Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 17, 1891, Page 8, Image 8

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Matrimonial Mitfits Oolonizlng Naw at
Sionx Falls , 3 , D.
ArlHtocrats AVIio Scok l"\Hf : Itilo IHC
Iroin Ui-lnllvi'M that Iliiiiipct
J nvvri I hat IJOIIHI-II llontlH
Smrx P\ji. , S. I ) , Aug. 15. iSncclnl to
Tin IJi'K ] If abiisliioii mm In this city
were to ( 'ivo his opinion as to the Justice nnd
rights of foreign applicants socuil'ig a
ilivcri'o in this city his natural thought
would bo Una It "biings money to town"
Upon this the irv he is an advocate for the
"business , " ns ho terms It , and although
ordinarily the applicant for unloosening the
tie which galls h cold , austere and lire-
pro-u liable , belonging to some assumed
nrlstoctutlo family in the cast , still the
average OaUolan bus nh cxtraordlmirv re-
pnrd for the 'dollar of our daddies" , nud
welcomes heartily uiieh aspirant for fieodom
from marital harness as long as there Is n
dollar In It.
The divorce law has been on the statute
books for fifteen years , nnd when placed
there It is wild the projectors believed it
would Induce immigration. For fourteen
years it remained n do id letter , uuicnowti and
unnoticed by thu public. The admission of
tlo state into the union nl once brought the
law into notice and gradually the easterners
began to pour Into the city until now there
nro ut least ono bundled who want decrees of
separation. Whether ( hey will got them or
not is n mooted question.
There are no doubt many Justifiable cases ,
vvhcro the applicant is deserving of consider
ation and entitled by the rights of Justice ,
nnd that alone , for u complete separation.
Again th"re are ethers who com ? for the
purpose of fraud , who np , > air under nu as
sumed natno , and unknown to the husband or
wife , as the ease may be. proceed to got n
divorce , surprising the defendant to nn ex
tent lint to be measuiod by words.
Of the 100 present in tills city a majority
nro from Now York , ami the "colony , " as it
is called , is led by such social luminaries us
Mrs. J O. Bliilno , Jr. , Mme DoStuors , a
nicco of John Jacob Astor and wife of Huron
PcStucrs , BiOglMi minister to Paris , Mme
Di'Uiuin , MM. Yciiing , Mmo. IJoSilva and
othois. 'I'licso lndic form n social organ/1- !
tion of their own , quito distinct from tlio
musics of thu people. Thuv spend their time
calling on tlio pilgrims , nnd each addition to
this sti align social condition is vvelcomod ,
nfter casting them into the "Four Hundred"
scale , and if found wanting the .stinnger is
eptirncd ns fulling short of tneir aristocratic
How to Got n Divorcf.
The divorce laws of tnis stnto allow de
crees to bo trrantod by the circuit courts for
adultery , oxlioinu ctnolty , habitual iutom-
pui.mco or conviction for felony. Willful
desertion , wilful neglect , habitual intcmper-
unco must continue u year bsfoio either is
grounns for udivoicc Under the slatuto
ilivoicLs must bo denied upon sbouln con
nivance , rcciimination or limitation nnd
Innsoof timo. When a divot co Is granted for
ndultciy the pirty against whom it Is granted
cannot romaiiy until the death of the other
unity. Adecieo cannot bo granted unless
the plaintiff has been in "good faith" a resi
dent of the state for ninety davs , ami that Is
Just where the attractive fo auro comes in.
Other states icqniio n year. In past years
Yankton , ut ono time the cat ital
of the teiritory. was tlio ronde/\ H
lor the ninutj-uav colony. Alth ug'i
n large number of divorces were granted , jot
bv consent they woio hopt vary quiet and the
fact of the existence of tno easy laws pissed
unnoticed except by these personallj inter
The usual procceduro for applicants com-
inir hero is to put up at a boarding bruise ,
stop hoio for ninety days , bogie nn action for
divorce , obtnin sot vice upou defendant by
publication in some newspaper in the stale ,
nfter malting allluavit that the whereabouts
of the defendant "as unknown ; then after
vuiitlng scventv-two davs longer to go bc-
foio the Judge , piovu UP his cose us ho would
n trco chnm , Hie the decree nnd then take
tram to his former Place of residence.
Speaking of the law , C. O. Bailey , u prom
incut nttoinoy , stid : "In some cases not
oven the Illmsv 'good faith' theory of the law
is cone thiough with. Theio nro eases in
which the parties have come here , icglstoiod
nt a hotel , then loft the stnto nnd not 10-
turner ! until the ninety days had elapsed.
Tobosuio the constitution of the United
BtntOK provides that ouch state shall give full
faith mid credence to the judgments of other
states. Tito ulmost universal holding , however -
over , of the vailous courts of the countr.v is
Unit , when Jurisdiction is obtained by fraud it
amounts to no Juilsdlction , and the judg
ment Is n nullity. If parties dolling to como
to this city and tnko up their permanent 101.
Idcnco he in In good faith nnd not simply for
the purpose of obtaining dlvoicos , soivlio in
that case , even by publication , would be per
fectly valid and the decree sound. "
AViiitlnjj for Tholr Dcorccs. s
Of the members of thu Ono Hundred nnd
Three , as Mis. J. G. Blaine. Jr. . uniquely
called the divorce colony the other day ,
Madame Do Stuors is certainly the most at-
ttactive , nnd while she is known to only n
few in tlio citv she Is decidedly in the load
so far as social position U concerned. Her
husband is Union Do Sliiere of Belgium , ami
Is now acting as minister to France for his
small but vigorous country. The inuduuio is
an Amoilcnn , and the marriatro , which took
place neaily ton years ago , was the clowning
cvont to the Astor famllv. Her name vuis
Miss Curoy. The cause which led madame
to seek separation ft mn her husband Is the
cutelty the baron oxorcUed In his position ns
lord and master. Often ho would hurl invec
tives which would shock imulamo who , after
ono of those family scenes , left for some
vvnicilng report on thu continent and created
a sensation. She Is iiccoinpiirlcd here by
William nillot/.boiousklo , the lover of her
childhood da.vs , and they have Just pur-
clius d a mngnlllccnt residence \\licio the
inadiime will reside In the future. Slio is
determined to gel her dlvoico como what
niuv. Her Uircechildren nro with the baron.
Mrs. J. C5. Blalnc , jr. , taucs llfo easy Her
story Is known to thu woild. She lives In a
neat cottage , having leased it for a vear , nud
her lour-yeiir-uld son , Jimmie thoThlid , and
lior sister , Miss Annie Nevlns , are ulth hor.
Theio hns of Into bpiiiug up n coldnets ol
feeling between Mmo. Uebtuer nnd Mrs.
Blnlno , if the stories tno to be believed. The
imiimmo blames Mrs. Blalno with having
caused several articles to appear in New
Yoru papers about tlio Astor faintly mm
imulHino's troubles and love affairs. But
this cannot bu so , for Mrs. Blaliio U too ill to
do much gossiping , nnd her own troubled
nnd mifoitunuto alllanco has caused enough
talk. Them is somu talk tieto that Mis ,
lUulnn will not secure her divorce , but that
is not uiedited , and Judge , Pulmcr declines
that there Is no doubt , whatever. Hut a
well posted Invvjor remarked to your corre
spondent :
" 1 don't think Mrs. Blalno is entitled to a
divorce. Of course , so far as Justice Is con
cerned , in the point of happiness unit life and
not Inw. Hho might ho. Wlmt can Mis.
illalno iiny on thu witness stand us to her
residence I Did she come hoio lu good faith I
Orinthor to socuru a divorce. Sue does not
Intend living hero. Never did for a moment.
Btiu U too much of n Indy to commit u false
hood , bho will not toll n He. Thou wiitit
ran she del Just this , She will declare
that she has lived in the Mute ninety duvs
and therefore Is entitled to the right of n
citizen Ifthojudpo refuses the dccix-o aho
will appeal. "
Other pillion nt H.
A Mrs. W. 1) . Hubbanl of Hod Batik , N.
Y. , U ono of the hnmfsomcst In the city.
Thu Ilubbimls are wealthy , proud nud ono
day her husband , whom shu nmrrlod when
she was nineteen , cursed nud accused her of
Infidelity , hho throw a pot o < geraniums
nt him. Hence the divorce. Her name was
Allalro before Mio nmrrlod.
The wlfo of Pater Snyder , cashier of the
Hudson Hivor National bank , has cuusotl u
iruiuondoUB seimition. Her nnmo was Ksslo
iieluher nud she married Petto as she calls
him when she was seventeen , Hho is re
lated to Harper Brothers , the publishers.
Jler Itfo has boon thrown open to the public
gaze during tlio nut vvcok la Now York city.
It seems thnt ho fell In love with Charles K.
( Joodwln , Jr , who was murdered a week ngo
last Sunday night in his own rooms by n mail
named WobJter , Goodwin's conduct townrds
nsilo was of a decidedly compromising
character and rumor soon hail It ttiut they
lovoil unwisely. Anyway Peter hoard ot It ,
A dlvotco was decided upon And nn May 0
Uoodwln and his Kulo cimo to Sioux Falls
where a cottage was rented anil Uoodwln
then visited his pirents at Minneapolis ro-
ttirntitr to New York city soon after. Mra
Snvdor during her stay hero was receiving
letters from Goodwin constinltv nud vvlinn
the latter was shot ho was wilting a letter
tnMrs S. nldrenlng her us "my own dar
ling precious wife. "
Mrs. Hawk of Brooklyn , Dr. T D Wor-
r.illof Boston. Henrv Austin noet ami Joar-
nallst of fioUon , 1C n Pollock son of the
Now York ship chnndlcr.Aloxnnilor Pollock.
Mrs. Annie Hurdle of Milwaukee , Itoburt
VVard a contractor of Now Yorrf and T. C.
Palmer a of Chicago arc among the
101 lu the city who want to shiirlle ott the
Inisomocoll ot rnirried life.
Chllilri'ii Cry lor It
The pleas int flavor , gentle action and
sootnlng o'Ti'cts of Svrup of Figs , when in
need i.f a laxative and If the father or mother
be costive or bilious tlio mist gratlfvlng results -
sults follow Its IHO , so tli it it is thu best
famllv lomcdy known and ovcry family
should have a bottle.
The DOII IIIH Imtruotors to Open Their
liiMtltuio 'Moiiilaj N'cM.
The Douglas county teachori' tnstituto will
begin lu annual session Monday morning nt
S. to in tha hall of the high school. Superin
tendent Matthews will conduct the oxoreUos ,
and Prof. Longaii ami Mtss L. Wcbater , two
of the brightest lights in Kansas City's peda
gogic llrm itiont , will locturn d.iilv , Prof.
Loiigan occupying the forenoons and his colleague -
league the afternoons- .
Prof. Longan Is well known la educational
circles and stands bi 'li In the estimation of
Doutrlas I'otinty teachers , before whom ho
has lectured loveral seasons. Ho Is principal
of the largott ward school in Kansas'City and
Is in irreat demand as a lecturer ou education
al topics.
Miss \VobUcr has also wou repute In her
chosen Held , nnd Is punclpul of ttio Hamil
ton school in the citv by the ICaw.
Superintendent Matthews had also se
cured Piofossor C. D Kukostr.iw of Ne
braska City , and Miss Uugh of Omaha , but
they will bj tin iblo to utto id. The object ot
the institute Is not to give the teachers n
chanio to rovlow their studio , n many er-
loneously suppoio , but to Instinct them In
ttio most nppiovcd mot hods of teaching nnd
of enforcing discipline in their classes.
The holding of these institutes nnuunlly Is
compulsory , the law requiring the commis
sioners in each countv ol the state "to con
vene the teachers under ttoir Jurisdiction for
instructions in their art. "
Attendance is , liuewiso , compulsory. The
expenses are dofrnvod bv the toichois' fund
nnd bv an nppiopnutiou of from fit ) to $1UO
made by the lounty commissioners.
About eighty teachcts attended the insti
tute last j ear and Superintendent Matthews
llgures on an incicaso of about ten this
Many high school pupils , whe do not intend
to follow pedagogy , also fiequent the insti
tute After each session , thu to ichors elect
ofticers for the ensuing jear. Tlio olllcors
for this ytnr are ns follows : A. Mntthows ,
provident ; Mrs. Allen , vice-president ; Miss
A Leach , tic.mirer ; Miss Noyos , societary
The country school teachers , numbering
about seventy-one , make a stronger showing
each year nt the institute , nnd look forwnrd
exp ctingly lo it as a grand icunion who
they can exchange expoiiunccs witti thei"
fellows. At the close of the session , Augusr
I2J , there will bo examinations on the vurtout
subjects discussed by the lecturers. In con
nection with the coming institute Supoiin-
tomlont Matthews said to a BKI : reporter :
"I think those annual meetings are excel
lent , nnd I am sure they are productive of
splendid lesults. Kaeh shows our
teachern moie competent , and . : ll because of
the interest and enthusiasm they throw into
their institute _ whoio they are drilled by
skilled , scientific educators to io rh after the
latoU and most Improved methods.
"Bnhou ICean , rector of the Catholic uni
versity at Washington , In n lecture in the
capitol city piid the Douglas county teachers
this high compliment :
'Tlio Nebraska public schools nio the finest
In the woild and her teachers the most pro-
licient I have mot in mv travels , nnd this is
especially true of the schools in Omaha und
immediate vicinity. ' So you see our fame is
boiii < ; heralded over the country and much of
our success N duo thu Institute. "
Mr. Matthews said thnt the law which
went into effect August 1 requiring county
commissioners to furnish sehoolbooks fico
was causing this st ite to bo overrun with
loquai ions nook agents , who aio besieging
the boar Is and making lifo n bur ion.
The programme for the opening day will
bo ns follows :
Sin Opening.
( COO Arithmetic
SI : iO Primary work.
10:10 Civil government.
11:20 : History of Physiology.
1.15 Opening.
J : ( ) ( ) Grammar.
! 3 fiengianbv or Rending.
! t. Oil Spelling ,
II iO Didactic * .
4:00 : General topics.
4 : ! JO Adjourn.
Wanted A good appotito. You can have
it easy enough by taking Hood's jbaHamrila
It tones the digestion and euros sick headac ho
"A MAN. "
Now We Are With You.
On and nftor July 151 tlio Cliioago ,
Roclc Ibhuid & Piicllic rnilwav will run
nil its trains in and out of tlio Union Depot -
pot , Onuhiu Trains will loovo ns fol-
ious , oust-bound :
Day express , ( Wi n. in.
Vostlbulcd limited , -1.10 p. in.
Atlantic express , ( ! :10 : p. in ,
Arrive 0 : 10 n. in. , 10:50 : u. in. nnd 0lfi :
j ) . m. Tbcso trains mo vostibulotl und
it Is nn indisputable fact tliodinlnjj
car service o [ the "Ouiit Koclc Islnnd"
Is second to none in the country.
For rules , sluopln car burtna to Chi-
cntro or any points o ist cnllnt city ticket
ollli-o of the Rock Island Route , 10th
nnd'Farnain streets.
JOHNSiii.vsruN : , G. T. & P. A.
J. L. li : Uuvoisi : , Gonorul Ajjont ,
Sln lo I'ux
A Inrgo number of the local ndvocatoi of
the single tux theory mot yesterday after
noon ut Iho residence of Mr. Charles Stephenson -
son , AMI ! r.mmat street , and hold n momoilnl
orvlco for William T. Cronsdalo , late editor
of the Standard , the national of the
sliiL'lo tuxeiM.
After mlilicssoi bv Hov. John Williams ,
Alfred Falconer , vV D. Bccliott. J. W.
Iwvuns , Uufus S. Parker. Frank Parker , Kuv.
C. W. Look wood and others , the nunropiiato
losolutlotiH uero adopted touching Mr.
Cioasdulo's llfo and work.
Mr. Charles Stephenson wns ehnlrmnu of
thu meeting and Hov J H. Hoody seiretan.
The next meeting of the Slnglo Tax club
will bo held nt room IIO Brown block on Mon
day evening , August .
No gripping , no nausea , no pun when
DoWltt'a Little Uarly Ulseri nro tui ii ,
Small pill , bufo pill. Bast pill.
S. R. Pjitton , dentist , romovoil to Hco
buildliif , ' . Open nvonliifjs till 7yo. ; TeloU.
Ciranil r.utry Into Omnhii.
" On nnd nftor July M , 18)1 ! ) , the Chicago
cage , MHwnuUco & St. Paul Hallway
company will run nil of its trains in nnil
out ot the union depot , Oimhtu No
more annoyance cnnsud by triinsforrinjr
nnd awltcbiii } , ' nt Council HlnlTs. Solid
vofttlbulcd trains , consisting of now
Pnlnco HloopiiiK cais , free parlor chnlr
curs , olos/nnt couclieB , nnd the Dnost
dinlnir cjirs in the world , nil hoiitoii bv
stoiun nnd llKhtod throu 'Jiout by oloc-
trio lluhts. The now ovonlnj , ' express
with "oloclrlo In "
lights every borth"
now loaves Onmhu dally ut if. 20 p. m.
arriving at Chicago nt i:30 ) : u. m in time
for nil ousturn connoctions. Socnrc
tickets nnd Blaoplnr cur berths ut 1501
Far mini street ( Harbor block ) ,
J. E. PKKSTON , tA. . NASH ,
O. Puss. AgU Gou. Agt.
The Skippjr of the Ntabrirt ail tin II jl-
neidad Emigrant.
il Transform it Inn SOIMIO Tint
31 ty IIP M-iy Not I < 1iirnlMh the Key
to tliu Hltit.ition In \ Itluii Mi\
I'llHlMllll < Jlt
The rcrcnt pranks of the Missouri
river in the Dikoimind In the vicinity
of St. .r < Hoph , AIo. , b.'lii a to iiiin I , mvs
tlio Clilc.ifjo Tuti'ji , tin liiutdo it in ttio
nmiitls of tli it o ipL'lcintij 'itru.rn tli it
li ippjtioil u doiulo biolc , .in 1 Hint may
or iiuv not su est tin oxpliin itton , on' ' principles , of the pis-tiyj of the
Iljd son. Tno resulor inny sottto tluit to
his own liking.
Ah ) tit tlio yu ir 1SSO the Chic io , Mll-
vriiuUoo & St. lAitil r.illwiiy co np my ro-
col\edfi-oin tho'irovornmunt a errant of
certtiin lands lying west of Algoim , In. ,
onublliiK It to extend its line in u westerly -
orly direction from that point to tlio
Missouri rivor. At that tlnn the objective -
ivo point was tlio Black Hills. When
the line hud been constructed us lar
west as Marion Junction , S. IX , it
was decided to extend a branch line
from there to Knnnitiy Water , udistanuo
of about seventy tnilo > < southwest , inter
cepting the Missouri river at that point
with avlowof bridging tlio btrciun there
on account of the river bojtitf n.irrow
anil olloring better oofjraphical advant
ages than could bo found at Chamber
lain. When the line had boon extended
as far aa llunniny Water the piojtct of
bridging the stte.nn there was aban
doned and in Ufa place the Niobrara
transfer was established. This transfer
consisted of a large , called the
Niobrara , propelled by steam and de
signed for the transportation of emi
grant stock and movables , and which
plied between H'inniiig Water and Nio-
brant , a small town directly across the
river on the Nebraska shote.
In those ilajs Niobrara was truly a
jumping-oll place. It- ? chief industries
weio loplonishing wagon trains which
readied its gates by lording the river
above Kunnipg Water , horao stealing
and playing sovon-up.
Tlio task of fording the river at this
point was accompanied by so many dan
gers and such gioat uncertainly , owing
to the treaohoions bands , the rapid cur
rent and the lloating debris , that after
the transfer was established most of the
emigrant prospectors who could afford
the transfer fee embraced the s ifor
method of crossing tlio river by boat ,
and soon the ford was abandoned , except
by ( i stray horoo-thief or a , few in ir.iutl-
inir reds from either shore.
Up to this time Running ? Water had con
sisted of iv few frame dwellings , u hor-io
doctor , and about thirty sun-dried citi
zens. Upon tlio advent of tlio railroad a
sudden and remarkable change took
in thig unpretentious bpot. Rumor be
came nfo for miles mound that Running
Water was to bo on tlio main line of the
railroad to the Black Hills. The price
of land shot up to an exorbitant figure ;
land speculators and prospectors of all
ciecds and nationalities came to the
neighborhood. Many of them , after
carefully surveying the situation , shook
their heads and departed , while othorj
lomained , deluded by the bohof that
they nail found at last tlio golden apples
of tlesporidos.
Thoto at that time a lloating pop
ulation of about eighteen hundred people
ple in the neighborhood of Running
Water , composed mostly of cattlemen ,
land sharks , gamblers , a few outlaws
and iv sprinkling of murderers from
On a beautiful autumn afternoonabout
November iiO , 1SS5 , the writer chanced
to bo at Running Water on businessand
about sunset was sitting on tlio porch of
the hotel , situated upon an onunonco
above the adjacent country. Far to the
west , on the Nebraska side , could bo dis
cerned the low line of purple hills which
marked the boundaries of tlio Indian
reservation. Away to tlio north and
bouth sti etched the river , while to the
eastward ran one of the old wagon roads ,
which seemed to blond in tlio distance
with the arch of the sky.
Looking down the long , dusty road
could bo scon , winding its way tediously
along , an emigrant train of eight
wagons. They were headed toward the
landing , \\hoio the , transfer crow
awaited tholr arrival. There is no
special excitement in the arrival or do-
pirturo of it party of emigrants ,
especially in a country whore suoh hap
penings are of daily occurrence , but tea
a man with positively nothing to do butte
to watch the lights and shadows of dis
tant hills , such an cvont may arouse in
him a slight interest. Upon reaching
the landing the men of the wagon train
began parley Ing with the captain of the
Niobrara as to the fee for being trans
ferred across the river , and it was evi
dent from tlioir eonversition tint no
satisfactory amount could bo decided
, npon. The captain of the Niobrara ex
plained that tlio current In the rivet-
was uiuii-ually swift , which would
compel him to go up
stiutim a considerable dislnnuo to
make tlio landing properly on
the other side , and. added to this 1m
podinunt , there was a strong wind
blowing directly against him. Ho said
ho would not comedown a cent in his
piico , as ho was not there for hi.s health
nor for the pleasure of running his boat ,
and If they wanted to eroas the river
witnout las aid they no doubt would
llnd plenty of water to assist them.
After this declaration by the skipper
of the Niobrara a short conference was
hold by the parties desiring to cross ,
and after a few minutes' consultation a
tall , spare man of tlioir party ( evidently
the loader ) stopped forward. In a lea
ther bolt onciruling his waist was thrust
a brace of pistols , in bin right hand ho
gilpped a long cowhide whip , while in
a hole in the largo felt hat that adorned
his head dropped a long , slender tuft of
rod hair , which gave him the appearance -
anco of wearing a pluniu. Altogether
his nrinnor was pleasing. After eyeing
the crow steadily for a few moments ho
addrca ed himself so the captain of the
Niobrara thus : "Well , ciptain , if you
ca.i't come down with them llggcra Han't
no use for mo and yon a-trvln' to do bus-
ness. I guess mo anil the boy.s will go
up to the ford and i-amii for the night ,
and in the mornln' strike across the
rivor. "
Tlio man was Informed that the foal
was then Impassable , owing to the water
being eight feet deep at that point , and
that to attempt to ford the river there
would bo cort.tin do.tth. Ho was not to
bo dissuaded , himovor , by this informa
tion , and ho gave the order to start for
ward. The wagon train hlowly dlsap- '
poarodup the long winding trail loading
to the ford , and shortly after the party
at the landing di per od.
That night about two hours after sun
down a llorco storm arose. Far to the
\\ost g.'oat banlcs of inky clouds were
towering In the sky like glgantlo moun
tain peaks , whtlo between the shrlol.H
of the blast the heavens were ubhr/o
with Mashes of lightning that Boomed to
stretch from polo to polo. Up and down
the line of the rtvcr the wind bounded
like a rillo bill ; lu toro largo trees and
nhrulH from thulr-roots mil linrlud thorn
in tlm hissing sttunin below ; il laid Its
trlnnt hands on tint'grant to wnjls of the
river , mid seemml to bo maddened to
fresh fury nt being hurled back by the
lolentloss might of the rocky btrrior.
In the morning/ / was resolved that tv
pai ty of us should ride up to the ford
and ascort'iin the f.ito of the emigrant
train. After hrottkfnst wo engaged sad-
dto horses tin 1 Httirti'd for the ford.
Aflor riding leisurely for about an hour
information was vouchsafed that when
we reached a slight etnlnonco in tlio
roiv'l ahead , about u quarter of a mile
distant , a good view of 111" ford could
be obtained The knoll was soon roai-hed
and nil eyes were turned toward the
rivor. For a few moments all stood
Hpocchloss with siirp.'lso and wonder.
The omigiaiit train was just disappear
ing from U"W in the tall grass on tlio
Neb asui sulo.whilo fromslio.-o to shore
stretched a stly : of hard , white sand
about forty font in width and varying
in height from 0110 to four feet above
the surface of the water. Through this
strip of sand the river was breaking
In hovornl places , making gaps a
few feet in widtli , thiougli which the
water llowcd like a mill race. Across
this bridge of sand , which one could
almost imagine Intel boon reared in the
night by the fabled genii of Aladdin , the
emigrant train had passed In safety. On
the Nebraska side of the fording place
the shore is low and fadesnwiiy from the
river brink into meadows and psisturo
lands. On that side of tlio stream a ro-
mnrkabk' change had taken place dur
ing tlio night. The rive" had widened
ovc > ' thiH plai/i about half a mile and
had cut its w/v through the low coun
try , joining tfio main stream about two
miles below.
The caprlco of this strange * river is
over now. Tlio almost magical transformations
mations of scones it produces in its
course have long been the subject of
wonder and admiration to many. It is
feared for its treachery , and it is loved
for the cadence of iti lullnbys lliat are
echoed from slio-o to shore from Iho
voice of the murky tide as it rushes on.
JSLUI : itr.o'Jitiw cntit\
Convict I.ovcr of MUs Moslo ol Gciillo
Ni.w YOIIIC , Aui , ' . 10. The history of
James A. Miller , says a morning p.ipor , if
fully told would road like llctton. Miller is
is the oxconvlct , bettor known ns "Shoo
Box , " \\iio wai cngaRod to Miss Stuait
Voaby anil who was presented to prominent
people of Washington. Close on a story that
no dofunso was undo by Miller whoa ho wiw
convicted of toittaiiiK mut robbing nn old
couple nt Bradys Bend. Pi , coiuoi a partinl
coiioboration of it by Miller's ftttornoy. The
storv st.iteu In substance Unit Miller was
under nn assumed name , but the mnn know
nothing of the eritno Tor which ho was con-
\ictud. Hat on tint ninht he bud shot and
supposed ho hud Killed a pil. When aricstod
ho feared to niiiUo u Uofcnso and thus reveal
his whcieabouts nnit face , as ho believed , a
chniRC of murder. This shooting occurred
in Cluveland Tlio victim iccovoroil and the
police never knew of it. A dispatch from
IMUsbnrir sins that Colonel W. D. Moore ,
who dofpndcd Miller , yesterday made a
suUeiucnt , based on the confidential story of
his cbont at the time , la this Colonel
Moore jsays :
Miller is not the name of the mnn who
committed thu torturing or the roborv.
Neither is it the nama of the man who served
seven roars in the \\ostorn penitentiary for
the ciimcind who is now a suiter for the
hnnd of General Mosby's daughter. The
man known us "Shoo Bo\ " Miller is tlio son
of ono of the wealthiest business men and
financiois in Now York. Miller is a niimo
whiLh ho adopted long after his separation
from his wo ilthy parents. The story comes
to mo from his own lips iind I have no doubt
it is true. When " .lumos W. Miller" was a
rhild his father anil mother sepv
nratet. The child was doicrtcd by
his father. His mother died ,
and ho wns thro'vn upon the mercies of the
woild Hinco tlnif time he has borne a bitter
hatiod for hif father ; in fact , ho would not
rocof nizo him ns his father. Thnt those cir
cumstances me true and Miller's father
isavoij prominent and wealthy Now Voikor
is nil I know of the man's early .historv. I
have nositivo proof that Miller was in Clovol
on the night of the robbery and that no never
held ono of the stolen bonrts. At Millni's 10-
quest I hnvo written n letter to Miss Mosby
lolling her the facts. The man who com in it-
ted the clime confessed nnd paid mo the
rnonov to defend Miller , I know ho is nn in
nocent man. "
The best and cheapest Car-Startor is sold
bv ths Uarli.sSJll3J c Uo , Cliicigp , 111.
With it ono mnn can move a loaded cir.
ai'oriin i.nci : A
Captain Cooncy of Itostou Siglitn n'on
Sci'pput < m George's Hunks' .
BOSTOV , Mass. , Auif. 10 Frink
Coonoy of Iho steamer Clara F. Hurwood ,
ono of the Burgess craclc UShiu bo its , ar
rived here todav from the Ooorjo's nonks
with a-story of a sc.v monster which rivals
anything that has been before soea in the
North Atlantic waters. The Harwood was
Just off the banks when the monster was dis
covered nnd of him the captain sa\s ;
"IIo vviis spotted like a leopard nil over hh
back , and all the spots seemed to bo of differ
ent colors some very h.indsomo and ethers
not. Ho di if ted ulo'nf ; with the vessel and I
should say ho was seventy foot Ions nnd
fouiteen feet broad. In n few minutes ho
raised his head , which was shaped like u
Khovel-nobod shark , and fecllni ; nt uobiR
nwnkoucd , as I think he was as loop , ho opoued
his jaws and then mauo a dlvo for the bottom
of the schoonar.
" \Vlth his bis tail ho lushed the sea into
foam ami then went under our keel , scraping
it as ho passed. It was not \\halo by anv
means , for I'vo boon whaling for yoais. Ho
nuvurolTorcd to move until nU on board had a
good look at him. "
Stntll In a\to \ , great in rosnlU. UoWitt's
Llttlo Uarly Ulsori. Boat pill for constlpa-
tloi , bjit , lor.u.iUjil u u , bjit , for sour
atom nth.
jr/j.srutt.v .sc'/// ; } iiitt > to / , / : / > .
IiiHpnsltlon ol'tlio l Hiato ofI. T , \\'IIK-
goner , ICaiioliniaii . nil Cattle Tlilcl' .
CmnuNSp , Wyo. , Aug. Ill la Juno last a
party of vigilantes wont to Thomas J. Wug-
Konor'b ranch ; thirty-llvo miles west 01 Now
Cnstlo , and hung Waggoner to a tree In
front of his own door.Vnggoner was ono of
the most notorious stock thiovosnf the region
and had accuinuliiUiii u herd of 1,000 horses uy
thefU from biir cuttle outllU nnd his nolgh-
bois. Ills pluco wo-i a hcndqunrtors for al
the rustlurs and stack thiovo-i in the country.
His oatuto was estimated to bo worth ? "iJ,0XJ. (
His wifu wits n hulf-witted crontum , and
Waggoner's biothoi and father tnok her and
liar two children to'Notuuiika and applied for
thu appointment of t'ruil W Coites as admln-
Istrutor of Iho c.u.uo , u man they thought
would manipul tto tua propurtv In tholr favor.
Most of Wnggonur'Bstrjuk was stolen fiom his
neU'obors , nnd in ina-iv Instances bore tlioir
Inmul < A numb irof them objected to Coatus
nud petitioned tin ) court to uppultit Mover
Frank , a N'owo stlo hinicor , as admtalstra'or.
11. C llfiisul , n nousp ipoi1 mnn , suw Mw
Wugt0nur ami her cuudron in Nuurasku and
from their story b'cvno convinced thitba-
tvvoon the various intormts thov would lu
lost sljht of and ho potluoaod the court la
bo made guardian of tlu children and the
widow. Tno matturcama up for iluai sottla-
moat today , nil the claimants bolng on hamt.
Too Jiiilga surprise 1 tluin uy nunliiif A. B.
Chulf , n pro ninent stojltmui of U'o-Uon
county , thu guardian of the chlUlron nun ad
ministrator of thu uttato.
C.uiK'it In tlin Act.
New YoiiK , Aug. 10 The customs bouso
ofllccrs m.ida several Important si'l uresol
sinugu'lo. ! goods on the sti'amshtp Umtnln
which artlvcd fiom Liverpool last night
Joseph Roller of SjtacusuN. Y. . was found
to hnvo llftv vifils of black sill ? wrapped
at ( in ml his bodv , and in his trunk worn found
llfiy vniils moio of th'J silk Uosldcs two gold
\vniclios , six shawls , twelve sots of line cut
lery , n number ot morschuuiu pipoi nud a
UUtmtlty of lace.
HUM Miulc ti Olrui i ; < \
Lot'itvii.M ; , Ivy. , Aug. Ill O. A. Smith ,
general fivlirht aceni of thu Ohio Vnllsy
rallrovd , with hoadiiunrters nt Kvausvlllo ,
has u-slgiicd to becomes general a'ont of the
Ijvnnivbto it Toiro Hnuto railroad .with
headquarters nt Terre Haute. ,1. ,1. l-'ngnn ,
tiMVollhlg agoat of the Ohio Valley , tnkes
his place.
Joint I'.isspiijjciMilled M IP ,
The Joint passenger schedule , for tlio Union
Paclilo and Chicago , Uocrf Isl.mdt I'nclhc
on the urldgn system , limes Iho vailous trains
at this city as follows : vVestwnul Union
Pacific fust mall , ll.U p. m ; Denver express ,
10U : ( a m. ; Pacillc express , D"iJ : p. m. ; Bea
trice express , S > : IU u. m. ; vvoikingmen's
train , ( i . { > a. m. ; suburban , T'oa : m. ; Chi-
cajo , Kocic Island it I'nciilc , No. . " > , 1JJT : p.
in. : Iso. 7 , 7:17 : p m ; Xo. 17 , ! : . " > p. m
li.utward Unioa Pnctlic unlimited , ll.Ot p.
m. ; fn a mail , I .Us p. in , Chic .go uxpiess ,
UW : n m. ; Atlantic e\iross [ , 11 , .IS n m ;
Boutrito o\pro4s , iii-id a in. ; Chic.Mo , Uocu
Island it Pacillf , No. 0 , Iti'JS p. m. j No. a , 7.i3
n. m , ; No. Ib , 1U ill n. m.
I'liuuliiIsclicn VuriHMi Ci-li-liiMll > ii.
PlnttduotM hen Vcieou held the most suc
cessful social .vcstcrdny inUcrmuuin hall and
gardens ovnr hold by that strong and popular
soiloty. The Vorecn had proctued a mngni-
licmit banner and it was decided lo have a
public presentation of the Uannur and a suit
able celebration. At 'J o'clock the membeis
u ombled at thu hull oa Twunl-sl\tli stieet
and marched over the announced route to
the guldens. Hoio u thousand people hud c.s-
semuled each bearing n vvtlcoming smile.
Tlio p trade , hended by the Comet band nnd u
line Ameilcan Hug and the \ uccn
banner being burno at thu bund of
thu pioccs lon , ntluieted manv
spectatois and received many coinplt-
montory rcnmiks.
The banner is a flno silk ono , Held gicen
with a likely walked oak trco and clasped
hands in Iho center nnd the following woius :
"Sued Omaha Veicou , orgatii/od , April ,
Ib'JJ. ' " Tlio reverse side is a deep blue Held
with a woven oak anil 1 uuol branches und a
riuUoa tied in a bow-knott nndoids menu-
ing "In unity tliuio is alrength. "
In the contests Mrs. ll niriek Sobbert won
tno egg race , Fied Lehmnn of Oinului , the
vvhceluariow race , Vnlor Plvoukn Hie sack
rnie and the folloiMiig poisons won the lir.t
eight pii/os in Iho order namud in Ion pins :
Huns Bellman , i\lr. Hick , Kntnk Humpert ,
Adolph Puist , Ilcniy Limbuig , .John Bugge ,
Chris Bosen and William Armbrust.
At8 o'clock Piosident Fiiu .St.iookcr of the
Omaha Voreun delivered the presentation ad
dress I'.na lormally presented the banner to
the Vcreen.
A largo delegation from the Omaha vereea
and thu singing society nnd Oaiahn friends
were prusont.
Thoovonln was spout in dancing and
social amusements. It was a Plattduutschcn
success m ovury particular.
St. Agnes' church was filled yesterday
foionoou as it had seldom been before on the
occasion of the lirst Bohemian Catholic ser
vices. The Bohemian Foresters' cornet band
furnished the music and St. Agnus' choir
assisted in the services. Uov. Father C'luiles
Kolin of Woncoslaus , Omaha , ono of the pol
ished and best educated men of the Bohe
mian rate in the west , sung hieh mass.
After an eloquent sermon on "Tho Uimei-
sality of Gok , " delivered in thu Bohtimlan
language , the talented pieacher uddicssod
the congiofatlon on the nuostion of orgMi-
izmg a Catholic church society und the ne
cessity ol building n cliuich.
Hov. Father Kolin will hold services in St.
Agnus' church Sunday , August 'M , whoa nn
oiganli.itlon will be mado.
' 1 hose present of thu picachoi's tongue are
loud in their praise of the eloquence und lib
erality of ituv. Father Kolin.
Fight to n Finish
On Saturday evening , the 'J'Jth , Charles
Sheddcrs ot B iTalo , N. Y. , and Joseph Vass ,
of western him.- , will maet in a finish light
in Cioruiania hall , for jloo nnd the entire-
gate receipts. _
Notet , Abe it I III' City.
Ilobort H. Livingston post , No. J3.J , Grand
Armv of the Itupublic , will iiold a meeting
this evening In Knights of Pythius hull , Mc-
Ciinnis block.
Father D. W. Moriarty is very sick with
ch oleia morbus.
The picnic to bo" given by the Nordon Sing
ing society in Toutonia park Sununv , August
! ! 0 , will be attondud uy n Inrgo delegation of
Scauitlimvlnns Irani this city.
The city council will moot In adjourned
session this evening. Thu toport of the coun
cil sitting ns n boaul of equall/ntion on the
paving Jobs , will bo made und acted on.
Mr * . Uuvlil Forglo has gone to Chicago to
visit her mother.
U. May , of Chicago , who has boon spend
ing a ween with his son D. G. May , has re-
tuineii homo.
Miss Mollie Condon , after a two weeks'
visit with friends tit Valparaiso , has re
Mrs. Ella T. Chi 1st ami son Oddio , who
have buon spending lluou weeks visiting
friends in Cheyenne , have roltirno 1 ,
The Maroons defeated thu Nine .Spots nt
Albiight yestordny by n score of 1 J to tj.
Clifton P. Ulchnrdson of Chicago , who has
been visiting his patents , Mr. nnd Mrs. U.
M. Uichnulson , has returned to Chicago ,
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Flynn , Twcnty-llrst
between 1C and L stteut-s , had a cluislening
of tholr infant son William , yestetday after
noon. James P. Murphy was sponsor. The
services were ns pleasant as they woio
Inteiestlng and impressive.
The BowlevH got ft runs und the Custelllos
0 in the game of ball on the Third ward
grounds 3 eslerduy.
C. C. Vuugh has returned from Fremont.
DoWitt's Llttlo Kartv Risers ; Dost llttla
pills for dyspepsia , sour sto naeh , badbroitb.
A'otttr * nf nv lln' nrlc l un ter Uilt ItmJ , it/In
tuts : nidi uilittlloiMt ( die ( en cent * .
U-UlVNOl.Ds'-At Iho rcsicoof
ill" ullli'liitlng olou'vinun. UnV. . K" Hum ,
In Uiuuhti. Aiuust if , Itt'i ) , .Mr. llrot iiinglur
und MlssUraoe ICeyiioldn , belli uC Aluhlson
Kim ,
An' ( cm ofIr" tniri HI lem iiivlerin ( IteaJ , nftu
cent * ; ciicli itildltionul line ten cfM .
of Ml , and .Mrs. Wtnter iiid , An-
u ust U ) , Services at icsl lunto , "K , ' ) ChlfiiKO
Hticut. t - | i. in. , AUKUst 17th. liiturinuntat
l.uiml Kill.
llOl.MM'ii-Amm : ) J , nu'i'dyours , daiiuhtor
of Mr mi I Mrn < ' J. llniinstoil , Ancnst liltli ,
Sorv ti-H at rihldvm-e , ( Jlbsun hlatlon , nt U p ,
in August 17th Intoiinenl l.auiul Mill.
Used iii Millions of Homes -40 Years tlie Standard ,
mate clolhw as white as the sun
And finiah your work" as soorl as begun.
SANTA CLAUS SOAP is Ming fat Will do it ,
/Ind / liavin ? once bouqfit it you nefer will rue it.
nil I'liiinli'is r ( lip Slomic'i , Ll\t r. lloupls , Kili-ij'j , Hl.ultbr , Nrno-.u
sjLii.s of .Vpni'lile , llfiilndic. ConIp.itlon. . fostlvi'iic , In lgotl ! m , Uilloiu-
ness , l'c\cr , L'ilcs , itf ; , , anil rcn crs the Astern less linblo lo contract lilMMio.
KADWAY'S PTM.S are iMiru fur ( his oiinipl ilnt. "They time up the ntorn-vl sierotlons to
eiilthv action restore stron "th to t'i i st > m ili in 1 on iblu It t > mirror n Iti fnntliiai
I'rli'o j en bov. Nilillty ulldriiKXIsls. or mailed by KADWAV & OO , , .U Warren Street , Now
in U , on receipt of pi ce ,
1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb.
Trusses ,
Supporters ,
Crutches ,
Syringes ,
Atomi/crs ,
Bed Pans ,
Elastic Stockings
Medical Supplies
Physicians' Prsscriptions
And all inediciccs curcfully com
114 South 15th Street.
Pimples on the Puce |
Breaking Out | :
Skin Troubles | ;
Llttlo Boreal Hot Skin ) :
Bolla i Blbtcbos |
Cold Soroai Bad Breath ) j
Bore Mouth or Lips | :
If sou miffir fru'i , nnjr of ;
UicftO > Miplidni * , tuLo
'WHY ? BCCAKf Fr 'Viu > OD i
H vo you otor Ufeit mtrciiryl If to , did > ou ;
Iiitvo youri-clt tlio iitcilnl aiuntlon at tlio tlino I.
; \Vu iiv < a not ttll you fiat you rrqnjio ix lilouil ;
SiiiMitldnc , toonnro fiteiloin from tlia nftii tt ;
Zfi ti I r. AcUi r' KiMlinh mood I llNlrlHtip : . will lliorouitlily eradl
: oiily known
! from the " " 'W1 ' ' I'li'Vi '
inn the poison , , iS
IHiUlvl It A. I
: > ourilnirirlKt or wrltoloV II
.VA".4.1. ? " " 1" " " ' " " " " " * " " ' " !
1'OK S\fn I1Y KIJIIV . . CO. Omaha.
ACI.NUINIi MH IID-IICKIII.IIll M i\lll ) S lillllM
KIlADIUAlUU-Curuj nil illiu 1101 bcctiKo Itkltli
llio inlcriiiiu or uonn I'm mi in I rot illo.l In ( i. is
uiitl 16 sl/oi , tlio lultur 2 1 "i uiilloni bunt nnjr-
wlioro propihl on rc.'oipt of pili-o ori1 o I ) \Vo
l lie uuiia nnluo lo euro llu niilillu iradu nn I
lobliun supplhiil l v Iliu lioodtn m lniCo ) Mo-
ConnlikX hunil , Uni ilnii 0. A Molcliur , llowircl
M > i > . * anil I ! J Soykorn , South Dm ill , A I ) Tuj
Icr unit M I' Lllli , Council lllulK
Kiihl liy 111
tIt 11 ftlMwutiful
1'icttirii Hook riul tnriti
wnttonuyi unmltlieri f
Q.L' . Illlirs , V ( C
} ' llr.dlll '
floiuii'i'lmatt. ( ili'i't and / , 'iK' rr/i i !
curou lu ' 'il iv * liy thu 1'iunuli Itiiniti ly cn-
tltlud tliu IvINd It iliKSiilMH lu'iii'isl ' nut H
ubsnrliitd Into tno influiue 1 imrts. Will rofuiul
innnuy ir It does nut unio or causes stricture.
Uuntlniiiiin , hurt ) is u rellalilu nrt ulii. f.l u
paekaire or U fur * " > | iur mall preiiald. Mc-
Ouniilelc iJ.iind , Oiniiha .
f iiiiinf
: DOCTOR Theia Celebrated r.\ilISII > .
1'IIIu are a I'onltl vn Cure fur hlrk :
UtuilurliF , lllllnii.ii. . . , nut :
C'uii lliiull n. Sinull , plia . |
nut anil u furnrltu KillIlil -
inllii Scilil In I i > ilinl lor li ;
v.l , In Ainirka for Vl..f. nil ;
Hum from Jour l > ru nl < ti , or ;
i Mil to W. II. I'lillKIU X II ) , ;
40 ll t | lroja j ; , t \nrk , I
Tor * ili ' y KUHN .V CO. Oinahii. _
Lo uo'j P rloclloiil PillB.
ThUlTiii luoui ily ouillr i4tl iipnii llmuinnrii
tlTU oruiiui mill limn Miiiprudiiun ot Iliu IIIUI.-KH
t.'ur thruo lorfi . . Siimi ! I not Ij )
iinuililuiliuiiruxntniy lubiiu 3 itnuJl'tl uni | tliu
public upilluil | U ) ii.iuiliiiiin llriu _ o _ Jlni ilm. _
Itillicil ) , u nold Kith u
rlltcn.iiinriint < ; ii
future all ' .LTIOUU Il ) >
eiucs , mch aactk
Milnorj ! of Ural i
1'ou-cr In' ml ic he ,
\\ultff uluem , 1/jtt Mar
tiuoil Mrrvuuf n F < , Un
( ItuUi * all Ural : , * and
Doforo A. After Uso. lot * ut [ ujMtr of the
I'botOKraphctl from life ( Uii'raiAo ( > rrfau , lu i i , cnuscil by
over eierUoo , > ontliful Indneritlaiu. ur the i xctrtltc
use i.I tobiiccn , opium , or UiiiuLiM . uhlrb ul'Jtnatcly
Icid to Iiiarmlty , Comuuiiitlou and lUMiiilty 1'ut up
In cotufiilctit form to carr > In the MU pocket. J'rtci
II p ckii < c. or for W With every < uner ! vrelvc
Mvrltt.m iruiinintcn tu i-urji < > r rrfiinil tint
inonuy. bvut by mail to uiiy adJri" . tlrculir tree.
.tti.iloii tlilt inxr AdilreM.
MADRID CHEMICAL CO , , Ilrjnrh Office for O. S , A.
JI7 | V Art-irti KircA f IIIl Afil ) II U.
Kuhn&lki Cur 15th < V DouaUiHu
J A rilllc.-ri * > Cor Hlli & Doii
A , D I uu.r 4. ( , . . UluiT ,
For troubling pains in small of back
use Mooro'a Tree of Lifo.
For Catarrh use Mooro's Tree of Lifo.
For Constipation use Trco of Life.
The great lifo loinody The Tree of
Mooro's Tree of I.lfa n pniltlra euro for Ktclrio/ " " "
nml I.Ivor Co M [ Mil at mil all 1 > ou lilliono > . Uooill jX *
pnjr to aulTur wlion you o in nro 1 br mtn Mouni'Ar
Irc'oof Llfo. 1,1 fj Huiiolr !
THIS sriioiAr iB'r.
Slttcon Vo.'irs ISxporlciuo In Ilia Truutmont or
roruirt or
Skill Ilttoii ) * < 0i ! unil Kunmlo Dhui ui I.iullta from
2-liiloiilr llr Moliro * < kiioiiixn In Dili truiitmcnl
of Prlvut IXnu iHm h IH iiovt r IH o I uqiinlloil Hooks
nnil I IrciiliirH I'HitK Tro itiiiuni br corruiiionilouoo.
Oill e , 1'i ami armu 3ti , Omaha , Nub ,
l.ntrnnco on ulthur tn et
Invention '
Tiuth without pi ilos. rtitnovablo hrlil a
work , "lr Tlirockinoitun'ii iiatunt" No
Iipliudown or iiiiitus , liltu anything you
like tuitth rniniilii llrm. lust thn thin/ for
iiilnMntH , linvyursand pulilli.HIO | lUuri I'rlco
u III llu niiiro tliun rulihor | ilatr > . within ru.iuU
or all Dr Iliilloy , Dontlsi , lius tlu ) Holu rmlit
to Oinalm und DuiiKlai Utinnty , otlluu Jrd Hour
'i bloolc. Oinafia
a \t j .lib i
i.n. ruinunr lor nil tni
inniituif' rllnhRiRi'i mid
jnviitHilnriuenor n , n A
Drtuliuurv for UiiMli'hllW
utliiK winikum [ njcullar
u vsc men.
Ilirvw r lioltnnd feeleaf *
in rtinminvndlDu It W
"tl nunuriiri.
Nlllll liy ItriiteiitltM ,
i'ltlCU 81.0O.
OMAHA ) * pruc-uro for Kradu
nl > \\rltu for clrculnri
SOHOOL OF iiii mum 4iv NOW
Vork l.ifo llld'K , Ouinlm , Nub.
UUull I A " ' ' "I umy cipiulm prmcrlbuil br
uuuu i n roKUl r pliy < tcliiii for llm euro ot
( lonorrluet nnd ill oliarm from tlio urinary uruani
liurliod or ncqulrud , II.W vat box. AlluruggUU.