THE OMAHA DAILY BJEE , . MONDAY , AUGUST 17 , JLbOl. 8PEG1HL NOTICES. AIlVKItTIHKMKNTH I'Olt TIIKHK COLUMNS will 1 1' InVrn milll 12'iO : for I ho cvrnlnit find unit ) 8. i/0 p. in. for tlio morning or Bundny pell- tlopn All nrttrMlicmrptd In thrsp column * I cnt n word flritt Insertion Mid IH rcnla n word thereafter , or n per line per month. No iidvcrllst'tnpnt taken for Iff * limn 25 cent * for tin * first Insertion. Terma rash In nd- f nnro. Inltlnli. figures , symbols , etc. , vnchrountaa n word. .All KdTrrtl'cnicntn must run ronnccu- tltoly AdTrrtlsors , l > r rrciupstlnii n numbered rhcek , run havr their answera addressed to n "num- lifrcil Idler In cnrpof TIIK llf.r. Annwprnno ad dressed wlllbodellTcrcdonlyon presentation of the check. 1 > UAN ( n mKH--AnvKUTiKisn FOHTHKSK J > columns will IIP Inkpn nn Ilin nhovc condition ! uttlip foliimlnK IniidnpsB hnusea , who nrn author- Ircd to tnlie special notlcea nt thu enmo rates aa can Lc hud nt HIP mnln nfllcp : South ( minim Jlrnncb Office No. 2K23N itrcct , Lt - l r block JnlinV. . llpll , I'hxrninclst , Htli find Mason strpoM. H. II. Kariisworth riinrmnrlsf , 2116nmlnif street W..I. llinMies , riinrmnrlst. I3 ( N. Ilith utrcpt. 0. K. atlcrneld , riinrmnclst , 1718 Lcnvcnworln Irppt. Ihnilips. ' I'hnrmncy. 31th nnd Pn/nmn. 'si'FUATlOXS For aittrr , rlc. , ffctnit nf fttt r i.Jii imi tinHitgnnqt. A - WANTKI ) , I'OHlVfoN TlV VOUNO LADY BteiHnrrnpher nnd typewriter. Two years' nxpn- rtpnru. deed references. N II , lieu ofllcc , C'cilincll Jllunn. .118-15 _ _ A -WANTKD , SITUATION AH COLLKCTOH OK J\ solicitor fur n iinoil linn. Years' experience nnrl best of reference , Addresi. V Mi , llca olllco. IT. . ! ) ! . ' > "V WANTKD SITUATION AT ONCK HV I.AIiV striuiKraplipr ; experienced ; uoud references. Address'.I/ ! V 'Ttril .M.I75 18" \VAXTI3D 31 A l/i : HUM' . > or nitrt , rtc. . ttt top o , enlumn on tlil p-WANTKIJ-A CLAHINF.T AND COHNKT -I'plajer for band and ou-licatrn anil some useful 1'ncloTom people. Addri'sa Hiirknesa ,1 Harker , Hancock , la. MW4 HI * iT WANTKDSOLICITOUS TO IIKPHKHKNT Jillio llnnio Library anil Hupply nsaocLitlon. Ilia 1'nxton block. MSI 17' ) WANTKD AN KXI'KIUKNCKD CAl'I'KH. I - > Lain : orthy Mtinford Cnmilnit Co. , Scward. Ncti. 37I > 17' P-WANTKD , ASSISTANT IIOOK-KKKI'KH , KB 1 JNow York I.lfu bullillnif. T > - WANTI'II ) AN ACTIV'K , KKI.IAIII.M SIAN- J'flnlnrr t'U to ISO iiiontbly , with Incrrnnn , to rpprpiipnt In bin own M'cllon n ro po > i llilo .New York boniii' , IlL'fercncc'.i. Mnnurnctiirur , lock box 1M.1 , New Vork. T > - WANTKII , TWO HOOD AOOIDKST INS UK- J'niuMi nollcltorn for thu city nnd ono for Kotith Oninhn. Address \ V'i \ lieu. M.14'J -WANTKD-A NKAT , HXl'KIUKNCKI ) DAIIIV- 3 iniiii , H'.lil North 24th. M.'Illi IB * B-WANTKD , AN AKNT AND CANVASSKH for a live weekly paper 111 e.very town In No- hraika and Iowa ; liberal commissions. Addresn Kxnmlner aiicncy , ,11 1 H14th atreet , Omaha. tf'.i : ) "p WANTKD , SATKt-MK.V O.V HALAHY OH COM- JJmlsslon to handle the new patent chemical Ink rrnalui ; pencil ; the vreatcat selllni : novelty ever produced : f-rnao * Ink thorouchly lu tno noconds : no braslon of paper ; VOO to MX ) per cent prollt ; ono j5irent'a sah'H amounted to fO''O In six days , another ; > 3 In two hours. We wnnt ono cenoral nuent In racli state ( ind territory. For terms and full par- tlcnlara addrcaa thu Monroe KniberMfi ; . Co. , La Crosse , WI.H. fjti l I-WANTKD SALKWMK.V ; 1'KHMANKNT VAY- J'liiK poilllnna for IntvlllKpnt worliera. Write at oncn. KllwaiiKcr & Harry , Mt. Hope Nurseries. Itochester , N. Y. fill ) n2l TJ MICjT OK ( JOOII ADDHKSS. MKTHOl'OLI- JJtanMf'K Co. , Itm Howard or 137 N. 12th , Lincoln. WO-B-SI * fur rittff. etc. . ftc ( oil nf Jirft ciiluinn on lilt * i . for and furnish 8 or 10 room modern house for club. Address W 14 , Ileo Olllcu. m 'U7-1S- C ! WANTKD. A OlHTi FOK ( JKNKUAL 1IOUHK work : nlco home. 2iill ! Capital avcniiu. mlM-17 : C WANTKD , YOUNd MAN Oil LADY AS TYI'K- wrlter ono who Is ( ) iilck and accurate nt ItKiires preferred. State reference and salary expected. Address , W 4 , lien Olllcu. & ! C-WANTKD : A COMI'KTKNT COOK. MISS Koiuit/o , Forreat Hill , South 10th street. M277 17 C-COMI'KTKNT (1IHL F.l ! KN KHAL HOUSK work. Apply to Mra. Thus. F. Hall , 1WJ Sher man avenue. 749 KOH nioNT uou.siss. Forrtitm. etc. , rq ( / > ; > , ' 'r.'t commit ontlil.i i age. Y-FOU HKNT , ; o-nXM - /venlence.i , Kllif S. HHIi st 217 18 * I-FOU ItKNT , U-UOOM II OUSKNKAIl 221) AND AJ Davenport nt . , M5.0U ; 4-ronm cottiiKe , 2Vlh and Doilue els. , 110.00. IIOKKS A Hill , 140D Faruam Bt. 1117 15 , -Kl.KUANT 0-HOOM IIOUSK , 828 8. 21ST atreet. MSiB 22 * TKOH KKNT-HKl'THMIIKll 1 MY IHCSIDKNCK , 1J Kltliiinil Nicholas , 2 blocks from Walnut Illll motor , one of the most convenient 7 room cottages , n Hue barn , larno lot all In tine lawns rent , * 25. Inquire - quire 201 N Y. Lifo bldK , Theo. Olsen. MTO ) 17 iy-KOH HKNT , NICK SIX IIOOM COTTAOK , -l clty water and , centrally located. Inqnlro I Sii N ISth street. M.12ii-l7 * _ -FIVF-HOO.MHOUtiKi HKNT LOW. INOUlltK . ' 711 DoiiKlas. Mil8 : 17 _ WlH HKNT , 2 ( i-UOOM FLATS , MODKIIN , newly pnpered , uood locnllon , J.Meach. . 8-room lionse , modern , newly papered , nun location , prli-u MOUtl. room Hat , modern. In wood lo callty , S.--7.50. 2 10 room houses , itas , bath , hot id cold water. down town , ftti.UO. llenawa A Co. M.I.Y. 18 TV-KIM HKNT , 310 AND 313 N. ZJND STHKKT , J 'modern honao 10 rooms , alao lIlii ! California street , detached house 8 rooms 15. Apply 'HII .V. ' . ' .M Ktrcut. 1&S 17 * TlCOTTAC13 , U HOO.MS , 810 S. 30I'll ST. KII-17 * ' \ \ 15-HOOM HOUSK. KUIINISIIKD , 212 NOHTH J 'I7lli xtreut ; furnishings for -eule cheap. Heo Novlllo , corner Harney and Zilth. AlStSI 20' D 'IHHKK-HOO.M HOUSKS , COHNKH I'.ITlt and N strcotH , South Omaha. 218 17 * TV-NKW , MODKHN AND MOST DKSIHAHLK IN J 'the city , ( i or 4-rooin nil tun. ComplPto for house- kcupliiK. 81H S. aid Blrcet. T. U Van Porn. 11) ) IVKUHNlliTFKD IIOUSK , 5 HOOMS , $ ' . ' 5 TO MAN -I-Jainl lf . ( Ml 8. IBtli. iijT-M * BKI.AT OKII HOOMS , S. K. COHNKH WKHSTKH and ll'.lh , with water and heat.ftU ) month ; I'I ) N. liUh at. , photograph gallery , Including water nnd Jipal , Rat ; bakery and store , ( SI N. 10th , { ) month , bears , KW New Vork Life. 24J 10 Tl-KOU HKNT. 8-HOOM FLAT , HHICK , SI25 J-'Lake at. , with all modern conveniences. ILK. Cole , Continental block , or Fauat bottllnu works. TV' " ' 4 AND 6-HOO.M HOUSKS , flO.OO TO H.VUOl -l-'I'est ' residence llata lu city. Muml Inv't. Co. , 443 llee bullillnit. 05'J TV CHKA1' HKNT. LAIKiKST AND CHKAl'KST J'llst In the cltyiH and upward ] (1. F Hutta room Mil. I'axton Illock. aaAH * KIiAT KOH HKNT OK II HOO.MS , VII FLOoTT Lliilun block ; ranie : newly papered. John llamlln , UI7 S. loth > t. 7 < U Tv-IK YOlTwiSIl TO HKNT A IIOUSK OH STOHK J-'ri'u H. K , Cole , Continental block. Utt * B-KOH HKNT 10-HOOM HOUSK CKNTHALLY Incateil , modern Imprurementa , 713 N.U'th. ' Wl T\-KI.AT. 7 HOO.MS , HANIil ! , AWNINGS AND J 'all conviMilencea , f.U. ( jeorKO Clouaer ; call at Btore. 701 B. ICth at. M5I7 KOH HKNT , HHICK .sTOHY AND A IIAlTf' house , InrKO yard , n. e. cjr. 16th nnd Webster. -Itnjiilru C , U ( ianiBOn , 1511 Karnam. M7I1 - KtH ) 1 rKNT.SI'LKNDIDNKWII-HOO.M IIOUSK , 'M'i ItoiiKlai atreet ; best hicatlon In the city. In quire cf dlubti Loan and Trust Co. , lUth und Doclno ata. , or A. H. tiladslone , WIU Donulaa atreel. UiO TFOH HUNT. 6-HOO.M CO'H'AdK , 185 N. STTII - ' 'street , (10 ; 3-rooin cottiiKe , Kid and Karnam , I18.W. Kevii A Selby , roum la. Hoard of Trade. W4I FOU ItKXT l'UUMSIIii : ) fti'titen , etc. , Kt tea of fli'al riiliunn on thLi ) iaas " FHONT HOO.M WITH HAY WINDOW , IJnli'nlfurnUlied. . hleam heat , cua mid bath ; convenient to buslncaa. No other roomers. Ad- ilresa Wti. Ileo. 3JI-17 j -'rwi ) KHONT HOOMS FUHNISHKD ToTt Jjhuiisokei'piiiB , law N , anii it. si4-i6 ; T -NICK COOL HOOMS , S1MJLK OH F.N tilMTK. N. 15th at. 85) | 5 E-KOH HKNT. ONK LA ltd K AND ONK HMALL juulh loom , S1W DoiiKlai alreet. nr l--J I : ? -HOO.M , 1'HIVATK FAMILY , 1701 OAI'ITOI.WJ Jnve. WJ TTi-KOH HKNT , A MCKI.Y KUHNISHi : ! ) 1UHM .l-'r > Hh Ki nnd bath , for twu gentlemen or Kentle- man and "He , In a private fmnlly ; n pleasant homo to thu right party ; turmi reasonable. 431H Kor hum tri'ol , two blocki from thu atri'vt car * . " } ? - THK ST. OI.AIH KUHOl'KAN HOTliU COM , I'Uthaml UodKtf , nlll make low ralea fur 'Ouma by thu week or month , wllli ur wlluuutboard. u ! ) 13 Fl H.SI.SIIF.I ) itOOMrt ! KOH i 'tcntlciiinn or gentleman and lfoi convunlcnt to Faruaiu alrt'et motor. VU r > . V4lh slreet. 15J T ? KOH HKNT. NICKLY KUHN18HKII COOl , L-Jroonu at uorthoait corner lUth and Howard ; Iitwn urnund bulldlniii from 17.00 to faJUOn mouth. ua _ _ _ _ _ IyKKV ri.KASANT KHONT HOOM IN 1'HI . "rule family for mMitlemun , bM H .Mill ttrvct. i > \ FUltNlhllKO UUOMS' AMI llOAItU. 'or nilfi , rtc. , tte top o//n ( coliunn on t/il | MjJ , COMKOHTAIILK Hyoiia AND olxi board t ttt N. IHU. 401 5jl > ItOOSIS ANf ) IIOAlll ) . 17-KOH HKNT , NKW1.Y KUIINISIIKD IIOOMH JL' nlth board. 1707 DoilKO treot. M 7 18 * _ i-FUiixiflirKiriiuuMa AND HOAHD , HAH AND L bath. Heat location In the city. Ill S. 17th street. fY-A KKW DKSIHAIILK HOOMS WITH HOAItl ) -1 nl the Vondoiiio ; pnllsfactlon Kiinrauteod. 3IH il 218 .North > V > th atreet. Mll.1 : 19 * 17-IIOOM AND HOAHD KOH KOIMt OH SIX (1K.V- ( J tlcmen or Ind ? trachcra. Now house ; nil mod ern. In'iulrn il8 North Ttnl. MIK 18 * _ I/- FOIl HKNT , UUUM WITH HOAHD. 1721 UOIMIK Itrcet. )4 ) _ _ t > - KIIHNISHKD HOOMS , DAY IIOAlll ) , 210 N.Klll l trt-et. Il7aa _ _ TAHOOMS AND DAY HOAHD OW SOOTH 17lh , 1 * M.VW-BM : I -HOOJI A.NI ) IIOAlll ) 5013 DOUOLAS STHKKT JL AlHt * Is * 17-TWO KHHN1SI1KI ) SOUTH HOO.MS WITH iMioard. im Davenport. _ _ WJJ TxT uoo.MH U.NK'U K'N fsn I'orratct. etc. , tee top of flrri rolum'i ontht * vJinp'ii ; modern conveniences ; can board. BSD N. lath -in-lit. _ _ r1UNFUHNISHKII HOOMtf , SUITAHLK KOH vjlhouseki-pplnc , to email family , ptlco 111 , l.o-j Webster atreot. * > ' /-1-FOH HKNT .1 HOOMS TO A SMALL FAM- vJ ily , with all convenience ) * fur housekeeping. In- qulrr 101.11'lnrcu st.'I ' ItOAKIMNG. For rale * , fie. , cecloj ) of colum nil till * pigs i.i riLiMAN , J 1 lionrcl. nlci.T roouin , cunvcnliMicen. rule * nnil location It ciituioL bu excelled. .Mr > . Horn , prop. l-'OU UhXT-STOUUH AMI QKKICKS. h'or mien , etc. , nee tnnaf firs' column < > n Hit * \x\qt I--F01 ? IlKN A lukTltSK STOUK-UOO.M IN A J KOO < ! locution , liclntr No. IMA DoilKd nt. lniulruof | Howard II. Smith , 111' ' Now York I.lfu liUlg. ifJI 17 1-WANTKD : IIH.NTKUS KOH 1)HUI ( , OIlorKHY J nnd nirnt or feeil store , locution very ilenlrnble. ( loo. W. 1' . Contcs , a bouril ol trudc , Omaliii , Neb. I KOH HUNT , TIIK8TOIlY 1IIIICK 1IUII.DINO , -I with or without power , formerly occupied by The Ileo I'libllslilncCo. , lllli Knrnniii nt. The build- Inir Inn n llreproof cement biinonient. complete Kteum-lieatlnK llxturen , water on nil the lloors , ens , etc. Apply ut tliu ollluu of The lieu. i'lB ' I FOK 11KNT OU HAI.K , MV IIUIl.PINfl ON J Jones lOth & lltu. U.A.UudiiulaMlti 3.15th. "I-KOH HUNT , Till ! SHCONI ) KJ.OOUOK ONK OK .1 the principal dry uooda stores In Omahn. Hull- iihle for clothing , lints , caps , crockery carpets or furniture. Will rent either the eutlro Moor or part of It. Address Till. Ik'C. 31180 T HTOUKH FOIl HKNT IN ( illANMI OI'KIIA .1 HOIIKU iMilldlnK. VJ. . ButclltTo , Ull First National Hank tiullillnir. H T -KOll HUNT. TIIK OKK1CK KOUMKIU.V OCCU- Jpled by Alexander .V Hmlth In the Continental block , corner room , In perfect order. Fruulunil , l.oomlt Co. M'83 \VANTnn-To itioxr. trrratr * . rtr. . r'f Iniuif ( lr < c/'liimn < m tlm tvii ? K WANTKD TO HUNT. IIV ( IKXTljKMAN AND wife , u li to 8 room house or llat furnished with conveniences. Address W IM llco otllcu. Rlvlni. lo cality , terms , cte. MWti Zi * AGHVtJY. rortale * . rlc. . tee Inii of ' column on this page. - AVKI.HHANa ACONKNTllANCKilAN ) L opera hoiifO. M834 SI * " U.K. COIlKNTAli ! ! AOKNOY , CONT I N KS- tnl block. _ UJJ 11KNTAI , AKNT ! OEO. J. I'AtJU 1WJ KAU- I Jnam street , houses stores , etc. Special atten tion to niannKcmiMit of lental property. Now lists first of ench month. MM3 A25 STOHAGH. I'lirrata , etc. , fix tnt of , mt rotuum nil l/it / < txti " M OLDKST , CHKAl'KST AND HKST STOHAK house In city. Williams & Cross , 1314 Harney. 073 _ M CLKAN , IIHY AND I'HIVATK STOHAOK OF furniture , Omaha Stove Hupalr Worka , 1107 Donirhi ! * . I ? U Wi\Nl'KI > TO IJUY. Forratc.ctc..tcetopuf first column ontht * j > ' 0 IAY LOOSK prlco wanted. D. Merrill , So Omaha. AT KUHN1TUHK IIOUflllTSOLD , STOHKI > ! 1 > Wells. 1111 Karnam atreet. 074 Forrato , etc. . aft lo , i > f column onils ( / page ( F FOIl SAL13-FU11NITUHK. 2405 West lllondo. MII77 ! 8 KOR SAW3 JIOUSKS.WAGOXH.KTO For tcim , etc. , fee tup of tint column on twi " -Foi ' . IlKlit biiifity and hariipss. Horse well broken , sound , Kuntle nnd oplrlted suitable for aurroy or biiKey. ( hunt woith frtXI , will sell for { 350. Ad dress W 2 , Ileo olllce. ZlHJ-li' IJ-FOIt 8 A lilt , CASH OH THADK. FAMILY .X- horse ; yonnu , Rentlo nnd sound , with or with nut surrey anil harness , also Indian pony. Inquire 4:121 : Farnam street. 25.1 15 * 1LIHTf)8TOr ! IIUC.OY , NKAHLY NKVV. 3 top biiuKles. 2 phaetons. 2 ex-top carriages. canopy snrroy. 2 top delivery wanons. Drunimond. 13th SI opp. court houso. 231 n15 ij-KOK SALK-VKHY STYLISH AND HAHDY 1 horse. Kliul , obedient , laultless ; no trade. I * . O. Box 752. MSsO 17 * TP-FOHHALK CHKAP-DHAFT , DKLIVKHY AND JL driving horsoi , : KI2 ! North 21th street. Call at barn any time. C..1I. Walwortli. .vss ; 18 1HU11SK , 1IUU1Y AND HAHNKSS , 1K)7 N. 10th. - - TZJ-a-W p-KAMILV 11OH8K 6 YKAUS OLD HAY OKNTLK i. nnd sound fliS.oo. H. K Cole , Continental bldu. 225 17 -FOH BALK. FAMILY CAHKIAOK , LKK A L Nichols' stable , 28th and Lcavenworth G75 \ FAMILY JIOHSi : FOIl SAI.K , SINHLK I1IUV- 1 crrt or carriage teainn. Can furnish any kind of horse desired. Call at C. \Voodnortli I A Co. , or addresa T. J. FlendiiK , Calhoun , Neb. ti77 FOU SAIjK > . etc. , fee top of t.nt column on 1/1(4 / ( KHKS1I JKHSKY CoV.'klNIKXNIl vxRentle , for Bale cheap nt XUil I'lurco m Ulii 17- SALK OH KXCHANdK , AN IMI'OHTKD Clyde atallton , prlco f 1,500. llox USD Sheuandoah. la. . " . " - ! ! ) Q-FOIl SALK 700 I1KAI1 OK GOOD FKKOKHS , welKhlUK 1,000 to 1,100. on raniie at llenklunian , Nob. For partlcnlarH aildruss N. ADulf. . SyrnoiMii , Neb. , or Denver Llvu block Coin. Co. , Denver , Col. 2' ' till Q KOH SALK OHLIIASH. TIIK HNKST NKWS- paper plnnt In the northwest ( Jood patronaifo. Address U 'M. Omaha llee. M570 11 5 * /"l-WlIt MALK (1OOI ) AND CO.Ml'LKTK FIX- Wturi's of meat murkot ; excellent location and low lent. M. A. Upton Co HOT Kor mtet , rtc , , rre ( oj > uf t.nt column - > n Hid l > -SlMUNJWKLIi ( CKMKTF.llY - FINK LOTH , IXllUli ; . forfW : urnre. . * 10. Olllco , No. 701 N. lilth : tcl. No. 2J.Ior any iimlertaker. Ivmtit baths , pcatp and hair treatment , manlcuro ttiidchlropodlsl. .Mrs. l'o > t , lV S lilliVlllaiull blk. 670 K THK 1IKLI. TUlISiS I'OSITIVKLV CUHKS ruptnro. Call nnd n'e It at Room li , NV. . cor ner DoiiKlai and lull , from 3 to & p. m. H. Hick- man Into audit for patentee , - ' . T. MUHHAY BU -iNllAVlMiHUUilA3l : ! ; CO..SOUTII OMAHA U-S. ( ! . STKVUXSO.V , CAIIl'KNTKIl SHOI\ A Leavenuorth its. KillmalOi made on alt car- peulor work. MtW.A30 Olj.VIIlVOVANTH. KOI rufr * , rtr , , teetoiiof tirslcolumn S-AHHIVAI. KXTHAOHD1NAHYVONDKHFUI. . r velntlon ChalleiiKes Hie world. .Mrs. Dr. M. Ix'Kravu.dund trance clairvoyant , aslrolouUt , palmist nnd life readvri tells your lifo from cradle to cm to : unites the neparatedi cmiiiet marrliiKO with llio ono you love ; tent wherit you will unccoed nd In what builuest bunt adapted for , hu the celebrated KKyptlan tireasiplntu for luck und to dotroy bud Intluenrvss rurri inn , Intemperancu und all private complaints wltu muis.ik-ti bath * and alcohol treat ment. riund f ; , lock of hair , name nnd date of Mrlli and receive aceuratu llfo ehnrti 2cent > In tamps for circular ) ilvv lulllnlt of onu you will marry , also photos of iitmu. Oitlco IOIT South llth treat , Hrstrloori hours , 0 a.m. lo u p. m. Coma on , couiOttll.auU bo convinced of thlt wondurful oracle. S - MHS. NANNIK V. WAIIHKN , CI.AIHVOYANT. trnnua > peaklni ( , wrlllnii anil rollablo butluex medium , four yvart In Omalm , ll N. Itllh , UTS msKoiiT , u IJOISTANII u v-a v Oieller , Tells putt and future from lines of Ibu baud. Fee , ll.oj : Udlt ) only. WiKilth. Upitalri. 443 M MAHSAOK. ItATIIfl , ETC. or rotei , etc. , tee top nfjml roiumn on ihlt ' ' JIW ! MUSIC , AUT AND liAXOUAGK. Kor rulrt , rtc. , tec tniinf nt folumn _ BII thl * I < H Al S I ) 1C N O K N KV York City , vocal studio , S1H ; McCnxuv bulhllnii. V-IIKWIUK ni.'ViNd A PIANO KXAMINK Tin : now scale Klmball piano. A. | lospe,15U Doimlas , II7'J aiOXIiV ' 10 LOAN UKAI. KSTA'IK. Kor ratt , ete , . nee ton of trxt column nn Ilil * jxii ; . " \\r-MONKV TO LOAN ON INSIDII OMAHA rcalbstato. V. M. Hee olllco. Maul-It * _ \\r-.MONKV TO LOAN O.V OMAHA 1'HOl'KUTY. ' ' Fidelity Trust company , Kill Farnam. list K LOANS. J 1) . XriTLK.DH N.Y.I , . ( * _ \V-CKNTHAI , LOAN AND THUST co ur.K IILDO J | _ _ 718 \\r-KIHST AND SKCOND MOIITCAUK LOANS , ' ' money horo. Aluxandur Moore , 101 Hue build- in ff. INI \ \ -HtTAHANTKii > MOHTJACK3 ON HAIU'Y , v * Thnyer. Cnmlni ; nnd Slanlon Co. lands for sale by 11. T. Clarke. Ill Hoard of trade. " 5)1 ) _ \\r-LOANS. W..M.iTAHHlS. It SO.KHKNXKH IILIC. W. _ A\r ANTHONY LOAN AND TH1TST CO. , 3H N. Y. ' ' Life , lend nt low rates for choice security on Nebraska or Iowa arms , or Omulm city property. _ | M \\r-WMLOIN < 5 LOANS B TO 7 I'FM CKNT ; NO < * additional charges forcomiiilsslonorattorney'n feca. W , 11. Melkle. Urst National bank lilil'R. M \\r-SIONKV ( IS HAND TO LOAN ON KIHST * > inortuaKe on Omaha city property. Chas. W. Hnlney. 1113 Omaha Nat. bank bldK. M7ii : " \ \ r1'KH CKNT K1HHT MTK. LOANS. HICII- > nrd C. ratterson. t < J7 N. V. Life. 4H _ MONHV TO IjQAX Cll.\'i'Ti.H. ) : for mtt * . flc. . < tup 01 irnl coiumnon IM < j < di ; . V LOANS , liSIN. Y. L1FK , H. A. MOHH1S. 8(14-8 ( ! V MONBY TO LOAN ON IIOHSK3 , WAOONri , uVfu ct , pianos and collateral security , llusl ness Fred Terry , H. t'U ItnniKO bl'k. cm _ _ _ _ \r MONKY TO LOAN HY II , F. MASTKHS ON v household oods , pianos , oruans. horses , mules , warehoin > o receipts , etc. , at the lowest possible rates without publicity or removal of property. Time nrranccd to milt borrower. My loans are so arranged that you can inako n payment ntany time and rcduco both thu principal any Interest. Yon will find It to your advantage to sen mo If yon want a loan , or If more convenient call up tel * ( phone 1U21 and your buslnoss call bu arranged at homo. Money always on hand ; no delay ; no publicity ; lowest rates , II. K. Masters , room 4 , Wlthnoll block , 15th nnil Harney streets. WO -MONKY TO LOAN ; SO , ( M AND IX ) DAYS ON -'Vfurnlluro , etc. l > utf 20Contlnental blk. 718 _ V MONKY ON Ft'HNITUHK. HOH9KS. KTC. , A- Keystone Mortgage Co. , room 203 tihcely blk. li'JJ V MONKY LOANKD ; CHATTKf. SKCUHITY ; Asi.ODtoflOO.W. 2ll5CumlmBt. MS20 alS 1IUS1XESS CHANCns. Kor rate * , rtc. , tec top nf first column on ilit * pnye. Ar TIIK STOCKVILLK HOUSK ATSTOCICVILLK 1 for sale ; frame , 10 rooms , northwest corner of the court house square ; prlco , 31,200 ; fMO cash , bal ance on liberal terms. Address , John Weiss , Stock- vllle , Neb. 271 15 * AT- ANY ONK WITH 12.000 AND WANTS TO (3O IN 1 one of the best payliift biislncsxus In Lincoln write to mo Immediately. 1 will take n part Inter est. Centrally located , Must bo aold soon. Lou M. Cope , Lincoln , Neb. 2.V ) 15" AT"- FOIl HKNT OH SAtiK , A ( ! ( ) OD TWO-STOHY frame store bnlldltitf with Rood brick walled cel lar , counters ant ) MielvltiK complete ; Imlldlii ) ; 25x75 feet , and well located ; best Bloro tinlldlUK In Or leans recently occupied ; will rent It with or with out the upper story ; remnant of bankrupt stock therein for sale : rare chance for the rleht man. or Him. Address Geo. W. JlurtonOrleans , Neb. U'J-15 Ar TO MILLKHS : TIIK C1TI/.KMSOF I'A.XTON , I Kleth Co. , Nebraska , want a uood , practical mil ler to come and build u mill and operate It for all It Is worth. 1'axton la situated In the midst of the tlnest grain producing section In western Nebraska. n the main line of the Union 1'aclHc H. H. and " 111 have for Hhlpmcnt this scauon 20U.OOO bushels of wheat alone. This la a line opportunity for u good man with moderate capital , who will receive every encouragement from the citizens generally. Ad- dresa at once , L. K. Hatton , postmaster. M.140 17 \r-C.HOCKKY HUSINKSS. 0001) LOCATION.LOW I. rent , stock light , good order , established trade ; poor health , muat soil. Address W 10 , Uco.M333 M333 18' y A PHYSICIAN CAN SKCI'HE ' UOOD COUN- J try location without opposition by buying prop erty. "II , " 8229 Spruce atreel , Omaha , Nob.MilU MilU 17 * Ar STOCK FOH SALK. 1 OWN KIRHTY S1IAHKS Jof stock ( f 100 each ) In ono of the beit Trust com panies In the city of Omaha , with a paid up capital offlS'J.OOO , which I will exchange for Ural-class , nn- Incumljorcd real oitato In or near this city or South Omaha. Address , Lock Uox. No. 250 , Omalm. m'57-18 * V KOH SALK-ANOLD KSTAHL1SHKO 31 AN 17- -I factnrers agency and commission bnslnc.1. * , lo cated In thu center of business. Only amall capital required. Address W li , lice olllce. MKS IS \rKLKCTHIC LK1HT 1 > LA NT KOH SALK IN 1. county seat town within SU inllea of Omaha , Two dynamos , capacity \xa \ lli C. I' , lamps , onu M ) II. 1' . WesllnghoUKOcnglni ! . two n ) H. I' . Imllera , nlll sell lor one-third cost price , half cash , balance milncum- bered real estate. Addreaa W 3 , care of Omaha llee. 2'.l2al ( r KOH SALK , THADK OH KXCHANCK , KSTAU- llshed business. 1' . O. box 518. M2W Ar-Foii BALK on HKNT , HOTKL , WITH ou 1 wllhont furniture ; ROOI ! county seat town. Ad dress Uarlleld Co. Hank , Harwell , Neb. HIS IB * Y WANTKIJ. KXl'KuKNCIl ) 1)IIY ( oiS i- salesman with Rood reference to tnku half Interest - est In f.l.OOU stock ; u coed cash paying business for a now beginner. Address. Clias. Hoemlch , Stanton , Neb. sill 1U- irDO YOU WANT A (1OOD IIUtUNKSS.HUY THK Commeiclal , thu leadliiK hotel llrokun How , Neb. 851 Y-I'"OH HKNT , TIIK SKCOND FLOOH OKONK OK A the principal dry goods stores In Omaha. Suit able for clothing , hats , cap * , crockery , carpets or furniture. Will rent either tlio ontlro lloor ur part of It. Addrt'aiTai , Ileo. MH7 FOK KXCIIANGH. Kor riilcn , flc. , see foj > of tint column on t/ifs / iKitie. y-2VKHY CIIOICK NKHHASIvA FAHMS TO K.V- AJchangoor will sell at a nacrltlcu. Kvan'a Kx- change , ihll Favton bldg. Z -TO THADK , NKW SKWlNi MACH1XK FOH driving horso. Address K. J. , 1510 Douglas street. rFOH THAIK-fO ACHKS OF ( iOOl ) BUul ( AJIicut land ncarlirand Island for a No. 1 driving horse and buggy. H , I , , llurkot , undertaker. 2lth and Cumlng sts , M'172-18 y-T ( ) K.\JIlANiK ( : LAND AND CASH KOH /Jiiiuri'liiuHlleo. Address 0. K. Yonlig , Nhonan- dnali , Iowa. Maj.l ; 22 * y-WILL KXCHANlH-i FAHM LANDS FHKK OP S-Jeiictimbranco for Omaha city properly , u pro diictlvo will assume small amount. Useless to of fer heavily mortgaged property. Ueo. A. Hlckok , Fremont , Neb. 21KI-21 y-lFYOU HAVK A (100D ( Ul'HIIJHT 1'IANO YOU /Jwiint to exchaiiKO for clear lot worth CM , ad- drosi T 21 , Hue olllco. jbl y WANTKD To"THADI5 , NK\V FUllNlTUHK ' -Jfor u good BfonK uorsu. Address T 'M. Hue. MI35 Z-CI1OICK FAHMS TO KXCHANfiK KOH MKH- chandlbu ; nrlto mo. W. 1C. Wulla , Uurwell , Neb. 8SS-.S3 * f/-FOHK.\CHANOK. I HAVK 210 ACHKS CLKAH S-JNcbraska land and u 1 modern ruslduncu In Omaha to exchange for good stock murchandlso , Inside vacant property or uores , owners addros.i. I * . I ) , box " , W , Omaha. H'JI-17 KOIl SAMC IlKXIj ESTA t'l- } . I'orj-utt'S ctc. , see tup of jlnt column nn tltt * \'A1' . WK3T CUMINU'S LOTS. SU 151 15 | 'WO KAST FHONT LOTS IN WF.3T CUMINd'S -I addlllun at almost half prlco. See A. K. Hlley , Hooui 40 , Darker Illock. | JO f 5 CI'.H. TKHMINUS. ONLY HKAl'OHT ON KK - llah cell on the 1'adtio coast , Ktenmslilps to the Orient every two weeks ; commerce rapidly In creasing , Trade In lumber and coal galni CO per cent o er last > cnr ; values In realty low. Address Hubert (1. Mackay , Vancouver , H , C. Hank refer ence * . M3IO-1I * XTKIHIASKA KAHM IJINDS-KASTKHN , CKN- I' trnl and westcrn-fruui li to f50 per aero. J. II. Kvaus. M N. Y. Life. jo 20 10.COO ACHKS LAND FOH SALK.CUSTKH , FIIANK- -llln , Chuyennu and Klmball counties , Nebraska ( ioo. 11. I'vlerson , 1413 S. Mth st. , Omaha. l".H > H II IfOtt SOUTH OMAHA 1'HOI'UHTIKS. liUSINKSH , 1 trackiik'uor resldunca , wo to the loaillnn real estata dealers In South Uriah * . Kd. JohuttOn A Co. , corner 211.1 nuil N utieets , tw " 17011 SALK-KASY TKHMS. HOMES KOU IfW 1 tl.OU ) , 11,200.11'IX ) and up. 'laku unall clear prop erty ai part payment. U , ( i , NVullauu , llrown block , loih and Dounln * . ? M 17011 BALK-ON KASY TKHMH. S 8TONK UKSl- 1 dencesi all uioitvrn IniproveiuenU ; will taku nooil city or farm property In part paymeut. Clarke , IV board oUrado. MWl _ 1 IOUHKS KOH SALMON KASV TKItMsTHOL'SKS ' 'for taut. AUdrvM Ueruiau American bavlnga bank. uuo r.osT. For rtitff fit , , f'liiimtt on Ifth WATKIl Sl'ANlW. 1't'l1 KHOM IS OHI LOST street. Hclurn.ty , above number and ro- celvo reward. Mfttt-17 * niju I OST-l'AlH HOLD HIMMKI ) SPI-KTACLKS .Jsitltablo reward for toturn to 140 ] DouxJns Mr IT I. STKAM KHATtllOU 11KXOVATCMI. I'or mtr * , rtc. , tf top n y't column on tM * p l < / , * IJKim , TICKS ) AND I'lLMHVS WASHKD ; rKATH ' I ers bought Mall orrters proniplly tilled. Work called for und dcllverei ) , I'rnnk Anson,3lat.V Franklin on 1'ATKXT SOIjKMTOUS. K rrif. . rte..rtft i > nf iirnt roiumn ontltu Jy A-rilNl' " LA W Y KHH AN I ) SOMnTOUsT'n.f. . J Sues A Co. . lieu building , Omaha , Neb. llranch olllce at Washington D. C CoiKiiHatlon free. Leave I OM1I V A ST. IUIS l Arrive Oiiialm.lU. 1 * . depot , ltU ! an.I M irjy Stt , I O n ih .1 4.0J p in I . . . . .i-t. ljQUI.1 unnnoir Unll.7.V.18..1a | p m DIl'HOVDIBNT ' tlie OKOK.R of tlio AGE FOR 15 YEARS Allusors of TVI'EWIHTEIIS liuvo felt tlio nocesslty ( if their bolus liuprovoil. Vou will IIM,1 In the Typcwritci1 Tholiitostiiiirt uost.V ( > claim ; unil IIIHUI-O- thin nnil tfliil provu It , "I'lui .Most Diirnhlo In Alignment , 'Ku.slost Kiiiinln , anil Must .Sllont. Alltyiio cleaned In ton si-conils vltliout sol I Ink' tin ; liiuiils. Suncl for catalogue. Tito Smith I'romior Typo Writer Co. li II. MAVIIKW. Manasur. _ Ui W ' , V * main jttroo U U ma ha. N'ol ) . PHOI'OSALS KOH KHEOTION oi-rsbllbo I , lllllllllllKS. DKI'AIITMKNT Of TIIK I.NTKHIOIt , OFCICK of INDIAN AKFAIIIS , .Imy loth , it > ! ii. Soalotl proposals , ( indorsed "I'miiosuls ( or i-rootlon of suhool Lmllilin .s , " and adilrossotl to tlio coninilsilonor of Indliui - IniHon , 1) . U. . will DO recolvcil at this ollleu until I o'oloak of August 10th , ISO , for thu uroutlon of tlirou larKUDcliool buildings on tliu blioshnni ) Indian rosui-vutlun In Wyoming at a point to lie siilootod liy tliu Indian nKimt. thu mnln bnlldlnu to bu HOx'li.tlio girls' dormitory 4ix"l. : anil tlio boys' ilhnnltory 'iilxs' , ' ; also for thuuruotlon of tlio Kict Hall hull , in Indus trial .school noir IHackfoot , Idaho , a fntino ( lurniltory biilldlnK totJI. all In uuoonlnnou with nlan.s and spuclllL-Atlpus that may bo cx- ' " ' " " " " " n" of Nub. ; i" of . - . . - - . llolona , Mont. ; also at llio i > IUbhono Airunoy , Wyo. , and the Kort Hall soluxj ) , Idaho. llldders will bo rj'uirii'ua ' to suhmll sopnrato bids foruach liulldlnt/i ( mil toKtatu tliulonuth of tlmu ( iroposud to bit jvtiiisiiiniiii In tbolr con- atriiutlon CKIITIFIEI > DIIKCKS. Kitcli bid nuiNt lie ai\'oiiiiiiioJ ) : : by a cortl- llud clifok or dralt uWin some Unltud rjtatui ilupusltorv or somu aolvunt national bunk In thu viulnlty of thn biililiir'u plai'o of business. ti.iyahlu to tlioorclur of 'tho oommlssionor of Indian alTalrs , for at'HiJust A JUT cunt of tlio amount o : thu propnvi ) , , . wliluli oliouk or draft shall bu forfeited to tlm nltud Status In case any blildoror bUlilursrficeivln an award shall fall to promptly oxuuuto ti contract with and siilllulont surutlu.s , othurwUo , to bu tnrnud to thulilddor. TliorlKlit Is ri-s-jrveil to roloot any orall , blil.s , or any part of tiny bid , If duutnuil for the best Interest of the service. THOMAS J. MOKUAN. Cominl.sslonor. DKPAUTMENT QV THK INTKUluU- Olllcuof Indian Affairs , Washington I ) . 0. Ainjnst 4 , IS'JL ' The fon-Koliii ; advurtlso- nioiit IIIIH boun no far modltlou an to pi > stonu | ) tlioopunlin ; of bids until onu o'alook f. M. . August 2J , ISUI until wliluli thna bids will ba roculvi'd as nliuvti sot forth , H , V.Y.ilt \ \ \ Aotlnj ; CoinniUslonLT , JyaldllJtm For suuh n snmll country Ilolgiuin has miulo crout iiroprross in tlio adoption of oloctrio lights. The city of UruMSolu lilts 511 urea nnd 0,5 S7 Inciuiiloscontsi Cihont lina Uiia urea nnd 1,031 Incnn- descents ; Antworji IUIH 1210 nrcs und 1,181 Inoiiiulo.suoiits ; Llotro lius 381 urcri mid 2,040 Incnndosconta ; Vorviora hua 035 tires nnd 2,1 1 IncundosconU Q AWrlllcn Guaranloolo \ CURE EVERY CASE or _ , UP MONEY HEFUNDED. Our cum U prmianont nnJ not n patching up. CAIM trrat < xl n o ycox no h va iiorfr > n n ymptom ilnco. Hrdcjori-lnfciuo : fully wo can tr l Ton ( / tn ll , nJwoKlvotue iio ktronrTKU.irant to cur or irfund All money. The o who prffor to como hrra forlroiMmcntCfindoeo nmlwowlll pay rallroml fai-o both wnyn and hott ! bill" whIU h ro K no fnlt to curn. Wn phMlonco the orMfor a c o Ihut nur MAdlO RKMnnr will notcnrc. Write for full particular * nd pet tlmoTlJmco. Wo know tlial you am fto ) tifM , juitly no , lee , n * the runt onilnrat t > lor lrUnhnTa nt > cr be-on nblo to Rlto moro tliAti temporary rvllcf.' prnctlco with the MAniO P.KMLDYIt h. been nio t diniciilt to o crcomo the prcjujlc" * malmt nil to-called ppcclflci. Dot Under imr rlroiin Buar.anteo } oil ulioiiM not hoiltato to try tht < remedy. Youtttkono. cliumoof Klnryourmonoy. ( . WoKimi- antro to ciiro or refund every dollar , nnd n wp liaro n reputation to protect , nlno flnnneUl backlnzof ISCO , . COO , HH perfectly tafo to nil who villl try the treat ment. HeretoforuyouhirpbeenputtldBUpanJ paying out your money for different I roitnientii and nlthough youaronotyetcurednooiiohas piM bickyour mon ey. Donotwaitonnymoromoiieyuntllyoii tryu - OU chronic , deep aentcJ cn w cuird In 33 to 0 day . In < Tullitato our financial Mantling , our reputation n buslnesi men , Wrlto U * for namefl nnd ruMmar * of tliono wo hnro curcil who liavo ( jlren permlnlon to ro- fertolhem. H tout * ) oil only po ln o to dothl | lt 111 are ) on a worM of piHTorlnif from incntil tlraln , and If J ou nro mnrrl-d what may your otti-prlni ? nuircr thniinhourowiini'RllrPeo. Uyotir y > nptom < are ( ere throat , mucous iiiichm In mouth , rheuinntlmii In bontK and Jolntu , h lr falling out , emptlons on any part of the body , fccllnffof mineral iloprcs-lon , palm in head or botio , you bare no lima to watte. Tho-o who arc constantly taVlnu mercury an I polnih sliould dlicontlnuolU Conitantiinanf thi < sadi-ug4 lllturcly brlnK oi CK and online ulccn In the end. Don't fall to write * All correspondence prntpealed In plafncnvil- opca. Wo tnvlto thomot rtrld ; InrustlgattoiinndMllI do all In our power to nlil yon In 1U Ad4rrM , COUIt Jll'.MKDf CO. , Omaha , Jfebrtmltu. Ofllco 19th and 1'nrnnm. nccond Hoar , cntranco 13th tt FOFMEf ONLY. 000 for a c.iso of Loss or Falllnn MnuhooJ , Qunoral or Nervous Debility , wualcuom of bodyormlnd , tha o'l'eots of orrora or o.x- cosses In old or young wo cannot euro. Wo guarantee every case or rofunil every dollar. Five days trial' treatment $1 , full course $6. Percentlblo bsmiltJ roallzsd In throe days. By mall , a touroly packed Irom observation. OtliP * ono.i nntit l ) r. in. COOK REMEDY CO. , OMAHA. NEB. LADIES ONLY M A RIP FEMALE REGULATOR , Safe and IllnU IU Certain to a aay or money refunded. Price by mall $2. Sealed from observation. COOK REMEDY CO. , Omaha. Not ) . KDISON'S TOUPKIK ) TICSTiil ) . Satisfactory Trial nf n New Marino \Von ] > oii. Now York Advortlsor , Aug. 12. The olllohil trial of the Sims-Kdison oloctrio torpedo , which took plnco uticlor the dl- rcutlon of Colonel King'.ongincor in the ntivnl douartinont , and Scott Sims , the inventor , at Willitt's Point yesterday afternoon - tornoon proved u great sueeess. On the arrival of the government Htoiimor , Chester A. Arthur , which curried a liirtro number of army and navy olllcors and several representatives of foreign governments , the torpedo was lowered into the water. Its neut appearance made a fuvorublo impression. Tliolloat measured twonty- oitrht feet and the fish Uiirlv-thrco.foot. The diameter of the lish was twenty-six inches. After tlio torjtodo hud boon taken out of tlio dock and placed along side tlio pier iifteon foot from the shore , Mr. Sims wont to the keyboard. At the word "go" the torpedo started with grout velocity. Tlio eourao had been plotted and stakes placed at intervals of 2,500 foot. Describing a zigrzncr com so , following gracefully every intended movement , starboard or port , the death dealing engine - gino passed tlio first stake. It was only followed by the silvor-odgotl line which it traced on the limpid water f the sound. Its speed wus highly in rea sed after the lirst post , and after th second slnko hud boon passed it turned a radius of obout two hundred and fifty feet on tlio homo stretch. Quicker and quicker went tlio craft , until after a run of u little over two miles it lay motion less near the starting point. Time : 4:00. : 4:00.Mr. Mr. Sims was cheered and afterwards highly complimented by tlio largo and critical assembly which had witnessed the trial. The dynamo , which is of the now Edi son marine typo , was afterwards in spected. It was placed in ono of the government buildings away from tlio dock. Tlio dynamo is extremely power ful. ful.Tlio Tlio engine registered yesterday 2oO revolutions , and the dynamo reached -100 revolutions. Tlio capacity of tlio dynamo is 1,800 volts and 30 amperes , of which only l.liOO volts and 23 amperes wore used. The horse-power absorbed by the propelling nnd steering apparatus registered 32. It is almost certain that ( i higher rate of speed could have boon attained. Tlio chief point of the domostration of yesterday was to show that the torpedo is absolutely controllable , oven after n run of over'two miles. Mr. Sims inven tion is tlio fruit of fifteen years' study , and those who saw the trial say it is superior to any other torpedo nt present. Tlio price of the torpedo is 812,000 , but it is said it can bo built cheaper. A CONFKSSI3I ) FAIMJIIE. Karoinl Kiilbrcoiiicnt of Prohibition in Kansas. Washington Post ( rop. ) : In Novem ber , 1880 , an amendment to the constitu tion of tlio state was adopted by a vote of ! )2,302 ) to 81,304 , providing that "tho iimnufacturo and sale of Intoxicating liquors shall bo forever prohibited in this state except for medical , scientific and mechanical , purposes. " A legisla ture elected at that time put the provi sion into almost immediate ) operation by passing an accordant enactment for its luu enforcement. The plan of prohibition lias therefore been tried ip that state during a period of ten years. Tlio result of this trial is sot forth in a letter from K. LconnnlHon , the prohi bition party state organi/.er , which has joon recently published. Mr. Leonard- son says "there is more liquor sold and drank'today in Kansas than at any time since the passage of tlio amendment. There is a general letting down all over the statp. " Taking tlio city of Loavonworth , which lias a population of 11),70S ) , ho says that in that city "there are 150 salouns ind four wholesale liquor houses. ' ' In Atchison , with u population of 13i ! ) ( , ' ) , 'there are 130 saloons , also a brewery with a wagon running on the street soli ng boor. " IIo states , in addition , that 'nearly all the largo towns are collect- ng revenue from the saloons , ' ' and Unit 'the small towns are following their example. " This disregard of the state coimtltii- .Ion in , according to Mr. Lcotmrdson , oonnlvod at by the state authorities , especially by the governor and the at- rOrney general. It Is charged that the Killco commissioners stand in with Uie vhisky element , and that they collect cgnlar monthly liion from the saloons , which amount to the same thing , and invo the Biuno effect as a licoiibo. In oavonworth , for o.xamplo , the captain of police collects monthly the bum of i"iO from oauh of fifteen and $2o from each of 13 < r ) saloons. The charges made in the prohibition state organiv.or'H letter have boun con firmed by a letter , published &inco , from Secretary of State Higgins. Mr. Hlgglns AlliriHH docldodly that prohibition is a dead isauo. Ho predicts that it will never bo indorsed by another state con vention , nnd he declares that the pres ent political question is whether repub lican principles will win at the polls without any indorsement of prohibition , or be defeated by continuing to champ ion and maintain that Impracticable theory. Use I tailor's Gorman Pills , the great co n siljiatlon uutl llvor regulator. THE TOILERS OF MICHIGAN , Among the Most Prosporons Worklngmon in the Uultod States. SOME IMPORTANT OFFICIAL STATISTICS. An IntorrntliiK OnnviiBU ol' tlio Two Grout Industries ol'tlio Slnlo 'I lie /Imount KnrnrU , Cost of and Financial Status. The report of the Michigan bureau of labor and industrial statistics bespeaks careful attention , nays tlio Providence Journal. It may bo said that industrial conditions In the west dllTor from those at the cast , and that wo in this portion of the country must take exception now and again , for this reason , to the findings the bureau as detailed in this report , of but certainly n painstaking investiga tion over so wide a Hold as the state of Michigan cannot but prove of general interest and value. Moreover , the Michigan bureau has conducted similar investigations for eight years , and in that time has acquired much experience in collating facts like these now pre sented. It would not bo fair to say that the daily life of the workingmen is pictured with absolute correctness , for nil such canvasses as the Michigan bureau has made from homo to homo must bo incom plete. Hut wo may bo sure that an ap proximately correct idea of the status of workingmen , at least in certain indus tries , may bo gained from a study of tlio bureau's statistics. No attempt to no- euro figures for all varieties of industry was made , tlio labors of the Investigators being confined chiolly to tlio agricul tural implement and iron-working labor ers , although n few establishments of other character wore visited. The two industries named are among the best known nnd longest established in tlio state , and it was considered that an in quiry among those would bo valuable as affording an idea of how tlio bettor paid classes of workmen live. It is said that in these two branches of manufacture workingmen receive relatively high wages , and that they may bo taken to represent tlio more prosperous grade of employees. I < \ > r the purposes of this report 8,838 workmen wore visited and confronted with a long list of questions on many in- inrnatttiir unhinntH imrtiiiiiini' to their homo life. They wore asked whether or not they owned the houses in which they lived ; if there wore encumbrances on their property ; if they carried lifo insurance , and to what amount ; how much wages they received , and how much they saved ; whether or not they owned pianos or sowingmn , chinos , and a variety of other questions. It was found that out of the 8,838 to whom those queries wore put ono earned $10 a week , eight from $30 to $10 , and 12o from $20 to $30 , while at the other end o ( tlio pay-roll were a dozen boys who received but $2 a week , and 322 more with $3 or loss. About Ifl ppr cent received $1C or over , and moro than 17 poi- cent less than $7 , while tlio average for the whole number , married and sin gle men , was 810.0(5 ( , and that for tlio married men $11.50. The average total amount for oacli year was $407 , the mar ried men averaging $325 , a small annual income on which to support a family , in the estimation of a good many moro favored people. But , with this amount , it is evident that the families of these Michigan workingmen have been prosperous porous , at least in many cases. As many as 2,318 of the employes who were visited owned their houses , and nearly half this number were unbur dened with mortgages. Almost all the householders woio married men , more over , and 40 per cent of the families con cerning whom tlio state bureau made in quiries were therefore iustallcd in their own homos. It is worth while to note , in passing , that of these house owners tlio largest proportion were Germans , Hollanders and Irish , with the Scotch men and Poles not far behind. The Scotchman's house cost $2,025 , however , and that of the Polo $950 , tlio average among all nationalities reaching $1,312. Nor are tlio comforts of uvoryday lifo forbidden , although tlio average wages would not seem , at first thought , to afford much margin for these. The American laborer looks upon certain luxuries as necessities , nnd tlio Michi gan figures seem to show that ho is able to possess some of thorn. Sixty-nine per cent of the families visited owned sowing machines , nnd it is fair to assume that these are positive luxuries in many n homo , whore in loss prosperous days there was an inordinate amount of sowing by hand. Sixty-seven per cent of all the employees interviewed took newspapers and maga/.incs , and half of them daily papers , and moro than a fifth of llio 8,838 possessed mus ical instruments of one kind or another , while there were found 700 organs and 314 pianos. A fourtli of the whole num ber of men were insured , the average amount being nearly $1,500 , and 40 per cent saved money last year. In all , $17.r,470 was paid out in that time for homes and improvomonls upon thorn , and $329,880 In cash was saved. This is a good general showing , and may betaken taken to Indicate fairly the financial status of a largo body of workingmen In a representative state of the west.1 . I'aronlH Uunil This. July anil August are anxious moutlis for mothers who cnrufully watch ever ttiolr llttlo oaos. Hot Uiiy.i ami fruiiuoat ch'tn ox of tompornturu nro liable to product ) clioloru morlms. How satisfautory It should bo for parents to know Unit , Ilallor's 1'nlu I'araly/.or is both a pleasant and olToctlvo romctly for all summer complaints. It saothoi mid ra- llovo.s all piitn and ( 'rlpliiK anil always uffocUs n complete euro. HoVill Oot I hero. Drake's Magazine : "Well , my eon , " said the older Jones , "what do you in tend to bo whoii you grow up ? " "A congressman , I reckon , daddy. " "A congressman , ohV" "Yes. " "Havo you learned to smoke yotV" "Yop.'r "OhowV" "Yop. " "Do vou bulldo/.o all the small bovs ? " "Yop. " "And shako your (1st ( at the largo ones when you are out of their roach ? " "Yop. " "Well , you'ro all right 60 far ; but yon must begin to loaf around the saloons pretty soon , and get in with the boys , if you want to malco a perfect political success. " If the ladles would ubuiidou cosmetics and moro ijoaornlly Itoop their blood puru and vigorous by tliu usu of Aycr's hnraupurllla , naturally fair complexions would bo the rulu Instead of the exception , as at present. 1'uro blood is the bosl bpautmur. Take the great Hock Island route fo , Lincoln , Hcatrico , Fairbury and Nelson , Solid train loaves union depot , Omaha nt ! ) p.m. , arriving 11 a.m. dally , oxcupt Sunday. Soouro your tickets at 1601 ! t'arnnm St. JOHN SKIIAHTUN , G. T. & P. A. J. L. li : UuvuiSli , Gon'l , AgU MUllTMNO rit A lVnn jlvnnlrt Krglon Krorkn Ilnlonn One nl' the Itlng , Holcna , the capital of Montana , has added a largo assortment of lightning freaks to hotproducts. . Until the pres ent summer sbo had not roaliv.od hnr possibilities as n lightning factory , but the results achieved in the past thrco months justify local prido. The mnt artistic work turned out was that of a woman who had a perfect picture . .f a tree umboswcd on hot1 thigh by a light ning Hash. Kut Helena is not in the lightning freak busttu's's when the Drinker otvoic region of Pennsylvania Is in full blast. A correspondent of the Now York Hun writes from Husquohanna : "Nothing that lighnlng ever docs will surprise mo after what I oxpcrloncod wltli a little electric freak the other day back on the Drinker Creek road , " said 11. Sun Hall of this county. Hr. Hall's middle name was given him because ho was so bright. Ills voracity has never boon questioned , except by ntrangor . Those who know htm never question anything ho says , because it would boa waste of time , and time among llavso rugged hill * and deep-down valleys is worth as much as 78 cents a day , ospo- chilly during the huckolborry season. " 1 have heard of follows having their monograms otehod on the bottom of their foot by capricious strokes of light ning , and 1 remember a case down in Joisoy somewhere , where lightning started Itself in tlio portrait business by printing a girl's photograph on a plaque that hung on the wall ; but these freaks are more amateur efforts compared with what lightning can do when it lias such a Hold as tlio Drinker Urcok region. "I was out after huckleberries , thrco miles from homo , in company with a friend. Wo turned our hoive and ear- ritigo into the woods , unhitched the horse and tied him to a trou , and wont off into the bush after berries.Vo picked an hour or so , when 1 noticed a storm coming up. I never saw the sky so black , although there wasn't much thundur , and only now and then a Hash of lightning. "Groat Hooky ! said I , wo must hurry back and hitch up and pull out of this. "So wo made doublo-quiek time back to where wo had loft our horse , and I got into the buggy to got the side cur tains from under the seat and put them on. My Iwolvo-quart tin pail of huckle berries I had sot on the ground near the wagon. While I was busy in tlio buggy there came a Mash that sr.emed to mo to make everything so bla/.ingly light and near by and distinct that I believe I saw in one brief instant Mason and DIxon's line and the Canadian border. Hut there was no time for enjoying a landscape scone just then , for immedi ately following the Hash down the road came a bull of lire that I don't believe you could have crammed into a corn basket. It rolled along , wont right under the buggy , and the next thing I know I was whr//.ing down the road in the wagon at a rate so rapid that I had to turn my head to breathe , while 1 was the center of the most awe-inspiring pyrotochnieal display that , ever mortal man's eyes rested on. The tires of the wheels were streaks of whirling lire , from which a solid mass of sparks How ton feet high. Wherever there was a bit of iron on the wagon it was spitting ( irons a hose squirtH water. No comet ever nailed through space with a grander or moro awful display of ( lory trail than did that electrified buggy of mine. And what do you s'pnso unused it all ? That ball of lire had fastened itself to the iron on the thills and there it was dashing mo along down the road , a ver itable thunderbolt of a horse ! I had boon BO taken aback for a second at the electrical display all around mo that I hadn't noticed that 1 was making a tolerably fair ono myself ; for every hair on my head was standing up like porcu pine quills , except they were so many tiny jots of Hro , like tlio little carbons in electric light bulbs. 1 didn't fool a bit hot , but 1 thought of home once and wished I was there. "Twenty times quicker than I have boon tolling vou this wo had passed thrco miles down the road , and I was very near homo. Hut there was no tell ing where this ( lory charger of mine was going to stop , and I was afraid wo might moot some ono on tlio road and run into 'om and hurt 'em. But that didn't happen , for tlio big electric ball left mo as suddenly as it had hitched tome mo , and , jumping to one side of the road , paused for a moment at a watering trough and then jumped in and put itself out. The water in the trough boiled and steamed like a teakettle , but 1 had no llino to see how long it would con tinue to do so , for I was anxious about my friend and his horse. I didn't know but the lightning might have killed them , so I hurried back to where I had so curiously abandoned them. " 1 covered the throe miles in very short lime , I can toll you , and I think was excusable in being so surprised at what 1 saw that I couldn't move out of my tracks for ton minutes. Talk about freaks of lightning. You should have Been what this lightninir had dono. There stood my friend tied to the funco as the horse had been , stamping away , and gnawing at the boards for all the world like a real horse. On a mossy bank on the other side of the road the horse was lolling In la/.y enjoyment , and in his mouth , mu//.le up , was a flask which I know had boon in my friend's pocket when we started from the berry inii-hoH to hitch up tlio horso. On ho horse's fore feet were my friend's boots. I took another look at my friend , nnd If tlio horse's front shoes weren't on Ills feet as if they had boon glued there , then you can nur//.lo mo ! "Well , by a good deal of manipula tion 1 got may friend and the horiio back to themselves again , hut I had the deuce and all of a time to got thn horfo'n shoos off of my Monti's foot. Uoth ho and the horse were still da/od when I wont to look at my pall of hucklo hur ries. The twelve-quart pall was gene , but in its place were six plo plates anil on each pfo pinto as nlco huekli-bi rry piu as you or any ono ever saw ! Talk about lightning s freaks ! You ought to see home thatHtio plays ever in the Drill- kor Crook country ! " The Shah of Persia Tliiiiili | ; ndvanccd In years , lias lialr of raven inn ) , Cray liali.s ; iru Htilutly inuhlbituii in Ills doinliiions , nnil liencu tliu larno nlilp. inonts tii that country of Ayor's Hair VI nor , liy tliu use of wliicb tliu Kliah'.i snlijocts suvo lint only Iliclr hair lilt tliulr liciuls. Aycr'1 llnlr Vigor loilorcs llio natural color ol ih hair , U bliuiild bu on uvuiy tollct-tablu , "Somu time .leu my linlr licgiui to failo nnd total ! oiitsoliadly that I tlioiujlit 1 sliould liu bald : but thu usu or Ayur's Hair VlRor lias rt-.itorud the original color nuil made my lialr stroiiB , aliinuluiit , and livaltliy. U dovs not fall out any moro , " - Adillo hlmller , MO Itacu st. , Cliieliin.itl , Ohlu , "My hair ( wlilch had partly tnrneil gray ) was restored to Its youthful ciilur and beauty by tlio usu ol a Inw bottlus ul Aycr' Hair VlRor , I shall voiitiuuo to use It , cm there U no better driissliiK for tlio lialr.- . ( lalilo ( ) aii , ( } cortuaiin ; , Ala. Ayer's Hair Vieror , riiErAiiKu nr DR. J. 0. AYEU & CO. , Lowell , Mass Kohl bjr all Dru KUU auj 1'trf umeit ,