THE OMAHA DAILY BEE , TUESDAY , AUGUST 18 , 1S91. 8PBGIHL NOTICES. KOH TIIK. K COLUMNS AnVKItTIHKMKNTff ) I HW : ) p.m. ( or tlm prrnlhit nit unlit fc.Ut.m ) | , for tlio murnliiK or Hundar fill- All ndvrrtlfrnirptn In Ilirro column * 2 rnt * n word tlrnt Insertion nnd IH trnln n nnnl therpfiftpr. or ll ! ft linn per ninntli. No ndvcrtlM'mrnt Inkrn lor Irm I linn vf. con Infer for II1 : Hint Infertloii. Ternm cash In ad- vnnrc Initials , tinmen , cyinlnlf. etc. . fnclicounlni n diel. All niltcttl'rini'nn iiiun run ronneen. ttirlr AdvertlM-m , by iPliirMInK n nuinlirroit check , cnn hnvo their nnswt'rn ndilrtMcd In n"num- lifted lollrr In can-of TirK 1IKK. Atn rprn n nil- dresned mil to delivered only on presentation oflbo check. ) ! OKKirKP-AllVrUTIPlNfl KOIITHKSK JtANril ni vfii ) | , rt tnVrn no tbn nhovn rontllltonv lit tlin ( niton IHR bliflnrm liiiifiii , who nm nntlior liril 10 In do rprrlnl nntUci nt the unma mtcn ns can 1 r liml nt tl.c mnln nnici" fdiith dniahn Itrnnch Onur-Ko. 2(23 ( N ( trrct , t.l.v ( rrblnrk. John W lioll , 1'lmrmnclft. llth ( inrt Mflson utrpptn. K. II. I'nrnKw orlli riinrmnrtpl.vtlliCnnilnit street W .1 llliulipf. . riinrinmlM. 121 N. H.tli Mri'Ct. C' , K. Snllurllcld , 1'linrmnclst , 1713 I.cavunworth Irrct. Jliiltlirif I'hnrmnpy , 54tli nnrt Kn.'nnm. SITUATIONS WANTIOl ) J'nraattr. ttr. , ttr fop nt irtl cufn in n on Hi in "moTntIHTrKS8 ) ? M AN WANTS I'OHri'lON IN A fturc , oltk'O or husllor. KnnvtlrdKR of fniif dlf- fcrnnl trnilM. T. tap , Nortlimii utreiit. MUM 2U' nill.MKIl MANAOKIt TK ) NKIIIIASKA ( IKH- crnl ntni'lc ilvnlrcn n piMltlDii. lliihi'inlnn nnd 3 cm i nil cimtnniKra wnltod npun. Iliillnlilu , ti'in- eriit . competent. K. N , Vnnl'iitton , ayriieusc ; , .v. V. WAvnon > i A u : IIIOM * . _ tor itilcf , rtr. . tte loj ) ntml column on till * Wit " T > WANTKI ) , A KlitST CLASH ItAKKIl I'Oll OUT Ji > of town , ono who understands baklnu breads , cnkos nnd pastry. Must Im llrst-elass man ; none others neeil applyWnires , ! . ' per week to start with. Apply Ueorno C. Iliiio , : II17 ! Corby street. Al ll'i ' 18 1WANTKI > . ZUU roil UAIIillOAD WOIIK Jlln Wlituontln nnd ld n ; free fiirc. Kruiner A Kramer labor agency. M H. Hth. .MlHI 'M' fr HALis.MKN : TIIUOi : < 7li7)tT ) ; THK COUNT11Y ffioiitBldn of cities ; rcspi'Ctulilo employment ] vnro chance lo ongaKO with n prominent mannfnc tiirlint company paylnK law snlarlus. Korparllcu lara address president , box 727 , Cincinnati , Ohio. A14UIJ'1S' ' "I ) WANTIID , OALVANI2KI ) IUON COIINICI- : J'\voikorB. ( ilobo Cornice works , Kromont , Ni'h. .M407 y. ! > WANTKI ) , AN K.Xl'KUIKNCKD 1IUSTLKII J > for city work , room MM Sheuly block. M4lii 13 pWANTKDACLAUINKT AND C.OUNK'1 J 'player for band nml orchestra and some usefu VncJoTom people. Address llnrkness A llarker Jlaiicock.Ia. MiS4 : \ \ > ' TJ-WANTKD LIVK MAN AS I'AHTNKll IN A J'KOixl business. Hnlnry Riven anil full control Bnnill capllnl re < | iilred. Address W2S HocSill 22' ' TP-W A NTKI ) . ASSISTANT HICl'KU. Iti : J > Now York Llfu hulldliiK. 2X15 IS' - | > WANTKI ) AN K.YI'KIHKNCKD CAl'I'KIl J > LntiWorthy { .Mnnford CntinliiK Co. , Sewnrd.Nob _ ; iWANTKI ) . TWO C.OOI ) ACCIDKNT INSI'lt J > anco solicitors for Iho city and ono for South Omahn. Address W 12 lleo. M.I4V 1 > WANTKD-A NKAT , K.Xl'l'.IHKNCKI ) DAI It Y- J > nmn , ( Dill North 21th. -M.'llil IH < Tjw7NTKi > , AN AOKNT AND CANVAHSKII J'forn live weekly paper In every town In No limika and lowni liberal commissions. Aililtc" > JC.viiiiillicr ncency , 31,1 S. 14th street , Omaha. b'.U 1WANTKD , SALKSMK.N ON SALAIIY Oil COJI- J mission to handle thu new patent chemical Ink ornslnu pencil : the greatest solllni ; novelty evur 1'rodwed ; erases Ink thoroughly In two seconds : no nhraslon of paper ; 20' ' ) to fill per rout prollt ; onu nuent'a cales amounted to Si'-U In nix < lnys , another f't2 In two hours. Wo want ono Kcnornl nirent In each state nnd territory. Tor teiins nml full par ticulars address the Monroe llrnscr Mfg. Co. , La Crosso.Vls. . CGI TWANTKI ) SALKSMKN ; I'KUMANKNT 1'AY- J > | IIK poslllons for liitellluent workers. Wrlto nt nnco. Kllwanuer X llnrry , Mt. Hope Nurseries , llochester , N. Y. fill ! n''l' 3 > - MKN OK ROOD ADDUKSs ! MKTIIOI'OLT- Jtan Mt'KCo. , IW-TJ Howard or 137 N. 12lb , Lincoln. filO-a-24' WAXTKD KHa H HKIjI' . } r rtitrt. dr. , ttr. Inn < > f tint column on tlilx wj' \ NU'liaC XLATura"TOr work on liookkeepliiK , for schools In Nebrnskn. Address 211 , Ileo. MlUii IS1 -WANTKI ) , SO IjADIKH TO AIAICK KANCV work nt homo , oxperlenco not neoessary Cull ornildro s with stump , I'uralnn Kmbroldory Co. , 11H1I Knrnniu rit. 4U1-I7' -WANTKI ) , OOOI ) Ullll * AT IOW S IST1I HT.4021'J 402-1'J C WANTKI ) (1IHL ( KOH ( iMNKHAL IIOIJSK- work , 1.M4 H. llth. ! 3'Ji 13' ( -WANTKI 1 ) . MllILK-AfKI ) ! ) LADY TO CAUK V 'for ' and furnish 8 or II ) room modern honso fet club. Address W II , Heo Olllco. mH7-lS' : - WANTKI ) , YOUNC MAN Oil LADY AS TYW * writer ono who Is quick and nccnruto at IlKiire * preferred. Htnto refoienco und salnry oxpected. Addiess , W 4 , lleoOlllco. m - I'DAn'KTKNTlilUI. l'tlKN ) ; KUA1. 1IO118H work. Apply to Jim. Thoa. F. llnll , 1OM Sher man avenue. 745 KOU URXT IIOUSKS. FiirrntrK.tte. , nee top nf irst commii oii/ils ( / i nyc , 7)-Kll ) UKNT VKUY NICI S11VKN lUlOM -l-'iniiilcrii house , nice yard , tlnn view , llent reiw enable. 4.'nd amrNleholas street. MII7-1S * \-KLKANT ( U-HOO.M IIOUSII , 823 S. SIST ' Ireet. J1IHJ2 22 -KOU UKNT , 3 fi-UOOM KLATS , MODKUN , uowly papered. KOOI ! locntlon.f JI-Monch. 8-room iiiiuie , moilern , newly papered , flmi location , price t'MUU. 7-room Hat , modern. In Kood locality , J27.10. ill ) room houses , Kas , bath , hot and cold water. down tow n , t.M.CQ. llcnawa A Co. JI3W IB "I" ) KOU UKNT , niO AND HIS N. 22ND STUKICT , J 'modorn house 10 rooms , nlso 2llii California street , detached house 8 rooms K > 5. Apply Mil N. 2Vd street. 2H8 17 * TCOTl'ACB , 0 UOO.MS , 810 S. 30TH BT. WlT" ' 1"JIftUOO.M HOUSK. KUUNISHICD , 212 NOUTH 4-'l7th btreet ; furnlshliiKs for sale cheap. Hen Neville , corner Hartley and 2iJlh. M2IVI 20 * B IIIUKK-IIOOM IIOUsTS : , COllNKIl KITH and N streets , South Oinulia. 218 17 * 1 \ - MIW. MODKUN AND MOST DHSIIIAIILI ! IN .L'the i Ity , I ! or 4-room unites. Conipleto tor house- kpupliiK. al3 S. 22il street , T. L. Van Dorn. I7J -KtirNT8iTKi7iiou"slr5liooiTsTf25 ; : TO MAN andwlfo. UMS. Ilitli. 217-27 * B- FLAT OK II HOO.MS. H. II. COUNKIl WKIISTKK nml loth , vltli tur unit licnt , M month ; ir.'l M. ll'ilh l. , plioluKinpli Knllt'ry , incliiilliiK waler nml lii'nt. f. ) ; Imkury nml utoiu. is I N. Ilitli , JOO ninntli. fci'iim , tus Nmv 'ork l.lfo. 242 it ) 11 KOU "uiTNr ! B-itooM FLAT , HUICK , am a-'l.nkn B | . with nil niuilern cunvrnloni't's. U.K. Colu , I'untlnvntitl Muck , or Knusl buttlltn : works. _ : _ US " TS. . 4 ANl ) 5-1UH1M 1101'MKrt , $10.00 TO I5X ( ) ; J 'Ix'Bt ivjlilonco llulu In city. Meiul Inv't. Con 4lj lluu IniHnlMk' . Ul'J 1 > IMIKAI * UKNT. IAIUiiST : AM ) CHII/CFSsT -"lint III Iho i'ltyll and upnurila ti. K llnlln ronnillll. I'axton Hliick. TTk ' ' ' AT KOU HUNT OK II UOO.MS , 21) J 'Union iilocki nuiKUi nvnlimpviud. . John llumlln.UtT S. 13tii 1.1. 7itl 14 IV YOU WISH TO UKNT A HOUSK OU t > 'MUK -l-'neu ll. K. Cole , Continental block. U3 " 1) KOU UKNT , 10-UOO.M IIOI'SK CKNTlTAT.LY J located , modern Improvements , 71'j N.IUth , i > ii | TV. - KI.AT. 7 IIOOMS. UANliK , AWNINtiS ANl ) -i-'allconvonlences , W'i. ( ieouo Clouiur ; call at ( tore , 7UI S. st. A1.M7 "I V KOU UKNT , SI'I.KNDID NKW IMIOOM HOUHIC , J ' 2il2 ; Doiiiilat street ; best location In tbo city. In- 1 u Ire uf lilobu Loan and Trin > l Co. , liilh und Dodk'u Is. , or A. H. ( jadslonc ) , lulO Douglas street. UiO - Jrol onv-rAnK. iu : N.'WTII 'ilriH'l , JIU ; a-room cotinui' , ad and Kiiriiam. .jll , lli'i-d A bellijr , roum u liqurd ot Trade. Ull KOitiiHXT-FUU.NISIUI > uooais. _ , etc. , net ( n til jir > , I'nliimn on thin > nut mi Noimi imi. Mtn-i 10 I'OIIlt KUIIN1SHKI ) 11OO.M3. I'llIUK , U ANT ) J ; ; < ! . l'Jli : | ) ounla ttri-ut , .MII5 ai _ 1 I.AIKiK KHONT 11OOM WITH MAY WINDOW ] JJnli'iily Iiirnlslu'il. Mi'iun liont , fin ami b.tth : tonvt'liUinl to business , No ether roomers. Ad dr W , lloo. _ E"KOU UKNT. ONK I.AlttlK ANl ) ONK joulh romu , vlw Dounlai Mri-ct. IIOOM. 1'IUVATi ; I'A.MH.V , 1701 CAl'lTOI. -Jayo , ' . ' . 'J " 1 KOU UKNT , A NICKI.V KUIIN1SHKD IIOO.M -l wllh ua > and bath , for l u Kentlfmen or iientlo- man niul Hlto , In n prlrnle famllyt nploaiant lioino to the ilk-lit party ) luruii ri'monublo. 4.1U Kurnain ilreet , iiu block * fjom Ihu Hreul cnri. JU'i j-ls l5"Tl IK ST , CLA1U KUIUU'KAN HOTKI COIl. Aj3th | and Dodvv , will make low rates for uoiui by tliu w vk ur moiilb , with or nltlioulboard. urj T3 "FuiiNiHimn HIHIMS. SUITAHLK nm uonllcman or gontlf man and nlfui couvoul ul tu Karmui ilrnet motor. 213 S. Vllh UrcuU IW E > Htl UKNT , N10KLY" i < ' ( ! UN18HKD COOL rooms ul uorllivait corner lotb and Howard ; Uwn uruuiid bullJtUKj from 17.00 to ISO W a uionlh.W ( W EVKiiv I'LKASA'NT KUONT IIOOM IN I'iii TitvUnilly lor ullom n , Wi S WtU itreet , ia\ \ IIOOMS ANO noAiti ) . For rii/M / , ttc. , KC lop ofj.rtt cutiimn un IM iKi' } ! , aM ) HTAniKHiK ) AND KII claM board at Wl N. Illlh. 41)1 " 1A-.VICK HWIM , tt-ITir OH WITHOUT IIOAHD , jirl nto family , 5W North tilth alroet. 3iB'la * I/-IIOOM ANlT oA HI ) KoiTT'Otllt OH H1X ( IKN- 1. llcmcn or lady tcarhlTn. New liunnoi nil mod ern. inuulto 218 North gird. _ M1I7 13 * I.-KIWXIHHKI ) IIOOMS AND IIOAIII ) IN I'HI < 1 vale fnmlly fern frir nlco men If Called for at oner nt 417 N I''tli ' ntrcct. Mllfl-IU * iKOH HK.NTT NKwiTvu imKi ! ) HOOMS i wllli board. 1707 Duiliio Btreel. M378 18' _ "JV A VKVf DKMIlLui } M IIOOMS WITH IIOAHD I at ttm Vcnitonitt : nntlsfactlun uitarantppil. Wi it in North I9tli > treut. Man 13 * _ Ii'KOH ItKNT. HOOM WITH IIOAHD. 1721 DOIMJK I'urcot. W4 _ 'ifKiniNisiu ' : ! ) UOO.MS , DAY IIOAIID , siu s.inii" J Hired t. BI7 3 * _ -HOOMS AND DAV IIOAHD OH SOUTH 17th. J ? . ' ' _ .M.'iM-na _ AND IIOAltD 9)13 ) DOUKI.AS STIlKr.T S * 1/-TWO KlMl.NiailKD SOUTH HOOMS WITH 1 board. 1721 Davenport. * KOU liMXT ItOUaiS UNKUIt.MHUISn for rate * , tic. , rectoji of flnt coliim'i ' untlilt - ' ONK ou TWO vJiienllouiun. private family. d'M North lUlh ntreet. S'.tl-lU * r4 UNKlMtNISllKD HOOMH , SL'ITAIH.K KOU I 'liiiii ckri''liik' | ' , to Bliiull family , iirlco 111 , KVJ Wolntcr utreul. M7 _ f 1-F4)U ItHNT. 3 UOO.MS TO A H.MAU. KAM- \ > lly. llh nil i-onVL'iilencvs for hoiiBt'kcepliiK. In- iiiilri'IOiil'li'ri'c : t. Kit HOARDING. Ferrate * , etc. , tee top nf first column nn l/il.i / J > 10 ' I' board , nicer rooms , eonvonlPiiccn. ratcn nml locution It cannot bo excelled. Aim. Horn , prop. KOU ItKNT-HTOKKH AM ) OKK1OKS. Fur mf , etc. . > rs. ton nf .ir. < f. rolionu on thlt jxi/ ( / T " - KOH UKNT , A LA IMJ K SToilK-UOOM IN A 1 uood location. ! > elrik' No. IMA loilii ) ) nt. Innulrool Howard II. Wmlth , Iil2 New York LlfubldK. gli 1 ; 'I WANTKI ) : ItK.NTKIlS KOU DIIU ( ! , ( HIOCKIIV J nnd mrnt or feed ntnre , locatlnn very ( iuo. W. 1' . Con ten , 3 board of trade , Omaha , Nob. .M'-80 21 1 KOU UKNT. THK 4-STOHV IlllICK lltltl.DINO , I with or without mmcr. formerly occupied hy 'I hu lleo PuhllMiIni' < o. . Ultl Knrnniu nt. The build liiK him n tlreproof cemrnt hitu ! > im < nt. completu oti'iini-hentlnit llxturi1 ! ! , water on nil the tloora , IHIH , etc. Apply ut tlio olll'-n ot Tlio lloo. _ IMS I KOU HUNT OH SALK. JIV IIIIII.DINC ON J Joiica nt.bol. 10th A llth. UA.Uiulquliit,31li S.lSth. K70 _ _ 1 KOHHKNT , THKSKCONI ) KLOOHOK ONK OK 1 thu principal dry Koods nloren In Qnmha. Suit able for clotiilnK , halt * , capa , erockpry carpets ur furniture. Will rent cither thu untlro lloor or part of It. AildrcM'l'ai. life. Ml 80 _ t-SToi : a KOU HUNT IN RIIAND OPKHA J Ilimno building. F. J. SutclllTo , 911 Klrat National Hank bulldlm : . 21U 1KOH UKNT , THK OKKICK KOIlMKIlliV OCCU- Jpled by Alexander A Smith In the Continental block , corner room. In perfect order. Kreolnnd , l.ooniU Co. .MTS'J AVAXTKII TO } rrrtttr * . fir. , rf ttitxif fr * ' . ci'liunn nn llux inni -WANTKI ) , A KtMlNTsTlKlPflVK Oli SIX room cottiiKO by Kentlcmnii und lfu. Addrcsn W , S7 lleo. S14''D W WANTKI ) . AIIOUT SKI'TK.MIIKll 1. IIVOOOI ) tenant , an 8 or ! l room detached hoiiae In Komi locality , within 1 mlle of pontolllcu. Ceo. Horn'IIII S. l.-itb street. : IS3 WANTKI ) TO UKNT HOUSK. KUltNIHII KI ) or unfurnished. Apply toVlml o Ivemp.VCo. , iU.I Now York Life. 3'.I7 K WANTKI ) TO UKNT. 1IY CKNTI.KMAN AND wife , n It to 8 room IIOIIMO or tint fninl-shetl with conveniences. .Aililroas W .M Ilt'u ' otllct.Klvlnu lo cality , terms , etc. SIM ! S2 IlKNTAfj AC3KXUY. ] < > r Hiffd , rtc. , tec Inn nf rxt column nn tlilt jtaije. . ; KAUHNTUANCKtilAND ; i house. 31334 SI * T H. K. COLK HKNTAL AUKNCY , CONTINKN- -1-Jtal block. UJ5 T HKNTAL AHKNT < ! KO. J. PAUL. IfiOl ) KAll- JJnnm street , bouses stores , pto. Special atten tion to nianaccment of rental property. Now lists first of each month. M54.3 A25 ST011AGK. for rate' , etc. , tee to i nf fj > column on thii ixige. - houao In city. Wllllnms .V Cross , 12II Harncy. 072 _ -CIM5AN , DIIY AND I UIVATK STOIIAGK OK furniture , Oiunhu Steve llcpalr Works , 12U7 Douxlas. t7 ! WAN run TO ituv. _ _ Forratcn , etc. . see top nf first column ontlitu pigs A W' ? TTrConrYT.ooTK ? ) U "uAi , T STATK 1 > prlco minted. 1) . Morrlll , So Oinalin. MMK-S4 * \T-KUUNITUHK 11OUKIIT , SOI,1) | STOIIK1) . Is Wulls , 1111 rnrnnm street. U74 roil SAtili-FUItXlTUlt 13. Kwmfex , etc. , re to > nfirst / rolumii on thtu vnge Q-lft HKAD KufsTl MlLrilOOWs ; OAu afternoon. Jester's yards , .i.'itli and Hurt st. 40Q-lO _ 0-KOll 8AIK-KUUNITUHK. 2(05 West Illondo. .MS77 I3 K llOKSKS.AVACOXH.iyt'O l-'iir tcrnu , etc. . ree ton nf first column mi inn ji < i7 | i > -Koil"HAfK KAMII.Y HOUSK CHl\K TiTl - 1So ailli street. M IOI-2U * _ 1)-KOIl SAT.K , KI11ST-CI.ASS DIHVINO HOUSK. I llKht bUKKy ami Imrnessi liorxo well broken , noiind , Kontlo und xplrltedi sultnbln for surrey or IniKity ; onttlt worth II.UO . , will sell for fo50. Aildrpss W y , lleo ottlco. nsci t7 p-KOll SAI.K , A OOI ) FAMILY HOUSK AND 1 linn phaeton , nearly nuw. I , . liouidaH , NobriiKkn Clotlilnx Co. 3ii | I-KltSAIM ( ) CHKAI'-DUAK'r , DKI.IVKUY ANl ) L drlvlni ! horaos. SUI2 North 21th atreot. Cull at burn nny tliu" . C. II. Wnlworth. SllM : IS * p-llUUSK , lllHiJY AN1 HAllNKSS , | iJ7 ( N. UHlii 1 727-a-W _ T--KAMIIjY HOUSK ft YKAUS ( ) ID HAY ( IKNTlJ ; 1 and aound ? C > .tA > . H. K Coin , L'ontlnontal bldt ; . I > KOU 8AI.K. KAMII.Y CAIIUIAiK. I.KK & i Nichols1 ntnblu. 2Mb and I.euvemvortli V7J ] T-KA.M1I.Y HOUSK KOU SAliTi. SINCI.K DltlV- I ern or cnrrliiKo lenmii. fan rnrnlxb nny klndof lnir ( nli' lnMl. Call inc. D. Wooilworth \ Co. , or ndilri'is T. .1. Klemlny , Cnllioun , Neb. U77 KOU SAljli I'nmittt , e'e. , fi ) tn of : rut column on tMi , ' ) iT/j. Q-HAI.K OU i\cil.\NIJK : , AN 'lMI'OUTKi ) Clyde stallion , prlco H.SOO. llox Mil Mieimniloah. la. t 111" _ Q-KOIl SAI.K 7W ) IIKAD OK IJOOD KKKDKItS , weliihlni ! I.ODillo 1.100. on riinvo nt llenklomun , Nub. Kor iiarllrnlarii address N. , \ . Diiir , Syrneiibii , Nob. , or Denver l.lvo Mock Com. Co. , DUIIVIT. Col. . ' .M till _ Q-KOll S.VI.K . OU I.KASi : . THK M.VKST NKWS- pnper iiliint In Ihonortliwust ( ioiid | ialronak'o. Addrosa I ! Wi. Omahn lou. ! M J7u a 5 * -KOIl SAI.K iiXiT ( ANII COMI'I.KTK KI.V- lures of meat mnrki'ti excellent locution and low tent. M. A. Upton Co 1U7 I'or ruin , etc. , M'o fiiji nf < nt column < mif / * INONK.SONl'lK.VNSCKSSI'lHII.S. VAiri.TS , ctu. Olllcu llii S. llth utrcet. Ti'lepbono 1171. -Mill 817 _ _ _ D-SI'lllNIJWKI.I. CK.Min'KUYT'lNK LOTS , Jxitixltl. forf.1 ; truvos , HO. Olllco , No. 7UI N. ICth : let. No , 2X1 , or any iimlurlukor. Milled U-M AssAii K Tium'NTKcTuarn : : KU- nml ImtliK , ncnlp and hair Ireatinont , manlcuro nnduhlropodUt , Mrs. I''JVn S Utli.VIUinull blk. bill _ 1J-T11K HUM , TtlUSS I'OSITIVKI.Y CUIIK.S IVrupluro. f.illnii.l eu II al Itumu , N. W. cor ner Dtiunlai and Hill , from i lo 6 | > . lu. H. Hick- nmn Btatu fluent for pntenteo. T. MUllltAV S4l -KNUIlAVINli.llUlllHAM . CO..SOUTH OMAHA MM aSl * U--S. ( I. HTKVKNSON. CAlll'HNTKIl SHOP , SJA U'avonworlli t > . Kttlmatoi madu on all car- pentur work. MKV-A-U1 Olj.VIUVOVAXTS. For mttf , ttc. , ice toi : of irH column rmllii.Hi/V S --MIIS. NANNIK V * Vv A U U K N , U li AlU VH ) YANr ! I ran co iiivakliiK , wrltlnit and rollablo biulnou medium , fourfcari In Omaha , 111) ) N , 10th , ca C "MU KOUT.T'ATUMTSTANirilvSiv KOllTUNK CHullur. Tul 11 putt urn ! fuiuru from llnoiof Iho b ud. l-'iw , II.UU , UJIetculy. Wi N SUu. Up italrt. CIiAIIlVOYANTH. Ciinfditird , Q AltlllVAI. KXTUAOIllllKAtir. WONDKIIKUL revelations. Chnllenxen tliu world. Mrs. Dr.M. Lcxravo , dead trance clairvoyant , nslrnloalst.palmist nnd lift * reader ; tells your life from cradle to gra oi unite ? the npparatedi causes marriage with the ono Von IOVPI telln where yon will succeed ami In what business bent ailaptoil for ; ban Ilia celebrated Kayptlnn breasttilalo for luck and to destroy bad Inllnencps ; cures ( Its. Intemperance and all prlvato complaints nlth massage baths nnd alcohol treat ment Send I'i , lock nf hair , minio and dale of birth and receive accurntc llfo chnrti 2conln In tamps for circular ; gives Initials of onu yon will marry , also photos of same. Olllcti 1017 South llth street , tlrft noon hours , n a.m. to V p. m. Come ono , coiiionll.nnd bo convinced of tills wonderful oracle. "MASSAGK. HATHS. ICTU. or rottt. etc. , tee ( op nf tint fiilnmn nn ilitt " " " " " M"i-MAS9AOKV""olo""aVllST J lloor. MI19 ai7 * _ T-MADAMK SMITH , 4W S. 15TH. 3D 1'I.OOU. 1 AUTH ? j For rates , etc. , set tn\t \ of rr > t culiimn OH thin \r--TIIK OSHOWMIv'SCilOOI. ' . OK sfkNOOUA- > pliy. lloclipitur , N. Y. ThoroiiRli Instruction by mall Including manual reader and speed book , IIO.OU. Hooks supplied for selt Instruction. Kn- Kravud nynopsls for 2 cent stump. .MHO IS * \ TMIWS M. Kt.l/.AIIKTII AMSDKN OK NKW i York City , vocal studio , UI9 McCuKUO bulldlliR. illl ) Ml * _ \T-1IKKOUK lltYINl ; ( A I'lANI ) KXAMINK THK * new iicalo Klmball piano. A. llospo.1 MOXKV" 10 I.OAX JtKAIi KsTAllO. Forratf.ttr.frr.ton of 'rut column nn tlitt Y TO I.OAN ON Wfi dullly Trust company , IClt Kurnain. ( W7 \\r-sioitTOAOK LOANS , j. /.ITTLK.BII N.Y.L. * * < o AY - LOAN ANDTlll'STCO IIKK 11LD11 718 AY T VIUST AND SKCOSI ) MOUTOAK ! LOANS , money hero. Alexander Moore , 401 Doe bnlld- " \V-OUAIIANTKKD MOUTHACKS ON SAIIPY , > ' Thayer , Cumlng nnd Stnnton Co. lands forsnlo by 11. T. Clarke. It ) Hoard ut trade , ml W.M.ilAIlllIS , ll.20KlliNZKIl : 1ILK. \\r-ANTI10NYLOANANDTUUST CO. , 313 N. Y. ' ' Llfo , lend ut low rates for choice Bocnrlty on Nebraska or Iowa nrms , or Omaha city property.C83 C83 \V ItUILDINO LOANS f. TO 7 1'Kll CKNTs NO > ' uddltlnnnl charges for commission or attorney's fees , W. H. Mclklo. Klrst National bank lilil'if. B83 Y\r MONKY ON HAND TO LOAN ON KI11ST mortgage on Omalm city property. Clias. W. Ilalnoy , 915 Omaha Nat. bank bldg. M743 \\r-rt I'Kll CKNT KIltST .MTK. LOANS. U1CH- ' ' nrd C. Patterson , H07 N. Y. Llfo. 418 MONl-JY ' 1O IiUAN Ull.ia'Xi-.i.S. I-or ratci. rtc. . fe. " top of r l cnMmnnn f/il / * JHIBC. x- \ \ I/IFK , U. 804-S 2- \r MONKY TO LOAN O.V IIOUSKS , WAIiONS , -A-fiirnlturfc , pianos nmlcollateral security. Itusl ness oonUduntlal. Kiud Terry , U. fU llamgu bl'k. cir , AT 3IONKV TO LOAN I1Y II. K. MA8TKUS O.V Vhousohold goods , pianos , organs , horses , mnlos , warehouse receipts , etc. , at the lowest posslblo rates without publicity or removal of property. Tlmo arranged to suit borrower. My loans are so arranged that yon can make n payment at any tlnio und reduce both the principal any Interest. Yon will tlm ! It to your ndvantagn to sen mo If you want u loan , or If moro convenient call up tel ephone itBl and your busluoss can bo arranged ut home. Money always on hand ; no dolny ; no publicity ; lowest rates , II. K. .Masters , room 4 , Wlthnoll block , 15th nnd Hartley streets. rex ) A1" MONKY TO LOAN ; .10 , fiO AND 00 DAYS ON - Vfurnlturc , etc. Dult ) blk. X MONKY ON KUUN1TUUK , IIOUSKS. KTO. , Keystone Mortgage Co. , room 203 Sbooly blk. CVS V MONKY LOANKD ! CHATTKL SECUIUTY ; -Ajl.00 to $100.00. 2I15Cumln st. M320 n3 ! i5usixi-ss CJIAXCUS. For rates , etc. , xce ( op of fnt column on tills r < iat. \r-KOll SALK KUUNITUIIK AND LEASK"5l''A J 12-room Hat : rooms all full of good pnyluu roomers ; very cheap. Address V&U , lloo. M40.V20 * \r-mtOCKUY IIUSINKSS , fiOOI ) LOCATION.LOW X rent , stock light , good order , established trade ; poor health , must soil. Address W 10 , lice.M333 M333 18' XT' STOCK KOU SALK. I OWN KIR1ITY SHAKK3 J of stock ( $100 each ) In ono of the best Trust com panies In the city of Omahn , with n paid up uajiltnl of JISiJ.OOO , which I will exchange for tlrst-cluss , 1111- Incumbured real ostnto In or near this city or South Omaha , Address , Lock llox , No. 2JO , Omaha.m357lS m357-lS Xr KOU SALK-ANOLDKSTAltLlSHKD MANU- X factiirors ugoncy nnd commission business , lo cated In the center of business. Only small capital required. Address WC , lleo olllco , 1182813 AT KLKCTUIO LIfillT PLANT KOU SALK IN 1- county sent town within 80 miles of Omaha , Two dynamos , capacity 1MO Hi C. P. lamps , ono IK ) H.I' . Wostlnghouso engine , twoU ) II. I' , boilers , will soli otic-third cost price , half cash , balance unlncnm- bored real estate. Address W 3 , care of Omaha lieu. 2 all V" KOURALK , TUADK OU KXCIIANOK , E3TAII- i llshod business , r. O. box 513. S120U ArKou SALK ou UKNT , IIOTKL , WITH ou X without furnlturo ; good county scat town. Ad dress ( Jartlold Co. Hank , llurwell. Nob. 18S 18 * AT WANTKD. K.Vl'KUlKNCKl ) IlllY HOODS J sulosumn nlth good reference to take half Inter est In Ki.OOO stock ; u good cash paying business fur n now beginner. Address Cbas. Iloumlch , Stanton , Neb , utl 1'j- ' \r DO YOU WANT A fiOOI ) IIUSINKSS.IIUY TUB -L Commercial , thu Icudlnu hotel llrokon How , Nob. 851 Y-KOll UKNT. THK SKCOND KLOOll OKONK oV the principal dry goods stores In Omaha. Bull- able for cluthlng , hatscapi , crockery , carpets or furnlturo. Will rent olthor the entlru lloor or part of tt. Address'31 , lleo. MI37 FOll KXOIIANGR. I'mrater , etc. , tee ton of "nt column on this JXKK. y l'O TKADK , NKW SKW1NI ! M ACli7NlTTil ) /-JilrlvliiK horse. Address II.J. , Ulii Douglas street. MJUJ7 13' y-FOU TUADK-to A'CIIKS OF ( iooi ) aimAU S-Jbect land nearCrund Island lor it No. 1 driving liorso and buKKy. II , ! < . llurkot , undertaker. 24th nml CumliiK sts. M.J73-13 / - KXriIASOli : LAND AND OASII FOU /Jmorehandlsu. Address C. K. Youni ; , Shenandoah - doah , lo\\a. MltUI 22 * y-WILL KXCHANOK FAHM LANDS FHKK OF A/encumbranco for Omahn city property. If pro- ducllvo will assnmo small amount , list less to of- tur heavily mortmiKed property. Ueo. A. Hlckok. rremont , Nub. itvl-l : ! ! WVOu'\lAVK \ AiOOI ( ) UIMtldllT IMANO YOU /-Jwant to uxehaiiKO for oloar lot worth &OJ , nil- circus T''l , lleo olllce. ' 187 rWANTKI ) TO THADK , NKW FUUNITUIIK /-Tor a Kood strong borsu. Addron T St ) , lieu , .M13S ' / CHOICE FA11M8 TO KXCIIANOK FOU MKIl- /Jchandlso ; wrltu mo. W. U. Wolln , llurwull , Nub. SM-S.1' V-FOIl K.\CUAN < 1K. 1 1IAVK 240 AUIIKS CLKAIt ' Nebraska land nnd a I niodurn rualdunco In Omaha to oxehan u for uood stock murchamllsu , Inside vacant property or ncroi , owners uddruss , 1' . U. box ill'l. Omiiha. SJI-17 KOU SAM' ! IMP \li 1-i.S'l'A flO. Iiir ni/f / * , etc. . trc toil of tint column nnif ( / * I OIt SALK OU i-.xv ii4tir , , i n.t t : j.Alliin niimber of farms , Improved ami unimproved In Kansas. Nebraska und Soulli Dukola. Will make low pi Ices ami cary terms , llox 70 , iTunktort , Ind , lOIl SALK , IMI'IIOVKDHK ) A'UK ( KAUM.-MILK L from ulutlon In 'IhayerCo. , Nob. 100 acrui under plow ; new houno , barn and 2 "ells. A bargain. J. .M. llarbs , cnjo S. U. Kreshmau , liuatrlce , Neb , TOP-IS' _ VKllltASKA KAIl.M LAND3-KAHTKIIN , CKN- Ii trill and westoni-froin $1 lo iW per ucro. J. II. Kvaiu. .tus N. Y. Llfu , J7U a ) 10.'tM ACIUIS LAND KOU SAI.K.OUSTKU , KUANK- llln , Cheenno nml Klmball counties , Nobruska ( ieo. H. retersini , 1412 a.'M \ \ St. . Omaha. 2 1 S II l.MU SOUTH OMAHA I'llOl'lIllTIKS , IIIIS1NH83 , -1 trackage or resldonoo , go to ilia loading real rstatu dealers In South Omaha , IM. Johntton A Co. , couior 2Uh und N utreoti. tui l\ll SALK-KASY TKII.MS. HOMKS KOirfOJ 1 il.OUO. (1,200. tl.iUJ uud up. Tafcu umall clour prop erty us nnrt payment. U. ti. Wallace , Uronn block , loth nnd Douglas. ; Jo l01l SALK-ON KASY TKIIMS , 3 STO.NK 11KSI- I deuces ; nil modern Improvements ; will take good city or farm property In part payment. Clarku , lit board of trado. MWI " " \ IOUSK.S KOU SALtroNTASY"T"KUMSl : HOUHKS II for ront. Address Uoriuau Amurlcuii Mivlng bank. ti'jti For ratr t tie , , te tnii i > f r t fotiimimil t/i / ( IM < / , > K | ) TICKS ANM ) | ' -I'eriboiik'ht M ll order * promptly Hlleil. Work called for und delivered , Frank An on,3Iit&Kraliklln IJJ7 FATT KiT.\s VN MUDU H. liTU ANl ) 1ACK8ON , iii-A SJ t'nrnilr * rtc. , t'ftopnfa t ni'nmii nn Witi txi < js f OST-St'NDAY KVI 5yir K7THrfr tN 3t ( > ix'ormlrk A Liinrt'n driiir toro or Iho Karntin ntrpct theater , nlelchsol wood caiip.silver tnnuntci ! with tlio Initials "K. C. STIin lip of handle. Klndoi will bo rewarded by rotamlng to iho Ueucountlmi room. j M9-I8 * 1 OST , IlKD COW. wWl ! IIOI'K AND HALTKli J-/ntlnclied. Liberal reVAvd given If returned to ,1312 Lnrlmoro nvo , 317 18' ' QTIIAYKD Oil STOLfty'DAIlIC HIIIIIKL PONY Of nro nml three tcet white. Doxlor L. Thomns SOI N 27h avo. ' : ' SJi - ' HOLD vHUM.MKi ) SPKCTAOLKS LOST-l'AIll suitable reward for return to 1101 Douglas street , * - . " 2M t > blilJITOKS. l'orrntex.etc.reflnpnfftnt rolnmii imf/iM / ptfl' . 1JATK.VT liA WYKUS AND SOLICITOUS. II.V , A Sues A Co. . HPO bulldlrrji. Oiimlm , Nob. Ilranch olllco nt Washington l > . C. Consultation froo. G'.m i lioH AX i u All i ) u A IT ti i ffsjf i'fx r Formttf , etc. . ret t | ) nffjrft columnim fhh T > 7vTKVr OKKICK AND SI'KCIAI , imA\VlXl ( J < irppareil by " . W. S" " A t'o . Oiimlm. Neb , Ki Master's ' Sale. In tlio rireult Court of the United States , fet tlio district of Nebraska. The MnnlmttHii Trust C'onipnny , Complain- nnt , vs. Tlio Nebraska and Wi'storn Kail- way Company. Pufrii'lnnt. In I'liancury. KOIIKCI.OSrilK Of MOIITUAIIK. I'ulillo not colt lioioliy Rivon , that In imriu. nni o and by virtue of nilocteo ontcrod In tlm nbovoennnoon tlio ; i > tn day of Juno , IM ) | . I , iil : s I , HlurfoowcT , sliucial nristi-r In clnm- eery InsnUl co'irl , wl I. on tlio 1st day of Sen- toinbi'r. Hill , at the lionrof ton oVlm-lc In tlm forenoon of said day , at tint north ilour of thu Culled Stiites Court llonso and I'tnt Olllce linllil iig In tliu city of Unialin , Douglas County , State and Dlstrlrt of Nebraska , soil at pulil'o ' sale and free tron : lions the follow- liiB do.sefllied nroiiorty of the Nobrnskiuind \Vesturn Hallway Company to-wlt : All iind singular Us line of raltroid In the state of Nebraska , nxtonilliii : from a point at or near the town of Covinuton , In the county of Dakota , to a point about one mile west of O'Neill , In Holt counlv. Nebraska. boliiK the present western terminus thereof , together with nllslilo tracks of Bald main llne.lucludluK rlshts-nf-wny , road hods , with nil tlio culverts , bridges , fences , stations , slulinjs , depot ami station grounds and houses , cnnliui houses and maehlnu shops , and all other buildings and erections niiportntnlii ! unto said line of rail way , together with all timber , materials nnd property used fet llioeoiistriietlon , equipment or operation of said road and now constltut- limjn part of the saino , und all machine shops , lixtuic's , tools , Implements and personal prop erty used thnroln. or upon or along or In connection with the line of said road and be longing to said road and all engines , tenders , oars mid machinery , and all kinds of rolling stoek , now owned uvsald defendant , and al leasehold rights anil terminal facilities , and all Its rights and privileges theralu or apper taining thoreto. and all fruncliKcs now owned by the said railroad company within the stuto of Nebraska. Said s.ilo to bo tnado for oasli , and on the day of sale there shall bo paid by tliu pur chaser to the special master a sum of money suflleleut to cover the amount of all claims of Intorvenlni ; claimants and eri'dllors who may liu\o Hied claims In this action , together with a sum sulllclcut to cover Interest thuieou and alt costs herein and fees and cbirios of com plainant as trustee , 1ml In no event less Hutu $ : iOJ.OOU.OU and that the remainder of the pur chase money shall bo paid on thuconllrmatlon of sale , and sale not to bo effected until con firmed by the court. Should the purchaser desire , on date of con firmation , to make payment In bondsunil coupons pens of tlio Nebraska und Western Hallway Company secured by itho trust deed of all or any part of the purclmso money then lenialn- IIIK dtic.ho may do so on the .surrender of suoh bonds and coupon : no the clerk of this court for cancellation , each bender or coupon promt luff on such payment equally with every other hond anil coupon secured by the deed of trust herein foreclosed In such proportion as Itho ajjKreKato amount then rcmainlni ! due on 'tho purchase of said property shall boar to the entire or awocato bonded debt , heroin found to be duo and estab lished by this decrcoT Purchaser may htivo leave to apply to courV'for permission to with draw the money paid -Into court upon pIvinK a bund to bo appioved by the court for payment of claims. KI-iUSU HIKKIIOtt'EIt ' , Special Master In Chancery , STHONO & CAiiwALADuit , JOHN L. WKIISTEH , o.-i Solicitors for ConiDlalnant. pltOl'OSALS roil ttJiUMIIING OIllcoC'oii- -L structiiig Quartermaster. Quartermas ter's Depot , Omaha.u . . August J8lh. JM1 , Sealed propoials.'lnrtrlplleaU. ' . subject to the usual conditions , will ; l o received ut tills of- llcn until 12 m. Wednesday , . September 10th. lbH ! , at time and- place they will lie opened In presence of bidders , for furnishing iniitorliil nnd labor required for plumbing nnd making alterations for same. In buildings nt Kort I ) . A. Kussell , Vi'yo. . Preference will bo given to articles of domestlu production or manufacture conditions of quality and ( including In tbo price of foreign productions and manufactures the duty thereon ) being equal. The government reserves thu right t > rojuet any orall bids or parts of bids. 1'liins and specifications can' be soon 'and elr nlnr containing Instruction to bidders and blunU forms of proposals obtained on application to tbls olllou or lo the I'ost Quartermaster , 1'oit D. A. Knssoll , Wyo. Envelopes containing proposals should bo plainly marked "Propos als for [ ns the case ) may nol -mid addressed to HID undersigned. UIIAULKS IIll'M - I'llKEV , Assistant Quwtormaslt'i1. V.S. Army. alsd tslt-15 Lcavoi IC111CAGO , HUIILINCTON \ Q.I Arrlvoi Omaha. I Depot 10th and Mason Sis. I Omalm. Leave * HLMtLlNCTON .V MO. lUVI''U. Arrives Omaha. Depot 10th and Mason Ht > . Omaha i a m . K. U , ST. J. , VO. II. Arrival Omaha. I Depot 10th and M-i on 3H. On t'li. 11.30 a m . . . .Kansas L'lty * Day Kxpross. . . , ) 5.51 p m " " > p in K. C. Night Kxp. Via U. I' . Trans. I ijii Loavei I ( "lIK'AliO , II. I. jt I'AIUKK ! . I Arrive * Omaha. lUnlon depot. 10th A Marcy St < . I Oinnlia. Both the method nnd results when Syrup of Figs is taken ; it is iilensiuit and refreshing to the tnstc , and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys , Liver and Bowels , cleanses the sys tem cflbatnally , dispels colds , head aches nnd fevers nnd cures Imbitual constipation. Synip of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced , pleasing to the tnstc and nc- ceptahlo to the stomach , prompt in its action nnd truly hcnoficial in its ellccts , prepared only from the most healthy nnd agreeahle suhstnnces , its many excellent qualities commend it to nil and have made it the most popular remedy known. byrup of Figs is for sale in COo and $1 bottles by nil lending drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for nny one who wishes to try it. Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO. CAL. ( OUISVILLl. KY. NEW YORK. N.V. A Written Guarantee ( o CURE EVERY CASE or _ MONEY REFUNDED. Our ruro l < permanent ami not a patching up. Cntes treated flvo years Ago have never aoon a symptom tlnco. Ily describing casofulljr wo ran treat .YOU hy mall , and wo gro [ the B.HIIO strontr Ruaranlco to euro or refund all money. The o who itrefor to corno hero for treatment can do BO and wo will p.iy railroad faro both way and liotil bill * whllo hoio if wo fall to euro. Wo challenge the world for a ra o that our UACIO KliMKDY wlllnotcuro. Wrllo forfull particulars and potthoOYldtnco. Wo know that you are skeptical , Justly eo , loo. oa the most eminent phyilclan li \o noTcrliecnnlilotoRlvo moro than temporary relief. In our flro years' pi actleo with tlio MAOiailKMEUY It has been moat Ulnicult to overcome the prejudices ajfalmt all so-called spoclfle . Hut umler our Btronu Riiarantco you uliould not hciltato to try thin rnnwly. You toke no chance of losliiR your money. Wo ( ruar- anteo to euro or refund orory dollar , and as wo hare a reputation to protect , nlao financial hacking of I3CIV 000 , It In perfectly > afo to nil who will try the treat ment. HorotoforcyouhaYoboonputtlnirupandpaylnu out your money for dlltcrcnt treatments and although youaronotyotcurod noono Jiaa paid back your mon * oy. Do notwastoanymoromoney until you try ui. Old chronic , deep ncatod ca o cured fn 30 to SO days. ln o our financial stanillng , our reputation a business men. Wrlto us for names and addresses of these wo have cured who Jiavo given permission to ro- fcrtothem. It costs ) ou only poslaso to dathlsilt will sivo } ou a world of outlerlng from mental strain , and If you tire married what may your olfsprlnj eulVcr thioueh your own negligence. Jf your symptoms nro sere throat , mucous pal-chea In mouth , rhcumit ! m In boiua and joints , lialr f alllns out , eruptions on any partof the body , fccllnsof R.noral depression , palm in bead or bones , youliavono tllno to vratto. These who nro constantly taking mercury an.l potash nliould dl contlnuoiu Constant use of thosodruiriMill surely brln fioreaandeatlnf ; uleuraln the end. ] ) on'tfall tu rlto. All eorresipondeneo cent heaUd in plain envtl- OJ > CB. Vfo Invite the most rlpld Investigation nnd will do all in our power to aid you In It. Address , COOK HKMKDl' CO. , Omaha , f > 'ibraaka. Omco 13th and Farnam. second Ho6r. entrance 13th tt. MEN ONLY. $500 for a cnso of Lo53 or Failing Manhoo'-l , General or Nervous Debility , weakness of bodyor mind , the olTucts of errors or ex cesses in old or younj that WP oannot cure. We guarantee every case or rei'un'i every dollar. Five days trial treatment $1 , lull course $5. Perceptible bar. flts reallz3d in throe days. By mail. S3curely paclcad from observation. Ofilci ov > ei untU 0 p.m. COOK REMEDY CO. , OMAHA , NEB. LADIES ONLY MA RIP FEMALK REGULATOR , Sato and HlnUIUCorttatnota aiy or monny refunded Price by mall $2. Sealel from obsarvatton COOK HEMEDYCO. , Omaha , NOD. "WE ARE NOT PRETTY but very > IT llon tf , K you Jtrn'tbiirn SKABUnY'S SOLrHUfl CANDl.F.SIn jourlloon.i , CloutsC ll n , A. " lto ch . MJI | , Kl m , Hl i , llf.i Ilut-i.Ac , ran'tllte wh.trIh.CAMM.Kb r turnej. UieSHAUURY'S IIYUnoXACinilUl. PASTILLLS fur ciiuititit fumlgktloa. Suld by all Drugyuu. : DOCTOR Thcio Culctiratfrd iAGKER'SThcio A roslllvo Cure for BIf U : ' iAGKER'S 1 lend tic litf ItUloimncHif and" Ooutdputlon. hiuull , plfcUR. " ant ftud n fuvorlto 1)111 * the * milt * . Soldt \ Kugforul for lfl. Kd. , In America for U5r. del * them from your I > rui jltts , or ; send to > Y. H.llOOKKH A CO. , 40 Weil nrovlnay , sw Tori. : _ For Suloby ICUIIN & CO. . Omnlm. YOU WEED WOT FEAR tluit people ivill llii\v your Imlr Is ilyeil If yon iiiu tluit perfect Imitation of nature , Nonnoriin ili'tert It. It Imparts a glossy color ami freili llfn to tlm Imlr , Kavllynp- Iilltul..J'1-h'o , SI. Olllce , 3U 1'm-U I'laeo , N. V. OMAHA ISItuatlons procure for Rra'Iu ' aim. Wrlto for circulars. SI1KIIWOOI ) IIIIOS. 4lt ) Now SCHOOL OP _ , ( Vork , < | fo lm ( ) mrlha Njl ) TELEGRAPHY. nnPIITA SANDALWOOD CAI-SULKS am tim I J If 1 11 1 I U best and only e.ipiuli's pr.'iirlin l iiy * * w * by reunliir physlcliini lor tlio cure of ( ionnrrhoea and dlHchartfiM from thunrinaiy urziint Iniiuilted or iiciiulred , ifl.SJ pur bov. All druiiKHts. TIlK UKAI/l'V M.XUKIOT. INSTUl'MKM'S iilacod on roeonl AusuA 17 , IbUI : WAU1IASTV DKKPS. Q Cnnrad nnd wltu tn 0 V Carlson , lot 7 , bll ; M. llrdwn CfiJ llonrv ( iuodnian to Carrlu M UoiKliniin , lots , JilUSS , i-oiitli Omaha 1 Isaac Kahn ( it nl to Uarollnu Ulnil.skoiif tit ul , und'i lots 1 , L' iiiid ; ) , Hunaon'H sub 2,100 I ) V SholiM and wlfo to A Wasjgonor , lot 4 , lilk H , HaiHOiiiu ) > lo 7.0JQ Poulli Oin ilia I.anil eniniiany to O 10 llrnee , * y , lot : > . lillaSouth : Oinnlia. . 005 Eolith Omaha I.anil uoniiany | ID J M Kvuraol. loll ) , blk 109 , oiith Uinaliu.10.i QUIT CI\1M IlKKIIS. Mnrtln Qululc and wlfo to K T ( Jnllahan , lU'iTOtmns adj s'.i ' no anil n.i ( nVi su ICJ- Jii-IX SOO Total atnunnt of transform tllS73 If the liullo would tibandon coimotlcs and moro ccnorally keep their blood pure nnd vigorous by tbo use of Ayrr'a sarauparllln , nnturally fair complexions would bo llio rulu Inslond of the oxcuplion , a ? at prosout. 1'ura blood Is tba best buautlllor. Cirantl lOntry Into Omnlm. On and til tor July 0 , 11)1 ) , tlio Chicago cage , Mihvuulcoo & St. Pixtil Hailwuy company will run till of Us trains In unil out of the union clopot , Onrihu. No moro annoyance canoed by trnimfotrlng anil Hwituliiii ! , ' at Council UlulTs , Solid vostlbulfd trains , conslstlnj ; of now Piilucu stooping cars , fi-oo parlor chair cars , olosrant coachuB , and the flnotit dlnlii ! . ' card In the world , all honied by steam nnd lighted throurhoui { by oloc- trio liiihts. The now ovonlntf uxproas with "oloctrio lltflita in every bortli" now leaven Omalm dally at (1,20 ( p. in. arriving at Chicago at l:30 a , in. In ttmo for all eautorn connections. Sonurc tlcUola and Hloeplng car berths at 1601 Farnum atruot ( larlior ) block ) , J. K. I'UKSTOX , iA. . NASH , C. i'asa. Aijt. Gtm. XKlt'S OP TltK SOHTllH'KST. Nnlirnskn. The son of Sntnnol Hair of fnlrmont had Ills foot crushed by the master wheel of n thresher. Thomas Onkes , n well known ratlilont of C.r.nul Islnnd , nnd nt ono Unto n member of the city council , U dead. A llvo-.vcar-olil child of A. J. Taylor of ninir died Sunday from the pftocts of the ' bltoof n spider or'somo ether poisoning In- soot , Hunilorson's coal sheds nt O.scooln caught llro Sunday morning but the llnnics were o.x- tlncuhlied before n great amount of duma o wn done. W. H. KIssu , who \VM n mombsr of tno North I'latto bur for sovornl ycnrs , U now n slectilnR cnr conductor runiiinit out of San l-'ninclsco , The members of the Midway military band nt IConrnoy nro mnUItii ? nrrniiKuinonts to attend the intcretnto reunion of soldiers nnd snilorn nt ICnnsni City next mouth to com pete In the band contest. Whllo Father Corcornn was on route to Sullen the other day the boat was HO intense that ouo of the horses was siinstruclt , ilyiiiR shortly niter his arrival nt that place. The horse was owned by .1. T. Conncss. The meotlnjs of the north NobrnsUn fnlr circuit nro ns follow * : \Vnk-Jlold. September 1 , 'J nnd ! ; UunUolph , fi nnd 7 : Wnvno. 8 , nnd 10 ; Stnntoti , 1-1 , lo , 10 nnd IT ; i'lorco , 17 , 18 nnd Hi ; Norfolk , ' . ' ; ! , 2JJ. . - | nml 'Jtl ; Fro- tnotit , 'Jit , : w nnd October 1 nml a. The eighteenth niinunl reunion Of old sot- tiers nnd nnnual celebration of the Flllmoro County Association of Ancient Order of United Workmen will bo held at Fnlrmount Thursday. The old settlers nnd United Workman will each have prominent spenkors. At lenst two silver cornet bands will dUponjo Inspiring music. Iowa. A thirteen-year-old boy nnmod Shoemaker had n loj ? cut off nt Arcadia whllo playing n round n train. 1'cnrl ll.shlng is bonif * prosorutod to n con siderable extent In the Coon river In Dallas county with excellent success. Henry Wolgman of Wollsburff , wbllo working in n grnln Hold was overcome by boat nnd died nlmost instnntljr. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lois of Burlington , who were divorced last March nftor hnvliiR roared n largo family of grown children , were rcmnrriod last week. The devotions of n Dyorsvlllo woman wcro marred on n recent Sunday b.v the unties of n louse on a neighbor In u front pew. She makes complaint In the local paper. The correctness of tois llsh story is vouehd for. At Spirit Lnlto a cluid throw n stone into the water nnd n water spaniel made a dive for It. Ho missed tlio stone but cnmo a'horo with a silver bass weighing bo- tweou three and four pounds. The llsh was not In the least injured. A. Conant , of Spirit Lakk , has for several years mndo a specialty of the study of botnny nnd the securing of specimens. Ho has found within ten miles of Spirit Lake 0-17 different varlotloi of llowcrB. Ho hns preserved specimens of all but -tho larger ones. Ho says that 1'J34 varieties hnvo been fout.d in this country west of the Mississippi river. St. Anthony's church nt Davenport is being impioved nnd decorated insldo. The tearing down of the old structure that had stood for moro than forty years was nt ono time con templated , but it was decided very wisely to let it stand In its nntlnuo grandeur the "liv ing monument of the days of the pioneer mission In tlio Mississippi valley. A gang of lichtnlng rod peddlers down In Audubon county met their matah. An ngont teen an order from a farmer lor "about $15 , " nnd when the work gang cntno along they estimated that the probable cost would be ft'JO. The farmer took down his trusty shot- Ktin and bis son brought forth an nx nnd or dered the giing to move oa. They moved. What would have been instant death at Forest City was miraculously averted by the prompt act of a bravo man. The ether after noon while the workmen were busily engaged in arranging decorations up in the very top of ono of the now domes of the llnx patooo , William Durant stepped out on the stage , when ho ftund to bis horror that a brace had boon removed. The staRinir gave wav , but nt that Instant Director General I'itufn was passing near the opposlto end of the board. Like n llnsh of lightning ho sprang onto it , and thus balanced in , mid air the two men held on until they wcro rescued. Thoirdonth would have been certain if they had fallen to the ground , a distance of 100 feet. Tlio Kjirlnsj Mo Hoino. The popularity which Hood's ' Sarsapnrilla has gained ns a spring medicine is wonderful. It possesses just these elements of health- giving , blood-purilyingandnppotito-rcstorlng which ove.ry body seems to need at this season. Do not continue in n dulltircdunsatisfactory , condition when you may bo so much bonolitod by Hood's Sarsaparilla. It , purities the blood and makes the weak strong. ON TO DKNVHR. The Kcclc Islniiil IliiiiH It.s First I lu-oujrli Train. The first through train on the Rock Island road under the now schedule arrived In Oma ha at 12.0. ) yesterday afternoon. On the train was J. C. Donnoll , tlio hustling advertising ngont of the road who was in charge of a party of gnest-i composed of Mrs. Liifayotto Young , C.vreno Cole and II. H. .fonos , repre senting the Des Molnos Capital , Hoglster nnd Leader , respectively ; Mrs. Lou For- guson. Miss Oraco Osburn and Miss Danny , representing the Council HlulTs Non pareil and Globe. Tlio party also included Ii. H. Clmmbcrlain , superintendent of the Illi nois division of the Hoc ! : Island und John Given , superintendent of the Iowa division. At Omaha the parly was increased by the addition of Mr. Charles Uosewator ot Tin : Bur. Colonel C. S. CUaso nt the KxcoUior , and Mr. A. F. Hethgo of the SVorld-IIorahl. Whllo the train was standing ( it the depot iho fast through train from Denver arrived , having loft Denver at 5:20 : p. m. Sunday. Promptly on timu ttio tr.iin for the west steamed out and the ono for Chicago started over the bridge. At Lincoln thfl party will bo increased by the addition of representatives of the capital city press and thu snmo will ho the case at Beatrice and Falrbury. The train will arrivb In Dcuvor nt , " o'clock this morning , after which time the party will dl.-porso and return as suits their con venience. Information I'rnc. Do yon know fiat nny old sere or out oan bo absolutely cured by tlio intelligent use of llallcr's ' Barbed Wire' Liniment. Bo merci ful to your horse and try it. War on u Itcnort. Several members of the city council havn declared war against the Sherman nvenuo ice cream garden , situated between Lake and Ohio streets. At the last susilnii of the coun cil the committee on polieo was instructed to Investigate the character of the place and re port Luuk to the council. Cnairmun Spoeht has made n study of the garden during thu past woi'k mid will report. Instructing the chief of polieo to close the ro-tort. Mr. Spoeht describes the garJen as a most obnoxious rrnort Nightly a man with a whoo/y piano pounds out tno worst kind of music , which lures any number of young fiirU. who , by associating with the mixed of visitors , are led into bad habits. Tlio l.iiti'hl Comimli'iun. Wnvs ? llallcr's S.irs.'ipanlla and Burdock IlliO the moil popular neap of the day. Because they both cleanse the skin and leave It both soft and velvety. Stopped on n Nnnillo. Deputy City Clerk Kd. UlboiMon mot with n painful accident yesterday morning. Whllo walking nbout the house ho stopped upon n nccdio that pnnotratcd his foot an Inch or moro nnd then bruko oil. A surgeon was called and after probing for an hour the [ iicco of steel was located clou ) to the bono In .ho ball of thu right foot. Dr. Blrnoy , nay lover nr.u catarrh. B bldg Clilolcoii Tliliivo.4 Cnpttirttd. Bert McCoy and William Johnson were caught in the act of raiding a hen homo nt Wlovonth nnd Graeo stroaU and locked up. 11 was not their IIm raid there , and the owner was watching for them. Do Witt's Little Early Jllsori , nostllttla pill over made. Cure coi.stlpallou over/ limo. Nona o < | uul. Use them now. SUlOOI/-MA'.VMS ; * CAIINIVAI * . lny of tlio Oouulns County The Douglas County Teacher * ' Institute opened yesterday morning. bovonty-llvo school-ma'am * , with a very thin sprlnkllne of masculine pedagogues , were ranged In long rows before the instruc tors In room ill alt ho high school. It was a school lin'ams' carnlvnl , There were plump school-ma'ams In IliitTy whlto dresses , a Httlo bit llus'.erod nnd n llttlo bit warm ; sedate ' black- calm collected school-ma'ams In sober - , lected and cool ; timid school-nu'ams In pur- ) 3tual difllottlty with fans , gloves , kerchiefs and pencil * ; superior school-ma'ams taking voluminous note * of all the lectures ; short school-ma'ams and long schoolma'ams ; round school-ma'ams nnd cchool-nia'ams - angulnr - ; fair si'liool-ma'nms nnd dark achool-ina'ams , with nil Kort.s of hair and nil sorts of eyes , and all earnest , attentive nnd n llttlo bit anxious. TUo session opened with an address from Superintendent Mnthcws , In whlcti he out lined Iho proposed work of the Institute. Didactics or the thi'ory nnd prnotlco of leachIng - Ing are to bo strongly emphasized In prefer ence to the ordinary routine work usually performed in county Institutes , 1'rol. Langan of Kansas City hold the lloor and the attention of the teachers for tlio mosi of the forenoon covering the subjects of gram mar and civil government. His tnlks were simply preliminary to the real work of the Institute which will bonln tomorrow. Super intendent Mathews keeps In the background with nn open car and nn open eye nnd occa sionally projects an interrogatory bomb into the ranks of the fair listeners. Prof. Lan- van is a delibcrato speaker and evidently saturated with his subjects. JNliss Webster of Kansas City has charge of the primary work and history. The sub ject of physiology U given to ono of the tench- er.s In nttendanco each day. The programme for the present week as signs nrithmetic , primary work , civil govern ment , history and physiology to the forenoon nnd I'rnmmar , geography , reading , spoiling oidactti's to the afternoon sessions. The utmost good feeling seems to exist between the suparintend'jnt and all tlio teachers In nttendanco nnd all nro determined to make the present Institute the most successful ono over hold In the county. The roster of toaclier.s Isnntqulto com plete , but so far the list of teachers in attend * unco Includes the following : Kiln Siuvorling. Omaha ; David McKlnnon , Omnlm ; Kate Abbott , Omaha ; II. Leo Drake , Millard , Nob. ; Nora Nelson , Waterloo , Neb. ; Laura II. Crnighoad , Omaha ; Leo Youiu , Omaha ; Wlnnio Hills , Benson , Nob. ; A. D. Kby , Omaha ; T. K. Dubols , Council BlulTs ; J. A , Kern , Omaha ; O. G. Oleson , Oakdalo ; Katie Kopfo , Waterloo ; Amy K. Sheppard , Omahn ; W. it. Wood. Omaha ; Albert A. Kruso ; Omaha ; Mrs. II. Nlofer , Klkhorn ; AIico U. Park. Omaha ; Nora A. Parks , Ida Miller , Henry Kiev , Omaha : Miss Bertha Nlefor , Klkhorn ; Annie - nio L. Morrison , South Omaha ; leasic King , Florcncu ; Annie K. Loach , tilkCity ; Carrie A Urigtinni , South Omaha ; MnmioVoasa , Florence : S. 12. Munson , South Omaha ; Curtis 10. Stuart , Omnlm ; Hormaiiln lI.Lnur , South Omahn ; Charles 13. Spats , Florence- : Mary R Wilson , Maud Andrews , Minnie K. Ford , Edith Partridge , May K. MaCarthy , Mary Ifcnd , D. L. Anderson , Omaha ; Laura A. Welch , Irvington ; Bosslu Bashnor , Waterloo : Mary 1C. Brunor , Mnrv L. Kldtler , Oinaba ; Kato Murray , V.illoy , Nob. : Mntnlu Uuvnl , Omaha ; Kmma ( t. ( .iorgan , KlkClty ; Annie S. Bush , Minnie P. Bnknr , May Young , Allen Plorson , ICloria Harding. Omaha ; Kiln Tyler , South Omaha ; Jennie Murphy , Omalm ; Jonunctte Mullen , Norn Lindor , Soulh Omaha ; Ida Wheeler , North Bend. _ _ Clinmborlniii's Colic , Cliolera nnd Dltirrlmvi ICciiiiMly Is famous throughout tlio United States for its prompt euros of dlarrluua , dysonterycolio and cholera morbus. H is pleasant to tnko und can always bo depended upon both for children nnd adults. 25 und 50 cent bottles for sale by druggists. A SI AN. Now AV s Are with You. The Chicago , Uoolc Island & Pfidfio rrtilway nro now running all its trains in and out of Union Depot , Oinnlia. Trains will leave as follows : East liound Day express , 10:00 : a. in. ; vcstibuled limited , 4:0o : p.m. ; Atlantic express , 0:10 : p.m. Arriving at ! ) :40 : a.m. , 1 :0 : , " ) p.m. and ( tlfl : p. m. ] Jojarting ) , West Bound Denver vos- tibuled limited , liilfi : | > .m. ; NOHOH ! ac commodation : p.m. ; Denver oxpreaa , 7:03 : p.m. Arriving at .MO p.m. , 10-15 : a. m. nnd 7:30 : a.m. Thcso trains are vostibuled and it is an indisputable fact that the dining car fiorvico of the "Groat If ode Island" is second to none in thu countiy. For rates and hlouping car berths to all points east or west , call nt city olllco of the "Itock Island Uouto , " Kith and Farnam streets. .IOIIN SKHASTIAN , G. T. and P. A. J. L. Die HKVOISK , General A ont. HACK IN , IAIh. An Old Omalia l''avoriti ) I'litoliu.l In Onoo ngnln George C.Vhooler , ullns C5eorgo C , Clarke , is In trouble and nlso In | nil. Wheeler b n character who was well known in Omaha not many years ago. At the tlmo of his rosldonco hero ho was the proprietor nf an Installment house that was located over Bennett's grocery store. Ono day ho sold out. He sold thu business , the book accounts nnd tbo notes. The hitter were In Iho snfe , ind were ng.iinst good men or .socurod. After taking possession the purchaser allowed Wheolcr to romiin lu tlio store for a fo.v [ lays , nnd duriu ! , ' that tuna ttio good notes were abstracted from iho safe and worthies * ones substituted. Wheeler's nuxt deal was to make u loan from John 1C. ICdwards. iCdwards was doing a short time loan biiilnoss and one morning Wheeler called upon him anil when ho wont , away took $2,500 of Kdwards' good money. This loan was negoliulou by putting up worthless paper as collateral. A warrant was Issued but Wheeler got wind of what was coming nnd doparlod be tween two davs. For months ho was lost to the world , but later turned up at Salt Ltmo City , where ho ilgurod as a wealthy musio dealer. lie cut n wldoswnth , were the llnost broadcloth and linen and was welcomed lethe the homos of iho bust pcoploof the oily. This did not last long. His paper necamo due , but there was nothing In sl ht , as both the stock of goods nnd the nionoy hnd dUnp- ponrnd. Wheeler was arrested bv a deputy United Stales marilial nt O 'duii and con II nod In Jail la await trial. Ho was such n nluo man that the Jailor truvo him manv liberties. Ho slept In the jail and boarded at the hotel , Ono night while ho wus nt uuppor and the JiiiK/r in Iho hotel oftico , U'nueler mudo u dash for liberty , went out thu baok door , anil escaped to thu mountains , where ho re mained until lastwouk.whcn ho was arrested and again lodged In Jnll. Deputy Sherlir Lou Grebe yostonlny ro ccived a letter from tbo Ogden authorities , In which it was statud that VVIioolur wouhl bo prosecuted to the full extent of the law. If lie cannot bo convicted in Utah , ho will bo brought to this county to answer to the charge of forgery and obtaining money undoi inlso proiunsos. _ I'aronlH Itnait July nnd August are anxious months foi inothors who carefully watoh over their llttla anus. Hot days nnd frorpjunt changes ol tnmporntura nro llablo to produce cholera morhus. How satisfactory It should bo fet parents to know that Hallur's Piln Paraly/.i r is both a pleasant nnd olfoctlvo remedy fet all summer complaints. It soothoi and ro. linvos nil pain and griping and always otlucti a complete cure , WIMI Dnhr wnfl itck , we B TO her CutorlO , \7h n sltewiwi n Child , iliucrluJ forCutorift. When Uiu IjoeAine MUa , il > clung to Cutorl * .