T THE OMAHA DAILY .HEJE. ± L'ONDAY ' AUGUST 17 , 1891. 5 EIGHTH BIENNIAL REPORT , \ Condition of Iowa's Fcoblc-Mindod at Qlonwood , 'VERY SEVERE STORM AT BURLINGTON , Mncnilnin HI roots Dcstroyoil and NiitnoroiiH C'lilvcrtH Torn to IMroRH Sewers Literally 8icjt Out of Dei Mnis-ns , la. , Aug. 10. ( Special to TIIR BKK.J The eighth hlcniilul report of the ofll- claM of the Institution for the fcoblo rnlnrlod nt Ulcnwood lins boon Hied with the povor- nor. Appropriations uro njkoil n gri'Kiitlng about $90,000 for the following purposes : Custodial building . * .r > 0,000 Laundry nncl Imluitrlnl rooms . 15,000 Barns mid granaries . af > 00 rililMiliiK central bulldlnc . 2WO ( I'ulntiriR . J.MK ) Fruit house . l.WW . Fences . 1,000 Ground * . 1,110 Now boiler nntl fixtures . 2,00(1 ( Hcdsnnd bedding . 2,100 Contlngoiit nnil repair mini . 0,000 School supplies and library . - < < > CottnRoi nud moving cast cottiigo1'JOO Furnishing for parnl.vtles xvard . 500 Superintendent Powell devotes conil'Jer- nblospiteo In urging the need of the custo dial department for non-linprovablos , adult imbeciles and epileptics. Ho says In part : "Our household now numbers more than 4.V ) , with numerous nnpllrntila for admission to bo considered. With this number conjto- pntod and distributee ! ns they are here , you bavc readily observed that classification Is imperfect and that , In Justice to those sovoml OlvMotn , It Is ncfossary to provide inde pendent apartments for them ; tliat the lower grades , tlio opllotica nnd cducablo classes , tlioukl bo domiciled so neurlv together and lit , times associated in the samo. looms , any ob serving person readily recognized us un iin- perfect plan. "Tho history of older institutions has dem onstrated the necessity of buildings for the custodial class separate from the educational division. Ttio conditions arc now at such a point hero that something of this character must bo provided if the growth of the insti tution Is to contlnuo. 1 suggest then , that you consider the advisability of locating a building for castodials In the rear of the main 'building , HUfllclcntly remote to be somuwlmt independent , and yet near enough to bo con veniently supervised. Buildings of this character have nlroadv been constructed lit Now Yon : , Ohio , Minnesota , Illinois and Pennsylvania. During the spring of 1801 diphtheria In vaded the wards , causing much trouble in all twenty-Tour cases , losulting in Jlvo deaths. In the educational departments the methods which are approved by experience nro still followed. It Is the design of thii managers hereafter to p.iy especial attention to manual training and work lessons will bo associated with regular school work. There ore thl i Icon teachers and the children nro divided into ton classes. The Industrial department has been vor.v Bucces'ful. It has not only been valuable to train the weak faculties ot the inmates , but actually shows a cash balance. The 100 ncros of land purchased about two years ago has also shown a profit. lown Farmers Holding Grain. Four DODOB , la. , Aug. 1(5. ( fSpocial Tele gram to THE BKE.J The f < trmors of north western Iowa are besieged by an army of Dgonus of eastern commission bousos , etc. , xvho work to contract for all threshed and unthrohhcd crops for September and Obtobor delivery. T ewer prices than these of last year nro offered on the strength ol the general bountiful harvest. Many of the farmers liavo thus sold tholr crop * In advance but the majority have heard of the shortage of the European countries trios ana will hold tholr grain lor higher prices. Jt Is thought that the bullc of the crops In this vicinity will not bo marketed until a month Inter than usual this year on account of this tendency. rtnrlington DnniiiKCtl l > y Storm. BUIIMXOTO'X , In. , Aug. .1(5. ( [ Special gram to THE BKK.J A downpour of ran that far exceeded that of Friday occurred hero this morning , lasting for nearly three hours at intervals. The hilly streets of Burlington were sadly used , the macadam Doing washed out in many blocks and the culverts torn nwny. The big sewer on Fifth street was literally torn out of the ground and other nowors were badly choked and damaged. A number of railroad bridges are reported washed aw ay. Crops nro badly damaged. The quantity of water that fell amounted to a cloud burst. Prominent lowii Imwyer Dead. BUUMNOTO > , la. , Aug. 10. | Special Tolo- irram to TUB Bnu.j A telegram was re ceived in this city by Senator \V. W. Bodgo today from Bloomtlold , announcing the sudden - don death of T. D. Hotcbkljs , democratic representative to the state legislature from that district. Ho was widely known as a roprofontatlve politician nnd lawyer of Iowa , and was chosen as the compromise temporary chairman of the lust legislature at Dei nloinos when tha deadlock wus in lojslon. Dr , Blrnoy , hay fovornnd catarrh , B bldg. SONS OF SITKI Ono Thousand of Them Celoliritto Tltolr Cmuitrj'H Imlanoiulciiuc. The celebration of the ( WOth anniversary Ql the establishment of the Swiss republic yesterday , nt Toutonla park , was an un qualified success. Ttio day was nil that could have been desired. It was warm , even hot under thu sun , but , bonoatb tbo leafy walks and lawns of the park , the intensity of torn poraturo without was forgotten. The first feature of the celebration was the grand procession which started nt noon from the Elkhorn Valley house , corner of Dodge nnd Eleventh street. This was marshaled by Mr. F , L. Illumor. It comprised an Im personation of William Tell and his son Albert by J. Fanbanson and child ; three cldsgenosscn , a lioat containing a nunv bor of adults attired in Swiss DOS tumo ; another lloat containing twenty' ' two young ladles , each representing canton of the rock-bound republic , the Union Paclllo band and thu following loclotlos : ThoArlon singing society at the head of which inarched Henry Kaiser ono of the most dovotcd members of the society ; the Concordht singing society headed by George K. Strittman , O. K Fritschur with u magnificent "trlnk horn" polished Hko agate nud finished in gold. Tills horn is the gift to thu society of Mr. Herman Schwabo , ono of the earliest members of the association who is now a resident of Germany. It has the reputation of being tha second largest hoin of the hi d In the world. The ( Jon- cordta people are proud of it and its praises were rapturously sounded by thorn as from Its capacious and docopllvo depths they quenched tholr thirst In tonmlng amber. Mr. litchard Knirloiimii bore the beautiful White embroidered banner , the oldest In the city , dating bauic to 1MW. Each member wore across his breast nnd around the left tide , a small blue silk ribbon In which was Ginbasscd in letters of gold , the nunio of the locloty. Then came the turners with tholr beautiful white Hag , the Limlorlcniuzo headed by Mr. Jacob ICopp : the Schwnbonvoroln , the Hel vetia of i'lnttsmouth , nnd the Schwoltior- veroln , Fred Lutchlngo marshal , the inonv borsonrlug lasgo brown straw hau with a rod baud and white cross , The procession moved along the following trocts : South on Eleventh street to Doug las , west toThlrtccnth , south toFarnam.wcst to Sixteenth , north to dimming , west to Twenty-fourth , where motor cars woro. taken , At the end of the line carry-alls were waiting , nnd tbo plcnlcors were transferred to the post for a nickel apiece. Within the park the singing societies as- etublcd and sang tholr native glees. The thirsty ones patronized the stands over which the god of beer presided , the dancer * ought the airy hall , the sharpshooters the range nnd the wrestlers u largo roped square In which four young niBit , as follow * , bore off prize * ! First , Martin Sohalbly , tt sheep ; ocond. Samuel Boruhard , another sheep ; Lhlrd , Emll Uoth , box of cigars ; fourth , Frank Fanptr , 81. The name uf thn winner of tha shooting prl/o had not been ascertained last night. Mr. Fred r utchingor delivered ft short nd- dress In German on "Tho Ulvll History of Switzerland , " nnd towards uvenlng Mr. F. I. . . Illumerspokoln English o.iTho Military History of the Fatherland. " The festivity was continued until mid night , at whlch'llmo the last loiterer retired from the place. Do Witt's Llttlo Karly Uison , bait pdL v.iTCinsu ns/t off cirr LOTH , Swindlers Soiling Mlmirnpolls Prop erty Under Forty Fool ofVntor. . MIN.VIAPOI.IS , Minn. , Aug. 10 "Tho big gest bass ever caught , " snld cx-Uounty Sur veyor Dlolil yesterday morning , "was In the con tor of 11 corner lot near Lake Mlunotonkn. Strange place to oaten a bass I Well , not so very when you understand that the water stands forty feet deup on this corner lot , and yet these lots nro being sold nnd tr.ulcd Just as it they had some real value. The platting and sale of these lots Is an out rageous swindle. I have received num berless letters making inquiry about the lots nud have grown verv weary of answering them. J'll toll you about these swindling additions , nnd the publication of the facts will probably protect Innocent poo- Die. " Mr. Dlolil produced a map of the Mlnnotonka region and pointed to thu tongue of land running between the north nnd west aims of the lake. On the v.-est arm Is lo cated the well known Sngn Hill addition. On the north arm Is the Forest Hill addition , which Is also all right , .lust between the two and not connected with the main lakosavo by a creek lies Forest luUo , a small sheet of water circular in form and quite deep. "That lake , " snld Mr. Dlehl , "con tains less than two hundred acres ol surface ; consequently , under the rule , It Is not meandered nt all In the government plats , but nppeart ns land. Swindlers who they nro I don't know have taken advan tage of this fuel and have platted Into two additions what appears ns land in the govern ment plat but which is really deep water. On Is called Forest Lake Park addition nnd the other Forest Lake Park addition to Saga Hill. Lots have been sold or traded in these additions for whatever they would bring , and they have been pretty well disposed of. I think , 03' the original platters. Of course , they uro worthiest ; . Baldness is catching says a scientist. It's catching files in summer time , Use Hall's hnlr runeucr and cover the bald place with healthy hair and Hies won't trouble. AMUbKMVSTS. There Is considerable merit in "A Turkish Bath" which had its prcmioronttho Farnam street theatre yesterday. Its merit does not Ho In the story of the play , for there IVitt any story , in keeping with the modern farce comedy , but in the manner of its being plaved why it should bo called "A Turkish Bath" any moro than "Who's Got the But ton , " Is u matter possibly of little moment to the avoiago theatre poor , but that it pleased a very fair audience last evening is suflleiont earnest of its draw ing powers , when the changes that will bo necessary to make , are made. Two society girls , summer girls , would bo moro explicit , with n penchant for the stiieo have clandestine meetings with two young gentlemen , also of a theatrical turn , and an unintcur performance is finally arranged , which brings on the full strength of the company. Around this very slender thread there nro plots and counter plots , involving u stern father and uncle , the Irrepressible policeman who has the entree to all the swell houses , a colored but ler , a district messongeross and several minor characters. Miss Marie Health , who makes her appear ance as a star in this now candidate for the public's appreciation , is n pretty , winsome woman and play's n child's part , cast in the same mould as Innocent Kid in "A Parlor Match , " excellently. She has a much moro pleasing voice than Is usual with the sou- btotte. the song. "Won't You Come Out and Play , " being received with marked favor. T. Wlllmot Eckort ns "tho pot of the beach , " Loandor Thrush , lacks In dramatic ubillty , but compensates for this absence by singing a number of tenor songs in a manner that , loaves little to bo desired. Frunu Murphy plays tbo policeman Mc- Google us much ns Edillo Girard plays that ubiquitous individual of farce comedy. Ho is given entirely too much latituto and a good place to make an abridgment would bo In Mr. Murpliy's line in the Jlrst act. Kitima Berg ns Mabel Dove Is very pleas ing , her singing boiug a particularly strong feaiuro of the performance. .Tossio Olllver piny3 the small part of Rose Dove acceptably although the young lady is hardly In nor element , her place being In opera and it Is somewhat surprising that in the collection of specialties in which the play abounds she is not intrusted with a song. 1' . D. Miles as Crow , the colored servitor , gave a well considered portrait of that neces- sarv adjunct to the successful farco. The play Is yet crude , the company still showing considerable nervousness , but "A Turkish Bath" gives abundant promise of being one of the successes of the yoar. DoWitt's Little Early Risers. Best little pill over made. Cure constipation every time. Nona equal. Use thorn now. MISSISttiri'-L > H AO UJIOK. Question an to "U'lioro the Stream IlcndH Near 11 Settlement. ST. PAUL , Minn. , Aug. 1C. State Park Commissioner J. V. Brewer submitted to Governor Morrlam n special report upon the ItnsKu lake basin , which contains some hitherto unpublished facts in regard to the source of the Mississippi river , and oiTectu- ally explodes Glazier's claim to the title of discoverer of the head waters of the great river. The report shows conclusively that the true source of the Mississippi rlvor is In the great reservoir nine miles nbovo Lake It us ten , making the longest surface channel of the Mississippi river from the gulf of Mexico to the extreme limit of this reservoir y.tiKi.'S mllos. Trio first surface stream llow- ugo Into this grout reservoir Is a tiny crook connecting with Whipplo lake to Floating Moss lake , thence to Kicollnt upper lake , while ; U ( ) feet west the channel again appears in a continuous surface stream llowuge to Ituska lako. DoWitt's Llttlo Early Utsorsj only ptl ) to euro sick hcadacho and regulate the bc./ols VLK.I Ot' JJO.V.V.1 1f.lfM.VXl. She May Got n Sliaro of the AVIIIInm It. Daniels tomato. DE.NVKII , Cole , , Aug. 10. The attention of the United States court was occupied yes- torthty In ho.irlng n demurrer to the com plaint of Mrs. L. ii. Daniels , otherwise Donna Madlxxn , divorced wife of the late Millionaire William B. Daniels. Her nttor- neys claim the dlvorco Is Illegal , Inasmuch as it was granted by the county court , that court being without competent Jurisdic tion. They also claim that the divorce was obtained by fraud and gi anted without the wife's knowledge nud consent. Defendant denies nil the charges. A decision will prob ably bo rendered Monday. Should tha Judge overrule the demurrer the furmor wlto of the millionaire will bo entitled to a widow's slww of the property unless the case betaken taken to the United States supreme court. It will also create a tnngto In the county court , as It will virtually Invalidate every dlvorco granted by that tribunal. The delicious fragrance , refreshing cool ness nnd soft beauty imparted to the skin by Pozzoul's Powder , commoudi It to all ladles , Hurt liy ft Wagon. Eddie Shelton , the ten-year-old son of a motor conductor living at 311 South Twenty- sixth street , was seriously Injured last even ing ov being run over by a heavy wagon at Twonty-fourth and Furnam. Ho was taken into ilughos1 pharmacy , whore ho was at tended by three physfcfans , He was found to bo very seriously bruised and crushed , but the full extent of his In juries was not ascertained , and ho wus rc moved to hU homo. The accident was Jointly the rf suit of the boy's cnrtilessno&s and inattention on the part of the driver. A very small pill , but a very col oaa DoWitt's Llttlo Early Ulson. THE SEASIDE'S ' DIZZY WHIRL , GHmpSBJ cf Fnshionablo Life at tbo Eura- msr THE SEASON AT ITS HEIGHT. A Panoramic Vloxv of tlio OlltlodMill - tltiule 'i lie- Veneer ofVoaltli nnil I InIliitil IV ) r llcirs . null l.i "Where nro the men" U not the cry nt At lantic , but "whoro Is the crowd I" The Now York World dubs Ashbury pnrk "Jnyvlllii lUelf , the Mecca , yes , the paradise of jiiys " Ono of the most graceful and attractive matrons ut Saratoga Is MM , Jamas U. Pepper of Kentucky. Secretary N'oblo Is fishing in the Aiilron- docks. Whether ho gets any llsh or not , ho Is bound to have noble sport. As rende/vous forbrlaei and bridegrooms Niagara still holds Its own n the loading place. The hotels are lllled with brides. Mother-in-law , poetically Hoe , James , how caressingly the waves full upon mo. Jamoi Bvoryuodv knows that salt water has a bad tasto. The Delaware resorts are dealing with a crowded month , and the Water Clap U ono of the busiest of them. Socially , the Gap Is booming. "Travel Is n great educator , " remarked Amy. "That's so , " replied Sue. "Why , I could not lllrt a bit before 1 mudo the tour of the watering places. " Jasper Why In the world do they have bands playing so constantly at these seaside resorts * Jumpuppo So that visitors cannot hear tlio mosquitoes. A geologist savs the Atlantic coast is sinkIng - Ing at tbo raU of two feet per century' " ( icttinir there" with two feet Is not always the most dosdablo thing. Newport breo/03 tov with the whiskers of Vanderbilt , Ames , Asters , Whitney. Goolet , Stevens , Lorlllurd nnd Wotmore all niil- lionnrles several times over. There are many handsome bachelors at Saratoga Springs and .somo of them have lots of money. A Sow > , ro independently rich and ono or two are millionaires. "Hear about Jones , who dlod on tlio beach after taking a bath f" "Yes. What was the cause f" "Oh , a chill. Ho staved in too lonir. " "Of course. A surf-lit , ns It woro. " Teacher What did Adam put on after his disobediencn ? Park As bury , the new boy Fig leaf. Teacher Correct ; what dia ho have on before the full 1 Tlio now boy Bath ing suit. Knto I've been rescued from n watery grave by nine separate nnd distinct nlco young men this summer. Helen Well , you can't marry thorn all. Kate Ican'tl Chicago i * my native city. Surf-bathing is said to bo becoming fashionable - ionablo on the shores of the Bosphorus. The ttirbaneu and trouseied Turk girls could give points on costume to Founder Br.idley's Ocean Grove bathers. It is understood that the lending beauty at Bar Harbor this season is n daughter of Maine , who throws iuto the shade many of tbo spurious beauties upon whom she has to wait at the hotel table. Complete white costumes nro all the rage at Nurragansott. From hat to shoes Madame or Miss thus attires hersolf. for this virginal costume , once supposed to bo consecrated to young girls , has been appropriated by the married belles. What do they do at Narrngansott pier ! They bathe and they dirt. They dance at the Casino , nnd every afternoon am' ' evening go up to Sherry's ' for n bottle of Hoodcrer and the music of the Hungatian band. Hero Is where the joung bloods make the money ily.It It transpiios that tbo true inwardness of the recent unpleasantness at ono of Judge Hilton's Saratoga hotels was young Mrs. Hilton's Jealousy of the two women whoni she had so summarily ejected. The result is that young Henry is in extremely warm and uncomfortable water. The sonata finance committee is summer ing at Narragnnsott Senators Aldrieb , Alii son , Harris , Jones of Nevada , and Carlisle Senator Allison is a handsome man , with iron-gray hair nnd whisKers nnd exprosslvo dark oyps. The senator dresses well , looks on at the hops , and is a great favorite- the ladies. The eligible young women at Bar Harbor have been in a flutter of excitement since the arrival of Bishop Brooks , who Is rather superior to most of the bachelors there , physically , morally and mentally ; but then the good doctor seems to bo uncompromis ingly opposed to matrimony so far as ho him self is concoruca. Among the younger belles in Saratoga , the most beautiful by all odds is Miss Bcssio Armstead , the daughter of II. H. Armstoad of Brooklyn. She is n lovely girl , with a pretty , willowy figure , a face hko a ilower , charming in repose , nnd simply captlvatine when she smiles. Then her bcautitul eyes and mouth gain cyan moro beauty. The kodak girl is said to bo a terror at Cbautauqua. She is especially numerous , and her camera is poked and pointed nt everything , Levers have n hard time in getting out of her range. It matters llttlo \vhothor the subject bo religious or roman tic , or the spot incrod or very ordinary , the kodak girl will bo found around , adjusting her ions to a proper focus and "taking in" thu slghu. Chief Justice Field nnd Mr < . Field nro up in tbo Wblto mountains. The judge is a ter rific poacstriau and his logs nro absolutely tireless , ns many n rash man who has volun teered to accompany him on his excursions can attest. Ho bus climbed about ever peak of note , but Is so in love with the storied hills that ho does not care to spend his vaca tions elsewhere. From all the pro.nlnont resorts come re ports of Increasing numbers of visitors and arrangements for gay timos. Saratoca is brightened With the racing ; Bar Harbor Is recovering from tlio clamminess of being the center of growsomo health bulletins , nnd is enjoying itself ; Niagara is ns beautiful as over , nnd moro attractive by reason of im proved hotel accommodations. Thomo.it striking surf costumes at Capo May noted is that worn by Miss Anna Whit- ukor , of Philadelphia , the fair-haired grand daughter of J. S. Ncallo , the millionaire ship builder. DID dross is made of deop-toncd cardinal sorgo. It tits the wearer's llttlo figure dalntly , nnd tlio warm shade accords well with her dollcato coloring , Miss Whit- akor crowns her head with a white silk tur ban. Sorrowfully the army of young ladies sum mering nt Ashbury park bewail the ubsonco of the young men ut the holds and boarding houses. Every where you go on the beach , at the hops crowds of pretty summer girls can bo seen , but the summer young man Is conspicuous by his absence. At the hotel lions the floor managers complain that they cannot find enough men to till tbo sots , and It Is no uncommon sight to sea tbo whole sots mudo up of lovely females. Mrs. Lizzie Fisher , ono of the best known nnd most fearless of Capo May's lady bath ers , wears a dark blue suit , with a toqua of scarlet or Spanish yellow. Miss Fulton , daughter of Colonel Fulton of the Baltlmoro American , enjoys her daily swim in a jaunty blue costume , and Miss Salllo Worthlncton of Wasbliicton , D. C. , wears a similar suit of blue serge , as docs her couslu , Miss Funny Davis of Baltlmoro. A Narragansott belle : bbo Is petite , viva cious , dark-eyed and tltlan-halred. She is exquisitely attired in a dainty inuuvo or- gaudlo , striped with white aud trimmed with deep tlouncos of line white lace , tier hat , gloves and shoes are whlto , and altogether shuts a delightful picture a Greuzo maiden. This is Miss Lucy Turner of St. Louis. She has been at thu pier many seasons , and , nl- wuvs a favorite , has now attained the coveted position of hello. The .sensation of Saratoga U a novel ' 'ad vertisement" for u Fifth avenue tailoring es tablishment sent horo. The "advertisement" Is in the shape of a magnincont looking speci men of Immunity. Ho is over six feet In height and tlncly proportioned. Ho bus a vor.v attractive , if not handsome , fuco , nnd ho has mudo a study of posing. Ho stands on the phuzns of the hotels for an hour when many ladles are around , ns If ho were u statue. In posing ho could give Herbert ICelsoy "points , " and then discount him. The ' "advertisement" has sixty suits of clolhea , and ho ap | > enr * in never lass than twenty costumes during the day , lie divides his dinner into two courses , unu appears dur ing the meal In twojtljToront coitumoi. Ho hits boon traveling nVomul among the princi pal reports uf the couittry , and will tuko lu several more after YJo.tVes \ horo. A vorr pretty Mjr Vttt the CUDS M.iv nnta- torluin during the \veet ! was that of u llttlo girl , certainly not ovvrclght or tun , who was L'yralint ; around In tbu sunlit water , her lair hair shining and hei rhrirHin , ult making hotloo.t like n vorlt.rtilo nolntiiu. Shu hold n- she swam In the frni'M' ' , which wns ilvo or six feel deup , her little brother , not over four or live , and wlille h , u-d to have every confidence in her , ev . now nud tluui , whoti she made a partlcul'lltv cold stroke , ho put hi * little arms uroun'l ' her neck. It depends upon Uio locality ns to how far tbo swimming expert inny glvo hM fancy flight In the matter of bathinc costu-i- . At Cupo May and Narriigansett J'ler ho will wt'.irnll the vivid hues of the huilequinudo when ho appears upon the beach and not Und himself out of the plctuio with the gorgeousness - ness of the fair bathers Unit there dUport themselves. The moio distinguished surf suit , however , Is in Jlno blue flannel or heavy silk knit goods nnd of the combination type , fitting the figure not too snugly to give free rluy to the movements und without any superfluous decoration. The now Vanderbilt cottage nt Newport , n great whlto marble box , with huge plluitpra 11 nd hugo pillars , will bo n monument of bad taste , says the Philadelphia Press. It Is irlailugly vulgar , and no amount of line carv ing can redeem its main outline * , which huvo not thy proportions nor the chaste severity of a Florentine palace , but suggest continually that the architect wished to Impress by sl/o moro than by design. The high and formal wall of whlto marble , with gi oat Iron gates that encircles the grounds Is also nn offense , but still it no doubt suits Mr. Vnuderbilt , and ho if the ono to bo suited. In tlio Ai'irondnoks ' , at the lake resorts , every second young woman plunk * the mau- doliu , und In her outing costume there is of course n diish of tlio duenna The men , too , wear the toreador sashnnd nt night the tink ling of the instruments nnd the voices ot the singers give forth u weird and beautiful roo- nanco as the oars splash moasurcdly over the still irntor. Tlio boatlnc costumes at the Thousand islands do not cover up tbo brawn nnd niusclo of tlio athletic youting votaries , nnd the boating Milts of the young woman are unusually picturesque. Frequently a flo tilla of couples will Usuo forth upon an evenIng - Ing water picnic nud after the chaporonc's gondola lias complacently lost Itself It is said thcro Is no dearth of jollity among the young people. TIII : rumor TEACHED. A young man who Is stopping nt a well known watering plnco , says the Now York Tribune , had nu amusing oxporinnca the other day. At , ono of the neighboring hotels ho had mot a fair southerner who greatly captivated his rather susceptible fancy. His request to call mot with a gracious assent und the next day ho presented himself at tbo door of her mother's sitting room "Como In , " called out a strident voino us ho knocked nt the door. On opening it ho was surprised to see no ono In t.ho room , but from the next apartment came an Injunction in the sumo hiir < h accents to "sit right down in the pirlor. " Wondering not n little at his re ception ho took a chair , but his astonishment may bo Imagined when ho hoard his fair ono summoned in the following manner : "Mary Anne , you'vo got n beau 1" Mary Anne , yon'vo got a beau ! " and his equanimity was not even restored when his Inamorata entered nnd laughingly explained that the culprit was a huge green pavrot. Ayer's hair vigor restores color and vitality to weak and gray hair. Through its healing and cleansing qualities it prevents the accu mulation of dandruff and cures scalp diseases. The best hair dressing over made , and by far the most economical. FOKMAL Oi'KMXG. Hook Island Will { ; clelr.itc IlsOiituha- Detiver Ijntry Toiliiy. The first througn trains of the Ilock Island were run yesterday , the first ono arriving from Chicago at 10:50 : u m. , the old time , and leaving Omaha nt 1 ; 15 p. in. for Denver where it will arrive at T o'clock this morning. Commoucinc today this train will arrive in Omaha nt l'JU5 : p. m. and leave for the west ton minute * later. The first local train potwoen Omaha and Denver started from this city last evening at TiOo o'clock and will roach Denver at ( i'JO : p. m. today. The through train sorvlco will bo properly inaugurated today , when the oxprois arrive * nt 1 :0.5 : p. in. It will bavo on local repre sentatives of the principal newspapers between - tween Chicago and Omaha , together with the high ofllcl.ils of the Koolc Island road. At this point the party will bo increased by representatives of the Omihu papers and will prooood through to Danver. The road will then bo declared formally opened and trains will bo run regularly und Omaha can boast of another through line from'tho east through the gateway of the great W03t , Constipation poisons the blood ; DoWitt's Little tarly Risers euro constipation. The cause removed , the disease is gono. Westerners in Now Yorlc. NEW Yonic , Aug. 17. [ Special to Tnn BEII.I M. A. Gnmblo of Omaha is stopping at tbo Hotel Normaudlo. D. C. Nowcomb of Atchlson Is at the Hotel Vondome. Des Moines folks In Now York nro : C. B. Atkins , at the Grand Central hotel ; B. O. Hanger , nt Hotel Normandio , and O. Linn , at the Metropolitan hotel. Mrs. M. Daff of Nebraska City is ut , the Gilsey houso. Mr. C. 13. Wilson of Omaha is stopping nt the Belvcdnro houso. Air. C. Wilson and wife of Omaha nro the guests of the Morton hotiso. Mr. M. W. Darling and Mr. .T. C. Hcnnison , both of Sioux City , nro ut the St. Denis hotel and Mortou house respectively. Mrs. A. J. Johnson of Ottumwa , la. , is at the As tor house. Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. Squires of Bur lington , In. , sailed on the Furst Bismarck of the Hamburg-American packet line for Bicmen on Thursday lust. Mr. 11. Horschlov of Burlington , la. , is In Now York , stopping at the Uolvodero houso. Mr. II , B. Price , Burlington , Is at the Sturtovant houso. Mr. W. Scluvlnton , Davenport , lu. , Is nt the St. Denis hotel , Mr. U. H. Antony , Lcavonworth , Kan. , is at the St. Denis hotel Mr. W. P. Williams , Omaha , is at the Hoffman house. Mr. WMuylvny , Sioux City , Is at the Colcnuin houso. Mr. G. U. Hall , Lelgbton , Nob. , is nt the Uarlcs hotel. Mr. E. S. Westerbrook , Omaha , Is at the Grand Union hotel. Mr. T. U. Popper , Sioux City , Is at the St. Denis hotel. Mr. G. Fovton , Wyoming , is nt the Metro politan hotel. . ' . " G. 1C. Barton , Codac Kipids , la. , Is stopping - ping at the St. Denis hotel. Mr Frank Atchison U at the Metropolitan hotel. ' ' Mr. C. A. Ffclto , Davenport , la. , Is at the IIofTman houso. i / Mr. J. A. Colbyj jDes Moluos , Is at the HotTmnu houso. Miss Pulgo of Fargo Is at tlio Hotel Von- domo. Mr. P. B. Bird , Iowa , is at the Astor houso. Mr. H. W. LansInfc'Llncoln ' , is at the old tlmo Astor houso. ; 'J < J Mr. F. U. Southard. Omaha , is trvlnc to keep cool In the Grnn'd1 Union hotel horo. Mr. A. Gotntkor , DpS'Momos ' , is nt the St. Cloud hotel."r Two Omahaltos havo'struck this town In the glory of its heat. ' 'They are Messrs. J. S. Dotweilor nnd H. W ! " Kuhns. The Cosmo politan shelters thein , ' ' AIi-s. Thomas , Topolca , is nt the Grand hotel. Mr. A. ICoty , Wichita , is at the Imporlal hotel. Cliiiiiiliorlnln'H folio , Olinlorn , anil Ului'i'ltdM Hiiinuily Is famous throughout the United States for its prompt euros of dl.irrhcua , dvsonterycolto nnd cholera morbus. It is pleasant to take and can always bo depended upon both for children nnd adults. J5 and 50 cunt bottles for biilo by druggists , ItoynoIdN anil Itluglor. Mr. Bret Hlngler and Miss Grace Reynolds of Atchlson , Kan , , were married ut the resi dence of Hov. Dr. Bean yesterday. The groom Is n lyoll known young buslneis man of that city aud the bride U the daughter of HOD , John N Uovnolds famous throughout ICunsai for bis lecturva on prison inform , DoWitt's Llttlo Euriy UISOM for the liver. LITTLE HOPE FOR GERBE11 , i Deo'ar.Uitn of Intention O.vi Not Have tbo Effect of N.itnnliiUion. HE WAS SUBJECT TO RUSSIA'S LAWS. Conulso Opinion on the Siit'jout by Hon.Vllllnm F. U'hurlon , Act ing Secretary of.Stato nt U nslilnjiton. Tun IIrr , several wcolc * ace , published the announcement of the nrrost of S. Gerber of thUoity , In Uusslan Poland , the oontlsc.ttlon of his property and his banishment forllfo to the wilds of blboria. Owing to the dllllculty of securing Information mation on such subjects from llussla , It was not possible to ascertain upon what charge the unfortunate hud boon punlshod , boyoud the statement tint ho h.ul loft Husslau Po land and had remained invaV without thn permission of the goveriimeut for moro than three years. As the ng'it of Russia to act thus arbi trarily with a man who had declared his Intention to bccomo n cltliou of thu Unltu.l States had not , of late years , boon formally promulgated in this country , TIIK BKK undertook to bring the matter to the atten tion of the highest ofllclah AS well as to the attention of the public. The purpose was , If possible , to secure assistance for the expatriated unfortmritn and , nt the same time , to admonish others * who might bo similarly situated of tha risk they incur uftcruncxotisod nbaonco in revisiting tholr native land. Among the officials to whoso attention the matter was brought , was Hon. Loronzo Craunso of Calhoun , assistant secretary of the treasury. By him the subjoot was re ferred to lion. William F. Wharton , who , In the absence of Mr. Blalno is acting secretary of stato. The opinion of Mr. Wharton Is as follows : 3r. ! \ \ ftnrton's Views. Dni-AUTMr.NT ON STATE , WASiiiNrjTox , AUR. 10 , 1VJI. Hon. ICroiinso. . Ticasuiy ] > opnrt- incnt. Sir : I have received your letter of the nth lust int In relation to the case of Mr. S. GUI IIIT , lately n rcililunt of Omaha , who , It Is reported , after duelurlnc his Intention to bo- uo'iio aellbon of tbo tJnitud States returned to bis native town In Uusslan I'oland and has thuro been arrested on.otiio uhiirgp , not clearly slntud , Involving , It Is a.Uil , deportation to 31- borln. As a folloit-oltl/rn of Nebraska , you ask that , If the mutter bo : i proper onn for the Intervention of this government , stops betaken taken for Mr. Gorbor'a relief. The .Mr. S. Gurljor , to whom the report re lates. Irivlng cnmo to the United States from Russian Poland some IIvo yo.irs ago , declared his Intuntlon to become a cltbnn Imforo ilio district court for Uoujilas county , Nebraska. Suptumhor ? . ' ) , 1MU. He would , under suction illi" ) . revised statutes , not ho lawfully eligible for ndinUslon to cltlronshlp until two yuiirs later. Unit Is , on Septembers } , IS ! ) . ' , Ills decl'.r.itlon does not e.irry with It abjuration of his Uussluii : illciliiiiuu. U merely an nounces thu Intention so to abjure It when the local period of probation sh.ill have ulnpsod and on taking out his llmil papers. It would seem from the extracts from TUB OMAHA IIKI : , which you .soml me , that the Identity of the person in iiiostlon | has been confounded with that of Solomon Gcrhor , to whom u p.issport was Issued by this depart ment April ( i. IS'U. The latter' : ) application shonsllmt ho has resided continuously In Now York cltv since 16(19 ( and that ho was there naturall/ed October 11. 1870. Ho Is , therefore , evidently a dllToieiit Individual f rom the Mr. S. Gerber toUiom your letter relatys. In e.iscs of this character. It Is material Mliethor : ui alien declarant tuinporarlly visits > country ether tluin that of origin , or retains of his free will to his niitlvu land. Mr. Heritor appeals to h.ivo voluntarily IntcrruploJ the period of urellmlnary sojourn fl\ed under our n.ituriillnitlon Jrtws by rotiirnlns to his na- tlvo country while his Intention to abandon Us alioRlanco was still unexecuted. I observe that In the newspaper extracts transmitted by you the much misunderstood case of Martin Kos.ta Is erroneously Invoked to justify Interruntlon In the e-iso of Mr , Gor- her. ICo-ta wus an Austrian subject by birth , who , having fallen under the displeasure of his sovereign , was hunlsliod from his country und bought a homo in the United States. Whllo dwnlllnz hero ho m.ido n declaration of intention to become n cltli-en of the United States. subsciucntly | , while on a visit to Tur key , ho was sol/cd at Smyrna by persons In the Austrian employ , from whom ho was res cued by the authorities of the United States. When the government of thn United States \\asu.illednponljy Austria to miku : ropira- tlon for the conduct of Its representatives , Mr. Marcy , then secretary of stale , declined to concede that any wus due , holding that , as Ifos/ta h id been seized In the ton Hory of u third power , his. status w s to bo determined by the law of nations nnd not by the iiinnlul- IKI ! law either of the United Mates or of Aus tria ; and that , an ho had be.cn banished from Austria nnd had become domiciled In the United States , his status wus to bo regarded as American rather than Austrian. The note of Mr. Marcy on this subject bears date Soptomhor : . ' ( ; . ISVI , and Is printed In various places union.'which may bo mentioned hiuvroncoS Wheuton. In the following year , Mr. Jackson , charge d'ulTaliusof the United State ? In Vienna , mis conceiving the Import of the Koizt'i case , as sumed to treat It us a piecedont In the case ot ono Simon Tousle , an Austrian subject uho , ha\lns m.ido a declination of Intention to ho- como n cltl/en of thu L tilled States , returned to Austria , whore , bocomlii ! ; ln > olvod with the authorities , ho claimed the Intervention of the United States. Mr. Marey corrected the Inter pretation of the Knszl.i oiso : by the charge d'alTiiliesa.t Vienna , and said : Aniiinilni ; nil that nosslbly belong to ToHslg'ti ease that be had a domicile hero and was uutuallv clothed with thu nationality ot thii United States thuro Is a foituro In It which distinguishes It front that of Kow.ta Touslz voluntarily returned to Anstrlu and nlaooil himself within thu roitch of her muni cipal laws , lie went hv Inn free uet under tholr jurisdiction , and thereby subjoined him self to thorn. This view has been unlform'y ' maintained. It has found expression lit many of our nut- nr.ill/at un treaties , uhie.li expressly deol ire that a dei'liir.ition of Intention shall nothioo the on"cct of naturalisation ; und the laws of the United States forbid the Issuance of PHSS- pui ts to persons Who uro not citizens of the United St.itos , moaning thuioby natl\o-l > nrn or imturallrud eltl/ens It may bo remarked that , while the law requires that the ilocluia- t'lon of Intention Hhull precede the limit trit- urulUatlcn bv ut loiist two yours no probu- tlnnaiy period of residence is prescribed us a condition to innMni ; the declaration , nnd In deed It may bo mudo by un arriving ulloii nt the moment of coming within the teirltory of the Unltoil Slates. In exacting u prior declar ation of Intention to become u cltUun , the ( itatnto merely thiows an additional * ufo- Riiur of continuously evidenced Intent around the tests otherwise llxud to determine whether the applicant for irtturallxutlon possesses the knowledge ( if our Institutions anil the mnial iinullflcatlons indispensable to good citizen ship. I tun , Sir , your obedient servant. WIM.IAM \VIIAHTON , Acting Secretary , Information Kron. Do you know that any old .sore or cut can bo absolutely cured by tlio Intelligent use of Haller's Baibod WIra LInlmout : Bo merci ful to your hor.souud try it. ( ioniums \ \ ill Cclolirntn. Tbo committee appointed to make arrange- menu for the celobrutlon of the unnivnraary of tbo landing or the Germans in this country on October 0 , mot nt Oormnnia hall yester day afternoon. It was decided to have n pnrado In which there should bo lloats roproiontlnir the first landing of the ( Jurmani. Kiich of tbo Gor man societies In the city have agreed to furnish lloats of this sort and provide the eluiraetors represented with. historical costumes. Jacob Hnuft , Ferdinand Lohmnn and Peter Ponner were appointed n commit tee to arrange thn general dc < lgu for this feature nnd suujrvUo Its urrungonniuti. It was reported that farmers of the county , to the number of nbaut two hundred hml agreed to appear In the parade In wagons nnd nn horseback , dreod in the various costumes worn by tha Gorman | > o.isniitry. It wax docldo'd to invlto Mr. Frauuts Donald , editor of the Davenport Democrat , to deliver the oration of tbo day. A entumlttoo was selected to obtain n suita ble hall In which to hold the celebration. Mr < . Wlnslow's soothing syrup for chll dron teething euros wind colic , diarrhoea' etc. ! > cents n bottle. J///.NO/.S .S/D/M/MI ii > r. Many IJ\OH | Lost anil Muuli 1'ropcrty DcNtroyotl by the l-'lood. MoNTicn.io , 111. . Aug. 1(5. ( [ Special Tclo- pr.tm to Tin : Hir.JThere : wa a tcrrlno electric storm passed over central Illinois last night , doing great damage. Several lives were lojf , buildings vero struck and de stroyed , horses nnd cattle killed and hall foil In .101110 places , destroying the growing corn crop lu this county. The Inrgo oil house of ICiigoro & Co , was struck by lightning nnd burned. Many thousands of dollars worth of propct ty was destroyed , There uiis u heavy rainfall , which saved the city of Mausllold from burn ing up. Confrtlrrntu ( Ji'iH'i'iiI'M Iicttrr. MOSTICKI.I.O , III. , Aug. 10. [ Special to Tun Br.K. ] ( Jenoinl .1. B. Clordon , the com- niaiider-ln-chlcf of all the Confederate camps In the United States , lias endorsed the pro posed reunion of the survivors of tlio tnorth- ern nnd southern armies In the following ex cellent letter : Colonel 1..T. I.ec. Montlenllo. 111. My Ooixr Colonel : In view of my pnst ellorts to uro- motorveiy movement Intended to brim : the sections or our common country closer to- netliui it Is hardly necessary , I trust , for mete to say that 1 HID in entile sy'nipaty with the proposoil reunion of the iiortlitirn und south- urn \Dtor.tns nt the world's fall to he held ut Chloiito. I trust that many thousands may meet and greet each other at the pioposed Kiitlierlni : , und I urn sure that Kood und only coed cun result front such a lommunlon With many thanks for your c'inrleoiiH refer- eneo to myself , and for the i-'eneroviH Impu'so ' which IIIIH given birth to this lennlon , I am , yours tiuly , JOHN It. liouun.v. . J lie Ijntoht ( "ontinilfiini. Whv is Ilallor's Sarsaturilla and Burdock Hko thd most popular soap of tbo day. Because they both cleanse the skin and leave It both soft nnd velvety. ItHADV TO WOUIC. StfikitiK Smelter Sl Mt Ili-ntly to Start Tltc Klrei. There were no noxv devolopmoiits In the smelter situation yesterday. No meetings of the employes were held , but the men talked together in knots on the strcots , nnd It was the general sentiment that they would rnturn to work some tlmo today , some favoring nu hour us early as 0:30 : o'clock , while others seemed to think noon the proper tlmo , The impression prevails that the dllllculty is practically over , and that the silent works will bo again in active operation within a few hours. So generally does this Idea prevail that the question principally discussed is "When will bock " the "will wo go , as wo go back" question seems to have boon decided In the aftlrmative. Dr. Birnoy , hay favor and. catarrh. B bldg Surrcmlercil to the Olllocrs. MINSK troi.is , Minn. , Aug. 1C. William II. Mortimer , secretary and treasurer of the National Capital Savings , Loan and Building Association of North America , surrendered to government detectives this afternoon. Ho will bo talton to Chicago. Ho says investi gation will show the company's affairs all right. _ At iScst- NVSHVIU.K , Totin. , Aug. 1C. The funeral of Mrs. James K. Pollc occurred here today at 10 o'clock this morning. There was n great crowd present , but the .lorvlcos were unostentatious. The remains were laid in the tomb bosldo these of her distinguished husband. it linuk. Will the gentleman who took n silver headed cano from the Farnam Street theater last evening please return it to TIIR Bun counting room I Ho is known to the loser of the article. 1'JCIiSO.VAl l-.l UA lilt A I'lIS. K. K. Hayaon of Lincoln is at the Mlllard. W. T. Connor of Boone , In. , Is at the Dol- lono. lono.C. C. A. Stngapoos of Fremont is at the Casoy. M. A. Loftwiok of Loxintrton is at the Casoy. E. F. Holdon of Charltan , la. , is at the Dcllono. P. W. Grimstoad ot Fremont is nt the Mlllard. Harry N. Price of Washington , D. C. , Is nt the Mtllard. W. C. Estis and N. D. Jackson of Nollgh are at the Paxton. Judge William P. Lvon of the supreme court of Wisconsin is visiting Dr. S. H. Patton - ton , IbO. ) Binnoy street. Ocorgo Dowllng , driver of No. ,1 chemical engiiio , returned voatordny front a thirty days leave spent in tlio south. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Baton and Mrs. Miiggio King visited Captain Berry of Paclllo Junction yesterday. Mr. Andrew llosowntor loft lust evening for Ottawa , 111. , to look after the municipal work that Is now progressing there under his plans mm direction. Ho will leturn to Oinulm in about two weeks. Hon. Uoorca II. Harries of Washington , D. C. , ono of the commissioners appointed to settle witli tbo friendly Sioux for damages sustained during the Pine Hldyo campaign last winter , on mo in from the Indian iigcncy last night. Ho is stopping ut the Millard. NATURAL FRUIT FLAVORS. Vanilla - \ Of portoot purity. LemonI Lemon - Of croat Btrongth. Rose etc.r Flavor as dolloatoly and dellclously as tlio fresh frulb A-MUWMMKNTS. Parnam StrBBt ThBater Weult. CoiiiiiKuiclnj Stuulity Miillimi' , Atig , 10. Thu Dulli'luus Muslou C/iiinudy , fl Turkish- A Toastot Clean anil Wlmin unu I'tiii. Mnt- Inrus JVtKlnusiliiy und Sitttilday I'Djiulur We've heard of a woman who said she'd walk five miles to get a bottle of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription if she couldn't get it without. That woman had tried it. And it's a medicine which makes itself felt in toning up the system and correcting irregularities as soon as its use is begun. Go to your drug store , pay a dollar , get a bottle and try it try a second , a third if necessary. Hefore the third one's been taken you'll know that there's a remedy to help you. Then you'll keep on and a cure ' 11 come. But if you shouldn't feel the help , should be disappointed in the results you'll find a guarantee printed on the bet tle-wrapper that'll get your money back for you. How many women are there who'd rather have the money than health ? And " Favorite Prescription" produces health. Wonder is that there's a woman willing to suffer when there's a guaranteed remedy in the nearest drug store- Dr. Pierce's Pellets regulate the Stomach , Liver and Bow els. Mild and effective. OMAHA , NEB. Nos. 108,110 , and 112N. 11th St. TELEPHONE 1772. PBOTCCTCD DY U. S. PATENTS. vii Manufacturers or Iron and Steel Ribbon Yard and Lawn Fences , alee Farm , Stock , Park and Cemetery Fences. The cheapest , most artistic and durable fence In the market. Manufacturers'agents for Archi tectural Iron work of all kinds , and for the celebrated Buckthorn Steel Ribbon Wire. Call at Factory and lea samples. Send for Catalogues 2nd Prices , INTEREST PAID ONDEPDSITS ATOM H/VLQflN&TRUSTffl / 5.E.CDR. CAPITALS 100.000.00 DIRECTORS : A UWYMAN-E.W.NASH. ilKMILLARD CUV-CBARTON-GB. L AKE. JJ.BROVVN-THOS-L.KIMBALL. ) Ul ° . . . . . B\J youthful cn-o * ofirly ( leony , wn tln(5 ( woftknens , lost niAnlioal , etc. I wftl BouJ avnluabla trmtlio ( m-nlcill containing fall particulars for liomo cure , FJ" * " "r charRu A nplenclld modlcal work ; stumM lit ) icail by ovcrj man trim la nervoiM nnd Ut'hllltntoa. Auilrcrt 1'rof. S' . C. I'OWkHtS. Moodiie , Cojtm CN THE WORLD WILL . _ RETAIN A nuPTUne nrctvorellpf Ilko" lit. 1'lorco'n ' Aliurnetlu lUnntlo TriiBB.1' It ImurilmHIioiinamls I If ) oti wixnttlif HIChT.noinlJoliistninpB < urfrpol'iuiiilil | tIVo. 1. aiagnello Eloillc Tru . Co. . hull I'ruucl.co. Cot National Bank u. s. nni'OjiTouv. - OMAHA NEH Capital . $4OOOOO Surplus Jnn. 1st , iSOO. 62DOO Olllrcrj mid Directors -llonrjr W. Vntoi , I'ri'sliluiit ; Lewis a. lloml , Vlra I'nnlilom , Jiimos W Hivnuu.VV. V. .Morse , John H Colllni. It U. Cuslilnx , J N. II. 1'ulrlfk. W. II. 8. llinrliui , Ciuiilur. TI-JK IKON BA.NK. Corner l-'tli tiiul rnnuru rita Oenerul ll.uikln' , ' Iliislnoss Tianviuted. HOTEL. TheMurray , cor. 14th an 1 Harrm , n tha most substantially coustructoJ Lotal build ing in Omaha. Several hovhnok firav/all running from baiomont t ) roof. All coilinjs nnd floors lined w.th Asbsstoi firj proof lin- ng , making it impossib a to burn quick , Fira escapes nud fire nlanis throughout the build ing. Steam heat , hot nnd coluwator nudsua- shiuo in every room , Table unsurpassed nny- whore B. BILLOW AY , Proprietor. UNION DEPOT HOTEL. Cornur Dili unrl Miiaon Strcnti ll'ilf block \roit of Union I'.irltloniiil II , \ M lei ) > ut > . Now iMillillni ; , now furniture , every thing llrst- cluin , eoolH.t locitlon In O.imlii , vluir of uiillru , fiiirroiindinj country , jw * , Itntli tloctrli > r ill hulla utu. Halm , f 1 IU nn < l O M Kvury line of unlilii nil I motor cur > , pnti vrlUiln UIIH block , ii\u ) ) > t rtlnmutul Aviiniil nail llnnncom I'urk line I liloolci uwuy uriil you e.ui niniol lo tluMU If you wl'li SCHOOLS AND COL-USGKS. JMoruinI'nrUne5rrhlczirr ( > ) . lloanllnn for ( llrl * nnd Vounu -id hi * . Korf catnlozun ndtlro O. THAVI1IC , M < . I ) , USJ iiurnrb.lll.iOr VI6 Blulu Btrcot , Cljlcaeo , H' FEMALE ACADEMY GMt/ear , rrrinrntorr. . Cotkitlitr , Mimln niul Kino Art ( * uMr i < Mt.for WuliiMi > y htnilfni llliii < irfil trutulutrMii | K V , IIUI.I.UUJ. A. M , I'lln Jackruiivlllc , III NT.W VOItIC ArrMTAUY AlAli ) : > lTi Col.l' J WIIKIHT. U S..A.M , Oiirnwitll , N.Y. OK U\INUTO.N : , MU. " APTIST FEMALE COLLEGE , l lhiClDii , Mo.lh ( yircrnl ) iej't ' letli. I ! In I Hculty Dl r.ure. I.jnu | ; ; ( , M.llicliilllci , ScKnce , Mutlc. 1'Aimfnir , l.lxunun , llu > uicki ( uuitr , clc lj < ilUn ' , U < t = J , Itnonle 1 ami rcfumlihcU | ! ' * ! " ; / . . ; ; iyr.l : . ; CENTRAL Itecullf tunkuli | ud. Inc In d L'tcci. b | . 'Ulli i , Hu it Ail. l.lwullon l.vinia. iliun.lit l.erluio Linirnt < tlIkli llful diounli rl > K > "t liuiLlniL' . * ll mo < l fn .t iMiinliaentt , bruil for L talcirue AULlllUAI.K A. JOM.S. I'rw , Lt.XIMl'1 ON , MO. AChilttUn Iloinefkhool for 40 Younff Ladle * . jfi'l Sei * lion Spt 8. No jHiUic ciltitltiotii Ut uiurc , Muxlc and Art. H"cti " IHi. Complete water tervkn 1'nr ct lout adJieu J. I > . III.A.N 1 O.N , 1'rc. . . I.KXl.NU'l ON , WO. WEIIIWUA..iniiuiflHr . AMDEMIf UM arOM , rrrpmllia MCilr ! r. M9. Writ 1'ulM or llutmex. ' ] GOLLECiE ; In Existence CHRIST ! FEMALE 41 Yean Alumni , OT r 40O A Kcliuol fur the lllUMUt V.I ) L'OATIOII OP \U > JIKN ' l.ltvrnturii.Art. Uuile , b/ipecUlliti. V cn . lUmlnomo tulldlnei. hut wMrr , Lt tlnr butli rouni * , watt r rlo > U. HorUlung Ot ScUuuleK Hill-lit. A CIIUIKTIAN COI.I.KUK. A > Mir k , W. A , OLDtlAM , HroelUont , COLUMUIA , MO.