Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 18, 1891, Page 6, Image 6

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Another Red Hot Day on 'Change ' Will
Wild Fluctuations ,
Corn lincl Its K.voltlni : Ultimo nnil it ;
GlorloiiH Collnpso Ijlko Oilier
CcrcnlH It. I * . JIiituliliiKon
Iliilln 10 very t hi n tc Alike.
OlttrAno , Aug. 17. Tim fever which was rng'
Ing nil Hntiirilny In tlin wheat pit was as tniiul
us orillnnry liiitnan constitutions could slam
ind although llio Iliiutnatloni were I'vn
wMor tin ) uxcltomnnl was greater than on the
closing day of last week. Thu usual ncw
which Influences the momentary fluctuation-
woru unlii'cili'il ; the crowd tnorcly bought in
mid according to the Impulse communicated
by disappearing margins. All the eiiHtomir >
of oiimniNsldii IIOIISOM wlio had trailc.s 11)1011 )
wcri ! calli'il on heavily for tnarulim anil iniiuli
of the trade done In llio llrst half liour was In
tlio wur of Ilia pnslti8 | up as best It uould In :
dnrip. such of tliolr linsliicss us had not IIPIMI
Htinicli'tttly protected by iiiarKlnt. The wild-
ncs.s of the first hoiif'H tiansautloiis can lit
Judged I j' tlio ratiso of the price of Docuniljor
wlii'iitiliirlni ! that tlnip.
Thin i. ' wns onu simultaneous . lump 'or Itat
the RlartliiK slftiuil at from k' to Hiu 'for Du-
cemlier , and It upward In Irri'itular leaps
of ' /i < ! and Miiiiotlines le at : t tlmu until It
Rlrtick fl.KI , and sonu * linpeluous spltltn even
made trades al Imfuru thu nilvancliiK
tunilciicy was chwl.-ed. In tin ; furore bno
transaellon for IOXU ( hushels was oven made
ftt Jl.l.'i , hut the io.lilmalu ton of Iho tnarket
was it. II. Aside from the hull fever which
WIIH niKliiK 1ml In the veins of nuariy all of
tin ; traders \\asiilentyofhull news at
the openliiK- London var oes fur prompl shli- |
ments went Is ilil higher ; Liverpool
was IHH.ii ! up ; 1'arls as the
tililvalrnt | of r > o liU'lier , an > l the New Vorl ;
lirnduue oxehanjie not buItiK open for hilf : an
hour after the trading tiejnn heir Its members
wrie hoinliardliiK the hrokers hero with the
buy Inu orders , . ' 'ndilenly thete wasauhanv-oof
Fcnliinunt ; New VorUaii'l foielKii housisheKiin
iK heavily and Herlln iui | > ted : ie
lower. The deeilne that followed was almost
us rapid , hut aeeompanled liy no hensatlunal
fi.'uturi's iwas tliu pieeedlnt ; ailvaneo. ll
tiitnhled IIKn a huue howhlerdown the side of
u mountain until It strnu1 > tl.u'i , and after a
rohound to $1.0 ? thnoperatois liooamo
untly oiiially | exhausted anil a lonj : Interval
of ( in let ness followed the fiorL'OHtru Klo whleh
t oi ill plaeo ilnrliiK the llrslhour. Nohodv liad
( lefaillled al the clearing house seltle'ment.
whioh removed a loud friiin the overstrained
commission men and KIIVO them tlinii to luol <
about , them and hee uhere thev slootl.
All this occurred before II o'clock or within
the llrst hour and u half of the wests on. The
comparative iiulet followlnit thodiop to il.U'i
and the rcaetlcn to 11.07 KUVO tlieeonservatlvo
element In Iho p. I llmo to net the market In
hand anil to remilato the eouiso of valuu
more In accordance with ro i.sun , Thereafter
tlin tendency was downward at a deliberate
pace. At ! . ' : ) December was. fl.oi : ; It leaetetl
toil. 01 , wealccnod a aln and closed unsettled
ill 1 1.0' " @ l.ollacalnst JI.On'5 at Iho close on
Katurday , after having eovored the phenom
enally wide ri.n o of I © IHicdiir UK the dav.
On the curl ) December .sold up to JI.OI. calls
Mild ifl.l : and puts at ( hc. { DurliiK the ex-
clteiueiit In the trad. . iif. ' nothing less In mar-
Kins than llie pur bushel would bo accepted by
bioliers and Hoalpors elements was
iniieli e.velted. The corn tntirkul was second
In wheat In amount of o.xelteinenl and the
violence of Its Hnctuatlons. I , lUe the superior
urtlclo , It had UN o.xcitlnK bnlKU and II
Kloiloua collap- . and thu traillti. In It was
iiKo Inrculy cuvut-iieil ut thu oiienlnj ; us In
wheat , by the ( luestlonsof niarKlns. On thu
advanced lot of heavy Ions lines uero real-
bed niion ; amoirj others , R I' . Iliitchliison of
Now \ ork and Chleaco. commenced feed n
l > tie eptimber corn to Iho hhorls , and sent , a
dlspateh baylni ; , thai ho tliiinu'lil. both wheal
and corn oocl Hales , N. II. Warren , who was
ciedlted with lielnc iiMother heavy holder.
realized and took In what must have been a
very heavy profit. The opening of the
market was hluhlv tnrhuleni and wlthoul
nssUlaiico f mm anywhere. The iesl jirlccs of
the day oeoiirred shortly after the trading
commenced and reached t/.icj ( Jclobor VlWr :
and ! ' ' " - ' * n"-
May , 4lc 'r'-r v'n" -
innlnd , , ; . . " -rfio tenlleliuy during the re
in , * > < ) ( thodny was ittnniKly downward ,
-TVfconio ro-actlon set In near the close ,
cansliiK a recovery from the extreme of the
day'H decline and leaving prices showlni ;
about lo Kitln over Hituilny'H : ( close for
AiiKUst nnd September. In the stronger und
ine ll broke away from the conliollliiK
Influence of wheat.
O.its , like everything else , worn higher and
preatly e.vcltod at the oiionln1. . Shorts boiiphl
freely. The markut sympathized with wheat
and corn and prices went up rapidly , Ihoiuh
Iho advance was less marked than in the
other cereals. They broltu with thuni , declln-
Ini ; slowly and clostni ; HllKhtly itliovu bottom
figures. Anticipated heavv receipts had somo-
thliiK to no with the reaction , hut It was
largely duo to the decline In the othur mar
kets. In thuryo nmrkotthuru was n llo lluc-
tnatlun in the price of the .vcplomlor futures.
The llrst sales was ft. OB. Iho next $1.10. The
lirlcu afterward advanced to { I. II and then
d lopped to 11.05 without a trade on the way.
The last trade madowaKat 11. 4 , which was
the louost prlco there was any
tradlnc. It was offered at f 1.03 on the closo.
A lU-usl so'.d friiinJI.Ui toJI.lOa lid closed ut JI.OI.
October htartcd attl.OT'/i. touched * UM and
declined to $1.00. No.i \ In store and to bu hold
f 1.0 ? ut start to $1,11 , thence downward to
tl.l)4. )
tl.l)4.HOK products opened higher In sympathy
with corn. In splto of the llbural receipts of
liou.t , pork stiu led l.'iu higher and under an
ncilve demand advanced f'.Tic more , hut
Avhon wheat and corn broke It followed , re-
eedlm ; H. " > ffllKic iini'd ' considerable uxcltomeiit
and he.ivv sales. Toward the close there was
u rally of 2iK2',4c. ' leaving p rices iMXffil'iu lower
than on Saturday. I , ard was less decided In
Ita Iliietnathins. closing with u. loss of only
7e. ! Itlhs lost ' ' , @ ' ( .
The loading futures ranged as follows :
Aitncia.s. OI'KN.
WllKAT No.
AuKimt Jl U3
September. . i UUTI ;
Deeemlier. . . i om
Coax No. 2
AiiKUHt 70
September , .
OATH -No. 2--
St'ptomber. .
May 324 ,
hepleml > er. . 10 40 V 7ft n M
Oelulier 10 14) ) II irji , in id
, ln mi u ry 13 a ) ! ' * > 1 * * 'V *
ItM r HI
October t ! MHi ' ( > " 0
January 7 15 7 US'1 7orM
September. . . l ! 72i o IHU
October KM ( i75
_ January 7 00 6 hi U M )
Cabh iiiotntlons | wore us follows :
Itvi : No. 2. Jl.-tv.
_ Il.\Hiiv : No. 2 , U3o , f o h ; No. II , 433i3c , f o bj
TIMOTIIV ? riu : : I'rline , $ 1.2 W. 1,25.
I'OIIK Moss pork , per hairol , * 0.a"i < 310.0) ,
I.uril. nor ewt. , f.k57i ! ; short rlhs sides ( loose ) .
f .KxQti.113 ; dry salt-il Kliouldeis ihoxi'il ) , iJ.10
4Jt'li ! ) short C'i'arsldoslioxi'il ( ) , J7.2.Vif7.i.X :
\Vnii--KV Distillers' llnUhcd goods , per gal ,
BlKlAtts Cut loaf , nnchangr'.d.
Kloiir. barrels. II.UU Ift.OU )
Wheat. liliKlii'ls
( -oil ) , bu helrt. . '
Out * . tiiiKhela . . . O.VUUU 304.UUU
ltyt > , tii ) ln'l . . . .
liarley. InihlielH. aiuuo
On thu produce exchange tolay thu huttor
rnarkul was unohulnrod : fauev eroamorv.lSQ
files line western , I74iisiio ; line dairy liaiUe.
Now Vork 'MarIcotN.
. Vx .
'fOta patents. JUKXiJuoOi winter wheat ,
low L-nulrs. KL75 4..Vi ) pntentis Jl.T.yrf.VW ;
UniljihK H.Wi.\4l > i rye inUturos. * l.- > i.
UOIINUIAI : < UlKher and itilet | ; yellow
crn. . ' . . .
WIIKAT Itecelptii. 0,413 husholHi exports ,
KLIIX' bnshi'la : biiloi , 20.IO ( ) , ( 0 bushntii of fn-
tiiresj 1 1 ,000 hnshelsnfhpoti sjiol niiirKia un-
r ettled mid dull , closiiu lower : No. 2 red ,
krc. Ul'.iCcl. > OinUuis cxtriioiiilinirlly
nctlvo ; feverish , lm and uii't'ttlfd ;
openini ; Hdti'ju up on manipulation
with thotest ; MMIII livuan cii'u.lnlnc
and closed wen I ; at u decline of 2 V > tt3c tlmitidi
larKO forvlKn selling orders , lower fables. In-
crea hiK otlorlncs f rom KuhMla , to the conti
nent disturbance from n reported hunk fail
ure In Melbourne , iixlcnslvu unloading on two
largo calls fur margins and u uenorul disposi
tion to ri'allto anil milt's Incluilo No. 2. fl.lligtiA
J.I4. ulOKlni ; tl.ll' ' , ; September. tl.ll'&l.MS ,
clokltiK. tl.tmt Uotober , eioiiliiK uttl.lUi ! t\o-
vember , f l,12lil,17 , cloiliiK at tl , ! ' . ' ( . : Uecem-
licr , 11.18 , clOkluE * t 11.13 ; January ,
U.ISS. closlnir nt tl.MUt Kehruary. IMSSiC
8BI7H , oloiliik' ! ! . IJt May , II.10J * I.1. oloilni
ut ti , in1/ ,
IlVB Vtunltloil : we lnrn. Sontombnnlollv
i-rld steady. IU4',4fll.l.V { , elf : state , M.OS do
llvori'di clotcd depressed ut tl.O.V ! loai snlus
2liOO ( himhelK ,
Con.v Kccclpt * . IO.C7S liiMhcIa ; exports , 7RV
hnsliolsj nates , I.M'.O'JO bushel ) ) of futures am
41,0(0 ( biiKht'ls of p"t. Spot market opcnci
higher , cloilnif oaiiiT. ( | uleti No. 2 , 71 l. oe li
rlovatori SxilHloalloit : niw radcd mixed. * K
7Hic. ! OntloiH adviiiict'd 2l ' 3-'lo. deellncdvu \
I' c and closed nl I'nCMVc ' over fat tirilav n
following * Auuust. 73SlTf.i7e , eloslnp , 7Vic
Hi'pternhur , 72'iT4e , clo Inir , 7iC ! Uclobcr
n'.lVGiTHic. closliii ? , 70c ; Dcceinter , G''e , ulos
In ? , ( We1.
OATS Itccclpts , 133.000 bushclv exports
none ; sales , icm.'W nnslicls of futures am
I.'II.O.O bnshcln of spot , Spot market weaker
fairly active : frco sellers. ( Jpt'oni 'ic ' up
Auirust.&nc \ , closlns. aVfo : Heiiteinher
'tsiiWifie , closing. : iv4e : October , : | . -'iy.i > ic
clos'nir ' , . ' ( . ' . 'iCi No 2 white , Aiunst , llS'io '
mixed wontorii , HlWi'p ; white wcitern. fn/.VJc
No. 2 UhlciiKO , t)7lii.'IScl. )
MAV I'inn , ( jiilctt shlppItiB , 60c : Rood t (
choice , 7.Vi4ilo ; ,
llol'.s ( Jiih'tp gy.
( JOI-TKR Options opened firm : unchaiiffci
to I. ' , points up , closed Atoady , August '
points down ; sales , 2i.VlO hair" . Includlnir
An iir.t. Jir > .4.VTilH.V ) : Prptomber. tlVrtairi.t ( ;
Di-lohcr. tl4.s.Vj.f-j | | ) November. * ii.K ; ! 4l4.tO (
I > ccnmbor , il'.l.W ; Spot Itlo. steady , ( julet ; fall
i'ar oc < . MiOiNo. T , li'iaiTUi' ' ! . .
Si'OAU Haw. linn without demand. Krflnrd
( nilijt. 1'iisy ; KOIIIO L'rades lower H'-ie ' : .No. 7
2 ll-lfiei No. 8. : ie : No. B. U 0-lCc ; olT A , 3 l.'i-infl
J'ni' ' .
MOLASSES New Orleans steady.
Ku'K--l'lftn ,
I'KTUnr.tHrM-Oni'iiuil steady and declined 2c
on sriuill lalpi : I'rniiRVlvarilii oil salon , Sep-
tomhor option" . ; ioWJ bar re's , .iloslns. ( lie :
spot sales , none : Ulna oil sales , none ; tola !
oiilcs. : ui.m ) barrels.
rAt.r.ow-ynlet and steady.
Hosts Steady.
TIWI'ISTIHK : Quiet and steiidy : IltVflMiic.
EiiH 1'lriii. fair ( Iciuand : western. IO'J17c !
rci'i'lnls , . ' ( .74(1 ( packaccs.
Hums I'lrir , fairly In coed demand.
I'OIIK Weak , morii steady : old nn-st. JlO.OOfJ
12.00 ; now mess , { 12..Vftlll.t1Ut ) extra prime mess ,
Miw > iiw : Quiet , easy.
CUT MUATS ( Julot , sto.itly.
LAUD Opened steady and strong , closed
weak : wcsti'iii steam , M.87'i ' ; sales , 1.2."a
tlciees at jf.l ! < HVi.lH : options , sales. II..VKJ
tlorccsj September. iffi.8iaii.a\closlns affl.H'l
iisUrd ; ( Jetober. M.IU ; December. jr.2.Kil7/:8. :
Hosing al J7.I4 ; .lanuary. J7.iO : , closing il
ri.2H ,
iltiTTHit--Moderate demand , llrm : western
dairy. PJifc Sc : western eicamery , lfl-jc | :
r.lglns. 2i'JWc. '
( 'IIKCSK stionger. modcratn demand ; wes
tern. WiC'sO ' ! partsklrns. IPj fi'ii1.
I'to lii > N- inll ) ; Mexican , ? in.i > jrilti.i2. ( ;
( 'oi'i'iit-lull : ) ; lake , August. il..OJ ; lake ,
Sdptcmbcr. il2.l. ( " , .
LKAIIQttlut. . steady ; doniStlc. ! ? l.i. ' !
Tr.v-1'lrmer , fairly active : blntlls , 120.10
Kansas City
KANSAS CITV. Mo. . Auz. 17. The wild fluct
uations In the speculative raln murkets
inaili' hold Inns of cash uhcal uni'orlaln. and
the cull today showed a dlirorenco t > o-
tw iien buyers and sellers. The dommlwas
very llsht both from local millers and eleva
tors. No. 2 hard , 9ViC bid ; i)7'Jo ) ' risked :
AilKiist , H.V $ ( ; hid ; 07 asked ; Soptember. Die
bid : ( W nski'tl. No. 2 rod. cash , Wo bid ; August ,
Vfi'.c ; September , no bids.
I'lili.N Slninc : No. 2 , caHh. .W.o bid : Au-
iist.r)4'ic ' hid ; September , Mi ; bill.
1OATS Steady : No. 2. cash. 27'Jc ' : An-
27'jcj ' Scptiimber. 27'4o 1)1(1 ) ,
- ' I'lrm and In demand at 12Je. !
Hurmi UnchaiiKi'd.
HAV I'lrm and iinchair-'eJ ; strictly fancy ,
f.VM : Rood to choice. $ l.MlI.AOt timothy. * 7.f > 0.
II'MIUK Dull , trade practically at a stund
I'ltovrnto.v-J IJiii'linnso-l.
_ ltKCiil'TS : Wheat , 37U3J : corn , 9,000 ; oats ,
'Hitti'MiiNTa Wheat , 20,000 ; corn , 40) ; oats ,
0,00 * .
IjlvcrHol | )
i , AIIS. 17 _ WilEAT-Stronir ; de-
inand fair : holders olfcr sparingly ; California
No. I. Ss Itl'id ' pur 'jcntal : red , western. sprliiL' .
8s ( : © ? 8(1 : Kansas winter , hard. Sis 7Sd ! ®
BsK'Jd. '
C'oitN Firm ; demand fair ; mixed western ,
Us 2'id ' percental.
HACO.V I.OIIK and short clear , new , 3Ss Cd
nor ewt ; loin ; cloar.4.i pounds , new , 4Us.
IliJT-riiu ITnlled Mates llrm.
CIIKKSE White u nd colored , 453 per ewt.
Kt. I.oii8 :
ST. I.ouis. Mo. , Auir. 17. Win : AT Settled
: radlinr. M.irkct elosed at $ l.l.r > and the rei'it.
; T ' 'i ' ; ! ; ! ' : ! jviiu.wtu < ; ri7'onini : : : ' ; ; on cnbs
! ! . " "lft r8bn. : ; fash , JI.OOW ; December.04. .
t'oiiN Lowort cash , tile ; i-eptomhcr. : )7'4c. ) '
OATS Lower : cash , 80Mu : ijoptembor , 2tJe',5 ' ,
1'oitK Ensys JUI.4U.
LAUD Easy ; Ili45. (
WIHSKBV 'Steady ; ! 1.07.
3IllwaiiIccc Grain Mnrkct.
Mn.WAUKKR.Wls. , Aus. 17. WIIKAT Steady ;
No. Sbprlns. eash , JI.02 ; Septernber , Jl.OX
Cons Slow ; No. a , cash. ( iS'Jc.
OATS-Steady : No. 2 , white. : cic.
Ili-ltlHli Grain Itcvlcw.
LONMION , AIIR. 17. The Mark Lane Express
In Its weekly review of the iiraln trade savs :
The absence of supplies has generally Im-
pioved the inarknt. farmers appear to bo
( oiillilent of a fair harvest and uood prices.
The average price of wheat during the we k
was 41s. Id or about aslillllng advance. ICn-
llsh Hour sold at lid dearer. 1'orolKii wheat
was uroatly Inllncnccd by prices on the cnntl-
nent. whore thu heavy demand for American
wheat will restrict .shipments from ICn land.
' 1 ho Husslan crops will also be diverted to
the continent. There are 4 HOO.OJU quarters
ulloat , half of whleh IK destined for the conti
nent. .Ma 1 7.0 advanced Is IU1 and barley Is ;
oats shows no Impiovcment. llcans were fid
higher. Today prices were steady. Sellers
wrro stllf on the continental advices.
English wheat was scarce at. 42s. The new
crop Is oxpcctrd to open at Iisd. l orclvn was
lid ili'arur mostly for forward months. I'lonr ,
peas and beans , barley and oats advanced ( id.
Mal/o advanced Is.
Minnesota and Dakota Wheat Supply.
MlNNUAi'OMS , Minn. . Aug. 17. There are
now only live of the private elevators In this
city which have any wheat left and they aio
trotting rid of It raphllv , KiguuK complied by
the Northwestern Mlllorshow the prlvatostock
to ho I. Sll. DO hushels. a decrease ot 500,000
since last Monday.
Minneapolis and Dnliith together have a
total of , r > , ' . ' 7il.i ( VI bnshols. or ! > ,7K ( ) leas than a
\\eok nisi ) . The Market , Itecord llguros the
stock of in country elevators In Mlnne-
sot i and the two Dalcatas atr > 00,00 > ) , a decrease
for the week of I77u0i > . Thb aggregate stock
In the northwest Is thus mado.,7"l.liJO bushels ,
or l.i : i-.7H5 bushels less than last Mon lay. A
year IIKO the total stoi'k amounted to U.U03.000
mihheltt. _
STOVKS .ixit noxna.
NKW YOUK , Aug. 17. I'ho stock market
today was , especially during the forenoon ,
active , a litrgo volume of business being trans
acted , while a most decided tone marked the
dealings and higher prices wore attained than
for many a day. There was ome manipula
tion of the market on both sides of the ac
count , but the hears were not no poweifnl as
of late and their aggressiveness was much re
duced and their operations seei.ied to bo more
of an object to provide against loss than to
make any money out of the market. One of
thu most encouraging signs to the bulls was
the presence of outside speculators In the
street who have been conspicuous by their
absence for a long time and the purchases by
commission people , for thulr customers were
larger than at any previous time this year.
The bulls who bought last week were liberal
realUers on the advance , but the new buying
was of such magnitude that It not only sus
tained the market against the sales , tint
steadily advanced prices , and the larger bull
fuiiihln.itIon , of which It Is known that there
are now so\ oral , gave no signs of n doslie to
llqnliluto al tills early stii'-io of the game ,
Mich considerations as the t'nlou 1'aclfio
cinbrogllo have no weight whatever and atte-
llon was given only to the very Mattering
prospects of the Industrial and agricultural
situation. The ho.ivy upward movement In
grain which may have the olivet of choeklirr
the export movement mid so delay Ing If not
entirely postponing the returning How of
gold , wusof little Intluenco and the npwaiil
movement In prices continued almost unin
terrupted while after the opening advances
there were few good gains. Atuhl-im was
given the greater prominence In the dealings
tint the buying was very well distributed
among thu lending active shares and the
gains us a rule wore quiet though a few stocks
snub as Union 1'aullic , Missouri I'aclllc and
Chicago ( las \ ere sluggish and f.illeil to Keep
pace with thoromalmtor. The news of thu day
was more favorable than thu general tmi-
or we have received for the last week both from
abroad and at homo. London fame higher
this morning and London buying orders were
In ihu market , which , with thu unusual de
mand from the commUslon people , caused u
decidedly stronger opening , IImt sales being
made at from U lo U per cent advunco on Hai
ti rday'N tliiul figures.
Tli" trading In the main presented few spe
cial features , everything hlmrlnit In thu gen
eral strength , and thu lust prices were gun-
orally thu licst of the day. The market closed
iictlvo al near the hgho ! l figures.
Hatlroad bonds for the llrst time this year
were positively nctlvo mm strong , while thu
market broadened nut materially , and most
decided gains were made In Iho active Issues ,
The business of the day fiuitud up f I.U.U. 03
The advance ot note Include Atlantic & I'u-
elllo & > . 2 per conn I'eorla ft Eastern 4s. 2'i ' per
cent : Union I'aellle. Denver A ( lulf As , 't per
ccut , and Oregon tiborl Uuo consolidated it ,
.1 per cent. Missouri I'aclllc collateral trus
5 loitSJi percent.
( Jovcrnmenl bomU wore dull and steady.
State bonds wore dun arid stonily.
The following are the closing iliiotallons foi
Ihu leading slocks on the New York slock ex
change today !
AtciilioHT. .WWiJ1 Nortanentcrn iwti
Adamn lltpreM HJ .Nortliweitcrn , lircf. lW
Alton , Terre Haute. . 27 N. V. , Central IW ) ' <
do preferred IU N. V.Chle. ABt. L. .
American Kxpro . . . do preferred
llur. 0. II. A N 2i Ohio MlM | . . lppl
Canada I'nclllc PlL do preferred
Cnnadn Southern. . . . fil'j Ontario A Western. . .
Central I'aclrtc : * ) ! ( Oregon Improvom't. . 21
Chei > . A Ohio lift ) Dimon Nav
do 11 preferred. . . . 44 Oregon Trans.
do M preferred. . . 2U il'arltlc Mall . " 0 <
Clileavu , v Alton. . . .12 ; IVnrln , Dec. A Krnns. Itf
C. . II. A Wif I'llMbnrir
C.C. , C. A St. Ti M Pullman 1'alaca 18' ' ! < i
Delaware AI luiMon. .127 Heading : )
Del. . U. A W \ , .127U7 Itock Inland 78J <
Hen Alt. O. prof. . , 42 St L. AS.IMstpTd. . 70
Knut Ti.micm > iC ! . . . 42ft St. 1'aill i7J ! <
do lilt pruferred. . . II ! do preferred I1SH
do 2nd preferred , II St. I'aul. .MIii.A.Man..lo : >
llrlo 2ISt St. I'mil A Omaha . . .
do preferred M i do preferred HO
rortWayao I4'.i ' jTeiin. Coal Alton. . . SO
Clil. A Kant. Ill lUiVTctas I'aellle 134
Hocking Valley 2i ! > 4 Tol. A O. Cent. pfd. . . 7t
lloiiBtnn A Texas. . . . 3 t.'nlon I'acltlc : < > ! <
Illlniili. Central .17 U. S. KxprcM 68
Hi. I'aul A Diiluth. . . . 31Viibn < li. St. L. A I'ac. 1IU
Knti n * A Texas 1IJ ( do preferred 2I' <
Lake Krlu A West. . . . I4 ! < Wells Fiirxi ) Krp US
do preferred JUJ ; Western Union 81
LakuSliuro 111 ! , , Am. Cotton Oil 2I ! <
LuuliTlllu A Nanhv. . 70H Coloradn Coal 31K
l.oillsvlllu A N. A. . . . Ju illomestaku II
-MemphlnA Char ,11 Inm Sliver . IJO (
.Michigan Central.- " ' > Ontario . M
.MIL , L. H. A W. . . 71 ( julrkallvcr' . 4
do pruferred. . .101 I do preferred . DO
.Mln A St. L IVHutro . ft
dc prelerred II llulwer . 2.'i
Mlsioiirl I'aclllc ' . ) . , Illeli. AW. I * . Ter. . . . I2M
.MolilloAOIilu II ) , \Vlpi-iinslii Central. . . lbl-1
NaKlivllleCliatt 80 ( Ireat Niirlliernpfd. . 83
N. .1. Central . Clilcaicu liait . 4i'.3 . <
Norfolk A Wei t pfd. 4 1 ( I.eadTru t .
Northern I'aeltlo . Zl'JiSunar Tru t . 7WJ
do preferred. . . . tw Soutlicrn 1'acine . : tfi' <
n.l'.Jenver Afjulf. . IB' ' j Orcxon S. I. . A U. N. . 2t\ \
The total sales of sleek today were : XiT > , : i7 , "
share * . Including : Alchlson , 'I'lMU : Canada
Southern , ; i,4i : > : Chlcaco ( ias. : > . : : < W : Delaware
* Laekawanna , S.IIIO : Krlo , ii : , : r > : l.ako Shore ,
: i.lVJ ; l.onlsvlllu , Nashvlllo. sr.fino ; Missouri
I'liellle , H.4Northurti : I'aolllo , KUsfl : Hleh-
iniiiKl ft West I'olnt , 3,3ifl ; bt. 1'atlli.VsO \ \
Union I'aellle , 2J.UIO.
New York Money Market.
NEW YnitK. Aug. 17. MO.VKVOX CAr.rKasl -
or. ranglin : from 2 © II per cent : lasl loan 2
per cunt ; closing olFered at - ' per cent.
I'IIHIK MKiic\NTirK I'Ai'Kit-SU1 ! percent.
STtiitiNii : RxciiANnu ( julet and weak at
$4.V > for sixty-day bills.
The following were the clo lii ; ; prices on
bonds :
Klnariuinl Not OR.
KANSAS OITV , .Mo. , Aits. 17. ( Hearings were
$ I.MJSI ( ,
NK\V YOIIK. An ? . 17. Olcnrlins , ia3GTST8i ;
balances. J.1,7 4,10' . ' .
rim.u > iti'iHA : , Aus. 17. Olearlns today.
JT.bOvi.rJO" : balances , Sl.IIIS.GH. Jlouey , 4 per
ItAr.Tl.MOHK. llil. . Aus. 17. Iliinlc eloarlnzs
today. ? 3U JSII8 ; balances , tij7,12l. : Kate , 8 per
CI.NCIN.VATI , O. , A nir. 17. Money , caslor at
4 ilii per cent ; c.vchanxc , MlHJ.'ic ( llsouunt ;
HUSTON , Mas' ! . . AIIR. 17. 11ink clearings ,
$ i.00iUi ; ! ! ; : balances , JIS7I.7J. > : rate for nionev.
45W percent ; oxulringu on Now York , 1.V3170
pur tl.'UO ' discount.
CHICAGO , A us. 17. New York exchange
fiOc discount. Money easy atG per cent. Ster
ling o.Vchanpo steady at J4.8. > for sixty day
bills and 14.87 for slRht drafts.
TjotHlnii Stoulc . Harkt.
LONDON. Aug. 17. The following were the
London stock quotations c.oslnx at 4 \ > . in. :
ItAiiStr.VKii 15'i'l per ounce.
MONEY I ! per cent.
Rate ot discount In thu open niarlcet for both
short and three months' bills , li ? percent.
Hunk ol * ISii-fliiml Utilllon.
LONDON , An ; . 17. liulllon KOIIO Into the
Hank of England on halanco today , i.0OJO.
I'Atlts , AUK. -Three percent rentes Kit
for account. . _
Denver Mining Stocks.
DCNVKII , Colo. , Aug. 17. The followlns arc
the closing nuotatlons of the mining exchange :
Alli'Klmny . SO .e : al Tender IK
Amity . i ! .Ittleltulu 1US
Arunuaat . IK May Mare 125
llnllarat . 57 Mornlnx Ullm. . . . . . . 45
llaaukiik . . ' > ! i Ore 100
llato.ill . l > 7 1'ay lluck 1(4 (
lllu lii'llnn . l ! > I'f.tosl 4
I'arkCon 10
llrowntow . Ci Heed National IXJ
Calllnpu . hi Itlalto 1IW
Cuatury . 2.- , UuiinlnK l.odu 21
Clii ) Ciiunty . lift I.eavenworth 8
John .1 4K
Diamond II . : ) ) ( Tiuiler
Denver OivsXOIl. . . . l.'i'i Chiiidla.I M
Kmiiioin . 4S licttyxburK 17
( iold Treasuru . U'l > Whale 25
Ironclad . 47 ( ( ioldltuck tvl
Juntlco . i > , ' (
Now York Mining Quot-itioiiH.
Nisv YOUK. Ana. 10. The closing mlnlni ;
stock ( iiiotations are as follows :
San I'Vniicisoo Alining iJiiotntioriH.
SAN 1'itANCisco. An * . 17. The ofllolal closing
jiiotatlouj for mining stocks ted ty were us
follows :
St. I.OIllH AllllllIK QllOt itloilH.
ST. Lotus , Mo. , Auu' , 17. The hot weather
and I'xclton cut In wheat , together with a
liiflc of enters , put a cheek to tri Ilii' In inln-
Inj .stocks. The following were the closing
( imitation * :
New Vorlc Dry GootlH .ilarkol.
NKW YOUK. AUB. l7.-Theru wua an lin-
nrovod ( leniund for dry guilds , plain and fanoy
colors c'hiolly uartlelpatliiK. ( tnleis ny mull
were more numerous and liiipuitant from
the west and there were MIIIHI round lots
irnnviotod on the spot. No activity was ap
parent , hut there was u better feeling
throughout the market.
> il .Mai-ket
LosiioS , Aug. 17. UAI.CUTTA LIN.SEKD C2s-
: id periinarter.
LI.NSKUII On. 20s fid per owt.
Tuitl'KNTlNKSpirits , 27s ( Id per owt.
LtVKiti'Ouu Au0r. 17. Tiirpuntluu splrl
Vd purjuwu
Knntos . Markct.
SANTOS , Aug. 17. Oomii : good average
10. 15' relspor IDkllores.
Hii-nriT.s : miring the week 41,000 buss ; pur
chases for United Slates liuu.
> to United States 8.000 bags.
llav.triii .
HAVANA , \ g. 17. SI-ANIBH IJOI.D f-.s
K-On London S4 ! premium.
b'UlAlt-jilet. |
Coffco Market.
1(10 ( IE JjkNIKUO , Aug. 17. COtTCC-HoKUlur
IO.IM rols per'hVJ kilos : iood secontl , I.70t )
rol .
i Dtirlnl' Ktok. 73,0.10 baRs ! pur
chases for 1 nllcd Htiites. 44ltii ) has * .
Sini'MB. > T4 To thb , United States , nnnoj
stock , 22.\ow Imjis. , , '
Tratlci-s' Talk.
ST. Louts , Attif. 17. enhora HrothoM tn
fockrcll IlriUhcra : .The fuUnwIiit will show
the raneoof prices on the leading options ut
tins point today :
r oTj'm-J'o rp'n' . 1 Illjli. I l.owT | tnoie.tVi'ii'yT
Dec. . IM ( 101 I 101 a
fopt . 69 .1 ro R7H
. Ana. li.Kminott , llop..ln-t , l'o , to
S. A. MoWhorter : The ) lg deal has apparently
ciilinttiatod. That ll wus not ultoxotlier
manipulation Is evident from the sharp t-No In
rye and corn , also a vast Interest h-id been
croatcd. The whole eoimlry win short In an
ticipation of Immense crops. The Ittisslan
government's action in prohibition of the ux-
norlallon of rye ntartled the more prudent
shorts. Thu Judicious began to cover as the
market a Ivanccd ; other took counsel of their
fours and oamu In ; foreigners took largo
( | tiantltlos for export mid oasturn ItnportuM
whoso tenders had been accepted hedged In
the Chicago market. When they saw prices
Bo.irlng upwards a panic set In on both sides
of tint Atlantic , resulting In tlieniost phenom
enal [ Kivnneo that has been witnessed for
years. Today furnHlied tlieopportunlty that
distressed holders who have been loaded with
high priced stall' for months have prayed for.
The longs liave most generally unlo.ulod and
this probably Includes , ton considerable ex
tent , foreign holders of cargoes. Thu vast
shot ! Interest has covered , thu mar
ket has evened up and opera
tors will now panso to critically
look Into the H tuatlon. Thu markut will
doubtlus.s ho nervous and wild for a time , hut
wheat OMghl to bo a safer sale on rallies than
n purchase till December again sells noarll."ic.
\V'o don't bullovo the hulk of the American
wheat harvest Is going to bo marketed al over
( Kc ) , bat news from abroad III bulge prices
here from lime lo time as II hasthopasl weuU.
Thu markel closes al a reaction of 'uoie than
lOu from top. Vury likely wo may got u
moderate rally tomorrow , but wo look
for u down tendency. I'or u while
corn and oats borrowed strength from
wheat , but speculation w.v less active In de
mand and Hnctuatlons wore not , so wild. Ills
believed that the top price has been .seen for a
time and lower prices are expected , as the
weather Is excellent for corn and threshing
returns indicate a verv largo crop of oats.
The collapse In the provision market shows
how Inherently weak the -.tnlT roallv Is.
NKW VOIIK , Aug. 17. Ivennett , Hopkins &
Co. lo S. A. MeWhorter : The week opens with
a largo and buoyant market. The period of
depression and doubt Is gradually bill. surtdy
giving place to one of coinage. New faces are
soon In the street atiU these comers are of a
class who have been w.iltlng for a long time
for an opportunity to buy stocks. They are
not hero yet In largu numbers , lint their ap
pearance al all U an encouraging sign ,
for It lias been many months since
they have favored Wall .street with their
presence. Traders aru also waking up to the
situation , and some of the most prominent
ones aio strongly enlisted on the long side of
the market and those with bearish Indications
have been eompu.lcd by the force of advanc
ing prices to tcorganl/.e the drift of the mar
ket and cover their shorts. The lurgo ad
vance In the prlto of wheat has no doubt had
it marked Inllnenco In bringing about the
change In sentiment because the advance
Isloccasloned not by spooulatlvo buying In the
belief that the Union I'acldu could bo
sucked to feed Missouri I'nclllc and to have
something to do with It. There Is no doubt
largo quantities of stock have been for sale
through the day and probably If the balance
of the market had not been so strong It would
not have been so well taken. The Coal stocks
have also beun strong today , duo to purchases
for shipment which must put just so many
, orclfc'n dollors Into the pockets of
the farming classes. Western stocks
have led the market again toilav
and Atehlson and St. L'aul and Uoclc Island
sympathl/.lng with each other In the volume
of business and advancing prlco. It Is notice
able that In a stroiijt market Union I'aclllc
has been a 1 iiggard. , It actually closing con
siderably boU > w the opening price. The mar
kel clo-ed strong and confident at near the
best prices. _ 1323
SOUTH 0.11,1.I 3r.lltKETS.
. * . OMAHA. Aug. .1" .
CAT-rr.E OfileM. Vcsfat.ot' , 'ii.tio U.bOT.
as comn.jrod"mth 1.SU2 Saturday and I.B1T
Jlomiay of last wcol& iThu market was about
steady on all deslrablo grades of beeves , slow
and weak on common gr.idcs and strong early
uuil weak at the close on butcher stock , and
weak and very dull on feeders. Nearly all
the receipts were rangers.
Iloos Olllclal receipts of hogs SOS. as
compared with 2.4S7 Saturday and fll.'i Mon
day of last week. The market was about
steady. All worn sold , The range of the
prices paid was $4.WB. " > .00. No sorting was
done and there wore no eood hogs among the
receipts. Light , 8I.8.V3T .00 ; heavy $4.8va4.y5 ;
mixed. $1 8.V31.1IO. The average of the prices
pa.d wasfl..K ) . as compared with $4.Ui Satur
day and JI.KIJa Monday of lisl : woulc.
SIIKKPTlit'ii ) were no fresh recolllts of
IlecciiitHuii'l nispoHitioul'or the Week.
Olllulal receipts and disposition of stock us
shown by the books of thu Onion stockyards
company for the week ending at . > o clock
p. m. Saturday , August 17. lt > 91.
2. . 930 2 50 1..1240 U 20
1..1540 2 40 1..IKJO 2 75
1..1KJO 1 75
1 cow and calf (10 03
1 sprliuer 20 no
1 springer 22 00
1 cow and calf 21100
1 milker IS CO
Av. I'r.
120stncra 1080 2 C3
Murphy Cattle ( Jo
108 steers . - . 12)5 3 U
Alhert Miinliy i r
II feeders . j , , . 681 200
52 feeders . , . < . . r,2S 2 ir )
Kl feeders . , , . , . 7 J 2 15
NKiniAsivA cATri.i : .
1 cow . n. , . , . 1110 1 73
20 c-ows . . . till ) 2 20
1 feeder . " ; : . l > 2) 2 K' >
4 feeders . . , ' , . ! i33 2 r-5
2 steura . t.t . I JJ 3 W )
H. K. JacUOt | ii
4 co s . / . , . - . 071
WVOMl ) < i CATTU ! .
R. M. Lund , , . , ;
21 htoers . „ , . 13S3 1183
Kent cattle company
II cows . i j ; . l. l 2 40
2U stcurii . - . - . 1X-J a ( i'J '
Vlgo cattle coinniiny
2 cows . . . ; : . . 11VO 25)
III hteors . 1,8 ! ' . . I3i a 70
J. W. Hanson- ' "
70 bleors . m , . 11' ! ) in
U cows . „ , - , ) . , . , . 'iU I 23
2UU tows and heifers- , . 7T3 1 UJ
Ulark .v lliinlon
II coi s . , . 703 2 1)0 )
llirv . , .1 Hi 220
lihteers . 11KI : i 70
1 htcur . , . U1J 2 OJ
Header llrot ,
Icow . 010 230
Ui'on-4 . 4 . IVJl 2 . .0
4'Jcous . IU17 2 ; i )
Ihterr . f . IOU ) 313
UOhtcers . , . . 1170 343
O. F. Miller
1 slunr . 110 273
' ! ! htuuri . . . . . ll'U ! ' 0) )
1 htocr . . IWJ UtW
24 sleetii . , . , . I > < i7 31V )
17 cows . Ul1. 215
lluran Cattle Co.
4 Ultives . j . 257 S 10
Hiows . l'"u ' - ' < * >
3 fi-odiTS . l l 3W
8 cows . , . ,70 140
3 feeder * . 710 2 U5
C .tuers . U"UO 323
T : N. Matliowd-
lOooWd . . .HIS 183
1 feeder . WO 2 13
13 tullluga . 1000 2 10
Ijlvc Stock
OIIICAOO. Aug. 17. [ SpoclalTelegram to Tun
IlKK.1 At the opening of business this morn
ing the cattle markel had a llrni look. True.
the tone of the eastern advices was slightly
discouraging , but in view of the light receipts
holders felt Inclined to Insist up.m belter
( trices , and early sales looked strong.
Iliiyers took hold In such a gin
gerly way. however , that the market
worked easier toward noon nml before the
close II had declined .VftlOc. Thai was the con
dition of thu market for Texas and western
rangers as well as for native cattle. The re
ceipts consisted of about 7,000 unlives , 4,000
westerners and 2,000 Texans , They sold slowly
throughout on a basis of < l.5' ' ' > ci.20 |
for natives , $ u'l'Jl.7."i ( for westerns and $1. ' . ' , " >
for Texan * . The largest part of the natives
sod : bulow t" > .2. " > ; * l.'io < f,4 , u took the bulk of the
westerners. Stoc.t cattle was very ( pilot and
the demand for calves was also less sic-
tl\o than usual. Somu cattle were leftover
and the market llnlshcd nuak. The mean
prices for hogs averago.1 stronger. Many
grades were to a certain extenl neglected and
were bandy steady , but good to nest .trades
met with a fairly acllvo demand and sold
quick al u small advance. Choice heavy sorts
made 8".5. " > ® . " ) .i'rO. and from W.70a..7."i was paid
for prime light , while a few loads In the
"singer" class wore sorted oul ati - > 0 ® . " ) > j ,
From these lguros ! , sales wore noted all along
down to t3.0oQ2.2i for boars and cholera tainted
pigs , but quotations wcro -$1.7."iiO ( for com
mon to choice heavy hogs and $ l. J(0.-.7. ( > for
poor to prlmu assorted light. Hales of mixed
lots were largely at } .V.lifi. ( > . 15.
The Kvcnlni : Journal reports ; CATTt.K-ir.e-
colpts. 1:1,030 : : shipments. ; iHu ( ; mar..ot. steady
to top prices ; for natives. t5.r > tX3.r > .a- > ; others ,
& > .UO ( & . > .U5 : common and medium , il.l. > U4.hQ ;
Texaiis , S'.a.'V& ; .stockers and feeders. J'.riil
jl.Jjj ; rangers. W.OOfc4.riO ; Texas cows , K.O. ©
' '
ll'oa.s Hecolpts , 10,000 ; shipment.- , , lO.OOi ;
markel active , steady to higher ; rough and
common , JI.OJ2.I.80 ; inbril and packers , J.'i.iw
® . " > .4.'i ; prime heavy and butch jrs' weights , t.V.O .
Ct.-i.riU ; prime light , iK.C04t5.8J ; grassers , II.Oj ®
Sniif Hecolpts , 7,000 ; shipments , n.OOil ;
market slow , Irregular ; native owes , IKL75
CW.G'J ; mixed and wethers. ( I.T.v.Vi5 : Tex-
ans. il.UOl.2. > ; western- , { Ll-'iSL-j ; lambs ,
Now York Ijivc Stcitik Market.
Nr.w YOUK , Aug. 17. HKIIVKS Ilocelpts. 7,911
head , Including l'J7 cars for sale. Market
lower , trade very siow ; native steers , } : i.bO ®
4.00 ; Texans and Colorados , J'l.l.Vi6l.7.ri ; bulls
and cows ,'j ' ® ) . ' . ' . ' ) .
Dunssci ) HEKK Dull ,
OAI.VKH Receipts , iV.'TH head ; market.
steady ; veals , J.VUOi.r > 0 ; grasseis. it.75j2i3U ' ) ;
western calves. * ! .7. > < 3'l.i. ! )
Siiiii' : : Itocclpts. I4lb3 head ; steady for
Bhcup , lumbs 'io lower.
KiliiHUH * .ny Ijivo Stouft. .U-r'Tt" .
KANSAS CITV , Mo. , Aug. 17. G'ATTr.c Uo-
colnts , tijCitU ; shlpmunts , 3'IOJ. ' Steers wore
slow and steady to weak ; cows , steady to
strong. Toxaris opened strong , closed weak and
lower. Stoyrs , l.00'i.7. ' > : cows , $1.50'i7jj
stoukors and feeders , t-.f > Ofc.l.-5.
Iloos Hecolpts , I,40j ; shipments , 1,000. Mar-
< ot opened slrong. closed jo lower ; bulk , t4.00
. . " . ' Tl.TO-I4V.i3.
Q. ) . l.'i ; all grades , -
SIIKKIUecolpts , 5JJ ; shipments , 400
UJl.lIIA lH'IltfLESAltto Jl.ltlltliTS.
' FrcHli Krulta.
Affi.ES-l'er 1)1)1. ) ) . ti.OOffi'J.53.
I'l.UMS California , II.V.Vi4l,5' ' .
I'KAIIS California llartlott , $ J.OO2.25.
OlUNdES Uodl , * 0.00.
\VATKIt.MKM.N8 SIllpplllR Stock , 15 < 3lSo.
CANTAI.OUIT.S I'er crale , $1..5.'er box. $ d.ou.
HA.NANAS I'cr bunch , $ . ' ,002."iO for good
hhlpping stock.
OitArKS Soulhprn , 45e porS-lb , basket.
PIIACIIES The supply N ( iiilto largo and the
quality Improved. California Crawforda ,
single case lots. $1.'JT > ; live cusu lots , $1.25.
The following quotatlonsroprescnt the prices
ut , which choice stock Is billed out on orders
unlesb otherwise stated :
Ti MATOUS I'er bushel , 11.25.
NEW HEKTS Per bushel , Me.
HIANS : Navy. $ . ' . . ' .0 < Ic2.i ( : > pur bnshol.
UAIIIIACE Homo grown. lic ! per it ) .
ONIONS Homo grown 7'ic per bnshol.
1'oTATor.s Local growers aru supplying the
demand almost exclusively.
Country I'roiluue ,
Kor.s A popular prlco for eggs appears to
bu lll'iO ' , hut an occasional sale la reported at
14c , and some round lots at llc. !
HUTTKII The bulk of the country butter
brings O'jC ' , although an occasional package of
cholcuda.ry sells to thu retail tradu as high
" "
- / - chickens , small , JI.7.-JW.S5 ;
good , $2.Ma.t.OO : : fancy , JIIOOOII 2o. Old fowls
o not sell ( | tilto so roadtlv , springs taking
heir place to a great extent ; and the best
old huns do not go much above $ J.25.
Omaha milling company. Ucllanco.
Patent , $2.80 ; Invincible Patent , $2.70 ; I.ono
Star , Superlative. $2.40 ; Snowllako , S2.0U ;
Kiiuey Kurnlly. $1.UJ. , ,
It. T. Davis milling company. High Patent ,
No. 1 and C'roam. > i Itlno I ) . , full patent ,
$24.'i ; Hawkeye , half patent , JJ.'J ; Special
Hoyal. Paiont No. P. $2.BJ ; Minnesota patent-
$ . ' . ? ; > ; Kansas Hard Wheat , patent , $ ' .V5 ; No
liruska Spring Wheat , tiatunt. S2. 1'J. .
J. K. ( Jllman's Oold Jledal. J2.70 ; Snow White
IJ40 ; Miowllako. J..IO ; low grade , $ < ; ijtiecn
of the Pantry , f..7.'i ; MlnncMita Superlative ,
$ . ' .70 ; bran. $11.00 : chopped feed , $ . ' 1.00.
h. fj. Woleh > V Co. . Hesl , $2.7f > ; Crown Prince ,
J2.IK ) ; Minnesota Chief , tt..K > ; Splendid Kamlly ,
J2.10 ; Straight , tl.60.
cowan C.inv lc < 5Ci l.
Atiuy Cowun , the nllcgcd United SUtos dc-
tcctlvo who was serving u torui In Jail for
itnpordotmllng an olllccr htul n ill and was
taken to the county Hospital Sunilay overl
ing , These ( its are common with Cowan
when ho gets into trouble and he probably
wanted to got to the hospital ,
Last evening he got better and when no
one was look hit : took Krunch leave. The last
soon of the Rallant detective was on a motor
car bound for Council UliilTs.
Hud ho served out his tltno Cowan would
have been ro-arrosted on other charges and
spout another month or two with Put tlorrl-
BUIl >
The delicious fragrance , refreshing cool
ness and soft beauty Imparted lo the skin by
Po/zoni's I'owdcr , cummoiid * it to till Indies.
Storm Damnno in lllirniiH.
SrMN'Kit , III. , Auj. ( 17. The heaviest storm
which has visited this city for years swept
over it last night , doing a great amount of
d.inKigo , Uuvoral houses woru unroofed anil
other datnago douo. In a strip of about
three hundred feat wide there were at least
II fty trees blown Uowti ami uprooted. The
storm did much damage in thu city of Mon-
tlcello , many catUo being killed and corn
dttinait.'d. ;
For Schiltz beer apply to R. ft Grotto
lO'.O Furnam.
I'oiinil n
Frank Davis , a chop houio waiter , we.nt
Int6 a barbershop at Sixteenth and Davenport -
port lust night looking fora row. Ho abused
a tiurhor named lirown and rt light was the
result. Neither enint/utant wai Injured.
wus locucd up and charged with
A. Ml'SllANE. ( HA.NhC CoX.lOX
McShane & Condon ,
300 S. 13th St. , First National BattU Uulld
in ) ; , Omaha , Nub ,
Deal In Mockr bjiuU , n 3irllloi. : conrnorclal pi
por. uta Nuzotlite loam un luiprurul Uuahi rui
eitotu. Hliort tlmu lonin. on iMUk > tucl ( , ur o bit
pl > roTvU collalctal igcurlt )
and Jobb
Williams , Van Acr- W. V. Mono & Oo , ,
nam & Harto Sline rucliirjr Cor HIT lith
ami Pnuiila' .111 Ouriha
1212 llnrner strc-ot. Merehanti Inrlled lo
Omn n , .Vek rail andotamln. " .
John L. Wilkio , Louis Heller ,
Omnliu p.iiorliov | fiipto'f llatclior nnil l'ickpr ,
131-I.IIU lloiU' TdoN nnil Mippllofl. llcof
llo. nnil hlu't'ii cmliik'i.
Orilur. < iiromptly tllL'il.
lllii-MIS .lAi-k iin olri-ol.
W. T. Seaman ,
Onmlia's I.irh'ost : Vnrtoty
Omaha Carpet Oo. , Gilmore & Euhl ,
Cnrnst , oil clotlis m it- Mmnf.icturonmt
tliiKK , ciir'iihi'KOOiN.cto Wliolo.inlo Clotlilcr.H ,
1511 DotiKlas fitro.U 110 * . ) Hartley itropt.
West & Fritsoher ,
Manufactures llnoclirnrn ,
jobbers of leaf tabaeco.
IUII Kuril i MI SivoU ;
3maha Goal , Ooke & Ooutant & Squires ,
Limo Co , , Hani anil soft coal > hlp-
Han ) anil HOU en il. S. 1C. pers
IIIOS Karnaiu street
e < ir. Ilith anil llouelas Omaha.
streets ,
American Puel f - Ilowell & Oo. ,
Shlpi'or ' anil II"KTH | In
217 S UthStrest ,
atuliraelti- " ' ! Wtu-
III.MIS coal.
01.5 "ri. l.'itli street. Oniana , Neb.
Nebraska Fuel Co. , Johnson Bros. ,
2it : S. l"th Street , 014 1'arnam Street ,
Omaha , Nob. Oinalm. Neb.
Eagle Cornice Works , F. Enemping1 ,
Manufacturers of ( lalvaulzoil Iron cornice. ,
< ] iilvanlz'-Ml Iron Cornice. llnrruar wliuUiws , door
Wlmlow cai > < , metalllo raptlnlal * . ct < % Tin
s , etc. 1110 and i Iron and * ! ito ronfer.
111"'DodKoSt. ! Sll Farnam St.
J. J. Johnson & Co , , Oady & Gray ,
218 S. Mth Stroat , Lime , cement , etc. , etc.
Omahai Neb. Cor. ! Hli and Douclai Sts.
M. E. Smith & Oo. , Kilpatrick-Koch Dry
Dry comK notlotn , fur- Goods Co. ,
nlthln ; : Kooils. Drjrvood * . notliinn. unnti1
furnlfihliii ; h'licdi.
Corner lltli and Howard. cor. lltli anil llnwanl Sis
Electric Motors
lllu trnteil cataloeuo am ! DyamiM. Catalogue
fri-o. froo. II. A. Klmicyii'n'l
I01 { Capitol Avonuo. AKt. b.'B : IN.V. I.lfo llhl'ir.
Parliu , Ciendorff & T. G. Northwall ,
Martin Co.
, ( icncrnl woitcrn ancnt
Corner .loni'n ami lull Sta. Skaailla 1'lovv Cu. ,
Oai.'ilia , Neb. 11li-M5t ! Sherman Avc.
C.F.Gilman , Omaha Milling Oo. ,
1013-lft-l7 , N. tntli Street. Moicliaut MlllerH.
Ollleeaud .Mill lillll North
C. K. IIIiicV - Miiiiak-cr. llitli Street.
Dewey & Stjno Pur- L'eobo & Runyan Furniture -
iiituro Co. , nituro Oo.
Sucoosiord to C. A. Iloobe
Kiirnltnro and rnrputi. A Co. ,
1115-III'J Farnam ? trcot. I i nice and nth sis.Omaha
Sclmo dor & Loornis , J. T. Robinson Notion
JnbborH anil Importers of
Cents' furnlxhlnu fnndv
notions unit furnishing m f n cilebrito.l lirinil
Kut'di ' , " Iliick-kin " ovtiral 1" ,
IP.IIIU. Khlrt" , i' , rliv
1111 Howard Street. ( 'or. 12th and Hmv.ird MH.
Glass and J. A. Puller & Oo. ,
Paint Co. , 1102 Douglas titreot ,
Ol-lll'i llarney Street.
Oimiha , Nub. Omaha ,
William Oummings , Blake , Bruce & Oo. , '
CKiuiiiiir.l South lUthSt. lOI-.Ui I oivenwuilli St.
Omaha , Nob. Omaha , Nub.
GitocEitiE- :
Pftxton & Qallaghor , Meyer & Rnapke ,
70J-7II S. lUlh i-trjet , iai-liaillarnuy Street.
Omulm , Nub. Omaha. Neb.
D. M Steele & Oo , Sloan , Johnson & Oo. , Junes btrcut , Vth ami LiMveriwurth
Omaha , Nub. Omaha , No" .
Allen Bros. , McOord , Brady Oo. ,
IIO-IUU lliirnc- Street , I3th and l.e/ivenwuitli ,
Omnlia , Nek Omaha , Nob.
Hu-rli . Olnrk.
( icn'lVeitern Axuut of
InilMjiit' " ( Spori'iin ' ( iuu
powder. Allan liUh" I'lu-
rmr , KaliunibvcLul nll tUi rnii
" *