 2 red. Oi'i '
COIIN Strong ; No. 2. mlxod. 04'5c. '
OATH-Steady : No 2 mixed. 31'ic. '
WIIISKEV I'lrrn nttl.lK
Mil\raitkcu : Oriiln Market.
-WHEAT Finn ;
Toledo OriUn Market.
Tor.tsno , O. . AIIB IS. WIIBAT Lower ; cash
and August , Ji.i' " , ; .
CoiiN-Steady ; cash , foe.
OATS-Qulet ; cash , 3ie.
Ttorlln Oriiln Hovlow.
IlKltl.iN. Auc. IB. The North Gorman Oa-
7ettu today nays that tlio present situation of
foreign markets shows the economic and po
litical Importance of a hlixhly developed na
tional husbandry , mnklntr the fatherland In
dependent of foreign countries , and proves the
nccc'slty for leform In the Krain trades so as
to enable It to more cas ly supply Germany
with additional brcadstulT.s.
STOCKS . .tJlO.VltS. .
Nr.w YOIIK , Aug. 18. The stock market
today was nguln active and strong with an
uninl.stnkalilo broadening tendency and ma
terially higher figures were reached In every
thing on the list , and this In the face of heavy
realisations and the efforts of the bears pre
vented any further advance In prices. There
Is a large party wbo already think that the
rise has attained Riilllclcntly large proportions
tions and that many stocks have been ad
vanced too rapidly and therefore favor a re
action , but then vhu now buying In the mar
ket Is of Mich proportions that against the
selling to ronll/e , that of bears nnd of the
outside centers. Including London , the market
still advances. Today at least there appears
to bo largo buying orders and the upward
movement made steady progress. The rola-
tlvo Importance at present of the Union I'a
clllc alfalrs was scon In the steadily diminish
ing volume or business In the stock , although
the shares were sluggish and feverish.
Atchlsou was again tbe leader In point of
activity , while Louisville & Nashville still led
the upward movement , closely followed by
Kock Islnnd. The western operators confined
themselves entirely to the western stocks and
the Interest In thu movement of grangers was
great or than that In any other group of stocks ,
and while everything snared In the general
advance the Important movements were cou-
llncd to those stoeks. There were a very few
shares advanued. Among the low priced spe
cialties Hull'ulo , Rochester fi 1'lttsbur.s and
Plttsburg & Western preferred were most con
spicuous , but the Indusrials ! were neglected
with tlio exception of Chicago Gas , which In
ho o my tr.idu was strong ,
The news from tlio meetlnc of the directors
and creditors of the Union Pacific was reas
suring , and while that stock fulled to advaiico
until Into In thu day prices crept up from ono
to two percent , with shaip gains In a fuw
low priced share" . After tlio announcement
ot the arrangement agreed upon by which
the Moating debt of the Union I'i'.clllc is to betaken
taken care of there was a soiling movement In
that stock which wiped out all of Its advance ,
and realisations In the general list bee iniu
more abundant and prices yielded along the
Hue , the last hour being marked by a steady
though slow decline. This downward move
ment which was helped by the efforts of the
trader ! , to briiu about a ririotlnn was snlllC
clout In many eases to entirely wipe out the
early gains , and many of thu active stocks
actually oloied lower than last evening.
The trade In railroad bonds was again most ,
gratifying , the largest temper of the market
remained decidedly s'.rong throughout. nn
sympathy with the late decline In stocks
being shown. The active bonds are almost
Invariably higher and many material gains
n'ero made ( liiiln1.1 thu day's transactions ,
llnrllngtnn rose s' per cent. Western , New
York .t Pennsylvania' ' per cent.
tiuvernmeul lomls have been dull and
I State bonds have been entirely neglected.
The following are the closing iiuoUitlons ( or
thu leading stocks on the Now York stock ex
change today ;
Ati'blnon . iii '
AdaniB Kxprc'Hti . 14.r > Nortliwoiturn , pruf..iU :
Alton , Tcrro lluutu. . 27 .V. V. , Central 101
ilo prufcrrtMt . I''i N. Y. , t'lilc. \ 81.1. , . . IS'f '
American Kxiuo * . . .lhi do prrfuiTiMl fiiw
Iliir. U. It. .V N . M Ohio .MI il alM | > l I'J '
Canada I'aclllc. . . . . do preferred K5
Canaila Sontlicrn. . . MJ'ti ' OnlnrloVritern. . . . lit
Central I'acltlc ' . " > < } OieKdii luiprovum't. . SKI
CIll'K. .VOllll ) . UH ( Un-nrni Nuv 118
ilo Ut prvfurreil. . . . is OrcKoa TnuiH list
ilo .M prufurrcil. . . ' 's'-i ' , Pucltlc Mull ItH ,
ChlcHKO * Alton. . . , ] ' . ' 7 IV'orln , Dec. A KVUIIH. l.i
C. 11. A y . 'Mi I'lttaliurir U7ij !
t' . . C. , C. A St. 1. . Ii4 > Pullmim Pnlnce 181
lii'lawarv.Vlluilion. .I'M ItvmlliiK -L |
Del. , l . A. W . I. K Itoclc Inland 7.IS.
lien. Xlt. ti. iiruf. . . . < : ! ? { St I , . AS. f. lutpTd. . 70
KaHt Tdiuii'HHUO . . 6 > | fit. Paul l > 7 * (
ilo 1st | iri.'fi'rriil ! , . . . Hi do preferred liiv :
ilolnil prefiTlfil. . St. Paul. Mln. .t.Mnn..107
do prufcrrod ML , do preferred 81
Kurt Wnyno ll'.l iTunn. Conl .Vlron. . . VM
Chi. A , KHHI. Ill KM-i 'ruin * PurlUc ! ' . ' > ]
llocklim Valley . -'li'l To I. .V.O. tVnt. pld. . . "t
lloiiKton \ Texas. . . . : i I'nlun Paclllo 37M
Illinois Central . IM U. H. Kxprona M
Ht. I'anl.V Dulntli. . . . : i- ' WaUnoli. t. 1 , . A. Pac. ll ! <
KIIIIMIH , V Ti'iiis I Of io prttfurred ' 'I ! 'i
l.iiVohtlu.V Went. . . . ll'fiWolhi Kurco r.xp 1.18
ilo prufurrud . . . . . . . fti ; > i | Wi-Bti-fn iriiloa..lili HIM
LnLoSlioro IIIH' Am. Collon Oil ' 'I
l.iiilUvlllo.V : Nrtsliv. . TPfjColoriidii foul .I''H
loiilnrlllu\ . A. . . . ' 'Oil , llouifatiikc II
Mi'iiipliln.V t'liur l ; lron Mlvur 100
.MIcli.Kiiii Cvntrul. . . . VI ( Inlnrlo 37
Mil. . I. . S. \ W 71 . ( .lulckiillrcr 5
do prolvrrud I Ik I do prvfcrri'd .VJ
Mia , vSt. I. & Sutru S
di iircfcrrcd 10 Ilillwrr Ill
Mltmoiirl Puelllc Itlcb.V. . P. Tor. . . . ISVj
Mubllu.V Ohio I' . ' iWlBOoiniln Central. . . IU
Na livllliiCluitt so Iliruat NortlivrniiM. . Ml
N. J. CVntrul ir.'ig'Chli'iiL-u liim li'iTd
Norfolk , \ West pfd. 4'JH lail Trunt I6 (
Northern Piiclllc ! IH | iiK r Tru t " ' . "i
dii preferred. . . . MSiilfioiiiliorn 1'Hclllo : . ' > ? {
JJ.l * . lj > 'ijTurit ! < liilf. . ISSi'Orc ' > 'iin S. I. . A U. N. . Sl |
The tula ) nalos of stock today worn ! I'.S.RVI
Hluiroi , Including : Atchlnon. 4. , 170 ; Chicago
( ins. I0.2.M ; Delaware. Laokuwanna > V
Western. II.01S ; Krlo , O.Ulil ; Louisville & Nash
ville. UI.74.V Mikhouf ! I'aullic , l.VilV ) ; North-
oil ! Paclllo pruferrod , KDW : Ulchmond .t
West Point 4,27 > ; St. Paul. 4IBI ( ( ; Union
1'uolllc. S0.27UVestorn ; \ Union , : it '
KASHAS CITV , JIo. , AUB. te.-ClotuluKs today
wcro tLIUJIW. .
NKW YOIIK , AUK. 18. Hank clonrlnsx , today
12-VJW:0 ! ; balances. Jl.T.Mi.U''U ,
ClNflNNATl. O. , Auu' . 18. Money , 4ift1 ! per
eiu ; cxchiin c , MJo discount ; clfarliik' " . tl-
I'nii.AiiKU'iiiA , Auu18.OlenrlnKi today.
lliXljw : : and balances , tl.lll.NxJ. Money , 4
icr cent.
llAt.TUtouE. Mil. . An. ; . 18. Hank cloiirliics
oduy weru t2,5l i.tuS ; baluncCM , WT.\bOI. Hutu ,
per cent.
HOSTOH , Mass. . Auc. 18. Clearing ! ) hoiuo
iitlunccri , tl..Vti.iM ; rule , 4 per cent ; cull loans ,
KiQ per cent ; tltno lutiriN. Kt7 per cent.
HObTo.v. .Mum. , AUK , 18. Hank oloarlriRa
toUay , US.W4ll | Uluuccs , l,508,0i > 5t rate for
rnonoy. 4 per cents exchange on Now York
17c per tl.voo discount.
CiiirAcio , Auu. If. Hank clenrlnsn. II8.4CO.-
oooi Now York exchange , 50 per cent dlscounti
HtrrlliKf cxchatiBo dull nnd weak ; GO day bills ,
tl.M ) : money Heady , o per cent.
New York Money Market.
NP.W YOIIK. AUR. 18. Mosr.v ox CAMI..i y ,
mnglng from TI ; ) per cent ; , lust loan 2i !
porponl ! rloaing offered nt ' 'M per cent.
HTI.IIU.SCI KxcilANnu Qulct und weak ! : for slxty-nny bills nml { I.85JX for dom -
m n nil.
The following were the clo-ilii. ; prices on
bonds :
H. H. 4s , roistered..lltrtf I M. K. A T. fion'im. . . 7fi
tr. H. 4s. coupons lii | ; < ! Jt. K. A T. Oon'IOi. . . 414
U. P. ! ' < . registered. IiWi Minimi Union (1 ( 100
4it > . coupons lot , ) * N. J. fentlnt Cert. . .lnsu
Pnrltlctti of'M 110 Northern Pn "
Ixiul < innnSlftiiip4s. | . 81 do 3d Ill
TonnoiitFS N. S. Gs..lO. > .Vnrthwot' consols. IllWiH
do 81 ' .is do debentures * . . . WiH
do 3s cyi I , . A I. M. ( lon. , . . 87
Camilla SoutliDrn 2ds W * ' ! < t. fi. A S. V. lien M. .10.1
Central Pacinc UU..IOJU St. Paul consols . . . . .us
I . A It. II. Ists lUHiSt. P. , C A P. Ms . . .112
do Is 73 ifnlon Piiclf '
KrloSils ii.i ; < ; i Wt-et Shore ! lJO ( !
Boston Htoolc > fnrkot.
ItOi > TOX , Mas . , Auit. 19. The followlnp were
thuclO4ln' { prlcu4 on the tloston stock market :
StoL-k , > lnrkct.
LONDON. Aus. li. The following were the
London stock notations c oilni ; at 4 p. in. :
Cmmols money l 1liliKrlo'nd 10.1
Consols , account ! , H Illlnoln Central
I' . H. In IlliVMuxIcan ordinary. . S.1
IT. S. 4 s linju t. Pniilconimon . . '
.V. V. P. , VO. .lrst . . . : K .V. Y. Central lo't
Ciiniidbin I'aclllc Sii --.i. ] Pennsylvania . . .
llAiiSir.VKlt l.'i.-tcd per ounce. .
MONEY 1 ! percent. Kate of discount In the
open market for both short and six months'
bills , l ? , < aii { pur cent.
Herman llnrik Statcrnenf.
Itr.ui.ts , Ana. 19. The statement oftliolin-
perlal llanK of Oornniny bliuws an Increase In
specie of 8.0GJ.OOO r.iark.s.
I'.irlH Itontos.
I'Airt ? , An ? . IS. Three per cent rentes C5f
'iOt' for the account.
Denver Mining Stocks.
DKNVKH , Colo. , AUK. IB. There was porno
peed business In stocks today. Total sales ,
Kljtyi. The following are the closing iiuota-
tlonsof the Mining exchange :
Allck'lmny 20 U'lrnl Tender 1
Amity > ' ( l.ltllcllule 10S
Argonaut 12 May Marc 125
ll.tllarat 5 Morning 43
llnnuknk 5 Oro. . . . 10Z
HlltVHlI C.7 Pay llock 2
Illtf Indian I. ' , I'Gtonl IK
IllKHIx 7 PurkCon 11
llrdwntow ( J'i Heed National to
rulllnpo 15 Illulto 1011
Century. . . fl'.i Ituiinlng I.oito 2I ! {
Clay County 115 1,0-ivcnwortli 8
CailiC John J 4
Diamond 11 nv Pnz/ler 'IJs
DenverC.asAOlI. . . . 16Ji ClauillnJ 4
Kminon" 4S ( iettysburg IHM
Cold Treasure 31 ; Wbalo St.
Ininclad 4\ ( ( old Hock Kl
Justlco M
Sun Francisco Mining Quotations.
SAN KUAN-WOO. Ana. 13. The olllclal closing
? notations for mining stocks today were as
ollows :
Now York IMIninir QiiottitioiiN.
NKW VOIIK , Aug. 18. Thu cloalnj ; ralnlns
stock iiuotutioin arc as follows :
Alice UVi Occidental HKJ
Dcailvruod 125 I'lymoiitli " : o
HonieHtakt ! II HI SaviiKU 11K )
HornBllver 23 Sierra Nevada IKJO
Iron Oliver lu ) HtniHlard 115
Mexican 225 Union Con 2U >
Ontario : < 7tt VellowJack 140
Oplilr : U9
St. Ijotrin Slinin Quotations.
PT. Lours. JIo. , Aug. 18. Mining stocks were
very dull today. The following
on e.ill :
Adams 170 | Avpun li !
lllmettalllo 3457 Smnll lliiK's | 72M
Central Sliver 4 Silver ABO ' .
Kllialietl 120 Tourtulotto 25
Montrnae. . . 45 Vliniii 4m
.M. llri'un 4.1
Wool .tlarkct.
HOSTO.V. .Mass. . Aug. IS. The demand for
wool has been good and the sales iiulto largo.
Ohio fleeces sold at 2KZf.c ! ( ) for X , ; il-'o ! for
XX and Xtfotiu for No. I ; Mlchlg.ui. 27c ; No. 1 ,
aift'l'ic ; No. 1 combine , firm ut iteUIOc ; Ohloilno
doialne. aiJflc. ! ! Territory wools active at
C/c ) for line and KXi' > 8 < } for line medium. TUXIIK ,
California and Oregon wools have been selling
fairly on about the same basis as territory.
Pulled wools havu been active. Choice supers
sold at 4 ( > &r.o : fair to good supers. : nr
extra , -iliiy.'e. Australian wools have been
II rni.
Now Yorlc Dry ( ioodH Miirkot.
NKW YOIIK. Aug. 17.-Tho demand for
dry goo'ls shows an Improvement with both
agents and jobbers. The latter are decidedly
more busy. Agents are recclvin orders from
western houses for staple and fancy goods of
all kinds , and good si/.cd transactions aru
more frequent.
HAVANA , Aug. 18. bt'ANisit Gorn { 2.403
KxrilANOE Quiet ; on London 2'4 per cent
Oil ninrknt.
LONIION. Aug. 18. KEFINBII 1'ETiioiiGU.u
> ? > < ! pergallun.
LiNhKKii Urr. 2s7ftd ( ) per owt.
Hunk of lOii lniiil Itnllion.
LONDON , Aug. -Amount of bullion with
drawn from the Hank of Knglaud on bal
ance today , 1M > ,0) ) < > .
Traders' Talk.
ST. Louis. A it it. IS. Lanvonbor. ! Ilrolhcr.s to
L'ockrull llrothcrs : The following was thu
ranuu on the leading options at tuts point
today :
ClllCAiin , Aug. 18. V. U. Logan & Co. , to
llryan Commission Co. ; Tlio wheat market
today been fairly Ntoady. December
opening at IK' ' , selling up to 101'J , and closing
iitKU'i. Kngllsh and continental cables all
quote lower prices. Harvesting lu the north
west IK progressing rapidly , null fiom nil wo
ein ; learn the crop will bo In quantity the
largest over grown , and the quality perfect.
We tblnk the prlco too lil-'h with the near approach
preach of spring wheat being marketed.
About 4 O.raX ) wheat chartered. Corn ac
tive , reptomhor opened at ( I'i'4 ' and elosed at
M. There Is considerable talk of manipulation
In September. Wo cannot ounllrm this , but as
a matter of prudence we think It advisable to
cover all > -liurt contracts In September. Thu
out situation Is without a feature. Trading
light. Provisions steady. The principal huy-
lir.- bus been by packers and the soiling by
tired Imldois.
CillCAlli ) , Aug. 18. Kounutt. Ilopklnd .t Co.
toS. A. McWhiirter : Reports of reselling by
foreigners and loner markets abro id have
been thu principal points of Interest. Ivitro-
po'iu speculators appeared to have loaded
their lung lines nnd perhaps short for a turn
If nut so much for a bullish tendency can bo
loir.ed fur from Hint side until these short
sales havu linen covered. The nrirkut Is nar-
rowln-t and wider HuctU'iton ! < will doubtless
bo the exception for .iwhllo. Lo.'ul trader * as
n rule uclluve In .uatertally lower
pr'cos and are again working on the
short side , but are keeping close. Thu
export business lias been rather dull und
cables stnto Importers abroad hold off. Corn
has been conspicuously strong. Now York
btartlnir the upward movement by sharply
advancing the September option on the re
ported futclgn buying. Thu clique contlnucn
to work tint market , and possibly thu farmers'
alliance may bo IIMIMH tuned lo issuosomolioUI-
back-your-corn lltur.iluro. Such a move
would doubtless bo rnuro ulTcctlvo than In
wheat. It would bo easy to nut corn lo 7Ac or
fl.UJ If farmurs sluiuld rufiiso to part with
what they hold of the old crop , hut It Is lin-
prubablo that they could bo Induced to carry
nut such Kchonii' . Otts show no strength.
ProvUlons have rallied on covering by shurti ,
but looks like a tale on good milieu.
OiitOAiiii , Au-r. 18.-Schwartz , Dupce .t Me-
Cormlck to 1' . O , Schwurtz , V Co : Wheat
today was much quieter , the result of the se
vere liquidation both wiiys Monday. Ins to id
ofaruuu of lOc lluctuutton today's wcro
within a range of 3o. There were moments of
htrengtli. but the Inclination wan downward ,
The momentary utrongth renultud from
thu recvlut of prlvuto cabloi from
London declaring that It wu re
ported ItuHiila would uUo prohibit the
exportation of . . The report M not con-
nldurcd credible nn tl it * otTect vrrUMoon pono.
The olllclul estimate hhoshortiKC In the Rus
ulan rye crop wni uintlr lodnyWI.OX'.MJO butli-
els , ompared with Hut year. That , turnover.
would leave a rye cronpf over
oil. The shortage illlnst about double thou
u sun I exports. 1'nrttcs lixlHy nil cloidl at u
decline. Indicating1'that the oxcllornr > nt IK
abating abroad as wnlj nt hero. Thosoabo.ird
l clearances wore good V > O.COJ bushels In wheat
alone. Hut very Illllo- new export business Is
1 now doing. There were twenty cars of new
. whonthere. NextM > U.K will tin 'oiibtedly sen
thu b < ginning of th/i. riioh. The decrease of
the whent-on-tms ! < ! ipu figures 9uO,0 > 0 bushels
was without InfluiMiro. The trade , com
pared with the wild 'scenes of recent days ,
looked small. Theru-uras some indication that
foreigners worn biiyluj wheat modcratoly on
this break. Then ; was more Indication of
manipulation In September corn limn on any
day so fur. lluylng orders were apparently
tent from Now York by llutchlnson. The
weather continues splendid. Today's receipts
were 67.1 cars mm the estimate for Wednesday
only . ' 114. There continues some Intimation
that the foreigners will to a degree substitute ;
corn for rye wherever possible. Cudiihy eoV- >
cred coii'fdcrablo pork today. That and thu
advance In corn brouulil . .bout a llttlo ad
vance. Munufacturoi , however , wore free
sellers of ribs and lard. The hog receipts
were only 12,100. and trio estimates for
Wednesday only l
SOUTH OMA II. I 31. 1 It Itr CS.
OMAHA , Aug. 19.
CATTt.E-Onicint rccolots of cattln 2. . ' : iS
ns cotnu.irad with 2.M7 yesterday and 1.G.VI
Tuesday of lust week. The market win about
steady on the bun beeves , weak arm lower on
others , llutchcr slock dull and .value lower
on everything. I'eedcrs were In largo supply
und small demand at prices . ' .VSlOo lower than
a week ago. Three-fourths of the offerings
wore range entile.
Kuricy l.lSMh to ICOO-lb st 'ors. t : > . \ 0r < r ;
prime fej-lb to U"lb "steor.4. ! I..ViT ) > . 'Ji ; jsood
to choice 1150-lh to iiV-lb : steers. } l.2 ai.7i :
bntchors' steers. lo : > i-lb to l.WO-lb , : i.T.a
4.'iO ; fair Pl-lb to llVl-lh steer < . J.l.21tl.0.i ;
comtiiou 800-lh to I2W-lb st-ors. tir1 .g > l. 10 ; fair
to good cows , Jl.OOii'J.di ; good to cholco cows ,
tLWtVLWi fancy cows. tiuOiiVW ; bolters. f'Ol
QS.-Si : yoarllu 's. J..ijOB'i.OO ; feu lors. J.'Ja. 5 T5
Hookers. ( iT.'nt i.u.i ; c'liinors , il.OJT&.Oi ; Inuls ,
$ l.2Vat.0 : o\en , t--i'iai. ' * : st.'i-s , l..VlS..Ti ;
calves , } l."i > it"i. ' 0 ; wc toru corn-food steers.
* I.T.vai.l.-i ; western stooH , ( I.AKiI..Vi ) western
cows. JI.tOiga.fiO.
llons-Olllclal receluls of hogs a. 17" an
compared with HL > yesterday and 'l.bUl Tues
day of last week. The market opened
active and .Virtue higher on the hogs ,
about steady on common. The market closed
easier with several loads unsold. There was
n good y hipping demand , the quality of the
hogs was better and almost everything was
morn or less sorted. Prices ranged from $4.7r >
® .V.T > . Light. IUKHM.2S : heavy J4.7ft3.V10 ;
mixed. II IHiri.o5.
SnuEi' Olllclal receipts of sheep 220. as
compared with nnneycstorday and 23 Tuesday
of last week. Tin" market was easier , the de
mand only fair. Natives , } 3.UJ < 2).V ) ; westerns ,
' '
Koocl ) > tn and Disposition of Stock.
Olllclnl receipts and disposition of slock as
shown by the books of the Union stockyards
company for thu twenty-four hours ending at
5 o'clock , p. m. , Augnst'lS , Is'Jl :
KcnrcHcntutivo Snlo.i.
No. Av. Pr , ! . ; No. Av. Pr.
2 1435 2 15
Strowbrldge & Andrews
2 cows 1195 2 CO
1 feeder 1UOO 2 ( JO
II. K. Corlett
71 cows M9 1 DO
35 cows 8.0 1 45
1 feeder 4'0 2 50
1 feeder 400 2 75
Header llrothcrs
1 1420 2 00
I stocr 1100 3 .15
25 steers mil 3 35
13 steers , il.W 3 35
55 steers IHW 3 30
TO steers mil 3.'IO
20 steers , tailings 1302
T. A fib ton
2Scows 076 1 90
R M. Smith-
I'lvo .Stock MnrkutH.
OIIIUAOO , AUB. 18. [ Sponlat Tolearain to TUB
HEE. I All examination uf today1 * salun of cut-
tlu will fall to UlsoloMO any Important olmuu'o
luvuluvi. Tlauiuututlona foruatlvca wcrull.'S
for Inferior to extra cow , and fT.-OOit1.CJ
I for common to fancy Rteor * . Outside
iuotatlotH | wuro nut reached In nny In-
ctaiico , uor wns there much trsdlntt in
the close vicinity of insldn lleurcs. There
were only about lftOOJ natives of alt klndo nnd
the bulk uf them were taken at tl.RVil'.M for
COUH nnd nt { .I.7.VU.Y25 for nteers. Uood to
choice cows nra u sluulo higher tliiin at the
clo < o of last week ,
Iliinuo cattln wcro fully steady. There were
: U ) u westerns which sold nn a biisM
of ( . ' .COALir. , and 2ftOO TI.XIIIK. for theta wuro buvcrs at II.50
( .7.2,1.1 for cows rind ut I2,2.VRI.10 ; for stocrs.
There wns hut little Ilfo In the demand from
nuy clnss of buyers and the small supply of
stock In the yards proved ample , Vciu calves
were In domain ! nt.Oi < S' > .OJ.
The hex market was strong for fair
to best grades and common sorts
avenged fully steady. Llttlo plus ,
of which many arrived yesterday
unit today , fared badly. > ohody appeared
to have any u o for them , nnd prices have
taken a severe fall of 2. < V > uo per Iftu llu. They
mild to u limited ovtcnt around JI.'M. ' Cholco
heavy buss touched 15.05 and one load of
fancy 2tV-lb IIURS found buyers nt W.7S. Choice
medium weights < .old at t. " > O.V.U.7U nnd fancy
Unlit were qnoti'd at fft.tXKiV'.So. The provall-
IriB prices , however , were f.M.VB.'i.fti. Poor
stutr sold nt t4.7iVtA.nv. nml culls were iniolcd
at noojf4..10. The niarUet eloped weak.
I ho KvL'iilni..loiirniil leports : CATTI.K Ile-
colpts. 7,000 : shipments , : i.wn ; market slow ;
H UecelplH. 12,0(10 ( ; shlpinenti , r,000 ;
m.irkct fairly active. openlnR a .shadestroni-
cr. closed easy ; rough and common , Jl.4.11
4.W ; ml > cd and packers. J5.o 3ft.40 ; ; butchers'
welchls , * : i..lO < S.Vi0 ; prime llcht , } .VSi > It.VNi ;
Kric-scrs , { MOfM.uo.
SHI.KIKccelpt.s , fi.OOO ; shlpnients. 2,00' ' ) ;
market active ; sheep steady , lambs higher ;
ml.M'd and wethers. * l.7iiii. > .2. > ; western * ,
( LlS Li.feeders. ; . } .l,75 ; lambs ,
Now York Ijlvi ; Stock Market.
Niw YOIIK , Auir. K lltuvrs : : llocolpts. 1W
honil , all for slaiuhterors : no trade , fooling
weak ; dicssod beef Htoady at ' ( TMl'ic per
pound ; shipments tomorrow , 1 > I2 beeves nnd
2.1,11 iiuarlersof beef.
t'At.VKs Itecelpts. XIO head : market slow ;
veals. & ) ( ! per 1UO pounds ; buttermilks.
' . .
ci1 Ilecolpts , 4.057 head ; murkel dull ;
f..A ! ( < l4.0) ) per lee pounds ; lambs. il.7.v3i.ii ( ( ;
ilruisoil muttons , tvK'j ! ) ' ; per pound ; dressed
lambs weak ittH'o. ' ! .
Moos llecelpts , J.M1. Incliidlni ; two cars for
sale ; market slow ; Jj.O .CW.N" ' per 100 pounds.
KUIIMIIH City Ijivc Stock Markets.
celuts , 7,405 ; shipments , : iSO'l. The market
was dull , weak to lower throughout. Steers ,
f.LOOt&i.\ii \ cows and hclfors , il.2.V.i'ilW ;
stockersand feeders. J2..VKTJI.OO.
lloos lloculpts , 0,0 ) i ; slilpinonts , 100. Light
hogs steady to ftc lower ; heavy IIOSB 1 fol.lo
lower th in Saturday ; bulk , tl.SJQft.lft ; all
grades , J..IOS.- > .
SIIF.UP Kocolpts , 1,700 ; shipments , W)0. )
Market steady.
St. T.oulH I.lvo Stock AInrkct.
ST. Louis. Mo. , Aus. 18. CATTLE Kocolpts ,
ft.100 ; shipments , 0)0 ; market steady ; fair
to choice native" , | : i.ouj.ft'l ' ; To.xans and In
dians. . ' .2045:1. : TO ; cannurs. $ I.M2.25. (
lions Kocolpts , II.WH ) ; shipments , 1,000 ; mar
ket strons : heavy. $ ' ) .4Ui..50 ( ; rnl.\ed , J5.00 ®
5.40 ; IlKht , .r > .aO(83.4j. (
C.nrntry i'roilncc.
Eno < Huik of the sales. Kl'io.
IIUTTEK Cholco dairy butter Is scarce and
sells readily at lli < Suc ; , but the bulk of the
country butter Is not good enough for tlio re
tail tr du and pous to the puckers at Uic. !
I'OUI.TIIV Spring chickens , small. } l.7.'i2.2. ' . ;
good , i'.ftOSaoO ; fancy , 1 > ! .UO'It5. ! Uld fowls
do not sell quite so readllv , springs taMug
their place to a great extent , and the best
old buns do not go much above W.OJ.
Ai'l'l.BS I'er libl. , J2.0lia2.2j.
I'I.UMS California. tl.V.vai.ftl.
I'KAiis-Callfornla llartlett , $ -.002.2 .
OltVNflUS Itoill , $ (1.00. (
W.VTKU.MKt.O.NS S-hlppllIK Stock , ISIilSo.
OAXTALOUITS Per crtite , lil..S.
LEMONS Per box , i l.OO.
HANANAH Per bunch , $ . ' .00@2.r > 0 for good
shipping stock.
(5IIA pus Southern , 45c nerf-lb. basket.
I'EAOiriis The supply Is quite large nnd the
quality Improved. California UruwfurtU ,
single case lots. $ ; IIvo case lots , fl.-'j.
The fol'.owln : ; quotations roproscnt the prices
at which choice stock Is billed out on orders
unless otherwise stated :
To.MATOl.S Per bushel , $1.25.
NEW HI.ETS I'er bushel , iiOc.
HKANS Navy , & ! .f > o&2.o. > per busliol.
UAiitiAnc Home grown. lic ! per III.
O.VIONS Homo grown 7 , " > c pnr bushol.
POTATOKS Local growers are supplying the
demand almost exclusively.
Omaha milling company. Itcllancc.
Patent * 12.60 ; Invincible Patent , $2.70 ; Lone
Star , Superlative , J2.40 ; Snowllako , i-.OO ;
Fancy Knmlly , JI.IM.
It. T.Davis milling company. Hleh Parent ,
No. 1 and Cream , i2.L'i ( ; Illuo 1) . , full patent ,
$245 ; llawkoye , half patent' , $ -.2. ' > ; Special
Hoyal. Patent No. I'J , J'.bi ; Minnesota patent-
? ' - ' . ' / , " , ; Kansas Hard Wheat , patent , i. . . ' . " , ; Nebraska
braska Sirlng | Wheat , patent. i'H'J.
$ . V. Oilman's ( icild Mi-dil ; , $2.70 ; Know Whlto
fS.IO ; i-nowllaku. S..IO ; low grade , tl.Oi ; Queen
of the 1'atrtry , $ , ' .7."i ; Mlnnusota Superlative ,
K.70 ; bran. $11.00 ; chopped food , NI.OU.
! ; . L. Welch & C'o. . Host , 2.7S ; Crown Prince ,
$ ' . ' . ( ; Jllnni-sota Chief , * 2.jft : ; Splendid I'amlly ,
$2.10 ; Straight. JI.M.
Currents orCoinincruo.
Davl.l Cole has moved his wholcsalo oyster
business to III ! ) South Tenth street.
Hubert Purvis , produce commission , has
moved from Howard aticut to 121U Harney
street ,
A Minister' . * Opinion.
Mr. Jacob Connor , n German Baptist min
ister at Hoycr's Ford , Montgomery county ,
I'n. . suys ; 1 have used Chamberlain's Colic.
Cholera and Diarrhma Uomcdyfor dtarrtuun ,
colic and cramp in the stomach. I have never
used any medicine with bettor or rnoro satis
factory results. I consider it ono of the best
ever used la our family. For sale oy drug
l.OH'liltlXll JI.tMKJlTS.
Tlie Cereal Situation at the VurioiiH
BKUUX , Aug. 18. The groin market
opened excited and lower tills mornitiR. Au
gust rye opened at n decline of 10 marks f > 0
pfennigs ; September and October declined 8
marks CO pfennigs. August , wheat opened U
marks lower and September and October n
marks 50 pfennigs lower. Tlio dccliuu was
caused chiully by the news of tlio govern
ment's action in ordering the substitution of
wheat meal for rye in mn.cing bread for the
army. There is a growing belief that the sit
uation is cxiifgorutcd and that the recent ml-
vanro in prices is not warranted by the facts
In tha case.
LONHON , Aug. 18. The Times today refers
to the encouraging prospects ahead lor I2n-
gllsh farmers , saying If given good weather
for the fortnight the wheat crop of Great
Britain will bo n good avoraso one ,
CIIICACO , Aug. 18. The fcolliif In tbo
wheat und corn pits wns quieter this
morning. Foreign markets being lower
caused a mildness hero. December wheat ,
which closed nt $1.0,1 yesterday sta.-ted ut
that price , fluctuated both ways within n
nuiKO of t' ' o. At thu end of the IIrst half
hour it , wns quoted at Sl.O'i . Corn opened ,6 'o
Inwcr and fluctuated within n narrow range.
September rye , which closed yesterday at
10' . ' , olTurcd this morning nt ' ! ' > .
Sr. 1'KTi.itsiiuiia , Aug. in. It Is Known
ttmt the imperial uUasu prohibiting the ex
portation of rye was not only at Ural opposed
by the czur , but it was also mot by opposition
In other quartern. At llrst it took iu several
other articles , but the czir consented to It
only as issued restricting rye. Thu state
ment that the measure is a political onoi.s ab
solutely untrue ,
HT. I''iio , Aug. IS. The Russian
government. Is making mi exhaustive Inquiry
into Ihn stock of wheat In the country , the
prices demanded , and tlio facilities for trans
portation of wheat , the mcusurus for tlio
relief of tlio distressed district , incluillnu' tlio
building of canals , railroads , thu paving of
streets , nnd the planting of forests.
BCIII.IN , Aug. 18. The North Gorman Ga
zette say * thu present situation of tha corn
inurKut shows the economic mid political im
portance of a highly developed national hus
bandry , malclnur the Fatherland independent ,
of foreIt'n countries , and proves the necessity
for reform in thu grain tr.ulo &o us to enable
It to moro easily supply Germany wltli addi
tional breaastull'j.
McShane & Condon ,
300 8. 13th fit. , First National U.uik Build
Ing , Omaha , Nob.
Deal In itocki , bomlt , lemrltloi. commorclnl P
per. utc. NvKulliite luitni on lui.irunil On.ili.rm
eiUta. Hliort tlmu loiim. im b.uik itucii , gr u li *
Pi > ruT il collateral tgcurlli
minimum uu } a
Omaha Tent & Awn
ing Co , ,
K | < IB , hnmmocks , oil ami
rubber clolliliiu. 8ml for
cnlnloKiip. 111.1 Kurnnni.
Importer. ' nn I Manufac
turer * .
Hour Sack * . ltiirlip ; nnd
A. II. Perrio & Co. M. 0. Daxon.
lift ! -old on inonthlr
for our rntiUvuo :
and prices. nrnnm t. , Omnh
Ackernmn Brothers & Hointzo ,
rrlntors , lilnjor. , eli > ctrnt per < . bl.iik book nmnu-
fact. 10 i > .
1IIR Howard itrcol , Onmbn.
Ohas , A , Coo&t'o. ' KirkeiulnllJoucs&Uo
MnnufaoUir.Ti , ) , , bWl'i.l alo\'aniifnctnr'rs
bcr.i. Accnis for llo-ton llnl > -
l -r Mini' CHIP. . ' , 1101
nndll'Ji. llnrnvy strooi.
Williams , Vnn Aer- W. V. Morsj & Oo. ,
nam & Harto Shop Ft-tiny llth
nml lionul.'M sl Onmlm
12IS llarnov street.
.Mcn-hnnti Intlto.l to
Oina A , XoU call an.lovaniinc.
John L. Wilkie , Louis Heller ,
Omaha piper liov facto'y and Packer:1 : ,
Ml-lil9 : Douulas. TooUand > lleef
Orders bo ; mid * lu < uj ea lti * .
promptly lll'i-IIH .In'k-on direct.
W. T. Seaman ,
Oranlm's Ijirt-est Variety
Omaha Carpet Oo. , Gilmore & Ruhl ,
Carpets , ( ill ' cloths nrit- Mnnuf.inur \ t and
lliiKcnr'aln teed , otc \Vliolu ale Clothiera ,
1511 Douglas Hiojt 110 ! ) Harney i < trcet.
West & Fritscher ,
Mnniifnctnrcs line clears ,
Jobbers of leaf tahacco.
1011 Farnam S'rcet ,
Cockroll Bros I F. 0. Swarta & Oof
ltrnker . Private wire * I llrokpfii.Grain.PrOTl'lon *
lo New York. Clilonitu , , V I etc. Private wlro In SI.
St. IKIIII . Special alienUiiiln ami ChlcnKO. Ofllco
lion ulten lo truck MH i In 1-1 Nafl Hank. Omaba.
on itrnln. tut Nafl Hank. Ksrhmnio bld'K , H , Uinklin
G. W. Douglass & Oo John A Wakcfiolcl , -
liuportctlAmerican 1'ort-
Hardwood I.umbor , land Cement , Mllivaii-
kco llyilrnnlln Ccmvnt
1310 North 1Mb Street. aiiilQnlncy Whlto Llaie.
Oharlos R. Lee , Wyatt-Bnllanl Lumber
nlwodil lutni or , wood
carpets ami parquet ber Oo.
lloorlni ; .
Ptli unit Douglas. VOtli nnd Iinnl SIrocU.
Louis Bradford ,
Lumber , llmocementoto. ,
183 IHKl ) i Street ,
0. A. Stonohill , I. Oborfelder & Co. ,
Millinery , NotlotM.Cloaki Importers and Jnhtiera In
Ktu. Mllllnory.
2CH. 210 unit XI2 South llth
110-118 S. Kith St. , Omalia. Strout.
Wax Meyer & Bro Oo A. Hospo , Jr. ,
.M'f'K Jowelcr , ilo.ilors In I'liMoi , OrRans , Artlsti
mil-leal hutrinuonts
, , Kto.
etc. Materials ,
Farnam nml ICtb. I.M3 Douglai Street.
Platt & Co. ,
Oysters , Fish and Celery ,
Emerson Seed Oo ,
Seed Kroweri. dealers In
curd en , Kra , lirnln and
tree seodi.
421-42.1 South IDth.
STO I'Eti.
James Hughes ,
Stoves repairs nf all klnJj
Cooknand Heaters
for into.
lOI.S. lath Htreet.
M. A. Disbrow Oo , Bohn Sash & Door Oo
Slanufacturer.H of . .Manufacturersof niouM-
dours. hllnds and hilli , lillnd * . doors , etc.
mouldiniM. llrnncli of ( IMIcu :
nco , 12th and liard Sts. Itonm 42.1 lleo llulldlnK.
U. S. Wind Engine & A , L , Strang & Sons ,
Pump Oj ,
, ' '
ID'r.-lOOl Karnam HtrceL
Unllld.Ty Wind MIIH.
U1B and ' .r.O .lonei Street. Omaha. Neb.
O.K. Itois , acilntiinaimK'r
H. Hardy Oo. , The Bnmawiok-
Toy * . rtolN. nlhiimi' , Balko-Oolleiulei Oo. ,
fancy K.MIIM. lioiisufiir- Milliard merchandise.
nl'hliiK imo H. chllil- Saloon tlxtnrci.
ren' * earrhiuci * . 407 , 409 H. 10th Htreut ,
laiK I'arnam Street. Omaha.
A. D. Boer It Oo. , Hunter & Qreou.
M-M ICiclmiigo llulldlnt ; , UO Cichuniio llulhtlnv ,
South Oronlm. South Oinnlio.
( lilehMlrr'i KililUh PUiaoi" ) Hl * .
Origin * ) kiul Only Ucniilne
r > ruirl.l hi CMiHiliri / > eli < lUft
, noiJ r , id In llt-.l . ui , | VM "WU \
uuollitr , Kitvt' . ' . . .
In .l mi ( r .i.riuui.rl irilliiuUU
It.llcf fur l.uJlf . " ( Ml" . H "luril
" " '
Total li uu < of CITIES )
tuvt * v ay w OlSTRICTa , WATER
C'orrr pofidrni o nollcitid.
101.103 Daorborn Blreot , CHICAGO
! 3 Wu'l Straot. NEW YORK'
70 State S > . .
Mllllll I A bet aiuiuuly capnuli'i prvicrllieil by
UUUU I n iy rciiulur pliynlcliini for lh euro o
( ( ( Mxirrhiicn anil ( ll > cbariiui front thu urlnnry urtiaii
; ituJ vl kcqulttd , ll.W V t t/uz. /