Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 17, 1891, Page 3, Image 3

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    TUB OMAJ-TA DAILY BJMfi : MO gAY , ATGU8T 17 , 1801.
Delivered by Carrier In any part of the City.
I. W. TH..T.ON - - - MANAGER.
fluslncsi OHicc , No. 43.
Night Editor. No. 23.
N. y. P. Co.
Council Bluffs Lumber Co. , coal.
Crnffs chattel loans , Cftl Sapp block.
If you want water In your yara or house
f-cto Blxby's , .TO4. : Morrlnm block.
It , II. Dillon of Crcston and Katie Kennedy
of Corvdon wore mar'lcd yesterday morning
by Justlco Hammer.
An ebony cano was picked up Saturday
night on lower Main street and Is now In the
ofllrn of the chief of police , who will give It
to Its owner In case hu shows up.
Miss Cora Mlkosell entertained a party of
young friends last Friday evening at her
nome on avenue C. Cards , music and dan
cing on the lawn were the main features of
the evening's enjoyment.
Mrs. Ernnstlnii Him died Saturday nt 4
o'clock at the lesldonco of her son , William
Ilusz. In Silver Creek township at the age of
7t : years , of cholera morbus. The funeral
Hill take [ ilacd this morning at-lU o'clock.
Sam Glover was arrested Saturday night
charged with being n suspicious character.
Yi-stcrduy tbo chirgo of grand larccncy was
placed against him , It being claimed that ho
utolo a polu watch and chain from a man
named Shaver , who works for I3r. i' . J.
A concert nnd pantomime will bo glucn on
the evening of September 1 on the lawn In
of the Christina homo , for the bonolll
of Unit Institution. preparations nro
lii-iiiR made for the event. The lawn where
the entertainment Is to bo given is one of the in the city , and adds greatly to the
beauty of the Homo.
Superintendent Stone of the motor line has
announced Unit heronlter mail carriers will
bo allowed lo rldu on llio street cars free
while onpngod in llio performance of'their
oflklnl dullcH. According to his ukase , njw.s-
paper men have no rights Unit anvono Is
bound to respect , nnd they Will bo allowed to
jmy or walk , as heretofore.
John Schoentgen of the school board is nt
work on n now citnlogno of the public
schools , which will bo thu llncst of its hind
Issued for seven years. It will contain all
ttio names of thu graduates since Iho foundIng -
Ing of iho high school , and will make f handy
compendium for reference when completed.
It will contain over ouo hundred pages.
The following are the names and positions
of the members of the legal base ball club of
this city , who will go to I'npilllon toworrow
to piny n game with the club of that town :
Travis , catcher ; Utnyre , pitcher ; Askwilh ,
flrit base ; Wright , second base : Hoslcyns ,
third base ; Schurz , shortstop ; Shea , right
Held ; Organ , middle Hold ; 11. Schurz , left
Held.Tho funeral of the late Charles Donahoy
took place yesterday afternoon from his late
- 'residence on Third avenue. A largo number
of friends were nrosenl and Iho services ,
which were conducted by Rev. T. M. 1C.
Stewart , wore vorv impressive. The follow
ing acted as pall bearers : O , Williams , W.
Illiams , M. Moore , II. Vandcvero , II.
Hnrilin and A liurko.
John Kelly and John Welch , who wore ar
rested hist Friday for larceuv and given
thirty days in tbo'counly Jail , had with them
seven pulrs of nnntnloons which they had
cvl'Jentlv stolen. No owner has been found
i for them ns yet , but It U supposed that the
clothing was taken from some store , and that
the owner will call for Ids stuff as soon as ho
inUscs It.
The resilience of A. M. Maync , nt the cor
ncr of Ninth street nnd Sixth avenue , was
visited by sneak thieves Saturday night. The
thieves did not enter the house , but confined
their attention to tne front porch , from which
they took four rare and valuable plants which
belonged to Mrs. Miiytio. The value of the
stolen property IK estimated nt $ i"i , and theVo
is no clue to the thief.
It Will l > a : li-m : < ; c Sale.
Think of itl A blanket sale in dog
days , when the mercury is trying to
climb nut the top of the tuljol Did you
over hoar of such a thing ? Yet that is
what Messrs. Fotherlngham , Whito-
iust & , Co. , the Boston Store people , are
preparing for a , feurpriso in the way of a
epi'cinl sale next week. During the
early part of the season limy purchased
nl a hie discount the largest stock of
Wankots and comforters over brought to
the Missouri valley , and just for the fun
of the thing they are going to boo how
many people can ho induced to buy such
things for winter use , as they buy their
coal atabig cut in price in hot woathor.
. The date of the sale is not fixed yet , but
when it comes off it will bo the most
sensational alTalrs of the kind over hoard
of in Council Bluffs.
Water from the Milwaukee artesian
well , for drinking purposes , delivered
cvorv morning to private families at a
nominal riito. Addrets , Water , BKK
J. A. Ilereld Is In Colfax.
A. J. Mandol started Saturday night for
Cleveland , O.
Miss Watts Is In the city , the guest ot Miss
Georgia Aennctt.
Miss Margery Moore of Omaha , Is the
Miss Maud Oliver.
Mr. U.m ( Juries of California , Is In the city
thu guest of P. ( ! . Mlkosell.
Miss Kva Nnson loaves next Wednesday
for Wall Luke , where her parents are now
O. L Bunkerpf Abilene , Kan , , Is in the
city the guest of his undo , 10. M , Bunitor ,
Third avcnuo.
William Gardner of Kansas City Is the
most of Mr , and Mrs. C. B. Luring on South
Koventh street.
Ofllccr Murphy of the police force started
for Loveland yesterday v. hero ho will spend
n few days vacation.
Misses. Jessie Short and Lena I-anglilin of
College Springs , are visiting their cousin ,
Mrs. A. M. ilutchlnson , 5.VJ Franklin
.1. U , Mo Williams left last evening for
Kansas City , where ho has secured a posi
tion In the freight department of the Mil
M. II. Kcohlor and wlfo , and Thomas
1 W-liartinaii and wife , of Bethlehem , Pa. , are
the guests of I ) . L. Brunimmau , on south
First street.
Mrs , A. Cramer ha : gone to Chicago to
visit her brother N. Schaneborno. From
there she will go lo her old homo In Wiscon
sin , where she will visit about a month. She
Is accompanied by her daughter , Airs , Lewis.
Ed F. Watts , \\-ho has been tenrlnir things
loose through the columns of llio Critic for
Bomo mouths past , loft last evening for DCS
Motucs , where bo Ins secured 11 position oil
the advertising department of tno Evening
News. Ills wife will remain In this city for
the present.
T. S. Couch nnd fumllv loft yesterday fern
n rcouporutivo trip through Colorado. On
their return they will nrrangu for removal
lo Chicago , where Mr. Couch will ontur upon
the duties of a new position , having resigned
the one with the Chicago , V Hock Island rail
way. held by him for more than a score of
years ,
Plculn at Manhattan boaeh. Round
trip tickets from Omaha , including boat
ride , 50c ; on sale at news stands at Millard -
lard and Murray hotels.
Instructive and entertaining for young
nnd old. Address Homo Kntortalinuont
company , 1U Pear street , Council BlulTs.
Buy your furniture , carpets , stoves
nnd hoitsohohl goods of Mandol & Ivloin ,
Council BlulTs. Prices very low freight
prepaid to your city.
Union Park races , Omaha and Coun
cil Bluffs , September 8-U , ? tl,500 ; Oc
tober 5iO-iI , $1,000 , For programmes
uddrosa Nut Brown , Morchnnta hotel ,
Ornuhu ,
Successful Fxpo lo ice of a Gold Hunter
A ftor Thirteen Ye.irs.
Novel Methods InVliloh Several
Voiin-r t''ovlMVrrc Saved from
Serving nin Ili-ptilcH1 ISc-
l > iiHt In Iowa.
D. A. Fur roll returned yesterday from
Chicago , whore ho has been for the past few
ilny9. In his pocket ha contained a telegram
which sot a do/.cn or so of the citlrons of
Council UliflTs up so that thov could bo ap
preached with the greatest dinieully If nt nil ,
by their friends , and turned thu cyos of the
unfavored ones green with envy. The
mysterious totogr.xm contulnoJ un announce
ment from J. U. Gavin of fiko : City , Colo. ,
that the ir.lno belonging to the Sterling
mining coinp.iny of this city hnd Just struck
n voln of gold und silver , which was likely to
pan out In Hrgo quantities. The voln Is ouo
for which Mr. l-'arroll has been hunting for
the thirteen J-CIIM , but , llko the Irish
man's HIM , it has always managed to getaway
away from him. A short llino ago
ho organised tlio Sterling company , and
sold out a share of his stock In tno
mine to the members , who are as follows :
John Kehoontgen , LuciusVolls , Thomas
Bowman , \V. 11. Thomas , M. R liohrcr , .1.
( ) . Anderson , William Siodontopf , John
Hcno , V. Wios. R U. O.ivls , Chris Slr.iub. . ! .
N. Uasady. O. DIutrlvti and 11. Mendel.
These nro the men who heard the news of
their good fortune yesterday nnd spoilt the
Sabbath day in hugging themselves nnd
wondering what they slTould do with It .ill.
Just how much the niinu will turn out cannot
bo told at present owing to the mcngerness
of the information contained in ttio telegram ,
but they lire all .satlslled that the yield will
be Itninonso nnd each one hopes to become n
mlllioimiro before Christmas.
Mr. Fnrrell had bushel * of experience while
ho wus In Chicago. Not the least interesting
of the lot was his experience with n coupto of
Chicago reporters who ran him to cover and
succeeded in drawing an interview out of
him , which appeared in thu papers next
morning under llaming headlines , announcing
that , according to U. A. J urrell. if Urovor
Cleveland should bo nominated by the demo
crats there would bo a ruinous split In the
Pianos , organs , C. B. Music Co. , o3'J
Midsummer Snake Story.
Lawrence Kelly , the Upper Broadway
marble dealer , is retailing a chotctj snake
story that should by all means bo contributed
to the midsummer snake literature of the
world. Kelly returned ycstcrd.iy from sev
eral days' absence in the country , and part of
the time ho was the guest of Mr. A. I ! . Gale.
11 fanner living three miles cast of Council
Blurts. It was on the farm of the latter that
the extraordinary occurrence which he re
lates look place. Among the possessions of
the Gale establishment are a
boy und a guiuo.i hen. The linn obeyed her
maternal Instincts and constructed her ni'st
in a very scquestured place on the farm , and
the boy yielded to his natural instincts and
found it without diniculty. When dis
covered the nest contained twenty-four
eggs. The boy visited the hen fre
quently and encouraged her in her
maternal ambition to transform the e''gs
into twenty-four little , speckled , cunning
guinea fowls. Ho kept her company more or
less until the greater part of the period re
quired for the marvelous transformation hau
passed. One day last wrelc his mother had
set him at work to effect another somewhat
remarkable transformation by requiring him
to operate the old-fashioned churn dasher.
It was a tedious nnd hot job and when the
gulnoa hen suddenly arose from hpr obscure
quarters In tho' dense thicket und went sail
ing away over the bar.i with tremendous
clatter an 1 excitement , the boy obeyed the
strongest instinct In nature , and abandoning
the churn rushed out lo see what the matter
was. At the nest he found a uullanake .six
feet long and as big around as a stovepipe.
The snake was appeasing his disappointment
In falling to dlno olt the old hen by rapidly
swallowing her eggs. Fourteen oC theoo
had disappeared when the bov rushed
up with a baseball bat that had
been assisting him in his labors at the churn.
He smote the serpent on the head sorely and
slew him , and then dolefully counted the
eggs that remained. When this was com
pleted curiosity proicptnd him to Investigate
the snake , and bringing Into requisition that
portion of his anatomy known as a Jack
knife ho cut the snake open and found the
fouitcen eggs intact and uninjured. He care
fully replaced them in the nest and dia.'ged
nvvuy the dead body of the mouster. The
hen "returned to her duties a-.ul during the
dav the boy completed thu churning.
Friday morning the boy was startled by
seeing the hen salUng over the barn again
and scruamlug In the Mime excited manner.
Ho rushed to thoroscuo again with his faith
ful ball club and found another serpent
larger and hungrier than the other with a
handful of tail feathers in his month. The
bov doubted whether It was a new
snake or the ghost of the ouo ho had
slain , ami before ho ventured to tackle
the possibility of a spook snake he rushed
away to view the remains of the monster he
hud dispatched a few davs uoforo. It was
there and the boy conclude 1 It was the mate
that tiad billeted itself on the guinea hen.
When ho rushed back to the nest to dibpatch
It the snake was in the act of swallowing its
fifteenth egg. TUobiseball bat descended
while the egg was still In the snake's mouth ,
and Its head and the egg wore both smashed.
The boy started to hold an autopjy on the
body ol the snake for the purpose ot recover
ing the eggs , but discovered that ho had lost
the inoit important part of his bointr , his
Jack-knife. Before ho succeeded in recover
ing it seine more kids came along with an in
vitation to a ball game , and thu .snako and
the guinea hen were forgotten.
Yesterday morning tno lien completed her
labors and brought around for the inspection
of the boy seven darling little chicks , one
from each of the eggs that wore left In the
nest. Then It occurred to the boy what had
become of thu other tlfteen eggs. About
this tlmo Kelley came uround ana the boy
Invited him to accompany him to the spot ho
had transformed into a snake morgue. The
body of the last snake was lying In the sun ,
very much thicker about the middle than It
was the day before. Thu head was crushed ,
but the body of thu i > orpent seemed to be
alive , and the boy , after explaining that "thu
tall wouldn't die until sundown , " went to
woric on the ruptllo with his Jack knifo.
Kelley htood by and watched llui opera
tion , and when the ucn i ut open the
serpent ho was astonished to see fourteen
little guinea fowls , In vaiious ata os of de
velopment but all kicking and chirruping ,
roll out.
"It Is a strange story to tell , " soys Kelley ,
"but It is the absolute truth. The heat ot thu
sun and the snake's body had llnlshed hatchIng -
Ing the eggs , and we took thu old guinea
lien the entire product uf her industry , all
but thu one that viib smashed In the snake's
mouth. "
ICelloy will take oath to the truthfulness of
the utory. lie U a sober man , a republican
and a member of the Catholic church.
Swiinsuii music company , J33 Drond-
Three lnynVoro
Chief of Police Cory has received a letter
In which Is told a most doleful story of
abbreviated marital fallclty. The writer of
the letter was Mrs. Jane Kenyon , of Maquon ,
Knox county , Illinois. She state * that she was
u.arrled to Kdward Konyoa on the 25th of
last May , and that for three days she was
CAIU-Sll U > SlMlUnKl , SAM'
Is nut a moro purgutlvo , it is an altera
tive and a eoiibtltutioiml remedy. Tharo
is nothing "just as rood" when you can
obtain the geruino imported article. Do
not bo imposed upon by unerunulourt
ilealora. The qonuinc imtHt huvo the of "lOisnor & Mondolson Co. ,
Agents , Now York , " ou ovcry bottlo.
supremely happy. To nil appear in HIM her |
husband was ltkov l ts. But wlii-n the three
days wore up , Mr. Konyoti teemed to repent
of having taiton unoti hliiHclf the cares and .
burdens of the head of n family and disap
peared. From that day to this nothing has
been hoard from him , and thu wife 's ' con o-
qucntly anxious. She sivs that she hears
that ho came to Council Bluffs , and now she
wants to have him looked up and seat bnck
to hi homo. She elves vorv minute de
scription of him , and says that his business
has been training horses for the race tracK.
If Kdward Kenvon Is In the city he will pet
hold of n largo Job lot of Information by call
ing or. the chief of police.
Go and sue Mrs. Kinpsbnry , Hod
rildlnp Hood ; Mr. DuvK Wolf ; Mr.
Fornoltos , Woodman ; Miss Anderson ,
Grandmother ; Miss JacKson , Rod
Riding Hood's mother.
Drs. Wood miry , dontlst-i , . ° > 0 Pearl
street , next to Grand hotel. Tolonhono
115. High untile work a specialty.
K tided wltli a I'Vro Kl lit.
Thousands of pleasure seekers vl lted
Manawa vcsterdav. All dav long thu motors
went crowded , standing room being at a
premium. The ooats carried largo numbers
across the lake , many of whom tried the
bathing. In the afternoon there was a yacht
race , in which the Ida S. , Kva , Psycho. Spy ,
J. C. Uixby , McGlnty , and the Wells Cook
took part. There was not enough wind to
make the race exciting , nnd It attracted but
little attention. At the end the Ida S. , the
Psycho , atU the liva came la first , second ,
and third respectively.
In ttiu evening considerable cxcltomont
was caused by a free for all .scrap which win
not down as a part of the day's programme ,
but was the occasion of moro remark than
any of the other attractions. A young man
from Omaha was arrested at 'ho beach by
the Manawa marshal for refusing to settle
his bill at the shooting galleiy. lie was
bronchi to the cast side of the lake in the
M. F. Uohrer , followed by a lot of his
friends. When they arrived at the do-l : the
friends of the captive tried to rescue their
companion from the inarshol's grasp , and in
doing so they got not only Uuir toot In It ,
but their heads as well , for the marshal
struck ont to the ii-ht and left with all the
strength of his IIO. ) pounds of averdupots. and
bloody noses and black eyes commenced to
rival the mo qxitos in" number , lie was
quickly re-enforced by Leo Klscnborgor and
Charles Nicholson , who wcraae'-lngasspc-dal
constables , and the work of destruction went
oti. One of the crowd was arrested and the
rest boat a hasty retreat in terror at the
thought of having to spend a night In tin )
Manawa Jail. All the p u-tles were from
Charles Ilcisler , J , J. Malownoy and
'iKeddy" DcKlngcr were also arrested ,
charged with .selling liquor contrary to the
Manawu ordinance.
Removal sale. Barfj.iins in Shoos. L.
Kintichan will remove from 3-5 Broad
way to No. 11 Pearl street.
Drs. Stewart & Patty , veteritviry sur
geons , -15Fourth streetCouncil Blull's , In.
The C. M. & St. P. tiultot ollloo has.
been removed from oK5 ( Mro.idway into
the olognnt now quarters in the new
Baldwin block , 6 Pearl street.
Will Kiilurj-o ( lie UV.illtij ! Itonm.
The board of trustees of the Young Men's
Christian association hold a mooting lust
Saturday night at which it was decided to
enlarge the reading room. Such a move has
been contemplated for ajong tlmo pist , as
the room now in use for the purpose is much
too small for convenience , but no move has
over been made on account of the expense.
Contiibutions have now been made sufficient
to defray all the expenses , and a" the only
oilllculty is out of the way work will prob
ably bo commenced tomorrow. The room
now used as a readlm : room will bo used for
uamiu. and a readliu : room will ba made UN-
cutting off the south end of the auditorium
by means of folding doors which can be
opened for mooting' , whin needed so as to
use the whole room us at present. The
ch an go is one which will bo highly ap
preciated by these who use the reading room
UiiKli Job Printin : ;
Or regular work for Omaha , or Council
BlulTs parties , or nnyono else , done
promptly and properly at Pry DM Boo
job olllue , 12 Pearl street , Council BlulVs.
Prices are always as low as Is consistent
with good work.
Gasoline and oil ; cobs , wood nnd cotl ;
prompt delivery. L. G. Knotis , U" M.iin ;
tolopliono 203.
An Or | > lmu
fJJAn unknown man loft a Columbia bicycle
standing in front of the court notiso last Sat
urday afternoon , and disappeared. The machine -
chino remained there untouched all afternoon
until evening , when thu janitor of the court
hou'-o took it in and hou.ed it. Nothing has
been seen of the man who left It , and it is
supposed that thu machine was stolen , mul
that the thief , fulling to tlnd any place to dis-
po > o of it , loft it standing on the sticot in
order to net rid of it without exclt n.r Mispl-
ciim. Tuo janitor of the court hoj o U now
putting la his spare momentin trembling
for that his chance ; for having a oicy-
clo of his own may bo suddenly knocked in
the head by the rightful owner turning up
and proving his title.
At SI uiawn.
.Friday was a luclcy day for Munawa. All
the resorts and features of OLtcrtalnmcnls
were crowded. Several private parties vis
ited the lako. Twenty rosy cheeked Council
Bluffs girls formed ouo company and made
special merriment at the toboggans. The
Peerless club , composed of about lorty ladies
and gentlemen from Omaha , were also at thu
lake and Indulged in a bath , a banquet and a
hop. Two tally-ho parties from Omaha and
n merry company from I'apllllou added to
llvlmess ot thu day.
Drunlc liroHniiu.
A little eighteen months old eirl baby met
wit a dangerous accident at the residence of
its foster parents , Mr. and Mrs. Li'S.illoat
200 Harmony street , yesterday afternoon. A
quantity of coal oil had been used to bathe a
pet dog to relieve it of lions , and the child
Which had been an Interested spectator of
tbo operation seized the ilrst opportunity to
Investigate the stuff. It drank a large quan
tity of thu Iliad and ten minutes after was in
convulsions. Dr. Smith was called by telephone -
phone and succeeded In relieving the little
sufferer and creating a possibility of Its re
llcnllli and CoTuv.
Hound trip tickets to Colfnx Springs
and return only $7.1)0. A. T. HI wall ,
ticket agent Chicago & Uoulc Inland
U'y , No. 10 Pearl btroot.
llolllii'H KCI-IOIIH
Against III * Wife.
Cieorgo lloilin was arrested hut evening at
1TOI Leavuaworth street on thn charge of
wlfo boating. The llelllns have boon marrlo.l
about ton years , but of late have not been
living happily and about u month ago
nop.tratcd. Ilellin is a butcher , und until last
Wednesday was employed by ll.imllton
Brothers , and 1s reported to bo a hard work
ing and Industrious man.
A day or so ago the hu sband cntr.e Into
possession of a couple of lottery to his wife
from South Omaha man. The contontK made
him exceedingly angry , and ho wont to his
wile's dressmaking rooms to demand an ex
planation. Words passed and In thu heat of
passion Ilt'tlln struck his wlfo a couple of
times , knot-Hint her down and brulblug her to
some extent.
The letters which wore the cause of the
row were shown to u Br.i : man ut
the police station after the arrest ,
One Is from u man who signs the name of
Cuddlngton und the other Is Iroin a Mr.
Steclo. Judging from the wording of the
letters tucsoSouth Omaha people have been
In thn habit of having n high old time ut the
dressmakers' rooms. But the worst part Is
that It appears that Mrs , Hutlln hai been In
the habit of providing young girls for tbo
amusement of her South Omaha friends , as
' 'For the Treatment of all Chronic and Surgi
cal Diseases ,
Perfectly equipped with every facility , apparatus and remedy
for the successful treatment of every form of disease requir
ing medical or surgical treatment.
and best hospital accommodations in the west. Board and at
tendance at reasonable rates. The business of the Omaha
Medical and Surgical Institute , formerly conducted at 9th
and Harney streets , by the late Dr. J.V. . McMenamy , has
been removed across the river to 26th street and Broadway
Council Bluffs , la. , where every case and any and all con
tracts , old or new , are receiving prompt and skillful attention
We refer by permission to patients we have cured.
Write for circular on Deformities and-Braces , Trusses , Club Feet , Curvature of the Spine , Piles , Tumors , Cancer , Ca
tarrh , Bronchitis , Inhalation , Electricity , Paralysis , Epilepsy , Kidney , Bladder , Eye , Ear , Skin and Hloocl , and all surgical
Deformities of the Hitman Body. Brace Dept ,
BKACKS , TRUSSHS. ami all mini HIT of surgical appliances , manufactured to order and a lit eruara-iteod. The bracj department is under the omi-"o ! of J. P. Web
ber , who was Ur. iMo.'Ueiiaiiiy'b brace ninUor for years , and who is unreservedly rouoininundcd by the medical profession as bolii" the bc-bt briiconiakor in th
Un lo i otatos.
In this department we are especially successful. Our
claims for superiority over all others are based upon
the fact that this is the only medical establishment
manufacturing surgical braces and appliances for
each individual case , We have three skilled instru
ment makers in our employ , with improved machine
ry , and have all the latest inventions , as well as our
own patents and improvements , the result of twenty
year's experience.
144 PAGE BOOK , Illustrated ,
Sent Free to any Address
26thand Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa.
well as plenty of pooa things to eat anil
Wnlle the Uressinalter tnlks very bit
terly nKiiinst licr husband and charges him
with cruelty nnd non-support , there doos'nt
seem to bo much truth in her stories. When
seen in Ills cell by n reporter and told about
hU wife'schur cs , Ilellin , who appear * to
bo a straightforward man. declined to speak
hnr lny of his wile beyond saving that ho
supported her us long us she llvod a rcsnccta-
blo llfu. When ho learned tha tsho was not a
true wife ho left and declined to support bet
as long as she Uopt up her wayward mode of
life.It was proven to Ilcllin's satisfaction that
his wife WHS untrue.
The innttor will bo fully investigated by
the police today.
. Wafers. Cures all
hcatlKchos in M minutes At all drujj.fists.
Ili'l-O'x COIIVIUtlllll.
Hon. .Tosopti Modlli , proprietor of' the Chicago
cage Tribune says , editorially :
The editor lui-l occasionally heard that a
Dr. ICucloy , residing in Dwight , professed to
euro urunltcnness by the use of some tluturo
of gold ; but not having any faith in the
v.iguo reports ho gave no hoed to them.
Lii't winter , about Christmas , a Chicago
friend casually told him of two or throe
Chicago men hard drinkers who had been
restored to sobriety nt O.vlght by Koo ley's
"liold" treatment , an 1 on expressing doubu
lie was advised to m.iko an Investigation
and satisfy himself of the womlorful
eftlcacy of the medicine. This the
editor proceeded to do. And ho pub
lished in the Tribune from tlmo
to time the evidences concerning the
i-pinody. In order to bo fully satisfied ho
soluctrd several inveterate drunUnrds , the
most boneless nnd dosueratc dipjoiimniaus lie
was able to lind , iniJ sent them to Dwight
for tri'iitinvnt ut his own otponso as experi
mental test cases. When these poor slaves
of alcoholic appetite were speedily restored to
sobriety , the terrible thirst for rum crndi-
ciilod , and came u.iclt cured men , ho cc.isud to
bn a doubting Thomas and opened the col
umns of the Tribune trccly toothers who also
had been cured to relate their personal ox-
porionro over their own signatures. IIo had
long regarded alcoholism In the nature of a
dUunsc and was confirmed in that oolnion
by conversations with eminent physicians
who bad studied tne subject closely. IIo
looked upon drunkenness us a more terri
ble unlit-lion of the human race than con
sumption , because the latter limits its fatal
.stroke to the victim alone , whereas the former
mor scatters ruin , misery , disgrace , crime
and death all around It. Whoever bv his
it-iunce can deliver the , dipsomaniac of the
evil spirit which possesses him is entitled to
the credit of pin'forinliig > nnvnr-t akin to n mir
acle. The editor of the Tribune is glad ho
has contributed to the diffusion of a knowl
edge of the bichloride of cold remedy since
the beginning of this ynar , for In that brief
time several thousand incbriatos who visited
Dwlghl almost hopclcssi have been restored
to tlielr families nnd friends emancipated
fiom their thralUlom and cured of their tcr-
rlblo disease. i
1'eoplo lese the art ot lilushlir. ; as they ' -row
nldui. or olsit lliu'r fuei-a would bu const ml y
dyed led ut the lecolleutlon of their youthful
nnd every kindred disease arising
from Impure blood successfully treated by
that ami best uf ulltoulcs aud
on lllood and Skin
I'rlutcd tcEtlmoulala pout un
application. Address
Specific Co , ,
It Intends to Kcinirc u .Jnwt Hearing
* Fur Its I'ntiiiH
When Iho San Franeisco Kxaiuinor estab
lished its claim bureau It printed the follow-
inp prospectus :
The Uxanilnnr has received so many complaints -
plaints from its snbscriDor.s In various locali
ties on Iho coast of the delay , extortionate
eh urges and unsatisfactory work perlormod
for them by the various claim aponts that it
has decided to establish in Washington a
bureau for the collection of all legitimate
claims at'alnst the ovoriimeni or its various
dooarlmcnts. This bureau will bo In charge
of its Washington correspondent , \vlio has
had much experience in the prosecution of
claims against the various den.irtments of
Iho unvernuicnt. Ctmrpcs for "services per
formed by this bureru will bo nominal and
designed to cover only the actual cost of the
work and such legal services as may bo neces
sary in order to properly present claims to
the heads of the various department ! ) nnd the
court of claims In the supreme court.
Pensioned Alter Ocutli.
In the uiorl of pci.slons granud Wcilncs
day the Nebraska list Is headed by the name
of lUcliard Alelady of Stuart , Il-lt county.
In this case the pension comes ton 'nto to beef
of any benefit to the man who earned it bv
sulToritif. ' for his country on the b.ittlo liold.
Molndy win Ihu man whoso deatti In the
Omaha medical institute led lo the oflicial
investigation of that place and the arrest of
Its managers early last month , A brother of
the deceased is a member of Ihu city council
at St. I'aul , Minn.
/ KHJII p-iylni ; dairy for i-aUVat u T > ar-
VJ iiln : If tiilicn pi on e , liuinlio o [ .lohn-
son , Vnn I'litten , Kvuielt lilocl ; .
I71OUM ) A Columbia safely bicycle loft sit
JU' court house f-atiinlay afluriuMin. Ownur
oiiii have propi'itv nftnr pioof and paying for
this nutlcT. Apply lo jaiillor court house ,
add Mm
. oppoilnnlty for ilghl man to on ave
In yto.l ] ) : iym busititHs : ro-
itilieil | , A II lieu , Council Illulls ,
STKAVKli or stolen ! rom Unhier'n pasture
near c-umntury , toil and wlutu cow ; right
horn SD liittirrd ; u'lvlng milk , ItuaKoiiablo ru-
watd for her lolurn lo A S , Suyilur. 70J M bill
\v AX'ITI ) Oood girl for general lionso-
L \vork , L'llU HUlh avenue.
WANTHI ) to Tradn I'lvo-iooni house , full
lot In Oiuah.i furhoiiHo luul lot hi C'ounell
Illull'h. 1) . llronn. I irj Itio.idway.
jAlltVoVANTunil Hyi-honiotrlu , or elmr-
avler roailliiKs ; also diagnosis of dleeaso
nond loci ; of hair fur mailings by leller. Kun-
Haj'w mid oven IIKS. Mm 1C. Hooper , II. ! Avo-
dno IX near eortiiT Ulli slreet , Uuunull ItluIN
Terms , 5Ju mid II.U ) .
MAliN'Il'MC'KNT a-ro uropuily In llvc-noru
tracts loo.itul " " , miles froiu potollluo ,
for sale on ruaRimablu terms Some line rosl-
Ueneo properly for rout bv Day A : I loss.
FOUSVMC or Itaat J irdon | aa < l. nltti
houiut. uy J. U. itloo , IJ < iliia it. , rjounalt
Tlicrolll bo a | > ulille sale al the siock faun
uf the Into
T.V. . .Mtnr'iir ( ! } , ( ! ni HIT T- . , 1'uthnviil-
tniulo t'o , , In. ,
About live m llc.4 north from Council lllulTs , on
19 1S91
August , ,
Of thu following horsos. iinirus and i-oltti :
One 4-vour-old maie , three : i year-old KV\I\- \ \
IIIZH , four a-year-olil maru i-olls , two-J-ytiar-
old luiino colts , three l-ytnr-old i-ults ,
tlneo i-yt-ur-olU iniiru colts , llnoo Hl'tnd ud
lii i'd maiex n ynirold. . two Miukllni ; eutt.s ,
l\\o mares about It years old.
S-onio of these will iiiiiki ) i-'uod work tmiius.
Mine Kood rouilslLTH und otlicr K ° d brood
llrei-'ders of line IIOIBKS fordrlvtn'xand Hpcoil
will bo uspuelallv Inli-rosK'd In llio slaiulard
lirddniares , liu-ludliu "I. idy Wllk'H and bur
l-ycur-olJ Illlv. Thu ll-t UIMJ Includes u line
L'-yuar-ohl sta'lllon colt , standard bred.
TiirniK Une-llflh c-ish. liiiliinc-u nn II an I
months tlmo. wltli approvinl piirsonal sceur *
tty. Klve | ier cent dUcouul for all a ish salon.
Sulo to CuiniiK'iicp ut 1 O'Clock | > . m.
JACOB SIMS , Administrator.
Of Council
CAPITAL STOCK . 5150,030 ,
niiiE roils I , A. Mlllor , P. O Olois'jii , R l
Bhiunrt E. E. Hart , J 0 Edmumlsem , OU irlui
IMlannan. Tr.inriQt KOiionl umUlu ; Dim-
nejt. lrxrojt capital runt burplm ot u/
tan kla SimUiwjaturn lo.r.i
FirstNational : - : - Bank
Paid U | > Ca : > ILil , . . . . $ lli,0in )
OlduU urxanl'utl Inn it In iho cltjr. KuruUn in I
iloinixUc uxi-lun.'O un I lout n-jiri'.ln | { inii ; i olituU 1,11 , Vooiiiti > r lilnl
imls.lulci tiutirj in ijlljitjt ; j-
rmpoiiiliicu Invli'jil.
UKU I' . SANFOHK , I'rn.lilont.
A. W lUIIKM V.M. Canlilur
A. T. HICK , Xtiluiin I-
All kinds ot llyln ? and Uluanln ; dnno In Un
IllL-hoststyloof ihu Art , KiuluJ and dtilmil
l-'aTjj lc iiiudu to look .11 Kood a * now Hi I
I'oulhurb 1'io.iuod Ity > Urini , In I'uit C , is <
Manner. Work pro'nptly dona nn 1 dollvorul
In all parti of lhu'-ounlry bend for prla >
101J Hroadwar. Nuriliwoilora
CUUNCIl , lll.lltVd. lA.
Can bo roaehed from any of Ihu depoln on
( ' ( MHlnott'il ' by the HMnraof Charily , II. Y. M.
TIIUMS Tor liiinnl and liilllon , u
all branohoHof a llnlshed o'lnontlon '
ladles , JT' ) for Mission ot llvo mouths , i
inenoInK Ilixl Monday In tiiitomlierund I'ob'
rnary , ruspecllvuly. Fur fnrthur purlluul us
UUI"U1 > S-
St. TrunuU Acudumy , Council lllulta , la.
Eya , Ear , Kosi anil Thnit
Council niulY-j , la.
Shu trt-Bono H'lc.
Room 1. 1) ) to 12 m
7 nnd 8 p. in.
Lake Manawa HoLBl ,
Atirnc-tlnns Finn I'hhlir. , Iloatinz , Hath- .
in. an i Kv ulliint Water.
, .fi'.v llfti'i-n MilnutiH rlilo from C'oiinull
Illuivs Motor tin us every half hour , dlrooi
to I'unU-rs or I'ounoll Illnir ! * an I Uinali i.
doll htftil und .j pi ice for
picnic parties.
Council Bluffs , la.
This Elegantly Appolnto-4 Hotel
is Now Open.
N. A. Taylor , Manager
Gas Heating Stoves.
Nei Jso KMOKB.
Just the thliiK for bath rooms , Imd rooms , oti
Cull and HL-U our uir u ussurtmuiiL
C. B. Gas nnd Eleotrla Ll lit Co.
211 l' url and 210 Main StrouU