Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 19, 1891, Page 5, Image 5

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Norfolk's ' Bngar Beet Factory Inspected
by Thousand ? ,
AH Nehrnnkn Countlo * Well Heprc-
enlcMl nnd Mttoh of the Ailjnucnt
Status Detnlln of the Suc
cessful Ijntcrtnlmnciit.
NOIIFOI.I ; , Nob. , Aug. 18. [ Special Tolo-
jfram to fins BKU. ] Today was u red loiter
oay for Norfolk , n day long to bo remem
bered by her citizens , nnJ to bo recorded as
ono of the principal event * In the history of
the city. The occasion was the formal open
ing of the largest sugar factory In the world ,
Norfolk's pot enterprise. Wlilla the inac.hln-
cry Is not In operation , nnd will not bo for
about thirty days , the secretary of
the Institution , Hon. James ( J. Hamilton ,
took this tlmo for entertaining his many
friends and ndmircr.s throughout the state as
\vo\t \ as nil who are interested In the sugar
beet Industry In the wcsU
It was noconnry to Iwvo the reception
prior to the completion of the factory ns ho
was desirous of using ono of the largo rooms
of the building for reception purposes. Pre
paratory to this ovontMr. Hamilton extended
n general Invitation through the columns of
TDK BBB as wo I as through many other
prominent papers of the state to all who
\voro interested In the culture of sugar boots
to moot with him nt the factory today.
His Invitation was promptly ncooptod by
about four thousand of the loading agricul
turalists and bulhoss men of the states of
Nebraska , Iowa and South Dakota. Com
mittees were sent from various towns
throughout northeastern Nebraska to Inves
tigate the raising of sugar beets and the mag
nitude of the factory nnd machinery which is
nocossary. All agreed that they had
no Idea of the magnitude of the
plant nnd the amount of money it has taken
to build it , Mr , Hamilton had previously
ongugod the Musical Union band of Omaha ,
under the leadership of Prof. Irene , which
arrived on the 'J o'clock train and led thu
Immense procession from Norfolk avenue
directly to the factory , whore every thing was
wide opon. Visitors were permitted to
examine all parts of the factory nnd ma
chinery. At each part of Interest war
stationed nblo Instructors to explain to tbo
throng the use of each piece of machinery.
Aftur passing through the factory they
were all invited Into the recaption roam ,
where the . ciiL'slra discoursed the most ex
quisite music and the old AS well as the
younir , the lawyer , banker and horny
handed farmer danced as they did forty years
ago. This reception room being 111 ! by l.0 ! feet ,
gave space for nearly ono hundred couples.
On the ground floor Mr. Hamilton had a
large dining hall prepared and in It was
served a most smnptuoiu repast to the multi
tude. The hall was profusely decorated
with stars and stripes , ( lowers and appropri
ate mottoes , such as "A Hearty Welcome , "
"Corn is King but Sugar is Queen , " etc.
The crowd was cared for In n style that
no one but Mr. Hamilton knows how , and
everyone wont away speaking only words of
pralsa for Norfolk and the beet sugar Indus
try nnd predicting many things for the city.
Today work was commenced oil the Nor
folk electric railway.
NEIW.VSKA. CITV , Neb , , Aug. 18. ISpectal
Telegram to TUB Buu.J Attorney M. L.
Hayward today received a telegram that the
remains of the late Judge O. P. Mason
would bo brought to this city for burial. It
was not considered necessary to call a meet
ing of the Bar association , but all members
are expected to bo nt the depot tomorrow
at tornoon nt 4 :3n : o'clock whan the Lincoln
train arrives. A number of the Lincoln at
torneys will accompany tbo body. Judge
Calhoun presided at the last meeting of the
association and Judge Mason acted as secre
Hon. Charles .1. Whoodon telegraphed here
that ho wished J. Sterling Morton , M. L.
Hayward and T. B. Sluvonson to bo throe of
the pall bearers , but Mr. Morton is outof the
city. The Jndgo had many warm friends In
Nebraska City , having made this his
home for a number of voars.
Nearly every attorney In Otoo county
will bo here tomorrow to attend
the funeral. The notice of his death was no
grout surprise to the many friends of the
judge in this city. Ho has suffered Intense ]
pain for weeks and months and the nnwspn-
pors have dally made the statement that the
end was near. Still the now ? Is sad and will
cnuso deep and sincere regret in the hearts
of many of his old associates who have grown
gray In the prautlre of the profession with
the deceased.
York NI'\VH Notes.
YOIIK , Nob. , Aug. 18. ( Special to TUB
BEE. ] Thoropubllcan county central com
mittee has llxcd Tuesday , September 'J2 , ns
the date for holding the York county con
The now postoflleo building is completed
and only awaits tbo llxtures to bo ready for
M. L. L. Sorrlck and Mrs. U. Carscaddon
tendered tuolr resignations ns members of
the school board nnd the vaccncies were
I filled by the election of Mrs. Dr. Reynolds
and Mr. Mnrcellous.
The agricultural society 1 * leaving nothing
\indono to make its nineteenth annual fair ,
which will bo held in this city Loptembcr 'J-J-
2. ) , nn attractive exhibition. A special olfort
is being made to secure a prize winning ex
hibit for the stnto fair.
The canning factory , which has boon closed
for tbo past three years , will resume opera
tions this WOOK under a now management.
A Journeyman tailor named Fnlkenbury ,
whllo under the weight of a heavy jag Sunday -
day night , wont to sloop on u table near nn
open second story window nnd rolled out.
ilo landed on n brick walk sixteen feet below ,
atrlkinv on his hcna and ahonldors. A pudcs-
who saw him fall summoned n physician , but
the jag had saved the fellow from any seri
ous injury.
K. ot'l * . Knuiuiipmont.
: , Nob. , Aug. 18. [ Special Telo-
prom to TUB BEK. The second day at Camp
Morrison Indicate ) that the Knights of Py
thias encampment will bj a dooldoj success.
The Omaha , South Omaha , Lincoln , Nelson ,
-Hohron and Falls City Uniform Uank divi
sions arrived today nnd are now
comfortably ciuartered In camp , Gen
eral order No. a , pro.nmlg.ttod today.
establishes the dally pro. ; ram mo of
exercises , provided for the sanitary condition
of the camp and for miscellaneous routine
work of thu several commands. This evenIng -
Ing Brigade Chaplain Whltmnrsh delivered nu
interesting loeturo at the tabernacle ou the
purposes and objects of PythlanUm , which
was largely attended.
Tomorrow will occur the annual oloottou
of brUada oniccrc. In the afternoon a , grind
parade will bo given by the visiting organi
zations through the principal otroeU of the
city. An Interesting feature of the encamp
ment Is the daily evening parades ivt Cnmp
Morrison , which uro liberally attended by cltl-
sons ,
Kiuiuriil of Thotnit * Knhoo.
NKMIIUKA CITV , Neb. , Aug. IS. [ Special
Telegram to TUB BEK. | The romalns of
Thomas Kaboo , who died near Kournoy , worn
brought here for Interment this afternoon.
Brlof services were hold nt St.
Mury'i cathedral nnd a largo pro
cession of frlonds followed the body
to lu last resting place. Thomas Kaboo
came to Nebraska City with his family
in early days , but a few years ago moved to
KeimioA1. Airs , Kaboo's remains were
brought here for burial about six weeks ugo.
They were the parents of Mrs. Henry Fresh
of this city and wore ns well known as any
old couple lu Otoo oounty ,
Murrnlo County' * ICxhlMf.
KKAUXKT , Nob. , Aug. IS. [ Special Tolc-
'sram to TUB BKK. ] An Informal mooting of
tba Kearney branch of the Nebraska Busl-
Men's association was hold here this
the matter ot a big exhibit from
Hiiffato county on the proooseJ advertising
train from tho'stnto was discussed , Edward
I'lokcttof Omaha , representing the state ai-
sociution , wns present nml outlined the plan ,
which mot with favorable comment , The
association hero proposes to raise t.VX ) to tiny
the expenses of the Buffalo county exhibit
nnd the Kearney real cstiito exchange has no-
copied Iho management of the same. The
members of the oxchanpo nro ontliuslnsUo
over the nmttor and promise to make It ft
1.1st or.StieucjMMl'ul I'linrinnolsts.
ait\Ni ) ISLAND , Nob. , Aug. IS. [ Special to
Tin : IKB. | At the examinations held by Iho
board of pxnmlnors of the Nebraska stnto
board ot pharmacy , Lincoln , August tl ,
O inarm , August I'-J , and Kearney , August 13 ,
the following list of applicants received their
certificates ns registered pharmacists of No-
braskr. : S. G. Ituodo , Surprise ; .tavan
Hlggs , Kearney ; W. It. Howmnn , liny
Springs ; Julian Bench. Nnshm , la. : John II.
Uiitos , A'ordlgro ; John U. Bodenmnnn.
Omaha ; K. I' . Chltdo , Lincoln ; H. M. Car
son , Grand Island ; W. T. Gnrson , Holstoln ;
Blltlor fnntMM' \ t-nimlinU ! tlnlirv f'loirif.
Howard. Lincoln ; Albert J. Hooppnes ,
Holdrogc. Niels P. Hanson , Oakland ; H. L.
Kindred , Herman , J. S. Livesaj , Ceresco ;
\V. A. Leo , Crclghton ; William Nicholas
Ley , Omaha ; Peter O'Shoa , Meadow Grove ;
Joseph M. ParK , Waterloo ; Jamo.s A. Uos-
slier , Bancroft ; James A. Nan Dyke , Hone-
diet ; J. S. U'lnston , Moorolleld , and C. Clay
ton Wcrtz , Omaha.
The next nicotine of this board for examin
ation of applicants for registration as phnrm-
aclsts will occur at Lincoln November 11 in
the capltol building at 0 o'clock a. m.
HoyH Acuusoil ol'Trnlii Wrecklnjj.
Tun'MsRii , Nob. , Aug. 7. [ Special Tolo-
gjam to Tin : BHB. I Two young boys James
Clark and Ualph Klmlor , aged twelve and
thirteen years were arrested by Deputy
Sheriff Clark on a complaint made by Uobcrt
Given , detective for the B. & M.
railway , for placing oostructtons on
the Republican Valley track about
seven miles east of this place. This is the
third tlmo the obstructions hnvo been placed
there. The boys were brought before M. K.
Cowan , justice of the peace , and waived
examination and gave bond In the sum of
SoOO for their appearance nt the next term of
the district court.
An Old noldler
AtmoiiA , Nob. , Aug. 18. iSpecIal to THE
Bin : . ) John ICimb.ilt , n prominent citizen
nnd an old resident of this county , dlod at his
residence yesterday evening nt 7 : 'M o'clock ,
after an Illness of four days. Thodecoasi-d
served in the Eleventh Now Hampshire regi
ment during the rebellion nnd was a member
of Xach Chandler post. No. 4 1 , Grand Army
of the Republic. Ho was forty-Hvo years
old and leaves a wife and llvo children pros
trated with grief by the loss of n kind hus
band nnd indulgent father. The funeral
services will bo held this afternoon nnd will
bo conducted by the Grand Army of the Ho-
publlc post. _
Doiljjc County's Tcnotiora.
FUIIMONT , Nob. , Autr. 18. [ Special Tele
gram to Tun iHi.J : : The DoJgo county
teachers' Institute opened here today in the
high school building with more than ono
hundred teachers present. The institute Is
In charge of Superintendent Stephens as
sisted by Prof. C.W.Jones , Dos Moines ;
Prof. J. A. Calkins , Hooper ; Prof. Frank
Fox. Strang ; Prof. C. Garrett , Iowa ; Prof.
G. H. Mohlor. Freicont. Stnto Superintend
ent Gaudy was present today and addressed
the teachers. _
IJrewst cr Notes.
BIIBWSTKH , Nob. , Aug. 18. [ Special to TUB
BBE.J W. F. Browster , editor of the News
of this place , burled his sovontoon-months-
old child last Sunday , after a short sickno.-.s.
A great number of friends followed ttio ro
malns to Us last resting place.
The Blnlne county independents nominated
a very weak- county ticket hero Satuaday.
Their convention was almost entirely secret
and ring rule of the worst order prevailed.
The ticket will scarcely poll tt vote.
Paralyzed IJy a Pall.
RKYNOMIS , Nob. , Aug. 18. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB BKK ] . A. II. Street or , a trav
eling man for n Fremont house , was coming
from Hubbell this evening when the team
ran away and throw him so that , both foot
were caught between the spokesof the wheel.
Althouch the doctor says that no bones ore
broken , yet ho cannot use his limbs and will
bo laid up indefinitely.
Work ol' ! tarl : d Wire.
CiiAi'MAN , Neb. , Aug. 18 [ Special to THE
BEB.J A painful accident happened to Del-
mar Mclntosh here lost evening. His father
being a stock dealer , the son was sent n few
miles from homo to got some cattle , and
whllo riding fast along a wlro fence his shoo
caught in a barb nnd drew his log up against
the wlro , cutting the calf of the limb to the
BKATIIICK , Nob. Aug. 18. [ Special Telegram -
gram to TIIB BKB. | William H. Stark was
bound ever to the district court this after
noon in the sum of AV)0 ) for highway robbery.
The robbery was committed Saturday night
on the west side , the victim being a vouth
named H. Parloman. In default of ball
Stark was lodged in the county Jail.
NF.WIASKA. CITY , Nob. , Aui ; . 18. [ Special
Telegram to Tnr. DIK. : ] Ex-Governor Alger
of Michigan nnd John M. Thurston of Omaha
today notified the Baumor post , Grand Army
of the Republic , that they would deliver addresses -
dresses here during the Grand Army en
campment. Mr. Algor will bo here Sop-
liiHtnutly Killed.
FHKMOXT , Nob. , Aug. 18. | SpecIal Telegram -
gram to THE Bm.l Tha httio throo-yenr-old
child of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bnlto of Snyder -
dor , this county , was instantly killed about
7 o'clock last evening. The llltto ono was
playing In the road when a runaway team belonging -
longing to Chris Bloom run ever it.
Struck hy Mj-hinins ; .
NEIMUSKA CITY , Nob. , Aug. 18. [ Spoolal
Telegram to TUB BuK.l During o sovora
electrical storm this afternoon Miss Katla
Hedsner was struck by lightning nnd so-
vorcly injured but It Is believed she will re
Siiluldo of n Drunkard.
llovvEi.m , Nob. , Aug. 18. [ Special Tele
gram to TIIK BKB.I Fritz Bonn , n farmer
living eight miles northeast of Dodge , com
mitted suicide last night by hanging. Liquor
Is supposed to have been the cause.
Small In size , great in result ] ; JJo Witt's
Llttlo Early Risers. Best pill for constipa
tion , b-jit fonu.Uuil.njlvj , bjit for sour
flKK'S t'lKHUK fVllY.
Jaclcmmvillo , Fin , 11 II. stored nnd
JACKSONVILLE , Fla. , Aug , 13 , A path of
smouldering ruins , two block * wldo and six
blocks long , Is the result of the tire which
started at midnight. It caught in Knight &
Co.'s grocery , adjoining the largo Hubbard
building , nnd in a very short time the block
was lu ( lames. From thence the llames were
carried diagonally across the street to tbn
Tremout hotel , thence to Colonel Bubrldpro's
block. The lire spread on all sides , being
fanned by u stiff breo/.e. Nothing could stay
the Homos until exhausted for want of ma
terial. They wore stopped at Beaver street
on the north , at Lruiru street on the west and
nt Ocean street on the east , at 7 o'clock this
morning. Over twenty-live business houses
were burned uiTd ever forty UwolHng.s. Tlio
loss Is about JI.OOO.CXX ) ; In'auranco , $300,000.
Thu Klro Itecoru.
Bosrov , Mas . , Aug. 18. At Cambridge
this morning th Damon Iron works burned.
The building \vas valued nt & 0,00 ( > . The entire -
tire loss of the Damon Iron coinpanv npprox-
Imato . ' 00,000 , on whioh there was'but par.
tlal Insurance. The Kendall machine shop
adjoining was destroyed ; loss $50,000 on con
tents , Insurance fV,000. ) The man employed
in both places lost tliolr tools , valued at MO-
( XX ) . The Harvard dry plato company suf
fered u loss of jy.UOO.
Sr. Louis , Mo. , AUR. 18. The PococU can
factory burned nnd two or three adjoining es
tablishments were destroyed this morning.
Loss , $160,000 , , partly lusurcd.
JACKSONVILLE , Fla. , Aug. 13. A torrlblo
flro is raging hero. SIxty-flVo houses burned
and the lira Is not under control.
BOSTON , Mass. , Aug. 13. Pulmon & Co.'s
mnttress factory ottrncd this afternoon.
Loss , 1200,000. _
Kansas City , Knu. , Morttfauo Company
In Poflsosslou ol'U. H. Marshals.
KANSAS CITV , > lo. , Aug. 18. The general
wcitorn branch , located In Kansas City ,
Kan. , of the English and American mort
gage company of London was taken posses
sion of today by the United States marshal
under nn attachment in favor of the Bank of
Commerce of this city. The complications
were : The branch ofllco drew a draft on the
homo ofllco In London for f 1(1,000. ( The First
National bank of Kansas City , Kan. , took
the draft for collection and advanced the
money to the mortgage company. Tno bank
then turned the draft over to the National
Bank of Commerce for collection , nnd upon the
strength of It borrowed $4iUOO. ) The draft
went to London , where it was protested on
account of the refusal of the homo company
to pay the sumo. It was sent back here , and ,
to lix the thing up , notes were irivcn by the
English nnd American company to the
National Bank of Commerce , endorsed by the
First National bank of Kansas City , Kas.
'I he nflleor * of the branch of the Kngllsh and
American company are D. R. Etnmons , pres
ident ; 1C. H. Chandler , secretary ; Lawrence
Uray , treasurer. Secretary Chandler stated
thU morning that ho had about , $ . ' 00,000 In
assets , but they were In such shape that the
Bank of Commerce could not getat them. Thu
company , ha stated , had a capital of $1,000-
000 but the branch ofllco had no capital of its
Death Hlow ol' the Itoyuntt.
CIIICAOO , Aug. 18. A .stunning blow to the
boycott against the Alton railroad has boon
dealt hy the Burlington. General Passenger
Agent Eustls of the latter company today
sent a communication to Vlco Chairman F.
C. Donald of the Central Trjflio association
notifying him as n member ot the board of
ruling that , the Burlington Vould be com
pelled to break Its agreement witli thn board
so far ns It rotates to the Detroit , Lansing
& Northern , the Chicago ft West Michi
gan nnd the Chicago & Grand Trunk rostds.
Mr. Eustis claims to have discovered that all
those roads have boon ticketing passengers
without reserve ever the Alton , and for the
protection of his company ho must therefore
resume th'o p.iymont of commissions to com
pete with those linos. What the Burlington
has done the other roads , it is declared , will
bo forced to do , and It is admitted , even by
the representatives of the wouprn lines , that
the boycott has received a serious setback ,
and possibly Its deatli blow. Some of the
lines in the Central Trafllc association Irivo
boon discouraged in observing the orders of
the board. Some lines. In view of the run af
fairs have taken , will hasten to make their
peace with the Alton road.
When the Burlington consented to discon
tinue the payment of commissions In eastern
territory it made certain conditions , which
were accepted by the board of ruling. Among
these was an agreement that eastern lines
should pro rate with the western connections
and bear their proportion of any reduced
rates brought about by the boycott. The
board has failed to carry out this part of the
contract , several of the eastern lines refus
ing to pro rate the loss entailed by the cut
rates west of Chicago. If those roads main
tain this position a few days longer the Bur
lington will , it is reported , vacate Its entire
acroement with the board , and apparently
the boycott will bo at an end.
Western 1'alonts.
WASIIINOTON. Aug. 18. [ Special Telegram
to TIIK BKE. ] Tno following list of patents
granted is reported by TUB Bcu and
Examiner Bureau of Claims :
Nebraska Henry G. Luoonring ofVayno ,
rectal speculum ; Theodore G. Northwall of
Omaha , wagon end gate ; Henry J. F. West
of Auburn , hand stamp.
Iowa Walter Bruner and E. W. ICono-
meyer ot Fort Madison , stop bead for windows
dews ; Alex Cold well of Essex , agricultural
Implement ; Henry 1C. Crissoy of Hubbard ,
broom sowing machine : John W. Gorhnm of
Mount Union , swinging gate ; W. N. Smith
of Mystic , stump extractor : John F. Tesa
( assignor of one-half to A. Tomoo ) of Cedar
Rapids , railway splko extractor.
To Protect Its Policy Holders.
KANSAS CITV , Mo. , Aug. IS. The Standard
fire insurance company has reinsured with
the Phumlx of Now York in order to pro
tect its policy holders. The company was or
ganized almost three years ago by local cap
italists and business men and had boon doing
a good business. Lately Its business has
fallen off somewhat and the managers of the
company thought It best to reinsure. The
loss of the stockholders will not bo great and
the policy holders are protected. The ofllcers
of the company nro Dr. W. S. Wood , presi
dent ; J. C. White , treasurer mid Mlle E.
Lawrence , secretary nnd manager.
Dismissed thn Complaint.
CHICAGO , Aug. 18. Chairman Finloy gave
out a decision today dismissing n complaint
made by himself in Juno against the
Chicago & Northwestern road. The
charco was violating the rules of
the Western Passenger association In
soiling tickets through hotel ticket
olllces in Chicago. The evidence showed
that the hotel ticket agents sold thu tickets
on his own responsibility and the chairman
decided that the charge was not sustained.
Holt lloml Not Said.
CIIICAOO , Aug. IS. The reported sale of
the Chicago bolt line to the Chicago Union
transfer company Is denied by President
Tiioinas and other officials of the roads.
They say the story is entirely without foun
dation , as no negotiations of uny kind are
pending for the sale of the belt Una
Famous Handle Killed.
HAVANA , Aug. 18. Thomas C. Uuzo has
boon killed by soldiers near VIoJoro Bormoja ,
in the district of Mattanzas. Ho was a fam
ous bandit.
Dr. Blrnoy , tiny fever catarrh. B bldg
1'EllliOX'Ar I'AK.lOlt.ll'lUt.
D. B. Adams of Superior Is at the Casey.
P. J. Sannor of Stantou Is nt tno Paxton.
P. J. Bennett of Kluiball Is at the Murray.
Miss Bessie Burr of Holdregola at the Mil-
E , N. Corbin of Grand Island U at the
Charles West of Lincoln Is a guest at tba
Miss Alice Harper of Boatrlco Is nt tbo
K. 11. Douglas of Nebraska City is at the
Edward UpJlko of Harvard Is n guest nt
the Mlllard.
J. Jacobus nnd family loft yesterday for
Denver , Colo.
V. K. Peterson and son of Grand Island are
at the Millard.
Fred B. Smith and wife of Nebraska City
nro ut the Dollono.
H. C. Armlleld nnd A. H. Pnrrons of Horn-
Ingford are at the Mlllard.
J. J. Johnson was among the Chicago tns-
sjngors on the Milwaukee twin yesterday.
Miss Carrlo Slovens of Boston Is.visiting
Mrs. J. E. Preston at 41X1 South Twontv-llfth
Miss Katie Hooljor of Kansas CUV , who has
boon visiting friends ut 'J'J North Nineteenth
street , loft lust night for her homo.
E. B. Branch has returned from mi ex
tended trip ever the ElUhorn and reports
business In the country towns In very ( air
shnpo with an exceedingly bright .outlook.
Congressman William J. Bryan called upon
Tnu BRK youordny. Mr. Brvnn kindly
consented some days ngo to Interest him
self in the efforts of TIIK BBK to help
Mr. S. Gerbcr , the Omaha man who
went back to Uusslu nnd was soon after
exiled to Siberia. The cnntrrnssmnn referred -
forred the casu to tlio secretary of state nnd
bus just received n reply , tlio effect of which
wut contained In the letter transmitted
through Assistant Secretary Crouuso mid
published in TIIK BKK Mouday.
Dr. Blruoy , bay fever and catarrh , B bldg ,
Thirteenth Annual f&nnlon nt Grand. Island
Attracting Mnoli Attention.
. * '
Dctnll oCttio Jlnnyj.I.'o.tts . nml I'romlii-
cnt .HcmllcrM NVIio \ \ 111 Ho Pro-
out IiitcrpnllkiK Notes of
Cntnp Sherman.
GRAND Isr.Axn , Neb. , Aug. 13. fSpoclnl to
Tin : Dii.J : : Arrangements for the thlrtoouth
nnniml routiloii of ttio old soldier. * nnci stillors
of Nebraska contlnuo with the erentcstactiv
ity. Whoti August ! U dawns tlio seono pre
sented ut Cnmp Shcrmnn will bu nn Imposing
ono to civilians as well us vutornns.
The city of ( jnxtid Islnud is making spoolnl
cTorts ( to malco this thu Inrgost and most In-
tenmlng rounlon over hold In ttio state. The
two regiments of the national gunrds will bo
on hand , nlso Captain Murdook's b.tttcry. and
po into cnmp for the wook. In addition , no
pains will bu spared to have a progriimmo
whiuii will ontortnln ovnrybody. Some of
thu most promlnont sponsors of the stnlo and
nation have been Invited and enough will bo
present to add lively in to rest to the evening
Headquarters will bo provided for each
state wuore all comrades will cull mul regis
ter. Also for the Woman's Kollof Corps and
Sons of Veterans , where any desiring information
mation as to those organisations can call mid
Aides do camps and ofllcers of department
commander's ' stall will report on arrival to
Comrade Phelps 1'alnn , senior aid do camp
and chief of staff at camp headquarters.
Comrade George P. Doan is appointed provost
vest marshal of the camp and will bu obeyed
and respected accordingly. Ho will have
charge of the police arrangcmcntof the camp
and will appoint such assistants as may bo
niiccssary. Ho will see that no Intoxicating
beverages nro sold and no gambling devices ,
or no improper characters are allowed on the
trrounds. Comrade Henry Harrison in * boon
.selected as quartermaster of Iho c.imp , to
whom all applications for quarters should bo
made. Ho will furnish fuel for cooUtni : . cor
ral room for horses and wagons nnd grounds
to those desiring to pitch their own tents.
An ample supply of touts will bo pitched to
afford room for oil who conio. Uniformed
cornet bands whodeslre to intend the reunion
must malca application for transportation to
tbo department commander at once , that ar
rangements may bo made for them. The reunion -
union committee offer cash prizes to the
amount of $150 for the best musto by cornet
bands , to bo awarded by a committee. The
council of administration will moot at camp
headquarters on Tuesday , September I ,
at a o'clock p. m. The following
aides do camp are horouv announced :
A. P. Wells , Post No. 20r , McCook ; W. P.
Owens , No. 1154 , Loup City ; Alex Bennett ,
No. alii. Herman ; L. E. Coplln , No. 21 , Syra
cuse ; H. H. Miller , N.O. i : , Orosham ; I. O.
Smith , No. 273 , Platte Center ; W. E. Me-
Roberts , No. 2.11 , Lo'onio ; James 1. Shaw ,
No. 100 , Adams ; Howllo A. Williams , No. 4 ,
Fremont ; A. J. Ferguson , No. r > , Wayne ; B.
F. Pugr , No. 118 , Tekamah ; W. D. Abbott ,
No. 302 , Peru ; H. W. Quackenbush , No. KW ,
Carleton ; E.V. . Pooro , No. 210 Republican
City : P. H. Pierce , Nfo.iS : , Wavorly ; W. H.
Uay , No. 142 , Marquette ; S. G. Bryan , No.
31 , Ashland ; W. B. Iloby , No. 283 , Ilaigler ;
S. Urnper , No. 123 , Niobrara : N. K. Kedlon ,
No. 57. North Loup ; N. Johnson , No. 82 ,
York ; I. W. Cramer , No. Ill , Hastings ; Ed
ward Nelson , No. 174. Waterloo.
Additional appointments will bo announced
la the future.
CnmpSlicrmiui Notes.
The work of staging off the national
guard camp has boeiiv completed. Baggngo
rooms and quartermaster's building are al
ready placed on the grounds and nearly all
the wells are in , and the work is being rap *
idly advanced In all departments. Applica
tions for quarters are already pouring in
with Increased rapidity.
Four car loads of tents have already ar
rived from Chicago and the rest will como
this week. A very conservative estimate
places the average dally attendance at 50,000 ,
comparing applications this year with appli
cations and attendance last year.
Bands desiring to attend and take part In
band contests should make application to De
partment Commander Teeter at Lincoln for
transportation. Each band will bo allowed
to play pieces of their own selection , and
the awarding committee will bo selected
from experienced musicians from localities
having no band In the contest. All bands
will bo expected to bo subject to detail for
duty. Bands will bo required to remain in
camp until Friday evening. Ample quarters
will be supplied all bands In attendance , and
In a section of the camp sot apart for bands.
An abundant supply of straw will bo
placed in each tent as pitched. This is in
accord with action taken by the reunion com
pany at a meeting hold this evening.
Senator Maudorson writes : "I know this
reunion will bo H grand success. " Governor
Thayorsays : "I Have never seen the like of
the enthusiasm now manifested , "
The following is a list showing post appli
cations for quarters up to hist Sunday , and
was submitted to the reunion company this
evening to how the .lecosslty of greatly
enlarging the camp accommodations :
Post and locality. Number
A. .1. Smith. fiS , Dnnlphan . liiO
Kumlull.lU , tit union . 100
- Urn ml Island . : )
Knnu. ilu. Knriiiond . i'O '
f Muredltli , " , i > . I'l'torslinrg ' . 1
i KltCurMin. 4' . ' . Allilon . i . , , , „
' ) Oadull. 7) ) , CVdar Huplds . { M0
1 Klninmii. HO. St. Kihvimls . J
Hunter. 12. ' , Ulilowa . 7. >
Uunu.ll ? l.oxliutou . 100
KiirniKUt , SS. Lincoln . inu
Wlm-hoster. 1W. Utloii . 5'J
Unhurt Anderson , : c ! , Yorlc . 20) )
Itufonl , ir.l , ( .Uinlrnl Olty . L'50
S. A. Strlekliinil , 13. llnstlnzs . 20 .1
It. V. Stophenson. 132 , Urushaia . BO
Whltohoad. 114. Orleans . oo
( Jamoi-on , 0. ' . Oameron . , . luo
.Stondiiiiiii , 18) ) , Ansloy . l.V )
L'olonol Orupt , 171 , llratnurd . CO
A. W. Howard. 271. Alexandria . 75
l.yon , II. ( Jrtuid Island . lee
Norton.00 , Day kin . lee
Thornhnrs , 27 , ClarkH . a > 0
1'orryvlllc. SI I. Mlchllolil . ISO
Hully. I 5 , North Itend . 70
On n by. 8 , Ht , Paul . > . 2M
J. A. Mowor.M. Stroinsburg . 2.V )
l.lvn Kaslu. 147. Kiillurton . 7.-i
H. W. Duuol. 18' . ' , Tllilon . UK )
Union , II. Slulln . . . 2i )
lirudlny , iil. : Wood lllvor. . 2M
Van Muter , ! H , Alma . M
Coiitus , 107 , Oorehi'.stur , , . . Kit )
Mvl'liiirinn , 4 , Kromonl . ID )
W. A. llutlor , 172. . M
Uk'ImrilMMi. ( J > , llurviiril ; . li'iO
liomlmril , Iff , North I.uup . 12.1
Mason Uliy , ilT , MiHGlY Olty . 40
TuoHur. 1)3 ) , Taylor . .it. . Six )
rilillnh , 121 , l.oiiu City. , . , . BO
Cummlnus. I02 , filmlhy. . . 20J
Giimiibitll. 2IIJ. l'ainibull | . LIK )
Kuburts , 101 , CulimiKU.-.r. . 100
I'lnnlcum , I'JUV HIIOP.'U . yo
Dick Yiitus , 41 , Waco , , ! . ! . , . ft )
X.auh Ulinnillur. 44 , Aurora . , . 20J
l&lvcir. Hi. KilKiir . ' . ' . . ' . . 200
Atlmitn , 27l'lutto Uuilter . au
( ) . It. : , llullw/iqU . W
dot-mill , : llerinan' ' . . . . , . (0 (
T. ! ' . Miiiitflior. . ' ( if. tiroitly ( Junto'- . . 75
A. A. I'liinib , 201 , Wllymvlllii . M
a. K. Wurroii. 113 , Ulbbou . ; . so
Stroni ; , Ul , Mlnilfn. . . . ' . .i' . ioa
y. II. Harrison. 2H.I , Triimbull . iw
Nublu UraviH , i)7. ) llraibhaw . 100
SliurUliin. 34 , Solinylo" ? . .
A. Lincoln. 1 1 , Iliivlu Olty . HO
l.odkimt .Mountain , l .JVlond . : io
( larrlbim. 1 'J. I'lululier. , . 75
C'or.ntli. l.V I , ( , 'DIIO.I. . . . ' . . . 2iJ )
i.'lurk Kldor l > . Cliiipinun . 200
( odar Mountain. 2.tJ , Kavunna . ; H )
Vulluy , ( .Ml , Mlndun . so
William Hayes , 'jil , Oaliaway . 100
Itansoin. iiii , Si'iillit . iji
( 'ainbildgt' , 1ST , t'ainlirldk'o . 75
WuiUwnrtli , 21. yrilelno . 10
duary. HI. .Innlat.i . . . 2.1. )
Stir : , 71. llromllo d . ai
li O. ( l. urd. iiW , OarlnKm . 3)
llnrwyn , U07. llurtryn . ; io
urguant I'ox , 10' . Adams . - . . 3D
iionr.'uO Ollvor. ii. : 1'alrtlBld . 200
J. II. DuvK 2ii2. 1'rnls . 15
Cniny. 9 , WiiVnii . , . 3
( Jlnvor. Ill , lloldnul'jo . | oj
1'iirinworth , 7:1. : UlysuH . ; o
W. ! ' . Harry. I.VJ , l.ilmrty . 20
Odsawiittiiiuli * . I7t > . llartlruton . HO
Huron , l.V. ' . Ayr . 60
lloilon uorbol. 27.1 , l.ulKh . Zl
Kllsworlli , 2 ; > . Silver Crook . 151
owiird. a. toward . JIM
licoriid II I'listiT ' , 7. Uniitha . S' ' )
Dlok OKlviliy. 2Itnuoii . M
llakur \ > , I'oluiiibu * . . I'.M
I'ooto , itf. Utd . 2ij
Dnheiron , I'aiHlllon . . - . 4' ' )
John HMWII , 7' , Txi'tor . : ifl
1'tiiorlck. 31. 1 , Newman iJrovo . 15
I'litniini , 112. Mnrcmetlii . ; i
( IcncrnK'flttundoii. 274. WciiMit . CO
9. I' , Cliuir. 14.1 , MnilUon . 00
llanroov. ' .Ml , lliirwoll . . . : M
lltnoralVllllnlt.2Mi. . 1'nlmor. . 200
A. ( > llurnsldn. 1U. Illuilim . 40
T. o. llowo. IIN : ( Jnldo ( lock . 40
I'ro-cwr. S.i. Prosier. . , . 200
Oniml Hlnnd , II . : > )
Wood Ulvi-r . 2V )
Camuron . l.V )
Cairo . io
0. A. Arthur , V42 , Lowell . BO
Orltlllli.M7 . l.V )
Iloilinon. US , Tcknmah . l.V )
.1. A. AndMW. 1 ) , Wahoo . 100
i : . M. aunton , Rising City . M
llntton , 17S . W
Ist.AXp , Nob. , Aug. IS. ( Special
Telegram to TIIK BRK. ] Tlio rounlon com
pany met this evening nnd made it telegraph
order for ; ) UO additional tents on account of
the great increased demand for quarters ,
The tents and uniforms for the national
guards hnvo arrived , addressed to Governor
T buyer.
Ton arc lights of 2,000 candle power each
hnvo been ordered In Camp Sherman nnd Iho
national guard camp , all night lights , nnd
there will ho u continuous lighted wav from
the city to the camp.
General Kus'oll A. Algor will bo present
Wednesday , September 2.
Her Favorite.
Mv wife Is subject to cramp In the stomach.
She has tried Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera
nnd Dinrrhiva Remedy and that Is her modi-
clno now for a speedy relief. It never falls.
S. S. Beaver , MoAilistcrvlllo , .lunlata Co. ,
I.S.VT Ki-.i/ > r.
Conditions Not Ul jlit for
tlio Alliance 'J lion * .
- the ' In is
Alreadjtho people's party Chicago
largo enough to harbor disagreements. The
local managers do not favor the announced
attempt to establish branches of the citizen's
national alliance and industrial union in this
city. W. F. Rlghtmoro , secretary of the
alliance , will arrive from Kansas tomorrow
for the purpose of rallying voters tn each
ward , and organizing societies. Ho will re
ceive no assistance or eneouiMgomont from
the resident leaders of the people's party , for
the latter believe It Is not time yet to begin
work in the larco cities. Samuel Loavltt ,
associate editor with Colonel S. F. Norton of
Iho Sentinel , the party organ , said
last evening : "In the country
the people's party Is growing tremendously ,
but from the very nature of things the same
interest cannot bo manifested by city people.
The country must bo saved not with the as
sistance of the largo cities but in splto of
thorn. "
The grand flnnlo of the exposition will beheld
hold this fall under the auspices of the inter
state exposition company in the old exposi
tion building on the lake front. There will
bo a concentrated effort to make this last the
crowning show of the nineteen that have been
held annually in the big yellow building.
CatNliiJK SMl'dOl.tSO.
Special Treasury Agent Seanlan has received -
coivod some Interesting information regard
ing the number of arrivals of Chinese at
Vancouver , B. C. , in the liscal year ended
July ; U. During the year 7,100 Chinamen
landed at Vancouver and each paid n tax of
$50 for being allowed to enter. A great
many of those mou no doubt contemplated
getting Into the United States and no doubt
many of them did get in.
Mrs. Fannlo Turner has boon arrested by
the humane society for allowing a two-yoar-
old boy to smoke tobacco. The mother is in
the habit of leaving the child at the crccho
where its emaciated condition attracted at
tention nnd It was discovered that it had
been taught to smoke by its father and. cried
regularly for its pipe.
Tlio following western people are in the
city :
At the Auditorium Willis Vandovantor ,
Frew W. Ransom , F. Klepottlo , Great Falls ,
Mont. ; Joseph H. Jones , Walter McHonry ,
DCS Mollies , In. ; J. T. Stubbs , Lincoln ; A.
L. Floxner , Watertown.
At the Wellington Arthur Johnson ,
At the Palmer Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Els-
enberg , Bismarck , N. U. ; Henry G. Hay ,
Mrs. M. E. Cox , Mrs. A. C. Cox , Mrs. George
C. Cox. Cheyenne , Wyo. ; H. V. Rieson ,
At the Grand Pncillc W. A. Clark. Mon
tana ; Donalu Robertson , W. J. Carroll , Mr.
nnd Mrs. Charles H. Perkins , Omaha ; Mrs.
Abblo Worand , Mr. nnd Mrs. J. 1C. Clark ,
Butte , Mont ; S. H. Elwood , Sioux City.
1 ? A *
jMi.v.i.v/j n-ixn.
rjooalitlcft on the Mexican Coast Dev
astated by the lOlunionts.
SAX FIUXCISCO , Cal. , Aug. IS. The
steamer Newborn , which arrived today from
Mexican points , encountered a severe storm
In the gulf of California and alongjiho Mex
ican coast on August T. The captain of the
vessel wds obliged to take up anchor and go
to sea. The cruUcr Domocr.ula and steamer
Altnla nlso put to sea nnd anchored elf the
Volnndo Islands. The Pacific mall
steamship Colima was compelled to
lay oil nnd on until morning. At
San Jose del Cado , In lower California ,
the ful ! effect of the storm was seen. For
several days the storm lasted and in the
meantime hundreds had boon rendered homeless -
loss , two persons killed nnd a number badly
Injured. On thn morning of the third day
the rain ceased and the water in the street
began to recede. The scone presented was
ono of desolation and ruin. Men , women
and children wore found huddled together ,
and every small house in the town was found
to be destroyed , with but few exceptions.
Many cattle were killed at Magdalena bay ,
unil n number of "iinill craft were blown
ashore and damaged.
Westerners In Now Yorlc.
Nr.w YOIIK , Aug. IS. [ Special to Tun
BKK.J Mr. C. W. Barrlnger and wife of
Huron , S. D. , are nt the Astor house.
Mr. S. P. Hurt of McMauon , la. , Is at the
Astor houso.
Mr. W. C. Boardman , Omaha , is at the
Murray Hill hotel.
Mr. O. M. Carter , Omaha , is at the Artor
Mr. J. N. Mills , Beatrice , Nob. , is at the
Continental hotel ,
Mai M. Osman , Marshalltown , In. , is nt
the ( jrand Central hotel.
0. B. Martin , Sioux City , Is at the St.
Mrs , A. H. Smith , Clinton , la. , 1s at the
St. DorvU hotel.
Senator Cl. C. Moody , South Dakota , Is at
the Filth Avenue hotel.
Arthur Shlverick of Omaha Is at the Fifth
Avenue hotel.
No gripping , no nausea , no pain whoa
DoWItt's Llttlo Early Rlsor.s are tanon.
Small pill. Safe pill. Bout pill.
Vanilla - \ Of perfect purity.
Lemon - of eroat strength.
Orange >
Alm nJ f Economy In tholrusa
/AllllOIlQ !
Rose etc.rj P'avor ' as dolloatoly
and dcllclously no the fresh fruit.
Washington Ofllomls Still Considering Oun-
ha's ' Public Building Designs.
Stijjiit'stlons Coiiurriilnjj the Appear-
nnuo ol' the i'rojrotcil Ktrnottiro
Mlulit Olliorwlm ) Un Itcuolvotl
! ! } the Siipci-vlMlnc Architect.
1lnu\r : or Tin :
Mil FofiiTiiNrii : : Sritir.r. :
W. * NlNiTON' ! , 1) . C.Allg. 18.
This afternoon nt 5:110 : o'clock Assistant
Secretary Crounso mul Secretary Foster had
n long roitforonco in reference to public
bulldlnc matters. But the Omaha building
was not discussed. Mr. Crounso will confer
with the secretary In reference to that sub
ject tomorrow morning.
The secretary has not yet had the plans
formally presented to him but when they
reach him he Is likely to promptly attach his
signature as ho will want to stand by the
supervising architect In his llr. t irreat effort.
If Mr. Kdbruoke had made n great many
plans there mL'ht bo some prospect of induc
ing the secretary to listen to suggestions for
changes , but Mr. KdbrooUo's llrsv ono of any
account Is for Omaha and ho would fool hurt
if his designs were "turned down" for this
season and It Is IlKoly that 'I'm : BKK'.S stig-
gnstlon for n croas will not he taken up.
The following army orders were Issued
today : The extension of le.ivo of absence
granted Captain .Inmo.s M. ,1. Sanno , Seventh
infantry , is further extended live days. The
following transfers In the Nineteenth infan
try nro made : First Lieutenant WilMam P ,
Evans , from company C to company K :
Lieutenant Edwin A. Koot from company 1C
to company C. Leave of absence granted
Captain Henry P. Kitzlns , Twonty-ilfth in
fantry , is extended ono month and nineteen
days ,
Leave of absence on stlrgfon's ceitlllcato
granted Captain ( Jeorgo W. ( Jrnhb , Fifth ar
tillery , Is extended ono month. Second
Lieutenant Lewis M. ICoohlor , Sixth cav
alry , now on leave of absence , will report
In parson on or before the expiration of his
leave to Brigadier ( .Joneral August V. Kiiniz
for duty a.s aide-de-camp on his staff. Cap
tain James W. Pope , assistant quartermas
ter , commandant of the military prison ,
Leavcnworth , Kan. , will repair to this city
on oilieial business connected with the
quartermaster's department. Captain Geo.
S. Wilson , Twelfth Infantry , will report in
person to the commanding ofllecr United
States infantry and cavalry school , Fort
Leavonworth , ICnn. . by September 1 , or as
soon thereafter as practicable , and hu is re
lieved from duty on rocrultihg service , to
take effect at such tlmo as will enable him
to comply with this order.
A postolilco has boon established nt Tnr-
nox , Pintle county , with Andruw C. Leas as
The postmaster general today appointed CJ.
II. Bullov poUmiistor nt Galuna , Hayes
county , vlco S. W. Steoth. resigned.P.
P. S. H.
How to Cure Pain in ( ho Stomach.
Wo made use of Chamberlain's Colio
Cholera and Diarrhoea Hemedy on two occa
sions tor pain In the stomach. Result satis ,
factory in a very short time after taking th I
medicine. I hcsitnto not in giving my opinion
in favor of the medicine. At least it has
dona all claimed for It as far as we have tried
E. U. Book , Blain , Perry Co. , Pa.
Duck to iHlH.sioiiaryVorlc. .
Mary W. Nlles , M. D. , who has been visit-
ine her brother in Omaha for the past month ,
loft yesterday for Canton , China. She
will sail on the steamer Oceanic \vliieh loaves
San Francisco Saturday. Monday ovonmg the
ladles of the Westminster Presbyterian
church paid Miss Niles n parting call and
presented her with nn elegant pin.
S. R. Pntton , dentist , removed to Bco
building ; . Open ovoninjjs till 7:30. : Tel 60.
No'icex af flvc ( ! . < or Ion muirr 1/ii.t / hcaJJlftu
centt ; each inlilllinnal line ten mil .
QALDIIKU llunry. Jr. . need 1 year , son of
Mr. and Jlr.s. Henry ( Jaldlier. of cholera In-
fantum. on Tuesday morning , August 18 ,
1S91. Kunoral services at tlio family resi
dence. 217 Center street , on Wednesday , Au
gust II ) , at L' o'clock. Interment In Laurel
lllll cemetery.
of confidence in it the manu
facturers of Dr. Sage's Ca
tarrh Remedy. It's a faith
that means business , too it's
backed up by money. This
is what they offer : $500 re
ward for a case of Catarrh
which they cannot cure. They
mean it. They're willing to
take the risk they know their
medicine. By its mild , sooth
ing , cleansing and healing
properties , it produces per
fect and permanent cures of
the worst cases of chronic Ca
tarrh in the Head. It's doing
it every day , where everything
else has failed. No matter
how bad your case , or of how
long standing , you can be
cured. You're sure of that
or of $500. You can't have
both , but you'll' have one or
the other.
Hy n PlilC'ifoVholttKiitn ( irocnry Homo ono or
Inn triivoluu 'nloMiii'M wltli iixporli'iieo nml nn os
InhlliliiMl Iriiiluln Northern Iowa , Soiulu'rn Miiiiiu-
ooln. or Knittrn Nubriiikii. llnlorcncoi nml full In-
rormutlot , ilmlroil.
R48 _ , cara Lord & _ Thomis , Chicago , IP.
. Others In
= | AND THE j-Tnnipnilnri nr flow or
rii-tviiteii , Hu.
OMAHA IHIluallunt procuru for urn In
I aim. WrUof.iroirnilnM
HiiKiittiMiii HU is iiu NOW
„ „ „ „ „ Nl | ,
B ;
Nos. 100,110 and 112N , 1 Hh St.
Manufacturers of Iron nnd Steel Ribbon
Yard and Lawn Fences , also Farm , Stock ,
Park and Cemetery Fences. The cheapest ,
most artistic and durable fence In the
market. Manufacturers'agents for Archi
tectural Iron work of all kinds , and for the
celebrated Buckthorn Steel Ribbon Wlro.
Call at Factory and see samplai.
Send for Catalogues and Price ! ,
5.E.CQR , IG
National Bank
Cuplttll $4OOOOO
Surplus Jnn. 1st , i80O. O2.BOO
Olllcors nnil Dlroctnrnllonry W. Vntm , I'rusMont ;
La li S. Itodil. Vice I'riMliK'iit : Jimipi W. Sivnifn.W.
V. Mori ! . , .Inlin S. C'nlllni. U. C. t'uililiiji , J. N. U.
t'utrlck. W. II. d. lliiL-lii-i , Ciuhlor.
Corner illt mul Knrnnm rii *
Hanking HuMmm Truniactori.
TheMurray , cor. 14th an ] IlarnoT , n tha
most substantially coustructoJ hotel build
ing in Omaha , Several hoav ; brick firawal
running from basomoat to roof. All coiltuja
and floors lined with Asbestos Bra uroof lin-
ng , making it impossib'o tj bum quick. Pirj
escapes and fire alarms throughout the build
ing. Steam heat , hot and cold water andsuu-
slnno in every room. Table unsurpassed any
where. B. SILLOWAY , Proprietor.
Corner llth amlMnnon 8lro"ts : Half hlnck woit of
Union rnolllu nml II. A M. Depot * .
Now liullilliik' , now tiirnlturu , orurjr tliliiK llrit-
clnsx , cooloit loiMtlon In Omihi. : : vlc'ir of unllro.
Hiirroitnillnx country , KIU. Imtli oli'ctrlii cull helli uto.
ItiiU'i , f l.iu nml JI.W. r.vory llnu of u iliio nn I iiiutor
car ? , imss within ono block , oxo jpt riliunn in Avomi j
nml lliitincoiii 1'nrk llnu. blocki tiwny anil you c.m
ranter to UIDJO If yuil wlsli
The Ninety-fifth Ses-iion Will Open
Full Courses in Olaisics , LetterScionos. .
Law , ( ivil and Mcclnuical Engineering.
Thoroiiah I'rt'inrntory mul finnmorrlnl Coursus.
St. Kilwnnl'a Hull for hoys miller 1:11 : * unlquu In tlio
cuiiipli'tunoHi of Its equipment.
Catalogue * ! sent frcu on nppllcntlon tn
Nntrtt Duuio , luil ,
( Ono Mlle Wont of Notre Dnmu I'lilrorsltjr )
The 73d Academic Term Will Open Mouthy ,
Sept. 7th.
Tlio Arnilnmlo I'mirui I * Thoroimh In thu 1'rcpir.i-
turv. Senior and ( li : Mcnl ( ! rnk : > a. Mmlo li > purt-
n.cnl , on the plan or thn hoti I'oiisorrnlorlui of
1'jimn o. N umlor clmrKU of n coinptt'lo curp-t of
U'ni-horrt , ytuillo inoilojuil on thu urtMil Art Sclitioji
ot Kuropu DmwIiiK unit I'.UnlliiK tromllfJ n 1 thu
niitlijiio. rhotoiirniliy | nml Typo Writing luuuht.
11111111111x1 pquippoil with Klru Kicnpu. A unritii |
dcimrtnio-il fiirchllilron nn lor ii. : Apply for niln-
loinio to DiiiKrnttHsoi'Tiiu AcOIMV. : .
Notre Danio P. C ) . . St. Jcxop'.i , Co. , Ind ,
n nMni-iriiiil'nrUncurChlcaeo ( ) . I
KLBfschoolforOlrlaunil YnnnR IdiiUe * . ,
air CHUIouuo address O. Til A VI4H. Mi. I ) , , '
> IorKBUl'atklll.ur Vli Btulii tjircctClilcato.ll
OFMUSIC , r. ijn1Jil"'i"Jiwi'i : : .
OAItr , FAI'.l/l'KN , jllrvrtor.
IWul nUUI lUll VOICJK , VIOI.IN , oto.
Systenialic courses in cl.iis { iiul private ICKSOIIII.
Tuition , tie tu tie ( or Jo cl.isj lessons. Many f rro
ClnhHrx , I.octiirfit , Ituvlliilti , utc. Klcxm-
tlon , Onitory unit Dniiiialln Artlon , J-'tnii
ArtH , l.tlrriitlifu , I.illimuit'1" , I'liiiiii mul
Oi-gnn Tinilnir. COAIKOItrAltLU I1OM12
for I.udy KlutlcnlH. Calendar 1'rco.
Fall Term boglns Sopt. 10,1891.
1'ItANK W. IIAM ! , n noriil llnniiKiir.
Frnnklln Square , Hoston , Mass.
Mra. lliiLnocli'n Kmilhtorth Hclmol. A Ilinnlltmniul
7Ml/Si.'l/"rWlrl ' , " 111 opuri HtiittnihtrZI , tin , nt
lirntlwrth. III. , i | A inllim north 01 Chleiiuo on l.nho
tilmro. ) NU.Y nnit ihnnmuhiy iMjulppoil liiillillnui
i > rei.'tuilc uuiiallr for lha rchiHil. Ijiit ilm'u mlmitim
uulK from ilia iitllwnyBtntlon.
nnd huniitl'ni lonittlnn. K'orelrnilnri.aililrami
MILS. MAllVK'KVKHllADCIMIK. Koiilli-orlh. III.
, J yenr.rmaraton , rolpihi | | | , \il , , < i nml Khw Art
S".rW"f11 ! ' ' ' ! d'c'I-y ' Stii.lfoi . llhi < iraii < ii-utali | > uiiii
. . . . . . '
K K 1ILI.I..MII ) A. tl. , I'l In Jai-kioiivlllu , 111 ,
Uol.U.Wuimir ( , II H. , A.M. . Uiimwitll. N.Y.
I ilnutun , Mo , ( V'th year ) open * ixptrJli. . ijtii
I ii qltv. Utieratcre , I. neujt' * $ , Mathcutatlci , Btl nie ,
Muilc , r&inlinL'i J'-lotutlon , Jlu ine i Cuurve , etc.
. . ,
ini lt 4tc' ' ) tnil f * * : | l. lj | t atatftt'u ailJreti
\V.A. WJIXIN. A M. . J'r.-v. , M.AIMHON.MO.
ill * : ta dtfreiS | > e.utnci , * Ma it. . An , Ivloculiun. Itr
num. free Ictlure coursr. ? ic ) l < JHiM < * iuuicli , liie
llini.iin | > all iDixlcrit ipiHiintiiiciiK , Scii'l fin ( tt-tl"kfue
AlttlllllAl.t ) , rn-fl , /K\JNUTl.N ,
ELIZABf : I n HUI. J c
A Ctiriilhn Ilvtite Irhnul for 40 Young Ladlsa , ) : n < l *
nonb > | . | 8. N | > ul.u | tililWlloin l.nerituK. MuMc in < l
Alt , t ) > ccutlcj. ) Complete water tcrv ! < n lor i uloL ! > j4
idJit J. l > . III.A.NTIIV. I'r" . . I.HXI.\iTON ( , Mil.
UIIJIJIOH , PinaitUun lot Collnte ,
MO. Wt 1'i.lnt or lluiliif.l.
nc lluMln Ait < < - > v < \ mil Iiini I